Joel Davis
Two Tier Tyranny, Free England!
Thu, Aug 15, 2024
[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:
• Recent events in Britain and Australia, including protests and police responses.
• They held a national meet-up and protest in Brisbane that made headlines.
• Blair injured himself during a powerlifting competition: “I ripped my left quad a bit”
• Describe confrontations with police during their protest march in Brisbane.
• Police were accused of using excessive force: “threw punches at many people”
• Some of them were arrested and mistreated: “smashing them into the ground”
• There was racial bias from some non-White police officers.
• Recent protests in England following a stabbing incident.
• The English protests were an “organic response” to immigration issues, not organized by far-Right groups. “This is an organic community reaction to having a massive amount of Africans and Arabs in your country”
• Criticize left-wing counter-protesters and their “class war” rhetoric.
• Express support for the English protesters and their methods.
• Discuss poll results showing some public support for the protests in England. “39% who agreed that ‘when it comes to the refugee problem, violence is sometimes the only means'”
• Argue that racism should be “normalized” and openly embraced by political candidates.
• Criticize harsh sentences given to protesters compared to other criminals. “Child rapists walk free and putting people in jail for Facebook posts”
• Discuss a pro-immigration protest in Melbourne and the arrest of a TikTok user filming it.
• Criticize communists and left-wing groups organizing pro-immigrant protests. These people are all basically mentally deranged”
• Discuss strategies for avoiding arrest during protests.
• Encourage more people to join their movement and take action. “The sooner you get involved and the more dedicated you are, the more passionate you are about bringing justice to our people”
• Answer questions from viewers, including about Slavic people. “No European is subhuman”
• Discuss Croatia and Croatian nationalism.
• Criticize some immigrants for maintaining strong ties to their home countries.
• Debate the merits of facial hair.
• Mention upcoming media appearances.
• Discuss New Zealand and experiences visiting there.
• Interpret a quote attributed to Joseph Goebbels about “subhumans”
• Encourage viewers to watch for another upcoming show.
Published on Thu, Aug 15, 2024
8:44 / 2:10:22
Two Tier Tyranny, Free England!
Joel Davis
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Streamed on:
Aug 15, 6:33 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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(Words: 23,190 – 2:10:22 mins)
Joel Davis: Took a week off, a lot have complained. My apologies. It was a big week last week. We were on the road, so it was just not possible to get a good setup to do the show, which was a shame because there was a lot to talk about last week with everything kicking off in Britain.
And obviously there’s a lot to talk about this week. We had a big weekend. We had our national meet as an organisation. We did a protest. We made headlines in Australia for our own reasons. There’s a lot to break down, a lot to discuss, so should be a good show. There’s a lot going on.
But maybe to start off with, I guess, Blair, how you going? Because I’ve actually asked you how you doing? Because you managed to injure yourself again this year! But wasn’t quite as bad as last year. There was no hospital trip necessary, just a small tear of the quad, on a squat. But how you feeling? You coming good, or?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I’m okay. I just wasn’t conditioned for barbell squats. I’ve done heaps of heavy leg press, hack squats, belt squats for the past twelve months, thinking that that would be sufficient.
But it’s just not the barbell squat. There’s nothing like it. And I think the depth I squat to, I don’t think I reached that same depth in emulative movements like leg press and hack squat.
So yeah, I ripped my left quad a bit, but it’s not as significant of an injury as last year’s injury, so it’s not that bad. But it did prevent me from competing all the way through, again. I’m shattered because I always, I want to get to the deadlifts. I’ve got a freakish deadlift, but I never get to show it off. So kind of shattered, but whatever, there’s always next year. How are you guys feeling? How are you feeling, Tom, after the weekend?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s good to finally get some sleep. Whenever we have a big weekend like that it’s so much time planning and organising and then you’ve got to do activism and you know, plus a powerlifting competition. And then you finally get home and you back kind of to normieville a little bit, back at work, back normal routines and yeah. It was a very enjoyable weekend.
Blair Cottrell: You did a good job organising everything, sort of stress and pressure that you have to deal with, organising stuff like that.
A lot of people don’t appreciate it, but everything falls on your shoulders with stuff like that. And everything comes from your directives, your negotiating, your, what do you call it, delegating. I’ve been in that position before, years ago, and I know it can get stressful, but personally, I think you handled it really well. You did a great job. It was all put together pretty well. The state leaders did a good job in their capacities. And the police weren’t as aggressive as they were in New South Wales. They were still obstructive to some degree. Their presence was very much still there.
But look, at least they didn’t shut the event down on Saturday and they actually allowed you guys to march through the city. I think a couple of individual cops were hostile for more personal reasons, it seems, but.
Joel Davis: More than a couple!
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. In a video I saw, which I’m sure Joel will be playing tonight for you guys, one of those cops seemed to back down the moment Joel suggested:
“Hey, you can’t just actually push people around because of what they believe. That’s illegal in a democracy, a so-called democracy.”
Anyway, so we’ll go through that, we’ll talk a bit about that.
But look, compared to New South Wales, the state police of Queensland, I don’t think they were as bad, but there was definitely a couple of incidents there that are worth reviewing.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think it was worse in the sense of how we were policed on the street. I mean, in Sydney, I guess that wasn’t really the opportunity because we weren’t on the street. So in Sydney, if people remember on Australia Day*, we were basically detained on a train on our way to the city to do activism. And because of that, those circumstances, their tactic was basically to just slowly process us one by one and waste our time and basically prevent us from actually doing our action.
[* Australia Day is the official national day of Australia. Observed annually on 26 January, it marks the 1788 landing of the First Fleet and raising of the Union Flag of Great Britain by Arthur Phillip at Sydney Cove, a small bay on the southern shore of Sydney Harbour.]
Whereas this time they weren’t able to do that because we changed our tactics and they basically had to accept that we had mobilised and were marching down the street. And when we marched for about a kilometer or so, maybe a kilometer and a half through the streets of Brisbane, we actually went through a beautiful part of Brisbane. By the way, Brisbane has got really wonderful architecture. I don’t know if there’s probably a lot of people that haven’t been to Brisbane. It actually has got beautiful architecture. It’s very underrated. I think, as a city, it’s quite an aesthetic city, particularly the older buildings that are there.
[Image: Statue commemorating ANZACs in Korea/Malaya/Borneo – Anzac Square, Brisbane.]
And we went through Anzac Park on a Sunday morning. And in Anzac Park there actually is a statue of a soldier from the Korean War, I believe, and he’s actually throwing a Roman salute and the Roman salute is towards this cenotaph that is kind of up on a ledge at the top of the park that has an eternal flame inside of it. So it’s a very kind of epic monument and obviously quite tasteful to former fallen soldiers that fought against communism.
[Image: Shrine of Remembrance Anzac Square Brisbane]
So we marched past that, we came around onto the main street, and we were heading towards at the town square in Brisbane, which actually has a big statue of King George V, I believe, in it. And it’s an absolutely impeccable building. And it’s kind of an area in Brisbane where often political protests, I think, tend to kind of form up and people give speeches.
[Image: 40 National Socialist Network members march through Brisbane on Sunday (Aug 11, 2024)]
So we were headed there so that Tom could give a speech, because one of the main reasons, or the themes of our march was the events that had occurred in Britain recently. Not just that there was more anti-White violence, as we’ve come to predict, particularly out of Britain, the lack of justice that has served as well, but it was more the response of the police to the mostly peaceful protests that ensued in reaction. And we’ve seen some of the sentences getting passed down where people are going to jail for two years for Facebook posts, or two years for refusing to comply with a move on order by the police, and they’re getting sentenced within a few days of the so-called crime being committed. Meanwhile, paedophiles literally serve less time in jail in Britain.
So it’s a totally ridiculous and preposterous tyranny that they’re dealing with over there that is very clearly and explicitly anti-White.
[Image: NSM members march through Brisbane on Sunday (Aug 12, 2024)]
So we wanted to march in solidarity with them, and Tom was going to give a speech. But as we went to turn into the park, the police officers all of a sudden basically formed up into a kind of defensive posture and just violently pushed us onto the road, threw punches at many people. I think Tom got throat punched. A police officer tried to grab me and then kind of threw his fist at me, but it just hit my shoulder.
Another police officer came across and just clocked Tim Lutz right across the face, out of nowhere, just total dogshot. Some of the boys got tackled and arrested for no apparent reason and brutalised when they were arrested, like they would handcuff them, and then once they were handcuffed, be like smashing them into the ground, dragging them across the gravel, smash them into the police car.
Only four boys got arrested, but they all seemed to have mild concussion, or if not mild, extreme concussion. Some of the boys had sprained wrists and cuts on their face, black eyes. And apparently, while they were being brutalised by the police, some of the police were saying:
“Who’s the brown cunt now? !”
And so on, because quite a few of the police officers were non-Whites.
So that was something that was kind of unexpected. We haven’t really dealt with that kind of thing before. But the rest of us managed to kind of stay as a group and keep marching down the street. And we got back to our kind of a point in the city where we kind of formed up and then broke off from there.
And when we broke off, Tom and I and another friend of ours were in a group because we all had, like, three or four man groups that we kind of broke off into because we have to come in cars. I guess some people probably took the train. So we were going back to our cars and we kind of slowly walked back to the car. We weren’t really in a rush.
And as we were walking back to the car, we actually walked through a part of Brisbane where it’s kind of like a market area where there’s lots of shops and stuff. And there was a young White kid there, maybe about 13 years old, and he was playing violin. He was playing classical music. And he was amazing! Like, this kid was super talented! It was actually really incredible!
So we just stood there and watched him for a while and just enjoyed the show. And he was really getting into it. He was locked in. It was actually quite an enjoyable performance. He was just busking. And there was 15, 20 police officers standing around us in a circle, just kind of watching us, watch this guy play violin.
And then we kept continuing on to go to our car. And in between ourselves, where we just happened to be and the car, there was a massive pro-Palestinian protest. And we basically realised that maybe the reason why the police were so violent was maybe to keep us away from that, thinking that we would clash with the pro-Palestinians. Perhaps not understanding that we really wouldn’t want to be putting ourselves forward as attack dogs for the jews. We aren’t really pro-Palestine, but we’re definitely not pro-Israel either. So we’d probably just avoid that kind of thing.
But anyway, …
Thomas Sewell: They hadn’t formed up yet. We were actually over an hour early, so they were saving the spot for the Palestinians. I think that’s important context.
Joel Davis: Yeah, this is after. This is probably almost an hour had transpired from when we suffered the initial brutality trying to enter the town square. Town square was empty, basically at that time. Maybe there was a few tourists. But this hour later, after everything had ensued and we kind of made our way up there. Then the Palestinians and the communists and stuff were starting to set up.
And as we were walking down the street, just on our way back to where we parked our car, that was when a bunch of these Public Safety Officers, or whatever they’re called, they’re effectively riot cops.
Thomas Sewell: Public Safety Response Team, PSRT.
Joel Davis: That’s it, yeah. Then they started kind of staunching up at us and screaming at Tom. I didn’t catch the first part of video, because I was kind of slow to get my camera out. They were screaming at Tom:
“Don’t you go up there!”
And we’re like:
“We’re not going up there. We’re just going back to our car.”
Anyway, I got my camera out, and that video that I posted or that got posted everywhere, a lot of people probably saw it. Ended up getting millions of views of the police officers just basically following us down the street as we were just walking back to our car, like, pushing us, hit at my phone, stole Tom’s phone off him. Basically informing us that the reason why he was behaving that way wasn’t because we had actually committed any crimes, but was just simply because he didn’t like our political views.
So apparently his personal political opinions determine what’s legal or illegal and determine what his behaviour can be, not the actual law.
Meanwhile, he was claiming that we apparently broke the law and disturbed the peace because we went onto the road off the footpath. But we only went onto the road because the police officers literally violently pushed us onto the road!
Meanwhile, we actually have footage of later that day. The police officers just guide the pro-Palestinian protesters onto the road and just allow them to march down the road for their political march. So it was quite a potent example of two tier policing.
But anyway, they kind of left us alone at the end of that video, and we just left. And everyone else got out of there okay, other than the fall guys who got arrested. One of them was charged with the most bullshit crime I’ve ever heard of! It was “incitement to incite racial hatred”. Like, it’s some kind of meta-incitement, that because he grabbed onto a sign, sorry, onto a banner that said “Australia for the Whiteman”, that somehow he’s inciting other people to go and encourage some third party to engage in “racial hatred or racial vilification”. I mean, what does that even mean? So I don’t see how that’s a crime. But anyway, apparently it is. I never even heard of it before.
So that was our experience. But I’m sure Tom has a lot to add.
Blair Cottrell: For people who don’t know, what actually happened on the weekend? What transpired? What was the motivation behind it?
Thomas Sewell: Okay, in summary, we organised our national meetup in Brisbane this year.
So we have two national meetups here, one in summer and one in winter. We’ve done this pretty consistently for about two and a half years now. This winter we decided to go to Brisbane because the weather’s usually much nicer than everywhere else in Australia in winter. And we had a powerlifting competition on the Saturday, which we had a really big turnout. After about an hour of setting up the event, I noticed that a helicopter was circling around the venue.
And the only way that the police really would have been able to get that address is from, like, tapping our phones.
So a lot of people, not a lot of people, but some very intelligent people on the Internet were saying:
“Oh, look, you’ve got an informant!”
It’s like, well, they have Five Eyes, and they just have access to our Google Maps. They have access to our phones, they can track our phones. So most people brought their phones to the powerlifting event because it doesn’t require as much OPSEC [Operations Security] as, say, activism.
But we had a powerlifting event, and about 50 cops rocked up and they initially barged through the front door and tried to assert dominance over the event while everyone was kind of warming up and the first flight of lifters was starting. I went straight to the door and managed to coerce them out the front, explained to them that they were breaking the law. They were trespassing. They said that:
“They weren’t trespassing. They were allowed to just enter whatever property they want without a warrant.”
Which is obviously not the law. But these police make up their own rules. Political police don’t play by any rules. They’ve kind of got immunity from the law, unless they get checked later on. But even then, it doesn’t matter. They just keep going because they’re on strict orders from the jews to shut down White people. So they know that they’ll be protected by their jewish bosses.
[Image: 2nd annual White Power lifting event, Sat, 10th Aug, 2024, Queensland]
Now, the goal of coming to the powerlifting event was to obviously intimidate our families. They rocked up 50 people deep. They knew there was women and children and babies present. And the goal is to just break the spirit of our movement. The goal is to break the spirit of White people who dare organise and mobilise. They wouldn’t do that to a church group, they wouldn’t do it to a multiracial church group. They wouldn’t do it to a mosque, they wouldn’t do it to a synagogue, but they did it to a White powerlifting event. They wouldn’t do it to a brown powerlifting event! In fact, it’d probably be state sponsored.
