Joel Davis
“It’s Not About Race”
Thu, Nov 21, 2024
[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell talk about the following:
Recent Australian political events, including the government’s attempt to pass a Disinformation Act and ban social media for under-16s (2:00)
A controversy in Berwick Springs, Melbourne where the government without community consultation renamed a lake after the founder of Sikhism, angering local White residents (4:00)
“Every single one of the speeches was like, oh, you know, we’re not racist or anything. And we got no problem with the Sikh community. But no one asked us if we wanted to change the name.” (8:00)
Criticise the weak response of White Australians to perceived encroachment by immigrant communities (10:00)
An incident where an Indian man stole a car with a 5 year-old child inside, claiming he was trying to teach the father a lesson (25:00)
“This is just organised crime, basically. This is just the filth that are in our country. You know, these are like jews and Turks that are pimping and grooming girls.” (30:00)
Discuss the movie Gladiator 2, with one host giving his review (45:00)
“Overall, I was expecting it to be fucking horrible and have rap music and be full of gay niggers and it didn’t have gay niggers, it didn’t have rap music, and it wasn’t horrible.” (47:00)
The conversation turns to the fall of Rome and racial theories about its decline (55:00)
Tom mentions being charged for “hurting people’s feelings” at a rally in Ballarat (1:05:00)
“I got mail this morning saying I’ve been charged with another offence for hurting people’s feelings in Ballarat on December 3.” (1:06:00)
Proposed legislation to restrict online speech and social media access for youth (1:15:00)
Freedom of speech and immigration are the two most important political issues for nationalists (1:20:00)
“In my opinion, when it comes to mainstream politics, there’s really two issues that matter for the Right-wing and for our purposes as nationalists the most, and that’s immigration, deportation and freedom of speech.” (1:22:00)
Discuss strategies for building a nationalist movement and influencing politics (1:25:00)
Polling data showing increasing anti-immigration sentiment in Australia (1:40:00)
“You’re seeing very sharply here the anti-immigration sentiment absolutely shoot up.” (1:42:00)
Many White Australians have latent racist views that aren’t expressed openly (1:45:00)
“Racism is built in, ethnocentrism is built in. It’s completely natural. And the average White Australian feels it just like they always did.” (1:47:00)
Express optimism about building a large nationalist movement based on these sentiments (1:50:00)
“We have the numbers, we have the resources, we have the power. We just don’t know how to use it.” (1:52:00)
A call for White Australians to “gang up” on immigrants and “take back” the country (1:55:00)
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Published on Thu, Nov 21, 2024
“It’s not about race”
November 21, 2024
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blair cottrell
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(Words: 21,351 – Duration: 120 mins)
Joel Davis: 21st of November 2024. Another show for us, obviously, Tom and Blair with us this evening. And if you’re watching this on Twitter, share the stream like and retweet, boost it. And if you’re on Rumble, a lot of people who watch on Rumble don’t have Rumble accounts. Make a Rumble account. You can then comment on the videos and stuff, you can subscribe to the channel, you can press the like button. All of these things help the algorithm. So it’s not that hard. Just make an account.
But anyway, we are live and it’s kind of been a bit of a slow week, I would say, in Australian politics, with the exception of the failure of the government to pass, or seeming failure, it’s still in the balance, but it looks like they’re going to fail to pass the Disinformation and Misinformation Act.
But also at the same time they’re trying to ram through banning social media for under 16 year olds. And that opens up some interesting questions around, you know, freedom of speech online or whatever. We can discuss that.
But other than that, there hasn’t been a lot of big stories this week. Probably the most interesting story was a story coming out of Berwick Springs in Melbourne where basically the Victorian government just decided to change the name of the lake. The Minister for Multiculturalism or whatever, Diversity and Inclusion, whatever their official title is, they, as a gesture to the Sikh community, just went randomly changed the name of a lake in a place called Berwick Springs to name it after, I think, the founder of Sikhism. And this really pissed off the local community. Well, everyone there who wasn’t a Sikh. Well, everyone there who’s White, basically. And they’ve kind of reacted and it’s turned into a little bit of a controversy.
So I was just actually going to play this video because Auspil interviewed some people at a kind of rally that was organised by locals, interviewed the organiser of the rally. We actually went down to this rally. A couple of us, including myself, Tom showed up actually as well, but also some Indians.
So I’ll just pull this up because I think breaking down what the Indian has to say is actually interesting.
Auspil: This lake in Australia has been renamed to Guru Nanak after six years of lobbying from the Indian community. I’ve come out here today to speak to locals from both sides to find out what they have to say.
Indian guy: The name itself belongs to a religious person’s name. Right? The same like Jesus. Nothing different. Right? But I don’t understand why they don’t want it to name, you know, after his name.
White guy: So basically the state government’s come down on the 9th of November. They didn’t consult the community. At the renaming ceremony they didn’t even invite the local community. We didn’t even know. If you ask people around here today, they thought it was a wedding.
Indian guy: The 30% to 40% people in this whole area, they are Sikhs. I myself a Sikh.
Auspil: One of the ideas also that it was more for like Aboriginals to decide like whether it’s, …
Indian guy: No, it’s their land.
Auspil: Yeah.
Indian guy: They better decide it. If they think:
“Okay, we don’t want it.”
Yeah, we shouldn’t. Because that’s their land, it’s their right. But if they say:
“Okay, let’s change this name into some coloniser’s name or someone who was not entitled to this land.”
Auspil: Yeah.
Indian guy: Then it’s, … I’m more brown skinned man. [chuckling] The people should know about the history of other people as well. Like other country people when they migrate here, they bring some history along with them. Good people, not the bad ones.
But yeah, if there’s something good to learn about other people, other communities, other countries, why not?
White guy: The Sikh community represents about 4% of the population here in the City of Casey. But it’s not about them, it’s about the other 96% of the community, all the other faiths and all the other religions.
And the fact that the Multicultural Minister was here, her portfolio is “multiculturalism”. It’s multi-faith. It’s multinationalities. They need to respect the whole community and they should have consulted the whole community and everyone in there.
Joel Davis: Yeah. So anyway, I mean, obviously it’s just a lake so it doesn’t seem, like it’s kind of superficial compared to a lot of, …
Blair Cottrell: Oh really man! It’s Australian territory!
Joel Davis: It’s an attack on White Identity. And there’s a reason why I went down there and I was surprised. There was about 300 locals that were out there at this impromptu, you know, protest. It wasn’t even a protest. It was like a community meeting at the side of the lake organised by some locals and the local Liberal Party MP was down there, or a couple of them. And the people were fucking pissed off, like that this was happening. And they’re trying to contest it and get it reversed and they’ve taken down the sign themselves and everything. And every single one of the speeches was like:
“Oh we’re not racist or anything. And we got no problem with the Sikh community. But no one asked us if we wanted to change the name. And why are we changing the name to some guy from India 500 years ago rather than someone from around here that’s part of the story of this community? And my family’s been here for generations.”
And like, so they were basically arguing like:
“My family has been here since the White Australia Policy existed. Like, we built this town and now a bunch of Indians have moved in and they’re trying to change everything!”
But they didn’t want to say it like that you know, it was the classic “I’m not racist, but”, … Try to do something racist without being racist kind of thing, predictably from all of the speakers. And, it’s just such a weak response. You know, you’re never going to get anywhere like that. Because every other group, like the Indians, can aggressively push for what’s in their interests.
But then the White Australians, all they can do is talk about the fairness of, “what about everybody?” But no one can assert:
“Well, hey, wait a second, like, our people built this town, so how about it’s named after us because we built it?”
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s weak! And it’s not just a lake, it’s Australian territory! So how about the Sikh community fucks off! That’s what I reckon. How about fuck off? What was he talking about?:
“Oh, if they’re going to name it after some coloniser’s name, it’s actually Aboriginal land”
I don’t understand it, man. I’m actually too angry to even comment on it. I’ve had a bad day and that’s the last thing I wanted to see. He just wasn’t making any, like, logical sense. Isn’t coming to “Aboriginal land” as he describes it, and then trying to whack the name of Sikhism on that territory, isn’t that the same fucking thing as colonizing? How is that any fucking different?
He keeps pointing to his arm. Is he pointing to his skin colour when he’s saying:
“I’m Sikh, look, I’m Sikh, I’m brown. That means I’m allowed to be racist and you’re not White, man!”
