Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


One Nation: Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition?



Mon, Nov 4, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following;

Blair Cottrell recently returned from a trip to England and spoke at the Patriotic Alternative conference (3 minutes)

“London feels like an abandoned empire overrun by foreign forces.” – Blair (4 minutes)

Blair believes “racism is essential to maintaining nationhood” (6 minutes)

Discussion of Halloween and a video they made parodying the KKK (10 minutes)

One Nation underperformed in recent Queensland election (30 minutes)

“Pauline Hanson will quit politics at the end of her current Senate term” – Joel (35 minutes)

Criticism that One Nation behaves like “controlled opposition” (37 minutes)

Suggestion that Blair Cottrell should take over leadership of One Nation (40 minutes)

Discussion of recent camping trip with nationalist group (50 minutes)

“We burned some crosses. We did some chants.” – Tom

Debate over whether to endorse Libertarian Party in next election (60 minutes)

Prediction that Trump will win 2024 US election (75 minutes)

“I’d rather him fail in office to carry out the mass deportations and everyone to get pissed off about it and demand a more radical nationalist politics” – Joel on Trump (80 minutes)

Concern over Trump and Musk supporting expanded legal immigration (85 minutes)

View that Harris administration would crack down on free speech platforms (90 minutes)

“Whites in America need to start organizing around their identity.” (95 minutes)

Discussion of changing racial voting patterns in US elections (100 minutes)

“The racial polarization of American politics will diminish generation after generation” (105 minutes)

Call for explicit White identity politics separate from Republican Party (110 minutes)




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Published on Mon, Nov 4, 2024




One Nation: ineptitude or controlled opposition?
November 4, 2024
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blair cottrell
joel davis
one nation
pauline hanson
thomas sewell
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2.51 GB



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(Words: 20,228 – Duration: 114 mins)



[Video of Chinese Consulate rally, protest]


Joel Davis: Anyway, that was last Saturday in Melbourne at the Chinese consulate in Toorak. Some of the boys went down there and decided to burn some Chinese flags and pictures of Mao, some pictures of President Xi, and demand the extradition of the Chinaman who threw scolding hot coffee on a White baby. A nine month old White baby in a racially motivated hate crime I think quite clearly, before getting on a plane to China to escape justice due to his frustration at having his permanent visa application denied.


So, yeah, that was a bit of fun, but I hope you’re all ready for another show [Nov 4, 2024]. I decided to play that because it has been over a week since we’ve done a show. On Thursday night I wanted to do a Halloween special, but Jacob Hersant wrote me into his clan rally.


So that was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the content that Jacob made, which was hilarious by the way, maybe I should play Jacob’s video actually, his Halloween special Hersant clip. I think it seems to have got the [word unclear] Hersant Twitter account banned. He is appealing the suspension, but of in the chat for Jacob because that kind of sucks!


But anyway, it’s great to have Blair back. Obviously we sent you on a mission over to the mother country to go and represent Australia at the Patriotic Alternative Conference. Obviously Mark Collett, friend of the show hosted you. He hosted me last year. So a supreme gentleman. And I watched your speech*. You spoke well as usual and the crowd seemed to love it, I think. I mean, you’re a very impressive man to meet in real life. I think they would have loved having the chance to shake hands with Blair Cottrell at the conference. So I’m sure they were pretty stoked to have you. But what was your impressions? Not just of the conference, but of the old country in general, because it’s the first time you’ve ever been, obviously, so.



Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, I have many impressions and it depends on where you go in England. It’s a bigger country than I expected and it takes longer to travel across one side to the other. A lot longer than I expected. London feels like an abandoned empire overrun by foreign forces. Cornwall, though, that’s quite beautiful. But I think it’s a bit of a holiday resort and there’s a lot of like trendy White people out there. And it’s so often the case that when you get majority White suburban area, they’re all really Left-wing because they’ve never seen ethnic diversity and what it actually does to a community. So in order to feel good about themselves, they’re always promoting multiculturalism and diversity and every Left-wing programme they can think of just as a virtue signal. And that seems to be happening out in Cornwall, New Quay, which is the southwest of England. Apologies for my voice, by the way. I’ve been really jet lagged because the flights are very long. I didn’t sleep at all on the flights. Then I got a little bit sick after getting home, probably from the people that were surrounding me on the planes.


But I’m going to do a bit of a debrief maybe in the next few days. So I won’t say too much now, but it is a beautiful country, full of great architecture. But like I said, it does have that abandoned empire feel, like the best of us abandoned it long ago. And ever since then it’s just been kind of overrun. And I came back with one thought regarding England, regarding just the state of England. It made me think of nationhood generally.


And I realised that racism is essential to maintaining nationhood. That if you have a country that’s not racist, it’s not going to stay a country for long, it’s not going to stay your country for long. That racial discrimination is sort of a necessary facet of any nation.


And as a result of that, well, we can see in England that laws against racial discrimination have made the English people, have made it illegal for them to be necessarily racist to protect their own identity. And you can really feel that in England. It’s like they have a lot more hate crime there, I think. Hate speech. And everyone’s worried about saying the wrong thing.


But look, I was hosted by some great people up in the Midlands, by Mark and Patriotic Alternative. And I really enjoyed the conference, but I’m still a little bit scattered. You know, my thoughts and experiences, they’re still overlapping each other. And I’m trying to organise it inside my mind so I can get a good perspective of England and how it relates to Australia. But I was happy to be home.


But what do you think of England, Joel? You’ve been there.


Joel Davis: Have you been to England, Tom, as a boy? Because obviously your father’s English.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I went when I was 16.


Joel Davis: What were your impressions?


Thomas Sewell: I’d never met a gypsy before until I went to England. So oh, sorry, no, that was France. I went to Paris and London at the same time and York and it was. Yeah, I was 16, so I wasn’t very political. I was surprised that there were niggers in Paris, genuinely. I was also very surprised at the demographics of London. And it wasn’t even anywhere near as bad as it is now. I mostly did just kind of basic touristy stuff.


And if you do touristy stuff anywhere, the demographic is going to be bad.


So I can’t really comment much on England back in 2009, I wasn’t there long enough. If I was going to go on holiday somewhere and I was kind of sad that you spent such little time in England. I would want to go for like a month at least. I feel that you’d have to fully. I know it sounds kind of cringe, but you’d have to like fully immerse and see as much as you can. You know, it is expensive going over there.




Blair Cottrell: Oh yeah.


Thomas Sewell: I mean, you didn’t get more time.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, and I didn’t stay for long enough. I think I was only there for a total of eight full days. And considering, …


Thomas Sewell: You were so busy and moving and adjusting.


Blair Cottrell: It’s just a schedule the entire time.


But look, I’m glad I got to see it. Glad I got to see the motherland. The architecture was the best I’ve ever seen, the most impressive. And I saw some really cool castles, very old cathedrals in Winchester, which I was surprised to learn is the original capital of England. It was never like an official capital, but it was the main city before William the Conqueror declared London the capital in 1066. And Winchester is just so old! Everything in England is so old. I’m not really used to that because we’re in such a young country and most of the infrastructure architecture here is kind of recently built.


And interestingly, there’s a place in London that looks exactly like Flinders Street, but on larger scale where this bridge goes across a little river. And I realised that a lot of the architecture is kind of emulated parts of London. The architecture in Australia is emulating parts of London. It has a real British character in Australia. And you can appreciate that once you go back to England and see where we come from.


But yeah, there’s a lot to say. There are a lot of Africans in London. And unfortunately I booked accommodation in a place called Kennington because it looked pretty affluent when I was looking at the various hotels there. Then when I got there, I just smelled marijuana everywhere all the time. And I don’t like marijuana. It like sets alarm bells off in my brain. I’ve had some bad experiences with that stuff.


So I’m like, whoa, who’s smoking weed? And then I noticed children, like black children running around, like screaming, crying, with no shoes on. Then there was like homeless people. And then I realised there’s black people walking down the street smoking weed just in public. And one of them was abusing a bus driver. And, well, I won’t get into it, but yeah, like, I had some pretty eye opening experiences. It’s pretty alarming the state that England’s at. Joel went over there last year. Did you spend much time in London when you were there last year, Joel?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I was in London for about two weeks, I think in total, I spent a couple months in Britain. And yeah, London is a fucking shit hole! Part of the time I was staying in London, I stayed in Clapham, which is a little bit more of a wider area, and that was more chill. I mean, it’s not a particularly nice area. But the tube trip to the city is quite short.


So if you want to go into the middle of the city to do kind of touristy stuff, it’s not a bad spot. It was recommended to me by a friend of mine who’s actually from London who said that’s a good place to find a cheapish, like affordable Airbnb where you’re not surrounded by like Pakis or negroes or something. And he was right about that.


But yeah, London is a hole.


I mean, I did appreciate seeing some of the sites, going to the art gallery and the museums and seeing some of the classics like:


“Oh, there’s Big Ben! etc.”


Blair Cottrell: But it’s not even that big, is it? Big Ben? It’s like Medium Ben. I thought it was bigger than that.



Joel Davis: It isn’t as impressive as Sydney or Melbourne, frankly, because it’s not just covered in huge skyscrapers because it’s all old buildings in a certain way. Like, it’s impressive in another sense because you can feel the history.


But I find that about European cities in general, they feel kind of small to me as an Australian, because Sydney and Melbourne, they’re just like massive metropolises. Or when I went to a New York, that was a whole different level. Like, it’s just literally a concrete jungle, just skyscrapers in every conceivable direction. And that’s not necessarily better. You know, I’m not saying that particularly Melbourne can be quite ugly, really, because of all these modernist takes on architecture, trying to be too eclectic and just it looks kind of disgusting a lot of the time.


But I digress. You know, I did love visiting Britain though, when I got out of London, when I went to some of the smaller towns in the countryside. Like, I enjoyed my time with Collett when I went there for the conference as well. That was only a short stay. But he took me to this castle out in the countryside somewhere. And that was a fun visit because that was really old. That was like over a thousand years old or something. I am sad that I never got down to go to, … Did you go to Stonehenge because you were nearby? Did you end up going?




Blair Cottrell: No, I just didn’t get the time. The two places I went to that I was., … They’re kind of like the best memories other than the conference. Like, we’ve got some great guys over in England, like great nationalists. They’re looking after the native population there and representing the native population well. I got to meet a lot of those people, shake hands with them. It was really cool!


But other than the conference, St. Michael’s Mount, which is. I posted some photos of it. It’s an old castle on an island. And there’s a granite man made pathway leading to the island. But the pathway becomes completely submerged during high tide. So you can only access the island by foot during certain times during low tide. Otherwise you have to go by boat. That was a really nice castle. I’m pretty sure some of the family who owns that castle is still living there in some part of it. But they open up another part of it for tourism, but I’m not entirely sure.


Then there was Tintagel. I just thought that was a weird name for place Tintagel. But that had like a very stereotypical English cemetery from a long, long time ago. Like, it’s a very old cemetery and just real ancient vibes in Tintagel. There’s the remains of a castle there on a detached landmass that was once, I believe, bridged by a sort of like a natural land bridge. But now there’s an artificial bridge because that’s deteriorated over time. And there’s hardly anything left of this old castle. And it’s believed that King Arthur, who may or may not have been a king. Historians debate about it, but most historians agree that there was a character called Arthur that was significant in English history for various reasons.


[The ruins of Tintagel Castle]


But it’s believed by some historians that Arthur was either born or conceived in this particular castle. The remains of you can walk through into Tintagel and this attached landmass.


But that was my favourite part of the trip, getting down to the southwest and seeing the countryside. Man, the roads in England, they’re so narrow! Like, they’re so narrow that you have to stop to let someone go past you.


But I have to say everyone’s speeds in England and it’s glorious! I loved it! You get back to Australia and everyone’s just dawdling. Everyone’s driving so slow here. And in England, even though the traffic’s chaotic and the roads are small and people just park wherever they want, everyone’s more polite. They actually let you in and stop. And everyone drives really fast. Like, if you’re not speeding, get in the Left hand lane. Because in Australia we don’t have passing. We’re supposed to have passing lanes here, but we don’t. Just grannies and retards just dawdle in the right-hand lane and you can’t get anywhere any, like a good amount of time.


But I’ve got to say that’s one of my favourite things about England was how fast the traffic moves. It’s probably because it’s so chaotic, you need to like pay special attention, let people in so you don’t get in accidents and stuff like that.


Joel Davis: There’s kind of like an organic anarchy I felt about, about Britain. Like in Australia people are more kind of bureaucratic in their rule following. Where in, like Britain, everyone bends all of the official rules. Like in informal settings, like you’ll go to like a pub where technically you’re not supposed to smoke there, but they just let you do it anyway. Or you’re technically not supposed to take your drink out onto the street, but they let you do it anyway.


And then they just say:


“Oh, just put your drink behind your back if a cop drives past or something.”


Like they have these kinds of like:


“Oh, if there’s a rule that can be bent, they’ll bend it.”


But in Australia people can be like sticklers over that kind of thing, which is really gay, in my opinion. I did like that about Britain.


