Mark Collett – David Amess – Killed by the Policies He Supported – Oct 22, 2021 — Transcript

[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, discusses the recent stabbing to death of British Member of Parliament, David Amess, by Ali Harbi Ali, the son of a Somalian refugee.




Mark Collett


David Amess


Killed by the Policies He Supported



Oct 22, 2021



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Published on Oct 22, 2021


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David Amess – Killed by the Policies he Supported

October 22nd, 2021


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Mark Collett




David Amess championed the so-called ‘rights’ of refugees to come to Britain, on 15.10.2021 he was brutally murdered by the son of Somalian refugees.


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(11:02 mins)




Firstly, I think it goes without saying, but I will say it anyway. The brutal terrorist murder of the Member of Parliament for South End West, Sir David Amess was utterly horrific, and something that should be condemned by all.


So David Amess was murdered at a constituency surgery. And the fact that he still chose to meet his constituents on a regular basis, and give those who lived in his constituency the chance to bring their issues directly to him, said a lot about his commitment to his role as an elected official.

David Amess was first elected as an MP in 1983. And had spent almost four decades serving as a member of Parliament. David Amess was in many ways a traditionalist. David was a socially conservative Catholic who opposed abortion and same-sex marriage. He also supported the reintroduction of capital punishment, supported animal rights, and campaigned for Brexit during the 2016 referendum.


David was married and fathered five children. In these respects he would have a lot in common with many nationalists.


However one thing that David Amess did not have in common with nationalists, is that he was an Ardent supporter of the so-called “rights” of refugees to come and live in Britain. So much so, that his own website proudly covered a story from 2019, when he attended a British Red Cross event to celebrate Refugee Week. At the event he gave a speech.


I will now read a small section of that speech, and I quote:


“I am proud to be supporting the work of the British Red Cross, this Refugee Week, and the brilliant work they do helping those most in need rebuild their lives here in the UK. Speaking to the refugee ambassadors was an invaluable experience to hear directly from those who have had first-hand experience of some of the barriers blocking them from working, accessing education, and healthcare. It is vital that we are able to help and provide protection to the world’s most vulnerable.”


End quote. Shortly after his death every news feed was topped by numerous stories relating to his murder. Among the stories was an interesting headline in the London Evening Standard. And I quote:


“Asylum seeker pays tribute to supportive and welcoming Sir David Amess. Sir David helped Ahmed Jabba with his asylum application when he was ignored by the Home Office.”


End quote. David Amess was committed to helping people from all over the world come to Britain. And he was committed to ensuring that those people were handed everything on a plate. David Amess was a politician that encouraged migration. Going out of his way to help migrants when even the Home Office wouldn’t.


But he was not just committed to helping migrants enter Britain. He was also a committed multiculturalist. And his daughter Flo, was married to a man of African descent.


I think it is fair to say that David Amess was not opposed to the replacement of the indigenous people of these islands. And on that point he was very much in agreement with the party he represented. The party in question is the Conservative Party. The party that has the worst record in history when it comes to net migration.


And let’s just have a quick recap on the Conservatives recent track record on mass immigration. Less than two months ago, Boris Johnson and the Conservative government announced they would be fast tracking another 25,000 Afghan refugees into Britain. And that is on top of the five million Hong Kong residents that they offered British passports to earlier in the year.


Which is, of course, on top of the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants that have crossed the English channel in the last 12 months, and are currently housed in three and four star hotels up and down the country.


Which is, of course, on top of the hundreds of thousands of guest workers that the Conservatives welcome into Britain each year to ensure British workers wages are kept depressed.


Which is, of course, on top of all the other migrants, legal and illegal, that the Conservatives allow through their open door immigration system.


So it might seem somewhat ironic that David Amess was murdered by Ali Harbi Ali, the son of a Somalian refugee who came to Britain in the 1990s.


The same policies that David Amess and the Conservative Party supported were what ultimately led to David Amess’s untimely and brutal death.