That’s what the whole interview seemed like to me. It was a fucking load of shit! But that Auspil guy, I suppose, is being proactive getting out there and doing these interviews. He probably should ask more pertinent questions, though, I think.
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, he did. He did a good job getting out there. But no, I said on Twitter, this is standard. We saw the same thing when we confronted the refugee encampments. And they said the same thing when I went over to Adelaide for the NSN rally against the refugee encampment in Adelaide as well. The jeets always say:
“Oh, this isn’t your land, this is Aboriginal land. So therefore because it’s Aboriginal land, we have the right to come in and take over!”
And you know, the Aboriginal card is just a stick used to beat White people in this country to de-legitimize us.
So it isn’t even so much about the Aboriginals. The reason why the communists and the Left and so on make such a big deal out of Aboriginal rights isn’t because they really give that much of a shit about Aboriginals. It’s just a weapon they can use against White Australians.
And that’s why jews have been at the forefront of the so-called Aboriginal rights movement for decades, where jewish lawyers were the ones pushing for the Mabo decision* back in the 90s and so on, why jews were involved in kind of pushing The Voice to Parliament, the failed referendum last year and so on. That’s what this is always about. It’s always just about attacking us, delegitimizing our identity. Because this country was built by, not just by White Australians, it was built by British and Irish-Australians. That’s who Australians are. We’re British and Irish people. We have a culture and a history that goes back thousands of years. And we settled this country, we built it from nothing into one of the greatest countries in the world.
[* On 3 June 1992 the High Court of Australia recognised that a group of Torres Strait Islanders, led by Eddie Mabo, held ownership of Mer (Murray Island). In acknowledging the traditional rights of the Meriam people to their land, the court also held that native title existed for all Indigenous people. This landmark decision gave rise to important native title legislation the following year and rendered “terra nullius” a legal fiction. https://]
And then these pajeets show up for five minutes and start demanding everything be handed over to them on a silver platter. And basically Whites aren’t even allowed to even stand up for ourselves and say:
“Hey, wait a second, we built this country.”
Because that makes you racist.
And so obviously the response to that is, well, actually Australia was built by racists for racists! You know anything about Australian history? Racism is actually the founding ideology of our country. Not just taking over the country for the British race or the White race, but also expelling a lot of migrants that came from China during the gold rush and other migrants that were brought in by different economic interests.
And these Indians that are being brought in today, they’re just being brought in by corporations to not just have cheap labour, but to devalue your Labor. If they can bring in a glut of third world labourers that can keep wages down in every industry across the board, but it’s also jacking up your house prices and so on, which is great for the banks issuing mortgages. It’s great for the property lobbyists. And these are the people that actually are cutting the cheques for political campaigns of the major parties that rule over us.
This has been the perennial struggle of Australian history. Is commercial interest trying to bring non-White immigrants in even though they’re going to destroy the cultural and racial fabric of our society. And Australians fighting back.
And back when there wasn’t this moral injunction against being racist, back in the 19th century, in the early 20th century, where “racism” wasn’t a dirty word, White nationalists fought back and won and ran this country for the White man! And we built an amazing country! It was one of the best countries in the world to live in. I think per capita it was the most wealthy country in the world. You know, 100 years ago. Was in the top three at the very least. And now our entire birthright has been stolen from us because everyone’s too afraid to use the word “White” and be called a racist. And that’s really what it comes down to.
Like, either we gang up on them as White Australians or they gang up on us and take it. They take Australia from us! That’s what’s happening.
You were there, you came down, you got there slightly late because you had an appointment, but you came down. I don’t think you saw all the proceedings, but you still got a vibe of the community and so on. What’s your impression of this issue?
Thomas Sewell: Are you talking to me?
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: Well, this is just the passing result of multiculturalism. It’s about establishing fifth columns of foreign people in our nation to destroy us. And it starts with taking suburbs and springs and everything.
So, yeah, the Labor Party that organised the name change are some of the most despicable and disgusting creatures I’ve ever seen! Someone put up photos in the chat and one of them looked like a cartoon character. Like Blair would have a fucking heart attack, or a brain aneurysm if he saw this guy. And maybe we should get the photo up so Blair can react. I mean, he’s just literally the opposite of health and fitness. It’s a creature that is so gluttonous and disgusting! You know, they would have been in a circus 100 years ago. And now this is people ruling over us, because the jews are in charge of our society and control the media and the lobbying. So, yeah, absolutely horrid!
It was good to see the probably 98% of the community was White that came down to the thing. I only saw maybe one or two tokens. And there were some Indians walking around later I’m assuming that’s who Auspiled interviewed.
But it is absolutely despicable what the treasonous government has done. And I think it’s a fair analysis that there is organic resistance to this. But the organic resistance is always using the enemy’s framework. It’s always, “we’re not racist, but”. Instead of just saying that this is clearly a racial struggle where this group of people are racially organising en masse in order to take over the suburb and we need to do it back to them or we need to resist them through our racial strength. Something very similar around the corner from there in Pearcedale, they’re building the Sikhs or Hindus [Hindu: Hindu organisation Melbourne Ayyappa Seva Sangam (MASS) ] are building a big temple in Pearcedale, which is like a massive White flight area for people leaving Frankston and Pakenham. That’s a beautiful little suburb in the southeast.
And a lot of the land there is quite large. It’s not like the 1/16th acre blocks that you get in Pakenham. It’s like half acre and one acre blocks, you know, beautiful sort of White flight area. And they’re building a Hindu temple there, or a Sikh temple there to displace the White people. And there is an organic resistance to it. There are locals organising to stop the temple being built, but they’re doing it from the perspective that it’s a “green corridor”. They’re saying:
“This is a green corridor, meaning it’s a nature area, meaning we can’t have Hindu temples here because it could overpopulate the green corridor.”
It’s like, why don’t we just fucking say it how it is? I’m sick of these cunts! I’m sick of these entitled, disgusting pieces of shit!
Blair Cottrell: You remember though, when we were younger, when you’re at school, there was like one or two Indian kids maybe, and maybe the Indian ran the 7/11 down the road. But that’s all. There was like three in the community. And they were so humble and quiet and nice! And you couldn’t help but like them because they were so quiet and nice, and they never screwed with you. Now the audacity of the little cunts! Now that they’re starting to increase in number, now they’re demanding you change Australian territory to be named after their religious figures and shit! And now they’re starting to get a bit racist themselves. They’re starting to get a bit more audacious, got a bit more fight in them. And it’s just cowardly, isn’t it? They wait till they., … Well, I suppose it’s just basic mathematics.
But I was going to go on to talk about noise pollution, and how they use that to colonise areas as well. But I think I’ve mentioned that on the stream before, so I won’t just repeat myself.
I can just remember that the contrasting difference between when I was young, Indians were cool. They were fine because there was hardly any of them. Now that they’re greater in number, they’re nothing but a pain in the arse! And they’re really creeping in Australian culture and trying to erase it and replace it with their own bullshit! And I don’t think anyone’s going to be happy about it. If anything, it’s probably only going to help people like us because it’ll make people more racist. Right?
Thomas Sewell: Well, I noticed there was another story. You said that there wasn’t any extra, … There wasn’t really anything on the news. But there’s two stories I just linked them through to you while you were introducing the show. And one of them was an Indian kidnapped a 5 year old child and stole a car. Kidnapped a 5 year old child. Police are using, …
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. I think the general public should be aware of this. I think we should amplify this and I think we should do something about it. We should protest about this. Let the public see. But this is the most disgusting shit for not getting charged.
Obviously there’s more horrible crimes than this in the UK, but most of the time those people get charged. This is something absolutely horrendous! And the smugness, as Blair said, these people are so smug and arrogant now.
Joel Davis: I’ll play the news clip.
9 News: A distraught father has been reunited with his son after the five year old was abducted when their car was taken from a petrol station in [word unclear]. The man arrested over the incident has told nine News:
“The police got it all wrong, insisting he was actually the hero of the story.”
Mark Santomartino explains.
Mark Santomartino: Duaraj Karishna says he did the right thing when he hopped off his motorbike, walked over to that ute, got behind the wheel and drove off with a five year old in the backseat.
Duaraj Karishna: It’s not a big crime though! I’m saving a child. No, he’s laughing, right?
Mark Santomartino: That child was left alone for a split second. His dad leaving the car running as he ran into the Shell service station to buy a slab of water. He came out two minutes later and the panic set in.
