Harry Vox – EU
Scott Ritter on the Shame &
Evil That is Israel
Sun, Aug 11, 2024
[In this video Scott Ritter, an American commentator and former UN Weapons Inspector, calls Israel evil and is doomed to failure. He makes the following points:
• Expresses joy at Israel’s perceived failures: “I’m smiling because of the failure of the Israeli enterprise”
• Views Israel as harmful: “Israel is a force of evil and it cannot exist”
• Hezbollah is a resistance organization: “It exists to resist Israel”
• Lebanon supports Hezbollah: “Hezbollah has become synonymous with Lebanon”
• “Israel is an evil institution. There’s nothing good that comes out of Israel”
• Criticizes American support for Israel: “when I say evil, understand that because Israel is literally an extension of America, this is the evil of America as well”
• Palestinians are being dehumanized: “You’re literally relegating them to be cows, to be slaughtered”
• Calls for Israel’s elimination: “Israel must be annihilated, eliminated as a nation state”
• Hamas’s actions on October 7 are praised: “the greatest military operation in modernization history”
• Suggests Hamas anticipated Israel’s response: “Hamas knows Israel”
• Israel is described as strategically defeated: “Israel has been strategically defeated by Hamas”
• Predicts Israel’s economic collapse: “Israel itself is a bankrupt nation. The economy is failing, will never recover”
• “Zionists aren’t religious. They’re there to steal the land of the Palestinians”
• Predicts mass exodus from Israel: “What happens when nobody wants to live in Israel anymore?”
• “A two state solution is impossible”
• Envisions a future Palestinian state: “That’s the future of Palestine”
• American exceptionalism is compared to Zionism: “American exceptionalism posits the notion that Americans are above everybody else”
• Predicts Israel’s defeat by Hezbollah: “Hezbollah is going to wipe them off the planet”
• The conflict is described as existential: “It’s a fight that Israel will initiate with the understanding that it is all or nothing”
• Predicts Israel will “blink” first in a conflict with Hezbollah
• Hezbollah is described as having support of all the Lebanese people
• Ritter’s military expertise: “I have actually spent many hours laying out the force structures”
• Israeli military exercises are mentioned: “Israel ran two consecutive exercises in 2022 and 2023”. He predicts Israel’s defeat.
• Ritter ends with: “the data has Israel losing every single time”
Published on Sun, Aug 11, 2024
Current Time 12:48
Duration 22:53
Playback Rate
2734 119 32
First published at 14:18 UTC on August 11th, 2024.
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Harry Vox — EU
Harry Vox — Unsafe Space
11946 subscribers
Scott Ritter lays out in clear and truthful terms that the Israeli crimes against humanity are a shame on this earth and a shame on the American people who ignorantly support it either enthusiastically for political and financial gain as in the case of scum like Nikki Haily or they acquiesce to it (out of the same brainless thoughtless mindlessness that so many Americans are cowed and manipulated into “believing in” and supporting because they brainwashed to do so by the Jewish controlled machinery of lies called the mainstream media)
Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal — Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over
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(Words: 3.492 – 22:53 mins)
Scott Ritter: First of all, let me get the smile off my face. I’m smiling because of the failure of the Israeli enterprise and everything that Israel stands for. It’s a glorious moment! I used to love Israel, traveled there frequently, love the Israeli people. I don’t anymore! I actually am at the point where I no longer sympathize for them or empathize.
Israel is a force of evil and it cannot exist. It’s literally a cancer in the Middle East. And if it continues to exist, it will destroy the entire edifice. That’s not anti-semitic, it’s not anti-jewish, it’s anti-Israel! The concept of a Greater Israel.
So when Israel has for the last several, … Remember, Hezbollah only exists because Israel invaded southern Lebanon in 1982. It’s a resistance organization. It exists to resist Israel. Israel still occupies parts of southern Lebanon, the Sheba farms. I know Israel will put forward some nonsense about it belongs to Syria. And they have documents. It’s Lebanon! Israel knows it’s Lebanon.
And so Hezbollah continues to exist. Israel has tried to isolate Hezbollah as just a militia, an illegal armed group that needs to be done away with. Hezbollah, on the other hand, has become a political party that has become part of the Lebanese government. A major part of the Lebanese government, very successful. And Hezbollah is well thought of I mean, there’s a lot of corruption in Lebanon. A lot of political parties don’t have the trust and confidence of the Lebanese people. It says something when Hezbollah does have the trust and confidence, even amongst those segments of society, the Christians, in particular, the Sunnis, that might otherwise be inclined to be opposed to Hezbollah because of sectarian reasons. Hezbollah has become synonymous with Lebanon.
And so when Israel now says they want to destroy Hezbollah, Lebanon realizes what Israel is saying is:
“We are going to destroy Lebanon!”
And Lebanon has made a decision that it’s not going to go gently into that good night. That they will fight side by side with Hezbollah.
That’s why I smiled, because I love it when evil is defeated! And this is the defeat of evil! Israel is an evil institution. There’s nothing good that comes out of Israel. It stands for nothing positive. It’s an illegal occupation regime that has brought death and destruction to the region.
The only good that’s come out of Israel is the good that it does for itself! The self promotion of a perversion of the jewish cause through Zionistic institutions that have nothing to do with promoting Judaism, everything to do with opposing or oppressing the indigenous Arab population of the region, the Palestinian people.
Gaza is just a horrific tragedy! On a daily basis, we’re reminded of the evil that Israel does and what it’s doing. And by extension, again, when I say “evil”, understand that because Israel is literally an extension of America, this is the evil of America as well. Sorry to say that to my fellow citizens. But if we promote Israel, we promote zionism, we’re promoting evil! And therefore we are evil ourselves!
