Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Thomas Sewell – Mar 19, 2025 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Patriotic Weekly Review


with Thomas Sewell


Wed, Mar 19, 2025


[In this livestream video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Australian Thomas Sewell, who leads the National Socialist Network. Items discussed include:

Introduction (0-5 minutes):
Mark introduces Thomas Sewell, Australian nationalist leader of National Socialist Network
Thomas joins from Australia where it’s early morning

Thomas’ opening remarks (5-10 minutes):
Describes current situation as “in the trenches” but preparing to “get mobile again ”
Compares political strategy to manoeuvre warfare vs trench warfare
“We are the fighters on the Right ”

Discussion of NSN’s provocative tactics (10-15 minutes):

“We’re getting a lot more support from the wider community ”
Aim is to present as “the only legitimate opposition to the system ”

Media coverage (15-20 minutes):

“Regime legitimacy and regime support is at an all time low ”
Goal is to “attack system legitimacy” more than gain direct support

Australian political landscape (20-25 minutes):
Thomas criticises “uni-party” system of major parties
Wants to transition to “European style politics” with more diverse parties

Twitter ban impact (25-30 minutes):
Thomas had gained 20,000 followers quickly before ban
“We pushed so far into enemy territory ”

NSN’s focus on young men (30-35 minutes):
Emphasis on fitness, community building
“We are building a new archetype of man and woman ”

Legal challenges (35-40 minutes):
Thomas describes ongoing court cases, including “public interest immunity” issues
“We’ve got about 34 court cases at the moment ”

Media collusion allegations (40-45 minutes):
Thomas claims media companies are “embedded with ASIO operatives ”
Cites example of Channel Nine involvement in court proceedings

NSN’s community building efforts (45-50 minutes):
Focus on creating strong family and community networks
“The building block is the family ”

Discussion of individualism vs collectivism (50-55 minutes):
Thomas argues Whites need “a strong religion” and community bonds
“We are naturally slightly more individualistic than other races ”

Australian political figures (55-60 minutes):
Discusses Senator Gerald Rennick:

“possibly one of the only honest statesmen Australia has ”

Media appearances (60-65 minutes):
Thomas describes appearing on Sam Newman’s podcast
“A lot of older people were quite surprised at how much they agreed ”

NSN’s ideology and recruitment (65-70 minutes):

“We are building a new archetype of man and a new archetype of women ”
Describes focus on traditional family roles

Debate on Christianity and National Socialism (70-75 minutes):

“Why would you need to be Christian to be a National Socialist?”

Immigration discussion (75-80 minutes):
Thomas mentions “200,000 Indians this month for student visas ”
Claims public sentiment is shifting towards “mass deportations ”

Racial categorisation comments (80-85 minutes):
Thomas uses terms like “caramel island” and “chocolate island ”
“That’s just a basic racial classification everyone can understand ”

Closing remarks (85-90 minutes):
Thomas emphasises need for “vitality” and “aesthetics ”
“If we can get that right, we’re going to win ”




Published on Wed, Mar 19, 2025




Patriotic Weekly Review – with Thomas Sewell
March 20, 2025
Mark Collett
Episode 305 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Thomas Sewell.
Patriotic Weekly Review is a news and entertainment talk show. Opinions, thoughts, and views of guests/hosts do not necessarily represent the opinions, thoughts, and views of all hosts, and their appearance on this channel does not constitute sympathy, agreement, or endorsement of said opinions, thoughts, and views.
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Thomas Sewell
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(Words: 24,329 – Duration: 136 mins)



Mark Collett: Hello everybody and welcome to Patriotic Weekly Review, episode number 305. And we’re live tonight on Odysee, DLive, Rumble and Entropy. Please make sure you share this show because it’s going to be a good one. And you might be thinking, where is Thomas Sewell?


Well, I can tell you this now, we’ve been chatting for about 10, 15 minutes. He’s just making himself a coffee and he said he’d be back in a couple of moments. He said:


“Do you do an intro?”


I said:




“He says:


“Do you mind if I grab a coffee?”


Because I think there for him now it’s about 6 am in the morning, so obviously I appreciate him getting up at that time to do this show. So don’t worry, he is here. I’m just doing the intro.


Now, I’ve got a couple of things coming up later in the week. I’m live with Dr. David Duke at 4pm on Friday. I’m also doing a little pre-recorded video. It’s only a short one because I’ve been very busy with the baby, as you know and all the other stuff. And it’s about how quickly demographics can change. It’s actually about a borough in London that went from majority White British to White British being about 10% of the population in just two decades!


So that’s like about a generation, is all it took for the White Brits in that area to go from being the majority to being a very small minority, and not even the majority minority as they call it, where you know, the Whites are a minority but they’re the largest group. You know, Whites weren’t even the largest group in The Borough. Bangladeshis were. So anyway that’s coming out on Friday.


Then on Sunday I’m having another Australian on. I’m having Joel Davis on. Now Joel and me have been talking quite a bit recently. And Joel wants to discuss his essay, his sort of debate he’s been having with Keith Woods via a series of essays about National Socialism. And he’s very passionate about this. And I’m doing a bit of an interview saying:


“Can National Socialism be salvaged and is it a relevant ideology in the 21st century?”


And that’ll be with Joel Davis at 8pm on Sunday. So that’s going to be a bit of a sort of an interview, not really a debate because I want to hear his point of view. I am going to put some searching questions to him and I’ll be about a two hour show but that’ll be an hour later than usual. 8pm on Sunday. So if you want to hear Joel Davis on why he believes that National Socialism is still relevant and can be salvaged and why he thinks it’s important, I’m going to be showcasing that on Sunday at 8pm. So that’s what I got planned for the rest of the week.


Now, if you like this show, if you like the work I do, if you like the fact that I never give in, I never cuck, and I’m very, very consistent with my output, even when, you know my son is born, I’m here on a show with you guys, please do consider dropping a small donation. $3, $5, $10, whatever you can afford, whatever you think this show’s worth, whatever you think my work in the movement is worth, please consider supporting me. Because nothing goes behind a paywall and I have never, ever charged a penny for any of my work! Everything’s always been free.


And obviously tonight’s going to be a big interview.


So if you want to ask questions to myself and Thomas and the second hour of the show, you can do that by dropping a Superchat. And any paid Superchat we will read out in the second half of the show or ask relevant questions from the audience.


And as I said, uou can donate on Odysee, you can donate on Entropy, and we’ll read those out in the second half of the show. And it all goes to a good cause.

Anyway, let’s introduce tonight’s special guest. It is of course, Thomas Sewell.


Now, Thomas is from Australia and he is one of the most famous Australian nationalists. And the state have come down hard on him for that he has stood on a very, very firm platform. He has never cucked, he has never given an inch and he has kept fighting despite the incredible state oppression. He runs the National Socialist Network. They are a very active protest and advocacy group which also helps young males with their self esteem and fitness. They do a number of very, very provocative protests, but they’ve been gaining a lot of support and as such, the state are coming down hard on them with some of the most draconian legislation that Australia has ever seen! Something that brings Australia in line with the likes of Britain and Germany with Hate Speech laws and even jailing people for raising their right arm.


But this hasn’t beaten down Tom. He still leads the group. The group keeps on growing and their protests get ever more provocative. And they will not be beaten.


So, Tom, how are you doing this morning? It’s morning for you, evening for us. I hope you’re well. How’s things going down there?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, we are engaged on all fronts.


So we’re keeping very busy. We are doing a lot of background work at the moment because of the lawfare we’ve encountered. So our first objective is to maintain the organisation momentum. But we’re definitely in the trenches. So I like to compare it to manoeuvre warfare. And this is obviously not endorsement of any paramilitary strategy, Just the notion that you can study politics and you can study war, and you’ll find that they’re basically the same thing.




And I think most of the people in the audience have a quite almost autistic understanding of World War II history and the blitzkrieg or manoeuvre warfare. They have an understanding that the First World War was a failed strategy. The idea of trench warfare and trying to bleed the enemy dry in this kind of sense. It’s not an effective strategy if you have a smaller economy than your enemy. And that’s what the Germans figured out pretty early on in the war, in the First World War, hence the Second World War, when people were able to be mobilised, so to speak, you saw these very, very deep, penetrating warfare, manoeuvre warfare movements.


And I think that we need to take that strategy to politics. I think we’ve always taken that strategy to politics, Even if we’ve used quite a vocal and almost abrasive terms, to most people within the general public, that is what penetration does of the psyche, because politics is really about penetration of the psyche.


And I believe that the conservative model is trench warfare. I believe that they don’t want to take ground. It’s too dangerous to take ground because the enemy’s too established in their position, and they need to just hold ground. And you can never win a war, or a political conflict by just defending, by just holding ground. Obviously, we’ve seen the Conservatives concede and concede and concede by an enemy that is just innumerable and has a has a better fighting spirit than the conservative weak Right.


And so we’re trying to get mobile again. We’re just currently in the trenches, but it’s okay. There’s always time to consolidate and work out your logistics and move forward.


But I think we’ve got about 34 court cases at the moment that have built up over the last year or so. and this is obviously the main system of the state to bog us down. And the spring will come, the snow will melt, the mud will clear, and we’ll be on our way soon. We’ve just got to win one crucial court battle to get things back up and running again. And that’s going to be the most important, but not actually the most expensive. We’ve actually had a lot of really expensive court battles over the last three years. But we need one critical, like a wonder weapon to get us mobile again, which is going to be in the High Court.


So that’s what we’re working towards. And that will free up a lot of our organisation to continue operating the way it is and the way it’s winning and the way we’re taking ground, the way we’re penetrating through and shifting that Overton Window. We are the fighters on the Right. Well, I’ll be careful with my language. You know, we’re streaming in Britain, but we are the political movers on the Right versus the political trench warfares on the Right, the Conservatives. And we’re actually the movers. We’re actually shifting the line. And that’s why they want to tangle us up in the barbed wire. So, yeah.


Mark Collett: I do agree with your analogy. And one of the books I recommend people read is The Art of War, because I think The Art of War is directly applicable to politics. I would say that and Machiavelli’s The Prince are two books that are very helpful to outsider politicians.


Now, one of the sort of tools that you guys use so effectively is you are a small group, and I don’t mean that in an insulting way, and you punch well above your weight.


Now, obviously, ethno-nationalist groups are usually small groups because most normal people are quite scared to be involved because of the repercussions. And it takes quite brave men to be involved in a cause like this because you stand to lose an awful lot by being involved in this cause.


I mean, I know you have personally been harassed by the police. And you face incarceration regularly.


But one of the things I’ve got to say is you guys, you punch well above your weight. And with the use of your sort of provocative rhetoric and your provocative protests, you get notice, and you get far more publicity than a lot of maybe, you know, larger in membership terms, but more milquetoast groups.


And I’ve seen people in the past criticise groups for doing this. One of the guys historically that got criticised for this approach was George Lincoln Rockwell.


But as Warren Balogh said the other week, people today are still talking about George Lincoln Rockwell. He’s still a guy that inspires people to this day and still inspires people in the media even to write articles about him, even though he’s long gone. And you guys are treading that path now. But arguably times are far more oppressive now than they were in Rockwell’s time.


Now, when you do get these media blitz moments where everybody’s talking about you, is that something that you’re sort of really gunning for and how does that affect the organisation? Are you bringing in a lot of young blood from those articles?





Thomas Sewell: We’re getting a lot more support from the wider community, from Conservatives that are switching sides, that are switching strategy. They’re starting to believe that we do need to have pushers and movers and shakers on the Right, that we need agitators, that we need a far-Right. That without a far-Right, we can’t have anything that we want, even if we don’t agree with everything that the far-Right agrees with but what I’ve often found with a lot of these supporters, for example, for every hundred people that contact us, probably almost 90 want to support us. They reach out because they want to support us. They want to be involved in a political party or they want to be involved in some sort of pay a little bit of money, get a little pin and say:


“Thanks, guys, I’ve done my job.”


They want to send a little present to the front line, so to speak, the political front line. They don’t actually want to go sit in the trenches with you and work out how to take ground. But about maybe 10 out of a hundred, probably 10%, are actually keen to get involved and join in. And honestly, they come from all demographics. They come from all demographics. For every, for every 18 or 21 year old that we recruit, we recruit a 44 year old with three kids.


So that’s something that we never used to have. And we’re seeing the movement, we’re seeing men that actually have something to lose, realizing that this isn’t just the strongest horse, but there isn’t actually an alternative. And if we don’t start building the manpower at this level, we’re never going to see change in this country.


So the other conversation I think you asked about getting in the media spotlight, our objective isn’t to get in the media spotlight as much as it is, because that obviously helps shift the Overton Window in of itself. It’s not spotlight for spotlight’s sake. Like, I know that’s not what you’re suggesting, but that is sort of what some people suggest. A lot of our critics in the more moderate Right they just say that we’re just doing this purely to get attention. And that’s not actually how politics works. We’re doing it so that we can present as the only legitimate opposition to the system. Because the system is obviously a Uni-party. And when people are watching the television, the system is agreeing with each other on everything that is important to, for there to be an opposition. There is no opposition when it’s a major subject.


And then the Left and the Right disagree on things that are irrelevant, things that are minute. And we are trying to not just bring ourselves into the picture, but bring those important conversations that are being avoided by the mainstream parties and forcing them, forcing them into a position where they’re defending an indefensible position! Whether that be Drag Queen Story Hour like this tranny nonsense, whether it be mass immigration, whether it be laws against free speech. By forcing their hand, by forcing them to react in the stupid and silly and overconfident ways that they have, they lose legitimacy way faster than we gain 100 members. And that’s a hard thing to measure. And that’s what a lot of people, I guess on the tactical level, they don’t understand about the strategic level. They think like, we’ve had some rallies where things haven’t gone to plan. People have been a little bit upset afterwards and morale has been low.


And what I’ve said to people is:


“Don’t worry about where your morale is right now. Like, you guys have done a good job. We got this message on the table. Give it the next couple weeks, See the news articles that come out, see how the system overreacts, overplays its hand.”


See how the public, even if they don’t support us, that because in the early days, the public didn’t support us at all! They do now, but they didn’t support us at all in the early days. But what it did was it made the public not support the regime! And that is more important than getting public support, is making the public turn against the regime. Because regime legitimacy and regime support is at an all time low!


And obviously there needs to be an alternative. But alternatives are often built in vacuums. Like serious alternatives are built in vacuums. You can only really build a vanguard. You can only build that Spearhead. You can only build that very small formed body of volunteers in the early days when system legitimacy is really high. And so attacking the system’s legitimacy is actually more important. Making the system attack its own legitimacy is actually far more important than 15 seconds of fame.


But we’ve had so many segments of 15 seconds of fame that we are starting to become, you know, household names or even folk heroes to some people. You know, we’re the Kelly gang, we’re the agitators, we’re Eureka Stockade, we’re the Aussie battler, we’re the underdog!


And a lot of people respect us and a lot of people recognise us in the street. And our allies are growing and are numerous and a lot of people are jumping ship from the regime to support us in our attacks against the regime, our political attacks against the regime.


So we’re in a struggle for our survival.


And I do also believe that fame is important. I do also believe that the spotlight is important. If the spotlight’s not on us, who’s it on? And you know, and I’m sure most of the audience are also concerned about the ever growing presence of bad faith actors that the system is building in a lab. We see them pop up on Twitter all the time, these nobodies that have never done anything, that have never built a group. They don’t have any community behind them and they don’t have any media experience by the looks of it. And then suddenly the algorithm is putting them in everyone’s feed and they’ve got 300,000, 500,000, 700,000 in such a short period of time, followers on social media.


These people are very concerning because these people are obviously part of the regime trying to not necessarily bait and switch, but the regime trying to transform and mutate and synthesize our talking points to then redirect them back into ultimately, obviously, if it doesn’t appear right now, ultimately back into system legitimacy. And the greatest of all time, in my opinion, is Donald Trump, in that regard. He absolutely perfected dog whistling our talking points and continues to do things and say things in the immediate that are in White interests. But then very quickly he works out a way to mutate them into jewish interests.





So that’s also why fame is important. Because if they’re talking about you, like if America had a genuine, well, obviously there’s some guys rising stars, like Thomas Rousseau, for example. But if America had a genuine Right-wing alternative over the last 15 years, you would find that, I mean, there was some guys and certainly they were put in prison. Unfortunately, as we know, that’s what the system does. If they see someone of high value, they put him in prison, a lot of the time.


But yeah, Donald, Donald Trump wouldn’t have found his feet so easily, I think if there was an established Right-wing alternative the way there are in European politics.


But with the Uni-party and with it being 49-49% Democrat, Republican, that’s America is in the most dangerous situation with that to continue to occur. And our goal has to be in Britain and Australia to transition more into those European style politics to attack system legitimacy and let other people fill that vacuum and then see where we’re heading, what our timeline is.


Mark Collett: Well, I think it’s really interesting what you’re doing in another sense as well, because the Left have always been very, very successful in that they’ve always pushed boundaries.


So the Left have got where they are not by towing a line, not by being polite, not by accepting their enemies arguments or playing by their enemy’s rules. The Left have created their own rules and they’ve put pushed every single boundary as hard and fast as possible.


Now, on the other side of the political spectrum, the sort of quote, unquote, “Right” has largely believed that if they tone down what they say if they play the game, if they adhere to the Left’s playbook and the Left’s sort of language rules, they will be more acceptable and be more successful as a result. And this has tended to lead to not just sort of punching Right, but it’s tended to lead to a fragmentation on the Right where you have groups that are closer to the sort of conservative centre spending more time attacking groups to the right of them rather than what the Left do.


So the Left have the centrist Left groups, but they actually support groups to the Left of them because they realise that the groups to the Left of them are involved in the same tug of war and pulling in the direction they want to go.


And I think the NSN really is sort of one of the leading, if not the leading group in the Anglo-sphere now for pushing the argument as far as it can go in the direction that many Conservatives have given up on. And saying all that as a follow up to this point, would you say that you get more attacks from the Left or more attacks from establishment Conservatives? Because I often find that when someone does raise the issue of radical ethno-nationalism or as you guys do, National Socialism, often more attacks flow from the sort of centrist conservative right than they do from the Left.


Thomas Sewell: Hmm. Now I don’t have a solid answer for you on that one because it changes. It does change. We do find that the centre Right often has a strategy of asphyxiation, where they just, they refuse to talk about us. They don’t want to acknowledge their competitor, so to speak, for space in the Right. But, and you’ll find that the Left establishment will attack us constantly. But then sometimes it changes over. The Left get their act together and they start ignoring us and they start actually taking their own advice, which is asphyxiation. And then what you find is the centre Right have a habit of attacking us again from the position that:


“We don’t love Israel. And these are evil. They’re bad for the jewish community!”


