Joel Davis
Fuck off We’re Full
with Tom and Jacob
Thu, Oct 24, 2024
[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Tom Sewell and Jacob Hersant discuss the following:
Recent activism by their nationalist group in Melbourne (0:00-5:00) and in the NSW town of Corowa.
“We were discussed on the news again tonight ”
They analyze media coverage of their activities (5:00-10:00)
“Obviously, they’re trying to make us look bad, but we will analyze this ”
The media is biased against them (10:00-15:00)
“The media is going to always have control of their own narrative ”
Discuss strategies for gaining public support (15:00-20:00)
“We’re impacting the psyche of the Australian people ”
Their tactics are working to spread their message (20:00-25:00)
“It’s taking all the time to start working, but it is starting to work ”
They criticise other nationalist groups’ strategies (25:00-30:00)
“There’s no other way but taking the fight to the system ”
Discuss a recent protest they conducted (30:00-35:00)
“We wanted to get, because we came up with the idea in the group chat with the boys ”
Confrontations with counter-protesters and police using pepper spray (35:00-40:00)
“Eventually it made its way across to the other eye, and then I was fucked ”
Victory despite being pepper sprayed (40:00-45:00)
“We took about two minutes to just regroup, and then we just marched straight back in ”
Criticise Left-wing protesters (45:00-50:00)
“They never take it. They always are just obsessed with gesticulating ”
Discuss media coverage of their protest (50:00-55:00)
“The coverage was awesome ”
Their tactics are more effective than other nationalist groups (55:00-60:00)
“We’re proving that if you have vision and if you have boldness and creativity, that even with a very small group of men, you can do incredible things ”
Discuss plans for future activism (60:00-65:00)
“We’ve got more planned. So watch this space ”
Criticise mainstream politicians (65:00-70:00)
“What’s the narrative of Peter Dutton? What’s the narrative of whatever faggot Adam Band that runs the Greens? There’s no narrative.”
Analyze more media coverage of their protest (70:00-75:00)
“They love to hate us ”
Discuss strategies for deporting immigrants (75:00-80:00)
“I would say stage one is just like, cancel all temporary visas, period ”
Argue for targeting specific immigrant groups (80:00-85:00)
“You could say, we’re going to deport all the Chinese and we’re going to deport all the Indians ”
Discuss potential scenarios for mass deportations (85:00-90:00)
“If there’s World War Three or this war with China, all the ethnic Chinese are going to need to be put in concentration camps ”
Criticise refugees and asylum seekers (90:00-95:00)
“These people are scum! They’re human garbage.”
Discuss Donald Trump and US politics (95:00-100:00)
“He’s got all the momentum.”
Debate embryo selection technology (100:00-105:00)
“I support embryo selection. I think it’s a good technology.”
Discuss strategies for racial purity re sperm selection (105:00-110:00)
“I’d just roll the dice and just do it, man. If you got the money, pick for a purely European child ”
Criticise mainstream conservative figures (110:00-115:00)
“James Lindsay, who’s this American conservative. He’s a classical liberal ”
Discuss monarchy and Republicanism in Australia (115:00-120:00)
“I don’t support the Australian Republican movement ”
Criticise the current British monarchy (120:00-125:00)
“The current monarchy go along with the agenda ”
Discuss Aboriginal politician Lidia Thorpe (125:00-130:00)
“She’s just a good target for normal Australians to hate ”
Analyze more media coverage of their protest (130:00-135:00)
Criticise refugees and asylum seekers again (135:00-140:00)
“They’re referring to them as refugees, but they’re technically not refugees ”
Mock Left-wing protesters (140:00-145:00)
“We want permanent visas! It’s just gay.”
Comment about a counter-protester (145:00-150:00)
“He looks like an eternal jew ”
Criticise asylum seekers’ claims (150:00-155:00)
“They literally complain that they can’t go back to visit because if they do, they won’t be let back ”
Mock Left-wing arguments for accepting refugees (155:00-160:00)
“It’s not about Left or Right. You have the most egregious Lefty you’ve ever fucking seen ”
Criticise mainstream media coverage (160:00-165:00)
“He’s like a political radical, a communist. No one in Australia agrees with his ideology ”
Promote their next show (170:00-175:00)
“Blair will be back next week. He’s in Britain. He’s on tour.”
Express satisfaction with their recent activism (175:00-180:00)
“We’ll try and keep out of the news this week!”
Close with “Australia for the White man! White fucking power!”
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Published on Thu, Oct 24, 2024
Fuck Off We’re Full
October 24, 2024
my social media links:
Tom’s telegram:
(not) Tom’s twitter:
jacob hersant
joel davis
national socialist network
thomas sewell
white australia
File size
3.91 GB
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(Words: 31,736 – Duration: 179 mins)
Joel Davis: Decided to just go live because Thomas should be here in any second. Jacob is actually coming over, so we’re going to have Tom and then Jacob on the show this evening. There’s no Blair. Blair, as you might have seen on social media, is in Britain right now, actually. He spoke at the Patriotic Alternative conference last week, and he’s doing a bit of tourism.
Here’s Thomas. We are live. How are you?
Thomas Sewell: What’s up?
Joel Davis: But yeah, Blair couldn’t make it this evening because he’s traveling. But he’ll be on the show next week, and I’m sure he’ll have a lot of interesting things to say about his time in Britain. So that’ll be interesting to get his takes next week. And Jacob, as I said, we’ll be over in about 20 minutes or so, and he’ll join me here on the show.
But in the meantime. Yeah, obviously we had another big activism on Tuesday afternoon here in Melbourne. And maybe we’ll try and hold our balls until Jacob gets here and not discuss it so that we can discuss it with Jacob, because he’ll be here in 20 minutes.
So in the meantime, we were discussed on the news again tonight, but they were discussing something else. Some of the boys up in the Riverina chapter, which are the guys that are kind of based near the New South Wales, Victoria border, near Corowa, where we did our last activism a couple weeks ago. They went back to the town over the weekend and they distributed flyers. Jacob wrote up a flyer just talking about the problems with immigration and how White people need to come together. And just a little link to our website and everything. They were distributed.
And also we printed off just a few paragraphs from the Noticer dot News article on what happened in Corowa. And we put that with The Noticer headline, and then a link to the full article at the bottom. And they were distributed by the boys up there. I don’t know how many they handed out, but they got around. They made sure that they were distributed around.
And anyway, it was big enough story, apparently, that we handed out leaflets that it has to be on the news this evening. So we can’t stop getting publicity at the moment. I thought we’d watch this. It’s kind of interesting. Obviously, they’re trying to make us look bad, but we could analyze this.
Newsreader: (Nick Hose) The White supremacist group who clashed with police in Melbourne is increasing the stakes on the border. The neo-Nazis have now become a letterbox drop in Corowa and trying to recruit more men in black!
Reporter: (Jacqueline Stanley) Twenty neo-Nazis driven out of Melbourne by force. This clash erupting in the city yesterday.
NSN: Australia for the White man! The rest must go!
Reporter: (Jacqueline Stanley) All the while, a more sinister campaign flew under the radar and into letterboxes on the border.
Corowa Resident: (male) No, we’re not fans.
Corowa Resident: (female) I got it, I screwed it up. In the bin. That’s [words unclear] makes me. We don’t need it.
Corowa Resident: (female) It was just the language. The language was so unpleasant.
Reporter: (Jacqueline Stanley) The Noticer are peppered with hateful phrases like “imported scabs” claiming the nation is “infested with diversity”. Flyers quietly slid into the letterboxes of Corowa residents.
Cheryl Cook: (Federation Mayor) Totally unfair in the Corowa community, and rightly so, they’re enraged. They’re upset, and I might add, fearful too.
Chris Minns: (NSW Premier) I think it’s disgusting! And the people that are distributing that appalling literature should take a long, hard look at themselves.
Reporter: (Jacqueline Stanley) The group’s henchmen put one at every house on this street, exactly a week after they stormed the town and was sent packing after this stunt at the War Memorial. Their conspiracy that Australia is flooded with so-called non-White workers. But in Corowa, all workers are welcome!
Corowa Resident: (female) The town is trying to embrace them. Yes, they might buy things and send them home, but that’s their prerogative.
Reporter: (Jacqueline Stanley) New South Wales police are well aware of this recent development and are monitoring the situation closely. But the group have also been targeting children, with a group of school kids approached by a man in all black who tried to indoctrinate them, too.
Corowa Resident: (female) Neo-Nazis need to know they’re not welcome in Corowa.
Cheryl Cook: (Federation Mayor) We don’t want this in Australia. It’s very unAustralian.
Reporter: (Jacqueline Stanley) Jacqueline Stanley, Seven News.
Joel Davis: What’s unAustralian importing a bunch of non-Australians! That’s pretty [word unclear]
Thomas Sewell: [laughing] Ahh! Yes, it’s a “conspiracy” that we’re spreading. That Australia is being flooded with non-White workers. This is “the conspiracy” that we’re spreading. It’s a conspiracy, you see?
It is a conspiracy! They’re correct. The elites are conspiring to replace us. That is true.
Joel Davis: I wouldn’t put it as a conspiracy because it’s not. Conspiracy implies that they’re secretly organising it. They’re openly organising it.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, that’s true.
Joel Davis: There was an article in the Border Mail, which is the biggest newspaper distributed in that area near where Corowa is, in those border towns along the Murray [River]. And it was written about this, about these leaflets. They were distributed on the weekend and they only discussed it on the news tonight, probably after we made the news last night, they decided to pick it up as a national story.
And in that article, they quoted a local councillor who was saying that:
“Well, we have to bring in foreigners to go and work at the pig farm because there just isn’t enough White people, locals that want to work there.”
Apparently. So he openly admitted that we were correct. And then he was saying that he wants JBS to come out and make a statement, and he wants the council to vote on a statement saying that they support bringing in foreign workers. And that he’s working within the council to create an official, you know, council resolution that they support replacing the people of the town.
So we’re conspiracy theorists! Meanwhile, the literal local government is openly stating that they’re doing it and that it’s a great thing!
So it’s not happening, but it is happening, and it’s great, that it’s happening! All at the same time.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. They just interviewed a bunch of people that just told the media what they wanted to hear. I mean, no one had any substance. Like, what was that lady saying? Like:
“Oh, yeah, so they’re here and they buy some things and they send them home. But that’s their prerogative.”
It’s like, what does that even mean? What are you talking about? And they managed to find one normal looking White guy that’s like:
“Oh, I’m not a supporter.”
It’s like:
“Okay, he’s not a supporter.”
All right, is he a supporter of the town going from 2% brown to 50% brown? Is he a supporter of that? Did anyone ask that? So it’s always loaded questions. They don’t ask the correct questions. Well, they ask the correct questions for their narrative.
We know that the locals of Corowa are in support of us. A big percentage. I can’t say which exact percentage, but a lot of these people don’t want to go in front of the news, because they can see every single facet of the system, the government, the media, and a lot of the locals have told us they’re genuinely afraid of JBS. They’re afraid to lose their jobs, if they haven’t already. They’re afraid for their family members. They’re afraid for the amount of connection that JBS has to all the other businesses, in the area.
That’s new. We’re getting pop ups now. [chat comment]
Joel Davis: Yeah, I can. I can make things pop up.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, and that’s a good point as well. Dreamweaver says:
“Interviewed a bunch of Boomers who aren’t affected economically by these third worlders.”
That’s a good point. They didn’t interview any young people. And I think you’ll find that the young people are the most affected by cost of living. They’re the most affected by pressure on the job market, the supply and demand of just basic jobs.
And, yeah, they’re also the most politically radical Left and Right. So you would get both sides if you interviewed left young people, you’d get a more extreme Left and you’d get a more extreme Right.
So, yeah, the media is dishonest. We know this. But it’s important that they covered it. I think we’ve been in the news every day for like, weeks now. I can’t think of a day that we haven’t been in the news in Australia.
So the whole news cycle is turning into, like one part sports, one part bullshit politics with boring politicians, one part condemning White Australia, basically. One part condemning the men in black, the black block of bandits, the rebellion! You know what I mean? That’s what it’s turning into is like:
“Public order is low, the rebellion is rising. We have to condemn the rebellion!”
Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, also, of course, it has to be pointed out that they probably did interview people in the town who said that they were supportive of us, but they’re not going to put that on the news, are they? Because it’s a hit piece.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, of course.
Joel Davis: But also as well, every time they do one of these news clips, they always say:
“Well, the police looking into it and investigating it.”
