Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Steve Laws – Jun 12, 2024 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Patriotic Weekly Review – with Steve Laws



Wed, Jun 12, 2024


[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Steve Laws:

1. Steve Laws and Mark Collett discuss Laws’ campaign for UK parliamentary candidate in Dover and Deal.

2. Laws is running with the English Democrats party under anti-immigration slogans.

3. They are organizing campaign days of action over the next 3 weekends.

4. Collett and Laws had organized nationalist candidates before Nigel Farage announced he would run again.

5. Laws faces many candidates from major parties and independents.

6. Immigration is a big issue in Dover but no other candidates have strong anti-immigration policies.

7. Collett and Laws discuss how Farage’s involvement could help their message.

8. They agree Farage’s proposals like “net zero” immigration do not go far enough.

9. Working with groups like British Democrats is important to help each other’s campaigns.

10. Laws will keep standing in Dover to build support and hopes one day an anti-immigration candidate will win.

11. The speakers discuss national populist parties in Europe gaining popularity.

12. They are concerned the parties soften their messages after gaining power.

13. They talk about Marine Le Pen disavowing the AfD in Germany for being too hardline.

14. One speaker has more trust in Le Pen due to her father’s views.

15. But they are concerned about Le Pen distancing from her father.

16. They debate whether these parties will save or prolong Europe’s demise.

17. They discuss whether anyone can step into Farage’s role when he retires.

18. One says Farage is bad at building teams and has alienated people.

19. They say Farage destroyed the Conservative party in the UK by taking the country out of the EU.

20. One says the Conservative party must be destroyed for nationalism to grow in the UK.

21. They analyze Tommy Robinson’s shifting positions.

22. There are concerns he moves nationalists’ views backwards.

23. One speaker details an interaction they had with Robinson.

24. They discuss the election campaign one speaker is running in.

25. The other offers to help design materials and has been working behind the scenes.

26. They emphasize continued cooperation between nationalist groups.

27. Mark and Steve discuss the upcoming UK general election.

28. Steve is a candidate for Reform UK in Dover and Deal.

29. They debate how many seats Reform UK may win – likely only a few.

30. Reform UK is focusing resources on 10-15 key constituencies.

31. Steve has been campaigning by leafleting and door knocking.

32. He invites help campaigning over the next 3 weekends.

33. They discuss challenges Reform UK faces in winning seats under the UK’s electoral system.

34. The Euros football tournament could distract voters.

35. They analyze the decline in enthusiasm for football over decades.



Published on Wed, Jun 12, 2024




Patriotic Weekly Review – with Steve Laws
June 13, 2024
Mark Collett
Episode 266 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Steve Laws.
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Steve Laws

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(Words: 23,099 – 2:08:41 mins)



Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to Patriotic Weekly Review, episode number 266. And we’re live tonight on Odysee, DLive, Rumble and Entropy.


So please make sure if you’re watching us on one of those good platforms that you share the stream now. I hope it’s working on all of those different places. I hope it is. I’m just waiting for the Rumble one to say it’s working. Is it going to say it’s working? Yeah, it just has ticked in. Good, good, good. Hopefully the stream is coming through on Rumble also.


Now, if you’re watching on any of those places, please do share the stream. Please do get the message out that we’re streaming and it’s a really important stream tonight. As you see, Steve Laws is my guest. I’ll be introducing him very shortly.


Now, if you’re watching this stream and if you like my work, you will be looking forward to my weekly video this week. It’s a controversial one this week. I don’t know if you’ve seen, but one of the Reform candidates, they went through all his old tweets and found out that he’d said Britain would be better off if we hadn’t gone to war with Germany. And they’ve all attacked him over this, the media has, and obviously it’s election time, but I didn’t want to make another boring video about elections, so I thought, what the hey?


And I’m going to defend Ian Gribbin and tell you all why he was right and why Britain would categorically be better off had it not gone to war with Germany.


So that’s going to be a good little video that you would be able to share to all the people on the civn at, right? And they will all have kittens over it, but it will be historically accurate.


On Sunday, we have another stream. We are doing our film club, and that’s going to be with Morgoth. Our special guest is Morgoth and we’re reviewing National Lampoons Vacation. He was the chooser of the movie, so you’ve got plenty of time to watch it. It’s a light hearted comedy film that will be a fun Father’s Day stream. And it’s starting an hour later that 08:00 pm now if you like this stream, if you like the work we’re doing, if you like what we’re engaging in at the minute, which, if you haven’t heard, it’s a general election campaign.


And that’s why Steve Laws is here, do feel free to support my work. Remember, none of my work goes behind a paywall.


And if you hit that donate button, either on Odysee or Entropy, then you can send a message, or a question and we’ll read those out in the second hour of the show and answer them to the best of our ability.


And as I said, this is a bit of an election special and there’ll be another election special with a panel next week.


Now, you can also donate via crypto-currency. All the crypto links are in the description below and you can write to me at if you want to get involved with the good work that we are doing.


So that’s really all of the usual stuff out the way.


So I’m going to introduce our guest and candidate, Parliamentary candidate for Dover and deal. It’s Steve Laws. You all know him. He is the intrepid man behind the Steve laws report, which has, over the past few years, chronicled the large number of illegal migrants arriving across the channel, mainly in Dover. Steve has been a campaigner against this, against the demographic changes taking place in the UK. He has stood for Parliament before under the UKIP banner. He was told by Reform they didn’t want him, they didn’t want anything to do with him because he claimed that Rishi Sunak is an Indian. So for calling a spade a spade, this man was basically thrown out of the Reform Party and he’s standing in this election under the English Democrats banner on a hard line ticket of deport all illegal migrants and stop the votes. They are the campaigning slogans for this campaign. So, Steve, we’ll talk a little bit about how we set this up, what our goals are, where days of action are taking place, what we’re aiming to get out of this.


But first and foremost, how have you been, my friend? It’s been a while since you’ve been on. What have you been up to? Fill our audience in.


Steve Laws: So, yeah, it’s been quite a long time, actually, since I was. I think it’s nearly a year now.


So thanks for getting me back.


Mark Collett: It’s about a year, yeah.


Steve Laws: But all in all, I’ve just been slogging along slowly, I suppose, trying to raise the raise information about immigration and campaign against it and actively try and push for re migration.


So when the election come through, but we’ll talk more about that when we get through to it in a minute, obviously. So I’m standing in election again in Dover and deal. I’d appreciate anyone who’s listening, who does live in that constituency to give me their vote. I’m the only anti-immigration candidate stands in, and I feel like it’s something that we should have, that every election is an anti-immigration candidate. I’ll get into it later when we get to the election point. Otherwise I’ll go off on. So I did round.


Mark Collett: Well, it’s an interesting one, because obviously people know you’re standing for the English Democrats. They know that there’s PA members who are also standing under the English Democrats banner. And this has been a little bit of a collaboration between groups who have come together for a bit of nationalist unity and to get people on the ballot paper.


Now, obviously, we put all this together before we knew that Farage and Reform were really going for it.


So when we were doing this, Reform weren’t in the position they were in. Nigel Farage had already publicly said he wasn’t going to stand. Obviously, he did a you turn on that and that puts everything in a little bit of a different light, which we’ll discuss in a second. But when people say there’s very little chance of you or any of the other English Democrat candidates winning, which unfortunately we know is true, it’s a tough sell to win at any election, let alone a Parliamentary election, you and I had a we’ve had a number of conversations leading up to this privately.


Obviously, we kept this all on the low before it was published, publicly announced and the candidates were in. But you feel it’s important that even if we don’t win, there’s somebody on that ticket that is explicitly anti-immigration.


I mean, I’ve not done your argument justice there, but please do tell the audience why you think this is so important.


Steve Laws: So I believe it’s important simply because. Well, it’s not really simple. There’s a number of points to it. For one, there has to be our voice heard in these elections. The local media, sometimes the mainstream media will pick up on certain constituencies and they will have to give you a voice in the local paper to put your views out there, get the opportunity to go around to everyone’s house. You can put your ideas through their letterbox. That’s one bonus from an election.


The second is, if we don’t stand, who are we to sit there and moan that no one’s representing us? We have to represent ourselves because there is no one there to represent us.


And thirdly, everyone else who stands is pro-immigration. You’re anti-immigration, you need that person there.


Of course, it’s an incredibly long shot for any of us candidates to actually win. But there still has to keep up the pressure of every other party to know that anti-immigration candidates are going to keep coming, keep coming, and eventually the tide will turn. But we have to build up that base. From now until the next generation that comes through, when they’re standing on anti-immigration tickets, it won’t be such an uphill battle because we’d have laid the foundation. That’s how I see it.


Mark Collett: Well, there’s no phrase which goes something like this. If you fight, you may lose, but if you refuse to fight, you have already lost.


So you have to be in it to have a chance of winning, even though it is highly unlikely at any general election for a smaller party to make that breakthrough. And I did a long stream explaining how British first passed. The post Parliamentary elections are structured in a way that leads to a two party system, which is obviously what the system wants. But we are going out with a very bold campaign, and the two campaign slogans or pledges that are front and centre are essentially. Well, not essentially, they are stop the boats and deport all illegal migrants. Because really the talk of just stopping immigration and that will fix the problem, that’s not really what we need now. We’re at a point where if we completely stopped all immigration, inward immigration, we would still have a massive problem. And there has to be deportations, there has to be some form of repatriation policy attached to this. I think you’re an advocate for that, aren’t you, Steve?


Steve Laws: Yeah, I speak quite openly about that. I do not care who I have this conversation with. Remigration, in my opinion, is inevitable, is going to happen whether we see it in our lifetimes or not. That’s another question. I believe we will. But it is something that has to happen. Like you said, stopping immigration. That’s great! We all want immigration stopped, but it’s not enough to save our country and save our people. We have to go further than that. We have to deport millions of people. Millions of people have to leave, and people have to accept that. And it sounds controversial when you go:


“Millions have got to leave!”


But when you actually lay out who these millions of people are, not many people are opposed to these people leaving the country. I’d say about 25% opposed. The rest just sort of either stay quiet on the issue or agree.


Mark Collett: You see, I think most people in Britain, okay, I think most people who are White British, most White Britons have always been opposed to mass immigration.


And I think that’s even true to this day.


So say you went back to the 1970s. I think the percentage would have been even higher. I think you’d have had something in the 90%. Plus, if you’d have polled them in the privacy of their own home, would have said they were opposed to mass immigration. That number might have fallen slightly due to integration, the rise of liberalism, but I would still say some sort of 70%, as we found when we did the we were never asked campaign, would be opposed to the demographic changes which are going on now because they’re opposed to that they would naturally be against further mass immigration and many would be in favour of deportation.


But obviously we know that isn’t going to be ever genuinely offered by the mainstream parties. Now you’re going up against a lady that used to be in the Conservatives. She’s just.


Steve Laws: She’s stepped down now. She stepped down. She’s not standing in this election.


Mark Collett: She’s not standing now.


Steve Laws: No, Natalie’s not standing. It’s another geezer.


I can’t remember his name now, but it’s a fresh Conservative candidate.


Mark Collett: I thought she’d gone to the Labour Party.


Steve Laws: She did switch to Labour, but when she joined Labour, she said she’s not standing. I don’t think Labour was going to propose her as a candidate.


Mark Collett: Okay, so the candidates you’re up against, who are they and what’s their record on talking about immigration, etcetera? Because obviously in Dover, this is a big issue, isn’t it? Dover is the place where the majority.


Steve Laws: Are not so much immigration as a whole, but illegal immigration most definitely is a big issue in Dover.


Basically, I’m up against Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Reform, Green Party, a couple of independents, Heritage Party. I think that’s it. Off the top of my head. I’m very terrible with names of people that I don’t know very well, so forgive me for not knowing their names, but I’ve actually looked.


Mark Collett: You’re up against Reform, UK, Liberal Democrats, Conservative Party. There’s an independent, the Green Party, another independent, the Heritage Party, the Labour Party, the Workers Party of Britain, and another independent. So you’ve actually got three independents standing there. This is one of the most stacked seats in the whole country, with eleven candidates.


Now, what do you think the majority of the discussion is going to be about then in that constituency? Do you think most of these people will be going out against mass immigration?


Steve Laws: No. Well, this is the thing. A couple of them have mentioned immigration, like, in their campaigns, but not so much as that’s the priority. It’s all more local issues and smaller scale problems such as housing and, for instance, social care within the local communities, crime, things like that. Like these are the sort of things they’re campaigning on, which is all great. Like these are major problems within the community. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to brush them under, but none of them are there on an anti-immigration campaign solely saying:


“Look, this is what we’re going to do. This is how we’re going to deport all of the illegal immigrants if we get the opportunity to, that’s what we’re going to do.”


There’s nobody there even proposing that. The closest they’re fitting is repeating the same sort of lines that we was using when we first started filming the boats or stop the boats and stuff like this. So it’s ultimately, it’s just more hot air and the Conservatives have the audacity to sit there saying it’s going to be worse under Labour and all of this malarkey. That’s pretty much the campaign talk that’s happening down there. So not really on anti-immigration tickets like you would expect, although it’s the basically the hub of illegal immigration in the country. It’s the basis of where it all begins within this side of the country, ultimately.


Mark Collett: So how do you feel about the Farage situation? Because when we were discussing this and we were saying that we wanted to stand a number of candidates that would stand on the strongest anti-immigration ticket of any group of candidates standing in these elections at the time, Richard Tice seemed to just be spinning his wheels with Reform, didn’t he? There was some buzz about Reform. It wasn’t like there was no buzz about them. But with Farage saying he wasn’t going to stand and submitting that open letter saying the time wasn’t right, we felt that would give us a better run at this.


But obviously, Farage did this big U turn. He’s now back in the game. Some people are saying that Reform is starting to out poll the Conservatives in certain areas.


And I do feel that Farage now has a huge amount of momentum behind him. Now it’s the 12 June today, so an election day is in just over one, two, just over three weeks. It’s three weeks tomorrow, in fact. So there’s three weeks to fight this. And going into it, Nigel Farage has got this sort of wind behind him. How do you feel that’s going to affect the vote nationwide, both for candidates standing alongside you, but also the vote in general?


Steve Laws: Well, Nigel gives them all a boost, doesn’t he? So every Reform candidate now will have the boost of:


“I’m standing under Nigel Farage.”


It’s easy to confuse people into that sort of mindset to get their vote, but a lot of the Reform candidates aren’t very credible. None of them have really been vetted or anything like that.


So there’s a lot of people from very different backgrounds under one party.


So they’re not all ideologically similar. They’re all very much in different wavelengths, which may seem like:


“Oh, it’s a party for everyone, it’s great!”


But in reality, that means there’s a party that’s not actually going to get anything done because nobody really agrees.


So it’s going to cause problems later down the line. Obviously, it’s disappointing. Nigel stood from our perspective, obviously from the public’s perspective, they’re overjoyed. It depends what sort of where you sit politically, I suppose, but I don’t see it as a major issue. Ultimately, it keeps immigration as the top topic because people put barrage’s name next to immigration and it gives us the opportunity to push Reform candidates to go that little bit further, maybe, and speak out a little bit further. Maybe Conservatives will go a little bit harder in their campaign.


And obviously a lot of its going to be hot iron light. But these are all steps that have to happen to move the owners and windows where we need it to be. And I feel like we’re still in that stage where we’ve got to drag it along. So us standing in, putting our voice out there is a vital step that has to be done. Obviously, we’re not going to get great results. I’m fully aware that it’s going to be like that, but it’s still a necessary step that has to be done and we don’t do it. No one else is going to do it.


Mark Collett: I agree with that.


And I think Farage is going to have a massive, massive effect on the political landscape. I think Nigel Farage, going into this election, knows that all he has to do is take five to 10% of the vote in most constituencies. And I’ve been tapping away while you were talking Reformers standing 609 constituencies now, the 650 Parliamentary seats in Britain, and you would expect a mainstream party to stand 632 of those seats because 18 of those seats are in Northern Ireland. So not even Conservative Party stand a full slate. Interestingly, the Conservative Party is standing 635, Labour, 631 Lib Dem, 630. But sort of the dream ticket for any party that operates, obviously, outside Northern Ireland, because that’s so little easy.


Steve Laws: It’s a whole different. That’s a whole different ballgame.


Mark Collett: Yeah. Is to stand you 632. Now Reform have stood 609.


So that is really impressive. You know, they’ve not just done the halfway. They are very close to that dream ticket. They’re 23 seats away from standing every seat on the mainland, every seat in Great Britain, because obviously, United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. So to fight every seat in Great Britain would be 632.


And, yeah, they’re nearly there. That’s a Herculean effort.


And I think this is going to have a dramatic change on UK politics. Not because I think they’re going to get loads of candidates elected. They might get one or two, they might get a handful, they might get a dozen this time. Who knows? But UKIP, at its height, didn’t get a single fresh candidate elected. But that wouldn’t matter if they take five to 10% of the vote. When the Conservatives are being absolutely battered as they are, that’s all they would need to effectively finish off the Conservative Party.


And I think that’s where the real eyes are going to be this election. Are we going to see, in effect, what happened in Canada in 1993, where the Conservative Party went into the election with 156 seats as the ruling party and came out of it with two as a party that didn’t exist anymore, and they’re now saying that even Sunak could lose his seat.