And they’ll attack us for social cohesion. Because they don’t want to necessarily use the word far-Right extremists. They obviously have to frame the argument against us differently to how the Left frame it.


And so what they’re doing at the moment is they’re saying that:


“We’re bad for social cohesion and we have to protect multiculturalism because these people are bad, they’re troublemakers.”


I think the opposition leader [Dutton*] who’s soon to be prime minister said that:


“We were losers with no friends, and that we’re awful!”


And that was really interesting because we have a lot of friends. We just don’t, we just don’t take jewish money like he does. Scukg on we, yeah, we just have different friends. Our friends are all people that care about this country. His friends are all people that want to destroy the country.


[* Peter Craig Dutton (born 18 November 1970) is an Australian politician and former police detective serving as the current Leader of the Opposition, holding office as the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia since May 2022. He has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for the division of Dickson since 2001. Dutton previously served as the minister for Defence from 2021 to 2022 and the minister for Home Affairs from 2017 to 2021. He held various ministerial positions from 2004 to 2022 in the governments of Howard, Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison. Dutton grew up in Brisbane. He worked as a police officer in the Queensland Police for nearly a decade upon leaving school, and later ran a construction business with his father. He joined the Liberal Party as a teenager and was elected to the House of Representatives at the 2001 election, aged 30.]


So everyone’s got friends in politics.


But what they mean is obviously that we are, yeah, we’re not a “system approved” ideology and therefore they should be discredited. But the problem with that rhetoric coming from the system is that no one likes it anymore. It’s unpopular. It’s never been so unpopular.


So calling us the outsider is actually playing into our playbook and I think they know that, but they’re just ill disciplined. But yet, in short, to answer your question, yeah, we get attacked from, I think both sides equally. I don’t really keep track of it as well as I probably should, because I’m just focused on destroying their legitimacy and focus on building ours.





Mark Collett: Well, one of the things I’ve noticed of late is around the world, in every White country, there now seems to be a huge divide which is largely being pushed by the Trump-Musk regime. So Trump and Musk have captured Twitter and they are now saying that:


“You can be a nationalist on Twitter as long as you are not openly an ethno-nationalist. And as long as you support Israel.”


So genuine radical groups such as NSN, Patriotic Alternative, the NJP, when they were active Patriot Front, they’ve been completely taken off it. The Nordic Resistance, there have been almost every genuine radical group there are. You know, there are no radical groups in the UK still allowed on Twitter. They’ve been completely cleansed. And it seems to be that this new, you know, Elon Musk era of Twitter is almost as censorious as the previous one. But previously you had to play by the Left-wing rulebook, but now you have to play by the sort of Zio-Right, you know, pro-Israel, don’t push it too far, rollback. It’s not genuine free speech. And I was appalled when all you guys lost your Twitter accounts because people like Joel were blowing up on a daily basis there.


And I noticed one thing that was really interesting. Every time you guys got into a debate with an Australian politician, even if that went right to the top, like the Prime Minister, you guys were completely destroying them. And there seemed to be a very, very positive reaction, especially from young males in Australia to the policies you guys are pushing.


And obviously I watch, strangely enough, out of all the political shows that are on social media, I actually tend to watch you, Joel and Blair the most, because you’re on at about 10, 11 o’clock my time in the morning.


So I’m always sat at the computer, working there and having something on to listen to is always great. And you guys are always on. And listening to the stride you made into that sort of young, disaffected White male sector of Australian politics, which has been completely neglected, was amazing!


But how do you feel now moving forward without Twitter? Do you think that’s going to limit you to a large degree?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s limiting us a little bit. But we were getting ahead of ourselves. So apologies for those that don’t like the blitzkrieg references, but we pushed so far into the enemy territory, we dragged that Overton Window so far across and had so many successes that we were running out of supplies.


And so in my perspective, it was Adolf Hitler says:


“There’s always a silver lining. Every defeat can be turned into a victory.”


And I truly believe that if you actually look at what the universe is asking of you, or God, then it’s very clear that we were stretching our supply lines thin. The structure of our organisation needed to be addressed, our recruitment needed to be addressed. Just the management of the organisation as a whole, we were evolving into that next stage where we needed to develop more junior leaders and more people to manage region reps and stuff like that. And this is where our focus needs to be for the first half of this year.


And obviously all the legal cases and having clarity, we couldn’t just keep doing what we were doing. If we did, we would have ended up. I think I gained about 20,000 followers in about two or three months.


And so I went from getting my account back, I think I got, when I got it back, I think there was a 9,000 followers on it. And because obviously I had it for a short period of time last year before it was deleted. When I got it back, I was smaller than most of the Australian politicians and within two months I was much larger than most Australian politicians with far greater reach, despite the sort of tenfold they’ve got, like a tenfold. I noticed that you’ll get about 10 times as many likes as you do views in proportion to other accounts. So that obviously that nerfing or that bottling of the reach. I was still getting far more reach than all of these you know, Mark Dreyfus and James Patterson and you know, Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese [PM], like some of them are senior people within the Australian government. The ones that are writing the laws to have us locked up for destroying them on Twitter. They were just getting absolutely pillaged in their supply lines. They had no support. All of our support was mounting. And the public that’s on Twitter, which is probably hundreds of thousands of Australians they were loving it! They were enjoying it. They were loving it that someone was sticking it to the man, so to speak.


And even though we’re not on Twitter anymore, that doesn’t really matter because we pushed so much, for now. Obviously next year it might be good to get back on Twitter. And that ties in with some other logistics issues that we’ve got to deal with and I think registering as a registered and recognised political organisation within the Australian Electoral Commission will give us a huge advantage in terms of maintaining our social media, because then you can get that government check mark.


And that’s something that I think Twitter would have a very hard job at censoring once you’re technically recognised as being part of the government, even if you don’t have any MPs or Senators. But to be an actual political, registered political organisation, which is just something that we’re looking at over about a 12, 18 month period. We’ve got some other things to deal with first, but then we’ll get to it.




But as I was saying, because I can still go on Twitter, I can’t like anything. You can’t see my account. But I’m still, I’m still on there, just viewing occasionally, probably too much because I’ve got a lot on my plate. But what I’ve noticed is that you have not just disaffected young White men on there, you have a lot of middle aged men and women, you have a lot of grandmas, you have a lot of mums and dads on there with their full name and their profile photo echoing our talking points almost to the word and becoming political commentators on their own without getting shadow banned because they’re not on the government register of naughty boys or naughty girls.


And they’re getting in some cases 10 times the reach that we’re getting just as average Joes and without a political organisation, but building up a huge social media profile. And their talking points are spot on! And they’re calling out, you know the fact I just looked at it this week, Australia brought in 200,000 Indians this month for student visas!


Obviously they’re all returning back to university so that’s going to be a big influx this month.


But I think it’s been 700,000 since last year and, or since the last season or however it works. But I’m seeing figures pop up. I’m not looking too hard at the exact nitty-gritty of it, But I’m seeing 200,000 in a month, 700,000 in a year. And the Australians are just going wild over this. This is insane!


And none of the political parties are looking to do anything about it.


And what I’m seeing in the comments section from basically everyone in these threads, not NSN members, not radical far-Right extremists, I’m just seeing from everyone saying:


“Mass deportations!”


And so that’s what we were on Twitter to say, and people are saying it now. So we’ve broken through the enemy lines and the trenches have now caught up to us.


And I said that about Drag Queen Story hour. No one in Australia protested Drag Queen Story out until we did. We did it a couple times and then we never needed to do it again because the Conservatives or you know, the centre Right and these alternative Right-wing people that are still within the realms of the mainstream, they started holding that ground for us. We took the ground, they hold the ground. We take the ground, they hold the ground! That’s it!


That’s how it works. We are on the offence, we are offensive, we go on the offence. And then these people fill in the ranks and they bolster and they hold the ground. And that’s a position that’s never going to shift. Now that trench where, where the centre Right is at in Australia, where the average Australian person is at, that doesn’t feel that they identify with the Liberal Party or Labour Party, which is our two major parties, where they’re. And probably most people within the Liberal Party, but they’re probably quiet about it. Where they believe right now is that mass deportations it’s not a debate, it’s not negotiable.


And then the system is coming out, especially the premier [Chris Minns] of New South Wales, who’s an idiot, which is the biggest state in Australia, New South Wales, he’s come out and said that:


“Freedom of speech is incompatible with multiculturalism, and that’s why you’re not having it. You’re not allowed freedom of speech. It’s incompatible. And we choose multiculturalism and social cohesion.”


And so you’re not getting your rights back. And that is just a fucking, … A lot of guys in our camp have been saying, Chris Minns must be our guy, he must be an accelerationist. You know, he must just be an infiltrator within the system that’s just crashing and burning the Labour Party and the Liberal Party, the Uni-Party, because that is the dumbest fucking thing a politician could ever say to a bunch of White people.


And it just shows how out of touch they are. Obviously it has consequences for political activists. As we are all aware of, senior political activists and senior spokespeople are going to bear the brunt of these laws. People like myself and Jacob Hersant and Joel Davis and potentially even people like Blair Cottrell and a lot of other guys that are periphery to the movement or periphery to the organisation, but deeply within the movement.


And I don’t think we’re at British style laws yet, but we are definitely one step closer. We are definitely getting very close to those British style laws, which again gives us time to go back to the drawing board as to what our strategy is going forward and what’s our Left and Right of us. Because as you said earlier, our objective has always been to put forward the most radical, lawful position!:


“What is the line in the sand? Where is it? And let’s go right up to that line in the sand and test their nerve!”


And we’ve done that quite successfully with only a couple entrapment operations, only a couple of us going to prison. And we’re out of prison now, and I’m sure there’s more prison time to do, unfortunately. But that’s not going to stop us, is it? Because we’re going to secure the existence of our people!





Mark Collett: So if you guys did pursue elections, would you be pursuing the elections with the goal of winning, or would you be pursuing the elections with the goal of getting yourself into potential TV debates or town hall debates, where you might not go out there to win, but you go out there to upend the system and to shift the Overton Window? Because I’m not sure whether the world is ready quite yet to vote for the majority of people to vote for a group like yours.


But I do think people would turn up at a town hall debate in greater numbers because you’re there. And I do think you would be the ones that, whether you won or not, you would be the ones everyone was talking about.


And I think there’s a I think it’s sort of like when David Duke stands. You know, David Duke stands and he knows now because of the demographic shift, that it’s very unlikely that he wins. But when he attends a debate, he knows that the numbers watching are going to be boosted by sort of 20, 30% just because he’s there. And his talk of Israel, where the where American money goes, AIPAC*, you know, jewish control of the media. By raising those issues in that way, in such a sort of public spectacle, it does shift the Overton Window. So would you be going out there to actually win, or would you be more going out there to sort of hijack the whole process and really upend the political system in your own way?


[* AIPAC: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is a pro-Israel lobbying group that advocates its policies to the legislative and executive branches of the United States. One of several pro-Israel lobbying organisations in the country, it has been called one of its most powerful lobbying groups.]


Thomas Sewell: It’s a very good question.


And I think that any leader, any organisation, should be honest with its supporters and with its members so that they know what they’re getting into. And I don’t think that you should start any process without that honesty. And you shouldn’t start any process, I think, without the intention to win! We have to have an intention to win!


Now, what does winning look like?


Now, that is another question in itself. I believe that it is possible for significant change to happen within the Parliament system, but ultimate change is not possible.


And so in the past, I have echoed the talking point, the very radical talking point, that there is no “political solution”, which is often misused and misunderstood by people that are edgy and angry and online. But what that really means is that there’s no ultimate Parliamentarian solution. That’s kind of the fine print of the subject. There is no political solution.


Obviously the system itself, the regime wishes to conflate that statement with one of illegal activity, which it isn’t! That’s not actually what that statement means, even if it’s misused by a small percentage of people. What “no political solution” means is that it’s mostly a statement of motivation for people to realise that Parliament does not change society. Society has to change so that Parliament changes that. The solution to the problem is to change the culture, the political culture to then impact Parliament.


And so many people are focused on the political party route and they’re thinking that:


“Oh, if we only we election harder, if only we hand out more leaflets, if only we., ..!”


And they’re working harder, but they’re not working smarter. They’re kind of stuck in the political factory mindset where they’re in the factory and they’re building. I’ve worked in a steel frame factory when times were tough and it’s probably not the worst job I’ve ever had, but it was the lowest paying job I ever had. And you know, when I first got doxed. And I was in the factory and you’re screwing off thousands of screws a day into these steel frames to build prefab walls and no matter how fast you screw off those frames, you’re not getting out of poverty. It’s not possible. You are stuck there. You have to think smarter, you have to work smarter, not harder. You’re never getting out of that poverty once you’re there.


So that’s the same mentality that people need to understand when they’re getting involved in party politics is that it’s not about electioning anywhere near as much as it is about shifting the culture and attitudes of the society which you’re running for Parliament is meant to be only one small component of and so I have dedicated, I have stated to my cadre, to my core members that:


“Yes, we are building a political party, no, we are not changing direction at, at the absolute maximum, 25% of our resources is going to be going towards this project. The majority of our resources still needs to go towards this overused term meta-political shift.”


And what I’m much more focused on at the moment than building a political party, despite the fact that it’s the news everywhere that everyone’s talking about and everyone’s saying:


“Oh, you know what’s this political party going to look like? What’s it going to be like? And you know, when are you going to launch it so I can sign up and be a member?”


What I’m actually focusing on more than anything is aesthetics. Aesthetics! I believe that the Right-wing, and this is a little bit of channeling the esoteric Bowdenism, but we need vitality! If the pro-White position, if the National Socialist position, if fascism, if radical nationalism, if whatever we want to call it’s irrelevant to me in some ways, but I think fascism is a pretty cool brand. We need to make a brand! It’s the brand power, it’s the staying power, it’s the aesthetic power of delivering a worldview through visual, through spectacle! The great masses of people, they know in their hearts that we are endeared to Australia. They know that we care about this country and we want the best for everyone in it. But they are caught up in the spectacle, in the bread and circuses of modern political culture. 21st century, boring Left versus Right political culture.


And what I’m focused on more than a political party is how do we bring vitality and vigor and strength and esthetics into the political conversation! Because to me, most people already agree with our talking points, so we don’t really need to educate them much to support us.


And on top of esthetics, there needs to be a way of interpreting the carrot and stick dynamic into the political arena. And so we are mostly stick as a political entity and yourself as a political entity.


A lot of people on the street may support us, but we think it’s just stick, stick, stick! They just think it’s fascism, it’s authoritarianism, or it’s radical nationalism. And we’re just going to start beating people with sticks in the street and they’re just going to be like:


“Well, they don’t hate me, so they’re not going to beat me with a stick. That’s why I support them.”


And it’s like, what is the carrot? What is the carrot? And there has to be a balancing act of that.


And that’s why, for what we’re trying to do with the launching of the political party or the policies is trying to have a balancing act between carrot and stick. So that’s very important to us.




And the last point that I’ll make on the subject is you asked me about what is going to be our sort of goals with making the party within the political system. And what I’d say is this, that those goals are ever evolving.


Of course the goals initially in launching is to show people that there’s an alternative and maybe you know, rabble raise and cause enough stir that we can get one or two guys in the Senate. We’re not going to be getting any MPs anytime soon, and it would be delusional to think that we are. We have to have a rational approach to it. It’d be good to get one guy in, even if that takes us five or seven years. That would be, that would be difficult. But at least we’ve got a representative and we can keep focusing on what our actual meta-political and community building and you know, White fortressing and everything else that we’re doing. All of these projects, the culture shift, the aesthetic shift, the active club shift, all of these things are so absolutely crucial!


And then not ultimately, but then the middle goal would be to be the tiebreaker and that’s the term that a lot of people are using. That worst case scenario. All that we’re ever going to be able to accomplish over the next 20 years is be a tiebreaker. That’s the sort of realistic worst case scenario that we could probably get a couple seats and sort of like what the BNP did and get up to that sort of 7%, maybe 8% total population. And that’s best case scenario. But that 7 or 8% could be a massive tiebreaker and help shift Australian politics into a more dynamic and fluid European style politics where 8% is actually a really big party. Where 8% could be the third or fourth biggest party in the country. Well, I think at the moment 8% would be the third or fourth biggest party. But ideally that 8% would come from smashing the centre parties, and there would be a lot of 8% parties. That would be the ideal scenario for us.


And then forming not coalitions of ideology but coalitions of convenience to ally with other smaller parties to be able to vote against and take away power from the Uni party. Because we can’t have any Parliamentary change until we smash the Uni party. Until we smash the centre two parties into a million pieces, there won’t be any Parliament change because they’re just too powerful and there’s just too many of them. So our goal shouldn’t be necessarily immediately to try to take power. Our goal should be to take away power from those that currently have it and to introduce a little bit of chaos into the system to create a vacum that can be filled later.


Mark Collett: Yeah, I agree. I think part of what we do has always got to be taking a message to people that’s going to provoke a reaction. Now you want two reactions from people. You want the people who like you to be cheering and the people who dislike you to be wailing. So you make the maximum amount of sound possible with what you do.


Now, something else that we do is we do a lot of legal work, we do a lot of advocacy, we do a lot of help with young men.


So this week I helped the young guy who’s been struggling to get a job. He’s been in the doldrums, but helped him with a CV. This is something that I do regularly and help people with sort of training for interviews, for going for a job. We do legal advocacy and we do a series of different sort of training seminars, helping young people with life skills, things like that.


And I think that one of the things that’s missing amongst the White community, well, firstly, we’re not a community. But as soon as we stopped being a community, there stopped being a support network.


And I think that something that we do here that I’m particularly proud of is providing that support network. So Patriotic Alternative has already helped this year with several legal cases, one employment tribunal and one other legal case. And we’re always doing this to help people who’ve been discriminated against. Do you think the National Socialist Network will get involved in that kind of advocacy as well, or is that something you’re already doing?





Thomas Sewell: We’re already doing it a little bit on the side. So we have something, we have a similar tribunal, it’s called the Fair Work Commission, for when guys get doxed and lose their jobs.