It’s like implying that we did something illegal. That like putting a piece of paper in someone’s letterbox is illegal. It’s not illegal! Putting a piece of paper in someone’s letterbox. I mean, it’s absurd! Why the police looking into something as minute as that? Shouldn’t they be worried about crime? Shouldn’t they be worried about people getting robbed or domestic violence or like, things that actually are important? That is their actual job. So, yeah, I mean, it’s just kind of ridiculous!
But I think it’s great because it’s desensitizing the public. Them constantly talking about us over and over and over and over again! The public are becoming more and more accustomed to the fact that we’re just a part of everyday Australian life. We’re part of the conversation. And more and more of them are starting to question why we are being treated in such a completely incongruent way with every other political group? Why we’re being treated like terrorists for simply doing peaceful protests and handing out leaflets? You know, if anyone else hands out leaflets or does peaceful protests, it pretty much doesn’t even make the news let alone is it an issue that is apparently, you know, illegal?
Thomas Sewell: The way the media and those., … What was it? I can’t even pronounce the name. What is it? Ratman or something? Isn’t there like a Chindian jeet Senator or MP called Ratman? Like Senator Ratman or MP Ratman. The brown chick that was on the news segment.
Joel Davis: I ratioed the fuck out of her on Twitter.
Jacob Hersant: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: And she was saying:
“We attacked the protest!”
It’s called a counter-protest. They do it to us all the time. When we did Living Space for Whites, they came down, you know, 250 or so strong to counter-protest us. And then what did the media put in the news that night? They put in that anti-racist protesters and racist protesters clashed the city. They didn’t put down that there was a peaceful stop immigration rally by White Australians and they were just attacked and ambushed by the Left.
So this shows you how clear and obvious and why a lot of the strategies that people want to employ are never going to work.
A lot of people think that:
“Oh, but if we just presented ourselves better, if we just wore a suit and tie, if we just did all these other strategies, it would work.”
It’s like, you can do that you can do that strategy. Look how they treated those, I mean, those feminists, they’re not even Right-wing. They’re Left-wing. They’re just Left-wingers that are against trannies. And look at how they were treated by the media. They were basically treated as if they were on the same camp as us. So, I mean, that was part of our ploy.
But the point is that the media is going to always have control of their own narrative. They’re never going to be unbiased. They have an agenda and they’re going to promote that agenda. And that agenda is when White people protest:
“White people evil!”
No matter how you do it, evil, or it didn’t happen, basically. Because if they can’t smear you, they’re just not going to put it up. And brown people:
“Always mostly peaceful.”
[chuckling] No matter what they’re doing, they could be burning the city:
“Mostly peaceful!”
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: And if they aren’t burning the city down, then:
And not just that, they celebrate it. They like when the abos do a big protest and there’s like 5,000 of them or something, the media put up:
“How amazing they are! How incredible they are! How they’re just magnificent, wonderful people! And just the most enormous protest and just the crowds and the atmosphere!”
Like, they talk it up. They do their own hype videos for them.
So yeah, people think they’re going to get a fair go from the media are delusional. This is the strategy that we have. It’s working. And what we’re doing is we’re impacting the psyche of the Australian people. They’re turning on the news and they’re like:
“Oh, fuck, Nazis versus refugees! Nazis versus trannies! Nazis versus this!”
It’s like we’re putting up opposition to everything that they don’t like. And, yeah, it’s working. It’s really working! It’s taking all the time to start working, but it is starting to work.
I mean, the comment sections are just, sometimes they’re like 95, 100 percent in our favour. Other times they’re like 70%.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, we went through some of the comments sections in response to the Corowa rally that we did last week on the show, like particularly all the Facebook Boomers in the Sky News comment section that were backing us up. And I was scrolling through a few comments sections about our rally the other day and other issues, and I’m seeing the same trend where a lot of Right-wingers are starting to defend us on the basis of:
“Well, how come the media is attacking them for doing the same thing that the Palestinian protesters are allowed to do or other Left-wing protest groups are apparently allowed to do, and the media gives them sympathetic coverage.”
But when we go out in the streets, apparently we’re horrible racists. You know, a lot of people were saying that we weren’t Nazis, even though we were, but they were trying to defend us. They’re trying to say:
“The media is smearing these guys as neo-Nazis. They just seem to be patriots like against immigration or whatever.”
And that’s funny, but it shows that people are starting to kind of feel like the attacks on us are attacks on them. That the fairness of the entire discourse and the political process in this country is being revealed to be totally fake and totally skewed against White people and totally skewed against patriots, nationalists and so on. And the attacks that are coming on us, basically forms of attacks on them.
And the more that they identify with us and see attacks on us as attacks on them, the better, because then they’re going to start to realise that the Nazis are the guys that are in their corner, up against ZOG [Zionist Occupied Government], up against the system, up against the government, up against the establishment.
So that’s what we’re trying to create with this. You know, the kind of dramatic confrontation in the street, the way that we march, the way that we carry ourselves, the way that I go on Twitter and so do you and others and just try and savage these politicians constantly. Just putting up a fight and more and more people are seeing that and realizing:
“Well, who else is putting up a fight?”
No one else has the balls to just go straight for the jugular on the whole system and say, like:
“We’re just going to take on all of you and we’re just going to openly defy you!”
And that’s so important that people start to realise that that defiance, which is supposed to be part of the Australian character, we were, this is a nation that was supposed to be built off convict stock in many ways, right? We’re supposed to be rebels. You know, we’re a nation that worshiped Ned Kelly, the outlaw bushranger. You know, we’re supposed to have that about us, that we don’t like authority, we don’t get pushed around.
But in the last few decades, this country has become cucked! Like, and I think the response to Covid really exemplified that. Obviously, where the country’s response to that was pathetic! Like, yeah, there was a protest movement and there was a lot of valiant people in that protest movement.
But overall, the vast majority of people were compliant, little like goy cattle. And when you react to authority so submissively, well, now authority knows that it can get away with anything. And that needs to be reversed. We need to reassert a hard defiance to win back actually respect from the establishment, to realise that:
“Hey, like, if you want to tyrannise over us, it’s going to be a fight. You aren’t just going to be able to get it for free!”
That’s the only way that you can win freedom in this world is if you’re going to fight for it! That’s the only way that you can secure your interests in this world, is if the people who are against you are afraid to take actions, to turn up the heat on you because they don’t want the heat turned up on them.
Like, I’m not going to name names, but I saw an article written by, frankly, an irrelevant nationalist leader that no one actually really knows, talking about why:
“It’s not the time to be openly declaring hostility against the system because we can’t afford to take a loss. We can’t afford to go out there and expose ourselves to the repression of the system and getting in trouble, essentially, and the movement will be set back if we do that, we have to stay in the shadows, stay in the safe places and build up slowly.”
And all I was reading was the rationalisation for doing nothing. That’s all I was reading. Because there is no other way but taking the fight to the system. Because the only way that you’re going to be able to win over the people to actually support you is if you show that you’re willing to take on the system on their behalf. If you’re going to the people and saying:
“Hey, I’m not really willing to be standing up to the enemy and taking the shots from the enemy, taking the heat from the system.”
Why would they respect you? Why would they care about your leadership? They’ve got no reason to because you’re not actually backing it up. So, it sucks! It sucks that we have to fight, but that’s just the reality. It’s either fight or die. That’s literally all politics fundamentally comes down to is, are you willing to fight for it or not? And if you’re not, and the enemy knows that you’re not, they’ll just run roughshod over you.
And that’s why the system is getting away with murder, essentially. And the egregiousness of how anti-White this system is, how egregious double standards that we just keep seeing over and over again! Injustice when it comes to immigration, when it comes to any issue, White people have no dignity. White people have no respect. White interests aren’t even allowed to be articulated. If you articulate White interests, you are castigated as some immoral social outcasts that apparently everyone must proactively condemn. And if you don’t proactively condemn them, you become persona non-grata in mainstream politics. And you can’t have anything to, or you can’t even work in a major corporation or be a prominent public figure in any respect. Like, you’re just totally marginalised.
Whereas every other group is able to have their victim narratives. And essentially they’re supposed to have the red carpet rolled out for them to waltz into the country and just be given all of our stuff! Given the whole country! We’re just supposed to just hand it over to these people just because they exist? It’s fucking ridiculous!
And that’s because White people are simply fucking not resisting. We’re not resisting. Like, it’s our fault. It’s our fault. We are literally pussified, bitchified as a fucking race! That we are just standing there and taking this. And we are trying to inspire the people to say:
“Hey, like, you don’t have to fucking take it anymore!”
And it’s kind of crude, but if we don’t do this, it’s done! Like, it’s over! Like, there’s no clean way. Let’s just pretend that we’re not actually racist and then gradually work within the paradigm of the system to secure our interests. That will not succeed. Like, ultimately, at some point, there’s going to have to be, no! White people deserve dignity. White people deserve representation. White Australians, we fucking own this country! We fucking built it! This is our fucking country! And we demand respect! We demand acknowledgement at the very least! But more than acknowledgement, we demand that our will be done! And like, that’s a crazy idea to most people. That just shows how warped the mindset of the masses really is.
So, I mean, this stuff is probably obvious to most people watching. And it’s so basic and fundamental, but it has to be explained because the amount of these fucking, … I saw Craig Kelly, who was a Senator for the Liberal Party, then he got kicked out of the Liberal Party for being too Right-wing.
And I think he ended up joining the United Australia Party. He lost the last election on that ticket. Then he joined the One Nation party and fell out with Pauline Hanson and left within a few months before any election had occurred. Now he seems to be flirting with the Libertarian Party. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to run for the Senate at the next election on the Libertarian Party ticket in New South Wales. And he’s like anti-immigration and he’s one of the most Right-wing mainstream politicians in Australia. But he was arguing with one of the accounts on Twitter called the White Australia Policy. That’s one thing that I like about Craig Kelly is that he’ll at least engage with people from our side somewhat online. No other politician really does that.
But what he was saying basically was that:
“Listen, like, you can’t put your anti-immigration stance in terms of race because then that means the Left can call you racist, we have to make anti-immigration, we have to give it some other reason. Like, we’re against immigration because it’s causing a housing crisis or it’s bad for Australian culture or something.”
But the subtext of what Craig was saying, because he was replying to an account that’s literally called the White Australia Policy, was that like:
“No, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. I agree with you, but you’re going about this the wrong way. Like, yes, obviously we want to keep Australia White, but we can’t say that!”
And it’s well, if we can’t say that, we’re not going to do it! Its really that simple.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I don’t have anything to respond to that you just said, like, yeah, the article. I did see the article. I didn’t open it. I know the one you’re talking about. I believe it was called “The revolution will not be publicized” or something like that, which is an interesting axiom.
And one of my colleagues told me that it was sort of trying to go down a path of explaining a new form of meta-political guerrilla warfare. That’s interesting. I think ultimately let a thousand flowers blossom. I’ve had my disagreements with these kind of strategies. I’ve tried to do that in the past.
And what I found was it recruited people that had very little political agency. So then if your plan is to just grow slowly in the background for, say, ten years or eight years, two things, two problems with that. One, you’re giving up on everyone right now, and for the next eight years, that is politically motivated. And what you’re doing is you’re recruiting people that aren’t very politically motivated. But, and this is a word that I don’t use often. Jacob usually says it, but what you’re doing is you’re building ultimately, a “comfort club”.
Because if your plan is:
“Oh, we’ll do something in a year’s time or two years or three years or four years.”
Then you’re kind of going to recruit a group of people that will just perpetually ideas, man. And it breeds things like committees as well. Adolf Hitler stays very clearly in Mein Kampf that this is a bad way of organising.
So what separates the doers and the kind of, I wouldn’t use word “schemers”. It’s probably a bit too rough. But what separates the doers and the people that are kind of still thinking about how they’re going to go about doing it. That’s okay if you do that for a little bit, you should still try to do as much as you can while you’re kind of planning the next stage. That’s how everything happens.
But experience is learnt through action, and that’s why we’re doing what we’re doing. We’re putting as much energy as we can trying to find a solution in real time. And we’re recruiting other people that are also men of action. Like when you see us marching in the street or you see us training or whatever, the whole idea of it, of getting active or these men of action is that you’re building a culture of getting work done, versus building a culture of, Hitler says in Mein Kampf:
“The committee men are permanently pregnant with ideas they never are able to give birth to.”
And I experience this a lot. There’s a lot of people involved in the movement, and a lot of them, sorry, in the wider movement that aren’t members of the organisation that support us. You know, through thoughts and prayers and sometimes financially, and a small subset of those people feel the need to tell us how to do what we’re doing and how to do it better. And it’s usually something that’s not needed to be done by myself, it’s usually something that they could do.
