Actual Justice Warrior – BLM Riots Destroyed Minneapolis Forever – May 5, 2023 – Transcript


Actual Justice Warrior


BLM Riots Destroyed


Minneapolis Forever


Fri, May 5, 2023


[Activist Justice Warrior discusses the damage that blacks and their facilitators cause to themselves and law-abiding people, such as shop owners, when they riot. He says:

In this video I discuss a viral TikTok video that shows the absolute devastation that was the BLM riots of 2020. I discuss how the riots were worse than you ever imagined & how the areas where they occurred will likely never recover.

The long-term answer, of course, is: “Back to Africa!



Published on Fri, May 5, 2023




0:00 / 17:33
Actual Justice Warrior
234K subscribers
May 5, 2023 #BLMRiots #Minneapolis #IamSean90
In this video I discuss a viral TikTok video that shows the absolute devastation that was the BLM riots of 2020. I discuss how the riots were worse than you ever imagined & how the areas where they occurred will likely never recover
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(17:33 mins)


AJW: So we are right now coming up on the nearly three year anniversary of the death of George Floyd and the subsequent riots that absolutely devastated this country. And that devastation was concentrated in a lot of specific areas that we still have yet to recover from. And honestly, we have a long way in order to deal with the fallout of these Black Lives Matter riots.


And in light of this, I actually stumbled upon a video that showed different areas of Minneapolis, the city where George Floyd passed away, and the subsequent damage to all these different buildings comparing 2020 to how it looks today.


And I think this is very instructive because one of the things that I was saying at the time and a lot of people who weren’t just pandering to rioters and endorsing violence, breaking the social contract of our country, by the way were saying, was that:


“The riots are going to cause damage, drive the area into poverty and create all the problems that supposedly systemic racism are creating in the United States of America based on this behavior.”


And by the way, this wasn’t theoretical. This wasn’t hypothetical. It is inarguable that riots, specifically race riots, completely obliterate an area. I remember I talked about how the Martin Luther King riots were responsible for the death of Detroit. They never recovered from that, and Martin Luther King was killed in the 60s.

I also talked about this study of the LA Riots, the Rodney King riots from the 90s, which said:


“That it took nearly a decade for the areas where the rioting occurred to get back to where they were previous.”


Which still made them a decade behind everybody else. There was about $5 billion in lost economic activity. And there was actually a side by side comparison in one of the studies to that area of Los Angeles versus what happened in an area in Florida where they were. Hit by a storm and a similar dollar amount of damage happened and how quickly Reinvestment came back to Florida as compared to these specific areas of California.


So everybody knew rioting was devastating. Everybody knew that it was immoral. It was unjustified. Oftentimes these race riots target innocent victims.


In fact, almost all the time, they target innocent victims and businesses. As we talked about what they did to the Koreans in the LA Riots.


Woman (Korean): Why are we, the victims? 42 years down the drain! [Iron law of the (urban) jungle. Naggers will be naggers!]

Reporter (female): Many Koreans who yesterday were the shopkeepers of south central Los Angeles today have lost the businesses they took years to create.

Man (Korean): What can I say? I don’t have any word to say.

Reporter (female): George Huang woke this morning to find his mini mall burned to the ground. A loss of a million and a half dollars. And a lifetime of dreams and effort.

Man (Korean): I don’t mind that. Whatever they need to take it out. But why they blown out the property, that’s my question?




AJW: You know, every once in a while, when I cover instances that I’ve talked about before, like for instance, the damage to the Koreans during the LA Riots, I stumble upon some new information that I haven’t heard before that I have to share with you. And this MBR article [Apr 28, 2017] has an absolute gem. Because one of the things that the black people in the area thought at the time was that they were going to directly benefit from the destruction of the 2, 200 Korean businesses that occurred during the LA Riots.


From an unidentified Woman:


“Five to ten years from now, this place is going to be so nice. All this down here is going to be black-owned business. She’s going to have a nail shop. She’s going to have a beauty shop. It’s going to be our turn. It’s our turn now.”


AJW: Unidentified man number three:


“If you start to transfer ownership of the community to the community, everyone will prosper.”


And what I think about when I see quotes like this, obviously it didn’t work out. Obviously I’m covering articles that not only say it took ten years to get back to regular sales, but actually three decades later, these areas haven’t recovered. Or the people in my audience that I’ve met that happen to be black, that clearly and obviously don’t think like this, that want to prosper, that understand that they are not up against any other group. They are only competing with themselves. And how they’re essentially held hostage despite the fact that they’re good people by people like this and by attitudes like this.


It’s honestly heartbreaking to read how stupid people are. And it’s unsurprising when you look back at the LA Riots and how people thought they would benefit from them because it was going to be all black businesses from there, that people did support the George Floyd riots.


Man (black): I’m not surprised that the Koreans got targeted because their prices are high, their attitude is wrong, and they just don’t seem to have any respect for the black community.


AJW: And of course, the Black Lives Matter riots were no different, except for the fact that they were more destructive than any other riots in American history.


Now, this video has some copyrighted music, so I’m going to be talking over it so that way you could see it. But really it’s the imagery that I want you to see, and I will be describing it for the podcast listeners. It will be linked in the description if you want to watch it in full. That is quite stark comparing 2020 to current year because entire blocks are completely eviscerated by the Black Lives Matter riots.




So the first thing that is shown is one of the police stations of many that were attacked by Black Lives Matter rioters.


And as you can see, the building looks like it was actually bombed by a foreign country.


In fact, I’ve seen bomb attacks from Russia against Ukraine that have done less damage than what we’re seeing right here. It’s absolutely devastating! And symbolically, them destroying the headquarters of the police really let’s, you know, that lawlessness has taken over Minneapolis.


And by the way, homicide rate, all time highs! All these other problems which are effects of them driving themselves into poverty through this criminality also are everlasting consequences. But this perfect example of it and you get the premise of the video, they pan one way, then they pan back, and you see what it looks like today.


So right here you see a liquor store. It’s completely burned up. Again, I’ve seen less damage in war zones than what looks like happened in this area. And it’s absolutely devastated. These are just the rioting and the looting and all the effects that was supposedly called “civil rights protesting” in the year 2020, and how it absolutely devastated the area.


But the devastation is going to be more significant. Check this out.


Now, even though in this particular instance, the building itself doesn’t look like it was completely obliterated, what I really want you to focus on is the signage before they cut to how it looked post the riots, because I think that is infinitely more telling.


We had a Denny’s on the corner, another store with a green sign right next to it. And the whole first floor of this building appeared to be different varieties of shops and whatnot. And almost all of them are gone. All of these businesses, all of these jobs, the people who used to come and shop here, hang out here, eat here and all that, no longer have these places. And it’s replaced with this boarded up, tagged up, absolute degradation of a community.


And I just want you to realize that those businesses likely aren’t coming back.


So here we have a Popeyes Chicken, and honestly controversial take. I actually prefer the Popeyes Spicy Chicken sandwich to the Chick-fil-A one. Go ahead, skewer me in the comments! But guess what? The conversation is irrelevant because the Popeyes Chicken that was there gone completely! The building’s just obliterated! It’s just gone. They torched it. It had to be torn down. It was condemned. Popeye’s Chicken absolutely obliterated, according to this video.


Here we have another restaurant. I believe it’s called The Perkins. I’ve never heard of it. Could be a chain, could be a local to the area. But like I said before in that video of the building, what is important here is not necessarily the fact that you’re going to see it boarded up, but what I think is important is the fact that the signage is completely removed. The business has left! This is not a situation where they boarded up because of the rioting. This is a situation where the building is completely abandoned. And it’s boarded up to keep the addicts out. Maybe it’s going to be torn down in the future, but point being, no business replaced what was lost.


Now we have a building like one of the ones that we saw earlier, and you can see a bunch of different shops on the first floor, but the stark difference between what you see initially and after this, again, harkens back to images of wartime.




Now, I have to say, this speedway is my absolute favorite of all the ones here, because the gas station is completely obliterated.


But as you can see, it’s written:


“Where there’s people, there’s power!”


Well, guess what? You devastated your community! There’s no people here. So you quite literally destroyed the power in that gasoline is a power source, and no people are going to this gas station. It looks sketchy as hell. And you just ruined it. You ruined your entire community, supposedly for civil rights.


And then we wrap with the Family Dollar, also torn down.


And it’s at this point in time that I want to remind you that Trevor Noah over at The Daily Show was making the case during the Black Lives Matter riots when people were saying:


“You shouldn’t loot Target. That not looting target hasn’t worked, so maybe we should try that?”


Trevor Noah: And a lot of people say, well, what good does this do? Yeah, but what good doesn’t it do? That’s the question people don’t ask the other way around. What good does it do to loot Target? How does it help you to loot Target? Yeah, but how does it help you to not loot Target? Answer that question!


AJW: And again, Trevor Noah was just one of many people who were saying these ridiculous things at the time, excusing the riots. When we had all of the data, everybody could see what was happening. Everybody could predict it to show that this is exactly how areas impacted by rioting would turn out to be.


Family Dollar completely wiped off the board. Speedway wiped out. Gas stations wiped out.


I still remember, and I’ll never forget it, when we had a story of this group, I think they were religious, bringing in diapers and baby formula and vegetables and food to the area to support the Black Lives Matter riders because they had destroyed every single grocery store in the area! There was no place for the people to actually get diapers for their kids, just a few days into the Black Lives Matter rioting. And this area has not recovered.




And by the way, I want to give credit to Brad Palumbo, who actually was on his channel a long time ago, to discuss “qualified immunity”, which, by the way, we completely disagreed on for writing this amazing article talking about the cost of the Black Lives Matter riots, because one of the things that you often hear is this $2 billion number. That the Black Lives Matter riots were the most expensive riots in American history because they cost this country 2 billion in damages.


And as Brad points out in this fantastic article, which will be linked in full in the description, that $2 billion number is only the number for insured losses! So this is what was actually reimbursed to retailers and to homeowners and to affected parties based on the Black Lives Matter riot.


But as Brad pointed out, insurance is not this silver bullet against the downsides of rioting. 75% of US. Businesses do not have the adequate insurance in order to deal with something like riots. And 40% of small businesses don’t have any insurance at all. So all of their losses don’t show up in that $2 billion figure.


And to give you a bit of a refresher on this, if you’ll remember a lot of people who own small businesses that did have insurance, but it didn’t cover the absolute obliteration of entire blocks that was caused by these Black Lives Matter rioters, found out that they could only get about $25,000 in order to destroy their condemned building in order to prevent them from being fined further by the city. That was what their insurance covered. And there was case after case after case of this just out of the city of Minneapolis.


Well, this was something that happened nationwide. And those businesses that had no insurance that should have been perfectly fine, they’re gone. They’re done! There was no rehabilitation for them. There was no compensation for them. There was nobody to sue. They were just left devastated. And that’s what we’re seeing across the city.


And again, this is just Minneapolis. This is just the epicenter of the Black Lives Matter riots. Make no mistake, these riots occurred all over the country, and we’re still seeing the effects in closings, businesses not recovered, no new building in these areas, and of course, in high rates of violent crime, huge spikes in certain areas, some places getting record crime spikes. And it’s just horrific!


And what I can’t emphasize enough is that we knew that this was the consequence of these actions. We had the la. Riots as an example. We had the Martin Luther King riots as an example. And yet, time after time on channel after channel, we got defenses of rioting. We got excuses of rioting!


And one of the ones that I’ll never forget circulated widely online and was actually played on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight, which was this overweight woman, this Black Lives Matter activist, talking about how:


“We don’t own anything, and it’s okay because you deserve it, and you actually broke the social contract!”


Whatever, justify the rioting. And look at where these areas are now.




Woman (black): So I’ve been seeing a lot of things, talking of the people making commentary. Interestingly enough, the ones I’ve noticed that have been making the commentary are wealthy black people. Making the commentary about we should not be rioting, we should not be looting, we should not be tearing up our own communities.

And then there’s been an argument of the other side of we should be hitting them in the pocket. We should be focusing on the blackout days where we don’t spend money. But I feel like we should do both.

So when they say, ‘Why do you burn down the community? Why do you burn down your own neighborhood?’ It’s not ours! We don’t own anything! We don’t own anything! Trevor Noah said it so beautifully last night. There’s a social contract that we all have! That if you steal or if I steal, then the person who is the authority comes in and they fix the situation. But the person who fixes the situation is killing us!

So the social contract is broken! And if the social contract is broken, why the fuck do I give a about burning Football Hall of Fame, about burning up Target?


AJW: And unsurprisingly that large woman who was just yelling for the cameras, doing this performance art, was not negatively impacted by the Black Lives Matter riots? You think she shops at Family Dollar? You think she shops at Target? You think she goes to any of those small businesses that are in Minneapolis? Absolutely not! John Oliver. No impact! Trevor Noah. No impact! Black Lives matter. The organization, no accountability! They got tons and tons of money based on the hysteria.


In fact, the only downside for Black Lives Matter was that certain individuals set up charities with BLM in the name and were able to divert some of the money from the official scam that is Black Lives Matter.


Kamala Harris who actually tweeted out a bail fund for these rioters to destroy this area even further. Vice president!


So when you see videos of the devastation like the one that I showed you throughout the course of this video, when you wonder where your stores are, why your neighborhoods look like crap, why poverty is increasing in this area, and how it’s being driven by the crime that it’s actually feeding into as well, just remember, it wasn’t me. It wasn’t Conservatives, it wasn’t the police, it wasn’t the evil White racists. It wasn’t the ghost of White supremacy past.


It was Democratic elites! Democratic politicians, mainstream media, pundits! So-called comedians that speak with a voice of the people. The Black Lives Matter organization and all these other people who knew for a fact that this kind of behavior would have long term devastating economic consequences for the people, allegedly, that they’re trying to advocate for, that not only excused this, but cheered it on, supported it, told you:


“You know what? This thing that has never worked throughout American history, that has only caused irreparable damage to the communities where it’s happened called race riots. Maybe give that a try and it will work this time!”


That’s why Minneapolis is garbage! That’s why they have a record homicide rate. That’s why all these areas across this country are getting significantly worse.




It’s because you allowed the violence, you allowed the looting, you allowed the rioting to commence, and you pretended like the consequences were something that you were just going to be able to ignore.


Well, you can’t ignore it. We’re three years in, and Minneapolis has still not recovered. And guess what? Ten years from now, they likely still won’t have recovered.


Now, maybe you think it’s worth it. Maybe you think you honored “St. George Floyd” by stealing all that stuff and burning the businesses that your community relied on. But I’m going to have to hard disagree on that and say that you ruined your own lives! You ruined your own communities, you ruined some great American cities. And honestly, we should have some accountability for the people who profited off of promoting this, but we’re never going to get it.


But hey, those are just my thoughts.


So let me know your thoughts down in the comments below. If you like the video, show them by leaving a like, subscribe for more content, follow me on all my social medias. Support me via the support links in the description of this video. This has been me talking about yet again the Black Lives Matter riots, completely devastating this country!


Till next time.










YouTube Comments


(Comments as of 5/5/2023 = 3,539)

[Note: Not all comments posted here.]

8 hours ago (edited)
Why has not BLM and ANTIFA rebuilt these areas and created high paying jobs ?

168 replies

6 hours ago
Sean left out the best part. Those riots occured when we were told to stay quarentined, otherwise we were science deniers. But rioting, looting, and burning the community down was acceptable.

18 replies

6 hours ago
Back in the day, there was genuine sympathy from the media towards the victims. Now it has switched to sympathy for the rioters

7 replies

4 hours ago
And not a single word of restraint from a Democrat politician while the destruction was happening.

