Mark Collett
Facing the Storm
PA Conference Speech 2024
Sat, Oct 19, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, gives an impassioned speech at PA’s annual conference about the challenges and dangers ahead for nationalists in a regime that is increasingly open about its White replacement agenda.
The following points were made by Mark:
Opening remarks thanking attendees.
Analogy of boiling a frog to describe gradual societal changes.
“Since 1945, there have been sweeping changes to almost every aspect of British life.”
Recent rapid changes under new Labour government.
“The heat has been turned up so quickly that nearly everyone is talking about it now.”
Public perception shift on immigration issues (8:00)
“There was once a time when you could speak to members of the public and they didn’t believe mass immigration was even an issue.”
Recent events highlighting immigration concerns (10:00)
“Who would have thought back in June that less than four months later we would have seen the murder of three little White girls by the son of migrants?”
New government policies and crackdowns (12:00)
“New legislation is now being drafted to criminalize those who speak out against migration.”
Two-tier system disadvantaging white British citizens (15:00)
“Normal White working folk are now clearly second class citizens.”
Mainstream acknowledgment of two-tier policing (18:00)
“The term has been used in Parliament, in the media and in almost every major newspaper.”
Opportunities and dangers of current situation (20:00)
“This is a watershed moment for nationalists here in the UK and it represents not some small or incremental shift, but a massive jump.”
Government’s acceleration of immigration (23:00)
“The establishment have clearly acknowledged that there is a race going on between migration and the public consciousness of migration.”
Recent population statistics (26:00)
“For the first time since 1976, deaths outstripped births here in the UK.”
Government’s efforts to silence dissent (28:00)
“Their second course of action is to effectively terrorize white people”
Origins of the term “terrorism” (30:00)
“The words terrorism and terrorist came into existence thanks to a gruesome and protracted period of state sponsored violence during the French revolution.”
Current state surveillance and oppression (33:00)
“We are moving toward a point where holding the wrong opinions will be seen as almost a capital crime”
Changing attitudes towards remigration (35:00)
“Remigration is now rightly seen as the only solution that can save us from becoming a minority.”
Potential criminalization of remigration rhetoric (37:00)
“Calls for remigration and deportation could well be outlawed as terms that are likely to stir up racial hatred.”
Plans for indigenous rights advocacy (39:00)
“We will become an indigenous rights advocacy and pressure group.”
Expectation of some supporters leaving the movement (41:00)
“I expect that some people who were once very active in this movement will take their leave.”
Speaker’s commitment despite risks (42:00)
“I will carry on despite the associated risks, because I believe more than anything that what we do is right.”
Closing rallying cry
“Those who dare to fight in the darkest of times are the heroes that will ensure that tomorrow belongs to us.”
Published on Sat, Oct 19, 2024
Facing the Storm – PA Conference Speech 2024
November 1, 2024
Mark Collett
My speech from the 2024 Patriotic Alternative Conference.
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
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(Words: 4,629 – Duration: 45 mins)
Aaron Spreadbury: All right, so our final speaker today needs no introduction, but he’s going to get one anyway! He has been in nationalism for over 20 years, and there isn’t much that he hasn’t seen. He is the founder and the leader of the largest nationalist organisation in the United Kingdom, and he has led Patriotic Alternative with both wisdom and courage. And without his efforts, none of us would be here today.
So please put your hands together and give a hearty round of applause for the one and only Mark Collett!
[loud applause]
Mark Collett: Firstly, before I start speaking, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who came here today. To see us packing out a room like this for what, the fifth year in a row is incredible! The momentum we’ve built and the momentum we’ve maintained over the last five years, people often credit to me. But it’s not really me who did this, it’s us!
So when people are giving myself a round of applause, I do appreciate that. But the round of applause should be extended to everyone who is part of our community, because first and foremost, that is what Patriotic Alternative is all about.
Now, there is an overused analogy that I am sure everyone in this room will be familiar with. And that analogy is about boiling a frog.
