Mark Collett
Can National Socialism Be Resurrected?
with Joel Davis
Sun, Mar 23, 2025
[In this livestream video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Joel Davis on the need to rehabilitate National Socialism as an alternative to (((liberal))) democracy that is destroying the West. Items discussed include:
Mark introduces Joel Davis as a leading young intellectual in the world-wide nationalist movement (2:00)
Joel explains he wrote an essay defending the rehabilitation of National Socialism in response to Keith Woods’ criticism (7:00)
Joel argues nationalism needs an ideology to serve it, and National Socialism is built entirely out of the nationalist idea (10:00)
Joel discusses Carl Schmitt’s prediction that liberalism and nationalism would become enemies (13:00)
Joel argues Germany had a unique historical role in resisting liberalism in Europe (18:00)
Mark asks Joel to focus on why National Socialism is relevant today rather than historical context (22:00)
Joel says Australia needs National Socialist principles to survive as a White nation (25:00)
“We need a movement that inspires people to have courage.”-Joel (30:00)
Discussion of the term “Nazi” losing power as an insult (35:00)
Joel criticises conservatives for allowing the Left to dictate their standards (40:00)
Mark questions Joel’s opposition to working with other ethnic nationalist groups (45:00)
“I want to have a space where White people organise our own politics amongst ourselves.”-Joel (50:00)
Debate over showing empathy for Palestinian victims vs focusing solely on White interests (60:00)
Joel argues Whites need to focus on organising themselves rather than foreign conflicts (70:00)
“We need fighters. I mean, obviously by fighters you mean political fighters.”-Mark (75:00)
Discussion of Holocaust revisionism becoming more mainstream (80:00)
Joel says rehabilitating National Socialism is the last discursive gate-keeping to break (85:00)
Mark notes the irony of Joel’s past charity work in India given his current views (90:00)
Joel explains his view that Whites need their own exclusive organisations (95:00)
“We should be going out and meeting with Whites, converting Whites to our worldview, organising Whites into our organisation.”-Joel (100:00)
Debate over showing empathy for non-White victims of conflicts (105:00)
Joel argues caring about foreign conflicts is a distraction from focusing on White interests (110:00)
Mark suggests Joel’s approach lacks the politeness of historical National Socialists (115:00)
Discussion of differences between Australian and British communication styles (120:00)
Joel criticises seeking alliances with non-Whites as reproducing White weakness (125:00)
Debate over anti-Islam rhetoric potentially serving Zionist interests (130:00)
“We’ve got to protect Israel, you know.”-Mark sarcastically (135:00)
Joel argues cowardice, not argument framing, is holding back the White race (140:00)
“I believe in the total rational coherence of my worldview”-Joel (145:00)
Joel says World War II was a metaphysical war between the particular and universal (150:00)
Mark thanks Joel and urges Keith Woods to debate him.
Published on Sun, Mar 23, 2025
Can National Socialism be Resurrected? – with Joel Davis
March 24, 2025
Mark Collett
Keith Woods and Joel Davis have been engaged in an online debate over the issue of National Socialism and its relevance in the modern world. Tonight, I am joined by Joel Davis as he makes his case and answers questions about the efficacy of his political plans.
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(Words: 26,205 – Duration: 152 mins)
Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to tonight’s stream. Sorry we’re a couple of minutes late. I had a few things to do with the family. Sunday night bedtimes, never easy, but here we are. So we might run five minutes over to make it up to you.
Now, obviously, this is a very important stream and we’re live tonight on Rumble. We’re live on Odysee, we’re live on DLive, and we’re live on Entropy.
And if you want to share this, please do, because this is an important debate and I’m going to be dealing with this slightly differently tonight to how other people have dealt with this, because I want to ask Joel some really searching questions and I also want to discuss the wider issues around this debate.
So if you can share this, it would be very much appreciated and I’ll be sharing it myself on Telegram in a couple of seconds.
Now, I’d like to thank Joel firstly for getting up so early in the morning to do this. He’s already knocking back the energy drink and this is an hour later than I usually do stream. So thank you to all the people who have turned up, regardless of the sort of slightly strange scheduling, and to all the Australian guests who have woken up super early.
Now, obviously there’s been a lot of people debating this over the last couple of days. There’s been a lot of people in my chat debating this today when I announced the stream. So if you want to put a question to Joel, you can through Odysee or Entropy, if you want to send a Superchat, you can.
Now, I’m going to ask Joel questions, and depending on the number of Superchats, I will ask him questions from the audience in the second half of the show. And we’re aiming to go for between about an hour and a half and two hours, two hours max. And in this time, I want to allow Joel to assert himself, but I also want to ask him questions that are what I think are the most sort of common and sort of overdone critiques of what Joel is saying. I do want to see how he answers those. And I have a few critiques of what he says.
And I also have a few questions about certain things that, from my perspective, I find a little bit odd about what’s going on at the moment. You might be thinking:
“What are you talking about? Why is all this odd?”
Well, I’ll explain that in a few minutes.
But if you want to put your questions to Joel, you can do. Now, any Superchats go to a good cause. So if you do want to make a donation, if you do want to support the stream, please do. So and you can do that via Odysee or Entropy. As I said earlier, just hit that support button and all funds are gratefully received.
Now, let’s get into this. Listening to the debate, because most people have seen the debate. The debate started when Keith Woods wrote an article about this saying why no one should be invested at all in National Socialism and why it sort of needed to be dumped. And this came on the back of Keith actually doing sort of a debunking of sorts of Europa the Last Battle.
Now, I’ve seen Europa the Last Battle, I think it’s excellent, I really enjoyed it. But Keith had a few negative things to say about it and a few people were like:
“Well why is Keith doing this, why is he going down this route, etc?”
And look, I really like Keith, think he’s an intelligent guy. I’ve had him on the show plenty of times. I’ve not met him in real life, but he seems really nice. He’s always very, very affable. But Keith hasn’t debated Joel publicly about this, and I think that’s a bit of a mistake on Keith’s part. Because I think if your ideas are going to stand up and they’re going to be held to scrutiny, they have to do so not in the vacuum of your own personal writings on your Substack, but in the open field of debate with your contemporaries.
Now, when I was held to account for certain things I said about Vladimir Putin, Russia, Ukraine, etc, well, I went on a debate and I debated Greg Johnson, and around 80% of the people who voted afterwards said they thought I won that debate, which was happy about. But if I don’t feel confident in what I’m saying, maybe I wouldn’t have done the debate. But I do feel confident. I think Keith should debate Joel. I messaged both of them and I’d have liked them to have done this as an actual debate.
But obviously Joel’s come on and I’m gonna sort of play a little bit of devil’s advocate here to spice things up a little bit. And I’ll also give my personal view nearer the end of this.
Now, I’m gonna start by saying:
“Look, Joel, I really respect you.”
I’ve met you in person, I really like you, and I think you are one of the leading young intellectuals in the world-wide nationalist movement. And you get plenty of praise, you get plenty of fantastic media appearances, and you always do very, very well. You’ve also been a speaker at one of my events, a Patriotic Alternative event, and you did excellently. Your speeches were always fantastic! And you’re somebody who is face out. You’re somebody who’s put your neck on the line and your name on the line.
So if anyone in the chat is going to be sort of besmirching this guy, I’ve seen some people attacking Joel. Personally, I think that’s very unfair. Joel isn’t sort of a faceless, nameless Internet pseudonym who comes out and says things. Joel is somebody who is brave enough to say what he thinks and say it under his own name using his own face.
So I want to sort of keep this clean and if there are trolls in the chat, I won’t have any hesitation but to Whack-A-Mole them out of existence! So please do be respectful in the chat and keep it clean.
Now, that doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything Joel says, but please do sort of keep it clean and no ludicrous accusations being thrown around, etc, etc. Because as I say, I do value Joel highly.
And anyway, let’s get into this. I’ve been speaking for about five minutes, and that’s five minutes too long. So everyone wants to hear what Joel’s got to say. So, Joel, my friend, I’m going to tap away furiously and send out the notifications to say we’re live.
But would you like to give us sort of five minutes of your position on this, sort of summarize things in five minutes and then we’ll get into this?
Joel Davis: Yeah.
So obviously I wrote a Substack essay which was a response to Keith’s, because Keith’s Substack post was actually a response to me. He referenced a series of Telegram posts that I made and he literally put like, A Response to Joel Davis as the as the subheading of the essay. So I thought I should say something back. And obviously, for those that have been around a while would know, Keith and I are old associates. I have met Keith in real life multiple times when I’ve been in Europe. We’re old friends. I known him for like six years or something. And we’ve had a lot of discussions about a lot of subjects over the years.
So if we disagree on something publicly, it’s actually the product of probably a lot of private disagreements over a very long period of time manifesting in some public form.
So he decided to make an essay. I thought this gives me an opportunity to explain my position in a way that’s probably engaging for the audience. So then I did an essay myself, but the essay that I did deal with Keith’s arguments at the end of the essay. But the bulk of the essay is actually the substance of my position. And there’s kind of like two aspects to the debate.
One aspect is the question of rehabilitation, and the other aspect is actually identifying as a National Socialist in an explicit way. What I was arguing for, in a very strong sense, was the necessity of rehabilitation, because Keith attacked both notions. I also identify as a National Socialist for various reasons, but the essay that I wrote is primarily a defense of the rehabilitation of National Socialism. Why, even if you want to call your nationalism by a different term or you want to embrace nationalism in a slightly modified way or whatever, that there needs to be a project of rehabilitation of many of the elements of National Socialism so that you’re free to use them essentially, so that you don’t have to do nationalism with the training wheels on, so to speak. So you don’t have to do nationalism under the limitations of distinguishing yourself from the National Socialists, which I think is undoubtedly a reality that we face in the contemporary situation.
There was one part of Keith’s original article where he basically almost said:
“Oh, well, it’s becoming irrelevant these days, World War II and the Nazis, and it’s fading away, so we should just let it fade away.”
But the whole premise of the article itself was that it’s actually nuclear! There’s all this stigma around National Socialism. And so attaching ourselves to it in any way, in any kind of positive way, is actually really negative. So it doesn’t make any sense. It kind of it both ways. Like either the stigma exists or it doesn’t.
And I think it obviously exists. I don’t know how you can say that it isn’t still probably the most controversial subject in all of politics. So clearly that’s there, right?
Also, there’s the reality that the entire post World War II international order has really been built around a response to the Second World War and the ideological dispute that retroactively became the meaning of the Second World War. Now there’s all these more geopolitical or economic or like practical reasons why World War II came into existence.
But ultimately the meaning of World War II, according to its victorious allies, was the destruction of the ideology of National Socialism. So like, apparently the reason why we had to declare war on Germany at the beginning was because they invaded Poland and we gave Poland a security guarantee, but the war ends with Poland under Soviet control anyway. And the Soviets also invaded Poland and we didn’t declare war on them. In fact, we allied with them against National Socialism.
Mark Collett: Like, this is getting into the weeds already. I mean, let me start this again in a way that I think is a better way to start this.
So I’ve been involved in this cause for two and a half decades. And when I first got involved, most people that I met in the cause were in some way, either they were either openly sort of National Socialists, covertly National Socialists, or they’d been influenced in some way by National Socialism.
Now the first thing I find very difficult to sort of comprehend about Keith’s position is the complete disavowal of National Socialism is odd, because whether you’re a National Socialist or not, and whether you identify as a National Socialist or not, I’ve got to say that pretty much any genuine nationalist movement in the world today shares the two central tenets of National Socialism, which are the nationalism and the socialism.
You do this for your people, which is the nationalism. You do this for your country. You do this because you want a homogenous closed bordered nation, that’s the national.
But you do this because you want your people to treat each other like a family. You don’t want your people to be preying on each other. You don’t want the rich preying on the poor. You don’t want the owners of capital preying on the worker. You want the workers and the owners of capital to work hand in hand. You want the rich to give the poor a leg up and you want the poor then to work hard so the rich have the capital to help the poor up further. There is a social aspect to nationalism.
So National Socialism, whatever you say about it, those two central strands run through every nationalist organisation that is alive today that is up and going.
So I looked at when I was involved in the BNP, we went out into working class communities and we told those people that we wanted British jobs for British workers. We wanted a homogeneous society, we wanted to end immigration, we wanted a fair wage for the working man, we wanted to make sure the NHS worked for normal people. Now the BNP was not a National Socialist party by any means, but to deny that there wasn’t the national and the social in the BNP would be to deny reality.
And really, I see where you’re going with this, but I felt that everyone that’s spoken to you about this, without being disrespectful to the people who have spoken to you or talking over you, have failed to grasp the fundamentals of this debate. And where I’m coming from is to say that National Socialism has no relevance would be to say that every nationalist movement today that incorporates the national and the social also has no relevance. And whilst these movements may not be National Socialist, you can see where they’ve come from and you can see a synergy.
And this is where I didn’t really understand Greg Johnson or Keith Woods’s position, because I don’t see how you can deny what I’ve just said. But please give your perspective.
Joel Davis: Well, yeah, well, like in my essay, because as I said, the essay fundamentally was a defense of my position on the basis of itself. And then I dealt with some of Keith’s criticisms, what I thought his main criticisms were at the end in light of that. And I basically broke down my position into three main subjects.
The first is that nationalism isn’t an ideology in my view. Nationalism is an idea, but it’s an idea that has historically been mixed with other ideologies, in particular liberalism. So from the late 18th century up until the early 20th century, there was a lot of nationalist liberal movements, but there’s been plenty of other kinds of nationalist movements as well throughout history. Nationalism is itself can just be seen as an idea, not necessarily the only idea which is of concern or even the most fundamental idea. It can just be one of many ideas that are considered valuable by a particular political party or movement or what have you. So my point was that nationalism needs an ideology to serve it.
And if you value the nationalist idea to its most fundamental, I believe National Socialism is a political ideology that is basically built entirely out of the nationalist idea without basically taking in any other elements. It’s basically starting at the idea of nationalism and then working it out to its absolute logical conclusion. And that’s what differentiated it from many of the liberal nationalist movements of its time and prior to its time, because National Socialism purged all the liberal qualities from nationalism.
This is significant because of the second part of my argument, which was a dialectical argument, which is that basically nationalism and liberalism have become incompatible not just because of the decision, like some kind of like specific concrete decision to turn nationalism against liberalism, because there was a bunch of nationalists who didn’t like liberalism, but because actually nationalism as an idea and liberalism as an idea are actually contradictory. And I appeal to the work of Carl Schmitt, particularly his Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy to make that point, because he basically said this in the early 1920s. He was probably the greatest German political theorist of his time. He obviously ended up joining the party. Carl Schmitt is still studied today as one of the great political thinkers of all time, despite that association.
You know, someone’s a really excellent intellectual when they could have been a Nazi and they still get taught in the universities in the contemporary era, like Martin Heidegger. Carl Schmitt is a very like rare Nazi intellectual, that’s just too good to cancel. Right?
But Carl Schmitt basically predicted and articulated what was happening and predicted the 20th century, the trajectory of politics where liberalism and nationalism would turn against one another and become enemies. Where previously they had been allies. That was mostly galvanised by, particularly from the late 18th, early 19th century, their mutual opposition to monarchy in various respects.
So you can think of a few examples of this, like say you’re in the Austro-Hungarian empire, right? You’re in this multi-ethnic empire and you are a nationalist and you want to liberate your particular ethnic group from some multi-ethnic empire. Well, obviously you’re going to kind of find common cause with a liberal notion of popular sovereignty, of:
“Oh well, we can liberate ourselves and create a Parliamentary system that represents our people directly.”
Or you know, look at like the French Revolution and its consequences. You know, if you’re going to come along and say:
“Well, we speak on behalf of the French people by virtue of the fact of our Parliamentary system and the King doesn’t, the King is the enemy of the people.”
Or whatever. You can appeal to nationalism and legitimate a liberal revolution like that. Or in America there were appeals to nationalism to differentiate the American interest from the British Empire, and the list goes on.
So there was a tension between nationalist interests and monarchical interests. And therefore common cause was found historically for various reasons.
But then basically the old monarchies of Europe were largely, by the end of World War I, they’d been largely defeated. Now liberalism had had a pretty totalizing victory over Western European politics. But liberalism for Schmitt is built around this idea because liberalism is built on the notion of the social contract and the Constitution. Liberalism is built around this idea of basically protecting the rights of individuals and the rights of minority groups against the majority will. It’s not, Americans will often say:
“We’re a Republic, not a democracy.”
Or something like that. You’ll hear Conservatives say that:
“Well, that’s what that idea is, which is that you have certain rights and liberties as an individual or as a minority group, which the state can’t violate even if the will of the majority is against you.”
Well, this is actually in direct opposition to the pure notion of popular sovereignty, the pure notion of democracy, which is that the will of the people should triumph.
And the will of the people isn’t just okay, if we’ve got like a set of voters and 50% plus one of our citizens vote for something that means it’s the will of the people. No, that’s not what Rousseau meant by the notion of popular sovereignty or the general will. And that’s not what Schmitt is talking about the popular sovereignty or the general will, to use the Rousseau’s term, as understood by Schmitt, is people who think in terms of the common interest, in terms of the national interest. Right. So what National Socialism means is putting the social, in the sense, the interests of society at large first!
But obviously that is understood in national terms. The national community’s interests come first before any individual or minority group interest, class interest, whatever other type of interest.
So therefore, the idea of democracy can only really be realised in the idea of nationalism, in the idea of putting the national interest before any of these other minority groups, or including the individual themselves.
And so therefore there’s this collision course between the idea of liberalism and the idea of nationalism, where. And that’s built into the notion of liberal democracy, that actually, you can’t have democracy without nationalism. Actually, democracy is illiberal when taken to its final conclusion as a notion.
And so that mutual collision course that was built into the ideas ends up realizing itself in a very concrete way in the 20th century.
And that’s what I posit. National Socialism was the ultimate historical materialisation of and the making concrete of was this phenomenon. Because the National Socialists recognised that a liberal order which was imposed upon Germany by their defeat in World War I. Obviously, there was liberal elements in the German state prior to World War I, but the Germans were obviously unique in Europe, in how much they resisted liberalism.
And you can see this in., … And this is the third part of my argument, which is Germany’s unique historical role. Which is that obviously in Western Europe, particularly at that time, you have some major powers. You know, Germany is a major power, France is a major power, Britain’s a major power. And I guess you could say, like the Russians slash Soviet Union. And the Russian slash Soviet Union are kind of like the odd man out in Europe. They kind of got one foot in the door, one foot outside the door. And that’s a complex thing.
But in Western Europe, it’s a very kind of cohesive culture in the modern world, where the development of German culture, French culture, British culture, and all the other smaller nations surrounding them, it’s kind of all happening in a kind of collective dance called “modernity”. You know, everyone is listening to each other’s music, reading each other’s philosophers, and Western Europe develops kind of together. Obviously, there’s national differences, but it develops together.
And where the British and the French really anchored their political traditions in the Enlightenment and in liberalism, the Germans were far more resistant to it. You know, the Romanticist movement in reaction to the Enlightenment in the late 18th, early 19th century, it was all over Europe, but it was really dominant in Germany.
Mark Collett: But Joel you’re giving a great sort of history lesson and sort of justification of National Socialism of the 1920s and 30s. But really what I was asking you is the debate is whether it’s sort of relevant today.
Joel Davis: Well, but it is relevant because we live in history.
Mark Collett: But I couch this as sort of like every popular nationalist party today takes the two central strands from the National Socialists, and weaves it into what they do, the national and the social. And I just wanted your take on that to whether you think that’s actually what is happening, because if that is happening, then it is undeniably relevant.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think that’s true. But it’s important to understand things dialectically, in other words, that ideas have a history and that ideas work themselves out through trying to actually manifest themselves, particularly when we’re talking about politics in a concrete form, where they start realizing who their friends and enemies are through the process.
So obviously, the liberalism of the 18th century is not the same as the liberalism of today. The socialism of the 19th century is not the same as the socialism of today because these movements, as they started trying to concretely realise themselves, had shifting alliances. So liberalism once was allied with nationalism. Now it’s against it. Socialism once anchored itself in the White working class of Europe. Now it anchors itself in, basically Third World immigrants and homosexuals and feminism and so on. And it’s changed a lot of its core commitments. Well, to understand why that is, you have to understand the actual process of history. And so the appeal, …
Mark Collett: I think that’s the argument against what you’re saying, Joel, is that, … So there’s several arguments that I didn’t really want to get into this straight away, but I was more sort of hoping you’d discuss how and why it is relevant today. Because I mean Keith’s major argument or one of Keith’s major arguments or one of your major detractors’ arguments is that a history lesson is a great thing and discussing why things were relevant, how they came about, how they grew in that era is fascinating!
But we’re in 2025 now, you know, National Socialism sort of burnt in the fires of Germany in 1945 and we’re 80 years on from that now. I was more so looking for your perspective on why it is or why you believe, …
Joel Davis: Here’s why it is, Mark, because I’m in, … For example, as an Australian, to make it more concrete, as an Australian, we have obviously a White nationalist tradition. Australia was federated in 1901 under the leadership of a White nationalist movement. Obviously we didn’t rebel against the Crown. In retrospect we probably should have, but we didn’t. I don’t say that because of any kind of anti-Anglo sentiment. Obviously I am an Anglo Saxon.
But the reason why I say that is because there were some radical elements in our nationalist movement that wanted to rebel against the Crown and put the White Australia Policy in our constitution. And basically we were watered down quite significantly by the British Parliament in some of the more radical aspects of what one was aimed for by the nationalist movement.
But nevertheless the we established the White Australia Policy through legislation and we built a White nationalist country. We had a nationalised banking system, we had a very good government, comparatively speaking, prior to the Second World War in Australia. Noble, good nationalist men. And people say:
“Joel, why are you worried about this Hitler stuff? Australia had these great nationalist leaders to begin with. They had a strong, robust White nationalist tradition. Why not just focus on the Australian nationalist tradition? Why even bring in this foreign German stuff?”
And the response to that is very simple. The Australian White nationalist tradition, which I do look to and I do admire and I talk about frequently and obviously it’s part of our history, so it would be silly not to. It was fundamentally a liberal tradition!
So I don’t believe that we can have a solution to what is the world that we now exist in, which is a world in which liberalism and nationalism have turned against each other and are now enemies, where the project of global liberalism is fundamentally anchored in destroying nationalism and preventing any real nationalism from existing. I don’t believe it’s possible to create a liberal version of nationalism that’s viable. I think we have to accept the reality of where we are in history, that nationalism has to oppose itself to liberalism.
And so therefore I have to go and look to historical situations where that happened, where nationalist movements of our counterparts in Europe turned on liberalism and why and what methods they used to then draw inspiration to create a liberal nationalist movement in Australia. Because there wasn’t one in any kind of serious way in our history. We didn’t need one necessarily, because liberalism hadn’t fallen into this crisis of contradiction until the post World War II international order came about through the defeat of National Socialism and liberalism became more self consciously an anti-nationalist project. Where liberalism’s core commitment now is defending basically minority rights and interests against the assertion of the majority will.
That is very explicitly the project now. And that’s the, basically the official state policy of my country now. How did that come into being and why? And what do you do about that? What you do about that is you assert the majority will in a direct political form. There is no form more pure, that I can see, in history of doing that than the National Socialists of Germany, where it was a completely totalizing and comprehensive political project anchored in that fundamental principle.
And so that’s why I derive not only inspiration from that project, but also why that project needs to be rehabilitated. Because if that project is demonised and is considered this great historical evil, and there isn’t some kind of revisionist process where we can bring those ideas back into the discussion, where we can consider them again in an open way and consider their strengths and weaknesses or whatever, we can’t have that kind of mature discussion about them. We then basically have completely cut ourselves off from being able to form a robust and militant illiberal nationalism that is capable of doing what is necessary, in my view, to save our people.
Because I think of only a radical political project is ultimately going to be capable of addressing the great crisis of demographics. You know, the way in which, for example, my country, but this is true for pretty much every country, the way in which we’ve been integrated into this global marketplace and we’ve lost so much of our economic sovereignty in addition to having all these foreigners brought in and our elites are all traitors that are part of an (((international clique))) and the obviously the role of jewish subversion, but not just that Communist subversion and so on.
When the National Socialists came to power, they eradicated Marxism, they removed jews from all positions of power. They completely crushed Freemasonry. They wiped out all the enemies of the German people from political life and from public life. They banned foreign owned media, they banned jewish owned media. Only media that was by the German people, for the German people, in the interest of the German people was able to exist.
And so they protected the collective psyche of their people from subversion by alien and hostile foreign elements. That isn’t a liberal idea. That’s an idea nevertheless that I support and is necessary. And a liberal nationalist movement isn’t able to be as totalizing where you could seize state power, where you could use state power to totally crush the enemies of your people and instantiate a positive project of basically developing the blood and quality of the race of your nation in very explicit terms. National Socialism does this. National Socialism also has a intense realism about human nature and the human condition. The reality of struggle, the reality that ultimately to, … Because nationalism is built on this idea of self-determination, right? And you hear a lot of the concept of the so-called Right to self-determination. Apparently liberal world order gives all the nations that make it up, it recognises that they have a right to self-determination, apparently.
But it’s an ideological phantasm. You don’t actually have self-determination unless you are powerful enough to assert it. If your right to self-determination is guaranteed by another country, or a set of international alliances that you’re subject to, you’re not actually determining your own destiny. You’re subject to their whims.
So you can see the so-called American guarantee of self-determination, it doesn’t really feel very much like self-determination. It gives you the right to essentially have the ideology that the US State Department wants you to have. Which just so happens to correspond with you being soft core genocided in your own country. Nationalist movements being suppressed so that they can’t assert them any kind of independent will from this process and your entire economic and financial system being integrated into an international system that you don’t control, run by foreigners who don’t give a shit about you and exploit you essentially for their own benefit.
So that’s why National Socialism needs to be rehabilitated. Because the demonisation of the set of ideas that are bundled underneath National Socialism is a demonisation of a bundle of ideas that need to be applied to create a comprehensive political solution to the problems that are facing us as nationalists today. If we have to cuck ourselves and limit ourselves to only doing nationalism within a liberal framework, we will not create a political movement that is radical or revolutionary enough to achieve the victory that is necessary.
Mark Collett: So basically what you’re saying is that the fundamental strands of National Socialism are still relevant today, and more than ever necessary. And by basically disavowing and pretending that’s not the case, we limit ourselves and we actually put a barrier between ourselves and creating the movement you believe we need to win back our freedom. Is that pretty much your point?
Joel Davis: Yes.
Because if you start doing anything that is, or advocating, …
Mark Collett: Can I ask a follow up then? Because you see the biggest argument against what you’re saying, and this goes back to what I was saying earlier. I said the BNP was not a National Socialist Party, but at its core were what you could have said were the national and the social. There was the nationalism and the socialism. There was the desire for a homogeneous nation, but there was also a desire to ensure that people work together for the greater good of the community and to treat each other as part of an extended family.
So you could say at the core of the BNP’s principles, as you could argue at the core of, say, any nationalist organisation’s principles, are the national and the social. But the BNP believed that by wrapping up those principles in something that was more British, in something that was more relevant, and in something that didn’t come packaged with the baggage of the Second World War, with the baggage of his Hitler, with the baggage of decades of brainwashing, it would be easier to sell.
So it wasn’t that the BNP had given up on the ideas, but the BNP believed that by., … And I keep going back to the BNP, because I was involved in the BNP and the BNP were electorally, literally the most successful, openly sort of ethno, … Not the most successful right of the Conservative Party movement by a long way, but the most successful ethno-nationalist organisation in British history. And the people running it believed that that was the best thing to do, to hold on to those central strands, but to repackage them in a way which wasn’t so off putting to normal people. Because, you know, we’re, as I said, we’re in 2025. There’s been 80 years of intense brainwashing, intense social conditioning.
And do you think there’s any mileage to taking those central strands, stripping away certain sort of associations and selling sort of nationalism and community in a way that would be less easy to demonise? So say rather than using a swastika, you use the Australian flag. Or rather than putting a picture of Hitler front and centre. You would, if you’re in Britain. You would take British heroes.
And another thing about this, and this is something which nationalists have always found a barrier, nationalists have always found it very difficult to get past. And I’ve spoken about this very many times. Here in the Anglo-sphere and in Britain especially, there is this sort of foundational myth that came about after the Second World War, that Britain was founded on the idea of opposition to foreign dictators. And the idea that the sort of Britain was this plucky little upstart nation that went around defeating people like Hitler. And that’s when Britain was born. Britain was born out of sort of two World Wars and one World Cup, as ridiculous as it sounds.
How do you respond to that allegation? We don’t have much time left. I mean, here in Britain, they’re saying 2066, where White Brits are a minority. White British children could be a minority in schools by 2035, easily, by just past, 20030, if current trends continue as they are today. And people will say:
“Well, look, we don’t have much time left. We don’t have time to sort of educate the masses. We don’t have time to break down 80 years of brainwashing and conditioning. We need to take these core fundamentals and repackage them in a way that is more saleable to the man on the street and less likely to scare people away.”
How do you respond to that?
Joel Davis: Well, I would say that’s a distinct issue. Like, my argument is not that everyone needs to package themselves as National Socialists. That was not my argument. My argument was that a project of rehabilitation is necessary so that any illiberal nationalist package that you try to create can have legitimacy.
My argument is from the standpoint of ideological purity, which people often use this word purity, or particularly ideological purity, as if it is like a negative thing. And they use the phrase like “purity spiraling”. They say this is a negative thing. Taking your own ideas seriously. It’s not a negative thing. That’s actually an insane position to uphold because basically you’re showing a lack of confidence in your own ideas.
We are not going to convert the masses to any ideology because the masses are not ideological! What we can do, however, is convert the radical portion of society, or a very substantial portion of them, people who do want to develop an actual worldview, people who are interested in actually participating concretely in politics, making individual sacrifices towards a political movement. Giving their time, their resources, taking risks with, obviously in our line of work, with potentially running afoul of law enforcement and so on. There’s only a certain subset of the population that is willing to do that kind of thing.
But that subset of the population are also the subset of the population that have way more political agency than voters. Right? I don’t build my political strategy around just simply how to appeal to voters. I want to build a political strategy around how do I get that 1% of radical nationalists into a room, fired up and inspired, where they’re willing to run through brick walls for the White race!
Because if you have that 1% of the population ready to do that, organised into a serious political movement, then you can show strength to the people. Then you can show something quite impressive to the people and win them over on the basis of:
“Look at my 100,000 strong nationalist movement, look at how cool they look in their uniforms.”
Or in Britain you can’t wear uniforms. But look at the excellence that we have on display. Look at the fact that we could show the people that we’ve got a real force that can fight for you, that we don’t just have an idea, we’ve got people that are organised around an idea, that are willing to fight for that idea and challenge an elite that you hate.
So it becomes a dance, it becomes a story, rather than it being just about the ideas in the abstract. It becomes this concrete group versus that concrete group. And under those conditions, I think it’s a lot easier to win people over to supporting a radical political movement as voters or whatever, when it’s actually material, when they can actually see the leaders, when that movement can actually do concrete things in their community for them, they can meet individuals from that movement. They can see that they have sincerity, they can see that they have a plan for taking down a corrupt government that everyone hates. The legitimacy of the British government or the Australian government is at an all time low. I’ve never experienced this in my lifetime and it’s only getting worse and worse each year.