Now, obviously, it’d be great if one of our guys did well, it’d be great if we won our deposits back. It’d be wonderful to see you in Parliament advocating for what we wanted. But putting that to one side, how would you feel coming out of this election if the Conservative Party was completely smashed upon the rocks?


Steve Laws: Well, before I’d even decided on standing in the election, I was fully behind the fact that they should get zero seats. Obviously, zero seats is the ideal number. It’s unrealistic. In reality, more likely to be around 50 to 100 would be the perfect destruction of the Tory Party, because even then, they’re going to struggle to even form an opposition, let alone ever forming a government.


And then from there, the party’s only going to eat themselves away. All of the backbenchers are all going to start getting a bit disrupted, they’re going to have a few problems, and then the party’s going to eat itself alive. I think if Reform do what I think they will do, and cause enough of a problem where they win maybe two or three seats and they get enough of the vote in each constituency to damage the Tories.


I do believe that next election may be in three to five years because here’s another thing. Labour do get huge majority. They’re going to have the exact same problems as the Tory Party, where their backbenchers are their main opposition and the party will eventually destroy itself, but quicker because the public are aware of how that happens last time and they won’t forgive them as quick. Politics have changed an awful lot since Brexit.


So I feel like it’s only going to be when the point I’m getting to is basically the next election could be very different for anti-immigration panthers because the floodgates have been opened by Nigel.


Now, it might not seem significant, but when the dust settles, it will.


Mark Collett: You see, I think if Nigel Farage destroys the Conservative Party party completely, we will see almost a redrawing of the political boundaries in Britain.


Now, I don’t think we’ll get a new Conservative Party, but I believe we’ll get a centre Right party which would be composed of more. More progressive Tory MP’s, the ones who are promote. Grace just seems sort of like liberals in blue ties.


But I think you might get a coalition of former Conservatives who spoke out against immigration. People like Rees Mogg, maybe Boris Johnson. They would consider buddying up with Farage and Tice and the donors who were giving them money and forming, if you like a super group like the Brexit revival group.


So all the people who campaign for Brexit from the Tory Party may well link up with Farage to form a new not centre Right party, but a party that you would probably say, or a party that would be perceived by foreigners in the same way that we perceive parties like the what are they called? The national rally in France. We, you know, that would be more in line with sort of Le Pen, maybe the AfD in Germany, Malioni in Italy.


So not an ethno-nationalist party, but a party that was centreed around the issues of, say, immigration, culture, etcetera, and the kind of party that would be anti-European Union, anti-immigration on the face of it. And that would potentially have a credible chance of actually winning not this general election, but the general election after. Do you think something like that can happen?


Steve Laws: I do think something like that, but obviously it’s a danger when you get some of these names that you’ve thrown about working together to get in that position again, because ultimately it could all be on a line. But I do feel like that is something that will probably happen. And then I feel like there will be more insurgent, like UKIP, for instance, pops up as the anti-European party and so on, that anti-EU party. I believe there have been more parties like that, with wealthier donors, not so much putting their money into the Lawrence Foxes of the world, and more people who are getting onto the street and getting active.


I feel like that sort of change may happen, but it all depends if the landscape changes at the same time, in terms of media, how people are actually speaking about this issue openly and so on.


I do believe change is coming. How quick, though, is a different ballgame, isn’t it? It’s hard to predict if you could be a wealthy man. You predict everything.


Mark Collett: Well, I think there is precedent for this.


As I said, the issue is the Conservative Party has been around for a long time, but there is precedent which has seen Conservative parties destroyed. We have seen major changes in the Anglo-sphere, we have seen major changes on the continent.


And it seems like change is coming here now, from the point of view of an ethno-nationalist, how do you perceive those changes? Because you see one thing I worry about. So we’ve talked about some positives. The Conservative Party could die. The general direction of speech, the shifting of the Overton Window, it’s all going in our direction. Everything is centreed on immigration, so much so that when Sunak starts talking about tax cuts, people are just like:


“Shut up, mate! We’ve heard this all before. We want to know what’s happening with immigration now!”


That has dominated the debate, and it’s helped Farage.


I mean, the last TV debate with the seven different parties, everyone said Farage won it. Even the Left said Farage won it. And he won it because he’s talking about things other people won’t talk about.


But the thing that worries me as an ethno-nationalist is Farage really does suck all the air out of the room for himself, doesn’t he? He doesn’t leave anything on the table for other organisations. And by doing that, he kind of directs people towards an organisation, his own party, which he actually owns. He’s not just the leader of it, he owns it. He’s a majority shareholder in it. He could take power whenever he wants, hand power to whoever he wants, let it go dormant. It’s his. But when he takes all that power for his own party, we have to say that party is Ardently pro-zionist. It isn’t ethno-nationalist.


And although they’re talking Net Zero in terms of migration, which sounds good on paper, Net Zero isn’t a solution. What do you think? I mean, Nigel’s not really our guy, is he?


Steve Laws: See, this is the thing with Nigel. You have to accept from day one that he’s not our guy. He’s never been our guy. And to be fair, he’s never claimed to be our guy. He’s more like a mascot for the Right-wing in terms of he’s good at rallying people up. He can bang our messages to an extent on TV and so on.


So I see him as like a mascot. Bigger. He has his pros and he has his cons. You can use him to your advantage, and sometimes he can be detrimental to the cause. You have to take the good with the bad. I suppose it’s the only way to sort of do it. But he is a very huge stepping stone to our way of politics, is how I got here, I would suppose. Farad was the one who interested me when I first started listening to all the radios back in the day and so on.


So he sort of opens your eyes a little bit and then you go exploring.


So I can see how he’s popular. But with Net Zero, this is one thing that why I’m actively against Reform is Net Zero is equivalent of a million people from the country. British people could lead tomorrow and they would import a million, say Indians or Nigerians or whatever, and that’s their immigration policy. So although on paper it sounds like zero are coming in reality, Net Zero could be any number. It’s just replacement, but slower. For a party that size that claims to be anti-establishment and anti-immigration and so on, should be proposing, Negative, even if it doesn’t have to be radical of millions a year, it could be something silly, like 250,000 per year. Net negative, that would be a huge thing where I don’t think they would ever get a critic from the Right proposing that nobody would ever get in their way if they thought they was going to do that.


But it’s always a watered down version of what we really need.


Mark Collett: You see, talking of Net Zero, Net Zero is one of those things that enrages me, because Net Zero is not a solution. Net zero is essentially, it is a solution. It’s a solution to White people existing if you don’t want White people to exist, Net Zero. Because when they talk about Net Zero, who is leaving the country, who’s leaving Britain, well, it’s mainly elderly White people, it’s people who’ve got a little bit of money and are using that money to flee. So it’s either elderly Whites going to live out their days, usually in Italy, Spain, sometimes the Far East, or it’s young families or young males fleeing to escape liberalism and the growing number of migrants in Britain.


So the outward migration seems to be overwhelmingly White Brits and the inward migration, as we know, is overwhelmingly non-Whites. It’s overwhelmingly people from the Indian subcontinent, Africa, and a large chunk from China.


So when they say 500,000 went out and 500,000 went in, you might maintain a stable population. But that stable population is now a population where 500,000 extra people who are not White British live in the country, whilst at the same time 500,000 fewer White Brits don’t live in the country.


So eventually, Net Zero immigration leads to a demographic change we don’t want to see.


So you’re right, this has to be, and I think Sargon said it on his Twitter, we need 500,000 a year until we have got White Britons back to being in a position where they’re not at threat of becoming a minority. But Farage is never going to propose something like that, is he?


Steve Laws: No, this is the problem. He’s never going to take it that distance.


But then, I suppose there is one bonus. He said he’s going to leave Reform for the next five years, then he’s done.


So it would be about 65, 66. By the time that comes around, he will be an old man and he may want to step away and go to America and live out his life in a media career or something, but that’s five years away from now.


So that’s neither here nor there at the moment. We’ve got to deal with him as it is so I see it as when you get, like, when he’s like, the way to explain it is sort of when you see people commenting about Farage and go:


“Oh, Farage said this.”


That’s when your opportunity is. Rather than saying:


“Oh, Farage will never do this, this, and this is going, oh, actually, wouldn’t it be great if Farage said this as well?”


And just throw in it a little bit further and go:


“He talks about Net Zero. Wouldn’t it be better if it was like, net. Just so to ease it in?”


Like, I’d want millions gone, but to net hundreds, thousand, 200,000 a year, just baby step in the idea that the number can go down and it’s not a problem. You have to as silly as it sounds, you have to comfort people into saying that this is okay. So using Nigel is that that stepping stone to opening up conversations a bit further? I feel like that’s advantageous. I couldn’t say the word then. I was having a bit of a moment.


So, yeah, I see that as an advantage for us overall, especially when he’s on GB News, spouting, mirroring a lot of our talking points. For instance, when I was a prime example, when I was filming down on the boats and it was just me and active and a couple of others just sort of screaming into a YouTube channel and a small Twitter account, when he picked up that message, amplified it ten folds.


Mark Collett: It helps.


Steve Laws: It helps an awful lot. Although he sort of takes the limelight, like you say, sucks all the oxygen from everything. It’s still a bonus sometimes.


Mark Collett: I definitely think. You see, I’ll say about Farage is something about Farage is very similar about what I say about Trump, because I don’t like to be one of those negative people who’s like:


“Oh, it’s all over, it’s all lost. You know, these people don’t bring any positives!”


Trump brings a massive positive in that he legitimizes talk about immigration, demographics and pulls people in our direction. I think Farage does the same thing. The only thing with Farage, I don’t feel he’s quite as explicit as Trump. And he has said a number of things in the past which have been, you know, vehemently anti-nationalist, which is obviously a problem for us. You know, he’s somebody who’s very negative towards ethno-nationalists. That’s disappointing.


So back to your campaign, then, Steve, you’re aiming to be out? Because I’m just going to bring up my little calendar. We only have three weekends of campaigning until it’s all over.


Now, the first weekend will be, obviously this, the 15th, 16th, then the 22nd, 23rd, then the 29th, 30th. You’re going to be out every weekend in Dover, I take it?


Steve Laws: Yeah, I’ve already been out most evenings after work as well. So my key area is like Whitfield, for instance. So I’ve got a lot of sympathetic people that I start off with, obviously, people I know in the area, and then there’s a lot of people that supported the boat work in the process and stuff.


So it’s a good key area to support.


So I started from there, door knocking, letting everyone know that I am standing and so on.


Obviously, you’ve got to wait for the leaflets to come through, but there seems to be interest in the message that I’m promoting forward. I am obviously going out every weekend campaigning as well as in the big push days. But those evenings, it’s just me and a couple of friends just getting it done while we’ve got a spare hour or two and stuff like that after work. So it becomes just sort of it can get another two free sprees done after work, sort of and it’s another. It’s another push.


And another thing I wanted to make. Sorry, just before I finish up, another thing I want to mention is this Dover campaign is just the start. I intend on standing in Dover at every coming election.


Now, until we get to the point where we’ve got an anti., … Unless. Unless, of course, there is a genuine anti-immigration candle or I think it’s going to do well, then I’ll step out of the way and support them.


But this is a building base of growing support for future elections as well.


Mark Collett: And obviously we’re supporting Steve down there.


So if you’re watching this and you’re a PA member or supporter, please do go down to Dover this weekend. Get in touch, get in touch with your local PA organiser. We will be helping Steve as much as we can, as well as helping the other candidates standing under the English Democrats banner.


And I believe the British Democrats are standing for candidates as well, and they’re not standing against us.


So if you can’t get to one of the English Democrat candidates to help out, if you can’t get to Steve or one of the PA members standing under the English Democrats banner, please do help the British Democrats as well. We want to see all genuine ethno-nationalist organisations do well at this election. You know, we pulled this together not because we want to be partisan, but because we want sort of unity.


Now, this is an important topic as well, Steve, because obviously there have been efforts in the past to promote different organisations working together to promote people standing under one banner, to promote people working towards getting people elected without people just sitting on their hands.


Now, this has obviously been a sort of a collaboration. People know this between English Democrats, Patriotic Alternative and of course, yourself. What would be your message to people about getting on board with this campaign and helping ethno-nationalists, you know, whether it be the English Democrat, you know, candidates or the British Democrats?


Steve Laws: See, here’s the thing. We’re all in this together at the end of the day, to me, the banner doesn’t matter so much as the message does, if that makes sense.


So I don’t really care what banner or party you’re really under. If you’re one of us, we will support you. That’s kind of how I see it. But sorry, my cat’s just trying to attack me. Bear with me a second.


Mark Collett: Cat problems. That’s a problem I’ll never have. Thankfully, no. We’re a no pet house. Do you know why we’re a no pet house, Steve?


Steve Laws: Why is that?


Mark Collett: Because everybody in the house wants a pet except for me, and I’m the boss, so I’ve said no! And do you know, why I’ve said no? It’s not just because I’m a tyrant, it’s is because they want a guinea pig. They want a rabbit, they want a dog. You know, the guinea pig and the


Steve Laws: Rabbit died pretty young, so, well, look pretty sick.


So the Guinea daddy, the guinea pig.


Mark Collett: And the rabbit and the dog would all become dad’s pets. As soon as everybody decided that’s what, …


Steve Laws: Happened with the cat, the kids were like:


“Oh, we want a cat, dad. We want a cat. I have to feed it, I have to brush it, I have to do everything. I even have to name the cat mate.”


Mark Collett: When it’s a lovely day and people want to walk to the nearby lake and let the little doggy swim in the lake and feed him treats, and it’s nice and sunny, he’d be the family pet when it was minus two degrees biting wind and sleet. Then it’s dad’s pet. Then it’s dad’s pet. And off you go, Mark. You’re walking the dog. That’s why it’s not happening.


Steve Laws: So what was the question again, Mark?


Mark Collett: I can’t even remember because the cat invaded. We just got off on one. No, we were saying about, …


Steve Laws: Oh, yeah. About people standing under British Democrats and English Democrats and how we’re trying to.


Mark Collett: Promote unity by doing this and sort of an umbrella of people working together.


Steve Laws: Yeah, got you. So ultimately, we have to work together because it’s all good. It’s all good going out there saying, yeah, I can do this on my own, I can do this on my own. But ultimately you can’t. There is so much work that goes into getting these messages out. Like, even just the fact that, for instance, this unity thing we’ve got going on with PA, there’s a few PA candidates standing there as myself.


There’s obviously the English Democrats candidates. They’ve all helped out. Mark’s helping out the leaflets. There’s other people from other organisations helping and coming out and helping me leaflet for a soul, and I won’t say the organisations, because some of the people may get upset, relief them. But moving on from that, I do believe that if there is a genuine nationalist in your area standing, go out and help them. It doesn’t matter what banner they’re with. It doesn’t matter if they’re not in the same group that you’re with, go out and help them. Obviously, if they’re not one of us, don’t waste your time. But if they are, I do believe they need support. They will. And some people are too proud to ask for support as well, is one thing, when in reality it should be offered from the nationalist scene straight away.


So as soon as the nationalist says they’re standing, everyone should get behind them.


And I think that’s the approach we should go on moving forwards and unity, it doesn’t have to be under one banner, it doesn’t have to be, oh, this party is aligned with this party now. It’s just, you’re with us, don’t stand against us and then you’re with us. But that’s the only way I see it. As you don’t have to say I support everything they stand for, or even say, I’m in an alliance with that person. Just don’t stand in the way. That’s the only way I can see it.


Mark Collett: I think there have been moves made for that. I was very happy to see the UKIP and English Democrats sit down together and they were saying:


“Look, we’ll make sure we don’t stand. We don’t stand against each other.”


You know, it’s not an alliance in that they’re going to work out a manifesto which is identical or anything like that, or start sharing their membership list. But just a step forward where they don’t stand together.


Because I’ve got to say this, Steve, I got sick of seeing all those Parliamentary by-elections where you would look down and there would be six or seven vaguely nationalistic candidates. All about one. Yeah, about 1%. She’d have the English Democrats, you’d have Britain first, you’d have Jada Fransen, you’d have Heritage Party, you’d have UK, you’d have Reform. There’s six off the top of my head, all standing, and they would all get between probably one and 3%, which actually, if you’re averaging that out at 1.5% for six candidates, you’ve got 9% in the election, which wouldn’t be bad. But when 9% is split between six candidates, it looks terrible. Every candidate struggling to break 2% and the nationalist vote is absolutely destroyed.


And it’s been one of those things that I’ve always thought has made the sort of dissident Right a laughingstock in that you get these by-elections and if everyone had their ducks in a row. I remember fighting a by-election for the BNP years ago up in the northeast in Blair’s seat, when Blair stood down from Parliament and we got over 10% and that made absolute massive national headlines. 10% in Blair’s seat the safest Labour seat in the country. And the BNP have taken one in ten votes. Have they done it? Looks brilliant, but if there’d been five parties branded almost identically and they’d all got 2%, who cares?


Steve Laws: This is the thing. This is the major problem. It was the same thing I had when I stood for you keep in the south and west by-election. I looked down the candidate list. Obviously I made a big announcement. I was standing long before, because obviously he got murdered, didn’t he, guys? For David, a mess.


So as soon as he got murdered, I was announcing, right, I’m going to stand here. So I assumed the other candidates may have just the people who support all the work. And I’ve done, I thought, might back off a little bit. Okay, we’ll just leave the UK to stand against them.