The 25 year old man who stabbed David Amess to death came from one of the families that he would have welcomed into Britain, and wholeheartedly supported. No doubt claiming that with the Right help that that family would become just as British as Yorkshire pudding, or fish and chips.


And the case of David’s murderer Ali Harbi Ali is an interesting one. As Ali shares something in common with another terrorist murderer, Salman Ramadan Abedi, the Manchester Arena bomber who killed 22 people in May of 2017..


These two cases both involve killers who were born in Britain to parents who were refugees. This point is something the media wished to play down.


Instead the press and the media, have gone to great lengths to point out that both of these killers were British. As they both possessed British passports and were born on British soil.


But was all Harvey all, or Salman Abedi really British? Well certainly not in the ethnic sense. And clearly not in the way they thought, or behaved.


What is even more eye-opening though is that. In the case of Ali Harbi Ali, a number of media outlets and newspapers, including Sky News and the Daily Mail, have gone to great lengths in attempting to prove that Ali was a “good boy”. These outlets talk of his dreams of being a doctor. His interest in playing football. And the fact he sang hymns in assembly at school with the other children.


Just take a moment to compare the media’s treatment of this Muslim terrorist murderer, with the way they treat young nationalists whose only “crime”, and I say crime in inverted commas is owning a few books, or putting up stickers.


The media, the politicians, and the establishment as a whole, are so committed to mass immigration and multiculturalism, that even when the son of a migrant commits such a heinous offense they still have to keep their propaganda rolling.


They still have to try and beat it into the public consciousness that migrants are the good guys. And that they enrich the country in some way.


Reading through the articles in the Daily Mail and on Sky News, you would think that these newspapers want you to feel sympathy for the killer. And you wouldn’t be wrong. They want the reader to believe that Ali was a victim too! A “good boy” who was radicalized! A narrative that to a degree absolves him of his guilt.


And let’s be honest David Amess, would have felt sympathy for Ali Harbi Ali and his familys he would have welcomed them into Britain. He would have ensured Ali and his family were given everything they wished for. A policy which is often detrimental to the indigenous people.


But this time the behaviour of the migrant wasn’t just detrimental to the general public, it was detrimental to a member of Parliament. And that is why it has got so much news coverage.


For once the public are hearing about the negative effects of migration. And it’s because the person on the sharp end of the knife was an MP. A leading member of the establishment. Someone who had helped engineer this multicultural mess.


Usually those on the sharp end of the knife, are regular working people and their families. Had David Amess not been an MP, do you think this story would have got so much coverage?


Do you think this brutal murder would have been world news? Was the murder of Bradley Gledhill world news? Was the murder of Chris Donald world news? Was the murder of Kian Tordorf, that took place in Bradford, just five days before the murder of David Amess, world news? No! Of course not! But all those young men died at the hands of the children of migrants.


The British people are suffering, because of mass immigration and multiculturalism. Whether they are suffering, because of murders, because of terrorism, because of anti-White racist attacks, or, because of the grooming gang epidemic. All of these aforementioned issues are symptoms of the government’s open door immigration policies that are changing the demographics of this country.


But most of these issues most of these attacks, and sexual assaults, are kept out of the media. They are all covered up and quietly buried. Because usually the victim is someone that the media doesn’t think matters. Usually the victim is just a normal everyday White person.


Only when someone like David Amess is the victim do we all get to hear about it. And in this case that may be fitting, because ultimately this problem was created by men and women like him! This mess was created by Members of Parliament that have opened our borders and pushed for policies that have changed the ethnic makeup of this country.


And let’s be clear these MPs did this without ever giving the people a vote on the matter.


And what’s more every time the British people have voiced their concerns about mass immigration, the politicians have, at best, ignored them, and at worst insulted them! And showed their contempt for them!


I started this video by making the point that David Amess was killed at a constituency surgery. An event where he met face to face with those who lived in the constituency where he was elected.


But over the almost 40 years he was in office, the policies that David Amess supported changed the ethnic makeup of his constituents. And it was this change that resulted in Ali Harbi Ali walking into that surgery and stabbing David Amess to death.