But one thing that I didn’t like about Britain was that, I don’t know, like, it feels as though when you’re an abrasive Australian, sometimes they don’t quite get it. Like some, they don’t really have exactly the same, … They have great banter, but they’re a little bit more like reserved and they don’t necessarily appreciate maybe like the vulgarity of like, of the kind of masculine Australian [chuckling] demeanor or something. Like they get a little offended. So I didn’t feel like, okay, well, maybe I don’t quite fit in here as much as I thought I did. Maybe I do belong back in my own country where I can be a little bit more vulgar and outrageous!


Blair Cottrell: I don’t know. I didn’t really find that like there’s plenty of banter. They were very similar to us, but there’s a lot of different phenotypes that I’ve never seen before. Different types of White phenotypes, narrow faces, very skinny people, and not always skinny, but just different shapes, skeletal structures, muscular structures, face structures.


And I realised that there must be a lot of White phenotypes which never immigrated to Australia.


And as a result there’s just some certain lineages, White lineages, which I’ve never seen before until I went to England. Yeah, so that was interesting.


Joel Davis: So what do you think? As. Cause you’re really into physiognomy and you profile people quite well. I think on that. Because in my opinion, and this isn’t really trying to shit on the British people because there are Chads from there, but in my opinion the Chad ratio is lower. Like I’m just gonna say it. I’m not sure if that’s because we took immigrants from a lot of immigrants from Germany and Scandinavia and like Holland and so on that like bred in with our population or if it’s a selection pressure thing. Because this was actually noted, I think in World War I when the Australian soldiers rocked up to the battlefield. In World War I, you know, it was noted on both sides that the Australian soldiers were just like physically in better shape than their British counterparts.




Blair Cottrell: No one wanted to fight them. No one wanted to fight the Australian soldiers. They weren’t just big, they were vicious and had a reputation for it. What do you think, Tom? Why are the Aussies bigger?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I think two factors, selective breeding and environment. That’s obviously the basics of it. Selective breeding, I’d say that generally more risk taking, potentially more volatile hormones would cause people to emigrate and leave their home. That’s just a general rule. I think colonies have a habit of attracting rougher people, frontiersmen, people that aren’t satisfied with the sedentary lifestyle. There is for all Europeans I’ve heard that. Sorry, I’ve heard that Southern Europeans, for example, work more hours a week, but they don’t do as much work during those hours. Like it’s normal to have a 12 hour day, but like a two hour lunch.


Whereas we work like harder and faster I think in the north and northern hemisphere Europeans.


And so I think also colonies would probably attract different people. It’s probably more intense environment. You’re probably going there and you’re probably working harder. Because you’re against the Wilderness versus maybe like established economic or working habits. So that would breed a different kind of man and it would select for a different kind of man. I could imagine potentially in the early days, there was a lot of people that came over, like families that might have came over and not liked it and just gone and just went back. So that in itself creates that.


Secondly, just having more space meant more livestock per person and it meant cheaper meat.


So I think Australia and New Zealand in the year 1900 were the two wealthiest countries per capita in the world. Just in terms of just human development, in terms of access to meat, in terms of, yeah, just like wages. I’m pretty sure we were the two highest in the world. So on average. So that would contribute a lot to the diet. Better diet. English people don’t eat a very good diet and they’ve been industrialised and put in kind of big, big cities for a long time. So Australia only has become kind of degenerated in the last like 50 years.


So I think that would play a part.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that’s a good answer. I have basically the same opinion. It’s curious though, because there’s Greener pastures in England. The land there is more fertile and I noticed the dairy is quite good there. I would say the dairy is better than ours. I don’t know why though. Maybe because the pastures are so great! But we still, … It doesn’t make sense though, because we have better meat. Like, the beef over there kind of sucks! Well, I’m sure I can get a good steak from somewhere if I paid up for it. But like, it’s just understood that Australians have good beef.


Thomas Sewell: It is hard to say because a lot of the time the best meat gets sold to rich foreign countries. That’s a habit. Like my dad, obviously, even though he’s English, he lived in New Zealand for a long time. Hence everyone bullies me. And you know, he says that meat in New Zealand is shit, even though New Zealand produces the best livestock in the world. But he just says all the A grade stuff goes to China and the Middle East.


Blair Cottrell: Well, I’ve never seen greener pastures than when I was in England. The grass is just so lush.


Thomas Sewell: New Zealand and England, they’re on a different. Yeah, they’re on a different latitude or whatever it’s called longitude. [Latitude] Yeah. So it gets a lot greener there.


Joel Davis: The Bay of Plenty in New Zealand, I think. And I’ve been there. It’s so green. It’s like really stimulating in the sunshine because of just how potent the green is and everything. I believe it’s the most fertile soil anywhere in the world.


And I think that’s partly to do with all of the volcanic residue because obviously New Zealand is on a fault line, so that obviously produces a lot of fertility in the soil as well because of all the minerals that that brings up.


But yeah, it is weird! I found the same thing in England. The food wasn’t as good. I did have one recommendation. I think I told you. I don’t know if you took me up on it. If you are in London and you want a good steak, go to the Hippodrome.


Blair Cottrell: I forgot about that.


[Heliot Steak House, Hippodrome, London]


Joel Davis: You told me you forgot about. It’s unfortunate. Go to the Hippodrome. It’s like literally a couple streets over from Trafalgar Square. Go to Trafalgar Square, by the way, and take a look at the statue of my ancestor, Charles Napier. Absolute chad! He was the commander in chief of British forces in India back in the 19th century. Mogged the fuck out of the jeets. I think he basically conquered Pakistan, modern day Pakistan.


[Obelisk – Charles James Napier at Trafalgar Square]


Blair Cottrell: And relative of yours that fought Napoleon?


Joel Davis: Yeah, he also led a battle against Napoleon. He did lose to Napoleon, but come on, everyone lost Napoleon. You got to give him some slack. He still was a hero in the Napoleonic Wars. He reconstituted forces and went back in, and by that time I think Napoleon was occupied with the Russians on the Eastern Front. So then he was having some success against the kind of B level French generals.


But yeah, anyway, yeah, head down to the Hippodrome. There is an Argentinian steak restaurant there that was fucking amazing when I went there, to be fair. And there’s a couple nice like, French restaurants and everything through, through London. But like, it’s because the French know what, you know, got to give the French credit. They know what they’re doing when it comes to fine dining or whatever.


But yeah, like the quality of eating out in Britain in general is just really low. I don’t know exactly why that is, but that’s what I found. But maybe you shouldn’t really be eating out too much, but when you’re on holiday you kind of have to because, you’re not at home, you’re doing things differently.




Blair Cottrell: I tried McDonald’s over there and I tried KFC. Both were really bad! I couldn’t even eat the Big Mac. The meat was so stale and old, I just threw it out. And KFC menu in England is weird! You get like these rice dishes where there’s rice and chopped up zinger and like some other stuff. You’d be interested in this Tom. There’s like all this salsa and rice and lettuce and mayonnaise just thrown on top of this zinger in a little box. And it’s like you eat the meat off the top and then the rest is like.


Joel Davis: Did you order them?


Thomas Sewell: Can I just ask you something? Why would I be interested in that?


Blair Cottrell: Oh, you know like we used to talk much about, to some extent, about the macros in a zinger not being that bad. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: No comment. [chuckling] I heard a rumour that the KFC Tower Burger is back. But I’m not condoning anyone eats oxalob. This show is not paid or promoted by KFC.


Joel Davis: I saw you mention that in the group chat. I got one for dinner. It was amazing!


Thomas Sewell: I used to work at KFC when I was a kid. That’s probably why I’ve been teased about it.


Blair Cottrell: Entry level job, mate. You’ve got to have one. Everyone’s got to do it.


Thomas Sewell: It was honestly the best job ever had. We will organise nationalist KFC in the ethno-state. It’ll be like wholesome chungus KFC.


Blair Cottrell: Have you noticed how much better like McDonald’s KFC? How much better is it when like middle class White kids are preparing it? Yeah, like McDonald’s in Balwyn where Tom’s dad lives. Where is it in east? It’s in a relatively middle class area.


[Balwyn MacDonalds Melbourne]


Joel Davis: It’s just like dox Tom’s dad’s house on the stream. [chuckling] Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: You know but well I was just gonna say there’s a McDonald’s in this area and because there’s just like rich White kids working there every. It’s the most amazing McDonald’s you’ll ever have in your life. Everything’s so fresh all the time.


But you know you’re not gonna get the best burger when, …


Joel Davis: The young lads out there. If you’re young and you’re still figuring things out and you’re you know, in your late teens or something and you job on the side to make some cash, find a KFC with a lot of White girls working there. You know, if you’re single young man. You know there’s a lot of cute mids in the KFC drive through in some of the White areas. It’s a great you know, go get your $25 an hour, all the chicken you can eat and something else for dessert. [chuckling]


But anyway, I digress. No, I got to play Jacob’s video, and it’s just so funny. This is why you didn’t get an episode on Halloween, because we were messing around producing this. I’m sure everyone is a fan of the Hersant shorts. They’ve become notorious in the nationalist online scene. And this is probably my favourite one that he’s ever done.


KKK: Happy Halloween to every nigga hating night of the Ku Klux Klan.

Loyal Klansmen, we must swear an oath to continue this struggle for the survival of our race. Forged in the same spirit as General Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Nathan Bedford Forest. White Power!

KKK: There’s a nigger over there! Let’s go get him! No! Quick, get that nigger!


Blair Cottrell: [chuckling] Oh, man! You guys love to push boundaries, I’ll tell you.


Joel Davis: I mean, it’s comedy. I mean, the fact that Jacob got. Well, we don’t know exactly why he was banned. We suspect maybe it was that video. I mean, it’s a bit of fun on Halloween. Like, give us a break. It’s obviously not that serious. Shout out to Nathan Bull as well in the blackface. That was quite funny.


But, yeah, that was anyway, bit of fun. RIP [word unclear] Hersant. Hopefully he can get his Twitter account back on appeal.


Blair Cottrell: But where do you get the robe from? It looks like legit KKK robe.


Joel Davis: Yeah. One of the boys is pretty good and pretty nifty with the Boy Scouts skills, so we managed to get that together.


But, yeah, that video was fun to make.


Thomas Sewell: I had a lot of Americans message me about it. I had a lot of Americans didn’t like the video. There’s some drama in America about the Klu Klux Klan. In Australia and in Europe, anyone that’s racist loves the KKK. Like, there are people on both sides of the Russian Ukrainian war that are racist that both have, like, Confederate flags and love the Ku Klux Klan. Like, it’s just like, universally, everyone in Europe that’s racist loves the KKK. And then likewise in Australia, we’re just like, yeah, it’s racist! It’s a racist gang. Sounds awesome!


But in America, obviously, they really divided on it. So, like, half of them are like:


“Oh the clan was great, but it’s not that good anymore!”


And then the other half are like:


“Oh, the Klan are jews! And the clan of Freemasons! And all the clan of Protestants!”


And I got all these direct messages saying:


“You gotta tell Jacob not to do the clan stuff. The clan’s really bad! Da da da da da!”


And I just replied:


“Look, in Australia, we’re allowed to have fun, okay? We like to party here. We like to have fun.”


Don’t take thinks so seriously.




Joel Davis: Yeah, but the thing is, I do take the KKK classically seriously. I know they still exist, but obviously in whatever respect, that they still exist, it’s obviously declined. They obviously don’t have the influence they once did. Back in, like the 1930s they had a membership of like 10 million men. You know, they were the invisible empire. They were in government. They were in judges, police chiefs and so on. Like, they dominated, like, Southern politics. And they objectively kept the streets safe for White Americans. Because not only did they execute justice from time to time, but there was the fear of the Klan. The Klan is about. So you best be on your best behaviour if you don’t want to get lynched. You know what I mean? So that kept things in line. And America was far better for it, in my opinion.


And that’s not saying that I co-signed every single thing they ever did. Obviously, there’s a complicated history. There was different phases of the Klan. I don’t want to go into all of that, but just from the perspective of White men come coming together in the millions and organising on the basis of their race. If only we had that today! If only White Americans still had that today, that’d be so much better off. And if only we could have that again in White countries. We Sorely need it with the all the horrible crimes that are committed against our people and the total lack of justice that we are receiving.


So that meaning of the Klan is the meaning that I think Jacob is venerating. Not any of these particulars about the Klan didn’t like Catholics, and Catholics are White or so that’s not good. Or the Klan was too soft on jews at times, which it was in some phases. But then there was anti-semitic elements of the Klan as well. And it’s really complicated. Anyway, we don’t need to go into that.


The point is Halloween. Halloween is seen as like an American thing in Australia. So then what funnier way to celebrate it than to do the Klan blackface costumes? Because that’s as American as Apple pie. And I saw someone commenting on the video, like:


“You deracinated Australians you know why are you doing this American holiday?”


It’s like, come on, let us have fun. You know, Halloween technically goes back to its actually from, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s Irish. I think it’s Irish.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


And there’s also veneration of it in Britain in some form. Obviously the form that it has taken today is adapted and Americanised. But that’s, I mean, Americans are still our cousins. We can have elements of American culture be celebrated here. There’s nothing wrong with that. And it falls on the time of the year, which is supposed to be the time under which whether if you’re a kind of Celtic pagan, it’s a time to reflect upon your ancestors. If you’re a Catholic, it’s like All Saints Day, you know, so, it’s a time the spring equinox in the Northern hemisphere is a time where the kind of reflect upon our ancestors and venerate our ancestors. And in some way the Ku Klux Klan are our like racist ancestors.


