Joel Davis
White Man Fight Back!
Thu, Oct 17, 2024
[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Tom Sewell discuss the following
Recent activism in Corowa, Australia that received significant media attention.
Played news clips covering their rally, which described it as a “neo-Nazi” gathering.
They were there to protest the replacement of local workers with foreign labour.
“We were there to raise the alarm.”
The media misrepresented their intentions and ignored the real issues.
They received significant public support despite negative media coverage. “We have never, ever had this much support.”
Discuss plans to grow their organization and movement.
Want to establish a “supporter class” to provide financial backing. “We need to build a supporter class.”
They plan to create newsletters, yearbooks, and other publications for supporters.
Discuss acquiring land for headquarters and training facilities.
They want to free up leadership from regular jobs to focus on the movement full-time. “We need to have cash flow as an organization.”
Their activism is driving the national conversation on immigration.
Played a clip of conservative commentator Andrew Bolt discussing demographic changes. This as evidence their ideas are becoming more mainstream. “We are driving the conversation forward ourselves as a vanguard within our country.”
Dscuss recruitment efforts and growth in various regions of Australia.
Encourage listeners to get involved and join their organization. “Just fucking join us.”
They argue that organizing a small percentage of committed supporters can lead to political power.
Discuss recent crime stories involving immigrants to argue against immigration and multiculturalism. “Who do you think is doing the raping? Who do you think’s doing the beating?”
Discuss plans for future rallies and predict continued growth. “Next year is going to be incredible.”
Encourage spreading their message and supporting alternative media.
Discuss the importance of appealing to young people. “The culture is really shifting online.”
Discuss strategies for building a “radical vanguard political force.”
Argue that democracy is “fake” and organized power is needed. “Opinion polls don’t mean shit.”
Express confidence in eventual success if supporters stay committed. “We can fix this. We can win.”
Encourage listeners to avoid “black pills” and maintain faith in the movement, and that White people have latent power that needs to be activated. “The White race has way more manpower and way more resources than every other element in our society combined.”
End with a call to action for supporters to contribute however they can. “If everyone chips in and does their little bit, the movement will keep growing.”
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Published on Thu, Oct 17, 2024
White Man Fight Back!
October 17, 2024
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blair cottrell
joel and blair show
joel davis
thomas sewell
tom sewell
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(Words: 23,794 – Duration: 130 mins)
Joel Davis: We are live. [Oct 17, 2024] As I said on Telegram, it’s been a very big week in racism this week, at least in Australia. A lot to cover on the show tonight. We’ve had a very busy week ourselves. And, yeah, it’s good. The vibes are good. My apologies that Blair is not joining us tonight, but he is on a mission. I can’t tell you what the mission is. It’s a secret mission. But you will find out soon! But Blair has a good reason that he can’t make it tonight and that will materialise for you guys and we’ll discuss it in future episodes.
But, yeah, we’ve sent Blair on a mission!
But anyway, Tom and I will be doing the show this evening and there’s a lot to get into.
As I said, we had a big activism on the weekend and maybe I’ll play a couple news clips. We’ve been in the news a lot, so I’ll play a couple of news clips to get us going here.
Reporter: (Seven News – Andrew Denney) marching on a country town, converging on Corowa’s War Memorial.
(Unknown person) What the fuck is this bull?
Yesterday, around 50 neo-Nazis brought Black Shirts, balaclavas, banners. (Tom: Blood and honour! NSM Members: Blood and honour! ) and hate!
Thomas Sewell: They’ve already begun firing locals from this town. They’re firing locals from their jobs and they’re importing cheap labour from the third world to replace them!
Reporter: Led by far-Right extremists and convicted criminal Thomas Sewell. The surprise rally happening in the small Murray river town, a stone’s throw from the Victorian border, enraging some locals.
Local: Take the masks off. You’re a pack the dogs!
Thomas Sewell: When you dare stand up against the people!
Jacinta Allan: (Victorian Premier) This is disgraceful and cowardly behaviour.
Patrick Bourke: (Mayor Incumbent) Not sure why it happened in Corowa, whether it was smaller numbers of policing. Or the fact that there’s rules in Victoria that don’t allow this sort of protest.
Reporter: The National Socialist Network has caused problems on both sides of the border.
Thomas Sewell: I’m allowed to be racist. It’s legal!
Reporter: Its attempted display in Sydney on Australia Day intercepted.
Sussan Ley: (Local Member) They did a similar thing in Ballarat. I think they come to small towns hoping for big headlines. Well, they’ve picked the wrong place this time.
Reporter: Police saying they dispersed the crowd of about 50 people in Corowa, but there were no arrests.
The New South Wales premier today joined the chorus, denouncing the border town display, saying detectives are investigating and haven’t ruled out criminal charges. Andrew Denny, Seven News.
Joel Davis: More charges for what, exactly? We didn’t commit any crimes, but they just have to say that anyway.
And then the next night. This is us on the news again. I believe that that clip was Seven News Melbourne from I believe Sunday night. But this is Seven News Sydney, Monday night.
Reuben Spargo: (Seven News) Growing calls for New South Wales to ban extremist symbols after a White supremacist rally on the border. The group of about 50 people [White men] converged in Corowa. The community hitting back today with a clear message:
“Activism isn’t welcome in their town.”
Reporter: (Seven News – Claire Ciantar) Known as a symbol of respect, Corowa’s War Memorial on Saturday was anything but, becoming the site for hatred and fear.
Thomas Sewell: They’re firing locals from their jobs, and they’re importing cheap labour.
Reporter: Wearing all black from head to toe, with faces covered, this group of self proclaimed neo-Nazis stormed the streets of Corowa.
Local: (old guy in car) Yes, very disappointing to think that they pick on our little town to have this sort of demonstration.
Madeline Nunan: (resident) No, you don’t get that out here. It just doesn’t happen. Corowa is the most inclusive, happy, welcoming community that I have ever seen! And we’re now left wondering, where did this come from? Who are they and what are they doing here?
Reporter: They rallied and chanted in front of families and children. Madeline Nunan was one of them, unknowingly stumbling upon the White supremacist demonstration.
Madeline Nunan: I don’t think there’s anything else to say apart from instant rage. It was just from a motherhood perspective, it was something I couldn’t shelter them from because it was just right there.
Reporter: The mother of two says it’s left its mark on the border town.
Madeline Nunan: I mean, it’s possible they could come back in bigger numbers or are they planning a bigger event? Why did they pick Corowa in the first place? Yeah, it’s concerning.
Reporter: Police say they’re investigating after dispersing the group of 50 masked extremists, but no arrests have been made. Leaders have condemned the actions of the group, understood to be from out of town, labeling them “abhorrent and disgusting”!
Patrick Bourke: (Mayor Incumbent) It’s unheard of and it’s totally unwelcome. It was a disgrace! And I just hope that it never happens again.
Sussan Ley: (Local Member) They are using small regional towns for their hideous messages of hate, and it’s not going to continue!
Reporter: The rally has sparked calls for a united front against hate and for New South Wales to follow Victoria in banning the Nazi salute and other symbols.
But in the meantime, it’s left this town reeling and outraged.
Local: (old guy in car) So I hope something can be done about it. We don’t want those rat bags around the place.
Madeline Nunan: And to have something like this happen where we’re not connected to it at all, it’s a kick in the guts! Because it just goes against everything that Corowa is about.
Reporter: Claire Ciantar, Seven News.
Joel Davis: I mean, that bitch is so fucking retarded!:
“Corowa was a inclusive community.”
That’s what it’s all about apparently. It’s fuck, everyone’s White! Fuck are you talking about, bitch? Well, they are White now, but it’s happening!
The reason why we were there is precisely because the local pig industry is literally conspiring with government and buying up local hotels and so on to house these workers, to import migrant workers that will then be put in this town. And that town is going to very rapidly demographically shift. It only has a population of about 6,000 people.
This is a historical town. This is the birthplace of Australian Federation, by the way, in 1893. White town, and a town where traditionally the local pork industry was the backbone of the local economy. Now they’ve laid off all the White workers. They’re bringing in Filipinos, they’re bringing in Islanders. They’re buying up local hotels to house them in. They’re busing them in and out of town to go to work. They don’t do any of this to help White people work there.
But anyway, and she’s worried about protecting her kids. Wait until there’s fucking a bunch of drunk Islanders walking around on the street every afternoon, or evening, when she’s worried about protecting her children. Don’t worry about us. We were there to fucking help! We were there to raise the alarm.
But you know, it’s very typical that the fat bitches are the ones that are always against us. This is a common trend. Uh, skinny cuties, very rarely do I see them complain.
But, yeah, they could find some senile Boomer [old guy in car] and some annoying fat bitch to complain about us on the news.
Meanwhile, a lot of people in that town, we’ve got reports, very happy! We talked to some people at the time that were happy to see us, but also when it came out, all the kind of the full meaning of why we were there and the media reaction, a lot of reports from our friends in the town on social media, from locals of people that were really happy that we drew attention to this issue because we actually got the local councillor, who is an ex-employee of Rivalea, which was the proprietor that was bought out by the multinational corporation JBS, which runs the local piggery.
Anyway, he went straight from that into local government. And he came out in local media and was again quoted in national media saying that he’s going to bring, quote, unquote, “international workers into the community even faster”. He’s going to, quote, “double down because we did a march there”.
So on the one hand, apparently what we were saying was totally ridiculous and out of line, and according to the media, and it’s just absurd conspiracy theories, then they’re directly quoting the local councillor, who’s clearly in cahoots with this multinational corporation, a clear conflict of interest, who’s openly stating that he is going to help demographically replace the local White Australians in that town. And a lot of people in that town are fucking pissed!
So his name is David Harrison. Fuck you, David Harrison! Fuck you! Absolute cunt! And I doubt that he’s going to get re-elected next time, and he needs to be chased out of that fucking town!
But anyway, Tom, how do you feel about the rally? Obviously, this is one of the biggest media reactions that we’ve got to any of our rallies, I think, so far.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s hard to say that, because we get a lot of media attention and we’ve done a lot of rallies. I mean, Destroy Pedo Freaks was probably like a year straight of I mean, we’re still getting news from Destroy Pedo Freaks, but I didn’t expect this much of a reaction because it was such a confined local issue.
But in hindsight, it was certainly an intense experience. 50 guys in a small country town, you know, that’s like marching through Melbourne with like, 10,000. That was basically everyone that was out and about in the town. It was probably the same amount of population. So that’s an intense experience.
Regarding the two people that they managed to find to counter signal us or to speak against us in the media. Obviously, the media is treasonous and is misinforming people. So they’re coaching people to make these statements. And not at any stage did I see in either of those broadcasts that they mention, other than playing my speech, which was very foolish of them. But at least maybe there’s an editor with some journalistic ethics to play the speech, because it’s very rare for them to play any part of one of my speeches, or any of our speeches, let alone a significant part talking about why we’re there. But there was no commentary from the media, despite that section of the speech being played. I think only so they could get the one heckler at the start that said, “shut up, dickhead!”. But there was no context from the media as to what we were doing. And then most of the commentary from the people they interviewed I don’t know if that was the Mayor or Counselor. But the guy that was saying:
“You know, what are they even doing in our town? What are they doing here?”
Like, everyone was acting all, like, “pretend confused” from the system. Sussan Ley, the local minister or MP, Member of Parliament, was speaking in a way like she didn’t know why we were there. I think she said:
“We just pick on small towns. We just pick on small towns for attention in the media. And they messed with the wrong town this time. We’re not going to get that attention in the media while we get attention in the media.”
So there’s a completely nonsensical statement from that politician. Who, by the way, is completely corrupt. She’s actually been caught out completely for corruption. I think as far back as 2018 or 2019. Back then I don’t know what her portfolio is now, but her property portfolio six years ago was about $12 million. And this is someone who, I mean, if you look at her Wikipedia, she worked as a cleaner when she was 18. And then I think she did a Master’s degree. She’s into numerology, which is Kabbalah, mysticism, by the way. And it says that on a Wikipedia that she’s into numerology and that she changed her name because she preferred the numerology of “Sussan” with a double “is”. Very strange stuff, very crypto-jjewish stuff. And then you’ve got, I think her father worked for the Fed, or she worked for the Feds.
But, yeah, very odd that she managed to get up to a $12 million property portfolio so quickly at such a young age. And she got caught traveling to the Gold Coast on the taxpayers expense to go buy herself a holiday home in the Gold Coast.
So these people are, like, entrenched deeply within, not just the “Big Australia”, the “Brown Australia” model, where they’re profiting and they’re making a lot of money off the property market and property speculation and investment.
But also, she is clearly entrenched in other things. Like these big Blackrock companies that are buying up these local farms or these estates, and they’re doing exactly what happened in Roman times, where they just the locals are being taken off their land and they’re bringing in slaves from the outreaches of the international empire to replace the locals, to deracinate them, to tear them up from their land.
We’ve spoken to a lot of locals, both of us, before, during and prior to this rally. And I heard just recently that JBS, well, Rivalea, the company before JBS that owned the farm, it was considered one of those intergenerational workplaces within the community, within the town. So the idea was if you couldn’t find a job and you had family that worked there, it was a given that you would get a job there because of your family ties and because your connection to the land, to the town.
And so they’ve torn up, they’ve actually completely deracinated the local population and any future employment that maybe the lower income or lower socioeconomic, lower education people in the town have gotten.
And I guess the good news that we heard today as well was that recently there was some eggings and some rock attacks against some buildings, just randomly. That was mentioned in the news.
Joel Davis: Right, where the migrants apparently, …
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
And there’s a bit of correlation. Yeah, we’ve heard the insider scoop is that the rocks through the windows and the eggings of the buildings is youths attacking the migrant facilities. Because those very youths actually don’t have access to those jobs, those entry level jobs that they would as teenagers, you know, working in the school holidays or when they first finished school and school, and they don’t know what to do with their lives. They’ve actually lost that opportunity now.
So this is an attack on White Australia. This is an attack on local communities. And we went in there to stand up for these people and our banner White Man Fight Back, the principle of that is that Whites are under attack economically, socially, culturally, everything! Like everything, every dynamic, we’re under attack from international jewry, from the traitors within government that are serving the international jews.
And we wanted to encourage White people to fight back in, not necessarily in an illegal way. We don’t encourage violence. The eggings and the rocks through the windows is kind of just extracurricular activities that we have nothing to do with. But we certainly encourage a spiritual fight. We’re in a political and spiritual fight. And we do advocate and encourage people to take up that spiritual fight. And what that usually looks like is getting involved with us and continuing to raise awareness and raise that alarm, build community of White people that are staunch, that aren’t going to bow down to these globalists.
And as I said in the speech, there is no short term solution to this! There’s no:
“Hey, Whiteman, fight back. Here’s the ten stage plan of how you can get your job back at Rivelea!”
That’s actually not possible. That’s never going to happen. That’s not what we marched for. That’s not what we rallied for. And that’s why I articulated that so strongly in the speech.
I think it’s very important to everyone watching. Very important. Anyone’s a supporter of us realises that we don’t have any quick fixes to the problems. We only have a complete revolutionary mindset, a complete reinvigoration of the Australian nation and the Australian spirit.
The whole thing is rotten from the top down! This is not surface level rust where we can just change the local, … A lot of people say:
“Oh, Tom, why don’t you just join the Liberal Party and just why don’t you get a good person as the as the minister for that area or the member for Parliament for that area. If we’ve got the right guy in Parliament, then we can fix the problem.”
