Mark Collett
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Woodlander
Wed, Aug 21, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with The Woodlander about the recent protests and riots following the mass murder of White girls by a teenager of Rwandan descent and the government draconian response to the protesters.
Summary of points made:
• Collett discusses recent anti-migrant protests and harsh sentencing of protesters.
• He criticizes the “two-tier justice system” comparing sentences for anti-migrant protesters vs BLM protesters.
• Patriotic Alternative is raising funds to support families affected by harsh sentences.
• Collett announces an upcoming video on new counter-extremism laws.
• Woodlander joins and discusses new legislation criminalizing “misinformation”.
• They discuss the vague definition of “far-right”: “They will never define far right. I think that’s something we all need to push for, is a definition.”
• They criticize the broad application of new laws: “If you say anything that goes against what the government has put out, it looks as if that could be criminal.”
• They discuss the idea of white British advocacy groups and community building.
• Woodlander promotes his “Woodlander Initiative” for buying land and building communities.
• They discuss the potential for nationalists to work within the Reform Party.
• Collett: “Power comes from a heartland like that. And once you own the institutions within that heartland, it bonds the people in the heartland together so they are more likely to act as a group.”
• They discuss white emigration from the UK and potential destinations.
• Collett: “I cannot condemn a man who looks at his family and says, I’ve got a wife and three beautiful kids. There’s a little Italian village that still picks their own olives, makes their own wine, and they’re selling houses there for 5,000 pounds each.”
• They discuss the arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst under terrorism charges.
• Woodlander: “What they’re doing is they’re saying, we’re the government. We tell you the truth. Anything else is misinformation. And now what? They’ve gone one step further and said, by the way, misinformation is a criminal act.”
• They discuss the potential for new laws to wake people up vs scare them into compliance.
• Collett: “Are you a good guy? A good guy means that you’re a conformist. Are you a bad guy? Bad guy equals freethinker. Simple as that.”
• They discuss British expats in Spain vs immigrants to the UK.
• Collett: “When Brits do go to places, they generally don’t start stabbing people or robbing them off the back of mopeds or snatching mobile phones.”
• They promote Patriotic Alternative’s existing legal advocacy work with Workers of England Union.
• Collett: “We’ve had numerous asylum seeker centers shut down, numerous drag queen story hour events stopped. We’ve helped numerous people who were going to lose their jobs. We’ve set legal precedents and we’re going to keep doing that.”
• They express optimism about new approaches in British nationalism.
• Woodlander: “We’re going to start seeing success because we’re going down roads that can lead us to success and not futile paths that have been tried a hundred times before.”
Published on Wed, Aug 21, 2024
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Woodlander
August 22, 2024
Mark Collett
Episode 276 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Woodlander.
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(Words: 19118 – 2:03:45 mins)
Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to Patriotic Weekly Review, episode number 276, I’m live tonight. I say I because my guest has not arrived yet. He’s informed me he’s running a couple of minutes late, but he will be here shortly. But at the moment, it is me alone and I am live on Odysee. I’m live on Dlive. I’m live on Rumble and I’m live on Entropy.
Now, as always, you know how difficult it is for me to get the word out about these shows. I’m de-platformed on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, on all mainstream social networks.
So if you can, please do share this show, because I’m sure when my guest arrives tonight, it’s going to be a fantastic show. It always is when I’m joined by Woodlander. Something to look forward to.
Now, I do have some bad news. I’ve been promising a review of Europa: The Last Battle for two months. Last month we had somebody who was ill, and this month somebody’s way on holiday.
So that’s going to have to be postponed again, unfortunately, to October. So I’m sorry for people who are looking forward to that, this weekend. However, it will still be happening. I’m certainly not giving up on the idea. I didn’t sit through nearly 13 hours for nothing! And it is an excellent documentary. So it is something we are absolutely going to be doing. And I apologise to people who were looking forward to that.