But then I look down the list and there was, like heritage, there was Democrats, there was Jada’s party, there was some other parties. I can’t even remember exactly who was in it, but there was so many. And it was just. We all split our votes. None of us done great anyway, because it was a difficult by-election to win!


But in my head, the reason I agreed to stand was to sort of promote the immigration stuff and push it further.


But then all of our voices just sort of become mumbled together and get ignored when we stand like that. So there has to be a there has to be some sort of collective where you don’t. You don’t have to like us, you don’t have to agree with us, just don’t stand against us and we will reciprocate the same thing. I think that’s something that has to be done.


Even if they’re maybe not so hardcore nationalist as, like, pure nationalists, however you want to, however you want to term it, even if they’re slightly watered down version of us, it’s still better than the Conservative candidates and things like that if we can get a coalition with even them guys going as well, that opens up a whole area where nationalists from all different ends of the spectrum are at least getting their foot in the door and that’s closer to where we need to be. That’s the approach I think has to happen.


Mark Collett: I think one of the greatest problems that’s always beset the dissident Right, is the amount of effort put into setting up dozens of almost identical organisations that fight under very similar banners which have almost identical policies. And that has been a problem. And obviously, in your seat, there are a number of different candidates. I mean, you haven’t got a UKIP one, there’s an English Democrat, there’s Reform and there’s Heritage Party. So straight away you’ve got three people that may well be perceived as being extremely similar by the public.


Now, a country you don’t have that problem in is France. You know, in France you’ve got Marine Le Pen’s national rally and they’ve just absolutely knocked it out of the park in the European elections, as have the AfD in Germany and a number of other Right leaning anti-immigration parties all over Europe. You see this and how do you see this, Steve? I mean, I see this and I’ve got two takes and you can pick which one. On one hand, we see this as a real positive Europe swinging, right? You’ve got Marine Le Pen, the AfD, etc, etc, etc.


But on the other hand, you speak to ethno-nationalists in those countries and they equate those parties or organisations to what we sort of see with Reform. And they’ll say:


“Well, Le Pen is now pro-LGBT. They have watered down a lot of their policies, they changed the party’s name, they’ve kicked a lot of people out who were generally radical, people that wanted change.”


And the same was obviously true with Gert Villas. He got elected and the first thing he did was assure people that he was there to represent everyone and that he was an Ardent Zionist.


Then you have even worse cases with people like Giorgia Meloni who get elected on an anti-immigration ticket, then immediately do a whole 180 and say they feel so sorry for these migrants, you know, they’re going to put in more protections for them and help you know, help them into Italy, fast track them. I mean, on one hand you’ve got to see the positives, but on the other hand, there are concerns that this isn’t exactly going to lead to what we want.


Steve Laws: Well, there’s always this danger. The same with Reform over here is that it’s containment, in fact, in the terms of its containing what we really want into a weaker, more lukewarm version. And then ultimately everyone turns around and goes:


“Well, you’ve tried that, you failed. That clearly doesn’t work. >So we’re going to have to try something else now.”


And then all of the anti-immigration rhetoric and that gets put down. Tried that before, it was a failure and so on.


And it’s sort of, there is that concern that a lot of the voting base may turn away from it because they just see it as a big failure, like with, like with the names you mentioned for someone.


But on the other hand, like you said, there is, there is, there is the plus step that it is an entry point for nationalism to get into, like politics on a world stage. There is that aspect to it will make the country more nationalist by nature, by having these parties in control.


So there is that benefit.


But it’s the containment thing that concerns me.


And obviously the fact that they’re all huge Zionists, which is obviously a huge concern when you’re talking about immigration.


So I think it’s a case of Farage, isn’t it? It’s like you’ve got to take the good with the bad. We know they’re never going to be our guys, so to speak. But if it helps our guys get further along and closer to where we actually need to be, and it gets closer to remigration, I’m willing to support it to an extent because there’s been, …


Mark Collett: Obviously other developments since the European elections, the most stunning being that Marine Le Pen has essentially disavowed the AfD in Germany and more or less said that they’re too hard line because they are calling for remigration. They are saying Ausland or else saying foreigners out. We need remigration, we need deportation. And Marine Le Pen has said that’s a step too far for her and that she doesn’t like it.


Now, I’ve always viewed marine le Pen as a better option. And the reason I’ve always viewed Marine Le Pen as a better option is because her father is obviously a hero. I’ve met, I’ve met her father. He was a guy that had such incredible stature, such an incredible aura about him.


And you’ve got to remember her father invited David Duke to France to hold his, I think it was to host his 40th or 50th birthday party. You know, he was friends with people all over the world who were truth seekers when it came to issues of Zionist power, issues of race and IQ, etc. Etc. Etc. But she’s completely disavowed her father and now she’s, well, she’s had the AfD kicked out of the identity group in the European Parliament because they’re calling for mass deportations now, as I said, because she’d come from a more hardline background, I did have a greater degree of trust in her, and I was obviously very happy to see people voting en masse for her party, the national rally.


But it is concerning when the first thing that these parties do when they attain some power is basically to ensure that they cook. And that’s what it is. She should be, in my opinion, the fact the AfD have moved further in our direction and are explicitly stating deportations are necessary. That to me is a positive development when it comes to politics on the continent.


But the fact Marine Le Pen finds that such a problem that she has to break away from them, I don’t know. How do you feel about that?


Steve Laws: Well, anyone who’s against remigration, I see them as not one of us and somebody shouldn’t really be trusted. But could Le Pen be a stepping stone to something better in France? Definitely! Is she ever going to really promote remigration? Maybe if it forces her, if she gets in a situation where she could lose power, unless, because the youth and the riot so much in France are calling for this, so much that eventually she will have to call for it herself. There is that option.


So although it is concerning when they start doing things like that, you have to look at the bigger picture. Sometimes it’s easy to throw toys out of pram and go, they’re not one of us. I don’t, nothing to do with them. I’ve got a completely disavow them or whatever, but when you take a moment to look back and you think, well, actually this could do good and could lead to this and could lead to this, it’s more of a benefit than a negative. I suppose you have to look at, the way I see it is if you look at the enemies and if they’re outraged and they’re flipping right out about it’s generally a good thing for us.


Mark Collett: Yeah, I do follow that. I mean, it’s one of the things with Trump, the fact that people have this sort of deranged response every time he opens his mouth, and especially if he uses terms like White, it’s always a joy to behold. I mean, we call it Trump Derangement syndrome because the way these people act is just completely off the wall. But I will say:


“I think this is all a cause for concern or some concern.”


Now, I’m not going to be flipping out about it and saying, know, Le Pen’s a traitor and we shouldn’t be happy about it. But I will ask you this, Steve. We’re saying here tonight that it’s not about Net Zero, it’s not about just closing the borders.


Now, there has to be some kind of remigration. You’ve said remigration is inevitable.


Now, with what’s going on across Europe, do you think that this is going to save Europe, or do you just think this will be something that drags out almost an inevitable process?


So the collapse isn’t just, 20030 years away, it’s now 50, 60. Will this actually save Europe? Can this save Europe? Or will it just drag out Europe’s debt?


Steve Laws: Remigration save Europe?


Mark Collett: No, no. Will people like Le Pen and the, …


Steve Laws: Oh, yeah, I’m with you. I’m with you.


Mark Collett: See what it takes to save Europe? Or will they just prolong what at the moment appears to be a long, drawn out and undignified death?


Steve Laws: I feel like that they won’t save Europe. That’s the simple answer. But to elaborate on that a little bit, I don’t think it may not even be malice and intentional. They may not even realise they’re doing it themselves else half the time. Sometimes they will. And they’re probably bought and paid. That’s open to opinion, I suppose, because none of us really know.


But I don’t think they’re the people to save Europe. But I do believe they’re the people that can open the door for the person and the people that can save Europe, if that makes sense, without people like Le Pen and Farage and Wilder, Wielder, however you pronounce his surname, without these people gaining power and making our talking points more popular. And obviously, another thing is, when they get into power, they obviously go soft on what they’re campaigning on, which then means all of the people that ultimately supported them and gave them their support to get them into power will still be hungry for that exact same thing.


So when a real credible alternative comes up, the time’s up for people like the peninsula. But we have to go through a process, and we haven’t even really got started, so we’ve got an awful long way to go yet before there’s even that alternative in place. Maybe Europe’s a little bit ahead of us, but in terms of Britain, is there a person that can step into Farage’s shoes when he retires? There isn’t. Not in terms of one of our guys, there isn’t someone that can step in and go, right, I’m ready to be the next Farage.


But more hardline, there’s no one there to do that we’re not in that position yet.


Mark Collett: Well, I’ll say this.


One thing about Nigel Farage is he doesn’t appear to be good at working with people and building a team around him. He seems to have alienated a huge number of people who are once in his inner circle, once the people who are, at one time, people who were meant to be, those who could, you know, walk in his shoes if he stepped down.


And I think the thing with Farage is he, again, is a long way off. Even Marine Le Pen, like, he refused to work with Marine Le Pen, saying she was too Right-wing. And Marine Le Pen is now refusing to work with AFD, saying they’re too Right-wing.


But if you see that as a chain, I think people can advance along that chain. They can go from being on board with Farage to being on board with someone like Le Pen to being on board with somebody like the AFD, and then to start talking about deeper issues that people like myself and you talk about, which is the underlying issue of our time, which is demographic change and explicitly talking about it.


So I’m not all negative.


I mean, I’m obviously proposing a few negatives to you tonight for the purposes of creating conversation and to produce an entertaining show.


But fundamentally, I think there is a development. There is a development from people, you know, 1234. You know, they move along, they move up that ladder, and it’s almost a conveyor belt to our point of view. And I don’t believe in many ways that people would just go from one day voting Conservative to the next day voting for an openly ethno-nationalist party. I think there has to be a progression. And I’ve often said this about the Trump rallies. I know people who attend those Trump rallies, and they say when they go there and start talking to people and start talking about things such as demographics or Zionist power, a lot of people at those Trump rallies get that now. A lot of them understand.


But the reason they are open to understanding is because they started with the MAGA movement. The MAGA movement opened their eyes to a lot of truths.


And once they started seeing truths, they went looking for more truths and came to people who were more in line with us.


So I don’t think Farage is all a huge negative.


And I also think Farage is a little bit of a wild card in that you don’t know what he’s going to do. Now if you asked me, I would say there is only one. Well, actually, I won’t say that.


There’s been a couple of people post Second World War who have fundamentally changed the face of Britain. One of them was Margaret Thatcher, with the destruction of the unions, the selling off of council house stock and the destruction of traditional industry. She changed the whole story, structure of society.


But Farage is another one, because he fundamentally altered the course of British politics forever by taking us out of the EU. And he could be about to do it again. He’s one of those wild cards. And if he destroys the Conservative Party and causes this giant realignment, I know a lot of people will be disappointed in me for saying, I will like him for that, that, but I absolutely will like him for that.


Steve Laws: Well, this is the thing with Nigel. Like, if he destroys the Conservative Party, at the end of the day, we all sit here and say, we’ve been saying it for years. The Conservative Party has to die for any real opposition and nationalist movement to grow. They have to die. If it has to be Farage, the one that digs the hole and pushes them in, so be it. I’m not here for it.


But like you were saying, he can be a benefit to our cause. I’ve always said I get a lot of stick for it, because they go:


“Oh, but Steve, he said this about the BNP, and he said this and he done that when he left UKIP.”


I get it. I’ve seen it all firsthand. I’ve seen people he’s worked with, I’ve spoken to people that he’s shat on the whole way to get where he’s wanted to be. I’ve spoken to all these people. I understand what the man’s really liked, but I’m looking at the bigger picture and understanding how the public see this man. It’s irrelevant how the political activists and the parties and the political donors see that’s irrelevant. It’s how the public and how he’s proceeding the public eye. He can rally support like no other man in this country on the short notice. Did you see how large of a rally he got when he was in collection? Just on a day’s notice, on a Tuesday afternoon, whilst everyone’s at work, no.


Mark Collett: Other personage has become a celebrity candidate, an avatar for people’s anger, and very few people achieve that. He’s becoming. So he went in the jungle. He did very well for somebody who’s meant to be a divisive politician. He has essentially taken control of GB News. He has his own, you know, he’s not sat on YouTube, you know, he’s not sat on Odysee or Rumble. He has his own TV channel Beamed into people’s houses. You know, Farage has played all of his cards right. And I would say amongst his own supporters he is more popular than probably any other political leader is amongst their respective supporters.


So I would say he would be more popular amongst people of his ilk than Starmer would be amongst Labour parties members. He’d definitely be more popular with his own people and those, you know, adjacent than Sunak is with the Conservatives. You know, he has done a wonderful job of building a cult of personality around himself.


And one thing I’ll ask you though, there has been a lot of people, you know, literally throwing crap at the guy. And I got to say this, Steve, and this is something that gets me the BBC, you know, pundits like Owen Jones, influencers and other groups that have played down attacks on people like Farage in the past. They should take a huge degree of blame, should they not, for this sort of atmosphere, it’s okay to attack somebody on the Right if you don’t like them 100%.


Steve Laws: If me or you is advocating the same thing against someone who’s leading the trade union or something like that, we would be banged up, we would be thrown into prison, there’d be terrorists, Steve lawsers attacked the trade union, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But something I was going to mention to you, I forgot to message you earlier because I was at work, but I’ll mention it now. You know, like you get the council that email you updates and stuff like when you stand in as a candidate. I’ve been invited by. I’m assuming it’s counter-terrorism. It’s the counter. I’ll read that. I’ll read that email.


So it’s involving what you’ve just said about Farage getting us candidates getting assaulted and so on.


So the email says, I’ve been asked by the police to pass on the following information to ensure the safety of all election participants. I’ve sent the candidate election agents and sub agents where applicable. And then it goes. The counter terrorism police in southeast team are holding two election campaign security briefings in the coming weeks, which we would welcome you to disseminating your election campaign to your election candidates with an invite of them to attend one of the dates. Both briefings will be the same and candidates that only need to attend one.


But it’s basically just like a quick Zoom in I don’t know if I’ll be able to attend them yet because they’re bang on when I’m at work, but I might be able to listen to it without putting any input.


But I’m going to go to it because it’s curious thing about the fact that they’re going out to candidates now and saying:


“Look, you’re going to have to get briefed on getting attacked and stuff.”


Although I’m not a huge name candidate, if there were large names like Farage, and there will be more in the future that are openly getting attacked, it’s interesting to see how their approach is going to be to it going forward.


Mark Collett: Well, I found this quite interesting. I’ve actually seen that email sent to other candidates, so I’ve heard about that. And it is interesting that it is being dealt with by counter terror. But considering, wasn’t it Joe Brand who when the first milkshake. If it’s not Joe Brand, I apologise because I don’t want to put words in people’s mouths this bad, but I believe it was Joe Brand, the so-called comedian who made the joke that when Farage was first milkshaked, as they call it, she joked, she sort of quipped that she wished it had been acid instead, or it had been better if it had been acid. I’m pretty sure it was.


Let me just Google this. Joe Brand barrage acid. Joe Brand joked about throwing battery acid over Nigel Farage. And that just tells you the kind of world we live in, because I can tell you this now, if you, as Steve Laws went today and suggested that somebody should throw battery acid over a Labour Party candidate, you would be arrested and it would be a terrorist.


Steve Laws: People literally called the police on me, Mark, because I said an Indian wasn’t an English.


So you can imagine if I took it any stages higher.


Mark Collett: Yeah, yeah. If you nakedly called for violence against a candidate, I think if you even said, why don’t we start milkshaking these Labour, you know whatever, anyone who said that would be in serious trouble. But to call for battery acid to be thrown on a politician, that would be a terror offence for anyone other than someone like Joe Brand. And there is a double standard.


And I do worry for nationalist candidates, because when nationalists do get attacked by the far-Left, it’s always seen as fair game and it never fails to amaze me. So when PA were mentioned by Gove as being a potential, potential extremist organisation, he wasn’t mentioning Antifa, was he? He was mentioning.


Steve Laws: Yeah, putting you at a lot of risk as well by doing that.


Mark Collett: Yeah, of course, he’s more or less saying, if you attack these guys, you’re okay, but.


But if you are to give it back in any way, you are basically the worst in the world. And it does make me sick. It does make me sick. And people always go, oh, it’s a weak point to say they get away with it, but you wouldn’t. That’s not a weak point. That’s an important point to make because it illustrates a huge hypocrisy, illustrates that the system is a system of double standards which is designed to essentially incite violence against, you know, pro-indigenous activists whilst giving all of its protection to anyone who is pro-immigration. And that’s fundamentally the system setup. I do think it’s important to talk about these things as much as some people think it isn’t.


Anyway, it is time for the Superchats. If you haven’t Superchatted yet, you now know what we’ve been beavering away at for the last few weeks. You know that I’ve been sat in front of this computer all day doing election leaflets. That is actually true. True. I have designed, Steve.


In fact, I will let you. I’m obviously, my part of this deal, this sort of electoral thing we’ve been working is I’m the guy who’s designing all the election leaflets. Steve is the election leaflet I’ve designed for you. A good one, or a bad one?


Steve Laws: You better say it’s a good one.


Actually, another point. You’ve got some more stuff to design as well, actually, because I need some of those lamppost boards.


I can’t remember what they’re called, but we’ll talk about that after the training.


Mark Collett: So I’ve been working on those, basically, that’s my role in this. The leaflets are very, very hard line. You can see them on Robin Tilbrook’s Twitter. I will be giving Steve and the other candidates versions of their leaflets laid out in a way that they can post them online. I’ll send you one of those after the show.