And it’s a disease that’s infected everybody. It’s infected the Republican Party, it’s infected Democratic Party, it’s infected MAGA, it’s infected independents.
I mean, we have a handful of people, Jill Stein, Cornel West, who have articulated, … But they’re in a distinct minority in the United States. The majority of Americans tend to support what’s going on. They support the continued existence of Israel without understanding or able to articulate what Israel is.
Yes, we’re horrified by the imagery that comes out of Gaza. But when you support Israel, you then support the notion that the Israelis are a superior race, a superior people, that the Palestinians are somehow inherently inferior. And now you’re buying into the notion of “human animals”, which is what Israel uses to describe the Palestinian people. Human animals!
And when they’re human animals, I mean, yes, I cry when I take, … I mean, my God! I don’t want to look at cows being butchered, but I damn still go to McDonald’s and eat their damn burgers. I’ll still buy a steak! You know, I just pretend the evil doesn’t exist!
And at the end of the day, I mollify myself by saying:
“They’re just cows. That’s God’s greater plan. They’re put on earth to feed me.”
In the second you stop viewing the Palestinians as anything other than humans with the same rights as everybody else, you’re literally relegating them to be cows, to be slaughtered. To be slaughtered! And that’s what’s happening. This is pure butchery! I mean, Gaza has become the butcher shop!
When you see what they’ve done to those children, not just the death of the children, but the physical mutilation of their bodies, the slaughter of entire families, and the fact that it continues on a daily basis on the scope and scale that it does, shows a gross indifference to human life, not just by Israel. I’ve already categorized it as evil. They are evil! Israel must be annihilated, eliminated as a nation state. It has no right to exist! It’s lost that right if it ever had. It lost it a long time ago.
But the American people, we let Nikki Haley, go and sign artillery shells, encouraging the Israelis to finish the job. That’s like telling Adolf Hitler, fire up the crematoriums. Finish the job! Get the trains running faster, baby. Finish the job! [Ritter’s boomer tier standard official understanding of WWII!] Telling Andrew Jackson:
“Don’t let them go on the Trail of Tears, man! Kill them all! Don’t let them go to Oklahoma. Wipe them all out, baby! We don’t need those American-Indians. They’re not humans! They’re animals. Human animals. Human animals!”
And that’s what the Palestinians have become in the minds of everybody, because we’re just simply watching the slaughter of an entire people!
Now, this is where it gets controversial, and I get in a lot of trouble when I say this, but it’s a necessary slaughter. And I don’t mean that because I view them as human animals. I view them as martyrs, as people who, had this conflict not taking place the way it has wouldn’t achieve the potential outcome that appears to be on the horizon, the actual formation of a Palestinian homeland, a Palestinian state!
It was never going to come free. It was never going to come easy. There was always going to be a horrific cost because you can’t have a Palestinian state and a Zionist Israeli entity peacefully coexisting. It’s impossible! A two-state solution is impossible! Especially now. It’s impossible! Israel is incompatible with the vision of a Palestinian state. So Israel must be eradicated, eliminated, removed.
And that can’t happen without dramatic transformations of opinions, political, just tectonic shifting of political emphasis. And that can’t happen unless the entire world was shocked! Shocked by Israeli atrocities!
You can’t prove the point of Israel being a genocidal state unless Israel commits genocide, actual genocide. And this is the genius of Hamas.
I know I’m going to get in trouble for saying this, but, I mean, Charles de Gaulle signed off on the D-Day landings knowing that tens of thousands, perhaps even more than 100,000 French would die as a result. Because you can’t liberate France from Nazi occupation without a military conflict that takes out the trains, takes out the potential deploying areas. And civilians lived there, and the civilians were going to be killed in large numbers. And de Gaulle signed off on it. Is he evil? No! It’s just the reality that he had to operate in.
But this is why de Gaulle never celebrated the D-Day anniversary. Because to him, it wasn’t about the liberation of France. To him, it was him signing off on the death of the French people he was supposed to protect.
Hamas knew what it was doing on October 7 [2023]. I’ve called it the greatest military operation in modernization history, the greatest raid in modern history. War is an extension of politics by other means, meaning that what they initiate on October 7 was far more than just a successful military operation. It started in motion these tragic events that will culminate in the creation of a Palestinian state. Without October 7, we wouldn’t be talking about the creation of a Palestinian state. Not in a viable way. Not in a way that has the world resonating, you know, reflective of this. Without the sacrifice of the Palestinian people, we wouldn’t be talking about this.
If Israel had launched a bloodless campaign, a punitive campaign that simply focused on Hamas, the world wouldn’t be acting the way they did, but Israel is incapable of doing that! And that’s the genius of Hamas, because they knew exactly what Israel was going to do they anticipated it, every aspect of it.
Hamas knows Israel. Sinmar knows the Israelis. He was in their damn prison camps. He knows how they think. He knows by capturing these hostages, these prisoners of war, and bringing back in what it would do to Israeli society to create fractures within Israel, to get Israelis to attack Israelis. He understood that the Israeli army was incapable of managing a conflict as complex as what they faced in Gaza, fighting a war on above ground and below ground at the same time. They can’t do it. And he knew that Israel didn’t have the capacity to absorb the damage that was being inflicted on it long term by Hamas.