4 replies

7 hours ago
I will never forget seeing an elderly black woman crying in front of a CVS or some other drugstore that had been destroyed right after the riots because she couldn’t get her medication that helps keep her alive.
I often wonder what happened to her.
It’s a real shame that the people that did this can’t see the devastation they caused affects the people that they supposedly love.
Actual Justice Warrior

42 replies

5 hours ago
Born and raised in Minnesota. My dad was a Minneapolis police officer. Thank God he retired before this mess. I loved Minneapolis. That Target was a store I new well. This City was at it’s peak of safety and cleanliness in the 2010s. Now it isn’t safe for anyone. The people with money are protected, the middle class has left, and the poor are fending for themselves. Block E is dead compared to pre pandemic. Homeless is bad. Nicollet mall is dangerous, and police are down to patrol numbers only meaning no investigation units. Meaning no, crimes are being solved. If you don’t commit your crime in front of a uniformed officer, you’re likely to get away with it.

2 replies

8 hours ago
It’s a movement that is only used in specific scenarios, does not actually care about who they are supposedly protesting for, and ignores the vast amount of crimes perpuated by those very same people they are “trying” to support. It should never have been a thing.

22 replies

8 hours ago
I happened to move out of Minneapolis in 2019 and even planned on moving back at some point. I unironically thank God every so often that I moved out of the city when I did, and have absolutely no desire to go back.
The fact that the city actually decided to cut back the police after all of the rioting and continued BLM support after all of this rioting is utter insanity. The city government and a lot of people cucked themselves to woke ideology as far as I’m concerned.
It’s a shame too considering how beautiful and generally pleasant it was to live there before the politics became r-tarded.

4 replies

6 hours ago
I live in Minneapolis and I remember people in my neighborhood supporting the burning, looting, and destruction … as long as it wasn’t done here in our neighborhood. Their support of the rioting was absolutely immoral.
Actual Justice Warrior

8 replies

4 hours ago
Awesome comparisons, man. I Just discovered you and really like how you revisit and chain together these events. Certain black people celebrating the demise of other races businesses in their own community, gloating and professing to make everything black owned and prosperous, is really the epitome of racism. The racism that they so often claim is the cause of all their own problems. The irony…

8 hours ago
All those business should have sued the city or governor who held the cops back and let it happen. Trump offered help and they refused to take it.

19 replies

5 hours ago
As a white guy who grew up in London in a predominantly black area , the best thing I ever did was move away from them..
I now live in an area which is mostly white and wow what difference, hardly any crime ,clean streets and peaceful people!!
Scott Adams is so right!!

2 replies

8 hours ago
How do these riots not meet the definition of domestic terrorism?

44 replies

7 hours ago
As a black person, I couldn’t move out of the ghetto fast enough. It’s not a race issue but rather culture. The communities are destroying themselves because the families have no values, standards, leadership, and fathers. This doesn’t surprise me.

97 replies

7 hours ago (edited)
I’ve lived in Minnesota for 21 years now and everything he’s said in this video is 1000000000% true. Most of the stores that were destroyed chose to not rebuild where they were but chose to move to nicer suburbs or they chose just not to rebuild at all.

2 replies

3 hours ago
There’s only one group of people that can do this every couple of decades and not get held accountable… now we have to ask do they fit in our society or is it time for us to move on?

6 hours ago
Over 30 years ago I had the misfortune to be at a university dinner table with 2 Minneapolis academics, naïve hardly begins to describe their misunderstanding of society.

1 reply

4 hours ago
“The person in charge of fixing the situation is killing us”
She almost gets it, she’s so close to the answer it’s painful.

8 hours ago
This is why it’s evil and pernicious to say “property damage isn’t violence”. Mass-destruction of property destroys prosperity, and that destroys people’s lives.

55 replies

7 hours ago
I took my first trip to Minneapolis since the riots a few months ago. Buildings vandalized and boarded up, burnt out buildings, businesses buzzing in customers because they’re afraid to unlock the doors. It feels like a third world country now.

2 replies

3 hours ago
I lived and worked in the area when this happened. I just remember how hurt and angry I felt as I watched them burn my home city to the ground. I still hold heavy resentment in my heart. They turned people who would have had compassion for their cause against them.

6 hours ago
What’s so ironic is that when it comes to actions, the rioters are very individualistic but when it comes to identity they are very collective. What they do is reflective they do give a darn about anyone else even if that means destroying their own community, their needs and desires over everyone else, forget everyone’s experience, hurt, or rights. Meanwhile their identity as victims is collective. The fat woman said “we don’t own nothing!” Implying blacks can’t own anything because it’s other people’s fault. But why don’t she be the individual to make a change? Show her community blacks can make it to the top and inspire other blacks to follow her as the individual that got out of the cycle. But instead because she limit herself to being just black, just a victim she can’t think beyond her identity as a victim.

2 replies

3 hours ago
I can’t say this enough….It’s Amazing how well our Country was Run by a Businesses Man and How Quickly a Career Politician has Destroyed it. Proven in History Got it Proven.
Need I Say More!

4 hours ago
I was thinking how can people do this and the first thing that popped into my head was they do not pay taxes so they do not care. Really is a shame what this country has turned into.

1 reply

8 hours ago (edited)
1 – destroy all the businesses.
2 – complain about “food deserts” and lack of investment
3 – complain about gentrification when investment begins
Even if businesses were replaced with “Black owned businesses” they would still get robbed and vandalized. When there is a culture of hating those that make better choices and succeed, there will not be progress. The core problem is not poverty, it is envy. It is people angry that someone else has something that they do not, regardless of how it was obtained. This is no different than out of shape people being envious of very in shape people, which easily turns into hatred. They are not willing to eat right and exercise, however.
I assume that at some level, the Black / Korean issue stems from the Black people in these neighborhoods being envious of the Koreans success, and the Koreans seeing the Black culture as too lazy to build these businesses themselves. Korean immigrants built businesses in the areas that it was most affordable to do so, because nobody else was doing it. The question to ask is, why are wealthy black people not investing heavily into building businesses in these neighborhoods? Because they are successful and realize that it is a terrible investment and will only get robbed and or destroyed.

51 replies

8 hours ago
Really liked this video. It’s important to look back at the results. Higher black on black crime, especially murder. More food deserts, less investment, less community.

2 replies

8 hours ago
Imagine having the menacing and destruction of your business be encouraged and handwaived by your local officials, only to be fined by those same officials because the building is now in ruin.

4 replies

4 hours ago
I remember the first round of George Floyd riots in my area. Had a patient, older black guy, who had just been diagnosed with cancer and found out that night that his barbershop had been ransacked. They hurt the people in their own communities and don’t even seem to think about it.

7 hours ago
There’s this girl I used to work with. She’d been passed around multiple stores and always had problems. Managers would treat her like crap. Bring out her personal business. We felt bad because we liked her and took her into our store. Well, 3 month, 6 months, 9 months, the more time passed the more issues began springing up; and eventually we pieced together that she was actually at the center of all these issues and then realized that we now felt how previous supervisors had felt when they allegedly mistreated her. Our compassion turned to annoyance as we came into agreement that she was actually the one bring all this trouble onto herself.
Now we watch her circle the drain in life and of course if you try to tell her about herself it’s somehow your fault, his fault, their fault. But somehow it’s never HER fault. Reminds me a of particular community of people..

3 replies

4 hours ago
This is roughly the equivalent of setting your own house on fire to get revenge on people who live a mile away and never did anything to hurt you.

8 hours ago
I’m not conservative or hold conservative values, but it’s mind boggling how these guys are destroying their communities and being hailed as martyrs and heroes and yet melt down at jan 6 acting like it was 9/11.

37 replies

8 hours ago
I had black friends on facebook who were completely ambivalent to the rioting, because ‘these stores have insurance’, and would open right back up again with no real loss to themselves. I guess the stores thought differently.

3 replies

7 hours ago
I still can’t believe I got in a huge debate with a Christian friend on Facebook with her defending the riots and me defending the community, she still couldn’t see the destruction of innocence and eventually blocked me. Saying stuff like insurance will cover it, and if they didn’t have insurance to cover a once in a lifetime phenomenon then she believed they weren’t worthy of business in the first place cuz they didn’t have adequate litigation I guess. Crazy.

5 replies

1 hour ago
I lived in the area and moved because I knew it couldn’t recover. Went through the area recently and it broke my heart to see such a disaster still waiting to be fixed.

6 hours ago
The riots in the 60s ruined Camden NJ.
Over night large areas of the city were abandoned. Once the emptys were stripped of their wiring, plumbing, and other infrastructure… There was no going back.

1 reply

5 hours ago
I must say your video was exceptionally well done. As a corollary to this; many cities have DA’s that don’t enforce the laws against shoplifting, the effect has been, as was easily foreseen, the stores close and the patrons who paid for their purchases now must travel far to buy what they need.

8 hours ago
13% of the population, but 90% of the problem.

51 replies

8 hours ago
Adults think: ‘What’s the worst that can happen if I do this?” There are cultures that never think like adults. They are governed by emotion and imagination, like 16-year-olds.

2 replies

7 hours ago

5 hours ago
Black person from Minnesota here and I’ve been saying this since the riots started, but other Black people call me an Uncle Tom because I blame our culture for our problems more than other races.

2 replies

8 hours ago
It’s scary to see. I used to work in the area and my business was destroyed. I went down a few times to aid with the cleanup and I never imagined that sort of thing would happen in Minneapolis.

2 hours ago
You’re absolutely right when you say “we will never get accountability.”
The innate fear of consequences is a part of human nature.

9 hours ago
This is why stereotypes will always exist.

49 replies

8 hours ago
Actually all these people should sue state, local and federal government for not only allowing this to happen (they told police to stand down), but for going on TV/the internet and saying flat out to destroy/rob/burn everything down. They should also sue any celebrities that egged this on as well. We need some lawyers to help these people build their cases (or class action or whatever).

6 hours ago
I was thinking about one of my dad’s best friends, a man who in the early 1970s arrived in America from Armenia. He and his family worked hard and each had set aside and saved what little they could and combined that savings together and designated him, the oldest son, to be the one to send to America to work, pave the way, and build on that dream.
They were finally able to afford the plane ticket, the cost of traveling, and randomly chose Colorado as his final destination. He had $50. when he set foot in Colorado, 1 suitcase, and something similar to a fishing tackle box that contained the tools of his craft and skill, (which was making rings, jewelry), and approximately a dozen rings he had already made before his journey.
Because he only had $50. He couldnt afford hotels, he slept outside and rationed his $ for food.
Every day he would set up a tiny display of his rings on a blanket on the sidewalk on Pearl Street Mall, a popular outdoor shop street in Boulder Co. , and visited all the shops around to show them his rings to see if they might buy 1 or a few to sell at their shops.
Every ring he eventually sold he set the $ aside, and save, and then use that $ to afford to buy the material to craft another ring to sell.
He continued to do this, over the months and years profiting a little bit more to slowly build up an established business.
Eventually being able to afford to rent a room, in our family’s home, which is how we met him when he responded to the “room for rent ad.”
Eventually he was able to afford his own apartment. Eventually he was able to afford to pay for each of his family members still in Armenia, one by one, his wife, mother, sisters, to come to America.
They all worked hard together to build up his jewelry business. Living meagerly, humbly, saving, reinvesting into the business.
Eventually they were able to afford to rent a tiny shop space on Pearl Street Mall. They continued this cycle, method, sacrifice, and determination.
Today, he, his family, his children, are all now multimillionaires, owning and operating jewelry shops, cafes, clothing stores.
I have SO much admiration, awe, and respect for this man, that he was able to do this with merely $50. and a skill that he honed throughout the years all by himself (no formal training or higher education), and massive determination and discipline to his goal and dream. Being Armenian in the 1970s and 80s in Colorado, and struggling to learn english and adjust to our culture, he endured a lot of prejudice, and obstacles, but he was always so happy spirited, grateful, and driven. Truly an amazing and inspirational man.
Whenever we come upon difficult times i think about him, and that if he can do something like that, then surely i should be able to figure my way through each of my challenges.
I’ll never be a millionaire, and i actually dont aspire to be, I’m content and thankful with the humble but blessed life God has appointed for our little family, including the difficulties that arise now and then.
I know this is a long story/comment, but hopefully, maybe, it might inspire someone. Just a little example of how much the human spirit is capable of❤

5 replies

4 hours ago (edited)
3 years sober, well done george, you finally provided for your family

7 hours ago
I’ll never forget those darling days and those who perpetuated those destructive, chaotic lies. I’m even more blackpilled by the fact that none of those politicians or institutionalist experts (schools with social justice departments) that supported and justified the looting and rioting will never be held accountable for their destructive words.

1 reply

4 hours ago
as somebody that lives 10 minutes from Minneapolis, since said riots, I have outright refused to participate in anything to do with the location, no shopping, dining, or attractions period

8 hours ago
“How does it help you to not loot Target”
What a take. He should face “incitement of violence” charges.
Poverty doesn’t cause crime, crime causes poverty.

29 replies

8 hours ago
Trevor’s logic could be used to excuse Murder or any sort of crime.
I have never heard sutch a juvenile take on crime.

8 hours ago
People have this notion that “insurance” is just this bottomless pit of money that’s gonna come in, wave their magic wand and take care of everything.
One time I let my tires get a little too bald and ended up losing control on a rainy day and hitting a curb really hard. No other car was involved. I had full coverage (because I hadn’t paid off the car yet), so my insurance paid for the repairs. And then my rates went sky high for the next several years. I ended up paying them back at least 3 times what they had to pay out for me. Insurance companies are basically legal loan shark organizations with a hell of lot of patience… because they can afford to be patient.

6 replies

6 hours ago
I’ll never understand why people destroy their own community.

2 replies

8 hours ago
“We want to drive out the koreans so that the people of our own skin color will prosper” sounds a lot like 1930s Germany to me.

10 replies

6 hours ago
You said it right but the sad part is the people that need to understand it will never look up from their trance.

9 hours ago
Something that might help prevent this is if there were no more Federal funds provided to rebuild if the city didn’t try to stop those riots.

10 replies

7 hours ago
“If you start to transfer the ownership of the community to the community….” pretty much just accusing that those Koreans weren’t part of the community. Just a more polite way to justify racism.

1 reply

8 hours ago
Immediately after this happened, there was a Stop Asian Hate, which completely ignored naming the haters and the hate never stopped.

1 reply

54 minutes ago
I had the opportunity to live in the Twin Cities in the mid 90’s. Coming from a large city already I really like the small town feel of St. Paul and small city feel of Minneapolis. At that time I can remember how clean and well kept the two cities were and the nice downtown Minneapolis had. The Skyway system, Prince’s Club, many cool lakes, parks and laidback feel. Sad to see such a nice city self-destruct.

8 hours ago
love the logic spoken by the woman – if I/we don’t own something then it is okay to burn it down to the ground simply brilliant

5 hours ago (edited)
To add on to that Denny’s photo, just a block away from it, they also completely burned down a strip of multiple story buildings. One of which was an Indian restaurant that was one of my favorites to eat at, as they grew some their ingredients in house. They were featured on triple D and eventually relocated, so I’ve been told. On that same lake street if you drive about 10 minutes west going towards uptown, there are more buildings destroyed and burned down.

1 day ago
I saw the original video of the knee-on-the-neck on the day after Floyd died. I thought it was shocking and disgusting. Then I heard about the fentanyl overdose. Then I saw the police video of the entire arrest sequence. Floyd said he couldn’t breathe when they first tried to put him in the police car like 20 minutes before he died. Then I heard difficulty breathing is a symptom of a drug overdose. Then I heard about the knee-on-the-neck being part of police training. Then the riots started. Then everybody starting lying about it all. People like Ana of TYT still lie about it and say it was murder. The cops were all charged with murder or some variation of accessory to murder. The ONLY shocking and disgusting thing is the scale of the lies and the damage they caused. The USA is a broken country.

