Mark Collett
Dustborn – a Game for No One
Fri, Jul 19, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Modern ‘AAA’ games have entered a death spiral, boring paint-by-numbers gameplay now accompanies a plot and characters that push anti-white liberal messaging. The latest game in this trend is ‘DUSTBORN’ – a game SO bad it could be a parody. But there is now an alternative to this liberal trash…”
– KATANA]—Dustborn-A-Game-for-No-One:1
Published on Fri, Jul 19, 2024
DUSTBORN – A Game for No One
July 19, 2024
Mark Collett
Modern ‘AAA’ games have entered a death spiral, boring paint-by-numbers gameplay now accompanies a plot and characters that push anti-white liberal messaging. The latest game in this trend is ‘DUSTBORN’ – a game SO bad it could be a parody. But there is now an alternative to this liberal trash…
BUY The Great Rebellion
My Play Through + Interview with the Developer
Kvlt Games
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
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(Words: 1,792 – 12:53 mins)
So as you may know, I’m a gamer, and I have been gaming since I was around 7-years-of-age, and over that time, how can I say it, well, the industry has changed. But I think now we are finally reaching a peak, a peak of absolute liberal, woke, politically infused gaming garbage! So more accurately we’re descending into a trough.
Games today don’t just have subtle anti-White or progressive messaging inserted into or layered over what would be an otherwise engaging experience. Games are now created to specifically to push a message. In these games the message comes before anything else, even before the gameplay. Instead of developers looking at how they can create something new or exciting, they are looking at how they can push a political point.
And the game we will be discussing today is the latest piece of trash that follows this trend. And if gaming is heading into a dip, well, this is the game is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
But this little gem isn’t a lesser-known independent title, this piece of digital offal took pride of place at a recent Sony PlayStation 5 reveal event. And to put it politely, this was like revealing a giant steaming pile of manure! So, let’s pull up a comfortable chair, sit back and watch this trailer together and see what themes the developers have built this stinker around, …
And stop right there! Immediately you can see where this is going, before we’re even 5 seconds in, we see the man who is likely to be the antagonist the game, the old White politician – or more accurately, the Trump stand-in. The man who presides over the “The Republic of America”.
“In a world divided by disinformation!”
Well, it’s even more obvious where this is going! The use of the term “disinformation” and the obvious nod to the idea of progressive “fact checkers” being needed to filter “fake news” is about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the testicles.
“Where danger lurks around every turn!”
Did you see it? Because you might not, but it’s there – the danger is overwhelmingly male… the danger is angry and it’s masculine! Which is in stark contrast to our plucky heroes! So let’s meet them, let’s introduce ourselves to the protagonists, the characters you are meant to identify with and want to play as!
“A motley crew of misfits embark on a fateful road-trip to discover their true, … Please tell me you are done. Oh we’re just getting started dude! What is this music/I believe the kids call it K-pop music. Just A-pop! Turn it down! Leave my music alone!”
Oh dear! We have every single liberal stereotype imaginable!
We have, the angry black woman, and of course, she has that haircut – the one, where half the head is shaved and there’s a sort of mop that flops over onto the other side. She’s got huge hoop earring, an edgy the-shirt and a big chest tattoo. She’s going to be sassy, aggressive and a strong powerful female!
Then we have the fat, purple haired blob with thick rimmed glasses and one of those bull rings through her nose-and she has what looks like vitiligo*. And she’s got a little cat logo on her jacket. She’s the quirky one!
[* Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or colour. The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but it may be related to immune system changes, genetic factors, stress, or sun exposure.]
We have the androgenous possibly female, stoic, gender queer “person” in the back seat, she/it is dressed in all white, because we have to really hammer home the fact she/it is effectively a blank genderless canvas, there’s no pigeon-holing this brave human being! Just make sure you get it’s pronouns correct or you’ll be committing a hate crime.
And finally, and last and definitely least, we have the grumpy, out of touch old hipster male. He’s in the back seat, where he belongs. And don’t you forget it!
But one thing you can forget is the boring and stale old hetero-normative days when you would choose between the muscle bound barbarian, the honourable knight, the intelligent magician and the skilful elf archer – forget those guys! This new metrosexual, edgy and progressive gang! This is the all new and improved SQUAD for the modern gamer!
But what is this game pushing, well let’s see, …
“Shut the hell up! Words have power! It can give you strength. Ready for this? Stand still! Words can bring people together, and tear them apart!”
Yes! Words have power! And at this point, I have to remind the viewer, this isn’t satire, this isn’t a joke, I didn’t cobble this trailer together with AI for a laugh. This is not an elaborate troll. This a modern video game being promoted by one of the largest video game publishers in the world – Sony Computer Entertainment.