Blair Cottrell: If they did have that much influence, it’d be interesting to learn about how they lost all that influence. That’d be a, …


Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s true. I mean, I would like to read more and if anyone has any good book recommendations on that subject in particular, let me know. But I presume it must have been the changing political climate post World War II that really must have destroyed racism globally.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that really did shake everything up around the world. But what are we, …


Thomas Sewell: So Halloween. Halloween, sorry, is. I don’t know if I’m pronouncing this correctly. That’s Samhain, which is an ancient, ancient festival. It’s like the last harvest or whatever. It’s like meant to be. That’s why there’s the pumpkins, because it’s the Autumn harvest. Yeah, it’s the equal, it’s the exact equal point between I think the equinox and yule.


Yeah, I have to get the calendar up again. But it’s a significant date. Like much long, long, long before America was even invented or discovered as a concept. So.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! Obviously one of the southern hemisphere, so everything’s flipped and, …


Thomas Sewell: We should be celebrating Oster if we’re going to be technical, like it’s technically Easter here in the Southern hemisphere.


Joel Davis: All the sluts going nightclubbing, dressed in like barely, like scantily clad, like Halloween outfits. It’s kind of a fertility festival vibe. So maybe, you know, it kind of makes sense in a weird way. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: The outfits were out of control for a couple days. Like it was a bit of a fertility festival here in the southern hemisphere. The outfits were much more provocative than usual.


Joel Davis: Of course I wasn’t looking, …


Blair Cottrell: Where though? What, just on the street? Where exactly?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, just in the street, in the city.


Like I was driving through like San Kilda with Joel and there was heaps of it.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, right.




Joel Davis: But anyway, let’s get on to the next subject because I want to get your guys’s take on this.


So there was an election in Queensland last week and One Nation really underperformed expectations. They got, I think roughly just below 8% of the vote, which seems decent, but actually in 2017 they got almost 14% of the vote. And Queensland is the kind of heartland of One Nation. The heartland really of patriotic nationalist Right-wing politics in Australia in some ways in terms of the kinds of support that you can drum up in Queensland. It’s historic. Like over the last few decades, it’s the most Right leaning state. It has better racial demographics than New South Wales or Victoria, that’s for sure. That plays into it as well.


And so that’s really like a poor performance, particularly considering the fact that the current political climate the trends are all heading in the Right-wing. You know, the Liberal Party won the election up there pretty handsomely and obviously immigration has become, kind of the main issue in politics. It is a state election, so immigration isn’t as relevant.


But, you know, reports on the ground I was reading in The Noticer article on it, you know, seemed to suggest that there’s a lot of people that were trying to get involved in the campaign that were just:


“Hey, can I get a One Nation shirt so I can hand out some how to vote cards or something?”


And like they were just getting no reply, which is a total like totally disorganised mess.


And then immediately after the election, Pauline Hanson and James Ashby, a homosexual 2IC, who directed a lot of the party’s funding into his failed bid in the particular seat he was standing in.


Now, in Queensland, they don’t have two houses, they only have one house.


So there’s no Senate or Upper House equivalent, therefore there’s no proportional representation. You just have to try and win seats. He was, I think, the best performing One Nation candidate because he directed all of his funding into his seat, but he still didn’t win his seat.


So therefore they won those seats. It was a disappointing, you know, display. Also in some seats where they stood against Libertarians, like in the Gold Coast, I think the Libertarian candidate beat them, which just kind of shows that like they’re getting beaten by a party that has much less brand recognition and like legacy appeal. You know, back in the late 90s when One Nation first came on the scene, they ended up getting like 25% of the vote in their first ever Queensland election.


And like I said, when Pauline Hanson came back, they got almost 14% of the vote in Queensland.


So the party seems to be kind of losing momentum. And the direction of their campaign was really directed against the current Labor government rather than, or who’s now lost rather than attacking the Liberals, who really are the party that they’re competing for voters with. And that’s like the kind of whole modus operandi. What a populist Right-wing party is supposed to do is attack the conservatives. They attack the conservatives and that’s how they basically win votes by saying:


“Hey, like we’re the true Right-wing option!”


That’s how the Reform Party did their election in Britain recently. They attacked the conservatives hard and took a bunch of their voters. When Trump barged into the Republican Party, he attacked a lot of like the legacy conservative establishment took their votes. And in a lot of European countries where the populist, anti-immigration party is now doing better than the conservative Party in a lot of these countries, like in Austria recently, we saw that. In Germany, they do that there as well, that’s the obvious campaign strategy.


So why did One nation barely attack the Liberals and focus all of its energy on campaigning against Labour? And then Hanson and Ashby came out, as I said, after the election, and celebrated defeating Labour because the way that it works with the preferential voting, the votes that went to them basically just got sent to the Liberal Party and help the Liberal Party get elected in a whole bunch of seats.


So effectively they functioned as a kind of a secondary kind of vote like gathering scheme for the Liberal Party, they basically, it’s like if James Ashby, who’s basically running the show behind the scenes, if he was a Liberal Party operative, I’m not saying I have evidence that he is, but he would behave exactly the same way that he does, where he doesn’t really run the party properly, like they actually want to win, but just goes and scoops up those votes of people that are disaffected with the Liberals and then cycles them back in through preferences into the Liberal Party.


Anyway, from my insider information, Pauline Hanson will quit politics at the end of her current Senate term, which will not be at the next national election, but the one after because Senate terms are double terms. So the One Nation Party, I think is condemned to dying like after they alienated Craig Kelly in New South Wales after losing Mark Latham. You know, they’re just showing an inability to work with any other like prominent politician. How much I like those guys in the country. So they don’t really have much dynamism. They don’t allow their members to really be involved in the party in any way, shape or form. There’s no branches, there’s no voting rights for members. A lot of their members couldn’t even like get a One Nation T-shirt and how to vote paraphernalia at this election.


I mean, that’s how much they alienate their members. They’re more afraid of members joining the party and actually trying to win and losing control of the party to like a young aspirational set of young nationalist activists that actually care about winning on the issues that matter. They barely talk about immigration, even though that’s the main selling point of One Nation is that they supposedly are the anti-immigration party. Supposedly, that’s their whole brand.




So I think they’re like they behave like controlled opposition. They seem to care more about Israel than about defending White Australian interests. Lately in their public messaging, they care more about attacking Labour than attacking Liberal, even though they’re not really going to get votes off Labour very much.


So I think the sooner this party dies the better so that they can create space for like a genuine nationalist party, which is something that we have the ambition of creating in the next few years. Hopefully to kind of take the space that they’re currently occupying and do it properly with actual nationalism in a way that will actually win votes for genuine nationalist ideas rather than the watered down joke.


Like I was talking to a friend of mine who lives, I think near Ipswich, which is just to the west of the kind of urban sprawl of Brisbane. And he said he went to the polls and he was going to vote for One Nation and then he pulled up his ballot and the One Nation candidate had some Muslim name or Indian name or something like that, and he was like:


“I’m not voting for this. I’m not voting for some brown guy!”


So he just wrote Hitler in. He just wrote a box Adolf Hitler and ticked it because he was just like, well, there’s no other good options. I’m not going to vote for Liberal, Labour or Greens. And this is an endemic problem. This happened in the New South Wales election. I remember last year where they put up a bunch of Indian candidates for One Nation.


The reason why we’re voting for One Nation is because we want to stop the fucking Indians coming in! [chuckling] That’s why you’re running Indian candidates. It’s a joke of a party. I hate it! And it deserves to be punished. I definitely will be advocating that no one vote for them at the next election. And they’re really ruining their branding. They should be trying to appeal to people like us and win us over.


Like when we did the recent activism. And I was reading the comments section on TikTok in particular, but also on Facebook of people responding to the media releases or the videos that went up about recent activism, particularly the Fuck Off We’re Full activism. There are a whole bunch of people in the comments saying, vote One Nation.


So a lot of people who like us, like One Nation because they perceive them as you know, nationalists. But they’re not. They’re a joke!


So what do you think about all of this, Blair? Because in my view, you know, Pauline Hanson, you know, is the kind of legacy figure associated with Australian nationalism in the public consciousness, doesn’t deserve to be. And she’s frankly, unintelligent, unsophisticated, uninspiring joke of an old lady really.


Blair Cottrell should be the successor, in my opinion, to Pauline Hanson. You know, I think one of the main reasons every wheeled her out of retirement was because you started getting momentum with your activism, and ZOG realised like:


“Oh, shit! We don’t want to let him, you know, lead a nationalist movement here. We’ve got to bring Pauline Hanson out to go and scoop up all of that anti-Islam sentiment and redirect it into ZOG [Zionist Occupied Government] machine.”


Thomas Sewell: We should ask the chat. We should ask the chat. Should Blair Cottrell run One Nation?


Joel Davis: [chuckling] I don’t think they’re going to let him run it! [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Should we organise a coup on One Nation? Should we send Blair in, just see what happens? Because One Nation, Victoria would be easy to take over. We should just openly say:


“Look, we’re putting up Blair Cottrell!”


Blair Cottrell: But isn’t that Pauline Hanson’s One Nation. Her name’s in the name of the party.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Cottrell is one nation!


Joel Davis: Yeah. [chuckling] The Beacon!


Thomas Sewell: The BCON. Because they call it PHON and that’s like Phony, like Pauline Hanson One Nation. But it should be the Beacon, the Beacon of Light, the Blair Cottrell One Nation, Beacon.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, man. Who knows? Maybe this will happen and maybe sooner. Sooner than we think. I don’t think we’d have to take it over. Or maybe it is best to occupy, or take over a party that is already established.


Thomas Sewell: Should we mobilise the patriots on a Blair Cottrell side quest? Yeah, Blair Cottrell Man Quest.


Blair Cottrell: [chuckling] Sure, man. You guys draw up the plans and I’m ready to go with whatever we come up with, … [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Geez, it’s all happening here. Geez. Let’s get Cooper Jennings [sp] back on board. Where is that guy? We need a guy to explain how to do this.


Blair Cottrell: What’s One Nation been doing, though? Like, when Pauline Hanson came along, everybody got excited! Because they thought, finally, here’s someone that’s really going to represent us. She’s one of us. Yeah, she’s one of us. What she’s saying resonates with us. She knows what we want. She knows what we need as a nation.


Fast forward to today. What’s she doing? It’s exactly why Hitler says in Mein Kampf that the reason he didn’t go into Parliament is because he saw that Parliament was a bucket of rotten Apples and that he was convinced that if he went in there, he would become rotten as well. I don’t think he can sort of survive in Parliament for very long without becoming just like every other creature in there. It’s disappointing!


But yeah, I think the results of that latest poll speak for themselves. Like, people, the working class Aussies obviously just aren’t interested in Pauline Hanson anymore. And rightfully. So I mean, she’ll pop up every now and then and say something to get everyone’s support or try to get everyone’s support, but it’s all just for scoring political points now. And she doesn’t seem to be all that serious about protecting Australia.




Joel Davis: Yeah, I think Pauline Hanson should be out there every day going hard on immigration. Like if you look at we’ve gone through for polling on the show, immigration, the current immigration policy of the government is wildly unpopular. It’s, you know, super majority of Australians want drastic cuts to immigration. Close to a majority of Australians want like a total, like moratorium on immigration. And that’s true for Right-wing voters in particular, who a lot of them are probably voting for the Liberals just to try and get Labour out because they hate the current Labor government so much that the situation is ripe for a nationalist, even a quasi or fake nationalist party to go and take those votes.


Like we’ve seen in, as I said, in European democracies, we’re seeing that trend in almost every White country, even in Britain, with the Reform Party almost beating the conservatives at the last election and polling above the conservatives now in many polls. I haven’t checked the most recent polls, but they’re neck and neck, basically. That should be the situation here as well. If they had even somewhat competent leadership that had a will to win, but they don’t!


And I’d love to install Blair as the leader of one nation. And if One Nation gave its members any rights whatsoever, we could probably do that, but we can’t because Pauline Hanson has written to the party constitution, it’s a total dictatorship. There’s absolutely no entryism that’s possible. They’re more concerned with preventing people like us, or even people that are more moderate than us, who are still patriotic and well intentioned and want to win, from using that party as a vehicle to actually do anything good for White Australia.


And so that therefore, in my opinion, the party just needs to die, be punished. And we’re gonna have to build our own to replace it. Which it will be replaced because I think it won’t survive her retiring from politics. She’s getting old. She’s done! And she was in the news obviously this week as well because the federal court ruled that she had to delete her tweet telling was her name Faruqi, that Pakistani senator, to piss off back to Pakistan.


And obviously that was kind of based or whatever of her to say that. And we support her right to free speech. And if only she spoke like that more, like if she was doing that kind of thing every day, standing up for White Australians and telling foreigners to go back where they came from, she probably would be getting 20% rather than 8%, you know, 20, 25% of the vote.


But it’s few and far between. And you know, that court ruling was lame. But she’s not going to get like a big fine or go to jail, I think they just demanded she take the tweet down. So it’s a little bit of like political theatre, but nothing too extreme.