Now, I will be back on Friday, and on Friday I do have a special video. Now I’m doing a video all about the new laws that are coming in. So Yvette Cooper has announced a “Hundred Day Sprint”, whatever that means, to identify extremism and ways to target extremism. And I’ve picked apart her statement and broken down the likely changes in the law and the way those will be implemented in order to take away our freedom of speech. I think we’re moving rapidly in Britain towards a surveillance Police State. And the kind of surveillance Police State where the government basically take away many of our protections and drop the threshold for what will be known as “incitement” for material that’s likely to incite hate, whereas before it was something like “incitement to racial hatred”.
But I explained it all in the video, and that’s going to be out at 01:00 pm on Friday, as always. So look forward to that. And please do remember, I always have a video out every week. I’ve done that since 2016. I’ve been very consistent in doing that. And last week’s video Protesters Jailed Paedophiles Walk Free is still available, will always be available, and remember, they’re always free. There’s no paywall.
Now if you want to support my work, if you want to support the show, please do consider a small donation. You can donate by Entropy, Odysee. They are the ways to do it live on stream. Obviously I will read out in the second hour of the show any paid donation, whether it’s a statement, or a question, and I will answer that along with my guest. He has just informed me he is entering his house now and setting up his computer, so he will be with us shortly, but we will answer any questions in the second half of the show.
Obviously, I realise not everyone can donate live during the show, as not everyone who watches the show watches live. You can also donate if you’re watching it on replay, and if you want to, you can donate via crypto-currencies. All the crypto links are down in the description of the video below, whether you’re watching live or you’re watching on replay. So you can see those on Rumble, Odysee and over on BitChute where the replay will be uploaded immediately after the show.
Finally, if you want to write to me, if you want to contact me please do at That’s my email address. And my website, is where you can get my book. Now you can buy a hardback, you can buy a regular soft cover, or if you want, you can download it for free as a PDF. So even my book is available for free.
So please do consider giving something, whether it is a small donation, something like $3, $5, $10. If everyone chipped in who is watching live, we would be the best funded movement on the planet. So please do consider that.
Now, before my guest arrives, I do have some news. Now, as we know, there has been over a thousand people arrested due to the anti-migrant protests that took place after the murders that happened in Southport. Those anti-migrant protests, some of them did end in disorder, and there have been a number of people arrested.
Now, the sentences being handed down are absolutely scandalous! You’re seeing sentences being handed out to 18 year old lads of 20 months for kicking a police van. I mean, I’ve never seen anything like it. And if you’ve been watching my social media, I’ve been comparing and contrasting these sentences with the sentences that BLM rioters got.
So there’s a greater comparison. A young black lad, he tried to set fire to one of the union flags at our cenotaph in London. He was 19 years old at the time. A judge gave him a suspended sentence.
Basically, the slap on the wrist. Told him he’d been a naughty boy, got a bit silly and off he goes home. Keep your head down. Don’t get into trouble again.
Young lad kicks a police van at an anti-migrant protest. 20 months in jail!
Now, I’m pretty sure that if you asked most people in this country what they think to an 18 year old lad kicking a police CCTV van, they would say, that’s unacceptable. If you ask them, should that young man go to jail, I think the answer would be unanimously, “no!” Sending somebody to jail for something like that is just overkill. It’s unfair. It goes against natural justice. Natural justice suggests that you should never be given a sentence that is disproportionate to the crime being committed.
So if you kicked a police van maybe you get a fine to pay for the dent, to be buffed out. Maybe you get community service to learn to be a good member of society. But jail for 20 months is ridiculous!
Now, equally, if you ask most normal people, what do you think to somebody who went to our cenotaph in London, a memorial to our war dead for multiple generations, and tried to set fire to the country’s flag? I think people would have a much harsher view of that kind of criminality than of somebody who kicked a police van. Yet this guy got let off!