In fact, as we’re answering these questions, I’ll work on a version of your leaflet that you can share during the show if you wish. Oh, you can’t. You’re on your bloody phone, aren’t you?


Steve Laws: Yeah, I can’t share. You can share it. You can share it.


Mark Collett: I can share, mate. I’m already doing enough things. This crazy fool is doing it off a bloody mobile phone.


Steve Laws: I left my laptop at work and you was like, we started at seven and I finished at six. I was nowhere, I was going back. I was like, right, mark my mind.


Mark Collett: When he said he was doing off his phone, you could see that he taken about two years off my life saying that you could see the blood pressure rise in the vein.


Steve Laws: I’m not going to hear you.


Mark Collett: But, yeah, it’s been a good stream so far. Remember, if you want a Superchat, get the Superchats in.


Now, you know what I’ve been up to.


And this is one of the things, sometimes we’re not always telling people what we’re doing, but we are always working on things, you know, behind the scenes to ensure that something’s happening. And this was an important thing to be working on. And I will get a copy of Steve’s leaflet to him shortly after the show so that he can.


Steve Laws: Because on that point, we do, we do key contact quite regularly, even though we haven’t been on the stream for a year, we do keep contact and I think it’s important to do that and just to keep everyone to know that you’re all still in the same team and all of that malarkey. I think it is vital. Not everything has to be in the public eye.


Mark Collett: No, no, exactly. And there are people like, obviously, I do work with a wide range of people, but Steve is one of them. And me and Steve have long discussions about things that have gone wrong, ways the movement can reorientate itself all sorts of things. And I really enjoy talking to Steve, I enjoy feedback from him about things that we’re doing. I think these are important things and it is good for the audience to know that we aren’t just an isolated group, that we are actually fundamentally working together to ensure that things move in the right direction. That’s what we do.


Anyway, let’s get these Superchats underway. I should have had a bloody version of your leaflet ready to put up on screen, but the problem is the way it’s orientated for print. Some of the bits look upside down, don’t they, when it’s folded out and I need to get it all. Yeah, I don’t want to fiddle around doing it live on stream because, uh.


Steve Laws: Rather you than me, Mark.


Mark Collett: Yeah, I know, I know. Things I should have thought it through. That’s what I’m trying to say. I should have thought it through. That’s what my old mother would have said to me:


“Mark, you should have thought it through before you started it.”


That’s what I should have done. Mary England, they gave $5. Thank you so much!:




Thank you very much. Open Borders for Israel, $5. Thank you so much, my friend. He says:


“Keep up the amazing work, Steve. Good. Like on good luck on your election results. Also was very disappointed in Tommy Robinson throwing shade on you on X. He should be supporting the amazing work you are doing with your resistance to migration.”


Now, obviously not being on X myself, I must have missed this drama. So what has Tommy Robinson said?


Steve Laws: It’s basically, it’s just petty disagreements that we both had. Obviously, I’m a regular nationalist and he’s a civn at, so we’re going to disagree on certain things.


But long story short, I criticised him a long time ago now when he led the people, patriots or nationalists, whatever you want to call them, to the protest.


And then they all got arrested and he jumped in a taxi and kicked flip. So I called him out and I was like:


“Well, that’s not on. If you’re going to call a protest, for one, you don’t abandon people at the protest. You stay with them. And if they’re all getting led to being arrested, you at least stay with them whilst they’re getting arrested. Don’t disappear and leave them to face things.”


Because obviously he’s fine. If he goes to a court, he’s got loads of money to. Or he can fundraise the money to get through the court case and get him out of trouble. These other people can’t. They could lose their jobs or whatever. Like, he’s putting people at risk by doing these things. That was my main concern.


And then he blocked me on Twitter. I just left it at that. And then I said:


“Back to the this is what I mean. Back to saying the Indian wasn’t an Englishman.”


He completely took that to heart because obviously loads of his friends are Indians and they all watch England together, so of course they’re all English, Mark. So he took that. He took that to heart and done like a whole video saying, Steve Laws is racist. He said:


“And here’s the weird thing. He pretends he was at a bar with me, overhearing me have a conversation with a woman saying that I would deport her mixed race son. Right?”


So the point, the story around that is I wouldn’t just randomly go up to her and say:


“I’ll deport your mixed race son.”


She was:


“I’m Irish, my partner’s Jamaican. Would you deport my son?”


I was like:


“How old’s your son?”


She was like:


“He’s 30 something.”


So around the same age as me. I was like:


“Well, yeah, if he commits a crime, I’ll deport. Got no problems. You’re both foreigners. You should be deported.”


Anyway, so he obviously took that to heart. Done a whole camera, like, where he’s basically crying to camera:


“No Laws is a racist, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!”


And then ever since then, we’ve just not really got along. And it’s big at each other here and there on Twitter. But I stand by it. I’m right. Tommy Robinson is fake and gay and a Zionist shill, and he should not be respected in our circles at all! I stand by that.


Mark Collett: Well, and by the way, if you can hear me tapping away, it’s because I’m actually trying to get your leaflet prepared for showing on screen, because I realised I should have done that. And I’m slightly ashamed that I wasn’t more prepared for this moment.


But, yeah, I’ve tried to be less partisan.


And I don’t know if you saw my video the other week, I actually did a video that was really about Tommy Robinson, but I tried to do it in such a way that I wasn’t insulting Tommy, that I wasn’t actually going for him, so to speak. And I did that because I would like to actually talk to him. I would like to actually have a conversation with the guy. And I don’t want to end up in a situation where we’re always at each other’s throats. Right? And that is the point, isn’t it? You know, how often. How often do we end up going at each other over. Over stuff when we could avoid it? And I’ve tried to avoid this, but the problem is, every time Tommy takes a step forward, he seems to take two bloody steps.


Steve Laws: This is my concern. I wouldn’t even have. I would keep my mouth shut. I wouldn’t criticise him if he could just do the simple thing of, okay, you’re going to use our talking points. Great! You’re going to make money. If our talking points not impressed, but great, it’s fine. But when and then after he’s done that, he will say for instance, like, he say:


“Our mass deportation should happen, blah, blah, blah!”


Then the next sentence is:


“Start calling Indians and stuff English.”


And saying:


“Anyone who disagrees is a racist and an anti-semite, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!”


And then it’s full circle again. So, although usually of the method of two steps forward, one steps back is good. With Tommy, it’s the complete other way around. It’s one step forward, ten steps back, and anyone who gets wrapped up in his circles gets afraid of going out of that circle for fear of not being popular or whatever. And it’s a huge problem.


Mark Collett: Do, you know what I don’t understand as well, Steve? So I’m not.


Steve Laws: I still believe you’re not an ex.


Mark Collett: I’m not going to go and live on like in a foreign country. But if I did, let’s say I went and lived somewhere like Japan, and I wouldn’t mind living in a country like Japan. It’s a high, you know, high IQ, high trust society. I’ve got quite a lot of admiration for Japanese culture. If I went and lived in Japan and I learnt to speak the language, etcetera, and could rub along with the Japanese, I could do that, but I wouldn’t be in the slightest bit offended if a Japanese person referred to me as English or European or White and if I had a child if I took my wife over there and we had another child that was born on Japanese soil and she had a Japanese, you know, second child had a Japanese passport, dual citizenship, and the Japanese still referred to that child who was clearly White, born on Japanese. I was, you, English. It’s an English person born on Japanese. I’d be like:


“Yeah, I completely understand that.”


Why would that upset me? Why would a genuine, why would a genuine observation upset me? Why would the truth upset me?


But when you see these people who are clearly Indian and somebody says:


“Oh, he’s Indian.”


Why would you be upset about Sunak? I believe he has three passports. I think he’s got a British one, an Indian one, and an American passport. You know, he’s got a bloody Indian passport. Why? Why would it upset him to be called Indian?


Steve Laws: His mother-in-law calls him a Punjab, but.


Mark Collett: Exactly! I don’t understand this faux outrage because the thing was.


Steve Laws: Right back. Sorry to interrupt, Mark, the thing with that Indian, that Indian geezer, he wasn’t offended by what I said, not once. It was everyone offended on his behalf because people like Tommy got so outraged by. How dare you even consider that these people aren’t English and one of us doesn’t mean I hate these people. I make this point all the time.


I feel like it’s a bit exhausting over saying, but you don’t have to hate these people to not want to live with them. Like you were saying:


“You respect Japanese culture. You wouldn’t want your whole town to look Japanese.”


Mark Collett: No, I agree. Stan1 gave $25. Thank you so much, my friend. He said:


“Great guest. Mark my words, the Overton Window is shifting. All the best with your election campaign, Steve. Enjoy the moment and remember why we do what we do.”


Thank you so much! AlbionForever gave a fraction of an Odysee token. We don’t usually answer this, but we’ll answer these very quickly.


“So do you think this election could result in a bigger win for Labour than it did for Tony Blair in 1997?”


I’ll just say yes. I’ll give a one word answer that I think Starmer could end up with a bigger majority. Would you agree?


Steve Laws: Yeah, I agree with that.


Mark Collett: Yeah. I think if the election happened right now, based on polling statistics, I think the Tories would get fewer than 100 seats and Labour would end up potentially with over 500 seats in Parliament, giving them such a monster, the majority, that even if ten to 20% of people of their own MP’s rebelled, they still wouldn’t even break a sweat when it came to winning a majority on any form of policy. And that’s the worrying thing. Max3Anderson gave $5. Thank you so much! My friend said:


“Well done, Steve, for standing. I was there a few weeks ago. Deal is a lovely place. Not so much for Dover. The litter in the town is bad. >And also the Auslanders. A BNP tactic of hiring a skip might be a good idea in some of the residential areas. Dover has got lots of potential to be lovely.”


Well, maybe me and Steve could have a chat about some stunts that he may or may not be able to pull in order to get himself more noticed, because there is a packed slate of candidates there and I wouldn’t like Steve to be lost there.


BMC1488 gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:


“Best of luck to Steve and British nationalists to help successfully stop immigration and bring repatriation of the houselanders.”


Thank you so much! British Gammon gave $25. Thank you so much, my friend. And he said:


“My constituency has a 15,000 Tory majority and only globalist parties to choose from. Is it better for me to vote none of the above and spoil my ballot paper or hold my nose and vote Reform? And best of luck to Steve.”


That’s a really good question. What would you say, Steve? Better to spoil your ballot paper or better to vote Reform?


Steve Laws: Spoiling the ballot paper. To me, it’s. Whilst I get the frustration, if you want someone like, if you say you want the Tories out of the Labour, whoever’s the most dominant. So for, in that situation, for instance, the Tories hold a huge majority, you’re more likely throwing your ticket into Reform than you are to spoiling your ballot. Because although spoiled ballots. Yeah. It doesn’t look great for the candidates. They don’t. I’ve stood in these elections and I’ve watched them open up the sport ballots. They don’t really care about them. Unless there’s thousands and thousands and thousands, then they don’t really care about spoiled ballots. No matter what you write on Emma Stark, spoil, gone. That’s it!


It’s not thought about. Your vote just basically means nothing.


Mark Collett: Well, I’m going to give a slightly fuller answer here, I believe, and a very sort of equivocal one. This is I’m not messing around here. If you have a Reform candidate, if you have a British Democrat or an English Democrat candidate, vote for them, obviously vote for them. If you don’t have an English Democrat or British Democrat candidate, vote Reform. Vote Reform and vote Reform to hurt the Conservatives. The way I see this at the moment is every single vote for Reform is a vote to make sure that Conservative MP doesn’t get back into Parliament. And that’s what we want to see. Now.


One thing we haven’t brought up is the workers of Britain party, which is George Galloway’s party. They claimed they were going to stand 500 plus seats. Do, you know how many they stood?


Steve Laws: I think it’s only like 30, isn’t it? 24?


Mark Collett: No, it’s 152, which isn’t bad.


Steve Laws: That’s not bad for them.


Mark Collett: It’s not bad, but it’s a long, it’s a third of, it’s less than a third of what they stated. And, it’s not really what they were looking for. I was hoping that they would be to Labour what Reform is to the Conservatives. And that hasn’t really worked out that way, unfortunately, they have fallen short of what George Galloway said. This isn’t me putting them down either. Before anyone says:


“Oh, well, why are you putting them down?”


I’m not, I’m not, but I’m hoping that they will go on to do to Labour what Reform are doing to the Conservatives. But I’ve done so many streams, so many streams where the guests have said for us to ever get anywhere in Britain, the first obstacle that must be completely destroyed is the Conservative Party.


And I think we’re at that juncture. We’re ready to cross that Rubicon now. We’re ready to see national politics in the UK have a complete realignment.


And if people really hate Farraj and Reform, I understand that, but I definitely, definitely think this is the time for all those people who have been saying on my streams probably, for how long have we been streaming? 2017? I started this show maybe somewhere around there. You know, I’ve done 266 episodes of this show and 100 episodes of this week on the Right beforehand.


So that’s 366 weekly shows. That’s a lot of streaming.


And since the beginning of those streams, we have, or I have I’m the only consistent person on the show who’s been here for the whole time. I have said to get anywhere, we need to smash the Conservatives. And even before I did these shows, I remember people in the BNP saying, nationalism will never truly take off until the Conservative Party has been absolutely shattered, because otherwise they will keep coming back. They’ll be, you know, they’re like a have you ever played Castlevania, the computer game Castlevania? No! It’s about, basically the bad guy is Dracula, and every time you defeat him, he dies away, his castle collapses, and then there’s a sequel where he comes back. And that’s kind of how I see the Conservative Party. The Conservative Party get utterly defeated and destroyed. And like Dracula, you know, twelve years later, they Reform, they’re born again, their castle’s rebuilt, and everyone’s flocking back to them, and they’re back in power. And until we kill that monster once and for all, remove the threat, undo it forever, make it so the monster cannot be reborn. I don’t think nationalism is ever going to get take hold.


And I genuinely feel that this is the best time that I’ve ever seen in my life. For my entire 24 years in politics. This is the best chance we’ve ever had to basically put a stake through Dracula’s heart, scatter his ashes and see him gone forever. And that’s what we need to do. The Conservative Party must not rise again. You know, I’m not Faragei’s biggest fan. I’m not Reforms biggest fan, but I absolutely hate the Conservatives.


And if we destroy the Conservatives, then that is mission, mission accomplished in part or was not mission accomplished. Mission accomplished is a nationalist in power. But to get a nationalist in power, there has to be, there has to be a load of missions accomplished before we accomplish the big goal. What do you think, Steve? Could this be our time to finally do away with this beast once and for all, this unholy monster that haunts UK politics?


Steve Laws: Well, I hope.


So if they get under 100 seats, then, yes, the monster has effectively been killed or at least wounded. So much so they’re not going to be able to pick themselves up. And it pains me to encourage some people to, I wouldn’t say vote for every referral candidate, because some of them are very questionable. Some of them are foreigners, for instance, as well. So you should not be voting for a foreigner candidate at all, in my opinion, because you’re just encouraging more of the same.


But I do think there are some Reform candidates and that are good. Some of our guys are still in Reform. They’ve just kept their mouth shut. I’m not very good at that. So I didn’t last very long. Although, to be fair, I’m the only candidate that both Hope Not Hate and report refused to acknowledge that I was even in that party. I went before the purges even happens, and all, both sides completely disavow anything to do with me, with that party. They’re like, no, you was never there, Steve. It didn’t exist. You were dreaming about it. But I do believe some of these Reform candidates deserve your vote. Not all of them, because I’ve met some of these people, and I’ve spoken to some of these people, but some of our guys are actually in that party still. I won’t say who, because they’ll be gone tomorrow.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you.


And as I hope that doesn’t annoy people, I’ve said that anti-Matthew gave $45. Thank you so much, my friend. He said:


“Steve, in your view, what is the most insidious organisation, or NGO that promotes the invasion of our shores? The Hamelin foundation seems particularly subversive.”


I’m going to let this be Steve’s question in its entirety, because I don’t actually know who the Hamelin organisation are, but take it away, my friend.


Steve Laws: See, the thing with these NGO’s is there’s not necessarily one more insidious than the other, because one independent, lonely activist could be more insidious than the entire organisation of organised NGO outlets.


So it’s a difficult question to answer like that. But ultimately, they’re all evil. They’re all promoting open borders. They’re all promoting the destruction of an ethnic group. It doesn’t matter whether it’s us or the French or the Spanish or the Portuguese or the German or the Austrians. It’s wiping out ethnic groups. So their intention is to get rid of us. Their intention is to replace us.


So they’re all insidious. When you go down that route, single out and targeting. Obviously, all of these organisations need to be named and exposed so people know who they are.


But it’s like people like with the illegal immigration approach, just to circle it back to my point earlier, is when people get fixated on Circo, when you talk about illegal immigration, some people do the same thing with certain NGO groups, like Care for Calais or whatever you want to go down, they always go to the popular ones and then they get fixated on these issues. But ultimately, then they’re usually just the grifters of their movement, if that makes sense.


So I learnt that the hard way when I was in northern France about Care for Calais and stuff. When I was talking to these other NgO’s on top of my head, I can’t remember. I won’t waste time looking for the notebook, but I’ve, when I was talking about these NgO’s, they’re like, okay for Calais. They just, it’s all just front with them. It’s just the Griff raise money and act as if they are the promotions. Realistically, we’re the ones who do all the dirty work. We’re the ones who go around the campus every day and so on.