And when I say to them, because my go to whenever I get this is, I say:
“Why don’t you do it?”
And they will say:
“No, no, no, this is not something I can do. This is something you need to do!”
And so:
“Oh, I take instructions from strangers on the Internet. That’s how I need to run the organisation. I need to do this for you, not the other way around, not, hey, why don’t you get involved? Or, hey, why don’t you build this project?”
So I find that it builds a culture of people like that. And that’s what we had in the early days. It was like a social club. It was a comfort club. And there was just so many ideas floating around. And of the original 21 guys in Melbourne of this comfort club, when I actually said:
“Okay, let’s build a gym, let’s make a gym. Like, I’ll put the money down I want some trump bucks.”
And, yeah, like, I think only three guys trained with me out of 21. I was like:
“Okay, all right.”
So we want to build this. Everyone wanted to build this. Everyone agreed to building this. Everyone put their hand on the table and said:
“We’re going to do it.”
And then when it’s actually time to do it, …
And so that’s a problem with it. You wait eight years, you’re going to waste eight years with that group of people, or most of them, the vast majority of them. So it’s better to just recruit high quality people that want to get work done now.
But as I said, let a thousand flowers blossom. There’s a lot of different strategies out there. It’s good to have waves of momentum, but in the absence of action it can have a habit of giving up on all these people. Like, how many people support us right now? How many people have the narrative? Well, what I was saying on Twitter the other day was the idea that most people simply aren’t political and we are politicizing them. We’re charging them with politics that could be useful in eight years time.
And I think that’s what everyone should be trying to do, not just form comfort clubs. People should be trying to work out in whatever way possible to politicise the public! To make them pick a side. That’s ultimately what we need division in society. We need to divide the people that hate Australia and hate White people. We need to divide them away from the people that love Australia and love White people. That’s our ultimate goal! We can’t secure a future for our children without getting away or separating or segregating or building separate institutions.
So, yeah, it’s frustrating some of the time.
Joel Davis: Sorry, I thought you were finished.
Thomas Sewell: I was just saying it’s frustrating that people, … I do get the feeling sometimes that a lot of eyes are on us, and I do feel these little digs sometimes at what we’re doing. Like, the word used in the article was “recklessness”. That recklessness has gotten us nowhere. It’s like, recklessness, like, what, on the weekend or on Tuesday? Like, standing up for the people of Corowa? Like, no one knew about that’s recklessness? Like, we’re not as polite as we could be. I don’t know how to explain it. There’s softer ways of going about it. But who would know? Who would know what’s going on in this country? And who would know that there’s anyone, …
You know, I believe that what we need most, i’ll finish on this. What we need most in this country is and in the world is White men need a return of heroism! We need heroism! We don’t have any heroism. The standard for heroism, heroism is so low that we’re considered in our, like, we’re not even getting shot at! But the standard for heroism for White men is so low, people aren’t even afraid of warfare and these very brutal concepts because they’re so detached. They’re worried about losing their job.
But the Taliban in Afghanistan, they’re not worried about losing their job. That doesn’t mean anything to them. They’re worried about getting killed by Russian soldiers or American soldiers or by some other, and I’m not just saying the Taliban, any, you know, group in the Middle East, for example, their standard for heroism is so much higher.
And I know we’re not at war, not yet, anyway. But it’s a spiritual war, and we need spiritual heroes. We need people that have the courage of their convictions and yeah, anyway, moving on!
Joel Davis: Yeah. That’s also the power of calling ourselves Nazis, because we are getting a situation where we’ve created a situation where there are so many White Australians that don’t even really know anything about National Socialism or what this word “Nazi” really means. Apparently, it’s a bad thing! But they support us anyway.
People were saying that:
“No one’s going to support you because you call yourself Nazis, and it’s bad optics!”
And it’s well, all of these conservative types that we were supposed to appeal to, they’re starting to support us now anyway, and they’re rationalizing it by, like defending us from the charge of being Nazis or whatever. That’s the beauty of what we’re doing. Because it’s one thing trying to sit down and explain to someone:
“Hey, the Nazis weren’t the bad guys.”
I can hear Jacob has arrived. But it’s another thing to show that the Nazis are the good guys by being the good guys, actually, right now in 2024 Australia! And then that completely transforms the entire structure of political discourse, because if the Nazis are the good guys now, but this is apparently the worst possible thing that you can be, that turns everything on its head! That one move.
I’ll scooch over here for old man.
Jacob Hersant: Good evening, Klansmen!
Thomas Sewell: Hello.
Jacob Hersant: Hey, guys.
Thomas Sewell: Geez, we’re all in the black block tonight. What’s going on? Did we co-ordinate?
Joel Davis: We look good in black.
Jacob Hersant: Only feds can co-ordinate uniforms. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Only feds can be fit. Why do we always show up? This is what I want to know.
Actually, I have two things. Now that Jacob’s here, I can joke around a bit, because with Joel, it’s always so serious. Joel can joke around, but I’m just saying it’s a different kind of mood. Jacob’s here. I can talk shit!
So, two things. One, why do we always show up whenever there’s legislation that needs passing? Do you work for the federal government, Jacob Hersant? Is that why you organised activism recently?
Jacob Hersant: They’ve always got an agenda. They always got new legislation to take away our freedoms.
Thomas Sewell: And then they sprayed us with just water, soapy water? And that’s how we were able to get those other shots later, because we weren’t actually pepper sprayed. This really happened.
Second thing that I want to go into is I made the mistake of watching Netflix recently, and my entire worldview has changed. I have to say, Jacob, I watched a movie. It had Liam Neeson in it. Its a new one.
And I thought to myself, I wonder how long I’m going to last watching this movie. It’s kind of like a standard Liam Neeson movie, like, Taken. But instead of rescuing his White daughter, he’s protecting and saving a little brown child, like a little Mexican. And after watching this masterful work of art, of not propaganda, but just pure art, pure apolitical art, I found that I had to challenge my own worldview.
And what I realised was we actually have more in common with brown people. We have so much in common with brown people. I found that there was actually two types of people. Because what this movie showed very clearly to me and educated me, was that us and brown people, we’re dealing with the same issues. We’re actually all on the same team. And really, the other, there’s us and there’s them, and there’s this divisive people that are trying to put borders between a fake us and them. Us and brown people. Really, us and brown people are the same. And the real us and theme is all the people that are trying to divide us. You see, that’s the real “them”. The “them” are the dividers! And the “us” is everyone that doesn’t want to be divided. And yeah, the US government, the cartels, basically are working together. And us and the brown people are like, viva la resistance, you know, we’re like the proletariat, the workers of the world that you need to unite and overthrow the evil cartels and the US government. What do you think about that, Jacob?
Jacob Hersant: It was just the truth! What can I add to the gospel? I don’t know! [chuckling] Yeah. I would just be humiliating myself, even trying to add footnotes to that.
Joel Davis: Well, I guess because God, like, he made the brown people brown and gave them all these different genetics, and then he gave us all these White genetics. And that was really unfair because that really divides us.
So we should really hail Satan now, I guess, [Tom laughing] because Satan is the ultimate unifier, like, trying to rebel against this asshole God that created this natural difference. Like, the idea that,
Thomas Sewell: Oh god!
Joel Davis: Like, women, like, can’t play chess as well as men. Like, what is that about? That’s really dividing us. Women must really hate that when they see it in the chess tournaments that they have to have a women’s only chess tournament, because that kind of implies something about their cognitive ability or, like these blacks like their average IQ was like 85 [American mixed blacks – African blacks, 70]. Like, why would God do that to them? Like, God is a fucking White supremacist! Like, he’s a fucking piece of shit Nazi. We got to kill him!
Thomas Sewell: Thoughts, Jacob?
Jacob Hersant: Well, I thought Joel Davis and your friend Nietzsche already killed God. We don’t have to do anything. But did you guys already talk about Fuck Off We’re Full?
Joel Davis: No, no. We held our balls until you arrived and ruined the whole beginning of the show where we’re just yapping.
Jacob Hersant: That’s all right.
Joel Davis: Everyone is here for that, and we didn’t even talk about it.
Anyway, here we go.
Thomas Sewell: We covered the article, “The revolution will not be publicized”, and our “reckless” behaviour. And how to properly do meta-political guerrilla warfare. I don’t know if you want to comment on that, Jacob.
Jacob Hersant: Am I a political gorilla? Yeah. I had someone concern trolling on one of the videos I put on Twitter. It was like, some brown woman who I think pretends is one of us.
Thomas Sewell: Margo Huss? [chuckling]
Jacob Hersant: I don’t know. Maybe it was her. I can’t remember her name, but she was concerned trolling, saying:
“How can you be a racist National Socialist if you accept Marxist socialism in the form of welfare payments?”
And then I just responded:
“I don’t think I’m going to lose any sleep over taking resources from the enemy and using it for my own cause. I’m a political guerrilla. I don’t care!”
It’d be like. [chuckling] It’d be like concern trolling when you’re on a battlefield and you take a spear of the enemy, and they’re like:
“Well, you’re using the enemy’s equipment! So actually, you’re relying on the enemy!”
It’s like:
“Okay, yeah, you convinced me. I won’t.”
Yeah, it’s just insanity!
But the amount of concern, trolling and retardation I get in the comments is insane! You think Twitter would probably be the worst because it’s a bit of a free for all, but the worst is actually Gab. Like the retardation I experienced on Gab it just takes the cake. So you think it’d just be an echo chamber of our guys. But there’s so many, there’s so many different people on there, it’s insane! Like, you even find Leftists on Gab. I don’t know what’s going on there, but it’s interesting.
Joel Davis: I thought it would be fun to go on like the Left-wing version of Gab and just be a Nazi on there. But the thing is, you’d get banned straight away. That’s the annoying thing about free speech. Like, I don’t really like giving Leftist free speech. Like, we really want to do it? Like that’s the we pro-free speech until we win, and then probably not anymore. And that’s the thing about all these rules. They’re like:
“Well, that’s not consistent!”
Like, if you want the enemy to respect your rules, you want the enemy to respect the kind of like fair play against you, then you should respect the fair play against them. But obviously the enemy doesn’t actually do that.
But like, in your example of taking like welfare payments from ZOG, it’s well, if ZOG’s dumb enough to give you money, you might as well take it.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, the free speech thing, I think, …
Joel Davis: A structure of rules that exist to defend. Yeah, that exists under the pretence of a liberal democracy that was created by White people for White people, where we could have a gentlemanly combat between the representatives of the working class and the representatives of the middle class. It’s like, yes, that can be a gentlemanly political conflict because ultimately we’re all still like White Christian Australians at that time or whatever. We’ve got so much more in common than we have that separates us.
But when you have like a system that has been totally hijacked by like communists and jews and all other kinds of parasites, corporate like subversion, and so on, it gets to the point where, well, why would you have any loyalty to that, like, structure anymore? Like, you might as well just play it and gamify it to maximize the amount of benefit that you can receive from it until you get into a position where you can overthrow it and instantiate a kind of order that enables you to completely, you know, wipe the slate clean and hit the reset button, which is the position that we need to go to now.
And I actually, I dealt with this guy, James Lindsay, who’s this American conservative. He’s a classical liberal, but he basically has found himself in Team conservative because he says the Left have gone woke with collectivism, and they’re not loyal to classical liberal principles. So now he’s, like, stuck on the Right-wing, but he’s constantly just complaining. Now he calls it the “Woke Right”, which is anyone on the Right-wing who wants to actually win, who wants to destroy the woke Left. It’s like:
“The woke Left is a problem, but you can’t destroy them. We have to give the woke Left all of these rights and just sit around and complain about the woke Left and what they’re doing.”
Apparently. But if we become the woke Right, we’re just as bad as them. It’s like when they say:
“Oh, this is just identity politics. Like, when, like, really what the Left-wing want is for White people to come together and practice identity politics because that’s the whole purpose is to divide us!”
And that kind of idea. It’s that same principle. And I said:
“So on one side, you have the woke Left that are trying to genocide the White race. On the other side, you have people like me, apparently, because I said a pro-National Socialist thing on Twitter. So that makes me woke Right?”
So I don’t want the White race to be genocided. I would rather seize power and destroy the people that are trying to genocide me. And I said:
“So what does that make you, James? You don’t like either of these sides. The woke Left, the woke Right. So what, are you just asleep? You just asleep in the middle?”
Thomas Sewell: Yes!