Now, because of these injustices and because of the ridiculous sentences, and there has been some really terrible sentences. There’s been one where a mother of five has been jailed, so her kids are going to miss out on their mum for at least a year or more. Absolutely scandalous! I’ve seen cases where Muslim paedophile rapists have been spared jail because the Muslim’s wife didn’t speak English, so he had to be allowed out on the street. He had to be allowed out on the street because his wife couldn’t do the shopping. You know, she couldn’t get around. She needed him as an interpreter. She relied on him. But a mother, a White mother of five, she’s got to go to jail.
So you will see on our website, dot UK, and you’ll see on our social media. We are the only group that has stepped up. We’re the only group that are doing something about this. We’re the only group that actually cares. And you can tell if somebody cares because they do something, they don’t just pay lip service to it.
We have started a fundraiser. We’ve already raised over 8,000 pounds for people who have been unfairly sentenced, and specifically for the families of those who have been separated from their mother, their father, their primary carer. So if people have children, if there’s an elderly man who’s cared for by his son, and his son is now in jail, we intend to discover who those people are and give them substantial donations.
So the more needy will get more, etcetera. That is something we’re doing. We’re also compiling a full list of people that we believe fall into one of three categories. The first, people who said things on social media, you shouldn’t be going to jail for things you said on social media. Simple as that.
Number two, people who have been unfairly sent to jail. So, you know, for basically non-crime. So people who kicked a police van. A guy got sentenced to jail for shouting at a police dog, another man for gesturing at the police, and one guy for simply being their world disorder take took place. People in that second category are people who were arrested and jailed for what were effectively non-crimes.
And thirdly, there is another category, people who were arrested for things that were undoubtedly crimes, like kicking a police van or throwing a rock. But these people have been jailed for a vastly disproportionate amount of time, that is years for something minor. We are compiling a list of people who fall into those three categories. People who said things on social media, people who committed non-crimes yet were jailed, and people who did commit minor crimes but were given harsh sentences. We’re compiling a list of those people were trying to get their prisoner numbers so that we can write to them, offer support to them, and give them any legal advice they may need.
This is a huge campaign. If you can help in any way, please, please check out what were doing both on social media and on our website, which is dot UK.
The wandering Woodlander is finally here! How are you doing, my friend?
The Woodlander: I’m good. Hello, Mark. Sorry for my lateness. It couldn’t be helped. Traffic and whatnot. Should have left earlier.
Mark Collett: So it could have been helped? xx As always. zz As always. Yes, indeed.
So how have you been, my friend?
The Woodlander: Yeah, good. I’ve had a good day. It’s been a mad week, as I’m sure you’ve discussed. Interesting, though, Mark, really interesting. The things that have happened over this last week and the way that Starmer has introduced legislation and set precedents, which will be interesting to see going forward.
The one for me is that it looks like what he’s trying to do is to say that the government are the only people that give you the truth! And if you say anything other than what they’ve said, that is now misinformation or disinformation, and now they’ve criminalised publishing disinformation and misinformation!
So if you say anything that goes against what the government has put out, it looks as if that could be criminal. When you can get put in prison for misinformation, and they’re saying that only what they put out is the truth, then surely saying you don’t agree with the government would be misinformation. And that’s dangerous territory. But that does look like what he’s trying to do.
Mark Collett: Well, it actually goes further than that, if you don’t mind saying, and I’m getting a bit of feedback off your mic, Woodlander, every time I talk. Yeah, thank you.
So it goes further than that. I’ve actually read the documents that have passed this into law. And it actually doesn’t just criminalise misinformation and disinformation, it creates another one of these two tier systems.
So there are a number of exceptions that have been carved out in the legislation. So if you are sitting in Parliament, if you are working for an approved major broadcast, so that will be like ITV, Channel Four, Sky News, BBC. If you write for what they class as a major newspaper. So again, The Times, the Telegraph, the Mirror, the Sun, the Mail, the Express, or if you are somebody that they class, as you know, a leading member of the establishment, so you’re in the judiciary, you’re a leading police officer, you’re somebody who’s important to the establishment, you are exempt!