But the thing is that even though pretty much everyone agrees that the establishment is corrupt, that the system is failing, that basically by every metric society is getting worse, they don’t really see an alternative. You need to build an actual horse for them to back. That horse is not going to be built on the basis of the opinions of the masses. The opinions of the masses move last! It needs to be built upon the willpower of a committed radical minority that are happy to be unpopular because they believe in an idea on the basis of principle.
And so in order to get win those people over, you actually need to have pure principles! You actually need to have a romantic vision that is built in the essence of what the idea is that they’re going to struggle for. People are not going to go to jail for an optical marketing strategy. People will go to jail, however, for an idea that they truly believe in with their whole heart. So that’s what I’m kind of focused on. When that exists and that, …
Mark Collett: Can I just give you an example of that? I’ll give you an example of that supports your point because I’ve brought up some stuff that’s critical of the things you’ve said, but I’ll give you an example of some things that are actually supportive of what you’ve just said.
Now, when I joined the BNP, as I said, most people in it would, especially most activists and leading members would have described themselves as National Socialists. And there was an undercurrent of it in the party. Now, those people would have all gone to the wall for the organisation. They would have all happily gone to jail if they’d have had to.
Now, interestingly, as the party became less and less like this, and people like that were increasingly forced out of the organisation, the party did gain more electoral traction and it did become electorally successful.
But the interesting thing was the people who were attracted to the party, the sort of soft, fluffy, squishy newbies who didn’t have any affinity to the sort of ideas you’re talking about and were not ideological in any way. Well, the first bump in the road that the party hit, the first bad election, all those people left and bailed. And because there was no hardcore people left in the organisation, there was nobody left in the organisation.
You see, throughout all the lean years, throughout all the bad years in the BNP where nothing was happening, there was still a few thousand members. It wasn’t a relevant organisation because you need a lot more than a few thousand members to be relevant. But those few thousand members kept it ticking over and they never left, because they had something that kept them wedded to the movement, this belief in something greater in an ideology.
But once you got rid of that hardcore and attracted a bigger, you know, electorally stronger base of less ideological people, the first bump in the road, and all of those were gone.
And I do think there is a weight to your argument that an ideological core of people are less likely to be broken and more likely to stick at bringing about what they desire than sort of your soft Johnny come lately, Brexit Party, Australia First voters who will go back to the mainstream at the drop of a hat, at the first, as I say, electoral bump in the road. So I think that’s an important point you just made there is something to be said about sticking to something you believe in.
But there’s also something about this which we have to sort of bring up. When you look at what National Socialism was, national Socialism was a very, very ordered, structured, clean movement based around excellence. I think one thing that does put people off National Socialism today is that National Socialism does attract a lot of cranky people. It attracts a lot of weirdos. You know, there were groups in America where you see people walking down the street with swastika flags and they’ve got tattoos all over their face and piercings and gold teeth and stuff like that. I look at that and I see that as a parody of National Socialism.
What would you say about some of the weird recreations of National Socialism today? Do you see those as genuine people? Do you see them almost as sort of like Hollywood Nazis attracted to the movement because of a negative stereotype? So they think that if they’re involved with that negative stereotype, they’re the big bad guy and that makes them feel special. Do you think that’s a problem for this as well?
Joel Davis: I think maybe historically that has been a problem in various instances. But I would say a few things.
Number one, someone doing a bad job of an idea isn’t the repudiation of that idea. It’s just them doing a bad job. The question is, well, what if you did a good job?
So, yeah, like, for example, our organisation [NSN], we’re always trying to raise the standards. You have to start somewhere. And that same was true for the NSDAP. They didn’t start where they finished in terms of their aesthetics and their propriety and so on. There was a lot of street thugs in that, in the Hitler was in the streets punching with them, punching on with communists and so on. It did have a pretty rough beginning in many respects. It was a bunch of street thugs that kind of got together, that spurged out over, you know, German nationalist theory at the pub and then went out and started bashing communists in the street. Like [chuckling] that’s one way of describing its origins. There’s more to it than that obviously. But so there is that element.
Over time, they refined and they became more sophisticated and they grew and they. And so on. And the uniforms got better and obviously very keen interest was paid to the aesthetics of the presentation of the party. And it’s the most distinctive aesthetic style we’ve ever seen in political history, before or after, that still completely captures the imagination of people to this day.
So obviously that’s a lot to aspire towards. Hitler himself was literally an artist.
And so in order to be able to replicate anything of that quality is going to require a lot of work. You can’t just get a bunch of your mates together and pull off NSDAP 2, and think that it’s going to be as good. Right. So it’s a difficult thing to accomplish.
And also, we’re not necessarily doing the exact same thing that we’re doing either, because it’s different conditions and so on. In Australia, for example, Australia has certain energies in the national psyche which, which we’re trying to tap into, which is specific to Australia, that maybe don’t resonate with foreigners.
And part of that is because we’ve got this kind of convict, outlaw mystique in our national identity that subsists, right, where there’s this kind of romantic love of the Kelly Gang* and the Irish kind of convict energy and so on. The kind of rebellion against authority. That’s why Australians have what they call the Tall Poppy syndrome. We like people who are high status to humble themselves and show that they’re one of the people.
[* Ned Kelly Australian bushranger (1854–1880) Edward Kelly was an Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader, bank robber and convicted police-murderer. One of the last bushrangers, he is known for wearing a suit of bulletproof armour during his final shootout with the police. Kelly was born and raised in rural Victoria, the third of eight children to Irish parents. Wikipedia]
We’re not like Americans where we celebrate, like, celebrities and like:
“Oh, this guy’s got so much money and status, let’s hero worship him!”
Australians are the complete opposite of that. Australians, like the underdog. Australian nationalism was very much built around the worker and the dignity of the Aussie battler* and all of these motifs. And even our kind of wartime mythology is built around these guys just being farmer boys or workers who, hand him a rifle and send him against the Japanese. And he’s like an elite athlete! And it’s like that idea that the average Aussie has actually got incredible or extraordinary qualities, despite having a rough and maybe unsophisticated exterior. That’s kind of part of our, like, national identity.
[* Battler, Underdog-Battlers, in Australian colloquialism, are ordinary working-class people who persevere through their commitments despite adversity. Typically, this adversity comprises low pay, family problems, environmental hardships and personal recognition Woes. It is a term of respect and endearment intended to empower and recognise those who feel as though they exist at the bottom of society. Wikipedia]
And so, like, we are going to have to tap into that if we’re going to start accessing that. So a little bit of that outlaw esthetic is good for us in our opinion, where foreigners might look at that and go:
“Oh, they’re playing into stereotypes.”
I don’t think that would work as well. Somewhere like America where they have a completely different culture.
For example, in America they admire status, they admire this kind of refined, sophisticated individual who’s the excellent businessman, or the Hollywood, you know, movie star or whatever. They’ve got a whole different national mythology and there’s reasons for that I don’t want to go into.
So you’ve got to adapt to your local culture. Obviously you’ve got to tap into the so-called folkish spirit, of your own people and that to do it authentically. And it would be different for Britain, it’d be different for obviously in Germany, it’s different in Australia, it’s different in different countries. But at its core the question is, are you a group that really takes yourselves seriously?
Because if you don’t take yourself seriously, then society isn’t going to take you seriously.
And I think the issue that a lot of people have had with National Socialists in various instantiations, I’m not going to name any names is that they don’t come across in a way where it seems like they’re even taking themselves seriously. They’re not presenting themselves like:
“Could these guys really be an alternative to the current political establishment? Are these guys really capable of governing in any kind of way?”
So you have to be able to develop, even if you’re going to have characteristics that differentiate yourselves from the establishment, you have to convey a sense of authority and a sense of seriousness, moral seriousness, political seriousness and so on. That has to come through in how you behave.
But again, these are all practical questions. The question is, are the ideas in National Socialism good or not? Like, is it a good idea to remove all jews from positions of power? Is it a good idea to go and like destroy Freemasonry? Is it a good idea to ban Marxists from publicly organising in your country? Is it a good idea to have a racially homogeneous nation? Is it a good idea to try and develop sovereignty not just in, by the word sovereignty, but actually gear the energies of your people towards developing the economic and military means of kind of choosing their own destiny in this world?
These are fundamental principles that are in National Socialism, which I think good and I think Australia needs if Australia is going to survive like the White Australian people are going to survive. We’re going to take this continent back and achieve its full potential. That’s why I’m a National Socialist. I believe in those principles.
So I think those are good principles. If you come along and said:
“Oh well, why don’t you just have all those principles but call it some other name?”
I’m fine, I’m fine with someone saying that. I personally, I’m not going to call it another name. But when you do that, you bundle it together and you assign a different name to it. At the end of the day, there’s still going to be a discourse that’s relevant to the Nazis because they’re going to call you a Nazi for doing a bunch of stuff and believing a bunch of stuff that the Nazis believed and did.
And so you can spend all of your time saying:
“We’re not like the Nazis because, well, actually, …”
And write like long TLDR multi-paragraph explanations and how you’re not like the Nazis because of this or that reason. And that’s fine.
But at the end of the day, there’s going to need to be some kind of reckoning with the idea:
“Well, what’s so bad if we have similarities with the Nazis, Why would we not admire a movement like that as opposed to denigrate it?”
Why are we operating under like the morality of the enemy, where we’re kind of implicitly agreeing to this idea that National Socialism is this historical evil that we need to prove that we’ve differentiated ourselves from. That’s not showing strength of character and willpower, I don’t think at all!
If we truly believe in our ideas and take them seriously, and we get compared to the Nazis, we should see that as a compliment! Because that was incredibly successful movement that, basically the entire world had to unite together to defeat in the greatest war of all time! Like, that was an incredible expression of political willpower and of taking what was initially a grassroots movement of like 80 guys in a pub sperging out about political theory. It went from that to that. Like, it’s an incredible story! So we should look to it as a form of inspiration.
And if you don’t look to it as a form of inspiration, you’re either lying, or I think there’s something spiritually defective about your nationalism. Because in every sense in which the Nazis were extreme, or to use that label, or were kind of brutal or militaristic, is a respect in which they were simply willing to do more to achieve what was necessary in a certain sense. They took the idea of securing a future for their people. And not just a future, but a powerful and dominant future.
And there’s also the secondary aspect of this, which is that what the Germans were fighting for, they were fighting for themselves in the sense they were German nationalists. But what they were fighting for in a historical sense was a different form of Western civilisation, was for a Europe organised around their set of ideas and principles, as opposed to the ideas and principles of the communists or the liberals.
And that is this kind of like, great kind of historical Spectre which we now live in. Is Western civilisation going to represent these kind of romantic nationalist ideals? Is it going to represent this kind of you know, in my view, World War II was a metaphysical war between the particular and the universal. Where do you side on that debate? Are you on the side of the particular or on the side of the universal?
And to me, I’m on the side of the particular.
And I think if the White race doesn’t side with the particular, it will no longer exist. That the collective political, cultural, philosophical and spiritual domination of the White race and our collective culture and civilisation by the universal is fundamentally what is bringing us into this existential confrontation with our own demise.
This is even more fundamental to me than the role of jews or anything like that. All of that is a symptom of this more fundamental disease, I believe, of universalism. This metaphysical disease, if you will, where basically our entire moral outlook on the world is relativised into an abstract universal moral framework and has to be justified in those terms, where we can’t just assert ourselves on the basis of ourselves, that we can’t basically measure ourselves by the terms that we create. We can’t create our own values. We can’t assert ourselves as an individual people.
Instead, everything has to be:
“What are the universal rules of humanity? And how can we devise them in such a way that they’re fair and apply to everyone?”
Well, what that is ultimately is a rationalisation of globalism, a rationalisation of a humanitarianism that conquers European particularism and overcodes it with some project of global racial integration.
I don’t believe in that. I don’t believe in kind of trying to compromise with that framework. I believe in repudiating that entire position on the metaphysical level with it, with the metaphysical alternative and trying to represent that in my politics. I think if you try and do that in a racist way, they’re going to call you a Nazi and they’re going to be more or less correct. Like you can have an argument against it. But you’re basically doing more or less the same thing in the essence as what the Nazis were doing. So I think you just have to accept it.
Mark Collett: So with this argument, I want to add something that people in the chat have been saying, have been sort of watching what the chat’s been saying.
Now, I’ll say this. I find it a little bit odd that all of a sudden there has been this sort of attack on people who discuss National Socialism, that call themselves National Socialists. I don’t understand why that is all of a sudden. I don’t. And the reason I don’t understand this is because there seemed to be a period of time where National Socialism became less and less popular. But since 2016, more and more people have been talking about it. And there was an article in the news recently that AI translated Hitler speeches were going viral on TikTok and they were being watched by millions and millions of people. You’ve even had a famous sort of UFC fighter come out recently and started talking about maybe Hitler wasn’t that bad. You had before the last election here in Britain, one of the Reform Party candidates came out and said:
“Look, it would have been far better if Britain had allied with Hitler, if we’d never gone to war with Germany. That would have been the best option.”
And I see this coming more and more into the mainstream. And I find it odd that as this is becoming more mainstream, just as talking about sort of Zionist, jewish, Israeli influence has become more and more mainstream, there does seem to be some people just out of nowhere saying:
“Look, we need to drop this NS stuff. No one should be talking about that. No one should ever be bringing this up, least of all now.”
I do find that a bit strange because one thing that I’ve always praised the Left for is tactically, and not because I like any of their ideas, but the Left coexist.
So you will have the radical Left who coexist with the centre Left, because the centre Left view the radical Left as part of the tug of war. And they see them as the ones at the end of the rope pulling hardest to move the Overton Window in the direction that they need it to go.
Whereas on the quote, unquote, “Right”, you have the very opposite. You have the sort of the centre Right, you have more moderate sort of nationalists attacking those to the right of them and saying:
“Look we need complete disassociation with these people. We need to rubbish their ideas. We need to bring them down.”
And this has gone on for years. But I just find it very strange at the moment that all this would blow up, just as many of the arguments that you make are going more mainstream and people who are either in the mainstream or on mainstream social networks are being exposed to these arguments and many more of them are sort of liking what they see. What do you think caused this sudden sort of group condemnation of these arguments going mainstream from people who are really part of the radical Right? You know, Keith isn’t part of the mainstream Right and neither are many of the people who have criticised this. What do you think led to this criticism?
Joel Davis: Well, obviously, like you said, the problem with Conservatives is that they allow the Left, their ostensible apparent enemies, to dictate their standards to them.
On the Left, that doesn’t happen. Like Anthony Albanese, who’s the Prime Minister of Australia, the head of the Labour Party right now, he’s a card carrying member of the Communist Party in the 1980s. He was Antifa and like he was literally an Antifa and he was a communist, openly. So conservatives will call him a communist or people on the Right will call him a communist all the time. It doesn’t matter because no one on the Left is canceling him, like:
“Oh, we can’t let this communist, this ex-communist run our party.”
Can you imagine if it was the other way around and someone was like a National Socialist in the 80s and now they’re trying to run the Conservatives, some conservative party, they’ll be like:
“Oh, we can’t allow that to happen because this would be really bad optics.”
Well, everyone on the Right just collectively shut the fuck up about it. It wouldn’t be bad optics. In fact, you’d get away with it. The only reason you can’t get away with it is because voices on supposedly outside of politics would criticise it. Not what the Left say. Because the Left call everyone Nazis regardless. They call Peter Dutton a Nazi, they call Donald Trump a Nazi. They call everyone, …
Mark Collett: Can I just stop that? You just hit this most important point, right? You just hit the most important point that I didn’t actually bring up.
And I just want you to further this because this seems to be another weird thing to attack sort of your ideology at this time, when the term “Nazi” has been more played out than it ever, ever has!
So right now people are putting up posters all over London of Elon Musk dressed in SS uniform flanked by Farage and Trump saying:
“Everyone’s a Nazi!”
See in this country, the former sort of Indian conservative establishment of Preeti Patel, Suella Braverman and Rishi Sunak, they were called Nazis! And I kind of felt that the term “Nazi” as an insult had lost a lot of its power and that was strengthening the nationalist cause.
So that’s another weird reason [chuckling] why this has came out. Sorry I butted in there, but you, …
Joel Davis: It’s a good point because people on the Right, like only care about what other people on the Right are saying. Unless they’re running the Right, then all of a sudden they start caring about what Left-wingers are saying. But the actual rank and file, the supporters, the Right-wing base does not give a shit about the standards of the Left and does not determine its views on that basis. So if the Right all got together and stopped punching Right, they wouldn’t turn around and go:
“Oh, why are all these Nazis getting mainstreamed?”
They would just support them.
So basically the gate-keeping function of the conservative establishment, it doesn’t just exist on the basis of the fact that a lot of them are jews and obviously subversives, or a lot of them are ex-Leftists and a lot of them are getting paid by big money donors that will stop paying them if they don’t engage in this kind of behaviour. That’s part of it, obviously a big part of it. But another part of it as well is careerism. Is people who want to establish a career on the Right, they need to signal that they’re basically able to work with this establishment. So how can you signal that? Well, the best way to signal that is to be like:
“Well, I’m not like them!”
And to basically just differentiate yourself, to take a, to pivot to the centre from the radical fringe and differentiate yourself from them in some way, shape or form to be like:
“Well, no, I’m not that radical. I’m not really, I’m not a White supremacist. I just I just believe in maintaining a White majority!”
Or whatever the case may be, and you’ll use all of these labels and so on to position yourself in a way that apparently make you more mainstream, palpable.
But for the average guy in the street, they actually don’t give a shit about the distinction between these terms. These are terms that only matter to political nerds, that only matter to people who work in politics.
So I don’t actually think they’re that important in the grand scheme of things. What is important, however, is the way in which people denominate:
“I’m going to stay within this safe box. I’m not going to step outside of this safe box, so you can trust me.”
And that’s all part of this deeper gate-keeping function of ideas that are capable of winning. I don’t believe that we can negotiate the policies that we want underneath this moral structure, underneath this institutional structure. I’m a radical, I’m a revolutionary! I believe that the whole thing needs to be challenged.
And a lot of people will say:
“Yeah, I agree with you, Joel, but challenging the whole thing is going to be too difficult right now. So if we can kind of get within it and we can do a little bit of work breaking down the legitimacy of that box or shifting it gradually further and further to the Right, then we’ll move it into a position where it’ll be easier to attack, where it’ll be weaker, be more exposed to a radical revolutionary attack at some point.”
And I say:
“Okay, fine, you go and do that project.”
But if you’re going to go and do that project, step one is don’t punch Right, then get in there and start punching left. Get in there and start beating up on the Conservatives and calling them out for what they are and refuse to acquiesce to the opposite direction, refuse to acquiesce to the ideological Leftism and so-called cancel culture and all of this kind of shit!
Actually go there, in there and do your job. And there’s people that are doing that do try and go into more mainstream discourse and function in that way.
And I think most of the time someone like Keith does try and do that. But there’s a lot of people who they’re ultimately putting what will ultimately advantage them and they’ll say:
“Hey, look, I am not embracing all these radical and revolutionary ideas. So I can get platformed, I can get, I can build an audience, I’m not getting banned from all these social media companies, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That proves that this strategy is more effective because I’m not being attacked as much by the enemy.”
And it’s like if you’re not being as attacked by the enemy, that means that you’ve compromised! [chuckling] So it’s kind of a ridiculous logic, like the enemy has set the rules up of this game to prevent anything radical enough to actually challenge them from coming into existence.
So you’re like:
“Hey, look, if I just obey the rules of the game, the enemy doesn’t attack me as hard. My political strategy makes more sense than yours!”
Well, that’s basically like conservatism in a nutshell. Like, a lot of the time. It’s just like rationalizing cowardice, rationalizing the path of least resistance, of gaining personal advantage at the expense of creating the actual fundamental conflict between our position and the enemy position, which is ultimately necessary.
Like, this has to resolve into a radical polarisation of society where a massive portion of the White men and women of your country, where millions of them are willing to support Nazis or something equivalent to that. How are we going to get there? And if we can’t get there, I don’t believe that we’re ever going to be able to fundamentally have our values imposed upon the state in any meaningful sense.
Mark Collett: I’ll tell you what, Joe, I got to agree with you on this bit to a large degree, and I’ve said this to other people. And people got to understand this. If you go out to the public and say:
“We want X!”
And then people vote for you or don’t vote for you, okay, you know where you stand. Then if people do actually vote you in, you have a mandate to carry out whatever X was.
However, if you go to the public and say:
“Look, we’re selling X.”
And people say:
“Well, we don’t want X.”
You’re only going to get sort of two and a half percent.
And then you say to yourself:
“Well, that didn’t work out. Well, let’s water this down, let’s water this down!”
And then over time, you start selling something that’s very different, almost completely different to what you sold originally. If, then when you do get to power, or get a whiff of power, you try to do the old switcheroo and say:
“Well, you voted for this, but we’re going to give you that thing that you didn’t vote for, what we started off with all the way back then when you rejected us because we were selling product X, but now we’re selling, you know, completely different thing to you at the ballot box. But now we’re in, we’re going to give you the hardcore stuff that you never voted for!”
That won’t work. People would be absolutely outraged!
And I think that’s something that people don’t understand. I think the issue that you have is that people that have gone down that softly, softly route would find it difficult to do the things that they initially set out to do before they went on the road of watering it down.
And I’ll give you a perfect example. Marine Le Pen’s party in France. Well, Marine Le Pen’s party in France have basically stated that if you’ve got a French passport and you love France and you salute the flag, you’re French. Well, once you’ve said that, you’re never going to bring about mass deportations or any form of re-migration because it would be impossible to do you can’t then say to people:
“Well, actually, the only people who are French are people who are ethnically French that we now define as White French people.”
Because you’ve already given up that ground and people never voted for you for that. People would think that was an awful thing to do you know, probably a lot of your councilors, a lot of your elected officials would be like:
“What are you even doing?”
And I do think that if you have a radical programme and you ever want to put that radical programme forward and put it into action, you actually have to sell it as what it is if you try to sell it as something different, even if you do manage to get somewhere, you will never be able to get back to where you were and Institute that radical program.
So in many ways, Joel, what I’m saying is that I do have a lot of respect for you and the fact that you do have a radical programme and you’re not going to try to water that down because you understand that that wouldn’t work either.
And it’s quite funny as well, because every party that I have seen water things down, they haven’t necessarily achieve the success that they wanted to. So another great example of that is the British National Party. It achieved limited electoral success, very limited. Then eventually, when it wasn’t electorally successful, it was destroyed. And really, was it worth selling out on everything it believed in to get there and end up with nothing anyway?
So I do think there is a certain honour to standing on a patch of ground, claiming it as your own and being like:
“Well, we’ll stand here until the end, and if we win, we win. If we don’t. But if we win, we’re winning on our own merits.”
Joel Davis: And even for the people who want to water things down, my view is that if you want to, you need to maintain a kind of radical leadership. You need to have it at the very least within the Right-wing. You want the Right-wing base and people who are in Right-wing politics in every respect to have the maximum amount of rightward pressure, particularly obviously on the issues of race and related issues.
So basically you want to have a discussion that doesn’t have rules that disclude the Nazi. Why do people oppose the Nazis? They don’t oppose the Nazis or they don’t get freaked out by the Nazis because of what is Keith writing about, like how they treated Slavic people or something? Maybe if you’re in Poland, that’s the case, but in our, in the English speaking world, that isn’t what’s going on.
Mark Collett: I don’t follow Keith’s argument there because I’ve been involved in nationalism for a long time, and do you know how many Polish people I know that have attended events that could and would be described as National Socialist events? I’ve never found that really. I think that’s enough.
Joel Davis: Yeah, but sure, I’m not, I’m just saying that from the perspective of the English speaking world, that’s not what the controversy is built in the controversy fundamentally oscillates around the notion that the Nazis were the ultimate anti-semitic racist political force. And the other stigma, I guess, is to do with the authoritarian style of governance. Right. And that basically is where the stigma comes from.
So do you want a Right-wing that is willing to basically seize state power and use it against their enemies in a way that goes beyond the limits set for it by liberalism? Do you want a Right-wing that is radically racist? Do you want a Right-wing that is radically anti-semitic? Well, if you want these things, then you have to take the kind of moral training wheels off and allow us into the discourse and allow us to pressure the discourse in our direction. That’s the only way this is going to work. You’re not going to be able to cancel Nazis and also achieve those ends. Then at the very least, you’re undermining those efforts at the very least, because you’re creating the opposite pressure system.
But anyway, the other point that is often made around these subjects is that:
“Oh, well, the thing is that White people don’t consider genocide to be moral and they get freaked out by militarism.”
Was the term that Greg Johnson used after the stream the other night:
“It scares the hoes. Being a Nazi scares the hoes!”
And my response to that is obviously, huh?
Mark Collett: Who are the hoes?
Joel Davis: It’s a phrase like “scaring the hoes”. You never heard that before?
Mark Collett: No, mate, we say it’s like “spooks the cattle” or something like that. We’re British here, we don’t use words like “hoes”.
Joel Davis: Okay, well, it’s a funny phrase anyway.
Mark Collett: Gardening. A hoe is a gardening tool, my friend. It is not a we’re not in the ghetto tonight. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: But anyway. Yeah, but what my response to Greg was that:
“Well, there’s not going to be any non-hoe scaring solution to this.”
Like, we’re talking about an existential battle for the survival of our race. Taking on the entire political establishment, taking on the people who run the world and defeating them. It’s going to require militancy, it’s going to require aggression!
And if you don’t have that, you actually don’t have a basis for people who actually believe in you! Because you’re not actually projecting a sense of power or authority, or a fighting spirit. That’s what’s necessary.
If all you are a bunch of nerds in suits with ideas and with arguments, well, that isn’t actually the foundation of power. Like, you need to have good arguments. You need to be well presented. What you also need to have is a willingness to fight, a willingness to struggle, a willingness to suffer, a willingness to make sacrifices, and an aggression!
And you need to have a that needs to be rooted in what is fundamentally a confrontation with existential reality.
The problem that White people face most fundamentally is not that they don’t have the right ideas. It’s that they’re too cowardly to even come to the obvious conclusion. Because the obvious conclusion has very scary ramifications. If you accept the fact that we are ruled by traitors and hostile alien elements that hate us and want us dead as a people, that are purposefully executing a plan to eradicate our race from existence, and that basically there’s nobody in politics that really has our back, and that we have to build a grassroots movement from scratch under a hostile government to overthrow and resist it to the point that we can regain our existence. If you have to accept that reality, which is the reality, if you don’t accept that’s reality, you’re wrong. That’s the reality.
If you’re going to accept that you live in that world. That’s a scary world! That’s a very scary world to live in. That’s not something that makes you feel good. Right.
And so it feels a lot better to believe that isn’t necessarily the case, that actually:
“Oh, we just need to win the argument. Oh, we just need a better marketing strategy or whatever.”
Particularly if you’re a weak cunt, like if you’re a low testosterone male, you are going to be less likely to be able to accept reality because you are biologically predisposed to being more of a herd animal. You’re more afraid of standing against the collective, you’re more afraid of conflict, you’re more conflict avoidant.
And so you’re going to naturally psychologically bias towards a conflict avoidant strategy. And a sense of reality where:
“Oh, these people just aren’t making the right arguments! If you just made the right arguments, if you just said the correct assembly of words like what I say, then the people that hate us would be defeated in the battleground of ideas and we would win!”
No, no, no! The problem is that White people aren’t fucking fighting back! The problem is that our race are a bunch of pussies! Fundamentally! That every single day, millions of White people around the world make the decision to turn the blind eye, to take the paycheck, to keep their head down because they don’t want to pay the costs of sticking their head up and resisting. That’s why we’re in this fucking position! So many of our ancestors took the jew money or they, as I said, they basically let an insult on their honour occur and just let it happen. They didn’t react! And a whole series of those decisions were made again and again and again and again, to we get here!
So that’s why we’re in the position that we’re in. It’s our own fucking fault! It’s our own weakness fundamentally. It’s not because White people haven’t been convinced that it’s moral necessarily for them to continue existing.
The reality is that most White people like existing and don’t really like immigration and so on. It’s that they’re too scared to come to the conclusions that that implies. You know, so that’s what we need a movement that inspires people to have courage. It inspires people to express honour, that galvanises people and provides solidarity. Where if, okay, maybe when you’re the only guy that’s kind of standing up, that’s more scary, but if you’re standing up and you’re surrounded by brothers who are organised at scale, standing up beside you have a lot more confidence to stand up.
So it’s about how do we bring confidence back to the White man? How do we deal with this White demoralisation? How do, how do we deal with this White cowardice? To me, that’s what the movement is fundamentally about, in a kind of spiritual and cultural sense. It’s not about how do we have the best argument why mass immigration sucks! We’ve already won all those fucking arguments! The majority of people are against mass immigration. Everyone can see the society is failing. The current system has never been this illegitimate.
It’s not a question of arguments anymore, in my view, or it never was. It’s about creating a psychological and spiritual state to actually receive the world view and act on the worldview. And I would say I would finish with this as well. There are millions of Australians that have White nationalist or White nationalist adjacent views. How many of them do anything about it? That’s the issue! Is that they’re not actually fucking doing anything! It doesn’t matter that they’ve been convinced. If you convince someone the jews are running the media and running the banks and the White race is being replaced and they go:
“Yeah, that makes sense. I can see that.”
And then they just go back to work the next day and then turn the football on, and take the Mrs on a holiday and send their 2.3 [1.3] kids to the local school and they just continue on watching reality TV shows.
And what does it matter what they think in their brain? It’s not actually actualizing into a different way of life. It’s not turning into political resistance.
So everyone wants to convince these passive voters that maybe we’ll vote for a nationalist party if it was marketed to them in the right way under certain conditions. I want to appeal to people who are like:
“Hey, come and join me in the struggle for our existence. Devote your life to it!”
That’s what I’m doing. That’s what we actually need. I need fucking voters. I don’t need opinions. I need fighters. We need fighters!
Mark Collett: I mean, obviously by “fighters” you mean political fighters. People who are going to do things lawfully.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Mark Collett: Anyway, look, let’s do the Superchats. If you haven’t Superchatted yet and you want to do the Superchat, please do you can donate via Odysee or Entropy. We’ll be reading all those out now. We’ve got about 35 minutes left. The first Superchat is one that was sent to me by a guy called SR, who gave $30. Thank you so much! And it’s something I wanted to raise first and separately with you, Joel, because I do have one disagreement with you on this.
You do talk about National Socialism a lot and about your belief system, which I respect. But one thing you seem very down on is working with other ethnic groups who are also National Socialists. Now I’ve always seen National Socialism as a movement.
Joel Davis: You mean non-Whites. Obviously I support working with other White ethnic groups. Obviously.
Mark Collett: Yeah, you don’t support working with non-White or other ethnic groups that are National Socialists. Now one thing, I’ve always found this a little bit strange because people like Hitler, George Lincoln, Rockwell, they obviously did. And I firmly believe that we should work with other ethnic groups that want peaceful separation.
And I also believe that if you look at National Socialism fundamental strands that I opened the show discussing, where I said there’s the national and there is the social, that does apply to everybody.