100 replies

7 hours ago
My favorite post on Facebook was everyone saying, “don’t tell others HOW to grieve.” Note to self… for every death in the family or community, it’s ok to burn down a family dollar!

1 reply

8 hours ago
I have a niece currently in Minneapolis on an ecclesiastical mission. I pray for her safety every day.

6 hours ago
this is one of your most important videos sean.

6 hours ago
It’s good to see someone who knows the real truth.

2 hours ago
“Those who fail to understand the past, are destined to repeat it.”

8 hours ago
I have family in Minneapolis. They still don’t get it. They’ll complain about how much the city has changed since summer of 2020, how they can’t go to certain places now or ride their bikes because of crime or how they get their cars broken into. But boy oh boy do they not want to hear my opinions on their local politicians and how BLM ruined their city. They get so mad and just keep repeating the same white liberal rhetoric over and over. Maybe one day they’ll figure it out.

18 replies

8 hours ago (edited)
My grandfathers boyhood home in Long Beach, now shoreline crip territory. My dad’s boyhood home is now rolling 60’s and 50’s crip territory. All my siblings have left Los Angeles and I’m left alone in a primarily immigrant neighborhood.
For a hundred years they have been moving in and taking over by violence with the same mentality. Yet, I’m the problem.

1 reply

8 hours ago
“You ruined your entire community. Supposedly for civil rights.”
That’s the really evil part of this tho, AJW: from what I remember, this destruction was mostly caused by outsiders who used the death as an excuse to destroy.

2 replies

5 hours ago
Imagine living in a culture that tells you you’re a victim your entire life meanwhile a majority of crime is perpetrated by that same culture. Really slick mental gymnastics right there. Personal responsibility is difficult.

1 reply

8 hours ago
The Popeyes is the most shocking. That’s like if an Arab community burned down the only mosque in town.

2 replies

1 hour ago
As someone who lives very close to Minneapolis, I can tell you other cities had riot issues also and at least one of those other cities is dealing with the economic fall out as well.

8 hours ago
It’s amazing how short-sighted the rioters are.

7 replies

8 hours ago
Man what a lovely culture. So peaceful and understanding. No wonder everyone else wants to live around them. Businesses do so well in their communities.

6 hours ago (edited)
I saw the ’68 MLK riots as a boy on the near westside of Chicago. It was fiery and managed to destroy 90% of the businesses in the surrounding area. That capital has yet to be fully replaced, even after decades.

5 hours ago
Watching this is infuriating. The woman at 13:30 is totally convinced in her mind that she’s right.

7 hours ago
I live in a suburb of Minneapolis and hoping they don’t rebuild anything and those areas just self implode. I’m looking to get out because the crime continues at very high rates. You can actually see posts of groups of teenagers (almost always described as “BM”) rampaging all day at many different locations and cops don’t do a f*cking thing. We’ve even seen crime go up and increase in severity in the suburbs. I know many people that have moved or working to move out, MN and the Twin Cities are lost, there is no fixing this, Scott Adams is right in saying that.

5 hours ago
I live in Minnesota used to work in Minneapolis during the riots I’m so happy I moved to buffalo away from that nightmare.

9 hours ago
When I see the long lasting effects of the riots, I can only think back to my “friends” who told me that I was cruel for caring about “things more than people” and that these business are insured. Smh

16 replies

6 hours ago
The large woman should get an Oscar for that performance. Hey all those protests were peaceful. Oh the fires, they were just set to keep everyone warm.

8 hours ago
“You didn’t build that, so it’s okay if it burns down!”
– A President, probably.

2 hours ago
Unfortunately now we have this NYC subway incident, and things are already shaping up for history repeating itself… I totally see this exact scenario happening again… Some people have extremely short memories and no common sense…

8 hours ago
I want to condemn those who partook in rioting from the 90’s on till today, but they’ve condemned themselves more than I ever could.

3 hours ago
Very well made and well informative video thank you!!

9 hours ago
I went through the riots of 92. We were allowed to defend ourselves back then at least.

4 replies

8 hours ago
I live in MN, I swear all the attractions and “fancy” tourism spot are there in Minneapolis.
But we seldom go there or the cities of st. Paul in general because of all the garbage vandalism and ghetto areas tainting the place; I don’t want to get jumped, robbed, or shot.

1 reply

7 hours ago
Congrats on almost 3 years of sobriety George!

1 hour ago
I lived in Minneapolis 20+ years ago and remember that liquor store. So sad. Glad I got the hell out of that hell hole. You could see the writing on the wall. Cities will only continue to degenerate absent massive efforts to combat the effects, which we are not up for as a society.

7 hours ago
As a dude that lives in the area and everyday works in both Minneapolis and Saint Paul. It’s even more devastating then those video show. They’ve closed down almost every Walgreens and Target in Minneapolis proper in Saint Paul proper.

5 hours ago
These side-by-side comparisons gives of Fallout map vibes. From bright, colorful buildings to what’s left of it after the atomic bomb hit.

9 hours ago
Amazing Atheist literally made a video in 2020 called, “I Love Riots” supporting the looting of a Target. Now he’s made videos complaining about food deserts.

23 replies

8 hours ago
In the 1990’s, the Korean news media called it “LA black people riot (LA heukin pokdong; 黒人暴動)”. I haven’t watched Korean television over a decade, but last year I happened to hear some Korean TV show on a supermarket. A young Korean celebrity (probably) was lecturing other guests how it is racist to call it heukin pokdong (black people riot) and black people were the victims of the society. I don’t know what the Korean media call it now, but in my mind, I will always remember it as heukin pokdong.

1 reply

6 hours ago
I grew up in Minneapolis, and my parents still live there. I am so glad I didn’t live there when this happened.

1 hour ago
What sucks is that we can’t do anything about it

8 hours ago (edited)
9:26 This absolute GENIUS actually asked why NOT looting a local business in your own community is a GOOD THING. I just can’t anymore. We are done. It’s over.

2 hours ago
This is the reason why everyone who is Non-Black American moved away from them or does not want to have anything to do with this troubling community! And at the end of the day they keep on follow us or destroyed our neighborhood that people worked so hard to build!

9 hours ago
I’ll never forget the “mostly peaceful” line from the reporter while there is a building burning down in the background

5 replies

8 hours ago
3:32 Does this imply that they thought the Korean business owners weren’t part of the community just because they were different? The way the unidentified woman worded it makes it seem like she doesn’t believe anyone could be a part of her community if they aren’t black.

3 replies

7 hours ago
So sad that communities are still suffering from this
Burn, Loot, Murder

5 hours ago
4:48 “They attitude not right. They just don’t have any respect for the community that steals from them day and night.,”

8 hours ago
I live in South Minneapolis, equidistant from 3rd precinct and 38th and Chicago. There are signs of hope… but it has taken time to get here. What happened 3 years ago was an unprecedented failure of government for this city and state. I have not lost hope that this area will prevail as a lovely place to live.

1 reply

2 minutes ago
truly sad ! I’m glad this did not happen in Des Moines, Ia.

9 hours ago (edited)
Imagine rioting and destroying a city while fighting for justice.
We want justice so we’re gonna destroy stores, livelihoods and create even more victims. Yes, this is totally moral and effect.😂😂

8 replies

7 hours ago
History seems to repeat itself for those who refuse to learn.

7 hours ago
The criminal mindset and culture makes communities poor… The people who were following the rules and working hard suffer the most.

1 hour ago
I can see myself in the future telling the younger generation “No, there was no justice behind these riots.”.

7 hours ago
years ago, I thought Minneapolis sounded nice place and wanted to visit….. let’s just say I’ve had a change of opinion

2 hours ago (edited)
I was born in Minneapolis and have realitives who still lived there untill about 5 years ago. They have all moved away. Family had lived there for almost a century. I am so sad. I have good memories from my childhood.

6 hours ago
I say all the time as a black man, I have been saying “I just want to see my people stop fucking up” at this point. I can’t call those who cause destruction for no reason, my people. This has been 3 years of idiocy and I want no part of it

3 replies

7 hours ago
I was activated by the Minnesota National Guard for the Floyd riots and the Wright riots the next summer, Minnesota is a mess now.

8 hours ago
8:19 this is the perfect way to showcase how bad it got in such a short time look at the tree it didnt grow much between those 2 shots yet the second looks like its been abandoned for years.

2 hours ago (edited)
I was on site of the LA riots 2 weeks later (and the day before) and the bleeps there were pretty happy because they thought there would be money given to them to “build back better”. Didn’t happen of course. They did change the name from South Central LA to just South LA… didn’t help either.

7 hours ago (edited)
What that sort of behaviour says to people thinking about investing is “don’t invest there, don’t start a business there, don’t live there” – none of which is good for the people who are stuck in the area, who are always going to be the poorest. The businesses might recover, but they’ll do it somewhere else. Now what?

2 hours ago
The word hubris isn’t strong enough to describe people who think their “community” deserves to destroy other people’s decades of hard work, just because the members of that “community” don’t own anything.

1 reply

7 hours ago
I live in a red state and city and we don’t allow this BS. You get what you vote for.

2 replies

6 hours ago
If a community destroys their OWN food sources, seems like the problem will solve itself after a few missed meals. LOL

7 hours ago
Nobody feels bad for em. They did it to themselves and are teaching their youth to do the same. Beautiful culture.

5 hours ago
I’m never going to forget the summer of 2020.

7 hours ago
I’m sure they taught those Koreans to respect the black
Community/ they can now tell everyone what respect they deserve

1 hour ago (edited)
I remember a special, on maybe NPR, discussing the 1965 Watts CA riots. Up til then, some companies had been doing the ‘responsible thing’ and investing in the area. That all stopped with the riots and 40 years later the community had not recovered. It’s 58 years later and they still haven’t recovered.

8 hours ago
I want to be fair and acknowledge that there are plenty of decent black folk who would never take part in such vile behaviour. However, there are many who do and who claim some kind of victimhood as as an excuse. They complain that they were brought to America in chains and against their will. They can leave the same way.

12 replies

7 hours ago
I remember the “broken windows theory.” 😂

7 hours ago
“How does it help you to NOT loot Target?”
Well I mean first, do you have 20 minutes?

3 hours ago
I love how they act like insurance “fixes the issue” if there is looting or destruction. As if it doesn’t harm the community or the feeling of safety or the economy when shoppers face mass looting going on in shops or when the town is burning.

7 hours ago
Such a beautiful culture. They really take care of their neighborhoods…

2 hours ago
I just so happened to be working doing security at Thrivent Financial during the riots…..weekend security that is. It was crazy, I remember driving in to work and seeing places burning. It was crazy, and it has never been the same. A lot of this was due to 2 things, 1 the pandemic, 2 the riots. Once it burned down, there was no reason to bring it back. Some businesses did rebuild, and many did not. I do not work in security anymore, and I have not been downtown since… reason to ride the light rail, pay the high price of parking, or see the madness that Thrives on downtown!!!!

9 hours ago
Stereotyping is merely observing a behavior in a segment of society and because that behavior reliably occurs in nearly all of that segment it can be reliably applied to any individual of that societal segment with near perfect accuracy despite there being a few exceptions.

5 replies

7 hours ago (edited)
A couple of years back I was standing in a line in a courthouse (personal property tax line) next to somebody I suspect that may have been a stalker, keeping tabs on me perhaps.. that individual told me a couple of things they knew firsthand about the “peaceful” protest that had happened up there in Minneapolis.. and something also about that unfortunate incident where that criminal with the funny money swallowed his drug stash and passed away.
After I left that courthouse I noticed a particular vehicle of another individual lingering around me for a few miles showing up at a gas station I stopped at.. I have the proof with pictures.. an individual that had already created some issues with some of family members a couple of years prior to that.

8 hours ago
Since you don’t own anything then you destroy that stuff and the person who does own it decides not to rebuild it.

5 hours ago
Worked security in the Denny’s building, and knew the owners of the liquor store you showed, they were across the street from each other, the police station was a block away.

8 hours ago
I live 30 minutes directly south of Minneapolis in Lakeville. You could see the fires from there. Everyone in town who had a gun was at the ready should the riots spread to the suburbs

3 minutes ago
Every time I hear about the rooftop Koreans, I feel so proud to be American. Those men and women were paragons.

9 hours ago
Progressivism is progressing our society off of a cliff.

6 replies

6 hours ago
What a beautiful city. I hope they keep it up and continue this vision!

5 hours ago
Most cities never recover or take a while to. For instance, DC didn’t fully recover from the 1960s riots until recently when they flipped H st, and yes it’s sad that so-called gentrification happened, but I’m happy to see thriving businesses vs ran-down storefronts with the horrid smell that they possess.

8 hours ago
This is sad but it’s typical of these communities. I’m not sure if it’s because they are given everything that they don’t appreciate anything or a culture thing.but when I moved to South Florida, it was a brand new community built a few years before I got there within 15 years the place is condemned and torn down, but they rebuilt it again brand new modern state of the art. So maybe it’s a money laundering system.

18 minutes ago
the gas station that says
“where there is people there is power”
the actual saying I believe is
“where there is PAIN there is PROFIT”

8 hours ago (edited)
Here in Pittsburgh, Target regional management told the city planners that if police didnt stop people from looting, they were straight up going to pull the store from the area. Back in 2020, protests and mini riots were predominantly staged outside the East Liberty neighborhood’s Target on Penn Avenue. Where what used to be a horrible crime riddled project, now stands a Target. It really did bring life to the area. So the mayor told the police chief to make sure nothing happened to the Target….and nothing did because of the heavy police response. Grantes we only had a few riots here and there, it still wouldve been far worse if they just let it happen. To date the neighborhood is …ok, its still not great, but its far better off than pretty much every other neighborhood the George Kirby riots consumed

2 replies

8 hours ago
There are still empty lots in LA to this day from the 92 riots

8 hours ago
It’s sad. I think a lot of these businesses are trying to bring life and economy to their community. They can make a difference too.

1 reply

18 minutes ago
Minnesotan here, grocery stores and large retailers are currently leaving Minneapolis due to theft and violence.

6 hours ago
LOL they replaced the “Speedway” name with “Peoplesway”, absolute comedic gold.

44 minutes ago
In Minneapolis the bodies of two people were found when the wreckage of the buildings was cleared. That was in the Minneapolis Tribune if I recall correctly.

9 hours ago
The media need to be held accountable for all the blood they have on their hands. Severely. Physically.

15 replies

6 hours ago
I lived in this area of Minneapolis as a young adult struggling to find my footing. This area is very diverse, full of hardworking immigrants and children of immigrants. People from Africa, Asia, Mexico, and Eastern Europe to name just a few. Sure, many of the rioters were from the area, but just as many if not more came from elsewhere. I wonder if they would do the same thing to their own cities? Most likely seeing as they’re all so stupid.
P.S. Minneapolis is still a beautiful city.

8 hours ago
I drove through Minneapolis (where the riots were) but it looks like everything was rebuilt (apartments and condos replaced most of the building that were destroyed) but I don’t know if people are actually living in those buildings. I think those riots opened a gateway for gentrification where really wealthy companies bought those businesses and land lots. I try to not drive down there so besides what I saw- not sure how well those communities are doing.

3 replies

5 hours ago (edited)
Anyone else notice even the bus shelter is boarded up 😢

7 hours ago
Congrats to St. George on his nearly 3 years sober.

3 hours ago
You know I almost feel bad for them…
no I don’t…

9 hours ago
Have you ever discussed the meeting Obama had with BLM members in 2016?

2 replies

7 hours ago
Work from home becoming a permanent feature of the workplace is going to change all city centers. I used to work downtown every day, since 2020 I work from a surround exurb.
The money from business activity and rents has left and moved elsewhere.

4 hours ago
I cant express how happy i am that this happened. Couldnt have happened to a better, more tolerant group of people.