Words can bring people together, and tear them apart! Remember when your greatest weapons were the broadsword, the bow or arcane magic, remember when heavy steel would tear your foes apart – well, now it’s words! Words that leave your enemies gibbering the corner demanding a therapist!
And whilst all this drivel is being delivered by the irritating voice over, we get our first glimpse of the gameplay – flat, boring and dull. All of this progressive crap is built on top of what appears to be a basic 3D beat-em-up that would have looked uninspiring and dull back on the PlayStation One. But who cares? This isn’t about making a game full of cutting-edge gameplay and interesting mechanics that provide white-knuckle action, this, is about pushing a message.
“But if words hold so much power? He has no respect for you! He’s right!”
And then we get another glimpse of what might be gameplay or what might be a cut-scene. The gang confront two White police officers in order to empower the female officer, reminding her that the man she works with doesn’t have any respect for her.
“The question is, what do you have to say?”
“I think we can all agree that my trailer voice was better than yours!”
This the gameplay that no one asked for. And the game poses the question:
“What do you have to say?”
Well, here’s what I have to say: This looks like total shite!
But who is this game aimed at? That’s the question I posed in the title of this video. Who is this being made for?
Well, I honestly don’t know.
All of those characters were odd, ugly, unlikeable and completely unrelatable! I don’t believe there’s a single person in the world who ever sat there wishing for a game where they could play as a fat girl with purple hair and vitiligo! I can imagine generations of youngsters wanting to be the knight or the barbarian. As a young boy I remember standing in arcades as children argued over who was going to play as the elf or the magician, but never once did anyone ever lament the lack of a fat girl with purple hair and a skin condition!
It’s like the creators tried to force every single liberal cliché imaginable into this one game. The only thing that shocks me is that the White guy wasn’t either in a wheel chair or openly exhibiting some kind of visual cue that pointed to him being a homosexual. Who knows, that could be a thing. Later in the game there could be a side quest where the White male explores his sexuality. But thankfully, I will likely never find out, because I am not going to buy this trash!
And the whole trailer ends on a joke that falls totally flat. The kind of joke that went through a panel of easily triggered social retards in order to ensure it was as utterly safe and inoffensive as possible.
This game is made for no one! It is devoid of soul, humour and the gameplay looks turgid, the kind of dross that makes one button mobile games look exhilarating. Yet somehow, in 2024 this has made it past marketing executives, through multiple vetting processes and is being promoted as the next big thing by Sony.
But Mark you ask, how did gamers react to this BIG REVEAL?
Well, the reveal trailer currently has a ratio of 1,000 likes to 7, 300 dislikes on YouTube and the comments section is absolute comedy gold!
But all this leads to a pressing question: Is this the sad and inevitable future of gaming? Are we headed to a bleak future where all games end up like this? Well thankfully the answer is no! Because now, independent developers are fighting back! Check this out:
“Enter a future where the Luther Lex Corporation rules. Where freedom is a memory and rebellion is the only hope! One man against an empire. He’s fighting for Europa. In a future where humanity is on the brink you face the ultimate enemy! A digital dictatorship that owns everything! When the people are in trouble they call on Resistance Europa! (Heroes of the past will support you) But he won’t take it alone. (reunite with your friends) The great rebellion! Fight for freedom or fall under the control of the Cyberverse! The Great Rebellion, coming to your homeland Feb 1, 2024!”
And this is a WHITE PILL. A tiny independent studio of dedicated nationalists have made an absolute beauty of a game! A game with cutting edge pixel art graphics, an incredible sound track, white knuckle action, 8-bit NES difficulty and a plot that is both well written, humourous and something that real gamers would relate to.
Join the revolution! Ditch the progressive AA A trash churned out by the big studios, and buy The Great Rebellion! The link is in the description below.
So, this video isn’t a black pill, quite the opposite, because it demonstrates how a small, dedicated and talented team of nationalists can now produce digital products that have more heart and soul than what is being produced by the mainstream.
I did a full play test of this game and an interview with the developer Kvlt Games. It’s linked in the description below – so is a link to where you can purchase The Great Rebellion and to Kvlt Games’ social media. So, if you are a gamer, and haven’t played The Great Rebellion, now’s a great time to start.
Let’s ditch the progressive bile, and embrace a real alternative!
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 7/29/2024 = 56)
9 days ago
Vote with your wallet folks & support independent gaming, music, art & movies. Great video Mark!
9 days ago
Even if it didn’t have a single bit of anti-White, male, hetero messaging in it, it still just looks dull, boring, generic, and a waste of time and money.