So if you went to say a country in the Middle East or you know, a country in the Far East, and those people wanted a homogeneous, closed bordered society where their people worked hand in hand to do the best for them and obviously accept expressed their culture. You see, and I think people like sort of David Duke, Kevin MacDonald, many others would agree with me when I say this, that really we do want a multicultural world, but we just want everyone in their own place, in their own homelands. And we want sort of a world of independent, proud people that celebrate their own cultures. We just don’t want all of that on our soil.
Obviously we do have a time limit tonight. I’m sure you and I could debate this all night long, but I do think it’s kind of slightly antithetical to sort of National Socialism as an ideology to oppose other ethnic groups that agree with that agree sort of with the idea of peaceful separation and that everyone should have their own place in the world.
Joel Davis: And my position has never been that we can’t have good relations with non-White countries.
Like for example, Australia has a very strong military alliance with Japan. After the United States, they’re probably our second most important military ally because of the fact that we share a region and various other reasons. And I wholeheartedly support that and I actually respect Japanese culture as well in many respects. But even if I didn’t, from a practical standpoint, that’s what’s in Australia’s interests, is to have a strong alliance with Japan. Well, obviously, once great enemies, we fought World War II against each other, but now that’s how I see it.
So I’m not opposed to that on the basis of like some kind of trivial racism. But within Australian politics or within the politics of any White country, what is fundamentally awry with Whites is that Whites can’t figure out how to do anything themselves. Like, just yesterday I went to a Celtic festival, right? It was celebrating Scottish and Irish culture, obviously the weekend after St. Patrick’s Day. Maybe that’s why they organised it. It was more Scottish than Irish, this particular festival. And the kilts were on and bagpipes were going. They’re doing Scottish strongman competitions and things like that.
Anyway, I’m watching the bagpipes and there’s these dudes that are like:
“Oh, I really value my Scottish ancestry. And I got the whole regalia with the long socks and I’ve learnt how to play bagpipes. I’m in this bagpipe playing collective or whatever, and we’re marching around in time playing bagpipes.”
And then he walks over to his Asian girlfriend or wife or something. And it’s like, so that’s how important your Scottish ancestry is to you, is it, mate? And then I see like a fucking Indian guy next to him with the bagpipe looking, like completely out of place next to all these like ginger dudes and stuff.
And it’s like, what the fuck are we doing here? Can we just have fucking bagpipes? No, we can’t have bagpipes! We’ve got to share the fucking bagpipes on the Celtic festival day with fucking Indians! Like, White people need to have our own shit!
We need to have in particular our own political representation where it’s just for us! We can’t have a political party or we can’t have a political lobby group or some kind of political representation if we can’t even have that, where it’s just for us. How the fuck are we going to have a country just for us? That’s step one! We should be able to have an organisation where only we can be apart and everyone else, too fucking bad! You’re not involved. This is for us, it’s not for you. If we can’t be exclusionary on some level, how are we going to build an exclusionary politics? It doesn’t make any sense.
Now, that doesn’t mean that, as I said, non-White groups in other countries we can’t have a peaceful amicable relationship. But if they’re in another country, they can’t really do that much to help us on a domestic level, they really can’t. When we seize state power or something, then we can have an amicable relationship.
But in the process of our domestic political scenario, all that’s relevant is can we get White people organised at scale? That’s all that’s actually relevant. If we can take the country back. If we can’t take the country back. Everything else is a fucking distraction! If we’ve got, if we can only organise like a tiny portion of Whites and we’re going and wasting our time going and meeting with like some random group of Muslims and some random group of blacks and so on that are completely irrelevant to our struggle, it’s like, what are we fucking doing here? We should be going out and meeting with Whites. We should be going out and working and building up White communities, talking to Whites, converting Whites to our worldview, organising Whites into our organisation.
White power is the name of the fucking game. This is a movement for self-determination! That means it’s a movement that we, where we are determining our own destiny has to come from our strength. And if White people are constantly looking to non-Whites for help or for solutions and being inclusive towards them, it’s just reproducing the same fundamental problem., …
Mark Collett: I think you’re misrepresenting the argument. It’s not about being inclusive. You’re sort of getting very worked up about inclusivity and things like that it’s not about being inclusive.
I’ll tell you this now, Joel, and this is a fact, right? I could introduce you to a hundred Whites, okay, and you could explain your belief of National Socialism, what you think it is, and try and sell it to them. And then I could sit you with a hundred, say, blacks or Asians, and you could explain the same. And I bet per capita you’d get more ethnic minorities saying that’s a reasonable argument than you would with Whites.
And I’ll tell you this now, and this might be a hard pill to swallow, but I’ve gone and met black people who’ve invited me on their podcasts. I’ve discussed things with people from other groups and cultures. And when they talk to me, they never call me a Nazi or they never like have a go at me. When they inquire about our views, they are genuinely interested to hear what we say. And often the most pushback I get and the most screeching of the word “Nazi” is actually from brainwashed Whites.
And I’m not saying this because I want to get in this debate now. I mean, I’d love to do a debate with you on this at some time. [chuckling] It might be fun if people want that, you know. But what I’m saying, …
Joel Davis: Mark, I’ve met heaps of non-Whites and I say this stuff and I’ve been pretty consistent about this. I literally go on my stream and say:
“If you’re non-White, turn the stream off. I don’t want you watching my streams. Get out of the live chat!”
They still do it. They still do it, right? So it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter how racist I get. There’s still a bunch of non-Whites that are like:
“This White guy is cooking!”
So what? What are they going to do to help?
Mark Collett: Joel, I think what you’re saying here is also antithetical to your cause, and I’ll tell you why. When I’ve seen the National Socialists, they were impeccably well dressed, very well spoken, very, very polite and they wouldn’t address people in that manner.
And I think in selling what you’re trying to sell, taking the kind of David Duke road is the better route. Now I think if you look at David Duke, he’s probably, well, he is the most famous and prominent post-war White nationalist, you know, post the man with the mustache. Duke is the big man! And I don’t think anyone has been more popular amongst Arabs, amongst different White ethnic groups and even amongst blacks than David Duke. David Duke is somebody who’s respected by people of different racial groups all over the world for what he pushes.
And I think that’s more, … When I first got involved with the BNP there was this heavy National Socialist undercurrent in the organisation. But everybody there saw, they didn’t see non-Whites as just a simple sort of like enemy. And I think that’s a counterpoint., …
Joel Davis: I’m not saying, but I’m not saying that they’re all enemies. What I’m saying is that I want to have a space where White people organise our own politics amongst ourselves.
Mark Collett: And I’m not saying you shouldn’t have that.
Joel Davis: I’m trying to practice, I’m just trying to practice my ideas. Because [words unclear] they’re not part of it.
Mark Collett: The Superchat was more about working with people.
And when I see people like George Lincoln, Rockwell who work with Nation of Islam and stuff. I’ve always seen National Socialism as a movement that will work with people from other ethnic groups as long as they are ideologically coherent.
Joel Davis: What ones that live in our countries?
Mark Collett: Well, the fact is, the way we are, the way it is now is, unfortunately, there is a reality to this.
Joel Davis: If they support us, if they really support us, they wouldn’t live in our countries. They just move home. It’s not that fucking hard!
Mark Collett: I don’t think it’s as simple as that.
And I think one of the things that we would have to do moving forward if we were to get to a position where we held real power and real sway amongst the Whites in our nation is you would need to sit down with people from other ethnic groups and plot a way to chart peaceful separation. Because it ain’t gonna be a matter of, …
Joel Davis: Yeah, okay. When we’ve got a serious amount of Whites organised and we have a serious political movement and we actually have strength and we actually can say we speak on behalf of Whites because we’ve got enough support and we got a chance of taking political power, then we can sit down with these groups and try and work out how we can send them back in a way that’s reasonable for everyone. But why are we doing it now? Just a complete waste of time right now. We’re not anywhere near that position where that becomes relevant.
What we need to be focusing upon now is ourselves and getting ourselves organised and creating spaces where White people can talk about what’s in White interests amongst ourselves, where everyone else is excluded. We’ll let you know when we’re ready to have a chat. Is my view.
Mark Collett: You know, it was interesting because before the Syrian government fell in Syria, I actually did a stream with one of the with one of the very influential men from the Syrian government, and he agreed overwhelmingly with the points that we were making and said:
“Look you should be sending back all the Syrians that came to your country.”
He said that. And I do think that politeness and a willingness to sort of work with other people who want peaceful separation is far more in line historically with what National Socialism was.
Joel Davis: I’m not saying we should be impolite. I don’t think it’s just, …
Mark Collett: Otherwise, you just become sort of this like pastiche of National Socialism where you’re walking down the street with your tattoos on your face and your bother boots on and you’re shouting at people and it’s basically all you expect at that point is Steven Spielberg to pop out from a lamp post and shout:
“Lights, camera, action!”
And it goes on the TV and it’s kind of like negative reinforcement of what, …
Joel Davis: It’s not negative. My worldview is very simple. I believe White people collectively have the strength to control our own destinies. And all that is required is for us to have the self consciousness and strength of will to do. So that’s my message. We don’t actually need any of these other groups’ help. We actually don’t need their help. That doesn’t mean that I want to kill them all. We don’t need their help. We need our own help!
So when we start helping ourselves and we get strong, then from a position of strength we can sit down at the table and try and work out and negotiate, what’s ours and what isn’t ours with these other groups. But we’re not in a position to sit down and have that negotiation yet.
So it’s an utterly pointless waste of time and a lot of energy. I’ve seen this from people like, I don’t want to name names. I know that for example, Lucas Gage is kind of, we had debates like this back in the day and he’s kind of recognised like a shift in strategy is needed to a large extent. But all this energy went into trying to convince all these non-Whites that jews are the real enemy, not Whites and they should ally with us and so on. And it all amounts to nothing.
Because at the end of the day, they have their own people, they have their own perspective, they have their own concerns. And if they were more concerned about us than their own people, there’d have to be something wrong with them.
So there’s no point sitting down and negotiating with them from position of:
“Empathize with us! Poor Whitey. We need, …”
Like that’s fundamentally weak and it’s ridiculous! We want to develop strength!
And then we can sit down from a position of strength and say, these are our interests. Here’s the benefits of cooperating with us and going along with us. And here’s what happens if you don’t cooperate with us. What would you like to do? And we can sit down as gentlemen and be very rational about it and very gentlemanly and everyone can wear suits and shake hands and no one’s calling each other names. That’s what I want to do.
But I see so much time wasted in this movement from banging on about how we stand with the Palestinians and we stand with the Syrians and obviously we oppose Israel, we don’t want to support Israel, the parasite that is Israel and zionism.
But at the same time I actually, it’s kind of their problem at the end of the day, that’s their side of the world. I care about my countries or our countries, I care about our people and securing our future. That’s what I’m focused on. I’m not focused upon giving all of this moral and emotional energy to non-Whites. That is really the problem with Whites. We’ve given way too much moral and emotional energy to others and nowhere near enough to ourselves! I am the person that comes along and says:
“That’s fundamentally wrong! I’m going to have a pure version of my worldview and express it to you.”
Because I fundamentally have confidence in our own race. I don’t think we need anybody else, we don’t need anybody else to achieve what is necessary. If we get Whites organised in Australia at scale, we take Australia back. Same thing in Britain, same thing everywhere else.
Mark Collett: I’ll say this. I’ll say this right, I respect your optimism, but this is where I fear that you’re going wrong, in that you said something there about sort of, who cares about the Israeli issue, who cares about this? I’ll tell you this now, if you don’t cut the strings on your puppet politicians that are all dancing to the Israeli tune because that’s who hold the strings is Israel, then you’re never ever going to be free.
And one of the things, one of the reasons why I thought this was an interesting debate tonight is because the vast majority of people who are, I’m not saying all, but the vast majority of people who are antithetical to everything you’re saying, who are opposed to everything that you are, Joel, are busy cucking on this issue whilst all sucking up to the Zionists!
And you know why I believe that you were kicked off TwitterX It wasn’t because, you’re pro-White, it’s because you’re NS and that’s the step they don’t want to allow. It’s because you weren’t one of the people saying:
“We’ll look, if we just get rid of the Muslims and treat them really badly and shout rude words at them, everything will be fixed. Hey!”
Which is what the people on Twitter and X say in abundance. And I’m just saying I’m not saying that we need to be friends with everyone, but the fact is most, most, …
Joel Davis: I’ve talked to non-Whites before. I’ve had plenty of amicable chats with non-Whites who are woke on the jews or whatever.
But what I’m saying is I don’t think you can really build a politics out of these conversations. The politics that we can build is White people coming together for White interests. That’s the politics I believe in.
So that’s the name of the game!
And I think too much energy gets wasted if you deviate from that too far. That doesn’t mean, it doesn’t mean being rude to non-Whites, particularly ones that are sympathetic. I’ve met sympathetic Asians, blacks, Arabs, whatever. And I don’t call them slurs and like punch them in the face or something. I’m a supreme gentleman. But they’re not coming to the NSN rally. [chuckling] You know, they’re not coming to the, …
Mark Collett: I’m not asking that, but the reason you’re not on, if you look at the groups that have been banned off X, if you look at the individuals that have been banned off X, they’re all people that went beyond what is the confirmed and allowed parameters. And the confirmed and allowed parameters on that godforsaken platform, are that ultimately you can be pro-your own country as long as you’re pro-your country being ruled by Zionists in Israel. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yes, of course.
Mark Collett: And by taking the stance you took, … You see the problem with NS and what they feel fear about National Socialism is National Socialism by its very definition is anti-being ruled by Israel. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Of course.
Mark Collett: It’s anti-being ruled by anybody that is from another group.
And the fact is they don’t mind on X now, if you advocate for sort of a White America, or a White Britain, a as long as that White America or largely White Britain is still being ruled by a little fiefdom in the Middle East.
Joel Davis: But they also don’t mind if you advocate for Palestine like a Leftist, on the basis of the poor Palestinians and look at what’s happening to them.
The distinction between my view is that I oppose Israel and zionism not on the basis of sympathy with Palestinians, but on the basis of asserting White interests. We gain absolutely nothing from Israel! We gain absolutely nothing from our support of zionism! And we, our entire political system has been hijacked by it. How much blood and treasure have we expended in invading Iraq and all this other nonsense that has absolutely zero benefit to us? And Zionists control the media. Zionists control the political process, even in Australia.
So I speak about it from the basis of Australian interests, White interests, not from the perspective of sympathy with Palestine or Syria. Because the thing is, number one, that’s the fundamentally wrong orientation. We should be relativizing everything in politics towards what’s good for us. That’s nationalism.
Number two, also there’s another idea which is that:
“Well, yeah, we don’t really care about Palestine or we don’t really care about Syrians, but we should pretend to because at the moment it’s going to cause problems for jews, right? So we should pretend to?”
And my response to that is not only do I dislike playing games, like manipulative games, I believe in authenticity. But number two, the average patriotic White guy that I know, doesn’t give a shit about fucking Palestine or Syrians. They don’t like Muslims in general.
And so if I start positioning myself like a Leftist, pretending that I care about these things, they’re actually going to get turned off and I’m actually pushing them into the arms of the Tommy Robinsons of the, …
Mark Collett: Joel! Joel! Right, you see, this is where, if you don’t mind me saying, your argument kind of falls to pieces.
Because if you’re saying you can’t take a principled stand over Palestinian children being killed because it might turn off Grug nationalists, well, you know what also turns off Grug nationalists? Hitler and swastikas. So if now we’re trying to appeal to the Grug nationalists with:
“Well, let the Israelis bomb Palestinian schools, I’m not going to say anything about that.”
You might as well drop your Swazi and your NS stuff as well because that also turns off Grug nationalists.
Joel Davis: Not really. What I’m saying is that what the perspective that they haven’t heard, what they’ve heard is “fuck Muslims” on one side and then on the other side “it’s a jew Muslim dispute and should we sympathize with the jews or should we sympathize with the Muslims?” I’m coming along with the Third Position of “let’s sympathize with ourselves”. We don’t have to pick jew or Muslim. We can pick us! And that is the correct position. Right? Because fundamentally it’s a movement for us. We’re not a Muslim movement, not a jewish movement. We’re a movement for White people. So I’m coming along with that position and saying:
“Well, let’s get outside of that false dichotomy. Let’s take our own side here.”
That’s actually a very compelling message that has a lot of appeal, I think, actually.
And it’s important to deal with the anti-Muslim, pro-jewish element on the Right, which we’re directly competing with, in particular.
Thirdly, it’s actually what I really believe. None of us are willing to go. Maybe some people are idiotic enough to be doing to do this, I don’t know. But pretty much none of us are willing to actually go and fight for any of these Muslim countries in their struggles of national independence or contribute anything really of that much significance beyond firing off a few tweets of moral support.
However, we’re willing to fight and die for our countries. So let’s just be honest here! Let’s just be honest here and just, and talk about it in terms of our interests and in our nation. We don’t need to go and adjudicate genocides on the other side of the planet. Is everyone getting that passionate about the morality of the Rwandan genocide or what the Azerbaijanis are doing to the Armenians or what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs? No! No one’s getting that passionate about any of that. You’re pretending to care about the Palestinians because you hate jews, which is, I understand it, that’s fine, that’s great! But on a certain level. But on another level, it’s like, let’s be real here. We don’t actually give a shit about Palestinians. We actually don’t. We’re just pretending to, because we don’t like Israel.
So why don’t we just talk about the real reasons why we don’t like Israel, the pro-White reasons, and just cut the bullshit!
Mark Collett: Well, I don’t think it is bullshit! I think, having a decent, rounded worldview is part of the National Socialist mindset. I think part of the National Socialist mindset historically was having a rounded worldview. And all I’m saying is that I don’t want to see my people genocided. I don’t want to see millions of people coming here from all over the world and wiping out indigenous Brits. But nor do I want to see Israeli jets wiping out Palestinians, and nor do I want to see Israel destabilising the Middle East for the 20th time and millions more Muslims pouring out of the Middle East into countries like Britain, Germany, and France!
Joel Davis: But it wasn’t Israel doing it, you wouldn’t care, Mark. Like, if it was Egypt doing it.
Mark Collett: Well, of course I’d care if it was anyone doing it. And it’s creating an endless stream of people who are then funneled into Europe. I don’t want it happening. You see, I don’t want Western countries selling weapons to Africa so that they destabilise their countries and then all the people coming flowing here. What you want is a world where there are defined borders, people have a place in the world. And you’re constantly not kicking hornets nests. Because those hornets nests, when they’re kicked, it’s our kids that end up getting stung.
And fundamentally I think that when I see what jews do, and to say that I don’t care who does its completely wrong! You know, if you look at my history, my political history, I oppose the war in Iraq. I oppose the war in Afghanistan. I opposed American invasions of numerous countries. Why? Because I think all of this is part of sort of a wider, sort of globalist, internationalist agenda, which isn’t good for White people either. You know, ultimately the most important thing is what is good for White people.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Good for White people. That’s why we should oppose on the basis of its bad for us, rather than going on about, …
Mark Collett: But Israel’s dominance in the Middle East is bad for White people!
Joel Davis: Yeah, I agree. We’re not disagreeing about opposing Israel, obviously. What are the reasons? Like, how are we framing it? You know, I just believe in framing things.
Mark Collett: It’s bad for White people. Because if you, …
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! But that’s what I’m saying. Bang on about the poor Palestinians all the time. I’m not saying you do this.
Mark Collett: No. What was the first thing that Israel demanded when they wanted to empty the whole of Gaza?
The first thing they did was meet people like Tony Blair and talk about sending 2 million Palestinians to Europe. It’d be disastrous! We’re on the knife edge. Why would you want any more of them here? You know, I oppose Israel’s dominance in the Middle East. It’s bad for White people.
But I also don’t like seeing pictures of Palestinian babies with their limbs blown off. As a father, that sickens me! And people who can do that are just demonic! There is that aspect.
Joel Davis: Yeah, okay, but like I’m, …
Mark Collett: But I don’t want to go around seeing children blown to pieces by sort of demonic warmongering Zionists who think it’s hilarious and then want to sell up the little bit of land that they used to have to build condos on so Trump and his stupid son-in-law can rub their greedy hands and make another real estate deal.
Joel Davis: I mean that’s all fine and reasonable, but nevertheless, I think you can also see what I’m saying here, which is that I think we need to anchor our politics just fundamentally in ourselves and our own interests. And what are we actually concretely willing to fight for, and not. Because there’s been this attitude that’s been too pervasive of this world police attitude where we’ve got to morally dictate to all of these non-White countries what they’re like, how their political systems need to be structured, which is a way to anchor us into these foreign conflicts. And I know you’re opposing things. I know you’re taking the opposite view to the Americans.
Mark Collett: You are totally wrong in what you’re saying.
Joel Davis: What?
Mark Collett: The whole world police mentality comes from Israel. The whole world police., …
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Mark Collett: We had two wars with Iraq, with the globalist American system run by Israel being the world police! I’m not saying we need to be the world police. I’m saying we need to morally oppose foreign invasions, …
Joel Davis: But the Left-wing, Right-wing distinction in the mainstream has been either you sympathize with this set of foreign victims or this set of foreign victims. Like we ought to take its side in these, in all of these foreign conflicts where there’s one side that the Leftists like and one side that the Zionists like. And then it flips back and forth between who we’re supporting and it’s like:
“You know what? Fuck all this bullshit! Australia first, America First, whatever, right?”
Our military and our, and our money and our blood should be expended when we are attacked, when our people are attacked to defend us and nothing else! That is what we need to say, …
Mark Collett: No, you just said screw the world police mentality. The world police mentality is the globalist Zionist mentality where White soldiers are used to go to places like Iraq where they either die, come back with some kind of PTSD, or their legs and arms missing to serve the Zionist agenda.
Joel Davis: I don’t want to become like some communist foreign policy where we just have the foreign policy of the Soviet Union, if it still existed or something, and we just, whatever the brown people that the Zionist Americans support, we support the other group of brown people and we play all these like team sports and waving all these weird foreign flags from countries don’t even understand the language of it just becomes utterly contrived and alienating.
And it’s also disingenuous. We don’t actually give a shit, on a fundamental level. We’re not willing to go and fight for it like we are for our own country. So why can’t we just anchor it in nationalism, and ourselves?
Mark Collett: But what are you talking about?
Joel Davis: Ike that’s a way better approach.
Mark Collett: What I’m saying is nationalism is a non-Aggression. We anchor what we’re doing in what’s best for us. What’s best for us isn’t going out and being the global police for the Zionist state of Israel.
Joel Davis: Yeah, but it’s also not investing all of your emotional energy in the plight of other foreign peoples that are the victims in these narratives either. We’ve got to invest our emotional energy and our advocacy in our own people.
And that means like you only have a certain amount of care, you only have a certain amount of love you can feel as a human being. You have a finite amount of energy. I believe in investing 100% of that in ourselves. That is going to secure our future.
Mark Collett: What bit of not investing time and energy in ourselves is being supportive of these wars? Opposing these foreign wars is being supportive of White people, because we are the ones who pay for them.
Joel Davis: I’m saying I oppose the wars. I’m just saying I should oppose them. The reasons that we list, we should just list pro-White reasons. That’s all I’m saying. We should oppose them from a pro-White perspective. That’s all I’m saying.
Mark Collett: So at no point in your world do you look at those Palestinian kids being blown to pieces and think:
“Well, that’s also another good reason to oppose it.”
You know, seeing babies have their limbs blown off, that’s not a good reason as well. I mean I’ve said like it’s bad because we pay for.
Joel Davis: That’s just kind of like an emotional thing. Like I tried to look at things in a very rational way. Like at the end of the day horrible things happen all over the world all the time. I can’t care about all of them. I have to decide what I care about what I don’t care about. Even though there’s horrible things, it’s like:
“Wow, if that was me, that would be horrible!”
Like you can empathize, but at the end of the day, I don’t consider the plight of the Palestinian people to be my problem. I’m not Muslim, I’m not Palestinian, they’re not my people. I care about my people.
So I wouldn’t be willing to go and do anything about it in a direct sense. I would be willing to do something about it in the sense of opposing Israel on the basis of liberating our people from the yoke of their occupational influence over our government institutions. I obviously completely oppose supporting Israel in every possible conceivable direction.
And actually if we just cut Israel off from a pro-White perspective in our countries and let the Muslims have their way with them, and sit back with the popcorn and enjoy the destruction of Israel, obviously. Right? Because that’s what would happen. They only exist because of their parasitism upon us, because we defend them. If we remove our security guarantees and stop giving them money and weapons and sending our people to go and fight in wars for them, they’re fucked! So that’s a situation I’ll be very happy with and then if you see a bunch of Israeli children with their limbs blown off, are we going to be crying about that too? No, we’re not going to be crying about it because at the end of the day, they’re not our fucking people! They made their bed, they lie in it. It’s their problem. Whether they’re right or wrong, it’s their fucking problem!
So for me, I care about White children and a future for White children and that’s that. And you could say that’s kind of harsh. But you have to draw the line somewhere in life.
It’s the same thing of I have children, I’m going to care a hell of a lot more about them. Like if my kid breaks his arm, it’s going to be the biggest deal in the world and I’ve got to make sure he gets to the hospital and I take care of the kid and so on. If some random kid breaks their arm, I’ll help him and do first aid and call the ambulance or whatever, maybe call the hospital and check on him. But I’m not going to like basically preside over his entire recovery process because he’s not my kid, right?
So like there’s like, there’s scales of concern that you can have for others. And at a certain point, you reach the point where if a kid breaks his arm in Perth, on the other side of the country, okay, well, some kid broke his arm in Perth. Like, I can’t. I don’t really give a fuck, right. It’s nothing to do with me. On a certain level, it’s sad that kids break their arms sometimes, but you stop caring at a certain point. You know, your obligations end, your responsibilities end as a human being at a certain point.
And it’s important that we reinforce that, because that’s really fundamental to the nationalist worldview and what’s been perverted in the minds of Whites through the way the media portrays things and the way that a lot of these discussions are carried out, where they’re carried out in these universal humanitarian language all the time, as opposed to carrying them out in terms of what are our interests, what are our responsibilities, who we are ultimately defending, and what’s beyond the scope of our responsibility. And that’s all I’m advocating for.
Mark Collett: Well, I can tell you this now. Every single nationalist movement in the world that was an ethno-nationalist movement at the time when there was the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, were completely opposed to those and were completely opposed to that judeo-American globalism for a variety of different reasons. But if you’re not, you’re not, and that’s it.
So we’ll move on to the next question. ThinRedLine gave $14 and said:
“Great discussion Joel. Have you asked Keith for debate?”
Joel Davis: Yeah, a few people reached out, including Elijah Schaffer wanted to host the debate. You wanted to host the debate. And so I brought it up to him, and then he was like:
“Well, you know, it could be good for exposure, but I don’t know if I really want to be like positioning myself as attacking our own side or something.”
Which I don’t know how that really makes sense when, like, you started the debate, like, why not? Why not finish it? Like, if we’re gonna do these essays, and he put another essay out today, another essay on the same subject, which is good. I like doing the essay stuff, but it’s like, surely let’s actually hammer it out in a debate. I think a lot of people would tune in for that. I think, particularly because Keith and I are longtime associates, it’d be interesting.
Mark Collett: The difference between a debate and writing an essay is a debate is a proper race where you’re out in the fresh air and you’re running against somebody who’s running hard against you. Writing an article and sticking up it online, he’s just doing a time trial on an indoor track. You know, it’s easy, it’s safe, and you avoid sort of any conflict or embarrassment and you minimise the number of variables that can go wrong.
So ultimately you don’t end up falling flat on your face or being publicly humiliated by coming second, 3rd, 4th, or being, you know, everyone’s saying you didn’t do so well. Because all you do is keep doing your time trial until you get the result you think is good enough to post online. You do that, everyone claps and it’s very controlled.
I think a lot of people fear debate because debate isn’t as controlled. Debate, you can throw some curveballs in there and that can be embarrassing for people.
Joel Davis: Well, I don’t think it’s necessarily embarrassing. Like obviously he feels his position is correct. So he feels, he has the arguments. Obviously I feel the same way. So like, why not test it? And a gentlemanly debate, obviously.
Mark Collett: That’s what I’m saying. Test it. That’s what I’m saying. It needs to be tested. Simply writing sort of like letters to each other online I don’t think is as instructive or as fun as a debate. And if Elijah Schaffer says he’s going to do it, he’s got a fantastic platform. You should do it on there. Simple.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Mark Collett: Thin Red line. Okay, we’re gonna have to get through these Superchats because we’re past the two hour mark now. ThinRedLine gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:
“We can’t have ethno-nationalism without taking down the myths surrounding World War II, because every time you ask for closed borders or re-migration, yours will be met by this is NS and it will lead to the Holocaust!”
I agree with that.
I’ve got to say this, and this is another reason why I find it so interesting that Keith came out with this now, I don’t think there’s been more, I don’t think in my lifetime there’s ever been more sort of public condemnation of sort of the Holocaust narrative and public questioning of the Holocaust narrative as there is now.
And I think the questioning of that, and I don’t think anyone says like nothing happened whatsoever! But the questioning of the Holocaust industry, the questioning of the more salacious stories that surround the Holocaust, I think is something which you know, does demystify this whole “nationalism bad because it leads to this”.
And again, I find it interesting that at a time when this is happening, this is being said. What do you think about that? About the sort of demystifying of the Holocaust and the fact that is something that fundamentally has always held back post-war nationalism?
Joel Davis: Well, absolutely! It’s a key component. It’s also obviously a reinforcement of specifically why you can’t criticise jewish power, that like if you criticise jews that that is somehow the first domino in the second Holocaust or something. And so it creates this injunction that gives them all these special exemptions to get away with what they get away with without critique, or at least like public mainstream critique. And that obviously is really melting it down in a big way because I think jewish power is becoming so explicit now that there seems to be a lot of awakening to it and a lot of people are starting to break ranks and start to talk about it in at least in a controlled sense.
And so then obviously the Holocaust gets brought up and therefore a lot more critical discussion around the Holocaust is taking place. And the Holocaust narrative obviously is very flimsy and it hasn’t actually stood up to a open, fair, reasonable public scrutiny because that hasn’t been allowed to take place. In most countries in Europe it’s not even legal to question it. And in the places where it is legal, like here or in Britain or in America if you want to be a historian that works in university and gets your books published by a mainstream publisher or whatever, and have a successful career as a historian, if you touch Holocaust revisionism, you can forget about that, right?
So even though you can technically still do it and you won’t get thrown in prison, nevertheless it’s career suicide! And so there’s a massive injunction.
And also people then who do take a Holocaust revisionist narrative, no one’s going to platform them to have debates against the regular historians. And the regular historians will gatekeep them out and won’t debate them and so on and so it’s very difficult for there to have an open and Frank public discourse. And as soon as anyone weighs into this subject, it’s super controversial and doesn’t take place.
If you had a completely controversy, free, open, rational space where this could be debated, it would crumble, right? It would completely crumble! You know, chimneys that aren’t connected, wooden doors. I mean, the list goes on. I mean, it’s ridiculous! So it can’t stand up to scrutiny.