It was interesting though that they used a similar argument to Hersant. His case with the Roman salute basically saying that the “feelings” of minorities are more important to protect their now right to political communication, which is implied by apparently by the Constitution according to the High Court. So it’d be interesting to see if she appeals that to the High Court and if that could be overturned. Hopefully it is. Obviously we support that being overturned because our right to political communication is so vital. It’s interesting that like Hersant and Hanson seem to be like the two, the kind of “HH” double action there that are fighting for that right in the court system right now.


But yeah, I think in my opinion if I’m going to vote at the next election, I’m more likely to vote for the Libertarian Party than the One Nation Party.


And that’s another thing I want to talk to you guys about. I posted today an interview of John Ruddick from the Libertarian Party in New South Wales. He was interviewed by John Lawson, who is a nationalist. He’s more of a conservative than us. He’s not like us, but he is a nationalist in his political views.


And so that was interesting that he would do that interview. And the interview was literally about:


“Okay, so what are you willing to offer nationalists to bring them on the team for voting for you?”


And Ruddick was very open about trying to solicit support from nationalists, saying:


“Well, hey, like you not be libertarians, but you can get on the so-called freedom bus (as he described it) and you can get off when we’ve done enough, like this is what we want to do. We want to shut down immigration for five years. We want to get rid of refugees, no more refugees whatsoever!”


He had like some other plan which I didn’t particularly like about what to do after five years, but he said we’ll shut it down for five years, which obviously sounds good. It was sad that Lawson didn’t question him on this because he said in New South Wales Parliament that he wants to repeal the Racial Discrimination Act*.


[* The New South Wales Anti–Discrimination Act 1977 is an Act of the NSW Parliament, relating to discrimination in employment, the public education system, delivery of goods and services, and other services such as banking, health care, accommodation and night clubs. The Act prohibits unlawful racial, sexual and other types of discrimination in certain circumstances and promotes equality of opportunity for all people. Wikipedia]


Obviously they’re very strong on free speech. I saw him arguing in the New South Wales Parliament a week or two ago against the Bill to ban the Roman salute and the swastika and so on. And basically defending us, more or less, not really in name, but more or less defending us.




And a lot of people from the Libertarian Party came out and defended Hersant directly over the Roman salute thing on free speech grounds.


So that’s good. I didn’t hear anyone from One Nation do that. And some of their other policies I like as well. Like they I support their policies on gun rights, they’re pretty good on gun rights. I support their policies on, just defunding the bureaucracy, like the WOKE bureaucracy, just taking money away from all of these like Left-wing bureaucrats that use it to promote multiculturalism and LGBTQ plus bullshit and whatever.


So there’s a lot of good policies there. I’m obviously not a libertarian. We’re not libertarians, so we disagree on many issues, but we don’t really have a proper nationalist option. Next election, maybe the election after, we will be able to finally field our own candidates.


But in the meantime, I said on Telegram, if they’re going to give me a five year immigration moratorium and they’re going to come out and say they want to cancel student visas and so on, and they want to go hard on immigration restriction, I will strongly consider endorsing them at the next election because you might as well vote for someone if you have to vote anyway. And just like I was talking about my friend, you know, writing in Hitler, that’s based or whatever, I’ve done that before myself.


But obviously that doesn’t really do anything if One nation want to run a bunch of Indian candidates and barely talk about immigration and just cycle preferences into the Liberal Party without really offering much of a fight maybe I’ll go elsewhere to help kill One Nation off and take their votes away and give them to someone else that’s actually trying to solicit me in some way, which is, I think what Libertarian Party is trying to do. They’re trying to solicit nationalists to say:


“Hey, like we want your support even if we don’t necessarily agree on everything.”


So I don’t know. What do you guys think about that?


Thomas Sewell: Blair?


Blair Cottrell: What’s the essence of the question?


Joel Davis: Do you think we should bother weighing in on endorsing anyone in the next election? Because, I mean, we have some influence, our endorsement probably matters in a certain sense, a lot of votes, which would shift based upon our opinion. Maybe we should use that to try and pressure if a party wants to solicit it, maybe we should try and say:


“Hey, well win my vote, then give me something!”


Do you agree with what I’m saying about fuck One Nation? Because in my opinion we should try to destroy them, get them out of the way. So that we can make space for us to kind of enter politics in the coming years.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I largely agree with that. I can’t really answer the other question though. I just can’t because I don’t know enough about how official politics works. I don’t know who do we endorse and for what reason? The Libertarians, I suppose?


Joel Davis: On the proviso they gave us a better immigration policy than the alternatives.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I suppose.


But you know, would anybody be willing to sort of like. I suppose they don’t need to accept our endorsement. They get endorsed regardless if they want to accept it or not. I don’t know. I’d have to give it some thought. I’m not really sure. What do you reckon, Tom Sewell? [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’ve got so much on my plate, I’m not really thinking about it. But Joel’s on the money. Like Joel’s focused on it for sure and what’s the guy from the National Observer? He seems to be interested in the theory as well.


Joel Davis: John Lawson.


Thomas Sewell: John Lawson, yeah.


So it’s an interesting side quest. I still firmly believe we need to establish our own strength. I don’t think there’s any point of us going into coalitions at this stage and they wouldn’t want to, they would go into a coalition with more. Yeah, it wouldn’t work out that way. The Libertarians, I’ve met a lot of them, I’ve been to their meetings before when I was younger and I wasn’t a libertarian but I’d say I was like leaning in sympathy to them in the past. But yeah, it would be very hard for them.


There’s a natural pipeline of course, when you employ the liberty of the individual, then if that’s the micro of a greater macro being the liberty of the nation, you can see that’s a consistent ideological standpoint. The problem is that most libertarians don’t think like that, they don’t think about ideological consistency. Their ideology is actually just selfishness.


So libertarians are a serious problem in my opinion because their ideology is selfishness! Libertarianism is just a vehicle, or a vessel for them to achieve their selfishness.


But anyone that is more rounded and family oriented and maybe even potentially conservative or nationalist or patriotic minded individual within the Libertarian Party, on a long enough timeline, they’re going to join forces with us anyway. But let a thousand flowers blossom!




Joel Davis: Yeah, I’m not saying we all sign up and like become card carrying libertarians. But we thought about trying to get things together to field candidates at the next election, then assessed it and thought, that’s we wouldn’t be able to do it properly. We could probably do it, but it wouldn’t be done professionally enough to the point that it would be truly competitive and have a strong chance of getting someone elected.


And so we made the call that it didn’t make sense to do it until we build up that strength, which we want to do over the coming years so we can be in a position to do something like that properly. But until we get to that point, it’s well, I wouldn’t mind playing like trying to play games a little bit and insinuate ourselves into the conversation in some way. Like we did that during the referendum [The Voice] pretty effectively where we managed to insinuate ourselves into the conversation. And I like insinuating myself into political conversations in general. I think that it’s just good for, to kind of get eyes on us and to get relevance and we actually have a bit of weight that we can throw around. So why not throw it around?


But yeah, it is not like the main issue.


Thomas Sewell: The biggest priority for anyone that wants to vote is to not vote Liberal and Labour. Even though we’ve got the gay preferential voting the most important donkey vote, if you’re going to donkey vote, if you’re going to go vote, is just don’t vote Liberal or Labour. Vote anyone but them! Like that’s the Mono-party or whatever you want to call it, the Uni-party. We just need all the weight on the extremes. You know, you’re literally better off voting for the Greens than you are for the Liberal-Labor Party because at least the Greens are going to de-legitimize the Left. They’re going to exacerbate and hide in the contradictions. They’re going to accelerate the situation.


So we just need to take all the power away from the centre. If you’re lazy and not active and don’t want to get involved and don’t want to support and all you’re going to do is vote, then that’s how you do it. It’s not going to achieve much, but it’s definitely better than nothing.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, I agree with that.


But also you should stand back and stand by for, …


Thomas Sewell: Patriots.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Joining the party that we create, because frankly no one else I don’t think in Australia has got the will or the ability to create it. So it falls probably on us to do it. Otherwise it just won’t get done.


Thomas Sewell: If I’m gonna vote in a popularity contest, the only person I’m going to vote for is Blair Cottrell. No one else is more popular than Blair Cottrell.


Joel Davis: So no, I agree. I think if we can build something as a vehicle to put Blair to the people. I think the people flock to Blair.


Thomas Sewell: We don’t do elections. We don’t do elections in NSN. But if we had an election in NSN, who’s going to run the cross burning? Blair would win the vote. That’s how popular the man is! They’d be like, Blair’s gonna do the cross burning this time. I’ll be like, all right, fair enough. It is what it is.


Blair Cottrell: [chuckling] That’s, it’s nice to know.


Thomas Sewell: The only reason why we don’t do elections Blair. I’m scared.


So the government should be more scared. The government should be scared of you. Well, they are. [chuckling] That’s why they’ve been fucking with us for so long. But yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. I don’t know what to say about it really. I feel that there’s pretty much, I can go in whatever direction I wish from here. And I’ve been biting my time as just staying in the network and keeping an eye on everything, waiting for the right opportunity to arise.


And yes, it’s funny the kind of staying power your name gets sometimes where you feel like you’re not really doing enough to contribute sometimes. But everyone still knows you and is still inviting you to everything and dragging you back in. So it’s pretty cool to have constant support from everyone in the community, even from overseas. Like even Mark Collett and the Patriotic Alternative guys. Yeah, I don’t know, it’s just really cool to still be in the game even after all these years!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I just believe you can win elections.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I could, yeah. It seems that way. Well I look, I can look the part. I can wear the suit and I can give the speeches and I can be, …


Thomas Sewell: You can beat them at their game. Even if we don’t really agree with their game, we can still come for their job. You know, we need to put Leftists on warning:


“We’re coming for your jobs!”


They mock us and say:


“Oh, they took our jobs!”


You know, like when they complaining about our action in Corowa, and they’re mocking us for sticking up for Aussies that are losing their jobs to migrant workers.


But what we should be focusing on is making the establishment afraid that we’re going to come for their jobs. Like we’re going to put the media out of business. When we have our media all set up one way or the other, whether achieving state power or not. We’re coming for their jobs. They won’t have a job. None of these journalists are going to have a job in the future.


So, yeah, none of these politicians, none of them are going to have jobs in the future. We’re coming for their jobs! At a minimum, that’s what’s going to happen. We’re coming for their jobs!





Blair Cottrell: I’m still feeling a bit sick, boys. Like, I haven’t really got my voice in that, I’m not 100% recovered.


Is there anything else that you want to run by me, Joel, or am I okay to go to bed? Because I’m feeling like shit! Sorry, by the way, guys, for the bad performance tonight. I was still not 100% recovered. I was really sick all weekend, like, bed bound.


Joel Davis: It’s all right.


We’ll be back on Thursday and can have, like a more conventional show, but obviously we missed the show last Thursday, so I wanted to do something. And I think because the American election is tomorrow and everything there could be that could end up being kind of like the interesting thing to talk about on Thursday or whatever.


So I just wanted to have a show where we could cover some of the things that have happened over the past week, particularly hearing about your trip to England and things like that.


But I’m curious, what did you do for Diwali? Because I know that’s. Apparently this is a big holiday in Australia now. Did you take any dumps on the side of the road or did you, like, rape any women or something? What’d you do? Yeah, did you go worship a cow? I don’t know what it is that they do exactly. But I’m not much of a Diwali enthusiast.


Blair Cottrell: Nah, I sold some Slurpees. [chuckling] I’m assuming that’s an Indian holiday that they want to have here now. Yeah. I don’t know.


Thomas Sewell: Politicians couldn’t kiss Indian arse harder at the moment. It’s disgusting! They’re all putting dots on their heads and wearing the stupid hats.


Joel Davis: It’s a picture of Albanese in the turban.


Thomas Sewell: I saw a video, was brilliant! It was an Indian saying to the Prime Minister:


“Do you feel like you’re in India right now?”


And he replies:


“Yeah, yeah!”


And they’re in like an Indian temple in Sydney. And it’s just disgusting!


Blair Cottrell: Well, obviously it’s in the corporate interests for Indians to be the new economic migrants to Australia because that tends to be what gets mainstream politics flowing in the same direction is corporate sponsorship and pressure.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


But also I saw you weigh in. I know you saw this story because I saw your respect responding to one of those like, Right-wing Zionist accounts on Twitter today, Blair. I’ll pull it up from The Noticer. This guy here, he walked around Bondi with a shirt saying “Fuck Israel Fuck Zionism”.


[Aussie charged with ‘offensive behaviour’ for wearing ‘fuck Israel’ T-shirt at Bondi Beach]


And obviously Bondi is most jewish suburb in Sydney. Beautiful beach.


But yeah, apparently he was charged with offensive behaviour for wearing this shirt, which, I think it’s pretty ridiculous! I mean, I’ve seen much worse than that it’s not even, like “Fuck Israel” is like the opinion of a very large subset of the population. He kind of has a Chad aura, I must say. He’s got like a Chad Boomer aura in the picture.


Blair Cottrell: Well, he has the right to believe that he has the right to wear that T-shirt, I think, like, he doesn’t have to support Israel just because he’s walking through Bondi.


