Joel Davis – The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition, Why Are They So Afraid? – Feb 14, 2025 – Transcript


Joel Davis


The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition


Why Are They So Afraid?


Fri, Feb 14, 2025


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following:

Blair expresses frustration with the heat and living near noisy immigrant neighbors (~5:00):

“I hate summer. It seems so bright outside and being surrounded by Indians doesn’t help.”

Joel discusses recent “anti-semitic attacks” in Australia, suggesting they may be false flags (~10:00):

“Almost definitely what we’re seeing is that Israel is basically conducting false flag attacks against the Australian Jewish community ”

They criticize conservative commentators for refusing to debate them (~20:00):

“The only conceivable reason why they keep refusing to debate me is because they know that I’ll fucking win the debate and make them look retarded!”

Joel argues that White nationalism is a natural response to anti-White sentiment (~25:00):

“If there was a sort of community network or if the government was willing to tolerate some measure of White identity politics, then Nazi groups wouldn’t be growing ”

Blair expresses anger at the current social and political situation (~30:00):

“Sometimes I just don’t feel like talking and, I’m just angry.”

Joel criticizes civic nationalism as a “shallow ideology” (~40:00):

“It’s a shallow ideology which serves as a means for people who aren’t Australian for they can pretend that they’re Australian.”

They discuss the fear of consequences for speaking out (~45:00):

“Isn’t it scarier to live in silence and fear for the sake of some wage slave job than it is to experience some sort of, as they call it, consequence ”

Joel talks about the importance of sacrifice in nationalism (~50:00):

“Every nation is forged on the basis of sacrificial love.”

They discuss recent podcast appearances and upcoming projects (~55:00)

Blair mentions working on short videos reminiscent of “old school YouTube” (~60:00)

Joel discusses the challenge of censorship and the need for adaptation (~65:00):

“There’s always ways around censorship. There’s ways around all of the quote, unquote, “consequences ”

They criticize the current political system as rigged against White nationalists (~70:00):

“If we got the same treatment, if we were treated fairly the way everybody else is, the way everybody who’s not white is, then yeah, would be significantly more influential than we currently are.”

Joel expresses confidence in their ability to adapt and grow (~75:00):

“This year is going to be a year of adaptation.”

They read and respond to Superchat messages from viewers (~80:00 onwards)

Blair mentions feeling over stimulated when working on videos (~85:00):

“I seem to get like over stimulated and hyper focused on them when I’m working on them.”

Joel discusses the strategy of having supporters share clips of their content (~90:00):

“What we’re going to start doing in the future though is probably professionalizing.”

They end the stream with Blair apologizing for his mood (~95:00):

“Sorry I was in a bad mood, but, hey, hope I was entertaining.”

Throughout they express White nationalist views, criticize multiculturalism, and discuss strategies for promoting their ideology despite censorship and social consequences.




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Published on Fri, Feb 14, 2025




The self-imploding legitimacy of our opposition, why are they so afraid?
February 14, 2025
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blair cottrell
joel and blair
joel davis
national socialist network
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2.11 GB



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(Words: 17,310 – Duration: 96 mins)



Joel Davis: Should be live. It is the 14th of December [February] 2025. It’s Valentine’s Day. But instead of spending the evening with a lucky lady, instead Blair Cottrell has decided to spend it with me. So, ain’t that something?


Blair Cottrell: I did notice a lot of couples out. I was at the gym before and it was, I suppose, wholesome, refreshing to see a lot of nice Australian couples going out for dinner on Valentine’s Day. You know, I’m one of those people who thinks it’s just a gimmick to make men buy stupid little gifts for their wives or girlfriends, that I can be a bit of a cynic in that regard. I don’t think there’s any reason why people can’t enjoy Valentine’s Day as a nice night out. And that’s what a lot of people were doing. So that’s great! Good for them.


Well, we’re gonna sit here and talk about politics because we’re too cynical for Valentine’s Day, apparently.


Joel Davis: Yeah. [chuckling] So anyway, I think the main topics in the news at the moment are obviously ones that we’ve been talking about on the show a lot lately, which is the totally contrived psyop to take away our freedom of speech and just in general in this country at the state and federal level through these contrived so-called “anti-semitic hate crime” psyops. Where if we just go through some of them, there was obviously the first one in this wave, which was in Ripponlea, in Southeast Melbourne, where a synagogue was firebombed or at least set ablaze at 4 am. Firebombing kind of implies something different, actually. I don’t think it was even firebombed. You could say it was just set on fire at four in the morning. Now that was labelled terrorism immediately. But they haven’t actually got a suspect.


So then they don’t have a motive. So how do they know that it was terrorism? There’s no official suspect, no one’s been charged with any offences in relation to it. The investigation is entirely inconclusive. Which if you’ve been watching this show on a weekly basis, you would remember that was my exact prediction at the time, that there would be no suspect, that there would be no charges, because I suspected that the jews did it themselves! And there was a lot of context around that that made it incredibly suspicious.


Why were there a couple jews inside at 4 o’clock in the morning? Jews don’t pray. They’re not like Christians, they go to the synagogue to read and study the Torah, the Talmud. It’s a legalistic religion. So why do you need to be there at 4 o’clock in the morning? It doesn’t actually make any sense. And secondarily you also have the CSG, the so-called Community Security Group or whatever it is, which is a Mossad front group. It is an IDF front group. It is a jewish security organisation that is paid for by Australian taxpayers that is given all these special rights where they can cruise around with military grade weapons, ex-IDF soldiers in their ranks, to protect jewish community sites and the jewish community in general. They liaise with Victoria police. They all had the night off for some reason. Why were they all told to have the night off? They weren’t there. So that’s incredibly suspicious.


And then also, additionally, yeah, you have the reality of, well, whoever did the attack, they obviously weren’t anti-semitic in the sense that they wanted to actually kill anyone because they showed absolutely zero interest about the people inside. They didn’t attack the people inside.


Now obviously I’m not endorsing this, but I’m saying if they were motivated by trying to kill jews, wouldn’t they have tried to or at least hurt them? No! Instead it was the exact kind of sequence of events you would expect if they did it to themselves, if it was a setup. And even one of the jews who was inside had this whole incoherent story about how he had a burnt hand that made no sense.


And I remember Blair speculating that he probably got accelerant on his hand because he was probably culpable in some way with setting the thing ablaze. So there was that.


Blair Cottrell: The thing is, all we can do is speculate. I mean, it’s possible, it is very suspicious when someone is discovered at the site of an arson attack with a burnt hand. You know, you got to admit that’s a little like any detectives, like what do you call it, investigating this case. They would agree that their first suspect would be the guy that was discovered on the scene with his hand burned.


But obviously they haven’t charged that guy. They have their reasons for not charging that guy.


But when you said that jews don’t pray, is that true? Like they don’t pray at all or do they have some measure of prayer? Do you know what goes on in those synagogues? Is it all just study of the Torah? Because I’ve seen jewish characters like Orthodox ones reading from a book and like rocking back and forth in some sort of what seems like prayer. But you just said they don’t pray. Is that true? That they don’t pray at all?


Joel Davis: In my understanding. I’m not an expert on the wacky religion, but I do know that that’s the purpose of the synagogue. Because the reason why synagogues were originally built, because obviously synagogues have been around for thousands of years. They’re originally built because they were built at a time when you couldn’t own books if you’re an average person. The average person wasn’t even literate, let alone do their personal libraries because the printing press wasn’t invented yet. And so books were incredibly expensive artifacts that took a very long time, a lot of expert labour to create because it had to be handwritten on like papyrus and like that.


And then there was only a very small faction of society that was actually literate enough to read it. So often books were there to help the small minority who were literate basically read and recite things to a larger audience.


So if you’re a jew, you attended the synagogue because then you could go and hear, you know, literally the book being read because it’s a legalistic religion. So it’s important that you understand all the details because there’s all these special rules and so on you have to adhere to.


So that’s kind of the structure of their religion. It’s not the same thing as a church that we would understand in a Christian sense or even a mosque.




But yeah, anyway, the point that I’m making is that that was suspicious and everything that’s happened since has been suspicious and we can’t really expect the police to properly investigate it if the jews were involved because of obvious political reasons. Then you had a few other attacks that have happened. A lot of them were in Sydney, like arson attacks.


There was also like a bunch of graffiti, so-called anti-semitic graffiti, which again, it all is very suspicious. Who would be motivated to go and just spray paint a bunch of swastikas on a synagogue? It’s a little bit contrived.


There was the big “Fuck Israel” that was spray painted in a jewish suburb on a wall. But they spelled Israel wrong. You think if someone was motivated enough to make a political statement like that, they’d at least know how to spell Israel. It’s like kind of like a jew:


“All these dumb goys, they don’t even know how to spell Israel correctly.”


Blair Cottrell: Has there been any movements against the pro-Palestine Muslim community in response or as a result of this anti-semitic task force that apparently has been created in response to these attacks? Well, you know, their attacks, they’re phrased that way, but really we’re just talking about graffiti and property damage. So they’re not really. And no one is specifically being attacked here. It’s kind of just vandalism. Attack is the word that the press has been using, though, to justify the creation of this special anti-semitic task force.


But do we know of any movements that task force have made against the pro-Palestine movement? Because it seems like at this stage, most of the directives, the government directives have been against the far-Right or the nationalist community in the form of censorship. So do we know of any movements against pro-Palestine groups or not yet?


Joel Davis: Not that I’ve seen.


But it’s not that I like super plugged in those circles because they’re all communists and Muslims and these are not people that I associate with. But I haven’t seen any high profile instances of this.


But also it’s all very recent and things have kind of plateaued a little bit with the situation in the Middle East.


So I think it’s kind of gearing up for the next phase because obviously Trump announced plans to seize control of Gaza and forcibly expel the population and so on. So I could imagine the protest movement ramping up if any of what he has stated that he wants to do actually starts getting implemented. But at the moment there’s a ceasefire, right? So at the moment we’re in like an interregnum in the whole Palestine situation. And so the protest movement hasn’t been as voracious as it previously was.


But what we’ve seen from Israel, the Israeli government, is that they’re very upset with Anthony Albanese for being insufficiently up their arse hole. Now, Anthony Albanese is clearly not anti-Israel and the statements of our government are not anti-Israel, but they are insufficiently supportive of Israel from Israel’s point of view. And we’ve seen their leadership come out many times and complain about this. But what’s really pertinent and what really the smoking gun in all of this is that the Sydney arson attacks on synagogues, there were arrests made in those instances.


And when they arrested people, the determination of the police, the head of the Australian Federal Police, and even Anthony Albanese himself, our Prime Minister, was that they weren’t politically motivated attacks, but they were basically it was conducted by organised crime and organised crime were being paid by foreign actors, in crypto.


Now, it doesn’t take very much thought to realise who those foreign actors must have been, which is Israel itself! There’s no other foreign state that would have the incentive to do this. So almost definitely, now we don’t have hard evidence of this, but the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. Almost definitely what we’re seeing is that Israel is basically conducting false flag attacks against the Australian jewish community in order to take away our freedom of speech, to punish Australia for being insufficiently pro-Israel, because they feel entitled to our support.


But of course the mainstream media doesn’t present it like that and no leading political figure will come out and say that, even though it’s blatantly obvious to anyone who’s paying attention. You know, I couldn’t be more vindicated about that “Jews Hate Freedom” rally. I really couldn’t.