So this means if you’re a journalist and you say, like some of them have in the past. So I’ll give you an example. When there was the riots in Knowlesley, one journalist wrote this horrific newspaper report saying that it was all my fault, saying that I was the one who’d stirred it up. I had specifically sent people there, I was coordinating this, and they later had to retract that. It was later retracted because it was misinformation.
In fact, it was more than misinformation, it was a complete lie! Because there was nothing to base that on. I’d never said that. And on all the streams, you could go back. I’ll always say to people:
“Don’t attend protests after night, after dark. If you come to a PA protest, there’s no drinking. We’ve got to be as well behaved as possible. Don’t get involved in violence. If you think there’s going to be violence, probably best not to attend because you’re only going to get yourself arrested.”
This has been my mantra consistently since I started doing these shows in 2016.
Now, despite all that, this guy lied!
But if you were to then say, I’m ringing the police and I’m reporting you for spreading misinformation or disinformation about me, the police would immediately say:
“No case to answer. Because he is doing that through a major newspaper that there’s an exception for.”
So at this point, you’re not just creating a Ministry of Truth, you’re also creating some kind of level of hierarchy where if you are part of the establishment, you get a pass. And no matter what you do, you cannot be found guilty under these laws because they simply don’t apply to you.
The Woodlander: Yeah, I think we’ve all seen this coming for a long time. It seems that it’s happened really quickly since Starmer got in. But to be honest, I think he’s playing a playbook. I think this was already scripted out. All they were waiting for was the reaction that they got after those horrendous incidents. It could have been at any time, it just happened that it was a week, or a month into his premiership.
But I think this has been on the cards for a while. A huge legal crackdown on dissent and countering what’s put out by the government. And it’s really dangerous ground. We all know this historically, the communist playbook, where this leads to. And it’s getting to the point. I mean, we’re seeing it play out in real time at the moment, which is if you disagree, if you dissent, you’re off to the Gulag! Literally.
Mark Collett: Well, I completely agree. And these new laws, well, I’m actually doing a video on it on Friday on these laws, and not specifically these ones about misinformation and disinformation, but about these counter extremism laws, how they’re basically conflating extremism with terrorism and how they are dropping the threshold of what you need to do, which is the most worrying thing.
So the old threshold was if you were inciting racial hatred, you had to use language that was “abusive, insulting or threatening”.
Now, that’s quite a high barrier because if we’re sitting here tonight and we are saying:
“Well we don’t believe migrants should come here because they commit crime at statistically at a higher rate than the native population and they often target young girls. And this can be proven because X, Y and Z.”
That’s not threatening, it’s not abusive and it’s definitely not insulting. It’s just a calm statement in effect calling for policy change. But under new laws, they will say:
“Well, is that likely to incite hate?”
And it doesn’t have to be abusive, threatening or insulting. Somebody just has to say:
“Well, could that make people dislike migrants? Could that make people hate them?”
And all of a sudden, because you’re not on the BBC, the social media platform you’re on, because they’re talking about bringing back the Online Safety Bill again, but making it more robust.
So the platform you’re on is going to get a fine, you’re going to get a knock on the door, and it will make it very difficult for people to actually say really anything unless they’re part of the establishment. And if they’re part of the establishment, they’re going to say nothing anyway!
So that’s that!
The Woodlander: Yeah, it is, literally. Look, they’re criminalizing dissent, at the end of the day. And we saw this play out in the Covid pandemic, which is any dissent is instantly labelled “far-Right”.
And yet they will never, they will never define far-Right! I think that’s something we all need to push for, is a definition. This is a term they use all the time. What do they mean by that? Because if they can define it, you’ll find that most people will fall outside of it, or their definition is going to be so broad that it will encompass the whole of the British public. But it is something we need to hold them to account on, which is you keep using this term and yet you refuse to define it’s going to be a difficult one.
Mark Collett: Well, without tooting my own horn, I will say this. I predicted this years ago, but without using the term “far-Right”, I made a video years ago called What is a Nazi? And it had a provocative title because I wanted people to watch it. But at the time, the term “Nazi” was being, was the sort of go to term for anyone who said anything about immigration, said anything about multiculturalism, criticised the behaviour or criminal behaviour of migrant groups. You were called a Nazi. But Nazi was never defined.