5 hours ago
I went through Minneapolis recently. That Speedway is actually just across from George Floyd square. Most of the businesses on Chicago Ave are gone, I think Cup Foods is the only thing left and it’s super graffitied up. Most of the businesses in the Powderhorn neighborhood are boarded up, some are burned out, it’s not a good look. I’m sure that in another 10 years it won’t have improved much.

1 hour ago
It’s not all of us. Some of us just want to live in peace.

5 hours ago (edited)
“The social contract is BRUCKEN” Lol 14:23

8 hours ago
“Stop caring about property over people. They were insured!”
I kept hearing that and it always enraged me. That property is how these PEOPLE made their money! They dont give a shit about the people. Get out of Murderapolis. Its a total loss and cesspool.

6 replies

1 hour ago
I saw a video recently of a Walmart being destroyed. One lady was upset. The lady next to her said—We will make our own Walmart. I thought how are a bunch of people with no jobs that go around looting everything going to build a Walmart? Who will fund that? Would they actually get a job there? They would just steal from it like they do everything else. It was one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard. And she actually believed the words coming out of her own mouth 🙄 how slow minded some people are.

Actual Justice Warrior
1 reply

4 hours ago
So many local landmarks (businesses/restaurants/old bars) got demolished that some areas are now like a giant dying mall but, it’s neighborhoods.

1 hour ago
They want to act like animals u get to live like one do these ppl know that we have zero sympathy for them

7 hours ago
I live in St. Paul. I remember we had a curfew because of it. About a month later after the riots, I went out to the areas that were hit and snapped some pictures.

1 reply

3 hours ago
“If you start to transfer the ownership of the community to the community, everybody will prosper.” That’s a cute sentiment, but that’s not what happened. Not even remotely. Nothing changed hands. Property and lives were destroyed. The community was devastated and we’re all worse off for it.

9 hours ago
I remember going out to stock up on groceries the day before the 92 L.A. riots. I knew exactly what was going to happen. It’s only gotten worse.

3 replies

2 hours ago (edited)
I was in Minneapolis 3 weeks ago. I stayed in the center of downtown.
Police sit in cars on EVERY block to prevent tourists and conference goers from getting attacked.
You cant leave the hotel after dark, homeless drug addicts wonder in to the lobby and they need a bouncer standing in lobby all the time.
Apartment buildings constructed 6 years ago are becoming empty and they are leaving.
It is dying for sure

52 minutes ago
Excellent analysis. Thank you.

3 hours ago
Well if they dont get tought history. They are doomed to repeat it!!

2 hours ago
Live in Minnesota. Haven’t been to Mpls since 2020.
I remember these places…it’s sad that they were destroyed.

4 hours ago
Spot on! As always 🔥

8 hours ago
Similar situation is happening in Portland Oregon post 2020 BLM riots.

6 hours ago
Yeah, I’m far from a wealthy black person but I’m starting realize that many of the people who think like this just don’t understand how the world works and refuse to learn.

2 replies

3 hours ago
Congratulations to George Floyd on three years of sobriety!!

5 hours ago
My heart is broken

7 hours ago
“The person who fixes the situation is killing us”
She has no idea how profound and true that statement really is because she’s taking about the white man instead of the black man.

4 hours ago
One reason for all this insanity: NO FATHERS IN THE HOUSE.

1 reply

8 hours ago (edited)
They were just “fiery but mostly peaceful protests,” guys.
Meanwhile grandma who walked through the open doors of the Capitol and snapped some pics of the statues get 15 years for “insurrection”.

1 reply

1 hour ago
My wife and I left the city after 30+ years of living there. It’s sad to see this once really nice city turn to garbage and become unsafe.

2 hours ago
Amen! I am glad of it. They voted for it. They got it.

3 hours ago
Whenever rioting starts, Marshall Law should be instituted and people gotten rid of who are destroying stuff and hurting others.

5 hours ago
“we don’t own anything” what she’s saying is “she doesn’t own anything”. There were a lot of black owned businesses that were destroyed in the riots.

2 hours ago
excellent video and commentary.. well done…

9 hours ago (edited)
They think that we have magic dirt, and that is why our businesses prosper. They think that if they have our magic dirt, that they will prosper without effort.

5 replies

1 hour ago
Also people need to protect their communities. Arm up, ignore the corrupted DAs, fight like hell.

7 hours ago
It’s crazy how old those photos are. You definitely haven’t been to Minneapolis in sometime or ever. Man I love the internet.

1 hour ago
I learned true hatred and malice in the last few years. It will explode on these people soon enough.

4 hours ago
I wonder if they ever found out the identity of the burned body in the pawn shop that was torched to the ground.

1 hour ago
Violence and destruction is all these people know.

8 hours ago
It’s better for them not to recover. A monument serves not only to celebrate auspicious occasion but also as a reminder of stupidity.

2 replies

4 hours ago (edited)
8:00 it is a restuarant/bakery chain but had closed a few Florida locations near me unfortunately. It has these big muffins called Mammoth Muffins and a close family friend liked them. 8:58 Or a power that destroyed businesses.

1 hour ago
I lived through the LA Riots and my store in South Gate never reopened. Moved to Texas soon after.

3 hours ago
Need that video on lances timcast appearance Sean! 🙏🏽

2 hours ago
Makes sense they do this to em selfs but yet want to blame something that has nothing to do w it .

9 hours ago
Interesting thank you. So instead of working to better themselves, they want “other people’s money given to them”. Unlike literally any other ethnicity who understands we have to work for our success.

7 replies

7 hours ago (edited)
When I was a kid about 15 (roughly 18 years ago), I was left alone in Compton by greyhound bus. The entire area looked like the building to the right (7:00), and all the sidewalks were covered in tents. Not knowing any better, I hung out with a homeless guy and paid for his beer. I was robbed of my $20 pay-as-you-go phone. Looking back, the area was like a hub for the homeless. Like it was their area, no business open besides a few liquor shops. The one thing I wondered was why they didn’t just break into these abandoned buildings and live in them instead.

8 hours ago
Well there’s at least one good reason not to loot and burn a community is your gonna eventually meet resistance and possibly be removed permantly from existence. This individual is another self professed victim and it’s someone else’s fault for her disappointment in not being as successful in life as some others. Always easier to blame others. Truth can hurt sometimes.

41 minutes ago
I lived in South Central in 1996, it looked like the riots ended 2 days before I got there.

4 hours ago
They didn’t need a liquor store but RIP Popeye’s you will be missed.

2 hours ago (edited)
7:25 notice how the building owners taxes didnt protect his building, but the city found enough funding to paint the crosswalk.

8 hours ago
Why couldn’t the business owners sue the BLM chapters?

4 replies

7 hours ago
I went to White Bear Lake in 2021 to buy a car. I was very happy to go around the core of the city and happy to drive away, 1,200 miles back home, despite my window exploding on the way.

6 hours ago
“If you start to transfer the ownership of the community to the community, everybody will prosper” Uh excuse me, what? Were all those Korean victims not part of the community? Though with the direction race grifters have steered the opinions of their intended audience, I wouldn’t be surprised if the victims were in fact NOT viewed as part of the community

4 replies

8 hours ago
There’s no doubt if mobs we’re marching down Rodeo Drive burning out the merchants or further out and burning down the mansions Hollywood would be singing a different tune 🎵🎶

51 minutes ago
“I’m sorry I had a fight in the middle of your black panther party.” – Forrest Gump

5 hours ago
I’m surprised there was anybody who didn’t foresee this outcome. Nobody wants to open up a business where it’s likely to get looted and/or destroyed. And even if somebody does open a business there, they have higher security costs which makes it that much harder to make a profit.

5 hours ago
How about “reparations” for this inexcusable destruction? From the perpetrators, of course.

8 hours ago
I would like to congratulate George on nearly 3 years of sobriety.

1 reply

6 hours ago
13:37 when someone starts speaking with “I’ve been seein a lot of thangs”, you know you’re in for an education in how to masterfully wield the English language.

6 hours ago
My brother lives in Minneapolis. He said it’s a shit show, but he can’t afford to move as he’s disabled.

5 hours ago

7 hours ago
If I spent my whole life blaming other people and taking a big dump on my neighbors lawn I accept that I will be a loser in life. But I take care of myself and look out for my neighbor so I don’t have that problem.

2 hours ago
Some folk are not as important as the media makes them out to be..if they are suffering from their own actions so be it

8 hours ago (edited)
I drove through that area of L.A., a couple months after the riots. What I saw, were street corners with Korean’s, Asian’s and Mexican’s selling fruits / goods and blacks leaning up against buildings. This is a cultural issue and we can’t talk about it.

1 reply

1 hour ago
Humanities’ stupidity will never cease to amaze me. How can so many people not comprehend CAUSE AND EFFECT?

50 minutes ago
Minneapolis isn’t destroyed. It’s diversified!

2 hours ago
“How does it help you to not loot Target?”
-Galaxy Brain

1 hour ago
Business owners need to go after the people that were in charge of this city and sue the pants off them.

1 hour ago
Those people only dug our own grave!

8 hours ago
“Their attitude is wrong”
The utter lack of awareness….

1 reply

54 minutes ago
At least Officer Fentanyl was held accountable for Saint Floyd’s overdose death.

6 hours ago
The Graffiti and murals are plastered over the damage like giftRAP and it’s hilarious

1 hour ago
So a community can come together to destroy but not to build.

2 hours ago
Shawn has never had a piece of pie from Perkins😮 man! Now that’s a crime against humanity lol

1 hour ago
Yeah and when these areas become “food deserts,” we’ll never hear the end of it. 🙄

8 hours ago
Anyone worth their weight in salt might as well relocate to better communities. It’s a business death sentence to stay in these places. I don’t feel bad for any residents there. They did it to themselves and will suffer for it. Sadly, they will never take accountability and will always behave the same way, same victim mentality, same ignorance driven aggressive behaviors.

1 reply

5 hours ago (edited)
I lived in Minnesota during the riots and moved out during the riots. It got so bad, people had to hire armed guards. And the most ridiculous thing was most of the small business burned down/looted were black owned.
Got to the point where black business owners had to put signs out saying the property is black owned. 😂

7 hours ago
Just once i wanna trick an angry mob into destroying a FAKE Rock Ridge instead of the REAL Rock Ridge like in Blazing Saddles.

9 minutes ago
Couldn’t happen to more deserving people

4 hours ago
Lance was on Tim Pool last night. Sean, do your magic.

4 hours ago

9 hours ago (edited)
We know the ones who are doing all of this. Until we stop them, they will not stop.

3 replies

8 hours ago (edited)
Thank you for bringing this blatant and unproductive destruction to light. Sure glad all these buildings getting destroyed solved racism. 🙄
Also to Trevor Noah: tu quoque logical fallacy – You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser – you answered criticism with criticism. You could also argue his claim is a Redding Herring logical fallacy as well.

1 reply

3 hours ago
I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting them to destroy the Popeyes

11 minutes ago
Constant civil unrest= no rest for the wicked

1 hour ago
i love in mpls… whole thing is like a play that nobody knows they are preforming in.

3 hours ago
F for Minneapolis

9 hours ago
There is something seriously wrong with Trevor Noah.

1 reply

6 hours ago

4 hours ago
George Floyd sober for almost 3 years now. Congratulations.

1 reply

3 hours ago
Makin excuses to destroy 😂👏👏nice performance.

1 hour ago
Part of having a successful business that is based on actually providing value to a community is NOT being a lazy POS

5 hours ago
7:00 “Hey guys, let’s paint the street so maybe people won’t notice the vandalized building 🥴🤦‍♂️

9 hours ago
George Floyd, 3 years sober!?!
Congratulations to him man, congratulations.

22 replies

7 hours ago
I’m in 100% agreement with you. The Popeye’s spicy chicken sandwich is far superior to Chik-fil-A. It’s the number 1 chicken sandwich ever made, imo.

7 hours ago
Popeyes might have a better sandwich but they literally never get my order right and CFA literally never gets it wrong

35 minutes ago
You have to give respect to be respected

8 hours ago (edited)
7:30 ‘W’ take from Sean on the Popeye’s spicy chicken sandwich. It’s the best one on the market, of any fast food place (saying that as someone who has loved chick-fil-a since I moved to the States).

5 hours ago
A lot of good people have moved out of the Twin Cities.

7 hours ago
Born and raised in “the community”. I left it behind long ago and unfortunately what you say is true. Those neighborhoods will never recover, and me and my house will keep a very wide distance from the same.

6 hours ago
I can’t remember which sci-fi movies it was, Maze Runner, Divergent, something like that, where everyone was in the cities and they were walled off from the outside to keep them safe. I’m thinking it will be the opposite in this country. Keep the cities walled in to keep the suburbs safe.

3 hours ago
Guys this is why you need the 2nd amendment and community to help each other out 💪😎🙏 🇺🇸

2 hours ago
The truth!

8 hours ago
Business owners take several things into consideration before opening a store. One is safety of/for the business. Insurance is very high in an unsafe location. Being uninsured in a previously violent location is fool hardy and a very bad business decision.

1 hour ago
I would say it was an attack on small business to give a big companies take over in cover.

9 hours ago
I’m pretty sure the people who destroyed these areas of Minneapolis were NOT all from the community.

2 replies

8 hours ago
Almost 3 years sober good job

6 hours ago
I expect a future video on Timcast hosting the Serfs last night. He tried using Metadata to support his ridiculous claims on transing kids. Sean would have been a strong counter guest to have on.

5 hours ago
What was learned from the 60s riots.keep it in the playbook use when needed

8 hours ago
Man, trevor noah has some things to answer right there

1 hour ago
Nothing says “we showed the yt man” like burning down your own community” lol then they blame y.t. for it being burnt down

8 hours ago
I’m not sure how that one woman thinks black people not spending money is a threat.

6 hours ago
Definitely need to talk about SerfTV being on Timcast

7 hours ago
Also there is a bud line that runs from Chicago to those cities…. Cutting that off would help

4 hours ago
They want thier own shit but want someone eles to pay for it ! Thats not how shit works!

8 hours ago
The people who brought diapers to the riot = did they put their heads up on stakes? 😅

50 minutes ago
Thanks for all your help while most sleep.

6 hours ago
My God, do I ever hate Trever Noah. He lives in his ivory tower while encouraging violence in our backyards.

8 replies

8 hours ago
Everywhere they go, across the whole world, the same results. Watch the buildings magically return to rubble. Never do those bricks become buildings.

7 hours ago
For sure. We love to go to the North Shore, if we ever go again, we will travel through Wisconsin and once again stay away from the Twin Cities.

6 hours ago
Ah, yes, the summer of love. 🙄🙄🙄

7 hours ago
I’m from South Minneapolis. I live about 1 mile from where G. Fl0yd’s died. We call Minneapolis Murderapolis now. My family moved in late 2020 and the police station is still burned and decayed. Its standing on purpose as a symbol of anti-police rhetoric. Minneapolis’s police force is down 50% and crime is surging to the point where carjacking’s are expected on a daily bases. Before the riots I never hear a peep about carjacking’s.

6 hours ago
I just want to remind everyone this marks 3 years my boy George Floyd has been drug free! Pulling for you homeboy.

9 hours ago
Can confirm still burned out buildings and the crime in the area is worse than it already was

8 hours ago
…He seriously asked “how does it help to not loot Target?”…
My god Trevor, i can think of two fucking ways right off the to of my head: it keeps the business in the area providing both jobs and goods, and it doesn’t make you look bad. Fucking hell man…

8 hours ago
I live an hour and half north of Minneapolis. I’m not going to pretend I spent a lot of money there, but twice a year id go there to bike their bike trails, eat at their restaurants, and buy a few things and random neat stores you dont have anywhere else in Minnesota. I haven’t been back since the riots. I have two young children that would add to that spending. I wont say never again, but at least not until they get their $hlt together.