Joel Davis: He didn’t really have a response because this idea that, like, seizing power equals wokeness or something, and therefore it’s bad. It’s like, the problem with the enemy isn’t that they’re seizing power, it’s that they’re the enemy! Like, if we had power, it’d be awesome! Like, a dictatorship is awesome if it’s your guys that are running it! Only sucks if it’s your enemies that are running it! Like, ultimately, everything comes down to who’s wielding it. Like, guns are cool if the people who have them aren’t trying to shoot you with them. They only become a problem when they get pointed in your face. And their ideology is like:
“But no one should have guns, so then no one can point them at anyone’s faces.”
And then it’s like:
“Okay, so you’ve put your gun, you’ve left your gun at home, and then the enemy rocks up with guns. And now what the fuck are we gonna do?”
Well, if I go and get a gun and shoot back at them, apparently I’m just as bad as them. [chuckling] It’s fucking retarded! This is the mentality of conservatives and liberals, like, classic liberals.
Thomas Sewell: They can’t extrapolate the most basic self defense principles into the political theatre. But you’re regarding freedom of speech, before we go on to the rally. Yeah. It’s important to identify the enemy. There’s always an enemy. You have to identify it.
And then you can have freedom of speech for the citizens. You can have freedom of speech for the members of the fog, because they’re not the enemy.
Now, the only caveat you have to have to that, otherwise the same exact situation is going to happen again, is how do you deal with traitors?
So once you’ve removed the enemy from the equation, there’s not like a foreign interference trying to disrupt your society and use your freedom of speech against you still are going to have these kind of bio-Leninists. You’re going to have these biological traitors that just spawn every now and then.
And the more unsettling your environment is, the more horrible your social environment is as a country, as a nation, the more common these people are going to spawn, which is in itself an autoimmune function, or a cancer, an anti-autoimmune function. It’s like an autoimmune disease of the nation. And so freedom of speech in itself helps expose this problem that you then have to solve, which is a biological issue related to its environment.
So freedom of speech, I like freedom of speech, but, yeah, you just don’t give it to your enemy. So it’s just about how do you legislate that? How do you write that into a constitutional wording that doesn’t kind of violate its own principle, but protects the nation with longevity. That’s difficult. That’s probably the hard part.
Joel Davis: Well, you just get rid of all the enemies from the territory, and then you everyone free speech, because there’s no enemies left.
Thomas Sewell: But you still have traitors, you still have people spawn.
Joel Davis: Yeah, of course.
Thomas Sewell: The eternal jew, kind of, even when there’s no jews in the society, there’s still like Purple [word unclear] or whatever the fuck his name is.
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! So, like the, …
Thomas Sewell: Like the bio Leninists,
Joel Davis: Yeah, of course.
Thomas Sewell: So that’s what I was saying. Yeah, I don’t want to get too deep into it because I can see Jacob’s, like, wandering off. He’s like:
“Just Fed post in [word unclear]. Get them all!”
Joel Davis: Let’s pull up the Nine News. I mean, Seven News covered it, but I like the Nine News coverage better, so I’m going to play the Nine News coverage of the rally.
Nine News: Neo-Nazi thugs who gate crashed a peaceful pro-refugee rally in Docklands have been pepper sprayed during a violent confrontation with police. No arrests were made, but investigators are working to identify members of the far-Right group. Gillian Lantouris reports.
Nine News: (Gillian Lantouris) A peaceful protest met with hate. Tensions reached boiling point as neo-Nazis clash with a refugee rally. Police, forced to use their batons and pepper spray, chased away from Burke street in Docklands. The far-Right group continued spreading their hostility nearby.
NSN: Are we ever gonna see your race again? No way! Get fucked! Fuck off!
Nine News: (Gillian Lantouris) Refugee protesters were marking 100 days and nights of camping outside the Department of Home affairs office, calling for permanent visas for eight and a half thousand people, when they were ambushed around six last night.
Aran Mylvaganam: (Refugee Encampment Organiser) Saying things like, “Hail victory, White power, Australia for White men.” These sort of chants shouldn’t be allowed.
Joel Davis: Wait. I just want to try and say his name. What is his name?
Thomas Sewell: Malvaganum.
Joel Davis: No, no. This guy. Aaran Malvaganum. Milvagenum?
Jacob Hersant: John Gangnam! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: The cunt that’s telling us what we shouldn’t be. We shouldn’t be allowed to say in our own fucking country! Look at this cunt anyway.
Aran Mylvaganam: These sort of chance shouldn’t be allowed.
Nine News: (Gillian Lantouris) Many attendees, like Rathy Barthlote, have fled war torn countries seeking safety in Melbourne.
Jacob Hersant: Check the smile. Coming up.
Nine News: (Gillian Lantouris) Greens MP Samantha Ratnam was there.
Samantha Ratnam: (Greens MP) It’s frightening and it’s devastating to see these racists so emboldened that they feel like they can come and attack a peaceful rally.
Nine News: (Gillian Lantouris) Politicians from all sides united condemning the behaviour!
Jacinta Allan: (Vic Premier) Disgraceful cowards! They hide behind masks and they absolutely do not represent any single part of this great state!
Peter Dutton: (MP, Leader of the Opposition, Liberal Party) I hope the police can take appropriate action.
Nine News: (Gillian Lantouris) So there’s calls for harsher penalties.
Jacinta Allan: (Vic Premier) We have strengthened powers on these matters and we’re looking at what more we can do to strengthen our anti-vilification framework.
Nine News: (Gillian Lantouris) No arrests have been made, but police will be reviewing security footage in the hopes they can identify the individuals involved and hold them to account.
Samantha Ratnam: (Greens MP) The government must take this threat seriously. We can’t just rely on the police to keep us safe.
Nine News: Meanwhile, a high profile, …
Joel Davis: Anyway. Yeah, the coverage was awesome! The crying brown lady like, I really don’t think that that’s going to play well with Right-wing Australians. I think Right-wing Australians will look at that and think this is just so egregious propaganda. Like, these browns, we already drew attention to this before, but they’re just literally not even Australians! And they’re demanding that they just have the right to be in our country, just because!
Thomas Sewell: The second half of that film clip of that news clip, is that where it ends? Is I think, he’s a Palestinian. And he got caught doing the swastika at a rally.
Joel Davis: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Thomas Sewell: And it was a horrible segment. It’s a bit off topic from the rally, but did you watch that new segment? You should put it up later.
It said his wife was his business partner. She’s left him because he did this swastika Israeli flag. And then she did an interview with the media saying that she’s, like, really going to focus on rebuilding the restaurant. She full like, boss wifedom. And she’s like, she’s divorced him, so that she can secure the bag, because the restaurant was going under because it was getting boycotted. And she’s like, she threw her husband and business partner, like, who’s the same person under the table and denounced him!
And I think he’s a Palestinian that was trying to make the point that Israel are the new Nazis and put the swastika up. Crazy!
Joel Davis: Probably won’t even get in any trouble for it, because the law seems already, …
Thomas Sewell: He’s already pled guilty. Nah, he’s already pled guilty.
Jacob Hersant: He pled guilty.
Joel Davis: What an idiot! He could afford that.
Jacob Hersant: What did he display, a swastika? What was it specifically?
Thomas Sewell: I think Nickel had the full, …
Joel Davis: It was like an Israeli flag, but instead of the Star of David in the middle, had a swastika in the middle.
Jacob Hersant: Okay. Yeah. That’s crazy!
Joel Davis: Yeah. But anyway. What? I mean. Lol.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah go back to the rally.
Joel Davis: But no, the coverage. I mean, they get the police, they’re gonna try and identify who was there. Well, I was fucking there! I mean, my face is out. I haven’t got any calls from the cops, haven’t come around to the house. So, like, obviously, they’re not gonna do shit! There’s just some platitude that they say. Because we didn’t commit any crimes. They committed crimes against us! They literally pepper sprayed us for no fucking reason! Like, we were just standing there. So that was definitely, like, excessive force.
And the reason why they pepper sprayed us, in my opinion, was because a lot of those police officers were women. And they just freaked out and didn’t know what to do.
And so, you know, they’ve done studies on this. Like, women are way more trigger happy. Women shouldn’t be fucking cops! Like, it’s particularly crowd control of all the fucking jobs that you could give them. Absolutely insane!
But anyway, getting pepper sprayed in the face was pretty fun. I enjoyed that. The clip of you, like:
“What are you gonna fucking do?”
Jacob Hersant: Like, [loud laughing] hands to my side:
“What are you gonna fucking do!”
Joel Davis: And also my objective for this rally was very simple. I wanted to get, because we came up with the idea in the group chat with the boys of, so this might be Americans and stuff that don’t know about this. You can go on my Telegram and see what the song is because I posted it for the benefit of foreigners to understand the reference. But there’s this classic Aussie pub rock song by a band called The Angels called “Am I ever gonna see your face again?” And they were playing it in the pub scene in the eighties, and eventually some drunk cunt decided to scream out in response to the chorus of, “Am I ever gonna see your face again?”, “No way! Get fucked, fuck off!”.
And then the rest of the crowd started chanting it and it became ubiquitous all over Australia. To the point that whenever they do live gigs, the whole crowd does it. And the front man even has a shirt that says, “No way, get fucked! Fuck off!”, on it. Cause they’ve totally embraced it. And this is like a classic Aussie meme that’s been around since the eighties.
And when I was growing up, I remember, like, my parents, like, red pilling me on the “No way, get fucked, fuck off!”, as a young boy, like:
“You gotta, like, everyone sings that at this point of the song!”
It’s like this, like ancient Australian meme, basically.
And then we had the idea of changing the lyrics to “Am I ever going to see your race again?” Instead of face again? Because the whole point of that rally, because we confronted it a few months ago. We did the “Fuck Off, We’re Full”, 1.0. This was “Fuck Off, We’re Full” 2.0. And 1.0 was when they just started getting established and we wanted to go down and draw attention to it and tell them to fuck off, basically. Get out of our country. And that was hilarious! We had a good time with that.
But they’ve been out there like, ever since. They have literally been camping there. They had charities bringing them, like, free food tents and everything. And they’ve just been, like, doing their inane chants and their broken English, just harassing pedestrians. And they’ve been doing it all over the country, by the way, not just in Melbourne.
And eventually, finally, like a week or two ago, Vic Pol [Victorian Police] was sent down by the council to clean all of their shit out and move them on, finally, because they were just annoying everyone. A few of them have actually got notices to get deported. We infiltrated a Left-wing group chat and found that out. So that’s quite funny.
So hopefully they all get deported. I’m sure a lot of them will have jewish NGO’s and communist NGO’s, like, with human rights, quote, unquote, “lawyers” that’ll try and keep them in the country, and it’ll become a protracted drama.
But the point is that this was like their kind of closing rally where they’re closing down the encampment and giving up, basically.
So we wanted to go down and mogg them to say, like:
“We fucking won! Like, fuck you! Like, you lost. You didn’t get your permanent visas now or whatever, you fucking brown dogs!”
And so the “No way! Get fucked! Fuck off!”, was a beautiful sentiment that we wanted to communicate. I wanted that to go on the news because there’s so many, maybe the Zoomers won’t get it. Some of them will if they are in touch with the culture of their parents. But old Millennials and Gen-X’s will fucking froth that! They’ll love that! And because [chuckling] it’s the kind of Aussie ingenuity to take that song. And that’s part of the beauty of using the “Fuck Off, We’re Full” banner, which is also like an ancient Australian proverb, that’s like a bumper sticker from the eighties and the nineties that every racist would slap on the back of their car like a picture of Australia with an Australian flag that said, “Fuck Off, We’re Full”. You’d slap it on the back of the ute to indicate that you’re just sick of immigrants.
So we were channeling some Australiana. Like, we were channeling the culture of Australia when it was still fucking White! When White Australia was still dominant and taken for granted by itself. And we were the monoculture. And we were trying to create that nostalgia, you know, particularly in somewhat the older generation of:
“Remember when everyone was White? Remember when there was no Indians at Coles. When you go to Coles and everyone was White, remember when everyone was pleasant? Remember when there weren’t, like, gangs of fucking criminal negroes, you know, stabbing children and shit? Remember what that was like. Remember what it was like to actually have a fucking country?”
We remember. Here you go!
So some of us don’t remember. Some of us are too young to remember, actually. I remember small snippets of it. That was just the very beginning of my life where it still felt like that, but it was ripped away from me almost immediately. And everyone younger than like, people who are, like, 30 have that faint memory. People who are 20 some of the boys in the organisation were 20. They have no memory of what that was like. They were born into multiculturalism. Full spectrum multiculturalism.