I will not go as far as to say he deserved what he got. But he certainly sowed the seeds of his own demise.


David Amess opened the gates and welcomed in the family of his killer.
















  • @TheThinRedLine

    David Amess was a traitor
    and he received poetic justice


    • Channel profile picture

      Yeah…and he got exactly what he deserved…However, I suspect the other traitors who deserve an even worse fate than him will get away with it….which is why we can NEVER forget or forgive them for what they have done to England and to the British..

  • Channel profile picture


    Politicians never gave a crap when their policies got us killed,but the first time one of them die it’s the end of the world and they need more bodyguards and censorship to protect from mean comments

  • Channel profile picture


    Let’s stop pretending. He was utter scum and the world is better off without him. He helped foreigners settle in the UK and he married his daughter to an African brute, no wonder if the daughter goes next


    • Channel profile picture

      I 100% agree!

    • Channel profile picture

      True. I don’t care if someone is christian or a “traditionalist”, if they actively support the genocide and ethnic cleansing of my people than they are an enemy just as bad as any antifa or jewish elite.


      • Channel profile picture


        His daughter will extend his legacy.


  • Channel profile picture


    Allowing his daughter to marry a negro was worst than him getting killed by a negro.


    • Channel profile picture


      Don’t worry she’ll receive the same treatment as her father

    • Channel profile picture


      what’s a negro? it’s nigger


      • Channel profile picture


        Negro is a British expression, the other is American.

      • Channel profile picture


        You are correct.

  • Channel profile picture

    My Conservative-adjacent alignment shrivelled up and died a long time go.


    • Channel profile picture


      Me too. Greed is race mixing. The system is to competitive to reason with. The day of the British Gentleman should come back before I trust the system.

    • Channel profile picture


      conservatives conserve nothing.
      they are simply jew cucks.

  • Channel profile picture


    `Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.’ (Galatians 6:7)

    David should have paid more attention to the Bible.

  • Channel profile picture


    Oh he’s Catholic. The Catholics have been infiltrated and misdirected. Bergoglio( Pope Francis) is a Jesuit and should never been elected pope. Jesuits are not supposed to hold any positions of power as set down by the rules of the order set down by Saint Ignacious in 1590(I think). You can find a bit about this in the recordings of Arch Bishop Vigano. I reposted this recently and I think its on my page if youre interested…anyway Catholic Charities is one of the NGO’s helping these rapefugees and needs to be shut down. The false pope got this man killed.


    • Channel profile picture


      Back when I was a young lad, my grandmother wouldn’t allow us to attend a catholic church. She was a devout catholic and, she said it wasn’t a Christian Church anymore. She found a less corrupted small church for us to attend.

  • Channel profile picture


    At this point they are trolling us, when they can turn something like this into ‘white man bad’ and more support for globohomo. They use everything to enforce their own narrative, even if it is based on absurd cognitive dissonance.

  • Channel profile picture


    Perhaps the indigenous aren’t dying off quick enough for the tyranny and arranged an event to move things along faster. He was against increasing lockdowns.

  • Channel profile picture


    The fact that these murderers where born and brought up here and the press report how they sung songs at school etc makes it worse really, it shows that it makes no difference where they were born and brought up. These anti white attacks will unfortunately keep happening and the ruling class don’t give a damn, did they go and lay flowers where Emily Jones was murdered? Great video.

  • Channel profile picture


    God has a sense of humour as well as a sense of justice

  • Channel profile picture


    I’m not a fan of violence, but I wonder if the world wouldn’t be a better place if this happened more often. Hard to feel sorry for him.

  • Channel profile picture

    and now they want to arm MPs while the public is not armed … hmmm where is that 1689 bill of rights

  • Channel profile picture


    Burn in hell

  • Channel profile picture

    Mark, you’re right on all of this.

  • Channel profile picture


    I would never give my daughter away to another species.

  • Channel profile picture

    Somalians are a war people, savages, they should never be allowed out of their fourth world shit hole.