3 hours ago
From my perspective, thus is the urban demographic getting what they voted for.

4 hours ago
Does anyone have any reading reccomendations on crime creates poverty and not the other way around? Id like to educate myself more on this and looking for a solid place to start.

2 hours ago
I remember when that boy was thrown off the escalator at Mall of America

7 hours ago
Who knew listening to people telling you to destroy your neighborhood would lead to a destroyed neighborhood. 🤔

7 hours ago
Perkins – I used to call that the fancy Denny’s on road trips with my family. Went once in 1990. Dont remember much except the brand colors look the same as today, and they served pie in the morning.

8 hours ago
She came up with the solution to the problem… only shop at locally owned businesses!? But you didn’t just destroy the idea of the business but the actual physical building that is nearly irreplaceable.

3 hours ago
Lets Hope!

6 hours ago
Wouldn’t that be considered race riots because they deliberately focused the destruction in the Korean area?

4 hours ago
“The authority that comes in to fix the situation. But the person who fixes the situation kills us….”
Then stop stealing and destroying things…… it’s people like this that are “destroying the social contract”. And then they complain about it.

7 hours ago
Give a white man a brick he will build,give a black man a brick he will destroy a window.😮

4 replies

7 hours ago
Those people saying how beautiful these places are going to be are hilarious 🤣 yeah looks great 👍

1 hour ago
There are Perkins in Staten Island NY. It is a chain of home-style family restaurants. Nice food, affordable prices.

9 minutes ago
They do it to themselves.

1 hour ago
When I’m looking for an inciteful opinion and my choices are Trevor or my 2 year old, the kid wins every time. Especially when he’s been fed.

56 minutes ago
We live in upside-down world

9 hours ago
Rodney King did a lot of bad things

1 reply

7 hours ago
I think the media should have taken some of the blame for fuelling the fames of these riots and should be held accountable

1 reply

2 hours ago
Perkins is an upper midwestern chain of diners kind of like Denny’s but a little better. They have them all over Wisconsin.

4 hours ago
Don’t worry.
I’m sure it will still be considered everyone else’s fault

10 minutes ago
I would never have my family in these areas. I hear the birds chirping each day and it’s lovely . When five cities at once are on fire and the police step away I’m
Gonna watch all the excitement from my safe small town hot tub 🙂

3 hours ago
And they’ll do it again. Ridiculous behavior.

8 hours ago
They’ll keep doing it, so long as they can get away with it.

6 hours ago
Perkins is basically Denny’s with a specialty in fresh baked pies.

7 hours ago
If she went to work for a decade and was careful with her money she could get a loan and start owning property in the community. That’s how our grandparents did it.

2 hours ago
F—ing Amen….slow clap, thank you so so much for saying the quiet part out loud, I can’t add anymore to what you just said…. because I’ve been saying it for years as a black conservative, and you want to know why….not just white folks but every other persons of color and even newly arrived immagrants don’t want us in their community, let’s just be real and truthful about it, because the women in the video told the truth, “if it ain’t our we’ll destroy it” . So what Scott Adams said was correct….and the heavy set woman said it. I don’t think there’s many of us who agree with her feelings on the matter, I know I don’t, there are great black people like myself who want to live and thrive in a diverse community. But again thanks for saying the truth.

7 hours ago
There was a long time local bookstore in the area, was burned to the ground. In no way were they part of any problem and had been a stable employer for years. Years later and due to crowdfunding from their loyal customers they’re back in business. But not in that community. It’s a smaller store, and they employ fewer people. That was a loss bigger than their apparent financial loss. With the former location now being a vacant lot nothing else there is going to employ folk.

5 hours ago
slam poetry doesn’t make a convincing argument for riot lady

8 hours ago
I’ll never forget my friend telling me the riots and destruction was ok because ” they have insurance.”

1 reply

4 hours ago (edited)
At a certain point the “its not all of them” argument starts to lose weight. We’ve been dealing with civil unrest as a result of race and ethnicity since the beginning of the country. There is literally 1 group of people that never seem to learn or improve, in fact they seem to get worse with time. How many times are we as a society going to allow these people to hold our nation back, often destroying entire cities economically, before we say it’s enough.

1 reply

2 hours ago
On a positive note, George Floyd has been clean and sober for almost three years now.

5 hours ago
Milwaukee had riots in the late 68s. The area never recovered.

6 hours ago
Interesting that the black people in the area don’t see the Koreans living in the area as part of the community.

5 hours ago
I don’t give AF about these cities who sat back and watched this happen

8 hours ago
Congrats to George for 3 years of sobriety.

5 hours ago
Hey AJW, Just for the record I enjoy your content however if you do not under stand that aspect of the L.A. Riots you need to know about the Killing of Latasha HARLIN. That is where the riff between the 2 communities began and the fact that “MEDIA” failed to cover this story and the influence on the community is perplexing. Keep making content and I will keep watching it.

3 hours ago
What a culture.

5 hours ago
All by design… some are all too willing to be controlled ❗❗❗

25 minutes ago
I would love to see those animals try something like that in Texas.

18 minutes ago
Ohhhh yeah, I remember those ‘peaceful,’ riots.

7 hours ago
I feel bad for the innocent people caught in the middle, cant affors to leave these “warzones”

6 hours ago
The biggest takeaway from this video is that Sean doesn’t know about Perkins

8 hours ago
Detroit is just now recovering it may never be what it was though as most of the people have moved out of the city

4 hours ago (edited)
Im from Poland and Im shocked what is going on in your third world country. If you will need some aid, I mean : food, clothes, medicine just ask. We will send some humanitarian help. Cheers from straight, white, christian european country 🙂

7 hours ago
I live in philly. Hate to say it but any neighborhood that’s completely minorities, you can tell immediately by how it looks as soon as you enter. I traveled a lot in the USA, it’s super obvious when you drive into most all black neighborhoods. No other group destroys their own community.

4 hours ago
This is what they do.

8 hours ago
“The Ghost of White Supremacy Past”
Never change, Mr Fitzgerald, never change.

8 hours ago
I love it!

5 hours ago
I think even a three-year-old can understand that you can’t break a lego house into a bigger better one.

5 hours ago
Yeah the businesses got their insurance money and fled to a place with law and order.

5 hours ago
It was very educational learning that Miami could recovered quickly and fully after a hurricane but other American cities do not recover after race riots. I hope your government is also learning from the comparison.

6 hours ago
“Dont Shit Where You Eat”
even ANIMALS know that!

8 hours ago
Poverty does NOT cause crime (especially not violent crime). Crime causes poverty to a greater extent than the reverse. See how Walmart and Walgreens are closing locations where crime is allowed to run rampant.

1 reply

7 hours ago
Perkins is a semi national company. We had some in Colorado. Its like a denny’s.

7 hours ago
What’s ironic is they only destroyed their own homes/ businesses and not what they were protesting against

3 hours ago
For years they worked without pay now they want to be paid without work.

3 hours ago (edited)
Please do a video on Lance, from the terfs or whatever, visit on tim pool!! 😂😂😂

4 hours ago
I keep wanting to call it “minionapolis”

9 hours ago
If you ever agreed with a riot then you reap what you sow! No peace, forever riots, because you made an agreement with the devil. The people who are against any riots live in peace.

1 hour ago
I’m curious if any one made it out better. They obviously ruined the chance to shop again but the stole everything they didn’t burn down. So I wonder if any of them took enough to profit, and if they did how far did they get with that profit. Did even last a year?

3 minutes ago
I guess Perkins is a chain restaurant because there is one in Baltimore City that’s been there for 10 years or so and I actually thought it wasn’t because I’ve never seen another till now so I guess it is.

5 hours ago
The Perkins was in my old neighborhod. Fortunately we moved to the burbs 10 years ago.

7 hours ago
Perkins is a restaurant chain that tries to do things better than Denny’s

45 minutes ago
She has money for hair dye, nail polish and clothes and pretends she doesn’t own anything.

7 hours ago
“Oh No, ThOsE pOoR bUsInEsS oWnErS sarcastic cry 😢
-Destructive Rioters
“….Wait… how do we get food and services now….? ironic cry 😢
-Also Destructive Rioters

5 hours ago
Did Trevor really just say… “how does it help u to not loot Target? ” wtf 🤯🤦‍♂️

5 hours ago
Popeyes over chick-fla. omg unsubscribed! Lol jk. Perkins is a northern breakfast chain. A lot of them are in Wisconsin but they’re actually starting to close. Great info and analysis as always!

2 hours ago
They’ll complain bitterly that they live in a “food desert”.

6 hours ago
“Why’d you burn down your own community?”
You want to own your community, for you to take responsibility for it’s caretaking?

5 hours ago (edited)
Kenosha is the same way. So many long time businesses gone forever. The car source lots have a million worthless cars sitting in them STILL. It’s a mess.

8 hours ago
This does not fill me with hope for our country.

1 reply

7 hours ago (edited)
Not that I condone it but I can only imagine that it would be rather fun to rob Trevor blind and spray paint: “how does not robbing Trevor Noah help us?” on his walls.

1 reply

5 hours ago
The racism against Asians from certain communities is so well known that Eddie Murphy used to work out into his stand up in the late 80s / early 90s

5 hours ago
Did you see Lance get absolutely roasted last night? 🤣

41 minutes ago
Perkins is a restaurant chain and yes, I doubt they’d ever even bother considering coming back.

4 hours ago
They voted for this.

9 hours ago
I hear about the NYC subway crime and one of my first thoughts is “Good content for AJW”. Am I a bad person?…😟

2 replies

6 hours ago
Funny how the Tulsa riot is blamed for absolutely all of the poverty the black community faces today, even though they were actually able to rebuild five years later and it didn’t all fall apart until after segregation, and yet these riots are never blamed for any of the poverty the black community faces.

8 hours ago
George Floyd would’ve been fine had they just given him a little milk. He was clearly a healthy, law abiding citizen. 😂

5 hours ago
– Hear, hear!

3 hours ago
Do the politicians in the USA still say that diversity is our strength?

6 hours ago
My black friends struggle because they’re called white for working hard, being a father and not going to jail

9 hours ago
Lower “intergenerational wealth” and higher police interactions are both consequences of a higher birthrate. High birthrate means a lower average age meaning more young males who commit more crimes and more kids means wealth gets spread out more from parents and inheritance. This world is dumb

1 hour ago
“Why not loot Target?” Maybe because you want to keep them around. A month later they start complaining about not having infrastructure

5 hours ago
This is hilarious. You can’t fix stupid, but it can starve itself to death.

1 hour ago
And the one single common denominator in American urban decay, social unrest, and crime is……..

4 hours ago
“How does it help you to not loot target?” How does it help you to not sleep with your neighbor’s wife? How does it help you to not slap your boss in the face? How does it help you to not shoot yourself in the foot?

5 hours ago

3 hours ago
As a wise man once said Jogger’s are going to Jog….

8 hours ago
Never underestimate the power of stupid.

8 hours ago
If I lived there, and had a business there, there would of been a foot deep of used shell casings. The building would not of been touched.

7 hours ago
this is why i usually say walk with a german shepherd or doberman pincher but they probably wont stop a mob of 100 + cowards. the dog would probably get stomped out trying to protect you and have seizures from cortex/spinal cord damage.

43 minutes ago
Lock and Load good people. Never again. Take these thugs out if this ever happens again.

6 hours ago
Luckily, in San Antonio, the destructive rioters participating were curtailed and controlled after a small amount of damage occurred.

4 hours ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I didn’t feel a thing.

9 hours ago
yeah basically, the city is at a point of no return, crime is up, carjackings even
having branched out into nearby wealthy suburbs

8 hours ago
Perkins was a nice little chain restaurant. Open 24 hrs for your convenience. Pretty good food. Definitely catered to the late night crowd if ya know what i mean. Had one in my city for a while but it closed down years ago. One of our local political folk heroes would hold meetings there. Good times.

1 reply

6 hours ago
It’s ironic that you stopped at 3:00, with the NBC logo showing at the bottom. Do you think NBC would cover that kind damage done by a riot nowadays?

50 minutes ago
Thanks to the media

8 hours ago
certain people are not happy unless they live in a literal toilet along with the smells associated with a full toilet. it brings them joy.

3 hours ago
Reminds me of that comparison picture of Hiroshima vs Detroit.

8 hours ago
“Passengers, this is your pilot speaking. We are just about to land at Minneapolis Airport. Please remember to put your watches back fifty years.”

8 hours ago
“How does it help you to not loot target?”
Well Trevor, I understand you don’t live in Minneapolis, and neither do I thank god, but I think we can clearly see the cons that come with looting target. The city is a dumpster fire now. Anyone who has resources to invest will stay clear away from cities where targets are being looted, especially when it gets to Minneapolis levels of looting

2 hours ago
Perkins is an old half dead chain (there are a handful in Ohio)

2 hours ago
Have you heard of the Tulsa race riots? No one talked about them outside the state of OK

5 hours ago
Interestingly, in ethnic Asian and (most) ethnic Hispanic communities, they’ve managed to build (and thrive!) many new businesses catering to their own communities. Look at the many successful Asian and Hispanic supermarkets in the Los Angeles, CA area, for starters.

1 reply

1 hour ago
Unnecessary Reparations have been Paid In Full.

8 hours ago
Don’t look at these places and people with pity. They wanted this.

6 hours ago
Evil. The only fix is going to be a reversal of Blackstone’s formulation. “It’s better that 10 innocent suffer than 1 guilty person goes free.”
It’s too much.

7 hours ago
Dude has never heard of a Perkins? I guess I’ve never really looked into where all of the branches are, so maybe Perkins is only a Midwest thing? They’re all over the place….well, they used to be all over the place in MN, but there are less of them than there used to be, but there are still quite a few.

1 hour ago
They tried in my town and everyone went with Thier guns to protect the businesses and they quickly left and never came back

3 hours ago (edited)
I can’t feel bad for communities so willing to destroy what they have and then turn around and blame it on other people or racism. I feel pity for the people truly hurt by this, but beyond that no

5 hours ago
“we dont own anything” and you never will

9 hours ago (edited)
Ughhh I usually listen to the previous day’s Tim Pool episode in the morning. The Surfs is unbearable though. Thank you for giving me something else.

9 replies

8 hours ago
That Perkins is the only thing that wasn’t destroyed during the riots, they closed close to 10 years ago. Everything else is pretty much destroyed. They should’ve showed where the pawn shop used to sit on the opposite side of the Denny’s.

5 hours ago
👍 for Popeye’s endorsement.

1 hour ago
you know the thing! Run away from that thing!

4 hours ago
The sad thing is that rioting and looting will be repeated over and over again as soon as a career criminal gets shot by a cop while resisting arrest. So zero lessons were learned at all.

4 hours ago
The evil, can not build, it can only corrupt

7 hours ago
Im so tired of hearing about George Floyd he finally got what he spent his whole life asking for

4 hours ago
Perkins is the most amazing chain. It’s a 24 h restaurant and bakery. They have half off pie and apps and an unlimited pancake deal after 9 pm.
Favorite college hangout; sad to see.

7 hours ago
Thing is a lot of business lots also require taking care of their local area/plot so no businesses means the place slowly develops into an overgrown, littered and graffitied mess. So basically they’re successfully turning their own city into a slum and blaming everyone else for it.

52 minutes ago
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving body of voters.

5 hours ago
I experienced the LA riots as a child.. the community has still not recovered, the best thing around there is a Ross and bebe’s or Marshalls with 24hr police. All you see are food trucks, used clothes stands. The only people who were able to recover with their own effort where the Asians/middle eastern. The few black owned places never came back. The screw themselves.

4 hours ago
It’s time to fight violence with violence.