So even if, when it gets a little bit of critical light shone on it, people do a few Google searches and think critically a little bit, and they say:
“Wait, wait a second, this is all bullshit!”
And particularly when you can see the political role that it’s being leveraged for. Like it’s an idea that creates political power for a particular group. So you should always be sceptical of that. When an idea is being leveraged to generate a particular political outcome, well then you can’t just take it at face value. Which is quite obvious. And I think a lot of people can sense that.
But I’m noticing a big shift where like older people as well, you know, older people in my life, in my friend’s life who were banging on about how the Holocaust was bullshit five years ago, ten years ago, and they weren’t having a bar of it.
Now they’re like:
“Oh I saw this documentary and did you know this?”
And then now they’re bringing up all these Holocaust revisionist facts and like weighing into the subject. There seemed to be a shift in the mood, which is obviously a very good thing. And at this point, White Identity Politics is going mainstream in many respects, at least in a discursive sense. Critical discourse of jewish power is going mainstream, at least in a discursive sense.
The only thing really that’s left is the rehabilitation of National Socialism itself being pushed into the mainstream. That’s really the last and most robust discursive gate-keeping that still exists. And so insofar as people like us that are trying to like push that across the line, it’s really about breaking that enemy control of the discourse. Even if you don’t agree with National Socialism, if you’re at least on our side, you should at least get out of the way and allow us to try and like push that through. Or actually you should be helping! Because open discussion space where we can at least consider National Socialism rationally and openly, even if you are critical of it, is still better for us than what currently exists.
Mark Collett: Okay, we’ve got another question from It Was Made Up who gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:
“There’s one thing missing from this conversation and that’s Keith. Do you think he’ll do a stream with you about this? He seemed to be indicate he wanted to put this to bed today. With his SubStack today. So maybe not.”
Well, we’ve already kind of answered that but thank you for the Superchat. Jagdeep Jano gave $10. Thank you so much! Said:
“Hey Joel. Tom recently spoke on Keith Woods cringe worthy and humiliating and cringe-worthy DMs that were leaked by an adult worker he caught feelings for named Slayter. She dated rappers and was disowned by her family. Why did Keith caught her and fall in love with her? Could you psychoanalyze this?”
Joel Davis: It’s nonsense! Next Superchat?
Mark Collett: What’s nonsense? Having feelings for a girl like that or the Superchatters?
Joel Davis: Oh, just like, just go on about bullshit!
Mark Collett: You know what Joel? You’re the [chuckling] hardest person to make laugh in the whole world! That was obviously meant to be sort of like a humourous Superchat. And my response to it was humourous. It’s like obviously it was a joke. You can’t psychoanalyze something like that. I believe Keith was just being polite to her and she thought she’d got a big own by leaking her Superchats. But the motto or the moral of said story is, if you have a complete skank like that, don’t treat them with the respect they don’t deserve. How’s that for a hoe owning comment, as you youngsters may say.
Joel Davis: Yeah. True.
Mark Collett: Arab Social Nationalist gave $1.88. Thank you so much! He said:
“Perhaps what’s happening here is that figures on the Right are struggling with the terrible truth that is crystallizing in front of them. There is no Parliamentary or Democratic way out of the crisis of modernity. NS is necessary precisely because it is revolutionary.”
Joel Davis: Yep, that’s one of my key points.
Mark Collett: White Bracer gave $20. Thank you so much! And he said:
“Hashtag stream Starfield team and he qualified that by saying Australia is Starfield.”
Well thank you very much. DerCherusker gave $10. Thank you so much! Said:
“Great debate and powerful takes. I agree with Joel. The watered down version won’t work.”
Thank you so much! Jagdeep Jano gave another $5. Thank you so much! And said:
“People are open to Europa being fact checked, but Keith was saying bad stuff like Hitler was anti-Slavic and jews don’t have a monopoly on central banks or gold global finance. He was parroting Wikipedia. I suggest a two on two bare knuckle boxing fight. Mark and Joel versus Keith and Alec Yerbery.”
[chuckling] I’ve seen Joel in real life. He the weird thing about Joel is some people look bigger on stream and then they turn out to be small in real life. Like people always say to me that I look a lot bigger on stream but in real life I’m a lot smaller. Joel’s the other way around. Like when you first meet him in real life I couldn’t get over how sort of tall and well built he is. I think, if me and Joel were double teaming anyone in a sort of a bare knuckle fight, I’d be very, very pleased being on Joel’s side. He’s a sizable guy and has a good weight advantage. Arab Social Nationalist gave a $1.88 again. Thank you so much! He said:
“If the answer to an existential crisis is not revolutionary, then it isn’t the answer. You cannot accept that Whites are on the brink of extinction and at the same time insist that the response should be as polite and acceptable as possible. Makes no sense. Conservatism is poison.”
Well thank you very much. Mitch gave $3. Thank you so much my friend. He said:
“Hi, great great stream. Question to Joel. You said you went to India as a teenager. How come you went there?”
Joel Davis: Oh, I was raised in as a Protestant Christian and it was a kind of charity type arrangement that the Church that I went to was involved with. So it was under the auspices of basically helping out underprivileged children and so on. And I guess my parents encouraged me to go because they thought it would be enriching experience or whatever. And it was an experience that only made me detest [chuckling] that group of people more than maybe I otherwise would have. But although living in Australia, it’s not like you need to go to India to know what Indians are like.
Mark Collett: Beanie wearing Australian buffoon, you make me sick! I was really sick! Do you know, do you know what? Do you know? I find even more sickening than seeing Palestinians having their arms and legs blown off is goofy White teenagers going to places like India to wipe their brows and assist them with medical aid. You liberal Aussie! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Well actually there’s a statue of one of my ancestors in London in Trafalgar Square, Charles Napier. And he actually conquered Pakistan. He was the commander in chief of British forces in India.
So I guess I was just heading back to old lands, …
Mark Collett: To assert your dominance!
Joel Davis: Yeah, there were one ours, and I don’t want them to be ours again. You know it obviously has kind of backfired the whole conquering India thing, so, …
Mark Collett: I can’t believe [chuckling] this argument’s gone full circle like this. God, I never thought you’d say something like that Joel.
Joel Davis: What do you mean?
Mark Collett: You’re the person I could least imagine going anywhere in the world to administer any form of aid!
Joel Davis: Well, it’s pathological altruism! There you go. Like the White man., …
Mark Collett: That’s what I mean. After everything you said earlier, you say this now.
Joel Davis: But I think it adds authenticity to my story. To start from a foundation like that and to have to develop as a man and attack your own foundation, criticise it and develop a pure view over many, many years of arduous struggle reading, trying out different ideas and so on to come ultimately to these conclusions as a fully mature, you know, adult male now. So.
Mark Collett: Okay, well, thank you. Uncle A’s Ice Cream Shop gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:
“Hail Joel! Complete agreement with Joel. Generic nationalism will never work.”
You got a lot of fans in the chat tonight, and I’ve got to say it has been entertaining. We’ve had our own little debate of our own about the sort of ability to work with other ethnic groups.
But I’ve got to say I found your passion and sincerity very important in this. And you know, that certainly can’t be questioned. And you seem to impress a lot of people with what you’ve said. Arab Social Nationalist gave another 1.88. Thank you so much, and said:
“The ‘I don’t care about Palestine’ thing works fine if you’re a Bolivian, but the fact is that the UK and the US are both parties to that conflict. If you can extricate White countries from the conflict, not caring about them is perfectly reasonable. But only then. Whites pay for it in blood and treasure.”
Joel Davis: Well, what I said is I don’t support us being, I don’t support the state of Israel quite clearly.
But you can see this Arab is obviously so emotionally invested in the plight of his own people that he can’t even listen to the words that I said correctly. And I don’t love Palestinians enough for him. And this is exactly the problem with these fucking people! It’s never good enough! I can say:
“I hate Israel! I want them completely cut off!”
Mark Collett: Be careful what you say Joel, because I don’t want [words unclear]
Joel Davis: Fucking bitch about it like, seriously! You’re getting the result that you want. Just be happy with that.
Mark Collett: Okay? Keep Asking for the Truth gave five dollars, … What? Somebody just posted. Right. Okay, look, a few. Oh, the Starfield people meant that jokingly, so that’s okay. I was gonna say I had to ban somebody in the chat earlier for saying something rude about me, but if anyone says anything rude about Joel, I will also ban them. I haven’t banned anyone permanently, but I’ve given a timeout to someone who said that if I spent as much time caring about White girls that were raped as I did about Palestinian children that were blown up would have won by now. That person is a complete idiot, considering I faced seven years in jail for speaking out against Muslim grooming gangs and were put on two of the longest and most expensive political trials in British history. So I spent a huge amount of time raising the issue of grooming gangs.
And in fact, myself and Nick Griffin were the first men in Britain to raise the issues of grooming gangs publicly and politically. And both of us were put on lengthy trials for that. I was actually charged with eight counts of inciting racial hatred for talking about the issue of grooming. So anyone says I don’t care about it is either historically illiterate, or a fed.
I Keep Asking for Truth gave $5 and said:
“Test it.”
Well, thank you. I’m not sure what it was in relation to. And Keep Asking for Truth gave another $3. Thank you so much! He said:
“Joel is too based for most to handle. Based AF, appreciate it.”
He is very based. He’s a good guy and I’m pleased that he’s fought the corner he has fought. Saturn 5, said:
“Hi chaps.”
And gave $3. Thank you very much. Space Kangay, $5. Thank you so much! And he said:
“If we had a hundred non-Whites agree to National Socialism, 90 would still refuse to leave our countries. This is reflective for many hours of discussion on OME and chat apps.”
Well, thank you. I think that’s Joel’s point.
Joel Davis: And as in the chat here, trying to ask questions. But you got to send Mark a Superchat. Like, we’re not answering your question unless you pay up, bitch! You know what I mean?
Mark Collett: To be fair, Joe, usually on a Sunday night, I do the questions for free because I’m captain. I am very charitable. Usually on the Sunday night and the Friday night streams, I do the questions for free. But we have, …
Joel Davis: Well, I’m not doing any free questions! Pay the man! Pay the fucking man!
Mark Collett: You see, [chuckling] you can see there’s a distinct disconnect between Joel and myself. And it might be an Aussie British thing. I’m very easygoing, humourous, and probably come across as sort of slightly nicer and less sweary. And Joel is sort of more hardcore, slightly more sweary and harder to amuse. We have got a slight smirk out of him!
Joel Davis: Why is that an Australian thing? Why? Like you said, …
Mark Collett: I was kind of brought up believing that Australians were all kind of like Max Rockatansky and were just like brooding, hardcore people that lived in the wasteland struggling for that last drop of gasoline.
Joel Davis: Well, that was one thing that I did feel when, I mean, I love coming to Britain, and unless they don’t let me in, I’ll definitely be back.
And I do feel very at home in Britain because it’s my ancestral homeland and I’ve always loved visiting and I’ve always felt very comfortable there from the very first moment I walked on the land and spoke to people, because I already have so many people in my life that are British, and obviously that’s my ancestry. And Australia is fundamentally built by the British, so obviously that makes sense.
But one thing that I did feel alienated by when I was in Britain was the fact that it did seem like people were a little bit more sensitive. Like they were taking offence a little bit at things that I was saying. Australians, I guess, we are a little bit more rough in a certain sense. When I got back home, I was like:
“Okay, I can be myself. I don’t have to worry about coming across like I hate you or something.”
And people think that:
“Oh, why would he say that to me? Is he angry?”
It’s like, no. It’s just how we talk, I guess. So.
Mark Collett: Just for the record, and I’m going to embarrass Joel now. He’s a lot more fun when he’s off stream. When he’s off stream, he’s kind of like my naughty little brother. And I was driving around England with him, laughing and joking with him. I’ve got to say, I thought I was the harshest when it came to roasting people and winding them up until I met Joel. And Joel is a master of roasting other people and winding them up.
And I’ve got to say, he’s endless entertainment. I wish I could draw this out of him on stream because I did feel this immediate affinity to him when I met him.
And I’ve got to say I’ve met a few people over the years, sort of like Warren Balogh. It was fantastic meeting him, Blair. But meeting Joel was also one of the highlights. And I got to say, like, one of the things that really disappointed me is that Joel couldn’t come over for like Sunday dinner with the family and everything because he is a really good guy. And I know we have the odd disagreement, but he is one of the people in this movement that I do respect the most.
AWIVR gave $3. Thank you so much! Said:
“Cheers Mark and Joel.”
Son of Mars gave $5. Thank you so much! And he sent a little something that looks like a cheese with an Odysee man on it. So thank you so much for that. Keep Asking for Truth sent $3. Thank you very much. He said:
“I don’t ask, I just say increase the vril. Let’s go! Keep on doing. Great work, Joel.”
Yes, Vril power. I know what that means. Sticks Sent Me Here, gave $5. Thank you so much! He said:
“We don’t need to be friends or receive empathy from Muslims, but if our greatest enemy is their greatest enemy, we could achieve our goal of conquest much faster. Like the British and the Soviets in the 1940s.”
An interesting point somewhere between myself and Joel’s position.
And by the way, I’m not saying we should be best friends with when I probably just have a bit too much empathy, but you can’t hate me for that. Bluey Wap. Well, maybe you can. [chuckling] I don’t know. People hate me for a lot of reasons. Add that one to the growing pile. Bluey Waffen gave $5. Thank you so much! And he said:
“We can be friendly or sympathetic to like minded non-Whites, but we must stick to our principles and not allow them into our groups lest we risk turning an ethnic nationalist group into a Tommy Robinson style civic nationalist group.”
You see, I just want to answer that one briefly and I’ll say this. When I see sort of like black people who want to remain black and want to separate themselves from us, I’m much more willing to go along with that. I don’t want a Tommy Robinson style thing where Tommy wants a rainbow world just minus Islam. He wants a rainbow world ruled over by sort of powerful Israeli elites just without any Muslims there. And I do see, I don’t know what Joel thinks about this, but I do see this kind of, how can I say this?
So there’s plenty of reasons to not want Muslims in the West, okay? And I don’t want any Muslims in the West. I want to say Muslims shouldn’t be here in places like Britain. I think Joel, we totally agree on that, don’t we? We don’t want Muslims here in White countries.
Joel Davis: Oh, no! Bring as many Muslims in as you want! I love Muslims. What are you talking about?
Mark Collett: Joel’s finally gone crazy! No. So obviously we’re united on the fact we don’t want them here.
But one thing that I think is kind of strange, and one thing about the Tommy Robinson thing that maybe Joel would like to comment on is Tommy’s got this weird thing where he doesn’t want Muslims here, Muslim men, but he does want Muslim women coming here by the boatload. And I kind of find that the Tommy anti-Islam. So Tommy’s reasons for being anti-Islam are in some ways different to ours, but his kind of view of anti-Islam tends to lead to this sort of desire for war. So it’s like the Trump anti-Islam thing is like:
“Look, we need to go to war with Iran.”
Whereas I’m opposed to war with Iran and think as long as Iranians are in Iran, I’m happy for Iran to be the way it is. I don’t know what your take is on that. And that’s really what I was trying to say. Maybe I got confused earlier. Maybe I spoke over you. Some people in the chat said I didn’t. If I did that, I didn’t certainly mean to cause you any offence.
But what I’m trying to say is you have to be very careful about some of this anti-Muslim rhetoric rhetoric, because it’s anti-Muslim rhetoric which is designed to whip young White men into some frenzy, where they’re willing to sign up to go and fight in Iraq or Iran or somewhere like that at the behest of the jews. Do you concede that at all? Do you think there’s any merit to that argument?
Joel Davis: Yeah, obviously. But the problem is when the criticism of Islam is built around Islam as an ideology or something or as a worldview, as opposed to just recognizing it as a foreign alien element that doesn’t belong in our societies. And that it represents the kind of culture of a foreign race. That’s the issue with it.
And then secondarily, as well, like Europe has been under siege by Islam in various respects for over a thousand years. And so that history needs to be conscious and recognised. And so, yeah, like, you can get this kind of Deus vult*, this framing of Zionist foreign policy, as if it’s like a new crusade or something. And how based is that?
[* Deus vult (Latin for ‘God wills it’) is a Christian motto historically tied to ideas of divine Providence and individual interpretation of God’s will. It was first chanted by Catholics during the First Crusade in 1096 as a rallying cry. Wikipedia]
But, I mean, obviously that’s disingenuous. And it’s just ridiculous as well. Like, why are we going and fighting Muslims in foreign countries when they’re in our own fucking country? [chuckling] Like, it doesn’t even, … So, like, we’ve got to protect Israel from Israel, …
Mark Collett: Yeah, I certainly agree with that point. I think we sort of come the full circle, and I think it’s been an interesting discussion. We’ve run to nearly two and a half hours now, so I think it’s about time we sort of shut this down.
But you know what, Joel? I’ve really enjoyed this night. I think you’ve made a very powerful case, both historically, ideologically, functionally, and, well, in every way. And I’ve got to say, you are a true gentleman to come on and discuss these issues.
And I just want to say, if you’ve got a brief sort of two minutes, how you’d like to sum this up before we shut it down, that’d be appreciated.
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, I mean, just to get back to the original subject, I think the key point is this, which is that I don’t think the thing holding back the White race is fundamentally the framing of arguments. I think the thing holding back the White race is cowardice. I think people have motivated, reasoning. People want to reason their way into a worldview or into a set of beliefs that make them feel comfortable, that make them feel secure, that make them feel safe inside.
And so the issue of cowardice and the issue of dishonour is more fundamental than whether this argument or that argument makes sense or not. I believe in the total rational coherence of my worldview, but at the same time, I recognise that it is a worldview that is prohibited fundamentally in the minds of many because of the fear of social ostracism or the fear of the ramifications and implications of the worldview, as opposed to the truth or falsity of the worldview just being rationally evaluated in and of itself.
So that is also the framing of the National Socialist issue. Like, the debate is very seldom about the specific, actual ideas of National Socialism, whether they are good or bad, or whether using those ideas in contemporary context would be good or bad. The debate is mostly about how people “feel” about the idea and how it freaks people out.
And I think acquiescing to:
“Well, this freaks people out. Therefore we shouldn’t consider it!”
It’s just acquiescing to the same psychical structure that is basically putting us in this position in the first place. That whole psychical structure of cowardice, that whole psychical structure of dishonour needs to be challenged directly!
And as I said before, I think World War II was a metaphysical war between the particular and the universal. And I think in order for White particularity to be defended, particularity metaphysically needs to be defended at the core of our worldview.
And so that would be like how I would maybe summate. I think the most important aspect of my position and everything else kind of flows from there.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much! It’s been an entertaining stream. I think we’ve done a bit of everything and we’ve given people half an hour extra than they expected.
I’d like to thank Joel for being such a good support and getting up early in the morning. I’d like to urge Keith, if he’s watching, to please do a debate with Joel over on Elijah Schaffer’s channel. Or if you need somewhere smaller and less famous, do it on mine, of course. [chuckling] That would be appreciated.
I’ve had a great evening and I’d like to thank everyone who’s been in the chat. A few people made rude comments. Those people were temporarily timed out. But I don’t give out permanent bans very often. But please do be respectful both to myself and Joel.
Joel Davis: Come in the chat and call me jewish and accuse me of being a communist and a fed. It’s funny! We should just fill the whole chat with these accusations like why even, like have the sound off and just spam how we’re Fed communist jews and just maniacally just keep typing away and banging the entity.
Mark Collett: That’s what I mean.
Joel Davis: We should just have a live chat where you can just accuse us of all these things constantly and that would be hilarious!
Mark Collett: There’s a guy called Jimbo who loves, who absolutely loves one of your Telegram moderators. He’s been talking about him all night. So apparently, you know, anyway, before Joel kicks this particular hornet’s nest so hard that we can’t sleep for the next week because of the stings, we’re gonna call it a day.
But it has been really good! Thanks for getting up so early, Joel. Thanks to everyone in the chat. I know it’s been a heated debate, but from my point, I’ve got to say Joel is a stand up guy. I’ve really enjoyed it. Me and Joel agree on what 95% things. We had a little bit debate about something from a certain perspective. I do respect Joel’s point of view, and I think everyone should support him as much as they can. I think he’s a very, very brave guy, especially to take the point that he’s taken at such a young age. You know, he’s putting his whole future in this cause. And obviously, I wish him all the best and I hope to continue working with him long into that future.
So thank you so much, Joel. You’re a stand up character!
Anyway, we’re going to shut things down now. Thank you so much to everyone who’s here. Thanks to Joel. Thank you much for everyone who donated so generously.
I’ll be back on Wednesday for another episode of Patriotic Weekly Review. But for now, thank you and good night, everyone, and have a lovely weekend, whatever’s left of it. Good night.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 3/27/2025 = 1629)
Mark Collett
3 days ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
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2 days ago
[Mark Collett – Can National Socialism Be Resurrected? – with Joel Davis – Mar 23, 2025 – Transcript]
Mark Collett – Can National Socialism Be Resurrected? – with Joel Davis – Mar 23, 2025 – Transcript
[In this livestream video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Joel Davis on the need to rehabilitate National Socialism as an alternative to (((liberal))) democracy that is destroying the West. Items discussed include:
Mark introduces Joel Davis as a leading young intellectual in the world-wide nationalist movement (2:00)
Joel explains he wrote an essay defending the rehabilitation of National Socialism in response to Keith Woods’ criticism (7:00)
Joel argues nationalism needs an ideology to serve it, and National Socialism is built entirely out of the nationalist idea (10:00)
Joel discusses Carl Schmitt’s prediction that liberalism and nationalism would become enemies (13:00)
Joel argues Germany had a unique historical role in resisting liberalism in Europe (18:00)
Mark asks Joel to focus on why National Socialism is relevant today rather than historical context (22:00)
Joel says Australia needs National Socialist principles to survive as a White nation (25:00)
“We need a movement that inspires people to have courage.”-Joel (30:00)
Discussion of the term “Nazi” losing power as an insult (35:00)
Joel criticises conservatives for allowing the Left to dictate their standards (40:00)
Mark questions Joel’s opposition to working with other ethnic nationalist groups (45:00)
“I want to have a space where White people organise our own politics amongst ourselves.”-Joel (50:00)
Debate over showing empathy for Palestinian victims vs focusing solely on White interests (60:00)
Joel argues Whites need to focus on organising themselves rather than foreign conflicts (70:00)
“We need fighters. I mean, obviously by fighters you mean political fighters.”-Mark (75:00)
And more, …
Beer Hall Pooch
2 days ago
This discussion would have been better if it wasn’t focused on Joel’s views.
A better approach would have been to go through the history and precepts of NatSoc -and Drexler/Feder’s 25 points- to see if they can still be applied today.
That’s what I tuned in for.
Tip: even Goebbels called out the 25 points as being too Teutonic and out of date. Look instead at the manifesto of the DAP.
Both Striker and Warren will speak with perspicacity on this, rather than frustration, anger, heedlessness.
3 days ago
Great debate and powerful takes. I agree with Joel, the watered down version won’t work.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
The “I don’t care about Palestine” thing works fine if you are Bolivian. But the fact is that the US and UK are both parties to that conflict. If you can extricate White countries from the conflict, not caring about it is perfectly reasonable, but only then. Whites pay for it in blood and treasure.
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2 days ago
true. also there is a strategic reason to care, it has done more damage to israels image than anything else in the past 80 years. for that reason alone everyone should be keeping Gaza in the spotlight as long as possible
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Vulpes Inculta
2 days ago
And done nothing to help white people. Even emboldens them because Israel is viewed as a white supremacist state by most Arabs and those who support Palestine.
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2 days ago
ah yes silly me, all those videos of israel bombing children were actually GOOD for israel! thats why they never took tiktok down! of course.
we should all just forget any of it ever happened and only talk about relevant things like the shoa, right rabbi?
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Vulpes Inculta
1 day ago
Its good because majority of normal people view Israel as a white supremacist coloniser state and blame white people and christians for the genocide againts Palestinians.
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1 day ago
I think “most” is a huge overstatement. Also protestant christians in the US are at least partially directly to blame, without them israel would not be in a position to do any of this.
1 day ago
This is a non-sequitur. He did not say “good for israel.” He said “done nothing to help white people.” He is correct that arabs are anti-white leftists in the US and Europe mostly. Only when their own hides are on the line do Arabs appeal to Hitler.
2 days ago
We can condemn Israel without siding or appealing to the Arabs or other minorities.
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2 days ago(edited)
condemning them for genociding [x group] implicitly puts you “on the side” of [x group]. not sure what you are even trying to say there.
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2 days ago
If that nonsense is correct then Davis doesn’t have to be friendly towards any POC and doesn’t have to say “poor muslims” he just has to condemn the genocide to please the likes of you. But that still isn’t enough even going by your own logic, you obviously require more from him. You want him to officially state his position as POC alliance friendly.
I condemn the act of genocide but personally I don’t give a damn about any Arab/Jew or non White. If every last one of them were to be swept aside by natural disaster I wouldn’t spend more than a second thinking about them. I would how ever spend more time thinking about the poor animals that may have been effected.
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2 days ago(edited)
doesn’t have to say “poor muslims” he just has to condemn the genocide to please the likes of you.
correct. the rest of your comment is stupid.
“I can only be a White nationalist if I don’t have empathy for non-whites”
this sounds stupid and childish because it is. You sound like a toddler. If you truly didn’t care about any arabs or non-whites then why is their genocide bad or different than a natural disaster from your perspective?
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2 days ago
I am not about to waste my time trying to explain beyond black and white to a genius who has not grasped simple English grammar. I’ll leave you to dwell on the matter and I’ll give you an eternity to do so simpleton.
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1 day ago
you’re just an edgelord with no actual worldview. I bet your dumbass is covered in tattoos
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1 day ago(edited)
You have the English grammar of a nine year old and talk like a 15 year old. Probably something to do with the fact you’re a shit skin from the the Gay American Empire. Not my fault you’re a small brained, simple organism. That would be mother nature’s evolutionary selection.
Vulpes Inculta
2 days ago
They have millions of students even some jews on literally every university in the West protesting for Palestine, ofcourse calling Israel a white supremacist coloniser nation. At the same time no Palestinian movement or pro-Palestine movement ever protested againts the injustices done to the white race.
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2 days ago
Irrelevant – jews brought them here.
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Vulpes Inculta
2 days ago
Yet its the muslims who do all the raping, mudering and terrorising. Lets cry some more over an alien people who terrorise us on a daily basis.
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2 days ago
Yes, let’s attack the bees and not the hive first.
2 days ago
You’re trying to imply that jewish lead Palestine protests, that mainly consist of BLM, Antifa supporters, and westernized Muslims, are somehow representative of actual ethnic Palestinians, in Palestine, that are fighting our greatest enemy so that they can stay in their land.
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Vulpes Inculta
2 days ago
I am saying that Palestinian Arabs have more support than white people, and for the only explicilty pro-white movements use their energy to support Arabs is completely useless. As for them fighting our so called greatest enemy, do you really think if Israel ceases to exist as a state that all the millions of muslims who terrosise white people on a daily basis in western countries will all just pack up and leave. You live in an echo chamber and weaking a small state in the Middle East wont stop antiwhite ideology.
2 days ago
im pretty sure hamas did a whole publicity stunt during the george floyd riots supporting blm
2 days ago(edited)
General rule of thumb: anyone arguing that they don’t care about Palestinians is either taking $$$ from someone or a brain dead boomer. Everyone else understands the connection between what’s happening there and those who rule us.
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1 day ago
Where are the Palestinians straining their ovaries about White genocide and the connection to us being targeted for murder by ethnics because of the jew subversion?
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1 day ago
You said the same thing earlier, BAP.
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1 day ago
All the “WE should align with shit skins” moral fags can never argue against this point. Every single time.
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1 day ago
You’re Jewish
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1 day ago
Haha accusing anyone who isn’t a shit skin loving moral fag of “taking $$$ from someone”, basically accusing the only real NATSOCs in existence of being on the take and then calling anyone who defends NATSOC of being a jew. And no actual point to make against cucking to shit skins. You’ve been Noticed.
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1 day ago
anyone with your opinion IS Jewish, though?
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1 day ago(edited)
Anyone with your level of English grammar isn’t worth listening to let alone your utter failure to get past the very first obstacle to your “love the shit skins” moral fagging. We know what you’re here to do, you’d be more effective on faceberg.
2 days ago
Agreed, it’s the same for “I don’t care about Ukraine I’m America first!”, bitch you made this ‘conflict’, hell you even blew up a pipeline.
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1 day ago
Why are so many people talking like American negros? That entire sentence has got a Shaniqua overtone.
Beer Hall Pooch
2 days ago
Mate, too many Nats have zero ideological consistency.
They are happy with appearing monsters without humanity.
Email me with a ‘hello’
2 days ago
Until we start hearing loud and powerful condemnations from Palestinians and other muslims/minorities when their kind commit patterns of crimes against the Indigenous host populations where they seek “refuge” we should all be with Davis on this. It’s always Whites who are held to the jewish subversion of “silence is violence”, but muslims, they don’t have to make a sound when we’re targeted for murder/rape/violence by them. National Socialists were not responsible for the creation of Israel that was liberal democracy, so let proponents of democracy appeal to the minorities, let liberals apologise for the creation of Israel and all the problems they’re causing to the muslims. If NATSOC won Israel and it’s little tribe would have far less power if any.
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2 days ago
Exactly. Muslims are quite happy to work hand in glove with the jews when it suits them moors invasions in Europe, Ottomans invasions of Europe all prime examples. Are muslims guilty about murdering, raping and pillaging lands? No they celebrate it and outright speak of their desire to do it again to Europe.
2 days ago
People forget or aren’t aware that National Socialists were explicitly pro Arab and anti zionist. Jews are the enemy. This is the worst thing that has happened to them since 1933. To not capitalize on it is idiotic. Holding jews to the standards that they set for us is basic logic.
1 day ago
I guess we sort of pay for the Turkish occupation of Cyprus also–at least our government allowed it to occur, but not many Arabs/moslems (if any) speak up about that. I think the jews are showing their inhumanity nicely in Palestine. I pity anyone at their mercy, but I wish the Arabs/moslems would have the same sense of justice when it comes to the rights of whites. The number of caustic moslems — Levant Arabs specifically — settling Germany likely exceeds the number of caustic jews in Roman Palestine.
3 days ago
Joel is to based for most to handle. Based af Appreciate it.
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Caledonian Alemanni
3 days ago
*too based
2 days ago
he is truly a supreme gentleman
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
The Palestinians have never asked anyone outside their region to fight for them. Not ever. They ask for nothing other than to stop supplying ISrael with the means to kill them.
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2 days ago
So they should love Davis style NATSOC because he wants to cut Israel and jews out of White countries. Why do we have to apologise to them as well?
1 day ago
It is not white nationalists giving these lampshades weapons. It would be nice if Arabs focused their information inwards and on their extremists to attack jew lobbyists rather than white women.
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Overcoming the Holocaust myth is important. It creates a total frame shift once you realize how much we were lied to.
3 days ago(edited)
What a breath of fresh air! Joel thinks like a winner. His thinking is the type of thinking required if White people even have a chance. Mark’s take sounds kind, but it will not end White Genocide. Focusing on the plight of other racial groups instead of ourselves is a losing strategy. NonWhites do not care about White people. If you talk to any of them long enough you will find they are all antiWhite. Some are just less antiWhite than others.