Peak Aussieman
9 days ago
Modern gaming in general has mostly become an exercise in debasing and deracinating the White male. If you have to sit down and consciously play anything, try and keep it pre-2012 or so. Because mostly it’s all been incomprehensible gibberish since then, with very scant exceptions. Man, it feels liberating typing on a platform where my comments won’t just get deleted instantly.
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Library Loudspeaker
9 days ago
lmao, that’s exactly why I stopped using YouTube. It just seemed pointless to interact on a platform where half of my comments could never be seen by anyone, regardless of who would have wanted to.
9 days ago
Thats because most want games to be movie like, more like interactive movies/experiences, not games. For example tennis is a game, simple game. But clearly just a game. Yet very enjoyable, interesting and fun game.
Its no matter if the video game was made 2011 or 1995 or 2022 or whatever, most video games are not traditional games but digital experiences akin to movies. I would like separation of games and digital experiences. Example some simulation type games could be classified as games. They can be often very strict, defined, hard to learn and based on semi reality. Whereas vast majority of video games are nothing of the sort. Not even remotely close. Essentially they are not really games but just digital experiences. When looking at most played games, no simulation type game comes even close to top. Its all fantasy digital experiences. And no, CS is not simulation. Its a childish fantasy shoot em up.
This is why we are here now. Because digital games dont exist anymore but in very niche number and user base. 98% of “gamers” arent playing actual games and dont even want to.
17 hours ago
I’ll stick with my ’90s retro Road Rash 2, Revenge of Shinobi and Flimbo’s Quest, which came with a mint condition Sega Megadrive I bought off Ebay.
My dad gave me his (now-vintage) Atari console, still in mint condition, with classic games such as Missile Command, Pacman, Blue Max and Centipede. Mark will agree that the graphics are very rudimentary compared to how technologically advanced gaming is today, but I’d rather play those old games than these ‘Current Year’ and ‘Woke’ offerings.
Anti-Progressive Praxis
9 days ago
Made for ni66ers and feygitz by kixe.
9 days ago
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Library Loudspeaker
9 days ago
I appreciate what they’re trying to do, but man I miss the days when people just got together to make games because they loved making fun games and no other reason.
9 days ago
This game is inciting violence against humanity
9 days ago
Library Loudspeaker
9 days ago
It’s weird that we’ve reached a point where I can immediately tell when I’m listening to dialogue written by a Millennial.
Was it like that for previous generations? I wonder what the stereotypical dialogue written by Gen Z libs who don’t interact with enough real people will sound like.
8 days ago
yep u got it. they made the male “normal” to start so you can identify with him, play him and then it’ll lead him aka you into a gay relationship.
9 days ago
It’s good that there is someone who still makes videos about the gaming industry after American Krogan left
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9 days ago
What happened to him? Is he still producing in nationalistic content despite not producing game critique?
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Mike Forester
9 days ago
Fourth Order Sim
9 days ago
Does anyone even play AAA games anymore?
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9 days ago
For sure. But the problem is AAA isnt mark of superiour quality anymore and hasnt been for a long time. Thats the main reason why one pays the AAA premium price, to get super high quality in every aspect. So why are so many still paying the premium for low/inferiour quality, thats because they are stupid or at least just indifferent to a point of buying the next AAA game is same as eating or such. Its just basically automatic thing one does.
7 days ago
I haven’t played one for years. I don’t even keep up with games being released any more, the AAA games became so bad that I stopped paying any attention.
When I tell people I’m a gamer or like video games, I usually find pretty quickly that I actually have a different hobby to them since I haven’t played or even heard of whatever woke shite has been released recently. I’ve been playing indie games or older games.
9 days ago
Lol Mark, your critique
unorthodox normie
9 days ago
this is hilarious great work Mark
9 days ago
I’m excited for Skyblivion!
9 days ago
What’s funny is that Japanese game developers are more pro-white. You don’t see much their anti-white rhetoric in their games.
7 days ago
I am working my way through the game Hollow Knight – a game about a stoic, masculine chad with a banger of a story told with subtulty and nuance – on the PC master race and the Linux master race. Anyone who games with Soy-ny or Micro, soft penis is a tard and an imbecile.
7 days ago
What happened to TV and film ages ago has now happened to gaming some time around GamerGate (2015ish) and accelerated ever since. In the last few years it has become completely intolerable as they attempt to exclude gamers from their own hobby.