It’s like, no, this is institutional, this is beyond, … The whole thing is wrong! The whole thing is rotten! How can corporations, banks, governments, media all be working together to cover up, smoke and mirrors, to make White people lose their jobs, to immigrate the replacements before the White people have lost their jobs, to house them and to hide all this from the Australian public, and then have, as you saw, two news reports and hundreds of articles written over a two day period to try to use the smoke and mirrors campaign to cover up the crime that they’re committing against our people.
The last thing I’ll say before I pass the mic back over is, they opened the second new segment saying that:
“How disrespectful and disgraceful it was that we congregated at the War Memorial.”
Well, the War Memorial is a symbolic building. It’s a symbolic temple, you could even say. And what it symbolizes is White men fighting back. So we didn’t disgrace it, we’re actually honouring it! We’re honouring our ancestors, we’re honouring the Anzacs. And that’s why I did the speech out the front of it.
And you’ll notice when I did my Box Hill speech all those years ago, I mentioned that War Memorial. And the reason why that Box Hill speech, in my opinion, went so viral was because I was intrinsically attached to that area. Like, I grew up in Baldwin. Box Hill is like one or two suburbs over. Box Hill RSL and the Box Hill War Memorial is where I went every single Dawn Service, every single one! For, I don’t know, 15 years? And I did army cadets. So I actually was a cenotaph guard when I was a little army cadet. When I was a little teenager, like 13, I was a cenotaph guard at the Box Hill War memorial. I know those names that are on the War Memorial. I stood there at 3:30 in the morning for hours trying not to pass out, you know, protecting that War Memorial.
So we are the founding stock. We are the our names are on those War Memorials. Our actual names are on those War Memorials! Not the names of these fucking Filipinos or Vanuatuans or Islanders that they’re bringing in to replace us.
So that’s something that I wanted to make very clear to our audience. I know you already know this, but it’s absolutely disgusting how the media try to be some sort of triumphant of the Anzacs or some sort of triumphant of these War Memorials. When they hate the Anzacs! They hate Australia! They hate, you know what these men fought for! Which was White Australia, whereas we love them. I’ll leave it there for now.
Joel Davis: Absolutely! That’s why we congregated there. A nation is composed of blood, but it’s not just the blood that is passed down from your ancestors through your parents. It’s the blood spilled in defense of the nation. And that blood that was spilled by the Anzacs was spilled for White Australia. It wasn’t spilled for brown Australia. They would be absolutely horrified to a man, every man that served in that war, to see what has become of our country.
The fact that millions and millions and millions of non-Whites have been allowed in after all the sacrifices that they made in defense of our people.
So they are with us spiritually, not with these fucking traitors in the media and in government that try to present themselves as their true representatives. They’re all fucking frauds and liars!
But, yeah, I thought the media reaction was very good because we’re in a country town. Like usually when we rally in the city, we get a very big media reaction. When we’re in the country town, we get an immediate reaction, but it isn’t always as pronounced. But this time it was very pronounced. I thought that was good because it’s very important to bring attention to issues in the countryside. Politics can be very myopic and fixated upon the cities, particularly Sydney and Melbourne.
And a lot of these towns are completely forgotten and they are being replaced later. Like in Sydney and Melbourne, yeah, we have been suffering the effects of mass immigration for decades, and very large parts of Sydney and Melbourne are non-White now as a result of that. But out in these country towns, they have White country towns until very recently. Now all of a sudden they’re getting flooded with immigrants. And it’s been particularly the last decade, really.
You know, I remember ten years ago, as soon as you go into the countryside, any country town, it’s fucking Whitopia almost everywhere! That’s no longer the case, unfortunately. All these country towns are really suffering the brunt of mass immigration. A lot of these corporations that are that are working in industry out there, which is usually some kind of agricultural industry, you know, meat processing, as you know, you can see here and so on. They lobby the government to get immigrants relocated to these country towns, and they can be replaced extremely quickly because their populations are so low. Like if one of the, like a local piggery, like in this case, gets into cahoots with government to start bringing out migrants, all of a sudden the demographics can be completely turned on their head in a few years and these towns can be rapidly changed.
And this is a town where, because of their country towns, the majority of that town, their parents grew up there, maybe their grandparents grew up there, they’ve been there for generations and they’re being displaced. I mean, it’s egregious, it’s horrible! It’s very important that we bring national attention to the issues going on here. And it’s something that most White Australians sympathize with.
Thomas Sewell: Our biggest success for the day was bringing national attention. Even if we’re the hated ones, we’re the bad guys in the situation, because the media wants to shoot the genuine messenger, 99% of the Australian population, even more than 99%, probably 99.999% of the Australian population, didn’t know what was going on in Corowa. And because of what we did, maybe now ten or 20% of the population know. Anyone that watches the news, anyone that reads the paper. And then obviously we’ve got all of our supporters online.
So we raised a mass, I mean, there’s millions of eyes now on Corowa, and that’s a huge success because they’re up to no good. That big business that JBS, again, for the audience that isn’t aware and for all the people on Twitter that might have missed the video that I put on Telegram explaining this, JBS, that company, the brothers, I think they’re called the Batista brothers or something like that, they have been recently charged and actually arrested, I think as of a couple of years ago in Brazil for bribing government officials.
So they’ve been caught. This company has been caught bribing government officials. Not only that, they’re being investigated. I don’t think they’ve been charged yet, but they’re being investigated at the moment, that company, in the United States for human trafficking. Because obviously they’re doing this in the US as well. Same as, like, Springfield, Ohio. They’re doing a similar thing.
There was another town. I can’t remember the name of the town, but I had an American reach out to me saying that JBS is also doing this in the US. And there’s a whole conglomerate of these sub-Blackrock companies. It’s not Blackrock itself, obviously. It’s all these companies that are controlled by Blackrock. Or Blackrock has a large stake in it through a series of shell companies as well. Not just through itself, because Blackrock is a huge empire. I think it’s worth like, $11 trillion or something now. And they have all these shell companies, and these shell companies own things in their name as well.
So it’s this big giant jewish octopus that’s just buying up everything, and it’s just destroying people at a local level.
And as you mentioned, Joel, this is a small town. If you replace the major employer, this is the major employer of that town. You replace that one factory or that one processing plant with foreigners, you’re replacing potentially 20, 30% of the town. And not just that. They’re bringing their families eventually, aren’t they? They’re going to get visas for their families to come over. This is not a temporary operation. This is always permanent. Well, it will be temporary because we’re going to take power eventually! But this is the complete replacement of a town.
I was probably less harsh with my words than you are on what you describe as the fat bitch on television. I think I just called her selfish, myopic, and narcissistic, because clearly she wants her 15 minutes of fame to spout system talking points that she knows will go on the news and be congratulated by the elites that control the misinformation machine.
But it really is just a naivety of, I think, the average person, the average Joe or Jane, if they’re not presented with the correct information, if they don’t know why we were there because of them being misled, because they don’t have access to ulterior information, because maybe they’re not on Twitter or not on social media savvy, and they’re only getting fed this garbage, this propaganda from the system. It’s like a PowerPoint plugged into itself, because they only fed the mainstream media narrative. So then the mainstream media goes and interviews them, and they reinforce the mainstream media narrative!
But as you said:
“We are there in their defense.”
And the majority of people we’ve spoken to, and a lot of people that came up to us and shook our hands before, during and after the rally are very supportive that we were there. They know why we’re there. They wanted us to be there. We were actually invited to Corowa. Not by a local politician, but we were invited by local farmers and by people that were within middle management of Rivelea, that lost their jobs. We were invited there!
Joel Davis: That’s how we found out about it. We wouldn’t have known about it.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, exactly! We had no idea what was going on in Corowa. No one told us. It wasn’t in the news. We heard about it from people in Corowa and take this word with a grain of salt, so desperate. So desperate that no one was helping them. The politicians weren’t helping them, the media wasn’t helping them, the unions weren’t helping them! Everyone had betrayed them!
And who did they reach out to? They reached out to White nationalists! That’s who they reached out to the racists. They reached out to the racists! They said:
“No one’s helping us. No one’s doing anything about this! There’s corruption, an epidemic of corruption in this town! And there’s many towns like this that where this is happening!”
And they reached out to us and that’s why we went there.
And then this poor lady with her kid, she’s distressed because she’s got that “mum brain”. I understand that, all right. I got a baby. They got the mum brains and when they got mum brain, they’re not thinking about anyone except themselves. All they think about is themselves and their own baby. That’s it!
That’s just how the brain is wired after they have a kid. There’s even been brain scans to prove it, that their whole brain, all the patterns all the thought patterns, everything, the synapses, everything changes and the brain starts reorganising and rewiring itself.
So they’re not thinking about grander values or principles or the security and safety of the town in five years time or ten years time.
I mean, there’s a town just around the corner. I’m sure we’ll cover it on the stream in Shepparton. Not that far away. I think it’s probably an hour away. And a Vanuatu and fruit picker just raped a 20 year old drunk girl, probably an Aussie. We’re investigating. That was just drunk and passed out outside her friend’s house because they had pre-drinks and she didn’t make it out on town. And some fucking brown just picked, like, kidnapped her while she was unconscious and went and raped her in a car park. And then his car broke down. That’s why he’s got caught.
So maybe we won’t cover it later because we’ve just covered it, but this is what happens in Shepparton, and I heard about what was going on in Shepparton and the diversity back in the UPF days. We were invited to Shepparton by Shepparton people. We never made it to Shepparton because we’re so focused on Bendigo. But back in 2014, 2015, 2016, were being told by people in Shepparton:
“You have to come to Shepparton! We need you in Shepparton. It’s getting out of control! The crime, the blacks, these quarter caste abbos. There’s problems, serious problems, drug problems, you know, broken families, like bikies are out of control in Shepparton. Just serious issues happening in the town!”
And they wanted our help. They wanted our support, but we couldn’t be everywhere at once, and we were just learning the ropes of how to do this. And it was devastating to hear what was happening to Shepparton. And fast forward ten years, or not even eight, nine years, and we’re seeing the results.
So this mother with a child, she’s not thinking long term. That’s her problem. She’s just thinking about right now:
“Oh, my God! I was at the playground, and men were loud! So scary!”
It’s like when your kids growing up, when your teenage girl’s growing up, or boy, he’s getting bashed and robbed, or he’s getting, or she’s getting raped because of the social circumstances that are changing, the demographic circumstances that are changing in the town, because the White men didn’t fight back and protect their town.
That would be my response to her, if I got the chance to sit her down and talk to her, and tell her why we were there and what. And, you know. Yeah, like, I forgive her. I forgive her. It’s hard, but I forgive her. She’s just an idiot!
Joel Davis: Yeah, no, I understand what you’re saying. You’re 100% right, and these kinds of people can be won over, and I think that’s the big takeaway from this.
A lot of people criticise us for our optics, the dressing in black and the Nazi associations and so on. But if we didn’t do that, we wouldn’t have been all the biggest news story in the country over the last few days or the last. It’s died down a little bit the last couple days. But like, I showed you two news clips, I could have played like 25 news clips. Plus there’s literally hundreds and hundreds of articles written in every single major newspaper in Sydney and Melbourne, the two biggest cities, plus all the regional newspapers. And we were on the news even in the other cities. In Adelaide, in Brisbane, in Tasmania.
This is a national news story. All the major politicians were weighing in on it. It was the every single kind of talk back radio show weighed in on it. Everyone was talking about this. It was the hottest political topic on social media for three days. If you scroll through any of the major news publications, social medias, and you look at all the different, how much social media engagement is driven by any story. This story got way more engagement by hundreds of times compared to any other story over the past few days or that two to three day period. So we created the biggest story in the country just after a few days after Hersant and his Roman salute scenario in the courts, was the biggest story in the country. But obviously that’s different.
But we created the biggest story in the country off the back of this and we put all these eyes on all these local politicians. That’s Sussan Ley woman, by the way. You know, people say “work within the system”. I actually have a lot of contacts inside the Liberal Party. We have people inside the Liberal Party! We do. What they told me is that Sussan Ley is, … We’re everywhere!
But anyway, Sussan Ley is connected to Alex Hawke, who is a member of, an MP from, I believe, the Hills district area in Sydney. I don’t know if that’s still his seat, but that was his seat because I remember when I lived there, he was on the ballot.
Anyway, he is very deeply connected to property developers. The property developers are deep in his pockets and she’s connected to that. So that explains why I remember we actually covered something to do with this Sussan Ley bitch on the news, that she was on Sky News getting interviewed on this show last year. And they interviewed her about the housing crisis, and she’s the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party, by the way.
So if they, which they’re probably going to win the next election, she could be the Deputy Prime Minister in like a year or two. This woman was on Sky News and she said, she was talking about the housing crisis. She didn’t mention immigration once. She was saying it’s a “supply issue”, basically saying, stuff that you hear from the Greens.
So this woman is totally in the pocket of lobby groups that don’t want her talking about immigration. Because she’s even on the Left-wing of the Liberal Party. Which is already a pretty, you know, pathetic party as is.
By the way, Peter Dutton came out today on Twitter. Everyone needs to, by the way, like and retweet the stream. This stream if you’re on Twitter, but also go to my Twitter page. This is Peter Dutton. 3 hours ago:
“With properly managed migration, we can tackle the housing crisis and help get Australians into their first home.”
He’s not talking about sending back any of the almost, 2 million temporary Visa holders, most of whom are non-Whites. Obviously, I think the Europeans can stay and stuff like that, but the majority of these people are Indians or Southeast Asians or whatever. Colombians, student visas, other kind of temporary visas. They all need to go back. We just had it come out that we have a working holiday Visa program, which is supposed to be for Europeans. And I think it’s extended to some South American countries as well.
So basically, it helps young Whites between the ages of 18 and 30. They can get a visa to come and live in Australia for a year, and they can work. And it’s a good way to get high quality immigrants into the country because you’re getting usually good stock, young Whites. You go down to Bondi beach and you’ll see a bunch of these working holiday Visa types. There’s a lot of cuties from Sweden, from Germany.
Thomas Sewell: Irish.
Joel Davis: Yeah. From all over Europe.
And I think it’s great! It’s one of the best aspects. The only immigrants that I actually like are young White people. But they’ve just extended it now to India, which is fucking insane! And in two weeks since they’ve extended it to India, 40,000 applications have already come in.
So we’re about to get flooded with even more of these fucking brown cunts! These pajeets! And the Deputy Immigration Minister went to India. I don’t know what they do. I don’t know if they have some kind of Indian Epstein Island where they’ve got him banging twelve year old girls on camera or I don’t know what they do!
But every time one of our government officials meets with an Indian government official, he then announces some deal to open our borders up to more Indian immigration. Why does the Indian government, why are they so desperate to get their population into our country? It’s obviously a soft form of colonialism. It’s obviously an attempt at replacing us with enough Indians that they can gain political power in our country and ultimately take it over. There’s 1.4 billion of them. There’s barely, like 18 million, 19 million Whites in Australia. They could easily replace us. And at current trends and current trajectories, on a long enough timeline, they will!
So our government are not just naive, they are literally traitors. I don’t know whether they’re getting paid, whether they’re getting blackmailed, but there’s something fucked up going on! I know ASIO had basically reported on catching, through the counter espionage activities, Indian intelligence operating political subversion campaigns in Australia. This is a real issue that almost no one talks about. So this is very serious.
But anyway, Peter Dutton doesn’t talk about any of this.
Thomas Sewell: For certain, India is running like a similar operation to the jews. Like, for sure a lot of these politicians. Sussan Ley, for example, the one you just mentioned, she has gone over to the Rambam Israel tour, I think, in 2019, I think. But not long after her corruption charges, she went over to Israel and kissed the wall and got educated on zionism and everything like that. So then you’ve got politicians also holidaying over in India all the time. And I’m sure it’s a similar setup. I know that Kevin Rudd wrote in his memoirs that Julia Gillard and about half of the cabinet was invited over to India to stay at the mansion of Gina Rinehart, that fat bitch, the mining mogul.