However, it was made absolutely clear that it was okay to punch a Nazi. And you had Richard Spencer punched. And all these Lefties were putting the footage of Richard Spencer being punched in the face into their YouTube videos thinking it was hilarious! Punch a Nazi was trending on Twitter. And I was saying:
“Well, what is a Nazi?”
This is the problem when you get to call anyone you want a “Nazi”, but equally, you get to punch anyone who’s a “Nazi”, it gives you pretty much carte blanche to punch anyone you want because you’ve branded them this sort of cover-all word for somebody that you don’t like. Because that’s all it is. You know, no one’s properly going to define what I am.
And I’ve always been quite, … If I’m in public, I’m talking to normal people, I’m a nationalist. If I’m talking to people like yourself, my audience, people who are more initiated, I will differentiate and say I’m an ethno-nationalist because I believe there is more to nationalism than just waving a flag and living on a patch of land. I believe it’s blood and soil.
Now, that’s very important definition. But at that point, if you were to sell that to normal people and say to normal people:
“Look, I believe that to be an indigenous Brit, which is who I represent, you have to be of European stock and you have to have British ancestry that goes back a number of generations.”
And it is more likely that Europeans who have come here will integrate. And because of that, we want to restrict mass immigration from the developing and third world into Britain and put strict quotas, for that matter, on people coming from Europe because we don’t want to be chopping up our countryside, destroying our last bits of ancient forest and living like basically, like I said, sardines in a can. We don’t want to live that.
Now, if you say that to normal people, most normal people would say:
“This guy’s not a Nazi, he’s talking common sense!”
But according to the Left, you could just walk up to me and punch me in the side of the head for saying that. And you get polite applause from people in power.
And remember, at the time, all of this was sort of bubbling away, people like Theresa May were quite happy for people to be punched. People in the Conservative Party were quite happy for these terms to be thrown around and people to be victimized.
But now “far-Right” is a much wider reaching slogan. And that’s where I was wrong. I thought they were going to leave it at Nazi. So Nazis, the ultimate bad guy, you call some a Nazi, it gives them the right to hit them.
But now it’s far-Right. But what does far-Right apply to? Because the Guardian and certain certain large sections of the broadcast media, they would say anyone in Reform and Nigel Farage are far-Right.
So at that point I think they’d have a problem defining it. So they won’t it’ll be a law that’s purposely fuzzy around the edges, an umbrella law that can be applied, as and when they see fit.
The Woodlander: Yeah, exactly that. A lot of this legislation that’s coming through now is so vague. The Online Harm’s Bill, again, everything in there is vague. And we know why they do it. They do it so that they can use it against anyone they wish to, any time they wish to. And they don’t have to apply it when they don’t want to.
I know you’ve been talking about it and I’ve also, I mean I was on a stream last week and I was saying:
“Look, the thing we need to be pushing for now is a White British advocacy group.”
That was picked up by Academic Agent and re-shared the video that I did saying we need a White British advocacy group, that can liaise between the public and the authorities, that can liaise between the public and the press. And it’s going to have to be a group that isn’t political.
A lot of people said:
“Well what about Nigel Farage? You know, he’d be great as a, as an advocacy for the White British working class.”
The problem is he’s part of a political party and it would then look like actually what he’s doing is campaigning for votes.
What we need is someone that isn’t a political party that is set up to advocate for the rights of the White British! And I say White British because that’s the government’s own terminology so it can’t be used against us. It’s what’s on the census forms. But that organisation needs to look at all criminal cases, but not just criminal, social injustice. And it needs to contact local MP’s where this is happening and demand a response:
“This is happening in your area. Are you aware of it? If you are, what are you doing about it? If you’re not aware of it now, you are. What is your response? And we require a response from you!”
And then we can contact the press and then we can contact the police.