Duaraj Karishna: He left the car and the child with the engine on, which is not a good thing to do. He should realise his stupidity.
Mark Santomartino: The dad ran back inside and called his phone which was still in the car. Police say he told Duaraj to take his son to Pakenham police station. Duaraj says:
“He was going there anyway.”
Duaraj Karishna: They just ran up to me and put a handcuff on me. In the meantime the parents of the child they reached the police station. It seems like a distrust. But the only thing my advice to them is to consider their action that leads to these consequences.
Mark Santomartino: Police briefly spoke to Duaraj and decided to release him for now. But he’s yet to be formally interviewed and could still face charges. Nine News spotted the 42 year old as he returned to collect his motorcycle as well as the helmet and gloves he left on a table at Cafe 445.
Waitresses: When he ordered a coffee he’s like:
“Oh like what happened here this morning?”
And we’re all just like:
“You stole a car!”
I said:
“I think there’s other ways to express your concern. Maybe go into the server and see. Or come see us if we need to.”
Duaraj Karishna: I’m using more common sense than anyone else. That’s what I’m considering myself, all right. What I did is the right thing to do. That’s what I did.
Mark Santomartino: Mark Santomartino, 9News.
Blair Cottrell: That’s a really good way to get your nose cut off. Someone takes your kid like that. How are you going to respond boys? I wouldn’t be too pleased with that. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Of course he could have just gone, … Like you left the kid in the car while you went in to get a bottle of water. What’s the problem? I suppose you shouldn’t have left the keys in the ignition. I understand that. For what he was just kidnapping the child to prove a point that someone worse could have kidnapped him?
Thomas Sewell: Who he to prove a point to anyone?
Blair Cottrell: He should be charged. He should be charged with fucking kidnapping!
Joel Davis: Maybe he’s leaving aircon running or something.
Thomas Sewell: Fucking disgusting! The police are even more disgusting than this fucking Indian. The police are the enemy of the public! How dare the police not charge him. I just got charged literally in the mail today. I got a summons for offending grossly offensive behaviour in Ballarat last year for organising a protest.
Blair Cottrell: What about that five year old boy Tom? What about that five year old boy and the emotional effect that that had on him where some strange man, strange Indian man just steals him and drives his dad’s car away without permission. What kind of effects that can have on the psychology of the five year old boy? Has that been taken into consideration by police? If they’re just going to decide to charge the guy or not? Oh, I suppose you’ll get leniency from the courts because he’s not from here and he didn’t know any better. What happened to equality before the law, though?
Thomas Sewell: It’s just crazy to think that this is more severe than anything anyone has ever done in nationalism. And not only like in terms of any potential crime committed. And we are constantly raided and harassed by the police. They’ve got infinity resources to harass us, to steal our property. Hence I’m on this weird laptop at the moment.
And yet if you’re Indian, you can literally commit robbery. You can steal a car and kidnap a child and the police won’t charge you.
In fact, the media will give you, I mean, he got more air time than I think we’ve ever had on television play. In terms of our sound bites. Usually they just play footage of us and then don’t include us talking and play dark music over the top of it.
Blair Cottrell: Can you believe the media actually dressed him up as being a hero? They used that term. He’s actually a “hero”. How is he a hero? He stole a stranger’s car with a five year old child in the back to prove a point. How the fuck is he a hero? It’s not funny. There’s nothing funny about it. The guy should be punished severely!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. There needs to be justice about this. We need to do something to raise awareness, I mean, and get action taken.
Joel Davis: Do you think he was actually doing it for that reason? Like, I almost suspect that maybe he saw an opportunity to steal the car because:
“Oh, the keys in the ignition. Maybe I could just like drive it?”
Blair Cottrell: But he just got off his motorbike. Why would he just get off his motorbike that he clearly owned and steal someone’s car?
Joel Davis: I don’t know. I mean, it’s a ute. It’s like a, …
Blair Cottrell: It doesn’t make any sense. I think looking at his body language, he wants attention. He just wanted fucking attention. He just wanted to test the system and see if this would make him into something.
Joel Davis: Getting my head around like the fucked up Indian like thought pattern that he must have. I just can’t comprehend it.
Thomas Sewell: He just shouldn’t be in our country. I’m sick of them. I hate them. They’re disgusting!
Joel Davis: For real. But I mean also the way that he was acting as well, like that particular style that pajeets have when they’re on the defensive. They run their mouth so fast and then they try and just like throw this really like, it’s like the jewish word chutzpah, pajeets also have chutzpah, but they don’t have the same guile or intelligence as jews.
Blair Cottrell: What’s chutzpah mean?
Joel Davis: Chutzpah is like, when you’re basically defrauding people, like, where you’re bold, where you kind of seize opportunities in ways that overstep social conventions, you have a willingness to be bold in your incivility, let’s say, in order to gain personal advantage. And jews see that as a good thing.
So the word chutzpah, it’s like:
“Oh, wow, that’s a lot of chutzpah. Ha ha!”
It’s like we would say:
“Oh, wow, that’s ballsy!”
Or something. And maybe we would mean it in a positive context.
But we don’t mean it in the same way as that because it’s different morality than us. But jeets have chutzpah. Like, there’s a jeet chutzpah. That’s what he was showing just then, where he confronts the media completely shamelessly. And then he’s acting like:
“Oh, I don’t understand why everyone’s freaking out. You know I’m doing a good thing. Like, that guy left the kid unattended for 30 seconds. Like, what choice did I have? You know?”
It’s just obviously, like, weird and retarded behaviour. And like, no one thinks his behaviour was correct.
But, yeah, what a strange story. It’s like, again, …
Blair Cottrell: If the father attacked the guy. He probably would have been charged.
Thomas Sewell: 100%, because he’s White. The police have got lots of courage when the defendant is White.
Joel Davis: But it’s the same attitude as that jeet that Auzpil was interviewing near that lake where he has the gall to refer to us as “colonisers”. He’s like:
“Well if they wanted to change it to some coloniser name!”
Basically saying that White culture deserves absolutely zero legitimacy. That, like, his culture deserves more legitimacy because he’s not a coloniser, apparently, but we are, so that therefore we should be morally condemned. And that’s just like some random Indian from the street. He’s not some, like, communist or something.
And so they use our own morality, they use our own good nature and so on against us. This Indian is taking the piss because he has no fear! He thinks that he can just chatter his way out of consequences in this scenario. And that’s the problem.
Blair Cottrell: He can though. The media will go into bat for him and call him a hero, and the police won’t charge him. So he’s just proven the point that he can just get away with doing stuff like this. And he can even be presented as having engaged in something noble by the press, like he’s a good guy.
Joel Davis: And this is the narrative is supposed to be that:
“Oh, you know, Indians or non-White immigration, it won’t change anything about Australia. They’ll slot in and assimilate to our culture.”
And as soon as the Indians build up to a large enough degree, there’s no, absolutely no inkling of that anymore. It’s just like you have to accept that.
Blair Cottrell: You mentioned though, should we drop in there how common child rape is in India? It was described by Indian government officials as:
“The national embarrassment, the great embarrassment of the nation.”
Thomas Sewell: Yes.
Blair Cottrell: I don’t know how many children are raped per day, but it’s alarming and disgusting in India! Considering that an Indian man just drove away with a five year old boy in a car that he stole. A boy that he wasn’t related to, didn’t know. Consider that man. That’s fucking weird!
I think maybe you’re right, Joel. Maybe this guy did have different intentions, but he kind of changed his mind, took the car to the station and acted like he was trying to be a hero or something.
Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s too weird! It’s like he was trying to do something dodgy and then maybe he realised:
“Oh fuck, the kids in the car!”
Or maybe he was trying to abduct the kid but then realised, …
Thomas Sewell: Well, he even said in his own story. So it’s crazy that he hasn’t been charged because he admits to the media that he knew the kid was in the car, that’s why he took the car. So he’s proving intent and prior knowledge that he was kidnapping a child and still kidnapped the child.
And another thing we should live in a society where you can leave your car running at the servo for 30 seconds to get a bottle of water. We should live in that society. I don’t do it unless my missus is in the car.
But you know, we should live in that society. I wouldn’t want, if my missus was going to the station and was going to pay for petrol or something and leaves the baby in the car, that some Indian’s gonna get in the fucking car! You know, like this is crazy that we have to consider that now in the back of our mind that you can’t leave the baby in the baby seat because some Indian could go into your car.