2 days ago
National Socialism is fundamentally aligned w/ nature, and unlike communism, it works in practice \o
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2 days ago
I very much doubt that any White folk are pushing the ‘christ is king/nazi’s were christians’ horseshit.
Just posting this to bolster your claim.
3 days ago(edited)
kosher Greg Johnson: “We shouldn’t align with NSDAP because normal people associate them with all the lies and untruth propaganda they’ve been told about them”.
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3 days ago
Greg is like 75 now I believe. KMac is much better from that generation.
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2 days ago
Greg is like 53 so you’re way off there. I believe Kevin MacDonald is 80. personally I admire them both.
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2 days ago
Being an avid reader of CC it is my opinion Greg Johnson has now been compromised. Article after article about the blax but nothing on the constant attacks on Whites by jews, yeah but the blax are the real problem. Leading up to the election he suddenly became a massive Trump shill in a MAGAtard sense. An article posted today where the writer talks about looking at “elder personalities” and mentions two jewish writers that have done nothing for Whites but they’ve written constantly about delusional blax on why they just can’t seem to do civilisation. Moderators on CC have been instructed that no one can be seen disagreeing with the supreme leader in any impactful way in the comments.
2 days ago
I think we are both wrong. I’ll keep an eye out for it. I stopped following Greg some time ago.
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2 days ago
I stopped very recently. By follow I mean frequent his website, which was up until he flipped invaluable to our cause.
2 days ago(edited)
and Christianity has been a massive factor behind universalist thought, it was the first thing to start eroding at racial identity in favor of universalist ideals
3 days ago
We need whites to stop caring about other races
The National
2 days ago
Show me Muslims that care about the raped British girls. They don’t…
But Whites need to care about every shitskin. This is why Whites lose
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2 days ago
Show me Muslims that care about the raped British girls. They don’t…
Neither does the British government.
But Whites need to care about every shitskin. This is why Whites lose
Whites lose because the jews take a legitimate grievance and use it to manipulate low IQ people. Currently they’re using it to prevent you from dealing a serious blow to their global credibility. It’s a free shot at the jews so why not take it. You don’t have to support it, just don’t countersignal the people that do.
And we’re not talking about all non-whites. We’re talking about the Palestinians who are fighting against the jews to stay in their own nation.
3 days ago(edited)
How was Hitler anti-Slavic? what utter rubbish that is.
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2 days ago
he wasn’t technically anti Slavic, in his book he wrote about how it bothered him that there were so many Slavs who left the Soviet Union and began taking low class jobs in Austria, hence why Adolf ended up homeless at one point, so he was irritated by that but propaganda likes to use that to say he didn’t think Slavs were white or whatever else they come up with, he actually felt sorry for them and wanted to destroy communism so they could go about their lives in their own homelands
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5 hours ago
I think it was mainly ethnics from within AT-HU. Hitler writes about this in regards to the Vienna parliament. German AT had the particular situation that much of its industry was given to the Czechs, as were a good portion of its national archives, which were held at the oldest German university, Karlsuniversitaet in Prague. The reason for this, which Hitler details in his speech April 29, 1939, is that Prague (under LU) was once deutsche Kaiserstadt. The Kaiser moved to Vienna roughly permanently in 1438.
) The Czech issue was added to the Hanseatic issue of Danzig and the Corridor and Russian-hosted bolshevism.
2 days ago(edited)
He was nordicist supremacist, so basically at least indifferent of everyone else. If germany had won, had it passed laws on the now huge area(basically europe as a whole and likely much of russia) of 3rd reich that non northwest european peoples are officially 2nd class citizens and/or slaves in the 3rd reich(europe) is another question. I think such laws would have been passed.
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2 days ago(edited)
If that had been the case such laws would have been a long way off as it was estimated that the make-up of the German people was around 65% Nordic/Aryan with the remaining 35% being the other white races of Europe…..It was a universal agreement that there was no such thing as a 100% Aryan in NS Germany, they respected all races, but in their own regions.
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1 day ago
I dont know the exact genetics of 30s germans/people living in germany. Other than they were most likely germanics by en large. But i do know that in fact Hitler was nordicist supremacist. Nobody knows what would have happened in each european nation in case of german total victory. I mean besides you people of course.
So i think that due to the fact of Hitlers nordicist supremacism, its very likely that in case of a total victory by 3rd reich most of europe would have been made as part/vassals of the 3rd reich empire, including most of russia.
And non northwest europeans would have been seen as inferiour to the master race in the 3rd reich empire. Because they simply were. And as such treated differently both socially and under the laws.
3rd reich was not about a peace and love inclusion fest that many seem to think. It was an militaristic empire in the making. One that would rival russian empire and american empire and british empire. And thats why the other empires had to become allies and crush that emerging empire. And to make sure germany/germans never pose such threat to them ever. And they did make sure of that. And lets not forget not only about germans, but of other axis nations. The allied empires punished any nation who fought on axis side and made sure such uprising/revolt doesnt happen again in europe.
Ns Germany did make brutal war against other europeans. But somehow many that call themselves nationalists think ns Germany was just this big peace and love country. Like misunderstood hippies or something. In war you kill them, conquer them, take/use their natural resources, including their fertile women. And you subjugate them to under your power, culture, norms and laws.
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1 day ago(edited)
In the 1930s the Germans, especially in the northwestern parts were near identical to Brits, but Germany’s territory went right across to East Prussia, so it’s pretty obvious that Germany was a mixture… I said, it was a universal agreement that there was no such thing as a 100% Aryan in Germany, but it was the predominant strain in the make-up of the people, and they decided that they wanted to protect and improve that strain.
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19 hours ago
I dont really care what germans at that time were. Im interested about the actions, not of the exact genetics. And more precisely of likely or possible future actions taken by the 3rd reich empire in europe if it had won over the british, russian and american empires. But this is clearly very touchy subject for most people or at least most ns people. Again it seems like many truly believe it would have been an eternal love and peace fest.
1 day ago
This is mostly untrue and unrealistic. Russia was a backwards mess in 1900. Poland was not quite as bad but still weak and disorganized and claiming territory from Germans, Czechs, Belarussians, Ukrainians, and Lithuanians. “Czechoslovakia” under Benes–a completely invented nation in which the Czech supremacists were only 55% majority — did everything everything in the 1920s to 1930s to infuriate everyone besides Czechs, including the Slovaks and Poles. NS Germany did not “take” women from other societies, and it allied with Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, and (formally) BiH.
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19 hours ago(edited)
Being allies in war time doesnt have to do with friendship. Those are strategic decisions. I mean germany made war against its former allies. But you already knew that. Many have turned against their allies, so it doesnt really mean much. What matters at least to me is what is actually done. Interesting aspects of war is also how birthrates in occupied france rose up sharply. I dont claim germans took french women and made them pregnant whilst having first killed/imprisoned lots of french men. Nor do i claim that in wars in general that sort of phenomenom happens, that winner would take it all, including many of the fertile women.
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11 hours ago
Which allies?
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10 hours ago
Go study
2 days ago
If you can trust this info, take a look:
Generalplan Ost
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2 days ago
It’s Wikipedia nonsense – if they did move German people east it would have been into unpopulated regions, similar to the Volga Germans
2 days ago(edited)
There’s a fair bit of information on the link below – it states “There is no indication that this plan was ever given official approval in full by either Himmler or Hitler.”
Wikipedia’s page is complete crap designed to bolster the official story ie if you believe the official story you’re likely to believe that too.
15 hours ago(edited)
Wikipedia is the worst for NS info because it always has the post-WW2 anti-NS victors’ spin on it. Go search Karl Radl on x/twitter, who is basically as knowledgeable about National Socialism as you can get, he has a recent post about it.
And I’d just say, even if there were some actions the Germans took that were disagreeable, that doesn’t mean that the general ideology or ‘world concept’ was bad. It doesn’t mean you have to drive East or make an anti-Slav statement. There were plenty of geopolitical tensions between Slavs & Germans even pre-NS, which includes WW1 & the German territory cut up after WW1. There was even mistreatment & expulsions of German minorities in the Soviet Union prior to Hitler coming to power.
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Those allergic to a Swastika are Not welcome in my foxhole.
2 days ago
NS is the only solution to this current mess .
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2 days ago
ive said that time and time again
The Pork Report
3 days ago
The holohoax is crumbling.
3 days ago
The holocaust myth is shaking
Earthling Carl
2 days ago
Keith Woods definitely gives off subversive rat vibes to me, 100% support Joel and what he stands for.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Some humanity wouldn’t kill you. Hitler pitied the Palestinians publicly and in writing.
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Beer Hall Pooch
2 days ago
Some Nats like appearing as monsters.
Mark was right this evening.
We are consistent with Nationalism or we are fkn frauds.
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1 day ago
It is correct to have behavioral norms and reciprocity expectations from those who expect our support. Killing children with bombs is unacceptable as is sending your men to our country to stab our children and rape our women, then refusing to repatriate these elements, as most Arabs do to us.
17 hours ago
I wounder what his opinion would be today if he could see modern Europe…
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
If the answer to an existential crisis is not revolutionary, then it isn’t an answer. You cannot accept that Whites are on the brink of extinction and at the same time insist that the response should be as polite and acceptable as possible. It makes no sense. Conservatism is poison.
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2 days ago
The problem is, nothing in this world is forever. It can be that whites dont exist forever, or non whites for that matter. Or some in between. Its not just a given.
At the end of the day its about does the organism have the will to survive. Can it survive and adapt to the environment. We have adapted and survived the extreme cold. Can we now adapt to surviving the hostility of invading non whites against us. We have done and survived that too before. So the odds of us surviving this time is pretty high. The question really is what is the best method to adapt and survive this. More research and streams should be done about how we survived before.
2 days ago
It never “died” it is a System of governance that was tried once and it was a miraculous success and seemingly the natural form of governance for Whites. You better hope you can…
2 days ago
I agree with Joel in that we have to focus on our people where we are.
2 days ago
White people have been poisoned by the jew into believing that they are the problem, when facts and history says the jew have always been the problem. Until Satan and his Synagogue of evil is neutralised nothing will change for the good.
Earthling Carl
2 days ago
Sieg Heil!
The Goyim Report
3 days ago
the answer to 1984 is 1933
3 days ago
all other races only care about their own. so must we
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2 days ago(edited)
Obviously those europeans that come out of this extinction/bottle neck event, or rather that survive to build anew, will be much less pleasant and much less humanitarian europeans. Likely even quite selfish and violent dickheads. But thats nature taking its course. And it will take its course and shape the new survivor european man. He will be strong, violent and merciless, unlike the modern european man.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Perhaps what’s happening here is that figures on the right are struggling with the terrible truth that is crystalising in front of them: there is no parliamentary or democratic way out of the crisis of modernity. NS is necessary precisely because it is revolutionary.
2 days ago
i agree with Joel. Mark is living in the past
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1 day ago
You think the guy trying to revive the 1930s is the one who’s not living in the past? Staggering take.
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1 day ago
Grab onto something! Trying to destroy lies about the past in the present, given the significance of the past event and doctrinaire handling of the historical lies at present, is critical at present. Controlling the teaching of the past right now is current and it is critical to our future.
2 days ago
Good debate! I do agree with Joel, we have finite resources, both mental and physical, we need to be strategic and focus on the singular goal of White unification first. Once we have unity and political power, maybe we can stretch out into other things.
2 days ago
What is truly remarkable is the fact that people from all parts of EARTH are now intuitively thinking the same thing and seeing the same issues. The subversive powers that be currently are aware of this and their campaign to dissuade people across the planet is abundantly clear. The very act of ‘them’ doing this is what is waking people up across the globe.
King Tut
2 days ago
when it comes to politics, Joel is 100% on point!
3 days ago
A Bosnian is still a European.
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3 days ago
I don’t consider Albanians european even tho they are white and on the continent.
White Minority
3 days ago
revising the holohoax is the only way to go
3 days ago
Jews control, fund and direct the mainstream right throughout the West. This is especially true of Great Britain. See Sargon, Robinson, Fox, Farage, Hopkins, Reform, Hopkins, Musk, possibly Homeland and many others
2 days ago
Joel is 1000% correct, white identarianism is the only way out of this shit, no amount of collaboration with other groups is fixing it. And he is right we are weak, and cuck to our liberal priors for optics.
2 days ago
I think what Mark doesn’t understand is that the original national socialist were able to be polite and have good relationships with other nations and races because they weren’t dealing with them in their home countries
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2 days ago
Other nations and cultures yeah… does that include Eastern European nations too?
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Long Knife
2 days ago
“Just as England looks after its interests in every corner of the earth, modern Germany, too, shall know how to look after and protect its – albeit much more limited – interests. And these interests of the German Reich include protecting those German Volksgenossen who are not, of their own power, in a position to secure for themselves on our borders the right to general human, political, and weltatnschaulich freedom! In the fifth year following the first great foreign policy agreement of the Reich, it fills us with true satisfaction to be able to say that, particularly as regards our relations with the state with which we would perhaps have the greatest differences, not only have tensions lessened; moreover, in the course of these past years, an ever friendlier rapprochement has come about. I well know that this was due first and foremost to the fact that, at the time, Warsaw did not have a Western parliamentarianism but a Polish Marshal who, being an outstanding figure, sensed how very significant a lessening of German-Polish tensions was for Europe. The work of that time, which many questioned, has proven itself in the interim; and I may well say that, when the League of Nations finally abandoned its unremitting attempts to cause disruption in Danzig and furthermore appointed a new commissioner who was a man of personal stature, this very spot that presented the greatest threat to European peace lost its dangerous significance.
The Polish nation respects the national conditions in this state, and this city and Germany both respect Polish rights. Hence it was possible to pave the way for an understanding which, starting with Danzig, has been capable of completely removing the poison from the relationship between Germany and Poland, transforming it into one of truly friendly cooperation – despite the attempts of troublemakers here and there.”
~ Adolf Hitler
from Reichstag speech of February 20th, 1938
2 days ago
Lets not pretend that ns germany was some humanitarian superpower. Its was highly organized militaristic superpower wanting to expand.
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7 hours ago
7 hours ago
Yes. And also because they actually achieved a level of strength and power that allowed them to COMMAND respect from those other races.
3 days ago
I agree with Joel. White people need to look inwards and focus on our own above all else in order to throw off the Jewish shackles which will in the end eliminate their power and ability to do what they do re expanding Israels borders unopposed in the first place.
3 days ago
middle east conflicts belong to the middle east….let them sort out their own shit. No more money or military from White nations
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
People are open to Europa being fact checked but Keith was saying bad faith stuff like, Hitler was anti-Slavic, and Jews don’t have a monopoly on central banks or global finance. He was parroting Wikipedia. I suggest a 2 on 2 bare knuckle boxing fight – Mark and Joel VS Keith Woods and Alek Yerbury
3 days ago
Yeah, “Nazi” = “Gas chambers” for the Eternal Normie.
2 days ago
Mr Davis is 100% Correct.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Rockwell worked with them because they were there in front of him. There’s no reason to pretend they don’t exist.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
You have to deal with the situation as it is. Since non-Whites are often racially aware, you can have the peaceful separation discussion with them.
3 days ago
Tucker is another Thiel nationalist
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
What’s even the point of WN when all it’s young members are spiritually negrified
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Conservatism is anti-national and anti-White. It’s the most despicable ideology in Western politics.
2 days ago
If NATSOC won Israel and the jews wouldn’t have one third of the power they wield over the West today. NATSOC does not need to appeal to or beg mulsims about anything.
2 days ago
To have sympathy for other peoples isn’t making their cause your own.
Being a nationalist doesn’t mean you can’t cooperate with other groups for a common (!) cause.
I don’t believe that’s very pragmatic or a winners strategy but that won’t stop online goofballs who are more interested in letting of steam rather than actually changing something in RL.
2 days ago
Colin Jordan’s ‘The National Vanguard – The Way Forward’ is a must read for NS’s
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
“Homosexual and gay” are code words for: Perverted Queers.
3 days ago
cheers mark and joel
3 days ago
Joel Davis \o I recognize myself in him. There was years when I never laughed or smiled, because of how serious I feel about the struggle. \o
3 days ago
Can I question when chimneys were built?
3 days ago
third reich was a success, we are still here today because it
Uncle A’s Ice Cream Shop
3 days ago
Hail Joel! Complete agreement with Joel. Generic “nationalism” will never work.
3 days ago
Mark and Duke are very experienced and should be listened to here
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Cucker Tarlson is an overpaid Coward.
Son of Mars
3 days ago
We get called Nazis for wanting white countries anyway. Go through em.
3 days ago
Globalism is just the new term for Internationalism
1 day ago
At about 1h45m: The question of taking sides in the Israeli genocide. Joels third position is a bit like; I don´t care when evil triumphs.
Peaceful separation would need a Palestine for Palestinians to return to, and a Syria for Syrians, not a growing zionists tumor fully supported by treasonous western clown puppets, seen by Arabs and muslims as representing white Europeans.
Being supportive of a Palestinian homeland does not contradict our claims to our lands, it is actually the moral stance to take.
2 days ago
Never thought i would write these words but… Mark seems to have a loser mentality, like a centrist. That won’t save the white race. Have to rethink my entire view of Mark now.
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Mark Collett
1 day ago
You should look up a guy called George Lincoln Rockwell, by your standard he was a centrist with a loser mentality.
2 days ago
Joel Davis is really becoming a huge figure in all of our lives. This from a boomer in New Jersey. God bless the both of u and a growing number of other proud committed strong white men!
2 days ago
The St George’s flag seems to be familiar and stir the soul of the British. Why reinvent the wheel? Use what you’ve got.
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Cù Fhoirthe
1 day ago
There are about 7-8 million native “British” people for whom the St George’s is not an ethnic symbol, and is even a foreign one.
1 day ago
, I probably should’ve written “English” rather than British. I’m sure you also have a regional flag that would serve as a nationalistic symbol. My apologies, as I clearly mis-spoke. My excuse is “murica”
2 days ago
A ‘neonazi’ demo in Berlin on Saturday was led by a Turk! We should support Palestinians because the Zionists use anti Muslim propaganda to reinforce their own power. The ADL says half of humanity is antisemitic, who is to say they won’t use Trump to witch hunt anyone who they deem antisemitic??
2 days ago
I think it’s really unfair for Mark to keep bringing up the dude with tattoos on his face that was a big debacle I get it but it was a one-off that dude is not representative in fact he was probably a plant
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1 day ago
That’s just disillusionment on your part. Present the wrong image and you lose people, like it or not. Oh, and why does every misguided person on the Right have to be a plant? You’re kidding yourself if you really believe that.
2 days ago
Mark, you’re a legend
2 days ago
nationalism is the natural default mode of all nations, but our people’s natural instincts has been subverted, it’s like they are in a cult, if you look at the achievements the liberal commie bastards have had it’s because they are unapologetically radical, the more radical they are the closer they get to their goals, nationalist need to be as unapologetically radical as the liberals, moderateness gets you no where
3 days ago
im a nazi and seeing palestian kids blown up pisses me off and im not lying so what ever
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1 day ago
yes you’re white. Palestinians on the other hand dont give a flying f*ck when white kids are ran down by a semi trailer in France
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1 day ago
well my morality does not change just cuz somebody else is retarded
3 days ago
wow mark is not correct on this at all
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Whites are too nice already. Non-Whites haven’t earned any right to interact with us.
3 days ago
lucas gage saw pretty brutally on twitter that theres no reciprocity or one struggle. all the muslims told him to get fcked when he tried to get them to sympathise with any form of white nationalism. they dog piled him
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1 day ago
I hope people saved screenshots and archived links of when they dog pilled lucas gage.
3 days ago
We aren’t asking for their help, we’re telling them what we are doing to make it so they don’t come into conflict with us as we move towards our goals.
3 days ago
kanye good example..White Lives Matter tshirt revenue went to Blacks in need
3 days ago
the key is not in “not scaring” the women, its in giving them confidence in your strength and resolve
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Teutonic Truth
1 day ago
DUKE is Six Millions times The Man you, trump, and farage will ever be.
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1 day ago
Wow, you sure are an old, idiot boomer.
3 days ago
Many liberals don’t fundamentally disagree with the far Left. Conservatives really don’t agree with National Socialism.
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
NeoBolsheviks prefer to say Global because they intend to delete the word and existence of Nation.
3 days ago
efficiency and hard work was German way. Soft pleasure seekers were not the German way back then. Now days not so much
21 hours ago(edited)
You know who did care about the Palestinian cause because it aligned with their own? You know who did have diplomacy with Iran? You know who did ally with Japan and called them “honorary Aryans”? You know who did build a multi-ethnic ideological army to fight the greater enemy? The German National-Socialists.
The fact these walking talking Hollywood cartoons like to highlight their most morbid takes on the televised jew-orchestrated genocide in Gaza and think that’s somehow gonna win people over, is mind-boggling. Unless of course, they’re bad actors and know what they’re doing.
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17 hours ago
I wounder what the opinions of the old german NSs would be today if could see modern Europe…
1 day ago
its crazy to me that your average black has much higher in-group preference than the top 2% of whites(the actual nationalists). whites really do seem to fetishize the outsider.
2 days ago
I hope your son is allowing you to get good nights’ rests, Mark!
2 days ago
Mark Collett point to a time in history when Muslims cared about a white country or any white people. Your virtue signalling is pathetic
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1 day ago
EXACTLY !! As i said muslims are quite happy to work with jews when it suits them. Moors and ottomans as examples. Do they have any remorse or care for the suffering of the people of Europe? No. Infact they celebrate it and wish to do it again in Europe.
2 days ago
Agree with what Joel says from
. I am getting really sick of the “based Muslim alliance” and how many people in the nationalist and “far right” circles will criticise and insult you if you object to Muslims in your country or say they should be deported – and even more bizarrely, they call you Jewish (Fuentes, groypers, Lucas Gage, David Clews etc).
It’s a ridiculous position to be bargaining from, that we need the support of the invaders to get our countries back and we should overlook the horrible crimes they’ve done to us because we “need” them to be on our side. Disgusting.
Earthling Carl
2 days ago
Mark’s audio is a bit off here.
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1 day ago
Yes, very unusually so. Mark’s usually spot on with the technical stuff, and it’s the guests that have problems, but that’s flipped on this stream.
– 🗲 GamerMosleyMomentUK 🗲 –
2 days ago
The Israel-Palestine thing is so tiresome. If Jews and Arabs want to kill each other in the sand let them have at it, they’ve been doing it to each other for centuries, and in ten thousand years they’ll still be killing each other in the dirt whether they’re using American jets or sticks and stones, the very bible some of you pro-Palestinian types thump so vehemently is a catalogue of the middle east’s centuries of ceaseless barbarity.
If you think Palestinian immigrants from the conflict are bad, what will you think of Israeli immigrants when they start fleeing the sinking ship? The sad truth is that regardless of who wins, Europe loses.
2 days ago
This is an excellent conversation
Will O’ The Wild
2 days ago
1488th comment
2 days ago
It’s easy to over-intellectualize everything when you’re as smart as Joel is, so appreciate his unwillingness to indulge in that. Embrace the basics. “Grug-brain” nationalism.
3 days ago
I have moved on. Into community building. Stalking normies as a bad guy is not my bag. Money and time can be better spent on people who seek me. There is the internet and search tatics for people who care about nationism.
3 days ago
Great stream
3 days ago
we will be victorious, folks! We’ll come out of this stronger and wiser than ever before!
3 days ago
Teach your kids about the birds and the bees, and the Negroes with STD’s!
3 days ago
ya it was a great stream. Joel is the man
3 days ago
never relax chat \o
3 days ago
unit 8200 in this chat for sure
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Muslim and Jews are cousins let them have a family fight. White people have to unite around our Race First 1488
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1 day ago
Ummm..During World War II, there was collaboration between some Muslim leaders and the Nazi regime, notably Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who spent time in Berlin and met with Nazi officials to discuss shared interests against Allied forces.
3 days ago
I cant figure it out. That beard is sus
3 days ago
Mark kills them with kindness it’s awesome
3 days ago
Joel supports a Nazi Azovs fighting Russia and China but fu@k the Palestinians
3 days ago
this is great
3 days ago
I dont ask. I just say increase the vril lets go. keep on doing great work joeal
3 days ago
Good man Mark
3 days ago
Dead palastinian children and white people being outraged does not stop the jew, white people uniting will.
3 days ago
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
The challahcaust narrative was not implanted through arguments but through a thorough media campaign of dacades
3 days ago
shabbos rogan audience will figure it out , most ppl watched Alex Jones vs Dr Duke to get here
3 days ago
Jewish youth like to wear beanies. Its a cryptokippah
3 days ago
altruism ONLY for your own race
3 days ago
jews arent part of the human race
3 days ago
Palestinians don’t give a shit about the plight of Europeans
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
It’s called National Defense for good reason. The ME isn’t Our Nation.
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Oh, FFS, I don’t care about the Palestinian kids. What about the White children getting raped by muslims, Mark?
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Mark is strawmanning now
3 days ago
it almost feels like Mark is purposely misunderstanding Joel
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Joel is totally right
3 days ago
3 days ago
People like Mark are invaluable, not to say that Joel isn’t, but you should respect Mark’s experience in this.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
It’s a self-sabotaging argument that nationalists should have no humanity. If you don’t have humanity, what moral authority can you have? How can you ask others to follow you? You have to have the moral highground if you expect to be heard.
3 days ago
Lack of empathy is lack of humanity and against ns.
3 days ago
Mark is doing the mainstream thing “hurr, let me paint you a clown version of a national socialist and let me show you based on that why you are wrong.”
The Pork Report
3 days ago
JOEL IS CORRECT. Plus I don’t give a F about Palestinians.
3 days ago
average Palestinian will say “inshallah Britain will be muslim 2080”
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Firm disagree with Mark
3 days ago
whites cant be seen as some kind of stewards of all life on this earth. thats extremely dangeous to us. and unfair to have such a massive weight on our shoulders. we must be racially selfish. care about our own. the rest need to look after themselves. not our problem
3 days ago
Mark is on a losing position on this here…
3 days ago
LOL boomer
3 days ago
We cant respect our occupiers
3 days ago
David duke style cowardice
3 days ago
Hi great stream question to Joel you said you went to India as a teenager how come you went there?
3 days ago
Dr Duke went to Iran and other countries to speak
3 days ago
not in a million years will nonwhites “peacefully” gtfo
3 days ago
can thank jew worship 100% for the pussification of the White Race
3 days ago
Hollywood style clownish “Nazis” are just as bad as nerds in suits. Genuine national socialist ideology is not problematic
3 days ago
3 days ago
There’s one thing missing from this conversation and that’s Keith – do you think he’ll do a stream with you about this? he seemed to indicate he wanted to put this to bed in his Substack piece today so maybe not.
3 days ago
I think we have come quite far in the last 10 years
1 day ago
I agree with Joel, it’s much easier to be friendly with other species, when they live in there on nations, but it’s and completely different reality, when they invade our country’s and live amongst us.
1 day ago
White monster :thumb_up_1:
1 day ago
Totally agree with Joel on caring nothing about Israel or Palestinians, as for our government causing wars they can also say no to refugees, we don’t have to let them in because no one else does. I agree with Joel that mark hates Jews so much that anyone who opposes them must be lauded. Islam etc hate us and will replace us if given the chance , we must only care about our own , we may sympathise at innocents being harmed but where is the outrage over the genocide of Christian’s in the Middle East , nothing , so this shows Joel’s point perfectly because Mark never mentions their plight.
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Mark Collett
1 day ago
Don’t misrepresent me, I have done numerous shows about Christians being slaughtered in Syria thanks to Israel’s policies.
2 days ago
looks like Joel is trashing liberalism because it clashes with National Socialism’s core: authoritarian control and suppression of individual rights for the “common good” of the state. Nazis pushed a twisted “collective” vision, subordinate yourself to the Führer and the racial Volk. Whereas liberalism champions personal freedoms, which they saw as chaotic or degenerative. The “common good before people” vibe fits National Socialism’s propaganda.Joel’s hitting liberalism to prop up that collectivist, anti-individual streak.
Through it, not around it
2 days ago
Signing up to play war games in non-White countries is just way to create more non-White “refugee” immigration into White countries. That’s a fact. So if you’re a dome MAGAtard and you hate non-White “immigrants”, signing up for the military is about as retarded as it gets because it is precisely the foreign actions of White militaries that helps Jews and Jew-adjacents to increase non-White migration. But that’s too hard for a MAGAtard to understand.
2 days ago
Keef is a joke
3 days ago
Many people making the same comment about Joel has a Jewish Telegram mod. Hitler had a Jewish doctor and Jews served in the German military so whats the problem having a random Jew as a friend?
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2 days ago
Or random black or asian ?
3 days ago
why are people accusing him of being a fed?
3 days ago
Sermon on the Mount morals + materialist hedonism is plaguing the White race ATM imo
3 days ago
100% 0/
3 days ago
European cowardly traitors who cucked to Ottomans
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
joel rolling his eyes like a teenage girl is very funny
3 days ago
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv, shlomo?
3 days ago
England has an unspoken language of politeness the subtlety of which can be lost on foreigners. Especially if they are Australian.
3 days ago
It took Australian Abbos 10,000 years to invent the stick…and they didn’t even invent it.
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Joel is the real Race First
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
Australians are very retarded on the whole
Son of Mars
3 days ago
3 days ago
the groomers were the ones “inciting racial hatred” through their own actions
3 days ago
it’s never good enough for them and reciprocity is alien to them. Helping them is seen as weakness.
3 days ago
Canada = New India
3 days ago
rediculous, he was in a FB group when he was 14 and got kicked out for having the wrong opinions, that isn’t joining Antifa lol
3 days ago
I can’t think of a worse country to visit than India
3 days ago
well joel was in antifa before he became NS, so not as wild as u think
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1 day ago
yeah, l say that on a vid from Joel himself.
3 days ago
3 days ago
Traveling made me extremely pro white and racist in a good way.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Hitler was anti-imperialist for that exact reason.
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
White strike worldwide
3 days ago
love how the church ignores the underprivileged in their own nations.
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Outspoken AntiChrists might as well be SatanicJeews and many are.
3 days ago
hahaha am I really supposed to believe that the international jewish banking families like the Rothschilds gave up some of their wealth to gentile bankers?!
3 days ago
Ignoring what Israel has been happening in the middle east for 80 years is the best way to help white people?
3 days ago
germans are the true israelittes
3 days ago
Positive Christianity was 100% Biblical
3 days ago
Positive Christianity was not Biblical.
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2 days ago
I think you’ll like the new movie Heretic. I watched it yesterday and thought it was really good. It, surprisingly, stars Hugh Grant, but the dialogue is excellent and whoever wrote it really knows about religion. So probably a jew lol.
Don’t look up what it’s about, just take my word on it.
3 days ago
the catholic pope created the third reich, there will be no fourth reich without the pope
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
we are having dead white children by none whites. I have never seen any none whites come out and support the white race
3 days ago
illegal in Canada as well
3 days ago
the third reich was a success and it refers to the third holy roman catholic empire
3 days ago
the third reich refers to the third holy roman catholic empire
3 days ago
1. It wasn’t Catholic, 2. It hardly failed, it was the most sucussesful attempt at throwing off international jewry and providing a new path forward for europe
3 days ago
Maybe Tom Sewell will debate Sven on raw milk next ? eh team ?