And then they made their coup. They organised their coup over in India at Gina Reinhart’s mansion and then came back and booted him out.
And again, that was also as you’ve said on stream before that was also after that meeting with who was that powerful jew, the lobbyist?
That said:
“Oh, Gillard’s looking really good at the moment.”
That’s all in Rudd’s memoirs. Anyway, Rudd’s a piece of shit anyways. Who cares?
Joel Davis: Mark Leibler.
Thomas Sewell: Liebler. Yeah, exactly! So for sure, we’ve got Chinese influence in the country buying up our politicians. We’ve got Indian influence in our country buying up our politicians. We’ve got Israeli influence in the country buying up our politicians. This is just explicit. This is just so brazen! And they’re all in on it, both parties, all parties, except the minor ones. But all the major parties are in on it. They’re all doing it.
And then they’ve got so many layers of scams happening as well for the self enrichment that they’re doing. You know, all these politicians are multi, multi, multi-millionaires. It’s just disgraceful! We don’t have any statesmen anymore. We don’t have anyone capable within the Parliamentary system of really keeping this country alive. It’s just becoming Tatooine. It’s just becoming a fucking trade planet, an economic zone for all the world’s slaves to just enrich these few slave owners.
And we have to revolt against them. We have to break their power. It’s not an option.
Joel Davis: Yeah, absolutely! But listen, here we go. Here’s something that you can do right now, it’s a small thing, but I already ratioed Anthony Albanese for the hundredth time on Twitter today. That was easy. This is more difficult. This is Peter Dutton giving his platitudes about immigration. Where we’re going to slightly reduce immigration or whatever.
What needs to be done is we need a moratorium on all non-European immigration or non-Anglo sphere European immigration, non-Western immigration. Which will knock out the majority of it, will bring it back to about Net Zero. And it will mean only White, pretty much only Whites are coming in. And what we need to do is we need to do a mass deportation. The first phase of that you can get rid of a lot of the temporary Visa holders. A lot of these Indians. They’ll come in, … When we did the Fuck Off! We’re Full! Rally. This is part of what we were exposing. Jeets they’ll come in even though, and I’m talking about people from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Middle East, all these other places, but India in particular, they’ll come in on some kind of student visa, some kind of temporary, other kind of temporary categorisation of visa, temporary work visa, whatever.
And then they’ll try and get their way to permanent residency any which way they can. And if they can’t figure out some way to get there, they’ll then go and appeal for asylum. They’ll claim that they’re a homosexual or something, and that if they get sent back home, they’ll be persecuted.
And then once the government approves that and they then go get their wife and kids over and get them all approved, and then their parents kand then their cousin! And blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
Thomas Sewell: A new scam just got released today.
I don’t know if you shared it yet, but already I think Noticer just wrote an article, they’re fast tracking all visas, permanent visas for anyone that’s a victim of domestic violence.
So all of these fucking Indian women can just claim that their husband beats them and then boom, instant visa!
And then they can just resolve whatever it is in the courts, you know, settle outside the courts and then, it’s just crazy!
Joel Davis: It’s a fucking joke!
Anyway, he’s saying nothing about any of that. So I said, here, go and like my tweet. Help me ratio him. He’s on 1.1K I’m on 1.1K.
So I just retweeted it.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: I said:
“Weak rhetoric. You obviously want to leverage anti-immigration sentiment to get voted in without actually solving the problem because you’re funded by the property developer and corporate lobbies that profit from it. We need to stop mass immigration and start mass deportation.”
Simple message. And go and go and check out WhiteDrake’s reply:
“Every single aspect of Australia’s property industry is jewish!”
It’s a good infographic. They’re very detailed. Good stuff.
But yeah, go juice the ratio. Let’s ratio the current prime minister and the future prime minister on the same day.
What I thought was excellent, though, getting back to the rally, was how we got a very good media reaction. They kept printing your quotes from your speech. The media were very stupid in how much promotion they gave us.
And even though they were trying to do hit pieces on us, their hit pieces were so incoherent and poorly stated, they ended up generating a lot of support. One example of how much support they generated is, I checked out. I don’t really use. I don’t use Facebook, right. Not anymore. But this is Sky News Australia Facebook.
So this is a good, like, kind of metronome for Boomer, conservative. Not necessarily Boomer, but just like conservative type Australians and how they perceive things. “Residents of Corowa” this is the original story. They just called us White supremacists. And it was an article that was basically a hit piece. A hit piece that was effectively the kind of hit piece that you would expect from a Left-wing publication, right? Because they’re all the same shit when it comes to us. Look at this top comment.
So this is 1.7 thousand comments, way more than almost anything else that Sky News have put on Facebook in a while. The top comment here, with almost as many react likes as the reactions to the initial post is:
“This is what happens when the government backs you into a corner and tells you to be nice to everyone else while they can say and do anything they like to you without any consequences. Of course the one in the corner is going to get fed up and fight back.”
And you scroll through these comments and:
“This is the result of White men being constantly criticised, vilified, demonised, and taught to hate and be ashamed of their masculinity, their race, and their history in their own country, a country that many of their ancestors helped build.”
You know, you just keep going through here. They’re either defending us directly or they’re at least defending our freedom of speech. This guy is claiming that we’re not White supremacists. That’s the media just labeling it because they’re anti-White. You know, look to see:
“If you’re anti-Australian, you’re allowed to protest, but if you’re a patriotic Australian, different story. Time for all who believe in a free country to stand up and fight back against the woke haters who want the One World Government.”
Someone says here:
“Maybe we should learn from Poland as to who we bring here.”
Well, unfortunately the Polish are getting replaced.
But, yeah, obviously Poland has better demographics and in a lot of minds of people that are not as well educated on contemporary developments. Poland seems like basically a White nationalist country to them. Unfortunately, this was only a matter of time. They’re complaining here:
“Sadly, we don’t jail offenders for smashing up cars, homes, or shops or even assaulting people yet. Move your arm in a certain direction and you’ll get jail time.”
“Gotta love freedom of speech.”
“They’re allowed to have their say as well.”
“It’s about time.”
“This is always going to happen.”
“If you demonise young men and call them toxic. They will fight back. I can fully understand why they’re taking a stand, Pamela.”
Thomas Sewell: And that’s someone’s grandma. You click on these profiles. I went through all of this is all Grandma Waffen, and Grandpa Waffen. This is like Storm Boomer Waffen. And there’s a lot of Gen-X’s and Millennials in there as well, talking about free speech. It was just across the board demographics of White people of all walks of life. There was bogans in there. There was educated, very educated people in there. I went through a lot of these profiles. I don’t have Facebook, but I went through on Beck’s Facebook. Just incredible, the amount of support! We have never. Ever had this much support!
And we went full Nazi gang, black block into a small country town and disturb their day to raise awareness for this issue. And this is the support the public had. You can only imagine how much support is coming from Corowa at the moment. Knowing how they’re getting shafted. I mean, just absolutely incredible! I mean, we did see quite a bit of support online from just random individuals that we’re not connected to. People that didn’t even speak to us on the day or speak to us beforehand. And they were just posting their thoughts. There’s a huge amount of support!
Joel Davis: I mean, you would expect it on Twitter. You would expect it on Twitter. But to see this on Facebook, Twitter is more like people who are more specked into politics, usually. Facebook is more everyday types.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: So to see this kind of reaction was really positive. I mean, I’ll go through more of these:
“Freedom of speech. Even when you don’t agree with them.”
“It’s okay to hold anti-White protests, and this should also be allowed.”
“This doesn’t surprise me. White Europeans have been under constant verbal and cultural attack by the Left aligned with non-Europeans for the last eight years or so, ‘for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction’. Isaac Newton.”
“Leftists always label conservatives as extreme.”
Apparently we’re conservatives, [chuckling] but it’s good to see that they’re identifying with us, even if they’re misunderstanding us a little bit.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: Yeah:
“If they’re Muslim they would have the right to protest. Angry face.”
From another based grandma. Linda Hughes.
Thomas Sewell: We have the best grandmas.
Joel Davis:
“Good. This is great that Australians are standing up for themselves. I’m gobsmacked that people can’t understand why this is happening. Or are you so brainwashed?”
Bernie McKean here says:
“Supremacists are just patriotic and hate what this government is doing to Australia.”
You know, every single comment is defending us. No comment is attacking us.
Thomas Sewell: There’s people that are aware as well. That one said that the article doesn’t address why we were actually there. They’re trying to pretend. Yeah. What was it? One more up. One more, one more.
Joel Davis: Yeah:
“The local government sold the town and industry out to multinational corporations, sacking local Australian workers in favour of cheap Filipino labour and housing them in the local hotel. The Mayor, in response that they would double down on bringing the international workers in. You don’t take issue with this, then don’t complain about the cost of living crisis.”
This guy probably reads Very well informed individual.
Thomas Sewell: This is for those that aren’t aware, Sky News is like the very moderate Right. Like centre Right. You could call it news in Australia.
And what we’re seeing here is over 95% of the supporters of this centre Right, very moderate Right news presenter being objectively for us or for our right to demonstrate. This is just incredible! This is a complete narrative shift. This is a completely different dynamic to two years ago.
Joel Davis: Yeah:
“Good. The Arabs and Lefties are allowed to strut around whenever they want, and these blokes were doing nothing wrong. Mark Campbell!”
Thomas Sewell: Exactly! It’s just beautiful!
Joel Davis: :
“I’m White and proud to be so.”
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Some granddad, that it’s just awesome!
Joel Davis:
“One day you’ll say these boys were right.”
“Still more sane and the Alphabet group.”
“Good to see.”
“I’m not shocked it’s happening. When you kick a dog long enough.”
I mean, it can go on, but I mean, this is the response of the average everyday Aussie battlers. Like we’re winning them over.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah,
Joel Davis: It’s just reality. And we also got good reactions from Sky News. I want to play this clip because this is very, I posted it on social media. This itself is interesting. This is from the Andrew Bolt Show, I think this was two nights ago.
Sky News: (Andrew Bolt) Just very quickly Stephen, there’s a rally by about 40 or 50 racists at Corowa on the weekend calling for “White men to fight back!” They were cowards as well as racists. Not daring to show their faces, foul people! But I know this, at least they did not vandalise buildings. They did not personally threaten jews, that I know of, they did not attack police. They did not block cars. What does it say about so many pro-Palestinian activists that they behave worse than these neo-Nazis?
Sky News: (Stephen Chavura) Well, the pro-Palestinian activists, they were some of the ugliest protests that we’ve seen in recent years in Australia. And with this sort of pro-White rally, I just want to say that if people are offended at that kind of rhetoric, just understand that it’s just the mirror image of the identity politics that’s been so popular over the last ten years. And certainly during The Voice referendum, where only White people have to apologise for the past. Only White people have a bad history. Only White people have no right to protect their culture. This is what you get!
Thomas Sewell: This is what you get! This is what you get. Yeah.
Joel Davis: Spitting facts.
Now, apparently tonight, I just got this clip. Let’s watch it. I haven’t seen it yet. I put a call out. This is from tonight’s Andrew Bolt.
And by the way, for those who are watching from overseas, Andrew Bolt, this is Sky News, which is our version, it’s the equivalent of Fox News in the United States. It’s the exact same people who own it and everything. And it’s the similar format. Andrew Bolt is kind of like Tucker Carlson Tonight when he was still on Fox News. The equivalent. Yeah. Since he left Fox, he’s been better.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Americans need to know. He’s not like 2024 Tucker Carlson.
Joel Davis: He’s like, yeah, he’s like 2020, Tucker. Yeah. [chuckling]
Anyway, so I haven’t seen this clip. I just got it sent to me after we went live. But let’s check it out. “Crazy immigration intake, destroying Australia” is the caption.
Sky News: (Andrew Bolt) The government is destroying Australia! Destroying it almost literally by its crazy immigration intake!
In fact, it is replacing Australians with immigrants! As well as tearing down our national symbols, our traditions.
Now, this is not a conspiracy theory. You know, the Great Replacement! It’s fact! Our latest fertility figures show Australian women have never had fewer babies per person, not in the history of modern Australia. Just 1.5 babies now per woman.
And that means we’re not even having anywhere near enough babies to replace ourselves. For that, you need just over two babies per woman. Yet, as you know, our population is not shrinking. It’s actually exploding! Our city’s a cram full of people. But that’s because this government is also giving us record numbers of immigrants. I mean, crazy numbers! Around half a million immigrants a year right now. So what we are seeing is fewer Australians who were actually born here and many immigrants, many more of them who were not.
Now, you might think:
“Well, thank heavens for that, because we need to replace these Australians who aren’t breeding.”
But in fact, that high immigration is actually a reason, might be a big reason why Australians aren’t replacing themselves with babies! They’re linked. All those immigrants are all looking for somewhere to live. Then you can see the result. I mean, housing has never in our lifetime been so unaffordable. And even the government admits high housing prices is a reason Australian women are having fewer babies! And much later in life, when they can finally afford them.
Joel Davis: I’ll end it there. But I mean, this is like Joel and Blair show talking points from last year. Now they’re fully mainstream. He’s even got the macro business graphs up that we were putting on the show last year.
Thomas Sewell: This is what Hillary Clinton calls the “tail wagging the dog”. [laughing] This is politics is ruled by minorities.
Joel Davis: Yeah. So we are actually making waves. We’re driving the conversation. We are!
And I’m not taking all the credit for this because a lot of this is just.
Thomas Sewell: Momentum.
Joel Davis: Like American political discourse. This is something we’ve been talking about as well. American political discourse has been getting more racialised on the conservative side. And we talked about this on the show as well. And I said it’s inevitable that this is going to start filtering down into Australia, it’s always just a little bit behind America in our political trends. So we’ll see it start to filter down. So that’s also part of this.
But we are driving the conversation forward ourselves as a vanguard within our country. And the people are ready to receive our message. And the conservative movement is forced and the conservative media establishment is going to get left behind if they don’t pivot in our direction, if they don’t have pink shirts going on there and defending us. Their entire comment section will be defending us, and no one on Sky News will be. And they’ll be left behind. Their audience will be going elsewhere. So they have to pivot in our direction now if they don’t want to lose all of their, all their people in our direction.
Rebel News, which is like a jew-op for the same kind of target market. It’s a Canadian jewish media company that hires Avi Yemeni, their Twitter, I ratioed, … They posted about our, …
Thomas Sewell: Everyone, everyone ratioed them!
Joel Davis: The whole comment section was just shitting all over them. It was insane! And I’m seeing all these accounts starting to follow me that are just like normal conservative accounts. People who were talking about Covid, people who were talking about, just conventional conservative kind of issues, they’re all shifting across. Like the Twitter is like an absolute goldmine for radicalisation at the moment and for political education of the people. And we’re seeing these more developed White nationalist talking points now, you know, filtered down through the general Right-wing online community, through the Right-wing media. And I know from, like I said:
“We’re everywhere!”
We’ve got guys in all the parties, all the media institutions. I’ve got a lot of friends who I don’t mention on the show because it’s not good for them if it’s made known that we’re friends. Everything is swimming very well on the Australian Right. Everyone has taken a step to the Right or two steps to the Right. All the young guys that are coming up through all these institutions are all way more radical on the issue of race than the generations that came before them. A lot of them are watching this show. A lot of them are following me on Twitter. And we are having a very big impact.