I mean, recently, I think only a month ago, just around the corner from here, there was some Asian junkie that got into the back of someone’s car and pointed a knife at the baby and told the mom to go drive to a whole bunch of JB Hi-Fis and buy iPhones on credit card so he could sell them for drugs. And just kidnapped a baby, just got in the back of someone’s car.
So this is just crazy what’s happening in our society. I want to live in one that’s, you know, free and peaceful and where like we can trust each other. A high trust society. And that only happens with White people.
I mean, the salt and pepper diversity. One or two Indians, yeah, they play the game. They don’t do anything too stupid because they know they’re being watched. But then now it’s like what, 10% Indian in a lot of places in Melbourne and this is how they’re behaving.
Blair Cottrell: But aren’t you failing to appreciate the rich cultural contributions that the Indian people have brought to Australia?
And the fact that we as a nation must be committed to promoting a diverse and vibrant multicultural society, a society in which our children are randomly kidnapped by Indian immigrants who just want to prove a point. Aren’t you failing to acknowledge all of those noble points, Thomas Sewell?
Thomas Sewell: What I’m failing to acknowledge is, it’s currently illegal to say what I want to say to the politicians that are saying that to me.
Blair Cottrell: Wise, wise.
Joel Davis: Anyone who lives in Sydney wants to go and experience some vibrant pajeet diversity, I suggest you go and take a drive down the main street of Harris Park, aka, Little India and just see what a cesspool that place has turned into recently. I saw a report on. It was like a clip from A Current Affair. I wish I had the clip handy. If someone could send it to me, I’ll play it on the show. But the clip was basically the poor last remnants of the White race that still live in Harris park for some reason, were complaining because ever since it was renamed Little India, basically the entire street has just been covered in these little food carts serving curries and so on.
So there’s already all the shops on that street are already Indian, like Indian grocers and Indian restaurants. But then they have these little like caravan type food stalls all down the street and people go and like get, Indians, I should say, not people. They go and get food and then they just like throw their rubbish on the floor.
So the entire like main street is just covered in just shit! You just like rubbish everywhere. And they’re all driving down the street with the music, like ga-ling, ga-ling, ga-ling, and so on all through the fucking night! And the whole place has just turned into like literally little India, which is basically, it smells like shit, it’s covered in rubbish! No one has any respect for anyone’s property. And this is apparently Indian culture, street food culture or something. And all the locals that live there are like:
“This is horrible! The constant noise, the crap everywhere, etc. These people have no respect for like public decency or the public commons!”
But that’s basically what has occurred. And they’ve built these things in front of people’s like, houses and stuff and just dump them out the front of their house or at the front of their unit blocks or whatever. And they just have to deal with this now. And that’s basically, that’s what “vibrant diversity” actually looks like.
So anyway, one day NSN will be big enough that we can go and march down that street. But, you know, at the moment, maybe we’ll save that for another day. [chuckling] But it’s gross. Like, it’s gross! So, yeah, if you want to see the filth, that’s the apex of the filth in Sydney.
But I also want to respond to this from White Australia Policy said:
“We don’t want assimilation at all!”
And it wasn’t implying that I do want assimilation, but I was just pointing to the lie. Like the assimilation is always the lie that’s given to you by civic nationalists that you shouldn’t be racist or whatever because, if they adopt our values, it won’t be a problem. But what are the values that they want them to adopt? They always want them to adopt the values of the White man. Well, why are they the values of the White man? Because they’re the values that only White people give a fuck about! So no one else is going to adopt them en masse. Maybe if you have a small amount of Indians or Asians in a predominantly White community, they will conform.
But as soon as a large enough portion of them exists they’ll just express their own racial nature, which is contrary to ours. Like they will not uphold our values, only we will. I mean, that’s basic and logical, which is why assimilation is a pipe dream that doesn’t work.
The only people that assimilate are immigrants from Britain or Ireland or places that share our racial character. You know, after a generation, their kids become as Australian as everyone else, basically. But that’s not the case for browns or Asians or whatever, because they’re just biologically incapable of it. They don’t have our blood, they don’t have our spirit, they don’t have our character.
Blair Cottrell: The only way assimilation is possible is if you could actually change someone from one race into another, like with the wave of a wand, which is not possible. Like, assimilation is ridiculous!
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, that’s why it’s never been seriously taken as a government policy. The official government policy of assimilation lasted like two years. Like, so we had the White Australia Policy and then they had the policy of:
“Immigrants must assimilate, but we’ll accept people from incompatible cultures.”
And then two years later, they’re like:
“No, fuck that! We’re going to have multiculturalism.”
Because that’s really the only other choice. Like, if you have a if you have multiracialism, you have multiculturalism. It’s like it comes as a package deal. You can’t have one without the other.
And on the subject of multiculturalism I think we talked about this maybe on the show around Halloween, but there are all these calls from all these Indian community leaders and even some sympathetic politicians that obviously have a lot of Indians in their electorate and want Indian votes to make Diwali like a public holiday in Australia and so on. The Indians are particularly aggressive with this naming the lake and so on. The way, the chutzpah that I mentioned. They’re particularly aggressive, unlike any other minority group, in kind of overcoding in a very overt and direct way Australia, remaking Australia in their own image. And the Chinese do that, but the Chinese do it in a very subtle way. Like, they’ll take over a town, but they won’t publicize it. They won’t demand much from the government. They’ll just kind of organically take over their own space and try to be as inoffensive to the rest of the general population as they can. Whereas the Indians aren’t like that at all! They’re very aggressive in their approach.
And so, yeah, I think like the White versus pajeet, you know, cultural race war or whatever, culture war. I think that’s going to become definitive in our society because they’re the ones that are going to lead the charge to basically tear down the fabric of White Australian society everywhere that they possibly can, as quickly and as aggressively as they can.
And the jews will enable it! Because they’re good little goys, good little goy slaves for the jews. Because, you know, Indians have a hostility at least the Hindus, at the very least have a strong hostility to the Muslims.
And so they kind of align themselves with Israel and with the jews on that side of the equation and also against us. They’re like aspirational. Indians want to get into positions of power. Indians are very proud when they see an Indian politician doing well, or an Indian that becomes a CEO of a big corporation or something like that they want to see Indian faces taking over this country. They’re salty about colonialism. They want revenge. And they have an incredible inferiority complex. You know what I noticed, and I think most people would notice from engaging with Twitter is like the saltiest commentators are always Indians. I made a post about this issue and there was this White grandma that said something like:
“As a woman, I find Indians creepy.”
And this Indian guy responds to her saying:
“You’re ugly! No Indian cares about you anyway!”
And it’s like you’re applying to like a seventy year old grandma like, what are you saying? So yeah, Indians are just like seething with anti-White hatred. It’s insane the level of hatred and resentment that these people have.
Because they’re salty not just about British colonialism, they’re probably salty about ancient Aryan colonialism. You know, their entire race has been our slaves, our bitches for thousands and thousands of years. And the ancient Aryans were taken over by a horde of browns just consuming the society, collapsing the caste system, and they’re trying to do it again.
Blair Cottrell: It seems we’ve made a lot of mistakes around the world, and I don’t mean those mistakes, colonisation or subjugation of other peoples. I think we left too many peoples alive, giving them the opportunity to multiply dramatically and then cause us problems in the present day. We should have just like, we should have just cleaned up everywhere we went instead of leaving so many people. I don’t know.
I think the lesson is in the future, if we have to have a big reset and we have to rediscover and recolonise the world in 2,000 years that you just like do away with everyone who’s going to potentially threaten you in the future. It’s not worth going to the trouble of subjugating people and keeping them alive for jobs and purposes. It always just backfires and causes you more problems. Do the jobs yourself! If people have to dig, they have to dig. If people have to lay bricks, they have to lay bricks. Don’t bring in these other races to do it for you. It’s not worth the future trouble. I don’t know. That’s my thoughts on the matter. Let’s move on. We’ve been talking about Indians for fucking 40 minutes! I’m over it.
Joel Davis: You made a good point though, to bridge from that to the collapse of the Roman Empire, because I know Tom said:
“I’m curious to get your take on Gladiator 2.”