3 days ago
The Third Reich “Failed” from the OUTSIDE i.e., tons of nations ganging up on them. The ideology and policies of it was sound.
3 days ago
3 days ago
We just need the Americans not to intervene.
3 days ago
Test it
3 days ago
care for your race is emotional. quit being an autist.
3 days ago
English grils get raped after helping Palestinians, come on Mark.
3 days ago
Mark :thumbs_down: – Joel :thumbs_up:
3 days ago
Mark loves bluegums. Opinion dismissed.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Mark knows his Nationalism
3 days ago
my Palestinian neighbors never called me goy
3 days ago
Mark has far more experience in this area than anyone here.
3 days ago
3 days ago
catholicism is the seat of white power, the fourth reich refers to the fourth holy roman catholic empire
3 days ago
Wow, bad take from Mark on Joels x ban, Joel wasn’t banned because hes ns… joel was banned because hes anti-jew.
3 days ago
Its because he is Prowhite
3 days ago
was supposed to be an upward arrow
3 days ago
putting any trust in nonwhites is not smart
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
I bet you’ve listened to thousands of hours c rap cadence.
3 days ago
look how that worked out
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Join The Great Shunning of Alien Stalkers.
3 days ago
we must be racially selfish. we must be racially exclusive. we must have a racially selfish centered sense of morality.
3 days ago
Since US is only 57% white the only way to really fix the problem is by having a constitutional convention so it says that Euros have to be more than 2/3rd of the country’s population.
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2 days ago
that would be nice but I don’t see that ever happening
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
LOL. Mark loves his cursing
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Go Free! w/ CommonSense Nationalism
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
At least we aren’t speaking Ebonics.
3 days ago
bitch ass nigga hoe
3 days ago
Well said Mark
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Hey Joel, Tom recently spoke on Keith Woods’ cringeworthy and humiliating and cringeworthy DMs that were leaked by an adult worker he caught feelings for, named Slayter. She dated rappers and was disowned by her family. Why did Keith court her and fall in love with her? Could you psychoanalyse this
3 days ago
Racism doesn’t have to be yelling racial slurs to be fair.
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
1920s commies probably were more “right wing” than today’s rightoids
3 days ago
you don’t say the 14 words and then say “bad optics” : he’s relitigating the optics war
3 days ago
We are far more schooled than any Nationalist group after WWII
3 days ago
Joel knows Christ Cucks are weak like Jesus
3 days ago
if you want the fourth reich in 2033, become a roman catholic papist
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
3 days ago
he’s a race cucked coward
3 days ago
LOL no its not
3 days ago
the third reich refers to the third holy roman catholic empire
3 days ago
Sounds like Joel listens to Alex Linder
3 days ago
“Nationalists” pushing Azov are to be avoided
2 days ago
No, that’s a leap. National socialism isn’t just nationalism with a social twist, it’s a specific ideology tied to Nazism, cooked up by the Nazis with all their baggage: racism, tyranny, and genocide. Nationalism today doesn’t automatically mean national socialism. lt’s not the same beast. You’re conflating a broad idea with a toxic historical invention.
3 days ago
Your telegram moderator is Jewish
3 days ago
Another one of these Viiking Adam Green totally not Jewish types
3 days ago
I don’t want to speak for Joel, but I think he’s been distancing himself from Christianity.
3 days ago
again, conformity is your enemy here.
Enlightened Despot
1 day ago
100% agree universalism, which came into its own with the Enlightenment is the #1 problem, across the board, in philosophy, politics and in my area, the law.
1 day ago
I’ve been listening to Joel Davis speak for about an hour and a half now, addressing his group of followers. This organization seems destined to fail. The online behavior of their leaders and members demonstrates an inability to engage in respectable conversation, whether with people of other races or even those of their own. I consistently notice these individuals resorting to remarks like “You’re brown, you must be a Jew” and similar nonsense. It appears they can only be civil within their own small circle. This lack of basic conversational ability reveals the sort of people this group attracts. Regardless of what Joel claims, the leaders and members of this organization are incapable of participating in a proper debate or discussion on various platforms. I completely agree with Mark’s assessment.
Having listened to this for 90 minutes, it’s clear Joel continues to make one inaccurate statement after another. See my previous comments. Libertarianism and nationalism as enemies? Does Joel inhabit some fantasy world of his own? Anyone with a practical understanding of reality who watches this will likely think, “I had some reservations about joining, but Joel has resolved them, I will certainly not align myself with a group holding such distorted perspectives.
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1 day ago
Don’t get me wrong I want to like Joel dude but I have to side with Mark on this one. You can claim all day that we only need a small percent of white guys to radicalize to take the country back but it’s just simply not true. You need support from the normies. I know all these damn guys in the US talk all day about how only 3% fought against the crown but it was the fact that the vast majority of the people who weren’t fighting supported the revolutionary cause. The revolution would have never worked if the average everyday settlers would have supported the crown. I know he’s angry, shit I am too. But instead of looking at everyone who does or thinks something you don’t like as beneath you, you need to understand that we are all victims of this subversion. He himself was a fkn antifa fag for shits sake. Instead of acting like white power Jesus he needs to humble himself and start meeting people where they are. We can’t afford to alienate every single white person who does or says something we don’t like. Calling people names and attacking them is only going to ostracize the vast majority of people. That’s probably why his group can only muster up 50 people at a March.
2 days ago
Mark Collett is a crypto Jew as well, so it is not surprising and PA is backed by an overt Ashkenazi jew named as Natty, Jason Kohne is another crypto agent.
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Vulpes Inculta
2 days ago
Its good you have hard done undesputed evidence to back your claims.
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2 days ago(edited)
Of course I have ..
Collett waves the Jew China Commie Flag
2 days ago
French and jews can look pretty similar. I’m guessing Mark has Huguenot ancestry. As for Kohne well….
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2 days ago(edited)
Must be another Kohencidence, same as Mr Antifa Joel Davis.
Captain Myles Keogh
2 days ago
Something not said is that Irishmen don’t need far right politics because they have traditional ethnocentric Irish nationalism. That’s were Keith is coming from.
Vulpes Inculta
2 days ago
Why does Joel look like a Bum.
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2 days ago
Maybe he’s growing out his hair & it’s in a goofy-looking stage right now, so he’s hiding it under a hat? That’s what it looks like to me. You get a little peak at curls when he turns his head. Curly hair can be a wild mess as it grows out.
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Vulpes Inculta
2 days ago
Dont know about curls, but he gives off hube pot smoking bum vibes with the way he looks and speaks. The beard also looks disgusting.
2 days ago
I want my government to stop killing people. Palestinians, Vietnamese, Iraqis I don’t care. It needs to stop.
3 days ago
Mark is the best in the Anglosphere right now. We just had a major melt down in the Colonies here. White Nationalism is really not an option in the US. We need a different way. I think Brits could do it tho.
3 days ago
johadhu davis-singh
3 days ago
lol I give Handsome Truth the credit for that one.
3 days ago
He’s jew-jacketing Joel, so he’s not acting White
3 days ago
Yoels enemies always end up being Zogs enemies
3 days ago
Joels mods are just Alex Jones fans. Soros and Zelinsky are Nazis, the EU are Nazis and therefore they all are good.
3 days ago
whites were originally the only race on earth created by christ in his image
3 days ago
Do Scandinavians ever have curly hair? My Khazar gene alarm is going off.
3 days ago
germans are the israelites of the bible
3 days ago
your lossing the audience Joel, quick play some gay anime to win them back
3 days ago
Joel is a Fed! Pushing his psychopath nationalism. “Why should I care about dead children if they aren’t white” says Yoel Davis
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1 day ago(edited)
Where is the reciprocity? I have not seen Palestinians and other middle easterns condemn all the murders and rapes on Europeans. In my country(Sweden) they work closely with the left and they oppose a Swedish Sweden.
3 days ago
every white need to unify under catholicism, the third reich was roman catholic
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1 day ago
so this is all false then?
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1 day ago
(((wikipedia))) lol
3 days ago
Yoel is going to lead an aryan expedition to fight china over Taiwan
3 days ago
What race is Joel?
3 days ago
Thats a very Jewy mindset. Shekels for access goy. Khazar vibe alert.
3 days ago
Hey Yoel Davis do you still have a Jewish AZOG supporting Janny moderating your telegram chat?
3 days ago
Duke is obsolete for the current times
3 days ago
we just need to copy the jews…become super tribal
3 days ago
The same strategy jews used against hamas is the same strategy they used against national socialism. On its own national socialism/facism wasnt able to bring down jewry, so jews helped it along, they DID NOT found these movements but they HELPED THEM ALONG behind the scenes. Same way hamas didnt know some of its funding was coming from israel/jews behind the scenes is the same way national socialists and fascists didnt know they were being helped along by their enemy. For example, benito moussolini worked with/for Mi5 before and druing ww1.
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3 days ago
Damn, people dont get it, im not saying stay away from facism, im talking about being aware of the herzl strategy, dumbasses;
The anti semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti semetic countries our allies – 84, the complete diaries of thedore herzl, proof;
3 days ago
Yoel Davis loves when Aryans doe for zog in Ukraine
3 days ago
Yea, Jimbo gots it. His psycopathy towards Palestinians reveals a non European genetic element
3 days ago
Yoel Davis ” I am a national socialist and that is why I have Jewish telegram moderators
3 days ago
Who knew, Mark won the debate
3 days ago
Yoel Davis wants aryans to fight Russia and China but shits on Palestinians fighting Israel
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3 days ago
He’s a good guy, he’s just not that bright so he cant see (or doesnt care) about contradictions, like any true purist.
3 days ago
Nazi Joel with his Jewish Telegram mods
3 days ago
call out the persecution of Whites should be the focus..holocaust fake or not isnt needed for promoting prowhiteism
3 days ago
Focus less on jews and non whites and focus more on our persecution is a better strategy..
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
big mark W
3 days ago
Im Italian. So non white. I can admit it. It was nice to hear from Adam Greens brother tonight
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3 days ago
Adam Green is good. Me like. I’m done with Christianity.
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Teutonic Truth
1 day ago
AdamGreene should at least change his first name since he is averse to everything Biblical.
2 days ago
Italians are white but if you don’t wanna see yourself as such that’s fine but you don’t speak for all of us, clearly
3 days ago
3rd reich failed.. .we need better tactics
3 days ago
I suspect he has genes from the Ukranian region
3 days ago
screw the holocaust..we dont need to even care about holocaust..just go focus on the victimization of White people directly
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Long Knife
2 days ago
“From 1945 to 2018, the German government paid approximately $86.8 billion in restitution and compensation to Holocaust victims and their heirs. Germany has also identified Nazi-looted objects – including art works, books, and objects within larger collections – and has returned 16,000 objects to survivors and their heirs over the last 20 years. Thousands more pieces of looted art are still missing worldwide. Rising anti-Semitism throughout Europe including in Germany, and especially in former East Germany, coupled with polls showing the need to increase Holocaust education among Germany’s youth, highlight the importance of Germany’s continued dedication to fostering a culture of remembrance.”
don’t worry, NWG & Co. will understand eventually…
“After retirement, Cameron and his wife visited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial museum in Israel. He thought that the museum’s focus on the personal history of individuals and their stories led to a better understanding of the reality of the Holocaust. Then living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1988 he founded his museum with the help of philanthropist (((Daniel Bader))), having collected materials on the African-American experience in the US for many years.”
3 days ago
Question to Joel:Do you agree naziflags will only turn off most whites in general?and if so what flags will attract more whites to prowhiteism?Won’t flags saying “END ANTIWHITEISM” “END ANTIWHITE HATRED” etc. recruit MORE WHITES?Whats YOUR BEST flag for prowhite recruitment Joel?
3 days ago
Yoel Davis has a Jewish Azog telegram Mod
3 days ago
but the palestinian children
3 days ago
OK..lets say Holocaust proven fake?So what?Doesnt make the persecution of our people less. .we need to just focus on white persecution period..screw the holocaust
3 days ago
Question to Joel:Do you agree naziflags will only turn off most whites in general?and if so what flags will attract more whites to prowhiteism?Won’t flags saying “END ANTIWHITEISM” “END ANTIWHITE HATRED” etc. recruit MORE WHITES?Whats YOUR BEST flag for prowhite recruitment Joel?
3 days ago
But he is Jewish. You can tell from demeanor and antipathy
4 hours ago
at least you got all your squibbly wibblies out & about
8 hours ago
Honestly, David Duke might be popular among non whites, but how popular is he among whites.
11 hours ago
all these aspirations and grand plans are just big talk unless you can fulfil and solve the JQ. Can’t do that without gaining power and prominence first. Complete utter catch 22. Only chance is if you slowly and gradually move more rightwing until whites become a near minority and a widespread “awakening” occurs where total electoral and political revolution occurs
Abby Eagle
1 day ago
If you were travelling on a plane with a small child and the cabin should depressurise and an oxygen mask should drop from the ceiling – would you put the mask on yourself 1st or on the child 1st? If you put it on the child first and then you should go unconscious then who is going to take care of the child. You have to make yourself #1 and be like a navy seal before you can take care of others. Too many Westerners are putting themselves and their country second. (This is the NLP Meta Program Attention Direction Sort)
1 day ago
The amount of basedness is off the charts with this one!
1 day ago
Yes, we need ourselves to help ourselves and not trust the invaders they are only here for there own good.
2 days ago
around 24 min mark:
Joel, you’re turning reality upside down. Liberalism isn’t against nationalism, it often works with it. Look at liberal democracies like Britain or the U.S.: national pride plus individual rights, no problem. You’re twisting liberalism into some anti-nation bogeyman to prop up your National Socialist pitch. Nazis hated it for its freedoms, not because it kills national identity. That’s your spin, not the truth. you are flipping the world to fit your ideology.
2 days ago
around the 20 min in the vid:Joel, you’re off base. Liberalism and democracy aren’t opposites, they often go hand in hand. Liberalism pushes individual rights and representative government, which fits with democracy’s core of people choosing their leaders. Look at liberal democracy: elections plus freedoms like speech. Joel, you might be twisting liberalism into something it’s not, maybe to bash it as weak or globalist. Truth is, they’re not enemies.
Roy Vey
2 days ago
– Very good!
2 days ago(edited)
You have to cut the head of the dragon. The enemies weapon is the money. They do not have any power without their money. The solution is to create a new currency based on love instead of greed.
2 days ago
Why is Mark dressed as a Monk
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Mark Collett
2 days ago
i love the oversized hoody
2 days ago
ETLB is low-iq idiocy. It is filled with lies. If you like it, you like lies and your probably kinda stupid.
3 days ago
Nick Griffen always seemed very credible to me. I’m loving Mark’s failure analysis of the BNP.
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2 days ago
No, it was Griffin who started to steer the movement down the wrong road, check the piece below
2 days ago
Actually I’ve updated that as there was 6 pages, check the new one below
2 days ago
The Pork Report
3 days ago
3 days ago
big if true
3 days ago
Callaghan might be the best Starfielder ?
3 days ago
good anyway
3 days ago
lol , good one
3 days ago
3 days ago(edited)
Is Joel a Sikh!
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3 days ago
I started wearing a beanie when I moved to the PNW. I really like having my ears covered.
3 days ago
test stream?
3 days ago
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
good stream
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
good stream
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
GN o/
3 days ago
14 & 88 o/ Heil
3 days ago
3 days ago
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Blood and Honour
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
can we get one last #starfieldteam from joel before he goes
3 days ago
you are White relax Brother
3 days ago
this was kismet
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
:joy: :joy:
3 days ago
rent free
3 days ago
popular figures, each taking part of the correct view, and part of the wrong view, arguing with each other. can’t imagine a better way to stymie organization and effectiveness
3 days ago
we know yer both eskimos
3 days ago
Great stream
3 days ago
I’ve got that t-shirt in blue ha
3 days ago
3 days ago
JD is like a heat seeking missile zeroing on the target
3 days ago
well, since you asked
3 days ago
commie jew fed
3 days ago
can i call joel a cunt tho
3 days ago
\\\ o/
3 days ago
Thanks great stream, Joel you are great
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Great stream o/
3 days ago
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
Joel hasn’t even drank any gin during this whole show? Crazy.
3 days ago
I support Joel’s Adidas Classic wear
3 days ago
any evidence ?
3 days ago
You are not white
3 days ago
Heil Joel and heil Mark! WFP!
3 days ago
3 days ago
There’s always one or two…
3 days ago
3 days ago
some real retards in here. light switch brains
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3 days ago
Kosher switch.
3 days ago
3 days ago
me too
3 days ago
I’m old enough to remember the saying, “Death Before Dishonor”
3 days ago
It’s a testament to you two that it didn’t degenerate into a monkey, shit slinging contest in view of the subject matter.
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Total agree
3 days ago
bingo…blood brothers
3 days ago
arabs arent attacking jews they are both the same tribe, fake fighting to get foreign aid from white countries
3 days ago
Albanians tried it the hard way and look at them now, just another mongrel horde.
3 days ago
spot on!
3 days ago
Great conversation
3 days ago
Great conversation, very good
3 days ago
I missed this, I’ll have to wind it back
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
3 days ago
They survived and stayed very blonde and blue eyed.
3 days ago
attack and invite
3 days ago
Tommys still got the balance to pay on his loans from Robert Shillman
3 days ago
Would you rather have white Islam or brown “western” societies
3 days ago
I like Muslims in the middle east fighting zionist scum
3 days ago
Based Charles Martel
3 days ago
I want everybody to go back home so I can concentrate my hate on the French again.
3 days ago
look at their flag
3 days ago
bosnians arent a real thing you have bosniaks(muslims) serbians(orthodox) croatian(catholic)
3 days ago
What’s with the Starfield lore? I’m in the dark on that one.
3 days ago
why is it multiple choice? I don’t want either anywhere near me
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Lol this is like the rebellious adventurous son having out with his cringe out of touch Gen X dad
3 days ago
I found British humor to be alot dryer and clever, it might have gone over starfields head
3 days ago
I dare you to interview norm, mark ….interview norm, straight to jail
3 days ago
Yoel is a nazi fighting Zogs enemies.
3 days ago
3 days ago
we have problems with other groups.
3 days ago
Joel is one of the best guys in this thing
3 days ago
I rather live next to a Bosnian than to a Negro.
3 days ago
We can be civil with them, but we don’t need them speaking for us like Robinstein does
3 days ago
Kosher Nationalist
3 days ago
rainbow formally white countries u mean
3 days ago
never heard of joel before
3 days ago
joel looks scotish swedish mix, some sort of nordic viking
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
Yeah but they can carry sand and critters just fine.
3 days ago
Aussies, cultured thugs ?
3 days ago
british isles are my homelands too.
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
Aboriginals built Australia, they carried all that scorched sand and venomous animals there for millions of years
3 days ago
Aye up mates o/
3 days ago
all jannies are jews and masons tbf
3 days ago
Long Knife
3 days ago
just wait till you get a couple beers in them
3 days ago
are they all nuts
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
not even being mean
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
ive known many aussies to be fair
3 days ago
joking ?
3 days ago
What about it?
Mr Iggs
3 days ago
did they invent the digareido?
3 days ago
3 days ago
Muppet Nationalism team
3 days ago
Abos turned Australia into a desert pooping all over the continent.
3 days ago
the Jim Henson approach
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Good show, guys, great discussion
3 days ago
I want muh muney fukn
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
This has been a great stream tbf
3 days ago
these Starfield guys are out of control like Randbot
3 days ago
Joel is a real one
3 days ago
Do you accept HawkTuah coins, Mark?
3 days ago
if all Australian men were like JD Australia would be an ethno-state in 24 hrs
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
pay up, bitch
3 days ago
3 days ago
pay what you owe chat
3 days ago
can you take your talking points back to 2017
3 days ago
You don’t have to “fake” that call-out to recognize its benefit to you.
3 days ago
it’s a nightmare
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
did an indian parasite eat your funnybone?
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Joel is the future o/
3 days ago
…and both the holohoax and Palestine are opportunities for calling out the people who persecute us.
3 days ago
Hail Davis
3 days ago
The Starfield Question
3 days ago
INCREDIBLE India, saaar
3 days ago
yes they do have curly/wavy hair too
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
Question to Joel:Do you agree naziflags will only turn off most whites in general?and if so what flags will attract more whites to prowhiteism?Won’t flags saying “END ANTIWHITEISM” “END ANTIWHITE HATRED” etc. recruit MORE WHITES?Whats YOUR BEST flag for prowhite recruitment Joel?
3 days ago
I love those that hate Israel and you should too, Khazar
3 days ago
3 days ago
It really is. Jeets are everywhere.
3 days ago
Joel is solid
3 days ago
the starfield stare
3 days ago
3 days ago
Kent ate his funny bones
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
joel hitting the chat with that starfield stare
3 days ago
Australians also did the Ocean dub of DBZ
3 days ago
Good point superchatter
3 days ago
make it happen haha
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
Australians are only interesting because of a shitty Bethesda game. sad.
3 days ago
the bible warns against tolerating fake jews, we havent been practicing that
3 days ago
Todd Howard owns Australia
3 days ago
what? was that meant to relate to the relevance of the holohoax?
3 days ago
JD waxes eloquent for half an hour or one word response… nothing in between, lol.
3 days ago
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
3 days ago
thats a messed up thing to say to joel
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
ive never washed the feet of a pajeet imperial, can you say the same
3 days ago
turned out it had the opposite effect, lmao
3 days ago
3 days ago
‘enriching’ lol
3 days ago
USAID program lol
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
I also have it on good authority that aussies are light weights when it comes to drinking
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
doubleteamingfield team!
3 days ago
3 days ago
I miss the aryan death-stare he used to do
Australian Nativist
3 days ago
Let’s do this again fellas. This was tough, but worthwhile.
3 days ago
Acts 17 promotes nationalism, but beyond that the Bible doesn’t offer much in the way of good advice for Whites to defend our nations against invaders.
3 days ago
no..Israel bombing kids is in the now and relevant..but again..Media antiwhite…Netflix antiwhite..Govmnt antiwhite is way more effective than even caring about Israel bomning..screw Israel..focus is on OUR PEOPLE and that we are persecuted
3 days ago
joel scaring the hoes
3 days ago
wp o/
3 days ago
Jews are just another sort of sandnegroes believing to be especially important.
3 days ago
based stoic White man.
3 days ago
Joel is just authentic. Wasn’t funny.
3 days ago
Joel is in WAR mode lol
3 days ago
JD dead pan humour
3 days ago
Keep on topic. Drop the soap opera stuff
3 days ago
they are not connected to the bible
3 days ago
modern jews are from turkey
3 days ago
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Psychoanysis is jewish
3 days ago
Author of the book “Positive Christianity” was arrested and sent to a concentration camp on the personal orders of Adolf Hitler himself. lol
Son of Mars
3 days ago
An important step in destroying narrative control is to demystfy the enemy’s sacred cows. It helps that it’s built off of disprovable lies.
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
The only thing they don’t allow is Whites only.
3 days ago
we were talking about this on Heel turn in 2019 Joel
3 days ago
3 days ago
very much like saying “don’t look at israel bombing kids” …you’re just throwing important history that supports your perspective in the trash if you don’t look at people like Germar Rudolf’s work
3 days ago
this ^
3 days ago
It’s always worrisome when someone is just getting started and think they have it all figured out.
3 days ago
For sourced facts on the spirituality of the Reich see:
3 days ago
So we have to accept complete BS, this = Great Britain in 2025
3 days ago
That’s why they made any discussion of it de-facto illegal.
3 days ago
shabbos cracker
3 days ago
beanies are comfy
3 days ago
Im getting Salty Cracker vibes off of this guy
3 days ago
cool mornings right now
3 days ago
oh okay cool
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
early onset balding
3 days ago
Mass exposure of the truth surrounding the holohoax needs to happen. Heavy handed Jewish censorship of the truth is not possible in the information/Internet age. The truth regarding this event needs to go mainstream
3 days ago
it’s winter in Starfield
3 days ago
I know man, I’m just posting the raw on the source for the jew nonsense that gets posted here and elsewhere
3 days ago
3 days ago
Why is an aussie wearing a beanie? Is it even cold down there?
3 days ago
3 days ago
Hitler cared about Palestinians you f*cking FED
3 days ago
good question
3 days ago
Gall is a Jew with an agenda
3 days ago
that axs well
3 days ago
Richard Steigmann-Gall the former Director of the Jewish Studies Program published The Holy Reich through Cambridge University Press, which explored Nazi conceptions of Christianity in 2003
3 days ago
Sven should do a cooking show
3 days ago
It was the allies fault for destroying the supply lines
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Lmao, joining WN to save the Palestinians
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Does Keith still associate with Nick Fuentes? Is this the reason why he sounds more cucked now?
3 days ago
3 days ago
the first 50% of this regarding directness, totally makes sense. rejecting stances on and engagement w/ foreign policy I just don’t get
3 days ago
test it
3 days ago
Keith is scared
3 days ago
he will fold fast
3 days ago
The Joel versus Drew Pavlou debate was great
3 days ago
Keith is a wimp
3 days ago
Keith’s got cold feet maybe
3 days ago
Are people retarded in Starfield ? what’s in the water there
3 days ago
3 days ago
maybe randbots not a unique case
3 days ago
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
are all Australians as dumb as randbot?
3 days ago
expsure. lol thats keiths mo. ally with catboy nick for the views
then tries to pull a moral fag argument
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Here is a JPOST headline from right now: “Gaza relocation plan begins: 70 Gazans depart for Europe”.
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
3 days ago
This is why the Jews have no problem making non whites fear white nationalists.
3 days ago
Keiths strength is writing more than live debate
Cone of Silence
3 days ago
83% of Americans were opposed to going to war with Germany before pearl harhour
The Goyim Report
3 days ago
isn’t Keith and Nick Fuentes boyfriends
3 days ago
1488 o/
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Purposefully misunderstanding Joel
3 days ago
Now I understand what Stryker was saying about these goofballs.
3 days ago
yes. It’s not as though they extend the same to us. Why are Whites the only ones expected to partake in this sort of performative altruism?
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
14 words says it all and 88 precepts
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
Keith O’Brien?
3 days ago
moot point from mark, i agree with joel
3 days ago
that isn’t what Joel said lol
3 days ago
different things work for different countries
3 days ago
It is not collateral damage. It is the deliberate and purposeful mass murder of innocent children, babies and civilians. We must condemn these demons. We should be appalled by what they are doing and getting away with
3 days ago
I would never ally with someone without empathy for anyone other than their own small Jewy tribe
3 days ago
I’m still pissed Albanians and Bosnian didn’t return home after the war.
3 days ago
Whites need to stop giving a f* about everyone else. SPECIALLY when WE already have more than enough problems to focus on
3 days ago
agree joel
Obscure Truth
3 days ago
But your country doesn’t have only white people, right?
3 days ago
3 days ago
it’s tactical Joel
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Well said, Joel
3 days ago
think about two things st once? Joel cant hold all these limes
3 days ago
Give me a break. This is antiithetical to whiteness
3 days ago
If 10 billion of your tax dollars per year were being sent to Perth to pay for this kid’s broken arm, yes, you should care about it.
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
They are going through them to get to you fool.
3 days ago
joel is a modderator on r/iameuphoric
3 days ago
arabs wont attack jews they are the same tribe
3 days ago
Arabs are like Hispanics they president is always Whiter than the population
3 days ago
Oooga booga. Only my tribe matters
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
The British made the bed of the Palestinians. Get a grip, Joel
3 days ago
How dare you slander God’s Chosen People!!!
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
you know what is popular? Being a cold psychopath weirdo.
3 days ago
Israel couldn’t do what they’ve done to Palestine without the money & militaries from our countries
3 days ago
Joel doesn’t get that we won’t get paid back from the jews leaching off white countries so it’s not just about killings
3 days ago
most “Arabs” in Syria and Lebanon have White admixture from Britain and France Sykes Picot agreement era
3 days ago
I remember my father showing us National Geographic journals with pictures from starving Negroes when we wasted food. I never cared about the Negroes lol
3 days ago
Thats a very negroid mindset
The Pork Report
3 days ago
3 days ago
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
3 days ago
Do you think you can bring about “cutting them off” without engaging w/ the shit they’re doing in Gaza?
3 days ago
arabs and jews are the same tribe, they wont attcak each other
3 days ago
Live Pay-Per-View event: Watching the Muslims destroy Israel hahaha
3 days ago
I didn’t expect to go this deep
3 days ago
Mark should make a bigger and constant stink about white girls being raped in england, than whining about brown people in a third world country.
3 days ago
the moral argument is the only force pushing back against the jews in the west so far
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
So don’t try to make jews the Pariahs of the world by highlighting their crimes? Good thinking.
3 days ago
treat others the way they treat you and your people
3 days ago
3 days ago
IF all arabs and jews died our world would be ten times better
3 days ago
rational but people remember Joel was America First , he’s more hardcore now which is good
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Joel is right
The Goyim Report
3 days ago
Palestinians and Israelis wiping each other out would be the best outcome
3 days ago
We can’t care about terrible things all over the world.
3 days ago
Its your money killing their children
Son of Mars
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
What Joel just said is what I think.
3 days ago
3 days ago
good point Joel
Australian Nativist
3 days ago
Yes. They should have prepared better for this discussion. It
3 days ago
And if we’re basically going to recuse ourselves from any perspective on foreign engagement, we’ve just thrown the largest and most affective arena of politics in the trash. that’s absurd
3 days ago
Son of Mars
3 days ago
We have to destroy our enemy to win. Israel is our enemy. Forget about Palestine, what to me as an American is Israel controls DC, and is essentially a foreign occupational force.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Good lord
3 days ago
Mark getting nervous
3 days ago
supporting Israel is not pro white
The Pork Report
3 days ago
We oppose the wars because they harm Whites, I DGAF about Palestinians.
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
White people need to unite not divide over other races
3 days ago
this is brothers talking past each other
3 days ago
you cant trust them if we want to make our own institutions and clubs
3 days ago
3 days ago
? What? what exactly is mark arguing here for? i feel like Mark argues past joel, joel is saying “My own country first.” and Mark argues “world police”???
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Obviously we don’t need to take EITHER side with other races’ conflicts.
3 days ago
exactly you don’t want to go around making more enemies
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
Indianization of America is the best thing that could happen now. The pajeets will totally neutralize America’s ability to do the bidding of yids
3 days ago
you cannot help them without throwing off the Jew which requires focusing on ourselves in the first place
3 days ago
100% Joel TEAM WHITE
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Anglo compassion VS Aussie fire and heart
3 days ago
white countries need to stop being cowards and say they want white super majorities
3 days ago
all whites need to unify under roman catholicism, the third reich refers to the third holy roman catholic empire
3 days ago
Nah man, we should totally die for the Jews. Gods chosen after all
3 days ago
maybe Starfield has different Arabs ? in USA they just run restaurants
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
I give a shit
Son of Mars
3 days ago
No, frame it as Israel is your enemy, has purchased traitors ans silences us with media control. They are the occupiers of our capitals in the west. forget the browns, that’s not what it’s about.