Israel today admits it’s running out of tanks. Israel’s running out of tanks! Why? Because Hamas is destroying and damaging them. Hamas understood this. They have the plan, the wherewithal, the sustainability factor. Israel is running out of spare parts. Israel’s running out of men that are willing to fight. Israel has been strategically defeated by Hamas. And this is the precondition for the path towards a Palestinian state.
Now, understand this path will be convoluted. It’s going to be complicated. It’s not going to be easy. It may start out as a two-state solution. I personally believe it will be.
But I think Hamas is smart enough to know that they have created fatal damage to Israel, that a two-state solution is predicated upon A, a viable Palestinian state, and B, a viable Israeli state. There is no such thing as a viable Israeli state anymore.
One, economically, Israel can’t survive. You can thank Ansarallah for that, the Houthis, Yemen. They’ve launched the greatest military economic blockade against the state that’s ever been undertaken. Because it worked! They’re not able to run this blockade. The US Navy was defeated by the Houthis! Defeated because they can’t stop it! They’re still hitting ships. Southern port of Israel non-functioning, bankruptcy!
Israel itself is a bankrupt nation. The economy is failing, will never recover. And if the economy doesn’t recover, then the land of milk and honey doesn’t exist. That’s the only damn thing that brought the Zionists., … And understand, the Zionists aren’t religious. They’re not religious! They’re there to steal the land of the Palestinians and live in prosperity on land they didn’t own, land they stole. They’re living there.
If you don’t have an Israel where people can wake up in the morning and have a barbecue and then go to the beach and do all the stuff that secular people do, because it’s not a religious state. They have religious people there. But that’s not what Israel is about. It’s about living comfortably off of the labor and the land that you stole from others. That’s the whole premise of Israel. That’s it! That’s it!
And when you remove that, when they’re going to live under the perpetual fear of retaliation, if Israel tries to flex its muscles again, people flee. We’ve seen a half a million flee already. Israel’s a small state with 9 million now. What happens when 4 million flee? What happens when 7 million flee? What happens when nobody wants to live in Israel anymore? Because the Zionist dream is over.
And, you know what else is going to break in order to get that two-state solution? This is why I encourage people out there. Don’t be against the two-state solution, because it’s a suicide pill for Israel. The two-state solution will require Israel to undo the West Bank settlements, the outright thievery that’s taken place, to begin dismantling that.
And then they break the back of the Brooklyn jews. That’s one of the great sinners of evil, in Israel today, the Brooklyn jews. American jews who went over there and stole the land of the Palestinians, because they can! Because zionism empowers them to do that. Break the back of the Brooklyn jews, send them back to Brooklyn.
And when you do that, Israel will fall in amongst itself. There will be a quasi civil war. There will be minimum civil unrest. Israel will devolve societally, and more Israelis will flee.
And at some point in time, the Palestinian state won’t have to do any work, because Israel will cease to exist and the Palestinian state will expand. And now you have a singular entity. Where if the Palestinians are smart, they allow jews to live side by side in peace. There’s no revenge. You can have a reconciliation committee if you want to. But the bottom line is, let Christians and jews thrive. That’s the future of Palestine.
And that’s a future that now is conceivable because of what Hamas did. Israel defeated itself, and it’s a good thing!
I would also tell the American people, look at what happened to Israel. Look what happens when you have a society that’s defined by conflict, society that can only exist by oppressing others. That’s America. That’s how we interface with the world. That’s our future. If we don’t change our ways. Because Israel is America! Zionism is American hegemony under a different name! The same underlying principles, where we treat the world as our oyster, where the people that live in the world are pawns to be moved around. They’re not human. They’re not us, they’re not American. American exceptionalism posits the notion that Americans are above everybody else. We’re the indispensable people. We’re the indispensable nation.
Therefore, by definition, everybody else is dispensable! Human animals! That can be eliminated, manipulated, destroyed, killed at will, as long as it benefits the American enterprise. We are the living personification of zionism. Just using different terms, Manifest Destiny. There’s no difference between Manifest Destiny and the Zionist principles. We take what isn’t ours by force because God wills it.
That’s where we are today. If we don’t change our way as Americans, how we interface with the world, inevitably our outcome will be that of what is Israel’s inevitable outcome.they’re gone!
Interviewer: With the current face of their army, Scott, with the current situation, as you’ve mentioned, of their army, if they go to Lebanon, to southern Lebanon, what do they face against Hezbollah?
Scott Ritter: Death and destruction! Hezbollah is going to wipe them off the planet. Looks it’d be a bad fight. Again, we talked earlier about the Russians and Ukrainians. Just because Russia is winning doesn’t mean that Ukraine can’t do harm to Russia. Of course Ukraine can just because I say that Hezbollah is going to win doesn’t mean that Israel isn’t going to do great harm to Hezbollah and Lebanon. Israel will, of course.
But this is an existential fight. It’s a fight that Israel will initiate with the understanding that it is all or nothing. And therefore, Hezbollah, and now Lebanon has to respond with the same way. It’s a war of attrition where both sides are going to be trying to achieve attritional supremacy. That’s the equivalent of firepower supremacy, in standard combat.
If you and I are fighting, you got 15 guys. I got 15 guys. And we start opening fire on each other. In theory, if we both stand our ground and have well aimed fire, we’ll kill each other, all right? But human nature kicks in at some point in time, and one of us is going to blink first. One of us is going to say:
“I’m going down. I want to live!”
The second they do that, you’re no longer threatening me with death, and now I own you. I’ve got fire-fighter superiority over you’re suppressed! If I can suppress all of you, I get fire firepower supremacy. That means now that I can dictate maneuver and outcomes.