And the way that we are able to keep injecting ourselves into the conversation in this country is through being controversial, is through being radical. If we were doing suit and tie nationalism or we were doing optical, sneaky Nazi games, no one would be out there driving the conversation. And there’s guys that are doing that. There’s guys that are doing that, but you don’t see them because they can’t do that.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, they’re reinforcing. We’re the Spearhead. We’re the breakthrough. Exactly! Everyone else is the supply and the reinforcement and holding the sides, holding the flanks. We’re the ones breaking into the new dynamic. We’re the ones breaking into new territory. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that one or two nights ago, you have Sky News put up basically the exact same article that the mainstream media put up, the exact same article that the jew owned Ezra Levant owned Avi Yemeni Rebel News put up saying:
“Vile, disgusting, evil, racist, neo-Nazis storm local town!”
Zero context. Zero context, zero context!
And then the entire comment section that we just went through is supportive of us. The top comment has over 800 likes on it, basically saying:
“Get what we deserve. We need White men to fight back. These assholes have gone too far. We need to fight back!”
That’s what everyone’s saying. That’s what everyone’s feeling.
And then you have a group of men that are actually taking that fight, that spiritual fight, and they’re taking it back. And then you’ve got, what? One or two days later, Andrew Bolt is on there talking about all these., … He’s gone from, like, 2016 Tucker Carlson to 2024 Tucker Carlson in the space of 48 hours. Because as Joel’s just articulated, you have a clear and obvious online support for us. They’ve realised maybe it’s a bad move to punch Right? Maybe instead, we’ll just take a bit of the space that these radicals, these extremists are doing, maybe our viewership will go up? Maybe that’s where the money is? Maybe that’s where the advertising revenue is. Maybe that’s how we make the show a bit more controversial.
And so we are leading the narrative. We are leading the discussion, whether you think that what we’re doing is effective or not.
I mean, I had some Baptist groyper fucking retard!
Joel Davis: You know, he wasn’t a Baptist groyper. That doesn’t make sense.
Thomas Sewell: I don’t know what he was. All right? He was one or the other. It’s all the same to me. But I know the nuances of all these different, like, factions of people that don’t do anything. But to me, they’re all just do nothings.
Anyway, he was saying like:
“That I’m just a dumb roof plumber. What would I know about propaganda?”
And I evidently don’t know anything about propaganda. And then I just sent him the picture, a screenshot of the, like, three dozen articles that were written about Corowa that brought it into the national spotlight. I was like:
“Here’s your evidence of propaganda, you wanker!”
Or dork, I think I call them. Because they’re all fucking dorks!
But you might not agree with our tactics, but you can’t deny that what we’re doing is effective. What we’re doing is working. And we’re building a group of men that don’t actually care about the slander of the media. See, the problem is, and the reason why so many attack us, so many people attack our strategies, is because they actually care about what the media says about them.
So when they’re slandered in the media, they basically want to do a strategy that can’t possibly ever be slandered. And what that does is it actually paralyzes them into inaction. If your objective is:
“Okay, let’s come up with a bulletproof, perfect plan and present it suit and tie to the public. And that’s how we’re going to solve the problem and make it in a way that there’s no way that the enemy can attack you back. Make it impossible, make it absolutely bulletproof!”
You know what the media does? They just don’t put you on television! [loud laughing] I’ve already run the model. I already did the suit and tie. I already went into the ABC back in the day and did the interviews. None of them ever went to air! Because I just said the most reasonable, sensible, common sense shit! And they were just like:
“Oh, fuck, this is dangerous. We don’t want the public hearing this.”
They just ignored me.
But when you throw in a little bit of dramatisation, they can’t help themselves! They just have to bite. And like a little vicious little snake, little venomous little snake that’s getting cornered now, which is what’s happening, they’re lashing out really hard. And the harder they lash out, the more they’re on the back foot.
And it brings them into disrepute, not us! It brings them into disrepute. They are losing their audience. They are losing their legitimacy. Media and state legitimacy is at an all time low across Europe, across the United States, and across Australia, especially in the United States. But Australia is not too disconnected from Canada and the United States, culturally, politically, we’re in a very similar situation. They are losing their institutional legitimacy in real time because, for example, housing crisis, they won’t even bring up immigration. You know, you’ve only got people like now [Andrew] Bolt jumping on it.
Actually, I think he wrote an article previously, but he was a lot softer. Now you’re seeing the strengthening of these talking points.
So this is a huge success for us!
Joel Davis: The first way we were able to get Great Replacement theory mentioned on the news was through doing the Fuck Off! We’re Full rally. And then Dvir Abramovich, the head of the ADC, which is a B’nai Brith front group, the equivalent of the ADL in the United States, is like the Australian knockoff, really shit version of Jonathan Greenblatt going on Nine News to explain that our rally was motivated by our belief in the Great Replacement conspiracy theory, which he explained:
“This theory, this crazy conspiracy theory that White people are being replaced by non-White immigrants!”
Thomas Sewell: To be fair, they did talk about that during all the Channel Nine and A Current Affair stuff on us back in 2020. Every time we do a rally it does reinforce this in the public psyche time to the point where it’s boiling over. You saw from the comment section. It’s boiling over the public psyche.
Joel Davis: Yeah, of course. And it’s like it went from it being a crazy conspiracy theory to now it’s:
“Wait, no, it’s not a conspiracy theory. Of course it isn’t.”
But if people want someone that is a great propagandist on our side, go follow Auspil on TikTok. I saw this floating around on Twitter, is. I don’t really use TikTok. He does good videos.
And also another thing that I have to mention, I’ll mention it after this.
Auspil: Australia pays an Indian migrant nearly $400,000 a year just for him to tell them there’s too many White people in the country.
So this is Giridharan Sivaraman. Giri is asking:
“Why is it there are so few people that look like me?”
So this bloke left India, moved to Australia, somehow got a top position in our government, now complains there aren’t enough Indians! And he’s getting paid $385,000 to say that, to say there’s too many White people. He says the media politics, the judiciary are held by White people. But this is not the only instance of someone high up in Australian government being paid by Australian taxpayers advocating for higher Indian migration. Peter Varghese, who is the head of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade who headed the India economic strategy, said:
“We should put more Indians in position of power in corporate and government roles.”
Mr Varghese has said:
“I feel a strong connection to India. India was the birthplace of my parents.”
He was actually born in Kenya, so he wasn’t even born in Australia or India, yet he still advocates for India’s interests.
So that’s two examples in this video of migrants working in the Australian government advocating for the interests of a foreign government under the auspices of multiculturalism.
To put it bluntly, I think these guys are threats to national security.
Thomas Sewell: Absolutely excellent!
Joel Davis: He shilled The Noticer. And this weekend it was a win for the NSN, it was a win for us, win for The Noticer. I mean, incredible Noticer coverage. This is the best news site, period, in the world. I haven’t seen a better news site in the world than The Noticer. It is so brilliant! High quality professional reporting on all the key issues, mostly in Australia because it’s an Australian publication, but also world issues. They report the stories that fucking matter. They put out quality headlines every single day. I read almost all their articles. They publish me sometimes. They’ll be publishing me again soon when I have an opinion piece. But they’re brilliant!
It’s literally all the news that you need in one place. And the articles are so professional. The optics are brilliant! They’re well written, they’re balanced, they’re fair, but they get the real story across. And their article on us and, go read it if you didn’t read it. They put Tom’s speech in it as well.
So you can find they uploaded Tom’s speech on Twitter and Telegram, but also it’s embedded in the article here. Headline:
“Nationalists chanting ‘Whiteman fight back’ protest flooding of small town with foreign workers.”
Noticer dot news. Go check out their articles if you don’t know. I show them on the show regularly, but they really are fantastic! It’s so important that we have good quality news.
And you know what you need to do is you need to get your friends, your family, get your dad. Your dad isn’t reading, isn’t following Noticer dot news and isn’t getting his news from Noticer dot news, but he’s reading the fucking Sydney Morning Herald or The Age or whatever the fuck he’s reading. Fix that! That’s step one. Then do it to your granddad, then do it to your uncle, then do it to your cousin, then do it to your brother.
Thomas Sewell: And your racist grandma.
Joel Davis: To your mom. Yeah, to your grandma.
Thomas Sewell: I saw some racist grandmas replying on The Noticer, and they were saying how much they appreciate The Noticer being fair and balanced.
Joel Davis: It is, it is literally one of our biggest weapons.
Thomas Sewell: I surprised it doesn’t have a hundred thousand subscribers. I looked the other day and it’s only 6,000. I was like:
“What is going on here, Joel?”
We got to help The Noticer some more because they need a hundred thousand, they need 200,000 subscribers.
Joel Davis: Spread it in conservative circles. Post their articles in the replies or quote, tweet them or whatever, when you’re on Twitter, post their articles on Instagram, comment sections, Facebook comment sections, on whatever the issue is that’s pertinent. Because it needs to be built up. We need good quality media, dissident media, so that there’s a narrative that can counter the mainstream bullshit!
Now you can use the mainstream media against itself by being so interesting and stimulating that they’re forced to contend with our ideas and then they end up making mistakes because they’re inept and then it ends up working in our favour. But that’s a difficult strategy in general for a lot of issues. We can’t get every single issue. There’s like multiple articles a day that needs to be published. We can’t use our activism to draw attention to all of them all at once. It would be, it’s not possible. We can only do like strategic surgical action. So what we need to do is need to build up alternative media. So get out there.
If you create little QR codes that go to the Noticer dot news and disseminate those QR codes in whatever legal ways that you can around the city. We need like some grassroots promotion here assistance, because the more, …
Thomas Sewell: Spread the Noticer stickers. Yeah.
Joel Davis: The reality is that the majority of the Australian public, White Australian public, are ready to hear the message of White nationalism. They’re ready to hear good, balanced reporting. Like, Noticer there isn’t even a White nationalist publication. It’s just like a fair and balanced, reasonable publication. The average Australian is ready to hear this kind of reporting, is ready to hear the messages even that we have.
But also people like Auspil and we just played, I mean, that’s another one that you got to get everyone, you know, following because people like, there’s someone even, like even more toned down actors like Jordan Knight, who does great work with Migration Watch. There are a lot of these people out there that are producing good quality propaganda that you can spread. And the normies are ready to hear their message. Like, the vast majority of White Australians are against immigration. The vast majority of White Australians are aware there’s an anti-White double standard in society. And they can feel the racial tension in our society, and they can feel the imposition of a totally unjust system around them. They’ve lost faith in the politicians, they’ve lost faith in the media. They’re ready to hear the alternative. They’re more open than ever to the alternative.
So now’s the time to really just put in on doing the grunt work to help, because we’re a guerrilla movement, guerrilla propaganda movement. There’s all these young guys that are popping up. Like I said, Auspil and Jordan Knight are two of them that we’ve promoted on the show before, but there’s others as well. Promote them! Promote us, obviously, but promote them as well. And together as a full spectrum movement, we can set the narrative, because the table has been set for us by the current political circumstances.
And I replied to Craig Kelly the other day, who I think is joining the Libertarian party now after becoming disenfranchised from One Nation. I said:
“If you guys just put a solid, like, anti-immigration platform and that you’re going to have some kind of way to send a bunch of these jeets [Indians] on temporary visas back, you’ll get shitloads of votes!”
Like, it isn’t, like there isn’t already a voter, anti-immigration voter base. It’s just like, no one is really placating to it. Like, One Nation are asleep at the wheel. They’re a total joke! These micro parties aren’t stepping up to the plate, but it’s there for the taking. Like, if anyone wants to be politically opportunistic, there is nationalistic sentiment.
Thomas Sewell: One Nation has tried to stay relevant by releasing a Net Zero policy on immigration, which I thought was a bit of a step in the right direction. We normally shit on One Nation, but even they’re going in the right direction.
Joel Davis: Yeah. That’s the prevailing trend.
Another guy that you can follow is Jack Brady. He’s on TikTok, he’s on X. He’s also brilliant! I saw him announce he’s going to start doing a live show. Jack, who I’m friends with, I was going to do some collaborations with him as well to help promote his new show. I think he’s going to cover world politics, like pro-White politics from a global perspective, from what he was saying.
But also he’ll cover Australian issues, but he’s a young Australian smart guy. You know, we gotta, like, keep elevating these actors. We’ve got to keep getting these young guys that are up and coming, the support they need to grow, and be like, the next [word unclear] Alt-Right.
Thomas Sewell: He could be like the next Nick Fuentes, but White and not a dork.
Joel Davis: Yeah, he seems more like Keith Woodsian, but more Nietzschean.
Thomas Sewell: Good, good.
Joel Davis: We’ll see how he goes.
But yeah, he’s a smart guy. He’s been doing really well with his short length TikTok videos, which also get some traction on Twitter.
But, yeah, just support everything. Unless someone’s, like, an obvious piece of shit! Like, if anyone’s getting traction and they’re going against, … You know what one thing that all of these guys that I mentioned have in common, they do not punch Right. If somebody is not going, like, full Holocaust denial, Hitler worshipper, you don’t have to go:
“Okay, well, fuck them!”
If they’re not punching Right. If they’re putting a pro-White message out there and they’re not punching Right, there’s no reason to attack them, because they’re not punching Right. That’s what I say, that I’m totally supportive of people operating under an optics cuck framework to a certain extent, for certain purposes, so long as they obey that one cardinal rule. Because if they obey that one cardinal rule, all of their energy is directed against the Left, against our political enemies. And there’s guys like us that’ll do the rest. Right?
So that’s my view on this. I think Tom would agree with that.
Thomas Sewell: It’s crazy to see so many Boomers supporting us. And there’s a lot of, … We normally don’t read out just comments, just Superchats, but there’s a lot of comments as well in the section talking about how Boomers are sort of finally coming around, and the older generations.
But I think you or Jacob recently shared a very interesting graph. I know graph, fuck graphs! But a really interesting graph that showed the, it was like a heat map of like a warmth or cold response to certain words within Boomers. I think Gen-Xs, Millennials.
Joel Davis: This is from America. Yeah, I shared it. Actually, Landia [sp] posted it. I shared it, and then I saw after I shared it started getting picked up.
Thomas Sewell: We should put that up on the screen.
Joel Davis: We can get it up now.
Thomas Sewell: I mean, that was just brilliant to think about how many racist Boomers there are now and how they’re finally just getting sick of it! And they’re the privileged class. Boomers are the privileged class! The whole economy has been geared to make them, the average Boomer is a millionaire. That’s a fact. The average Boomer is a millionaire because they’re just born at the right time, right place and the property market, everything like that. And then you’ve got these under thirties, or 18 to 34, and the heat map is just going crazy!
Joel Davis: Well, this is from America.
And also, one thing I’ll say about the Boomers, most Boomers are racist, but they’re not extreme. Like, they’re centrist racist, if you will, whereas younger generations are more polarised in both directions. But what this says here, this is an overall. So you’re meant to rank between zero and 100. How warm you feel towards these phrases, White supremacist, fascist, neo-Nazi, Ku Klux Klan. Zero being cold, 100 being warm, 50 being neutral, and then they average it out.
So obviously, the majority of people are going to be cold to these phrases. But what it shows here is that the average is spiking intergenerationally. So the blue is 18 to 34 year olds, the orange is 35 to 54 year olds, and the green is 55 years and up.
And so what you’re seeing is this very sharp intergenerational trend where it’s getting warmer and warmer each generation. So, like, according to this trend, where it’s like doubling, doubling, doubling, you would expect the next generation, Generation Zyklon, as they’re calling it, or generation after the Zoomers, to be even more radical. And we also saw another study come out from the United States that I published, or I posted on my Telegram, which showed that younger people in America are way more positively predisposed toward Adolf Hitler, where like 21% of them have a positive view of Adolf Hitler, as opposed to only like 5% of Boomers or something. So we’re seeing that same intergenerational trend in two different studies.