Then also you had that caravan which we talked about as well, which was discovered in Sydney which was full of all these old explosives with a note inside saying, with an address of a synagogue and “fuck the jews” written on it. It was so cartoonish to the point that even Andrew Bolt was saying:


“This seems like a joke!”


And then we had articles coming out in The Australian [newspaper], I think yesterday or the day before where the article’s headline was, oh, it was an opinion piece. Ah yes:


“Jewish lives are more important than freedom of speech.”


And we’ve seen our politicians over and over and over again reiterate that the reason why, the main reason why they’re strengthening Hate Speech laws at the federal and state level is to protect the jewish community.


Yet they haven’t got one instance of that connects a political motivation to any of these so-called “acts of terrorism”, which, I mean, graffiti isn’t terrorism. Like spray painting a swastika in a synagogue isn’t terrorism by any metric. You could say arson attacks are terrorism because it’s like, I think that’s fair enough to say.


But it’s only terrorism if it’s political. But there’s no political motivation that has been directly linked to any of these attacks. So you can’t say they’re terrorism either.


And the only suspects that we actually have behind these arson attacks realistically are either the jews themselves or Israel itself. They haven’t been able to link one pro-Palestine communist or Muslim or one, you know, anti-semitic nationalist to any of these attacks. And the Feds are pretty far up our arse. I’m sure they’ve got their microscope on the pro-Palestine movement as well. If any of us were involved I’m sure at least one arrest would have been made by now. Right? So it clearly wasn’t us yet.




Blair Cottrell: But it’s not about making arrests, it’s about censorship, so far, …


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: The fact that there is no proof that any of these attacks were politically motivated and no one is actually in custody for having committed any of them, so they don’t really have a strong idea of the motivation.


The fact that no one has actually been attacked yet.


There’s been no physical direct attack against any jewish person. Yet the government has gone ahead and made strong efforts to try to apply political censorship to people on the right side of politics. Specifically, we’re no longer allowed to use X because apparently the Australian government is kind of trying to use all sorts of language to effectively bully Elon Musk’s platform into not allowing us to speak on that platform. And so far they’ve been successful in doing that.


I could imagine there’s a wing of government that’s like:


“What can we call them? What can we type? What word salad can we create to try to bully X, the people working at X to censor these people? Let’s try national security threat, let’s try domestic terrorist groups. Let’s try under investigation for terrorism and see if that works.”


I can imagine they probably sent dozens and dozens of requests that were ignored and then finally some collection of words they came up with actually got them the result they were after. But they probably ramped up their efforts to censor us as a result of all of these “anti-semitic” attacks.


But like you said, there’s no actual proof that they’re politically motivated and there’s certainly no proof that anyone from our wing of politics is involved in any of this stuff. It’s looking a lot more likely that some of these attacks, seeing as the jews are the primary beneficiaries of the attacks, may have been committed by people in that sort of circle, the Israeli, pro-Israeli jewish circles.


But it’s interesting that jewish people legally and socially have more rights and privileges in Australia than White people, than the people who are currently experiencing censorship as a result of the anti-semitic attacks. White people don’t have any ethnic privileges or legal protections in Australia. There is no legal precedent for a White person being discriminated against because of their race or some religion they believe, like in Christianity or something that I know of its almost laughable if a White person says he’s going to take someone to court for racial vilification. But the laws extending to jewish community and the jewish people, stemming from the Racial Discrimination Acts. I think it’s called the Racial Discrimination Act. What is it? The Racial and Religious Tolerance Act? Actually, I think it’s called.


They extend out into state law, and there are so many legal protections and precedents that jewish people can use to protect themselves, already. They already get so much money from the government, and now they already have a special task force that’s out looking for anyone who’s critical of jewish, and is nuking them from the Internet.


It’s like, how much better could life in Australia be for jewish people? How much more protected of a class do these people need to be like? I think we need to have a look at creating some more legal protections for ourselves as White people so that maybe we stand a chance in the future of having at least equal rights to the jews.


Joel Davis: Well, the thing is, a lot of the laws on the books are universal. So in theory, the law should be able to be applied in defense of Whites. But the problem is., …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but it’s not. Let’s be honest. Like I said, it’s laughable. It’s not. It doesn’t work that way. Even if you ask the AI program, Elon Musk’s AI program, Grok. If you ask that program, as I demonstrated about a week ago on my Telegram, you ask that AI program, are black people protected in Australia? It will say yes, and it’ll give you a direct link to racial religious tolerance acts. If you ask, are Asian people protected? It will say yes. If you ask, are jewish people protected? They’re really protected. There’s more references and laws, you know, pointing to the protection of jewish people than there are for any other race in Australia. Then you ask this AI program, are White people protected in Australia, yes or no? It just says “no” straight up. If you don’t say yes or no, it goes, technically, everyone is universally protected under the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act, but there aren’t any legal precedents where a White person has taken anyone to court for discrimination because of their race. Even though discrimination happens all of the time. White people are considered the devils of society responsible for all atrocity in the past. You got White kids in school being raised by activists recruited by the government to teach them that they’re evil for being White because they genocided Aboriginals!


And the only reason they exist now is to pay for all of the atrocities they’ve committed or their ancestors committed in the past. Right? So young White guys are growing up in that environment where they’re heavily discriminated against and demonised and there’s no legal protection for them. Not only is there no legal protection, there’s no community environment for them.


And then the government wonders why they go to Nazi groups. The government’s like seems to be confused as to:


“Oh my God, why are these Nazi groups growing and forming?”


Maybe it’s got something to do with the fact that the government is employing activists teaching young White guys that they’re nothing but evil, genocidal barbarians! Right? If there was a sort of community network or if the government was willing to tolerate some measure of White Identity Politics, then Nazi groups wouldn’t be growing and young guys wouldn’t be joining them. Right? I like to think that the strong nationalist, the growth of strong or radical nationalist groups in Australia is only a natural, organic response to the government being so vehemently anti-White.


If you just look at the education system, it’s full of activists, as I said, teaching young White guys that they’re evil, that they don’t have anything to be proud of, and that their ancestry is nothing but genocide and barbarism! You teach young White guys that some of them are going to try to make amends for it. They’re going to become feminists and transvestites. But not all of them are going to respond that way. Some of them are going to start looking for environments and community groups where they do feel a sense of pride, where they do feel that their ethnicity actually means something. Right?




Joel Davis: Yeah. Well, in theory these laws can be used in our defense, but the reason why they aren’t used in our defense is multifarious and subtle.


Number one, if you’re a lawyer who was a pro-White lawyer, you could be booted off the bar. Meaning you can’t actually practice law because of your political associations. So there’s that. Like the fact that we don’t have legal protections for lawyers means that we don’t actually have legal protections in general. Because if lawyers can be politically discriminated against, then anyone who has the ideology that is discriminated against at that level is being discriminated against in toto by the entire legal system. So that’s one reason.


The second reason is because multiculturalism is also a fraud. Every single culture except White culture or Anglo-Celtic culture is able to have representative bodies that are consulted by government and included within the formal structures of multiculturalism.


So “multiculturalism” is a fake term. It basically means everyone culture, everyone’s culture except ours. Basically everyone’s culture, except White people, except actual Australians. So it’s anti-Australian culturalism or anti-White culturalism, if anything. So there’s that reason as well.


So there’s no actual representative bodies. So that if White people are discriminated against or are victims of racial hate crimes, there’s no community bodies that come in and defend them and ensure that there’s media coverage in their defense and put pressure on politicians and so on. We don’t have community leaders. The closest thing we have to that is literally us. But we get demonised as like the most evil, dangerous people in all of Australian political life.


So obviously [chuckling] that isn’t really working in terms of, at least at this stage. That’s what we need to build and we’re going to work towards. But we’re nowhere near that at this point. So those two things basically make these laws, even though they’re in principle universal, in practice, they can’t actually be universally applied.


But additionally, it’s also the prevailing attitude, like the prevailing attitude is that if a White person sees themselves as a victim on the basis of their Whiteness, that this is somehow a danger and a threat to the entire ideological edifice of the system. White people can’t be victims! If a White person is a victim, they just happen to be a victim. It has nothing to do with race or identity. It only can be factored in when someone’s a minority. And obviously that’s like the large contextualizing factor.


And then that gets played into by conservatives, because conservatives at least like the conservative kind of commentary, you know, who they will, generally speaking always try and boil everything down to individualism and say:


“Well, we shouldn’t be seeing things through the prism of race. We shouldn’t be seeing things through the prism of identity politics.”


Well, the reality is White people exist as a group, and so people can hate Whites as a group and attack Whites on the basis of their group identity. Whether you think White should identify as a group or not, that’s just a reality. White people are being attacked on the basis of being White all the time, whether it be institutionally or in the streets or whatever.


And so there needs to be some kind of defense. And they’ll say:


“These conservatives who say identity politics is bad and it’s divisive and so on.”


When jews come along and play identity politics and talk about what’s happening to the jewish community, they don’t go to the jews and say:


“Oh, stop doing this divisive identity politics, we’re all individuals. Being jewish doesn’t matter.”


They go:


“Oh, yes, like, it’s so bad what’s happening to the jewish community.”


And it’s like, wait a second, how come your whole anti-identity politics thing just goes straight out the window when it comes to the jews? So it shows the kind of fraudulence inherent to that whole worldview.




So anyway, the reason why I brought up the fact that there’s been no arrests as well is just to make the point. Or there has been arrests, but if the arrests that have been made, not one’s been politically motivated was to make the point that this is entirely contrived.


But secondarily, even let’s say there was a politically motivated terrorist attack against jews, that still wouldn’t justify changing our Hate Speech laws. Because political speech is something that is completely distinct. There already are laws against terrorism. It’s already illegal to commit terrorism. It’s already illegal to commit arson or violence or even to graffiti on people’s walls. So there’s no need to change any laws. You can just enforce the existing laws.


So it’s like, ridiculous for two reasons. Like, even if you were to accept, even if they were right, that the jewish community is being targeted, it still wouldn’t justify what they’re doing.


But anyway, this is a good bridging point to another kind of development, I guess you could say. But again, it’s also like a running theme, which is the question of how come none of these conservative commentators will debate me. I mean, to be fair, Drew Pavlou debated me, so he actually had the balls to front up and do a debate. And I guess you could say he’s a conservative. I don’t think he identifies as a conservative, but he’s delusional. I told him this, actually, when I met him. When we did the debate, I said:


“Drew, you’re a conservative. You’re a neoconservative.”


And he said:


“No, I’m a Leftist. I’m a liberal.”


I said:


“You’re a neoconservative. Like you belong in the Liberal Party, or if anything, or maybe even One Nation you don’t actually belong in the Labor Party.”


And he loves jews too much, [chuckling] amongst other things, so maybe he’s started to realise that. But other than him, I really can’t think of you know, I’ve challenged quite a lot of people. I’ve challenged Avi Yemini, I’ve challenged Rukshan Fernando. I’ve challenged Joel Jammal [Turning Point Australia], and they’ve repeatedly rejected the request to debate me or the challenge to debate me.


Yet all three of them have a lot to say about me and you and the rest of the movement. All three of them, particularly Rukshan and Avi, they can’t stop talking about us lately. All three of them say that White nationalism is ridiculous! Like we have a ridiculous worldview, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s ridiculous if you’re not White. Right? Obviously, it’s not advantageous to you if you’re not White. So none of these guys you described are White, to my understanding. So obviously they’re not going to have any skin in the game with White nationalism.