So Israel and Hezbollah are going to start off by pounding each other with everything they have. There will be no limits in the initial phases. There’s going to be death and destruction like you’ve never seen before. Awful, horrible! And then what will happen is somebody’s going to blink. Israel is going to blink because Hezbollah isn’t going to let the fight take place south of the Letani river. Hezbollah is going to take the fight into northern Israel, into the Galilee. Israel will be called upon to deliver death and destruction to Israeli towns, to Israeli villages, to kill Israeli people. It’ll be the Hannibal directive writ large, which Israel can’t politically sustain. So Israel will blink. Hezbollah won’t blink.
Hezbollah can’t blink now because they have the support of all the Lebanese people. Hezbollah doesn’t have to worry about the political consequences because the Lebanese people understand what’s at stake here. So Hezbollah will then have achieved firepower superiority, and then they will continue to suppress, inflict harm. Israel will not be able to respond effectively once its airfields are suppressed. That means more firepower could be brought there. The Iron Dome will be eliminated or depleted. More firepower with more precision, and Israel will rapidly devolve, and it’ll be the physical destruction of Israel. That’s what Israel will get if it goes to war against Hezbollah. It’s simple military math.
In the lead up to the Gulf war in October 1990, I was put in charge of a war game cell at the warfighting center in Quantico [Virginia]. Major General Caulfield ran it. And my job was to run scenarios for the Marine attack against the Iraqi defensive lines. Schwarzkopf had the Marines attacking a certain sector, and General Boomer, Walt Boomer, wasn’t happy, and so he went to Caulfield and said:
“Could you help us find the right place to attack?”
This required me to build a computer model of the Iraqi defenses, populate it, then run simulations of the Marines attacking. And you do that by, you have to get down into the brass tacks, morale factors, ammunition depletion, communications capabilities, et cetera. And you run the model.
And I ran that model nonstop from October until early December, trying to come up with the best location and the best forces. And, yes, it’s computerized, but after you do it, after a while, your brain starts to work like the computer, and you start to be able to predict outcomes. You can sit there and say:
“Huh, if we get it to this, that and the other thing, this is probably what’s going to happen, because I’ve seen what has happened in the past.”
And so my brain’s been conditioned to plug in a whole bunch of military factors and just sit there and blink it through and go:
“Yeah, I see the correlation of forces, I see the attritional factors, and I see what’s likely to happen.”
Now, there’s a human factor that’s impossible to quantify, and it’s always a reality there. But you offset that by focusing on things that will have an impact on human, like Command and Control. Communication is important. If you block communications, you can’t Command And Control. That inevitably leads to a deterioration of combat capacity.
And that’s what I’ve done with Israel and Hezbollah. So if people are out there going:
“How can you possibly, .?”
I’m just telling you guys right now that I have actually spent many hours laying out the force structures. I’ve populated it with data that is weighted to take into account experience, logistics, Command and Control, etcetera.
And when I run that computer model in my head, Hezbollah wins every single time. But here’s the other thing that people, you know, that I should tell people. Israel ran two consecutive exercises in 2022 and, 2023, where they tested a similar conflict notion.
Basically, it was:
“What if everybody attacks Israel at once?”
But the main theater of operations for Israel was in northern Israel, southern Lebanon, against Hezbollah. Israel lost every time. Israelis know it, too. If you’re being honest, you can’t fake the data. And the data has Israel losing every single time!
BitChute Comments
(Comments as of 8/17/2024 = 73)
5 days ago
Harry Vox — Unsafe Space
Jewboy is really busy downvoting this one. Nice try Jewboy. Its not gonna work anymore. No one except you rats care about your bullshit narratives any more and we’re fed up with your genocide. Hitler was way way too nice.
Hide replies
5 days ago
Yep, i have even seen my likes disappear before my eyes.
5 days ago
Well friend I’m not a Jew boy but Scott Ritter is not someone I trust. Convicted of pedophilia, attachments to the CIA, and a “former UN weapons inspector” are three groups of people that I don’t trust.
And if your’re hard of hearing, he’s all three
5 days ago
Would you have thought they were “taking it too far” and making a “mistake” when they started these (endless) wars, stirred up (countless) revolutions, poisoned the wells, starved millions, murdered tens of millions (here, there, everywhere — again and again), or when they crucified Christ? You almost certainly would have, and you would have been wrong every single time.
Need I remind you that they have been going BIG and making HUGE “mistakes” all throughout history? Have they (really) ever been (properly) punished?
They haven’t even been stopped and have only “suffered” a delay (when it comes to mass murdering us) a few times (AFTER the damage was already done).
History is basically a series of jewish “mistakes” (where they have mass murdered us) with little more than temporary pauses in their plan. [show less]
5 days ago
All valid. Ritter is a voice, a different view than most because of his access to information.
That does not make him or someone “trustworthy.”
5 days ago
Russia and US are both controlled by you know whos, used to divide and conquer the world until the false messiah arises and takes his seat in the new temple in Mystery Babylon Jerusalem.
You can see Putin visiting the wailing wall years back and said he was praying for a new temple as reported in Israeli press. The info is posted in this blog post:
https://openthematrix.wordpress.com/2023/09/13/list-of-revelation-prophecies-for-today/ [show less]
Edited 5 days ago
3 days ago
Convicted of pedophilia because he speaks out about the Jews. This is how Jews get back at people who don’t toe the Jewish line. Dosen’t take a brain surgeon to work that out.