And like they were saying, like, so like, maybe like there’s a lot of NGO’s, but all I’m trying to get my point of are the Tommy Robinson’s of their world, if that makes sense. And a lot of our guys seem too fixated on the Tommy Robinson’s of their world rather than the likes of, say, the mark Colletts or the Steve laws.


So the ones that are actually doing stuff tend to get ignored. I don’t know if that answered the question. I went on a bit of a tangent there.


Mark Collett: No, no, Steve. I thought it was a good answer.


I mean, I don’t really know all these different groups that are like, anti-White groups. If, when people say to me, what’s the most subversive ngo? I always think of Soros’s Open Society foundation.


Steve Laws: That’s.


Mark Collett: That’s always the NGO I think of but when it comes to sort of migrant NGO’s, I immediately think of Israel. You know, a group of Israelis working to.


Steve Laws: That’s what everyone’s got the picture in their head of its a bunch.


Mark Collett: I was the one that blew the whistle on that, mate. That was my video years ago on YouTube. You know how I think it was called something like how Israel is behind the migrant invasion or something like that. And that was the first video I did that really blew up. You know, it was getting like a thousand views consistently a day and being shared. And it was a big one for me.


And then there was obviously, I followed it up with the one about pornography. And they were the good old days when you could get a viral video out on YouTube that actually told people the truth! You know, that wasn’t just sort of a cat knocking over a baby or somebody doing a bad makeup video video and everyone laughing at you know, viral videos used to mean something.


Anyway. Yeah. We shall move on swiftly. Wife Waffen gave $8. Thank you so much, my dear. And she said:


“Have a great week.”


Well, thank you very much. I actually have been having a very good and gainful week. You know what? I’ll say this is a bit of a tangent, because that wasn’t even a question, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been engaged in sort of this much electoral work and buzzing around and doing this. I’ve actually quite enjoyed it, sort of a blast from the past, because obviously I used to do a lot more when I was in the BNP. They stood more candidates. But I’ve actually enjoyed doing these leaflets and working with people like Steve. And I do think it’s important that we cover all the bases.


Now, I’m not somebody who’s suggesting we stand 300 seats and plough 2 million pounds into elections, because if I had 2 million pounds, I’d be doing a Woodlander, except for with a giant stately home at the centre of the land where we could have rallies, meetings, seminars, etcetera.


But I do think it’s important to fight in as many battles as we can and fight on as many different battlegrounds. We obviously had that huge win getting Sam access to his kids again through advocacy. And we should be pursuing advocacy. But just because we pursue one of these things doesn’t mean that we should neglect others.


And I’ve got to say, I’ve always really liked Steve, and I’ve liked Steve because I’ve always got on with him, and I’ve always been able to talk to him honestly. I never feel when I’m speaking to Steve, like I have to put up a barrier or I have to when you’re speaking to some other people in the Right, you kind of feel like you’re a mob boss talking to another mob boss. And you feel like you’ve got one hand on your pistol.


Steve Laws: But when I start, who are you talking to?


Mark Collett: But when I talk to Steve, I kind of feel like I’m talking to you know, an old friend, or a member of the family.


And I do feel like I can sit, chat to Steve honestly, and neither of us have a hand on our pistol, you know, we can sit and be very honest and we have had very frank conversations about the future of this movement together. And I do value Steve’s friendship. And if I was to die tomorrow and had to give a list of trustworthy people, trustworthy UK people, Steve would be, you know, at the very, you know, top of that list with people like Laura Towler, Steve Blake, Morgoth the Islam thank you Nativist concern I’m going to miss people out now and piss somebody off really badly. Woodlander, he’s another one that, you know.


Steve Laws: You gotta keep listing names.


Mark Collett: I gotta keep listing, you know, Euro you know, the three originals from Tay Saab obviously they’re dear friends of mine. Woodlander is an amazing guy. Woodlander is another one. I always feel when I’m talking to Woodlander that if I pick up the phone and tell him how I feel, I don’t feel I have to filter it.


Whereas you speak to some people and there’s clearly Robin Tilbrook’s another one. He’s deep, dear friend of mine. And like that man, the amount of effort and money he’s put into this cause is amazing! You know, these are people that I would definitely trust with my life obviously Sam Mealy is another, you know, Joe Marsh. You know, these people. I’m listening now, you know, dear friends, Anglo Joe, he’s another one. The guy from the inn. He’s a guy that if he had five pounds in his wallet and you needed your bus fare home, he’d give you the fiverr. That’s the kind of guy he is and I’m sure I’ve missed some people out. And if I have, well, I’m gonna get bloody roasted. I’m gonna get a phone call when this stream finishes of somebody who’s a really good friend of mine that I’ve missed. And I’m gonna get told what an absolute, you know, dip I am for missing them.


So if I have mist and there are old nationalists I still talk to I still talk to people, believe it or not, like Arthur Kemp. Me and Arthur Kemp still message each other an almost daily basis I’ve got massive respect for him. But these are people that you can absolutely trust. And Steve is. Steve is one of them. You know, Steve is one of those guys. He’s been. Somebody’s just put St. Harrison in the chat. Yes, St. Harrison as well. Sorry, but, yeah, Joe Marsh is a great bloke. You know, Joe Marsh is one of those guys. If I need really solid advice, you can always turn to Joe. But these guys I’m talking about, these are the ones you can trust. Now just because I haven’t named somebody in this list doesn’t mean they’re untrustworthy.


Steve Laws: You put yourself right on Woodstock.


Mark Collett: Yeah, Woodland has just popped up. He’s like, phew, I’m not on the hit list. No Woodlander, I love you.


Anyway, moving on. And Sally gave $5. Thank you so much, Zed. Thank you, Mark. And wishing the best of luck to Steve. Well, thank you, Sally. Gus and Lanzarote gave $3. I forgot to post your poster, Gus. Send me an email with your address again. I forgot it because I needed to get a poster tube and I forgot to get the poster tube. I am a div and I forgot it. I will post it to you. I’m sorry. He said:


“If you were in France, would you vote for the jewish guy, Eric Zemmour, who has cucked less than the Marine Le Pen?”


He said he probably would and said:


“She is rubbish compared to her dad, and the ungrateful cow is only there due to his trailblazing.”


What do you think? Would you vote for the jewish guy because he says things that are more right, or would you vote for Le Pen because obviously he’s a jewish guy?


Steve Laws: That’s a difficult question. I don’t know. I suppose it would have to depend on the area I live in, because Zamor does talk a lot better than Le Pen.


But then, yeah, he’s a jewish. I don’t know, it’s a tough one. I would say I’d be 50-50 on walking into the ballot box because they’re both have their faults. They both have their pros, I suppose.


But then, no, to say that, I’d probably go Le Pen. If I was a Frenchman, I’d want a Frenchman in charge, not an Algerian jew. I suppose. So yeah. No, I would go Le Pen. I hate to say it, because Zamor talks better than Le Pen.


Mark Collett: Well, I met Jean Marie Le Pen twice. I met him once when he was a guest of the BNP on British soil. I met him, shook his hand, had a picture taken with him, etcetera. And I met him on French soil at their annual Blue Blanc Rouge festival in France. In Paris. In an airport hangar. That’s how big their event then their venue for an event had to be. Had to be in a bloody airport hangar, because there was 10,000 people there.


And Jean Marie Le Pen, there’s something special about that man. You meet people who have an aura, who have a statesman, like way about them. But the thing with Le Pen is, despite being a statesman and despite how having the same sort of cut as an important politician, he wasn’t. He was a cheeky, naughty, sort of fun loving guy that would do things that riled other people, and where other people who are statesmanly sort of have this veneer, which is a bit slimy, and they won’t go to. They won’t stray close to the line. Le Pen sort of always retained that naughtiness where he would put his toe over the line just to see what the establishment would do.


And I remember even later in Le Pens life, not only was he friends with David Duke and held this sort of lavish birthday party for Duke, but he was also friends with that black guy who was against Zionist power, that invented that funky salute called the and that was his way of sending a nod to people that he was still against Zionist power and jewish influence. It was very, very interesting.


And because of that, the point I’m getting to, basically, is I’d probably vote for Le Pen not because Amour’s jewish, and that’s not why I’d vote for him, but because I’ve still got massive amount of respect for a dad. And after meeting on two occasions and being basically in awe of him when I did meet him, I would absolutely feel that, like, I wasn’t doing the right thing if I wasn’t voting for her just because of her lineage. Do, you know what I mean?


Steve Laws: Yeah, it makes sense.


Mark Collett: He is a great guy. Snake. Using a real snake. Gave $10. Thank you so much! Hey, said. Hey, lads. Do you think they have craftably timed the election to occur during the Euros and thus peak sports ball detraction distraction?


Also, are you worried about Labour could make huge, well planned, fast changes they haven’t made pre-election, as they did in 1997. See a recent Peter Hitchens video? Yeah. Do you think the European. I’ve not really seen much of a buzz for the football this year, have you?


Steve Laws: Oh, yeah. Depends on your circles. Like, my brothers in their crowd and that they’re well hyped for it, so.


Mark Collett: Okay. I’ve totally missed it.


And to be honest, like, look.


Steve Laws: It’s not like it used to be, though. It’s not like it used to be.


Mark Collett: Look, I’m gonna hit you with this because I’m an old man. You’re probably only in your twenties, and I’m in my forties.


Steve Laws: I’m in my thirties.


Mark Collett: Well, I’m not that old then. Not nearly dead or anything, but look, I remember back in my twenties, when the football was on, every other house on the estates you were knocking doors on would have an England flag hanging from at least one window. Every other car on the estates you were knocking doors on would have those little England flags on the plastic things on the windows. You know, someone they were driving, they all had the flags on, and there was flags everywhere.


And I’ll tell you, as time has gone by, I have seen less England flags put up than I’ve ever seen now, I don’t know whether it’s because people are less into football or they just can’t be bothered with all the flags and stuff, but the over my life, I have seen a dramatic drop off in the amount of people showing, you know, England paraphernalia before these big tournaments.


Steve Laws: Yeah, it’s the same in my lifetime. I’m only 33 and I remember that as a kid, like the whole street. So I feel up with them.


But I think there’s a number of reasons. Like there’s obviously the decline in football in terms of how it’s played now. There’s all of the AR, and I don’t think you. I don’t know if you’re a football fan or not.


Mark Collett: I’m not too sure I know about AR and I kind of like it, and I kind of don’t like. You don’t want to be robbed by a bad decision. But those decisions were the things that kind of made the game interesting at times. This is.


Steve Laws: It takes the passion away from the game. It kind of football’s been cut an awful lot over the last ten to 15 years, which is another thing that plays an awful part.


But then there’s the fact that half the squad are foreign, so there’s no national identity with the squad. It’s not like you’re looking at that squad. I know they always used to have the odd foreigner in there, but overall, if you look at the squad now, only twelve of them, I think, are actually White, and then probably about eight of them are actually White British.


So it’s like it’s very vague in terms of identifying with that squad. It’s not like when you were younger, you’d see Paul scoles, you see Gerard, you see Beckham, you’d see all of those people and you’d look at them and you go, yeah, they’re English. Like, come on, England. It’s a bit different now. Like, you’re looking at someone and they’re from Africa and it’s like, okay, but unless you. Unless you’re really into that, it’s not something you’re going to stand there and scream from the rooftops about.


Mark Collett: But I remember when I was in my early twenties, you’d go to a pub, and when it was an England match, there would literally be standing room only and every pub was decked out, sort of like an autistic twelve year old football fan’s bedroom. You know, I mean, there wasn’t space on the wall, you know, where you could see any wall. It was just flags. It was just flags. Pictures of the team bunting. Things have changed. And I know you can be grumpy and just say things have always changed for the worse, but I do think there’s been a drop off in support, and that might be because migrants don’t like football as much.


Steve Laws: And the population, it’s the Americanisation of it as well, though. It’s become so commercialised now that it’s almost like wwe into an extent. It’s ridiculous! It’s not what?


It’s not like I would call myself a football fan to an extent, but not like:


“Oh, come on, like all you Africans.”


Like, I’m a struggling football fan now, whereas I love the game, but I hate what’s happened to it. I hate how it’s just Africans and foreigners and all of this stuff running around on the pitch. My local team, for instance, folks. And even down on non-league level, it’s not immune from any of this nonsense!


Mark Collett: Sri, where’d you mention WWE? Because that reminds me of a conversation we were having the other day when you were talking about how much, like, big men in pants covered in.


Steve Laws: Get me in trouble.


Mark Collett: I will say this. I do like a bit of wwe. I do like a bit of wwe. Ian Holloway gave $14. Thank you so much, my friend. He said:


“I work on new builds, three in the last three weeks. They’re like Indian colonies.”


I think you’re right. The next generation general election after this one is the one we have to work towards. They know the game’s up, so they’re saturating us. Excellent stream.


Well, thank you so much, Ian, and thank you for your continued support. I think that is exactly the game plan that Nigel Farage is working to. Katie Fanning’s padded cell gave $3 and said:


“Have to say, Mark, Steve looks like your taller younger brother anyhow. How many seats do you two reckon Reform are gonna win? I’m gonna say six. Hope Steve does well in the voting.”


Steve Laws: Thank you. That’s not the first time I’ve heard that I look like you, actually, Mark, so I’m getting used to that you do look a bit like.


Mark Collett: Do, you know what?


Steve Laws: Maybe we’re related down the line somewhere.


Mark Collett: If you ever come, if you ever come to my area, if you ever.


Steve Laws: Come, you’re gonna demand a DNA test.


Mark Collett: Yeah. I say we should go out for something to eat in a beer. But you and I, you know, we should have a proper chat. You should come up and see me sometime. But we do. I don’t know, I just get on really well with Steven. I do have that sort of older brother thing. I just like. I like being in this guy’s company. He’s a good guy. And if he, if he was my younger brother, I’d be proud to be his old.


Steve Laws: But back to the seat. I think three. I think they win three seats. I don’t think barrage will win, though, as much as I want him to, I don’t think he will.


Mark Collett: Here’s my prediction.


So there’s two marks. I’ve got split personality disorder. Not really, but look, everyone’s got a sort of a bit of duality to them, Steve, and I want to say if you’ve. I want to say if you’ve ever had this. So does what we call historical prediction precedent. So, historical precedent is looking at history and saying, it is likely that this happens based on things that have gone before. So historical precedent is that UKIP, at their height, took 12.6%, 3.9 million votes and didn’t win a single new seat. They just retained Douglas Carswell’s seat, who was not a UkIP candidate, he was a Tory that had crossed the floor. Okay, so historical precedent suggests that they will get maybe one candidate elected, if that.


And remember, Carswell only got elected because he was a sitting MP that used his Parliamentary, you know, budget to saturate the area of leaflets before the general election was called.


So it’s a different ballgame when you’re a sitting mp, because a sitting MP uses their Parliamentary. I forget what it’s called, communications budget to send letters to everyone in their constituency, etcetera. Right. So historical precedent says they ain’t gonna do it.


But then there’s that sort of still, I’m 43 but still trapped in me. There’s a sort of a little boy that gets excited about things, and I sometimes get all excited thinking, but what if they did get 20 in?


Steve Laws: What if they didn’t get 20? There is slight differences that lean more into the Reform, gaining more seats this time, for instance, with the UKIP campaigns. I’ve spoken to a lot of people that was involved in those campaigns. They tried to tackle every constituency almost equally, to an extent where they thought they was making this massive push, whereas Reform, rightly or wrongly, to the other candidates that are getting brushed aside, they’ve got ten to 15 candidates that all of the resources are going behind, whereas everyone else is sort of, we pay for your leaflets to get done, but then you’re sort of on your own from there, whereas everything else is like these main ten to 15 seats they’re targeting are all being flooded with all the resources. You get the big bus, you get the full shabam.


So they’re being smarter in the fact that although it looks like they’re fielding candidates everywhere, in reality they’re fielding fisting, and those are what they’re going for. The rest of them are more paper.


Mark Collett: Candidates and say this. What could turn this around?


And I think it’ll be hard for Farage, because I think groups like Hope Not Hate unions, etcetera, will throw everything into ensuring he doesn’t get it, because he would be too powerful as a Member of Parliament for them to ever be dangerous. He would, because he’d get Parliamentary privilege. So he could if I got in, I would use my Parliamentary privilege to be there every day, just saying the truth! Just, just turn the truth!


Steve Laws: They’d hate you. They’d have to shoot you.


Mark Collett: My first speech would be about the cookie monster. And how many cookies could the cookie monster bake if he only had a limited number of ovens?


Steve Laws: It’s true, though, isn’t it? Like these questions. What could they say, though? Do, you know what I mean?


Mark Collett: They couldn’t do anything, mate.


But the point is, that’s a joke, by the way. I wouldn’t.


My first thing wouldn’t be the cookie monster. That was a joke.


Steve Laws: It would be on the list.


Mark Collett: But it would be on the list. It would happen, but it wouldn’t be the first.


But the point is, with Parliamentary. With Parliamentary privilege, Farage would be a monster!


But I think the thing that we can’t count out at this juncture is the fact that, fundamentally, you don’t know who’s standing for Reform. And if there is a strong local candidate like a guy who used to be the manager of the local, you know, semi professional, you know, FA Vars football team. And everyone just votes for him because it’s Dave Smith and he know, popular.