But anyway, the other reason, the secondary reason for attending in such large numbers, was also to try to enforce, to try to identify everyone, which they failed to do, because we managed to keep them outside, but to also serve an order. And it was very circular logic. It was like, what’s the purpose of serving this order? Well, the purpose of serving the order is to serve the order!
And obviously they were just under strict instructions. The average cop there didn’t really know what they were doing and were kind of confused and embarrassed as to why they rocked up at a family friendly event with the riot squad. But the inspector, who was a homosexual, jew looking faggot, called Finlay, was under strict orders from the Commissioner of Queensland Police to serve as many people as possible at the venue, with a strict order saying:
“That if they wear any face covering over the next 72 hours, unless it is a light coloured, disposable Covid mask.”
So any face covering except a light coloured, disposable Covid mask:
“That they can go to prison for up to three years.”
So is that lawful? I highly doubt. Is that something we could challenge in court? Yeah, sure. Absolutely! But it wasn’t something that we were willing to challenge on the spot and risk getting arrested and not given bail on the grounds of wearing a face covering that wasn’t a light coloured Covid mask! So, as I said, they just make the law up as they go along.
We managed to just keep the police outside all day and have a very enjoyable event. The women were very scared, I think it’s very intimidating to have men with machine guns rock up when you have women and children there. I spoke to Beck, because she was there with our baby, and she just said that:
“These people are absolutely disgusting, and just can’t wait for us to win! So that we can bring justice to them.”
And she mimicked or empathized the same feelings that I think most of us have about how disgusting these traitors are within the police force. So she’s pretty staunch, but I know a lot of the other wives were a bit scared.
The event went really well. We actually had some huge lifts towards the end of the event when the strong guys came out, the final flight, the final group. And, yeah, and then we just sung songs and then just left.
The police tried to detain a few people as the event ended, for no reason, like, not for committing any crime, but just because they were present at the event and they tried to just assert their dominance on them and their sort of strange interpretations of the law. But more or less, it went without issue.
There was one news crew out the front, not at the front of the event, but around the corner, up the street, as a few of us were leaving in that direction. And so myself and Joel, Tim and a few of the other guys that are face-off, like Michael Nelson and Nathan Ball, we went up to the news crew and said basically:
“Hello, we’re here to do an interview. What’s up?”
And they were just shocked! The news crew didn’t know what was going on. They said:
“What’s happening here?”
And I think they were Channel Nine. It was Channel Nine, Brisbane. And I told the news crew that we were having a powerlifting event for White Australians. And the police have rocked up with the riot squad to intimidate us. And she didn’t know what to do. She asked me, I think, one or two more questions, and then she was still shocked. She said:
“So what are you guys doing inside?”
And I said:
“Well, we’re having a powerlifting event. We’re lifting weights. We’re doing squat, bench and deadlift. And they’ve rocked up with the riot squad and the helicopter.”
And she said:
“Why? Why are the police doing that?”
And I said:
“Because they want to intimidate us. They don’t want White people organising as White people. They want us to organise as part of the multiculturalism. But we disagree with that.”
And she was like:
“Okay, that’s very strange. We just came here because one of my friends, her daughter has dance class around the corner from here and she thought there was a terror attack. And with everything that was happening, people are really on high alert.”
Because, you know, she was alluding to the dance class in the UK where someone [A black teenager of Rwandan descent] killed those three girls.
And so you’re taking your daughter to a dance class and there’s 50, there’s like SWAT vehicles and counter-terrorism police. And there was actually a hostage negotiation team there as well.
So the police were trying to pretend like it was some sort of siege, some sort of stand-off there. I don’t know how to explain it, people call us Larpers, but I feel like the police sometimes are the biggest Larpers! We were just having a family friendly event with the barbecue and lifting, and the police rocked up with the SWAT team and the hostage negotiators.
And so it scared off all the public from even being in the area. The whole public could have walked past, seen the event.
Joel Davis: They blocked off the road as well, so no one could even get in.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, they blocked off the road. There were mothers trying to drop their daughters off so that they could, you know, do some dancing. And they were basically being intimidated away by the police. So that that’s how they got the tip off, apparently, the media. And I do believe that to be a sincere story, because we did see a lot of mums walking past just as the cops arrived, walking their dogs or trying to drop their daughters off to one of the buildings in the area. And that obviously made everyone very scared, like the general public. They weren’t scared of us, they were scared of the police.
So other than that, the day went very well. And then, obviously on the Sunday, we had activism.
So the main purpose for our activism was to do a street demonstration, a peaceful march, to demonstrate. We had a banner saying “Free England”. And that is one of the most important things that we wanted to get across to the public. We believe that the United Kingdom and England specifically, just as Australia is and the rest of the Anglo-sphere, and even Europe, for that sake, is under occupation. It’s under enemy occupation. And the native population of Europe, or the native population of the Australian nation, which is obviously us, as Anglo-European people, we are under enemy threat, enemy occupation.
And our message is to stand in solidarity with the English who are protesting against this, and to protest here as well, to end that occupation. We want our nation for our people. We want to rule over ourselves, and we want to remove these corrupt and evil institutions that enslave and destroy and imprisoned good, honest, noble White people for the sake of the fact that they’re White and that they’re not traitors.
After that, we had a seminar. I won’t go into too much detail about the activism, but as Joel said earlier, there was a lot of violence towards the end. So I know, Blair, you said earlier that it seemed like they weren’t as violent as in Sydney. That would be true for the Saturday, but for the Sunday, they were actually the most violent they’ve ever been they broke the law! The police broke the law on many, many occasions, and we’re not dropping that. We have already filed about 20 complaints to the corruption commission or 20 reports, I should say, to investigate the police for unlawful use of force, for theft, for assault, and for basically attacking and injuring detained persons and for the purpose of being racially and politically motivated, violence.
So the police committed armed robbery, terrorism, incitement for racial vilification. They committed all the things that the media accuses us of! They committed that on us while we performed a peaceful demonstration through the streets of Brisbane. Which I agree with Joel, is a very beautiful city. I forgot how beautiful Brisbane is.
Lastly, we had a seminar where we did political speeches. All the state leaders did a speech. A few other branch leaders did speeches. We had some poetry read by an older gentleman who was still quite concussed from earlier in the day. He actually had to go to hospital shortly after and he was complaining of chest pains as well because they kneeled on him and injured him pretty badly when they were arresting him.
The reason why the police., … The excuse that the police are currently given for beating and injuring four or five of our guys out of the I think it was about 70 guys marched and were in support crew in total. The reason the police are giving was that we jaywalked. The reason that they gave when they attacked four of them was that they were jaywalking, or that they were not abiding by the road rules. Because I don’t think we actually call it “jaywalking” in Australia. I think the fine said something like “misuse of the road” or something like that.
And as Joel explained earlier, the reason why we were walking on the road was because the police violently attacked us when we tried to cross the road, you know, waiting for the green man, you know, at the lights, to cross the road. And as we were crossing the road in our march to enter the King George Square, that’s when the police started just king hitting people, just punching people in the back of the head and the side of the head.
And so then we had to sort of bounce off their wall of violence and then continue the march up the road, but obviously on the road because they were blocking the sidewalk, blocking us from entering the sidewalk.
And then they assaulted and detained a bunch of people allegedly for being on the sidewalk after they had attacked us while trying to get off the road onto the sidewalk. So very interesting stuff.
And there was a lot of camaraderie. There was a lot of brave men on the day. It was honestly, it was a huge political victory in a lot of ways, in the sense that we raised a lot of awareness for our movement, raised awareness for the what is more or less the common denominator at the moment, which is a two tier policing. You know, what do they call it on Twitter? Two tier., …
Joel Davis: They’re calling it Two Tier Keir after the British prime minister.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Two Tier Keir. And we’ve seen solidarity with English patriots and American patriots all over the world. We’re seeing people showing solidarity with us that we had the courage to muster the forces on the day to peacefully protest for our kin and kith. And the police treated us just as the British patriots are being treated by the system. I think the only difference is that we’re not going to be going to jail for 20 months or 30 months for our protests like the men in England are.
In fact, we’re actually lawyering up and gearing up to prosecute the police as individuals for the crimes that they committed on the day. So I’m not saying that we’re going to have an amazing result with it, but there’s been some political successes and judicial successes recently with Jacob. My case is against violent disorder. Likewise, you’ve got Nick Patterson, who was assaulted by police during Covid, who’s had a victory in the courts as well.
So I don’t think we’re as far gone as England. I think we’re maybe ten years behind them in terms of the corruption. And I think it’s a good time to make hay while the sun shines in the sense of have political victories and legal victories where they can be peaceful.
Joel Davis: It’s very important that we fight back legally, because if we don’t, that the police, what’s going to stop them doing that again? And not just to us, but to literally anyone that is politically out of favour who decides to have a street demonstration. There was an article published in The Noticer recently about Queensland police. The headline is:
“More than 1,000 Queensland cops reported for misconduct over the past year, hundreds for assault and excessive force.”
So this seems to be systematic or systemic, I should say, within the Queensland police force.
And I actually got a chance to talk to and size up a lot of these officers because the same officers that we were dealing with on Sunday while we’re in the streets of Brisbane, a lot of those faces were the same faces that were basically sieging us all afternoon, while we were having our powerlifting competition. And in between my lifts, I was kind of amusing myself by going out there and arguing with a lot of these police officers, because I was just so disgusted by their behaviour. And when they first arrived, like a whole bunch of them barged in through the back door as well. And Tom and some of the other boys were dealing with them at the front door, which was more of like a kind of garage door, really. It was like a scout hall. But there was the side door as well. And about six of them just barged in. And I went over to them and said:
“You’re on private property. Get the fuck out! Like, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Go get a warrant or get out!”
And they accused us, and I said:
“On what grounds are you trespassing on our private property?”
And they said:
“Oh, we have reason to believe that you are committing the crime of consorting.”
Consorting is a crime that is introduced, I think it only exists in Queensland and New South Wales. Don’t quote me on that, but it’s specifically an anti-bikie law. Consorting is when members of a criminal gang over a certain number of persons are associating in public, or think just associating, it might even also apply in private, and this is therefore a crime. So, like you say, you’ve got ten members of the Hell’s Angels, all in an area. The police can just arrest them for hanging out. But we’re not a criminal gang! They might insinuate that we are, but there’s no legal basis from which they can define us as a criminal gang.
First of all, we don’t commit crimes. But second of all, there’s no legal classification of us under those terms, so that makes absolutely no sense. It’s totally unreasonable. So that was an unlawful trespass. When I went to the Inspector who was presiding over the operation and said:
“Your officers over here are saying they’re trespassing on our property because they suspect us of ‘consorting’. On what basis do you suspect us of consorting?”
He was fumbling his words. He’s like:
“Oh, well, no, no, we just want to serve you with this public notice.”
I can’t be the exact terminology, but basically it was just a document that said that we couldn’t, as Tom said before, wear face masks. So they were trying to stop us from wearing our standard black block with balaclava get up for the next 72 hours within the Brisbane Gold Coast region. And I said:
“Well, then, why are they falsely accusing us of the crime of consorting? Why are your officers trespassing on our property?”
And they got the officers out of there. But I had to argue. And several of us had to argue with them for like 15, 20 minutes for them to get the hell out of and then they just kind of surrounded the property for the rest of the day. And if anyone left, they said:
“We’re all being detained. And if anyone left the property, they would have to give them their details, like name and ID and so on, and no one could enter.”
And they blocked off both roads, as Tom said. And there was about like 50 police officers with as he said, like counter-terrorism siege negotiators, hostage negotiators or something.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I’ve never seen those guys before or spoken with them. I like to try to talk to police as little as possible. I generally think not much good can come from interacting with police. I’ve learnt that over the years. But I did try to leave the event at one point and was forced to talk with some of them. And I ended up speaking with the Inspector. And I don’t think I’ve ever spoken with an Inspector before, a cop of that high rank. It really says something that there was an Inspector at this event sort of giving directions to these other cops.
But I tried being amicable with him at one point just to challenge the legal basis for why they were there and what they were doing. And I just wanted to get the result I wanted, which was for everyone to leave without being ID’ed.
But in the end, it didn’t seem to go anywhere. They were acting reasonable at one point and they started allowing the women and children to leave without being identified. So that was a small victory, I suppose. But they didn’t have any intention of letting any of the male attendees to leave freely. They were very intent on identifying everyone at the building, it seemed. Despite not really understanding it, we just had to kind of go with it because they were pretty forcible. Like, I gave my details to get out of there, but I know that some of the guys didn’t. Some of the guys kind of just like, held up pieces of paper, I think, and said:
“Yeah, I’ve already done it, I’ve got the order.”
And they kind of just got out of there without going through the process.
But it’s also interesting that there’s so many reports of police misconducts in Queensland, specifically because you guys remember the Train family incident. Where a family of former teachers turned conspiracy theorists opened fire on police. That was Queensland police. That happened in Queensland. It was a big story down here in Australia. I think that was only maybe twelve to 18 months ago. And the details leading up to that incident are hazy at best. It’s not actually clear how many times Queensland police had visited the Train family property, what relationship they had with the Train family. And they actually lied about what was going on initially in media reports. A police spokesperson at first said that they were going to the Train family’s property simply to conduct a welfare check. But then they changed their story and said they’re going there to serve a warrant. Sorry we got mixed up.
So it’s really unclear what happened there. But that’s what comes to mind when I heard about the large amount of police misconduct reports in Queensland and also seeing the way some individual police officers chose to behave when dealing with you guys on the weekend. Because, as I said, I think the direction was pretty simple. The direction probably given to the cops was:
“Hey, ID these guys and keep an eye on them.”
But, you know, individual cops decided to take it a step further and use physical force, in some cases outright violence and bullying. Like what I saw in the video, which I hope Joel plays tonight, is just outright bullying! I mean, snatching Tom’s phone out of his hand and then demanding that he says “please” twice in order to get it back. Just pushing, shoving, swearing, denigrating you guys. That’s not part of a police job description in any capacity. And he actually admits the cop that’s pushing and shoving and taking phones, he admits that he just personally finds what you guys believe offensive. And he doesn’t want you in the city.
And I remember I said this earlier before. As soon as you. Joel, as soon as you said that:
“Hey, you can’t just actually push people around because you personally find their views offensive.”
And he backed off almost immediately after you said that, I noticed.