9 hours ago
Part of the issue is that “black community”, the second term. Community. I am not part of a “community” just because I live in an apartment complex: if my neighbor wants me to join some sort of cause, fuck no I got shit to do. It always boils down to the individual, and bringing a bunch of individuals into a singular cause is COMPLEX.

4 replies

29 minutes ago
Perkins is a chain like ihop, here in NJ we have an ihop next to a perkins and both stay open somehow.

7 hours ago
As a father I resent that George floyd is called a father, it is my understanding floyd spent most his time behind bars not raising his kids. As a father I spend my time making sure my family has a roof over their heads and food on the table. That is my job as a dad! So you my identify as a dad and father, but if you do not put the work-in, YOU ARE NOT!!! CAN YOU DIG IT!!!

5 hours ago
What you can say? we got what we voted for.

2 hours ago (edited)
It take years for societies ransacked by riots to recover. I grew up in Tulsa. Ok, and the Greenwood area finally started rebuilding…it took roughly 100 years though.

1 hour ago
But ✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 reee he was a good person 😂😂😂😂

8 hours ago
I live across the river in St Paul so I got to watch Mogadishu burning across the river. This video that you’re making is not untrue, even today there are still buildings that are unoccupied or torn down and not replaced. There is family generations of businesses that have been there for a hundred plus years and in one night of Summer Love they were obliterated and never recovered.
Also, FYI, Perkins has like a slightly fancier Denny’s and it is a chain in the midwest but some of them are also family-owned

6 hours ago
Prevent riots: respond to aggressive policemen with lethal force not submission.

7 hours ago
It wasnt a complete loss our 2a is getting stronger and we got Kyle Rittenhouse

1 hour ago
13:59 Tell that to David Dorn.

2 hours ago
Honestly, it wasn’t locals that destroyed the area. Many videos show people driving in who were most likely aNtiFA and FBI destroying buildings.

4 hours ago
The auto zone the cop was busting the windows out of….

1 reply

9 hours ago
Worst farm equipment investment in history.

4 replies

4 hours ago
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905
lack of education creates an unnoticed ignorance in those that do such things. Who would want to start a business in Detroit, Minneapolis, etc after all this?

4 hours ago
Man, i hate viewing any group of peoples as a monoliths, but seeing how easier manipulated some races are is shocking, given its so very easy to research and look back at how similar mentalities led to nothing but turmoil. I grew up thinking i was going to be the daft one in the group, but the older i get, the more i loose faith in people.

1 reply

4 hours ago
Even the trees are gone!

7 hours ago
Yeah, Popeyes > Chic Fil A for spicy chicken sandwiches. But I’ll happily take either any day!

1 hour ago
This is why I don’t care let them live with it

7 hours ago
With cell phones being everywhere I wonder if there’s video footage of each of these buildings being attacked.

2 replies

7 hours ago
Perkins is like a Dennys or a Shari’s believe they have gone out of business by now completely. Was a okay place to eat.

1 hour ago
Seeing them tearing down their own businesses and infrastructure brought a good few tears of joy to my eyes!
They literally proved everybody right!
They can only destroy, they are physically incapable of creating or maintaining anything!
It’s not a coincidence that their own neighbourhoods are always the most dangerous and rundown neighborhoods in every town!
They do it to themselves and they celebrate each other for causing as much damage as possible!

1 hour ago
“We don’t own that”
Yeah, you don’t. And it’s 100% your fault you don’t.

8 hours ago
Perkins is regional. There’s one in just about every decent sized town here in Iowa.

55 minutes ago
“We don’t own anything!”
Me: yeah you don’t own that hair neither. That’s someone else’s hair. Burn it off

8 hours ago
I’ll never forgive Fentanyl for killing George Floyd.

5 hours ago
When you learn about the collapse of the Roman empire, you know for a fact that America’s time has come.

6 hours ago
We had 2 Perkins on SI.
1 in BK. All closed. Used to be good.

5 hours ago
by vandalisming or destroying store they sedn a clear message they don’t want store in their community

4 hours ago
Perkins is like a higher end Denny’s.

3 hours ago
Good! 🦆 those people. They deserve it all.🎉

8 hours ago
They haven’t learned and they never will.

8 hours ago
love the graffiti it’s telling

6 hours ago
Perkins was my favorite breakfast spot growing up. Very disappointing 🙁

18 minutes ago
Should never let the people that cheered it on forget, I mean trevor noah isnt even american, how does he sleep at night.

7 hours ago
Your wife must be a good cook!! Love ya

3 hours ago
14:11 Trevor Noah should go to jail

7 hours ago
4:46 why should someone respect you and your culture when you don’t respect theirs?

5 hours ago
Popeye’s and Chic Filet are both pretty good, they’re just different. Chic Filet is the upscale and Popeye’s is the ghetto. The prices reflect this. But, as far as their spicy chicken sandwiches go – they’re both pretty awesome.

3 hours ago
I had popeyes chicken for the first time ever a couple of months ago and it was the shit. Those little chicken nuggets they have are fantastic and the taters n gravy was no slouch either.
Perkins on the other hand stopped being good in the 80s. Dont go!!! Haha

8 minutes ago
Damn. They destroyed the fried chicken factory. 🎉

6 hours ago
People of certain persuasion are quite easy to incite into irrational violence.
An interview of a prison psychiatrist by C. Flaherty illuminates the root problem convincingly.

2 hours ago
liberty city, a maimi suburb has never really recovered from 1960’s riots

7 hours ago
They’re just a bit homesick, so they’re redeveloping the area to look more like Africa.

2 hours ago
You are an interesting individual, you must talk to a lot of black people.

4 hours ago
This is gonna be every city this is the end of this country

8 hours ago
as a current resident i cant wait to get out of this city

5 hours ago
Gonerners and mayors allowed this

8 hours ago
Ok, here’s the thing….they tear up the whole area they live. Drive out bussiness that they need to live there, destroy housing where they live. Then they’ll just move too another place and do it all over again.

3 hours ago
Dude, no, Popeye’s spicy chicken sandwich is fire.

8 hours ago
…yet Sean these are same people crying about businesses not opening in their communities and the one that are there, are closing their doors.

5 hours ago
We didn’t have these problems in DFW.

8 hours ago
I live in Greater Minnesota. Those of us who don’t live in Minneapolis/St. Paul used to go down there a lot for venues, sports, shopping, ect. Now? You’d have to find someone who goes down there because they want to. Minneapolis is far too dangerous to live in or even visit. Hell, there were 3 shootings at the Mall of America within weeks of each other, some by people who came to Minneapolis from Chicago. These weak-kneed politicians who run these cities have ran them well…into the ground. If native Minnesotans won’t bring their money to the Twin Cities, you can bet your ass others are doing the same thing. Unless these leaders of America’s cities fix their shit, this is only going to get worse.

3 hours ago
The country is not “absolutely devastated”, but it may be having issues.

8 hours ago (edited)
Good show GREAT content

3 hours ago
And now the media and even people in Congress are pushing for justice for Jordan Neely. It’ll be Floyd 2.0

7 hours ago
Shocking, when natural events decimate an area people are quicker to reinvest in it than when the hoard go wildling through it and destroy it. Who would have guessed?
A storm, you can see coming, can predict and prepare as best you can for to mitigate the damage. A throng of destructive looters and rioters who don’t care what they destroy (until their neighborhood is devastated and businesses won’t come back when they cry about not having places to shop or jobs) can’t be predicted, can’t be prepared for. That’s the difference.

2 hours ago
Wendy’s 4 Alarm Spicy Chicken Sandwich from almost 2 decades ago was the best ever….

8 hours ago
This channel is great. Who else is explaining how other races are having hate crimes committed against them?

5 hours ago
There goes the neighborhood

9 hours ago
did you consider the systemic systemism of systematic systemicism?

6 hours ago
just because you don’t own the local farm doesn’t mean you don’t need its food

5 hours ago
Wasn’t Chaz supposed to be a new garden of eden and save the day…..

2 hours ago
Why invest in a community that will burn it down at a moment’s notice… and maybe more importantly, who will insure something in that community?

8 hours ago
Perkins is a chain , not bad food not super great either , but if you need food and a comfortable place to eat they work.

41 minutes ago
Maybe the people in these areas can pay reparations to the business owners.

9 hours ago
Derek Chauvin did nothing wrong

4 replies

1 hour ago (edited)
The moral here is that lawlessness chaces the lawful who do actual good for the community away and it takes a long time for the lawful to decide it’s safe to come back to the community. Natural disasters don’t do the same long lasting psychological damage to the community.

5 hours ago
There’s nothing stopping these people from owning things.
Finish high school. Stay out of jail. Work full time. Don’t have kids out of wedlock. And, God forbid, leave the hood for places with lower CoL and job opportunities. Plenty of places in America where you can buy a home off a $50k a year income.

4 hours ago
I bet there are food deserts in the community for some reason.

6 hours ago
Black culture is so rich and interesting.

4 hours ago
They still act like they are in the jungle.

9 hours ago
I have it under good authority that it’s okay because these business owners have insurance🙄

1 reply

3 hours ago
TBH I am shocked by how little talk there is about that… the scale seems to be a humanitarian crisis type of thing.
I was not expecting it was THAT bad. It seem like few dozens of dead was ‘just’ few dozens of dead considering collateral damage.

6 hours ago
“When you transfer ownership…” To who? Members of the community? All of the upstanding members of the community left the community so who are the members of the community left? They are the ones burning and looting, do you think they are going to run a business?

2 hours ago
Damn, they stole a whole ass popeyes

1 reply

8 hours ago
One option is to get the feds out of welfare. Make welfare a local issue. Each state runs their own welfare system.

4 hours ago
wow they ate the entire popeyes

9 hours ago
You had 69 likes, and I made it 70. I sincerely apologize.

2 replies

1 hour ago
Perkin is GREAT and don’t you dare challenge the Lord’s chicken sandwhich!

7 hours ago
The Culver’s spicy chicken sandwich is the best, though.

3 hours ago
greedy people not “good people”

7 hours ago
No one brings down the black community like the black community

5 hours ago
Them liquor stores must have been really racist to loot all that alcohol.

7 hours ago
13:38 her shirt should say “I can’t breeve “…

5 hours ago
And people are shocked and wondering why business after business is closing and leaving Portland and other cities. Businesses are out to make money PERIOD. Not to help employees, Not to help the community or anyone else, they are out to put money in the owners wallets. And anyone stupid enough to stop them from that is to blame for them packing it in, cutting their losses and leaving creating the poor conditions and poverty that area is now in.

2 hours ago
None of this could have happened without the approval of the bureaucratic machine in DC. We still have rubber bullets, tear gas, dogs and clubs. If the rioting were happening in the Martha’s Vinyard, it wouldn’t last ten minutes.

5 hours ago
Don’t worry, insurance will cover it.

7 hours ago
Fallout 5 looks amazing.

4 hours ago (edited)
Did she ever think to get a JOB.. You have to actually go to WORK to own a house a car.

9 hours ago (edited)
Let me just say,
“Popeye’s chicken is fucking awesome.”

2 replies

4 hours ago
I am for reinforcing the social contract,
We, who do not wish to share the country with these people that burn down neighbourhoods, won’t have taxes go towards them, but for our own neighbourhoods, while they can have all the responsibility they want by paying for all the social systems themselves and not receiving anything from us, who according to them, are breaking their social contract.
As seen in Portland, even without my measure, big businesses will move out all by themselves.

6 hours ago
It’s the woke mindset of the city officials and the people that elected them that is the reason Minneapolis will join the ranks of Portland, Baltimore, and San Francisco as once great cities that died of self inflicted wounds.

5 hours ago
Where do they begin? The rubble, or their sins?

8 hours ago (edited)
its funny how the buildings are still “standing” and there are people just walking by everyday and nothing is done to take it down lol. not around me, thats why i dont care and if you think it can happen around here youll have a hell of a time doing something like that in south Mississippi. and trevor noah is the reason why i wouldnt mind catching a charge for aggravated assault

1 hour ago
Look at these places today businesses and jobs gone forever grocery and drug stores gone what w did ppl think would happen

9 hours ago
Did somebody steal half of her hair?

8 hours ago
Sean, I know you like truth, so let me clarify what you said about Detroit. I grew up there and lived thru what you were talking about. The Detroit Riots happened in July of 1967, and were among the most destructive in US history in that over 30 people died and there was massive amount of destruction. Martin Luther King was assassinated in April of 1968, some 9 months later. To my memory, there was not much rioting in Detroit when that happened, as there was in other cities. Hope you’ll put an update about that as you usually correct what you said in error. Thanks

6 hours ago
Insurance is very expensive, and insurance companies won’t insure you if risk is too high.
Businesses often have to get large deductibles or only get fire insurance and no coverage for theft.
Even very large businesses are often “self-insured”/pay out of pocket for the first large portion of losses like the first $500,000-a million. It’s the only way to get insurance.
Insurance is a profit based business, not a guaranteed lot lose money business.

3 hours ago
Let’s purge them.

4 hours ago
I think it’s obvious that ending Welfare is a MUST. Also a reestablishment of a penal colony island in the Atlantic for repeat violent offenders should be seriously considered in my opinion. Repeat violent offenders should be moved OFF the mainland and away from civilization.

3 hours ago
Perkins is a chain restaurant akin to Dennys.

9 hours ago
Looks like “Escape from New York”

6 hours ago
The communities should have came together and protected their city’s and stores. The people that was rioting came from across the US. I can almost bet there was only a few locals that participated in destroying their city’s. More could have been done. The national guard should have been called and and the local police could have joined. They could have used force and that would have prevented something like that from happening again. Instead we arrested people like Kyle Rittenhouse that was just protecting himself. It’s just a sad outcome and this country has went downhill since.

7 hours ago
Take a drive down Springfield Avenue in Newark NJ and see how the riots of the 60’s have affected this once thriving shopping are. Has it recovered? I don’t know. I will not be driving down this road. It would make an interesting add on to your research. Perhaps a Google trip would be better

5 hours ago
No it’s not driving them to property it’s driving them into there own doom

5 minutes ago
They should just put a huge wall around the destroyed cities so they have to live in the world they created. It will also prevent them from coming to your area to do the same.

2 hours ago
The difference between riots and hurricanes is that hurricanes don’t destroy public trust.

9 hours ago
Koreans have a better work ethic than we do… it’s racism 🤣

3 hours ago
That large yelling woman wearing her hero on her shirt is losing her mind. We need these businesses in our communities. If we want to own anything, we have to pool resources like others do and purchase if we can’t do it individually. Burning the neighborhood solves nothing. Being angry and stupid is a bad combination.

6 hours ago
While I don’t agree with what happened in Minneapolis-St. Paul, from the murder of Floyd through the riots. But it’s easy to point fingers and blame and condemn. It’s hard to fix the problems.

5 hours ago (edited)
Detroit after 1967 riot. Detroit turned into Chernobyl. History repeat itself. Detroit did not start to recover until 2014.

1 hour ago
It’s clear the black community isn’t helping their situation, but they are far from solely to blame. 500 years of oppression followed by 0 attempts to bring them towards any kind of financial equality is why we’re experiencing this.

5 hours ago (edited)
‘We don’t own anything’!
Acquiring wealth requires hard work, dedication, sacrifice, blood sweat and tears! Don’t get mad, get to work!!!

8 hours ago
I like to get a lil drunk on the weekends and crash my car into buildings. It’s ok because I have insurance.

2 replies

7 hours ago
And everybody that encouraged what happened to Minneapolis and other cities will not invest a dollar for them to rebuild.