Now, this is from America, but nevertheless, it’s very interesting to see that there is a definite and very robust trend, which, if you extrapolate from it mathematically, would indicate that the next generation would be like 50-50 on Hitler. And that’s even taking into consideration the fact there’s a bunch of non-Whites in this study. [chuckling]
Now, what the study from America showed was that blacks are actually more pro-Hitler than Whites. [chuckling] So that’s a caveat. But nevertheless, there still is that intergenerational trend.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s incredible! Hitler is more popular than he’s ever been, since 1945. It’s just incredible! He’s back. Hitler’s back!
Joel Davis: Yeah, obviously Hitler going wild on Tik Tok at the moment. I mean, Tik Tok is insane! The amount of [word unclear] and radical edits going viral and, just general, like, pro-Nazi, pro-White supremacist content going absolutely ballistic on there. Obviously, the Hitler speeches that have been translated into English by AI. Instagram comment sections are just totally getting dominated by racists now. The culture is really shifting online. Obviously, Twitter is like, we own Twitter now. I see my Peter Dutton ratio was winning again. So that’s good. I’m up over Dutton. So, like, I’m a Nazi and I’m ratioing the two top, like the prime minister and the next prime minister, within a few hours. And I do it all the time. We own Twitter! Like Nazis own Twitter. Like, we can rally more support behind a White nationalist message than they can behind their own fucking agenda. The political leaders of our own country. That’s significant! I know Twitter’s not everything, but it’s still the most important social media as far as political discourse goes, in the world.
So we’re absolutely fucking killing it across the board. People need to get more white pilled. Like, yes, we’ve got a long road ahead, but all the trends are moving in the right direction.
Another thing to take into consideration with all this as well, though, is that, yes, like, general public sentiment is moving in our direction. All the polls are showing that everyone’s against immigration. People are coming around on pro-White issues, particularly young people, particularly in Europe. But the same trends are happening here and in the United States. But additionally to all of those things, we don’t just need people to passively agree, because the majority of White people passively agree with soft core White nationalism already, according to political polling, not like the ideology of White nationalism. But if you broke it down, policy by policy.
What we don’t have, though, is a kind of robust willingness to fight in any way near large enough portion of the population. A commitment, an inspiration to actually do something. Just passively clicking the like button or agreeing to an opinion poll. It doesn’t count for much if your whole life is consumed by the footy and going to work and you don’t actually do anything politically.
So the next step is actually building a radical vanguard political force. And building that radical vanguard political force doesn’t need to be winning over 50% of the population. We need just a few percent of White people to get organised.
And then we can build a political movement that can contest for power. That’s literally all it is. I said this on Twitter, I believe, the other day. It words to the effect of:
“We’re not going to win by winning over 50% of people. That’s actually the last process. The way that we win is by radicalising, like, 3% of Whites into Nazis, organising them, just mogging all the other political forces in our country!”
And that’s how you win. You know, normies respect strength. They will come around when we are worthy of leading, but they’re there to be led. They’re not there to lead. But there is a small, you know, snapshot of the population, a few percentage points that have agency, that have dynamism, that will commit money, time, resources to the movement. And those people need to be won over and organised.
And that’s also another reason why we go with the optics that we go with, because what we go with appeals and inspires that spectrum. It isn’t designed for mass appeal, because we see mass appeal as being downstream of organisation. If you go to a mass appeal before you’re organised, you can get people to agree with opinions on opinion polls, but that doesn’t translate into political power. Like every European country, the super majority of the population is against mass immigration. Millions of migrants, pour into Europe every year. The same thing is true here. The same thing is true in North America. So opinion polls don’t mean shit! They mean something, but they don’t really. They don’t translate one to one to political power because democracy is fake. You need organised power! So it’s about how do you appeal to that radical demographic first and foremost to get that organised power?
And we’ve talked about on the show about how if we just organise 100,000 White nationalists in this country, and there already is more than 100,000 White Australians with White nationalist views, way more. If we just organise 100,000 of them. And they were all paying into the same pot. And they were all feeding money, manpower, resources into the same pot we could take over the country. We could compete with every other political party and dominate every other political party in this country with superior resources, enthusiasm, manpower, everything. We could beat them on all metrics.
Thomas Sewell: We’re already starting to beat them on many metrics. I mean, it’s all in the works, it’s all happening. So stay tuned. Get involved, support us how you can.
Joel Davis: Yeah, join the Org. And if you want to join the Org and you don’t know how, and you can’t figure out how, just literally DM me. You can DM me on Telegram, at Joel Davis. You can DM me on Twitter. Now, there’s also @NSN contact bot or @EAM contact bot on Telegram. You can DM them directly to get vetted.
But if you can’t figure that out, just DM me. Don’t sit on your hands and don’t join because you can’t figure it out. Or if you did try to get in contact and contact broke down, you established contact and then didn’t hear back because of some kind of clerical issue or whatever, just reach out and I’ll make sure that you get plugged in because we need all hands on deck.
Like, the way that this year is shaping up, it looks like we can pretty much double our membership over this calendar year. And if we keep doing that calendar year after calendar year, if we can maintain that growth, you know, we’re going to have serious manpower and resources very soon, and that’s going to keep exponentially developing, and we’re going to become a force that can consume Australian politics. We have ambitions to be full spectrum. We want to run candidates, we want to have really developed high quality media propaganda. We want to have people on a full-time payroll. We want to buy our businesses, we want to buy up land.
We want to be a serious, multifaceted political movement that can support a large activist cadre that can be fighting every day to a professional grade level for White Australia! No one else but us is serious about building this!
Thomas Sewell: Exactly!
Joel Davis: So unless you can go and figure out how to start your own organisation and get some momentum behind it, just fucking join us! The hardest thing is to get started. We’ve already got started. We’ve already established ourselves. You might not like everything 100%, but we’re the only fucking game in town in this respect. And there’s lots of like other things that you can do. Joining the Org is not for everyone. I understand that. But at least get, …
Thomas Sewell: There is a supporter class that we’re building up.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: The way this is working out is the leadership need to be freed up from being [word unclear]. So even if it’s just one or two days a week, I’ve already started by taking one day off a week. Ideally I’d have probably two or three days off a week, if there was some financial support.
So I want to build up a supporter class so that we can have cash flow as an organisation. We’re registering the organisation. We’re going to launch it initially as an incorporated society, but we’re going to look at, obviously trying to register it as a community group. I’m not sure the exact legalities of how a community group can then branch off as a political party. Political parties are usually run as their own incorporated organisations or corporations. But a political party is very, very downstream of having this infrastructure, this supporter infrastructure set up. We’re not going to be looking at a political party until we’ve got our HQ set up in every state. We need to have good land, like a decent amount of land near the cities, so that we can have our HQs, our gyms, our podcast rooms, our meeting spaces, so that we can host community meetings, so we can have our supporter class come and attend seminars, whether they be educational or for propaganda purposes. Host international guests, do national seminars. You know, the Marxists, for example, are currently ahead of us. They’re the extreme Left and we’re the so-called extreme Right. They’re currently ahead of us.
I mean, their organisations are already pulling in hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a year into their organisations through their own grassroots processes. And they host Marxism conferences every year where they educate a new class of Marxist leaders or cadre leaders every year. And they have guest speakers and they have a lot of support, obviously from a lot of different facets of the anti-White traitors in society and the browns. And we need to be countering this for every action as an equal and opposite reaction.
And as Whites, we need to counter the aggression from the Muslims, where they’re trying to build their lobbies. We need to counter the aggression of the Indians, where they’re subverting our government, counter the aggression of the jews, the communists, the Chinese. All of these groups are strengthening, they’re emboldening themselves. And we, as White people, need to do the same thing.
So I am going to set up that infrastructure very, very soon. I’m 100% serious on doing this. And then that will free up our time to then set up the next layers of infrastructure.
So if you’ve been a supporter of the show for a long time, if you’re a supporter of our organisation, if you love our activism but can’t be boots on the ground, for example, we are setting up the necessary supporters class, and we’re looking at things like a little pin, or a little badge so that you got a little memento of your support, or even a card carrying member, so to speak. A card carrying supporter, I should say, because membership is a different construct within our organisation. Membership for us is about our physical, the physical activity, the physical action. But supporter class, certainly.
Joel Davis: Also putting on events every so often, speaking events that you can attend that will be secured, and vetted and will cater them and drinks.
Thomas Sewell: Like, one of the things we were spitballing was the idea of a live Joel and Blair show where it’s catered, drinks, and maybe a bit more laid back, a different environment. So something like that, in part as a fundraiser, in part as obviously just important content to produce, and also a way to engage people in an in person audience, which just expands the whole operation.
Obviously, we want to build a studio. So once we’ve got land organised, we’re very close to a deposit on some land, and there’s a lot of people that have reached out. You know, organising all those people that have reached out is a big deal. It’s difficult to do because everyone that’s reached out to me to try and help get land, they’ve all come with their own set conditions, you know, which is understandable. If people are going to put a lot of money on the table, they’ve got their input as to what they want to do. So that’s a separate conversation.
And in doing that, once we’ve got land, we can set up a big gym. We can have a little bit of little granny flats for some of the serious guys and their families. And also we can set up things like a podcast studio, and even, like, function rooms for having these kind of live events. For the instances where we are big enough that we’re kicked out of little private venues.
Joel Davis: We also would like to do things like holding concerts or raves.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, stuff like that.
Joel Davis: Or like fight events. Maybe [word unclear] come in and we can get Tim Lutz a big fight against one of the top American fighters from the national scene over there or something. We could do some fun stuff.
Thomas Sewell: We’re networking with Patriot Front. We’re probably going to be sending fighters at some stage in the next twelve months to one of their events. And likewise that they’ve talked about coming to Australia. I think HT [Handsome Truth] has even talked about coming to Australia and running like a bit of a, … I’m sure him and Jacob will get along really well because they’re just professional trolls sometimes.
And yeah, so we’re also looking at doing a newsletter. So that’s a physical print and an email list. So if people got PO boxes, or a mailing address, we can send out a monthly or quarterly newsletter. That’ll be a nice printed newsletter that will have all the activism that we did. Write ups from myself and other leading members of the organisation. Kind of like a real physical thing so that you get it in the mail and really feel connected to what we’re doing. And yeah, be connected at a level rather than just watching us on a show. To actually have something physical in your home, when friends come over or family come over, you can show them:
“Oh, look, this is this group I support. This is what they’re doing.”
And you know, there’ll be all sorts of stuff in there won’t just be like pictures of Nazis and balaclavas. It’ll be like the Mums and Bubs Club, training events, like a vision of the future, what we’re trying to build, how we’re going to go about it. Something that’s a really good publication.
So again, that takes a lot of time, a lot of money. Well, not a lot of money, but a lot of time. It takes a lot of time and a little bit of money. And time itself is money. Like it requires people, you know, most of the leadership, except I think Jacob, are working full-time. So that that’s not long term successful strategy. You know, all these other groups and the Liberal Party and all these people, they’re professional, they’re 100%. Jacob’s the only one that’s ballsy enough to just not get a job and just., … And Joel as well, spends time not working so he can focus on his publications as well. So between Jacob and Joel, basically everyone else is working full-time. And it is a lot to manage.
Joel Davis: I keep being fired for being a Nazi! [laughing]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Well, that as well. I’ve had some moments of peace where I’ve been able to just focus on nationalism and not have to work, which is great, until eventually I run out of savings [chuckling] and I got to go back to work. But those moments are great when you get fired for being Nazi. But I’ve had stable employment for three years now.
So, yeah, it’s just about working out how to make this a form of employment. Not five days a week, but maybe one or two days a week support from the community.
So that’s what we’re working towards, you know, us. Like I’ve been doing this for a long time. We’re doing this ten years or so. we have never been once, been accused of being grifters. We’ve always been open and transparent with money.
There’s been that fucking horrible circumstance with that little rat, Mehdi who poached people. He didn’t he didn’t steal money from us. He stole money from supporters. He poached supporters.
Joel Davis: He defrauded them!
Joel Davis: He defrauded supporters, …
Joel Davis: He sai it was on our behalf.
Thomas Sewell: But, yeah, he went out. So that’s obviously, that’s a learning curve as well for the community and for us to not trust any random individual. Not random individual, but any person. Just because they’re face doxed or just because they’re known to be associated with the movement doesn’t mean that they raise money for us. We have official channels for everything, so all of this is going to be run through these official channels. We’ve never been grifty. We’ve never sold merchant. We’ve never done any of these things to our own dismay, like honest to a fault, in the sense that we haven’t shilled enough. And now we’re moving into a new mode. We’re moving into a new stage where I hate asking for money, but it is a necessity for us to move and grow and evolve to the next stage. We do need to have a cash flow. That’s more than just the activists.
You know, I think it’s unfair, and I spoke to the activists about this. I think it’s unfair that the activists do all the physical training. So they’re fit young guys. They’re solid. They come to all the training sessions. The weekend training sessions are massive now. It’s like three football teams at the moment here in Melbourne. Like, we used to be called a football team. People were like:
“Are you guys a football team?”
I’m like:
“No, we’re not that good at football!”
And then now it’s like, we can’t even be disguised as a football team anymore because it’s like three football teams, four football teams worth of guys. And, it’s just incredible!
And then on top of that, they’re doing all the activism, or at least, you know, two thirds, three quarters are doing the activism.
And then on top of that, they’re paying $50 a month to help support the movement. And that’s not going into anyone’s, you know, that’s not going into any leaders or anything like that they pocket. That’s just being pulled to help with the property thing.
But I think it’s unfair that they’re lifting all the heavy weight, literally and politically. And what we want to see is people from the community. And obviously, we’ve had a lot of people reach out to us. We just want to set up that infrastructure. So, as you can tell, I’m very tired. I’ve got to go to work, unfortunately. I’m going to be up at 5:45 to go, you know, screw on a roof! And, yeah, I’m hoping to not have to do that in five years time. I enjoy being a tradesman. I do really enjoy it, but it’s not something I want to do long term with my life. I like building things with my hands. But what I want to do is develop a state, a White state!
What I want to develop is a future for White people! That’s my main goal, not putting roofs on people’s houses.
And Joel, likewise, you know what I mean? Like, both of us are very serious about nationalism. We’ve been very committed for a long time, and this is a call to action for a supporter class. We need to build a supporter class.
Joel Davis: And we will need to get out shit together to actually, … Because people are always messaging me:
“How can I give you guys money? How can I give you guys money?”
And I’m just like:
“Well, it’s actually complicated to set it up so that it’s the correct legal structure, [word unclear] we get from a lot of things.”
So we’re working on it right now. We will have it established soon. Yeah, I mean, I do appreciate people sending me Superchats, but that’s just a little bit of cheese.
But, yeah, we want to have a kind of committed, structured way that you can go into an Org, not going to any one individual, but going to a legal organisation. So then there’s also there could be transparency of accounts if you’re a member of the organisation. And that it can have oversight by multiple people. And it all is accounted for. And also we need that for legal purposes.
Thomas Sewell: You know, it’s for taxation. That’s how they’ll fuck you! It’s on taxation. They’re trying to fuck me for tax at the moment because I’m a sole contractor.
So I have to sort out my tax bill. I don’t want to attach the movement to my tax Bill I mean, it’s better to set up an official organisation, like a lot of other organisations that are incorporated societies. So that’s the bare minimum that needs to happen.
What else? Yeah, I think that’s everything. I think we’ve covered everything about where we’re going as an organisation, what we’re trying to produce. Like NSN and EAM, for example, they’re not registered organisations. Lads Society was, and we had a bank account and we had a structure and we had supporters and members paying. We had a subpayment company, whatever you would call that, a payment processing company that would do an auto transfer. I think it was, some people, it was $20 a month or $20 a fortnight or something, and other people was $50 a month or $50 a fortnight, depending on what level of support you wanted to give us.