Joel Davis: But, yeah, I started accusing him of being a communist and then, yeah, he kind of changed his tune. But he was behaving like, as I said, like a Stasi, like a communist political police agent in East Germany circa 1960 or something. That’s not what you’re supposed to do in a so-called “liberal democracy”. Yeah, there’s a massive collapse of standards.
Also, there was many police officers that were of there were Islanders or some other kind of brown extraction, and they were particularly offended by us and they were some of the most heavy handed in their violence, obviously offended by the fact that we want them deported from our country.
And it was actually quite funny the day before, Michael Nelson had a lot of fun trolling them and they basically pointed at him. We have many eyewitness reports saying that they pointed directly at him and said:
“That guy is priority!”
And barged through the crowd and made sure that they violently arrested him, simply because he decided to go and annoy them the day before. And he filmed, actually, some quite hilarious clips of him annoying the police, but he didn’t do anything illegal. What they were doing was shameful!
As I said to the police officers over and over again on the Saturday when they were basically sieging us while we were trying to have a powerlifting event, I said:
“You guys are pathetic! Is this why you went to police school? Is this, you’re gonna be proud of yourself and look yourself in the mirror tonight, you know what a noble job?”
Blair Cottrell: Just to be clear, you guys were just walking through the CBD. Did you guys have a banner at all at any point?
Joel Davis: We did have a banner, yeah, we had two banners. We had the “Australia for the Whiteman” banner, which they stole from us. And we had another banner that said “Free England”, which we managed to retain. They tried to steal that, but Nathan Bull was too skillful to give that banner up. So they basically failed to get the banner off him.
Thomas Sewell: When they stole the Australian for the Whiteman banner, that’s actually when they assaulted two of the guys, or three of the guys as well. They elbowed Jack Altis [sp]. They elbowed him in the back of the spine. And that was the same cop that confronted Joel and I and started screaming at us randomly when we were walking towards our cars about an hour after the rally. And he actually, I had a psychic thought that it was him as well.
And then when I showed Jack the video, he was like:
“Yeah, that’s the one that elbowed me in the back.”
And I was like, that’s interesting, because just before Joel started filming, when he was screaming at me in my face and I just kind of stood there. He had his elbow up like this as well, while he was screaming at me. He had his elbow in my face, like, up against my throat, like, as if he was ready to throw an elbow at me. So he thinks he’s a bit of a fighter, that one, but he’s just, like a fat loser with an Asian wife that was very offended by the fact that we’re actually noble White men. So he’ll get his day. He’ll get his day! And I’ll leave it at that. I can’t really say much more about that character. But there will be repercussions. There will be repercussions!
Blair Cottrell: It’d be interesting to be a fly on the wall in their briefs before they go out to interact with you guys. What kind of stuff are they being told that makes them so aggressive? Like, who’s responsible for giving these briefs? That would be interesting to know.
Thomas Sewell: The police, obviously, it’s coming straight down from the Commissioner and Counter-Terrorism. It’s coming straight down from the state government. But furthermore, some of these people are actually just despicable communist scum. The police is very 50-50. So we actually had some very pleasant encounters with some of the police who actually, one of them actually gave Joel his card and said:
“Hey, when this is all done, you need to give me a call so we can file complaints.”
Basically saying that he was willing to more or less testify or give advice to testify against his colleagues. Because I can’t remember the exact quote, but he said something like:
“The behaviour here is despicable. This is not what’s meant to happen. This is overkill.”
Sort of words to that effect. I had encounters with a few other police that said similar things to me. They didn’t give me their cards, but they also said that to make sure that we follow up with the correct processes because what’s happened today is improper.
So there’s definitely sympathetic police officers within the ranks who are trying to more or less get their own ranks straightened out and have these communist elements or these anti-White elements removed. Because I don’t think Victoria Police or New South Wales Police or Queensland police are anywhere near as far gone as the British police.
You know, the British police are probably the most disgusting police force in the world. They did nothing for those girls that were raped for decades. They actually did worse than nothing. They actually arrested most of those girls that came to them. Or, you know, there are stories of girls, …
Joel Davis: There were even reports of the police officers raping the rape victims themselves!
Thomas Sewell: Yes. Yes, there were reports of police officers finding twelve year old and eleven year old girls who had been kidnapped for days and raped for days in Britain. And the police officers, instead of arresting the Pakistani rape gangs that had kidnapped these girls, the police officers instead arrested the, they’re not even teenagers, they’re adolescent girls for being drunk and disorderly, when they’ve been drugged up and force fed alcohol during a three or four day rape spree. And often times these girls had escaped or had left and then were raped by other people that they seek to help with. And the British police did nothing for this. The courts let most of these rapists off! The vast majority of these Pakistani paedophiles were let off!
And this is the cause. If we’re going to get to the crux of the matter as to why we did our rally saying “Free England”, this is the cause for the mostly peaceful protest in England last week or last fortnight. Because the fuel on the fire is the fact that the system, the justice system, the courts, the police, failed to protect native English children. And this is absolutely despicable!
We don’t want our country going down the same way, and more than do we not just not want our country to go down that way. We’re not just conservatives. We believe in revolutionary justice. We want a complete revolution, a total revolution of every institution, the media, the courts, the Parliament, everything! The whole lot needs a new change in leadership and justice brought to the old leadership that is ultimately responsible for the crimes, the dehumanizing crimes against our people over decades.
Joel Davis: Yeah. The attitude of the police was so despicable, especially considering the fact that, I mean, there’s a lot of data to show that violent crime is massively up in Queensland in general, particularly in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, undoubtedly because of mass non-White immigration. You know, as you bring in Islanders, as you bring in Muslims and so on, you get more violent crimes. That’s just how it is. Blacks as well. There’s a few of them up in Brisbane as well, surprisingly. You actually see African faces in Brisbane now, not as many as in Melbourne.
So these are racial demographics that tend to commit quite a lot of violent crimes. No one is out investigating them because there’s 60 police officers standing around all afternoon and then going home, sleeping, waking up, and then standing around in the city all afternoon to basically babysit and abuse 70 peaceful, law abiding White men who just have a simple demand that they actually go out and do something about that we have a society that protects White people. We don’t want to become like Britain.
Thomas Sewell: The other thing that I think was very interesting, and it’s the first time I’ve noticed it at this capacity, was normally the public is quite mixed. So I said before that the police was mixed. We had a lot of anti-White communists and some mongrels being led by some jewish superiors who were obviously violent and aggressive towards us, for now.
And then there were some police officers that were quite disgusted with what was going on and the fact that women and children were being threatened with firearms and the riot squad. And they certainly obviously they had things to say about that they were unhappy about it. But normally the public is quite 50-50. Normally, especially in Melbourne, you have all these Leftards, and then you have all these kind of boomers and Gen-Xs that might support us, or sympathetic.
But in Brisbane, I only saw one communist. To be fair, it was 10:00 in the morning, so maybe they’re still sleeping in. But there was only one communist that tried to be aggressive or abusive towards us. And there were just dozens, absolutely dozens of people that show their support to us, that gave us the thumbs up, that tooted their horns at us! When we were singing at one point, we have a song that we’re trying to turn into an anthem for our movement. We were singing it while we were marching, and there was all these boomers standing and watching and smiling, and they were really enjoying the show. You know, we look a bit scary, but I don’t think they minded the fact that we looked a bit scary. I think they knew what our sentiment was and they appreciated our banner. They know what’s going on geopolitically.
Furthermore, after the rally, after everyone left and went back to their cars, Joel, I, and one other, we started walking back to our car, and we had about 20 police following us the entire time. And as we were watching, or just before we were watching the young gentleman playing violin, these police officers were following us and harassing us. And there was a strange encounter with a Chinese police officer, like, a five foot tall Chinese lady.
And I think Joel, like, made fun of her and said:
“Oh, look at this one!”
And try to do a soy jack, like, pointing at her, like. And then I tried to take a photo. Well, I did take a photo, but was kind of blurry. But as I was taking a photo, she was like, in this thick, full Chinese accent was like:
“No photo, no photo! You can’t take photo of me!”
And Joel was like:
“What the fuck are you talking about? This is Australia!”
And I was like:
“We’re not in China here, buddy. This is not China we’re allowed to take, … This is a free country.”
And she’s like:
“No photo! No photo!”
And it was a very strange encounter with the diversity hire.
Joel Davis: So they just pulled her straight out of a rub and tug massage parlour and put her in a police uniform!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, like, she barely spoke English, and she was a Queensland police officer. And all her colleagues were just embarrassed as well.
But just shortly after that, there was a boomer lady that was next to us, and she started having a go at the police. That were following us. She obviously recognised who we were and she said:
“You’re nowhere to be found when there’s a real crime! None of you are anywhere to be found when there’s a real crime. But when these guys are marching through the streets causing no issues, look at how many there are of you look at how many there are. But when a crime happens, you’re nowhere to be found!”
And I think that’s a sentiment that most White Australians feel innate inside. We we make the meme, where it’s like British police, when someone’s getting gang raped, and then British police, when you make a mean comment on the Internet, it’s like the two tier system.
But I think that that has actually bled through the psyche of the population. I think the average person is starting to realise that the police are just nowhere to be found when there’s actual violence, but when there’s peaceful political protests by something that the system disagrees with, they’ve got infinite resources! They’ve got helicopters, they’ve got SWAT cars, they’ve got riot control, they’ve got Raptor Squad! They’ve got public safety response team, they’ve got CT, they’ve got detectives, they’ve got hostage negotiators. You know, when you hurt the feelings of jews, it is no, no expenses barred! You know, it is infinite money to intimidate [for] the jews!
And the last thing I’ll say about intimidation or attempted intimidation was even to the point of when myself, my pregnant missus and our baby were at the airport and Joel was on the same flight as us as well. When we were actually at the airport, our flight got delayed by about half an hour.
And as it got delayed, two Federal Police officers, one a crazy lady with a machine gun and one a faggot, and then a Queensland police officer as, like, an attache. So the three of them together stood at our gate just staring at myself and my missus and our baby and just taking photos of us. Just, you know, one of them was just on his phone just taking photos the whole time. I’m not in sure of any reason other than just as an attempt to try to scare me out of the state.
Blair Cottrell: It’s the police paps, mate. It’s just the admiration, maybe. Can’t go anywhere without the paparazzi!
Thomas Sewell: But I think that they were under strict instructions.
Joel Davis: She had like an M4 just hanging off her front like it was like hanging off in a way, to make it ready as possible. And she had this, like, look on her face, like:
“Look at my big gun!”
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, she’s a crazy lady. Just an insane crazy lady with a machine gun just at the gate. And they’re just smiling at us, just psychotically. And we just took photos of them. They took photos of us and it’s like:
“Cool! Awesome! See you next time.”
[Image: Pic taken by Thomas Sewell as he readies to board his flight to Melbourne from Brisbane Airport, ? Sun, 11th Aug, 2024, Queensland]
Blair Cottrell: You’re right. Well, I’m pretty keen to say something about the protests in England and the situation in England. And this will be the first time I’ve said anything publicly about it. I wanted to make sure I had a good understanding before I started saying anything. And I’m still scrubbing up on all the information. I don’t know if it’s that bad throughout all of England. What I understand is typically protests aren’t as bad as they seem like they are on the Internet, because the videos that make the rounds on the Internet are always the ones containing riotous behaviour because they’re the ones that everyone wants to click on. There’s fires burning. There’s cars being smashed.
But it does seem to be more intense than anything I’ve experienced down here in Australia. And I’m seeing some, like various copes coming from the English government, the English police and the Leftists over in England suggesting that this is part of some sort of far-Right agitation agenda. And Tommy Robinson is the leader behind these protests. [chuckling] And far-Right agitators and propaganda on the Internet has fueled this and that’s why they need to shut that down.
This is not Tommy Robinson! Tommy Robinson isn’t even in the country and the guy’s a Zionist shill! Anyone who knows anything about ethnic nationalism doesn’t get behind Tommy Robinson and his phone selfie videos. That’s not what’s fueling this response of the English people to government policy and their immediate environment, the standards of their environment. And that’s what it is. That’s what I’m going to say. It’s not far-Right agitation or some sort of social political conspiracy that’s fueling these protests, the riots, the violence. This is an organic response to the community, the English community being swamped by foreigners. That’s what it is. It’s a natural, instinctual thing. Right? There’s actually no conscious social political agenda here, which is why there’s no leaders to just lock up so you can stop it!
There’s no special type of message, pamphlet or propaganda that you can just ban to stop it! It’s going to keep happening because it is an organic community reaction to having a massive amount of Africans and Arabs in your country taking advantage of your country, feeling emboldened because the government basically is too light handed with them for fear of being deemed racist, right? There’s rapes, there’s murders, there’s exploitation, and nothing is done about it!
And at the same time, their numbers are growing so much that ethnic British people don’t even recognise their country anymore and feel like that they’re going to be replaced!
So the protests aren’t some sort of Tommy Robinson far-Right agitation conspiracy. That’s just a fucking cope! And it’s frustrating to the people actually going for that it’s obviously just a natural, organic response to the standards of the environment, which, it’s quite clear that there’s just too many foreigners there, right?
So I watched a little bit more on it from a couple of streamers, and I saw this guy, you love this, Joel. There was this guy holding himself as a socialist, saying he was involved in the Antifascist counter-protests over there. And he was saying:
“Oh, they’ve got it wrong, these protesters! They’re being stirred up by racism. What we really need is class war! We need the working class of the world to unite so we can overthrow the bosses and create a fairer system where the wealth is shared!”
And I’m thinking to myself, is this guy serious? I mean, does this guy realise there’s a million Africans in England, right, with an average IQ of fucking 70! Half of them don’t work at all! And the other half of them are probably just stealing!
And the reason these people are even in England and being sustained is because the government pays their wages, pays them a dole payment, a welfare payment, which comes from the taxes of the White working class. So there already is wealth sharing happening there, but it doesn’t occur to the advantage of anyone except that worst, the lowest common denominator, right?
Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70 — TRANSCRIPT
[Here, Canadian Prof. Phillipe J. Rushton at the Amren Conference 2000, reports on his travels to South Africa to find out for himself whether studies showing that Africans have an average IQ of 70, is true or not.
The very idea that there are differences in intelligence between the races has been made into a taboo topic by organized jewry, turning commonsense on its head and forcing people to believe nonsense about “racial equality”. One main purposes why organized jewry pushes this propaganda lie about the “equality of races” is to remove objections from White people to the flooding of their society with masses of low IQ blacks and browns. This is why rare academics, like Rushton, who tell the truth about racial differences are vilified in our jewish controlled media — KATANA.]