48 minutes ago
Thank you, Father, for Your Love, thank You for allowing Your Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. Thank You, Jesus, for Your suffering and the Blood You shed to wash away my sins. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for the peace and comfort You provide each day.❤
Father, I pray that You allow the Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of man. Father, I pray that they turn away from their ways and acknowledge You, they seek Your forgiveness, and they ask Jesus into their hearts.❤
Father, please forgive us as a nation. Please do not turn Your back on America. In God We Trust. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 🙏

5 hours ago
They destroyed their community. Seniors r done where do get your food . Where do take your date.

7 hours ago
I wonder if there are now places in US, where black people disappear without a trace shortly after entering. Like in all those movies, where family moves in to start a new life and entire town plots agains them.

1 hour ago
Boarded up businesses, especially those with fences around them and graffiti are basically an announcement to everyone that the area is a “no-go” zone — FOREVER. Write these places off because they will never come back. Businesses in other parts of the city will start to move out as well in order to avoid this fate. This is how you destroy a city, a country and a nation.

9 hours ago
Little firary 🔥…… but “Mostly” Peacful…..

1 hour ago
6:25 The continual comparison to war zones is more accurate than you think: I did a cross comparison of the casualty rates in Iraq and Afghanistan during the wars there (when those were still active) and then examined that data next to Chicago. Neither beat Chicago – and only during the worst “surges” did Iraq manage to beat Chicago… for – that – month…. So called “inner city” areas should be considered active war zones – because they wrack up more casualties than actual war zones. Mind you I used Chicago because the data was easy to get – but Chicago isn’t the most violent city in America… most years Chicago isn’t even in the top 10 most violent.

4 hours ago
Possibly. Will there be an effort to make our cities crime free like in the 80s 90s and 00s? Will there be a desire by young people to rejuvenate downtown cores and gentrify old housing?

1 minute ago
From what I hear, Minneapolis was existing in kind of a destroyed state beforehand…

14 seconds ago
“We don’t own that!”
And by burning down and victimizing anyone who might want to help you, you never will. Trying to save the black community from itself reminds me of the frog and the scorpion.
Eventually, the frogs won’t be around anymore, and it’ll be, “good luck, scorpions.”

21 seconds ago
n April of ‘68, I was 4 years old and physically attacked and beaten by a large group of older black girls roaming my area. Subsequently, I’ve been physically attacked by groups of black women on three separate occasions. This is not to mention the numerous attacks by black males. All of these attacks were for no reason other than my skin color. I’ve since learned how to fight back.

8 hours ago
Look as a black man of character I truly apologize to all affected by these terrorist activists. This is Biden’s build back better plan! Jan 6 was the rebuke to democratic politics.

1 reply

5 hours ago
I agree with you on mostly everything but comparing it to war zones is a little too much

4 hours ago (edited)
Dude, when you look at the side by side pictures, the weather seems to be worse in the “after” photos. Democrat cities are actually turning into mordor. But maybe that’s just me

7 hours ago
We need more people from Korea and Taiwan in America. They get it and are rabidly anti-communist.

29 minutes ago
Rap lyrics preach the doctrine “don’t know how to act”.

45 minutes ago
All the rioting happened at the height of Covid. I found it odd our political figures on the left said rioting didn’t spread Covid, but normal every activity did.
My wife pre Covid worked in down town MPLS. I never had a worry with her working there. Post riot as retired people we to this day will not set foot in MPLS due to the high crime rates

5 hours ago
I hate life.

8 hours ago (edited)
Saint Floyd Syndrome. It’s terminal. San Fran and Portland are next.🤣🤣🤣

4 hours ago
It definitely has long term impacts. When looking for a house, if you’re smart, you won’t just look at prices and crime levels in the immediate areas around a prospective home. You also have to look at whether or not BLM rioters got close, how close, and how the local government handled the situation. If it’s not adequate, don’t buy. Same goes for choosing a location for a business. So that means prospective businesses will pass on your area if it was hit by the riot. You would think local authorities would understand this and have worked much harder to actually protect their communities from the rioters, but they didn’t and now everyone there suffers due to their lack of insight and leadership.

7 hours ago
What these idiots fail to understand is the fact that businesses do NOT magically appear after they’re burned or destroyed. You need people with the money, investors and developers, to build and start new businesses. Why would anyone want to invest one red cent in a community that the people living there, have a history of destroying their community if they become angry. That is a high risk investment most businesses won’t make.

1 hour ago
Some people are like a flock of ducks and chickens , they poop where they eat !

2 hours ago
Vanilla birth rates, achievement rates, coupling rates should be the focal point of your interest

1 hour ago
Do they think we care at all not our problem

8 hours ago
“We don’t own anything” yeah well enjoy ur empire of ashes because that’s all urs now

1 reply

6 hours ago
You would have to be insane to think the CFA sandwich is better than Popeye’s.

1 reply

8 hours ago
Perkins is a chain very similar to IHOP… Only much much better

55 minutes ago
And I’m from the UK so right back at you MoFo’s. what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

17 minutes ago
sometimes the best option available when dealing with violent idiots is to just wall them in and let them fight it out amongst themselves. toss in a few race hustlers for good measure, its a win win for everyone

19 minutes ago
The people who need to watch are not watching. They still don’t give a care.

9 hours ago
I’m waiting for the video about Lance making a Lance of himself on Timcast IRL last night.

1 reply

5 hours ago
What good does it do you to not loot Target? You might want to go there and buy something to eat and cook it at your house in a pan you bought there.

2 hours ago
Where we’re heading will make this look like nothing. Why? because rather than look at the root causes of such national instability, and address them, be it BLM riots, Jan 6th or just simply going postal on steroids (which has basically become a normal day to day expectation) . People would rather use it all as a political tool, to create more strife, finger wagging and as a warry. We’re in desperate need of more moderate viewpoints being lifted.

6 hours ago
So… trevor noah encouraged this and had influence on this… and will never face responsibility

1 hour ago
The Watts Riots produced no discernible improvement in the lives of those who lived in the area. Riots only hurt the communities they occur in – which is what made some of the BLM riots so tragic. Outside agitators came in and rioted amid legitimate local protesters. My daughter is in Birmingham, and she said you could tell there were two distinct groups during the BLM events – there were peaceful protestors upset by an outrageous event, and there were opportunists ready to burn it all down, without regard to the devastating effects that had on local economies. The latter should have been locked up – but ever since Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said protestors “need space to destroy” it’s been open season in liberal cities….

54 minutes ago
Well make them all live there and enjoy the life they now have

9 hours ago
You make it hard to “like” these videos with titles like Minneapolis will never recover. I liked your video but dang now it looks like I’m like “yes fk Minneapolis”

7 hours ago
That woman doesn’t honestly believe anything she is saying. Why doesn’t she rebuild her community with her own stuff? I bet real estate prices on burnt out, abandoned shell buildings are pretty low in Minneapolis

56 minutes ago
Dear Trevor Noah:
The Ferguson Target closed after being looted. Now where do Ferguson residents shop?
The QuickTrip with the “don’t snitch” message was burned down and never reopened. Now where do Ferguson residents get gas?
Is this what you were hoping for? Mission accomplished? What good did the riots do?

2 hours ago
Anybody still wondering why business are pulling out of these lawless, anarchical zones where they suffer losses that nobody does anything about? This is the consequence of not providing a safe area to trade, it’s simple – trading goes somewhere safer….

5 hours ago
I often wonder if yoi dug deep into BLM you would find rich land investors who wanted property values to plumet so they could buy them cheap.

2 minutes ago
They turned these places into Africa

9 hours ago
BoweL Movement.

3 hours ago (edited)
If you are a chain store owner in this or any other riot-smashed area, leave. Even if you weren’t hit, get out of there. Why? Because the community is attacking itself, which makes your business unsafe. Sure, maybe you’re insured or whatnot, but that’s not the point. “how does it help you to not loot [business]?” It helps because that business stays in your neighborhood and offers job opportunities and the convenience of their goods and services. If they have to deal with being broken into, looted, and burnt down, they’re going to leave, and with it goes jobs and shorter travel for necessities and luxuries. Let communities that can’t act like grown-ass adults deal with not having places to go for resources. They’ll start thinking twice about burning everything down when they know it won’t grow back after.

6 hours ago
13:38 1st of all, she’s wrong , bleeps own stuff, but 2ndly, if she’s right, if they don’t own anything, then WHY might that be, is she saying bleeps are too dumb to save any $ to buy anything ? Is she saying bleeps are too concerned with owning extremely unnecessary jewelry & clothes & “rims” instead of important investments like owning homes & businesses??? Because if she’s saying that, we just might have a real conversation here, we might actually be able to start the discussion about how the bleep “community” can start to turn things around, but just like a drug addict, the 1st step is recognizing the problem & admitting guilt , & only then can you start to unravel the conditions which are the only actual oppression facing bleeps in current year, which are the conditions they’ve SUPPORTED, for 60+ YEARS!! TEAR DOWN ALL THE “CIVIL RIGHTS” ERA WELFARE FOUNDATION & START FROM THE GROUND UP!!

5 hours ago
I didn’t see any riots, nor did
i see any differences between the before and after pictures.
“Helen Keller”

3 hours ago
We need a new law that says IF you or your kids commit ANY crime, YOU NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR WELFARE EVER!!! THAT WOULD STOP CRIME FAST!!!

4 hours ago
The main reason that cities like minneapolis will realistically not come back is not just bc of their reckless and careless social and fiscal policies, its more that they dont even recognize that their policies have negative impacts on the popualtion bc they are too busy feeling good about themselves. That or these policies are politically expedient and sadly if you indulge people enough they will go along with almost anything even to their own peril. If there would be a change in mindset they could actually restore some prosperity in that city. It would be difficult but at the very least it would put things in the right direction and provide a vision to move forward and attract investment. This is the consquences of no fanily structure, no community cohesion and lack of financial/civic education on the dichotomy of the rights and responsibilities of the citizens.

9 hours ago

1 reply

8 hours ago
I know this has nothing to do with the video but please do a video on the recent Tim Pool episode with The Serfs. he is totally insufferable and should have his arguments torn apart for it.

5 hours ago
Only one thing left to do… DEFUND ALL POLICE!
Do it! You worked hard for this! You earned this in every way! You deserve it!!!! Defund the police COMPLETELY!!!

27 minutes ago
Mostly peaceful

8 hours ago
I’m from the midwest, and I’ve never really understood MN. I mean, you expect a certain level of liberal nonsense in a big city, but… MN is pretty blue overall now. More than IL for sure. It’s really strange. I don’t know how it got that way. You can explain it with neighboring states near CA, but… I’m in L.A. and I’ve never heard a single person say they’re going to MN. I was here during the King riots, and I’ll never forget it. I lost my faith in humanity those days, and I never got it back. Those days taught me that there’s a culture of people in society that are just waiting for the right moment to go out and do the worst things they can dream up.

4 hours ago
Minnesotans gotta buck up and get over that “nice” shyt.

9 hours ago
I was a kid when he LA Riots happened, apartment building next to mine got lit up and they started trying to bust into my apt to loot.
Been living in Minnesota since 2010 and never thought I’d end up seeing the riots 2.0, but here we are. This country has become so broken, unfortunately.

8 hours ago
The Second Amendment states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” It’s the duty of local, state and federal government to ensure domestic tranquility. it’s in the Constitution. There are old laws like the 1714 Riot Act and the 1757 Militia Act enacted to ensure the public peace. It’s an old story: when governments do not ensure the public peace equity investment stops. In Minneapolis the investment drain has picked up the pace. Walmart and other retailers are closing up shop and moving out. And community leaders want answers. If democrats were tough on crime, they’d be world beaters. But no. We’re in for a rough time in this country. You’re on your own and you have to solve your our own problems.

7 hours ago
Popeye’s is superior to all others

22 minutes ago
Wakanda forever!

3 hours ago
I never understood the “insurance will cover it” argument. Only people who have never had to use insurance would say such a ridiculous thing because those companies will do every last little thing in their power to weasel out of paying. The normal use of car insurance or any form of house insurance for anything serious is to just sue the company and hope they fold. I was hit by a drunk driver and I provided dash cam footage, had multiple witnesses, and the tire marks on the road were undeniable as to who was at fault, and I still had to take geico to court. I lost almost half my coverage payment due to lawyer fees. And still the only reason I got that much was because a friend on the inside told me how to legally kick them in the nuts because the situation was so disgusting that he could not support his companies decision to try and fuck me out of what i was owed by rights. He quit immediately afterwards. Fuck geico and insurance companies in general

2 hours ago
Smart things thinking it’s beneficial to destroy where you live. Geniuses!

3 hours ago
insurance should not have paid anything out as these terroristic riots were preventable by actually deploying police forces fully armed and taking out the most violent terrorists

6 hours ago
It would be easy for people to start businesses in their own communities. 3 people on welfare could rotate running a convenience store and dealing with childcare loan are easy to get for impoverished communities and minorities. The reason they don’t and foreigners do is the foreigners don’t know what they are getting into with those neighborhoods. The foreigners buy it from a cousin and then after 5 years they have enough money to get out they sell it to another cousin.

1 hour ago
Wow, it doesn’t seem that long since Saint Floyd overdosed.

13 minutes ago
Fun fact, the reason the LA riots stopped was the pissed off Koreans. After seeing the destruction of their property, and little to no help from the cops, they knew something had to be done. So the Koreans sat on the roofs of their property and shot any rioters coming their way. This lead to several gun fights, forcing the hands of government to intervene. A lesson can be learned from this.

4 hours ago
Ive been listening to your video, i honestly thought you was black. I’d like to do a video on this also…

8 hours ago
@9:36 The EFFING arrogance of a South African import lecturing Americans is stratospheric. This guy has bought into his own hype.

1 reply

3 hours ago
Nobody knows Americans and what’s good for Americans and especially in Minnesota than Trevor!

8 hours ago
Turning off welfare would fix most of this. People who have to work for a living do not stay up all night getting drunk, high, and destroying whatever they can.
To be sure, “work” won’t make people honest or decent, but a lot of this behavior is what happens when people have too much time on their hands. Nobody that has to earn their calories will waste calories dancing on top of over-turned vehicles. Bonus: it would help with the rampant diabetes in that community.

3 hours ago

7 hours ago
Theres another good story to be told here about “black” neighborhoods.
I recently saw an Asian woman talking about how she was not allowed to open her business in the nice, “white” neighborhood that she was trying to establish her in. She could only get into the black neighborhood, & was even given incentives to do so. She points out that all these Asians & Indians run businesses in black neighborhoods because of this, while the black people are turned down for the loans that they try to get to open businesses there.
Dudes like this aren’t trying to look into why these ghettos & the people living there are the way they are now though.

4 replies

6 hours ago
All over a druggie and armed robber 😂😂😂😂

9 hours ago

7 replies

5 hours ago
DETROIT. All cities are about 50 years behind Detroit but catching up rapidly. In the 80s, 90s, 2000s, Detroit was a food desert. Now a few stores have started but are in the gentrified stretch that extends 2 blocks on either side of Woodward Ave where they built the Gentrified Light Rail system that took $40 Million to build 6 miles. SE Michigan self-segregated into pockets of suburbs in a term called white flight but it wasn’t just white people that fled. Everyone that had the means fled. Southfield, Inkster, Ypsilanti, and a few others are almost 100% black suburbs. East Dearborn was/is all Arab and West Dearborn was all white. If you want to see what will happen to the USA just look at SE Michigan where in Wayne County more people vote than there are residents.
And there is the FACT that most of it is built on a swamp with a water table that goes through freeze/thaw cycles and the Govt uses technology from the 1950s to build roads with Union Only Labor in a perpetual cycle of road construction followed by 2 years of potholes. Its a racket. I275 has been repaved and redone 6 times in 12 years. Detroit and really all of Michigan has the worst Road Construction Workers in the World. I would be embarrassed to call myself one but they are the top paid.
So if you want to live in a warzone keep doing what you are doing. In 2006 at the height of the war in Iraq the murder rate dropped in Bagdad to below that of Detroit making it safer in Bagdad during the war than on any given day in Detroit in a time of peace.