3 days ago
Okey-dokey, however you want to put it together in your head. That was all some time ago. And it’s all staged, this “persecution” hey, it worked for Trump… now they have Ritter and they’re even following Tulsie Gabbard around-wink wink-now everybody better be afraid and (support these people while you’re at it) Two birds with one stone
come on people [show less]
2 days ago
Ralph Malph
Most of Israel’s Jews are not even “semitic”.
3 days ago
All Jews are evil whether Ashkenazi, Hasidic or Sephardic. I wonder why Scott believes the Holohoax story?
Edited 3 days ago
3 days ago
Hitler ?! … that man fought with all his heart against Jewish communism and the Jew World Order !
3 days ago
The word “Jew” is nowhere in the original Scriptures: https://www.goodnewsaboutgod.com/studies/spiritual/home_study/new_religion1.htm
The Solutions to the Coming Trouble: https://www.goodnewsaboutgod.com/studies/political/jews/whats_happening.htm
3 days ago
“In order to rule the world through a One World Government, the Jews had to position themselves at the central crossroads of the world. That required changing the Bible! Even though God gives a death sentence to anyone who does that, it was not intimidating to the Jews, who don’t believe in the God of the Bible anyway,” p 705, Ch 78 The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World — Who’s Doing It and Why? by Lorraine Day MD — goodnewsaboutgod.c see also: Who Rewrote the Bible? How and Why the Translators Have Deceived the Whole World by Deliberately Changing the Truth of the Bible — same author. [show less]
4 days ago
Financial extortion is real, diurnally repleted by the rumors of war inside our heads.
5 days ago
Age of Irony
“As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.”
Yahweh- speaking to Moses in Deuteronomy 20:10-14. The God of Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed, ordered the use of Gentile children as “spoils”.
Perhaps this is why the Talmud, rabbinical commentary on the Old Testament (Torah) sanctifies child rape.
What kind of God gives commands for murder, rape and slavery?
Why can’t people understand that worshiping and praying to such a god, is bound to have negative effects?
Ritter mentioned the Manifest Destiny policy held by the Americans that ordered the slaughter & dislocation of the native people. Manifest Destiny derived from biblical themes of a chosen people and a promised land, as expressions of a covenantal relationship with Yahweh, the Hebrew god.
And people wonder how did the Jews ever grab so much power in the West. Christians gave it to them, that’s how.
Let us please remember our European ancestors that were also brutalized by the Abraham religion. Christianity brought in 900 years of the Dark Ages and feudalism to Europe. We didn’t need to read nor write because we had Jew god religion instead.
Our ancestors that dissented, were arrested, tortured, and burned alive in front of the entire community on the public square, their properties confiscated for the church. Was it any wonder that a people, conquered in Abraham religion would spread their bible beliefs in the lands on which they landed? [show less]
Edited 5 days ago
5 days ago
Age of Irony
Professor John Mearshimer, a respected scholar of international relations, who has been a professor of political science since 1982 at the University of Chicago, and Stephen M. Walt of Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, wrote the 2006 article, “The Israel Lobby,” one of the most controversial articles ever published in academic circles.. Originally published in the London Review of Books in March 2006, it provoked both howls of outrage and cheers of gratitude for challenging what had been a taboo issue in America: the impact of the Israel lobby on U.S. foreign policy.
I first learned of Dr. Mearshimer’s work after he joined alliances with Allison Weir, a writer known for her interest in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the founder and executive director of the nonprofit organization If Americans Knew (IAK), president of the Council for the National Interest (CNI), and author of Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel.If Americans Knew, (website) https://ifamericansknew.org/
Last week, Mearshimer made a public statement regarding the future of Israel. He warned that Israel is in “deep trouble” after assasinating the chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Isamael Hanniyeh.With no military solutions to external threats, internal chaos threatening civil war, & crippling dependence on US support, their problems are “unfixable & they’re digging deeper.”
https://x.com/SinaToossi/status/1820083945674871119?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1820083945674871119%7Ctwgr%5Eb10d2d8f6b425133dd9256f6f007684643b14375%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fgeopolitical%2Firan-says-it-must-punish-israel-wont-be-dissuaded-biden-hold-situation-room-meeting [show less]
5 days ago
Deepstate Want Civil War
5 days ago
Hitler did not fire up any crematoriums you fucking imbecile. Read some David Irving, stop believing in HOLLYWOOD.
5 days ago
The Israel corporation created before WW1, was designed by bankers. All wars are bankers wars.
This immoral “nation” forced itself upon innocent peoples in 1948.
The people in Israel are brainwashed. They have ruined 20 million innocent lives of the Palestinian peoples. I have no mercy for the Israel corporation, nor Washington DC corporation, nor any government, politician, financially rich person, organization, pharma pusher, or those who make a living on TV. ZERO. [show less]
Edited 5 days ago
5 days ago
What normies think fighting tyranny looks like vs. what fighting tyranny actually looks like: https://old.bitchute.com/video/aKMrUsMdZ9zw/
5 days ago
America is becoming the next Palestine ,all our mthf politicians are the bitches working for the Jews to make America the Jewmerica and 99% of them are non Jews
Edited 5 days ago
5 days ago
I agree and can see that. I do hope you will look into how much of Washington DC and its department heads are jewish. It is about half of that sick corporation. And the White/Euro man who works for jew bankers/governance is traitor.
5 days ago
100% true , and you know how Jews got this bitches by the balls , before they got elected invite them one by one in different places different days in some private party’s then offer a drink then little by little they got drunk or sometimes they go faster they put something in their drink and they send them to e special hotel [show more]
Edited 5 days ago
5 days ago
Mutilator (Mute me Harder) of Thirst
Yeah, cuz Israel is just perverting the Judaistic cause, people…
I’ll see myself out….