So I think the police probably charged him as a result of pressure, you know, heckling from accounts like this one on the screen. Now it’s just the cops doing the dirty work for laggers and sooks. Offensive behaviour is probably a summary offence. It’s probably not a big charge and he’s within his rights to challenge it. So it’s definitely not a victory for the sorcs. I’ve got no problem with the T-shirt. Like, the T-shirt could also say Fuck Hamas, or Fuck Palestine, whatever. If that’s what you think you’re allowed to think that. The guy can have whatever opinion he wants.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, I’d wear T-shirt. It’s a cool shirt. Maybe I’ll try wear it. Maybe we should wear it in solidarity with this fine, supreme gentleman. He has a little bit of a mullet going as well. Little bit of a mullet.


So I appreciate it, but I saw that this is the Australian jewish Association Twitter account, which I saw you respond to. I responded to them as well. And just I think yesterday they were defending Pauline Hanson saying her free speech rights were violated:


“The legal system is failing because she was ordered to take down the tweet saying, ‘piss off back to Pakistan’.”


Obviously, they’re correct about this, but then some guy walking around in a T-shirt that says Fuck Israel, they’re kvetching like crazy wanting him arrested. So it just shows obviously we know jews are hypocrites, but it just puts it on full display! [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: Well, the guy obviously wore the T-shirt because he wanted to invite a response and he got a response. So yeah. But at the same time, he should be able to wear whatever he wants, as long as it’s not threatening anyone. And it wasn’t. So I don’t see what the problem is like I said, I think he’s within his rights to challenge that charge. Any sensible magistrate would probably overturn that, throw it out. But we don’t have a lot of sensible magistrate magistrates left at state level. But so there’s still probably a few, I hope.


Joel Davis: Yeah.




Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Sorry. What I was saying was we didn’t really. You touched on a little bit, but this Pauline Hanson tweet telling., … We kind of dumped on Pauline Hanson, rightfully so she’s obviously burnt out or infiltrated, or a combination of the two. But how do we even pronounce the name of that Senator that she told to go back to Pakistan? Has anyone attempted it?


Joel Davis: I said Faruki. That sounds like a bit of an Aussie, …


Thomas Sewell: The name, like Marine or something, like a Pokemon.


Joel Davis: Yeah, she sounds like a Pokemon. Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Marine Faruki. I didn’t see that name on the War Memorial.


Joel Davis: No, [chuckling] no, yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Oh, I just muted that Superchat that came up. We normally don’t mute Superchats. I know that we normally read out every single one, but I figured let’s try and go like two weeks without having any sort of internal infighting controversy. Like, we do touch on it a lot, like little internal, the makeup question and all this other stuff.


But we’ve just got so much on at the moment. We’re so busy. I don’t really have time for kind of Joshing around on these kind of questions.


And there was another guy that just kept asking. He asked like 50 times what our opinions on Georgians were. And I just muted him forever. I’m pretty sure. I’ve just kind of been pretty focused on the chat today, just getting rid of the troublemakers. They really just disrupt the discourse, even if they’re not actually like an Antifa or just like a troll. If they are, like, of good faith, but they just socially inept, maybe they can come back in a year when they’ve got a brain. That’s kind of how I feel about some people in the chat. Because it is like a discourse. The chat does. It is part of the experience for anyone that’s live.


And if you imagine, like, it’s like a TV show and there’s a live audience, you would get hecklers and you would get like a Superchat’s like someone getting the mic, you know, given to them like it’s Jerry Springer. I think it’s an important part of the dynamic. That’s why I’m quite policey with the chat, especially today.


Blair Cottrell: Well, there you go, guys. You’ve been, … If you’re in the chat behave yourselves.


Thomas Sewell: Like a lot of good quality people in the chat, and having a live audience is really important.


And then you’ve got these troublemakers that just try to turn, like, maybe we don’t party enough, maybe we don’t Josh around enough. But I’d like to think that we have a good balance of taking things seriously when they need to be serious.


But then you got people in the chat like:


“What about the Georgians? Talk more about the Georgians!”


It’s like, shut up! Be quiet. Like, yeah, very frustrating.


Joel Davis: But, Tom, like, what tax policy will we have in the ethno-state?


Thomas Sewell: You know, it’s honestly a more important question. Like, I’m not going to answer it, but that, like, I can kind of tolerate that once a month, if someone wants to hear, like:


“What’s the substance of what you guys are about?”


You know, the pressing issues. [chuckling]


But, yeah, there are just troublemakers we have to be aware of, …


Blair Cottrell: All right, boys, well, I’m done. I’m going to go to bed and rest up. Apologies for the early checkout, guys, but, yeah, it’s been a bit of a mission getting my health back on track since I landed.


So, yeah, see you guys soon!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’m gonna head off as well. I’m very tired. We had a very big, very big weekend.


Joel Davis: Yeah. That march through the shrub or the scrub whatever you call it up in the Grampians was brutal because it wasn’t a path. Like we’re just kind of like crashing through trees and stuff for hours. Gave me a newfound respect for the early explorers, actually. Who the pioneer explorers, not only of this great continent, but also in North America. Those guys must have been fit. You know, like they doing that day in, day out along, across long distances is quite the feat.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, if people aren’t aware. You didn’t cover at the start of the show, did you?


Joel Davis: No.


Thomas Sewell: We had a big camping trip, the Org, the southern states. We had Victorian guys and South Australian guys meet up with the Grampians. All the photos are coming out, they’re being released on Telegram and Twitter as we speak. And there’s more production value that will be coming out. There was no incidences to be concerned about. No infiltrators or Leftists or journalists tried to attack us. We just had a good time larping around in the bush and going to see some beautiful sights and beautiful waterfalls. And we did a massive six or seven hour hike to the Klan Cave where we had our first ever national meet, which really put us on the map for a lot of people.


[The Byaduk Caves – The Grampians]


Not many people in Australia had heard of us until we were on the project on Channel 10 in 2021. And that was actually just before I went to jail. And we had our first national meet there. I think it was 37 guys and we ascended the Klan Cave. I think only about 30 of us made it up there. And we sang a clan song and you know, Jacob wanted to be as provocative as possible to just agitate them, agitate the media into reacting and they did. And we just had a great time. That was after, in the 2021 version of Grampians.


We did a three day hike around the Grampians as well beforehand. So we were pretty fatigued by the time we got to the Klan Cave. But this year we didn’t do. Because it wasn’t like a national meet, it was just like a little quarterly meet. We met up with the South Australians and we just, it wasn’t like a big four day thing, it was just like a one day, one and a half day thing.




But we had a great time. And there was drunken boxing, one of the nights. A lot of the older guys stayed up and we got, we got a little smashed. We do party sometimes. And in the morning I woke up and there was a, just a normie, like a, just a random guy came over to me and was like:


“Hey, do you guys all know each other?”


And I was like:


“Yeah, we’re the national ping pong team!”


I was [chuckling] still really. And I was just like, I think I’d had an hour and a half sleep. And he was like:


“Yeah, wow! Last night was. Yeah, it was full on!”


And I was like:


“Man, I didn’t even know you were there.”


And I said:


“Was your family there as well?”


He goes:


“No, no, it’s just the wife. But yeah, she was a bit upset. But I just said to her, look, it’s just a lot of guys and it looks like they’re having a lot of fun! And we just decided to put the earplugs in at 3:30 in the morning and try and tune out.”


But we honestly had no idea. We thought we had the place to ourselves. So we were a bit loose. We burned some crosses. We did some chants. It probably was pretty full on. And before the guy walked off, he said:


“Look, honestly, the best part is we’re gonna have such a story to tell our friends when we get home from camping this weekend. Like, no one’s gonna believe what we witnessed!”


And [chuckling] I just, I’m like:


“That’s an interesting response. Well have a good day. Like, going to start packing up.”


So it was, honestly, it was great! It was a great weekend. I’m still recovering.


So how did you feel about a Joel?


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, obviously doing the cross burnings and the Ku Klux Klan chants and so on was a lot of fun. And Jacob Hersant changing lyrics to pop songs to make them about the Ku Klux Klan. He’s like obsessed with this for some reason. [chuckling] It is quite funny singing those with the boys, particularly after a few drinks was quite a fun experience.


And like I said, I did enjoy the hike through the scrub and climbing up, because we, you know, it involved a lot of rock, a bit of like rock climbing, to be fair, to get up a few of these places. And I love climbing. So that was a little bit of climbing, but it was fun. We got some great views on the peaks, you know, beautiful views.


And also the stars at night were wonderful as well. Obviously out in the middle of nowhere. I always appreciate that. And sitting around the campfire with the boys drinking and talking and yeah, the drunk boxing was quite funny. Trying to adjudicate that. Some of the boys had so much to drink that they didn’t really care, that they kept losing because they just wanted to keep going more and more rounds.


Thomas Sewell: It was like 25 continuous rounds of drunk boxing. And Joel was like:


“I think we were just wrapping up.”


And Joel just was like:


“Is that the sun coming up?”


And I was like:


“Oh, God, it is. All right. Hell Hitler. Good night.”


And they just had the comfiest one and a half hours sleep in the swag. It was fucking awesome!


Joel Davis: Yeah, the swag on the first night didn’t go so great for me because I forgot to bring a sleeping bag. So it was pretty cold, to be fair. But the second night one of the boys Chuck a sleeping bag on. That enabled me to use my jacket as like a makeshift pillow. That was a much better night’s sleep, probably also due to the excessive alcohol consumption!


Thomas Sewell: And it was warm. That night was warm. Like, I didn’t even sleep in my sleeping bag. I was just on top of it. It was really warm.


Joel Davis: Yeah, big camping trip with the boys. Yeah. Cathartic experience. Kind of necessary. You know, you got to exercise your White privilege of living in civilisation sometimes and like, return to primitive conditions to get back in touch with the blood memory.


So, yeah, it was a fun weekend.


Thomas Sewell: I won’t dox him. But it was funny what one of our colleagues said when we visited him after we got back, who didn’t come to the camping. And he said:


“He didn’t go because going camping reminds him of being homeless.”


And like, he doesn’t like the feeling of it.


And I think my reply was:


“I go camping because I think it’s important for us to remind ourselves of what that feels like.”


You know, I enjoy that feeling of, just going like, just straight returning to nature, even though you’re kind of glamping because we’ve got all these modern. You know, it’s not like full Ned Kelly bushranger style where you’ve got like a horse rug and that’s about it. And a Billy. It’s pretty luxurious, like what we can do even just out of a backpack, let alone out of the boot of your car, let alone if you’re actually one of those camping guys and you’ve got like the full 4B set up with the fridge and everything, then it’s like full glamping style. You can be out there for weeks without any inconvenience.





But yeah, I like the I like the camping out the backpacks, you know, keeping it. Keeping it lightweight. I think It’s a good ritual and we should do it more often. I keep saying it every year, and over the years we’ve done a lot of it, but I always encourage the guys to come, especially the younger guys, because otherwise it just makes you soft, in my opinion. You got to go camping every once in a while and the feasting and getting a bit toasty, if you’re ever going to get toasty there’s kind of these, like these key periods of the year. You know, you’ve got these sacred routines I think, festivals, and that’s definitely one of them. That weekend, the quarterly, it lined up perfectly with I mean, it’s a long weekend here in Victoria for the Melbourne Cup, which is also the same weekend, basically, as Samheim [sp], same weekend as Halloween. So it all works out really well, in my opinion. I think it’s more than just a coincidence that these things work out. Likewise, I think Anzac Day works out pretty perfectly as well. Is it with Oster?


Anyway, that works out. Australia has created a calendar of public holidays that are perfectly spaced between the solstices and the equinoxes. So I appreciate it. I think it’s a good time to go out and have fun with nature in the struggle.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I agree. No phone reception for two days kind of sucked, though. I couldn’t fire off so many tweets.


Thomas Sewell: Oh, it was so good! [chuckling] What are you talking about? It was great! I forgot about Twitter.


Joel Davis: I had no dopamine. Had no dopamine.


Thomas Sewell: Some of the young guys were complaining about that and I just laughed at them.


Joel Davis: We had to drive, … I got there a night before you, so I got there and I saw Hersant. I said:


“Oh, sorry your Twitter got banned. That sucks, dude!”


He’s like:


“My Twitter got banned? What the fuck!”


We had to drive out to find, like, one bar of reception in 12 o’clock at night in the in someone’s ute in the bush to try and get him to fire off, you know, an appeal to the ban or whatever. But, yeah, it’s probably good to take a break from the dopamine hits.


Thomas Sewell: It’s great to fast. Like, there’s different kinds of fasting. There’s food fasting, there’s different types of religious fasting.


You know, I think social media fasting is really important and just screen fasting. Like a lot of the young guys they spend so much time on their phones, they do need to spend more time just thinking. Thinking being able to be alone in your own company. Thinking! They would get destroyed in solitary confinement. Could you imagine like a week? Some of these guys are weak. No phone, no TV, no computer, nothing. Oh, it’d be so good for their brain. Their brain would start rewiring. Their develop personality. Just be incredible!


Joel Davis: Yeah, sure, why not?


But yeah, I was going to talk about the American election, which is tomorrow. I thought that would be interesting.