If there’s a riot, or a protest with any other group the police will go and speak to “community leaders”. Now these community leaders aren’t voted in by the Asian community or by the Somalian community or by the Afghanistani community. These are self appointed community leaders. We need someone, some advocacy group that is going to be the community leader for the White British, so that if there’s a protest going on, they go and speak to them and maybe we can get to the term where we can tell them how to police it, which is what happens in all other cases. It’s a hard ask! And I’ve said this on the stream, it’s going to take money to build an organisation like that. And it’s going to take ongoing commitment. But this doesn’t need a billionaire backer. It doesn’t need a millionaire. I’ll tell you what it needs. It needs the people! It needs the people listening to this to go, do you know what? We do need one. And if every single person gives a little bit, all of those little bits add up to, enough!
You’ve just raised 8,000 pounds for the families. We need to be doing this on a regular basis. We need legal representation. We need to be able to hire top class legal representation. We need to fight these cases! We need to fight these cases, as many as we can, and tie up the legal system, right? And it’s going to take time, it’s going to take money, but this is something that we have to do and is possible to do! So we need to do it.
Mark Collett: Well, I agree, and I don’t know if you heard all the intro that I gave while you were sort of coming into the house, but I was talking about the outreach campaign that PA are doing at the moment. We’ve raised over 8,000 pounds for families have been affected by these harsh sentences and this two tier justice system.
We’re already creating an outreach for prisoners and we’ve split because, look, I know that some of the people who have been jailed probably did pretty stupid things. So, like if somebody tried to set fire to a building or torched a car or was out looting, we’re not going to be raising money for them. But we are raising money for people who said things on social media who have been jailed for non-crimes or arrested for non-crimes or jailed harshly for minor crimes. So there’s been a major abuse of sentencing. And we’re doing that.
And also what you said about liaising with the police, we do that regularly. So we had a demonstration in Hull recently. I’m proud to say we’re the only nationalist group in the whole of the UK that during those anti-migrant protests, we didn’t turtle, we didn’t disappear, we went out, we were on the streets, we did a protest, we liaised with the police and we had about 60, 70 people at the protest. It was really, really good!
But it wasn’t just good, if you watched it, where was the police presence? Well, we had two police liaison officers, because we sorted it out with them beforehand. I speak to them in advance, I run through the things we want to do, I come up with a plan, I decide with them, where we’re going to meet up, how long it’s going to last, how we’re going to arrive, how we’re going to leave, know, assurances are given.
So, for example, if it’s a PA protest, I always say to the police:
“Look, when we’re done, everybody who is with us will immediately depart the area of the protest and we will drive, you know, 10, 15 minutes away to go for a drink and have something to eat. No one is sent onto a city centre, no one’s sent down the road to the pub around the corner.”
And we reassure the police that we are going to do that peacefully. So when you see a PA protest, there isn’t lines of riot police in the shot because they’re simply not there. You saw that in Leeds when we did the protest and demonstration in Leeds when Sam was jailed. And you can do these things if you’re willing to actually engage. And we have engaged at every level.
So when they were thinking of bringing in the new extremism laws under the Conservatives, we wrote a robust letter to both Mark Rowley and to Sarah Khan laying out our points and basically voicing our disgust that we were mentioned that way. The same when Michael Gove mentioned us in Parliament.
And I think one of the big problems we’ve got as nationalists, and this does need discussing, and I’ve said this to people privately. So many nationalists have been so used to taking a beating and I mean that metaphorically and sometimes literally, that every time some injustice occurs, they just take it! They’re completely stoic and they take it.
However, we found that if you start issuing legal letters, if you start writing to the prisons, if you start protesting, if you work within a reasonable framework and adopt some of the tactics that the Left used in the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement that can be directly applied to our movement.