But in case you are the one person in the room that hasn’t heard of this analogy before, it’s based around the idea that if you were going to boil a frog, which I don’t recommend, by the way, but if you were, and you were going to boil that frog alive in a pan of water, you’re better off putting the frog in cold water, placing the pan on the stove and gently turning up the heat so the frog doesn’t know that it’s being boiled alive, until it’s too late. The converse of this is, of course, you just throw the frog into a pan of bubbling water on the stove and it jumps right out and it escapes!
Now, obviously, everyone in this room today can understand why this analogy has been used so often, as it clearly applies directly to the struggle that we are in. Since 1945, there have been sweeping changes to almost every aspect of British life. And if you took a snapshot of Britain in, let’s say, 1950, and compared it to the Britain that we live in today, I think we’d all agree [sound cut out] … Fresh water from a stream with bubbling hot water sat in a pan on a stove. And we didn’t go from 1945 to 2024 in a heartbeat or even in a short period of time. It took us over three quarters of a century. That’s longer than the average lifespan of the people who were alive when all of those changes were set in motion. The changes were drip fed to the public.
And in terms of the analogy that I began with, the analogy of the frog in the pan, the heat was turned up so very slowly over such a lengthy period of time. But here today in Britain in 2024, I finally think that the overused analogy of the frog being boiled is starting to lose its relevance. As since the election of Keir Starmer and the current Labour government, the heat has been turned up so quickly that I think it would be impossible for anyone not to notice! In fact, the heat has been turned up so quickly that nearly everyone is talking about it now.
Now, as people have said, I’ve been around for a long time and it was once common for nationalists like myself who engaged with the public to be turned away or dismissed on the grounds that we were talking nonsense! I’ve spent over two decades trying to convince the public of both the reality and the gravity of the situation that we as a race and nation face. I have first hand knowledge of the way the public dismissed us.
Believe it or not, there was once a time when you could speak to members of the public and they didn’t believe mass immigration was even an issue. And they certainly would not have entertained the idea that White Britons would ever have faced the prospect of being a minority in their ancestral homeland.
What’s more, if you tried to inform people that as this process would take place, not only would White Britons be the ones to pay financially for the transition, but during that transition they would become an underclass, many people used to roll their eyes. They would even laugh and mock you for what you were saying.
To many, the future that we warned of was simply preposterous! It was a fantasy! Or worse still, it was a conspiracy theory! And I’ve had that argument thrown into my face more times than I care to remember.
But over the last three and a half months, things have changed dramatically. There has been a massive, a seismic political shift in Britain. A shift that has been overseen and stage managed by what is undoubtedly the most nakedly anti-White and pro-migrant government this country has ever seen! One that puts both the Blair and Sunak regimes to shame. This shift is the equivalent of turning up the heat under the pan, not by several degrees, but by such a factor that the frog immediately takes note.
Who would have thought back in June that less than four months later we would have seen the murder of three little White girls by the son of migrants? Spontaneous mass anti-migrant protests on the streets of cities the length and breadth of the country. A brutal police clampdown like nothing we have ever witnessed before. 24 hour politicised courts being convened to deal with speech and thought criminals! The Prime Minister going on television to tell us he is forming special police forces to simply focus on Internet hate crimes. New legislation is now being draughted to criminalise those who speak out against migration.
But on top of all of that, there is a raft of new economic cash grabs, including a discriminatory policy that withdraws vital winter fuel payments from over 10 million, overwhelmingly White, pensioners in order to ensure that a raft of diverse and progressive policies can still be funded. But whilst all this is happening, whilst Labour is stripping us of our rights and signing off on what could effectively be a policy that leads to a cull of elderly White Britons, they have also been preparing an amnesty for over 100,000 illegal immigrants, as well as removing the final few remaining blockades to migrants entering the country.
And all these new Britons that are going to be granted the right to stay here, they won’t be facing the same financial crisis that us true Brits will! As Labour is committed to spending millions, if not billions, on making sure these people are cared for in every way imaginable! I have to emphasise this again, this is all within four months of Starmer being elected. They have not just turned up the temperature a little, they have gone straight to gas Mark 10 in the blink of an eye.