I haven’t seen it, but you said you saw it at the cinema. But bring up the Roman, the Roman subject, I was just having a little bit of a back and forth on Twitter with Zoomer Historian, who’s one of the best YouTube channels by the way. If you don’t know Zoomer Historian on YouTube, go look him up. Great videos, particularly on the Third Reich and World War II and that kind of thing. But on other subjects as well. He’s done some good. Recent videos actually on Rhodesia. Great YouTuber from Britain.
But we were talking, had a bit of an exchange about the collapse of Rome. And the collapse of Rome is, in my opinion the leading factor was racial contamination and miscegenation. Like we have the data that shows that the original population of Rome, you know, at the beginning of the Republic or even like the pre-Republic era, you can just see the blood dilution from mass immigration from all over and not just the barbarians from the north. We’re talking about massive slave populations and so on coming in from North Africa and the Middle East. And other like merchant populations and so on etc. And the blood diluting, diluting, diluting! And with the blood dilution, the culture dilutes. And then, you know, Rome completely lost its identity.
So by the time the barbarians come in as like mercenary soldiers, they have no respect for Rome, who’s not actually worth respecting. So I wouldn’t really blame the barbarians. I would thank the barbarians, our ancient Germanic ancestors, for destroying the decrepit cesspit that Rome had become at that point.
But yeah, the fall of Rome is something interesting to discuss and to analyze. But Tom, what are your thoughts on the second. Speaking of the fall of Rome, the degeneration of Western culture can be tracked probably from the quality of Gladiator 1 with respect to Gladiator 2, like how far have we fallen in the fall of Rome 2.0 time cycle from the year 2000, I believe in Gladiator 1, …
Blair Cottrell: Is there any girl bossing in Gladiator 2?
Joel Davis: I know that Denzel Washington, the negro is apparently like Emperor or something, right? But anyway, …
Blair Cottrell: Was there any officers or persons of note that were African in Rome?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I was, …
Blair Cottrell: Is there any girl bossing? Tell me that. Is there any girl bossing?
Thomas Sewell: Yes. But I don’t want to spoil the whole movie.
But yeah, like, there’s an attempt at girl bossing and then it’s a failed attempt. It’s not a very feminist film.
Basically, it has the same director, it has one of the three original writers, and it’s got a different score.
The movie starts with kind of like a dreamlike recollection of the first movie. So an attempt to bridge between the two movies. And overall, I was expecting it to be fucking horrible and have rap music and be full of gay niggers. And it didn’t have gay niggers, it didn’t have rap music, and it wasn’t horrible! So I’m quite surprised.
I would say that I enjoyed it slightly. It’s not. It wasn’t as good as the first one, obviously, but it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Blair Cottrell: Who does the best job acting wise?
Thomas Sewell: The lead character is okay. He’s no Russell Crowe. He does a decent job. Denzel, I mean, he just plays himself in every movie. And so he did a good job of playing himself, which is like a distasteful, disjointed, kind of rich negro. There’s a general in the film that plays a really good role as well, and he’s got a, there’s not much depth in him, though. It really focuses more on the main character, the young guy.
But yeah, the general, if they went into more depth, you might have been able to see a bit more character come out of him.
But yeah, overall, I would recommend watching it. Like, in general, don’t give money to the jews and don’t spend money at the cinema. So if you can download it or whatever, if you can pirate it, then I advocate for fighting ZOG.
But if you enjoy the movie experience once in a while and you’re not a complete, you know, revolutionary, you’re just like a 90% revolutionary like me, like a moderate and sometimes you just enjoy the Golden Cage a little bit and spend quality time with the missus or your mates, then it wasn’t horrible. There’s a lot worse movies in the cinema at the moment.
Blair Cottrell: I’m glad to hear it.
I might actually give it a go then. I love a good film. So it’s harder to find a good film these days, too.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I think it was a lot more reliant on CGI and AI, of course. There’s a lot less talent. People are just getting lazier. It just wasn’t as well put together. The score wasn’t as good and the acting wasn’t as good and the there were moments, certainly it was very thought provoking. It was a very thought provoking film for me. But it didn’t have as much substance of depths and I think a lot of the thought provokingness wasn’t intended. I just over look into things and I was quite intrigued.
Blair Cottrell: You want to discuss the primary thought that was provoked?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I didn’t take notes. I wasn’t expecting to do a movie review, but the primary thought that was, … I don’t want to spoil the film. So it’s hard to sort of go into deep depth without spoiling the film.
But one of the primary themes is about, … That’ll spoil the film. Because I didn’t actually know going into the film what the storyline was. I just assumed it was like set 30 years in the future and it’s like a different slave coming and rising.
So I don’t want to spoil the film, so I won’t. I can’t do it without spoiling the film, so I won’t do it.
Blair Cottrell: All right, all right, fair enough.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, but I can discuss like, …
Joel Davis: Spoiler alert. Anyone who’s gonna see it, just mute it until I give you the heads up. Just spoil it. I’m not gonna go.
Thomas Sewell: All right, maybe just mute.
All right, everyone, just mute. And I’ll try and do it in like 15 seconds. All right? Yeah, just 15 seconds. I’ll say the spoiler. You can mute as well, Blair, if you want.
All right, three, two, one. Mute!
So the main character is Lucius, who’s actually Maximus’s son with the noble woman. And basically the main theme is just the return of like royal bloodlines. And you can come back now. Everyone come back.
Blair Cottrell: That wasn’t that much of a spoiler.
Thomas Sewell: I don’t know, I didn’t see that in the trailer. So I mean, maybe I did and I wasn’t paying attention.
Blair Cottrell: That was like a really quick blurb.
Joel Davis: [words unclear] of the trailer. So he’s a keen trailer watcher.
Thomas Sewell: Oh, was that in the trailer? I think maybe the rap music came on.
Joel Davis: Han Solo dies.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Apparently Han Solo does die in Gladiator 2.
Thomas Sewell: Here I am trying to be polite to everyone, not ruin their experience. I don’t like watching trailers because trailers these days show the whole movie when, …
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I’ve found that’s the case, too.
Thomas Sewell: When you watch the trailer for Gladiator 1, you’re just like:
“Oh, this looks like a good movie!”
And it doesn’t really show much.
And then you watch all these trailers these days, and it’s like the whole movie in chronological order, like, condensed into a dopamine hit.
Joel Davis: Well, anyway, I haven’t seen it. I don’t plan on seeing it because I think it’ll be slop, but I don’t know.
Blair Cottrell: Do you ever! Joel, do you watch movies? Are you someone who sits there and watches a movie?
Joel Davis: Of course! Of course!
Thomas Sewell: He did watch Apocalypse Now, didn’t he?
Blair Cottrell: Okay.
Joel Davis: Yeah. I like movies that were made in the past, but I seldom like movies that are made contemporary, like basically any film, … I can’t think of a good film that’s come out recently. I still haven’t seen the new Dune that actually seemed like. It seemed like it probably was cool. So I, …
Thomas Sewell: The second one was better than the first one.
Blair Cottrell: Is science fiction a theme that you would generally go for?
Joel Davis: Yeah, sure. Like, it’s a cool genre. Yeah, there’s cool science fiction movies, but, yeah, that movie seemed like it could be cool, so I’d be interested in watching that. I haven’t actually got around to it yet. But other than that, there hasn’t really been anything that’s come out in recent years that really, you know:
“Oh, man, I want to see that!”
Now there is a movie coming out that looks interesting. I’m gonna go and, …
Blair Cottrell: Did you see The King with Chalamet and Pattinson.
Thomas Sewell: That was great!
Blair Cottrell: That’s a good movie. That’s worth watching if you want to watch a good movie. Joel.
It’s about Henry the Fifth, I think.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Blair Cottrell: In England.
And it’s like, there’s no propaganda in it at all that I could identify. Just good, …
Thomas Sewell: I think I saw a brown person! Did you see a brown person?
Blair Cottrell: Not a single one! There’s no race casting. Everything is basically as it would have been, especially the fighting, the armour, the weapons. Everything’s very realistic. The terrain they would have had to deal with during fighting. It’s a good movie.
Joel Davis: When did that come out exactly?
Blair Cottrell: Probably five or six years ago, I would say.
Joel Davis: Yeah, okay.
Blair Cottrell: It’s a Netflix original, I was surprised by it. I thought Netflix produced this is going to be shit! But it was just one of those rare gems that snuck through without any influence.