Joel Davis: But that’s the thing as well. Like, they can’t even use the excuse that:


“Oh, well if I did something with you, then people might think, like, what happened with Sam Newman.”


Even though Sam Newman pushed back against you and Tom.


Then there was the accusation that he was actually sympathizing with you. Well, no one’s going to think that these people are sympathizing with us because, well, number one, it’s a debate. You know, if it’s not a debate, if it’s more of a friendly discussion, that accusation can make some sense. But if it’s a debate, well, you’re oppositional and secondarily, they’re not even White. So obviously they’re not Nazis. Obviously they’re not nationalists like White nationalists. So that threat doesn’t actually exist.


The only conceivable reason why they keep refusing to debate me is because they know that I’ll fucking win the debate and make them look retarded! And they’d basically be participating in a spectacle that embarrasses them.


Blair Cottrell: What if they’re worried about just providing a larger platform? They just don’t want to provide you a platform. Maybe that’s part of the reason?


Joel Davis: Well, in the case of well, to be fair, Avi Yemini has a pretty large platform, but he does a show pretty regularly.


Blair Cottrell: He doesn’t get many views, though, for someone with the amount of followers he has, his views are shit!


But I think his views would be boosted massively if he did debate you. Like, he could start rivaling the kind of views you used to get on Twitter.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it’d be the biggest thing he’s done in a while to debate me. Everyone would tune in. I think people around the world would be interested in that because Avi has got a bit of a global reputation. Because he’s always he’s not just talking about Australia, he’s always defending Israel.


Blair Cottrell: The whole position that Avi and some of these other characters, these Right-wingers. What would you even call these people? How would you describe them? Conservatives of some type? The position they used to take is like the position against the:


“Oh, we don’t like feminism. We want to promote family values and quote, unquote, “‘Australian values’. That’s what we stand for.”


That stuff’s not cool anymore. It’s not edgy enough anymore. You can’t just stand by this whole, …


Joel Davis: Didn’t he beat his wife? And like, isn’t he like, raising., …


Blair Cottrell: I don’t know, that’s a personal matter.


But what I’m saying is say they stand for, they’re against feminism. They’re for family values. They don’t like transvestites and stuff like that. All right, but that sort of stuff isn’t pushing the envelope far enough these days. It’s not cool enough anymore. You have to get a bit more fundamental than that! You have to get a bit more ethnic than that. But these guys don’t want to get ethnic because if they get ethnic, then they kind of forced to admit they’re just pretending to be Australian and they’re really just supporting a kind of idea or an abstract theory about values which is advantageous to them because they’re not actually Australians. They’re just pretending to be. Right?





Joel Davis: Well, that’s absolutely true, but I don’t even think Rukshan and Avi even say edgy stuff on feminism. Like, maybe they’ll say stuff like, there’s only two genders, but they’re the kinds of people that would criticise Islam for being anti-feminist or something and be like, to defend our feminists. They oppose transgenderism and Islam on the basis that, it’s bad for women’s rights or something. Not that I’m endorsing it, Sharia law, obviously, it’s a silly, false dichotomy to set up. But that’s the kind of rhetoric that people like that use.


So really, like they’re not even that edgy on that subject. Like, they’re not really edgy on anything at all!


Blair Cottrell: I’m sorry to put it simply, they’re boring. Their politics is boring, their commentary is boring, and people just don’t care about what they have to say. They’re not as interesting as far-Right nationalists. They’re not as interesting as National Socialists. They’re not as interesting as the guys who believe in an ethnic basis for the Australian identity. These are the guys that are sort of carrying the banner of the future movement of the Right-wing. People who are sitting in that:


“Oh, you can be Australian if you’re Indian. You just need to agree and adhere to a set of shared values.”


That’s gay, it’s weak, it’s boring! Australians are sick of hearing that shit! Australians are ready to hear a fundamental ethnic message. And that’s why characters like us are being targeted with political censorship, whereas characters like Rukshan and Avi are still allowed to spread their message because their message is not fundamentally hostile or challenging to the establishment the way ours is.


Joel Davis: I mean, that’s all very true. I would say also, where the hell are the White conservative commentators? Like, where’s the new young, White guys that are going to fly the flag of like, civic nationalist cuckservatism? Like, it seems like they can’t even produce them anymore. All the guys they’re producing in this generation are all brown.


Like where’s the Andrew Bolts of the new generation or whatever? Like, it seems. And it’s obvious why they can’t produce those. Because any talented young White guys with any kind of dynamism is going to be attracted to nationalism. There’s people like Jordan Knight or Auspil, people who aren’t as radical as us, but you can see that they’re nationalists. That’s what they’re concerned about. They’re not concerned about upholding this, … Really. It’s a dead ideology that’s really only held by Gen-X’s and Boomers. This cuckservative, civic nationalist position., …


Blair Cottrell: It’s not just dead, it’s shallow, …


Joel Davis: … Who’s into, like, Right-wing political commentary is either going to be into, like actual nationalism or who’s into political commentary in general. They’re either going to be into actual nationalism or they’re going to be Leftists. Like, there’s pretty much no one in that bizarre middle ground.


Blair Cottrell: I’ll see if I can get this together. This thought that I was just having. I think it’s because that Neo-conservatism, whatever you call it, that the Indians are going for and the Avi Yemenis of the world, it’s a shallow ideology! It’s a shallow ideology which serves as a means for people who aren’t Australian, they can pretend that they’re Australian. They can kind of pose as Australians and try to trick the Australian community into giving them their money, attention and votes. So they basically can continue to Hoodwink the Australian people into believing they have some sort of representation when they actually don’t.


The only people who are going to represent White Australian workers are White Australian workers, not sort of jewish, Israeli Avi Yemenis or Indian Rukshans that are posing as Australians and disguising themselves as the same as us, because shared values.


When it comes down to it, we need representations from our own kin. We can’t just keep following brown people who promise to do everything right by us because shared values. That time is gone, it’s dead. Everyone sees through that now. And that’s why, I suppose, there aren’t any young White people going for the conservative Party or movement these days.


Joel Davis: Yeah, like if you see pictures of like the Young Liberals events and so on, I mean the Young Labor, forget about it. It’s really spot the Aussie there.


But even in the Young Liberals events, I mean it’s majority non-White at this point in Melbourne and Sydney. The future of the major parties is brown and yellow. It is not White. There’s no new generation coming through on either side.


But if you look at like the Greens, they’re White as fuck actually! They’re like one of the Whitest parties in Parliament. And obviously when we build our Nationalist party, everyone will be White.


So that’s what you’re going to see. Like White people are going to polarise to either the far-Left or the far-Right. And the centre is going to be held by the immigrant sludge of mystery meat. And that’s just how it is because as you said correctly, that ideology it’s a disingenuous position held by non-Whites to basically say:


“Hey, like be inclusive to my existence and then perpetuate the Australia that I want which is an Australia that exists purely to be an economic system that everyone can benefit from these more fundamental questions of values and identity. The fact that White people are being genocided, we don’t want to deal with these more fundamental questions.”




Whereas White people are in an existential crisis where it’s either they have White guilt and are suicidal, or actually we’d like to keep having our own country.


And so we polarise to those fringes on this existential question which they don’t want White people to be confronting. They want to lull us back to sleep into some like status quo because that’s what benefits them. So it’s easier for them to parasitize off us. They basically they’re benefiting from how things are and they don’t want it to change.


And you know, someone like Rukshan, for example, it’s actually great that he keeps taking the bait and responding to often like it isn’t even my provocation, I’m not even on Twitter anymore. But he can’t help himself but keep talking about us. It’s great because he’s showing the fraudulence of his position. Because when he goes and speaks to so-called conservative audiences, he’s like:


“I’m such a proud Australian and I love this country and I want to serve this country and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!”


But as soon as an actual Australian comes along and says:


“Well, hey, actually it’s my ancestors who built this country, not yours and therefore we should run it.”


Then all of a sudden he goes into this whole meltdown about how White Australians are lazy Centrelink dole bludgers and we need to bring Indians in to like run the country. Because like White Australians, real Australians are all useless cunts apparently.


And it’s like:


“Hey, wait a second, I thought you love being Australian. You love this country, it’s your home. So why are you shitting all over the founding stock?”


Well, it shows that he’s actually resentful. He knows that he doesn’t belong here. He knows that he’s the odd man out. And as soon as anyone cotton’s onto that bullshit, he has a bit of a meltdown and he shows the truth what lurks beneath this visage that is put up. And it’s the same with all of these browns.


You know, at the end of the day I would say all of them actually, because some of them have a bit of a different reaction, I think. I want to play this clip and I want to like analyze it with this kind of funny. So like, obviously we can’t have Tom on the show at the moment because of ridiculous bail conditions that Tom and I are subject to. But I can play a clip from his stream. This isn’t a form of communication.


So this is a clip from. Tom did a stream the other day and he talked about the Ralph Babet question. Obviously Senator Babet he’s been in the news a bit lately. He’s been doing some all right stuff and he just put a Bill before the Parliament which will get voted down to have a referendum to add an American style First Amendment to our Constitution to protect our freedom of speech.


And obviously I would support that. It won’t pass. We won’t get that referendum, at least not under the current government. But anyway, this is what Tom had to say.


Tom Sewell: Senator Babet, Bronze power. Caramel Power. The reason why he’s getting deported last is because he’s actually probably one of the most supportive politicians in the country for us. Everything he advocates for is actually by default, in our defense. He’s going to be deported last. He’s been the last brown to leave the country. We should have a ceremony, a goodbye Babbitt ceremony. We will march down the caramel carpet onto a private jet which is going to say Bronze Power on it, or Caramel Power. We’re going to reward him with an island near Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. We’re going to deport all the caramel honeys to Babet Island. And Babet is going to rule over harem of caramel women. He can’t stay in the country. He is getting deported! But he’s going to get the first class deportation treatment.


And I think that that’s fair. All right. I’m a fair guy. I’m a man of my word. So, Babet, if you’re out there, if you’re listening, you are going home. But if you look after us, we’ll look after you. That’s as far as it goes.


Joel Davis: Anyway. Obviously you’re kind of funny, like. Right. But I’m disappointed that Senator Babet didn’t respond to that because he definitely saw it.


So I would have liked to have [chuckling] hear what he had to say because it’s pretty funny.


But the reason why I played that is because actually I went on after the stream we did last week, I went on Australians versus the Agenda and the guy who hosts it, I don’t actually know exactly what his ethnic background is because that was the first time I’ve ever had a conversation with him.


But I think he’s Lebanese or half Lebanese or something. And anyway, basically Avi Yemeni and Rukshan Fernando, they’re really upset at him for platforming me. They said:


“Oh, like when it’s fine if you’re like Sam Newman and you’re hostile and you, like, attack their ideas, but you just sat there and let Joel just spout his ideology for two and a half hours. And so you’re a piece of shit! You’re enabling Nazis!”


Blair Cottrell: Free speech, man! Free speech. I thought these people are about free speech. Apparently not.





Joel Davis: Yeah. There’s a few things to analyze in this, but he’s like:


“And you know, if Joel and his guys got in power, they’d deport you too. Don’t you realise that?”


And then his response was. His name’s Anthony. His response was:


“Oh, but you’re just upset that you’re not going to Caramel Island. You know, I’m going to Caramel Island!”


So [chuckling] it was quite funny. And that’s the thing. Like, if there are people who are brown who want to actually work with us to accomplishing our goals, then, yeah, like, we want to have our own country, like, we can be human. We can reward you in some other way. As Tom said in that video, there’s all these caramel honeys. We got to get them out of the country too, because we don’t want the White boys race mixing.