Joel Davis: And big corporations are all totally in support of it as well.
Blair Cottrell: Exactly!
Joel Davis: Like:
“We got to oppose the capitalists!”
And it’s like, what do the capitalists want? Multiculturalism! Mass immigration!
Blair Cottrell: It’s obvious that the immigration is a result of government policy. And whoever is lobbying the governments wanting more immigration because it’s profitable to them for whatever fucking reason, right? And these people, these so-called communists and socialists, they think they’re so smart. And everyone who’s actually just tuned into their own instinct. And who’s reacting in such a way where they’re defending their own existence, their own national existence from an external threat, they regard these people as stupid. It’s just mind boggling!
I mean, class warfare, really? Obviously, if we were going to unite as one working class group, regardless of race, the only logical conclusion or result from that would be that everyone just gets carried by the best. Whoever’s smartest and working the hardest is just going to carry everybody else.
And so it’s not fair. It’s actually quite cruel! And the incentive to work hard is actually destroyed in the process. If everyone actually was equal, maybe we could talk about some sort of class revolution. But people aren’t fucking equal! And to not acknowledge that is just fucking ignorant at this point. If you seriously can’t acknowledge that sub-Saharan fucking Africans and Arabs aren’t stupider than White people, if you can’t just acknowledge the data that their average IQ is not as high, and they don’t produce the same level of civilisation as a result, you’re just fucking ignorant and you don’t deserve an opinion!
It makes me so frustrated that these people exist and think that they’re so fucking smart still! If they were really smart, they’d be able to acknowledge that basic reality and IQ difference between the races, which translates into different creative expression and means that we can’t actually work together. Because if we do, the best of us are just going to end up shouldering the responsibility for everybody else, which we’re fucking doing already, and it’s just a complete catastrophe!
Joel Davis: So, yeah, it’s also like the capitalist elite, they want globalism, they want the market to extend beyond national borders. They want to break down national sovereignty so that they can rule over all the nations of the world and impose an agenda that suits them upon all the nations of the world. Well, how do you do that? Well, you destroy the national identity of every particular nation. So that each nation which is captured by globalism, can’t raise its own political leaders to challenge the capitalist globalist elite and impose their own independent value judgements about what’s actually good for the British people as opposed to the market or the capitalist elite.
So from that communist perspective, it’s just pure ideology. In actuality, people like us, the so-called “far-Right”, we are the true enemies of the capitalist, which is why they care far more about stopping us than stopping the communists. When the communists go out and march, when the communists go out and organise, does the state crack down on them? Do they proscribe them? Do they round them up and put them in jail? Do they censor the Internet so that they can’t spread their ideas? No! They do it to us!
So who’s the real threat? And who actually was out there rioting? It was the White working class of Britain. They weren’t out rioting against the capitalists, the communists, …
Blair Cottrell: [words unclear] carrying everybody else.
Joel Davis: Yeah, they’re all university student, hipster soy faggots who live in the inner cities. The guys, the red blooded English people that were out there, you know, throwing bricks at cop cars. That’s the real working class. And they want the Pakis out! They want the fucking Pakis out! Because they’re the ones that are subject to the destruction of their communities that mass immigration brings. Because you bring in these immigrants, where do they go? They go to the low income working class areas. They fill up their schools. They fill up their local communities.
Whereas if you’re a maybe an upper middle class, you know, White British person, well, you can move away from the diversity or the diversity that comes to you is like Chinese people. There’s problems with that, but they don’t form rape gangs, they don’t stab people in the street, not like blacks and Arabs.
So it’s the White working class that bear the most brunt of the problems with mass immigration and diversity and so on. It was White working class girls that were getting raped by the Paki rape gangs. So, yeah, I mean, these people are just total frauds! I mean, we’ve talked about it many times over.
But also on the Tommy Robinson point that you brought up, you’re absolutely correct, Blair, because Tommy Robinson wasn’t even in Britain for the basically what kicked off over the last couple of weeks. He was on holiday in France. I think basically what happened was a week or so before that stabbing occurred, there was a big rally in London that was hosted by a bunch of more conservative types. I think Tommy Robinson was one of the main organisers.
And that was just a rally. That was a general anti-Islam rally, basically anti-islamic immigration, anti-Islam in general. And that caused a bit of controversy. And Robinson left the country. And I think he was almost like trying to get out of the country for a while to lay low. So he was kind of basically locked out of the country while what happened, happened.
So to say that it was a op created by Tommy Robinson makes absolutely no sense. When he wasn’t involved, he was absolutely not involved at all! It was an organic uprising of the people. And the mostly peaceful protesters that were attacking these refugee encampments or whatever, they weren’t spraying “Fuck Muslims” on the wall. They were spray painting “Fuck Pakis” or “Pakis Out!” It was very clearly racially motivated.
I saw one video of these White lads somewhere in the north of England, and they were wearing, like, football shirts, and they were stopping cars and saying:
“Are you White?”
And [chuckling] if they were White, they’d let them through. But if they weren’t White, I guess they would tell them to fuck off! I don’t know exactly what they would do. But it was quite humourous. It was very clearly a racial uprising of the English people, a kind of assertion of their ethnicity.
And that’s the thing. What these White working class communities deal with when you bring in a bunch of Muslims, what the Muslims have is unity. They all go to the mosque. They have a shared culture. They all speak their own language. They click up with one another. They support each other’s businesses. They form gangs with one another. They try to take over the drug trade and so on in their local areas. And they all hang out in big groups.
I knew this from even when I grew up in Sydney, and I knew Muslim kids. All the Muslim kids would just call each other their “cousin”, even though they weren’t related. Sometimes they were from different countries. And they just walked around in these big groups, and they’d always be out in big groups. They’re like pack animals, or herd animals, even. You don’t really see Muslim kids out on their own very often, whereas the White kids are more individualistic.
And so the White kids grow up in these communities where they’re trying to be individuals and treat everyone as an individual, as they’ve been taught. And the Muslim kids come and gang bash them, or gang rape them, or push them around because there’s 50 of them and two White kids. And so eventually, the White British working class people are learning:
“Well, maybe we need to come back with 50 or 100 rather than walking around as individuals?”
That’s the only way that you can protect yourself anymore, when you have, you know, this anarcho-tyranny breaking down the fabric of society and a return to tribalism:
“Well, if everyone else is tribing up, so do we!”
And so I thought the response of that organic response of the people was very encouraging, because that’s the lesson that the Whiteman needs to learn writ large, is that there’s only one way out of this and that’s coming together as a group and mostly peacefully protesting and exercising our democratic rights and so on.
Blair Cottrell: I still noticed a lot of defensive rhetoric used in some interviews with the protesters, such as:
“Look, I’m not racist, but, …”
“I have Muslim friends, but, …”
Yet they were some of the most aggressive and forward participants in the protests. And I was thinking to myself, this needs to stop!
There’s no reason to say that anymore. You need to just own the racist identity. You need to just acknowledge that racism is actually a pretty natural and normal thing and that everybody’s racist. The people coming into your country who aren’t from your country, the people coming from the Arab world, Africa, they’re racist! They hang out with their own kind and they don’t like you very much. They don’t want to mix with you.
So why should we be any different? Why is it our responsibility to embrace this concept of “anti-racism” when we’re the only ones doing it? No one else is doing it. So racism, I think, needs to be normalised. And some comments made by a streamer I was watching this morning. He believes we’re only one candidate away. He says he reckons within the next five years, and I tend to agree. I think within five years, if somebody forward and charismatic enough makes himself a known political figure, makes himself someone who can be followed and even voted for, if that person just acknowledges racism and says:
“Yes, I’m racist! We want these people out!”
I think there’s a market for that it’s a marketable slogan, message. I think people would actually vote for him in droves.
Thomas Sewell: So it was very promising seeing the statistics coming out of England this week, where I think something around 30% of English people believed that if the government won’t listen to the concerns of the people, that violence is an option, or violence is the option.
Joel Davis: There’s a Noticer article on this:
“A poll on British protests finds four in ten believe violence can be the only way to get politicians to listen. A poll on attitudes to Britain’s recent anti-immigration protest has found that four in ten people believe that violence is sometimes the only way to get the attention of politicians when it comes to the issue of refugees. The field survey of 1,276 respondents by We Think polling was conducted on August 7 and 8th in the wake of demonstrations which erupted across the United Kingdom.”
Blah, blah, blah.
“In addition to the 39% who agreed that, quote, ‘when it comes to the refugee problem, violence is sometimes the only means that citizens have to get the attention of British politicians’, 36% agree with the statement that quote, ‘xenophobic acts of violence are defensible if they result in fewer refugees being settled in your town’. And 34% agreed that, quote, ‘attacks against refugee homes are sometimes necessary to make it clear to politicians that we have a refugee problem’. And 32% agree with the statement that, quote, ‘hostility against refugees is sometimes justified even if it ends up in violence’.”
Now, this poll did seem like a bit of an outlier, maybe because the questions were a little leading, and there were other polls that didn’t have, you know, results that were as that skewed. But at the end of the day, this is accurate. This is what the people agreed to. They did agree to these statements.
So it’s quite a powerful poll:
“When asked how they would personally characterize the recent events, 35%, it was a mix of riots and protests, 15% said co-ordinated far-Right attacks.”
And this was the mainstream media narrative:
“Only 15% of respondents agreed with it. 10% said primarily riots, 9%, domestic terrorism, 8%, mostly protests and demonstrations, 6%, protests, 15% said other or didn’t know.”
Basically, more than half of the respondents were saying:
“Well, they might, maybe acknowledge that it was riots, but were characterizing it as a protest.”
Very few were going along with the mainstream media narrative that was underplaying the fact that it was a protest:
“And next, we sought to understand how the riots have made the public feel. The top three results show that 43% are concerned, 40% are disgusted, and 37% of respondents are angry. When asked about the main causes, 54% of those polled said immigration, followed by 52% who cited racism.”
But what was interesting, if you go down here to this representation of the poll where it says what was the main reason for the riots?
Now, the red is the respondent to the question of:
“Do you support the goals, motivations of the riots, and what are the top three reasons why the riots happened?”
So here’s the percentage Ranking of who put them in, put these reasons in their top three. And the red is people that oppose the riots or oppose the goals of the riots, slash protests. And the green is people who support the goals of the, quote, “mostly peaceful protests”.
And what’s interesting is that 54% of the people who said that they supported the goals of the mostly peaceful protests said that they were motivated by racism, implying that basically they support racism. 80%, obviously, of people who supported the goals of the protest said immigration, and 53% said political discontent. So that seems to demonstrate that these respondents, they identified pretty like the actual reasons for why these things happened.
So I don’t think this poll can just be easily dismissed. So it is quite encouraging because a lot of people have said:
“You know, oh, well this is really bad optics and the public is not going to get behind this kind of thing.”
And people respond by saying:
“Well, we’ve tried in Britain to do mostly peaceful protests, or actually peaceful protests and they don’t work.”
And all the leaders get jailed or professionally destroyed or the movement has been taken over by jew funded psyops like Tommy Robinson and his ilk that redirect all the energy into anti-Islam:
“But we love Indians and black people. We’re just against Islam because it’s a bad religion. Not that we’re against being replaced in our own country.”
And so the desperation of banning organisations or prescribing organisations, calling them “terrorists” and so on, destroying the British Nationalist Party, there’s a desperation now where people feel like they have no other option. And that’s when you get a riot because it’s kind of like an expression of:
“Well, what the fuck else are we supposed to do?”
And remember as well, two weeks prior to when these mostly peaceful protests broke out, there actually was a riot conducted by gypsies and Muslims in Leeds because the British police, or the Child Services, I should say, took custody of one of the gypsy children. I don’t know exactly what the particularities of that were like, alleging that the child had been abused in some way, obviously. And all the brown people in the town just started rioting and the police didn’t know what to do and they just had to just wait for three days while they smashed up cars and burnt things. And they just took it on the chin and waited for it to die down. So brown people can destroy Leeds and that’s fine!
But then two weeks later, White people get upset about something. They get upset not because child services took a child that, frankly, probably was being abused. I think most gypsy children probably get abused by the standards of normal White people. White people got upset because three children got stabbed to death for no reason!
Blair Cottrell: So, yeah, some of the protesters are saying:
“Oh, but the guy who stabbed the children was born in England and he was a Christian!”
That doesn’t matter. He was black. It doesn’t matter if he was born in England. He’s not English. And that’s what people are angry about. It’s not about religion, it’s not about who was born. It’s not about location, it’s about race! It’s about ethnicity, right? And it’s as I said that’s why it’s a natural organic response, the protests.
And obviously there’s also some desperation. You said desperation, Joel. There’s desperation on the part of the government right now and the police to do everything in their power to try to calm these protests, stop these protests from happening. And we can see this by some of the egregious sentences they’re handing down where even just for participating in the protest, you can just be standing there and if you allow yourself to be arrested, you’re looking at twelve months jail.
British judges jail anti-immigration protesters
And so on that note, I think it’s important for anyone in England who’s part of these protests in any way, shape or form, you need to protect your identity. You need to be smart, have your wits about you need to be able to give the police the slip and stop yourself from being arrested if you can. Because if you do get arrested you’re probably going to go to jail for a year.
But even if you do, the second point I’ll make is its not such a bad thing! For most adult men, twelve months in jail is a really good developmental opportunity. You can do a lot of reading, you can reset and get a bit of dopamine detox if you want to say it that way. But you don’t actually want to waste twelve months in jail if you can help it.
So you got to be clever, you got to protect your identity, and you’ve got to know the way out, know the way in. Probably don’t go to these protests alone, unless you’re someone who’s pretty physically and mentally confident and unless you’re very local to the area. So all the back streets the parks. If you’re not one of those people, leave the protest in a group, go to the protest in a group, leave the protest in a group. Make sure you’re in a safe place to disperse from. And don’t get caught, arrested because look, they can’t put everyone in jail. They would like to! Because this is actually an organic response from White Britons against the standards of their environment, against being swamped by foreigners. The only way that the government could actually stop these protests right now is to put all White people in a camp. And they’re kind of like, it wouldn’t be [chuckling] off the table. But it’s not really feasible in the short term.
So what they’re trying to do instead is this is like the modern version of a public hanging, these sentences. They’re basically hanging people in public to try to whip up enough fear into the subconscious of other White Britons, so they stop protesting.
But the government creates all this stigma around the phrase “terrorism” and “political” violence. But the government in Western countries or in England right now is demonstrating that it’s actually the worst perpetrator of terrorism and political violence. It just uses it for its own ends. The government is a classic user or leverager of terrorism. The terror that the government is dealing to the English people right now is:
“Hey, if you don’t stop protesting, we’re throwing you in jail! We don’t even care if you weren’t participating, just standing there. It doesn’t matter, you’re going to jail!”