And we would do something similar with White Australia, with setting up a White Australian community group. We would officialise it. We would have have a bank account for it. We would have a payment processor. And if anyone wants to pay cash, we have a PO box for that. And if anyone would want to, in order to be more anonymous, and obviously we need to set up the infrastructure for the Monero. We do have a Monero account, but I can’t go into too much detail with it. We’re having an issue with the police putting pressure, the State Department and the police are putting pressure on our crypto-currency situation.
So we will reset up our crypto-currency stuff. But the government has actually been trying really hard to stop us from getting crypto because they don’t know how much money we’re getting in crypto, and they want to know how much money we’re getting in crypto. So they’re trying to put pressure on people. So we need to basically get a bulletproof way of doing that.
Joel Davis: I don’t know, convert it into hard cash and spend it. It would be a reporting process, but, …
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I don’t really know anything about crypto, personally.
So it’s not something I’m going to be personally involved in. But we have, in the past, had a Monero. That’s how we paid for my legal fees. So Monero, I think it was called, and of the I think 30 or $40,000 that was raised, a big chunk of that. I think almost 10,000 that was raised through Monero. So that’s very important. Yeah, crypto.
But for most people, the supporters, we would have to set up a system where it was a it would be like a direct debit, the same way you pay for a gym membership, the same way you pay for Netflix, the same way you pay for a lot of the things that you pay for. It would be like a subscription thing like that. I think it’s like there’d be like a dollar or two transaction fee on it.
So if you’re putting $50 a month, you might be putting $51 or $52 a month into White Australia, and $2 would be going to the payment processor.
So that’s what it would look like. That’s how it would be structured. And that would also allow for international support as well. So I’ll leave it there.
Joel Davis: Yeah, we got to look up all the rules and everything. That’s why it’s taking a little bit of time. So bear with us. We’re going to dot all our T’s, cross our I’s to make sure we’ve checked all the relevant legislation and gotten the right kind of consultancy from people with accounting knowledge. When we have a fully formed plan, we don’t want to half arse it and then end up doing something that can get us fucked on, like tax issues or some other kind of legal red tape. Because that’s what they do.
Thomas Sewell: That’s what the system does. They do lawfare. Any organisation that goes from one stage to the next, that’s where they try to hit you. And what they do, the worst part is all your hard work. Then what they try to do is they try to confiscate your property, they try to sue you, or they try to prosecute you in a way that they can take your assets. They come for your assets. And that’s what happened.
National Alliance* in the US had to fight many lawsuits because they’ve got assets. They’ve got what we’re trying to work towards as our sort of HQ, as a headquarters for our political movement in every state. They’ve got one. I can’t remember the name of the state, but actually I think they’ve got two headquarters. But there’s actually a movie coming out which might mention William Luther Pierce and National Alliance. I think it’s called The Order. And I saw the trailer for it recently. It looks pretty good.
[* The National Alliance was a White nationalist political organisation founded by William Luther Pierce in 1974 and based in Mill Point, West Virginia. Membership in 2002 was estimated at 2, 500 with an annual income of $1 million. Membership declined after Pierce’s death in 2002, and after a split in its ranks in 2005, became largely defunct. Wikipedia]
And I think they actually covered that a little bit. Not the legal struggle that came later, but because The Order movie, I think, is about the 1970s. Robert Matthews. But they did come up, William Luther Pierce, later to try to come for his assets. They had a nickname for their headquarters. I can’t what it was called, but it’s probably called “The Farm” or something like that they had a beautiful building on a beautiful acreage. And that’s where his office was. That’s where he created all his publications, all his radio broadcasts.
So we’re doing a very similar thing to that, but we’re just doing it in the 21st century.
But I think we’ve got a lot more organic support. And he is a very intelligent man. He left us a huge legacy. William Luther Pierce, if you don’t know who that is, you should research him, because he’s one of the greatest White nationalists since Hitler. He would be in like the he’s in like those kind of post disciple periods with like, George Lincoln Rockwell and characters like that. They’re probably the two most influential post Hitlerian National Socialist ideologues, in my opinion, for me personally, for my development.
And, yeah, I’ll leave it that. I’ll leave it at that. But we’re going to graduate to the next stage where we’re going to have 100 man march very soon, within the next couple months. There’s going to be a 100 man march, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you think about how much pressure we’ve been under and how much the state has tried to smash us and squash us, and the sacrifice that men have had to go through in order to march with us, it’s actually more impressive than you think. When cowardice is so limited, sorry, when courage is so limited, and cowardice is everywhere in our society, to get 100 men to march for a true ideal, a true ideal with the ultimate system pressure on you, that’s difficult! And we’re going to get there, and it’s not long after that, I’m sure there’ll be a 200 man march.
So get involved. I’m telling you, there is a physical momentum on the ground and the boys need help, I’ll tell you that. The boys need help. We’ve got two different classes of membership in terms of seniority. Guys have been around for a really long time, and guys have been involved for maybe a year or so and we’re working them hard. Like they’ve done a lot of activism. There’s a lot more activism on the cards. There’s a lot more publications coming up.
Joel Davis: At least in Melbourne.
Thomas Sewell: Well, yeah, in Melbourne at least. Yeah. But South Australia, …
Joel Davis: The rest of the country, I mean, Adelaide is quite an active chapter. The rest of the country, you probably don’t see as much activism from the rest of them. Basically all of those chapters have had to be reconstituted almost from scratch over the past twelve to 18 months, frankly.
And so, yeah, they’ve been getting built up more. And we have regional chapters as well.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, we’ve actually been left alone in Victoria. So we’ve surprisingly for the past twelve months, … Because I think we’re tied up in the courts with Jacob, with Ethan, with Nathan and with Mikkel, because we’re tied up in the courts with these nonsense charges for throwing the Roman salute or being offensive to the public. I feel like that’s one of the reasons why the police are leaving us alone. They’ve already got ongoing court cases against us. So they’re leaving us alone.
Whereas the other states have had a few guys. I just want to make it very clear to people, we’ve got a great state, actually. Riverina, our Riverina state, our Riverina branch. We’ve got over a dozen guys in Riverina, almost two dozen. And they’re growing rapidly. They’re encompassing a few other towns. Wagga. We’re building a chapter in Canberra as well. We really are building networks between Melbourne and Sydney. We’ve got a huge chapter growing in far north Queensland as well. Huge for far north Queensland because it’s a very remote place. WA [Western Australia] as like tripled in size this year. So WA is the fastest growing state at the moment. They’ll plateau out. Well, not plateau, but they’ll get with the rest of the program, I think. I don’t think they’re going to see this mass growth, like they’re going to triple over the next six months again.
I mean, if they do, I’ll be very impressed. I’ll be very happy. Never say never, but yeah, we’ve got massive growth across the organisation at the moment. It’s incredible! And that’s a lot of the free time, a lot of the when I’m not at work and not training, that’s what it’s kind of bogged down in managing all that. So I do need to free up myself. But Riverina really has stood out as it’s the newest chapter that we have, and they’ve done a lot of activism in the last three months. They’ve been working really hard and they’ve been working closely with us as well in Victoria, because, you know, half of them are in Victoria, half of, its sort of like our borderlands chapter, so to speak.
So two of the, two of our guys are actually in Corowa, for example, and a whole bunch of, within probably less than half an hour, maybe 45 minutes of Corowa. So when they say “these are all out-of-towners”, that’s not true. You know, when they’re talking about this rally we have guys everywhere. But a lot of the small country towns, we’ve only got maybe one guy in per country town. So if you’re rural, get involved because you don’t know. You could be the only guy. There could be two guys already. You don’t know. But we can’t grow that chapter without that first person. So it’s important.
Joel Davis: It’s kind of crazy how spread out we are. You would think we would be more concentrated, but I guess that’s the nature of us being a largely online movement that kind of promotes ourselves through mass media attention and social media. But that’s a great thing because it means we have, like a skeleton laid out over the whole country now that can be built upon. So no matter where you are in the country, there’s probably someone near you that we already have, like, kind of vetted and recruited into the organisation that you can link up with and, yeah, we will only go upwards from here. I foresee just constant growth because we only have momentum. We’re only going to keep developing our presence online, developing our public profile, and continuing. I think our activist ideas have been very creative, and a lot of the other states are untapped potential. Like, when they start cooking, because Melbourne is the most legacy chapter.
Thomas Sewell: We’re the cook master! Yeah, we’re the cook master legacy. We’re always cooking!
Joel Davis: The legacy chapters, veterans. And they kind of the main characters. But once these other chapters start cultivating more experience, …
Thomas Sewell: But they’re growing. They’re getting a lot of recruitment.
Joel Davis: They’re getting a lot of numbers. I feel very, very positive about the future and, yeah, just fucking get involved.
Thomas Sewell: Overall, it’s been a massive white pill! The last two, three weeks. We said this on the show about two months ago, but it’s like, the white pills are just compounding. It is like a momentum. There’s an inertia for the white pills, and we’re really on the precipice of something great here.
Next year. I can’t imagine what next year is going to be. Next year. Yeah. It’s just going to be incredible to think where we started at this year and to think how much progress we’ve had.
That’s another thing. I’ll finish on this. We’re not just going to do a publication for a physical newsletter, like a monthly report, like an action report every month of everything that we did and all the meetings and all the activism and all the training and the mums and bubs did this, sewing club or something. We’re not just going to do that every month, but we’re also going to do a yearbook, kind of like how you have a high school yearbook. We’re going to do, like a yearbook. I had one from when I was in the army, and it was just great! It was brilliant! It showed like, this is what this company did. This is what that company did. It was like a battalion yearbook.
And I’m kind of stealing that idea. I’ve been reading through my old army yearbook, and it was just brilliant!
I actually read through my old high school yearbook as well, and it was kind of boring. But, it’s high school. It is what it is. But it showed all the different departments. It showed all the different things that we did through that year in high school and where the school was going, and there was like, a letter from the principal and it was good. It’s a really good publication to have something like a physical copy like that, like a year in nationalism, 2024. That’s what we’re looking at producing as well. It probably won’t happen till December at the absolute earliest, but most likely it’d be like January or February. So it’ll be for the previous year. It’ll be like it would be cooked past its date, but it’ll still be worth having.
And that’s something that we can sell or something that we can give for the supporter class as well. Something that’s part of the sign up, I’ve been a supporter. So that’s going to be awesome as well. And that will show you, like, how much we did in a year.
And this is what I was thinking about in the car on the way home from work today was I was just thinking about how fast time goes. I was thinking how, like, little time we have on earth. Like, I’m 32 next year. I almost got a two year old. It felt just like two months ago, like, Luna was born and already she’s like, almost two. And I got another kid on the way. And I started my first in real life meetup in nationalism was ten years ago!
And it’s like, where’s the ten years gone? It’s just, it just goes so fast!
And to think of how much we’re packing into a year, we’ve got a weekly and fortnightly and monthly roster where we’re, like, packing in this training event, this activism, and like, we’re cooking! We’ve got so much going on, so much on the cards, and you see all the content we’re pumping out. I guess your newsfeed, there’s so much information. Maybe you don’t see how much we just as an organisation, are producing, but it’s just constant work. The boys are just putting in constant work.
And to think that it’s that culmination of all that constant work over the next two, three decades of that’s going to save this country. It’s just a culmination. It’s just that on just a greater scale, a greater frequency, a greater repetition.
And it’s that work that’s going to save this country!
And so it’d be good to be able to show that to everyone. And the importance of getting involved in making these years count. If you miss 2024, you missed 2023 or you missed 2022 nationalism. Make sure you’re there in the yearbook for 2025. Make sure then. And you can show your grandkids:
“Yeah, that’s when I got involved. This is what we were doing. This is how we started. This is how small we were back in 2025.”
Because what we’re creating is going to be so massive! It’s going to be so incredible, and I can feel it, I can feel the energy. So blood and honour! Hail Hitler! Have a nice night. Good night.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Anyway, so I was going to go through a couple of these news articles, and then I got to go through the Superchats.
So anyway, here, this news article is pretty fucked! This fucking negro bitch bashed this autistic 14 year old White girl. I think this is Frankston Pier. It’s somewhere in southeast Melbourne, in that area. I remember this video at the time, and they just beat the crap out of this poor girl and yeah, only six months. So they’re saying twelve months for Jacob Hersant for throwing a Roman salute. They want to give only six months for beating the out of a defenseless teenage girl. I hate them so much. I really do! Hate is justified.
Also, another Noticer news article this. Look at this fucking jeet!:
“Indian driving assessor fined six grand for groping three women during their tests.”
Why is he not going to jail? Six grand?:
“An Indian driving assessor has resigned from his position as a Perth local councillor.”
So he’s on local government:
“After being convicted of groping three women while they were taking their driving tests in a car with him. Tamak Vijay was on Monday found guilty of three counts of indecent assault in Perth Magistrates Court and fined six grand. But the city of Belmont found there were no grounds for his disqualification since he had not committed a serious local government offence or an offence carrying a penalty of more than five years jail.”
He wasn’t even, like, stepped out yet to resign, but he couldn’t actually be fired. Why is this guy not in fucking prison?
So you can grope girls and not go to prison, but you can’t throw a Roman salute? I mean, this is the state of justice in this fucking country!:
“Vijay’s Lawyer told the court the trial was very traumatic for him, and he was unlikely to work as a driving assessor again.”
Good! Like, he should be banned from ever being around vulnerable people. He should be in fucking prison. I mean, realistically, worse than prison. Realistically:
“Magistrate Andrew Matthews.”
This fucking cucked piece of shit!:
“Who described the offences as a clear breach of trust, refused the application, saying, Vijay would have to put the offending behind you and move on with his life.”
No, he needs to go to prison:
“First victim told the court, Vijay, squeeze her upper thigh for 6 seconds. The second testified that Vijay groped her at least three times. And the third made similar claims.”
You know, I ran into a mate of mine the other night. I was out in Richmond, actually, having a drink. And I ran into a buddy of mine who’s also our guy. He’s also a White nationalist. And he was with this young girl, and I never met her before. I think he said they’d only been dating for a few weeks and I said:
“Oh, so who’s this new girlfriend?”
And he said:
And so she introduced herself. And I got introduced as a Nazi. And I was like:
“Oh, so what do you think about that? Like your boyfriend’s a Nazi, I’m a Nazi. You know, what’s your perspective?”
And she said that she was a Lefty. She said she was a feminist. And I started saying to her, I said:
“Listen, like if you’re really worried about violence against women and women’s rights and this kind of thing, you don’t want a bunch of fucking brown people coming into the country! You think fucking Indians give a shit about women’s rights? You think fucking Muslims give a shit about women’s rights? I think these fucking islanders give a shit! Do you think they respect women? You know, who the fuck is doing the raping? These negroes they’re bringing in from Africa. Who do you think’s doing the raping? Who do you think’s doing the beating?”
So I said:
“Listen, like you might think I’m a fucking misogynist. I’m an asshole! I’m your best fucking friend, okay? So get with the fucking program!”
And she was listening, you know, she seemed to really be taking it in. So, I don’t know. We need to start to embed this into these young White women. Like, who the fuck do you think is gonna protect you if not us? No one.
And then the system tries to make out like we’re the fucking enemy. Who’s the enemy? These fucking pajeet scum! These brown scum, these predators! They shouldn’t even fucking be in our country, and we’re the only ones that are going to stand up and fucking kick them out. So get in line women, behind the men that are actually going to fucking protect you. Like the stupidity of feminism! Feminism is supposed to be a movement around protecting women, but it’s a movement that’s directed against the very people who are going to fucking protect you! It’s fucking retarded!