So we’re always providing basic administrative advice for how to guys to engage in those processes, because it’s obviously unjust and improper for someone to be fired for their political views. And often they get a good result and they get a little bit of a payout and then, but “the process is the punishment”. You know, they, they’ve lost a job in the industry they actually want to work in. I’ll preface this whole conversation with what I’ve been telling my junior leaders as of the last sort of nine months, which is that their main trade is politics! What I’ve been teaching my guys, the guys that are region reps and sort of little branch reps, is that this is actually long term, their trade.


So whatever you’re doing for a job, whatever you’re doing for your career, whatever your trade is at the moment, whether you’re an engineer, whether you’re a lawyer, whether you’re a dentist, or a doctor, or a plumber, or a carpenter, regardless of all those things, you need to be starting to transition over the next 10 years or five years, depending on how high you are within the organisation structure. You need to be starting to think:


“Well, I’m doing 40 hours a week hitting nails into wood. How many hours a week am I learning statecraft?”


Because what we need to do more than engage in party politics is actually build a shadow government. We need to build an opposition government. We need to build a government, not a political party.


And that’s what I’ve always told people, that we are currently engaged in the endeavour of building a political party. But from day one, we have been engaged in building a government. And so a government provides services to its people.


So obviously an intelligent White nationalist organisation or ethno-nationalist organisation engages in some sort of quasi government service with its people. And it needs to be balanced. It needs to be balanced. You know, stick and carrot or, … That’s probably not a good term for talking about your own people. That’s more talking about the wider population that doesn’t really get it yet, but it is important to balance. It’s a very fine balancing act between the feminine and masculine forces of politics. And the feminine forces, I think, of politics. Well, that’s one way of looking at it. You could divide it as feminine or masculine, or you could divide it as fighting and logistics. You could, you could look at it from the perspective that the Taliban are the government in Afghanistan at the moment. And they obviously had people fighting us, fighting the Australians, fighting the British, fighting the Americans in open warfare.


But if you look at it purely from a political perspective, a lot of their success was the fact that they actually controlled vast swathes of the rural society. They governed over that society before they governed over the cities. And when we have the so-called fall of Afghanistan and the Taliban rule as of 2020 under the late Trump and Biden administration, what we’re really seeing is not the Taliban take over all of a sudden, nothing to everything, we’re just seeing them take over the cities. They already ruled the countryside, they already provided services to the countryside within their own rulebook, what they perceived to be the rule of law through obviously Sharia. They then implemented that on the fake astroturfed Afghani liberal democracy that was never going to be able to be sustainable in Afghanistan because it’s not real, it’s fake and gay.


So likewise, our people need to have a sense of loyalty to our mission based off the theoretical, which is, sorry, the ideas space, but unfortunately, well not necessarily unfortunately. But the reality is that that’s only a certain percentage of politically effective and politically active and politically thinking people of all different ages and also male and female, men and women. But the average Joe is thinking more in Terms of Services, more in terms of not what I can do for the state or for the folk or for the government, but what’s the government or the state or the nationalist organisation can do for them. So it does have to be a balancing act.


Obviously our main disagreement, which we don’t need to get into is that I ban picking up rubbish, for example, But I will change my policy on that when we actually have a suburb, when we have a suburb and when we have a town and when we have a park that we visit all the time and we actually have a sense of community, because we don’t, like as White people. There is no White National Park. There is no White public hall or public park or anything like this. When that occurs, I will change my policy on obviously keeping our streets clean.


But I do think that, and I do like what you guys and Patriot Front have done in terms of disaster relief. And we actually for the first time ever did a little bit with the storms up in Queensland. Not this time, but I think. Oh, sorry, both times.


So last year and this year there were some storms in Queensland and some of our guys, we didn’t promote it as much as maybe we should have or could have. But we’re not looking at this stage to over inflate our sense of community service because we’re not doing that much community service. So we are focusing on the political first and community service in the background.


But yes, certainly an expanded answer as well on the subject of a legal lobby and on lawfare. And we, every organisation that wishes to succeed in this game, yours, mine, Patriot Front, needs to have multiple wings, multiple arms. And I do appreciate the way that the British, that yourself and others, have focused quite heavily on building the infrastructure. Because every country, every White country doesn’t just need a White vanguard, doesn’t just need a White political force or meta-political force, but it does also need, … Because what is a meta-political force, it’s a way of achieving a political goal without the, just the direct and obvious route of Parliamentary politics. And so everything is political power.




And that’s what I tell people A petrol station, or a service station is technically political power, it’s meta-political power. But it is like investing in your own community is a political action. You know, building a political lobby group is political power. So we do need to have all of our white-collar people combining forces and working together as a team and building these, … We’ve got an overarching model where it’s not actually called the NSN, it’s called White Australia. And we have the NSN as our primary activist network. We have the EAM [European Australian Movement] which is our active club organisation which has been running just as long as NSN.


And a lot of people been confused of that is are you NSN or are you EAM? And it’s like, well look, for all public purposes I guess we’re NSN, but we’ve always had EAM running in the background as more of a community building and active club operation.


And obviously what we’re transitioning into is how do we go about building, like we don’t have a name for it. We’ve got a team of guys at the moment, some within the Org itself and some people that we’ve recruited from outside the Org that don’t want to necessarily run around the park and do push ups or run around the street in black block saying “Australia for the White man”. But they do believe Australia is for the White man.


And so we’re trying to build a team that. I don’t have a name for it just yet, but I’ll come up with one eventually when it’s necessary. That yeah, their main focus is just lawfare. Their main focus is just getting judgements at higher levels of court so that the political rights of Australians are protected, whether that be to do with freedom of speech, which we actually do have in Australia. We do! And that’s what’s being contested at the moment is we’ve got two different sets of laws in Australia that are contradictory to each other. And we’re the guys are going to be going to the High Court saying:


“Well hang on a minute, you can’t exist in a state of here’s four judgements within our constitution saying we have free speech and here’s four new laws that have been passed in the last 12 months that say we don’t have freedom of speech. So which one is it?”


So it needs to be contested. They’ve overstretched, overreached! And we’re going to catch them lacking. I think there’s a very strong chance we’re going to catch them lacking when it goes before the High Court, and they’re shitting themselves at the moment and they don’t know exactly what to do. And the people that are responsible for this fumble and this mistake, they’re just going to be removed from office. And a bunch of new faces that haven’t made mistakes yet are going to be put in place. And that’s a Band Aid issue that the system always has.


But multifaceted. And again, media is another important wing of any political organisation. That’s something that the Right-wing in Germany did very, very well. Right-wing the nationalists in Germany did very well in the late Weimar years, was they had a huge amount of Right-wing media. Now in Australia, all we really have, well, what we have on our side, there’s a great independent media company called The Noticer which does a very objective and fine job at stating the facts. And that is absolutely, … I see grandmas and grandpas, even see Leftists sharing articles from The Noticer. And that’s a great alternative media platform to what we call “Sky Jews” or Sky News. So I’m sure you’ve got Sky News as well in Britain it’s like in Australia it’s like our equivalent of Fox News. I think three quarters or over three quarters of the presenters are Zionists. The whole platform is a Zionist platform.


But I think three quarters are actually jewish Zionists and the rest are non-jewish Zionists. And it’s an absolutely horrible and disgusting platform that has maybe 10% at best, fair and reasonable people on it. I think 10%, maybe 20% of the guys on that platform actually care about Australia. They just unfortunately have to also care about Israel in order to care about Australia at the same time.


But that is a genuinely horrible platform outside of those, that sort of 10%. And that is a dangerous situation where the Right-wing is reliant on one singular news platform to try to get any sort of fair take in their favour because they’re always going to attack us because it’s a complete, you know, Zionist operation to control the Right-wing. So media would be just as important as your lawfare, as your legal lobby.


Whereas what I get asked by a lot of the older guys is:


“Where is the ADL for White people? You know, where’s the Anti-Defamation League for White people? Where’s the White lobby?”


And I think that is absolutely! And I know that one of your colleagues, is it Kate? Kate is trying to build A White lobby, I believe at the moment in England?





Mark Collett: We work with a group called the Workers of England, Union. So they have actually set up a trade union and that’s who we sort of ally with because they’ve actually got qualified legal experts, which is what you need to win these cases. And we partner with them to help promote a genuine trade union that stands up for workers.


And obviously a trade union has to be all encompassing. It can’t discriminate on the basis of race. So anyone can join the Workers of England, Union. But the Workers of England, Union is the only union in the country that will defend nationalists who are sacked for speaking their mind.


And this year we’ve already had some massive wins doing that. And we work with a solicitor called Robin Tilbrook, who runs a political party called the English Democrats. And he is the only solicitor in the country that has used civil law to actually, because he’s a practicing solicit, so he can go to court to sue the leaders of the grooming gangs to get civil compensation for the victims. Because what happens in this country, which this might shock you with, the grooming gangs, they get very, very short sentences and they might be forced to pay a couple of thousand pounds in compensation.


But most of these men are actually quite wealthy. They own their own businesses, they own property and their wealth is tied up in lots of different assets that can be seized. Well, Robin Tilbrook actually used the civil court to take a convicted grooming gang leader who had already been found guilty in the criminal court through the civil court system and they got a massive compensation package.


So what we’re actually hoping to do is roll out a system whereby as soon as these grooming gang leaders are released from prison, we immediately take them to court, civil court, and seize their houses. Because in their community, going to jail actually doesn’t shame them. Their community stands by them. But when they lose their wealth and their house, that does shame them. And it hits them a lot harder because most people can stand four or five years in jail. Most people can’t stand losing a 500,000 pound house. You know, that affects the entire family. So we do have legal advocacy and we do it with those groups.


Now, there is one question I wanted to ask you briefly because we’re going to the second hour now. We’re going to do the Superchats. If you haven’t Superchatted yet, but you’d like to contribute to my work on the show, please consider doing so.


But one thing I was going to ask you is, I don’t know if you saw it. But I did a review of the recent documentary on NSN. I did it here on Odysee. I watched the full thing live and gave commentary on it. And I’ve got to say it was one of the most blatant and disingenuous hit pieces I’ve ever seen!


So even in the UK, the hit pieces aren’t as bad as that because the whole thing built up to like some kind of terrorist attack and then the terrorists ended up being Muslims or blacks [chuckling] and it was nothing to do with you. They obviously using that or try to use that show to bring in new laws or new legislation to potentially harm you. Is that something you worry about in the future? The media colluding with the state to actually bring in some kind of legislation that would outright stop you advocating in the way that you are?


Thomas Sewell: It’s not a new concern of mine because it’s been happening since day one. If you are familiar or remember that I was imprisoned without trial for seven months before giving bail and having a whole series, I think 12 out of 13 charges were dropped and I was released from prison. That occurred in 2021 during the Covid lockdowns.


And when I tried to get full disclosure from the prosecution, which is what it’s called here in Australia, I’m sure it’s called something similar in Britain. Full disclosure. Is that correct, Mark? Yeah.


So when we try to get full disclosure for the defense, …


Mark Collett: It’s just called disclosure. In the UK, they have to give you every bit of evidence that supports your case as well, even if it undermines their case. And just as a funny aside, when they took me to jail, I made a claim that we had information that Muslims had guns in mosques in Bradford.


And when I got my disclosure bundle, there was actually a redacted piece showing that the police actually did have information that Muslims had guns in mosques in Bradford.


So yeah, we do have disclosure.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. So when my lawyers organised full disclosure from the police, there was actually a bar on that. There was a ban on that full disclosure and, or a stop, a hold, I don’t know what the exact term was called.


But they went to a higher court and they did something called public interest immunity, which basically is like:


“This is a state secret. It’s against the public’s interest to know this state secret. And therefore Mr. Sewell and the defense can’t have full disclosure.”


And we got this very small, very thin, maybe not even/4 disclosure. I don’t even think we got 1/4 of what we asked for in the disclosure. And they sent three King’s Councils to the Higher Court, not the High Court, but to the, I think it was the county. And they sent three Kings Councils. And can you guess who the three Kings Councils represented? One the police, the prosecutor, one the Attorney General, which is ASIO [Australian Security Intelligence Organisation], the government, and one, Channel Nine, the news.


Now why would Channel Nine be sending a King’s Council to a serious court of law in Australia to ban Thomas Sewell from getting full disclosure to defend against false allegations, if they’re not in collusion already? Why would Channel Nine, AISO and Victoria Police both send three lawyers, one lawyer each? Why would three of them come to court together to say to a county court judge:


“We don’t think Thomas Sewell should have the information he needs to defend himself because it’s against the public’s interest?”




So it’s not a new concern of mine. I’ve known from day one that these, a lot of these media companies are embedded with ASIO operatives. And ASIO has admitted that themselves. ASIO just doesn’t give a fuck, clearly. And when they’ve been in Senate inquiries, The head of ASIO, Mike Burgess, which is equivalent to your MI5 has said that:


“We have journalists in our employment.”


I mean that’s a pretty stupid thing to say, don’t you think? And we all know how the American system works with the majority of journalists are CIA or ex-CIA in America. So likewise I’m sure Britain and Australia is no different. They’re either CIA, sorry, they’re either intelligence operatives, or they are Left-wing communists. And it’s usually pretty easy to tell which one is which because one always supports Israel and the other doesn’t support Israel. And that’s how you can tell which ones are communists and which ones are intelligence operatives.


So that’s what we deal with globally or especially in the Anglo-sphere.


But I don’t think Russia or Ukraine would be any different. Or Poland or Hungary. I’m pretty sure they’ve got the same problem.


And yeah, I’m not concerned about them passing any laws to ban us because we have survived like three major Senate inquiries. We get raised at the Senate Question Time all the time. Mike Burgess, the leader, the head of ASIO has to be rolled out every time questions are asked about us and he has to sit there and roll his eyes and look at his deputies and say:


“Well you know, they’re awful people. But they’re currently not breaking the law and I’m not making any recommendations to have them listed as a terror group.”


And he has to unfortunately do that about four times a year for the past sort of yeah. Ridiculous number of these inquiries. So even he’s getting bored of them. Even I’m getting boredom. I don’t even watch him anymore. I just get the highlight reel now because they usually go for three hours at least, sometimes more, sometimes six hours. I used to watch it start to finish, stressing out:


“Oh, oh, God! Are we gonna get., …”

You know what I mean? The word you don’t want me to say on stream. But are we going to get [word unclear] and become political prisoners and am I doing 10 years in jail and getting some peace and quiet so I can write a book, or five?


But now I don’t really stress about it at all because we’re just, it would take a radical, it would take a few things. It would take a number of things. But that hit piece that they did on us was really just low energy. It was the worst one they’ve ever done. What was it called, Leaving Hate?


Mark Collett: Radicalised, wasn’t it? That was the name.


Thomas Sewell: Okay, well, maybe it was called that, but I saw it advertised as Leaving Hate. I’m pretty sure it was the ABC, which is the Australian.


Mark Collett: Yeah, just let me just look it up. I had the, it’s on my Odysee.


Anyway, what was it actually called? Because I actually used the graphic from their own, let me see if I can find it.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s not super crucial, but yeah, …


Mark Collett: It was called Radicalised. Well, that was the name on the graphic that they produced.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, okay. Yeah.


So I think that that was the lowest effort that they’ve ever done. They’ve never made an attack on us. So low energy.


And obviously their strategy was very lazy and improper. And I don’t think it really convinced anyone but the lowest end of the bell curve in terms of political perception, which we’re not really going to be gaining their support anytime soon either.


But anyone that was perceptive and actually paid attention while watching it, even to the smallest degree while they’re doing their nightly routine of having dinner or whenever it was on television. They would see that. Okay, what are they talking about? Okay, a 17 or 18 year old joined the Org. The mother’s upset that he joined the Org. She freaked out and contacted the media because apparently I’m kidnapping her son by having him come to our boxing training voluntarily. And then try to conflate that with several non-Whites that went and committed terror attacks and one White autistic teenager that was groomed by a mosque into committing a terror attack. And then went back to talking about us. So, it’s called a “shit sandwich” and we were the bread! And you know, Islamic terror was shit the in the middle. And they were trying to conflate us with them.


And I don’t think it was effective. I think it was lazy. I was expecting it to be way worse! But maybe our OPSEC’s [Operational Security] a little bit better now. And we caught a journalist a little bit before that and he turned out to be a gay meth addict. And he just promoted us. He just wrote articles about how we’ve got blonde White baby makers and you know, we’ve got a fertility model and you know, we’re having lots of babies and we’re encouraging women to be Trad. And you know, and this was written by a guy that’s written articles in the past about going over to Thailand and having sex with little boys for $12. So these are our enemies? Yeah, I think we’re doing pretty well, to be honest. I don’t think anyone. They’re just so out of touch!


I mean, how can a gay meth addict criticise, … In what world does a gay meth addict have any right to criticise a bunch of wholesome, normal Chungus White people that are having babies, having families and dancing around a maypole? I mean, they just put all of our wholesome Chungus best optics up and then put dark gloomy music on. And they interviewed, I think two gay brothers from one of the wives. I think one of the wives in the Org has.





Mark Collett: Yeah, those two freaks were absolutely reprehensible! I mean, they were talking about like the way to bring up children. I actually said:


“There’s no way to let them [chuckling] anywhere near my children!”


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, and this just shows the complete out of touchness of the regime.


And as I’ve always said, Mark, it’s about heightening the contradictions. And sometimes these people do our job for us because it’s actually our job to hide in the contradictions, not theirs. It’s their job to muddy the waters. But they made it really clear that we’re nice, wholesome White people having blond and babies. And the people that don’t like that are pink haired freaks with shit in their face that suck dick every second night on Grindr.


So it’s not looking good for them. They’re not sending their best. They’re not really thinking this through. You know, these aren’t your grandfather’s jews is the expression that I heard from some, one of the senior members. These aren’t your grandfather’s jews! These are privileged, very, very privileged, lazy jews and non-Whites. This is DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/DIE: Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity] hit pieces.


I mean, this is the DEI. It was like a Sri Lankan chick that was obviously organising it. We’re currently in communication with the Channel 7 journalist. Channel 7 is not a very good reputable company either. It is better than the ABC and it’s definitely better than Channel Nine.


Now this guy again, I’m, you know, no spring chicken to this. You know, I’m sure a lot of people will be like:


“Thomas, be careful! Thomas, you have to be really careful. Thomas, I don’t know if you know this, but journalists are sneaky. Thomas, be careful!”


So just everyone in the comments section that’s about to say this, just hold your tongue, all right? This is not my first rodeo, okay? I’ve done this a few times now. I’m actually kind of sharp and I know how to wield the sword of truth. So just don’t stress so much! The hysteria that’s going to come from this line.