Joel Davis: I went to the cinema and sat down and absolutely loved it for a new film. I talk about it frequently. Is the movie The Gentleman? Because it was the last time I actually went to the cinema and just had an amazing experience. That film came out, because I remember walking out of seeing Joker 1 with my girlfriend at the time who did not enjoy Joker 1. I enjoyed Joker 1 because I’m like a psychopath, but she was just kind of [words unclear] And then I was walking out of Joker 1 and, I never saw Joker 2, by the way. I knew that was going to be horrible. And I’m walking out and I see an advertisement for this film called The Gentleman. And I see directed by Guy Ritchie, and it’s like a gangster movie.
And I immediately soy jacked. I soy jacked so hard because I love the movie Snatch, Lock stock and barrels. Like, this classic Guy Ritchie, like, British gangster films from the late 90s, early 2000s time.
Blair Cottrell: Sorry, what’s the soy jack?
Joel Davis: The soy Jack is like, [opening mouth in surprise] you know.
Blair Cottrell: I [chuckling] just wanted to make you do it!
Joel Davis: I don’t actually soy jack, but I do it ironically for the meme because I’m like, my brain has been poisoned by being online too much.
But anyway, so I was like:
“I gotta see that!”
And I went to see it and the cinema was just packed full of White people. And that film was great because it was way better than I expected. It had all this casual racism in it. The plot was actually Meta-racist. Like, the plot was about the Anglo empire falling to the Chinese and being attacked by a conspiracy that involves the jews and the blacks. It’s brilliant! It’s actually brilliant! It’s hilarious! Cool characters, great actors!
Blair Cottrell: We’ll have to put through, we’ll have to make a list of recommended films for viewers that are approved by us. I can think of a few I’d like to put on there. Because, it’s kind of dangerous to sift through modern film production and try to find a film that is actually all right. You’d rather go with some recommended list from someone you trust these days, I think.
And although that has some social justice warrior Left-wing undertones, I think it didn’t disturb me from the film. I wasn’t sitting there going:
“Oh, this is all woke crap!”
I was like:
“Okay, yeah, I can see this from both sides and still enjoy it.”
And then in the end, Caesar dies at the hand of a slave and the Senate comes to power.
But in the movie they’re made out to be just like, crazy, and they have syphilis and they’re just. Yeah just madman, basically.
But in terms of the general collapse of Roman civilisation and how it plays through the film, it does appear that Rome has collapsed further. Like, it’s an even worse society from when the previous movie was set. Even though it’s only one generation apart, which does feel like we’re almost one cultural generation apart from. I mean, when was Gladiator first came out, like, 2000? It was around, 20000. Wasn’t 2001. That is about a generation. It’s crazy to think that it’s probably. The movie is set, I think it was 2001, but, yeah, I think the movie is set the same distance apart. Yeah, 2000.
“Have you heard about the thinking about Rome meme?”
And he’s like:
And she’s like:
“Oh, well apparently men think about Rome all the time, like, on a daily basis.”
And he’s like:
“Not all men. Like, I don’t think about that.”
And then she’s like:
“Oh, but aren’t you doing a movie about Rome at the moment?”
And he’s like:
“Yeah, but I’m not thinking about Rome. I’m acting. And anyway, I’m not really thinking about Rome anyway, because I’m just thinking about how to destroy it!”
And it was really like a real lucid moment where just an African is saying he doesn’t think about Roman history even though he’s making a movie about Rome. He only thinks about how to destroy Rome in the movie. He’s not actually thinking about Rome itself.
And it just shows that, like, Hitler described them as a negating force, that they’re like, anti-culture, that they’re cultural destroyers, that they can’t even inherit and maintain it. They just have to destroy. And that the jew and negro are unique in the sense.
Yeah, that was special. That was a special interview with Denzel, I think, because it really did show that there’s nothing going on in their heads except dance monkey and destroy!
“Oh, yeah, I need you two niggers to kiss for me.”
And then just didn’t bother putting it in the film. Just thought niggers kissing is funny or something.
And so he doesn’t see anything immoral about what he’s doing. He’s doing a lot of immoral things. And he’s probably one of the most evil, like, sort of controlled evil characters in the film. But he doesn’t see himself as evil. He sees himself as a true inheritor of Rome because from his perspective, Rome was always just power for power’s sake. And he’s just living up to its legacy because he’s completely detached from what Marcus Aurelius and the characters like Maximus and this new main character, how they refer to the Roman idea, or ideal, which is dying because the race itself is dying, because the idea lives inside the psyche of the folk. It’s part of its spirit.
But in the character in this film does it the same way, he wants to destroy Rome. He does everything he can to bring about chaos and anarchy.
Anyway, I won’t go into too much detail, but to me it does make me think about Rome a lot. I know Joel asked the question, or maybe it was you that asked the question. Does anyone actually think about Rome? Obviously we all think about the Third Reich a lot. But I started this journey thinking about Rome a lot. I didn’t really know that much about the Third Reich, only what the teachers taught us. But Roman history, I was always fascinated by. And Rome disintegrated the same way that all civilisations do. And the point that is measurable, the very measurable point of no return is blood dilution.
But there’s a lot of stages before blood dilution. Blood dilution doesn’t occur in a vacuum. There’s a lot of stages of decadence and weakness. And yeah, you could say even like the destabilisation of democracy and bad breeding, like bad breeding within the mob, like Whites becoming cattle. And then the difference between the White cattle and the cheap foreign Labor is not much different. So there’s a down-breeding process.
So we’re between two orders with so we’re maybe only somewhere like 20 to 30 years away from monarchy or dictator, or like it never starts with monarchy, but you know, dictatorship, fascism and National Socialism. If they were to succeed in World War II, we would be three or four generations deep into these dynasties, most likely, however they were to manage themselves.
So obviously they weren’t prepared entirely for that they had, they had an idea of it, but they weren’t entirely prepared and nor was the world prepared for it. It still had to go through the final stages at length, at large length. Like we’ve had 70 years plus and it could be another 20 or 30.
But I think the Wokes have made their final argument, I’ll be honest. I don’t think they have many arguments left. They’ve explained to us how good multiculturalism and diversity is, and I think they’ve run out of arguments. I don’t think anyone’s buying it anymore. And so we’re very close to the point where there’s no more arguments on both sides.
And from that destabilisation comes new orders. But it can take a very long time for that to establish, or it could be very quick if people are organised. So it’s really how long do you want the Dark Age to be? Is really just about how long you want to be in the golden cage. Yeah, I don’t have the answer.
[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 11/22/2024 = 231)
HyperChat min: 100
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago(edited)
I called Home Depot to complain about spic team members speaking Spanish while on the clock …the phone agent was also a spic smh
Hide replies
6 hours ago
Good on you!
2 hours ago(edited)
Whats stopping us killing these Non whites is the White police/Military enforcement. Without them they are good as extinct not just our lands but their lands too.
6 hours ago
Three top lads.
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
Seek Kyle
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
embrace it
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
we evolved to prefer those whom are most like ourselves
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
makes no sense to import more people that are shown to be more criminal according to statistical data
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
he could also kick the shit outta my mom
23 hours ago
Lobby QLD government via petition to have a minster for the White Man
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
it’s innate
23 hours ago
Aryians Rock
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
racism =self preservation
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
imagine not being racist smh
23 hours ago
Mass deportation is just part of our culture as racist White people.
Jack Crowley
23 hours ago
do ypu think they would of done same to Heatb Legers joker that they did witb Jaquins if Heath didnt die?
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
I wish the earth was flat that way we could push them all off the edge and be done
23 hours ago
What line is deport them all?
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
pajeet immigrants are bio weapons in a way
23 hours ago
The mRNA injections was a bioweapon, just like the virus.
23 hours ago
CCG and Callighan carry the torch for NZ
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
23 hours ago
Based leafs
23 hours ago
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
he was a SUPER MAN
23 hours ago
Ferrtman and RaginDissdent are good
23 hours ago
The best super hero film is the one where Thanos kills them all.
23 hours ago
Analysis of modern movies is redundant
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
he could put his fist thru a wall
23 hours ago
Heath Ledger was a POOFTER AFAIK
Hitlers Ghost
23 hours ago
my alcoholic father was my hero
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
I’ve never been into super heros
1 day ago
Under QLD controll*
1 day ago
NZ for the White Man
1 day ago
QLD for the White Man
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
clash of civilizations
1 day ago
WW3 will be east vs west, and it has been engineered to happen for many decades.