Steve Laws: In the area, Wembley.


Mark Collett: And they played in the FA Vars final or something like that you don’t know who they’re standing. So there could be a few outliers and there is a wave of support.


But the First Past the Post system leads to a position where a party can get 12.6% and get one seat. You know, it is an unfair system. So historical precedent says the likelihood is they get none. The little boy inside me that still gets giddy about these things and wishes for a political revolution and praise, it will happen, you know, says:


“Well, maybe they could get a dozen.”


But I think the dozen would be the upper limit. That would be your real hard upper limit. David Peterson gave $10. Thank you so much, my friend. He says:


“Steve, do you think Mark could be a secret jew? He has an interesting nose.”


Steve Laws: I don’t know. I’ll let when we do these DNA tests.


Mark Collett: Thank you for that, David. David then gave $50 to make up for his rather insulting question. Thank you for your generosity tonight, David. He said:


“Which one of you is more angry?”


About what? About how the jews have done a proper one in ruining our nation. Who do you think’s more angry about the JQ? Me or you, Steve?


Steve Laws: Oh, you’ve been at it longer than me, I suppose. I don’t know if that’s a good thing, or a bad thing, is it?


But then again, I’ve got grey hair coming through and you haven’t, Mark, so.


Mark Collett: No, no, no grey hair. Because when I gel it and the lights on, you can’t see. Since having a daughter, I’ve got a giant grey patch on that side of my beard and I have got grey wings at both sides.


But you can’t see it because when it’s gelled and swept back, you don’t say, but if you saw me first thing in the morning when I’ve got ungelled hair, I’m just crawling out of bed. The grey is very apparent at this stage of my life. Runce Meadow in the chat.


Steve Laws: I can see it.


Mark Collett: Thanks, mate. Thanks, mate. I mean I do these shows. I do these shows every week for entertainment, for enlightenment. And there’s runce Meadow. And his one statement is, I can see he’s going a bit grey. Yeah, he’s going grey. Look a bit shit today, mate. You can’t beat that you can’t beat the chat for true brutality.


I mean, I am. I am I’m 44 this year. I’ve not had the easiest life. It has been quite stressful. It’s been a bit of a roller coaster. And I am going grey, but I’m going grey with dignity. I’m not dying. It, you know, it is there. I’ve got my wings at the side. So somebody said, Bill Aethling said:


“I’m the Paulie walnuts of nationalism with my. The last surviving member of the mobile with McGrey wings.”


There we go. I would say I’m. I’d say no one in Britain has been more prolific at talking about jewish power and Zionist control than I have. Whether I’m angry about it all the time, I wouldn’t say I am. I’m not an angry person. I generally get angry about stupid things. So you know, I’ll get angry when I go to the gym and somebody sat on the machine that I want to go on and they’re spending more time taking selfies of themselves and texting than they are actually lifting the weights. And I’m like:


“Look, mate, it’s not a selfie station. It’s the shoulder station.”


It’s little things like that that cause me to blow my top. Or, you know, when. You know when you go into McDonald’s and or you go into sort of a fast food joint. Not that I do that very often, you get some idiot in front of you that just does either a needlessly complex order or can’t. Can’t put their order over swiftly, so it holds you up and you’re getting angry. Little things like that tend to get me angry. I don’t sit there seething over issues of politics, really, because I. And you know why I’m not angry? It’s because I feel like I’m when you’re doing something about it, your anger dissipates.


And one thing I’ll say is if the Conservative government got their way and basically started to bring in sort of a ban on ethno-nationalist groups, that would actually be a way to build up anger, because I actually believe that having the right to talk about these things out in the open in a respectful manner, that’s part of the democratic process. So generally, I’m not really angry about stuff like this on a daily basis. You know, I’d probably be more angry if my daughter left a pile of Lego out and I ended up walking over it barefoot. Now that is truly enraging. What do you think, Steve? I think we help people sort of I think we help people participate in different activities that really, it’s a way to dissipate people’s anger, not to. Not to build it up.


Steve Laws: This is the thing, I don’t get angry with anything politically because half the time, for one, I expect it. I kind of know this is the way it’s going to happen. Usually nine times out of ten. And the one time out of ten that I don’t know is so absurd that you don’t even really, you couldn’t have predicted it a million times over anyway.


So there’s always that 10% that’s just completely absurd!


There’s no point getting angry about any of it, really, because if you’re walking around angry at the state of all of these problems that we’ve got, of course we are. Rightfully. So angry is probably not the word to use, because that’s more of an emotion rather than a straight up, probably more concerned and furious and things like that. Even furious is the right word because I’m not an angry person. So I find it hard to put myself in that mindset of being angry.


Like, obviously I’m pissed off at the state of the country, I’m concerned and all of these things, but I’m not walking around going, oh, oh my God! Oh, oh my God! Because otherwise you’re just going to drive yourself mad. But there’s times when you’ve got to just switch off and completely switch off from everything, even if it’s just for a day or so you can get some sort of normality in your life. I go out with my mates and stuff and I get such a hard time from them sometimes when I bring out immigration or something, they’re like, Steve, God’s sake, you have one day off from talking about immigrants or something and then ten minutes later they’ll be talking about it because I’m the one that’s brought it up. They’re like, no, give it a rest. But I don’t get angry about it. I just get vocal about it and try and feel like Mike said, I feel like it’s productive actually doing something, even if it’s just something small. It feels like you’re making close to where we need to be.


Mark Collett: I agree, mate. I agree. And that’s a very positive outlook. Ulrich Wrangel gave two Pence and said:


“Mark, Steve. Steve was on arguably the biggest Civnat YouTube channel. A few months back, Tusi TV pro-Tommy Farage, named after an ethnic Iranian. Criticism Maya Tusi. Question Steve, will he be back on promote Mark PA. Question mark, what’s your opinion on this guy? Were you on Maya Tusi?”


Steve Laws: No, it was about three years ago. I think what he’s on about, there’s a screenshot where it’s like, Tommy, Maya and me, but the whole stream was about me. I wasn’t invited on. The whole stream was just about me. I have been on my show before that was about two and a half, three years ago. But no, I haven’t been invited back on since. Really? I don’t think those guys ever let me on that.


Mark Collett: Look, I’d. Look, I’d speak to too. See, I’d speak to anyone.


I mean, the thing that annoys me is I get a lot of crap sometimes for speaking to people from other ethnic groups or people have difference opinions.


But I actually do enjoy interesting conversations with people. I mean there’s all that controversy about me, you know, talking to the Muslim guy. But any but one of my really close friends actually was like, I didn’t watch that because I couldn’t stand you doing it. And people were saying you were going to cook. And then one day he actually got around to watching it. He was like, you didn’t cook at all! You literally laid it out and were just like, this is my opinion. I’m never giving up any ground, and that’s always how I’ll be. But I still like having the conversation. I just like having conversations. Max3Anderson gave another $3.


Steve Laws: Thanks so much.


Mark Collett: And said:


“Le Pen said she would stop the boats coming to England in our latest speech. Do you think she would?”


I do, and I think Le Pen would be a good thing for England. What do you think, Steve?


Steve Laws: I’m sceptical on that because it’s not so much. It’s not so much a government problem. Well, it is a government problem, but it runs deeper than that. Is she going to lay down the law on the planet, police officers that allow them to just step through the border to get into the French side, up to the northern side? And I’ve been to the I’ve seen how it plays out when these people are leaving on the beaches. I follow a lot of the smuggling gangs and stuff. Unless you’re going to go up there and completely change the whole legal system and how the police operate, operate and everything like that, then it’s not going to happen. At the moment, it’s just saying I’m going to give the order to the police to stop these boats. That doesn’t mean anything. That’s like telling the Civil Service to stop blocking deportation. They’re not going to do it.


Mark Collett: AlbionForever said:


“Hi, Mark. If you had a mother in her fifties, you spent her time drunkenly arguing with people on Telegram and ranting about her day in court, would you be embarrassed?”


I’d be mortified. If my mother was still alive and spent her days basically drunk on Telegram, that would be awful!


I mean, yeah. Yeah, of course I would. Cathugger gave a dollar. Thank you so much! And she said:


“Love to see this absolute chad of a man. A true ten out of ten. And it’s cool that Steve is also there.”


Thank you, Cathugger. I adore you.


However, Cathugger also gave a dollar and say, how can Mark start with his angry gym rants and not even mention banana man? Oh, my God! That brings back awful memories. For anyone who doesn’t know. Banana man was a man that used to go to a gym I attended in Leeds. And he would always eat bananas as he was exercising. But they were the most. You know, when bananas are overripe and they’ve gone, like, brown and they stink, they absolutely! It’s like such a pungent smell. And he would just pace up and down barefoot in the gym, eating these bananas. He’d always trained barefoot for some reason, just munching these. And the stench of these bananas, just awful! It used to. And obviously, when you’re in a really hot sort of sweaty environment and you can smell some. Always made me feel sick. Yeah, that’s brought back some nice memories. Zach said, mark, what’s your opinion on central bank deal digital currency? Do you think they’ll get away with it or face too much backlash?


Basically, you gave one Odysee token for this, and it’s like an hour long debate, so maybe I’ll do an entire show on this, but probably we’re running short on time. So ScaredyCat gave $4. Thank you so much! She said:


“Hi, Mark and Steve. I’ll add Reed Johnson to the most trustworthy list. He’s so loyal. It’s great Steve is in the election. People who say politics won’t change anything can’t be too taken seriously. It’s actually people sitting in positions who make and impose rules on us, the remaining people on earth.”


Yes. Steve, what do you say as one of the last questions? We’ve got a couple more questions, but it’s one of the last questions. What do you say to these people who say politics won’t change anything and you’re there because, look, I got to say this, Steve is a working guy. He’s also a dad, so he’s got kids. He goes out to work every day and then he comes in and he does this. He comes on a stream, he goes out leaflet and he knocks on doors. What do you say to people who sort of knock that and pour scorn on your efforts?


Steve Laws: I understand where they’re coming from because it’s the frustration of people. But many of our guys have stood, many of our guys have failed, but it’s because none of us have collaborated, really. Everyone’s just thrown their hat in the ring and then that’s it. Usually people are paper candidates or something like that, not really putting much effort. But I believe that there has to be a political solution, even if in some hypothetical scenario it turns into some form of civil war or any sort of aspect like that. I’m not saying that I think it’s going to go like that because I don’t think our country will take that route, but say it does. There will still be a political solution at the end of that because there has to be somebody to pick up the pieces, clear all the rubble and go, right here’s the new leadership regime. This is how it’s going to work out. This is what’s going to happen. So there will always be a political solution. I just feel like, why would we exclude ourselves from the one place where we can actually gain power at the moment? It’s a pipe dream to think we can get power through any other route at the moment. You’re not going to get some uprising. You’re not going to get some internal coop where the military take over or the Civil Service overthrow the government. None of that’s going to happen.


All that’s going to happen is its going to be more of the same.


So you have to throw your hat in the ring, you have to campaign, you have to stand in elections, and ultimately you have to get your foot in the door.


So you have to win an election. That’s what we have to do, whether people like it or not.


Mark Collett: Snake using a real snake gave $3 and someone said, Steve, we need an update on the Steve Law’s club classics album. When is it being released?


Steve Laws: Club classic. Try and get one ready for the end of the year.


Mark Collett: And David Peterson gave $5. Thank you so much! You’ve been very generous tonight, he said. Thoughts on the Heritage party standing against Reform in many seats.


Steve Laws: Say that again. Sorry, I missed that.


Mark Collett: He wanted to know the thought. The Heritage party standing in 41 seats and it’s standing, and obviously it’s standing against Reform. Do you think that’s going to stand for heritage or do you think heritage, you’re going to be in trouble because of that?


Steve Laws: I think they’re putting themselves up for a huge disappointment because they’re standing against a lot of people that are like minded. Like they’re standing against me. For instance. I like David. I’ve spoken to David on the phone. He sound bloke. He’s generally. Generally unstable.


Mark Collett: Send me his number.


Steve Laws: I’ve got his number. I’ll give you if you want, but I’ll have to check with him first.


Mark Collett: Obviously, I’ve already joking, man, but he generally.


Steve Laws: He generally understands the problems and things like that, so I just don’t think he understands the landscape politically, if that makes sense. He’s very much a David bubbly David Curtin, rather than. He needs to understand that he’s got to put some of these guys back and be a bit more strategic when he stands in elections, because every election I’ve stood in, his guys have stood against me.


But then at the other time, he’s asked me to join his party and things like this. He’s not against our ideas. He knows I would support these people and stuff like this and he’s. He seems sympathetic to our cause. I wouldn’t join his party, but I, …

Mark Collett: Definitely want to have a talk with David Curtin. I would love to talk to him, you know, whether it be on his channel or my channel. I’ve said this many times, he’s a guy I’d be interested in talking to secure the future of our people. Said opinion on Suleiman Ahmed becoming the leading voice on Twitter, calling out jewish power and the Gaza genocide. I’m not on Twitter. Haven’t seen it, can’t comment. And I love pike. He’s gave some Odysee tokens and said:


“Mark Collett, go beat him up. He lives that and then gave us an address.”


So I’m not reading out the address in case it’s a real address and, …


Steve Laws: I’m not doxing it.


Mark Collett: So that brings us to the end of the chat. And I would let Steve go, but I am going to say one thing. Somebody has just sent me a YouTube video which was published on Channel 4 news, saying that one of the reasons Reform has fewer candidates than they were going to is at least two were ditched after accusations of racism and religious hate. So they would have been closer to that sort of every seat in Great Britain, but they have been ditching more cases, candidates, apparently, which obviously a bit of a cause for concern.


Anyway, that is the final point of the night and I’m going to say, Steve, my little brother from another mother or my Big Brother, well, big little brother, because he’s bigger than me but younger than me. It’s been an absolute pleasure. I love working with you, bro. Please give yourself a good outro and a call to action because everyone should be down in Dover and deal helping you over the next three weekends.


Steve Laws: So, yeah, thanks for having me on and all of that. Appreciate it, Mark. I’ll always come on whenever you ask, but I’ve got the campaign day on Saturday. It will be basically a big push of door knocking and leafleting and then for the two following Saturdays after. So anyone who wants to come down, you can either message me on Telegram or you can get hold of Mark or whatever’s easier for you and I’ll be able to get the message and get the details back to you. If you can make it to any of those, I’d really appreciate.


So the more feet on the ground, the more doors we can hit, the better it is.


Also, if you’d like to support the campaign, I don’t really like doing this, but if you’d like to support the campaign, I’ve got a link on my website, remigration dot co dot Uk. If you go onto that, it will take you through to my Steve laws report. It’s a little bit easier to remember the remigration dot co dot Uk dot. That would take you through to my website, the links at the top, anything you can give or help towards the campaign will be used towards the campaign. So I’ll be incredibly grateful. Thanks for having me on. Sorry if I’m a bit all over the place because I just got back from work about half hour before I came on the stream, but nice one.


Mark Collett: I’ve really enjoyed it. Steve, thank you for coming on. I’m going to shut things down. It’s been a great stream. I’d like to thank Steve and I would like to say please do help him as much as you can over the next weekend.


Also, you will find out via the PA website where PA members are standing and where we’ve worked as part of this coalition.


So if you want to help those guys as well, you can also, if you want to get in touch with English Democrats or British Democrats, please help those two parties. They’re the parties we’re backing. Thank you to Steve for coming on.


I’ll be back on Sunday with Morgoth.


I’ll be back on Friday for a pre-recorded video, and also with David Duke in the afternoon on Friday. And I’d just like to say a huge thank you to all those who donated so generously.


And finally, the biggest thank you, as always, goes to this amazing community. Thank you for your continued support. I’ll be back next week with a big panel show on the election in general, which will feature David Clews, Neil McCrae, and the Ayatollah. So look forward to that.


And I’ll be doing lots of things in the meantime. Until then, stay strong. Keep fighting. I’ll see you all again soon. Thank you, everybody, and good night. Bye.










Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 6/13/2024 = 530)

Mark Collett
5 hours ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

2 hours ago
Mark certainly has his work cut out for him. I’m not convinced the UK can be saved but if anyone can do it Mark can.

Speak your mind
3 hours ago
Thanks Mark and Steve. Have a good night everyone.

3 hours ago
goodnight all 14/88 28

Ethno Nationalist
3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

Secure the future of our people
3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
good luck steve

3 hours ago
Thank you for a great stream.

3 hours ago
Excellent stream. Thanks Mark & Steve o/ o/

Horse Consoler
3 hours ago
14 o/

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

Secure the future of our people
3 hours ago

hey didn’t you die in a heli crash?

the woodlander
3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Good evening everyone.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
14’s for steve

The Ayatollah
3 hours ago
Live here now:

3 hours ago
Hail Steve Laws

3 hours ago
All the best, get that seat Steve

The Ayatollah
3 hours ago
Go ‘ead Big Steve.


3 hours ago
🔥 Great stream & chat. 🔥 Night folks.

3 hours ago
if david kurtain leaves britain and goes to a non-white country i’ll respect him

3 hours ago

Yeah the Moon landing conspiracies are a bit depressing

the woodlander
3 hours ago
good stream gents. many thanks

3 hours ago
David Clews sometimes says things that are far out.

3 hours ago

that’s banana man’s address you plank

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

not good enough

3 hours ago
On his website doesn’t it say that former PA people are banned from joining his party or something?