5 days ago
“The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine” — Book — By Ilan Pappe — The VERY BEST BOOK explaining the Israeli/Palestinian conflict!
From the book’s back cover:
The 1948 Israeli War of Independence involved one of the largest forced migrations in modern history. Around a million people were expelled from their homes at gunpoint, civilians were massacred, and hundreds of Palestinian villages destroyed. Denied for almost six decades, had it happened today it would only have been called “ethnic cleansing.”
In this groundbreaking book, renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappe offers impressive archival evidence to demonstrate that, from its very inception, a central plan in Israel’s founding ideology was the forcible removal of the indigenous population, a strategy that continues to the present day. Dr. Pappe’s vivid and timely account sheds new light on the origins and development of the Palestine-Israel conflict, and is indispensable for anyone interested in the Middle East.
The State of Israel loves to play the role of victim on the world stage, but the truth is, since WW II, Israel has been one of the most murderous aggressor/terror states in the world. Had any other nation on earth committed the atrocities you will find documented in this book, the entire world — especially the United States — would hold it up to global condemnation. But you have likely read or heard absolutely nothing about it. The truth of Israel’s bloody conquest of Palestine has even been hidden from the people of Israel themselves.
Evangelical Christians who are enamored with the modern State of Israel, believing it to be a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, need to take a close, hard look at the brutal history of the Zionist state. Reading this book is the best place to begin.
313 pages
.https://libertyfellowshipmt.com/Store.aspx#!/The-Ethnic-Cleansing-Of-Palestine-Book-By-Ilan-Pappe-The-VERY-BEST-BOOK-explaining-the-Israeli-Palestinian-conflict-BACK-IN-STOCK/p/236715938/category=15986016 [show less]
5 days ago
he gets it but can’t see the 2nd world war lie
5 days ago
He has been indoctrinated, brainwashed by Washington DC/CIA/BANKERS and cannot fully get out of his head/mind.
5 days ago
As an englishman I am convinced the British ZOG regime will jail me
because of my hatred of ZOG Israel & the globalist western filth..a price I must pay
5 days ago
Try not to make it easy for them!
5 days ago
Yep..It seems they have already started busting down doors on native whites after their ZOG staged riots in recent weeks,The raft of OTT measures by Strmer & his cult were simply waiting for the right engineered crises
5 days ago
A Jew is a Jew..
Evil and ugly!
5 days ago
And will never change…
5 days ago
If you pay attention to the Simpsons , written by a 33 degree free mason Matt Groenig ., they tell you who is really in charge. Or do you really think they can predict the future.
5 days ago
The Simpsons is 35-year CIA psy-op
5 days ago
A Trillion Problems for Russia.
Russia seems to be at War with Israel and not even Russia notices.
Could Israel be the Mastermind Behind Russia’s War in Ukraine?
Russia is not at war with Ukraine, the USA, or the UK as countries nor with NATO or the EU as organizations. Instead, it is at war with Israel, a country that has been strategically manipulating global events to its advantage for decades and most importantly, its been doing it from behind a veil of obscurity using US / UK / NATO / EU etc as 4th party proxy agents to 3rd party actors such as Ukraine’s Zelensky etc. Let’s shed some light on Israel’s involvement in creating all these wars around the world.
Israel’s Control Over Powerful Organizations:
Israel exerts considerable influence over key political entities, such as AIPAC, which has been instrumental in controlling the US Senate in Washington DC. Additionally, Israel’s dominance extends to the Banking Powers in the City of London directly connected to powerful banking families such as the Rothschilds whom with their Balfour Declaration, were instrumental in the creation of Israel in the first place. They control the UK money and so they control the UK politicians directing foreign policies such as supporting the current war of distraction in Ukraine — against Russia.
The Greater Israel Project:
Israel has long sought to expand its territorial reach by overthrowing its neighbors, including Syria, Iraq, and Iran. By manipulating regional conflicts and destabilizing countries, Israel aims to create a “Greater Israel” project, which would extend its borders far beyond the current state’s boundaries.
Israel’s US War Strategy:
In 2004, General Wesley Clark revealed from the Pentagon that the USA had planned to invade and overthrow seven Middle Eastern countries with in 5years. This war strategy included Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. Israel controlled Washington, which played a crucial role in executing this plan.
Israel’s ISIS:
Israel used the US invasion of Iraq to implement its agenda for the Middle East. It socially engineered the rise of ISIS in Iraq and sent them to Syria as a tool to overthrow Assad. Russia stepped in and successfully destroyed ISIS, effectively undermining Israel’s plans for Syria and all the while invalidating any justification for having US presence in the region — despite it already being illigal.
So why Ukraine?
Understanding that Russia poses a threat to Israel’s Middle East ambitions, Israel sent Victoria Nuland & Co. (Israeli Darlings) into Ukraine to kick Viktor Yanukovych out and provoke a paralyzing war with Russia. This strategic move aimed to tie up all Russian forces and prevent them from being capable or even interested in supporting, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran or Syria — again.
Lets face it, Israel has been orchestrating conflicts and wars around the world for decades, using powerful organizations and countries as pawns in its quest for regional dominance. Russia’s current challenges in Ukraine can be traced back to Israel’s manipulations, which aim to distract Moscow from supporting its allies in the Middle East, while Blackrock’s Larry Fink (Israeli Darling) massively profits from Wheat Market manipulations off the backs of a disrupted agricultural economic activity of Ukraine as well as from all the Western Defense Contractor’s soaring Profits.