But anyway, I think we successfully pulled off the troll, and Jacob had to jump on the megaphone at the end because the pepper spray was getting too much. I’d snot pouring out my nose. I was just no longer in a state to be running the megaphone. Had a whole speech planned, and that got kind of ruined. But I didn’t keel over like a bitch and get some photo snapped by a communist that was spread all over the Internet of me being a pussy. So I’ll take that as a win.
Jacob Hersant: Yeah, well, you didn’t get sprayed full on. You had the glasses on.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Jacob Hersant: If you didn’t have glasses, you would have been fucked! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Jacob Hersant: Because if you see in the footage, the close up footage of some of the boys, they got that they got their mask ripped off and their glasses ripped off just before getting sprayed. They were going for it. Like, the police were going for maximum damage with the spray. And I don’t think they only had just pepper spray. I think they had the what is it? There’s, like, more chemical one and then there’s the, …
Thomas Sewell: They have the spray and they have the foam. So they were using both. One’s in a big can with a like, a trigger and one’s in a little spray bottle.
Jacob Hersant: Yeah. How many people did we have incapacitated? Probably four people. Five or four?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, four.
Jacob Hersant: Yeah.
Joel Davis: By the end, I couldn’t see. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Yes.
Jacob Hersant: We took about two minutes to just regroup, and then we just marched straight back in it. People that could barely see! [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: We had all the blind in the middle just getting huddled in just stick together.
Joel Davis: I could still chant. I was still yelling, fuck off! Yeah. Like, “No way! Get fucked! Fuck Off” and shit! Yeah, I had the Sunnies on, so you couldn’t see my eyes all closed up and, …
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it was funny because when we were preparing for it, one of the guys said, I told everyone to bring goggles, and they know what type of goggles to bring. And then one guy was like:
“What are we bringing the goggles for?”
And I was like:
“You’ll see. You’ll see!”
Because the police report, …
Joel Davis: Like, I know my glasses are so cool! I chose optics over safety!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I got a tiny bit. I got hit by a tiny bit. And because I had the goggles on it couldn’t really get in, the foam, it was pretty good. There’s a foam under the goggle, and it couldn’t seep into my eyes. But last time I got pepper sprayed was at the Stop Immigration, and they did the same thing. While we’re in the kind of the melee, while they’re trying to push and shove us around, there were cops reaching over and pulling people’s glasses down and then spraying them in the eyes. I didn’t get the full foam like that OC foam that they were using, but I got the little spray the little handheld spray, and because I got the big can and they got the little can, I got hit by the little one just directly in the eyes. And I was incapacitated for probably ten minutes. But that other stuff, I mean, that knocked guys out for almost, 20 hours. That was crazy! The big stuff. The big foam stuff.
Jacob Hersant: Yeah, I got hit with it, but I didn’t get any of it in my eyes, but I, like, my nostrils were burning and it just tasted like I ate some chili. Like, I could feel it on my breath and on my nose, but, like, nothing in my eyes, so I was just, I was loving it. So I’m just like, fuck it! I’m taking the megaphone. Let’s go!
Joel Davis: I kind of turned my head, but the foam went in on one side, so I was like:
“Okay, I guess I’m one eye down. I can do it with one eye.”
But then through, I guess, sweat and just everything moving around, eventually it made its way across to the other eye, and then I was fucked!
Jacob Hersant: Yeah, I was right next to you weren’t even. You weren’t in the middle. You’re next to me on the flank. And then when we’re getting sprayed. And I was already like facing the wrong way.
But then I looked back and that’s when they started spraying. I was like:
“Oh, no!”
I stayed away luckily, but I just got, I got a bunch of my mask, but not in the eyes. The goggles did the job.
Joel Davis: I was really proud of the boys that we marched around the corner staunch because we were actually, originally, we were marching through this park and then as we started marching I look ahead and I can see that the cops are basically waiting for us.
And I thought we can give them the slip down this alleyway and go up the other street and we can get to the confrontation with the refugees and the commies before the cops have to regroup.
And so we went up the side street and the refugees came and met us. There was that one spastic that was like as if he was like an archer or something with his like keys in his hand. But he didn’t do anything. He was just a retard!
Thomas Sewell: It was just a traditional Palestinian boxing stance.
Joel Davis: It was like, it was like some weird like karate shit that he was trying to channel. But I was just like, you’re a dickhead. What are you doing?
Jacob Hersant: That’s what the Leftists do.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, under Australian law you could have just fucking punched him. But it would have, the damage, …
You would have won it in court because what he did was assault. You can’t just like shape up to someone that’s just walking down the street even if they have a different political opinion.
And that’s something that I think Jacob covered last stream.
Joel Davis: Like go through the law and like when you can and can’t, like deploy the fists because, anyway, …
Thomas Sewell: He was putting keys in your face. I mean, at that point I think you’d be okay. But you made the right choice to just sort of like parry them off and then like the rest of us caught up and then as soon as, like, yeah, as soon as everyone was there, the guy kind of backed off. And then he was the main guy after that point that was pretending to kind of like try to break up the two groups or not break them up. But I don’t know if he saws I kept my eye on him because I saw what he did at the start and I was like:
“Okay, this guy’s gonna try and get up to no good.”
Joel Davis: Most went to the cops when they showed up because that was a more direct concern. Yeah, the cop came up to me and was like:
“You guys, you’re disturbing the piece. You’ve got five minutes to get out of here before you get arrested.”
Oh, no! He said five minutes first, and then 10 seconds later, it became two minutes.
So then we did a few chants, and then I was like:
“All right, let’s have a bit of a quick, like, powwow as to what’s the strategy here?”
And then me, as I walk over to discuss it, they just bum rush us immediately to start spraying everyone.
So, yeah, maybe it was the wrong decision to try and think that I had time to, like hold a committee meeting in that situation. [chuckling] It was too chill. Should have been more just on the front foot.
But anyway, it wouldn’t have made a difference.
Thomas Sewell: We were reactive. It worked well. Like, even when they were pepper spraying us, there was two young guys that got a little bit freaked out at the back. But I just went straight to the back and just kind of hold, held the formation. I was like, stay in line, cunts! [chuckling] I was like, full Triarii at the back. It was funny.
Joel Davis: But we ended up going back around through to the park and the Leftist had a chance to come at us. Because the communists are trying to say that they ran us out, but they had an opportunity when we first showed up.
And also when we got to the park, we got to the park, there was like one cop there who was like, you could see him freaking out, like:
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! What do we do?”
And the communists came. And then they stood like 5 meters away from us and just mouthed off. And I, they didn’t have the balls to come step to us in either of those situations. Apparently they punched Nazis. Apparently. Community defense. They don’t need the cops. You know:
“The community will run the Nazis out or whatever!”
They’re full of shit! They’re all a bunch of pussies!
Jacob Hersant: How good was The Noticer of footage with the woman? She’s like standing there still:
“Stay back, Nazi scum! Stay back, Nazi scum!”
Thomas Sewell: Was that the one with the tambourine?
Joel Davis: I can play some of this footage. I think that people would like to see it. Let me. Yeah.
So this is some of The Noticer footage, the official Noticer dot News coverage of, I guess, spliced together from different cameras, shit that got uploaded online.
[Video of the demo with shouts and screaming]
Jacob Hersant: The Indians are so funny. Look at that chad!
[Cops spraying them with pepper and other]
They love the spray! The women cops love the spray.
Look at, … What are these women cops doing?
What are we saying Tom?
Thomas Sewell: What were the women cops? Do you see that? Just go back a little bit. Just a smidge. It’s like half the cops are up at the line and then the other half are kind of like holding onto each other’s belts. But they’re like 20 meters behind.
Joel Davis: Here.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, around here. Press play. Yeah.
Joel Davis: What are they doing?
Thomas Sewell: What are they doing? Feminine [word unclear] now. She’s got a taser out.
[NSN guys chanting slogans]
Jacob Hersant: Anyway.
Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s basically it.
Jacob Hersant: That’s what Leftists call chasing us off, like just us leaving in an orderly manner.
Joel Davis: What are we gonna do, stand there for 2 hours?
Jacob Hersant: And get arrested? Like they’ll just wait for more police to show up and then they’ll kettle us and arrest us for some reason. Whether it be, …
Joel Davis: Also I don’t want to stand there for 2 hours just screaming the same, like chant over and over again!
Anyway, we made our point, like what are we going to do? They make out this idea that because they’re willing to stay there all night because they’ve got nothing better to do, like that somehow it’s a win for them. It’s like it’s not a win for you. [chuckling] The only reason anyone gives a fuck about this is because we came and paid you a visit.
Jacob Hersant: They don’t think strategically, like we’ve got a goal, a strategic goal. We go there, we achieve it, we’re done. Let’s get out of there before we waste any more resources, whether it be getting arrested or just all of our time.
Thomas Sewell: They don’t have to worry about that because they only get arrested by the police when they explicitly use violence against the police. Like if the rules were the same, we would never get pepper sprayed, we would never get attacked or have anything stolen by the police. We would have to do Leftist tactics with the Left when they’re in big enough numbers. They just like mob the police and then the police actually go:
“Oh no. Now you’re going too far!”
And the Leftoids on Twitter and just in general always sook, like:
“How come they arrest all these people on the Left but never like us, like the evil Nazis?”
Like because we don’t attack the police! Like it’s just stupid! Like you can win the battle. Sure. Like, it was mostly female cops. We could have smashed them.
But what’s the point? Like then the SWAT team comes to your house the next day, like all the leading members, all the, like it’s just fucking retarde Like what’s the point?
Whereas the Left, they’ll do that and then they just get bailed. And then, you know, they’ve got all these jewish, you know, human rights lawyers that just represent them. And then they get let off because it’s just a “legitimate protest”. Or they get a little bit of jail. Like, sometimes they get like a month in jail.
If one of us hit a cop, you’d get like two years. I reckon you’d get like one to two years for hitting a cop. As a Right-winger. As a Leftist, …
Jacob Hersant: Even with no criminal history, you’ll still get a year or two.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, you probably get one or two years for hitting a cop. I was just looking up, because that cop that was tearing the masks off, we actually found out who he is. And I’m just looking at the Crimes Act 1958, Section 31 D. Intimidation of a law enforcement officer or family member. Because I’m working how to dox him because the doxing laws haven’t come into effect yet. But you have to do it in a way that it can’t be construed as, like, harassment of his family. Because he’s an idiot! Like this guy that was walking around trying to tear the masks off our guys, which is unlawful. You can’t do that’s assault. You can’t just walk up to someone and grab their face.
So we’re obviously going to have to follow up this with some more legal action. Not that it’s been very successful so far because the system is so corrupt. When we report the police for their criminal activities, like openly criminal activities, so far we’ve had one case going through pretty well, but the other cases are the Ombudsman just wrote back to me when I had my phone stolen by that cop, the Ombudsman said:
“Oh, we wouldn’t use those words to describe what happened.”
It’s like, it’s not theft? So I can just do that to people in the street, like. Anyway, crazy stuff!
But yeah, this guy, he’s got all his social media, like his family, like his wedding photos. We’ve got it all downloaded. We’ve got it all saved. Just working out how to legally post it all in a way that’s just maybe for comic purposes. I don’t know. We’ll work it out. He’s a fucking arsehole! Want to dox our boys, and then you’ve got, like, your missus and all your family and the house you bought all on social media. Fucking idiot!
Joel Davis: Yeah, he was a scumbag. And for some reason, the undercover cops were bigger assholes than the regular cops.
Thomas Sewell: Because they were detectives. I’m pretty sure they were CT detectives.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: They just got a fucking pole up there arse! They think they can just behave however they want. They’re like the Stasi*, you know.
[* Stasi: Official state security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) The Ministry for State Security, commonly known as the Stasi, was the state security service and secret police of East Germany from 1950 to 1990. The function of the Stasi in East Germany resembled that of the KGB in the Soviet Union, in that it served to maintain state authority and the position of the ruling party, in this case the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. Wikipedia]
Jacob Hersant: Yeah. That woman was particularly violent as well. That was a man and a woman. Both of them were very violent, for no reason. I thought when we were first getting pushed, they were just going to do the regular move on, which is obviously they just push while shouting “move”. But they went straight to pepper spraying. Yeah, they were very aggressive that day.