The Pork Report
3 days ago
White First thinking means we don’t fight for jews.
3 days ago
3 days ago
Is mark stupid or deaf?
3 days ago
exactly, so screw it
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Hannity• Vance 2028
3 days ago
now the world police is DEI
3 days ago
Every decent nationalist should condemn the deliberate slaughter of innocent children, babies and civilians by Zionist Jewry. They are demonic scum who get away with deliberate mass murder because of their control of Western governments & the mass media
3 days ago
Of course take our own side, but let’s exploit the enemies weakest front too.
3 days ago
3 hour stream? l
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
It’s getting a bit muddled.
3 days ago
Israel doesn’t deserve to exist because they can’t without the US
3 days ago
TEAM WHITE fug the nons….
3 days ago
but what would normus do?
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Well said, Joel!
3 days ago
Israel is nothing without our help.
3 days ago
left and right it’s 2025 ? they both are run by scum
3 days ago
…but the mainstream is retarded. What do you actually understand about the conflict?
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
NO! Nats are dif
3 days ago
Joel is not wrong
Uncle A’s Ice Cream Shop
3 days ago
3 days ago
Take our own side
3 days ago
3 days ago
Iraq war stopped the US from having Mag Lev coast to coast
3 days ago
its the reason why people like Candice Owens are so successful
3 days ago
Joel is 100% correct about everything so far
3 days ago
Empathy for your Own kind is fine….
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Israel is essentially the occupational army. you have to defeat them.
3 days ago
But why Mark?
3 days ago
Why invest any emotion into foreign conflicts if we need it for ourselves.
3 days ago
this reminds me of the debate where Moike schooled himfor 2 hours
3 days ago
3 days ago
Take things from jews, the winners. They operate based on moral particularism i.e., what is good for the jews is what is good.
Uncle A’s Ice Cream Shop
3 days ago
The Pork Report
3 days ago
3 days ago
I just care about the White race now.
3 days ago
Why are we complicating things? It’s so obvious the wooden door brigade = all the worlds problems
3 days ago
sad that some White people are so afraid and paralyzed they think they need the approval and support of nons who hate White people far more than they will ever hate jews
3 days ago
But bad things are happening all over the world, we are very selective about who we care about.
3 days ago
I dont like seeing White Girls getting gang raped by the mongrel hoardes
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Whites first and only.
The Pork Report
3 days ago
I don’t care about the Middle East.
3 days ago
“oh, let me whine about brown people in a country, that will help me in my country.”
3 days ago
3 days ago
A10 aryan eyes
3 days ago
the CCP is a big problem to Canada as well.
3 days ago
Good points on both sides
3 days ago
Has Mark commented yet on Joels beautiful eyes?a
3 days ago
This is so tedious, We shouldn’t give a damn about brown people in countries that are not ours… we should care about asserting dominance, gaining power and recover our nations.
The Pork Report
3 days ago
All we have to do is defund the jews and refuse to fight for them, that will defang them.
3 days ago
Mark wins again
3 days ago
R-tards still think Georgie Boy Bush was the one thinking up all those ME wars hahaha it was the jewish neo-cons under him.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Then they focused in on Ireland out of sheer spite.
3 days ago
whats with the whiny pouty tone all of a sudden?
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Israel is a mortal enemy. You have to defeat them, politically or otherwise, to regain sovereignty.
3 days ago
3 days ago
But nobody other than y’all is framing this in terms of a fundamental emotional motivation. We just recognize how killing children is nasty af
3 days ago
get him
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Muzzies and Jeews don’t belong In Europe.
3 days ago
The dominance of Israel in the ME comes from us not being in control of our nations.
3 days ago
3 days ago
more camera phones for both sides, let the tik tocker see who the real barbarians are…..
3 days ago
Empathy for Nons is Pointless////
3 days ago
Joel’s got this; Mark has experience but …this has got us nowhere
3 days ago
Shut the borders and it’ not our fcking problem anymore.
3 days ago
Joel is on the right side of this, imo
3 days ago
“If it wasn’t Israel” …nobody said we don’t have a motivation to focus on this. Wtf is your point there Joel?
3 days ago
\\ o/
Obscure Truth
3 days ago
That’s right!
3 days ago
they’re not coming here because muh genocide….they’re coming here because jews and our traitorous governments
3 days ago
Let’s not forget the part the Jews dupes the Freemasons are playing in all this
3 days ago
that is the issue here, holding firm on to things that didn’t work, don’t work and won’t work.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Pakistan was never bombed, yet they flood into England
3 days ago
White people need to look inwards and focus on our own above all else in order to throw off the Jewish shackles which will in the end eliminate their power and ability to do what they do re expanding Israels borders unopposed in the first place.
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Exactly. Always appeasing.
3 days ago
Son of Mars
3 days ago
I hate Israel because they control our politicians, used us like mercenaries, silenced us and spilled our blood
3 days ago
we are not obligated to be the world police….folk first!
3 days ago
beta males always want the easy way out
3 days ago
No, we’re not pretending. It’s genuinely messed up what happens there. I still care more about my own people. This makes zero sense.
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
3 days ago
Nobody is saying go out with swastikas tattooed on your forehead… joel is saying, whites first, whites first, whites first and principles matter the most.
3 days ago
Brown Arabs raping little White Girls not siding with them…
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
WEAK argument
3 days ago
Fist you have to take your county back to be in control.
3 days ago
3 days ago
problem is you end up devoting your emotional and intellectual energy to someone elses problems
3 days ago
No, the likes of Dr Duke and Lucas Gage support Palestine because they understand history and are genuinely moral
3 days ago
yeah? what did marks experience achieve so far? right… nothing.
3 days ago
Balfour agreement is enough reason to hate isreal , they killed American sailors and British soldiers
Man in toga – get it?
3 days ago
I like the Palestinians more than Australians. Palestinians never say shit like Nauurrr or make 50 different variations of the same cooking show.
3 days ago
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
American jets
3 days ago
catholicism is the seat of white power, the third reich refers to the third holy roman catholic empire
3 days ago
The average white guy you are talking about needs to be educated on the Palestine issue and global Zionism. Ignorant grug nationalists are useful idiots for the Jewish control establishment
3 days ago
its a tough debate, shame we’re seemingly stuck in the infighting stage forever
3 days ago
I like how the Chinese deal with Moslems.
3 days ago
Focus on what non-Whites are doing to innocent WHITES!
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
support are the folk
3 days ago
it’s illegal to fight in isreal unlike Ukraine …….another point of contention
3 days ago
Richard Steigmann-Gall the former Director of the Jewish Studies Program published The Holy Reich through Cambridge University Press
3 days ago
How does spending some attention on the horrifying shit that comes out of the Levant, and being genuine about it, immediately destroy your first-priority of your own people? That makes no sense.
3 days ago
other peopels nationalism / nationalism result isn’t our responsibility
3 days ago
very weak
3 days ago
3 days ago
how can mark even want to talk to muzzies after what they did to all of these british girls
3 days ago
Hard to say you stand on principle and also don’t care about genocide
3 days ago
i hope not, because Mark is simply wrong on this issue.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
So, Joel, is your Nationalism not consentient?
3 days ago
kin first
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Aryan = Noble, and Mark has the noble outlook on this
The Pork Report
3 days ago
I’m so sick of Whites being exhorted to care about other races. They do nothing for us, and most of them hate us.
3 days ago
Then enemy of my enemy is my friend
3 days ago
Is anyone siding with Mark here?
3 days ago
Real Politic = you have to deal with people you don’t like
3 days ago
Mark seems to think that the weaker position and approach is the one doing the trick, it does the trick, it does the jewish trick of whites fading out.
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Mark has the human, compassionate, Aryan attitude
3 days ago
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Race First
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Israel has its boot on our throat. Anything useful in destroying the enemy is good.
3 days ago
Yes! Take our OWN side
3 days ago
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Mark is giving off Farage vibes here.
3 days ago
We can sell weapons to both of them.
3 days ago
3 days ago
i don’t see his argument as falling apart at all
3 days ago
Why should your White motivations for opposing isreael prevent genuine opposition to genocide by the same people you already oppose? how tf is that “faking”? and if it is wtf?
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
agree to disagree if you
3 days ago
Joel is a man of principle. Is this so hard to understand?
3 days ago
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
When have White nationalists ever been pushed into the arms of Tommy Robinson? It only works the other way.
3 days ago
this is so stupid… Strawman arguments.
3 days ago
3 days ago
Isreal are killing kids on tv
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Israel delenda est Israel must be destroyed …The Israelis are the Red Coats in this revolution.
3 days ago
the problem is that these non-white antisemites are almost always antiwhite as well, and I would always bet those who claim they are not are liars
3 days ago
silver lining
3 days ago
in return, palestinians living in the west will post anti-white content at the drop of the hat, we have all seen it
3 days ago
it makes the Jews look bad to support Palestine
3 days ago
Boers don’t like pedo anime crap.
3 days ago
Rand must answer for that
3 days ago
it got him into a huge breakup fight with Dingo over it
3 days ago
Yeah fug That i luv the Boer 0/
3 days ago
it’s about networking irl : Rockwell talked others
3 days ago
holy shit
3 days ago
yes way lol
3 days ago
Advocating for Palestine is the morally sound, nationalist position
3 days ago
no way he said that
3 days ago
“I would rather have a Palestinian as a neighbor than a Boer” -randbot2020
3 days ago
Keith is mad at Moike ? ? ? wtf
3 days ago
sounds like Mark is falling for the non with an outstretched hand while hiding the knife behind its back
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Look what happened after 3 children being killed the Muslims and none whites collectives against white people
3 days ago
yeah what is the point of this, mark is banned too lol
3 days ago
why was it called the third reich?
3 days ago
There are plenty pro-white people on social media – it’s only the ones who name jewish power that get kicked off.
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Mark is not engaging with what Joel is saying
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
they deported Jews from some South American country for grooming forget which one
3 days ago
Jews like to bet on all the Horses in the race
3 days ago
hows it going Tel Aviv
3 days ago
(((antisemitic point of no return)))
3 days ago
LOL dumb boomer
3 days ago
supreme gentleman
3 days ago
The source of the ‘Holy Reich’ nonsense:
3 days ago
hahaha Joel is an Eliot Rodgers appreciator?! JK
3 days ago
You get kicked off social media for talking about jewish power
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
You are Obsolete. I bet you have listened to thousands of hours of c rap cadence and pretend it’s music.
3 days ago
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Oh, that’s worked so far, Joel
3 days ago
TEAM WHITE =no Mamzers
3 days ago
BAP ppl & Luke Ford type NRx ppl are kosher antisemites
3 days ago
Disagree. Uniting with other groups to defeat the Jews is sensible and what organized Jewry fears the most (the Protocols talk about this). Their power and grip is truly global. Myopic focus is not the solution
3 days ago
I always come back and realise Mark was right
3 days ago
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Israel delenda est.
3 days ago
The vast majority of Whites who support Israel are doing it because their Bible and/or Churches tell them that’s how they get to heaven.
3 days ago
3 days ago
keep your eyes on the enemy exactly Mark
3 days ago
the catholic pope created the third reich, there will be no fourth reich without the pope
3 days ago
well, this is just stupid, sry.
3 days ago
very good example
3 days ago
“we can’t talk w/ anyone until we have basically total power” …really?
3 days ago
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Lucas Gage is a mixed-up cuck.
3 days ago
give them to carrot first, then the stick, understand?
3 days ago
Who cares if people support Palestine, I don’t care about it. it’s an example of international Jewish power to the rest of he world though.
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
We have tried all this none white crap. 1488 say it all
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Exactly, non-Whites are an energy drain. We DON’T need anybody else.
3 days ago
3 days ago
quit naming CCG
3 days ago
sadly you’re right.
3 days ago
3 days ago
Eugene Terblanche work with black and they killed him…
3 days ago
who’s Joel taking about ?
3 days ago
they cannot conceive of honesty or honor
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
BLACK Marcus Garvey worked with the KKK to return Blacks. Have you lot read any Nationalist texts? Mark Collett
3 days ago
you seriously believe, that talks with non-whites will lead to non-whites agreeing for the deportation of their fellow non-whites?? thats just… any non-white will immediately think “ok, i can’t trust them, i will be definitely next, so i won’t help them.”
3 days ago
Joel is not larping – Joel knows the friend/enemy distinction – we are after our share of the pie from a position of power
3 days ago
those schlubs hate to pass on inheritances to their children
3 days ago
You work with people who have the same interests as you do. Not with people who’s interests are in conflict with yours.
3 days ago
Joel responded well
The Pork Report
3 days ago
It’s ridiculous to expect White altruism from non-Whites.
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
“then we’ll sit down from a position of strength”…we’ll sit down once we’ve won. How American.
3 days ago
not all, not all, but most
3 days ago
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Joel’s lost me here…
3 days ago
you’ll need economic allies when you do take power
3 days ago
WP Combat
3 days ago
I agree with Joel here.
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Joel is right. We don’t need to worry about jews and other nons who will lie about us regardless.
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
Blood and Honour
3 days ago
we need boomer money
3 days ago
The game was rigged from the start. We’re not gonna win by playing by the rules created BY our enemies to keep US down.
3 days ago
What’s the point of cosying up to non-Whites who are in our homelands?
3 days ago
So, if you engage with brown people, you can convince them to leave peacefully?
3 days ago
Lamp-post…or lampshade? lol
3 days ago
non-whites will never agree that they are a cancer. Pandering to them is pointless, especially rn
3 days ago
The People of Starfield must extend across the whole galaxy of nationalism
3 days ago
Boneface type Hollywood acts
3 days ago
there’ll probably be places where exchange b/t White and nonwhite groups are relevant before anyone’s resiliently established too, but fine to say “as we’re ready / it makes sense”
3 days ago
I say we need around 30% of Whites on the same page ideologically to start reversing the current trajectory..
The Pork Report
3 days ago
“Politeness” is how we got here. Optics cuckery.
3 days ago
i think the point is if u engage with one you could end up convincing sending 100s back rather than sending 1 back or 1 family and that is the end of i, still in the same position
3 days ago
agreed Joel
3 days ago
this is all blah blah and grasping at straws, we whites need to assert dominance over our own countries and we don’t do that by bending the knee to the browns.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
BLACK Marcus Garvey worked with the KKK to return Blacks. Have you lot read any Nationalist texts?
3 days ago
preach it Joel! White Power!
3 days ago
what did the TALK do? what came from it?
Ethno Nationalist
3 days ago
well said Joel
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Focus on our people first. I agree.
3 days ago
We don’t negotiate with invaders
3 days ago
Wholesome chungus nationalism is not gonna work mark
3 days ago
we are comparing to NSDAP, they didn’t have to face that
3 days ago
Joel is solid
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Mark did this when he had the SSNP on for a discussion, and they discussed the need for the Syrian refugees in Europe to be repatriated.
3 days ago
National Socialist Front did that
3 days ago
yes they do
3 days ago
We should all wire money to Beijing, Moscow and Tehran
, and ask them to neutralize ZOG for us lol
3 days ago
fundamentals first
3 days ago
Exactly. Totally different situations.
3 days ago
worked nicely didn’t it? this is retarded, sorry to say, all you do is play the little cuck who tries to appease the bull.
3 days ago
no, no, no – I’m nothing but polite and legal and Iface threats and harassment everyday – organized harassment – no co-operation with nons
3 days ago
3 days ago
you dont worry about that until later
3 days ago
Germans didn’t have millions of non-whites living in their communities throughout Germany
3 days ago
yes Joel!
3 days ago
has anyone suggested letting non-Whites into organizations, rather than just working w/ them where it’s practical?
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
3 days ago
Maybe we can convince the non-White nations to neutralize ZOG for us?…
3 days ago
3 days ago
they only want to help for selfish reasons. usually they hate their own. many are not trustworthy
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
What about the NSDAP’s SS non-White divisions? Ask him about that
3 days ago
3 days ago
You won’t get non-whites to help you vote your way out of this, nor will they help you to get rid of them.
3 days ago
yeah the post ww2 Spielberg narrative is so strong and prevalent its so diffucult for mid wits to shrug it off…
The Pork Report
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
The Pork Report
3 days ago
We don’t need non-Whites. Let them take care of themselves. Whites are too altruistic, and it’s a one-way street.
3 days ago
sry guy, the only peaceful talk we will have is how you will play along when i deport you from my country, this can go down in two ways, i prefer the peaceful route.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
You also have to react to the fact that civilisation and nationhood per se are under attack across the board.
3 days ago
I can see both sides
3 days ago
Colin Jordan?
3 days ago
The NS Germans could respect non-Whites who were fighting against the Jew World Order in their own territories. But the non-Whites were not allowed to be citizens in Europe. That is the difference from today.
3 days ago
This is such a poor question
3 days ago
says you as a non-white?
3 days ago
the fourth reich can only be roman catholic as it refers to the fourth holy roman catholic empire
3 days ago
problem is duke thinks we should just demand our rights rather than taking them
3 days ago
Being Civil isn’t hard , We have different populations of Arabs in USA vs UK . The rich Arabs go to America , the grooming stuff doesn’t happen here like in other places
3 days ago
I don’t get this “let’s talk to non-whites about our political issues.” what does it do’? like seriously… yeah ok, they might agree or disagree, now what?
3 days ago
it’s just shit stirring
3 days ago
the most successful nations today are patriarchal ethnostates. you can’t ignore that
3 days ago
Mark seems a bit softer in approach than Joel.
3 days ago
NS is exclusively Roman Catholic?! WTF are you smoking, dude?
3 days ago
They’re deliberately putting darkies in schools in remote areas in the hope they might mix with white girls
3 days ago
Joel is right!We need to unite white and stay white
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Spot on, Mark
3 days ago
therein lies the problem
3 days ago
national socialism is exclusively roman catholic, the third reich refers to the third holy roman catholic empire. the fourth reich can only be roman catholic
3 days ago
WP o/
Son of Mars
3 days ago
white power o/
3 days ago
Woody o/
3 days ago
Joel is right. balkanize like the other groups or we are toast!
3 days ago
“White power is the name of the game” – Joel Davis, 2025. LFG!
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Hope Mark is taking note. Protests and leaflets are not enough. WOODLANDER’s position is my my position, now.
3 days ago
i’m posting my bird back to Thailand.
3 days ago
white people should be picking up sticks and watching paint dry
3 days ago
Somalis do not belong in England or New England
3 days ago
you say it’s incentive based, and yet removing the incentive can’t overlap to “alliance” on issues like opposing israel? do you see how you limit your potential result there?
3 days ago
3 days ago
regionalism works
3 days ago
Culture isn’t supposed to be inclusive
3 days ago
We need INTENTIONAL White communities like what Eric Aarvol is doing in the USA
3 days ago
no asian gfs
3 days ago
3 days ago
Happy Saint Patrick’s day guys
3 days ago
That’s the end of his families ancestry
3 days ago
you stop paying them too, retardo
3 days ago
3 days ago
depressing visual
3 days ago
I’ve met some amazing people during my travels. they had no intentions of coming to the west. they were proud of their nations.
3 days ago
then stop paying them
3 days ago
We probably could deal with other non White countries better than Shomrim squad policing the world killing innocents
3 days ago
nope. they have been paid to invade our countries.
3 days ago
and not every practical alliance is entirely peaceful surrounding the goal
3 days ago
I have a bag-pipe of sorts…
3 days ago
there’s a difference?
3 days ago
highland games
3 days ago
they will. They fled their countries instead of fighting.
3 days ago
too tolerant, too kind, always capitulating
3 days ago
we can have GREAT relations with non white people IF they remain IN their own countries
3 days ago
not while they occupy our lands – I’ll support them in their lands
3 days ago
I am not opposed either to working with non-whites, i will work with them, when they want to leave my country!
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Even after victory, Whites will still have to live in the world, and deal with other nations.
3 days ago
We need it so nonwhites can’t have children whenever they want
3 days ago
drew pavlou the Turk
3 days ago
We aren’t including nons in our movement, he’s saying that if they understand what we are doing then they are less likely to come into conflict with us.
3 days ago
lol the Negroes can fight on the frontlines against ZOG
3 days ago
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Agreed, Mark
3 days ago
Joel spoke with a non white guy half Lebanese
3 days ago
certainly my only concen
3 days ago
This micro nationalism wont stand a chance against america and china
3 days ago
3 days ago
OUR homogeneous society is the only thing that matters
3 days ago
Kanye made himself look ridiculous
3 days ago
all non whites
3 days ago
white pro movement will only work i
3 days ago
Only good thing about Kanye talking about NS is making the normie masses more interested in the subject and normalizing it.
3 days ago
3 days ago
Dr Duke is great too
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Is is good NS boy. I’ve met and drunk with him
3 days ago
[revving noises]
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Still does
3 days ago
3 days ago
he benefited handsomely off the hollywood system.
3 days ago
oh here comes the race cucking
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
Safe White & Clean
3 days ago
Police you didn’t hear that
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Kanyes idiocy does nothing to promote nationalism
3 days ago
3 days ago
o/ hey brother
3 days ago
Poland safe too!98% safe..Japan 98% White..
3 days ago
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Political Soldiers
3 days ago
Love this guy
3 days ago
3 days ago
they aren’t hurting enough
3 days ago
don’t they have polar bears?
3 days ago
Only thing I disagreed with Joel was kanye , agree to disagree
3 days ago
Eugenics is the answer
3 days ago
Iceland is the safest country=No diversity
3 days ago
you see it so much here in the US as well with these suburban normies with these McMansion generic shitty houses..Just relegating to vapid consumerism and materialism..No racial conscience
3 days ago
3 days ago
jews who run public schools have already trained a couple generations to “use their words” instead of fighting physically
3 days ago
3 days ago
GET TRIBAL White man!Or D.I.E.
3 days ago
3 days ago
Tom Blair and Joel are the best of Starfield Nationalism
3 days ago
i think joel is 1488 lol
3 days ago
We need to sterilize all non whites
3 days ago
Democracy is a fundamentally dishonorable system that rewards dishonorable, lying scum politicians
3 days ago
Its a question of LEARNING TO BECOME TRIBAL!!!
3 days ago
I 100% agree with Joel, we need a movement, that makes the people drunk, drunk from the will to live, drunk from the will to assert dominance…
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
14s for JOEL
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Joel hits the nail on the head
3 days ago
Whites are too scared and too altruistic and nice to other races that wanna kill us!
3 days ago
Yup, Hate Speech laws in Canada were created by the (((Cohen Commission))).
3 days ago
3 days ago
true it is all about White people
3 days ago
3 days ago
Language laws are Jewish
3 days ago
They own the system, we’re in an awful position, most are more interested in watching the gogglebox
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Whites are the problem
3 days ago
oh shit joel is pissed lol
3 days ago
starfieldian lives matter
3 days ago
White race a bunch of pussies. Amen
3 days ago
No more brother wars
3 days ago
Drunkards and pot heads are also a problem
3 days ago
I continue to be very impressed with Joel
Son of Mars
3 days ago
This will essentially turn into irregular warfare of sorts, the establishment will try to kill those who upset their order. It’s good to know that going in and be ready to face possible death for survival and glory.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
3 days ago
the enemy are scared
3 days ago
AMEN!White race are pussies. Tough facts
3 days ago
conditioned and brainpoisoned to be pussies
3 days ago
old population
3 days ago
remember #BANTHEADL? neither does anyone else
3 days ago
would be proto-Starfield
3 days ago
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
that’s debatable
3 days ago
agree with Joel on this too
3 days ago
yes as White ONLY care about Whites…and we need to demand WHITE UNITY
3 days ago
3 days ago
Don’t be LOW T
3 days ago
flag has stars so we called it Starfield
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Joel is totally right on this
3 days ago
but they take our first names and won’t stop coming into our lands. crazy
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
inside joke
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
the starfieldians are better when they slur
3 days ago
complacency and escapism
3 days ago
Australia = Starfield btw
3 days ago
done scare the slags
3 days ago
We need a standing army
3 days ago
.I dont think that guy has barely anymore than 3 viewers on odysee anymore. Not even certain if he is pro-White anymore…
3 days ago
Women get hot and bothered by strength!!! if you project strength, the gardening tools will follow suit!
3 days ago
ghetto greg
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
lol, I like that mark was so taken back by that. I respect that bants
3 days ago
Where dem White hoes at, shieet. Muh dick
3 days ago
marks correct on that
3 days ago
skims the slags
3 days ago
the wimin mark
3 days ago
None of us really have all the answers on how to reclaim White nations this side of WW2, so why not try everything and just don’t counter-signal other White nationalists?
3 days ago
Im with Justin Barret & Joel Davis on this issue. Our problems can only be solved with radical politics such as National Socialism. Democracy creates weak people who cannot solve difficult problems like mass immigration.
3 days ago
They have the tools to stop Nationalists getting anywhere near their system, therein lies the problem
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Joel calling out REACTIONARIES. Top man
3 days ago
at least he’s not slurring
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
I’ve never heard an Australian make a good argument
3 days ago
Matt Hammond
3 days ago
Another Partridge moment
3 days ago
gangster Gregory innit m8
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
WN basically communicates in Ebonics
3 days ago
Martinez got that from Bjerknes … the “ Hitler was jewish “ guy
3 days ago
I’d agree..Noble to fight but when its just at the expense of inevitable demise it doesnt bode well…
3 days ago
it’s very hard for me, Whites around here are disagreeable ‘class conscious
3 days ago
on the show
3 days ago
Oh no, is Keith parroting Brandon Martinez’s takes that Hitler was anti-White?! hahaha WTF
3 days ago
oh hey Mark
3 days ago
PA has great optics and people attacked Mark over “Book gate” ? This reminds me of the bulldogs who attack Mark
3 days ago
Read Colin Jordan’s 1962 Trafalgar Square speech, tells us everything we need to know about the situation we are in
3 days ago
Possibly. Obviously I don’t know for sure. I find it suspicious they were allowed to register with the Zionist controlled electoral commission and they forbid discussion of the JQ (party policy)
3 days ago
community building offline is the way
3 days ago
haha, Mark learned something today.
3 days ago
lmao mark
3 days ago
Garden hoes ?
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
I still say THIRD POSITION is a better label.
3 days ago
the women
3 days ago
Advocacy for people of European heritage includes by any means necessary
3 days ago
3 days ago
lol dammit bracer
3 days ago
Starfield team o/
3 days ago
*pricks, who love to attack others… and many cucked libtards & cucked husbands
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
so keep up the ball paddling
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
Ukraine is a lost cause, anyone saying otherwise is very badly mistaken
3 days ago
Colin Liddell is also a giant Azov shill , odd isn’t it
3 days ago
buy XRP, lol
3 days ago
nothing much. just here to remind
that Ukraine is a jewish controlled patsy of Jewish controlled America AND THEY LOST
3 days ago
The Pork Report
3 days ago
3 days ago
Le Penn is part of the club
3 days ago
Whites are heavily conscientious and oriented towards Moral Communities, therefore we need to make a MORAL case for White nationalism IMO…but we also need MONEY behind us.
3 days ago
he’ll yeah borther
3 days ago
aye up mate
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
good to see all the boys
3 days ago
Whisper campaign, influencing friends, & family, & also having 0 tolerance for people who are antiwhite would absolutely would positively reverberate
3 days ago
3 days ago
o/ muppet gang gang
3 days ago
and if you would understand
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
3 days ago
The Pork Report
3 days ago
I’m surprised to hear this about Homeland, too. What’s going on there?
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
Wait, what? You think Homeland is funded by Shlomo?!
3 days ago
you should strike up a conversation w/ Greg. I feel like you could get him talking
3 days ago
3 days ago
we’re all counting on you
3 days ago
Dead Internet Society
3 days ago
keep up the good fight king
3 days ago
Joel is 100% correct
3 days ago
the man on the street will do something eventually , people don’t like the Jewish invaders , peasant antisemitism or shabbos NRx clout chaser
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Is a Republican boomer. He can’t be anything else. It’s what he is.
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Neutering yourself for muskscraps
3 days ago
& NPCs are default antiwhite, severity depends on their political affiliation
Mark Collett
3 days ago
You can still use Odysee at the moment mate!
3 days ago
The problem controls the Media and edjewcation system, therein lies the problem
Mark Collett
3 days ago
I don’t know, I don’t think so, I can accept superchats on Odysee or Entropy!
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Debate him -and lose, like you did with Mark
3 days ago
he said that they will follow who ever in power dont twist his words
3 days ago
sounds like his argument is basically an order-of-operations one
3 days ago
Yes. Kind of contradictory
3 days ago
ethnocentrism is a part of conformity… the will to survive and to live and the chances are greater, if you align with people who look like you and thats a simple truth of nature.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Most folk are NPCs
3 days ago
Odysee got nuked by NNR & other ppl fighting flagging each other
3 days ago
Why is Joel appealing to “the average guy in the street” when he earlier said that the masses are not persuadable?
3 days ago
oh thanks
3 days ago
3 days ago
No you have to use entropy
3 days ago
odysee arein the midst of changing payment processor
3 days ago
Rogan guests like Theo Von & Jake Shields are good for normies
3 days ago
yeah, just take a look at their girlfriends, wives and children, 80-90% are white and white.
3 days ago
wait is mark demonitazed on odysee?
3 days ago
“many liberals” vs. “conservatives [implicitly all]” careful language, but while this is a popular idea, I’ve yet to see anyone try to establish it in the same sense LAC does Rogan’s guest’s composition
3 days ago
We can’t donate on Odyssey anymore?
3 days ago
o/ Mark o/ Joel
3 days ago
without any intention for offense, Mark could greatly benefit from a value oriented microphone like a Rode NT mini usb…
3 days ago
that is just ridicolous
3 days ago
because communism won the war and participated to the creation of the new world order , the far left is accepted
Mark Collett
3 days ago
Guys, we only have three questions tonight over on Entropy! If anyone wants to ask a question, please do so, as I will be asking them soon!
3 days ago
Bulldog nationalists in Ireland ? idk ?
3 days ago
Most Whites – even leftist Whites – are demonstrably IMPLICITLY ethnocentric i.e., they “vote with their feet” e.g., living in gated White communities….we need to get Whites to be EXPLICITLY ethnocentrism.
3 days ago
Hitlers goal was to unify the left and right, because in reality, there is no difference between a communist german and a conservative german, a protestant or catholic german.
3 days ago
Boris Johnson was called a Nazi
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
MUh Naertsee
3 days ago
right but it is reasonable to think tha they are like eighties western Nationalists
3 days ago
Keith using the most AstroTurfed “banned man in America” Fuentes is a joke when he flew to UK to meet an Irishman ?
Son of Mars
3 days ago
3 days ago
Joel says you need to be racist to be successful but I don’t see how yelling racial slurs at people will bring you to victory
3 days ago
National Socialists recruited germans from the left and the right… there wasn’t a specific targeted group, thats the first time i hear that one.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Spot on Mark. The movement destroyed the power of the term nazi. Now isn’t the time to fret over it. It’s a strange thing.