So that’s an effort to try to make people too scared to protest. And what article have we got here? British judge jails? What, anti-immigration protesters?
Joel Davis: Child rapists walk free and putting people in jail for Facebook posts.
Blair Cottrell: Well, because child rapists don’t necessarily bother the government so much because they’re not threatening this so-called multicultural paradise.
Thomas Sewell: Child rapists are friends with the government?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, maybe.
Thomas Sewell: And high ranking judges are all friends with child rapists. And that judge, specifically the one that licked his lips as he sentenced a man to, I think, over a year in jail for saying something on Facebook. I believe he said that:
“Their tax dollars shouldn’t go towards these foreigners that are raping our children.”
And he licked his lips as he gave him 20 months in prison. He actually looks like a child rapist. I would bet his life that he’s a child rapist. Let’s put it that way.
Joel Davis: You look at this:
“In Sheffield Crown Court, Judge Jeremy Richardson KC sentenced another 18-year-old, Kenzie Roughley, to two years and four months in youth custody for rocking a police CCTV van, attempting to open it and kicking and punching the vehicle near a refugee hotel in Rotherham.”
“Two years earlier child sex predator Jordan Etsy, 30 was spared jail for grooming a 13-year-old girl and possessing child sex abuse material, with Judge Richardson sentencing him to a three-year-community order.”
“The crimes in respect of which you have pleaded guilty would normally attract a sentence of imprisonment of some substance. A custodial sentence is plainly justified in a case of this kind but I make it clear a custodial sentence for you would be crushing and you would suffer comprehensibly in prison.”
So, you know, he’s got sympathy for paedophiles, but no sympathy for some kid rocking a policeman.
Blair Cottrell: Isn’t that the point for serious crimes? Isn’t the point of going to jail, to be to never to forget going to jail experience. Like:
“Oh, jail’s going to be hard. So I’m not going to send you to jail, you child rapist. You’re allowed to go!”
It’s like, isn’t that the point? That jail’s not easy?
Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s fucking mental, obviously! There’s just many of these examples:
“In Plymouth Crown Court, Judge Robert Linford jailed David McGuire, 45, for two years and two months for spitting at police and Michael Williams, 51, for fighting and kicking another male.”
“In 2022 the same judge chose not to jail 38-year-old paedophile Matthew Bridger, saying ‘you have a constructive view of the future’ in sentencing him to a community order for possessing child sex abuse material.”
Yeah, it just goes to more and more of these examples of all these judges that are putting these guys in jail for basically nothing. So:
“Brandon Kirkwood, 20 years old, was jailed for two and a half years for pushing a line of bins at police outside an asylum seeker hotel.”
And they’re not asylum seekers, by the way. They’re immigrants. But this same judge:
“Judge Bury, told bestiality obsessed paedophile Simon Pritchett, 46 years old, to, quote, ‘get some fresh air’, instead of looking at extreme child sex abuse material and animal pornography, and gave him 30 days rehabilitation and a five year sexual harm prevention order.”
In other words, didn’t send him to jail.
So, yeah, these people are all scum. And one day, when we take our island back, if they’re still alive, they won’t be alive for very long.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. What I want to say to everyone watching is that it’s only a matter of years. It’s only a matter of years before we take power. And the sooner you get involved and the more dedicated you are, the more passionate you are about bringing justice to our people, because these are real crimes! You cannot detach yourself from this. This is really going on. It’s not:
“Oh, well, the suburb I live in is okay.”
This is happening in the world right now. And if you’re a man, if you’re an honest man, I understand that if you’re a coward, you think that:
“Well, I’m currently being left alone, the alligator will eat me last, so what’s the point of me doing anything?”
But if you’re a man, a real man, it’s very important that you start dedicating the rest of your life to solving this problem. Because we don’t get a future until we’ve removed these people from power. Our children don’t have a future until these people have been removed from power. So don’t worry about your future in this society. You don’t have one! Don’t worry about:
“Oh, but I just want to get to this stage in my life, and then I’ll get involved!”
Bullshit, you won’t! The more you ingratiate this society that’s built on a rotten foundation, the harder it is or the more unlikely it is that you are actually going to want to seek a solution to the problem because you’re trying to, … Ultimately, you’re a revolutionary, or you’re trying to just float above the system, just stay off its radar, have a good life, and then:
“You know, I’ll be dead. You know, people can fix it after me.”
And that’s just disgusting! It’s cowardly! It’s immoral. You’re a traitor to your people if you don’t start moving in the correct direction.
And if you don’t like my approach or Blair’s approach or Joel’s approach, that’s cool! That’s fine. No one’s saying:
“You must! You have to join our organisation, or you must do exactly what we’re doing!”
There’s a million different ways of achieving a result, and I suggest that people start thinking creatively. People start internalizing or having introspection, I should say, as to what they’re capable of doing, and start working towards that.
But we need to have justice in our lifetime. And that’s not what I don’t want people to think I’m saying is some sort of individualisation. I’m talking about a collective solution. I’m not talking about individuals going and just doing something by themselves. We need a mass solution to the problem, not a singular solution. It’s everyone working together, doing their part to bring justice to our people.
So I personally can’t go on any further tonight. Just talking about all this stuff makes me too angry to function. So I might just call it a night here.
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, if you want to jump off, feel free, Tom. But I just wanted to mention this guy Bobby Sherburne. He’s got a bit of a broken nose here, the young lad, but he’s in jail for 20 months for throwing projectiles at police officers. I just think, you know, excellent work, mostly peacefully protesting, Bobby. Free Bobby!
Blair Cottrell: This is the point I was making before. He probably could have not gotten arrested. And that’s what I’m talking about. You need you need to [words unclear] Like, it’s easy enough to either overpower police or just give them the slip, just so you don’t get arrested and protect your identity in the process. The young English boys need to start thinking about that seriously.
Joel Davis: And that’s what this is going to do. Now that they’ve reacted like this, now the English people are going to organise more intelligently.
So the next time this happens to, there would have been a year of planning, where people are now forming cells, people are building secure lines of communication. They are stocking up on certain things. They’re going to innovate their tactics, just like with us. Like, as we have been confronted by the system, our tactics have had to evolve progressively so that we can keep adapting to the enemy. And now our tactics make us harder to police.
Well, that is happening, going to happen writ large across all these communities, particularly in northern England, that are going to learn from what has happened, who got pinched, who didn’t, and they’re going to be even harder to police next time. And then iteratively, more and more, they’re going to keep improvising, adapting, overcoming. So, yeah, hopefully these mistakes are learnt from, and that process can be as rapid as possible.
But the reality is that it’s a good thing that red blooded Englishmen are trying to take back the streets. And it’s not in itself going to be enough to fix Britain, but it is a start. And I’ve talked about this before, that in many ways, fighting back or seeing your people fighting back is the biggest red pill.
I mean, there’s many, many White people that will agree if you get into a conversation with them that were being replaced, that there’s anti-White bias in the media and the courts and in politics in general. But it doesn’t really count for much if they are black pilled or if they think that the solution is just voting for the populist Right-wing party or the conservative Party or something at the next election, that it’s just about having an opinion.
But if they see White men fighting back, it energizes them to:
“Okay, like, we’re gonna face a fight, whether it’s the next decade, or either we’re gonna face a fight in the next decade, or our children are gonna have to be raised preparing to face a fight to take back control of our countries.”
And it’s gonna change the way that they live their life, as opposed to just kind of passively having opinions and sharing ideas in the safety of their at home, amongst friends or down at the pub or in the smoking area at work with trusted friends at work. Then they take it to the next level where they start to actually prepare for participating in some way in the struggle. And they start to believe that the struggle can be real, that no, like the Anglo Saxon is not dead! It isn’t just:
“Oh, look at all these horrible things that are happening. Learned helplessness. There’s nothing you can do about it. I’m just going to go to work and come home and try not to think about it too much because it depresses me.”
Instead, people are going to have hope. People are going to have willpower to say:
“We can fucking take it all back!”
And that is really what’s necessary. Because if enough White people woke up tomorrow with the same determination that we have, and probably a lot of the people watching this show have, we could take it all back!
The only thing stopping us is our own, is our own either sense of ideological incoherence, believing that conservatism is the solution, or being there’s all these anti-White traitors that have Leftist beliefs or just basically vote harderism or people that are black pilled that think:
“Well, there’s nothing you can really do about it. Powerful people run things and we can’t challenge them!”
Actually getting people to believe that there could be a solution, that’s really all the battle is. And if people could actually start to see a response, a fighting spirit, a movement swelling up from the grassroots to challenge the system and to assert ourselves, very rapidly, we would convert a lot of people to a far more radical worldview.
I mean, I saw a lot of people talking on social media that were from Britain in the immediate aftermath of these mostly peaceful protests kicking off. And they basically were saying things like, I’m talking about conservatives, not people that are already our guys. They were basically saying things like:
“You know what? I don’t give a fuck if I get called a racist anymore! I’ve had enough!”
And so on. That kind of rhetoric, it was a very radical rhetoric. Energy was high, people were fucking pissed off! People were energized!
And you saw that manifest on the street. It was a different kind of response. I mean, what happened was horrible with those little girls getting stabbed, but that kind of thing, sad to say, that kind of thing happens all the time in Britain and has for years. And you don’t usually get a response like that.
So it was very positive to see that there was a response like that we hit a breaking point and it feels like we broke through to a new level of consciousness. Still, building blocks, still early days, but they’re not just going to fucking take it on the chin anymore! When this happens, there’s going to be a response. And the next time another tragedy happens, which I’m sad to say is inevitable, there’s going to be another response just like that. And again and again! And the government can keep exposing itself for the anti-White tyranny that it is, and keep radicalising more people, and we’re going to keep moving closer and closer towards more revolutionary conditions.
But it’s going to be a long process. It’s not going to be one race riot and then everything’s fixed. But I’m just glad to see that there are race riots, as they should be. Every time little White girls get stabbed by a black or an Arab, there should be race riots. Because it was the other way around. They would be race rioting! You know, if blacks basically burnt down every American city like a couple of years ago because some dude had a drug overdose while a cop was kneeling on their back, some criminal. We should be responding like that would show some vitality, that would show some spirit and that would give us a foundation to actually build a movement of significance on the back of sir. So I’m very positive about what happened, even though it’s negative to see all these people going to jail, obviously.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. And could you imagine if it was your child? You know, she was at a dance class. You had a kid, your child was stabbed by some black guy. What’s even the process, the thought process in an adult black male stabbing children, he doesn’t even know, he’s not connected to them. I don’t understand it. And it’s hard to put me in that it’s hard to put myself in the position of a parent there where that would be my child.
You could at least feel some sort of community pride in seeing the protest and the reaction for your child being stabbed and killed like that. But it still wouldn’t be enough. Especially frustrating that the people participating in the protests with noble intentions are going to jail for considerable amounts of time. Yeah, I don’t envy the parents of those children, man. It’s pretty hardcore stuff. But, yeah, we won’t hold you up anymore. Tom, if you wanted to say a few more words or say anything else before you left. Were you going to jump off stream or did you just want to change the subject?
Thomas Sewell: No, I’m going to jump off stream. I’ve been reading the comments section of the stream as well. And there’s just, … I had explained to me that when you encounter a threat, when someone is physically threatening you, and it was when that random stabbing occurred at Bondi by that piece of shit, there was a lot of women stabbed, but there wasn’t any men stabbed because most of the men either ran or they fought. So it’s like fight or flee. But a lot of the women were stabbed because they either freeze or try to befriend.
So when you’re met with a stressor, when you’re met with a violent situation or like collectively when we’ve met with genocide, you’ve got fight, you’ve got flee, you’ve got freeze and you’ve got befriend.
And so a lot of Leftoids are just mentally ill traitors that are encouraging this to happen. They’re not befriending out of a sense of survival. They’re befriending because they actually are suicidal. They’re just mentally ill. But of the kind of people that aren’t insanely mentally ill, there are still a lot of Leftards that they pretend not to be racist because they just want to befriend the threat. They recognise that it’s a threat to their life, so they befriend it.
And then you have people that just don’t know what to do. They’re just paralyzed by analysis paralysis. And I saw someone in the comments section say something silly like:
“Oh, but the jews have war gamed this and you know, what’s their next move?”
Like, it doesn’t fucking matter to you! Like, you’re not in charge of like thousands of people or hundreds of thousands of people and you’re not in the strategic room wargaming this out. Like, we just need boots on the ground, we just need men on the ground! We just need to demonstrate, we need to encourage, inspire other White people. We need to build institutional power and we need to not back down. We need to take down the state, we need to take down the police. You know, don’t worry about the hundred year strategy plan. You’re lost in the source.
And then I see other comments in the thread while we’re talking about everything that’s happening. And it’s like all these girls are getting raped in Britain and there’s people like:
“Oh, I just want to flee into the woods.”
And it’s like, so flee! So you’ll flee, you’ll freeze. Like the analysis-paralysis. You’ve got shitlibs that are, you know, trying to befriend. And it’s like you’re all just forgetting the most basic principle. I’m not gonna FED post here. But it’s, we need to fight. We need to fight! We need to fight! That’s it! That’s all it comes down to. These other options, we’re dead! If we flee, they’re gonna hunt us down and kill us! So we’re dead! If we befriend, well, we’re just dead. We’re just useful idiots. If we freeze, we’re dead. But if we fight, we have a chance. It’s the only chance we have. We have to fight. That’s it!
I’m just sick of it! I’m just sick of all the cowards! We are getting stronger. We are growing. This was the biggest march and the biggest rally we’ve had. We’re so close from getting 100 man march, which sounds like a very small target, but we are very, very close to it. I predict it will be next year, probably mid next year. We’re going to get 100 man march.
I think the next one we do will be probably 80 or 90 guys. And the one after that, I think we’re going to get over 100. And then I think you’re going to start to see the momentum grow here in little Australia on the other side of the planet. Doesn’t seem like much, it’s just 100 men. But it will inspire people. When they start to see the numbers, they’ll be like, okay, they’ll come out of the woodwork. And you need to be part of that if you see that, you just need to come down, you need to get involved and you need to have the courage to march with your colleagues.
And getting identified by the police, I’m sure that might scare you off having the police knock on your door or pull over your car and harass you, I’m sure that’s uncomfortable and frustrating. But if we don’t do this, if we don’t solve the problem in totality, your tiny little insignificant inconveniences do not outweigh the pain and suffering of just one victim of these child rapes!