And you and I have had long chats offline, I made no bones about this. I am not a huge fan of the electoral system. I’ve got an article actually, that’s being published in Heritage and Destiny laying out what I believe is that it’s a 3, 500 word article. It comes out in this month’s Heritage and Destiny, laying out what I believe is the future for the movement. I think ethno-nationalists need to get serious. Adopt a White civil rights approach. Stop messing about with these Parliamentary elections. If we do fight elections, they have to be on the basis of nationalist independence in localised areas where we can win.
But we have to focus on the things that we can do where we not just pouring tens of thousands of pounds into an electoral system that’s stacked against us, where we’re going to get 0.7% of the vote and be a footnote at the end of the election.
So when you look down that table and you see the top three, the only votes that count are the votes for the winning candidate. That’s the first thing.
But when you look down that table and you see others down below, outside of the top three, we’re just that little footnote in that election. But it might have cost us two and a half, 5,000, 10,000 pounds to fight just one Parliamentary by-election. And for what? For nothing!
But as you will be able to tell us, 10,000 pounds could go a long way for other things.
The Woodlander: Look, you’re talking my language! I was involved with the BNP, I think, before, I left when you joined, probably. I did a lot of looking. I spent a decade working within those organisations, those small political parties and activist groups. And it’s just apparent. It was apparent that the system was never going to allow those people near the levers of power. It might allow them to climb up slightly so that they were viewed by the public, and then they were squashed! And that was visibly seen by the public.
I watched UKIP rise from the back pages of This is England magazine, as this tiny little group under Goldsmith, be co-opted and turned into a pressure valve for the British people to allow their frustrations to come out. But it was never going anywhere as a political organisation! The political route has been blocked for quite a while.
And if you look back through nationalist history, the BNP was the most successful in a hundred years! A hundred years! Thousands of people, millions of man hours, millions upon millions of pounds spent to get us to the position we are now! Which is still exactly where we were 100 years ago, out there in the Wilderness.
If in just the last 30 years, we put those man hours and that money into buying property, into buying land, into investing in our people’s businesses, right, we would be the wealthiest organisation in this country. We would then be able to, … It’s not political people that hold the power. The Conservative Party might have been a very powerful political party, but I can promise you they were beholden to the people that fund them! They’re beholden to people like the building industry. They’re beholden to the man that gives him half a million quid. They have to do what they want. And this has been going on for years now.
People need to understand the real power comes through being powerful! Businesses, landowners, corporations. And this is something, this is an Avenue we haven’t explored. I think I heard you say the other day:
“This is fertile ground!”
Mark Collett: What I actually said was basically Morgoth. Morgoth said:
“Nature hates open soil! And it immediately tries to claim open soil and something will grow there.”
And that was an interesting point. But what isn’t open soil, what’s already a tangled mass, an overgrown mess, is the political space. And at the moment, the biggest and most fertile growth in that open space, from our perspective, is Reform.
And no one’s going past that. They’re going to live underneath it. It’ll block out the sunlight. And there isn’t going to be any nationalist tree under that because there’s not space.
However, there is fertile open ground adjacent to where Reform is. And that’s what I’m talking about going into. I’m talking about White civil rights, I’m talking about land acquisition, I’m talking about advocacy, I’m talking about what the Left did in the 1960s.
Now, the British people, I talked about this last week, so we’re not going to go back over this, but I said basically last week on PWR that the British people have been conditioned that the civil rights approach is the right approach. You can’t undo that conditioning. So all we have to do is apply that approach to our cause and they will naturally see our cause in a different light, which is important.
But something else is important. Now, I’ve been mischaracterized on this, and I think I’d like you to sort of speak about a little bit about this as well, because you and I have talked about it offline. You don’t have to unmute your mic, but did you see the debate I did with the “little man”? Yes. Well, the little man tried to mischaracterize me and say that I wanted to sort of go and live in tiny enclaves where there was like six or seven of us, and I just die there peacefully. That’s not true.
I’m saying go to somewhere like Savile town in Dewsbury and what do you see? An entire functioning Muslim community with its own schools, its own shops, its own community centres, its own religious buildings, its own medical care. They have their own food, their own clothes, the signs are in their own language.