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Keith just wants to be an E-celeb
3 days ago
Yelling racial slurs and waving the Japanese imperial flag and sometimes the Nazi flag doesn’t really appeal to anyone. maybe I’m mistaken and it will eventually work but I think not
3 days ago
what the fug
3 days ago
we just need to get trump to tweet gamergate
3 days ago
I am ethnic german and i can say that with certainty and confidence, because ive read all the books, from Hitlers Mein Kampf, his second book, which is sus, to Alfred Rosenberg to all the spergs from the conservative revolutionary movement in the times of the weimar republic.
3 days ago
Rosenberg’s “Myth of the 20th Century” is one of the deepest books I’ve ever read in my life. I will definitely need to re-read it many more time.
3 days ago
Good question Mark
3 days ago
You have to begin the schooling and I think many of the German and Italian thinkers are necessary for this
3 days ago
clown show as compared to who? western nationalists? lmao
3 days ago
always ask them:”Do you think Whites deserve a homeland”?when they say NO show them how that is antiwhite and wrong because all other races have their honelands already!
3 days ago
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
The National Socialists actively recruited from communists, at Hitler’s insistence. Goebbels was a communist before he was a National Socialist.
3 days ago
yeah i get it but why shit on japanese nationalists
3 days ago
yes i ca imagine that
3 days ago
Are you living in a european nation and are planning to procreate with a white woman?
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
I think Keith is blaming NS for the poor performance of the National Party in Irish politics. He is blaming the “spergs” who moved the Overton Window to the right in the first place. It’s a real shame.
3 days ago
It’s a hard read
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Albanese is a worm
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
Conservatives in all western nations exist to prevent actual nationalism from happening
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
The Right is weak. A fkn failure by any objective measure.
3 days ago
so was joel though right…
3 days ago
what mark just described is exactly why NS will be rehabilitated
3 days ago
I am sorry, there is hardly any “German Particularism” in National Socialsim…
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
3 days ago
Hitlers supposed understanding of aryan hsitory is mainly a thing coming from Rosenberg, who studied aryan history and the influence and development of philosophy on the aryan soul throughout history.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Born in Egypt, bless his heart
Son of Mars
3 days ago
3 days ago
End the Fed is the superior movement because that is what will help whites the most
3 days ago
Japanese nationalists are a clown show. They do things in a performative racist way and haven’t made much ground. Can’t even protest against Kurds in the country
Son of Mars
3 days ago
NS is easy to like and convert to of you don’t want your people to die off/subjugated
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Even Peter Hitchens knows Britain’s involvement in the war was a disaster.
3 days ago
the red bull putsch
3 days ago
National Socialism is a amalgamation of all the european thinkers and philosophers who based their ideas in reality.
3 days ago
3 days ago
maybe Keith wants to be Irish Fuentes ?
3 days ago
nonsense, National Socialism wasn’t a specific german thing, if you take a look at all the influences all the german thinkers had… Henry Ford played a formative influence on National Socialism, the friggin race laws were based on the Jim Crow Laws.
3 days ago
Globalism stems from the Tanakh
3 days ago
3 days ago
I have heard about it but I haven’t read it
3 days ago
just spread prowhiteism you do it your long as its spreading prowhiteism I dont care what you do..Ive made 100s of whites become prowhite just by talking in my community…it starts in your home..and your closest friends..when we are all prowhites its game over for the antiwhites
3 days ago
seethe dummy
3 days ago
If we don’t get some big wins under our collective belt, I predict ZOG will start locking us White waycists in mental asylums. Psychiatry is very jewish, stemming mostly from the American Psychiatric Association.
3 days ago
The comment sections in those AI-translated Hitler speeches are very positive.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Rudolf Hess was NS personified.
3 days ago
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
The question of German particularism is an important one because it stems from Hitler’s own view of Aryan history and the place of Germany in it. It’s something that’s easily resolved in a good faith discussion.
3 days ago
20 x hasbara budget
3 days ago
The label isn’t what matters what matters is ending the private central JEW bank forever
3 days ago
just spread prowhiteism Chris…and find the best technique for recruiting whites to become prowhite..then when one of us are in power we use that power to steer the ship in a prowhite way…this is how it works
3 days ago
3 days ago
Nothing wrong with universalism to a degree. Funny how those who say nationalism for everyone don’t include Palestinians for some reason
3 days ago
Keith is doing Civic antisemitism / Kosher anti Zionism which eventually will lead to CivNat / Civic Fascism. Why he chooses to go backwards ? who knows
3 days ago
too bad it was not a pan-European movement. It was a pan-Germanism movement. Nothing wrong with that, but it was murdered in its crib before it became pan-European.
3 days ago
The book is called “Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition”. Chapter 8.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
The spiritual question is a central one. The current zeitgeist requires a measure of spiritual thinking, and dare I say – mysticism. Materialism and objectivism do nothing for the soul.
3 days ago(edited)
We had our own version here, the likes of Henry Hamilton Beamish and Arnold Leese would have come down on the small hats 10x harder if they ever got in power.
3 days ago
with the former Group you build the worldview, the ideas ect. the foundation of your group and the letter is the meat of the group. the whole Head and body concept of the folk.
3 days ago
I disagree with MacDonald that Whites are individualistic. Ukrainians in Japan & Taiwan have their own ethnic advocacy group. French in Singapore seem pretty collectivist in their neighborhood.
3 days ago
sounds interesting
3 days ago
Can’t ignore the Nazi accuastion and the holocaust if you are a nationalist in the West. Doesn’t mean you need the copy the political platform of the NSDAP exactly. You can have a new political ideology that works for whatever situation you are in.
3 days ago
Then you need to project strength and you do that by having a vanguard, a sort of drone squad of people who aren’t as steadfast in their worldview but are willing to do the fighting for the group.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
There was far more history to NS than just the putsch, Joel
3 days ago
IMO Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s latest book on Western psychology is a GREAT resource to strategizing how to win over Whites.
3 days ago
the issue is still the same though, you try to go the hard way, by red pilling every normie on a individual basis… you will spend eternity until you get enough people to be on your side, which is not feasible. You need a handful intellectuals who are steadfast in their WV.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Turning against National Socialism is rather like denying that you’re racist – you’re losing the argument and accepting the premises of the enemy.
3 days ago
” white new deal ” ” four natural freedoms ”
3 days ago
The swatztika is ETERNAL
3 days ago
Lol yes. I can grow a thicker beard than most Chinamen.
3 days ago
Dear Christian Brother we have that discussion another place
3 days ago
Spot on Joel
3 days ago
Drop ‘the nazis’ Jew propaganda term
3 days ago
My point still stands. As long as you aren’t in White countries.
3 days ago
I live in Japan.
3 days ago
I respect Chinese and Arabs…if they stay the hell in China and the ME…
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
That must mean you can grow a beard!
3 days ago
I haven’t disagreed with Joel about anything yet. Can anyone prove him wrong?
3 days ago
yes! yes! yes!
3 days ago
I’m actually part Hui. This DNA test I got from China has me having some Iranian & Central Asian dna. It doesn’t matter to me because I don’t think ethnicity is soley based on genetics. Although it is a factor you can’t ignore.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
The puritan, I’m-smarter-than-you element in the Movement has always been a problem. Tea and biscuits and long words won’t cut it.
3 days ago
Colin Jordan – A prime example of a NS
3 days ago
they don’t hate jewsus
3 days ago
some of us Canadians of Irish and Scottish heritage have not entirely forgotten where we came from
3 days ago
Rockefellers wanted the mass immigration to punk us into world government. Kakala winning would have made it possible for sure. We dodged a bullet.
3 days ago
re what joel is saying, the patrick bateman memes were funny for a time but i personally am tired of them
3 days ago
rooting for the underdog is rooting for nons pre 1945
3 days ago
Alcohol has also been a poison to the movement and there are also too many dude weed bros as well
3 days ago
jews use biological weapons aka blacks and browns to kill White countries
3 days ago
this is also the issue normies have, they repeat what their group says, without really believing it, which is where cognitive dissonance kicks in.
3 days ago
prowhite means you put whites fight antiwhites and fight for pro white upkeep prowhiteism in everything you do…when we all boycot coca cola it will work etc
3 days ago
but who let them in ?
3 days ago
lol the “Synagogue of Satan” verses in Revelations is not saying what based Christians think it says. Adam Green laid that interpretation to rest.
3 days ago
Hispanics killed America
3 days ago
long live the underdog
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Agreed, Joel
3 days ago
wouldn’t you agree that there is a difference between what a person says and what a person beliefs? again, conformity being the issue, i wouldn’t put my trust in a person who just repeats, belief is a process of self realization.
3 days ago
I would say browns
3 days ago
jews are nig nogs
3 days ago
the jews
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
who hurts prowhiteness the most blacks or browns?
3 days ago
“According to one former Brownshirt, 132 Nazis had been killed and 18 thousand injured by the end of 1932
and a further 68 killed in January 1933, at the end of which Hitler was appointed Chancellor!.”
3 days ago
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
And a broad land which lends itself to the pioneer mindset
3 days ago
There’s a difference b/t a ragtag group of well-motivated supporters….and boneface
3 days ago
(some of chat, not the host or guest)
3 days ago
we dont need a spaceship..we just need to keep prowhiting..then the more prowhites we become evetually it will be too.many prowhites to ignore and the people will only allow prowhite leaders…thats how a prowhite will come to power..people selected him for being pro white/pro Germany only
3 days ago
what do you mean by making someone pro-white? make other people repeat what you are saying?
3 days ago
3 days ago
stating facts isn’t infighting
3 days ago
Please no religious infighting
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
NSDAP started with the DAP. Gregor Strasser was there first. Hitlerites don’t like that fact
3 days ago
Jews are behind these thug looking characters, that people are led to believe are National Socialists
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
The SA, the working class are crucial to any nationalist movement. You can’t be middle class about things. Hitler defended those lads for exactly that reason. Snobbery is poison to nationalism.
3 days ago
Im prowhite…you are prowhite..a prowhite person made you prowhite correct?so keep prowhiting..Ive made so many whites prowhite and keep doing so…we grow organically worldwide…eventually we are too many to be stopped
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Half brown -like the NSDAP’s SS 13th division
3 days ago
NatSocs falsely believe that Hitler was spontaneous when in reality he was allowed to leave Rothschild central bank to create the WWII narrative.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
I would be a citizen of the Reich, per the Nuremberg laws.
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Mark is sending for Blood Tribe
3 days ago
Yep, we’re in a terrible situation
3 days ago
3 days ago
so you will shame them, while the bigger group, the one they belong to, are shaming you for being a racist ect…
3 days ago
Joel, you’re a Christian mate…the Bible tells us God’s kingdom is gonna fix everything…we pray for it in the Lords prayer mate …we pray for God’s kingdom to come not for man’s mate
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
I got made on the train reading a book about Strasser. Someone googled it, then started asking me why I was interested in nohtzees
3 days ago
So you are half brown?
3 days ago
We band of brothers, we happy few
3 days ago
I am Chinese.
3 days ago
I assume he is Arab based on his name lol
3 days ago
We do need to drop the red braces, boots and general neo nazi aesthetics imo and cultivate clean aesthetics with physically fit and clean cut people in out movement
3 days ago
you entertaining empty calories, it does nothing, it did nothing.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
I’m half English half Arab. Not that Arabs are a race as such.
3 days ago
We will make it popular to be prowhite
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Anyone uncomfortable with Joel’s position should think themselves lucky that Strasserite
is not speaking :grinning:
3 days ago
we will keep exposing antiwhiteism until all Whites eho don’t join the fight will be called self hating whites…we make it shame to not be pro white
3 days ago
Perhaps you didn’t see my question the first time. What race are you?
3 days ago
like i pointed out, Conformity is our biggest issue that we have to deal with… hitler wrote about it himself, he red pilled his normie friends just for them to come back with the old programming and arguments.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Where would Jonathan Bowden be on this issue, I wonder?
3 days ago
the mass doesn’t care about facts.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Romantic is a key word. You need romanticism and the subjective. The crisis of modernity is rooted in materialism, and materialism has to be fought head on.
3 days ago
then what? we tried that for how long? it doesn’t work like that.
3 days ago
They wouldn’t allow a genuine party anywhere near Their system
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
14s for Joel’s position; 13 for Woods’
3 days ago
What race are you?
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Pandering to the lowest common denominator desires of voters is contrary to the fundamental NS views
of leadership – which are based on natural law and the proof of history.
3 days ago
I also agree with Joel
3 days ago
Joel incredible based as always
3 days ago
I 100% agree with Joel, thats the only way how its done.
3 days ago
It took a lot of brain power to invent rubber dildos that’s Chosen Power
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Along with you, I’m now banned from Twitter. Said nothing bad. Just started calling out Farage
3 days ago
The Holocaust is used to discredit nationalism. If you are going to be fighting for repatriation & laws protecting a demographic majority. You will start running up against the Holocaust blood libel.
3 days ago
real af
3 days ago
We are going to be called Nazis and racists anyway
3 days ago
We need a central bank that is run by congress with term limits
3 days ago
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
3 days ago
we get that by exposing and pointing out antwhiteism and with the persecution against our people in focus
3 days ago
Does the community approach NSN in the street? Or are they afraid?
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Of course. They’re moving agianst ethnonationalism across the board. Panic.
3 days ago
3 days ago
For sure. The question is how much they are lying by…….
3 days ago
They were INVITED to rebuild Britain, apparently – lol
3 days ago
Yeah, they obviously give out BS figures so people think things aren’t as bad as they are
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Jeew tycoons expect the Dildo market to reach 62 billion$ per anum by 2030.
3 days ago
London is definitely less than 30% White British
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
The crisis of modernity has its basis in the foundational lie of WWII. You can’t liberate people’s minds until you smash the WWII myth entirely.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
3 days ago
2035 not 2066
3 days ago
britain started when david lammys parents came to Britain, apparently
3 days ago
There’s next to no Brits left in areas like Tottenham
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Nationalists need to think about what can be salvaged from the ashes. There’s no saving the situation with votes.
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Insane how it got this far.
3 days ago
Yup. Too many Whites think the jews are primarily anti-Christian…NO, they are anti-White. In fact, jews hate White heathenry more than White Christians, but I digress…
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Use a Schmidt photo instead
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
It’ll be sooner than that. The rate of settlement of migrants is positively frantic.
3 days ago
have a good day at work o/
3 days ago
yeah 0/
3 days ago
Ahh i gotta go to work soon but i’ll watch the replay later. Great stream so far lads.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Use the Celtic Cross. Nat symbol since day 1
3 days ago
yeah they like to show them off taking pictures, so they buy fancy ones to flex
3 days ago
Greetings, folks! o/
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
National Socialism is a set of natural laws which are given a name. It’s not an invention of Hitler per se, it is the codification of a set of natural laws and a programme for their renewed implementation.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Again I ask, why the opposite opinion to the Trad Workers you were heavily involved in? You had some epiphany?
3 days ago
thats because anything can be a dildo if you’re brave enough
3 days ago
Ireland has a rich nationalist history and it is very recent. Not to mention it wasn’t liberal
3 days ago
cuck box broke nobody cares what you have to say lol
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Trump lacks the Balls to ban Dildos, much less to ban Pornography.
3 days ago
think about Martin Luther, when the church threatened to ban him and he said “Ich stehe hier. Ich kann nicht anders.” or think about socrates who said that he can’t do anything else but tell the truth, even when faced and threatened with death.
Matt Parrott
3 days ago
Each time you get up, you need to reflect on how you got knocked down last time and change up your fight.
3 days ago
I use the word assimilation differently. Like how the Ainu were assimilated. They were made to intermarry Japanese, language was banned, etc. Essentially an ethnocide.
Matt Parrott
3 days ago
Why would an Irish Nationalist adopt a German history hobby project? It makes no sense. His tradition predates German NS by centuries, and has been far more successful, by any measure.
3 days ago
There are 2 types of people, people who are unstable and people who stick to the simple truth no matter what. I see this here in germany literally every friggin day, politician who were thought to be principled break and bend… and it is simply because of the other type of person is a rarity.
Matt Parrott
3 days ago
It’s not just about the baggage of decades of brainwashing and slander. Even NSDAP in its best possible light was not for export, and was ethnically and historically contingent.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
So you now call out Warren and Striker?
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
There were a lot of Strasserists knocking about the BNP, to be fair.
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Apparently most Perverts prefer to purchase dildos imported from Asia.
3 days ago
deport nons first
3 days ago
It’s really not that difficult, one of the first things you would do is crack down on Secret Societies
3 days ago
Hitler said it in his speech “We shall not lie, we shall not con.”
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Uncle DID NOT invent NS
Matt Parrott
3 days ago
TradWorker was for Faith, Family, and Folk. It was smeared as a neonazi hitler hobby project.
3 days ago
yeah, try it again. The more you do tests and poke around the sooner you’ll get it dialed in
Son of Mars
3 days ago
Leonidas died in thermopylae, did that mean the greeks should’ve given up? Fall down six times, stand up seven.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Keith and co cannot accept the terrible truth – there is no parliamentary or democratic answer to the crisis of modernity and the Jewish Problem. NS is needed because it is fundamentally revolutionary, and that is why it is needed. You cannot use the system to defeat itself. The system must go.
3 days ago
Well, Keith got corrupted by popularity and the ability to make money with the movement and the moment you try to make money with the movement, the entire revolutionary spirit is gone.
The Pork Report
3 days ago
You have to assimilate if you come to a new country. If you can’t assimilate, don’t come.
Matt Parrott
3 days ago
Hey, Grok. Did the NSDAP defeat jewish globalism?
3 days ago
Every State that is multiethnic will have minority rights for political stability. It has nothing to do with liberalism. Its that or forced assimiliiation.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
I suspect Keith is bitter because of the poor showing of the National Party in the Irish elections. Perhaps he’s blaming NS for turning off the masses. He’d be wrong, but perhaps that’s what’s underlying his bitterness.
3 days ago
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Exactly, I think that liberalism is a big wrong turn the West took a while ago, and now we need to right it.
3 days ago
yes, who would die for King Charles ?
3 days ago
I don’t want my country to turn into pajeetistan 2.0
Long Knife
3 days ago
Answer: only with a better idea
3 days ago
People like Keith try to appease the masses, while the masses look for a strong leader… basically, Keith is soy, while the masses want bloody meat!
3 days ago
Appreciate being in chat with fellow nationists
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
A lot of nationalists would do well to look at Rosenberg. NS is not just a chauvinistic reward for being Aryan – it’s a programme of restoration of something that was lost a long time ago. It’s boldness and depth are often ignored.
Long Knife
3 days ago
a better question: Can National Socialism be killed ?
Son of Mars
3 days ago
we took a wrong turn, and ended up somewhere we don’t want to be, we have to look back where we went wrong.
3 days ago(edited)
“For King And Country” – Imagine coming out with that now.
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
So called infighting is merely sparring and good training.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
You’re right to call out reactionaries. Anyone who is not revolutionary at this point is living in the 1800s
3 days ago
3 days ago
yeah Cali 480p, don’t ask me how
3 days ago
all true mate
3 days ago
i might change the bitrate and try after…
3 days ago
There is a simple answer to this… reality hasn’t changed since then… the enemy is the same, the issues are the same, ect.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
In a Europe where Christianity has collapsed, NS is needed also because it has a spiritual dimension, which people desperately need.
3 days ago
Callahan may I call in??
3 days ago
Democracy is the jew tool no matter what name the party goes under – end of story
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Is not this, your position, antithetical to the Trad Workers?
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
No, they spoke with Justice Actions usually.
3 days ago
you gonna do a test stream today?
Son of Mars
3 days ago
NS is extremely attractive if communicated properly
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Warren, Greg Conte etc., have been steadfast on this.
Matt Parrott
3 days ago
Joel just explained that the S in NS is some intellectualized bullshit that’s not Socialist or even “Social” in the common sense. And now he’s dumping schmittian and hegelian dialectical word salad. His brain’s totally fried on germanophile bullshit.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
NS is still relevant: Third Posirionism. The TRad Workers, Striker, Warren, get that much
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
To attack – at this moment – a nationalist movement that puts socialism front and centre is very suspicious indeed. Can reactionary nationalists really be called nationalists at all?
3 days ago
pat was being facetious
3 days ago
Let Joel cook man
3 days ago
Truth You know any decent reading material on the Klan?
3 days ago
Pat Bateman told me Lil Sheckel ia alive and well…
3 days ago
I mean once..we only need divide our social space once!Prowhite vs Antiwhite. This is how we finally can unite instead of dumb infighting
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
Unlike Irish and Italian mafias who fraternized with Jeews, the KKlan did noble things for White people.
Beer Hall Pooch
3 days ago
About time this issue was addressed. Look where cowering, playing by the System’s rules has got us
3 days ago
I was just listening to some old Gas Station streams… brought back fond memories
3 days ago
3 days ago
Which makes it different. The Indigenous Taiwanese have special privileges like they can own firearms for hunting for example but they don’t have more rights than the Han majority.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
National Socialism should also be understood as a programme of improvement and restoration which would logically render itself unnecessary, which is what Hitler foresaw for the NSDAP.
3 days ago
Starmer told Trump that UK has free speech
3 days ago
Iheard hes still alive…
3 days ago
Only divide our social space twice: Prowhites vs. Antiwhites. You prowhite you are on TEAM WHITE
3 days ago
R.I.P Lil Shekel
3 days ago
The minorities there have separate autonomous republics. China has a similiar thing. Enhe is a autonomous region for the Russians for example.
3 days ago
Race 1st
3 days ago
3 days ago
but in the west the minorities have more rights than the majority
3 days ago
“Democracy means run by Jews” – Ezra Pound
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
I believe the Russian constitution recognises the Russian state as the ethnic expression of the Russian people, minority rights notwithstanding.
3 days ago
3 days ago
That being said. Multiethnic States always have a dominant ethnic group. Tajiks, Russians and other minorities still have rights and even privileges but the Han is the dominant ethnic group
3 days ago
I find people try to complicate our situation to confuse people, it’s all pretty simple stuff
3 days ago
We need a White ADL to protect our people from antiwhiteism..just like jews do for antisemitism
Matt Parrott
3 days ago
It’s a ball and cup game where Joel pretends that Neonazism is just “nationalism purified.” It is not, and the historically and ethnically contingent elements of the NSDAP are inextricably tangled up in NS and its contemporary Neonazi tribute band.
3 days ago
Nazi……We don’t use that term
3 days ago
The Nation State is a European idea. Most States in the world aren’t nation States. Russia is a multinational State. China is a State of the 56 ethnicities that are recognized in the constitution. Iran is not a nation state and is multiethnic.
3 days ago(edited)
With the mass immigration now going on Racial-Fascism/NS is the only way
3 days ago
as boomer. My friends all were into materialism and comforts of money. Nobody was interested back then in comfortable quality of life. Meaning and truth was not as inportant as a strong economy. If a man does not care about meaning of life. Its it mate. Community building is best way.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Breaking the lies about National Socialism is crucial to reverse the intellectual damage done to the West in the post WWII period.
3 days ago
we need White Unity worldwide period…or else we will be crushed even more
3 days ago
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
If I was an employer I would be embarrassed to pay a brother less than a living wage. Many can’t afford a dependable vehicle and housing simultaneously.
3 days ago
Greg admitted he’s a liberal
3 days ago
NSN is epic
3 days ago
Pushing NS also frees up space in the wake of it for other groups which are less hardline
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Greg Johnson is a republican. His ideology is post-war boomerism with a bit of racial awareness
Louis Cachet
3 days ago
joel please show us your tattoos
3 days ago
That is not the circle Keith surrounds himself with…
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
NS is a threat also because it is fundamentally revolutionary, and it questions the fundaments of modern spirituality and society at the root. That is why it’s dangerous.
3 days ago
I need that pro white turban
3 days ago
thats a pro white turban..when an antiwhite touch that turban the amtiwhite turn into dust
3 days ago
3 days ago
Most Brits are so thick they don’t even know what each ideology stands for, someone tried telling me Hitler was against Socialists not Leftists
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Conservatism is deeply materialist, and it feels threatened by the non-materialism of NS.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
His timing is very odd, especially given the progress that has been made in recent years when it comes to revising the lies about WWII
3 days ago
lol, true
3 days ago
Joel looks like he’s wearing a turban
3 days ago
Churchill: the best Prime Minister Shekels could buy
3 days ago
3 days ago
In the long term this will come back to bite Keith
3 days ago
Ahoy there Chief
3 days ago
evening Chief
Chief Moody
3 days ago
Evening troops
3 days ago
Joel, Tom, Blair and Hersant etc, Our Guys, the Aryan Thunder from Down Under
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
When your oppressors are chronic liars I wouldn’t sweat any missinformation. I never say anything bad about the Axis Powers.
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Joel is based and so is Tom, Jacob, Blair and all the NSN lads
3 days ago
Gustavus Vasa
3 days ago
We all agree with Joel so no worries Mark
3 days ago
I hope not but it seems he is going down a wrong path
3 days ago
Joel’s a great guy.
3 days ago
People have been saying Keith has been off-key for a while now, I don’t want to start any drama but I ignored it up until this.
3 days ago
Joel’s a hero!Fighting antiwhiteism and not scared of showing his face while doing it!BIG RESPECT!
3 days ago
Share this show on Twitter both Joel and Mark are banned!
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Exactly Ron, he’s a weirdo, he also simps for miscegenating prostitutes
3 days ago
Keith Woodstein
3 days ago
Did Woods got compromised?
3 days ago
Why would you go down the road of trying to debunk Europa – very suspicious
3 days ago
Keith just wants to be popular he wants to be liked by guys like Elon
3 days ago
3 days ago
episode 8 us accurate
3 days ago
I remember when Keith came on this week on the alt right with less than 1000 followers on toutube
Jagdeep Jano
3 days ago
Keith Woods debunking of Europa is retarded . He can’t find something on google so he says it isn’t true
3 days ago
Credibility is everything
3 days ago
A lot of it is wrong
3 days ago
Guy who made Europa should have got his facts right though
3 days ago
3 days ago
Joel Davis is a hero for White Western Civilization!Thanks for fighting antiwhiteism Joel!!!
3 days ago
Indeed so
3 days ago
Yeah, Odysee always does that. Wish they’d fix bugs but they don’t.
3 days ago
Mark and Joel o/
WP Combat
3 days ago
3 days ago
Damn, I wondered why it hadn’t started….I had to press play!
3 days ago
indeed I think this be good
3 days ago
beanie waffen
The Resident Baker
3 days ago
Evening everyone
3 days ago
3 days ago
log time brother
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
The timing of these attacks on NS is very suspicious. Just at the moment when WWII revisionism is having an impact.
3 days ago
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
The ProDildo Trump grabs the masses by the crotch.
3 days ago
Also, if you want to reach the men, you have to reach the women first… it is always the women who motivates the men to do something.
3 days ago
If Joel ever becomes dictator of Australia then I’m moving down under
3 days ago
Anyone living in London here?
3 days ago
Evening men
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
Good evening.
3 days ago
You have to over dramatize, give them a emotional story.
3 days ago
share the link
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
This better be based and redpilled! I’m skipping Pete Q for this! haha.
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
3 days ago
Hey! Long time no see.
3 days ago
I really like Keith, but I’m on team Joel for this one.
3 days ago
oy vey
3 days ago
good evening
3 days ago(edited)
I’m on the outskirts, M25 area
Arab Social Nationalist
3 days ago
Greetings goyim
3 days ago
I’d love to see that.
3 days ago
Has it started yet? says starting soon for me
3 days ago
Just asking because I am
3 days ago
Joel and Keith should do a debate
3 days ago
Joel to reign as king of the united anglosphere by 2033
3 days ago
Exiting, let’s goo
3 days ago
3 days ago
If any White nation gets a NS government I’ll move there.
3 days ago
In my opinion we can’t just hit the masses with pure facts… we have to repackage it in emotional moving container… thats what hitler meant by the mass has a female quality to it, you only will move the masses if you grab them with emotions, you have to emotionally move them.
Teutonic Truth
3 days ago
NeoBolshevik Stalkers want to rape and murder people that don’t want to be near them.
3 days ago
it is like chocolate, you can wrap it in any package you want, give it any shape you want, it will always stay chocolate at its core, thats what we have to do with national socialism, we have to repackage it.
3 days ago
Race is the basis of all true politics – our degenerate system is upside down and is attempting to bring about the mongrelisation of the British people
3 days ago
Well you would have to elaborate what you mean by ns, because National Socialism is not just aesthetics, it is also aesthetics, but its not just the swastika, it is the thing that is underneath the swastika, the deeper meaning or truth that is ns.
3 days ago
We need to spam TikTok with as many NS videos as we can
3 days ago
Well, thats the thing, we can’t change the problem, we have to deal with it, it is like having a crippled leg, you can’t change it, you have to work with it.
3 days ago
that is also why hitler spent years of his life studying Communism and all of their tactics, in order to understand how they manipulate the masses and which tricks and oppositional methods he had to break through. We have to do the same, the enemy hasn’t changed , only the methods have.
3 days ago
that sounds like quite a big problem to change
3 days ago
Well, in my opinion, our biggest enemy is Conformity… Schopenhauer talks about it… the will to live and survive is so strong that it forces the masses into conformity, even if it means they are wrong… Hitler briefly talks about it too in his book, saying the mass has a female quality to it.
3 days ago
honestly think we have to self segregate , from liberal whites ,they are dangerous
3 days ago
Socialism must be paired with duties. All men must do at least 2 years in the military. If you’ve taken more from the state than you’ve given to it, you don’t get to vote or serve on a jury or hold office.
3 days ago
tbh it could be our best hope of revival , god knows we need a general awakening like yesterday .
3 days ago
Anything has got to be better than this Judeo-Masonic Dictatorship in disguise, that goes by the name of Democracy
3 days ago
National Socialism is based in reality and truth, it is not just some weird esoteric ideology that we try to force on to reality, to say “we can’t resurrect National Socialism” is like saying “let’s bury the truth and deny reality, because its not good optics to say race is real.”
3 days ago
I’m two subs away from 1k, if you have time for a psychedelic music break:
@DragonFox: Subliminal
3 days ago
I say yes
3 days ago
Heil Joel
3 days ago
Well, we should do that since Europe has more commies than Germany back then
3 days ago
the whole argument is so stupid. NO ONE is saying we should walk around in brown shirts doing Roman salutes. But if you cant see what Germany was up against and fought for and how that is still important today.
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
and a breeding programme
3 days ago
the main JD and the answer is of course it can , nothing else came close to what we need
3 days ago
We have the cure. Sieg Heil \o
3 days ago
Commies, jews, cuckservatives, democrats, liberals, trannies, pedos and all the other hedonistic degenerates fear
National Socialism because they know it would be game over in a NS state. Hence why NS is the most demonized ideology. Our modern world is sick and the symptoms are everywhere.
4 days ago
Reclaim Europa (and European-Founded nations: USA, Canada, Australia and NZ)
4 days ago
We need a billionaire to buy us a nazi island we can all live on together…
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version History
Version 5:
Version 4: Thu, Mar 27, 2025 — Transcript now completed = 152/152 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Updated Odysee comments (1629).
Version 3: Wed, Mar 26, 2025 — Transcript completed = 145/152 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 2: Tue, Mar 25, 2025 — Transcript completed = 89/152 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.
Version 1: Mon, Mar 24, 2025 — Published post. Transcript completed = 30/152 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (1451).