So when people don’t want to get involved because of the inconvenience, it has their life. What I have to say to you is you have no humanity! And not from a Leftist point of view, but you have no empathy. You have no empathy! When Blair was saying before, can you imagine sending your daughter to a dance class and some African comes in and just stabs them? No, they can’t. The people that aren’t fighting like we’re fighting, they physically cannot. They need to work out a way to empathize. I don’t know if they can be trained to learn how to empathize or if we need to work on our message in a different way. But I genuinely feel that the people that are just standing around doing nothing instead of fighting for our race, they have no empathy, they have no love for our race! They only have love for themselves! And they need to work on that because I want to see justice as soon as possible. And we’ll do it with or without you.
But, yeah, honour the heroes. That’s all I have to say. Blood and honour!
Blair Cottrell: Well said, mate. Cheers.
Joel Davis: But, yeah, Tom’s talking about trying to get to the hundred man march. I’m thinking about the 1,000 man march and what that would mean. I think we’re not going to get to the 1,000 man march if we can’t get to the 100 man march, obviously. But I think there’s a exponential potential. And then once you get a takeoff, then all of a sudden, I think it can have a massive impact on Australian politics and change the consciousness of the people in a big way.
But I wanted to talk about this story as our last story, and then we can get on to the Superchats. Just a quick story. Did you see this video, Blair, of Auspill? He’s like a TikTok guys. Goes on Tik Tok all the time.
Blair Cottrell: I’m not tuned into Tik Tok at all! So unfortunately, I don’t. But let’s get into it.
Joel Davis: He is obviously, like anti-immigration, he’s like, nationalistic, he’s patriotic. And he does a lot of street interviews and things like that. And he went to this.
So they’ve got this protest that keeps, … It’s not even just a protest. They’re calling it an encampment because they’ve just basically camped out outside the front of the Department of Home Affairs in Melbourne. And it’s been organised by a bunch of radical communists, or I say radical communists, like, as if there’s an un-radical communist. It’s been organised by a bunch of communists. Like the Victorian Socialists are involved.
There are other communist organisations that are involved in organising this, and they’ve got a bunch of these Indians and other people of various brown and black extractions who don’t have a permanent Visa to basically camp out there and just start demanding permanent visas to stay in Australia just because they feel like it. And they’re framing them as refugees, even though most of these people aren’t even refugees. They’re just Uber drivers that came on a student visa, even though they aren’t students, and they want to keep getting the money, and so they want to stay in Australia, and they can barely speak English. Like, Auspill was was interviewing some of them, and they couldn’t even respond to his questions. They were like, “no English” or just mute, basically.
But anyway, he went down there, and they were chanting. The communists were getting them chant:
“No borders, no nations, no deportation!”
So this is pretty radical stuff! And these people are just allowed to protest and demand to stay in our country just because they feel like they want to stay here, even though they’ve been given a temporary visa. I don’t know where they get the right to protest from. They aren’t citizens of the country. If you aren’t a citizen, I don’t get how you’re allowed to protest.
Blair Cottrell: And the guy. Yeah, I don’t think you’re supposed to. I think you can get your Visa cancelled for stuff like this, and that’s what should happen. You should be on the boat out of here straight away. But the guy documenting this was actually arrested for doing so. Is that right?
Joel Davis: Yeah, it was:
“Australian TikToker Auspill has been arrested while filming a migrant protest in Melbourne. Organised and supported by Left-wing extremist groups, the protesters regularly demonstrate in front of government officers in the Victorian capital. And the content creator has posted several clips on social media showing immigrants on temporary visas, mainly of Indian subcontinental and Middle Eastern appearance, demanding to be able to stay in Australia forever.”
Basically, he got a move on order from this cop, who then just arrested him while he was asking questions to clarify what the order exactly meant. Yeah, you can go see the article and watch the video on Noticer dot News if you’re interested.
But you can see here, this is some of the paraphernalia at this rally. So you can see these people are full on communists, and, yeah, they’re just trying to, basically organise these immigrants, you know, for their own purposes.
But I think it’s a really stupid move by them.
Blair Cottrell: Isn’t the Australian government already swamping Australia with shitloads of immigrants?
Joel Davis: They’re calling Anthony Albanese a racist. He’s a racist White supremacist, because he’s not letting them in.
Blair Cottrell: How delusional do you need to be to believe that? That is peak delusion! The current government is swamping Australia with as much cheap foreign labour, specifically from India, as possible, to uphold the Ponzi scheme that is the economy. Like, is that not enough, obviously? You also want no borders, so everyone can just come to Australia? You realise there’s a lot of fucking people in India! And I don’t know, it’s not., … I won’t get into it.
It’s just amazing! It takes me back to what I was talking about before, how it’s astonishing, the ignorance of people who truly believe in racial equality! I don’t even see the level of faithfulness in churches and religions as I do with proponents, adherents to the delusion of racial equality. These people are so mentally ill and so ignorant to continue to believe in what they believe is astounding that they can do it. Truly impressive delusion!
Joel Davis: Yeah. But as I said, I think this is going to be a bit of an own goal for the Left, because almost no one thinks that these people should be able to stay in the country. And they’re chanting slogans like “no nations, no borders”, basically saying that Australia should no longer have borders, that it should no longer have an immigration policy.
Blair Cottrell: They’ve been saying that stuff for a while.
Joel Davis: Even most, you know, Left-wing voters would not agree with that sentiment. So I encourage them to keep going. Hope it gets as much media coverage as possible, because I think it’s just going to piss off the broader Australian public more and make our message seem even more reasonable.
So thank you to the communists!
Blair Cottrell: I suppose you’re right. But it is an old slogan. There’s always those radical fringe elements in whatever kind of politics we’re talking about whose message generally isn’t palpable to a broader audience. And I suppose these people are always going to exist, despite my inability to understand their thought processes.
Joel Davis: Yeah, but it was interesting to see that the police basically deny Auspill, who was an Australian citizen, documenting non-citizens, just kind of setting up on the street, on the side of the road and just everyone harassing pedestrians, blocking off foot traffic.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, police have done this to me before. And Tom and I saw this random, this was years ago, maybe 2016, random pro-immigrant protests in the middle of winter. There’s a bunch of girls standing around outside some building we were driving past, so we pulled over and we just filmed them and asked them what they were doing. An argument broke out because one of them recognised us.
But long story short, police officers removed me and gave me a move on order. And they said it was for my own safety. Even though I assured them that I didn’t feel unsafe and I didn’t expects to be hurt in any significant way. They make it look like it’s for your safety.
So generally, whatever group is in larger number and whatever group is actually, ironically, being more violent, the police will generally arrest or move on the other group that isn’t large in number and that isn’t really being very violent or troublesome. It’s kind of like a fight between two guys in a bar. The bouncers will usually throw at the guy who’s losing the fight because he’s just easier to handle. They don’t want to risk getting hurt themselves. And it only takes the removal of one party in a conflict, in a situation of conflicts to prevent any further conflict.
Joel Davis: He wasn’t a counter-protester. He’s performing a function as a journalist.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but they don’t like it. They don’t like it. Sometimes Leftists, they get really suspicious of people with cameras and they think it could be some Right-wing infiltrator or something like that. So they kick up a stink. The police remove them for their own safety. That’s the point I’m making. That’s what they say.
Joel Davis: Yeah, but it’s total bullshit! And just another example of the two tier policing we’ve been talking about throughout this episode. And the police officer, if you can see in the clip, incredibly soy! Like, literally a gay brown police officer. Like, it’s just very obvious by the way that it talks that it’s a homosexual brown person.
So anyway, the absolute state of Melbourne, I guess. But I’ll look more into the communists that are behind this. I asked around today if you have any information, send it over. I want to write an article just detailing the actors that are behind this, because I think it’s an interesting study.
Blair Cottrell: Was this in Melbourne or Canberra?
Joel Davis: This is in Melbourne. They also, I think, have something set up in Sydney, somewhere in Punchbowl. I want to get information about that.
Blair Cottrell: Okay. I’ve noticed some of the old school communists from when I was at the peak of my protesting in 2016, 2017. They’re not really around anymore. Well, I don’t hear from them. Maybe a couple of them, but I’m not sure. So I’m hoping that this kind of racial equality, race communism kind of stuff, this hard communism stuff, I think I’m hoping it’s a phase that people go through, then they come out the other end of it and realise that they were just kind of co-opted by stupid slogans that didn’t make any fucking sense, that weren’t rooted in truth or reality at all! So there maybe there’s a turnover rate.
Like, you spend three or four years being a communist until you realise it’s retarded! And then you kind of leave it behind and just. I think most people who go through that process step out of politics after that. I’ve noticed that when it comes to nationalism, a lot of people stick it out for quite a long time because once you’ve kind of taken the red pill, as we refer to it, you don’t really see your environment the same again. It’s like there’s an elephant in the room and only you can see it from then on. So it’s really difficult to go back to normal life after you’ve seen things from the perspective of a nationalist.
Whereas I think communism is you can kind of leave that behind easily. So what I’m saying is, I’m hoping it’s just a phase people go through.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think a lot of these people, a lot of the communists, homosexuals, or some kind of sexual degenerate of one form or another, they always have a very defective psychology. They are probably genetically mutated to a very large extent. There’s a lot of correspondence that we’ve seen the scientific literature between far-Left political belief and, basically personality disorders. Dysgenics.
Blair Cottrell: Just all dysgenics, yeah.
Joel Davis: And also lack of facial symmetry, which is another marker of genetic mutation. And they’re much smaller. They’ve got lower testosterone levels, and they’re sexually non-conformist, let’s say. We have done a lot of research on Antifa in Australia, and pretty much all of the male members are homosexuals, or at least quote, unquote, “bisexual”, but they’re all faggots! A bisexual is still a faggot.
And the women, they’re all in these [word unclear] and so on. You know, these aren’t normal people. So for you to find your way into far-Left politics, it’s not like becoming a default Leftist where you just vote for the Labor Party or something, because you think that:
“Oh we should have a society where we share things and take care of the little guy!”
That’s the kind of normie, sentimental default Leftism. Anyone could, could slip into that it’s like a default setting in society and it doesn’t indicate that there’s anything necessarily that wrong with them. And perhaps if they start to take a more critical view of politics, they’ll mutate out of that perspective into something more refined and probably more Right-wing.
But these far-Leftists, you know, there are just, there’s no saving them, in my opinion. I think when you go that far, they might be the odd outlier, but pretty much all of them are going to be just total enemies of our race and civilisation and good sense and good morals. And they shouldn’t really be trusted really to have families or raise children or anything because these people are all basically mentally deranged.
Anyway, I’m going to get on to the Superchats.
Blair Cottrell: God, my leg is sore, man. I’ve never ripped a muscle before. And my leg, it’s hard to describe the pain. I like it. I like pain. I like feeling pain because it teaches you something. You feel pain for a reason.
So the idea of taking pills to kind of mitigate pain switch pain off, you know, it doesn’t really work anyway because you pay. There’s consequences to taking certain drugs and side effects that you don’t want to experience. They seem to dry me out, like pain medication. I’ve tried it before. But it’s good to experience pain because there’s a reason you’re feeling it, like I said, and you’re going to avoid doing what led to that pain again, which in my case just wasn’t being conditioned enough for those squats, that squat that I tried to do and probably didn’t warm up enough either.
But, yeah, it’s a weird feeling. It’s like, it’s hard to describe. It’s right through the centre of my quad and all down the side there’s just this kind of constant pain. And if I bend my leg, I can really feel it.
But, yeah, such is life.
Joel Davis: Yeah. I think what Tom was saying was that because you don’t, like, we’ve been doing powerlifting training where we’ve been maxing out frequently.
Blair Cottrell: I haven’t trained for it.
Joel Davis: Whereas you haven’t been doing that. So then if you don’t train where you’re constantly kind of pushing your Max up bit by bit, and you, then you show up to a powerlifting event and then try to go straight to Max without working your way up over several weeks, it makes you liable to injuries.
So perhaps next year you should probably just train for powerlifting for a few months consistently.
Blair Cottrell: Definitely at least three months. The thing is, I didn’t even know what my Max squat was. I was like, I should be able to do 180. Yeah, about 180, I was thinking.
So I started with 160, and it’s only 160. I moved it up fine. It wasn’t that difficult, but, yeah, my muscles just weren’t actually conditioned for 160 kilo squat because I haven’t done one in a long time. And like I said, I’ve done a lot of gym work, leg press and hack squatting and belt squatting and stuff like that, but it’s just not the same. The barbell squat can’t be effectively emulated. Uh, the contraction that the muscle goes through, it’s not actually emulated entirely by any other machine movement. So, yeah, I’m just reaping what I’ve sown, as usual.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Like, I think what Tom said made sense about the training. So because, I mean, you obviously have pretty, like, hardcore lifts that you can do. So then when you go to your, let’s test the max, you’re really kind of pushing your body. So yeah, but like, can you walk normally yet? Because you were kind of hobbling around on the weekend.
Blair Cottrell: I can, but it hurts. It hurts to walk, hurts to drive. I didn’t drive for the first two days because as I arrived back in Melbourne, I still hadn’t really slept properly since the injury. And the drive home was really painful. I’m in a manual, so I have to clutch. And my left leg is the leg where the quads ripped. And by the time I got home, all this swelling and blood. So internal bleeding had pulled around my knee, and my knee was like three times the size. Freaked me out because I thought:
“Oh, shit! It’s connected to my knee. My knees damaged.”
But I saw a doctor and he confirms that my tendons, fine, because where the quad actually attaches to the bone is around the knee joint. There’s a tendon there which becomes the Patellar tendon. And I was worried that was broken. If that tendons completely ruptured, that’s surgery. You’ve got to get that surgically reattached.
And even then, it’s never going to heal to 100% strength. But I was glad to discover that my tendons are fine. The muscle belly has just torn, which is because I’ve had a tendon rupture last year. As you know, the muscle belly tear is actually more painful because all the muscle fibers have kind of separated, they’ve torn apart and all this, there’s a lot of internal bleeding.
So yeah, I can walk, but it hurts. It’s a good pain, though. I need to feel it so I don’t make the same mistake again. I would think that within about three or four days the pain will have subsided because it has been getting better and I’ll be pretty much back to my normal self within a week or two.
Joel Davis: Yeah, well yeah, that sucks, but it is what it is, I guess.
Let’s get into some of the Superchats. Skeletor two said:
“Interactions with police should be filmed covertly by others not apparently associated with you in plain clothes from across the street, etcetera.”