So there’s an arrangement. There’s a way we can work this out that everyone’s happy with first class deportations. But Rukshan and Fernando, he’s not getting the first class treatment, right? He’s getting deported first, if he’s lucky, right? See which side you want to play. And the thing is Rukshan will go on and these people go on and say:


“Oh, these Nazis, they’re just a fringe movement. They’re no real threat.”


Well, if we’re no real threat, why do you keep talking about us? Why do you get so freaked out whenever anyone platforms us? Why do you claim to support free speech but celebrate when we get banned from Twitter? What that indicates is that actually. Oh, and why do you refuse to debate me?


The reason why they do all these things is because they’re actually afraid. They’re afraid of the White man in this country waking up and building a political movement that would kick them out, that would take back control of our country. They’re petrified! They must be. Otherwise they wouldn’t see me as a threat. Otherwise they would be quite happy to debate me and to be confident they could beat me. Because they wouldn’t think my ideas are convincing. They wouldn’t think they’d have any appeal, but clearly they do. And that explains their behaviour entirely. So that’s what’s really lurking beneath the surface here.


Also, the way the government is treating us. If we were just like a fringe movement that can’t grow, that has no legitimacy or whatever, no one will ever resonate with us, why ban us off X? Why all the media hit pieces? Why try to throw us all in jail?


Obviously there’s a fear that if we’re allowed to operate, we will grow and grow and grow and eventually become, eventually contest for political power and become like an actual power faction in this country. And it makes sense because, …


Blair Cottrell: If you give nationalists the same rights to speak and organise the same rights everybody else has politically, Australia becomes nationalist in five years.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I agree with that. And we saw that when you originally came onto the scene where there was more free speech back then and your movement grew really rapidly, extremely rapidly. That’s pulling Pauline Hanson out of retirement. They had to engage in all these lawfare tactics to get you guys all tied up in the courts and break up your movement, because they were petrified at its potential.


So anyway, that’s just the reality.


And the thing is that obviously if White Australians did get organised, there are already like probably millions, at least hundreds of thousands of Australians that have White nationalist sentiments. I would say millions have White nationalist sentiments. Hundreds of thousands have White nationalist views already. And that’s only going to grow. It’s growing rapidly and it’s only going to grow because of the wider circumstances.


Like issues that White nationalists care about are the number one or the major issues in Australian politics right now, whether it be jewish tyranny, whether it be mass immigration, whether it be anti-White discrimination, what have you. These are the big issues of our time. Even mainstream politics is kind of oscillating around them. It’s not an environment where nationalism is going to go backwards, even despite all the censorship.


And then you can see also like as soon as X gets opened up with a modicum of free speech, who benefits under those conditions? White nationalists and Nazis! All these Leftists are like:


“Oh man, this site got turned into a fucking, into 4chan into in the space of a year!”


Well, that’s what happens when you unleash freedom online. Anywhere where there’s like freedom of speech online, it becomes a Right-wing space.


So obviously our ideas, our culture and so on has gravitas, it has legitimacy, otherwise it wouldn’t keep winning out whenever it’s given a free market to compete in the only way they can keep us from growing is to lock us out of the game.


But now even locking us out of the game presents a problem because what it does is it implodes the legitimacy of the people locking us out. Whether it be these conservative commentators who claim to be supporting free speech and against cancel culture and to love Australia and all this nonsense! Well, the way they act towards us implodes that legitimacy. It shows the truth of what they’re doing. They’re just gatekeepers with a racial animus against Whites.


And when it comes to the state itself, well, the entire edifice of liberal democracy is being self imploded by the State, which is its fundamental source of legitimacy, in order to lock us out. They said that we’re terrorists. We say:


“Hey, we want to build a political party. Hey, we just want to have a peaceful political movement where we’re at to bring our ideas to the people, to the free market of ideas, exercise our liberal democratic rights just like everybody else.”


And they go:


“No, like we’ve got to shut you down!”


It’s like:


“Well, I thought you were saying that we were terrorists and we were dangerous. Now we’re trying to play by the rules and you’re preventing us from playing by the rules.”


Isn’t that actually what creates terrorism? When people feel so disenfranchised and alienated that they end up doing something stupid because they don’t feel like they have any other anywhere else to turn? Like if a, and hopefully it doesn’t happen, but if some lone wolf, you know, White nationalist neo-Nazi terrorist attack ever happens in this country, it won’t be our fault! It’ll be the fault of the government for making White people feel so alienated by not allowing us to play by the rules so that we can actually give hope to White nationalists in this country that they have a political movement that has any viability.


And that’s even what the head of ASIO said the last time did a Senate inquiry about whether we should be listed as a terrorist organisation. Not only did he say that we’re not terrorists, he said that the real threat comes from lone wolf actors who feel demoralised that the movement that actual organisations like ours can’t succeed. And so they end up doing something, you know, “taking matters into their own hands”, quote unquote. Right?




So that whole narrative doesn’t make any sense that they put forward. And it’s obvious to an increasingly large number of people that it doesn’t make any sense. Like the I do a “jews hate freedom” rally with the boys and they immediately raid my house and arrest me because jews go on television and demand that I’m arrested and then change all the laws that I just said in my speech they would change to try and make it even easier for them to arrest me. And people like me doing those kinds of rallies in the future. It’s like, you just proved my point!


Or we go and do our Australia Day rally and they arrest guys singing Waltzing Matilda waving Aussie flags on national television. And then they wonder why all these people want to join us and we’re growing and they have to ban us from Twitter because we got too popular too quickly. And it’s like you guys are just nuking your own legitimacy trying to stop us. You’re actually fueling our rise anyway.


So that’s the thing with this Avi Yemeni situation. This spectre of refusing to debate me will keep lingering over his head.


And that’s something that everyone needs to take responsibility for. If you’re on X, if you’re anywhere where these pieces of shit are operating, remind them that they’re too fucking pussy to debate me at all times. I want them to be badgered and hounded for months, years, even, if that’s what’s necessary, until they break.


And then we’ll get them in a debate scenario, and then I’ll destroy them, and it’ll be fantastic! So.


Blair Cottrell: But from what I’ve heard, Joel, from what I’ve heard from them, you’re just not intellectual enough and your ideology just isn’t sophisticated enough for their [chuckling] highly nuanced and superior intellectual conservatism! You just wouldn’t stand up in debate against these superior individuals. They’re clearly smarter than you, and that’s why they shouldn’t be debating. That’s what they think anyway. What do you have to say to that?


Joel Davis: Well, that’s an easy W. Like, I knew Drew Pavlou was too dumb to debate me. They didn’t stop me because I was like:


“Well, it’s going to be an easy W.”


And this went and took the easy W, and I got drunk while I was doing it on the set because I was like:


“This guy’s a idiot. Like, all I need to do is sit here and talk. I don’t even have to prepare, and it will just be a total destruction.”


So if I’m such an idiot, then. But I’m not an idiot! Everyone knows I’m not an idiot! You say what you want. You might think an arsehole, you might think a lot of things about me, but one thing that no one thinks is that I’m not intelligent. So let’s see. And I’m good at debating.


So let’s set up a debate. If I’m so dumb it should be easy for them to win! That’s the thing. This Joel Jammal guy who, I will say the difference between him and the others is that he was a lot more respectful, amicable. He said that he thought it was wrong that we were banned from X and that he hopes that we can get back on and he wished us luck in our legal cases. And like he did say that he didn’t think that we were being treated fairly even though he doesn’t agree with our ideas. So I will say this, he is a class, above these other characters, …


Blair Cottrell: He doesn’t appear to be understanding how the system is rigged against nationalism. It’s like you only get censored or experience political censorship if you’re representing ethnic nationalism in Australia. You only get hate speech charges if you’re representing ethnic nationalism in Australia.


Have you appealed your X suspension? Have you had a reply yet? Because I put in a couple of appeals and they haven’t even bothered to answer me back with a reason as to why I was actually suspended. Yeah, there you go. They don’t even need a reason to suspend you’re being suspended because of what you believe. You’re an ethnic nationalist and that’s not allowed in modern multicultural Australia. So there have your suspension. That’s the way things go. What are we going to do about it? What can we do about it? That’s just the way things have always gone. The whole system is rigged against us!


But as you said, it kind of works to our advantage in the end because it implodes their legitimacy and reveals that they do have to rig the whole system against us in order to maintain the current establishment and way of things.




Joel Davis: The only other group in this country that faces any kind of, it’s not as much as what we face, but that faces any kind of like pushback from the state, other than us, are the pro-Palestine people.


Blair Cottrell: They don’t get that much. Funnily enough, if you ask the pro-Palestine movement:


“Who’s in charge of Australia, who’s in charge of America?”


They’ll say:


“White supremacy or White supremacists.”


They don’t like Israel, but they think White supremacy is probably like the core problem and Israel is just benefiting from international White supremacy.


But then when you present people like us who are representing White nationalism around the world, Australia, there’s other people like us in America and Europe as well. And you present the kind of situation we’re faced with where we can’t even use social media. A lot of the times our bank accounts get closed, we get knocks at the door from government goons asking us personal questions about our lives. We’re on a fucking watch list! How’s that for White supremacy being in charge of everything? You can’t even actually identify as a proud White person without being put on a fucking watch list! How the hell is White supremacy in charge?


Obviously White people are just being used by Israel. It comes down to Israel and jewish money being at the centre of everything, not fucking White supremacy! I hope some pro-Palestinian is watching this.


Joel Davis: But insofar as like the pro-Palestine movement gets policed, they pick off the ones that focus in on the jews and they leave., … Like they like to have the communists in charge, the pro-Palestine movement, and even like a lot of jews who claim to be against the state of Israel running the movement, because it keeps the movement directed in that anti-White supremacy framework, and blame White people for the crimes of Israel.


But usually it’s like a more of a Muslim rather than one of these communists who then start like actually veering into like more direct:


“Nah, it’s the jews!”


Those are the ones that get smacked! So the pro-Palestine movement is very carefully controlled to keep it with a certain ideological bent. I’ve noticed this over the years, particularly in recent years.


But you know, I’m not in the pro-Palestine movement. Fundamentally I don’t really give a fuck about Palestine, if I’m perfectly honest. I’ve said that on the show many times before.


I don’t like Israel because of the impact that Israel has. The parasitical relationship and the tyrannical relationship, the subversive relationship it has with my country and with other White countries. That’s my beef with Israel. The dispute between them and the Palestinians is between them and the Palestinians as far as I’m concerned.


But yeah, nevertheless, the point, the reason why I brought that up is because, yeah, as you said, not only is the system anti-White, it’s also obviously pro-jewish. And like, that’s literally our whole narrative. [chuckling] Like, how can you like, the only people that know what’s going on in politics are White nationalists and jews! We’re the only two people in politics that are operating with an actual cogent understanding of what’s happening. Everyone else is ideologically befuddled! And they’re suffering from misdirection and incoherence.


But, yeah, you’re about to be talking about Joel Jammal. We went off on a bit of a sidetrack. What Joel Jamal said was he wouldn’t debate me because he doesn’t want to, … It would be really strategically good for me to get access to his audience. And I’ve got a much smaller following.


Blair Cottrell: Who is Joel Jammal? I’ve never heard of Joel Jamaml. Who is he?