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
as fuck
1 day ago
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
randbot is cringe
1 day ago
He seemed a bit gay, but better than Randbot
1 day ago
Does catboi still remain as a streamer?
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
ohhh Cat Boi has a family now???
1 day ago
You could easily order alcohol online as a child in Australia.
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
Jewish NGO’s should be banned
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
The jews know you searched for ‘big titty goth’
1 day ago
Do you even trust the jews running these VPN’s?
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
I thought they can’t tell what good is a VPN it they can detect your using one ?
1 day ago
They just make using a VPN illegal. Very simple law to make.
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
i know my cat won’t rat me out to the Feds
1 day ago
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
i fed post to my cat
1 day ago
I stopped using the internet last year.
1 day ago
They visit people who bypass their surveillance.
1 day ago
Why I don’t use twitter
1 day ago
WTF i can be on a list??lol
1 day ago
Asking for a friend, is there a place to find legal assistance if needed?
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Kardinia, is interpreted as ‘looking at the rising sun’.
1 day ago
anarchotyranny is an art AUtralia excells in
1 day ago
Yeah they will make it illegal to yuse a VPN…
1 day ago
Climate change is a gay wedge issue, like abortion in the US
1 day ago
Spooky ghost from South Park*
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
despised minority
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
we shall avenge
1 day ago
I heard they even have poofters in Melbourne now
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
so ridiculous
1 day ago
Can we use lawyers to charge them when they hurt our feelings?
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
projection as always
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
we’re trying to save society
1 day ago
everybody needs to ramp up their jew naming activity asap
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
kept her in freezer, then dumped at Dandenong tip
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
Black Rock will back off from pressuring corporations to embrace woke ideology
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
possible drug overdose
1 day ago
The main game changer is WMD, specifically those by the tribe. Their biological warfare capabilities have been dramatically downplayed by their flat earth tier virus denial psyop.
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Isla Bell
1 day ago
Not to sound to nerdy, but it is all basic ecology
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
they do???
1 day ago
Jews know they are demons
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
Guano Apes
1 day ago
maybe Dr Evil sees himself as evil
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
niggaz kissin
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
he was a Pathologuist
1 day ago
and sauron will be Hitler
1 day ago
the next LOTR cast will be disabled Jewish gay nigger hobbits
1 day ago
In the original Gladiator movie there’s a scene in the beginning of the film where the Romans were fighting the Germanic tribes whom apparently used Zulu nigger war chants. Nobody ever noticed that?
1 day ago
Check out Yggdrasil’s Movie List
1 day ago
For Krom
1 day ago
For Gondor! o/ kick those bloody orcs out of our homelands
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Zulu has a lot of nigs, but they all mostly die, which is nice to see.
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
i watch lotr every single night
1 day ago
it’s hard finding white power movies, you can only watch LOTR so many times.
1 day ago
Snatch is a classic jew pron movie, if you don’t know
1 day ago
Apart from common sense.
1 day ago
How can I be racist if biology is not real?
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Timothée Chalamet in the king is jewish tho
1 day ago
ground hog day?
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
1 day ago
I enjoyed that so much
1 day ago
Mate, romulas makes the black character a retard lmao
1 day ago
alien Romulus is good I’ve heard
1 day ago
I liked dune 1
1 day ago
dune is good
1 day ago
The Apprentice is pretty good. The film about Trump.
1 day ago
So ridiculous
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
1 day ago
Didn’t the trailer have rap music lol
1 day ago
spoil it, i wont remember
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
ive seen the trailer, thats all im going to watch of the movie
1 day ago
don’t worry about spoiling it
1 day ago
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
globalism is great for Indians
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
we have Miss India Beauty pageants in some US cities now
1 day ago
an Indian is the head of Macquarie Bank
Patton Was Right
1 day ago
some pajeeta did a TED Talk on how street shitting is a national emergency in India.
1 day ago
Tom’s headphones need to be unwound
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
actually saw a documentary on YouTube years ago about the lack of public toilets in India ..that shit was hilarious
Patton Was Right
1 day ago
speed it up!
1 day ago
I’m clicking them as fast as i can!
Patton Was Right
1 day ago
not nearly enough
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
they made the 2 antagonists extremely white
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
1 day ago
RT covered it, and there was just garbage floating around while everyone was bathing.
Patton Was Right
1 day ago
I’m surrounded by street ers
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
the River Ganges is the most polluted body of water on earth yet they consider it holy water and regularly bathe in it
1 day ago
Blair roid raging about jeets
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Zoomer Historian made a great video on the SS.
1 day ago
Zoomer Historian is pretty good yeah.
1 day ago
I was watching the pajeet codex the other day, it’s great if you haven’t seen it.
1 day ago
our medical and agricultural technology has been converted into Brown biomass
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
street poopers
1 day ago
Everytime i click my fingers a jeet dies of street shitting.
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
uncivilized masses
Patton Was Right
1 day ago
Poo in the Loo
Patton Was Right
1 day ago
600k pajeets die from street shitting in India every year
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
come and reproduce their 3rd world shit culture here
1 day ago
look who decided to show up
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
we have arabs setting up kebab stalls everywhere to
1 day ago
I saw a video of a jeet putting popodoms under his armpits.
1 day ago
make pajeets afraid again
1 day ago
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
Indian males are disgusting …I used chat on Yahoo messenger often back in the mid 2000’s and they would video call me and show their junk without knowing my age or gender
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Low impulse control, or difficulty controlling actions or reactions, can be a symptom of a number of mental health conditions including, being a shit skin.
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Low impulse control.
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
he changed his mind when the guy rang the phone
1 day ago
When i am your prisoner i beg you for mercy, because that is your customs, when you are my prisoner i show no mercy, because that is my customs.
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
a good Samaritan if you will
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Guru Nanak Lake – sounds gay
1 day ago
crying out in pain as they strike you
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
they are arrogant
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
1 day ago
hightime preference hutzpah
1 day ago
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
we’re a joke to these fucks
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
he saw the kid.
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
play the one from 2 days later
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
5 year old is formative year for child
1 day ago
1312 all cops are bastards
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
thanks jews
Patton Was Right
1 day ago
I hate streeters so much it’s unreal
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
we have spics with their food stands setting up shop in parking lots without permission from owners or government licenses
1 day ago
arm bread
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
im not sure if this is it (Aussie community calls for street to be renamed Little India | A Current Affair) –
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
country within a country
1 day ago
imagine the stank it left in the car
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
but their cuisine !!!!
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
they stink out all the taxis
1 day ago
indian food is disgusting
1 day ago
Think of the food!
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
before multiculturalism, you could leave your car windows down parked in the supermarket
1 day ago
what a fucking weird cunt fuck off back home faggot
1 day ago
bats use tree shitting to gain territory through the toxicity of ebola in their fecal matter
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
rape is epidemic in India ..they’re so disgusting their own women won’t fuck them so they must force themselves onto them
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Channel 9 posted it two days apart
1 day ago
not the indians where i grew up. they were trash
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
saw a documentary about a sikh girl who refused to marry the old goat the family planned for her…her uncle raped and killed her for her refusal
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
school life was bliss
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
remember that brawl in Fed Square with the swords a few years ago
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
had 1 abo and 2 turks
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
Sikh are shit …some whites feel they’re great people compared to Muslims but they also do arranged marriages
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
i had no indians in my school
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
they smell so bad
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
they love white flight …it frees up living space for mud races
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
check the Mosque in Lysterfield, Vic
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
the chocolate variety
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
why would that piss him off? oh wait….
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
I consume 2 gallons of moo juice
each week
1 day ago
just to piss rand off
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
are all 3 of them drinking milk? lol
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
they’re shitting on the graves of our brave ancestors
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Tom..u okay?
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
let Blair rage
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
NNR is a faggit grifter
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
maybe a pajeet
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
I propose NNR’s face.
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
I want to see Blair punch something
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
let Blair vent
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
scots helped too…a little.
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Tallest building in Sudan is 134m..its an aerial.
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
colonization is only bad when Whites do it
Hitlers Ghost
1 day ago
some fucked up logic
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
we built everything, it fucking ours!
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
no he is pointing the his bracelet
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
it was hot af today
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Are you Chinese?
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
My family were here long before the white australia policey
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Sikhs?…right. Seeks.