Joel Davis: But the fact that if there were CT detectives, they were probably in a command structure where Counter-Terrorism was issuing commands, they must have figured out or got wind that we were going to show up. And that probably explains, because when we did it the first time, there was not that many police there. And the police looked genuinely shocked and unprepared, and they just basically had to accept the fact that we were there and they didn’t aggress against us in any way. And they were very calm. Because I led the first rally as well. So they conferred with me as the non-masked person, and they were very calm and relatively reasonable to talk to that was not the case this time. So why would they behave differently unless they had maybe an inkling that we were coming?
Thomas Sewell: They would have had an inkling. I think if they knew for a fact we were coming, they would have had way more cops. But they were stretched so thin because there was that nigger concert on at the same time.
Joel Davis: I think they might have had an idea that we’re going to do something, but they didn’t know what. And they probably guessed that that was one of the possible things we would do.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, but also, it was the hundredth day anniversary of their fucking stink camp. And they would have assumed that because they’ve been demanding more police presence because some drunk, like, Aussies, like, threatened them as well. Like just randoms. So there would have been a lot more cops there. I think we caught them off guard, mostly. Those two, I don’t know if they’re CT detectives, but 100% they were detectives, but they were definitely from a more political command structure. What they were doing was they were trying to tear masks off. And then there was the protest. There’s like an Asian dude, Asian cop, who’s like, it’s his primary role to be on like a high quality digital camera that films all the protests. He’s at every single protest I’ve ever been at. It’s this like kind of stocky Asian cop. And he was basically trying to get an angle on us.
And then when the detectives were running around and aggressively pushing and shoving people in our ranks and trying to rip the masks down, he was trying to get an angle to try to get the faces. So it was kind of like a fishing operation. Both of them were working in unison.
Jacob Hersant: Yeah. And the Leftists, they had two opportunities to attack us if they wanted to, as in start a melee, but they never take it. They always are just obsessed with gesticulating and pretending they’re fighting and they’re ready to fight. Like on the flank I was on where I was yelling, “what are you gonna fucking do?”, there was like this old Boomer with a flag, a CFMEU flag. Well, that was like full twirling it. Like, twirling it, like some sort of staff. You know, he’s got like a staff. He’s like a martial arts, …
Thomas Sewell: He was larping, he was larping.
Jacob Hersant: He was having fun, I’ll say that!
And obviously the guy with the makeshift key, knuckle dusters, like, they all shape up and they pretend they’re ready to fight. But there was no police at that point when we first made contact with the communists.
And at the same time, when we came around the second time around the street after being pepper sprayed, you can just see them all standing there going:
“Stay back, Nazi scum!”
They [chuckling] never do anything, but they, …
Joel Davis: There was one little dude having a soy rage that when we came right into the park and he must be like, I don’t know, five foot three, he’s a little, and he has the typical soy-jack physiognomy. And he was yelling out:
“Incels! You, incels!”
Like, with the most soy voice you’ve ever fucking heard! I’m like:
“Tell it to your fucking wife’s boyfriend, faggot!”
Like, he was like:
“Incels! Incels!”
Like, and then we just walk past and he’s:
“You weak little pussy incels!”
Joel Davis: And we just like, walk past and he’s just like, shivering!
Thomas Sewell: I’ve only had one Leftoid try to throw a punch at me since getting out of jail. And that was at the Stop Immigration rally, the one where we first met you, Joel, but you rocked up late. Like, you came afterwards, and we were marching off.
Joel Davis: I rocked up one time, but you guys had already been fucking pepper sprayed before the time. [laughing]
Thomas Sewell: Oh, yeah, that’s right. That’s a good point. Yeah, because we got there so early. Yeah. So well, you rocked up after is probably the correct term. But, yeah, as we got moved on, we got a move on order, we had to leave. So as we were leaving, that’s when they started throwing shit at us. And I remember, like, something fucking big hit me in the knee, and then another thing hit me in the chest, and then there was a little bit of a melee that almost started.
And then this one guy, when we’re in the line, I remember he, like, came at and just did the most, like, ridiculous, like, haymaker, like, telegraphed, punched, and I kind of just leaned back and I had the megaphone in my hand, and I just booked him in the head with the megaphone. [chuckling] And he was like, it was really funny! It was completely comical! It was completely comical. He just did the biggest telegraph, haymaker.
And I was like:
“Oh, I’m gonna pull that one!”
And then just, boop with the megaphone.
It was like ACME* productions. And he didn’t come in for another punch after he got smacked in the head with the megaphone. I think that’s why the first megaphone is broken.
[* The ACME Corporation is a fictional corporation that features prominently in the Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote animated shorts as a running gag. The company manufactures outlandish products that fail or backfire catastrophically at the worst possible times. The name is also used as a generic title in many cartoons, especially those made by Warner Bros. And films, TV series, commercials and comic strips.]
Joel Davis: I’d rather cop a megaphone than a fist, to be honest. Megaphone is not that hard.
Thomas Sewell: I don’t know. It’s pretty sharp. Like, all the weight of the punch is just kind on the edge of the megaphone.
Joel Davis: I’ll keep that in mind!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, use the megaphone. The megaphone’s a good distancing weapon, you know?
Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah.
Jacob Hersant: They were gesticulating and they weren’t actually ready for a fight.
But then when the police attacked us, that’s when they were all cheering and jeering for it. They were all celebrating it, and they were following behind the cops going:
“Fuck you, Nazis! Yeah!”
Thomas Sewell: :
“We did it! Yeah! We did it!”
Jacob Hersant: Free advice for any political movement is just not to do that. It just makes you look really, really bad! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Particularly when you call yourself Anarcho-Communists. You were like:
“The police are all Nazis!”
And they were coming out on Twitter saying things like:
“Oh, it’s so good to see Nazis pepper spraying other Nazis!”
Or something. It’s such cope. Like, it’s insane cope! But I don’t want to fucus on the Leftists too much because I mean, they’re really irrelevant. What’s relevant is us. Like, we’re the main story. The only time they can ever get themselves on the news is if they hitch their wagon to like the pro-Palestinian thing or something. But none of their actual issues of substance are relevant to Australians. Like, average Australians don’t give a shit about what communists have to say about almost anything, but they are interested in what we have to say, for better or worse.
And I thought we made an excellent point, which is that, well, fuck off, we’re full!
But moreover the average Australian doesn’t sympathize with these fucking pajeet refugees! The entitlement is outrageous, absolutely outrageous! These people can barely speak English. They look fresh off the boat. They stunk! The average Australian does not want these people in our country. And like, some of them are from India. How the fuck are you a refugee from India?
And now the government is changing the laws. So if you claim that you’re a victim of domestic violence, you can claim refugee status. So what? The jeets come over here, bash the missus, the missus goes and complains, and now they all get to stay? That’s literally the law now. Or some of them, the guy will say that they’re a homosexual and they can’t be deported because they’ll get persecuted back in fucking Sri Lanka or wherever the fuck they’re from.
So they let him stay and then he then goes and brings the wife and kids over! Like, oh yeah, you’re a real homosexual! That’s why you got a wife and kid!
Thomas Sewell: And then he beats her and then the wife and kids get a stay. [laughing]
Jacob Hersant: Yeah. [laughing]
Thomas Sewell: I mean, he’s a homosexual, misogynist, Muslim refugee. Yeah, pajeet refugee.
Joel Davis: Yeah. It’s insane!
But a lot of people respected what we did, and I saw a lot of responses from, I want to go through actually some of these TikTok responses because some of them are actually quite good. Let me pull this up. I want to read some of them out to you.
So there was a clip uploaded to TikTok of part of the rally, I think, when we were singing the, “We never want to see your race again. No way! Get fucked! Fuck off!” And the comments are quite good. People saying:
“Finally, someone standing up for Australia. Love the sign!”
With those emojis that have the love hearts all over them:
“Love Aussies. Straight to the point!”
“Stay strong, fellas. Nice work!”
“At least someone is standing up for Australia properly. Well done. The government needed to study this and grow a set and make it happen for the voters!”
And this has 400 likes in the TikTok comment section:
“Good on you boys from Gazza!”
Gazza is like this Boomer with a huge White beard:
“Good on your boys!”
And 600 likes. We’re getting these sympathetic, like, patriotic Boomer types and, like moms, dads just average everyday Aussies that are just starting to love us because we keep hitting issues that they actually care about in ways that are obviously sympathetic. Like, we keep taking positions the average Aussie battler is on our side in that position, and then we just ram it down the throat of the system with our intensity.
And then they have to go and cry about:
“The Nazis. Someone put them in jail! Why aren’t the police arresting them?”
And apparently we’ve done the most heinous crime and:
“We don’t deserve to exist. We’re just total scum! We’re basically terrorists. And it’s just crazy that we’re getting away with it!”
Or something, apparently, just for holding a sign and marching around and saying slogans.
And we’re just kind of drawing through ju-jitsu the media and the government into a promotional campaign of just free promotion. Everyone fucking hates the media! Everyone hates the government and we’re just using them to promote us. And everyone who hates them who realises that they’re fucking anti-White, who realises that they don’t give a shit that the media and the establishment don’t give a shit about them and are working against them. Well, if they attacking us constantly and we’re constantly taking positions they agree with, they’re going to start loving us and they’re turning us into a relevant political force in Australia.
And I’ve said this many times before, if they just shut the fuck up and none of these politicians and none of these journalists had anything to say about us and they didn’t talk about us on the news we would be irrelevant, and it would be very difficult for us to grow in numbers and we would be unhappy. Like, we would actually be sad. Like, we love every time they do a hit piece on us.
And then that’s stupid that they keep giving us what we want. And then you’ll see some people in the comments:
“They’re just attention seekers. Why are you giving them attention? Like, this is what they want!”
And, yeah, it is what we want. Like, we’re doing publicity stunts. And they’re stupid enough to play along with it. Its hilarious!
Jacob Hersant: At the same time, they get something out of it, because we’re actually interesting.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Jacob Hersant: Like, the refugee closing rally only became interesting because we showed up in black and made chants and sung songs. Like, otherwise it’s just boring. And they bring out the jeets that are complaining about us and they can barely string a sentence together:
“And they were here saying, Australia for White man!”
And it’s just boring and it’s embarrassing, and it would be completely irrelevant and uninteresting if it wasn’t in response to the black battalion showing up [chuckling] and having fun.
One thing I saw on the video that I posted about it, I saw someone concern trolling, and he’s saying:
“This is the optics grey area, where you want to appear peaceful, but you don’t, like, at the same time you’re getting attacked by the police, so you have to respond. It’s hard for you to decide.”
But I don’t think that. I think that’s more just kind of just an unreasonable complaint, or a bit of concern trolling, because the reality is no one expects you when some overzealous cop attacks your activists, no one expects you to pull out a gun and just dome them right there or something like that’s just insane!
Joel Davis: There’s the American retard. That was like:
“Oh, you Aussies. Like, this is what you deserve because you gave up your guns!”
I was like:
“So what? Like, we have gun rights and when the police attack us and we just pull out guns and have a shootout with the cops, like, that’s going to go down well. Like, let’s say we merc every cop, then what happens?”
Then they’re going to come and try and arrest us or what? We just constantly go to war with the police? And we just kill every police officer in the whole country?
Thomas Sewell: True Ned Kelly!
Joel Davis: Why haven’t you done that yet?
Jacob Hersant: Well, they expect us to do everything.
Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah.
Jacob Hersant: They want us to be the Kelly gang at war with the cops. But people don’t even see it that way. Like the public looks. People expect that you have a right to protest because they think we live in a democracy.
So we don’t necessarily have to behave super well, but we know practically we have to behave super well, but we can act a little bit silly and the public wouldn’t really care because they’re just like:
“You’re protesters.”
But it’s the police that actually are expected to behave fairly and to give everyone a fair go. They’re there to police the situation. And when they attack you, it makes them look bad. And if you’re disciplined, you looked good. There’s no issue with that. Like no one in the public is expecting you to pull out a knife and start stabbing police officers because they try to unmask you or something.
Joel Davis: That would make us look bad. Like, if we were that reckless, people would think that we would just nut jobs and they wouldn’t take us seriously. So that actually would work against us. And if we’re all getting thrown in prison, how are we going to lead a political movement? So that doesn’t make any sense on that ground.
But also we handle ourselves with dignity. There’s no images of us looking like, keeled over, looking like bitches. Like we stood up, we stood to the police, like, we stood direct to them. We didn’t, we didn’t bitch out. Yeah, they sprayed pepper spray all over us. So we kind of retreated and then went to another position, reset up and did our rally anyway. I think that showed grit and determination, but also, like, reasonableness. Like, in that situation, what else are we supposed to do? And some people are like:
“Well, you should have anticipated that that was going to happen.”