By exposing Israel’s role in creating global conflicts, we can begin to understand the true nature of the wars that have plagued our world for years and in particular the “So-Called-War” in Ukraine — and how it all was pretty much kick started by the False Flag attack on Larry Silverstein’s (Israeli Darling) WTC Twin Towers in NY City on 9/11.
End of the day, it seems Israel is behind everything.
They have literally been given Trillions of Dollars for free.
Because that’s what it takes.
Trillions. [show less]
5 days ago
I find it hard to believe Russia had any ambition to destroy Ukraine or its people. I could be wrong. All wars are bankers wars, and this could be Israel using the Russian military to clear land for the EXPANSION of Israel, or gives them a way out of the land of Palestine. Possible.
5 days ago
Overton Window has still long way to shift. American observing analytics can not wrap their head around General Patton’s quote: “We fought the wrong enemy!”. P.S. It is possible that to say : “We, the americans kicked the wrong ass on D-Day. We supported the mass democide of the many good people then, like we do today in Gaza” would be just like having gunfight standing upright — suicidal.
5 days ago
Before all this comes to its conclusion the U.S. Govt-ZOG- and the Israeli Jews will emotionally extort the entire world with the threats of Thermal Nuclear War. A psychopath has to do what a psychopath has to do. You see, it all about being exceptional and indispensable by the dispensational.
5 days ago
So much of the Bible “may “have been rewritten from 100AD to 300 AD and also factor that the Catholic Church has never been Christian but is Satan’s also …..that how can you put much credence into it ….Paul of the Bible was A Fake apostle with an agenda of serving the Romans too , the actual Apostles couldn’t stand Paul and didnt trust him …..Luke was A Doctor and acted as Paul’s scribe !
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5 days ago
Paul was an eyewitness to Christs resurrection. Therefore he was as genuine an Apostle as the twelve. He laboured harder than the other twelve put together. God used him to pen the bulk of the New Testament. He was martyred BY the Romans( under Nero)…Paul’s only ‘agenda’ was to glorify God through the proclamation of the Gospel. [show more]
5 days ago
So what proof do you have that Paul was a false apostle ?
5 days ago
he has been exposed by current Bible Scholars ..his story of being struck down on the road to Damascus changes from the beginning of the book of Acts till later in the book ….if God / Jesus wanted Paul to be an Apostle , don’t you think that he would of taken Judas’s spot instead of Mathias was it …No , Paul self anointed himself to be an Apostle and hijacked the early Christian movement and made it his own ….James and Peter couldn’t stand Paul and this “Stephen “character may have actually been James , the brother of Jesus , that was the chief Priest then that was thrown down from the Temple steps and then stoned to Death ….Paul took part in this ! ….Paul was A double agent of sorts , so even the first 3 gospels may be in question , particularly the prophecies is my point …. John’s Gospel doesn’t have in it what is written in Matthew 24 , Mark 13 and Luke 21 …. just saying
[show less]
5 days ago
how do you know that he was “martyred “…they’ve changed A lot of history , for history was written by the victors
5 days ago
So basically no proof then, just a bunch of gossip as i thought.
5 days ago
the early Catholic church not only translated the books of the Bible from the original Greek and Hebrew mostly to Latin ( so nobody could read it except those with A Latin education ) , they decided which books to be included and not included ! …in this translation , how do you know or don’t know what was changed or omitted all together the Catholic Church has never been “Christian ‘ …the word Catholic just means “Universal “….the Vatican is and always has been A Shrine to satan , do your research in this ….what an amazing deception all along ! Martin Luther figured it out with his reformation movement , and for this the Catholics firmed the Jesuit order …A military arm if the church designed to persecute and kill ( by burning at the stake , they’re favorite ) Martin Luther and his followers ! Even during the earlier times , if some peasant family were found with A Bible , they were burned at the stake …now how “Christian “is that
….. point is that since the time of Dan in the old Testament , satan’s own ( the Kennites ) infiltrated the Temple and became Scribes , changing the scriptures wherever they like ….Paul hijacked the early Christian movement , called the Essenes I believe , and made it his own into being more tolerant and perverting the real Christian way into what in today’s world would be Liberalism
….so supposedly they made Paul A Martyr then , but there’s no evidence of this , is there ? [show less]
5 days ago
OK everyone’s attacking you but I am intrigued. I’ve heard this repeatedly and I’ve also examined the differences between Paul’s ‘gospel’ and the others .
What else do you know? I’m really thrown off by the fact that he was never in the presence of Christ, by the fact that Christ said no one will see me again until I come back in glory(I am paraphrasing here) and yet Paul claims to have seen him, then there was a weird story of the Judaising of Christians where Paul was partaking in the head shaving that was ritual for the Nazarites. None of those things seem settled with me [show less]
5 days ago
While i dont agree with your take on Paul i do however agree with your take on the Vatican, it is historical fact that the Catholic church heavily persecuted the Christians, burned them at stake with their scriptures tied around their necks, However even with this heavy persecution and scripture burning some scriptures did survive and formed our modern day Bibles.