Joel Davis: Exactly! He’s like, I think half Syrian, half Lebanese conservative. He runs a small organisation which is a copy and paste of Turning Point USA, which is a very big organisation in America. Conservative organisation. But he runs, quote, unquote, “Turning Point Australia”.


But insofar as it’s an organisation, it appears to basically just be a Facebook group and a mailing list. And he kind of speaks at conservative events. So if that’s an organisation, I guess it’s an organisation. But he runs that he has a small podcast live stream type show that barely gets a thousand views an episode. And he has about 8,000 followers on Twitter. So I mean, he’s got a massive audience, clearly, right? So that would be such a huge boon for me! [sarcasm] But like, no one even knows who he is.


The reason why I want to debate him is very simple. It’s the fact that I’m just like desperate for a debate [chuckling] and no one’s debating me, number one. And number two, it’s that he actually made a video or he put out a little video on his Twitter where he said to his credit, as I said:


“It’s wrong that were banned from Twitter.”


And he said the reason why it was bad is because it’s better to debate White nationalists and try and convince them out of their ideology than to send them to, or send us to like some online ghetto where we’re just going to talk to each other and radicalise ourselves even further without any communication with the rest of society. And no, I agree with that. If our ideas are so retarded, we want to be part of the conversation. Put us, put me in the conversation.


Everyone who has a different view. Who’s representative of a different view, let’s debate it, let’s discuss it and let’s work it out. Maybe I am saying something wrong. Let’s see what you have to say. I think I’m saying things clearly. I think I’m going to win all these debates, quite clearly. But let’s put it to the test. I’m willing to put it to the test.


So he was saying that and then he played a clip and the clip was from like five years ago and it was like some live stream that David Hiscox was on and Riccardo Bosi was on. Riccardo Bosi* is a lunatic conspiracy theorist. He might even be an agent of some sort, because it’s almost like his conspiracy theorist cult is almost too for me to believe that he’s not a fed of some type.


But if he isn’t a fed, he’s a psychopath. Like he’s a literal sociopathic, you know, lunatic that is preying upon schizophrenic idiots to take their money and God knows what else.


[* Riccardo Umberto Guerrino Bosi is an Australian conspiracy theorist and former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel. He is the founder of the AustraliaOne political party. Bosi is known for pushing Covid-19 misinformation and genocide denial. Wikipedia]




But anyway, he played a clip of Riccardo Bosi and David Hiscox and they were debating whether culture comes from race or if culture has nothing to do with race or whatever. And it wasn’t really like a full debate. It was like a clip. It was mostly Riccardo Bosi giving his opinion and Hiscox. It didn’t show Hiscox. I didn’t see the whole video that it was clipped from. I don’t know if he made more elaborate arguments, other parts of that video. But Hiscox was kind of just like asserting his position, but they didn’t really get into him like breaking down all the chains of reasoning. So it wasn’t really like a very good debate. But he took a clip from that and said:


“Oh, every time White nationalists ever confront anyone outside their ideology, they get smoked because their ideas are so ridiculous!”


And I was thinking, well when I debated Drew Pavlou, the consensus was that I destroyed him. And that was probably the biggest debate in terms of views in like recent Australian political history. Like, there hasn’t been another debate between two Australian citizens. We can’t really call Drew an Australian, can we? But two Australian citizens.


Since then it’s got more views. Like, I can’t think of one. Like, if anyone has seen one, like post it in the comments. I can’t think of one. They didn’t want to clip from that. He got some obscure clip from some stream that no one remembers that probably not that many people watched at the time. And I said:


“Well, look, if you want to debate White nationalists, if you’re saying that we need to be debated rather than ghettoized, and if you think that our ideas are so ridiculous that every time we get into a debate we lose, why don’t you debate me, Joel? Why don’t you debate me? And let’s see.”


But then he had this whole cope excuse why he wouldn’t debate me. So, it’s standard from these people. It’s obviously cowardice. Like he was like worried about me getting access to his audience. What does that imply? That implies that he thinks he’ll lose the debate and I’ll convert members of his audience to my position. Because like I’m not worried about him getting access to my audience. I don’t think I would debate him and Joel Jamal would convert a bunch of like my like White nationalist followers into conservatives or something. Because I have confidence in my position, I have confidence in my abilities. He obviously doesn’t.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, can’t disagree with any of that. I’m angry tonight! I don’t know what’s going on. I’m just angry! I’m not in a mood to talk. Sometimes I just don’t feel like talking and I just, I’m just angry! Like I just want to hurt someone, and that’s the way I’m feeling tonight. So feel free to keep the conversation going, man, and I’ll chime in when I can. But to be honest, I’m just really mad tonight. So sorry if I’m not contributing the way I usually would.


Joel Davis: Well, what’s getting you mad?


Blair Cottrell: The heat. I hate summer! It seems so bright outside, and being surrounded by Indians doesn’t help. I’m woken up sometimes because there’s some Indians living on my street and there’s like 30 of them in the house coming and going, even at 2 o’clock in the morning, I don’t know what they’re doing. Their children are up at that time as well. It’s like Wednesday night, it’s a school night and there’s like seven, eight year old children running around the streets barefoot, screaming and shit! And I don’t know what kind of standards and ethics these people actually raise families by. It’s fucking weird! But look, there’s various circumstances that are having an effect on me, making me a little displeased.


But it’s mostly the heat, man. Do you ever feel like we’re not from this planet? Like we’re too close to the fucking sun or something? I mean, think about it. We’re supposed to have evolved on this planet. Yeah, but every other animal on this planet. I’m going to segue a little bit here. Every other animal on this planet has scales, feathers, thick hide, fur, is equipped to deal with the elements. What have we got? We got this pink soft skin! We can’t even walk outside without protective footwear. We can’t be in the sun longer than a few hours without like getting burned, cooked and cancers! And we’re supposed to have evolved here. It doesn’t make any fucking sense! We have to build these really sophisticated shelters with temperature control just to live on this planet. Like where are we actually from? It says in the Bible “man is in the world, but not of the world”. Are we from this planet? Are we from somewhere else? Because it doesn’t seem like we developed, … And people say:


“Oh, it’s because we had technology, Blair. We evolved as a result of our technology and our shelters and stuff like that.”


Well, isn’t that like de-evolving so that we’re less equipped to deal with the elements? What kind of sense does that make? And we haven’t had this technology for very long.


So I don’t know. Man, I just can’t wait for winter. I can’t wait for the cold, the ice. I can’t wait to get a good night’s sleep in some reasonable fucking temperature. I’m sick of the heat. I don’t like it here. I don’t like it here in summer. I got to be honest, I’m too hot right now, and it’s difficult.





Joel Davis: I mean, we’re obviously not native to Australia, are we? So it’s obviously too hot. Like we belong in northern Europe.


Blair Cottrell: We’re the native Australians because we created the continent, or not the continent, but we created the nation state, Australia.


Before we got here, the British, there was no Australia. There was just this unmapped land mass with some semi-nomadic tribes raping their own children and eating each other.


Joel Davis: We’re supposed to be in northern Europe. Like that’s what we’re., …


Blair Cottrell: I want to be in the snow, man. I just want to go back to the snow. I want to go somewhere where it’s too cold for Indians to follow so I can get a good night’s sleep and not listen to screaming Indian children at 2 o’clock in the morning. I mean, sometimes I’m laying there and I’m thinking I’m almost at my wit’s end and I’m worried. I’m scared because I’m thinking, what am I going to do if I snap? What am I going to do? Am I going to kick that door in over there? I don’t even know what I’m going to do. And I get worried like that. I worry myself.


So I’ve got to like just try to trap myself in the house and block out all the noise. And I don’t know, does anybody else experience this when they’re surrounded by these people? I’m unlucky too, because the area where I live there’s not many immigrants. But unfortunately on the street I’m living on, there happens to be immigrants like all around. And I don’t know, man, I could just rant and carry on about this, but it’s not going to change, is it? It’s only going to get worse.


But there’s this two tier system, two tiers of existence. I was thinking about this today. For the average White Australian. The lower tier is you don’t say anything about the situation. You’re White. This only applies to White people, right? You’re White, you don’t say anything about the situation in your country and you get to live in some semblance of this liberal, democratic freedom. So long as you don’t say anything about the immigration. And so long as you don’t acknowledge that you’re White or that that might not might be significant somehow. If you don’t say anything about that, you get some semblance of freedom. You get left alone. You have to deal with all the immigrants and the traffic and you know, getting pushed out of your own job and having to find a different job because your employer is going to employ cheap foreign labour instead of you deal with all that, but you at least get left alone. You get your [word unclear], you get your freedom of speech, as long as you don’t say anything about the immigration, so long as you don’t acknowledge that you’re White.


But if you do start opposing the immigration, and especially if you start acknowledging your ethnic identity as a White person, you cross over into this second tier of existence where you experience full communism! Where suddenly you’re on a watch list! Suddenly you can’t have a bank account, not for long. Suddenly you’re in court for hate speech and your government goons knocking on your door asking you questions about your personal life.


And that’s the two tier system in Australia right now. The two tiers of existence. And I suppose most people live in that lower tier of existence where they just don’t say anything because it’s easier not to say anything. And it pisses me off, man! It angers me that people do that! The people go through life not acknowledging the obvious decay decline of their society!


But average people, I can’t be too angry about it because average people aren’t really geared to deal with stuff like this. Okay, I’ve lost connection now.


Joel Davis: No, I can still hear you. We just lost the visual.


Blair Cottrell: I just said my browser’s lost connection or something. Maybe it’s a sign I should shut up! I don’t know. Sometimes it just all gets to a point for me, man, where I’m just really angry at the situation.


Like before when I was trying to explain that the formation of Nazi groups and young guys joining Nazi groups is obviously a natural, organic response to an education system employing activists that demonise White people, where White people, young White guys don’t feel any connection to a national community. They don’t feel any sort of ethnic support. They don’t have any ethnic support groups to go to.


So obviously they can choose to stay in a system that’s telling them that they need to pay. Their existence is just as a tax mule to pay for the atrocities committed by their ancestors! Or the alternative is they can go into a community that’s saying:


“Hey, you’ve actually got a lot to be proud of! You’ve got a great history, you’re a member of a great race! We’ll tell you about it. Come on!”


Obviously they’re going to join a group that’s telling them that. They’re not going to stay in a system that’s demonizing them.


So it’s like, how do these government goons think that that’s not going to happen? How do they sort of logically try to understand the formation of Nazi groups without understanding that they’re responsible for creating them?


Like, if the government was going to allow or make permissible even the slightest amount of White Identity Politics, then Nazi groups wouldn’t exist. But no, they can’t acknowledge any kind of positive White Identity. They can’t do it because White people are the devils of society, the designated devils. And that’s the way it’s going to stay. And so Nazi groups will keep growing. It’s that simple, isn’t it?




Joel Davis: I mean, well, that’s like people say to me:


“Oh, Joel, why do you have to do the Nazi thing?”


And I’m like:


“Well, my race is being genocided and my country is being stolen from me.”


And they’re like:


“Yeah, yeah, I know, but like, why can’t you just be an immigration restrictionist?”


And it’s like:


“Well, obviously that isn’t gonna fucking work, is it? You know, the reason why we’re Nazis is because they’re trying to fucking kill us!”


Extreme problems require extreme solutions. Like, if we’re going to have a defense, the best form of defense is the most extreme form of defense. Like from an ideological standpoint, like the pure position. Yeah, some people will water it down, but the absolute maximum that we can do in defense of our race is what is necessary right now. I probably wouldn’t have become a Nazi if my race wasn’t being genocided. It wouldn’t have felt necessary.