Yes, well, there were people that were in plain clothes that were getting some footage for us, but when we got into the fracas with the pigs, there were so many of them that basically they were unable to get into a close position on the street because the police line was actually holding back pedestrians. They were trying to isolate us in the street so they could attack us. I think their plans were actually to try and mass arrest us or crash tackle a whole lot more of us, but because we didn’t physically resist in the sense that we didn’t punch back because obviously we don’t want to be going to jail for assaulting police officers and that’s what they probably would have wanted.
But we stayed staunch and grouped up and kind of pushed the police off as they were trying to assault us quite effectively and then move very quickly up the road. I actually grabbed the, I jumped on the megaphone and we started doing chants because I knew that would gee up the boys and we just kind of loaded up this road quite quickly and the police basically gave up at that point.
And I think the police that weren’t completely off their head and that were professional, I think they basically chilled out and then a lot of them were occupied making arrests. So, yeah, I agree with you.
And by the way, if you want to come down and help out with that, let me know, because it’s very good just to, whenever we have the demonstration, to have a lot of our guys in plain clothes time, or sympathizers in plain clothes just around taking footage because, yeah, who knows what will happen.
Fellow Comrades said:
“Just here to say all three of you are welcome in Queensland anytime anyone who pushes you around and says otherwise is actually gay and wrong.”
Well, that’s obvious. We’re Australians. Randy Stamp said:
“On return to their car, one of the guys found their tyre was flat. It still held air once pumped up. So we suspect Queensland version of Raptor Squad let down their tyre to cause mild inconvenience.”
Well, the Raptor Squad, I don’t think they really have an equivalent. Raptor Squad is a anti-bikie police that were kind of put on us to follow us around and harass us while we were in Sydney around Australia Day. But it was, yeah, they’re basically called Public Safety cops, but they’re basically like a Riot Squad. I don’t know if they do letting down tires, but I don’t think it would be Antifa either because there really didn’t seem like there was much of an Antifa communist presence at all!
So I don’t know how they would even identify what your car would be.
Blair Cottrell: You could have, like that could have been if it still held air once being pumped back up. Uh, I don’t know. Sometimes I’ve had like, I’ve driven over nails at work and the airs kind of like gradually came out of my tyre and if I’m parked in a certain way, then it goes flat. But I don’t know, it’s weird if I’m parked in another way it doesn’t. It’s basically a slight puncture that sometimes air escapes and sometimes it doesn’t. There could be a lot, but I’m not saying the police wouldn’t do that. I don’t know. But it is a little bit coincidental.
Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, I wouldn’t put anything past those cops. Luka Mamic said:
“How do I find a brotherhood and people who want to train, think and breathe Europe? Croatia, question mark. Also, do you guys think Slavs are subhuman?”
Well, first of all, how do you find a brotherhood people who want to train? Well, that’s us. But you have a name that suggests that you’re a Croatian. So if you’re in Australia, you should definitely join up with us. We have Croatians in the organisation, by the way. I think at least three members I know personally who have Croatian ancestry. So no, we obviously don’t think people with Slavic ancestry are subhuman Slavs. They’re White Europeans. I think actually, looking at the genetic modeling, the Slavic people are closer, often in genetic similarity to Germanic people than many of the Mediterranean peoples. But obviously no European is subhuman. I don’t know why you would ask such a question.
But when it comes to Croatia, it’s a fantastic country. I visited Croatia a couple years ago, and great demographics. Basically everyone there is White, very lovely people, very nice energy. It has its culture largely intact, and a massive nationalist movement. I actually saw a video, I think, from Croatia last weekend of a bunch of Ustasha sympathizers marching, and they were all just look like normal people in normal clothes, men and women, families. And they were just throwing Roman salutes, marching down the street, chanting slogans, which I didn’t comprehend, so I didn’t speak Croatian.
But and even the Croatian community in Australia, very Right-wing people with very fascist sentiments. And I wish more of them would get in touch with us. Not even, maybe they don’t want to join our organisation. But at the very least, it would be nice to be friendly with the Croatians because we understand, like I’m talking about the fascist Croatians. Because I think we’d have a mutual understanding. We should have an alliance, just like Hitler did with you guys.
So now, I’ve said before, I think if you’re really a Croatian nationalist and you live in Australia, just as good personal advice to you, I would advise you to move back to Croatia because Croatia is like, 98% White, has a massive nationalist movement you can participate in. Go and warn your Croatian brothers and sisters about what happens when you let browns in and help fight to keep Croatia White. If you’re really passionate about being Croatian, but if you want to become Australian with us, you’re also welcome to do that, too. It’s up to you what you want to do. It depends where your heart really belongs.
But what I find kind of weird is when people act as though their heart belongs to Croatia. They’re Croatian first, before they’re Australian, but then they still live here. And it’s like, why? What are you doing? Like, why are you here? I don’t understand.
Blair Cottrell: What’s the point of that. A bit weird! They’re a lot like that to the Slavs. Like, they’re here and they like being in Australia, but there’s still this, like, external nationalism that takes precedent. It’s a little bit strange. It really comes out when they crew up to, when they get together, like, they seem really relatable on individual level, but then when they come into contact with their like, if they’re Croatians, other Croatians, they change and become a bit more wild and suddenly you feel excluded. I’ve had that experience a few times with the Slavs. But I had a lot of Slavic mates growing up, so, yeah, I’ve had good times with them. I’ve been quite close with them, so I don’t really have a problem with them. But that in extreme in-group loyalty, that is a little bit weird! I have noticed that. Just wanted to say that.
Joel Davis: Well, I mean, I’ve got nothing against extreme in-group loyalty. I have extreme in-group loyalty. I think it’s a great trait to have. But I just think, like if you want to be Australian, you. We welcome you. We aren’t anti-Croatian. Like I said, we have three Croatians in the organisation or people with Croatian ancestry. I don’t think that all of them are 100% Croatian, but they’re like, two of them, like, half Croatian. And then I think one of them is even more than half, maybe like full Croatian. But, yeah, you want to become part of Australia? You want to become part of White Australia, you’re welcome on the team. Croatians are a noble people, but if you want to be Croatian, then go live in Croatia. Like, it’s very simple. If I felt like:
“Oh, I’m giving up so much to become Australian, I want to go and be English, I would move back to England.”
And I know it’s different because the Australian identity is primarily Anglo, so it isn’t as hostile to my identity. But that’s the thing. Like, if I say I was a German and I was like:
“Oh, I don’t want to become an Anglo-Australian, I want to be German. I’d just moved to Germany.”
Or if I was Russian, or whatever the case, I’d just go where I felt identified with the people. So it isn’t like a anti-Croatian sentiment, it’s actually a pro-Croatian sentiment to suggest that. But, yeah, there’s another Superchat from Fellow Comrades saying:
“Also, I farted.”
So thanks for that.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that looks like when those Superchats start rolling in, I think that looks like it’s about the end of the stream. I’m pretty much ready to wrap it up if you are.
Joel Davis: Yeah, a couple more here. The Crucible, he said:
“Hey, Joel, I mean no disrespect, I am just a crazy cat gentleman from the Australian state of New Zealand, but I think you would look better without the beard, in my opinion.”
Well okay.
Blair Cottrell: He can give it a try. Maybe it’s up to him, I suppose.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think when I get rid of the beard, I look too young. I look like, …
Blair Cottrell: I don’t even know what you look like without the beard, so I can’t say.
Joel Davis: Well, I kind of brought the beard in a few years ago because I was sick of people thinking that I was like, 19, even though I was like, 25, 26. So that’s why I’ve kind of kept it, because I want to look my age, but I’ve got a bit of a baby face.
Blair Cottrell: But you feel like you’ve been taken a little more seriously since growing the beard?
Joel Davis: Yes. Yes, exactly! People would always refer to me as “young Joel” and this kind of thing, even still now, I’m like, I’m 29 years old. I don’t know, people think that I’m a Zoomer. I don’t know why.
Blair Cottrell: It’s a blessing, though. Like, it’s a blessing to be able to retain that sort of youthful vigor, that energy.
Joel Davis: Yeah. White Steve Harvey said:
“Appreciate the show. Very informative. Mr Davis, will you go on No Holds Barred again? It’s a very serious show.”
I believe that’s the Twitter broadcast. Yeah, I mean, I’ve been on it before. I’d go on it again. Why not? They invite me and I have time all of the time. It kind of clashes with when I’m at work, but we could make it work.
The Gump said:
“Since Blair loved to sit on the train and hear about each of us got awakened, does he have a 24/7 open hotline that the community can call to share our detailed stories with him?”
I have no idea what that is referring to. Do you?
Blair Cottrell: Can you read that again? What was that?
Joel Davis: Yeah:
“Since Blair loves to sit on the train and hear about how each of us got awakened, does he have a 24/7 open hotline that the community can call to share our detailed stories with him?”
Blair Cottrell: You’ll have to give more information. What do you mean, sit on the train and listen to people’s stories about being awakened? I don’t remember doing that’s a strange chat. Is this person still here? If you’re still watching, try to clarify what you mean, because I’m missing the pun. Yeah, I’m missing the pun.
Unless this person did once talk to me on train or something like that. But I don’t have any memory of it, unfortunately. But no, I don’t have a hotline. I don’t have a hotline. People seem to message me on Telegram, and sometimes some young guys message me with personal problems they have, and I do my best to give them some advice, because I’ve experienced a lot of turmoil myself in my younger years. So mostly I tell them what not to do. I don’t tell anyone to do or not do anything, actually. I just kind of give them some general perspective based on my own experiences.
But, yeah, there’s no “hotline” or anything like that. There is an appearance this weekend, though, on a new. I think it’s a relative, I don’t know how many views they get. But because you mentioned New Zealand, Joel. I just remembered it’s a nationalist news service, I think, called Endeavor News from New Zealand. And they’ve organised to have me on for a podcast this Saturday, I think.
So you’ll be able to catch me on there on the weekend and we’ll see what’s going on in New Zealand. Like, I haven’t really connected with anyone in New Zealand in quite a while, so I’ll be interested to know what the vibe’s like over there and we’ll learn something.
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, follow Blair on Telegram, if you don’t already, to probably get the link for that they invited me on, too, and then I don’t know what happened. I didn’t get around to organising a specific day. I should probably go on their show as well, because there isn’t very much that I see online coming out of New Zealand. So I’d be very happy to support people trying to, I don’t know how new these guys are. Maybe they’ve been around for a while, but at least I’d be able to support anything coming out of New Zealand. Because New Zealand is, it’s not Australia, but it kind of is we’re in this together.
Blair Cottrell: So somewhere I’d really like to go, actually, I’d love to go to New Zealand on, like, a brief holiday, just to see the countryside, the mountains. It’s somewhere I’ve always wanted to go, but never really had the opportunity. Have you been?
Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ve been multiple times. I used to. I used to date a girl from New Zealand for many years, and so I go there all the time to see her family. And it is beautiful. Like where I would go would be on the North island, pretty much exclusively, but there is some incredible nature, and it’s so green, particularly in the Bay of Plenty, they call it, which is kind of the northwestern coast to the, sorry, northeastern coast, to the east of Auckland. Auckland’s right at the top of the North island. And then, kind of coming around the island down there.
[Image: Mount Maunganui Bay of Plenty New Zealand]
I think it is the most fertile farmland in the world, or one of the most fertile farmlands in the world. And it’s so green! It is incredibly green! You just feel, like, surrounded by so much life force when you’re there. The air is so fresh. Beautiful beaches in the summertime and there isn’t too many people. And at least when I was there, it was still pretty White. It’s quite nice.
So I did really appreciate New Zealand. I went bungee jumping in Lake Taupo, I believe it’s called, and that was quite a good experience. I think bungee jumping actually is more scary in a certain way than skydiving. When I went skydiving, I didn’t really feel any fear at all, but probably because if you’re 10,000ft in the air, like, there’s no real reference point to the ground and you’re just going at this incredible velocity and it’s just awe inspiring!
But when you bungee jump, the ground comes at you real fast. [chuckling] It’s a little bit of a, … I was like:
“Oh, yeah, I’m not scared, just staunch.”
Then when I got to the ledge and went to jump off, I was like:
“Oh, shit! This is actually really scary!”
The bungee cord just kind of slows you down just in time. You feel like:
“Oh, fuck, I’m just gonna, like, hit it at full speed!”
It’s quite an experience. I recommend it’s quite fun. I’m sure it’s good for your spine too, to get kind of pulled out like that.
Blair Cottrell: Maybe then to get, like ricocheted back up like that, maybe not. I remember I used to hurt my back as a kid on trampolines because of the compression.
Joel Davis: Thanks for Melodic Black Metal. He didn’t send it as a Superchat, but I just found it funny. He said:
“As he dated a Slavic girl and he can confirm that they are, in fact, subhuman!”
So anyway, [chuckling] I thought that was funny.
Blair Cottrell: What did Joseph Goebbels say? He said:
“Subhumans exist in all peoples as a leavening agent.”
And I could never really make sense of that. Of that quote. Of course, it might be a misquote, a lot of that happens these days. But my understanding of that is subhumans exist in all peoples as leavening agent. Does he mean perhaps that ordinary people or lower quality people can be used to kind of lift you up? Maybe? How do you interpret that quote, Joel?
Joel Davis: What was the quote again?
Blair Cottrell: Subhumans exist in all peoples as a leavening agent. And my understanding of a leavening agent is an ingredient that you use or incorporate into a baking recipe in order to make it rise. Yeah, I suppose you’d need to give it some thought.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I’d have to kind of see it in context, perhaps, but, yeah, I don’t know what he means by that. Is that the process of kind of applying eugenics and overcoming the defective and kind of maintaining the health of the blood, if this itself is kind of a spiritually uplifting process, like confronting the challenge. Like, I’ve thought about this before, like, why would God allow, you know, jewish black magicians to destroy our civilisation?
And I thought:
“Well if they didn’t exist, if we were just being Aryan on our Aryan grind set, just chilling, you know, cruising through life, it would be too easy.”
Like, we just would never really have to spiritually evolve. We could just kind of go on Autopilot and just have a functional society and everything would be nice. It’s like we almost kind of need what is happening to us to happen, to force us to kind of reach it within and pull out a kind of higher spiritual nature that can enable us to overcome these challenges and ascend.
So I don’t know if he was getting an idea like that or not.
Blair Cottrell: But, yeah, hard to say. Maybe that’s why Christ said, “love your enemies”, too, because you need enemies to stay strong. You know, nothing kills, like complacency and that sense of accomplishment. If you feel like you’ve already accomplished everything you need to accomplish, you feel like the King, then I think you get a little bit soft, you get a little bit complacent, and you end up on a bit of a downward spiral, because someone else is going to always want what you have more than you want it, if you’ve already got it.