And it’s well, look at all the rallies that we’ve done this year. The last few rallies. Like when we did the “Fuck Off! We’re Full!” rally the first time or the Corowa rally, we just mogged. Like the police, we caught them out in those situations or in situations where they couldn’t do anything about it. And so that’s great!
Obviously, we would love to have a rally where the police are just don’t have the capability, the raw manpower, because we, through sheer tactics, we just outnumber them to such a degree that they have to accept our presence. But we’re not going to be able to have that situation every time. We can try and do our best to strategize around our rallies to avoid negative confrontations, but it’s going to happen sometimes.
Thomas Sewell: That was a counter-protest. It was a counter-protest. The whole point was to have a politically charged confrontation. That’s the whole point of a counter-protest.
So, yeah, I don’t, …
Joel Davis: I remember “Fuck Off! We’re Full!”, the first time, I was thinking in my head, like:
“I’m probably gonna be in jail tonight.”
And I just went just accepting that. And then it just worked out great. And I was:
“Oh, well, I guess that was fine.”
Thomas Sewell: You know how the Lefties do their protests on the bridge? Like they’ll block the bridge and they’ll like chain themselves to a car and shit! Like they’ll do, …
Joel Davis: Like climate protestors, …
Thomas Sewell: Could you imagine if the police just rocked up with just the OC spray and just started spraying them?
Joel Davis: That would be awesome!
Thomas Sewell: That’s basically what the cops did to us. Like:
“Oh, you’ve rocked up. You’ve rocked up with an opinion we don’t like!”
[Sound of being sprayed] Incredible!
[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 10/25/2024 = 532)
HyperChat min: 100
15 hours ago
Fuck Off We’re Full
Secure the future of our people
19 hours ago
Follow Joel, Tom, Blair and Jacob on twitter,
19 hours ago
I used to think Aussies where cool but they didn’t do NNR drama
Dawn Browning
19 hours ago
Love Love to all you Beautifuls MWAH
19 hours ago
good show guys WFP
Dawn Browning
19 hours ago
Homemade pizza is best. Mountain Bread from unsupermarkets is non-halal
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
19 hours ago
Speak your mind
19 hours ago
Thanks guys.
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
Walther Mauser
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
Yeah but 15 years ago it was all white kids working at dominos and pizza hut
19 hours ago
It is legal to shoot a brown snake ins elf defence. but not borwn people? I
19 hours ago
run by browns
19 hours ago
it’s shit anyways
19 hours ago
see the crust that got raised
19 hours ago
yeah jeeps have completely taken over dominoes
19 hours ago
smart move all round
19 hours ago
i won’t eat Domino’s anymore because of Jeets
19 hours ago
this creature
19 hours ago
all nons are not only complicit in white genocide, they are activiely participatiing in it
19 hours ago
Imagine thinking another thinks like you…..
19 hours ago
pure parasites
19 hours ago
just filthy cunts
19 hours ago
never eat any food an indian has prepared…
19 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
19 hours ago
Follow Joel, Blair and Jacob on twitter, Tom on (telegram)
19 hours ago
They will be refugees soon.
19 hours ago
they fuk with our food so yeet the Jeet
19 hours ago
I demand you fuck off brown
Secure the future of our people
19 hours ago
Repost and like the Twitter if you can please!
19 hours ago
he belongs in RoboCop
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
My based Grandfather survived WW2, didn’t fight
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
the dysgenia
19 hours ago
was he in the womb
19 hours ago
genetically looks like he’s from Israel
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
Send Toimmay Robingson and his zogbot to take India
19 hours ago
oy vey
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
pure faggot that fat old cunt
19 hours ago
it actually was ours at one point
Dawn Browning
19 hours ago
They interviewed an Indian-looking “refugee” but didn’t say what she was refugeeing from where or why
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
India for the White Man
19 hours ago
whatever nog, stop shitting on the street
19 hours ago
Blurr that out you amateur.
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
brown rat
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
they made it all about white power o/
19 hours ago
Mitchell is an idiot
19 hours ago
gang gang
Dawn Browning
19 hours ago
“1st they came for…..” There’s no escape.
19 hours ago
We always win or we would not exist.
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
talk about shooting themselves in the foot
19 hours ago
Gillian lantouris burns coal
19 hours ago
Dutton looks as slippery as he is
19 hours ago
Dutton is a burn victim I assume?
19 hours ago
your body of work continues to get better with every action – momentum is what we have – use it!!!
19 hours ago
Not sure if it is clipped he did good content on this
20 hours ago
no tears just clinking beers
20 hours ago
Rand is a faggot, but he did some cool memes around this
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
one day…..
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
love it
20 hours ago
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
There is a guy called Cultured Thug, who is antiWhite scum, he reads books but is low IQ retard
20 hours ago
from chink town
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
Ex Pakistani business partner of my parents, 3 of his 4 UK born children & their children have gone home. Others will follow.
20 hours ago
Ste o/
20 hours ago
the jews would expose themselves when they attempt to obstruct the deportations of other nons
20 hours ago
the domino’s are falling in our favour
20 hours ago
Deport all jeets and Chinese to Israel
20 hours ago
yes, there’s a synergy there, all semites go
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
their delusional
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
a lot of these nons actually think they’re welcomed by white Australia
Walther Mauser
20 hours ago
Thanks for the show \o
20 hours ago
thanks fellas
20 hours ago
No disrespect, but book readers are often dim, some people understand nature, others don’t
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
I keep nagging Pete Quinones to read MK
20 hours ago
damn Jacob is a bookworm
20 hours ago
at least thank that man for a based donno fuggn’ell
20 hours ago
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
They set a precedent
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
yes dawn the smarter ones will leave first
20 hours ago
I have heard the nose is so punchable
20 hours ago
take away thier right to vote, have any job with influence, education eg
20 hours ago
If they are not cool with being tourists.
20 hours ago
Retrospective WAP for citizenship, deport everyone else.
20 hours ago
and their wealth taken off them
20 hours ago
make islam an unrecognised religion too
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
can’t wait to see the arrogance and entitlement washed off their face
20 hours ago
they hate us equally, who care who we catapult fist
20 hours ago
Abos already have this, they just have to fight other ttibes for the space and gibs
20 hours ago
rest must go
20 hours ago
yes sax yes
20 hours ago
there’s only one group; nons
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
coins go to cuntry
20 hours ago
skinnies first for me
20 hours ago
Abos can just fuck off into wildlife reserves.
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
Maybe jews first?
20 hours ago
There is room for some nons, just needs to be clear mass deportation
20 hours ago
Whties have paid enough already
20 hours ago
lebs are vile
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
But where will I get my Nando’s?
20 hours ago
seeing skinnies makes me physically ill
20 hours ago
Being White guarantees citizenship, would you like to learn more?
20 hours ago
cancel nons
20 hours ago
No netting yahoo in the conservation zone
20 hours ago
The White Austalia Policy was vague AF so it could exclude anyone. Ekspciallially those type of subversives.
Archipelago Woes
20 hours ago
the love between a mother and child isn’t taught or imposed. tabula rasa is false
20 hours ago
they’re all going to reap what they’ve sown
20 hours ago
if you fukn stink you out mud
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
Watching SL’s confidence grow has been awesome. He’s always been dedicayed.
20 hours ago
Make them all refos
20 hours ago
The Chinese love the White man like a medium rare Aussie cattle dog
20 hours ago
Steve Laws as matured so much and got more on point
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
Chinese AI will just say let White Aussie breed and it is best.
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
The odds are still 3:1
20 hours ago
there is no “blank-slate.” parents hold the slate and the chalk
20 hours ago
Joel needs to go back to JFG show
20 hours ago
they intercept pagers so wp super soldier babys will probably get their attention
20 hours ago
Don’t the Chinese more or less do this already?
Archipelago Woes
20 hours ago
Jews have access to all this technology. that is also concerning.
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
fallopian tubes, luv
Ethno Nationalist
20 hours ago
TY 1488 o/
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
I hope they don’t test for spelling
20 hours ago
Stong swimmers FTW
Archipelago Woes
20 hours ago
Jacob makes a great point about purity vs IQ. interesting
20 hours ago
Eugenics is based AF
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
maybe high iq selection could eliminate leftism form good
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
I like your BLM farm equipment one
20 hours ago
Damn that woman, I need to get up at 6am to get more beer before the niggers start showing up at the supermarket
20 hours ago
I certify this stream Kosher. Shalom.
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
ponds live spit roasting nnr for when the boys are done here lol
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
doesn’t matter which puppet wins, it’s just a show
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
been “2 weeks away” since the 90’s
20 hours ago
nice job o/
20 hours ago
Thanks it was one of my original’s
20 hours ago
whites will be less likely to sign up for kamala
20 hours ago
if the Don promised to bring beef tallow back to the mcdonalds french fry, it’d be a landslide election
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
that’s a goodn
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
Ey up
Operation Werewolf
20 hours ago
sorry a little late. will have to watch the start later
20 hours ago
he is worse than Kamala
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
I hope he looses
20 hours ago
“ask to see the manager and Mossad agent comes out”
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
nice o/
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
I mean dammm
Operation Werewolf
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
or a theocracy with HH as the lord and Nietzsche as the gospel
20 hours ago
nothing about zog or white genocide in his speech
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
Simon Birmingham
20 hours ago
the white shabbos pollies are the worst
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
u wot?
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
I hate dutton and albo, they are such dickheads
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
Spell properly please
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
This is not Engish
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
“Among other remarks,Tacitus brands the Jews as a race of men hated by the gods. They regard as profane everything that we(Romans) hold as sacred—and vice versa.”
20 hours ago
Dutto is a sad cunt
20 hours ago
100% Joel I feel that being English, I don’t like our current royals… but also detest all the nones and libs hating on them just as a way to attack my nation
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
Peter Dutton announced today he will be giving $10million to the Sydney Jewish museum.
20 hours ago
Joel is right
20 hours ago
my land liquorland are going down
20 hours ago
Jews and the glorious revolution
20 hours ago
You leave my brain parasites alone.
20 hours ago
CCG is not sane
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
oh no lol
20 hours ago
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
that was embarrassing
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
It would ban hanging everyone who was a traitor, there needs to be a fair trail
20 hours ago
it feels like we only have consumer rites here
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
100 % true
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
what do you call a coon rolling down a hill?
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
there would nothing here it it were not for European settlers
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
Patton Was Right
20 hours ago
My Chemical Vance
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
eyeliner too
20 hours ago
he botox maxing or what
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
Whi Nose the number?
20 hours ago
fuck off we’re full
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
bit of a coincidence
20 hours ago
he’s funny as
20 hours ago
I didn’t know that.
20 hours ago
she’s foul without makeup
20 hours ago
they are jews
20 hours ago
These evil nazis who will not show their faces and Lydia Thorpe steal the news headlines
Patton Was Right
20 hours ago
they only care if you misrepresent yourself as Jewish
20 hours ago
Aussie Elizabeth Warren
20 hours ago
Free trains for socialism.
20 hours ago
Theo Von knew exactly what he was doing
20 hours ago
His entire career is a product of Theil
20 hours ago
I heard they like working hard and outdoor leisure, like camping.
20 hours ago
who came around the turn of the century
20 hours ago
was a guy on youtube who broke LoTR’s down with a nationalist slant, brilliant little series… but yt deleted it or he removed it
20 hours ago
We can just emu to avoid being Ostchicheyesed
Dawn Browning
20 hours ago
Interesting. Which dictionary?
20 hours ago
can’t even do cocaine anymore…
20 hours ago
well that describes the jew in a nutshell lol
20 hours ago
so many people dont understand the deeper truths in there :/ it is fantastic
20 hours ago
Andrew george edition?
20 hours ago
Another jew subversion of the word. Chauvinist = believing or showing an unreasonable belief that your own country or race is the best or most important: dictionary cambridge
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
The Crucible 01
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
Do you ever get any resistance from rural Whites?
20 hours ago
Lord Of The Rings is our peoples
20 hours ago
they’re p doughs
Patton Was Right
20 hours ago
20 hours ago
heading to work. I’ll be listening. \o
20 hours ago
my land liquorland
21 hours ago
it’s why we fight
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
hope he gets eaten by an escalator
Dawn Browning
21 hours ago
diluted honey
21 hours ago
In last couple days
21 hours ago
hope that gook gets crushed in machinery
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
6 months ago in west Melbourne a group of year 12 niggers bashed a year 7 girl, she was hospitalized for a couple of weeks.