I mean, the Germans only became Nazis because the jews were stealing their country from them and raping their country. Like, Nazism is what happens to White people when you push them too fucking far!


So, yeah, and maybe that’s wrong! Maybe realistically I should have become a Nazi anyway without this pressure.


But that is what it is.


Blair Cottrell: It’s like this is the inevitable result.


Joel Davis: Now if they start allowing White Identity Politics, … Now they pushed us too hard. So when, if they try to do some pressure release valve and allow kind of optical White nationalism back into play, it’s going to unleash a cascade.


And they know that’s why they’re holding it back and it wouldn’t have been if they allowed it 20 years ago, like when Pauline Hanson and One Nation were running, if they allowed them to do their thing and to shut down the borders and to take over the Right-wing and to keep Australia I don’t know, 90 percent White or something, then everyone would have gone back to watching the cricket and everything would have just kept cruising along. Australia would have continued on as it was, with stability.


But they pushed us too far now, and they’ve made the problem too difficult. Like, it isn’t just about shutting the borders now. There’s too many fucking people here! They have to be sent back in their millions to be able to get our country back. Well, who has the stomach to do that? Who has the determination to seize control of the state and forcibly expel millions of people from our land? Only we do! That’s why we are what we are.


So, yeah, we’re the natural kind of reaction and the natural solution to the problem. Like, we didn’t start this. No, we didn’t shoot the first shot across the bow or whatever, you know.


But yeah, the government as well, like the fear that they have, it’s indicative of the fact that they know that our potential is massive! Because at the end of the day, like they’re stealing our country from us! Like they’re all traitors, they’re all corrupt, they’re complicit in a globalist agenda to genocide our race and to steal all of our wealth.


So they know, like and the same with the jews. There’s a reason why the jews are so paranoid. There’s a reason why the jews always seem to be overreacting, why they’re always so hysterical! Because they know what they’re doing! They know that if the White man ever gets organised, they’re fucked! And the party’s over and justice is going to come. They act guilty, they show their guilt through their behaviour.


So I mean, just the other day, … I won’t actually mention that story. Actually I decided against it for legal reasons.


But you know, so many times there’ll be situations like when I’ve been fired from jobs or asked to leave certain associations because of who I am or when I’ve heard stories from others in the organisation, public facing figures, like hearing the stories from like Tim Lutz for example, and what happened to him after he got doxed. How he was basically kicked out of the entire boxing community and his kid was even like kicked out of like karate competitions even though he’s like an 11 year old kid because his dad’s a Nazi and things like that.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, man, the sort of circumstances, you have to endure.


Joel Davis: Always the same thing when you get kicked out, never do they go:


“We don’t like what you believe and that’s why we’re kicking you out.”


Or something. What they always say is:


“We’re really sorry but this is going to cause a lot of problems for us and we don’t want to have to do this to you. But if we kept you on, this could happen. That could happen and we don’t want to get in trouble.”


And that’s kind of how the whole thing is kept together. Like it isn’t that everyone are true believers in the ideology of the regime. It isn’t that everybody just like hates what we stand for and hates our race. The majority of White people know that something’s pretty fucked up, they’re just too weak. It’s not that they’re all, … I think it’s only maybe 20% of Whites that are actually mentally fucked into like full on racial self hatred.


The vast majority of Whites are just scared. They’re just scared of the ramifications of embracing our position. They’re scared of the status quo crumbling and polarisation and conflict. And so they’re just trying to hold on to the security of their lives.


But this system is destroying and eroding that security year by year. It’s destroying the economy, it’s destroying the security of our streets. It’s rapidly replacing us, reducing us to a minority, discriminating against us at every level.




And so there’s like points at which it no longer makes any sense to keep trying to hold on to that semblance of middle class existence or that semblance of your personal advantage, because it’s all being ripped away from you anyway. And when we get to that point there’s going to be a mass exodus from, basically status quo, head down status to embracing a radical nationalist position. And the system knows that and it’s kind of preparing and it’s trying to hold us back as much as it can because it’s trying to ram through our replacement as quickly as possible.


Because if it can reduce us to a small enough minority before you react, maybe it can beat us when we do finally react. But if we’re still 50% of the population and we get organised and we fight back, they’re done! Even if we’re 40%, they’re done. We’ll still win!


But they have to really whittle us down before we react. They have to basically outnumber us by a very large extent. And they know that, at the top level. These are like middle management people don’t really think like that, it’s more subconscious. But at the top level I think they understand that.


That would explain why like when I went with the boys, like there was only like 10 of us to Independence Day at the shrine for the Independence Day ceremony. Sorry, not Independence Day, Remembrance Day, for the Remembrance Day ceremony at the War memorial shrine on the 11th of November. There’s 11 of us there. We were completely silent. We’re just standing there listening to the speeches and the songs and watching the marches and then we were surrounded by police, filmed by the media, they put out:


“Nazis were at the Remembrance Day!”


And it was like a national security incident that 11 of us went to a public event. And it’s like, why are they so afraid of us? Like we put 20 guys, we go to the steps of Parliament with, 20 guys and we do a speech. Gotta raid my house! We’ve gotta like:


“We’ve got to change all these laws!”


It’s this like huge deal. Why? Like, why are you so afraid? The only reason they could plausibly be afraid is because they know that we’re representing potentially a mass movement that could arise at some point in the future.


Blair Cottrell: Isn’t it scarier to live in silence and fear for the sake of some wage slave job, than it is to experience some sort of, as they call it, “consequence”, which is really just being freed from that slavery, just for speaking the truth! To me, it’s scarier to stay silent for the sake of a job. That’s a scarier way to live to me. I’d rather die than live that, man! Fuck that! How do people choose that lifestyle?:


“Well, I can’t say what I really think or I might lose my job!”


Who gives a fuck if you lose your job? I mean:


“Oh my God, I got my mortgage and my bills to pay!”


You’ll figure it out. You’ll get another job. You always figure it out.


And if you go to jail, who cares, man? You go to jail for hate speech. You know, jail is a holiday, yeah? You get your own bed, your own shower, your own writing desk, your own sink to brush your teeth in. It’s not like you watch on TV and you’re in a shower with like 50 other guys and someone’s going to stab you in the shower or something like that doesn’t happen in Australia. Jail’s a fucking holiday! I miss jail!


There’s very little deterrence for me to stop speaking because if I go to jail for something I say, like, I’m going to relax in there, it’s going to be a holiday. I’ll get so much reading done, all I’ll do is read, keep practicing guitar and exercise and I’ll come out so clear headed.


God, man, I came out so clear minded the first time I went to jail. I didn’t watch TV for like seven months. I unplugged my TV and refused to watch it. And you know what’s interesting? When I got out after seven months of not watching TV or not looking at any screens, I tried looking at a screen again. My friend was playing like a Nintendo 64. Went to visit my friend. I was watching Mario Karts. I couldn’t watch it for longer than two minutes because my eyes were burning. My eyes were that pained by looking at that screen because I hadn’t seen a screen in seven months. It makes you wonder how much damage to our eyes the daily exposure to screens does. Like, I feel like my eyes are getting more fucked up by the day, especially looking to these fucking studio lights. Yeah.


The point is that you’ve got nothing to fear, really. What are they going to take from you? You’re like, wage slavery situation, who cares? I mean, I suppose the only really worrying thing is if you have a family.


Look, I don’t want to get into this actually, because it doesn’t actually matter what I say to the average punter. They’re not going to suddenly become a ballsy public speaker because the average person isn’t psychologically geared to do that.


So there’s no real point in me criticising people for trying to play it safe, because the masses have always tried to play it safe. That’s kind of what they’re genetically geared to do, more so now than ever, probably. But throughout history, for the last. 2,000 years, that’s what they’ve done. And so obviously, we need to adjust our message, our programme to the receptivity of the masses, which is feminine by nature.


So I’m not going to stand here and give some instructional speech about how to be more like me, because it’s never going to happen. Right? You’re never going to see more people like me. We’re a dying breed. But I gotta say that from my point of view, it’s much scarier to obey, much scarier to lose the essence of who I am for the sake of a wage, for the sake of not getting in trouble. Like, that’s much more frightening.





Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, obviously organising in nationalism comes with certain risks. Like many people have been fired from their jobs and so on. But like you said:


“You can get a new job.”


But I don’t want to play that down. I mean, that’s obviously, particularly if you built up in a certain industry and you’re specialised in a career path and that gets ripped away from you, that can be quite devastating!


And yeah I’m not afraid of going to jail if I have to because of the tyranny that I live under for simply trying to exercise my political activities. I don’t want to go to jail. I want my freedom! But if that has to happen, because, you know that’s the penalty for doing political activism, so be it. I’m not going to stop doing my political activism because of that. Particularly the kind of jail sentences that we’re looking at potentially are going to be quite short, like a matter of months, not years. Going to jail for like five years or seven years or something, like what some of the British dissidents are doing though, that’s horrible!


I mean, that’s really like ruining your life or not ruining your life, but it’s really like taking away a very substantial portion of your life. And particularly if you got kids or something, like, that’s disastrous.


So I’m not like enthused about that by any means, but at the same time if that’s the sacrifices that we have to make, we have to make it. Like, what’s the alternative? We just have our country stolen from us and we just don’t stand up and resist? That’s just unconscionable!


So it’s like, yeah, like sacrifices need to be made. But every nation is forged on the basis of sacrificial love. Like when we say that we are a nation of blood, I don’t just mean like ancestry by blood, it means that. But it also means the blood of sacrifice of the men who actually fought to defend our nation in various wars. And that’s true for every nation. There are no nations on this planet that weren’t forged in blood of both sacrifice and ancestry.


And like I mentioned the shrine in Melbourne, which is an incredible building, and I was there the other day, and the four pillars of the shrine, or at the four pillars of the shrine, which is basically, by the way, for those who don’t know, in Melbourne we have a War Memorial shrine which looks like a Greco-Roman temple. Literally looks like a Greco-Roman temple. It is literally a temple to the ancestors. And there’s four pillars with statues on them. And they have like certain characteristics that embody certain themes.


And one of them is a kind of goddess, kind of looking woman sitting on a throne holding a crown of thorns. Because sacrifice is like one of the four pillars that holds up a nation. That’s the idea.


I can’t remember what all the other three were off the top of my head right now, but I remember staring at that and taking that in. Because the temple has a lot of pagan, you would say, like, characteristics. There’s some Christian things too.


And obviously that notion of sacrificial love is very foundational to Christianity because it’s embodied in Christ. And that’s what that crown of thorns is obviously signifying, right.


And it reminded me of a paper by Gotlib Freger, who was a analytical philosopher from Germany. I think he died in the 1920s. But he was an incredible philosopher. Like he was probably the greatest logician or the most advanced. Like he created the most advances in logic since Aristotle.


And all of modern formal logic kind of spins out of Frege’s work as well as the whole analytical School of philosophy. And Frege, he was a German, and so most of his work is about logic and [word unclear].


But then he had a paper that was kind of obscure, that he wrote on theology, but it was on political theology. And he was writing this in the early 1920s. And basically he was advocating for National Socialism or Volkish Socialism, as you know, you would say in German. And what he was saying was that in the Weimar Republic you have like these two political positions, liberalism and socialism, which correspond to what Americans would say, conservative and liberal, I guess. Conservative really being liberal and what Americans call liberal really being like socialist.