Anyway, thanks for joining us, everyone, tonight. I think it’s been a pretty good conversation, and we’ll get back into it next week. There’s no more Superchats, Joel. I think we’re all done.
Joel Davis: Yeah, we’ll end the stream there, and we’ll see you all next week. Thanks for watching. I might, I’m not gonna might. I’ll do something this weekend because you didn’t get a show last week, so I’ll give you two shows. I’ll do something else this weekend. It will be to be decided. I’ll announce it on social media, provide another show, and not necessarily with Blair. He’s already occupied doing something this weekend. But I’ll do another show with some esteemed colleague or guest for your pleasure. Because there is a lot, there’s a lot of stuff that we didn’t even cover on the show. So much has happened over the last two weeks in global politics.
So there is a lot to discuss and I could definitely squeeze another show in for your viewing pleasure. So keep an eye out for that. Thanks for watching. We’ll see you all then.
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(Comments as of 8/19/2024 = 40)
just now
[Joel Davis – Two Tier Tyranny, Free England! – Aug 15, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following: • Recent events in Britain and Australia, including protests and police responses. • They held a national meet-up and protest in Brisbane that made headlines. • Blair injured himself during a powerlifting competition: “I ripped my left quad a bit” • Describe confrontations with police during their protest march in Brisbane. • Police were accused of using excessive force: “threw punches at many people” • Some of them were arrested and mistreated: “smashing them into the ground” • There was racial bias from some non-White police officers. • Recent protests in England following a stabbing incident. • The English protests were an “organic response” to immigration issues, not organized by far-Right groups. “This is an organic community reaction to having a massive amount of Africans and Arabs in your country” • Criticize left-wing counter-protesters and their “class war” rhetoric. • Express support for the English protesters and their methods. • Discuss poll results showing some public support for the protests in England. “39% who agreed that ‘when it comes to the refugee problem, violence is sometimes the only means'” • Argue that racism should be “normalized” and openly embraced by political candidates. • Criticize harsh sentences given to protesters compared to other criminals. “Child rapists walk free and putting people in jail for Facebook posts” • Discuss a pro-immigration protest in Melbourne and the arrest of a TikTok user filming it. • Criticize communists and left-wing groups organizing pro-immigrant protests. These people are all basically mentally deranged” • Discuss strategies for avoiding arrest during protests. Cont’d
1 day ago
God bless
1 day ago
These guys are the tip of the spear. Hail NSN and EAM. Australia for the White man.
1 day ago
Joel. In Imotski where the people were marching down the street (some 20,000) they were shouting Za Dom Spremni meaning For the Homeland Prepared. Both are you correct, all Croats should leave Australia and come home. Simple as that.
1 day ago
Luka Mamić… we are not Slavs. We are Dinaric. Do not go down the Russo-Serbian line.
2 days ago
keep the beard
2 days ago
3 gay boys talking in this podcast
2 days ago
Not a Fed here, shalom fellow feds! you retarded fucks arent getting enough recruits per month and if thinks dont improve our boss is going to relocate funds from our department to the islamic terrorist unit now take my advice or leave it without religious backing from god the normies/masses will not have faith in you dont claim to be divine just say your reciving messages from gods angels through dreams (like islam) make a new religion based off white ethnocentrism and natsoc off the bible have hitler as the 4th testament make new verses that have strict rules that relate to the (((situation))) and immigration and looking after your community enjoy this copy paste from an america christian nationalist discord as a headstart My race is my religion. And Christianity agrees. The Bible outlaws race mixing. The following verses in the Bible are anti-miscegenation tenets key to Christian Identity that the Christian church used to teach but no longer does. The Bible outlaws race mixing. Genesis 24:1-4 Ezra 9:2-3 Nehemiah 13:23-27 Ezra 10:10-11 Tobit 4:12 Proverbs 23:31-33 Nehemiah 10:29-30 Hosea 7:8-9 Isaiah 1:7 Leviticus 19:19 Deuteronomy 23:2 Genesis 9:25 1 Kings 9:20-21 Daniel 9:7 Matthew 15:21-28 Jude 1:7 James 1:1 1 Peter 1:1 Hebrews 12:15-16(Esau was a race mixer who married two mongrel Canaanite wives, Aholibamah and Adah.) We Have Mashiach! Wir Haben Mashiach! My favorite anti-race mixing verses are Genesis 24:1-4 or you could go the Quran route and add verses that claim europeans are allahs chosen people and basically adapt the quran and its teachings to benefit your movement or re awaken odinism by write more books on it so the masses/normies can understand and get behind it please try and get more than 5 per month before the end of financial year 2025 or else our funding gets moved to dune coons stalking and i hate eating kehabs on stakeouts thanks, Nate Higgers
3 days ago
Hey there, so the quote from Joseph Goebbels is from his “Weltgefahr des Bolschewismus” speech and he is referencing yeast, that is a important ingredient to make dough rise, he is basically equating subhumans to yeast, without subhumans Bolshevism wouldn’t rise to power. Subhuman is a term for people who allow Bolshevism to rise to power,it was never a term to solely refer to brown people or racial aliens, it was used to describe a certain type of character or state of mind if you will and winston churchill was explicitly called a subhuman in the book “Der Untermensch”. So yeah, you will find subhumans in every race and groups of people.
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3 days ago
Also we the people should have the right to defend ourselves against these pig’s, without having to face an legal consequences.
3 days ago
I fucking despise cop’s, I once supported them like a fool. I was blinded by their corruption, and tyranny. I see the truth now about their little gang, that’s controlled by the Jew’s. I’m sorry on how they treated you guy’s, that’s awful hopefully one day they’ll be seeing karma. Next time boy’s definitely record them, like have a gopro strapped to your chest, if they aren’t being recorded they’ll twist everything around, and then make up some bullshit charge. Stay safe gentlemen!
3 days ago
Police officer’s are the biggest coward’s, they assault you behind their badges. But when they’re off duty they’re nowhere to be seen, they hide behind their government gang to exploit other’s. They’re scum, one day they’ll be taught a lesson.
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4 days ago
After everything the so called “authorities” have done, all their faces will be remembered & they will be punished in the future. Their injustices will not be tolerated or forgotten. The tables will eventually turn & they will pay dearly for what they have done. Their families will only have them to blame. They already made a mistake they can never take back. A mistake that will never be forgiven. They showed us what they are. They will reap what they have sown. I only imagine their faces when that time comes, when they realize everyone wants vengeance against them. They will have it.
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4 days ago
[Joel Davis – Two Tier Tyranny, Free England! – Aug 15, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following: • Recent events in Britain and Australia, including protests and police responses. • They held a national meet-up and protest in Brisbane that made headlines. • Blair injured himself during a powerlifting competition: “I ripped my left quad a bit” • Describe confrontations with police during their protest march in Brisbane. • Police were accused of using excessive force: “threw punches at many people” • Some of them were arrested and mistreated: “smashing them into the ground” • There was racial bias from some non-White police officers. • Recent protests in England following a stabbing incident. • The English protests were an “organic response” to immigration issues, not organized by far-Right groups. “This is an organic community reaction to having a massive amount of Africans and Arabs in your country” • Criticize left-wing counter-protesters and their “class war” rhetoric. • Express support for the English protesters and their methods. • Discuss poll results showing some public support for the protests in England. “39% who agreed that ‘when it comes to the refugee problem, violence is sometimes the only means'” • Argue that racism should be “normalized” and openly embraced by political candidates. • Criticize harsh sentences given to protesters compared to other criminals. “Child rapists walk free and putting people in jail for Facebook posts” • Discuss a pro-immigration protest in Melbourne and the arrest of a TikTok user filming it. • Criticize communists and left-wing groups organizing pro-immigrant protests. These people are all basically mentally deranged” • Discuss strategies for avoiding arrest during protests. ……
4 days ago
So much bs been talked the past week, drifting further away from the point. Thanks for dragging it back to sanity guys
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4 days ago
As Owen Benjamin quite rightly said it’s the easiest problem to fix in the west. If you’re white and you want more white people then start fucking. Until that happens shut the fuck up.
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3 days ago
Ah yes, a jews solution is to fight a ponzi scheme with a ponzi scheme
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2 days ago
The suburbs are just feed lots whether they are in Australia or anywhere on Earth. Those in charge just want the livestock fucking, borrowing money and consuming. If the white sheep aren’t fucking each other then they’ll replace them with brown ones that will fuck everything and keep the farm going. The farmer doesn’t care what colour the livestock is.
4 days ago
Nobody was stabbed. It was all staged (Zio Hollyweird) like the fake assassination attempt of IsraHELL First Vax Daddy Trump. Problem, Reaction, SOLUTION: Southport Hoax Deployed To Usher In More Police State Southport Hoax: Teenage ‘Stabber’ Is An Actor
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3 days ago
4 days ago
The soccer starts up next month. These fucktards and fat cunts will vanish. What a pathetic joke. Our entire race represented and sponsored by Stella fucking Artois. Fuck these guys I’m out.
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4 days ago
Hail the motherlands
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1 day ago
Go fuck off. You’re all three decades too late because you got fat and drunk. You’ve got everything you deserve.
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1 day ago
Seethe fag
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22 hours ago
Your English insolence has the mantle of our Australian stoicism. You fucked up everything and watched the soccer whilst believing you were responsible for a Anglo-Sphere. All the time the fact was Australians own authority over how we rule our destiny cloaked your delegated anachronisms absolutely. Basically your a fucking joke now. Nobody cares about anything you do or say.
4 days ago
Destroy Paedo Freaks!
4 days ago
Sorry to say but these riots are not good. There may have been a handful of people who have the right idea (as you will find anywhere), but if you do the necessary research you realize that they are small– very small. The whole event took place on *one street intersection*, including counter-protests. They arrested 100s on purpose to make it seem like there were 100s or 1000s who were passionately anti-immigration, but the truth is that they pretty much grabbed anyone they could. The public is not “waking up”, brits are as meek and passive to authority as ever. The state is distorting the perception of this literal nothingburger into an orgy of fear in order to pass more laws, justify more repressions, embolden leftist elements, etc.
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1 day ago
It’s an absolutely putrid thing to behold. Three decades too late to mean anything and just look at the optics of those obese bumbling morons throwing cans of Special Brew at police lines. What a toilet. Fuck England.
4 days ago
Long Live England! Australia for the White Man! o///
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2 days ago
You’re a massive FAG
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1 day ago
I’m a fag? Where the fuck were the white British men at when all those young girls were being groomed. I will tell you where the fuck they were….at the pub playing grab arse with their pasty fat fuck mates watching the soccer. Absolutely fucking disgraceful and now in the off season they come out throwing cans of Stella at the Police. Go fuck yourself England.
2 days ago
No. Fuck them. How the fuck does a so called white man get put into a position of there being thousands of white girls raped in a country they supposedly are the native stock in. Think about Australia or America if that happened. A few thousand teenage white girls getting raped by fucking tea towel heads? We’d burn the fucking joint to the ground you’d see smoke from satellites in space. The white Americans would go up and down the streets in pick up trucks hunting them down with AK47s. The UK whites watched the soccer.
4 days ago
Good to see all of you. o/ Cops are behaving no different than the spoiled brats of an Antifaggot gang – patrolling the streets where opposing viewpoints are aired, intimidating and accosting all not aligned with their “politics”. Pretty pathetic.
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4 days ago
hell ya hail antifaggot
4 days ago
01:06:18 This is in reference to the 54% of British protest supporters who said that the protests were motivated by racism. I doubt the public are as based as Joel is making them out to be. They don’t think that racism is good, they think that racism is bad and that the media/police/politicians/invaders are racist against White people (e.g. indigenous Brits). They believe that they’re protesting against racism that favors blacks and browns. Their minds are thoroughly infected by the enemy’s language and moral framing.
4 days ago
Hell yes. Another Thor’s-day; another righteous no-nonsense nationalistic stream from our Aryan allies across the pacific. HH
4 days ago
DOWNLOAD/BUY THIS BOOK The True Believer : Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements is a non-fiction book authored by the American social philosopher Eric Hoffer. Published in 1951, it depicts a variety of arguments in terms of applied world history and social psychology to explain why mass movements arise to challenge the status quo. Hoffer discusses the sense of individual identity and the holding to particular ideals that can lead to extremism and fanaticism among both leaders and followers.
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4 days ago
[Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript] [Cover Image] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following: • Joel’s Telegram channel was blocked on Apple devices shortly before the stream. • The nationalist rally in Melbourne for Mass Deportations Now! • Jacob Hersant was arrested at the rally for “grossly offensive behavior”. • Discussion on the legal implications and potential challenges to this law. • They criticize the use of vague laws to suppress political speech. • Recent events in England involving an African killing 3 children. • Express support for protests in response to the killings. • These reactions show a resurgence of fighting spirit among English people. • The importance of organizing long-term political movements is emphasized. • Netanyahu’s recent speech to US Congress is criticized as showing excessive Jewish influence. • Express skepticism of democracy and preference for more authoritarian systems. • They discuss the concept of “liminal warfare” from a book by David Kilcullen. • Friendly Jordies’ recent video mocking Drew Pavlou is praised. • Debate whether Drew Pavlou is trolling or genuinely delusional. • Swedish humor and banter abilities are jokingly discussed. • The idea of starting a non-profit for white advocacy is considered. • Monarchy vs republic for Australia is briefly debated. • They express connection to Britain as their ancestral homeland. • Irish and Anglo-Saxon ancestry and temperaments are compared. • The show had around 500-600 peak viewers across platforms. • Future streams and content plans are mentioned. • The hosts thank viewers and supporters. • Nationalist rally involved marching from Immigration Museum to Federation Square. • Police arrested Jacob Hirsch but other protesters escaped. • Immigrants understand their foreignness better ….
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See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version 6: Wed, Aug 21, 2024 — Added 2 images.
Version 5: Tue, Aug 20, 2024 — TQ for 130/130 mins = 5.Added Noticer images. Transcript now fully proofed. Updated Rumble comments (40).
Version 4: Mon, Aug 19, 2024 — TQ for 94/130 mins = 5.Added Noticer images.
Version 3: Sun, Aug 18, 2024 — TQ for 72/130 mins = 5. Added link to African IQ test transcript. Added Noticer images.
Version 2: Sat, Aug 17, 2024 — TQ for 49/130 mins = 5. Added more images.
Version 1: Fri, Aug 16, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality (TQ) 21/130 mins = 5. Includes Rumble comments (14). Added 5 images.