21 hours ago
There was a video of a White guy getting arrested for being bashed by a black guy at the Gold Coast.
Dawn Browning
21 hours ago
Ey up HOIT. Is o/ & o7 still permitted?
21 hours ago
rioted all summer over some nog dying of an overdose while in cop custody
21 hours ago
never relax
21 hours ago
black nigger privilege
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
yeah its a good one
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
was this in western melbourne?
21 hours ago
they will never stop , fukn inbreds
21 hours ago
instant arrest and 3 weeks of news articles on you
21 hours ago
cops and msm tan cover till it happened again
21 hours ago
jewish owned system
21 hours ago
they only attack small animals children and old
21 hours ago
Brisbane used to be part of Qld
21 hours ago
having them here is child abuse to white kids
21 hours ago
Nah but spoken to the guy who made it on 4chan, it was a /nzg/ classic a couple years back.
21 hours ago
this fucking coon tried to do it a month before at the beach
21 hours ago
poor White children having to deal with niggers
21 hours ago
a female of which species
21 hours ago
fkn savage scum
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
looks like an abbo
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
you make that one?
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
That’s a woman?
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
Thats a woman?
21 hours ago
DNA evidence suggest an unknown species DNA was involved in the crime
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
joel needs soap to wash his spicy balls
21 hours ago
more super chats lads
21 hours ago
my vrill fills in traffic
21 hours ago
I thought jumback was a Boer thing TBH
21 hours ago
The only victor he has seens went over his brow before he didn’t know what a jumback is
21 hours ago
The Crucible 01
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
Fuck this wog with his anti-jumback sluers
21 hours ago
also hold head up when in shower washing it off , otherwise it can get in your eyes again.
21 hours ago
Lydia Thorpe is worse than anzis
21 hours ago
“spicy balls for the race” o/
21 hours ago
need a sign: “we’re here to speak to the manager” maybe they’ll send out the local mossad agent
21 hours ago
You cannot put this stuff in a fire extinguisher.
21 hours ago
wet dream
21 hours ago
I don’t know just what the internet said*
21 hours ago
milk or fat
21 hours ago
I agree ,clean your room up boomers
21 hours ago
Gazza would probably like it
21 hours ago
do you all shoot up pure vrill before you head to the protest?
21 hours ago
Greta super glues her self to gaza
21 hours ago
White men over 40 should be ready to sacrifice for Whites of the future. Boomers to the frontline.
21 hours ago
you need a spy on other side getting mad propaganda footage
21 hours ago
its the pot calling the kettle black, Americans have guns and don’t do shit with them
21 hours ago
lol muh guns
21 hours ago
Jeets are the real racists
21 hours ago
take the free publicity
21 hours ago
never met a bad gazza
21 hours ago
Well Done Gentleman
21 hours ago
yeet tha jeet
21 hours ago
the entitlement is nauseating
21 hours ago
not at all
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
*get some
21 hours ago
got some drums like gangs of new York, fuk their tamborines
21 hours ago
fuck up stink
21 hours ago
fkn clowns…
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
when you blokes the young brown a stink that arked up at Corowa
21 hours ago
yeah because these cartoon brains think you work for shredder
the woodlander
21 hours ago
looks like their latest tik tok dance routine
21 hours ago
chemical warfare on legal protesters
21 hours ago
women with power are usually worse than men
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
I like this new term ‘non’ to refer to non Whites
21 hours ago
Very White pilling to see Aussie men fighting back o/
21 hours ago
fairs a white man’s game, zogs a nog
21 hours ago
the left are gunt guards for Zionism
21 hours ago
All of your restraint is honorable & heroic, but when can we flex our full White Power?
21 hours ago
After folding the flag up, and leaving, they claim they chased you off.
21 hours ago
fuk yeah boys wish I was a melbooner
21 hours ago
ain’t that the truth
21 hours ago
ignorant fucking kommie filth
21 hours ago
kills me to see whites protesting for muds
21 hours ago
fuck all jog bots
21 hours ago
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
o7 to the Zogbots
21 hours ago
wtf lol
21 hours ago
“take your mask off” so we can harass your family and employers… what sub-human scum
21 hours ago
good going guys o/
21 hours ago
that’s it
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
some drunk Kunt was doing kapaweara ?? one time ina taxi line and the dumb fuk accidentally made contact with my face, so I shnaped him. he pretended to be knocked out lol
21 hours ago
there you go^
21 hours ago
ganging the dune would of been nice taste of own medicine
21 hours ago
Even in QLd they got rid of the defense against murder if you kill a poof propositioning you.
21 hours ago
our activists should seriously start carrying anti-pepperspray goggles or masks of some kind
21 hours ago
You can get goggles similar to sunglasses, just making sure you don’t get brazing googles, you won’t be able to see shit.
21 hours ago
bad shiiieet
21 hours ago
a cat shit can fuk me up
21 hours ago
Wear positive pressure suits to protect from covid
21 hours ago
zee googlez do nothzing
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
I’m white as a
21 hours ago
did you have a suntan at the time?
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
Big Can Mark 9, small can Mark 3 most likely
21 hours ago
I’m an ideas amn
21 hours ago
chemical weapons, bastids
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
I had a half-breed say he’s whiter than me
21 hours ago
Not a bad idea
21 hours ago
turbo niggers
21 hours ago
Sudanese the most putrid of putrid
21 hours ago
got to block a half Jeet today , feels gud man
21 hours ago
there wasn’t any skinnies
21 hours ago
WHy not spray on a white map of Australia on your black shirts?
21 hours ago
Pre jew infection
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
use what the people know
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
Ancient Aussie culture
21 hours ago
good old Ozrock
21 hours ago
nsn cover
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
it’s 100 times worse
21 hours ago
Do you have footage?
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
the worst part about pepper spray is the reflash
21 hours ago
Chicoms are the real jews
21 hours ago
Israel are the real nazis
21 hours ago
The Ye flag?
21 hours ago
dune coon IQ
21 hours ago
friend’s like her
21 hours ago
Vilification? How are we responsible for that? We didn’t make them criminal, raping, or in the least incredibly unpleasant to be around. They vilify themselves.
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
Huge L
21 hours ago
On your last topic. It’s simple, two sets of law. One set of laws for the native folk with full rights and duties. Another set of laws for visiting foreigners with very minimal rights.
21 hours ago
his wife is a dune shark
21 hours ago
I would love to see all that play out minus police
21 hours ago
Zogbots need to fear enforcement
21 hours ago
Covid starts, masks are bad, then everyone needs a mask to walk on the footpath, then only evil baddies wear masks…
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
is that all you got
21 hours ago
Need goggles or some type of eye protection.
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
Pepper spray ain’t bad
21 hours ago
penalty’s lol for what
21 hours ago
toad goblina
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
he’s the real Aryan
21 hours ago
mylvagnam style
21 hours ago
The nigger perspective
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
Good Lord
21 hours ago
yes brown yes
21 hours ago
you guys are big meanies
21 hours ago
also goannas*
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
dropped his baton
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
Quolls, snakes, foxes, cats and the occasional dingo.
21 hours ago
Dutto cuck
21 hours ago
White pollies are traitors
21 hours ago
ratnam foul cunt
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
War torn India?
21 hours ago
suckdeep sumshit
21 hours ago
fck up gurpreet
21 hours ago
He can’t even spell Aaron properly
21 hours ago
Gross, blur that
21 hours ago
Patton Was Right
21 hours ago
useful idiots face the
22 hours ago
the woodlander
22 hours ago
i have 8 cats on the smallholding, guess theyre antisemetic too.. i knew it.
22 hours ago
Did you see his sword video? lol
22 hours ago
hard bullying
22 hours ago
Lindsay is part of the comatose right
22 hours ago
American kids used to have a gun class at school
22 hours ago
Snakes here are possibly antisemites, they kill all the rats
Patton Was Right
22 hours ago
The left are the real racists
the woodlander
22 hours ago
yes, a few species, not that common though
22 hours ago
Yeah, I mean like in the wilderness, the honest wildlife type snake
22 hours ago
the woodlander
22 hours ago
we have a few, usualy found in the houses of Parliament
Patton Was Right
22 hours ago
Christian Nationalism is a cringe civnat grift
22 hours ago
we never was gifted free speech either
22 hours ago
rumble chat no tonight ?
22 hours ago
/pol/ vs /leftypol/
22 hours ago
gab chat non existent??
22 hours ago
Do they still have actual snakes in England?
22 hours ago
utilizing the enemies resources is bad M’kay
Patton Was Right
22 hours ago
is her name AlwaysHonest. One of the high iqs told me she’s white
Mark Collett
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
Margo loves a leb train
the woodlander
22 hours ago
snakes and ladders is as far as they go
22 hours ago
88 Viewers
22 hours ago
Boldness of street level zogbots needs removed.
Mark Collett
22 hours ago
Women don’t play chess!
22 hours ago
Joel’s destroyed Toms point about being serious lol
22 hours ago
Looks like I walked back in from my smoke with bad timing. Sorry.
22 hours ago
Notice how all the dangerous snakes are browns and blacks, God is real QED
22 hours ago
Patton Was Right
22 hours ago
I heard that’s low iq
22 hours ago
it’s basically the same anti racist bullshite they’ve been making since the sixties
22 hours ago
The very last thing White nationalism needs is niggers and jews
Patton Was Right
22 hours ago
what about the based browns
22 hours ago
NetFlix got Tom. Shieeeet.
22 hours ago
Browns are against us, browns are not us.
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
No we don’t
22 hours ago
magic niggers and the rainbow dildo…. fantastic flick
22 hours ago
He rescues his wife’s black bf
22 hours ago
Neeson noooo lol
the woodlander
22 hours ago
bad optics, too hardline, its been said about every nationalist group for 100 years..
22 hours ago
forgot your masks
22 hours ago
Antifa feds
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
lol MSM comment sections always say you are not racist
22 hours ago
the kikes plan has almost worked to a tea
22 hours ago
the jew appreciate’s when you do nothing
the woodlander
22 hours ago
build our own future, start now.
22 hours ago
on YouTube just foul
22 hours ago
buying time is trump farrage’s job
22 hours ago
You should think about hosting a call in show
the woodlander
22 hours ago
huge difference between talking and doing.
22 hours ago
yes of course
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
marko yee
22 hours ago
fat cuck kelly
22 hours ago
ie cuck
22 hours ago
It’s great that the left would compliment people like that
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
You cannot be honest, it will make you look bad
22 hours ago
But I am racist
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
Mark Collett
22 hours ago
Hi guys! Keep up the great work!
22 hours ago
then when? were just starting to make traction
22 hours ago
how dare you do ANYTHING goi
22 hours ago
Aryan women were constantly attacking me to get the coof jab, wear mask, stay how etc during the whole covid bs
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
they told on their neighbors like the jew told them to
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
the woodlander
22 hours ago
buffering loads, ill try rumble
22 hours ago
the woodlander
22 hours ago
hi mate
22 hours ago
the woodlander
22 hours ago
evening everyone
22 hours ago
they’ll have to turn them off eventually
22 hours ago
we can be both
Patton Was Right
22 hours ago
Patriots o7
22 hours ago
wow they still have comment’s?’
Patton Was Right
22 hours ago
Good day, lads o/
22 hours ago
the media mind control machine utilizing their spin
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
fucking double speak
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
all women
22 hours ago
appeal’s to the matrix i guess
22 hours ago
MKultra voice
22 hours ago
i hate their smug middle class
22 hours ago
are these those horrible racists i keep hearing abt on the news?
22 hours ago
7 news
22 hours ago
23 hours ago
Lst week’s show transcript. [Joel Davis – White Man Fight Back! – Oct 17, 2024 – Transcript]
Joel Davis – White Man Fight Back! – Oct 17, 2024 – Transcript
23 hours ago
22 hours ago
anyone else rumble weird ?
22 hours ago
ty o/
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
let me hear it….. Aus for the white man fuck off we’re full and again
22 hours ago
rumble is funny
22 hours ago
23 hours ago
See Also
Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 03 with Paul Fromm – Jul 13, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
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Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
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Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
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Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version History
Version 5: Thu, Oct 31, 2024 — Transcript completed so far = 89/179 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 4: Wed, Oct 30, 2024 — Transcript completed so far = 69/179 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 3: Tue, Oct 29, 2024 — Transcript completed so far = 57/179 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 2: Sat, Oct 26, 2024 — Transcript completed so far = 41/179 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 1: Fri, Oct 25, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed so far = 24/179 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (532).
Pingback: Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript | katana17