1 day ago
sikh cunts
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Seeks will fill it with rubbish
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
in 12 months the lake will be filled with pajeet shit.
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
drain it.
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
pajeets are colonizing australia right now at the consent of the government
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
shut up!!! GET OUT
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Lake Berwick to Lake Punjab
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
If you are watching this on twitter you are gay..
1 day ago
hail victory brothers o/ these kikes are going down!
1 day ago
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
Die Zeremonie beginnt gleich
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
sehr gut
1 day ago
1 day ago
Heil Haverbeck
Hess’ Channel
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Last week’s show:
Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript
The Crucible 01
1 day ago
Watch out for ChainReaction.
RUMBLE COMMENTS (46) As of Fri, Nov 22, 2024
51 seconds ago
[Joel Davis – “It’s Not About Race” – Nov 21, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell talk about the following: Recent Australian political events, including the government’s attempt to pass a Disinformation Act and ban social media for under-16s (2:00) A controversy in Berwick Springs, Melbourne where the government without community consultation renamed a lake after the founder of Sikhism, angering local White residents (4:00) “Every single one of the speeches was like, oh, you know, we’re not racist or anything. And we got no problem with the Sikh community. But no one asked us if we wanted to change the name.” (8:00) Criticise the weak response of White Australians to perceived encroachment by immigrant communities (10:00) An incident where an Indian man stole a car with a 5 year-old child inside, claiming he was trying to teach the father a lesson (25:00) “This is just organised crime, basically. This is just the filth that are in our country. You know, these are like jews and Turks that are pimping and grooming girls.” (30:00) Discuss the movie Gladiator 2, with one host giving his review (45:00) “Overall, I was expecting it to be fucking horrible and have rap music and be full of gay niggers and it didn’t have gay niggers, it didn’t have rap music, and it wasn’t horrible.” (47:00) The conversation turns to the fall of Rome and racial theories about its decline (55:00) Tom mentions being charged for “hurting people’s feelings” at a rally in Ballarat (1:05:00) “I got mail this morning saying I’ve been charged with another offence for hurting people’s feelings in Ballarat on December 3.” (1:06:00) Proposed legislation to restrict online speech and social media access for youth (1:15:00) More, …
4 hours ago
Tom Sewell is the most Hyperborean of the lot.
4 hours ago
Yes retain freedom of speech at all costs
4 hours ago
You will need guns or die
4 hours ago
nice Anglo conversation.
4 hours ago
Tom Sewell nice job speaking on the Denzel Rome deal. We are all Romans.
4 hours ago
good focusing on the Indian Jewish alliance. same is happening in USA.
6 hours ago
When one nation colonizes it should absorb or exterminate the conquered races.
6 hours ago
I live near Harris Park, it is filthy smells like an open sewer serving disgusting “food” .
7 hours ago
Indians are the vanguard of the Jewish plan to replace White people. Indians are intended to be the new managerial class that are compliant to the Jews. India is a failed state totally in chaos and polluted, they will turn any country they settle into a version of India. They come from a dog eat dog culture, low social trust, schemers rude, dirty and ugly, they have no redeemable features
9 hours ago
The bigger issue with Raj stealing a car and kidnapping a child is that Australian women are supporting what he did.
10 hours ago
The public feel threatened when they see lads in full black ski masks. It is a negative conatation. May be use a different way of dressing. Why do you need to hide your faces????? Be WHITE AND PROUD, show your faces. F the cops. They can all go F themselves.
11 hours ago
Jeet kidnapping story is crazy
11 hours ago
If one of you guys stole a car with a kid in it it would be all over the news. One rule for curry munchers, another for whites.
1 like
11 hours ago
Disgusting pickled naans. Avoid these street shitting pajeets.
1 like
13 hours ago
When i was young everyone left kids in the car while they bought shit. Fuck this rapist stranger jeet cunt. Deport him & every member of his family and all his fellow- country men while you are at it. Fuck this clownworld shit.
› Show 1 reply
13 hours ago
Pajeets are scab worker invaders. Fuck CFMEU & fuck ACTU/ Canberra. piss-weak unions. Gutless cunts.
15 hours ago
Chads in, Jeets out!! 1488
15 hours ago
Blair looks savage almost ready for battle.
› Show 1 reply
15 hours ago
Shitskins out of Australia and all White Countries. White Fucking Power! o/
1 like
15 hours ago
17 hours ago
The Deathwish films are pure postal White power.
1 like
18 hours ago
Great show
1 like
19 hours ago
Follow Joel, Tom, Blair and Jacob on twitter#!!!
Follow Jacob on telegram:
20 hours ago
Virginia Beach loves you guys! We learn from your example. Please keep doing what you’re doing. White power!
1 like
21 hours ago
“The Searchers” is a great racist old western movie. John Wayne is amazing
1 like
21 hours ago
At 47:00 what movie is Joel saying is coming out?
1 like
21 hours ago
Real men drink milk!
1 like
21 hours ago
Child rape in India as of 2021 was 22,000 incidents per 100,000!!!! That’s extraordinary!
21 hours ago
Fuck, this is making my blood boil
21 hours ago
Please make the film list 49:40
1 like
21 hours ago
Great show
22 hours ago
they’re Sikh in the head
22 hours ago
Have you thought about the 14 words today?
› Show 3 replies
23 hours ago
Appreciate you fellows. From Occupied Canada. #PeaceAndRespect
23 hours ago
23 hours ago
“On the 1st of April, 1924, I had, on account of the decision of the People’s Tribunal of Munich, from that day forward, begun my incarceration in Landsberg am Lech. As a result, an opportunity appeared to me, after years of relentless work, for the first time, to undertake a project that many had demanded and that I myself regarded as beneficial for the movement. Consequently, I have decided to clarify, within two volumes, not only the objectives of our movement but also to illustrate its evolution. One will be able to learn more from this than from any purely doctrinal work. I also had the opportunity to provide a depiction of my individual evolution, to the extent that this is indispensable for understanding both the first and second volumes, and can also be used to damage the libelous myth-weaving about me propagated by the Jewish press. I am not addressing these writings of mine to outsiders, but rather to those people who are adherents of the movement, who are devoted to it with their hearts and whose minds now strive for greater understanding. I realize that the masses are more capable of being won over by the spoken word rather than by the written word, that every significant movement upon this planet owes its growth to prominent orators and not great writers. Nevertheless, the fundamental principles of a doctrine must be laid down forever for its consistent and uniform representation. In this regard, these two volumes are to be regarded as building blocks I contribute to the collective work. Landsberg am Lech, Military Prison. The author.”
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Kaz unblock me right now.
› Show 1 reply
1 day ago
Shitskin invaders get out!!
1 day ago
[Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following Joel discusses recent political events in Australia (~5 mins) Mentions a story about students punished for misgendering a trans teacher (~10 mins) “Students punished for calling trans teacher sir at a high school taken over by radical gender ideology” Talks about interacting with politicians on social media (~15 mins) “Senator Roberts replied to me today” Discusses the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill in Australia (~20 mins) “It’s looking like the bill is going to suffer” Blair joins the stream (~25 mins) They discuss Nick Fuentes pepper spraying a woman at his house (~30 mins) “Basically he maced her in the face” Conversation about obesity and leftism (~35 mins) “Sexual desirability in women corresponds with political belief” Discussion on mandatory military service (~40 mins) “Mandatory military service for men between the ages of like 16 and 19” Talk about reforming education system (~45 mins) “Removing all the jews, foreign influence networks, you know, cleaning up the media” Conversation about default leftists vs committed leftists (~50 mins) “Most people are not that political” Discussion on banning leftist ideals (~55 mins) “I don’t think you would need to necessarily ban them outright” Talk about potential war if Australia became nationalist (~60 mins) “I guarantee you’d be at war within five to 10 years” Discussion on Trump’s recent election victory (~65 mins) “They allowed him to win this time” Talk about Trump’s appointments and policies (~70 mins) “He’s announced a whole series of reforms” Discussion on potential World War III scenarios (~75 mins) Conversation about the need for White people in America’s empire (~80 mins) More, …
See Also
Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 03 with Paul Fromm – Jul 13, 2024 – Transcript
Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 04 with Oscar – Jul 20, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 09 with Grace Eki Oyama – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version 2: Sat, Nov 23, 2024 — Transcript completed = 60/120 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 1: Fri, Nov 22, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed = 29/120 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (231).