But what he was saying was that where like socialism is a kind of narcissism and self interest of a class and I guess like contemporary Leftism, it’s the self interest of particular protected groups rather than the working class. It’s like blacks and Aboriginals and whatever, right? Women, gays. And liberalism or conservatism is about the kind of self interest of the individual. These are both basically nihilistic, materialistic, narcissistic worldviews that are purely self referential in terms of direct pleasures and the utilitarianism of your individuality or of your particular group.


Whereas what he said is necessary to actually build strength in a nation, is a higher ideal, a notion of God. A notion of a higher morality. And that Germans being as they are Christians, should look to the example of Christ. And in Christ you see what is the ultimate moral message, whether you’re a Christian or not, is that there is no greater love than laying one’s down one’s life for one’s friends.


And when you go into the temple, the shrine in Melbourne, there is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the middle of the temple. And it’s the sun, the light kind of shines in through the roof! It’s really quite beautiful. And there’s representations of military battles and stuff all over the walls and like beautiful tiling. And in the centre is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And it says something akin to like:


“No man hath love greater than this.”


Meaning, like, no man have love greater than laying down one’s life for one’s people.




And it’s very profound! Really moving whenever I’m in there. And I recommend if you haven’t been there and you’re ever in Melbourne or you from Melbourne in particular, go and see it. It’s an incredible thing! It was actually funded by the returned soldiers from World War I. It wasn’t actually even funded by the government. They got together and funded it and they built it. I think it was completed in the early 1930s. And it’s an incredible thing! Back when we were a real people and we still knew who we were, that’s the kind of thing that we built.


And if you look at the opening day, there’s like 300,000 people there for the first memorial service held at the shrine. And in those days the population of Melbourne couldn’t have been more than half a million people, maybe a million people, max. So 300,000 people showing up is like, almost everyone in Melbourne showing up for something. So it’s pretty incredible to think about.


But anyway, I got side-tracked.


But the point that I was making was that, yeah, like, sacrifice is really the foundation of the nation, and is really like, the highest form of love. And unless we can start to cultivate a spirit of being willing to embrace sacrifice, like, if nationalism just has to be easy, like, it’s just about ticking a box in a voting booth and watching a particular live stream or something, but you don’t ever have to actually give anything up, well, then we deserve to lose, because that’s fucking weak!


Like, we actually need thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of men willing to actually sacrifice shit! Not necessarily die, but like, sacrifice shit for saving our nation. And every nation ever that has ever been under threat has required this to survive.


And that’s probably the greatest fear that I have, that, like, we’ve become such pussies that we’ve lost touch with ourselves and with our sense of honour to such an extent that maybe there isn’t a hundred thousand Australians that are willing to actually sacrifice for our future? But I like to believe that there is, and there’s only going to be if we believe that there is and put our will into manifesting that as a reality!


Blair Cottrell: Very well said. This has been one of those streams where I’m like, what did I even say? [chuckling] Like, I was just so pissed off from the beginning that I don’t even know what I was talking about. So forgive me if I haven’t made as much sense as I usually do. But I’ve got to go eat.


Joel Davis: You made plenty of sense to me.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but we’re part of the hive mind, right? I’m only paraphrasing stuff that you already think anyway. But I need to go eat, so I’m done. Have we got some Superchats? Do you want to quickly wrap that up? What do you want to do? I’m hungry.


Joel Davis: Yes, there’s probably some Superchats. And I should mention as well, I think I’m supposed to record, I did a few podcasts this week. Like I went on Elijah Schaffer’s most recent show. You can see that on the Slightly Offensive Rumble channel, among other places. He had me on the second half of the show. It was pretty good. Also went on Lucas Gage’s stream. So you can go check those out. If you haven’t seen them, you can find Lucas Gage on Rumble as well.


And I’m supposed to record with Jake Shields next week. I don’t know when that will be released. But so that should be interesting. I’ve never done a podcast with Jake Shields before, but it should be pretty cool! So a few things in the works. I don’t know if you have anything coming up or, …


Blair Cottrell: Nah, man. I’ve been chasing clients and money around for the last week because I’ve been a bit behind in that stuff, but there’s some stuff I won’t even mention it. I won’t even mention it live on stream.


But yeah, if you keep an eye on my Telegram channel, I’ll keep you guys up to date with what’s happening from my end.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I know you’re working on a few projects at the moment, behind the scenes. But yeah, we don’t have to talk about it till they’re ready to go.


Anyway, let’s get into Superchat. So Sig Kyle said:


“Keep fighting the good fight. A little bit of cash to go towards the Avi Yemini deportation steamboat.”


That’s [chuckling] pretty funny! Fellow Comrade said:


“Bhutanese came into work the other day and his wide alien like face made my flight or fight response get activated automatically. You’re not alone, Blair.”


So, Fellow Comrade’s vibing. He’s vibing the sentiment.


What else have we got here? The Gump, he said:


“You are setting the direction for our resistance all around the world. White power!”


Well, I mean, that’s a pretty hefty compliment, but I appreciate it. Racist Aristocrats said:


“The absolute state of Sam Newman video that Blair made was absolutely fantastic! I can see it being viewed by future Aryan generations as a concise historical window into the fallen Boomers and the resulting time of rebirth. Hope Sam watches and reflects.”


Well, yeah, Blair’s been knocking out the park with those short videos lately. [words unclear]




Blair Cottrell: Pardon?


Joel Davis: The way that you do your videos, it reminds me of like old school YouTube. When like those short videos on YouTube were very popular, people still kind of went out, …


Blair Cottrell: That’s kind of what I learnt from. That was my era. So I suppose, …


But yeah, that was just the opportunity, as I said, it was an opportunity to summarize and demonstrate what’s kind of going on behind the curtain of media because it’s kind of come out in full view for everybody to witness. I couldn’t really pass up the opportunity. I felt bad for Sam Newman and I didn’t want to throw any more dirt on him. So I tried not to throw dirt on him, but it was hard not to be because I had to expose the whole situation for what it was, which was a complete farce!


But yeah, like I enjoy working on those videos. I seem to get like over stimulated and hyper focused on them when I’m working on them. A fair bit of work goes into those videos even though they seem slapped together. You know, you got to write out kind of a rough script of what you’re going to say, then you’ve got to find the content to provide some sort of basis for what you’re saying so you can show people what you’re referring to while you’re talking about it.


Then you’ve got to dictate the video, you’ve got to speak to the camera and then you have to like edit all that together, which takes hours. So I’m glad those videos are appreciated because they do tend to be a bit labourious.


But yeah, that’s what I enjoy doing.


Joel Davis: And it’s what get reposted a lot. Like people are reposting them on Twitter, they’re getting big views, people are reposting them on YouTube, getting big views on YouTube as well. So thanks to everyone who’s doing the re-uploading because obviously Blair and myself are pretty much banned from every social media site except Rumble and Telegram at this point.


So yeah, but like the re-uploads hundreds of thousands of views on some of those videos you put out lately, each. So great, great reach for someone who’s still banned.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. And that’s kind of alludes to the strategy we need to develop or have somewhat already developed as to how to get around that censorship on a community level. Because we have a lot of people we network with in the community and certain characters with pretty big accounts or accounts that are capable of reaching what was our audience or part of our audience.


So there’s always ways around censorship. There’s ways around all of the quote, unquote, “consequences” and the what we have to experience under this rigged system. So there’s still hope. There’s always hope.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Well, also people who clip the show, I appreciate everything that you do. Please keep doing your work. There’s some guys on TikTok that clip the show and get really good views I’ve seen. And there might be others. I just haven’t even seen them because I don’t actually have a TikTok account or even have the app downloaded because I find it insufferable to scroll through. But sometimes people send me:


“Oh, hey, I saw this on TikTok. It’s someone’s uploaded a clip from one of your streams or whatever.”


So I appreciate people doing that on Instagram as well. I get sent stuff sometimes, I see stuff on X.


So yeah, what we’re going to start doing in the future though is probably professionalizing. And it was a great strategy that was employed by people like Nick Fuentes, Andrew Tate, when they were basically banned from everything where clips of their content was getting spread around very effectively by their fan base. And we need to replicate that, because the issue was not the content. Like I remember when Blair made a TikTok early 2023, sometime around there, when we, not long after we started doing the show. And you made like four videos just on your phone, like they weren’t even edited, they were just like you with a webcam, just giving your thoughts on something for a minute or two. And you got like 2 million views in a week and they banned your TikTok! So like, it’s not like we, …


Blair Cottrell: What we’re dealing with is. The reality that we’re faced with is we would be among the most popular and most viewed political commentators in the country were it not for this censorship. So instead we just sit in these little corners and do these little streams or make our little videos and hope that people share them. But if we got the same treatment, if we were treated fairly the way everybody else is, the way everybody who’s not White is, then yeah, we would be significantly more influential than we currently are. But I suppose that’s the point in rigging the system against us. Right? To make sure we can’t acquire the sort of influence that we would otherwise organically have.




Joel Davis: Yeah, but we still have organically, a lot of influence, and we will continue to do so. And what’s happened to us in terms of censorship is just a roadblock. But these roadblocks have been thrown up in front of us before, and we keep adapting. And working ways around them. It’s a skill issue. And we have the skills to adapt. And we will. And we already are to some extent, but we will this year. This year is going to be a year of adaptation.


And that’s what kind of happens in politics. Every time in politics or in dissident or oppositional politics, whenever you start having some success, you get punished because basically the enemy starts prioritizing, sabotaging you much higher than it previously did. And so successful, oppositional or revolutionary or dissident politics, whatever, however you want to describe it, requires having the ability to be adaptive. And we’ve been adaptive before, and we’re going to be adaptive again, and we’re going to continue this momentum.


But that’s not too many Superchats tonight. So that’s basically. Oh, no, wait, we got one here from the Alabama Hammer saying:


“Greetings from California lads. White power! So much of the early White nationalists in the US circa 2015-2016, found their beginnings in Southern California. Love the fitness and training you promote, Blair.”


Well, just bigging up California for some reason. But, yeah, there was one more, too, from Tmax. You want to read it?


Blair Cottrell: Sends 50 bucks. He says:


“Hitler is the father of the Great Awakening. To those who are asleep, cowardness will [not] save you.”


What? Can you make sense of that?


Joel Davis: I don’t know why he wrote “cowardness.” It’s cowardice. But thanks for the Superchat, Tmax.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, thanks for the 50 bucks, bro. But I’m gonna go eat dinner, man. I’m gonna go eat dinner. I’m hungry. Thanks, everyone, for tuning in. Sorry I was in a bad mood, but, hey, hope I was entertaining.


Joel Davis: No need to apologise, I think everyone likes the Blair rants. I do anyway.












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 2/15/2025 = 129)

HyperChat min: 100

13 hours ago
clip and share Joel’s stuff – Joel is getting so much flack because he’s on target – roadblock to W

Hide replies

4 hours ago
he’s over the target.

13 hours ago
you are both good


13 hours ago
84 people currently watching, only 23 likes. Hit the like button you tight cunts.

13 hours ago
their only safety is keeping society functioning, if society breaks down and comfort levels drop, they will be fucked.

13 hours ago
pretty sure that’s what he meant

13 hours ago
*cowardice will NOT save you

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Brittany Venti Enjoyer
5 hours ago
Piss off back to nnr faggot

13 hours ago

We can come up with some bs ngo.