But there’s a journalist at the moment that wants to do an insider documentary on us. He wants to do it properly, unlike what these people done where they’ve kind of done a hit piece without our permission and not even give us, you know, 15 seconds to defend ourselves. And now will he succeed in his operation in terms of passing through the editor stage? Probably not. And if it does, it’ll be edited to hell, of course.


But we’re going to show them what we do as an organisation. We’re going to give this guy an insight into the plan, not necessarily the planning, but we’ll probably larp some planning. We don’t want to give away what we’re doing before we’re doing it, but we’ll let him film our activism. We’ll let him film some of the training that we do. And you know, he asked if he can film like some political meetings and so, you know, we’re working out a way of doing that without having guys doxxed and just giving them a little bit of an open insight thing.


We are building our own documentary as well at the moment. It’s a very important thing to show the public and show people what you actually doing with your organisation so that they have an insider take so that it’s not all just doom and gloom music on the ABC.


But yeah, we’re working on those two projects at the moment with this channel, Channel 7 journalist and obviously with our own internal one which we need a lot of work and a lot of practice to pump that out.


And yeah, I think that one. I’m actually quite excited for my next meeting with this Channel 7 guy because he kind of got a bit famous during the Covid situation for being one of the only journalists that was actually against the lockdowns and against the Covid issues. And he actually lost his job at Channel 7 because of that. And he’s since been rehired and I think he’ll give us the fairest go we could possibly get and you know, we’ll put on a little spectacle and show people what we are.


But obviously long term, it’s not the solution long term. We need to produce all of our own media ourselves. But it would be an interesting way of working with the, I mean they’re going to do a hit piece on us anyway. So I’ve got nothing to hide. Truth fears, no investigation.


So it would be better to sit down and have the interviews with them. The most likely scenario is, I don’t know if you remember when I did the interview with Todd Sampson from Channel 10. Todd Sampson, he’s quite famous. I think he’s Canadian, but he’s quite famous in Canada and in Australia. He’s kind of like a Louis Thoreau. He’s like a 40 cent Louis Thoreau. He’s not as famous as Louis Thoreau. You’ve been interviewed by Louis Thoreau, haven’t you?




Mark Collett: No.


Thomas Sewell: Oh, you haven’t?


Mark Collett: He reached out to my organisation at one point wanting to do like a weird weekend, but we said no. Yeah, like he comes along and he sort of, … We have to do the Superchats in a minute. But he comes along and does the whole like:


“Well, we’re gonna make you look like you’re, …”


He comes along and sort of makes friends with you but then makes you out that you’re the weirdest people that he’s spent time with. And he’s done it with Right-wingers before. He’s done it with some American groups and I’m kind of sceptical about doing things like that. We tend to shy away from the fly on the wall documentaries to be honest.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, different horses for different courses. I think we did really well. We got a lot of really good feedback, Blair and I, from the public for our interview with Sam Newman, who is a huge talking head here in Australia. He is probably one of the most influential talking heads before he got kicked off the mainstream news for being too anti-woke so to speak. And he is one of the biggest, he was one of the biggest and most influential characters in Australian media. And we went on his podcast and obviously you would have seen that. And for some reason he had a hard on for Blair in a bad way.


And apparently I was the most reasonable person he’s ever met from this side of politics, which [chuckling] I thought was kind of bizarre because I’m pretty extreme. Blair was kind of the moderating factor and for some reason Sam saw it the other way around.


But either way I think that was really effective because it was a sit down for 40 minutes or 50 minutes and ideas could be properly fleshed out.


And a lot of older people that have watched Sam Newman for 20, 30 years were saying to me that they’ve never actually, because they don’t watch these kind of shows, they don’t watch a Mark Collett Tom Sewell podcast. They don’t watch a Joel Davis Blair Cottrell podcast. But they will watch Sam Newman. They’ll sit down for 40 minutes and watch Sam Newman waffle on about something.


And so they’d actually only ever seen the media’s perception of us in those little 15 second segments on the news. They’ve never actually seen us be sit down before and interviewed for any extended period of time. And they were quite surprised. And these are people that aren’t supporters of the Org. They were very surprised at how much they agreed with basically everything that we had to say except maybe they’re not as historically literate, like Sam isn’t, on Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust, which we don’t need to get into.


And likewise, I think with this Channel 7 interview, we will get a chance to show people what we actually are, what we actually do and that we’re a completely voluntary organisation. And try to fight back against this nonsense that giving young White men a system of values and giving young White men a new way of behaving that they haven’t been exposed to before within the faggot education system, and that there are actually positive male role models in society. You will just find that they’re all on the Right or they’re all in the pro-White scene. Because they’re the only people that actually care about a future for our people.


And to do that, we need to rebuild man and woman as the building block of society. And man and woman is fundamentally sick within liberal democracy and our political views. The root of them is to rebuild man as a new archetype and to rebuild woman as a new archetype. And we have had a lot of people reach out to us, not just in the media, but within people that have left mainstream political parties. And the thing that they’re most amazed and sort of surprised about us as a political identity is our obsession, as they call it, with physical fitness. They find that they actually like it. It’s shocking to them, but they’re amazed by it in the sense that they’ve never seen so many people come together with a political idea but engage in physical activity.


And they said to us, I’ve had one guy recently who was a someone, I won’t say who and where, but someone deep within the system that’s leaving the system and seeking out to help people like us, not necessarily overthrow the system, but certainly surpass it. And he was saying that:


“The reason why the Liberal Party is so afraid of you guys is because you guys can get more people to a boxing session with a political identity attached to it than they can to a political meeting! And that scares the hell out of them because they can’t even get people to sit in a seat and listen. And you guys are getting them to run 10 kilometers. That’s impressive!”


“And that’s why they’re freaking out. And they don’t know how to treat you guys. They don’t know how to deal with you guys because of the sheer tenacity and mental fortitude and strength that you guys have!”


Just the vitality of the whole culture, the political culture we’re building. So we are building a new archetype of man and a new archetype of women. Most of our women, not all, but most of our women have little side hobbies that they help out the movement with. They’re not just all just barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, although a whole bunch of them are a lot of the time of the year.


But they also have hobbies. They make trinkets, they do little art projects, they do things that they want to do. They’re not, a lot of them aren’t going to work. There’s very few women in our community that go to work. But it’s not frowned upon. They can, of course, if they want to learn skills and do certain things. But you know, everyone knows what the priority is and it’s focusing, if you can afford it, on having, which I think everyone can. It’s just about taking a hit to the standard of living without a dual income. I think everyone can do it. It’s just what you prioritize. A certain standard of living, or six children. Me. It’s obvious and I think with a lot of women in our scene, it’s obvious.




But yeah, they’re shocked at that because the Liberal Party and the Labour Party, they’re trying to turn women into prime ministers! And they’ve got all these staffers and they’ve got this culture within Parliament where they’re hiring gay prostitutes and you know, raping each other in Parliament, and then they’re complaining on the Australian Broadcasting Company that we’re, we’ve got women dancing around the maypole holding babies and pregnant!


And it’s like:


“Wow, that’s a bit of a contradiction, isn’t it?”


The evil outsiders are having little nice community festivals on Midsummer, which was near Christmas, three days before Christmas. And doing these little cute little kind of European, Aryan, Anglo centric community days, while Parliament, they’re having gay orgies! It’s a little bit different, isn’t it? So who will triumph in the end, who will triumph? Yeah, the Righteous or the evil?


Yeah, let’s just do some of these Superchats.


Mark Collett: Let’s do these Superchats and then we’ll see who triumphs! ItsOkToBeANationalist gave 14.88. Thank you so much! Said:


“Thomas, are there billions of Indians attending their weird water purifying ceremony in heaven?”


I don’t know what that means, but.


Thomas Sewell: Short context, I said on stream that one way of looking at politics is not as a political identity, but as a near religious identity. And that whether you’re Christian or whether you’re pagan or whether you’re agnostic, the idea of heaven is something that you can fathom the idea of a future some point in the eternal and the ethereal, where you go after your life or where your children go after your life, that’s something that I think most people can imagine and can have a creative concept of, and a political idea is quite simple, but it can be subject to change. Whereas an idea of heaven is quite eternal. It’s not really subject to change.


And so the conversation was not, are there going to be millions of Indians in Australia? But are there going to be millions of Indians in heaven? And the water purification ceremony is some Hindu ritual where I think 450 million Hindus came to this one river and just sludged the whole river out. And there was a video of it that went viral on Twitter of the world’s biggest religious meeting.


And what I asked was:


“Is this in heaven? Do you see this in heaven? Like in your vision of heaven, does this concept exist?”


And the answer is, of course, no. And I preface that with, are there birds in heaven. Are there bees in heaven? Of course. Are there 450 million Indians doing a water purification ceremony in your version of heaven? That’s the question people should ask themselves and then that can help them. Perhaps, …


Mark Collett: Probably not.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. So are they grooming gangs in heaven? No! So why are they grooming gangs here? Well, clearly we’re not in heaven yet, so we should be working towards that, shouldn’t we? We should be working towards a better afterlife for ourselves and our children.


And so we got to solve these problems in a number of ways, including the political.


Mark Collett: Indeed. DerCherusker gave $5. Thank you so much, my friend. He said:


“Good episode and powerful takes.”


Thank you very much. Stan 1 gave, $25. Thank you so much, my friend. He said:


“Great show, great guest here in Britain. We recently had a former government advisor stating that a future civil war is a real possibility. Is that the same possibility for Australia? And will the dystopia of Mad Max become a real scenario?”


Thomas Sewell: I wouldn’t go as far as Mad Max, but it’s certainly a prophetic idea with the fuel shortages that we’re going to have incorporated with the space and distance between living communities in Australia. But yes, absolutely! I mean Mark’s already concerned where I’m going with this question, so I’ll behave.


But yeah, obviously it’s not our fault. Obviously it’s not White nationalism that’s going to cause a civil war. It’s liberal democracy! Liberal democracy is continuing to lump non-integrable people that hate each other just as much as they hate us in a lot of cases, liberal democracy is lumping all of these people together, and it’s a recipe for disaster! And our goal is to actually prevent that disaster.


There’s obviously a lot of people that are preparing for it, but we need to prevent it. There needs to be a concerted effort, a strong effort to prevent that from happening. And the only rational way to prevent civil war is mass deportations! Because otherwise, I mean, look at the Middle East. Look at what happens when you lump a whole bunch of different ethnicities. They’re actually pretty similar to each other in one space. Sectarian violence is the result of all these vastly different communities on a long enough timeline. Because that’s the, … Yeah, I’ll leave it there Mark. How does that sound? I don’t want to get too deep on that question, do I?




Mark Collett: I want to say this. I’m just gonna say this. This was actually on a podcast. There’s this woman, and I’ve just looked it up, so I get the name right. She’s a British journalist called Louise Perry, and she does this podcast called Maiden, Mother, Matriarch. And she’s got less than 30,000 subscribers on YouTube, so significantly less popular than I was when I was on there. This podcast she’s done has blown up, and the podcast is called The Coming Civil War.


Now, I find this really interesting because I’m looking up this Louise Perry, and I think she’s obviously somebody who’s got some sort of influence in the system. And I kind of get really suspicious when you have a woman like that, some female journalists, she’s allowed on YouTube, and she starts talking about civil war, about the breakdown of society, how this is all going to be on racial lines.


Now, I know that if I did a podcast saying:


“Look, society is going to break down, there’s going to be a civil war on racial lines, and this is the end!”


I’d get my door kicked through within a couple of days. And I kind of look at people doing things like that. And then I see people who were arrested after the Southport incidents who did, who’ve said far less than that, who just said:


“Look, you know, problems are coming to a town near you!”


And they ended up serving two, three weeks in jail for just saying problems coming to a town near you.


And then there’s this journalist with some government advisor, like doing Fed Post Central!


And I kind of wonder what their game is because after being around as long as I have, I always smell a rat when people who are so involved in the system come out and are allowed to do a YouTube video that by any other standard would be an instant ban and a knock on the door. So probably beware of that weird Louise Perry. That’s my advice.


Great Works gave a hundred dollars. Thank you so much for your generosity. Said:


“Thank you, Mark, for networking between nationalists and the Commonwealth. I think the UK may fall, but we’ll still all in this together. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, and the US to a lesser extent. In my opinion. The US is so opposed to us ideologically, it will always oppose Commonwealth unity.”


Look, I love people from Australia, New Zealand. I like people from the U.S. I think the thing is, one thing I’ve always tried to foster throughout my sort of 300 episodes of PWR and 100 episodes of This Week on the Alt-Right is getting people from all over the White world to work together. Because this nonsense that because there’s been ethnic rivalries in the past, there should be ethnic rivalries now is just divisive. Because every single group of White people, wherever they are in the world, whether they’re indigenous or whether they’re settlers who built a proud nation, we all face the same problem.


So if we don’t stand together, we’ll all be screwed separately! That’s how I see it.


Thomas Sewell: Absolutely!


Mark Collett: Anyway, Ben gave $3, thank you so much, and said:


“Hello Thomas, to touch on what you said in the issue of Left versus Right, do you think that the association of far-Right politics with anti-female sentiment is harmful to White nationalism in terms of attracting young White women to the movement? Anti-Whites seem to have got a grip on that demographic.”


Thomas Sewell: I would argue that politics is polarizing everywhere, that it’s polarizing for young men, it’s polar polarizing for young women.


And so we are living in a society where toxic femininity is never called out, not once! No one is doing it. And the only people, sorry, no one is doing it that’s a reasonable person. The only people that are doing it are these kind of online mulatto pimps. And that’s not good that they can control that sentiment. So because it is a genuine sentiment, there is a genuinely toxic behaviour in both young men and young women. Now all the potentially toxic behaviour in young men that’s being called out usually isn’t actually toxic behaviour. It’s traditional behaviour. Traditional notions of masculinity are the healthy and normal ones and they’ve been conflated as being toxic.


Obviously there are some improper and impious behaviours that maybe not so much traditional, but maybe archaic that are called out from time to time. And I don’t usually engage too much in that, in calling that stuff out. But what I have done in the past is I’ve been honest enough. One out of every 365 takes, is to call out certain types of female behaviour.


And what I’ve noticed is that that is a fixation point for some people to argue that the entire Right-wing or far-Right or White national scene is now going to fail because now we’ve alienated women as a whole because one or two or three behaviours have potentially been called out. And second to that, the idea that I’m not a human being and I’m not allowed personal preferences, that I’m your spokesperson, I’m your slave, and I’m beholden to only hold opinions that you agree with, and that I can’t have my personal tastes in this world, I can’t be an individual, I’m not entitled to any sort of individuality, which makes me a character. That makes me more than just a political spokesperson, I find personally reprehensible because no one’s holding anyone else to that account.


So that’s my statement about that. I don’t think that we’re losing the female population. I think that liberal democracy is losing the female population. And I think liberal democracy is destroying the White female population.


And we shouldn’t be looking at gender or class war. I am a National Socialist and I believe in what Adolf Hitler believes, which is that we need class marriage and that we need marriage between men and women, that we need a marriage of the sexes where men and women are working together for a collective future. Now part of working together is having those difficult and uncomfortable conversations with each other. Women have absolutely no shortage of complaints about male behaviour. They’ve got an infinite list! But every now and then men have some small concerns with female behaviour where there needs to be a course correction.




And I think we attract a lot of women to the scene that in the past we hadn’t in terms of this was a very, almost entirely male dominated space. I go on Twitter now and I see just as many women using our talking points, even anti-feminist talking points, as there are men. And I don’t think that these are just groupies and girls that are jumping on the bandwagon because it’s a celebrity scene. I think that the average girl that is polarised into our politics is aware that there’s too much toxic female behaviour. And it’s part of the reason and part of taking responsibility. So men and women both need to share that responsibility. Obviously, more is always going to be expected of the men and for the hypothetical, let’s say, so it should be that way.


But, yeah, I do notice that, I mean, certain people call them “wife guys”. I obviously have used a different term in the past which has caused controversy because it shouldn’t be a controversial term. But I do warn all the time against a culture of submissive men! I do warn all the time against a culture where men politically aren’t trusting their instincts and instead are resting their judgement, on the feelings and opinions of their partners, of their women or of just random women on the Internet, which is even worse! And we do have to work together. We do have to lean on each other’s instincts to an extent, but men need to assert their instincts!


So I can go into more depth if they want, but I think that that covers the question quite coherently.


Mark Collett: It certainly does. It Was Made Up gave $10. Thank you so much! Said:


“Your banners are awesome! Destroy Pedo Freaks is possibly the greatest banner of all time!”


Thank you so much! I agree. It’s a good banner.


Thomas Sewell: I’ll quickly respond to that. I think the secret to banners is somewhere between two to four words. I think between two to four words. And it has to be as aggressive as possible, within the law. I think a successful banner is right up until that point where that line is. And it really hits hard! It’s a force multiplier. I think that if you have a kind of, … Obviously different horses for different courses. But I think the success of that banner came from the fact that it was just three words. It was just sharp. It was revolutionary. And there’s no compromise in the message. It was just pure. It was beautiful. It was keener.


Mark Collett: Thank you. Jagdeep Jano gave $15. Thanks so much:


“Hey, both. Question for you, Tom. You spoke about how Keith Woods recently had his cringe-worthy private messages leaked by a former adult worker who’s now a groiper named Slayter. Could you give your take on this and psychoanalyze Keith? Why was he attracted to her? Are men really that desperate?”


Well, I’m going to Google this Slayter to see whether she’s attractive enough for a DM.


Thomas Sewell: I’m not sure if you’ll find anything on Google. I think the account was called SlayterHaus on Twitter. It’s probably still on Twitter. And I had people reach out and say, this is a fed operation. I don’t think so. I think it’s just a mentally ill former prostitute or prostitute.


Mark Collett: Very strange looking, isn’t she?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, definitely some sort of blood dilution in there.


But, yeah, I did make a comment and I didn’t attack Keith. I didn’t feel the need to dogpile, …


Mark Collett: Too many tattoos! She’s literally covered. She’s got more tattoos than my ex. She’s literally covered in tattoos! Like, there isn’t like a spare bit of skin, is there?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, which is not a not a good look. Not a very good look.


Mark Collett: She’s go a Breaking Bad tattoo on her leg.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, yes. That also made the meme rounds. Look at the end of the day, …


Mark Collett: She likes Nick Fuentes, though.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, she fits in with that crowd, doesn’t she?