And on top of that, they are not even trying to hide it! Now at one time governments, especially the Conservatives, always the Conservatives, would usually dangle a carrot in order to soften the blow. But the current Labour establishment are so totally shameless and anti-White that they don’t even do that! Things have changed so much so that I don’t think going up to people and talking about migration and the idea of Whites becoming a minority would be something that anyone contested anymore.
Now, sure, I think you would find liberals out there, and those liberals would say:
“Yeah, the demographic shift is happening.”
And they’d be celebrating it. But they’d still admit that it was happening. They would say:
“They celebrated it.”
Rather than denying it.
But more importantly than accepting the facts on migration, which are of course important, is the fact that people are now aware that we live under a two tier system. A two tier system is in place where the indigenous people of these islands are automatically placed at a disadvantage when compared to both new arrivals and those from ethnic minority backgrounds.
Now, granted, the rules are a little more complex than what I have just stated, obviously White Britons who are part of the ruling elite, Whites who are part of far-Left organisations, or Whites who are part of degenerate, sickening subcultures, will get a pass. But normal White working folk are now clearly Second Class citizens! And worse still, if you are White and if you’re speaking out against mass immigration, multiculturalism or talking about demographic change, you will be treated as the lowest of the low! And you will have fewer rights than any other group in the country!
Now this in itself is not news to anyone in this room. We’ve known this was coming for a long time. We know if a member of an anti-fascist organisation punches someone, the police don’t care. If a nationalist defends himself and it’s self defence, you’re getting arrested. If a young black male sets fire to the Union Jack at the Cenotaph, it’s a suspended sentence. If a young White male kicks a policeman because three little White girls were murdered, it’s off to jail for 26 months!
And again, this isn’t news to us. We’ve seen this creeping up. We’ve known this was coming for years and we’ve spent, some of us, decades trying to warn the public.
But in the last few months, the dam has finally broken, when it comes to talking about this issue. The issue of “two tier policing” has gone mainstream. The term has been used in Parliament, in the media and in almost every major newspaper. The heat has been turned up so quickly that not even the press can deny what is happening. And the public are no longer deriding or ignoring what we say. They are openly voicing our talking points, which are increasingly becoming part of the everyday discourse in workplaces, in social clubs, in pubs and in homes all over Britain. This is a watershed moment for nationalists here in the UK! And it represents not some small or incremental shift, but a massive jump! But that jumps before you all start celebrating presents both great opportunities, but also serious dangers.
Let’s start with the good stuff. Let’s start with the opportunities. Never before has immigration been such a hot topic. Never before have so many people been openly concerned about demographic change. This isn’t just reflected in the way normal people are speaking. We’ve seen a massive change in the way that formerly race blind politicians, content creators, and influencers are reporting on the issue of immigration and anti-White policymaking. All of a sudden there is a palpable fear about the prospect of the UK becoming a country where the indigenous population are a minority. And there is also this growing concern of how White people would be treated if they were a minority. Even Nigel Farage has finally spoken about the ethnic makeup of our cities and even made an election pledge about deporting people.
Finally, the world is accepting the talking points that we have pushed for generations. The truth is breaking through!
However, we should not rejoice too much, because there’s a lot of negatives to this as well. The obvious negative is the way that Keir Starmer and the Labour government are approaching this mass awakening. In short, they are set on two courses of action.
The first is that they wish to accelerate mass immigration into Britain. The establishment have clearly acknowledged that there is a race going on between migration and the public consciousness of migration. On one hand, migration is increasing, but on the other, the public are now more aware that migration is this big threat and that it affects their lives in so many ways.
The race taking place now will decide whether Whites will become a minority before they become racially conscious enough on a wide enough scale to prevent themselves from becoming a minority. And the establishment is not run by idiots. They know how crucial this race is! Starmer and his cabinet know that if White people were to wake up before they were outnumbered, the game is up! Migration is ending, it will be reversed and we will remain a majority.
On the other hand, conversely, they also know if they can increase migration and Whites slip under a certain percentage of the population, it’s effectively game over! White Britons at that point will be destined to minority status!