  • Channel profile picture


    He questioned the Covid narrative. His murder is being used to increase censorship, remove online anonymity and insulate MPs from scrutiny by reducing face to face appointments and increasing their security. Perfect for the elites.


    • Channel profile picture


      elites sure seem like broken persons for sure. Winning is everything to these guys. Interesting point.

  • Channel profile picture

    David Amess was a traitor. But the attack is 100% racially done. Also if i remember David Amess is a giant zionist supporter

  • Channel profile picture


    The government giving you papers makes you as British as Mary Poppins.

  • Channel profile picture


    Rule #1 must be: ALL anti-White politicians who push/allow diversity™ MUST live IN it.
    Endlessly. And smile.
    Ride the Bus, Globohomo parasites —- ride it.

  • Channel profile picture


    Anti White morality leads to anti white outcomes. It’s a shame innocents are harmed in the process.

  • Channel profile picture

    what a mess

  • Channel profile picture

    I will lose no sleep, we could do without people like him in this world ,doesn’t he understand there different from us and the effect it would have on the UK ,was he really that stupid or just another puppet ,doing what he was told.

  • Channel profile picture


    Next would be her daughter


    • Channel profile picture


      and son-in-law

  • Channel profile picture


    He got what he needed to learn his lesson, I guess. However, the enemy will use this against us-they never waste a crisis.

  • Channel profile picture


    rest in diversity, lefty faggot.

  • Channel profile picture


    [ Islamic Extremism = Scriptural Fundamentalism ]

  • Channel profile picture


    hoist by his own petard.

  • Channel profile picture


    Fair comment.

  • Channel profile picture


    I really don’t get how these traitors have not got the message that inviting vipers into your home(land) means getting bit.

  • Channel profile picture


  • @Htrac

    The media and government reaction to this murder was so baffling. I know they consistently lie and that has become increasingly apparent over the past two years, but the focus on “internet harms” and social media censorship has been a complete abrogation of reality. The murder had nothing at all to do with that. It was a Somalian Muslim refugee killing in the name of Islam. The internet wasn’t involved.

    But obviously they are not allowed to discuss what really happened, so we get the lies, and they can use it to take away more of OUR rights whilst still importing as many criminals as possible who will continue to kill and rape us. Somalian Muslim stabs someone (AGAIN) and it’s somehow white man bad season on the media. David Amess would surely be alive if right wing white men didn’t have free speech!

  • Channel profile picture


    I thought he got stabbed

  • Channel profile picture


    Twisted reality of this PM. Just wanted to be the top dog by being more politicianly correct than everyone else. A Family guy who carried competition and superiority to feed his family way to far. A nation is a race and a race is its nation.

  • Channel profile picture

    Looks like the situation became…A mess….

  • Channel profile picture


    Hoist by his own petard.

  • Channel profile picture

    well said Mark

  • Channel profile picture

    I’m not an eternal revolutionary (commie), nor I support the great reset…But this shit is exactly why I can’t stand the idea of returning to the status quo (in the case we miraculously manage to deport all the invaders), nor the idea of civic nationalism (even one where whites are majority)…If we return to the status quo, all of the traitors who supported this shit (like this bastard who got exactly what deserved) will be richer than before (because they are collecting the benefits while we are getting poorer every day), and undoubtedly will push again in the future the idea of trying “again” living under multiculturalism….And civic nationalism is a complete delusion…The best case scenario, where all of the population supports the country and racial tensions are minor (which will never be the case in any place in Europe) would be something like Argentina…And try to speak with an Argentinian about their country and 99% will tell you that its a shithole..which is exactly what it is…So, because all those paths are fake exits, and the only good path for us, demands some kind of revolution, reset or at least reorder of society…I suggest we may try using their own narratives against them…After all, what can we lose?




See Also




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT











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This entry was posted in Britain, Christainity, Conservative Party, England, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Odysee, Political Correctness, Race Differences, Somalia, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, UK. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Mark Collett – David Amess – Killed by the Policies He Supported – Oct 22, 2021 — Transcript

  1. Pingback: Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Piers Corbyn – Oct 28, 2021 — Transcript | katana17

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