Mark Collett: Do you know what’s odd about her? Like, I mean, if he’d had maybe quite a lot of alcohol and she sort of came up to you when you were pretty inebriated, I’m sure that you could be persuaded. But the issue is this. I never thought that would be Keith’s type. Keith is such a sort of an intelligent, erudite, charming young man. I didn’t think that would be Keith’s sort of thing. Keith! Who are you? Do we even know the real Keith?


Thomas Sewell: I would have expected a, like a shorter kind of goth girl. Maybe that’s what, if I was running a government honeypot operation, I would have sent. I would have lined up all the goth e-girls and I would have been like:


“We’ve got a mission. We’re going after the Keith!”


And I would have picked out the archetype of a certain type of goth girl.


But yeah, I think, like, what I said on stream, in brief, was that he didn’t really do anything wrong. He didn’t really do anything that bad. Like, obviously there’s a little bit of cringe there. But look, if that’s the worst that they could get. It’s not really that bad. She’s obviously. Yeah, I mean, look at it. It’s a problem.




But what I said on stream was that she presented as a snake. And yeah, she presented as a snake. That’s a snake. And when you have a snake telling you that:


“This is me, I am a snake, look at me!”


And you confide in them, because she messaged probably two dozen public faces. She messaged me asking me for advice on how to find a man. And I told her to stop being a slut! She messaged Jacob, same shit! She messaged Keith. She probably messaged, I mean, a whole range of people. I think she messaged Joel. Joe blocked her straight away because we told him like this bitch is crazy! And we started just blocking her.


You know, obviously, as a public figure, you get DMs all the time. You get e-girls and DMs all the time. And most of them you just block. And some of them are just amicable and you can just answer their question and they might not ever message you again or they might try to help you in some way. They might have some sort of they might give some sort of advice or not necessarily advice. It’s probably not the best way to put it. But in this case, obviously you have someone that’s very clearly mentally ill. And, it’s just sad that out of all the people that she messaged, the one person that was actually nice to her, and this is my take, this is what I said on stream. The one person that was nice to her, she betrayed! You know, it’s just evil. Like, it’s just a fundamentally evil creature!


Like, Keith didn’t do anything.


Mark Collett: No, no, no! He’s a single guy.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he’s a single man and he’s being entertained by a woman that is really just a an adult entertainer. And he didn’t do anything silly. He didn’t send any nudes to her. Like, there’s way worse scandals than what Keith’s done.


And yeah, obviously they just dogpiled him because they use that as an opportunity to attack the personal, when obviously Joel did a really good job at attacking the political. You know, him and Joel had a great discourse recently about nationalism versus National Socialism. And the e-Girl is just a side quest drama that takes away from the political mission. And Keith’s done a very good job at handling it and just putting his head down and just focusing on the mission. And that’s what all of us should do, regardless of distractions.


Mark Collett: Yeah, look, I got to say this. Keith’s a really nice guy.


Thomas Sewell: Should be used as motivation for everyone.


Mark Collett: To be honest, like Keith’s far too good for her. So look, Keith, if you need some brotherly advice, come to big Mark. I’ll help you out! Number one, bit of advice, don’t go for a girl like that. I’ll give you the rest off stream.


The Resident Baker gave 14.88. Thank you so much! Said:


“Great show, Mark. Very pleased to finally see you and Tom in the discussion. Does Tom have an update on Stephen Wells? Also, congratulations to Tom and the recent birth of his second child.”


Thomas Sewell: Thank you for that. The update on Stephen Wells is he’s still fighting the principle. He’s an absolute legend! He’s a Martyr for the cause. No one’s putting it up him up for it, he’s just doing it himself. He just, he wants to argue the principle that he shouldn’t be punished with bail conditions for wearing a hat and sunglasses in public. That’s absolutely an injustice! And he’s going all the way with it and wants to prove a point. I do have some messages that I haven’t responded to that have come into my inbox over the last, 24 hours or 48 hours regarding an update on him.


But yeah, we’re just trying to get a bail amendment so that he can be not in prison and also not punished outside of prison for wearing a hat and sunglasses. About a third of the charges for the, I think there was about 34 court cases over the fortnight. I think 16 non-Victorians that, sorry, non-South Australians that had gone to South Australia, and I think almost 18, I think 18 South Australians were charged prior to.


So the media made a big argument saying that:


“Oh no South Australians were charged, there was all just these outsiders.”


But that’s because they charged 18 guys the week before the rally to have them on bail conditions to stop them from going to the rally. So they actually charged more South Australians than they did. And there was one random member of the public from South Australia that was charged as well.


So I think there was 19 South Australians and 15 from outside of South Australia. And yeah, about a third of those charges have already been dropped and it seems to be at random. There seems to be no system to why some people have had loitering dropped and some people are still fighting loitering and some people have had article of disguise dropped and others are still fighting article of disguise. And the symbols charge is going to have to be fought in the High Court, because we have the right to political communication, gestures, symbols, signs. So this is a High Court thing, this is a constitutional matter, can’t be fought at magistrates.


And so if we don’t get a bail amendment for Stephen Wells, he’s going to be in there for a very long time. Which I’m not 100 sure how he’s going. I do know that he has had some phone calls with the guys, but he’s getting tortured like we all were in solitary confinement. He’s getting tortured. So nothing new under the sun in that regard. He’s in solitary confinement being tortured.


And that’s what they do to political prisoners here in Australia. That’s what they did to the 16 of us for three days, locked in cells with the light on for three days straight and fed two sausage rolls a day and a glass of water.


So, and I actually had the privilege this time of having a Jeremy Clarkson book which was pretty funny, a Top Gear book which was just a series of articles where he’s calling people Trotskyites and communists and mentioning Hitler every third article, which I thought was pretty funny.





But yeah, that book was actually pretty horrible. So I almost would have preferred a religious book. But this is what they do. This is what they do. This is the system. This is what you have to consider when you go down this path. But it only makes you stronger. And Stephen Wells is a very intelligent man and he’s a very strong, spirited man and he’s going to take a while to recover from what he’s going through.


I know for me personally, spending that much time in solitary confinement, it takes you a long time to get your head. You have to spend a lot of time in nature and staring at trees for extended periods of time, because you haven’t seen anything alive for so long. It’s a fascinating experience to see something living and just work out a way of moving on with your life and getting back into being politically effective. And yeah, he’s a very strong willed man.


So they’ve just radicalised the entire public against the system. For locking up a man on Australia Day, for celebrating Australia Day. And he kind of just looked at me and it was like something out of Batman. What is it? The Dark Knight Rises. And he kind of just looked at me and I just had this psychic, the psychic feeling. And he was just saying:


“They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.”


And that’s kind of, yeah, he’s tough as nails. So it does feel, it does feel, it’s sad, it does feel a bit sad.


But look, there is no victory without sacrifice. And he understands that. We all understand that in our organisation. Sometimes the sacrifice is very small. Sometimes the sacrifice is very great. And we need to remember that there are men on in other countries that have died, that have died. There’s many men that have died for things even less important than this. And many men that have died for how important this is so it is horrible. Anyone that has experience in solitary confinement will know that it is torture. It is a method of torture. So our strength goes out to him. He needs it.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much! ThinRedLine gave $14. Thanks so much. Said:


“Qu came very late and will have to watch the replay.”


Thank you so much! DerCherusker he gave another $5. Thank you very much. Said:


“Think a thousand times before taking a decision. But after taking a decision, never turn back. Even if you get a thousand difficulties. Keep on fighting comrades.”


Thank you very much. 1488 came from pure Nomad. Thank you so much! He said:


“So happy with PWR with Sewell finally happened. Being busy at work so we’ll catch up on it tomorrow.”


Thank you very much. Stasniki4 okay $6. Thank you very much. She said:


“Hi Mark and Thomas, over the years you both become very dedicated, fierce advocates of White well-being communities in both the UK and Australia. In your own words, what does it mean to protect the bio-spirit of the West? Also, please stop hating jews and focus on yourself. Thank you so much! Heroes Prometheus Rising.”


You don’t have to answer that was obviously a troll comment to try and get some heat between me and Jason No White guilt which we’re not going to go down that road. Wizard gave $15. Thank you so much! Said:


“Love to the Aussies leading the way.”


Thank you so much! Point gave $25, thank you very much and said:




Aunt Sally gave $5. Thank you so much my dear. She said:


“Thank you Mark and Thomas.”


Blade man gave $3. Thank you very much. Said:


“Hail Mark. Hail Tom!”


Jay Bradley gave $10. Thank you so much! Said:


“Hey Mark and Tom, just want to say full respect to Tom and Joel and the boys there. Method is the only way to go. Patriot Front are on the Right track too. Nick Fuentes is in bed with the jews. Hail!”


I’m not sure Nick Fuentes is in bed with the jews though. I think that’s because there’s a lot of things you can say about Nick, but I don’t think he’s in bed with the jews. I think that would be a mischaracterisation of his position. Unless it’s not and I’m wrong. I don’t know. Maybe I am wrong but I don’t think so.


Thomas Sewell: Moving on, moving on.


Mark Collett: Yeah. VM gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:


“Great stream both. Mark on your stream on Farage it’s worth noting he’s repeatedly strategy of bailing ship the moment people are supposedly led to victory. For example, immediately after the Brexit vote he had the power to action it from Brussels.”


No he didn’t have the power to action Brexit from Brussels. The person who had the power to action Brexit immediately was David Cameron. David Cameron could have triggered, I think it was called some Article 5 which would have allowed Britain to leave and he actually resigned as Prime Minister rather than triggering the exit thing. The only man in Britain that can trigger the exit clause was actually the Prime Minister. That is was definitely not Farage’s fault in any anyway. And Farage remained on as an MEP in Brussels until the very last day that Britain had MEPs.


MLG gave 15. Thank you so much! Said:


“Phenomenal guest! The Aussie method is the way to go!”


Well, thank you very much. David gave 25. Thank you so much! Said:


“Tom, what are your views, if you have any, on Senator Gerald Renick*? He seems to be ruffling a lot of feathers in Parliament.”




[* Gerard Rennick is an Australian politician who has been a Senator for Queensland since July 2019. He was elected as a member of the Liberal National Party of Queensland and sat with the Liberal Party in Parliament, until resigning from the party in 2024 to sit as an independent. As of 10 September 2024, Rennick sits as a member of his party, the People First Party. Wikipedia]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s so that I don’t bore your audience because you probably don’t know who that is in Britain. He’s a ex-Liberal party guy. He was elected as a Liberal, so the centre Right and he got kicked out of the party for being too Right-wing. And he’s not. I wouldn’t consider him Right-wing. I would consider him just a centrist. I’ve never heard him say anything Right-wing by our standards.


But of course the standard of Right-wing is so low that basically just investigating corruption of the Left makes you Right-wing. So I have been keeping my eye on him. I have been watching the things he’s been doing and he seems like possibly the most honest and respectable statesman that’s in the Australian Parliament. I have nothing but good things to say about him.


I don’t really know what he thinks of Israel and zionism and the jews to be honest. But I have seen him come out quite clearly saying that the jewish community, you know, pushed these Hate Speech laws and that the government pushed these Hate Speech laws full knowing that the caravan attack was a hoax. So he’s actually started to dabble in a little bit of common sense anti-semitism, which for someone in Parliament is a very scary thing to do from the Right.


So I think that he is possibly one of the only honest statesmen that Australia has. And that there is still an old White guard. I am not giving up on Australia as a whole. We’ve had some great judges, we’ve had some great judgements in the courts.


I mean, when I went to the court for the entrapment operation, the judge which wished Jacob and myself luck with our future. And the Left were seething about that and she gave us a very, very fair judgement, and she did actually really look after us in terms of making sure that we wouldn’t lose at the Supreme Court. She spent a month writing out, I don’t know how many pages it was.


And then when we went to the Supreme Court, we got a good judgement at the Supreme Court which was a great victory for justice for White Australians. I was honestly shocked!


I was not black pilled, but I was obviously pessimistic as to how the Australian institutions would go dealing with me. I thought I was going to be thrown away for 15 years. And I was quite amazed at how much of an old guard there is still in Australia that knows that the country is being run by paedophiles. And they know which judges and politicians and media people are paedophiles and are getting away with it. They know this!


And so when they see young guys like Jacob and I going through the courts, they seem to step on a lot of toes to not be too cruel to us, which is really all the friends you can kind of ask for at this stage of the game. We still got punished, but it was nominal. I got sentenced to one month in jail for something I didn’t do, but I’d already suffered seven months in jail, so I didn’t get any extra jail, and I’ve got six months in the bank.


So yeah, I think that Rennick is an example of the old guard. He’s part of the old White men and women that are entrenched in the system that have done that strategy, that have tried to play the game by the rules and they actually care about Australia. I think he actually genuinely cares about Australia, which makes him an absolute anomaly in the Australian Parliament. And certainly if I was not doing what I’m doing, I would be fledging my full support towards him.


But that’s probably not beneficial to him in the way that I think NJP endorsed Trump or David Duke or whatever. You know, I’m not doing that in an official stance, but I see only good and honest and honourable things coming from that man. I’m very impressed by one of the last statesmen I think Australia will ever have.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you. VM gave $3. Thank you so much! Said:


“On electioneering. Building power and political system without already having community networks and foolproof infrastructure is like building your sandcastle next to the tide. Permanence is key.”


Thank you so much! Stuart gave $15. Thank you very much. Said:


“Thank you. Mark, the guest I’ve been waiting for. Seeing you two together is great. Question for Tom. Do you think Sam will have you on again? You did really well there.”




Thomas Sewell: Sam Newman? Possibly. Yeah. He actually called me afterwards and told me that:


“All these jews were calling him and that it was so frustrating that what they’re saying about him isn’t true.”




“I know the truth!”


That he was just giving me a fair go and that:


“He wasn’t saying he agreed with my views, and why are these jews attacking me? And they’re coming after my hall of fame!”


And he was being my buddy for a couple hours afterwards. So I thought that was interesting. I didn’t expect that. Maybe he’ll have me on again in a year or so when he feels the need to stir the pot again. And maybe it’ll be best that I go on by myself so that he doesn’t have anyone else to flagellate. He has to attack me, man on man. He has to play the man. You know what I mean?


Like, he’s a footy boy, so he’d understand that there was no need to go after Blair. But Blair and Sam Newman were both ruckman. Blair not at the same level. Blair never played in AFL*, but Blair comes from an AFL family. I technically come from an AFL family as well, somewhat. My second cousin was a big player at one of the big clubs as well, and his first cousin is currently playing at one of the big clubs. So we are connected to the AFL scene. It is a small world. And that obviously didn’t get mentioned. You wouldn’t want to humanise us too much.


[* The Australian Football League (AFL) is the pre-eminent professional competition of Australian rules football. It was originally named the Victorian Football League (VFL) and was founded in 1896 as a breakaway competition from the Victorian Football Association (VFA), with its inaugural season in 1897. It changed its name to Australian Football League in 1990 after expanding its competition to other Australian states in the 1980s. The AFL publishes its Laws of Australian football, which are used, with variations, by other Australian rules football organisations.]


But yeah, it was interesting, his attitude. They’re both ruckman, they’re both big boys. As everyone knows, that’s met Blair in person. And Sam Newman’s a huge guy as well for his age. I mean, he’s 80.


A lot of people are saying he’s schizophrenic. He’s not schizophrenic. He’s just senile. He’s 80! I mean, to be that sharp at 80 is really impressive. He’s a thoroughbred, an absolute thoroughbred. So obviously it’s not nice, the things he said about Blair, and Blair handled himself very well in his responses.


But, yeah, I would happily go back on Sam Newman’s podcast. And whisper to the Boomers a little bit more truth!


Mark Collett: Thank you. For Camarade gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:


“True Blue Ridgy Dig Dinky D. She’ll be right. Coming up, Apples, Chopper and Jake the Musk. Always looking for new New Zealand and Australia movies. I hear Wolf Creek 3 is finally in production. Tom, the first two movies were top draw. Any new productions to look out for?”


Thomas Sewell: Not a new production, but the best Australian movie I’ve seen in the last couple of years is a movie called Long Tan, which is a movie with the guy that plays the lead actor is the guy that plays Ragnar in Vikings, and he plays the Australian, I think, captain or lieutenant that’s fighting in the battle of Long Tan in the Vietnam War. And that’s a historical battle. 6th Battalion. I learnt all this when I joined the army, and I knew it obviously, before, but I really studied it in depth. And it’s an absolute! It’s just a story of true Australian grit. Outnumbered, surrounded, and you fight through and you take casualties, but you still win. And that’s the Australian spirit from Kokoda to Long Tan. It’s a story of grit and endurance and Australians constantly punching above their weight. So great movie. I’m a very big movie critic. I know you are as well, Mark, but it’s hard to impress me. I’ll be honest.


Mark Collett: Would you come and do a movie review?


Thomas Sewell: 100% 100%!


Mark Collett: Have you ever seen, … There’s two really great Australian films that people don’t talk about enough. Don’t know if you’ve seen them, but one’s called Snow Town, which is one of the most depressing films I’ve ever seen! It’s about the John Bunting bodies in barrels film. And there was a psychological horror film called the Babadook about.


Thomas Sewell: I didn’t like that.


Mark Collett: Yeah, I thought that was really good! And the little kid, though, he’s just so annoying! [chuckling] He’s the most child, …


Thomas Sewell: I don’t like horror films, and not because I don’t like being scared. I like being scared. It’s thrilling.


But the reason why I have a particular taste with horror films is that I don’t like characters that I can’t view myself. As and when I’m watching a movie, I like to feel a sense of closeness to the, to at least someone within the film. But horror movies are full of idiots that constantly do the wrong things. And I can’t empathize with that. And I have to turn it off. Because that is actually more painful than the horror! That is the for me, the horror is the stupidity of the person making all the mistakes and not dealing with the problem. That traumatizes me deep in my soul! It hurts. I’m angry and I turn off the movie! I’m not scared. I’m just angry. Which kind of is a bit of a metaphor for my life politically. I’m not scared of the system. I hate them! I want justice for our people. But I’ll leave that rant for another day.


Mark Collett: I will say this though. In the Babadook, there’s obviously the story.


Thomas Sewell: You’re still trying to sell the Babadook to me! [chuckling]


Mark Collett: No, no!


Thomas Sewell: Let me hear it.


Mark Collett: There’s a pop up book for kids which obviously scares the little boy because the Babadook is he’s like:


“Can you read me a book before bed? I want this book.”