“Pacific Islander fruit picker accused of abducting and raping a woman in country Victoria.”
Tom was speaking about this happens up in Shepparton.
So this is what happened. So this is like, we protested in Corowa because this process is just beginning. And as Tom said, Shepparton is a place where they’ve been bringing in import labour to do fruit picking and work on other kind of tomato farms and shit like that for a long time. So Shepparton has a lot of non-Whites in it. It’s a country town, northern Victoria, about 3 hours or so drive from Melbourne, 3 and a half hours.
And anyway, this is what happens when you start having all these immigrant workers come into your town. Eventually, as Tom said, this woman, she went out drinking. She was supposed to go out drinking. I think she got a little bit too wasted at pre-drinks. So:
“Police alleged the accused, who was on a bridging visa, spotted the unconscious woman on the nature strip outside her home where her friends had left her just before the eleven. Just before 11:00 pm after a night of drinking on August 10 and allegedly put her in his car, the Herald Sun reported. He then allegedly drove her to a remote location and raped her, leaving her in the car when its battery died. She was found in an extreme state of distress at 01:00 am. And told nurses at Goulburn Valley Health he had been raped and her underwear was gone. The court heard that DNA from the rape test kit found sperm with a billion times likelihood of being from the same person who left DNA in the silver Toyota Camry driven by Bulememe on the night of the alleged attack. Sperm sample has yet to be taken from Bulememe.”
So I guess they’ll find out objectively whether it was this guy or somebody else when they do the testing. Presumably they have the right guy, but maybe they have the wrong guy, but it’s irrelevant.
The point is that some fucking Vietnamese. Oh, sorry, not Vietnamese. Some Vanuatuan fruit picker fucking did this shit! And this is exactly what I’m fucking saying. You know, who’s gonna, … Fucking people say that I’m apparently a misogynist because I’m not a feminist I’m the only fucking defense you have, ladies, against this kind of shit! You know, I mean, I wonder what the fucking friends are doing. Like leaving your friend passed out drunk at the front of your house and just going off out. Like someone should have dragged her inside. But the thing is, if you have a homogenous White society, you can just leave them passed out at the front and they’ll be fine.
Like, when I was a kid and that kind of shit happened when we were teenagers. Someone would get wasted or whatever, leave them passed out on the side of the road somewhere, it wasn’t actually that big of a fucking deal! Because we lived in safe communities, or at least I mostly did when I was growing up. Not the fucking case anymore! It’s the point now, you can’t let your missus catch a fucking Uber. You can’t let them go take a driving lesson. You can’t leave a woman unattended almost in public at this point because of the level of sexual predation from these fucking non-White scum! I mean, we don’t live in a fucking society anymore.
Another story is, … Yeah, I talked about this story already. Obviously, the statistics came out today about the birth rate falling lower in Australia, but that was actually covered recently well, by Andrew Bolt in the clip that I played earlier.
Anyway, I’m gonna get onto the Superchats and we’ll end the stream. Fellow Comrade. He said:
“The yearbook will have a special award section with a vague image of Mickle smiling to the camera from the back of a van LA MAU.”
Yeah, that was quite funny in Brisbane, when he got arrested. He took that like a champ, trolling all the way to the police station. I’m gonna go through some of these Odysee Superchats. So Moon Man said:
“We will win.”
And threw a Roman. Correct. Moonman also said:
“What are your thoughts on crypto and in general regarding donations?”
I guess we already covered that.
So if you didn’t catch that section, maybe scroll back or maybe you sent that before we covered it. Mike Lindell’s Crack Pipe [chuckling] said:
“Little support from the States.”
I appreciate it. GoyBoy1488 said:
“Can Americans join the support class? I want an “unlimited vrill” pin.”
We will look into the legality of how to go about that with international supporters, and we will let you know. When we have a fully formed plan, as I said we will publish it. Until then, just bear with us. I guess it’s a good problem to have where people are begging to give you money and we’re like, just wait! But we’re working on. We’re making sure that when we have everything organised so that we can release something, as we said earlier, and it’s all ready to go and it will be like, legal, and it won’t run us into any issues. Goyboy1488 also said Tom’s speech, which is obviously referring to the Corowa speech, which, as I said you can go in The Noticer dot news article. You can find it embedded there. And also on The Notice’s Twitter and Telegram page. He said:
“Tom’s speech reminded me of George Lincoln Rockwell’s. ‘Once you notice the truth, you can never return to a lie’ speech. Was that intentional? Great work, lads!”
Unfortunately, Tom had to go to bed because he’s got to be up at 05:00 in the morning to go hammer in roofs. But I know Tom takes a lot of inspiration from GLR, so it’s quite possible. Patton Was Right said:
“Fire takes as always boys. Keep up the good work. Ail!”
And Operation Werewolf said:
“Catch you guys in the replay.”
Now on Entropy, I got Gump said:
“A subscription fee for the rise of White power. Hail victory!”
Based Henry George said:
“Just want to support your work.”
And Benson, Benson said:
“What is your full evaluation about the lack of Whites in engineering and Medicine? What is the solution and consequences? And good luck to Jacob. Pass on the goodwill to Jacob.”
Jacob actually was on Mark Collett’s show this morning, Australian time, last night, British time. So go and check that out if you’re interested. It was an interesting stream.
[See: Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript]
But as for the lack of Whites in engineering and Medicine, I think young White men are just becoming very alienated in general, socially alienated. And going through the bureaucratic procedure of education is becoming increasingly demoralizing due to the egregious hard Left-wing bias of these institutions. And also, I think it’s just a general demoralisation at the state of society.
And so these well trodden paths that a middle class, enterprising young White individual with good grades, with good parents and family support at a time when that was a career path that would set you up to be able to have a good middle class existence for your young White family and so on, that life trajectory has been attacked from all Angles. So I think that’s basically the reason. I don’t actually know the statistics on that particular issue, but I trust you that they are negative.
Adolf Caesar said:
“White fucking power is going to go and lift heavy circles. All White nationalists should too.”
Cheers, man. Now Skinhead Friend said:
“Blood and honour.”
Southern Fried33, said:
“Very keen to fund the Org.”
And he also said:
“Hit the like button.”
Yeah, like and retweet the stream if you’re on Twitter. And hit the like button if you’re watching on Rumble or Odysee, I do appreciate it. It does help the algorithm. It does help spread the show.
Also, if you’re on Twitter, I will reiterate, I did retweet it. My response to Peter Dutton, I’m still beating him slightly in the ratio, but it’s like I’m 1.4k. He’s 1.3k on his likes. He’s going to keep accumulating likes, you know, JIDF have got the bots turned on to boost his tweet. [chuckling] So I need my Aryan brothers and sisters to help me on this one because it’s just spiritually important. I know, it’s something kind of childish, you could say:
“Oh, you got more likes in the replies than Peter Dutton. It’s childish!”
But it’s any little tiny victory that we can take, I’m fucking taking it at this point. Like, fuck it! If there’s any kind of opportunity open to take a swing at, you know what is going to be the future prime minister of this country, one of the rank traitors that need to be swatted out of the way for the salvation of this country, I’ll fucking take it! That’s why I relentlessly attack these people on Twitter. And I know that they see it. I know their staffers see it, I know it demoralises them and it’s great! Fuck them! And it does add legitimacy to us and to our narratives. Leftists see that and they’re like:
“What the fuck!”
And more importantly, conservatives see that and they hit the like button, too. And they agree with the sentiment because, monkey brain, they just see this social cache behind that viewpoint.
And it’s very important that we teach conservatives to not just react, to, not just kind of defend these conservative politicians from attacks from the Left and get into this false dichotomy of mainstream politics, but to hear the attacks from the Right and realise that the attacks from the Right are reasonable and make a lot more sense than what they’re hearing from conservative politicians.
What else have we got here? Anglo Celt said:
“Yesterday at work I saw a Woolworths delivery truck with an Indian and two South Asians on it. The slackers don’t think twice. But subversion like this is glaring to me. Keep up the good fight.”
Yeah, I mean, every time I see an Indian in public I cringe! Like I’ve said before, every time I have to look at an Indian, it’s the same feeling as when I see a cockroach running around in my house. I have the same impulse of what to do about it as well. Fellow Comrade said:
“God bless our grandmas!”
Very true. And Ghost Dog Man said:
“Is this the best way to donate? I know YouTube and Rumble takes out too much.”
Well, you said that on Rumble, so I don’t know. I don’t actually know who takes out more, Rumble or Odysee or Entropy. It doesn’t really fucking matter, man. Just whatever you want to do.
I think that’s all the Superchats for the evening. I will just check. I believe that it is so anyway, thanks for supporting the show, as usual. And please share the stream like and repost the stream.
As I said at the beginning, maybe you missed it if you tuned in, but after the beginning. Blair is on a mission! We’ve sent him on a mission, a diplomatic mission. It’s a secret mission! But you will find out in due course where he is and what he’s up to. It’s for a good cause. It’s for a good reason. And he will report back when he returns. And there’ll be a lot of interesting discussion about Blair’s current mission. So he’s not here for good reason. He’s occupied, he’s busy.
But we’ll be back next week. Also keep an eye out. I am going to have an opinion piece published very soon in The Noticer. It’s a topic that we’ll probably discuss in a little bit more depth next stream, that I think is kind of important for the Australian Right to think about tactically and strategically. And kind of getting at what I was saying before about how this movement, we need to kind of work as a unit. We need to kind of lower infighting to the greatest possible extent and mutually support one another behind the scenes and not take shots at each other in public as well, to mutually advance the cause of White Australia. I think I’ve really tried since I started, really insinuating myself in the Australian nationalist scene to break infighting down to the greatest extent possible. And I’ve been somewhat successful in doing this.
And I think the nationalist movement from two years ago to now, it’s night and day. We’re way more effective. A lot of good young talent has started coming in online, coming in on the activist space, is moving in kind of all domains. The scene is got momentum. It’s growing. So I feel very positive about the state of Australian nationalism. It’s nowhere near where it should be, but from where it was two years ago to now, or even one year ago to now, there’s been a marked improvement in this positive momentum in all respects.
So we need to maintain that positive mindset and we need to believe in the movement, we need to believe in our power. A lot of what I say, it’s true white pills. I don’t bullshit you! But I emphasise the points whether it be statistics, whether it be studies, whether it be just like observations, accountings, that this situation is within our power to solve as White Australians and as White people globally, as the White race. We can fix this. We can win!
And I believe we will prevail ultimately. It’s simply a matter of willpower, an organisation. That’s literally all it is if we can pull in the same direction with the correct mentality, and rather than in this kind of eternal analysis, paralysis and criticising each other, if we direct our energy at attacking the enemy and productive activity and actually doing something of use and working together, we will continue growing at lightning speed, at exponential speed, and we will very quickly become a large and powerful political faction within this country. And now is our time.
Like it is existentially necessary that White Australians, and that the White race in general, develops political self defense. Because right now we are politically defenseless, effectively, against a hostile regime and a hostile system in general that is trying to genocide us! And the truth is completely on our side. Our enemies are unsophisticated. Their rhetoric is illogical. We can destroy it. Our propaganda, our rhetoric is far superior to theirs. Our worldview has far more truth behind it. And we have so much more power latent that we can activate than what our enemies ultimately have.
Because at the end of the day, the White race has way more manpower and way more resources than every other element in our society combined. We can overpower all of them so long as we get organised and fucking fight back. So we must have faith in the movement! You must avoid being black pilled! You must stay the path and figure out, figure out whatever the fuck you can do to help and just fucking do it! Slot in!
And we’re going to be working to try and create, make it easier for people who aren’t, that have different kind of roles in the movement to have guidance and assistance, to slot in that they can’t do exactly what we’re doing. And we will develop that over time. But just at the very least, stay in touch online, keep pushing the narrative online, keep helping us to create that grassroots promotion online, at the very least, bare minimum. And spread The Noticer with your friends, spread the other good propagandist with your friends, spread our show with your friends and family. If everyone chips in and does their little bit small financial contribution, small time contribution to productive propagandistic development the movement will keep growing because there’s just inherent truth and value in what we’re saying. Like, it sells itself. It just needs to be presented. There just needs to be the basic willpower to fucking push fucking forward. It’s got to keep pushing forward!
So anyway, that’s my fucking pep talk or whatever. I hope you enjoyed the show. And there’s a lot of interesting shit that we have planned over the next week, so keep an eye out on social media for all of that, and we’ll see you next time. And I’ll let you know. I’m going to do something. I’ll be like, I might jump on a Twitter space. I might do another stream, I don’t know, over the next few days. I’ll let you guys know, but in the meantime, we’re done. White fucking power! We’ll see you next time.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 10/18/2024 = 338)
HyperChat min: 100
1 hour ago
Your current haircut suits you, Joel. Go neat…not scruffy.
58 minutes ago
“They rallied and chanted in front of children” Said the outraged pedophiles.
3 hours ago(edited)
Liberal Democracy has been and we always be controlled by capitalists, and all capitalists are either Jewish or subservient supporters of the Jews. Adolf Hitler was able to take power in the Weimar Republic because it was a humiliated and unpopular republic full of nationalistic proud Germans. The result of the Second World War was the total ban on National Socialism. But ultimately, the real problem isn’t that Jews are so racist and dominant. The real problem is that Aryans are not racist and will therefore never be dominant. In short, Whites are too nice to survive. The only hope is that Whites somehow stop being nice and start being racist.
12 hours ago
I think im the only person other than one other guy who’s been at every rally this year
12 hours ago
Show your face, or you are probably jsut trolling
12 hours ago
I do shit irl what are you talking about
12 hours ago
Okay, good night, boys. Joel’s closing words are very nice. Stay White pilled.
12 hours ago
I like Joel, but he should be more upfront and do shit IRL
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
streeters love to rape
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
I was almost murdered by a pack of spooks. Maybe if we read them Mein Kampf it wouldn’t have happened.
13 hours ago
bobs and vagine
13 hours ago
Little support from the states.
13 hours ago
I hate it when white men are building houses for migrants
9 minutes ago
glory to the NSN
Poor Richards Roadhouse
9 hours ago
Mornin’ y’all o/ … well it’s early in Colorado
12 hours ago
IDK when my next one will be, but Callaghans stream will be tomorrow 8pm my time, (6pm Sydney)
12 hours ago
Your stream when?
12 hours ago
I didn’t mean to bother you
12 hours ago
12 hours ago
That other guy said trolling is cool
12 hours ago
sometimes I wear the balaclava due to org policy but in Brisbane and in Corowa I had my face out on the march and I lead the Fuck Off We’re Full Rally myself with my face out
12 hours ago
you can get involved in Qld. do some IRL
12 hours ago
Qld and WA is more based than Vic and NSW
12 hours ago
r you in Queensland, mate?
12 hours ago
The fuck dude
12 hours ago
Where now?
12 hours ago
12 hours ago
12 hours ago
Patton Was Right
12 hours ago
12 hours ago
12 hours ago
Preferably at least some parts of US can start,
12 hours ago
o/ chat and Joel
12 hours ago
awesome show as usual \o
12 hours ago
When Australia frees itself free USA next
12 hours ago
Is this Joel’s closing monologue?
12 hours ago
Awesome show, thanks guys. WFP o/
Walther Mauser
12 hours ago
Thanks \o
Patton Was Right
12 hours ago
12 hours ago
thanks for the show o/
12 hours ago
rumble is the worst, they dont even pay out sometimes
12 hours ago
yeah 100% pajeets are everywhere in logistics
12 hours ago
You got it Joel, not hard to retweet
12 hours ago
14 from bonnie scotland lads
12 hours ago
yeah he was
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
GLR was right
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
The amount of bottled water I’ve given to paros, it’s always appreciated
13 hours ago
people drinking until wasted in itself is a problem
13 hours ago
that too
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
breads and circuses chat
13 hours ago
money keeps our people cucked to the jew
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
100% moonman
Adult White Female – WPW
13 hours ago
sometimes an advert poster will do
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
hang him..