5 days ago
You are 100% about the Catholic Church. And what they’ve done to the Bible and what other people have done to the Bible and the fact that you just need to get a pre-king James Bible or the orthodox study Bible, but don’t be orthodox because they have that idol problem with Mary also and all the other idols. But their book is pretty [show more]
5 days ago
The Mary figure in the Catholic Church isn’t thee Mary , but Semiramis ….who is the Whore of Babylon ….and the baby figure us Tammuz , who’s birthday was December 25th …..Tammuz was born well after King Nimrod was killed in A hunting accident , supposedly by A wild boar attack ….so Tammuz was considered an immaculate conception ! … Jesus was born in September 29th is the most agreed upon date by Scholars ….but this “Whore of Babylon Semiramis may have been reptilian that had the ability to self impregnate ! …this Semiramis is also known as Diana , Is , Ishtar ( the Easter word ) and is also who the Statue of Liberty is fashioned after ! [show less]
5 days ago
I call it anti-corruption.
5 days ago
“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right.”
Adolf Hitler
5 days ago
Come on Ritter, stop using the Holohoax as an example. Makes you look bad.
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5 days ago
Mutilator (Mute me Harder) of Thirst
In my opinion it makes one look stupid, or deceptive.
Edited 5 days ago
5 days ago
We should be comparing the Holomodor 60 million tortured dead in Russia by the same people crying 20 years later about the less than 6 million dead holocaust every time the holocaust is brought up. It should be in our history books but it isn’t because guess who writes the history to be taught to children?
5 days ago
THWLMutilator (Mute me Harder) of Thirst
The mis-informed and brainwashed will still protect the “6 million jews” LIE that has cost innocent people trillions and kept people in a place of mental delusion.
Stupid maybe, but lazy in the mind and more than deceptive. Mis-informed intelligence is a dangerous person.
5 days ago
Mutilator (Mute me Harder) of ThirstTHWL
Stupid & misinformed = same result as deceptive. Possibly weapons grade.
Edited 5 days ago
5 days ago
THWLMutilator (Mute me Harder) of Thirst
Yes, the useful idiots do produce many of the same results. They are terribly mis-informed, but when they cling to the Whole lotta cost lie, covid lie, governments are “good people” lie, and fail to understand the bankers wars in the world over the last 250 years, they will continue to be useful idiots.
I have lost a lot of mercy/sympathy for the wealthiest half of the world.
5 days ago
Free America from AIPAC #BDS
5 days ago
Yes, and from the Rothschild banking, law writing, governance that has been here since 1791, and more so since1913.
5 days ago
then what does that make the rulers who actually control the filthy jooos???
5 days ago
Nobody controls the jews but satan not even themselves.
5 days ago
Filthy joos, No one other the zionist run all joos, haven’t you ever heard of the kahilla? Read BF Jackson’s ebook Mystery of the Serpent. It will tell you much that you don’t know
5 days ago
The present day Israelis are imposters, the most fraudulent identity theft ever. The joos are shatans literal children
5 days ago
Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer… and we are his chosen people.
Harold Wallace Rosenthal
5 days ago
Israelis are of Arab blood, they are Arabs. Why are they fighting their countrymen?
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5 days ago
Wrong, The edomites and Canaanites. Search you Scripture He tells you who they are. Arabs.. wow wake the hell up
5 days ago
scripture. holy hell. go take another booster you fucking idiot.
5 days ago
Because they are not “of Arab blood”. They are more Slavic than Arab. They are not direct decendants of Abraham and are not Semites. The true Semites are the Palestinians. Israel , generally are not real Jews. Zionism is pure evil and is the poison that is infecting the whole planet and it musr be eradicated.
5 days ago
Albert Pike , free mason grand master who is still glorified by the masons wrote the script along time ago. They would have Islam and Israel destroy each other to bring in their world order . It would take 3 world wars to do so.
5 days ago
actually turko mongolian
5 days ago
Plenty more of your people got the booster than ours did pal. Look around @ yer wimmins, man-ugly angry bluehaired abortionists… generation of VAX holes for sure. I bet there’s more of us boomers than you guys by the time this is all over with actually. None of the people I know took it. But the kids and grandkids have. (Not mine personally) we all live out in the country-there’s more of us than anyone thinks. We grow our own food that’s why we’re stronger and not sick. Good luck buddy [show less]
5 days ago
Well said, and ditto.
5 days ago
Since Rothschild took over the English stock market in earnest, working on information concerning the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo of which he was first privy, England was bound to be pervaded by Talmudic influence. Even ministers altered their doctrine to ingratiate themselves to growing Talmudic financial influence.
America sealed its fate with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act 111 years ago, allowing Talmudists who opposed multiracial expressions of sympathy and respect for Jesus to subvert our Constitution and influence every sector of public and private life. The result is a total debt exceeding 250 trillion dollars when adjusted for obligations to the social contract, and forfeiting collateral.
John Nelson Darby hatched the novel theory of Dispensationalism in the 1820’s to placate the emerging Anglo-Rothschild dynasty of England. In America, it was Cyrus Scofield funded by the Lotus Club, who began the conversion of American evangelicals to the present corn fried Zionist interpretation of Christian scripture.
Jesus instructed people to love their enemy. Jesus’ own people took his life and ability to have a posterity. Yet He could ask for their forgiveness in his dying breaths. Jesus did not qualify his statement for modern day American Christians of the evangelical Zionist persuasion in order for them to ignore his directions when he said to love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.
Jesus didn’t say make sincere effort to love the most difficult people, except when it comes to people the Jews of the International Bureau of Usury don’t like, as expressed in their narratives spun across the world through media inculcation (brainwashing — spell casting). Why do you Mr and Mrs Christian buy into Palestinians being a special mutant race of miscreants exempted from Jesus’ direction? You are not under the Mosaic Covenant. This is a great mistake.
Capish? [show less]
Edited 5 days ago
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Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
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Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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