And it’s got like the scary man in it. And at first he thinks it’s fun, but it’s actually what sort of brings the monster into the house. But somebody actually made that book. It became so popular and they go for like one and a half thousand sort of Australian dollars on Ebay because they’re really rare. So that book actually does have memorabilia out there that it’s really sought after. But I wouldn’t suggest reading the Babadook book to your child even if you could afford it.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah.


Mark Collett: Quite emotionally [chuckling] scarring! Bluey Waffen, which is the best name ever! Do, do your kids like Bluey?


Thomas Sewell: No, that I haven’t shown them television yet.





Mark Collett: If there’s one show that is definitely approved, it’s Bluey. It’s a really good show and it’s quite wholesome. That’s a Marky recommendation. Bluey Waffen gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:


“Why do Whites tend to favour individualism over group identity? Is it a genetic trait of the White man or is it learnt behaviour? Congrats on the baby, Mark. Tom looks infinitely more Australian with a mustache.”


I think Whites are. Whites are individualistic because it’s been., … But it wasn’t always that way.


If you look at Britain in the 1970s, there were still absolutely huge White communities, like the mining communities that stood up to the Thatcher government, stood up against the police, literally fought pitched battles with the police over the winter of discontent in 1979. Western individualism came about post the 1980s materialistic lifestyle boom! Really. You can actually before that, you see amazing White communities all over the UK. I don’t know what it’s like in Australia, but individualism really became a thing in the UK from the 80s onwards.


Thomas Sewell: Mmm, I’m struggling to find a short answer because I know we’re close to the end of the show and we’re going to get through everything. I have a very long answer which I have to do on my own stream. But the short version of it is that we’ve always been both. Why are Whites perceived as more individualistic? Well, we currently, I mean, this is going to upset some people. It’s because we don’t have a strong religion. We need to have a strong religion. It’s really a spiritual sense that’s going to create strength in us. We’re always going to be individuals, if the building block is not correct. And the building block, in my opinion of religion is small community and those small communities uniting with other small communities on the basis of a shared religious, political, cultural and sense of manners. So we are too, we are naturally, I think, slightly more individualistic than the other races.


But that is actually our strength. But where we need to come together and form collectives, we’re not doing it correctly. The building block is the family from the family you have, the extended family from the extended family you have your friends and their families. And I’ve been writing about this stuff recently and reading. And you know, the Romans called this the faytri [sp], which was like the stage between a group of families. We call it family friends. I wonder if the etymology is similar, the idea your friends coming from faytri, but this idea that you build community with the people that you’re closest to in terms of values and manners and race and identity and stuff like this. And then your children grow up together instead of going to these big giant, you know, industrial schools. And this localism creates a sense of strong community because you’re actually related to each other.


Like the idea of a proper community and where White people are doing things wrong is who are you making children with is obviously the most important decision you have to make in your life. Who is your life partner in that sense? But the second most important decision from a genetic perspective is who are your friends, who are your closest friends? Because in theory, in a wholesome society, your kids are growing up together. And you know what happens when they’re teenagers, what happens when they’re in their early 20s? And your families are that close. You go to church together or you celebrate, you know, intrinsic Aryan celebrations together. Who are you having Christmas with? Who are you having Easter with? Who are you having Yule with? Who are you having Midsummer with? Or are your kids just part of the great liberal democracy experiment and going to fucking Mardi Gras and getting lost in the abyss! Are they going to Mardi Gras or are they having Midsummer in your little community? And that’s the foundation of the faytri, which is the extended family, which is all your family, friends and then me, and if me and Mark lived in the same area in England for example, or if Mark lived in Australia and we were mates and he’s got a wife and he’s got kids and I’ve got a wife and I’ve got kids. Fast forward 20, 30 years, our kids are hanging out. His sons and my daughters, my sons and his daughters.


At some point something, you know, we’re gonna, me and Mark we’re gonna share grandchildren. And no one thinks like this, that your friends are actually, … Like when you’re old men, the men you’re surrounding yourself with in theory aren’t your friends, they’re actually your co-grandparenting together and co-greatgrandparent together. And this is where political strength comes from.


And a lot of people don’t realise this. This is why the community building element., … And they’re going to call us a cult. Of course they’re going to call us a cult, but they’re all doing it. They’re all strengthening those intergenerational marriage ties in the blood. They’re all doing it. Now we don’t want to inbreed. We don’t want people marrying their first cousins. But Mark and I aren’t first cousins. Our children aren’t going to get sick if they hang out together. They’re not going to come out demented like the, oh no, Mark will say:


“Be careful, don’t say a specific race. It could be vilification.”


Mark Collett: Oh no, you absolutely can in this case. I mean there’s a big problem with the Pakistani Muslim community. The point where there are special in certain parts of the country like Bradford, there are special sort of leaflets on the wall in hospital saying, “Do not marry your first cousin”.




Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And I mean they’re retarded to start with. So if like, yeah, I’m not even going to go down that train of thought.


But yeah, this is where the basic root of political power comes from within a democracy. Within a different kind of order. It comes from a martial culture.


And I think that we should have a healthy balance between the feminine and the masculine, between Venus and Mars, between the community building and the political brotherhood. The order. There is an order, there is a hierarchy, there is a masculine institution that builds a brotherhood of men in common identity, in common ideas, ideation. That has to be balanced, of course with the community building side of things and building those strong bonds. And what stronger bond do you have with people? And this is endemic!


So if we want to talk about what’s happening in South Africa or we want to talk about what’s happening in Australia or we want to talk about what’s happening with the grooming gangs in England, for example, where a community can survive things like these grooming gang attacks is about accountability and responsibility. And the people that were affected by the grooming gangs in England, I’m just making a generalisation here. Were people that were communityless. There were people that were in weak, isolated, disadvantaged, small families, or no family at all! They were wards of the state. And they are the vulnerable people. They are vulnerable and they’re vulnerable because that doesn’t happen. And I’ve done this rant a couple times and it’s not actually to do with this topic, it’s to do with politics in general. And it was actually to do with Covid was how it was raised to me.


I was working on a farm and I was building an old guy shed. I was putting a roof on his shed as part of my work as a labourer. And this old guy came over to me. He was 73 years old. His great grandfather purchased that farm from the Crown prior to federation. So pre-1901. And his family has lived on this farm the whole existence that Australia has existed. And he said to me:


“Do you know why they did that Covid thing to you? You know how they got all you guys locked up and how they got you all bundled up and all that shit they forced on people, you know how they did it?”


And then he’s like, he said:


“When I was your age, there was six families here. I’m the last one left. I’m the only one left on my land. All the rest have been bought up and pushed out by the local government through taxation and everything else, and the property developers. I’m the only one left. But when I was your age, there was six families here and I came from the smallest family. There was only seven or eight of us, but the McMillan’s had 14 and the Jeffersons had 12.”


And he’s pointing at all these farms and he’s saying that:


“If a police officer did that or if a man did that to one of any one of their sisters, …”


Because there was videos coming out in Australia where police officers were choking young girls and pushing them up against walls because they weren’t wearing a mask. And you had these 50 year old, fat, disgusting cops choking young women up against walls because they’re not wearing a mask. And what he said was:


“That wouldn’t have happened in my day because they would have had 150 men knocking on the police officer’s door. The McMillan’s would have been like, ‘that’s our sister’. The Jeffersons would have been like, ‘that’s my sister in law’. You know, this family over here would have been like, …”


And so the men in the community would have held that to account at a local level. Every local community would have held people to account at the local level. And because there is the concept that that would happen., … And the other thing was the police officer would have been from that community.


So how the system has done this to us is it has alienated and isolated us. And so then it can pick us off through a bureaucracy, through a cobweb of lies and traitors and evil people that can’t be held accountable. And I’m not talking in a dangerous way, Mark, but you mentioned before about the groomers. They don’t feel ashamed going to jail, but they feel shame losing their house.


Likewise, shame is a very powerful motivating tool. Who is shaming these police officers? No one’s shaming them! If they lived in a community and they behaved that way, they would be ostracized by everyone! No one would ever talk to that family ever again! The family itself would kick that police officer and disown them from the family, disown them from their inheritance, because the shame they brought on the whole community.


And the last thing this old man said to me was:


“They wouldn’t be able to do that to us. Because back in my day, we were a clan! We were a clan!”


Which is a faytri. We were a faytri. We were a powerful political entity of family, friends, of patriarchs that had big families. That is the building block of power. If you’re not doing that, you’re a fucking idiot! If you’re going off into the woods by yourself with you and your wife and two kids, you’re a fucking moron! All right? You need to build faytris. That is the building block of power! We need to tribe and train. And then from faytris there’s another step again.


But again, the man and the woman are the building block. Then the next building block is the family. Then the extended family, the intergenerational family. Having resources, having land, having the ability to sustain multiple sons, getting married, staying on the land, or staying as close as possible so that you’re not atomized and alienated and isolated. You are congregating, you are strong, you are together. You’re holding ground in an area, wherever that can be. And then your mates live around the corner or down the street. And he’s doing the same thing, and he’s doing the same thing. And if there’s six of you or 10 of you over 50 years, there could be a couple hundred of you. And then you can ally with other groups of a couple hundred. And now you have political power. This is how the Muslims can mobilise so many tens of thousands out of the mosque, for example.


So this is how White people need to treat the building block of democracy. We can’t survive in democracy if we’re not doing this. It leaves only the other option, which we won’t discuss, will we? Not yet.




Mark Collett: Well, thank you, George Floyd Creepypasta gave $5. This is a long question, but if we can try and keep it as short as possible. He says:


“A question for Tom. Do you need to be a Christian to be a National Socialist?”


Thomas Sewell: Well, I can keep that one really short. The answer is no! I’m not a Christian. Why would you. To me, that’s an offensive question. Why would you need to be Christian to be a National Socialist?


Mark Collett: I don’t know. I think the sort of National Socialist ideology applies to or can be applied to any racial or ethnic group. And during the Second World War, there were numerous different racial or ethnic groups and religious groups that all subscribed to that ideology.


Thomas Sewell: Also about a third of the SS were considered non-denomination, which meant that they weren’t Christians. They were God believing, non-denomination, let’s put it that way, about a third.


And I would argue that that’s probably a similar demographic that has always been within National Socialism in the 20th and, 21st century.


So I am God believing.


Mark Collett: One last question from Jagdeep Jano, who gave $5. Thanks so much. Said:


“Can Tom please detail the difference between Caramel island and Chocolate Island?”


I don’t know what this means.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, yes. [chuckling] I can’t. So I made a joke, because there’s another guy in the Australian Parliament called Babet, Senator Babet*, and he says similar talking points to this Senator Rennick. And you know, he’s blown up on social media, he’s got a huge following and he’s got a lot of basic takes that are pretty funny and in line with the total governance of the worldview.


[* Ralph Emmanuel Didier “Deej” Babet is an Australian far-Right populist and conservative politician. He has been a Senator for Victoria in the Australian Parliament since 2022, representing the United Australia Party. He is the party’s only current federal elected representative. Prior to entering politics he was a real estate agent. Wikipedia]


But obviously he’s caramel, he’s Mauritian, he’s from Mauritius. And they’re kind of like a mixed race bunch, a caramel bunch. You wouldn’t call him an Indian, you wouldn’t call him an African, but he’s certainly not White. He’s not even close. So we would racially designate that as “caramel” to some extent.


And what I said as a joke, which I’m still serious about, was that Babet, for all his benefits to the Australian Parliament, he’s not actually Australian. He wants to be Australian and he thinks he can be Australian.


And if people like me lose, then I guess then Australia will turn into Caramel Island and he will be Australian in that future Caramel island where people like me don’t exist. But I have a strong feeling that we’re going to win, that it’s not going to be a Caramel island, that it’s going to be a White island. And because Babbitt has done such a great service to White people, he’s not anti-White. He’s one of the only politicians in Parliament that’s not White. He’s one of these kind of tokens that does all of the pro-White talking points and he’s allowed to, he gets away with it because he’s not White.


And you know, what I said as a joke was that when we win, he’s the last one to get deported, because of his great service, and he’s getting deported first class. We’re going to get him a private jet and an island, and he’s going to go on the bronze power jet to Caramel Island, and he’s going to get all the caramel honeys that we deport, because that might distract the White Nationalist operation if we leave the caramel honeys. And all the [Mark laughs] caramel honeys are going to get deported to Caramel Island and Babet’s going to have the caramel honeys on Caramel Island and he can run his harem. And he’ll say:


“Thank you, Mr. Thomas Sewell! Thank you for building me a big house on the Caramel Island. I hope you enjoy the big house on White Island.”


And I’ll say:


“You know, good fences make good neighbours!”


You know, it is what it is. And I wouldn’t call him an ally, but as I said, I think that’s a good deal. I think that’s the deal. If he’s nice to us, we’ll be nice to him. And then we can part ways when the mission’s done.


What Chocolate Island is that the joke was that obviously Africa is Chocolate Island, and it’s a shit hole because it’s full of Africans. But you could run like an experiment where you make an island full of all the, like, house negroes, like Dan Powell and Kanye West.


Mark Collett: Yeah, we can’t use that term in this country. That’s a jailable term.


Thomas Sewell: Which one? Oh, sorry, I don’t want to say it.


Mark Collett: Any n-word is a jailable term, Tom.


So we’re getting towards the end of the stream anyway. We might be getting exuberant.




Thomas Sewell: Okay. The difference is pretty clear. It’s like you have White people, you have spicy White people, you have caramel people, and then you have chocolate and black people. And that’s just a basic, that’s an easy racial classification everyone can understand. Everyone’s got a slightly different version of what they define as spicy White. Is Nick Fuentes spicy White? Well, who knows?


Mark Collett: Who knows?


Thomas Sewell: You know, everyone’s got their own classification. But yeah, I’ll leave it there.


Mark Collett: We have run over time, and I have just had a text from the wife about being needed on baby duty, so I’m gonna have to get off in a second. We’ve just had our own, my son arrived just over two weeks ago.


So we’re two deep now, the same as you guys. But, yeah, it’s a shame we aren’t neighbours. Our kids would love playing together.


Anyway, it’s been a really enjoyable show. Tom’s been amazing to tonight in a really good sport. I’d love to do a film review with you, and I will be in touch about that shortly. But do you have any final thoughts very quickly before we shut things down?


Thomas Sewell: Vitality! That’s what we need. Vitality! Aesthetics and vitality! If we can get that right, we’re going to win!


So that’s the focus.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much, Thomas. It’s been an amazing show tonight. I’d just like to thank everybody who took part. Biggest thanks, of course, goes to Thomas. Massive thanks to everyone who donated so generously.


I will be back later in the week with Joel Davis on Sunday talking about whether National Socialism can be resurrected. He argues yes. Keith argues no. I wanted them to debate each other. That would have been far more entertaining.


But instead he’s just talking to me. And I’ll probably try and argue some of the points just from a devil’s advocate point of view. That’d be Sunday night. Got a video out on Friday, and I’ll be back same time next week for another episode of Patriotic Weekly Review.


As always, thank you to everyone who donated. Thanks. Massive thanks to Thomas. It’s been an amazing show, but the biggest thanks always goes out to this amazing community. I love you all. Stay strong, keep fighting. I’ll see you all same time next week. Thank you and good night.












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 3/20/2025 = 661)

Mark Collett
4 hours ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

50 minutes ago
Hi Mark , Can you put a link up for your Friday pod cast with DDD ?

1 hour ago

it could be

1 hour ago
o/ bonjour

1 hour ago
is sewell the name of a good taylpr?

1 hour ago
whens he doing a stream next

1 hour ago
goodnight all 14/88 28 wpww

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
Hail Thomas Sewell – The Bestest. o/

1 hour ago
Yup. Great stream!

1 hour ago
Good night Brothers and Sisters

1 hour ago
cheers lads

1 hour ago
Haiti is a chocolate island

1 hour ago
Good evening everyone.

1 hour ago
Hail our Folk o///

Ethno Nationalist
1 hour ago

1 hour ago
Great stream, what I have seen

1 hour ago
hes a mcflurry

1 hour ago
thx good topics

1 hour ago
Hail Pa Hail NSN

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
Be kind to yourself by living healthy

1 hour ago
ohhhh 😲 I didn’t know Mark had a second kiddo

Nordic Warrior
1 hour ago

Jagdeep Jano
1 hour ago
Great stream

1 hour ago
Thank you o/ 1488

1 hour ago
what knee grows ?

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
NS Regards all \o

1 hour ago

Nordic Warrior
1 hour ago

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
The Spanish word for black is illegal in Britain?

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
Really only Nordics and Alpines are White. 🙂1488

1 hour ago
That’s a very complicated topic to discuss

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
fuentes is mixed.

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
no uk 🇬🇧 visits for Sewell

1 hour ago
Next weeks PWR will be broadcast from HMP 😂

1 hour ago
he can out talk david duke..

1 hour ago
We have a large chinese and japanese population on the west coast that have been here for nearly 200 years.

1 hour ago

Jagdeep Jano
1 hour ago
:joy: :joy: :joy:

1 hour ago

davis lammy, diane abbott ect..

1 hour ago
Hail Victory

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
National Socialism puts anything that brings harm to the Race in work camps.

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
I think it’s ridiculous that Non Whites are at times the only non anti whites in politics

1 hour ago
WWW – Whites Will Win

1 hour ago
all you need to do is be a good White man

1 hour ago
we win 🏆 or else

1 hour ago
the Bible is full of tribalism and bloodlines

1 hour ago
Churches have sold us out as of today..

1 hour ago
Coffee coloured as Alan Partridge says

1 hour ago
gets deported last 🏝

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
National Socialism was Christianity put into IRL action. 🙂

1 hour ago
Leo Frank gives loads of insight as to how jews see the world.

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
Let’s go for another 45 minutes please

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
Nazis in Australia are the same as Nazis in the UK, hooray

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

Sanhedrin 57a: When a jew murders a gentile, there will be no death penalty. No wonder (((they))) he’s innocent.

1 hour ago
the NS had Sachsenhain built

1 hour ago
13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

well done and fully deserved

1 hour ago
Toms doing his best to not fed post 😝

1 hour ago
no village anymore

1 hour ago
Akin to the Mary Phagan Knights who lynched Leo Frank

1 hour ago
i hate old bill there was cctv evdence of a low iq afican kicking me in the face and they did not arrest him insted they threntend to arrest me for using the word paki

1 hour ago
It’s really a crime against nature

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
The Balk Right have collectives with both Christian Identity and Asatru. Both are folkish.