13 hours ago
Get yourselves some USAID funding.

Cone of Silence
13 hours ago
I’ve said it before, but you have to gain the support of the wife’s and girlfriends, they won’t have a nazi man and they must be convinced,

13 hours ago
manpower is a must to be able make moves without being persecuted.

14 hours ago
try listening to Blairs point

Dawn Browning
13 hours ago
🏆Joel🏆Blair🏆Love Love to all you Beautifuls MWAH

Matt Hammond
13 hours ago
Yeah, the Blair rant was funny…because I can sympathise

13 hours ago


Dawn Browning
13 hours ago
It’s as Collett described, certain groups can act as individuals, it’s when they collectivise that there’s an issue

13 hours ago


13 hours ago

13 hours ago

it might actually work

13 hours ago

good idea

13 hours ago


13 hours ago
that will never happen naturally.

13 hours ago


13 hours ago
deeds beget deeds : the Havamal . speech of the high one (Odin )

Dawn Browning
13 hours ago
Specialise in what interests you the most. As both hosts clearly have.

13 hours ago
duty and sacrifice

Cone of Silence
13 hours ago
Branding, psychology and marketing are not there for nothing, just look at any successful organisation. Your brand is literally a jewish construct.

13 hours ago
Not a dying breed but as small percentage of every generation

13 hours ago

i followed them at the time, although i was young i could already see how the country was being transformed. Both my grandparents were in the NSDAP.

Cone of Silence
13 hours ago
everyone involved in this demise is rubbing their hands because they have a target that’s justifying their power


13 hours ago

The actual founders of One Nation were OG Australian Nat Socs, Peter was even the leader of the Australian Ku Klux Klan.

13 hours ago
If we reach 25 % we win

Matt Hammond
13 hours ago
I sympathise with the anger. It’s a very tough path. I can hardly imagine what it must be like on the front line. A huge burden to shoulder


13 hours ago
Question their grip on the ‘narritive’ you are all “far right” anyway, so there’s no winning…according to them!


13 hours ago
It’s hard not to be angry all the time


13 hours ago
Charity boxing match with Avi, will remedy that Blair!


13 hours ago
They all know what the truth is, but refuse to admit to it, for that will destroy their end goals!

13 hours ago
“The only people who know what’s going on are jews and antisemites.”

13 hours ago
Joel is right here, it is happening right now on the judge Napolitano channel

13 hours ago
only true way for that fact to become reality is to get mass audience. Capture the Signal….!

13 hours ago
those faggots couldn’t debate any of us, only need 2 brain cells rubbing together to beat those shitskin muppets.

14 hours ago
we’re terrorist in our own countries whether we like it or not. Whether we’re affiliated with any “movement” or not. Solution!? Capture the signal.


14 hours ago
This is how they create ‘false flags’

14 hours ago
i have a video of Jews sniping our soldiers in Iraq just to destabilize and create chaos!

Hide replies
11 hours ago
Can you post it or have you already, i tell people about that all the time because it’s been suppressed so gud, id like to see it Thx 🙏🏻

14 hours ago
we have a mountains of evidence to line up the Jews into a volcano of justice 6 million times over.

14 hours ago
Blair and Sowell on the Sam show were quite tame considering how demonic these kikes are.

14 hours ago
Excellent edit

14 hours ago
Thomas Sewell o/

14 hours ago
we can’t even make it on the chessboard, let alone move any pieces around to even play the game. Guys like Avi Yemeni are nothing more than organised gatekeepers! There are solutions but none of them are political! o/


14 hours ago
They are called the Kosher right. Controlled opposition.


14 hours ago
The ‘signal boosting’ thing is true but also an excuse not to engage with us. If they thought they would win, they would use the larger platform to publically defeat you, but they know they would lose.

13 hours ago


13 hours ago
Morning folks.

13 hours ago

Most probably a child rapist also.

13 hours ago
Avi the child sniper! pft!

13 hours ago
please deport Avi

13 hours ago
one day we may be able to open up a mainstream slot for you guys! haha! o/

13 hours ago

yes i do, it was a huge eye opener for me. Many questions were sought in the aftermath.

13 hours ago
sounds like a great place

13 hours ago

As was I. Do you remember when the jews doxxed every single member? They published all their names and addresses in the major papers. Literally thousands upon thousands of names and address over several pages.

13 hours ago
to paganism as well

14 hours ago
sure not hard to guess the most protected are the predator


14 hours ago
jews frame the white as the predator so white dont need protection their excuse

14 hours ago
Ai would rather murder 6million white babies than harm one hair on a jews head.


14 hours ago
They lead the way in creating ‘false flags’ then claim top victim

14 hours ago
Judaism is organized crime

eternal extrapolations
6 hours ago
“Because Shared Values!”
Yes, I think we’re done with these supposed “shared values” now.

7 hours ago
Washing the car whilst listening to your discussion on catchup! Our people have become so deracinated; as you say

our forebears have had to step up and defend our people – the Memorial in Melbourne is def something I will visit when next over. I met you at the PA conf in England in 2023 and

recently in 2024 – your appearance on Sam Newman’s show with Thomas was epic

Keep up the good work over there.

10 hours ago
Caramel honey’s 🧔🏽‍♀️ lol

13 hours ago

13 hours ago

13 hours ago

13 hours ago
It could be worse. You could be cypriot.

Cone of Silence
13 hours ago
The Australian day March demonstrated this, there was the no rimes and there was you. They can’t get their heads around it. If you looked like them and moved with them, the media would have condemned the whole crowd and they wouldn’t do that.

Cone of Silence
13 hours ago
Decades of Americans have fallen out of popularity because they went the nazi optics. The governments literally burnt them alive and there was no backlash. your competing with decades of nazi propaganda and trigger words. We don’t have the time that has taken them to indoctrinate the masses.

13 hours ago
Pauline has a Jew in her party. Her jail time was about selling out and becoming an insider.

13 hours ago
^^^ Yeah now…..

13 hours ago
Pauline is a piece of shit. The original founders of the one nation party were very, very based. I’m not even sure that Joel or Blair even know who they were.

Cone of Silence
13 hours ago
It’s a numbers game Joel,, you’ll never reach a critical mass as long as you are the meme.

13 hours ago
never adhere to being a “NAZI”, derogative term acceptance is a no, no.

13 hours ago
Third position is the best regardless

13 hours ago
I also find it hard to counterbalance the anger/hate.

Dawn Browning
13 hours ago
Woodlander Initiative/ AusLander Initiative. Raus.

13 hours ago
Sam broke you

13 hours ago
Sun your balls

Dawn Browning
13 hours ago
Blair just wants to grill?

13 hours ago
Bro go outside and get some sun ffs

13 hours ago
Imagine the smell

13 hours ago
Blair move into the country, it’s comfy here. No jeets no chinks no brownoids

13 hours ago

Matt Hammond
13 hours ago
Ha ha. I hate the summer heat too…

13 hours ago
a striker quote

13 hours ago
Blair is right

14 hours ago
That is true

14 hours ago
Nationalism is invetitable

14 hours ago
If Avi won’t debate, perhaps he’d agree to a charity boxing match?

Dawn Browning
14 hours ago
Catching up. Case in point re bullying white hetero boys was Parkdale High School 2021.

Dawn Browning
14 hours ago

14 hours ago
learn to vote, Aussies

14 hours ago
He knows full well what his comment section would reflect!

14 hours ago
any surprises, we can read the past always like that

13 hours ago
Please don’t do anything stupid, Blair. xD

13 hours ago
Man is the animal who can run the furthest, because of our ability to sweat

Dawn Browning
13 hours ago
lol, it’s a cool evening

13 hours ago
We got the ability sweat

Dawn Browning
13 hours ago
Liam Neeson did that

13 hours ago
we can’t be converted

13 hours ago
you cunts need to do call ins….!

13 hours ago
I watched it at time o/

Dawn Browning
13 hours ago
Ricardo in his army kit 😂

13 hours ago
Ricardo Bosi is a gatekeeper period!

14 hours ago
they do business

14 hours ago
Rabbis at it

14 hours ago

sounds great o/

14 hours ago

nearly 1933

14 hours ago

14 hours ago

14 hours ago

14 hours ago
What time is it in Australia ?

14 hours ago
Lets get started

14 hours ago
G’day Aussies

14 hours ago
Good day gents

15 hours ago
[Sam Newman – Main Stream Push Back With Tom Sewell and Blair Cottrell – Feb 3, 2025 – Transcript]

Sam Newman – Main Stream Push Back With Tom Sewell and Blair Cottrell – Feb 3, 2025 – Transcript

Dawn Browning
16 hours ago
Share the link and/ or a screenshot.

16 hours ago
gidday all from England

16 hours ago

16 hours ago
Hello lads



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The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 09 with Grace Eki Oyama – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript

Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 15 with Jürgen Neumann on Ernst Zündel – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript



Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


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Version 3: Fri, Feb 21, 2025 — Transcript completed = 96/96 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.

Version 2: Tue, Feb 18, 2025 — Transcript completed = 76/96 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.

Version 1: Mon, Feb 17, 2025 — Published post. Transcript completed = 39/96 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (129).

This entry was posted in Aboriginals, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Australia, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, conservatism, Freedom of Speech, Hate Speech, Israel, Jewish Hypocrisy, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, jews — persecution by, Joel Davis, Lawfare as a Orgjew Tactic, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Police - Harassment, Public opinion - Manipulation, Pysops, Reimmigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Twitter/X, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, YouTube Censorship, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Joel Davis – The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition, Why Are They So Afraid? – Feb 14, 2025 – Transcript

  1. JESUS says:

    The jew can never be trusted.
    The jew is a liar like his father who was a liar and a murderer since the beginning as Jesus taught us.

    The jew is the enemy of humanity and is working to pitch people against people so that he can dominate all people.

    The jew understands only one language: brute force and this is what should be served to the jew permanently, constantly until he is on its knees and relent.

    Hitler knew how to treat jews, the holocaust never happened but it should have.

    What the world needs, is a global movement and a leader who, like Hitler, will go after the jew, but unlike Hitler will NOT spare them.

    For the moment, Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Hezbollah, Hamas and others must rearm, reorganize and be ready to strike incessantly very soon the evil jew occupier.

    DEATH to ‘israel’
    DEATH to all zionists

  2. whiner says:

    a good zionist is a dead zionist

  3. EXPOSE says:

    “Almost definitely what we’re seeing is that Israel is basically conducting false flag attacks against the Australian Jewish community ”

    Definitely the case. They did JFK, RFK, 9/11 and most ‘terror attacks’ in Europe since decades (with NATO), so these ‘attacks’ in Australia is nothing for them.

    The most surprising thing is so-called ‘conservatives’ supporting baby killers and mass murderers whose main goal is to destroy the White Christian Man which conservatives pretend to be.

    They are helping these scum to destroy them!

    It’s time to read again Henry Ford excellent book: the International Jew”.

    It didn’t change, just became worse.

    I think Albanese like amny other wimps is a pedophile like matt prince of cloudflare and Macron’s husband jean-Brigitte.

    • dinha filho da mãe says:

      You are totally right about prince, a CIA/Pentagon asset and a complete pedo.

      cloudflare is a surveillance, cancelation and censorship ops.

      pedoflare actually…

  4. death to 'israel' says:

    One thing is sure, there was never any holocaust, because if there had been, the fake state of ‘israel’ wouldn’t exist today.

    So it is a pity that this holohoax never took place, but it’s never too late.

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