8 hours ago
I think the US should have standing riot forces deployable within one hour to any location. Maybe even multiple units for each section of the country to get response time down.

2 replies

5 hours ago
The lesson is for many large and small business owners is don’t build your base of operations in any ⚫️ majority community.

6 hours ago (edited)
These people are ridiculous, if it’s REALLY that bad here, why not move?? By that, I mean another country. That’s right, there is no better place than the US. EVERYONE needs to understand, that if you don’t cherish this place, we won’t have it long. Isn’t Trevor from a country where he in fact had it worse? Where is that same energy when it comes to the country he’s from?? Hmmmm…🤔

49 minutes ago
Reparation’s my A.

5 hours ago
Why you shouldn’t steal or burn down places you don’t own? Maybe, something something food deserts? Something about not having places to shop near your home. Having to pay higher prices.Going to step out on a limb here and say that’s why you don’t destroy those businesses around you. But hey, what do I know…….

3 hours ago
In slight relation to the LA riots:
blacks have always been envious of, and targeted Asians. We’re supposed to be part of the “minority”, thus meaning we’re “oppressed” yet we thrive. My mother and father came from the Philippines as INCREDIBLY poor immigrants. All of the money went into coming to America legally. For most of my childhood, we lived in the south Bronx in someone’s garage, and then “upgraded” to a 1 bedroom apt in Jamaica, Queens (around the same neighborhood where 50 cent grew up). My parents never made an excuse, they just worked their asses off. We made it out of the ghetto, thanks to them. They ended up making over 6 figures EACH, and that’s all due to the hard work they put in. There was never an excuse. They never blamed “MUH rAciSm”, or the “HUWYTE man”. In fact, I’d argue that White men are the ones that have helped us the MOST. I lost 2 of my cousins through targeted attacks from blacks, so that’s the help that they’ve given me. I know that there are exceptions in this community, but they are few and far between. Instead of bitching, moaning, lack of accountability, spending money on material things instead of investing or saving, STOPPED the violence, etc – they’d prosper the way Asians and Whites do. You can only make excuses for so long. They’re the most privileged group in America, yet they trash said privileges in favor of chaos. When does it stop?

2 hours ago
They just wanted the community to look like where they came from: africa

6 hours ago (edited)
She doesn’t own anything? Why? Who’s fault is that? I understand she’s angry, but how have the rioters benefited after destroying MPLS? It’s like ppl refuse to realize that you aren’t going to own something you don’t work for. And work is hard. And it requires discipline… I have a feeling she’s not really down to work hard, and stay disciplined until shes in a position become an owner….

2 hours ago
That’s Good.

2 hours ago (edited)
Let’s be honest, likely more than half of the violent rioters are likely dead now living the lifestyle they did. Sadly there is thousands ready to take their place in the next riot. Luckily the upside for everyone else is they have to live in Minneapolis

5 hours ago
Is there a list available that you could show us of all the good things BLM has done. I’ll wait

1 hour ago
And this why we don’t care not our problem. That girl will never own anything with that attitude

8 hours ago
How do you suppose the people saying that the looting/destruction of Korean businesses during the LA riots was going to clear the way for black-owned businesses reconciled that notion with the mass destruction of black-owned businesses in LA during the same riots?
Surely I’m not the only one who remembers the heart-wrenching video of the middle-aged black man crying hysterically and screaming at all the locals destroying the business he’d busted his ass for years and years to build during the LA riots, riot?
Oh, wait…they didn’t reconcile anything…or even think…because they were (and presumably still are) ignorant pieces of s—.

6 hours ago
Something else a lot of those protesters we’re not from the local area or state

2 hours ago
I’m definitely not brainwashed by Left or Right thinking … but I do agree with you on this video. And when I see people talking about a rebound for Detroit, it literally makes me LOL, very loudly, because they STILL have not broken out of the denial about how they got to where they are today. They are STILL delusional about the causes of the fall of Detroit, and this will (guaranteed) prevent them from getting their city back on it’s feet. Keep in mind, in the 1950’s Detroit was considered The Most Prosperous City On The Planet. Today … it is an ashtray.

4 hours ago
So Trevor Noah said how does it help not looting Target. Insert the word Walmart for Target and then ask the people how they feel about their Walmart or the lack of Walmarts in Chicago. Hahaha

8 hours ago
One need only consider how the historic Greenwood District aka “Black Wall Street” used to thrive until it was destroyed during the Tulsa race massacre by white Oklahomans. That was 100 years ago and it’s still largely undeveloped.
Where black Tulsans once thrived in the area, it is impoverished.
It doesn’t matter the race or ideology of the rioter or business owner. Destroying the means of income injures the community.

1 hour ago (edited)
The far left did this to Minneapolis, all of them should be ashamed of themselves. Everyone who took part in that destruction deserves to be in prison for life.

6 hours ago
There should be plenty of empty spaces to open more “black owned” businesses in these liberal progressive cities. Hope they enjoy what they’ve created and will vote for again without a doubt.

4 hours ago
I got a question, if, and when that area does get controlled by black owned businesses as the quotes in the video described. Would it be justifiable that the Koreans get to burn down the black owned businesses?

49 minutes ago
Target will still be there so people will still have jobs later if Target is not looted. Why do we need to explain things to Trevor. If businesses destroyed will be fewer jobs and people will have to travel farther to work and to shop.

4 hours ago
Trevor Noah should be held accountable for inciting violence and community destruction.

14 minutes ago
I applaud the businesses leaving destructive neighborhoods. I say after all the riot damage nationwide, it’s an insult to ask for reparations. Why put money back into a community they destroyed and will continue to destroy?

6 hours ago
The biggest limit of this video is that it’s not a person of color speaking. Not that anything said is incorrect, but it will be dismissed out of hand because the speaker/producer/narrator is not a minority and “couldn’t possibly understand”.
As for the charities created to recompense the “victims” need only look to the historical precedent of the disaster at Abervan, Wales to see that graft is complete.

20 minutes ago
Cause billions in damages then turn around and demand billions in reparations for something they never were subjected to.

1 hour ago
Just a quick note AJW. I notice you kept saying “you destroyed your own neighborhood and look where it got you.” It should be noted a lot of the BLM riots had imported agitators. I’m not saying there weren’t locals who rioted but when you look at the movement of people, social media, and interviews, you really get the impression that the BLM riots were fueled by outside actors and that many of these communities that got trashed were in part obliterated by outsiders who used the situation to enrich themselves. And that is a problem that needs addressing: cracking down on full time agitators who literally throw gas on the fire.

Actual Justice Warrior
1 reply

5 hours ago (edited)
I’m sorry you have to spend time to present and articulate common sense this way

6 hours ago
Protesting is a necessary right but the moment you cause damage to any person or property you are no longer protesting. This needs to be dealt with immediately without prejudice.

7 hours ago
The “$2 Billion in damages” does not — and cannot — account for opportunity-costs. Or look at it this way, a stock is valued based on its prediction of future earnings…. what’s the future earnings of a blighted town? Correspondingly, what is the current-value when taking those future-earnings into account?
Or here is yet another way of examining the situation: if Bezos, Gates, or Musk decided to sink $2 billion to restore each of those destroyed buildings and store-fronts to their pre-riot condition… would the local economy then just turn-back-on? No. It would not do that. Just like you can’t take a corpse out of the morgue, heat it to 98.6 degrees Farenheit, put the heart-paddles on the chest, and then expect it to come back. And businesses know this, too, which is why they don’t individually come back — like why Popeyes, or Family Dollar, or Perkins … they can’t just rebuild the store-front and then ‘everything-is-back-to-normal’.

5 hours ago
If they built wakanda why can’t they build Minneapolis lol

5 hours ago
If you own a business or a property it needs to be insured and if a democrat comes to power and lets their voters burn your stuff to the ground you do what the people in Minneapolis did. Take your insurance payout and reinvest it some place else.

22 minutes ago
destroyed themselfs

31 seconds ago
In April of ‘68, I was 4 years old and physically attacked and beaten by a large group of older black girls roaming my area. Subsequently, I’ve been physically attacked by groups of black women on three separate occasions. This is not to mention the numerous attacks by black males. All of these attacks were for no reason other than my skin color. I’ve since learned how to fight back.

7 hours ago
Over 80,000 ARMED, for the first time, armed IRS agents is equal to over 3 military divisions. WHY? FYI, there was ONLY 73,000 armed US military that participated in the June 6,1944 D-Day Normandy invasion, WHY does IRS require their own personal ARMY?

1 reply

7 hours ago
Its fine to live there even though you don’t own it but not ok to protect your home even though you don’t own it? Perfect encapsulation of black apathy. They are unique when it comes to self destruction

1 reply

2 hours ago
Its funny seeing all this shit.. then they complain about their poor circumstances. I feel bad for the business owners ofcourse. They didnt deserve that.

6 hours ago (edited)
Cool story bro. I uses to be empathetic to “the rights” arguments about democrat run cities until I started looking into the campaign investments. The right will never make headway into democrat strongholds because they don’t invest in candidates. The right keeps whining about black people voting 90% democrat but when was the last time republican party leadership actually supported local Republicans.

2 hours ago
Well… that’s what they wanted right? They cried injustice…they went and got justice that they think they deserved….and now they are living happily ever after 😂😂😂. Oh, and they voted the leaders they think will help them. So… at the end, they did GET what they deserved. 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻
Nope. I don’t feel sorry.

6 hours ago
The Black Panthers were correct. Make an American State possibly California as a black only state and buy an Island hopefully including Haiti as well as another area of land in West Africa to join with Sierra Leon for all the Black American community to live and relax in and thus enabling them to show their outstanding quality enabling them to prosper and show their real qualities in an unprejudiced society.

1 reply

5 hours ago
Wealthy Black people who have something positive to say about the riots, my question to them would be when you got rich why didn’t you move back into a black neighborhood? Why didn’t you build yourself a mansion in the middle of a black neighborhood? Why aren’t you there helping Black people to have businesses in the black community? But every time I see a black entertainer or other black wealthy person they never go back to the black community. They move in just as close to Martha Stewart as they can!

1 hour ago
Do they own stuff after the riots? No? Oops.

7 hours ago
It does not matter for two reasons: 1) city residents voted for the government that let this happen and 2) the city council just vote unanimously to allow an amplified Islam call to prayer to violate the noise ordnances 5 times a day. Perhaps the Islamic government will handle rioters and crime as well as LBGTQ+ differently.

2 replies

5 hours ago
even dogs dont shit where they sleep

5 hours ago
I hate to break it to you AJW, before the riots Minneapolis was a hell on Earth. There were murders daily, long before George OD’d on fent and from complications of covid on that day he met a cop who was protected by a city run by liberals. Gangs ran the North side of the city. There was a pipeline from Chicago for fent, coke, meth. It had massive illegal immigration from South America which did lead to poverty. Most of the business gutted very few outside massive chain stores were local small business, and restaurants were minority owned. The city and its leaders did nothing to take care of infrastructure, these same people ran and won for election again even after the riots. The state and city let the riots happen for pure political reasons to hurt the economy, and hurt then President Trump. The hardest attacked were offices, buildings owned by African immigrants because there is deep black racism rifts inside their community. You are right the lie about these places have insurance is a fabrication because they got pennies on the dollar because civil unrest waivers inside the policies most of these places had. Move ahead the area around the Cup store is a no go zone. People who could afford the leave got out. The ones forced to stay are subject to gang members, BLM and antifa thugs carrying AR15’s. Residents in the area they can’t call the cops, fire, EMT’s.

7 hours ago
Your video is very misleading. Have you physically come out to the area??? I live in the area and saw the fires from the riots. It will recover. It already is coming back strong. They have built three luxury condo and apartment complexes during and after BLM. Luxury meaning 1-2 bdrm condos are $1.5-3M and apartments $3K-10K+/mo. A famous chef, James Beard winner, runs a successful restaurant which opened during the riots. It’s jam packed.
Large retailers Apple, H&M, Gap, Victoria Secrets, Target, Urban Outfitters are no longer and have come and gone. Majority of residents, including the very wealthy in the area, prefer smaller local businesses in the area. The mini-Target wasn’t ever busy because many residents felt it hurt local small businesses. Additionally there are 3-4 Targets within 4-5 miles of the area. So Target moving out was a non-issue.
There’s been constant protests against allowing large retailers into the area for decades. Unfortunately the large businesses in the area actually hurt the community and vibe over the last decade.
There were some small businesses that were looted or damaged during the rioting which was sad. I don’t condone the violence of BLM but it was a crack into deeper problems including stress caused by the pandemic closing down small businesses.
Minneapolis has not fully recovered from BLM but the bigger problem actually was due to the pandemic and many small businesses not being able to survive due to the lockdowns.
It will take few more years to recover but in the meantime, Minneapolis is significantly nicer and better, even right now, than most metropolitans I have lived in and visited.

1 reply

4 hours ago (edited)
No good will ever come from doing evil ! I’m sure Satan is proud of them and will welcome them home.

8 hours ago
No Sean all those people you listed as to blame for the riots are not responsible for the riots.
I notice in your long list of people to blame there was one giant group conspicuously absent.
At no point did you pin responsibility for the rioting on the rioters.
You talk as if these people have no choice but to do what the politicians, media and grifter organisations either tell them to do or condone and that’s BS.
Ultimately everyone is responsible for their own actions and all you did with this video is absolve those people of their actions.

3 hours ago
Jokes on them, I don’t have to live there.

6 hours ago
I too prefer Popeye’s over Chikfila, for multiple reasons. One, it just tastes better, but more importantly…Chik is owned by horrible people.

8 minutes ago
I rather build a store My Future in a city that cares , too bad walmart is wise to closed

4 hours ago
This reminds me of the fentanyl floyds graffiti getting struck by lightning in a clear day. Someone up top was not happy about all this worship over a felon

4 hours ago
Eliminate the root cause and everything will return to normalcy in 5 years.

1 hour ago
Typical jogger behavior, she still found a way to find someone else hair to sew into her scalp

5 hours ago
I don’t want to live in a place that looks like the country in Elysium.

1 hour ago
Let them eat sneakers

5 hours ago
great shows

1 hour ago
Now target is gone now isn’t and Walmart gone never ever coming back so again how did it help

5 hours ago
To be correct, it’s: Saint Floyd of Fentanyl 😁

1 reply

2 hours ago
😂 LOL.

4 hours ago
Look how smart black people are!!!

5 hours ago
the gas station area is so utterly destroyed, the cars use the crosswalks instead of the road. that photo is so surreal it looks AI generated.

44 minutes ago (edited)
Not sure how it is with the koreans in the USA but at 4:50 the gentlement there is speaking about something many white Australians feel towards the Chinese immigrants who are very much not spies of course. There may be some truth to his statement but of course I dont live there and cannot verify it.

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
People keep saying “Minneapolis riots” like St Paul doesn’t exist (offended)

6 hours ago
Perkins is a pancake house. This is from my home town. It’s heartbreaking what people did to this place. Ignorant beyond belief.

5 hours ago
Nail & beauty shop.. REALLY is that all you can do???

5 hours ago
Somehow I doubt anyone who should, does not give two shits.

1 hour ago
That’s on u if u don’t own anything




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Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70 — TRANSCRIPT

How Africans May Differ from Westerners

A Blind Eye to Murder of Whites in South Africa

Andrew Joyce – BLM – Irish Edition – Dec 31, 2020 – Transcript

Way of the World – Twitter – Black Woman – Let the Power Go Back to the White People – Mar 13, 2023 – Transcript

Stefan Molyneux – Dallas Police Shooting — TRANSCRIPT

Malleate – Bullet Free Genocide – Weaponized Migration – Nov 22, 2019 — Transcript

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