So the first course of action the Starmer government will be set upon is to speed up White replacement to levels that we have never seen before. And on top of all of that, they have something going in their favour. They already know that we are reaching that tipping point, that the point of no return is not very far off at this juncture. With hundreds of thousands of White Britons leaving the country every year to run from this nightmare, with millions of migrants coming in with birth rates being overwhelmingly in favour of migrant communities, they will surely at this point, think that victory is in their grasp.
And if you want a bit of perspective on this isn’t just me saying this, I’m going to give you the latest figures. It was either this week or last week a report was published. Over the last 12 months. For the first time since 1976, deaths outstripped births here in the UK. Now, you don’t have to be a genius to work out that should lead to a falling population. Yes? But over the same 12 months, our population grew by the fastest rate it ever has in history! We cannot hide from the fact that we are now being replaced faster than we ever have before.
Now, you think that’s bad, but their second, and I said that was the first course of action. Their second course of action is actually worse than the first. And I know what you’re thinking, how on earth could something be worse than speeding up mass immigration to the point where we become a minority even faster? Well, it’s simple.
Their second course of action is to effectively terrorize White people so that even if Whites become racially conscious on a much larger scale, most of those who understand the truth will be too scared, too browbeaten, to ever speak out about the issue! Effectively meaning that the racially conscious White Britons will sit in silence rather than stand up and join our chorus of dissent.
Now, the astute amongst you will have noticed I used a term there. I said “terrorize”. And I use that term for a specific reason. You see, whilst the government loves to use the word “terrorism” to describe those who espouse views that they don’t like, there is a bitter irony to them using that word in such a way. You see, the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” came into English use as translations of words used in France during the period known as “The Reign of Terror” that took place between 1793 and 1794.
And during that era, the newly installed French government punished, usually by death, those people who were thought to be against the ongoing revolution. Those words came into existence thanks to a gruesome and protracted period of state sponsored violence. It is quite amazing really. The words terrorism and terrorist were originally words used to describe brutal acts of oppression by the State directed against those who spoke out against the state. Or in many cases, those acts of brutal oppression were used against people who were merely perceived to be going against the state. And that is exactly what we’re seeing here now in Britain!
When you see mothers dragged out of their homes for social media posts, when you see working men sent to prison for shouting at police officers, and when you see hard working fathers jailed for minor offences like throwing a traffic cone towards police officers we are living in times of political oppression that can only be described as “state sponsored terror”! We are moving toward a point where holding the wrong opinions will be seen as almost a capital crime, where saying the wrong words to the wrong person will see you receive a sentence longer than what a sex offender would receive.
And this worrying shift towards a complete and total clampdown on freedom of speech and freedom of expression is exactly what I would have predicted from this Labour government. This clampdown has the potential to be the most comprehensive in history, because it is backed by a surveillance state that is unrivaled!
But just as worryingly, it will also be supported by the same disgusting, sniveling people who snitched on their neighbours during the Covid lockdowns. The kind of people who phoned the police when people on their street didn’t come out of their homes at the allotted time to clap like demented seals for the NHS.
Make no mistake, we are now presented with the greatest opportunity that nationalists have seen in a lifetime! But we are also presented with the most draconian laws, the most oppressive system, and a surveillance network that makes anything written in 1984 look like a joke!
But the talk of this takes me back to a different time, a time when I was a young man and how politics was when I first joined this struggle. When I first got involved, I joined the BNP. At the time, the BNP was trying to hide their re-migration policy. The party played down talk of sending people home. We never spoke of it, we never featured it in publicity material and we actually treated it as if it was our dirty little secret. It was something that we spoke of behind closed doors.
We called it the Repatriation Policy. And the party watered it down! Hid it on their website, and had a policy of never speaking about it, never putting it on leaflets, never talking about it at meetings, and definitely never, ever mentioning it in a media interview!
Today, however, several decades on “re-migration” is a buzzword. For the first time in my lifetime, re-migration is a rallying cry that is posted tens of thousands of times a day on social media. Deportation is demanded by sitting MPs. Normal people are discussing sending them back!
Remigration for the first time in a generation is seen not just as a viable solution, but as a necessary solution! Remigration is not just the battle cry of nationalists, but something that normal people are now openly desiring. Remigration is now rightly seen as the only solution that can save us from becoming a minority. It is what we need in order to survive!