1 hour ago

100 %

1 hour ago
I want to go to Sydney just to hang with the wild cockatoos.

1 hour ago

Im not a christian restart.

1 hour ago
good show o/ white power or how they say in chinese Y PA!

1 hour ago
Tribal structures

1 hour ago
We would all be on the same page and have the same goals in mind in a ethnostate

1 hour ago
Tribe up

1 hour ago
it is a number’s game

Speak your mind
1 hour ago
Thanks Mark and Tom. Wishing everyone a good night/day.

1 hour ago
jhon humble the hoxer showed how useless old bill are

1 hour ago
did he beat all his court dates or aint he out the woods yet..

1 hour ago
But wait, the ADL says Frank was innocent!?

1 hour ago
Unite the clans

1 hour ago

not 1 church out there that would turn away a n*gga

1 hour ago
The inbreeding is perhaps why Ashkenazis have such high rates of schizophrenia

1 hour ago

religion is just an extention

1 hour ago
I believe both are necessary. It doesn’t have to be specifically Christian, but a shared faith is essential. Both racial and religious unity play a crucial role. Complete unity is impossible when one group is Christian while the other is pagan or atheist.

1 hour ago
Speaking of inbred…. Ashkenazis

1 hour ago
when ever i see a pakistani women with a disabled kid i think you dirty bitch

1 hour ago
“Don’t huff petrol from a can and don’t marry your first cousins”

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
Most ethnic Europeans get uncomfortable with the White Ethnostate question. One must Balkanize away with these suffering that psychosis.

1 hour ago
In a healthy society there will be the common ethnic cohesion which would result in a type of larger family extension for all

1 hour ago
q open racist talk 😂😂😂

1 hour ago
“The black haired jewish boy waits with satanic delight on his face for the hour when he can corrupt the unsuspecting girl with his blood and in seducing her steal her from her people.” Adolf Hitler

1 hour ago
inbred p

1 hour ago
keep it in the family, just not like jews do 🤮

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
There’s the immediate family and the extended society family

1 hour ago
Or marry a crypto )ew / )ewess

1 hour ago
This is my religion o/

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
Add social media with the Frankfurt School, and you have degenerates.

1 hour ago
they marry

1 hour ago
yeah watch out for red flags 🚩

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
There’s also a good Aussie Tv series called: Mr Inbetween

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
The Frankfurt School destroyed collective thought, with the Critical Theory and Repressive Tolerance.

1 hour ago
abolish religion

1 hour ago
its racial not spiritual..

1 hour ago
Not sure why it went the opposite way

1 hour ago
Fu*k religion

1 hour ago
The number of POC libertarians is always near zero.

Teutonic Truth
1 hour ago
Only one “religion” warns about the Sinagogues of Satan.

1 hour ago
We evolved in a environment that selected for group cooperation also it’s odd we have such a issue with individuallity

1 hour ago
we are a collective

1 hour ago
You’d need to define individualism. Easy to blanket in the modern sense.

1 hour ago
70s is a 93-95ish White British society so not shocking

Teutonic Truth
1 hour ago
All White people need to hear ACCEPT’S “Blood of the Nations” album.🎸

1 hour ago
have you heard the word about bird and the spider how it wiggled and it jiggled and it wiggled inside her

1 hour ago
HOME & AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 hour ago
hahaaa that’s the one lads 👍

1 hour ago
Bluey is alright

1 hour ago
Cat dog is the champ of 90’s cartoons

1 hour ago
Read The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens by George Lincoln Rockwell as a bedtime read

Brezel Blitz
1 hour ago
Have you ever, ever felt like this, when strange things happen are you going round the twist.. great stuff.

1 hour ago

I loved that, the song is apt

1 hour ago
If there’s no relation, or empathy for a character you’ll never feel invested enough to give a shit.

1 hour ago

I think the order was one of the best movies they could have done about us, or well not the best but you get what i mean hopefully, I see it as positive propaganda in a way

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
Hail Mark. Hail Thomas. Hail our Folk and Hail our Gods. Great to a powerhouse speaking freshly

Brezel Blitz
1 hour ago
Braindead is a good one from New Zealand.

1 hour ago
Anyone remember that Aussie kids TV show in the 90’s Round The Twist? That was boss 😂

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
That red head bastard was on a mission to transfer himself into a human

1 hour ago

1 hour ago


Europe Is Ours
1 hour ago
Yeah Chopper was great

1 hour ago
Chucky Doll was my favorite horror

1 hour ago
Babadook is about the only horror film I like

1 hour ago
Walkabout with Jenny Agguter swimming

1 hour ago
review The Order 2024, I thought it was good. The speech of Mathews was 💪⚡

1 hour ago
Can’t beat Chopper for Aussie films

1 hour ago
What about Chopper? lol

1 hour ago
‘The Dish’ is a really good Australian film.

1 hour ago
battle truck

1 hour ago

his eyes are narrow too !

1 hour ago
“tomorrow when the war began”- great film

1 hour ago
Now we are left with these people who around 80% are unacceptable for civilized society. WTF dude!

Goose Steppenwolf
1 hour ago
two legends 🏅🥇

Teutonic Truth
1 hour ago .UK

Europe Is Ours
1 hour ago
Travis Fimmel

1 hour ago

english name, but wouldn’t rule it out

1 hour ago
Marcus Garvey has the right idea of the back to Liberia movement

1 hour ago

Right. Odd to hear.

1 hour ago
I think Lincoln just said what people wanted to hear.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
(((Newman))) ?

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
They should have been shipped back. Abe Lincoln understood this

1 hour ago
Any )ew is Sam ?

1 hour ago
point stands

1 hour ago
Australians started out as white slaves really.

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
Blacks didn’t swim here.

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
Englishmen sent abroad & create a paradise, blacks sent abroad & destroy paradise l

1 hour ago
We knew Trump is not that guy pal

1 hour ago
nice to hear that there are still good people in the system

1 hour ago
njp never endorsed trump

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
7 month’s gulag, for being honorable

1 hour ago
Happy happy happy!

1 hour ago
Australian ls have quite a interesting background when they arrived from Great Britain as criminals that weren’t wanted. Now they are great people

Jagdeep Jano
1 hour ago

:joy: :joy: :joy:

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
Trump signed that antisemetism EO, on January 30th. Taking care of his constituents, the traitorous Jews. Trump is Jewish interests first.

1 hour ago
I’m shocked

1 hour ago

one isw for afros the other for jeets

1 hour ago
He means well I think however he’s only good for White suburban normies to wake up

1 hour ago
he’s like a more libertarian rupert lowe

1 hour ago


Jagdeep Jano
1 hour ago
Can Tom please detail the difference between ‘caramel island’ and ‘chocolate island’


1 hour ago
NS is a racial doctrine not a theological one.

1 hour ago
Aussies 💪💪💪

1 hour ago

He comes across as very intelligent to me, but just has an odd sorta autistic mannerism about him.

1 hour ago
I’m not but at least I stay in my lane respectfully

Europe Is Ours
1 hour ago
Article 50

1 hour ago
TOMS not a Christian

1 hour ago
Fuentes is def a bad small hat wearing boy

1 hour ago
ye lol

1 hour ago
Jason isn’t smart enough to be a leader in our movement

George Floyd Creepypasta
1 hour ago
A question for Tom. Do you need to be Christian to be NS?

1 hour ago
Feduentes is N bed with an N

1 hour ago
bet NWG meet a jewish lass lol

Teutonic Truth
1 hour ago
Go Free! with CommonSense Nationalism ⚪

1 hour ago
what is Jason doing these days?

1 hour ago
verdammt ja! lol

1 hour ago

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

1 hour ago
F^ck-em speaking German

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
1 hour ago
Women should have porcelain, unmarked skin. There’s nothing that could replace the natural beauty of that white skin. All Euro boys should only chase the unmarked women. Don’t reward our women being sluts.

1 hour ago
robert jay mathews RIP

1 hour ago
Yeah the processed food or the constant radiation from the phone near your nutsack doesnt do anything. Tattoos = 6 million nukes worth of cancer.

1 hour ago
Hail Hogan

1 hour ago
Gutes Zeug 👌🏻

1 hour ago
Sewell is top lad

1 hour ago
Good stuff

1 hour ago
for any. Mi6 glow nibba’s

1 hour ago
Thomas Sewell is a good leader and a very motivational speaker

1 hour ago
Top Gear. You hear that Rand?

1 hour ago
Tattoos increase your risk of cancer x3 according to a recent Danish study.

1 hour ago
Hulk hogan

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

always gtsy my mate

1 hour ago
Thomas is really good. I think I had him confused with someone else.

1 hour ago

mate 👍

1 hour ago
I mean i have no problem with tattoos, depends what kind. Alt girls in my experience are easier to bring to our side than the average normie.

1 hour ago
🇨🇳 lol

2 hours ago
more red flags than China

2 hours ago
face white*

2 hours ago
you cannot call her fake white, that face is south american mystery meat

2 hours ago
more red flags than a race track

Better Based Than Erased
2 hours ago
Only the face is White. The body is more…blue ?

2 hours ago
You can’t go to another part of Australia ?

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
2 hours ago
Tattoos are a sign of low impulse control.

2 hours ago
tatttos, piercings, e whore outfits, fake lips, shes got all red flags

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

especially like that

2 hours ago

Moody correct lad

2 hours ago
tattoo’s are a huge red flag 🚩

2 hours ago
Is Thomas being teased with being a kiwi?

Chief Moody
2 hours ago
Any woman with lots of tattoos all over her is not only not attractive but also a major red flag

Better Based Than Erased
2 hours ago
Will the real Keith please stand up..

2 hours ago
the police were also wearing a hat and sunglasses so….

2 hours ago
been there man

2 hours ago
Never any e-girls.

2 hours ago
Barge pole

Teutonic Truth
2 hours ago
“Gay and homosexual” are code words for: Perverted Queers.

2 hours ago
sorry brother

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
2 hours ago
Them simps love those e-thots. 🙂

2 hours ago
her body is alright, but that face of hers, looks like a mestizo male tranny

2 hours ago

yea she draged me to hang out with a women i lituly paid to leave me alone

Better Based Than Erased
2 hours ago
Fast life history strategy I believe they say….

2 hours ago

noodle limbs

2 hours ago
he looks like a teenager too how old is that hoe

2 hours ago
at least he’s not homosexual lol

2 hours ago
Keith is a very kind person

2 hours ago

Steve laws is lanky

2 hours ago
What on earth was Woods thinking?

2 hours ago
crack?’ 😔

2 hours ago
that is body dysmorphia

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
2 hours ago
Fooking lot lizard. 🙂

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
my ex was crazy at one point she started smoking crack

2 hours ago
biotch! you knew i was a snake when you saw me”

2 hours ago
I don’t trust men on our side who are built like coathangers tbh. Him n Steve Laws are a pair of skinny gimps.

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
2 hours ago
“Stop being a slut” 😂👍🏻

2 hours ago
she looks non white tranny, woof

2 hours ago
terrible look with the tattoos, terrible with the fake lips

2 hours ago
lol, good advice

2 hours ago
she’d have to pay me

Long Knife
2 hours ago
…they look like Vienna sausages

2 hours ago
I prefer a woman with Deep Space Nine tattoos

2 hours ago
keith nooooo

2 hours ago
he had to much to drink and was thinking with his dong

2 hours ago


Movement History
2 hours ago
Woods is a crypto-bolsheviek. Joel Davis is much better

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago
seduced Keith then leaked all the DMs

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

Ive been doxxed by the news anyway, i used to be a bit more extreme in the scene when I was younger. Having crypto as a backup saved my ass.

Long Knife
2 hours ago
what happened to her lips ?

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
I would buy the US is 50% white.

2 hours ago
yea the girl who doxzxed keioth woods dick pics, whop is he again

2 hours ago
So happy this PWR with Sewell finally happened. Been busy at work so will catch it fully tomorrow.


2 hours ago
Keith might have just gotten home from the Jameson brewery tour.

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago
on twitter

2 hours ago
So Keith isn’t nailing one of the Corrs sisters then?

2 hours ago
Who are we talking about here, Woods?

2 hours ago
whats her name?

2 hours ago
I really believe US is 50% White or less

2 hours ago
Leave Keith alone

2 hours ago
i was well drunk once there were these 2 women who fanced me but even in that state i did not like them

2 hours ago
North Idaho may be 90% + Huwhite

2 hours ago
i use to get into aruments with prostutes on market road because these ugly junkys make me sick

Movement History
2 hours ago
Hahaha the disgusting Fuentes crowd

2 hours ago

Accounts closed? Damn. You’re on the state’s radar.

2 hours ago
link, so we can get a look at her?

2 hours ago
I forget about Boise. Yeah lots of diversity there.

2 hours ago

I think when Guderian said that he was surrounded in Moscow by 70 plus Soviet divisions.

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago

2 hours ago
blood dilution lol

2 hours ago
I think having some money in crypto is essential for people that are active in the scene, ive had 2 bank accounts closed in a year.

2 hours ago
Silver slugs make easy currency. If you stamp them you can get feds on your ass tho.

2 hours ago
Idaho is 80%

2 hours ago
they just print money these days

2 hours ago
Free Britain of Zionist Control

2 hours ago

Yeah, that’s a tough one but we have to figure it out. The dollar could go Argentina at some point.

2 hours ago
uxoriousness is to be condemned

2 hours ago
What term?

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago
‘No e-girls. Not even once!’ – Nick Fuentes

2 hours ago
Having an alternative currency is essential.

2 hours ago
I think breaking the jewish monopoly on power is a worthy focus and is not necessarily just a white thing.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Idaho is like 95% white but still controlled by jews.

White Nationalist (Balk Right)
2 hours ago
Good day from the Ozarkia Propaganda Minister. White Nationalists are and have been moving into Ozarkia, southern Missouri and northern Arkansas, where one will find over 90 contiguous counties with over 90% ethnic European populations. Here we prep the fall of the once Republic. 1488

2 hours ago
polarisng both that’s red pilling

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
taint bros 🤣

2 hours ago
We know who that is….Tate

2 hours ago
I’ve no time for anybody who engages in rivalries between fellow white people. We’ve far bigger fish to fry.

2 hours ago
Naah – “There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.” General Heinz Guderian.

2 hours ago
I don’t see the US in this so much.

2 hours ago
TWOTAR was classic : Coach Red Pill vs Alt Hype was funny af

2 hours ago
💯% mark

2 hours ago
No matter what nation we are all in this together

2 hours ago
Goats go to hell.

2 hours ago
Britain and Australia standing together 💪

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago

Yeah my dad is a boomer it’s pretty difficult, he said in all seriousness to my mum that Axel Rudakabana was a ‘far right extremist’ because he had ‘Nazi documents’ on his computer lol

2 hours ago
ah I see

2 hours ago
the podcast called “I don’t speak German” with Daniel Harper & Jack Graham: Harper has panic attacks and just does film reviews now, he no longer attacks Nationalists that much .

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

yes Sir

the woodlander
2 hours ago


2 hours ago
They are instigating this we are only the reaction

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
Sh.t I am soo late

2 hours ago
go to heaven and see them still shitting in the streets

2 hours ago
The average normie, whose grandparents or great-grandparents served on the Allies’ side, is harder to turn due to emotional ties to their inherited narrative. Their identity is often linked to the belief that their ancestors were on the “right side of history,”

2 hours ago

I’m a boomer and came too late to ethno nationalism. I rarely speak to people my age and when I do they tend to just stare straight ahead ha ha

2 hours ago


the woodlander
2 hours ago

betz is a former british gov adviser

2 hours ago
thats the podcast Marks talking about


2 hours ago
some guy called professor betz said something similar recently too

2 hours ago
Dogs go to heaven. Jeets not so much.

2 hours ago
that podcast was punted out to everyone, astroturf agogo

2 hours ago
Ive never seen pagan / christian natsoc infighting irl, only on the internet.

2 hours ago
I came very late and will have to watch the replay

2 hours ago
I will meet my chickens in heaven

2 hours ago

good to see you

2 hours ago
Many thanks – totally agree

2 hours ago
Indians aren’t human

2 hours ago
Water poo-rification

2 hours ago
do nogs go to heaven?

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago

I hear you

2 hours ago

Smash Bros style

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
“the horror

2 hours ago
Triumph of the Will

2 hours ago
Collett’s BP goes up 2 points with each F bomb.

2 hours ago
Woodlander, how many members have you guys got these days?

2 hours ago

yes, but when you argue with younger folk, they’re soy boys and stupid.

2 hours ago

the woodlander
2 hours ago
get people involved in a non political organisation, point out the problems with the system, show them youre not a raving lunatic… change minds.

2 hours ago
the same media claim male/female are optional choices like tommy k or mayo

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago
Newman is a boomer coward. He had to do a humiliation ritual with Avi Yemini afterwards, wearing a kippah. Remember: when you argue with the average boomer, you are arguing with the TV

2 hours ago
The media portrayal is the biggest hurdle we face

2 hours ago
Aahhhh I’m gutted im late for this 😭 friggin traffic on the motorway

2 hours ago
Tribe & Train.

2 hours ago
I mean when the media constantly labels natsocs as evil monsters then you cant really blame the normie for believing it. The indoctrination is crazy.

Matt Hammond
2 hours ago
Ha! I was wondering who the special guest would be

2 hours ago
My favourite part was when the journo went to ask the Aus PM about NSN and he had no clue about any “Nazi org” lol

2 hours ago
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

WP Combat
2 hours ago
Sam Newman interviews Thomas Sewell and Blair 👉

2 hours ago
They are surprised to see we are actually reasonable decent folks

Long Knife
2 hours ago
been checking YouTube out lately after a hiatus … a bunch of ‘crime story’ / ‘detective’ / ‘police interrogation’ channels have popped up in recent times … trannies & fags ‘shockingly’ make a routine appearances as the suspects & perps

2 hours ago
Newman is schizo

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago
Louis Theroux did a doc on Nazis in America, it was disgusting, he antagonised and patronised them. He’s not nearly as intelligent as he thinks he is. Smug pr*ck

2 hours ago
Theroux going to South Africa was a complete joke, same with Metzger

2 hours ago
loui just looks awkward and a prat

2 hours ago
and he mogged Beardson lol

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago
Louis Theroux is a freak, jew in spirit if he’s not a cryptojew

2 hours ago
He documented Nick Fuentes

2 hours ago

Hi chief

Chief Moody
2 hours ago


2 hours ago
Australia has like 86 cities

2 hours ago
Thank you for all that you do gentlemen. I pray each day for our struggle and for you all. Keep up the good fight, many young white men are waking up. Hoping to get involved soon. Heil Victory.