Thomas Sewell: I can’t, I don’t.


Joel Davis: You don’t have to.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’m too tired. I’ll leave you to do it.


But I was invited by, I think the Full House guys but I’m not sure how the timing will work. Is it like going to be like 10pm for us? It’ll start late for us, won’t it?


Joel Davis: Well, usually the results come in like the result, … Because it’s the 5th of November in America, but obviously the results don’t really see coming in until the night time in America, which by then it’s like the afternoon, Wednesday afternoon really that results start to come in. So it’d be like Wednesday. It’ll be like a Wednesday thing. So then we’re doing a show on Thursday so we’ll probably know who won. Unless it’s really close, which it could be because the polling has it very close. It could drag out like last time.


Thomas Sewell: Well, the Americans have invited all three of us. Me, like, I’m sure Blair’s not interested, but myself, you and Jacob, if you’re interested. I think you’re more interested than me in covering the American election.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think it’s interesting for sure. I think it’s interesting.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Well, yeah, I’ll forward you the message if you want to do it with them.


Joel Davis: Yeah, sure.


Thomas Sewell: I’ll pop in, but it’d be like a long stream. I don’t know what they did last election cycle, but I think it was like a pretty long stream. And I think there’s a bunch of different Americans. But I know the Full House guys were really keen to have us on.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, yeah.


Thomas Sewell: We can be like Australian celebrity guests. It’d be funny.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah.


Joel Davis: No, I’m down to do a pop in. Why not? Particularly if it goes. It could, it could be interesting. It could be like last time where it’s contested and, …


Thomas Sewell: It has been interesting every time. Yeah, I just don’t have the energy to cover tonight. But in the moment, I think I will have the energy. It’ll be exciting. Because it’s political. The whole thing’s political theatre, like Trump winning in 2016. I still remember that night. I remember Blair come to the pub. Fuck that was a night! That was a great night!


And then the 2021. Absolutely devastated! Absolutely devastated! I won’t even go into detail how devastated I was financially. [chuckling] But, yeah, still in the green. I’m still in the clear. But, yeah, that sucked! [chuckling] Yeah.


All right, I’m gonna head off. I’ll see the audience and yourself tomorrow and, … Well, not tomorrow.


Joel Davis: You’ll see the audience tomorrow.


Thomas Sewell: Well, if the audience is watching the American stream. Yeah. No, that’ll be Wednesday, won’t it? Wednesday morning.


Now, I’ll be at work, so I’ll be able to do it. Unless they’re doing, like, an early one Tuesday night. I don’t know. We’ll see how we go.




Joel Davis: Yeah. Well, I guess we’ll post it on social media if we go on anything, so everyone knows what we’re on.


And I think we should still do a show ourselves Thursday night, as usual, in the normal time slot.


But, yeah, who knows if there might be some other Australian story that’s interesting in Australian politics. I doubt it. Obviously, there’s never anything interesting happening in Australian politics except us! But, yeah, you can sign up if you want. I’m gonna talk about it a little bit with the people at home to give them some content to round out the second hour.


But you can go to sleep if you like.


Thomas Sewell: Someone’s asked me, got a if I’ve got a tip for Melbourne Cup. I don’t. And then his second message was Buckaroo. I mean, that’s a good brand of a good tool belt. So maybe that’s the ticket. Maybe that’s the ticket.


But, yeah, peace out.


Joel Davis: Comrade also said:


“I can’t spend, 24 hours without Tom tweeting a classic like ‘Shut Up Brown!’”


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, that’s pretty relevant. I logged into Twitter today, and the first thing that popped up, my feed. I can’t even remember what it was. I’ll check it now. But it was just these browns are just out of control. It doesn’t even matter. I tweeted that many times a day.


Joel Davis: We didn’t really talk much about, actually, the “Yellow Grub” thing. I don’t know if is your full speech, … Has it even been uploaded?


Thomas Sewell: No, we didn’t upload it because we’re waiting for the second camera.


So I just gotta speak to Jacob and get the second camera angle, because I didn’t like the first camera angle. I think the second camera angle is better. So we’ll wait for that. I think the first half of the speech is pretty good, and I think that’s what’s really going to be propagandized through the Internet.


So I’m not too stressed about the second half. The second half I just Fed post, I think, and, yeah, just a bit more passion, but I started to lose my voice at the end. And that’s because I didn’t have any milk beforehand. So that’s just another reminder. Get on the milk before the speech.


Joel Davis: You want to take milk to rallies. I mean, that’s the second rally in a row where lack of milk in the backpack is, has made us [word unclear]


Thomas Sewell: Absolutely!


All right, well, hail Hitler. See you guys later!




Joel Davis: See you, man.


Yeah, so anyway, like I said I’ll give you guys some content. I’ll talk about the American election to round out your second hour, because everyone’s tuned in and they want some entertainment.


So anyway, I’ll pull up this map thing of the Electoral College. Because a lot of people don’t understand how American elections work. You know, it goes off. You know, all the States have a certain amount of Electoral college points, as you can see here on this map. Like California has 54 points, Texas has 40 points, but New Mexico only has like five points, as you can see, and so on.


So the amount of points you got to get to 270, basically. 270 points plus wins you the election.


So that’s what’s decisive. And really there’s seven swing states. All the other states, we basically know who’s going to win! And the swing states are. Yeah, I’ll just change the colours here for your viewing benefit. Here we go. I’ll make them all grey. These are the seven swing states, all the grey states.


So you can see here with the States that we pretty much know who’s going to win! The scores are 226 to 219. And those swing states are really going to be decisive.


Now, in my opinion, Arizona looks good for Trump. I think Trump wins Arizona, I think Trump wins Georgia. And so that puts him up to 246. He needs 270. That means he’s going to need to get an extra, what, like 24 points from somewhere. And then, so it depends how does that combine?


Basically these four states here, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. He needs two of these four. He might get Nevada, he might not. But it only has six points. It isn’t as relevant. He really needs two of these four to win!


So that’s really what it’s worth watching for tomorrow. You know, if he wins Arizona and Georgia. If he wins Pennsylvania, then, you know, he just needs one more, for example. And the polling in all these states is very close. Like the polls have it within a percentage point either way. You know, different polls have a different way. So it’s genuinely up in the air. Who knows if it’ll be like rigged again. I don’t think it will be rigged again, but not like it was last time. There hasn’t been like the telegraphing of a rig. Like last time. It was kind of obvious that they were going to go for the rig. You could see it, but I don’t see the same telegraph. And the Republicans are a lot more prepared to defend against it as well.




So I don’t think it’s going to be possible to steal it in the way that it was stolen last time. I am predicting Trump will win. I predicted that Trump will win consistently for like a year. Even when it was looking kind of unlikely at various points. I’ve just always had that vibe.


Do I think Trump winning actually really matters that much though? No, honestly, I do think it matters to a significant extent because the reason why is because it would demonstrate that White American kind of political sovereignty and anti-immigration sentiment remains kind of politically strong. I think it’ll improve the morale of White Americans.


Whereas if he was to lose, I think the collective morale of White Americans it would be for their detriment, I would say. And it would make, I think Right-wing politics go on a less interesting trajectory. I could see the Republican Party just kind of moving back towards the centre in the next cycle and the whole enterprise being very just boring.


Whereas I think if Trump wins, I don’t think he will deliver on a lot of his promises. But I don’t agree with the view that if Trump wins, oh, that makes like war with Israel inevitable or something. I don’t, I’m sorry, war with Iran inevitable. I don’t see that as the case. I think invading Iran is logistically a nightmare. That’s why they haven’t done it yet. I mean Israel has wanted a regime change in Iran for decades. So why hasn’t it happened yet? It hasn’t happened yet because invading Iran is a nightmare because of the geography and they have a reasonably formidable military.


But not only that, the geography makes it because of how mountainous it is and so on. That’s why I believe that they took Iraq and Afghanistan and we’re going to take, try to take out Syria and then maybe try Iran. You know, during the neocon years. Obviously they failed to take Syria. The Russians got involved.


But yeah, I don’t see the political will for war with Iran really being there. I think if they tried to invade Iran the people would widely reject it. I think you’d see the biggest anti-war protests in human history. It’d be wildly unpopular and the war effort would be just kind of like a grind. It would be very difficult to succeed.


And I think eventually the Iranians would win. Not because they’re stronger than the Americans, but because the American war effort would collapse under their own kind of failing morale. The lack of national commitment to really like go 100% for broke. Because I mean, what does America benefit from regime change in Iran? It wouldn’t really benefit at all! It’d be purely a war for Israel. Be blatantly and obviously a war for Israel!


Now maybe that would be a good thing if you think about it from an accelerationist standpoint in and really turning everyone harshly against the jews and creating this intense wave of anti-semitism to sweep across American culture and you know, potentially that could backfire on the jews. But regardless, I just don’t think it will happen. I think at most if Iran got too bold in its actions against Israel, which frankly it hasn’t so far. I mean, Iran have said they’ve shouted and screamed during the whole action in Gaza that since October 7th last year that Israel have been carrying out like the war. But what have they really done? They’ve basically done nothing except lob a few missiles a month or two ago and they took out a few Air Force bases in Israel or something.


But I think that was just a way of placating their own population and trying to look tough to their own population, but ultimately it didn’t really matter. And lobbing a few missiles in Israel’s direction, yes, that pissed Israel off, or whatever.


But you know, it’s not really worth going to war over, quite frankly. I could see maybe the Israelis convincing the Americans to do some kind of strategic bombing campaign in Iran at maximum, at absolute maximum, if Iran, you know, went beyond a certain threshold in its actions against Israel. But honestly, I think Iran are too pussy to even do that. Though they are supporting Hamas and Hezbollah in whatever ways they can. But I think that’s the extent, the main extent of their involvement.


So, yeah, I just don’t see that situation going to the kind of catastrophic level that a lot of people do, just from my strategic evaluation of the facts on the ground. So this whole idea that Trump’s going to do a war with Iran, I just don’t think that’s true.


Now, the reason why people want to vote for him, from our persuasion, is because he’s promised to do mass deportations. I said on Twitter that I think it’s better for Trump to win and fail to carry out the mass deportations than for him to lose and then everyone to go on, like all conservatives, to just cry about election rigging for another few years. And the kind of idea of Trump not being broken by the reality, like, I’d rather him fail in office to carry out the mass deportations and everyone to get pissed off about it and demand a more radical nationalist politics to kind of, as a kind of response to the lesson of Trump’s failure or whatever. I’d rather that outcome. And maybe he does carry out the mass deportations to some extent. And that would also be politically incredible, because not just that it would improve the demographics of America to some degree, but it would show that mass deportations is a viable policy, would make it real as opposed to just an idea. And we want that idea to be made real in the consciousness of the masses, because that’s really the only solution to fixing our countries across the Western world is mass deportations.




But having said that, obviously they are only talking about mass deporting illegal immigrants. And really, it’s the legal immigrants that are the greater concern, because the legal immigrants that are coming into America on H1B visas or whatever, they’re coming from India, that are coming from Asia, a lot of them. Those are the ones that are going to go to Harvard, get PhDs or become elites or are going to take over companies or whatever, and compete with White Americans for positions of power, be elevated by theDEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/DIE: Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity] regime or the various DEI policies or whatever, into positions of power and then lord over White Americans as kind of clients of the jews and Left-wing elements that are trying to basically steal America from Whites.


Whereas I don’t support illegal immigration, obviously, but the illegals that are coming across, what are they doing? They’re mowing lawns, they’re working as roofers, they’re picking tomatoes. You know, they’re bringing crime and a lot of horrible things to America, but they’re not going to become a new elite. They’re not going to replace White American elites.


And so they’re less politically dangerous. They’re more directly dangerous in terms of crime rate or whatever, but less politically dangerous.


And I think that White nationalists in America or just pro-White people in America, generally speaking, need to be more focused upon attacking legal immigration. And we’ve heard comments from Trump and also from Elon Musk, who’s his probably most high profile backer in this election cycle. They actually support expanding legal immigration!


So that’s obviously a horrifying prospect. And that makes the idea of Trump winning kind of seem, it gives a sour taste, I think. It makes it, you know, markedly less exciting.


Also, Trump is the bookies favourite. So there’s not a lot of money to be made betting on Trump winning this time, like you could back in 2016. So I don’t think many people have really bothered putting money down. So there’s less of a party to be had if he does win. I think they’ve adjusted. I think the polling people in America have adjusted to their shitty polling that didn’t predict the 2016 win now. And they’re probably more accurate. I guess we’ll see when the election’s over if they’re more accurate. And so that removes that possibility. So that kind of sucks for the gamblers at home.


But yeah, I just don’t see the American election as exciting as it was in 2016 or in 2020. It was kind of more exciting in a way because of the whole election rig thing. That was kind of January 6th was kind of awesome, even though it was a failure that backfired massively!


But yeah, I do predict he will win. And Trump winning maybe you could say is good for a few reasons. Like I said that the mass deportations thing, whether he carries it out or not, just the act of the American people voting for mass deportations is good meta-politically, whether they end up getting like disappointed or it gets carried out to some extent. Also secondarily, I would say that it’s good, because I think if Harris wins, then she’s kind of more likely to go after Twitter and Rumble and a lot of these sites and try and shut down free speech or the limited amount of free speech that these sites have now enabled.