But before we celebrate and before we cheer, there is a flip side to that. Remigration is also a term that could soon become illegal. Calls for re-migration and deportation could well be outlawed as terms that are “likely to stir up racial hatred”. And I say “likely” because that is the new word that will be the new bar when deciding whether speech is hate speech. At one time, speech would have to be abusive, insulting or threatening.
But now the Labour government wished to change this to the lower threshold of merely “likely to stir up racial hatred”.
So on one hand, we see a golden opportunity, we see progress and we see the public increasingly accepting our talking points in larger and larger numbers. And most of all, we are finally seeing re-migration being discussed, normalised and even adopted in other Western nations.
But on the other hand, we have these draconian laws, a surveillance state, two tier justice and a clampdown on our freedoms that even George Orwell would never have predicted. Make no mistake my friends, this is a high stakes game. Everything is on the line! All the chips are on the table! And we stand to gain everything. But we also stand to personally forfeit everything if the state singles us out for persecution.
And I’m not going to stand here and lie to you. The risk is real. There are people now in jail cells serving multi-year sentences for saying the wrong thing, attending the wrong protest, or even publishing stickers that the Crown stated were completely legal.
So the question that people will ask me is:
“Where do we go from here?”
Well, we are going to do something that no other group has ever attempted to do here in the UK.
Firstly, we will remain as the community building group we have always been. At the centre of everything we do will remain this community, but we will become an indigenous rights advocacy and pressure group. The only group in the UK that will fight for the rights of the indigenous people of this country who face discrimination, abuse or even jail. We will use this community that we have built to be both a support network and a shield wall for those whom the system attacks.
And the thing that makes me the most proud is that we have already begun doing this. Since the recent anti-migrant protests, we as a community have already raised £15,000 for the families of those who have been jailed for either speech crimes, non-crimes, such as shouting at the police, or being present when disorder took place, and for people who were jailed for minor infractions.
And this is a bold move, not just because no one else is doing it, but also because I believe it’s the one thing our people need the most. They need a community that stands behind them when the state comes knocking on their door!
But that sadly brings me to the most uncomfortable part of what I’m going to say today. With this clampdown, with this high stakes battle for our future, with tensions in the country reaching boiling point and with political persecution reaching levels that we have never seen before, I expect that some people who were once very active in this movement will take their leave. The idea of going to jail or becoming a social pariah will simply be too much for them. These people will look at political prisoners like Sam Melia, and whilst they will admire them and want to support them, they will be terrified of being in their shoes.
Some people will now decide certain things can’t be discussed. They will quietly fall in line with the government’s new mandates, and they will behave like trained dogs, understanding exactly what their masters expect of them.
But I’m sure there is a question here for me. What will I do? And I say I because I am speaking for me. And on this topic, I can’t speak for you. But I will carry on despite the associated risks, because I believe more than anything that what we do is right!
[standing applause]
And people have asked me this. When I say people, I mean members of the public, people in this room, my friends, even my family. They’ve said:
“Mark, is this worth going to jail for? Was this all worth losing your bank accounts? Was this all worth becoming a social pariah that can’t do many of the things that normal people do?”
And I look at them and smile and say:
“The answer is unequivocally yes!”
You see, sometimes in life there are bigger things at stake than your own individual well being, your own financial security, and your own social status. From a young age, I acknowledged that the most important thing was the survival of people of European descent!
I acknowledged that if we as a people cease to exist, anything that I achieve as an individual in my life would be irrelevant. And now I look at the current situation and I know the risks are greater than ever! I know the establishment will continue to tighten the noose around our necks, choking our freedoms.
But I have done this for long enough to know that the establishment’s actions do not come from a place of strength. Instead, they come from a place of fear and uncertainty. The establishment knows that the cracks in the Multicultural Project are growing by the day. And that’s why they are desperate to pass these new laws as they know the truth is breaking through. And their only hope now is not to hide the truth, because they can’t do that anymore! Their only hope now is to stop people speaking the truth that they already know! They aren’t jailing nationalists because they’re winning. They are jailing nationalists because they’re finally losing their grasp on power!