I’m one of the few people who actually does vote with my wallet. Just as I haven’t watched modern movies (except a few such as The Northman), I also haven’t bought a triple AAA game since about 2017. I previously enjoyed the new Wolfenstein games (though I had my issues with it), but when Wolfenstein: Youngblood was released, that was my limit. I’m also boycotting most of the big studios now anyway. If they push woke stuff or do anything anti-white or anti-male then they have permanently lost me as a customer, and it seems nearly all of them have now done this.
I still play a lot of games, primarily indie games, older games and those from small studios. There is an enormous back catalogue of incredible games on Steam going back 30+ years with millions of hours of gameplay, so I’m not going to run out of games to play. And there are still indie developers and individuals (typically white or Japanese men) who make incredible games with novel gameplay that they pour their heart into.
The Great Rebellion was a very pleasant surprise because it wasn’t just a gimmick, it was a genuinely fun game that stands out for how good the gameplay is.
Although it’s sad, gaming at least shows more hope, because gamers seem to be resisting it more than the general public. A recent example would be the pushback against Sweet Baby Inc. Or the creation of mods to remove rainbow flags, or replace historically inaccurate race-swapped characters.
Gaming has always been a predominantly male pursuit, and despite the infiltration of the industry by feminists and their attempts to make games female-focused, anti-male and full of wokery, the people who actually play games are not interested in that, and actually are pretty sick of it.
8 days ago
uh oh Sony Sisters, I don’t feel so good
8 days ago
Reddit. the game
9 days ago
To be honest with you, Mark, I don’t think gaming is a healthy endeavour for a man, or even for a boy, and certainly not for a girl. I grew out of gaming in my teens and never went back to it. Like you, I grew up (console) gaming. I was weened on Alex the Kid, Streets of Rage, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, etc. You could put a control in my hand now and I’d be just as good as I ever was. In fact, I was out on my motorbike one day many years ago, when I spotted a Street Fighter tournament at the city hall (or somewhere) in Hexham, which I promptly entered and easily won. Point being, I spent so much of my youth gaming – to the detriment of my physical and mental health, and personal growth – that it became second nature to me. That’s how addicted I was. But it damaged me irreparably. To this day I have physical problems and social interaction issues as a result of spending too much time in seclusion. Whether games were invented by our enemies or not is a moot point — the fact is that gaming works to their advantage. Not only is it used to keep our men in a perpetual state of childhood, it’s now being used to masculinise – or androgenise – our women. To me, gaming is toxic, and is something that you should not only not be promoting, but should be actively denouncing.
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9 days ago
I do however consider gaming to be better than watching Sports. Unless, you’re partaking in the sport; yes, that’s infinitely better than gaming. You’re part of the community, networking and staying fit and healthy.
Baron Brezzik
9 days ago
This line makes me wanna say the F-word.
The one that rhymes with Maggot.
9 days ago
That’s George Michael in the back. Yuck
9 days ago
Oh dear
Dawn Browning
9 days ago
I prefer Lemings, but am looking to buy this for my son. What platform/s is it available on?
12 hours ago
When all you play is Stalker shadow of chernobyl, and all you do is just sit there because the environment is how you feel
Lars Agerbæk Odyssæus
5 days ago
I’m glad that the Great Rebellion exists. But I’m also a bit sad that it’s only a 2D game.
No words
6 days ago
another nod is the use “in a world” as a start. it has been a staple of bro action movies and they’re shitting on it.
8 days ago
“Great Rebellin” needs more happy merchant sprites TBH
8 days ago
that last game looks like Forgotten Worlds meets Quartet with Altered Beasts like moves
8 days ago
Is that game Great Rebellion coming to Switch?
8 days ago
Sony games have always promoted dog sh^te! But this really is the bottom of the barrel!! On the up…. Sega are bringing back Golden Axe!!!
8 days ago
Deep state propaganda
Progressive messaging
NPC main characters
God damn that has to be one of the most revolting games I have ever seen. I vote we burn it with fire, lots and lots of fire.
Good Evening Godless Sodomites!
9 days ago
How stupid do you have to be to have this be the target market for your product?
They’d do more for their idiotic goals/agenda and ideology by making something that is good and popular then using the profits from that to brainwash kids in developing countries
9 days ago
What a ghastly game.
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8 days ago(edited)
It was just awarded GOTY by Reddit tho
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Redpill Rundown
6 days ago
The Ghoulish_Knight
6 days ago
Redditoids giving awards with this so-called game.
9 days ago
Quite the concrete cow of a game.
Rudolf Harras
9 days ago
Also the animations are so stiff and amateur.
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7 days ago
And the voice acting sounds like AI. This honestly seems like a game churned out by AI where they told it to include people with various traits and make it about words being violence.
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
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Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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