You know, I think around, 2021, 2022, we had peak censorship and then Rumble coming on board coming into existence. And Elon Musk buying Twitter. You can’t say absolutely anything that you want on Rumble or Twitter, but hey, you’re watching this stream right now on Rumble and Twitter, but it’s banned from YouTube. So the fact that there’s an alternative to YouTube that we can still get our message out. I was banned from Twitter until Elon Musk bought it, and I got my account back thanks to him buying Twitter. So, obviously, Twitter isn’t perfect. You know, a lot of our guys have got their accounts banned or haven’t been able to get their accounts back or whatever in the movement, but it’s still a much better platform for us to spread our message than it was two years ago. So much better! So that being preserved is so important, and I would trust the Trump administration to probably not mess with it, because it’s basically the vehicle that has enabled them to probably win this election.


Whereas I could see Harris going after it to try and shut down the ability for, … Not necessarily Harris herself, but whatever the handlers that will actually be running her administration, because she’s obviously like a midwit, you know, front woman. I don’t even know how she’s the one that’s been put forward. It is actually kind of crazy! That’s the best they could come up with, frankly.


But anyway, I don’t really foresee the Harris administration treating particularly like they’ll go after Musk because Musk has come out as a partisan, a pro-Trump partisan. I can see her administration going after Musk hard and trying to get Twitter off him in some way, in some capacity, so that they can get back control of the discourse. Like they had a stranglehold during Covid we saw the intensity of the online censorship, I think, reach its peak during that Covid time period. That’s how much control they had. We were all marginalised, basically, to Telegram. Telegram was the only app anyone used where you could have a conversation about any of our issues in an open way. I don’t want to go back to that reality. I really don’t. I don’t want to be re-ghettoized. That’s going to be brutal for our capacity to grow as a movement.


So I hope Trump wins for those reasons. I think they’re reasonable reasons and yeah, I haven’t heard very good counter arguments against them, frankly. But I do agree with the people that are in the nationalist movement who criticise Trump, like their criticisms are genuinely accurate.




You know, I think we should be sceptical that he will carry out mass deportations. We should be concerned about how much of a Zionist shill he is and so on. And obviously the jews, or a massive portion of the Zionist jews want Trump in for a reason. So presumably they expect they’re going to get a better deal from him than they’re getting currently from the Biden administration. It’s obviously concerning. I don’t want to be dragged into another ZOG war in the Middle East.


But by the same token, like I said, I don’t really see a war with Iran as really that realistic. So is that the hugest deal in the world? I don’t know. It is what it is, all things considered.


Obviously what is needed in the United States is for White Americans to organise around their race. Until they do that, they can’t secure their future. They’re not going to be able to secure their future for voting for Zionist civic nationalist populists like Trump, who promises deport illegal immigrants or something.


As I said before, the illegal component of the immigration issue is actually the less important component. The far more important component is the legal. And remember, in 2016, Trump proposed cutting legal immigration very significantly. And this time the promise has been the opposite.


So that’s obviously quite concerning and a step in the wrong direction. But even if he was proposing to cut legal immigration, at the end of the day, Trump, he’s not genuinely pro-White. You know, you see at the Trump rallies, they’ll have people holding up signs saying “black for Trump, Hispanics for Trump”, whatever. But there’s no one with the sign saying “Whites for Trump”. You know, he appeals to every racial demographic on the basis of their race except Whites. And that’s even that itself just isn’t good enough.


So Whites in America need to start organising around their identity. They need better institutions that have more money and more manpower that explicitly stand up for White Americans as White Americans unashamedly, and push for their political interests. And that should be the focus of the movement. Like, what I’ve seen with a lot of Americans in the scene is you’ve got the section that are like the Trump shills who are just super pro-Trump to the point that they seem to be kind of delusional. And then you have on the other side the anti-Trump people who just spent all their time talking about how Trump sucks!


And it’s like:


“Okay, that’s fine. Like a lot of your criticisms make sense, but like, what’s the alternative then? What else are you going to do?”


Like, if Trump sucks, then what? Like, I saw Richard Spencer endorsed Kamala Harris for president. It’s like your criticisms of Trump are largely accurate. But, you know what’s the point of endorsing Harris? Like, how is that going to achieve anything good? Like, it’s obviously not going to be a good administration either.


So, like, there needs to be more creativity and more boldness, I think, in the American scene to just push forward with not being consumed by the electoral spectacle and the team sportsism of like red versus blue, and building up independent White power in some capacity. Until that realism dawns on enough people and they get their shit together, you know, White Americans are fucked! Like, the current paradigm is not working like the Republican Party, I went through this on a show, I think, many months ago, one of these live shows.


I’m just going to take a sip of water here.


I went through this on the show, which was that there was data that came out from, I can’t remember which, if it was Pew Research or one of those other, you know, research, like polling research institutions from the United States. And they were polling non-Whites in America on their political views and their political affiliations. And what they found was that older non-Whites, like older blacks and older Hispanics who have conservative social views are still basically Democrats. They still vote for the Left even though their social views align more with the Republicans because they have a stronger sense of ethnic identity and they see the Democrats as representing their interests as non-Whites. Whereas younger blacks and younger Hispanics in particular and younger non-Whites in general. It also poll like Asians and stuff. If they have conservative views, they’re far more likely to be Republican as opposed to Democrat.


And also what the poll showed was that non-Whites who have more White friends are more likely to vote for the Republicans. So what it showed was that there’s been this narrative that the Republicans are basically the party of Whites and the Democrats are the party of non-Whites. But that actually is changing.


If you look at the trajectory of the last few election cycles, the portion of the White vote that’s gone to the Republican presidential candidate has reduced each time. So it actually reduced into Trump from the previous Republican candidates that stood before Trump and actually reduced from 2016 to 2020 with Trump. Trump lost percentage points on the White vote.


We’ll see at this election if he regains that or not. But the key selling point that a lot of Republicans have been saying is that they think Trump will win because he’s been making so many gains with the non-White vote. Trump got the highest non-White vote, I think, in many, many decades for a Republican as a percentage. And then he then improved on that again in 2020, and he’s on track to improve on that again in 2024.




So what we’re seeing is that the non-White vote share for the Republicans is going up and the White vote is coming down, close to 50-50. So we’ll see if that trend continues tomorrow. But if that trend continues, then in what sense would the Republicans represent White interests more than the Democrats? Because they won’t even really need to appeal to White voters. What made Trump win in 2016 was that he was able to appeal to White voters in what they call the Rust Belt states in Pennsylvania, in Michigan and Wisconsin, like working class Whites that traditionally voted Democrat that flipped to Trump. And he might be able to get those votes back, you know, tomorrow we’ll see. But the general trend is that he’s winning the Hispanics, even though he’s promising to deport all the illegals, he’s winning the legal Hispanic vote over and he’s winning the black vote over more than ever! I mean, obviously the blacks are still majority Democrat, but he’s winning a higher percentage of it, particularly young black men. So if those trends continue, the racial polarisation of American politics will diminish generation after generation, election cycle after election cycle.


A White Identity Politics can’t see the Republican Party as its vehicle and just do this implicit identitarianism thing anymore. It’s going to have to become explicit, it’s going to have to differentiate itself from the Republican electoral strategy, because the Republicans, a lot of their electoral strategists, are obsessed with going after the non-White vote. And it’s working! The narrative was like:


“Oh, it won’t work. The non-Whites will never vote for the Republicans. It’s pointless. Just focus on getting the White Vote.”


Well, the trends are going in the opposite direction. So that so-called racist wisdom, it’s actually incorrect and it will become increasingly incorrect, I would say.


So this kind of like mongrel conservatism versus mongrel liberalism thing is going to continue, and you know, it needs to be broken. Whites need to figure out how to differentiate themselves and develop explicit interest group politics in America if they want the political system to start serving White interests. That’s what every other group has and it works for every other group.


And the same is true in Australia, but it’s obviously different way, different political conditions to America.


So the same things that would work here or that make sense here don’t necessarily apply there and vice versa because the whole political system is different. But that’s basically true in any country.


Until we organise explicitly around our race and get money together, get resources together and have leaders that can stand forward with a professional grade, deeply funded and manpowered organisation as a leader saying I speak for my interests with massive support behind them to try and lead political power or build political power in a different direction. Then all these prevailing trends, nothing is going to kind of obstruct them. Appealing to non-Whites as our countries become increasingly non-White is going to only become, become more and more politically of benefit.


And as long as Whites remain deracinated and split on lines of ideology, conservative versus liberal or whatever, as opposed to becoming genuinely racially polarised, you know, it no longer becomes relevant. Like if the White vote goes 50-50 between Republican and Democrat in the coming years, what’s going to happen then is that basically it’s a competition over who can win more non-White voters on either side.


So that’s my view on the subject. We’ll see how things go tomorrow. Like how all the numbers come out. It’ll be interesting to analyze, I think, and it has massive implications for the world. That’s why this is interesting, because the direction that American politics go impacts everything, as we’ve discussed on the show before, many times.


But yeah, anyway, so that gave you a little bit more content. I’ll go through a couple of these Superchats.


So Maybe Danzig Crisis said, or Maccabee Danzig Crisis said:


“Evening, fellas. What are your thoughts on semen retention? People say it boosts virility. Do you think that’s why the Third Reich punished prisoners with masturbation machines?”


Okay, that’s pretty funny. [chuckling] Only the jewish mind can come up with a fantasy like that. Maccabee Danzig Crisis has also said:


“Victory or death via drone in bombed out weatherboard house where in our last breaths we hurl a cricket bat.”


Obviously that’s a reference to that you know, Hamas leader. Israel were really dumb in my opinion for uploading that video to the world. It only kind of made him look cool. They really have no self awareness. Based Henry George said:


“Thank you for all your work.”


And I appreciate that. And The Gump said:


“If I change my mobile signal to the Australia for the White Man stream, will you then take copyright fee every time someone calls?”


I don’t know what kind of question that is. Anyway, do we have any Rumble Superchats? Yeah, one from Apollo Nyanjal who said:


“As to earlier, the Klan being opposed to immigration from southern and Eastern Europe, it’s perfectly justified and they were vindicated in almost everything. This really is an illegitimate criticism.”


Yeah, as a statement, obviously, when Australia had a Nordicist immigration policy prior to World War II that would be my preference to return to something like that again in the future, to preserve the racial equality of Australia as what it is that isn’t, you know, people interpret that as me hating on southern Europeans or Slavs. No, it isn’t hating on them. It’s just that’s what we are.




So I don’t know why they would get offended by that. Like if they said:


“Oh, we want the immigration policy of Lithuania to be like Slavic only or something.”


I’m not getting upset. I don’t really care.


But yeah, I think that’s basically all the Superchats. So, oh no, Adolf Caesar said:


“Hashtag reinstate Hersant with one of those e-Roman things where you put like the little O and the slash.”


But yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed the show tonight. I wanted to give you guys a show because we didn’t do one last week. Like I said, we’ll be back on Thursday. I am frankly a little bit low energy. I am under the weather being a big weekend, and obviously some of the other boys, so.


Nevertheless, I thought it was entertaining stream. There’s a lot to cover this evening and I hope you guys enjoyed it. We’ll see you Thursday night. If you’re in Victoria enjoy your day off tomorrow. Personally, I might go down the beach or something. Hopefully it’s a nice sunny day.


But yeah, I guess we’ll catch you all next time. White Power! And thanks for watching.











Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 11/5/2024 = 266)

HyperChat min: 100
11 hours ago
I think Trump will say that he’s going to deport illegals, and the court will say no, and Trump will say “look i tried”.

Hide replies
Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago
Nobody will be deported.

10 hours ago
Joel looks like he’s speaking to us from Heaven

Heeb Watch
11 hours ago
War against Iran by June 2025. I got $100 dollars on it.

1 hour ago
The KKK were racist liberals. They went off to fight the Nazis like good liberals and were destroyed with the Nazis as bad racists.

Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago
Far more Aussie chads than British chads…far more.

Heeb Watch
11 hours ago
What will trigger the war will be a false flag attack on the US

3 hours ago
Hail, Aussie gents! Another great episode

Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago
“Grannies and retards” ha, ha, ha

10 hours ago

Heee heee. Yeah.

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

He’s tried the Aussie accent & he was crap at it.

10 hours ago
Lithuania is not Slavic thought

10 hours ago
is Tollah working on a Blair impersonation do you think?

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

10 hours ago

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago
be safe brother

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago
thank you sir

10 hours ago
cheers o/

10 hours ago
where are these superchats? Rumble?

10 hours ago

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
that’s why they uploaded it

10 hours ago
i think even if trump lost people would just say it was cheating, they will still think they have the perfect ideology and just keep losing anyway, somehow

10 hours ago
We should lobby/petition Qld government to have minister for White men, they have a minister specifically exclusive of White men.