13 hours ago
great minds
13 hours ago
good friends
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
what great friends smh
13 hours ago
unreported of course
13 hours ago
Happens in NZ all the time
Adult White Female – WPW
13 hours ago
and the protection goes beyond just ‘the physical’
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
Soon our rivers will resemble the Ganges
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
I love the creek and the street ers ruined it
13 hours ago
how can multiculti bullshit solve the multiculti problem, being a civnats is ridiculous
13 hours ago
creek shitters
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
monitor lizard. anything with a heartbeat
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
men, women, children, animals
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
Adult White Female – WPW
13 hours ago
‘fruit picker’ lol
13 hours ago
civnats are retards
13 hours ago
Definitely not vote harder. Orgs need to be more fed proof, dox proof, jew proof. I don’t trust easy
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
oh right yeah i forgot lol
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
The civnats would say that I have a victim complex
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
let’ssss gooo o/.
13 hours ago
LMFAO they only attack white men, accusing white men of non white male crimes
13 hours ago
lmfao!! o/
Adult White Female – WPW
13 hours ago
Americans tend to have brass necks and blinders but those are rapidly falling away. PF and club numbers are growing, BS sniffers are reactivating and people are hungry for solutions – many are realizing the solution isnt “voote harder”
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
where are the feminists?
13 hours ago
they’re wild animals. Like african wild animals
13 hours ago
but honestly I’m done with the drama, I’m just gonna focus on pushing a pro-white message rather than flaws in certain personalities
13 hours ago
Hate is a strength
13 hours ago
animals are better
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
they’re animals
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
look at that filthy nigger!
13 hours ago
ok in that particular case I agree
13 hours ago
I wouldn’t say calling out jewish funding a witch hunt
13 hours ago
right now it seems like everyone in the u.s wn movement are on witch hunts to destroy each other like crabs in a bucket instead of focusing on push the message
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
I’m liking all these ideas
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
tuber looks White to me
13 hours ago
beaner* lol
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
he doesn’t look like a beaver to me
13 hours ago
many people say dumb shit
13 hours ago
Idk, maybe
13 hours ago
Look into Jason Jorjani. This guy influences a lot of the civnat WNism
13 hours ago
yeah but didn’t someone say tuber is Puerto Rican?
13 hours ago
Growth comes from education
13 hours ago
I would love to house homeless Whites somehow
13 hours ago
the type HT seeks are
13 hours ago
in public*
13 hours ago
You can’t scare your audience every time you go out. People aren’t ready to hear nigger kike faggot from a bullhorn
13 hours ago
but he could also speak well
13 hours ago
GLR was a shock jock of his era
13 hours ago
PF is great
13 hours ago
Gdl is a grift
13 hours ago
I’d like if PF were more public facing because when you give money to GDL you’re just donating to personalities, with no promise of activism
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
Adult White Female – WPW
13 hours ago
maybe PF will start doing more with engagement, membership is rapidly growing
13 hours ago
What are your thoughts on crypto? in general and regarding donations?
13 hours ago
I’m saying that transparency is a good thing, like tom said
13 hours ago
and literally everyone in GDL took Flood’s side after taking jewish money so idk what to think of them
13 hours ago
US infighting wont solve the issues in aus
13 hours ago
Flood completely messed up my trust in GDL so consider how flood doubled down on what he did a lesson
13 hours ago
I agree. USA scene needs to change
13 hours ago
Real orgs. Grow organically. Like these guys and PF. real nationalism, not shock jocks.
13 hours ago
That’s why IRL activists are the top of the heap
13 hours ago
Money should be spent on action or get out there yourself
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
They Wacod Bob Matthews
13 hours ago
I don’t give my money to personalitites. I gave $100 to hurricane relief
13 hours ago
It shows a shot of someone holding The Turner Diaries.
13 hours ago
They laugh when they take your money
13 hours ago
Tuber is quickly showing me that
13 hours ago
Dudes not even white
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
I really like the newsletter idea
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
im still gutted about Medi
13 hours ago
dog bot is on the paranormies
13 hours ago
I’ve never heard him called dogbot but idk
13 hours ago
wait Dbot isn’t Dog Bot?
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
aslong as your not jewish
13 hours ago
HT is funny as
13 hours ago
see how chill you guys are discussing things? Think of someone like Thomas Woodman in this discussion. That brash, unnecessarily militaristic (in an X space), rude attitude. This is why Aussies are doing great. Patriot Front doesn’t do podcasts which sucks
13 hours ago
you can fight drew pavlou
13 hours ago
can americans join the support class? i want an “unlimited vrill” pin
13 hours ago
damn smh I mean I heard about that but I heard he didn’t know at the time and the dbot guy is like a 73 year old and a quarter Jew..not that that matters but at the time flood was also still new to the movent so it seems there are extenuating circumstances…idk.
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
looking forward to that
13 hours ago
You’re all still way off. Look there’s no point in me saying, you have to figure it out for yourselves. I learnt this back when he first showed up on the scene and started asking questions.
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
listen faggot, im kept out of the loop these days and its not fun! dm me the lore! i command thee!
13 hours ago
geez…I’m so disappointed with so many people I’m at a point where Im ready to walk away
13 hours ago
DBot is a jew that donated like $5000 to flood to make 2 audiobooks.
13 hours ago
Dog Bot?
13 hours ago
heil Australia! you guys are more serious than what I’m seeing in USA and Canada
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
HT has been around longer than 5years he got going on the Jews like 7or 8 years ago
13 hours ago
:laughing: you’re just going to have to figure it out for yourselves
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
i hate them even more
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
god damn jews
13 hours ago
like directly and knowingly?
13 hours ago
The info is out there, I found it 5 years ago when I was like who the fuck is this guy who showed up all a sudden.
13 hours ago
I don’t personally care. I liked floppa’s chat but if I can’t discuss things along the line of Tuber and AIS I’m not interested anyway
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
it’s that don’t guy, he’s supposedly a 1/4 jew
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
dafuq bro? you cant leave me hanging like this?!
13 hours ago
No, that’ll ruin it
13 hours ago
is it just that one mod?
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
ohhh juicy, do tell….
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
Makesure you have popcorn ready. some are starting to finally realise what I’ve know this whole time but unable to say
13 hours ago
good man
And yes I did, I’m gonna send that to floppa and see if he gives a shit. I’ll not promote his stream or give funding if he keeps that crazy mod
13 hours ago
no flood and nnr
13 hours ago
HT is taking money from a Jew??
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
can you dm me on poast the lore? you know i work 10 hours a day, i dont have the time to keep up with this stuff!
13 hours ago
omg really!? geez it never ends
13 hours ago
Dbot and HT? Oh boy you’re going to be shocked when it comes out
13 hours ago
We will win. o/
13 hours ago
You won’t own it after the US elections, when they shut down the anti-semitism again
13 hours ago
not don’t*
13 hours ago
IDK sorry, not my channel. IMO the mod’s responsibility is to act on behalf of the channel owner, so if he failed to do that then floppa should know.
13 hours ago
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
i need lore like a drilla needs meth!!!
13 hours ago
never punch right.
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
whats going on with HT now?
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
Did you catch my comment on floopa’s stream; ‘See why I have been tip-toeing around this issue for the last 5 years’ re calling out ht
13 hours ago
shocking facts
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
no compromise
13 hours ago
“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right.” ~ Adolf Hitler
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
I’d like to hear the Aussies weigh in on whether or not White Nationalists should accept money from jews
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
100% true, there is no going back.
13 hours ago
Nah I’d just do it up front rather than fucking around with alt accounts, it’s more fun that way
13 hours ago
more Nietzsche, so he loves kikes
13 hours ago
I wounder if there can be some sort of a push to replace “reduction” which is what the media want to talk about with “reversal” when it comes to the topic of immigration.
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
if it is….noice lmao!
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
tbh, i would be surprised if it was you trying to troll me, haha
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
Yeet the Jeets to Bangalore 2024
13 hours ago
LOL brilliant.
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
i remember, i had a quick 2 minute convo with him in mark collets chat this morning, he started lying about his interactions with me, and his been commenting gay shit on my channel lolol
13 hours ago
Tom’s speech reminded me of GLR’s “once you notice the truth, you can never return to a lie” speech. was that intentional? great work lads o/
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
or post graph in chat?
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
show the bottom of the graph please
13 hours ago
That’s less important than a relatively cohesive group. I see Aussies as more genetically similar, there’s less White diversity and hence more natural cooperation
13 hours ago
This is US data, but the trend is the same for all nations.
13 hours ago
they’re breaking the conditioning
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
your guts have pony tails, our guys have no hair at all lol
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
i understand, still it would be a great gotchya lol
13 hours ago
You guys have such a better scene than USA
13 hours ago
Let’s get some Noticer merch
13 hours ago
we need to make the noticer cancel proof
Patton Was Right
13 hours ago
The Noticer is top notch
13 hours ago
You asked him “Why are you here” and I replied to that with “To entertain us”
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
oh sorry lol
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
oh yes i remember now, haha
13 hours ago
I was trying to be cryptic.
13 hours ago
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
wait do you mean
13 hours ago
Of course, he left on his own.
13 hours ago
The weakest link in this system is the traitor. If you make examples of enough of them, the whole thing collapses. Then we can solve the jewish issue.
13 hours ago
legitimacy is low but they still hold monopoly on control of power levers. Need a campaign to disrupt academia from grooming each era of employees
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
i can remember, did i win? lol
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
The day when we get to see media apparatchiks sweating live on air as they realise their support network (jews and US dollars) that protects their corruption and traitorous acts is slowly but surely approaching.
13 hours ago
Yes the latter
13 hours ago
Bolt was against Sudanese immigration back in the day
The Crucible 01
13 hours ago
I can only remember arguing with davidsmith, what when on with dark? i presume it was that jackolaturn faggot?
14 hours ago
Nah I think I know who it was though as I had invited them. Remember I asked you to stop in Mark Collet’s stream? He then went after me and I just kept saying this is not the place for that, you’re welcome to do this on my channel.
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
takes as always, boys. Keep up the good work. Hail o/
14 hours ago
force your way onto the main stage and speak for yourselves white man
14 hours ago
1850 watching on Twitter
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
was that you?
14 hours ago
Oh BTW did you enjoy that user named ‘dark’ in the last garbage stream?
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
no chat can defeat the chat…
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
that is because the chat is king, the chat always wins
14 hours ago
Chat can’t even win a fight with chat
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
let them try…
14 hours ago
Good point Joel, they don’t want to start fighting the chat…..
14 hours ago
Or just general normies
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
I think it emboldens normie conservatives to talk about it
14 hours ago
Why we must continue to push forward, to prevent them hijacking it.
14 hours ago
This is pretty good though
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
He doesn’t say that half the babies born here are from immigrant mothers
14 hours ago
They do this to control the conversation
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
as I said before. Know their tricks.
14 hours ago
Good to see Bolt talk about this. He’s usually pretty cucked.
14 hours ago
Beware, it’s damage control.
14 hours ago
bolt very dutch
14 hours ago
That clip needs a Joker edit
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Australia’s Joker
14 hours ago
What a chud
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
you get what you fucking deserve
14 hours ago
He is saying good things but the phenotype lmfao
14 hours ago
Who’s this fella
14 hours ago
oof lol
14 hours ago
Sky Jews.
14 hours ago
The phenotype on pinkie lmfao
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
omg what a faggot
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Oy vey
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
wow joel ratioed Peter Dutton, lol, not surprised tho.
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
its called the streisand effect, basically the opposite effect of what they attended.
14 hours ago
Joel’s tweet
Weak rhetoric. You obviously want to leverage anti-immigration sentiment to get voted in without actually solving the problem because you're funded by the property developer and corporate lobbies that profit from it.
We need to stop mass immigration and start mass deportation.
— Joel Davis (@joeldavisx) October 17, 2024
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
personally, if your over 40, you should be deported.
14 hours ago
Just curious on the growth, I believe it. Just asking
14 hours ago
Fair enough. I thought i was using the right arm. Guess I’m facing the wrong way
14 hours ago
Joel and Tom have talked about the media trying to do hit pieces but ultimately promoting them because people agree
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
let’sssss goooooooo
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
ugh boomers
14 hours ago
Two steps forward one back the march to total 3rdwoldation
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
curious in how?
14 hours ago
Even the last 4 weeks
14 hours ago
Curious how you’ve grown over the last 6 months based on media attention
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
its the same with australia
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
The Century Initiative – started by a Jew – wants Canada’s population to increase to 100 million (currently 41 million) by 2100
The Crucible 01
14 hours ago
Politicians are no better then logos or nnr…
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
Canada recently loosened their immigration policy for India even further so they can fasttrack all their family members
14 hours ago
Total reversal
14 hours ago
the real estate scams of Gov officials are out of control
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
they acknowledge the corruption but won’t release further details on names
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
The government covered up all the corrupt politicians that were exposed in Canada as of late
14 hours ago
Who here /touchthewall/
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
yeet the jeet
14 hours ago
India is a shithole because it is full of Indians
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
Indian intelligence in Canada is doing state sanctioned hits
14 hours ago
We must have zero jeets
14 hours ago
40000 jeets in just a few weeks???
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
Patton Was Right
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Many thanks o/
14 hours ago
Tom’s Box Hill speech
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Cheers mate
14 hours ago
Japan has recently opened its doors
14 hours ago
Transcript of Tom’s speech here:
Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript
14 hours ago
That’s because the wrong side won in WW2
14 hours ago
Any link for the Box Hill speech?
14 hours ago
and Chinked
14 hours ago
Sounds like the Australians are getting Pajeeted.
14 hours ago
Best cleaners
14 hours ago
$1.2 mil doing cleaning on Airtasker* lmfao
14 hours ago
Saw a jeet on the news recently saying he’d made $1
14 hours ago
best cleaning lady ever
14 hours ago
half of these news stations are coke head pedophiles
14 hours ago
it’s all a stage, joel
14 hours ago
It’s easy for a woman in a 95% white country town to virtue signal about inclusiveness
14 hours ago
meanwhile ‘hope not hate’ get to put there documentary on channel 4 this Monday
14 hours ago
This woman is an idiot
14 hours ago
is that what a abo mix looks like? the reporter?
14 hours ago
Nice to see a White woman with a baby
14 hours ago
She will agree with them in 10 years
14 hours ago
When you coming back to the UK to clean up dagenham…
14 hours ago
Good morning men, from Ireland.
14 hours ago
Refresh the video boys
14 hours ago
Kek yeah, you are
14 hours ago
15 hours ago
At the risk of sounding retarded, am I doing the Roman emoji the wrong way around? \○
15 hours ago
Evening lads
15 hours ago
Patton Was Right
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Love catching this live here in Belfast 88
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
[Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript]
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript
15 hours ago
[Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest Flooding of Small Town with Foreign Workers – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript]
Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript
15 hours ago
[Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript]
Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Operation Werewolf
16 hours ago
Catch you guys in the replay
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript
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Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript
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Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
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911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
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Version History
Version 5:
Version 4:
Version 3: Sun, Oct 20, 2024 — Transcript now completed = 130/130 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 2: Sat, Oct 19, 2024 — Transcript completed so far = 93/130 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 1: Fri, Oct 18, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed so far = 45/130 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (338).
Pingback: Joel Davis – Fuck off We’re Full – with Tom and Jacob – Oct 24, 2024 – Transcript | katana17