And that’s why, at this crucial juncture, despite the increased risks, I believe it is time to grit our teeth, to dig our heels in and fight harder:
“But what about our freedom?”
People will cry. Well, the answer to that is simple. Being free is about being able to live as you wish. Being able to say what you want, to be able to do what you please, and to associate with those whom you love. If you can’t do those things, if you choose to self censor, and if you give up on your beliefs, if you are forced to turn your back on your comrades and friends, one thing is for sure, you are not free. You are a prisoner in their system. But worse still, you are a prisoner by consent! And I for one, am not going to consent to being a prisoner of their system. I do not consent to spending my life on my knees for anyone. Especially not a system that despises me, my family, my friends and my people.
My message today is clear. Despite the hardships, despite the increasing oppression, and despite what may seem like overwhelming odds, we will never be silenced!
But more so, we will give a voice to those who the system tries to silence. We will be the support network for the most oppressed, trampled people in this country, white people who dare to oppose their own replacement. We are engaged in this struggle because we understand one thing. The most precious thing in the whole world is our people! And the survival of our people is non-negotiable!
So despite the increasing tyranny that we face, we will never stop fighting. And even if our brave comrades are arrested and dragged away from their families and imprisoned, their heads will not be bowed, their flame will not dim, and they will not be forgotten. Quite the opposite in fact. Their heads will be held up high. Their names will be known by more people than they could ever have imagined. Their fight against this system will be spoken of not only the length and breadth of the country, but it will be spoken of all over the Western world.
Because those who dare to fight in the darkest of times are the heroes that will ensure that tomorrow belongs to us!
Thank you.
[long, stand up applause]
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 11/3/2024 = 40)
1 day ago
I honestly think now, the political route is not where effort should be given.
The woodlander did make a good point on this subject. Creating a community of sorts is the most beneficial method.
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Mark Collett
1 day ago
I agree!
the woodlander
1 day ago
i agree
Open Borders for Israel
1 day ago
Mark Collett is the bravest man in the UK
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1 day ago
He has been very effective within the wiggle room you have.
1 day ago
Great Speech.
1 day ago
Great speech, acknowledging the problem is the first step to solving it
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1 day ago
The message is still being suppressed but I’m optimistic.
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1 day ago
I am optimistic as well all we need is a certain number of our people to wake up and wanting to do something about it and it is game over for them
the woodlander
1 day ago
community is everythig.
1 day ago
Great speech
Play @ 1.25speed
1 day ago
So soon after listening to Ayatollah’s speech… its hard to listen without thinking of his Collett impersonation
Good speech mate, agree that we are no longer frogs being slow cooked, we are being roasted alive screaming.
1 day ago
God bless you Mr. Collett.
1 day ago
The All-time Anglo
1 day ago
Superb speech. Difficult to see anything in this speech that wouldn’t chime with the vast majority people in this country.
1 day ago
Bravo Mark.
Excellent speech. I wholeheartedly agree with every point, especially regarding our own advocacy group.
Cone of Silence
1 day ago
Hey Mark, changing the hearts and minds of people is a gigantic task for sure.
When someone makes a stand we see the response from governments and lobbiests.
We always view the job ahead as one of alienation of immigrants and they are left out of any conversation, they are essentially bystanders watching their host country’s implode.
I think we should use these groups more effectively to wake the NPC’s up.
By use, I mean have conversations with them on their views
, what would they do if in our situation or if it happened in their country’s and what solutions would they take.
Actually what would they do to their government if such crimes happened in their lands.
The responses no doubt would be one’s that would shock the people sitting on the fence.
1 day ago
I have to disagree with the boiling frog analogy for the US. All the signs were there but Americans, especially fluoride and lead poisoned boomers, just didn’t care. They still don’t care.
1 day ago
Is Irish Nationalism compatible with British Nationalism? I’m neither just curious.
BitChute Comments
Facing the Storm – PA Conference Speech 2024
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Mark Collett
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My speech from the 2024 Patriotic Alternative Conference. Ways you can help contribute to my work:
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2 hours ago
Smashingly good speech, unbelievable that PA isn’t the number 1 most popular party in the UK right now.