Heeb Watch
10 hours ago
A Secession will occur long before white interests are presented under our current democratic model

10 hours ago
but that doesnt work, trump really needed to just lose obviously not that can be blamed on cheating again

10 hours ago

10 hours ago
A Trump win will be 4 years of ‘trust the plan’

10 hours ago
yeah, fed false flags as backup no matter what

10 hours ago
well thee will be disappointment because nobody will do anything

10 hours ago
that’s why i think trump puppet will lose, kamala puppet will stage blatant ‘steal’ to provoke a reaction – they want an excuse to get the guns n 2A

Hide replies

3 hours ago
but on the other hand, Trump will most likely get us into a war with Iran. they’ve been trying to for decades.

11 hours ago
I heard he was a pagan, chat said it

11 hours ago
and they will be correct

11 hours ago
if trump lost this one, when it was so certain he would win people might think its time to make a change…any change. if trump wins they will think they got away with boomer conservative for another decade

11 hours ago
Trump gives handjob and sucks

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Russia has a huge deportation for illegals currently

11 hours ago
Joel copied my take, not sure how though.

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
yes, Musk is a bet each way on a slow wet track…you never know

11 hours ago
Musk is unknown IMO, he had his kid trannied, he is from SA

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Joel – you could always start your own twitter clone…or IRC

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Musk is one of them

Hide replies

3 hours ago
good old oak tree

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
twitter is 4chan

11 hours ago
I think Striker might say that Trump lost 2020 because he turned his back on white nationalism.

11 hours ago
Sportsbet didn’t pay for Trump winning 2020, I don’t trust them

11 hours ago
Also they have a popular vote thing on sportsbet, it is not about who wins

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
jeets will take over Gov admin

11 hours ago
jeets are the new middle managers. They’re doing exactly what Britain taught them to do, which was manage India

11 hours ago
The odds are even

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
right .. become judges …politicians … police chiefs

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
jeets will replace blacks

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
washing dishes

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
good point

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
mass deportation in USA will never happen..Trump is in on it

11 hours ago
Bully Iran, they are too pussy to nuke Israel. I heard Iran never had a girlfriend, just saying.

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Iran and Israel are the same thing

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
something something carparks

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
ask Iraq about invading Iran…see how it went

11 hours ago
That memo

Heeb Watch
11 hours ago
You can tell the voting is rigged because every single election is always close. Never will you see a blowout

11 hours ago
Richard Spencer disagrees, he is a deep thinker

11 hours ago
I think everyone should just spray a white map of Australia on their clothing, pretty easy to make a stencil.

Heeb Watch
11 hours ago
Basically they chose Trump like 8 months ago. Then celebrated it in Bohemian Grove

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago

make t-shirt

11 hours ago
270 WIN

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

11 hours ago
If it’s yellow, deport the fellow

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Ballaghaderreen Concerned Citizens group – Irish child raped

11 hours ago
If it’s brown, flush it down.

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Wear your flouro jackets a la dustbin men

Heeb Watch
11 hours ago
Gn Tom \o

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
got tip for Melb Cup Tom?

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
NSN should transcend social media

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
FK sake Joel, no reception is the best bit

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Mercury this month

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Food always tastes better in the bush

11 hours ago
algea sometimes causes the pink. flamingios eat the algea

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago

11 hours ago

Yeah, it said it was because there was something in the water turning it pink.

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Did you do any Bouldering/Rock Climbing?

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
there are a few Pink Lakes

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
male bonding

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
cross burnings 🔥😮

11 hours ago
I saw a really cool pink lake in Australia while looking for places to live, forget the name of it though, but it was beautiful.

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Non Whites must leave Cities by sundown

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Did you see the Aurora Australis while you were up there?

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
strict zero tolerance No Mongrel policy

11 hours ago
It is easy af, you just need a good brush hook and someon else to clear the path

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
correct…White only spaces, no jeets allowed

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
no interest loans for White men

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Blue Mountains 😱

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
no browns in the White etho state mate

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
interest free loans for Whites…

11 hours ago
It must have been brutal carving out a path

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

11 hours ago
no more usury

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
bitter dregs

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
yes, no tax for Whites..browns pay 50

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
nighty night

Heeb Watch
11 hours ago
GN Blair

Hexagod Podcasts
11 hours ago
thanks Blair!

Hexagod Podcasts
11 hours ago
no taxes for Whites

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
have a sook

Mark Collett
11 hours ago
what was the chat?

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
not the first time allegedly the guy wore shirt out and about

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
” two counts of behaving in offensive manner in/near public place and one count of stalk/intimidate intend fear physical harm”

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

Probably a rabbi

11 hours ago
Faruk off paki

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
guy in t-shirt was not Aussie

11 hours ago
blaire’s shirt the first day as a senator:

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
remember Neil Erikson’s F Islam shirts?

11 hours ago

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago

Hexagod Podcasts
11 hours ago
I <3 my Australian car

11 hours ago
i love how hes dragging his missus around while hes doing it haha

11 hours ago
Micro mullet boomer chad

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

11 hours ago

11 hours ago
yeah boy!

11 hours ago
they seem to be the ideal global homo citizen

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
bring back Idi Amin

11 hours ago
women? they’ll rape anything…

Hexagod Podcasts
11 hours ago
they’re importing dots? shameful

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
deliver some pizzas

11 hours ago
he drove for uber

11 hours ago
raped a dolphin for dwali

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
serves you right for eating slop in London Blair…

11 hours ago
no worries

Hexagod Podcasts
11 hours ago
all good Blair!

Mark Collett
11 hours ago
Still a great show!

11 hours ago
You don’t have to win, just getting publicity is worth it.

11 hours ago
Remember that part in MK where he starts a civil rights movement? Me neither.

Hitlers Ghost
11 hours ago
present as moderate just to get elected …he left plays that game

Mark Collett
11 hours ago

I agree, Woodlander is doing what needs to be done.

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

Woodlander is pretty much on that page. The cost of politics is immense, and our funds are sparse.

11 hours ago
i would actually vote if i could vote for blaire.

11 hours ago
Heil Prime Minister Cottrell o/ o/ o/

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Blair could get a seat in House of Reps with twitter followers alone

Hexagod Podcasts
11 hours ago
Oh damn it’s the actual


11 hours ago
i cant believe these boys of all people dont see our politricks as completely staged

11 hours ago

This is not a thing, except at local levels.

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
good point Mark

Mark Collett
11 hours ago
Controversial take: why don’t you guys do what you’re good at like the protests and pro-white advocacy, and leave the elections to a cleaner and more electable force?

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
if you scroll down on that link you will find all the PAARTIES SINCE 1901

11 hours ago
The LDP only got in by weird preference shit, just like Fraser Anning only got in by a fluke

11 hours ago
“He who would live must fight. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.” ~ Adolf Hitler

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago

11 hours ago
Libertards are not electable, they will never get any power.

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
search – Infosheet 22 – Political parties

11 hours ago
a five year moratorium on immigration would be huge

11 hours ago
whatever u do, don’t vote for Dr Sukdeep Sumshit

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

11 hours ago
Vote against labor and greens then LNP

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
F endorsements…

11 hours ago
There used to be nationalist microparies?

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
how about no tax for White people…landslide victory

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
foreigners are not allowed to own land in Saudi Arabia, except for economic zones, commercial areas, and touristic developments

Heeb Watch
11 hours ago
I suppose I’m an accelerationist at heart. Whichever party delegitimizes the system in the eyes and hearts of the people the quickest is my ideal pick.

Hess’ Channel
11 hours ago
Ruddick is weak AF

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
Saudis have a good thing going..

12 hours ago
Qld could introduce a minister for the White man, because they have the opposite of that,

12 hours ago

Usually the system takes communists and marxists, and then spits them out as greens

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago

12 hours ago
You can’t change the system from the inside, it will inevitably change you.

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
better off taking over greens

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
only $1k to register party

12 hours ago

12 hours ago
Blair should seize power

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
beer hall rebellion

12 hours ago
if blaire took pauline hanson’s spot id start voting.

12 hours ago
Chad Yes

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
remember they jailed PH

Dawn Browning
12 hours ago

K. I’ll shut up now.

12 hours ago


Dawn Browning
12 hours ago
1N = Pressure Valve for Boomers

12 hours ago


12 hours ago
holy shit, I can’t believe I caught the live version.

12 hours ago


Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
Moira Deeming is the next Boudicca

12 hours ago
Is this live?

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago

relax Dawn 🙃

12 hours ago

Hey, there is nothing wrong with inbreeding, look at the jews as a fine example lol

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
yes, PH will go..

Dawn Browning
12 hours ago
Punkin Night was an ancient way to honour ancestors & not become in-bred at a time when we were secluded in our small villages. I can’t believe you don’t know this.

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
energy drink arc

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
Hanson also lost the Fed Court case with Faruqi

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
One Nation are redundant..move on.

Dawn Browning
12 hours ago
In the UK/England, we used to use turnips as lanterns, NOT pumpkins

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
Blair just read the comment look

Dawn Browning
12 hours ago


Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
get Mark on…Blair is boring now

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
Mr. Mark Collette has joined the chat

12 hours ago
Salute C o7


12 hours ago

I need to finish the last 30mins, which i hear is the best.

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
K8 – oxycodone

Heeb Watch
12 hours ago


Dawn Browning
12 hours ago
Halloween goes back to Punkie Night.

Mark Collett
12 hours ago
Hi guys!

12 hours ago
We even had a guy go around in a santa sled pulled by a car lol

12 hours ago
get this in ya

12 hours ago
I used to really like halloween, it was pretty big when i grew up in England.

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
if only 😢

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
KKKK – four K’s

12 hours ago
Birth of a Nation was played in the White House ffs

Hexagod Podcasts
12 hours ago
Best halloween costume ever

12 hours ago
KKK Classics would be an excellent brand name for sneakers.

12 hours ago

12 hours ago
very rich history with the KKK

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
imagine not being racist smh 😏

Hexagod Podcasts
12 hours ago
I’m not racist. I’m a specist

Heeb Watch
12 hours ago
Prolly some Jews got it banned reporting it for inciting violence, when it clearly was humor and nothing of the sort

12 hours ago
Write in DD if you are in the US

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
KKKK democrats

Hexagod Podcasts
12 hours ago
I liked it

12 hours ago
Kool Kids Klub

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago

Hexagod Podcasts
12 hours ago

12 hours ago
Spooky ghost Halloween costume

12 hours ago

12 hours ago

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
the Vodafone costume

12 hours ago
Last time a went to KFC was served by a mexican 16yo with a nice mustache.

Hexagod Podcasts
12 hours ago
Best meal is fresh salmon, no goyslop

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
Body Built By KFC 💪

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
Jeets foot burgers

Dawn Browning
12 hours ago
UK pub dinners are expensive, these days

12 hours ago
eat nothing but kfc zingers, got it o7

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
I said Blair was starved…everyone laughed

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
it even looks beautiful raw 🥩😍

Dawn Browning
12 hours ago
Sounds more like Nando’s

12 hours ago
You have to buy butchers bought meat, the store meat is garbage.

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago

for no reason whatsoever

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
yes, all Aus good beef goes to Japs

Dawn Browning
12 hours ago
It depends who you know in England

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
better meat?

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
these lads make me feel old 😏

12 hours ago

Nothing to see here

12 hours ago
Maybe we grow into the area that is around us, so if the area is larger like US/Aus, then the human can grow bigger. Like goldfish lol

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago


12 hours ago
nothing sus, mate

12 hours ago
Some Australian areas with pretty bad soil produce better tasting lamb, according to some people.

12 hours ago
why would you eat such goy slop?

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
Argentinian beef is from Corowa?

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
is there anything better than an awesome piece of beef 🥩

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
green from all the Jeet street shitters shitting in the pashturrs

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
it’s the peat lads….peat

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
Blair those glasses though..

Heeb Watch
12 hours ago
America has multiple states where they claim their beef is the best, but it all comes from Kansas, I know because I deliver it.

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
green is from the lack of Potassium..

12 hours ago
They fuck up the lamb

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago
Juden ist gross in der Englander …polluted

Hess’ Channel
12 hours ago

12 hours ago
there is a lot of Jew mixed Brits unfortunately

12 hours ago
I would accept that criticism. I noticed how many nordic women are in Australia, for instance.

Hitlers Ghost
12 hours ago
Brits are very well behaved 😂

Hexagod Podcasts
12 hours ago
heil our guys holding down under! \o

the woodlander
12 hours ago
just a normal day in London

Heeb Watch
12 hours ago
Great speech at PA Blair! \o

12 hours ago

13 hours ago

Dawn Browning
14 hours ago

❤️🤍🏆Simon🏆🤍❤️ I can’t wait to hear what Blair says about you 💪🤗

Dawn Browning
14 hours ago
Northern UK accent: “Am reet lookin’ forrrard t’this”.

the woodlander
14 hours ago
good to meet blair at the PA conference



See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript



Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version 3: Tue, Nov 12, 2024 — Transcript fully completed = 114/114 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Updated Cover image.

Version 2: Mon, Nov 11, 2024 — Transcript completed = 77/114 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.

Version 1: Sun, Nov 10, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed = 39/114 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (266).

This entry was posted in Blair Cotterell, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, England, Ethno-nationalism, Europe, Gate Keepers, Jew World Order, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, One Nation - Pauline Hanson, PA Conference, Patriotic Alternative, Police - Harassment, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Twitter/X, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.