The Ayatollah
3 hours ago
I’ll be live on my own channel as soon as this stream finishes:


3 hours ago

he’s half white

3 hours ago

rotten bananas make a good banana bread.

3 hours ago
we can only have whites

3 hours ago
david kurtain is not white

3 hours ago
I believe there’s a Political solution especially as things fall apart. from my experience studying history when empires fall it’s usually a death by a thousand cuts.

3 hours ago
that’s Qanon tier nonsense

3 hours ago
Steve is right!

3 hours ago

Go beat him up, he lives at 29 Acacia road, Nuttytown

Secure the future of our people
3 hours ago
Opinion on Sulaiman Ahmed becoming the leading voice on Twitter calling out jewish power and the Gaza genocide?

3 hours ago

who knows. she’s a smackhead and pisshead, so it’s surprising she’s still alive.

3 hours ago
barefoot is weird. bananas go off easily, or aren’t ready yet… i usually avoid them.

3 hours ago
I only eat fresh Bananas rotten bananas are only good for making bread.

3 hours ago

an old hag who lives in Denmark.

3 hours ago
Based potassium bro.

3 hours ago
Hi, Mark & Steve: 1) I’d add ReedJohnson 2 “MostTrustworthy” list:~); he’s SoLoyal. 2) It’s great Steve is in the election. People who say politics won’t change anything can’t be taken seriously. It’s actually people sitting in positions who make & impose rules on us, the remaining people on Earth.

3 hours ago
mark what’s your opinion on a Central Bank Digital Currency. do you think they will get away with it or face too much backlash.

3 hours ago
Doing something is the antidote to anger and frustration.

3 hours ago
like the stream click 🔥

3 hours ago
The reason the Jews have so much power is because they can easily buy key goyim figures

Runt’s Meadow
3 hours ago

Yes. Antiwhiteism is implemented by whites. There aren’t enough jews to implement it

Secure the future of our people
3 hours ago

3 hours ago

how can Mark start with his angry gym rants and not even mention Banana man

Horse Consoler
3 hours ago
collett’s zogslop army

3 hours ago
mark use to get a tripple chease buger after every work out

3 hours ago
the reason the Jews have so much power is because there are too many cowards in society.

3 hours ago
love to see this absolute chad of a man. A true 10 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻. And it’s cool that Steve is also there.

3 hours ago
buffering on and off a bit

Secure the future of our people
3 hours ago
Getting grey means more seasoned and wise

3 hours ago

hello mate!

Horse Consoler
3 hours ago
gel only covers so much

the woodlander
3 hours ago

evening bill

3 hours ago
Grecian 2000 Nationalism

3 hours ago
Mark… Paulie Walnuts?

3 hours ago
I can see a few gray hairs

3 hours ago
Paulie Walnuts

3 hours ago
Ask AI ! How many cookies ?

Runt’s Meadow
3 hours ago
I can see it

3 hours ago


Horse Consoler
3 hours ago
vote dave smith

3 hours ago
less than 6 million. A lot less.

3 hours ago
Nice one Mark 🙂

Secure the future of our people
3 hours ago
holy kek

3 hours ago
that is legendary at this point.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Remember when Ben Shapiro read that out in a speech?

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
The cookie monster lol

3 hours ago

david beckham is a quarter jew, depending on aesthetics and mindset we could pass him, at least he queued for the queens funeral, better if he didn’t attend but hey ho

3 hours ago
Hi Mark, if you had a mother in her 50s who spent her time drunkenly arguing with people on Telegram and ranting about her day in court, would you be embarrased?

3 hours ago
Steve is a new era far right candidate, who won’t nut you.

Mark Collett
3 hours ago

Not mine, thankfully lol

3 hours ago

if the baby is his, I’m a direct descendant of Oswald Mosley…

3 hours ago

not a clue. good luck to whoever it is

3 hours ago
i have borderline personalty disorder

3 hours ago
Why would she?

3 hours ago

– Isn’t it the ‘Hull H1tler’ guy’s baby? Forgot his name now..

3 hours ago
they will throw everything against Farage

3 hours ago
Le pen said she would stop the boats coming to England in her latest speech. Do you think she would?

3 hours ago
butter fingers…

3 hours ago
99% of all Englishman are related to Edward I

3 hours ago
DNA test for Fanning’s baby, which one of you lot is it?

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Steve looks like Keith Wood’s English cousin

3 hours ago
She might get sectioned again.

Better Based Than Erased
3 hours ago
An unusual moniker there.

3 hours ago
Make sure you’ve got your front door locked Mark…

Runt’s Meadow
3 hours ago

I’m sure they’re suitably ashamed.

Secure the future of our people
3 hours ago
Or people don’t like to see a bunch of Africans running around representing their National Football teams

3 hours ago
just howled at that name 😂😂😂

3 hours ago
That’s going to set her off.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago


3 hours ago
women commentators in football might be a factor… I’m sorry ladies, but it just doesn’t work.

3 hours ago
The entire Scotland team is White somehow.

3 hours ago
The massive amounts of money in the game as well

3 hours ago
i cheeard when england lost the penltys

3 hours ago
if it’s anything like the US a certain tribe probably owns the Stadiums and the teams.

3 hours ago

You’re welcome.

3 hours ago

appreciate it!

3 hours ago
Nationalism happens in waves. The Tory regime stole our wind for the past 14 years. Just wait to Labour is in government…

3 hours ago
15/26 are White.

3 hours ago

You also o/

3 hours ago

Understood. Sometimes mistakes in bans happen. Apologies for any trouble.

3 hours ago

Take care friend o/

3 hours ago
no car flags, just a few pubs with england flags, no one is talking about football, i think the cost of living is top priority

3 hours ago
Something will happen with the German fans. Auslander raus!

Mark Collett
3 hours ago

the good old days Young Nazi and Proud

3 hours ago

thanks. i dont do any of that stuff, and i was banned before ever chatting over there.

3 hours ago

Thanks folks. Till next time.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Collett in the Leeds beer garden with Russell Brand loving the footy! Haha

3 hours ago
too many non-white players now

3 hours ago

Let me know if there’s any problems.

3 hours ago
The way I see it there are spheres of influence, and it’s better to have a voice in them than not. It’s OK to keep being into football if you can find a way to nudge people our way.

3 hours ago
She’s got far more chance of getting into office too.

3 hours ago
Well the French system basically allows you to have your cake and eat it, doesn’t it?

the woodlander
3 hours ago
le pen is doing what she thinks she has to, in order to get into power. she could be right.

3 hours ago


3 hours ago
Zemmour is controlled opposition to split the vote. I’d still go Le Pen.

Runt’s Meadow
3 hours ago
he’s not Askanazie

3 hours ago
vote le pen not any j

3 hours ago
that got a genuine lol out of me “hit list”

the woodlander
3 hours ago

3 hours ago
But it could do, lol

3 hours ago
i dont think you can put anons on the same list as public people

3 hours ago
Lots of great people in our movement.

the woodlander
3 hours ago
we have the best people… community.

3 hours ago
Joe Marsh is a great bloke.

3 hours ago
Saint Harrison fumin’

Ulrich Wrangel
3 hours ago


3 hours ago
Steve Laws is one of the most honorable people in the movement. Is above all of the drama.

Horse Consoler
3 hours ago

some but many cucked whites as well

3 hours ago

Thanks for donating.

3 hours ago
A stately home in the English countryside with pleasant surroundings would be very nice indeed

3 hours ago
i rember them days

3 hours ago

Wasn’t me. I’ll unban you now. Just a polite reminder, no slurs, fedposting, or drama in the chat. Thanks.

3 hours ago
Jean Marie is what Nick Griffin should’ve been.

3 hours ago

The successful nationalist parties in Europe (Reform/AfD/NR) watered down/met the normies halfway.

3 hours ago
at 95 years of age let jean-marie le pen enjoy his retirement

3 hours ago
Jean Marie Le Pen’s granddaughter is pretty fit too. Although she supports Zemmour now.

3 hours ago

i noticed i was banned in the counter-currents chat even though ive never chatted and am not rude to host/guests. mistaken for someone else???

3 hours ago
jews lie. lepen is trying to hide her power level.

3 hours ago
NPD was much better than AfD, but they got heavilly infiltrated by the German security services.

3 hours ago
The only Jews i trust are Ron Unz & Gilad Atzmon

Ulrich Wrangel
3 hours ago
Mark / Steve – Steve was on arguably the biggest ‘Civ-Nat’ YT channel a few months back (Tousi TV – pro tommy/farage guy) named after an ethnic Iranian Christian: Mayhar Tousi (500k+ subs ) – Q (steve): will he be back on / promote Mark/PA? – Q(mark): whats your opinion of this guy/ his work? Thanks

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
At the end of the day only political power matters.

4 hours ago
✍🏻 SIGN the petition to FREE SAM MELIA!

4 hours ago
🌲 Follow The Woodlander’s website, The Woodlander Initiative:

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago

not in britain, 18-24-year-olds are overwhelmingly leftist and labour voters

4 hours ago
just a reminder, I have to leave at
pm to be somewhere. Please finish out the show if you are able to. Thanks.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

4 hours ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago

nah, PR is gay

4 hours ago
IsraAID, the Israel-based NGO are one of the worst

4 hours ago
FPTP forces parties to hover over the centre ground. Even Reform drops anyone who is too far from the centre ground. Only PR, a parliament with sitting ideological and vocal nationalists and Christians will turn it around..

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago

yeah, they’re all voting labour

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
why are these ngos not being prosecuted for promoting crime

4 hours ago
The Tories could nail a rosette to a tree, sit on their hands for 10-15 years and under FPTP will be back in government when Labour falls out of favour. This is how it has been for the past 100 years.

4 hours ago
my green candidate is english

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Anyone see that footage of the fat bird from Care4Calais getting shagged by some puny African bloke?

4 hours ago

Thanks for your generous donation!

4 hours ago
should i vote green? just to push the tories down?

Anti Mattoid
4 hours ago
Steve, in your view what is the most insidious organisation or NGO that promotes the invasion of our shores? The Hamlyn Foundation seems particularly subversive.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
at birth. Take him off the mother and put him on a plane?

4 hours ago
🎙️ AFTER THIS SHOW | The Ayatollah – Secure Tollah Rants – LIVE! #131:
► Odysee:
► Rumble:

4 hours ago
The Tories are like cancer….there’s always a risk of it coming back

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago


4 hours ago
OK lads, no more likes.

4 hours ago

yes deport all non-whites

4 hours ago

Haha. True.

4 hours ago
I know what impression I’m asking Tollah to do later “have you ever played Castlevania”

4 hours ago
It’s like a Fast and Furious movie, there’s always a sequel.

4 hours ago
all i have is labour, lib dems, greens, tories and sdp so i must destroy my ballot

4 hours ago
or had not commited a crime?

4 hours ago
would he deport him if he was 5?

4 hours ago
The media will link Reform to nationalists. That is a start, regardless of the truth

4 hours ago
👉 Follow Steve Laws:


4 hours ago
there was a fair bit of drama with NWG

4 hours ago
Hope Not Hate have being going after Galloway’s party in a big way. The establishment-left does not like Galloway

4 hours ago
galloway party stood down where i am, i think they want labour to win

4 hours ago
If you live in an era with a large LibDem majority. Move out of your parent’s house.

4 hours ago
what about just lib, lab, green or con?

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
£1.80 a pint in Budapest. U WOT

4 hours ago

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago
what didn’t i understand?

4 hours ago
press 1 if u think labours worse press 2 if you think constives are worse

4 hours ago

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago
that’s why ‘mixed’ is a qualifier. pick up a dictionary m8.

4 hours ago
The Tory PM was sworn in on the Bhagavad Gita, a Hindi scripture.

4 hours ago
Haven’t there even been Tory MPs defecting to Labour?

4 hours ago
David Lammy says he’s proud of his Guyana passport but also says he’s English

4 hours ago
He’s a pajeet, not an Englishman. Just own it already.

4 hours ago
Robinson is the archetypal controlled opposition figure. A pied piper leading the ignorant down a dead end. He works on behalf of the Zionist/Globalist establishment

4 hours ago
Sunak’s wife has an American passport I think.

4 hours ago

because a race is the opposite of mixed

4 hours ago
£1.80 a pint in a serious country – Hungary

4 hours ago

Good evening.

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago

it isn’t, it was an official term used in the nuremberg laws

4 hours ago
evening all

4 hours ago
☕ Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea, coffee, and honey:
🎇 NEW: The official Free Sam Melia Mug:

Free Sam Melia Mug

4 hours ago
I think they use that talk in parliament as a reason to keep PA off X.

4 hours ago
hoping to win power with 100% whites who have no connection to anyone mixed race is a big hope

4 hours ago

Tommy the Urban Turban

4 hours ago
Oh Tommy Tommy

4 hours ago
Weston did quite a good deep dive on Commie Rabbison ..

4 hours ago

how so?

4 hours ago
Tommy is half English

4 hours ago
Write ‘PR’ across your paper

4 hours ago

ry up boar

4 hours ago

oh of course so yes just a mix, a mix heritage

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

4 hours ago

you didnt understand.

4 hours ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

4 hours ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.

Joe Marsh
4 hours ago
Giving a fraction of an odysee token is some generous shit aint it?

4 hours ago
Supposedly Japan has a lot of ethnics now

4 hours ago
He’s a militant liberal. I don’t think he’s anything like us really.

4 hours ago
Mixed race is an Oxymoron

Joe Marsh
4 hours ago
Its not worth having public slanging matches

4 hours ago

I believe it was actually to protect people.

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago
saying you would deport a half-white 30-year-old for ‘committing a crime’ is optically retarded tbh

4 hours ago
Mark Collett video | Tommy Robinson’s Misleading Rhetoric:

4 hours ago
mixed race is not white, mixed race is black

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

Talmud Tommy

4 hours ago
crime or not i want them deported

4 hours ago

It used to be an option if you have a premium account. Surprised to see them do this. Bit sceptical they’d care about people getting sacked.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Tommy Tikka Robinson

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Tommy Zionson is an absolute scumbag

4 hours ago
The Indians kicked us out of their country

4 hours ago

I think it’s to stop people losing their jobs.

4 hours ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB:


4 hours ago

I noticed that.

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

Good one Joe

4 hours ago

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

4 hours ago

I think my reference was too obsure

4 hours ago
Off topic, but X has just made all likes private.

Joe Marsh
4 hours ago
If he got milkshaked hed go into a korma

4 hours ago

He is about 5 feet tall lol

4 hours ago
look how they even turned on the arch racebaiter Diane Abbott when she dared have a go at those with small hats.

4 hours ago
live feedback!

4 hours ago
If you even threw a jug of air over Sunak you would be arrested.

4 hours ago
not enough Steve! he wants more praise! 🤣

4 hours ago
👉 Follow Robin Tilbrook:


4 hours ago

Thanks for your contribution.

4 hours ago
Keep up the great work, both.

4 hours ago
praise him Steve!

4 hours ago
A black women “joked” about killing Whitey and neither the BBC nor the Police took any action

4 hours ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

4 hours ago
weak point, strong point, it’s the truth

Joe Marsh
4 hours ago
If you milkshaked Sunak youd probably be jailed

4 hours ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.

4 hours ago
Jews used to throw rocks and potatoes laced with razor blades at Mosley during outdoor speeches.

4 hours ago
yeah some scumbag called the police on me for the white minority 2066 leaflets. policeman with GoPro attached harassed me for 15 mins until I rang my RO Zand he reminded these scum of the law.

4 hours ago
Gove the closet commie.

4 hours ago
If Indians are English, what was the problem with colonialism, surely it was just a civil dispute?

4 hours ago
Candidates that are attacked tend to do better off the back of it tbh.

4 hours ago
1 little Indian 🤔

4 hours ago
Jo Brand looks like she drinks battery acid

4 hours ago
LOL Indians will NEVER be English.

4 hours ago
👉 Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!

4 hours ago
That only fans slag who chucked the milkshake over Farage, I’m sure she’s used to having the white liquid of “Five Guys” dripping down her face.

4 hours ago

the most right i have is the conservative and sdp, so i have to destroy my ballot

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

I don’t really pay him that much attention mate, occasionally people post his posts on my timeline. I regard him as entertainment to be honest.

4 hours ago
imagine if one of us said that!

Joe Marsh
4 hours ago
Ugly bitch an all

Earthling Carl
4 hours ago
Disgusting bitch

4 hours ago
Jo Brand said put dog poo through BNP letter boxes

4 hours ago
Repulsive jew hag

Joe Marsh
4 hours ago
Yeah Jo Brand

De Dubius Unum
4 hours ago
Acceleration will not stop, they are committed to their globohomo control

4 hours ago

I might have to even though I’d rather not

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
👉 Follow White Rabbit Radio (Tim Murdock):

4 hours ago

vote reform

4 hours ago
LFG guys and gals!

4 hours ago
👉 Follow British Gammon:


4 hours ago
Farage would have been a member of the Monday Club before it was banned by the wets.

4 hours ago
The public do see Farage as a racial nationalist (I know he isn’t), so the public will be braver to move on

4 hours ago

trust me mate, he is the scum of the earth. he’s fallen out with virtually everyone of note in the movement. that tells you everything you need to know about him.

4 hours ago

Thanks for your loyal and consistent support.