14 hours ago
Massive immigration. Industry is more concentrated than ever in fewer and fewer hands. Retail is disappearing. So where are they needed?
Edited 13 hours ago
9 hours ago
In demographic numbers. They’re here to replace us, and they’re doing a great job. Not long to go now.
2 hours ago
It’s nearly game over. It will be game over by 2050
19 hours ago
Intro Skipper
Duke & Slattery show was worth a listen.
Audio Player
a day ago
Payback for saving those poor jews and letting them write the Versailles treaty.
a day ago
Trump is the next Churchill. WW3 in 2025. Expect amnesty for illegals and more legal immigrants, and the worst draconian hate laws for speaking up, esp against jews, who everyone knows control money, credit and media. Rothschilds control the Sqare Mile City of London and the Bank of England and banks across the world.u
a day ago
Lord Haw-Haw PHD.
Trump is a chicken, both of them are. When crowds chanted to Hitler SIEG HEIL,Hail victory, Hitler said to them, change that word Sieg, to Kampf, Battle. Kampf Heil, hail the battle. Thats what is coming!
Edited a day ago
a day ago
Bravo and Hail Victory
2 days ago
Mark, don’t ever call me a comrade.
2 days ago
Oh yes, before I forget you will have BBBEE (Broad Based Black economic empowerment) If you are a white man “YOU WILL” have a non-white business partner who “WILL” own a 51% stake hold of your company so that in a few years once he has learned the in’s and out’s of your business he can turn around and legally fire you and there’s [show more]
2 days ago
Don’t blink ’cause for all the black-empowerment bullshit, Asians/Indians/Chinese are real the benefactors. Where I work, they cry about “not doing enough for blacks” while the office is 80% Chinese/Indian. Blacks will be prominent in media/movies/Hollywood, but I don’t expect them to be in the boardrooms across the country.
a day ago
Lord Haw-Haw PHD.TheWestIsBeingDestroyed
That same story about blacks has been going on before the 60s when I came into the world. And its the same bullshit still today. After more than 5 decades blacks HAVE GONE BACKWARDS and taken countries backwards. If they are so great like the movies, why is every black country in history – an absolute shithole and worse?
2 days ago
Wait for AA and BEE/DEI.
You will not be able to even get a job because you are white!
2 days ago
Lord Haw-Haw PHD.
It should be clear to any thinking person the nonsense when authorities tell you those masses are needed to keep the economy going. First principle, the economy serves the people – the people dont serve the economy. And millions of semi-literates, racists and criminals who never built a pinhead in their existence can only irreparably destroy what whites have built up over centuries.
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2 days ago
Did EMJ ban you. What a pos EMJ is.
Edited a day ago
2 days ago
Whites shitting on Whites are far more dangerous than any jew. And unfortunately the White race is full of traitors and liberals. Apparently selling books or a good job is worth throwing lesser brothers under the bus and giving the country away.
Edited 2 days ago
a day ago
Lord Haw-Haw PHD.TheWestIsBeingDestroyed
Just dont call Jones a jew, like I did, or he will block you.You can call a jew anything but when you call him jew, he is exposed. EMJ is a jew, hiding behind Catholic religion. Notice how he slanders us White peoples and everything that s of white Europe. And all his garbage”categories”. Jones has German jewish heritage. Thats [show more]
Edited a day ago
a day ago
Lord Haw-Haw PHD.TheWestIsBeingDestroyed
Sadly those whites(I have brothers like that), just cant see through the fraud. They have no other background and have been educated in MU, Minneapolis Uni and Hollywood jewish poison. They are warped. It is devastating. The only salvation, for me, is to know the deepest truth. Its a solitary journey.
Edited a day ago
2 days ago
The future is NOT in political parties of any stripe. The future lies in direct representatives answerable and accountable only to their constituents.
2 days ago
Lord Haw-Haw PHD.
I think Mark Collett is an excellent speaker and person. And I entirely support his mission.
2 days ago
I concur
See Also
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Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version 1: Sun, Nov 3, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed = 45/45 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee and BitChute comments (40).