2 hours ago
the “mainstream” media can be a great propaganda tool when used properly.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Apparently AUS has a lower White percentage than the UK….

2 hours ago
pathetic attempt at a hit piece

2 hours ago
the music always gets me

2 hours ago
Blonde White Baby Makers. What’s wrong with that?

2 hours ago
“they’re having white babies reeee” lol

2 hours ago
yea yea yea oh colett covered this and it was absolutely nothing but a White mom and her kid, and then look at all this turrsm by nons THATS YOU GUYS SOMEHOW

2 hours ago
That mom is pretty insane

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
oh this isnt the picolini one

2 hours ago
nobody? marx brothers? oy gevalt, tough crowd

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
LOOK AT PICOLINI, he may look like a cuck, he may act like a cuck, but dont let that fool you folks: he really is a cuck

2 hours ago
Kaz Ross ?

2 hours ago
In Thomas We Trust

Speak your mind
2 hours ago

2 hours ago
yea lazy jew is the right take they jsut present it and expect the audience to have alreayd been trained like dogs to jsut go wow just wow

2 hours ago
“Think a thousand times before taking a decision, but after taking a decison never turn back even if you get a thousand difficulties.” Keep on fighting comrades.

2 hours ago
that Dutch mother really seemed like she wanted all the attention on the recent special

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
An expose would have been that the NSN actually love immigrants lol

Europe Is Ours
2 hours ago
A picture of them here 3rd one down.

2 hours ago

You mean the documentary music displaying them like awd 2.0 lol?

2 hours ago
activist’s judge’s journo’s & even musician’s

2 hours ago
Always remember this quote Tom “When you sacrifice for your community then you can walk with your head held up high.” Adolf Hitler

2 hours ago
finally 👌🏻

2 hours ago
Huge numbers of British journalists are intelligence assets. Especially papers like The Times and the Telegraph.

2 hours ago
I been locked up for antisemitic stickers and pro white stickers in March 2023

2 hours ago
i remember Tom from Patriotic Talks ages ago

Mark Collett
2 hours ago

Live on Rumble too mate

2 hours ago
Destroy furry and paedo freaks

Teutonic Truth
2 hours ago
“Homosexual and Gay” are code words for: Perverted Queers ☣️

2 hours ago
odysee is probably the worst streaming platform oat

2 hours ago

totally agree that the nationalist community is too male heavy but women don’t generally gravitate towards politics

The Resident Baker
2 hours ago
Great show, Mark. Very pleased to finally see you and Tom in discussion. Does Tom have an update on Stephen Wells? Also congratulations to Tom on the recent birth of his second child.

2 hours ago
why wait until they’re released?

2 hours ago
We have a furry problem in the US. I think they count as pedo freaks.

2 hours ago
^ 100%

2 hours ago
She’s a nutjob who’s been sectioned in a mental hospital.

2 hours ago
Kate is a gobby girl boss

2 hours ago
Don’t think Kate and PA get on

2 hours ago
Kate despises PA lol

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago
Hey both, question for Tom. You spoke about how Keith Woods recently had his cringeworthy private messages leaked by a former adult worker who is now a groyper, named Slayter. Could you give your take on this, and psychoanalyse Keith? Why was he attracted to her? Are men really that desperate?


2 hours ago
Lol. She’s not a colleague of PA.

2 hours ago
always have your own media and law fund for protests

2 hours ago
Bubba Kate

the woodlander
2 hours ago
yes…. thats PA should be

2 hours ago
White Defemation League

2 hours ago
Your banners are awesome. ‘Destroy pedo freaks’ is possibly the greatest banner of all time.

2 hours ago
does Rupert Murdoch own Sky News ?

2 hours ago
Can’t imagine still watching TV

2 hours ago
“As you know, I have always defended the view that there is no more stupid a people than the )ewish people, ..certainly there is no more unprincipled and more unscrupulous either.” Adolf Hitler

2 hours ago
Warren Balough has a freedom of assembly suit in front of the Supreme Court now from Charlottesville. If that gets tossed I would say counter lawfare is futile.

2 hours ago
Sky News in Britain is very liberal. GB News is our “conservative/right wing” news channel.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
They do a lot of noticing

2 hours ago
Only the lawyers ever win though

2 hours ago
different people fit into different groups it’s a multifaceted approach

2 hours ago
Hello Thomas. To touch on what you said on the issue of left vs right, do you think that the association of far right politics with anti-female sentiment is harmful to white nationalism in terms of attracting young white women to the movement? Anti-whites seem to have a grip on that demographic.


2 hours ago
The first country to do this will start a domino effect. Pretty sure it will not be the US tho.

2 hours ago
good evening all 14/88 28

2 hours ago
this is so good

the woodlander
2 hours ago
thomas gets it

2 hours ago
Bus lanes are great public transportation but they will still suck.

the woodlander
2 hours ago
take the land, then the villages, build businesses, the citys will come..

2 hours ago
Buses in the US suck for the most part.

2 hours ago

i was working with someone who use to be in BM

2 hours ago

the wearing of BM badge or a Sunwheel badge day in day out

Teutonic Truth
2 hours ago
Most American bus drivers are rude and obviously hate driving, ironically.

2 hours ago
I don’t see that working in the US.

2 hours ago

how that happen

2 hours ago
sweet haha

2 hours ago
I got banned from my local bus service for my political views

2 hours ago
putting me to shame

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
i dont wanna work at the moment i get 2k pm and my rent is only 600 pm

2 hours ago
Tom is a real inspirational leader

2 hours ago
Thank you Mark for networking between Nationalists in the Commonwealth. I think the UK may fall but we’re still all in this together CA, AUS/NZ, UK, IR and the US to a lesser extent. In my opinion the US is so opposed to us ideologically, it will always oppose Commonwealth unity.

Teutonic Truth
2 hours ago
No RacialSeparatists were wounded on 911.

2 hours ago
Abos are cool tho. They can sleep naked in freezing weather that would kill us.

3 hours ago
US infrastructure is crumbling. It might just go down some day even without help. California is going to be a shitshow.

3 hours ago
The Antipodes refuse to be gasslit

Ethno Nationalist
3 hours ago
That’s a great answer from Thomas

3 hours ago
Australians I imagine still have a dim view of abos, apparently they’re worse than blacks in terms of IQ.

3 hours ago
Fascism was a movement to save Europe from communism. Though thanks to today’s media almost everyone thinks that fascism is something horrible.

3 hours ago
He started the White student union at Towson where I also went to school and I thought it was great. No idea he would go Commie

3 hours ago
the beauty of white culture is vitalizing

Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago

3 hours ago
I don’t see a political solution for the US. I think it will just collapse.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Matt use to team with Jared Taylor on two team debates. Jared must regret that

3 hours ago

letters of light 🕯️📖🤣

The Sasquatch
3 hours ago
thomas is right

3 hours ago
Matt Heimbach used to be on Radio Albion

3 hours ago

Many such cases. Almost time to start prepping.

3 hours ago
Really? Interesting.

Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Heimbach is running for mayor of JeewYorkShitty.

3 hours ago
If the power goes out in London it will be pretty epic.

3 hours ago
yes… i really like this train of thought

the woodlander
3 hours ago
build the community first

3 hours ago
Heimbach went the way of Richard Spencer I think.

3 hours ago
Great show, great guest. Here in Britain, we recently had a former Government advisor stating that a future Civil War is a real possibility. Is that the same possibility for Oz, and will the dystopia of Mad Max become a real scenario?


3 hours ago
the fat cunt turned Commie

3 hours ago
Whatever happened to Matt Heimbach?

3 hours ago
Yeah it comes down to pro white speech.

3 hours ago
free speech these days always is whether NS is allowed openly.

3 hours ago
India never banned Anglin.

3 hours ago
Probably just about anywhere does these days.

3 hours ago
The truth is their greatest enemy. Their entire system is built on lies, censorship and childish appeals to emotion

3 hours ago

unironically true 😂

3 hours ago
China has more free speech than the UK

3 hours ago
Good episode and powerful takes.


3 hours ago
India has more free speech than the UK.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Is the electoral route i australia, like here?

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Ireland has far more free speech than the UK as well. (for the time being anyway).

3 hours ago
I think Matt Heimbach killed anything remotely NS in the US.

3 hours ago
Why is Blair not in the NSN anyway?

3 hours ago

good work 0/

3 hours ago
Is Australia the only place in the Anglosphere where you can be openly NS?

The Sasquatch
3 hours ago
what a shocking state of affairs

3 hours ago
KMac’s Wiki article is ridiculous

Joe Marsh
3 hours ago
We started protesting the drag queen caper

3 hours ago
Evening Chief

3 hours ago

German wiki is a trash fire of denunciation, it is unusable for anything but science free of economic interests

3 hours ago
We had snipers on the library roof in Spokane PROTECTING Drag Queen Story Hour.

3 hours ago
Cultural pride will overcome this leftist conditioning.

3 hours ago

Chief Moody
3 hours ago
Evening troops

3 hours ago
to increase demand and therefore tuition fees

3 hours ago


3 hours ago
I’ve been watching Australian walking tour videos and there are so many jeets.

3 hours ago
that’s insane

Ethno Nationalist
3 hours ago


3 hours ago
Well we control zero media outlets commenting is the best we can do.

3 hours ago
holy shit that many…

3 hours ago
“Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth.” Goebbels

3 hours ago

According to Wiki, Cultural Marxism is a Far Right anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
I deleted my Twatter.

3 hours ago

Great idea

3 hours ago
Come Back Fraser Anning

3 hours ago
Supporting the USSR over Germany was a war crime.

3 hours ago
We need to spam the crap out of Rupert Lowe’s Twitter with JQ stuff

3 hours ago
What does Thomas think about his wikipedia article? Wiki is a character assassination tool targeting dissidents of all stripes.

Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Favouring SatanicJeews over Christian Germany was offensively Foul. Sad.

3 hours ago
overton window ohhh its moving I can feel it moving boyos

3 hours ago
Hi im here from Dlive the stream is gone there

3 hours ago
gtsy woody 👍

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Trump and Musk are servants of Zionist Jewish global power. The kosher right wing. They are not genuine dissidents. They are the establishment

the woodlander
3 hours ago


3 hours ago
based Sewell

3 hours ago
50% of Twitter now is still people talking about the Js

3 hours ago

same, its sad, we have Jeremy MacKenzie and Diagolon, who are awesome, but we need Jacob, Tom and Joel

3 hours ago


They defunded Antifa & BLM because they were on the wrong side of the Palestine issue. The money is on the right now. Which appears to be more effective considering how many people are getting on board

Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Petition Musk to abide by FCC regulations, instead of censoring the most pertinent posters.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

the woodlander
3 hours ago

3 hours ago

Spot on! Left/right is largely a kosher sandwich

3 hours ago
Conservatives are basically leftist with a twist in that they see something is very wrong but don’t go where the root causes are out of cowardice

3 hours ago

I agree. Left/Right is a distraction. The real conflict is between Nationalists and internationalists

3 hours ago
Jeremy MacKenzie is pretty good on podcasts

3 hours ago
jews control the left and the right. a 3rd position is the answer

3 hours ago
I wish Canada had leaders like Collett and Sewell

3 hours ago
try not to talk about British police Challenge: Impossible

3 hours ago

i fully agree

3 hours ago
i was wondering when you were gonna have Tom on, good stuff Mark

Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Dieversity defeats Nations.

3 hours ago
Thinking about politics in terms of left & right is the incorrect approach

3 hours ago
I’ll give the Left credit in that they have done a great job at taking over institutions and media

Movement History
3 hours ago
Professional talkers are internet-nerds are a big problem! All they do is sit online and complain and do nothing irl – even worse, they downtalk doing things in the REAL WORLD. They want you to sit online infront of the computer…

3 hours ago
Trump wants “legal immigration”

3 hours ago
The trump team is using the pro White agenda as cover for the tribes interests, that way the backlash is directed at us

3 hours ago
T S is a good speaker

3 hours ago
Hail Sewell

3 hours ago
Thomas and Mark o//

3 hours ago
Jordan Peterson ?

3 hours ago
Comments on Zerohedge are hilarious.

3 hours ago
Ultimately it is obviously degenerate

Movement History
3 hours ago
Long live Thomas Sewell and the NSN!

3 hours ago
When I was young, what was classed as porn, would be shown on TV now.

the woodlander
3 hours ago
spot on… build the vanguard, power will come later..

3 hours ago
Women are really into checking it out.

3 hours ago
“A spanner in the works and sugar in the petrol tank of Democracy goes more to bring about its breakdown than battling for the ballot box.” Colin Jordan. For more info on British Movement membership, news, merchandise etc email

3 hours ago
Seeing huge shifts in attitudes online but not IRL

3 hours ago
Women watching porn is a newer thing.

3 hours ago

I read that the vast majority of people have watch pornography at some point in their life

3 hours ago
I’m not seeing much in the US. The problem I think is that it’s too easy to move into the country and get away.

3 hours ago
Tranny nonsense is so 2021

3 hours ago
Pornography seems to get a free speech pass.

3 hours ago
We are entering the mainstream consciousness more and more so there’s definitely progress being made

3 hours ago

it’s the pioneering spirit. they are the descendents of explorers and colonialists.

3 hours ago
So different approaches are called for

3 hours ago
Aussies are more high-T than British people

3 hours ago
I’m very impressed with Mark and PA.

3 hours ago
This sort of direct protesting is very effective. That’s why the UK state will class any group doing it as terrorist

3 hours ago
The UK has an advantage because they are a distinct ethnicity. “Whiteness” is kinda hard to rally around.

3 hours ago
the woodlander & callaghan in the house !!!

3 hours ago
Thank you Mark for interviewing Sewell!

3 hours ago
GLR’s assassination was likely a CIA MKultra op.

3 hours ago
Wish Tom could speak at a PA conference but doubt they’d let him into the country

3 hours ago
Trump will do what he’s told by the 4x2s

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
“Being prepared is one of the great secrets of living.” GLR

3 hours ago
yoooo LFG

Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Trump lacks the Balls to ban Dildos, much less to ban Pornography. Trump is ProDildo until he proves otherwise.

the woodlander
3 hours ago
evening everyone

3 hours ago
White men with pronounced mustaches will lead the way

3 hours ago
Most americans are not affected enough to get off their asses.

3 hours ago
If they can sue you they win, you have to navigate the legal minefield.

3 hours ago
Thomas, are there billions of Indians attending their weird water purifying ceremony in heaven?


3 hours ago
I think what happened with that Patriotic Talk show, was someone didn’t warn the guest about the laws in Britain beforehand…

3 hours ago
That cup is being tickled by the stash

3 hours ago
No such thing as a pornstar.

3 hours ago
We are living through a mud flood

3 hours ago
Is Mark interviewing a pornstar?

3 hours ago
Is Martin Luther illegal in the UK yet?

3 hours ago
NSN = best group in the Anglosphere

3 hours ago
well said Thomas.

3 hours ago
Mark and Tom together is great! its been a long time coming.

3 hours ago
“it surrounds us. It penetrates us. Mmm”

3 hours ago
Jason K is giving out lots atm

3 hours ago
Evening Gents. \o

3 hours ago
The US is majority German ethnically going on hispanic now. Suppressing The Bund was critical to starting WWII.

3 hours ago
Parliament is a battle of minds.

The Resident Baker
3 hours ago
Evening everyone

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
The Joel and Blair Show isn’t the same without Tom

3 hours ago

no, that was Charlie Big Potatoes. He got jailed for sharing links containing thousands of books, and a few were illegal.

3 hours ago
Apparently Australia is more British than Britain by percentage of population.

WP Combat
3 hours ago
Sewell with the Don Frye tash o/

Ethno Nationalist
3 hours ago
Good evening, Mark Thomas and chat 1488 o/

3 hours ago


3 hours ago
Welcome Thomas o/

3 hours ago

Didn’t someone end up in jail because of that episode?

3 hours ago
Thomas Sewell on Patriotic Talk the other year was EPIC lmao

3 hours ago
THE TASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carnival Barker
3 hours ago
Good evening gentlemen.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
sewell’s first time on a stream with mark…? ever..

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Joel is doing great work

3 hours ago

Evening SB

3 hours ago

lol like ht’s

3 hours ago
He knows your intro is too long !

3 hours ago
Good evening!

3 hours ago
Mark is probably telling Sewell not to fedpost 😂

3 hours ago
Looking forward to this

3 hours ago

Starfield team \o/

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Good evening everyone.

Eagle Pax Max
3 hours ago

Northern Blue
3 hours ago
Up the Aussies

Northern Blue
3 hours ago
Wow Massive name. Let’s go

3 hours ago
828 \o

3 hours ago
Hail Thomas o/ Hail to our Australian cousins

3 hours ago
Who did the tash better farage or sewell…????

4 hours ago
Imagine PA flying in sewell & doing a conference in his home town of dagenham.. YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF DAGENHAM BUT YOU CANT TAKE DAGENHAM OUT OF THE BOY!!!! WELCOME HOME 😉

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

5 hours ago
WFP! o/

7 hours ago
Oh Hi Mark! 😁👍

10 hours ago
what am i doing here

WP Combat
12 hours ago
Whilst we are waiting for tonights stream, here is one for my Australian brothers
Jake Lam vs Derek Cheng Eternal MMA 94
Jake Lam vs Derek Cheng Eternal MMA 94
WP Combat : Jake Lam vs Derek Cheng Eternal MMA 94

12 hours ago
Oh, hell yeah 👌🏻

13 hours ago

The Pork Report
20 hours ago
Hail Thomas Sewell o/

King Tut
23 hours ago
nice to see TS on PA. hopefully he’ll clear up all of the misunderstandings between him and Mark!

1 day ago
Hail the NSN, Hail Thomas Sewell! o///

WP Combat
1 day ago
Hail Thomas Sewell o/



See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript



Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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This entry was posted in Australia, Australian Politicians, Boomers, Britain, Civic Nationalism, Court Case, Demographics, Donald Trump, Ethno-nationalism, Globalism, Hate Speech, Hitler, Immigration, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, jews — persecution by, Keith Woods, Lawfare as a Orgjew Tactic, Mark Collett, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Patriotic Alternative, Patriotic Weekly Review, Police - Harassment, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Pysops, Racism, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Twitter/X, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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