4 hours ago
My constituency has a 15,000 Tory majority and only globalist parties to choose from.
Is it better for me to vote “none of the above” & spoil my ballot paper or hold my nose & vote Reform?
And best of luck to Steve.

4 hours ago
Farage is part of the Tory right wing who have been pushed out into UKIP/Reform by the Tory liberal wing.

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

I’ll look out for it mate, thanks.

4 hours ago

Cheers o/

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago


4 hours ago

Greetings Reed o/

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

Really, who is that or is it secret until the trial. I would like to know about it. Is it a free speech case?

4 hours ago
NEW: Mark Collett video | Farage’s Plan to KILL the Conservative Party:

4 hours ago

I think he adopted that from his days crossdressing and being a bisexual.

4 hours ago

Thanks for your ongoing support.

4 hours ago
Farage is an old fashioned Tory. Standard views
a while ago

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

Cotton adopted the ‘homoerotic fanboys’ routine from me, I started it several years ago against Robinson. I’ve seen Cottom mimic several tactics I’ve used against Robinson but that always happens in these strategic games.

4 hours ago
Best of luck to Steve and British Nationalists to help successfully stop immigration and begin the repatriation of the auslanders.

4 hours ago
Farage is probably a national conservative.

4 hours ago

I disagree. from an internal perspective, Cotton is far worse, because people allow him to hang around poisoning our movement, sowing distrust and slandering good people. Whereas everyone knows Tommy is a shill.

4 hours ago
Is Farage a crypto fascist or a crypto Tory? It’s hard to tell.

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

I don’t doubt it, it was quite obvious what is game was when I first saw him on X but I tell you this, Tommy Robinson is far worse than Cotton.

4 hours ago

I don’t know, and I don’t care. That tumour on our movement doesn’t deserve any of our support or sympathy. I could sit here for hours laying out the shit he has done.

4 hours ago
👉 Follow Steve Laws:


Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

Hasn’t Cotton been suspended on X? Not seen his posts for 3 days.

4 hours ago
Prolong and give voters a false sense of security (and it’s up to voters to keep the pressure up)

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

I understand but I see it differently against RobNsob, who is the tandem act clown with fake Farage, who has caused so much damage to the BNP and nationalism on the whole.

De Dubius Unum
4 hours ago
Well, she changed her party views
a few years ago, she’d trying to get elected

4 hours ago
This is the problem with him, because he occasionally names the J or calls out Tommy. people tolerate him in our circles, when he’s the most obvious example of a wrongun and bad actor.

4 hours ago

nothing that rat does is of any worth, because it’s tainted by his cancerous behaviour subverting the movement.

De Dubius Unum
4 hours ago
Hopefully , if she gets in she will deport

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

Tandem act, just too obvious isn’t it.

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

That doesn’t surprise me, I’ve been accused of the same thing but never an ounce of evidence to prove these false allegations. But seriously, anything that harms Tommy RobNsob is good for nationalists.

4 hours ago
about 2 weeks after Cotton was putting up posts asking why Steve Laws “wasn’t being arrested”, HNH put this report up. Just a coincidence, I’m sure…

“We want to see millions deported”: The Extremism of Steve Laws 

Earthling Carl
4 hours ago
Le pen knows there could be a revolution level riot if she calls for deportations

4 hours ago
It’s like opposing the use of WATER to put out a fire.

4 hours ago
Is Le Pen playing the game, or just a bitch?

4 hours ago
Le cuck

4 hours ago

the guy has no redeeming features. There are far better people exposing Tommy than that greasy, dysgenic HNH informer.

4 hours ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

4 hours ago

Cotton is a fucking scumbag. When Sam went to prison, he was spreading lies around that he told people to “put razors behind stickers”. He’s a rat.

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago
can someone wealthier than me please superchat collett and ask him to play 30 seconds of l’amour toujours on stream

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

True but Cotton does a good job trashing Tommy RobNsob, it’s not all bad.

De Dubius Unum
4 hours ago
yeah, her Dad is great

4 hours ago

Thanks for your loyal and dedicated support.

4 hours ago
Well done Steve for standing. I was there a few weeks ago. Deal is a lovely place, not so much Dover. The litter in the town is bad and also the auslanders. A BNP tactic of hiring a skip might be a good a idea in some of the residential areas. Dover has got lots of potential to be lovely.

De Dubius Unum
4 hours ago
I feel more and more real Europeans are pulling together, the more you can work whin the evil corrupt system,

4 hours ago
Auslander Raus, Auslander Raus

4 hours ago
Jean Marie Le Pen was far better.

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
The voters and results are a positive. But pressure needs to be put on politicians and holding them to promises. They can’t be blindly trusted and assume the job is done once the election is finished.

4 hours ago
the Kosher Right.

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

anyone who buys that tat deserves what they get (which is their address and bank details handed over to HNH and MI5 by Dowson).

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago


the woodlander
4 hours ago
the positive is that the public will vote for the right, the negative, the right they vote for is fake.

De Dubius Unum
4 hours ago
are they controled opt.

4 hours ago
when all of europe is far right we’ll see what the far right politicians do

4 hours ago
Reminder that this is who Nick Griffin and Jayda Fransen are employed by. Gang of snitches.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
I don’t trust Le Pen, given her disavowing of AfD and her opposition to deportations

4 hours ago

you haven’t bought one of their Templer Swords then😊

4 hours ago

I know lol

4 hours ago
📣 Please LIKE and SHARE the stream!

4 hours ago

– UNN’s David Clews tried to get her on his show, but then she got the call 🙂

Secure the future of our people
4 hours ago
Geert Wilders who won the elections as the far-right party is married to a jew and very pro Israel

4 hours ago
Jayda Fransen, one of Jim Dowson’s little pets to promote his grifts.

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago

cor blimey

Charles Gerety
4 hours ago
Steve looks exactly like my little brother who is also named Steve ironically

Secure the future of our people
4 hours ago
Did you guys heard that both the German Adf and the French Marie Le Pen are very pro Israel

4 hours ago
UKIP Lois Perry, get her on your show Mark, she’s a zionist witch

4 hours ago


Charles Gerety
4 hours ago

Just never enough for the deep state

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago


4 hours ago

they’re forcing all cats to be microchipped by law now

Charles Gerety
4 hours ago
We all have a common enemy and fight for our future. Our fates are intertwined with one another.

Mark Collett
4 hours ago


Mark Collett
4 hours ago

all cats should be required to wear one by law

4 hours ago
So Mark’s children are all going to be zoo directors because of his unilateral decision? :laughing_1:

4 hours ago
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4 hours ago
You might need a big angry dog when the immigrants come to ransack your home.

4 hours ago
cats should wear a bell, to help wildlife

4 hours ago

Clean, quiet, and take up little space.

4 hours ago
who’s the Daddy.

4 hours ago
Cats are very low maintenance tbh.

Charles Gerety
4 hours ago
Dog’s can be hilarious

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago
get a pet rock

4 hours ago
have a farm mark collett have a farm

4 hours ago
All cats need to be microchipped by law now… then it will be us.

4 hours ago
Settle for a pet duck

Charles Gerety
4 hours ago
Awareness and backing is absolutely vital in our movement

4 hours ago
Pussy galore on the attack

4 hours ago

Yep. Griffin also promotes Nick Cotton, a leftist interloper who clearly works for HNH to stir shit about nationalists.

4 hours ago

Dowsen, send us yer money

Suncross TV ⊕
4 hours ago

True and Dowson of course a ‘Hope’ Not Hate asset.

4 hours ago
👉 Patriotic Alternative Regional Contacts:

Horse Consoler
4 hours ago

whatcha ‘avin

4 hours ago
As nationalists, using Reform as a vehicle to push the overton window is probably the best tactic at this time.

4 hours ago
Trump now just shills Israel and his own personal brand, he doesn’t even have any metapolitical use anymore.

the woodlander
4 hours ago
just getting tea on

4 hours ago
👉 Follow The Woodlander:


4 hours ago
I’m listening to this “stepping stone” for decades. Someone have to do a research if “our way of thinking” actually shows up in population. I’m starting to think we are lying to ourselves and these are just anecdotes.

the woodlander
4 hours ago

5 hours ago
Social engineering. Nudging people in our directions.

5 hours ago
65, Old man! What about Biden ha ha

5 hours ago

Griffin is a scumbag. There’s a reason he spends his days now bitterly attacking those who are more successful than him. He’s totally driven by ego.

Suncross TV ⊕
5 hours ago

Griffin was the pivotal player in the destruction of the BNP and he did the same in the NF as well, banned for life from both.

5 hours ago

Griffin played a big role as well, I agree.

Suncross TV ⊕
5 hours ago

He did but Griffin and the cabal around him destroyed the BNP not fake Farage.

5 hours ago
Remember that tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of Brits emigrate every year. They would all be replaced by third world immigrants under a Reform government.

5 hours ago
We have to do what we can to turn them into a gateway as much as a gatekeeper. Normalise more radical talking points in the spheres he creates.

5 hours ago
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5 hours ago
Never forget he bragged about destroying the BNP.

Charles Gerety
5 hours ago

haha We are the best

Earthling Carl
5 hours ago
Farage just wants White genocide to happen more slowly

5 hours ago

Thank god you’re here what are they on about 🤣

5 hours ago
Farage is a self-interested boomer

Charles Gerety
5 hours ago
Thanks I really appreciate the welcome

5 hours ago


5 hours ago

Welcome aboard.

Suncross TV ⊕
5 hours ago

I see what’s left of the Tories merging with fake Farage and the other faction going their own way, either to Labour or the LibDems or forming a new party.

Charles Gerety
5 hours ago
Sorry im late. I know y’all missed all my excellent commentary (Kidding)

5 hours ago
I worry that they’ll just build up the Tory party again over the next 5-10 years under Labour rule, they’ll use people like Suella Braverman to dish out some “red meat” and the public will turn back to the Tories in the 2030s.

5 hours ago
👉 Follow Steve Laws:


Suncross TV ⊕
5 hours ago

I don’t see that happening and the polls are wholly unreliable.

5 hours ago
Do you think this election result could be a bigger win for Labour that Tony Blair in 1997?

5 hours ago
It’s all about “the donors”

5 hours ago
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥to like the stream

Suncross TV ⊕
5 hours ago

100% true!

5 hours ago
click the 🔥symbol

5 hours ago
“National Conservatism”

5 hours ago
✍🏻 SIGN the petition to FREE SAM MELIA!

5 hours ago
The ‘pressure-release’ parties will be required to move further and further right to remain relevant.

5 hours ago
I fully expect Starmer to wind down the immigration numbers tbh, and make it much less of a crisis issue (in the minds of the public).

5 hours ago
Labour have no energy just look at keir

5 hours ago
Zero seats….I won’t accept anything more 😅

5 hours ago
I’d love to see Steve in parliament, speaking his truth and earning an MP’s salary

Suncross TV ⊕
5 hours ago
What made Steve Laws think he would be welcome in ‘Reform’ UK? Fake Farage is committed to mass immigration and the diversity delusion, he hates nationalists. I wish Steve well but I do hope he avoids the copyright thief Catherine Blaiklock and her shady past with fake Farage and his incurable liars

5 hours ago
Destroy the Tories, Labour will then destroy themselves.

5 hours ago
#zero seats

5 hours ago
It all feels so orchestrated, not just here but in France, Germany, USA etc after the same thing has been done in Italy, Netherlands etc.

5 hours ago

5 hours ago

i fully agree

5 hours ago
NEW: Mark Collett video | Farage’s Plan to KILL the Conservative Party:

5 hours ago
Farage is a cuck, but he is a step in the right direction, and may open the door for true nationalists in future.

5 hours ago
👉 Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!

5 hours ago
reform aren’t standing where i am

5 hours ago

Thanks for your loyal support.

5 hours ago
Great guest. Mark my words the Overton window is shifting. All the best with your election campaign, Steve. Enjoy the moment, and remember why we do, what we do.

Horse Consoler
5 hours ago
it’s disingenous to say that reform aren’t anti-immigration

5 hours ago
Well done to Steve and all our nationalist candidates for standing.

5 hours ago
This is effin great. Can’t wait to hear if we can get involved

5 hours ago
Its easier to say who is not against us!

5 hours ago
Is Galloway fielding a candidate in Dover & Deal?

Horse Consoler
5 hours ago
vote for ben dover

5 hours ago
orite bois

5 hours ago
It wouldn’t even completely shock me if White Britons were already less than 50% now

Europe Is Ours
5 hours ago
They stood a few down as well

Better Based Than Erased
5 hours ago
There’s at least someone to vote for, which makes a change from Spoiled Ballot Party.

5 hours ago
i’ve got no one to vote for

Horse Consoler
5 hours ago
fair point. probably the best reason to stand tbh.

5 hours ago
Reform & Farage are Zionist controlled opposition, plus they are boomer-tier Thatcherites on economics

5 hours ago


5 hours ago
👉 Follow Joe Marsh (Welsh Nationalist):


Joe Marsh
5 hours ago
Good luck Steve

5 hours ago
They’ll probably get more votes than the Tories, but far fewer seats. Will be a good opportunity to expose how undemocratic the system is.

5 hours ago
👉 Follow Stan1:


Speak your mind
5 hours ago
excellent and agree 100%, invaders out.

5 hours ago
Good evening, this is going to be awesome.

5 hours ago
good evening all 14/88 28 wpww ns

5 hours ago
👉 Follow Steve Laws:


5 hours ago

and just to let you know, I will have to leave at
pm later in the show to be somewhere. Please finish out the show if you are able to. Thanks.

Speak your mind
5 hours ago
brilliant work PA and Steve

5 hours ago
Le Pen is no more Right Wing than Giorgia Maloney.

5 hours ago
Will Nativist be on that review? Since he hates Morgoth.

5 hours ago
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5 hours ago
ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.

5 hours ago


5 hours ago
📣 Please LIKE and SHARE the stream!

Horse Consoler
5 hours ago

they won european parliamentary seats and had a charismatic leader who was on TV all the time, that’s more than being a random name on a ballot paper

5 hours ago
Send them back, Send them back….

5 hours ago
Mark Collett video | Is the Electoral Route a Dead End?

5 hours ago
Steve makes great points. The 1000 mile journey starts with the first step

5 hours ago
You don’t have to win to put the pressure on. UKIP never won a seat. It’s not like betting on a horse

Dawn Browning
5 hours ago
Good Morning all you Beautifuls

5 hours ago
👉 Follow British Gammon:


5 hours ago
Don’t get arrested for lawful leaflets!

5 hours ago

Great idea

5 hours ago

that would be good

5 hours ago
Is the election song going to be Auslander Raus.

5 hours ago
Thank you Steve Laws. You are a brave man.

5 hours ago
📚 FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:
👉 Email Mark Collett:

5 hours ago
I like how Laws used l’armour toujours in his announcement video lol

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
⚡ To donate to Mark Collett via Bitcoin Lightning (click DONATE):

5 hours ago
invaders out

5 hours ago
typical english summer …..wearing a jumper

5 hours ago
👉 Follow Morgoth’s Review:

5 hours ago
Two legends – Steve and Mark!

5 hours ago
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5 hours ago

Anytime. 🫡

5 hours ago
Good evening everyone.

The Ferryman’s Toll
5 hours ago
Hail Collett! Hail Laws! Hail PA!

5 hours ago

Thanks Reed :grinning:

5 hours ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB:


5 hours ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:

5 hours ago
Good evening.

5 hours ago

6 hours ago
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6 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

6 hours ago

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6 hours ago


Thanks for your ongoing support.

Reactionary Traditionalist
6 hours ago

I actually really enjoyed that scene. It showed just how pathetic the American soldier was when the Wehrmacht sergeant faced his death with complete dignity. The Brooklyn soldier threw a tantrum on the inside after the sergeant refused to beg or grovel for mercy. He showed no fear.

6 hours ago
Greetings o/

6 hours ago

You don’t think IB did away with the idea of the honorable German soldier that served in the Wehrmacht? The baseball bat scene was all about crossing that line. Look at where we are now with everyone being labelled a nazi if they aren’t Anti-White. There is no more middle ground.

Reactionary Traditionalist
7 hours ago
Sent $5. Good afternoon, Mark. I am autistic and have a difficult time seeing hidden messages in movies. That being said, could you perhaps review the film Inglourious Basterds by Quentin Tarantino? I ask this because many Nationalists claim it is Anti-White and I don’t see that.

Open Borders for Israel
9 hours ago
keep up the amazing work Steve! good like on your election results! also, was very disappointed in Tommy Robinson throwing you shade on X… he should be supporting the amazing work you are doing with your resistance to immigration

9 hours ago

1 day ago

I’m well, thanks for asking. You as well. o/

1 day ago

Good evening RJ, looking forward to tomorrow’s stream. Hope all is well friend 🙏 o/

1 day ago
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1 day ago
✍🏻 SIGN the petition to FREE SAM MELIA!

1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

1 day ago
🇬🇧 Patriotic Alternative official links:

Patriotic Alternative Video


1 day ago
Steve is a top man 👍 Looking forward to PWR tomorrow o/

1 day ago
Steve Laws does good work on twitter



See Also




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version 1: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 — Published post. Transcript quality = 3.5. Includes Odysee comments (530).

This entry was posted in Civic Nationalism, Conservative Party, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Keir Starmer, Labour Party - UK, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim invasion, Nationalism, Reform Party - UK, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, UK, UKIP, White genocide, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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