The whole thing is its not three houses on an estate next door to each other. They just barbecue together on every other Sunday. It’s an entire community!
And if the rest of Britain said:
“Right, we’re never coming to Savile town again.”
They would completely, as long as they could get their food and their amenities in there, they would still function completely as they were. They don’t need outside people. They even have their own supermarkets.
And I’m not talking about three or four houses. I’m saying that if we want power, power comes from a heartland like that. And once you own the institutions within that heartland, it bonds the people in the heartland together so they are more likely to act as a group. We have nothing like that. And people can laugh at me and say:
“Oh, what are you going to do? Run away to a tiny Hamlet and have eight little houses together?”
Well if it starts with eight little houses, it starts with eight little houses. But what I’m saying is there are parts of the country that are still 90% White. British little towns, villages that could become White heartlands where nationalists move to and capture the local amenities, take over the local community centre, run the scouts. You know, if there’s a local they don’t call them schools anymore, but there’s academies where parents essentially run them as a cooperative. Why home-school? Who wants to home-school when you’ve got your own school that the parents run! And that’s what the Muslims do.
The Woodlander: This all comes down to one thing, which, and I think this is happening, which is we have to collectivise, we have to understand we are a group. For far too long we’ve all thought of ourselves as individuals, but we’re the only group that thinks of ourselves as individuals, and that’s always going to leave us at a disadvantage.
But you’re dead right about. I mean I’ve also had a back and forth with young Alec and I give him his due, I respect his enthusiasm. He’s kind of where I was 30 years ago and I’ve tried to explain some things to him and I think he doesn’t quite understand what I’m saying, which is, that’s fine. It’s not about cutting yourself off. I mean it did get to the point where he said:
“You know, anybody who leaves a big city to try and improve their life is a coward!”
And I don’t really know how to answer that.
Mark Collett: I do! I can answer it for you. I can answer it if somebody says that to me, I say:
“Well, then you’re a dickhead!”
Because fundamentally, if you’ve got a daughter or young children and they’re going to be a hated minority and their life is going to be a living nightmare, because you’re in a city centre and you can take them to an area where they can flourish and you can help them. If you don’t do that, you’re not [word unclear], everyone wants the best start.
The Woodlander: I mean, I know that that. I think he’s a bit confused. But what you’re saying is dead right. The argument against it is not everyone can afford to do that. Well, actually, you might be right in the beginning, but here’s what happens when you start to take control of an area is, you do buy property, and then you can say to those people still stuck in cities:
“Listen, do you want somewhere to live? Because we’ve got some properties and we can help you out here.”
So you can actually start to help your people, really help them! Not by saying:
“In 15 years time we might be able to halfway get into a council.”
No, that’s not really helping your people. If I say to a young man in Manchester who desperately wants to get out because he’s got a wife and a young daughter:
“Well, I’ll tell you what, I’ve got a two bedroom house here, right? It’s usually going for 300,000. We’ll arrange the mortgage for you because we’ve got a special deal and it will cost you no more than the house you’re renting at the moment!”
Now I’m helping someone. Now I’m able to help our people.
People know what I’m doing, buying land. And there’s two parts to that. There’s the initiative, which is open to everyone in our group, so members can use that land.
But there’s also members that want their own part. They want to buy their own bit of land, and that’s cool! By grouping these people together, we’ve now actually managed to buy two, three plots of land where people own their own individual plot. What they do with that and how we work that, right, is interesting because I spent hours upon hours talking to a solicitor the other day who actually said:
“I think we’ve got it nailed down. I should be able to get something through so you can put buildings on that land for people to live, legally.”
Now, if it comes off, I could be saying to people:
“Listen, I’ve got a two bedroom house. It’s ten grand. Ten grand! Are you interested?”
Now, this is real positive steps forward, right? I mean, I’ve got young children. I say young. My boys are in their thirties. And one of them is in a rented accommodation, the same as many 30 year olds. He’s got a wife, he’s got a baby and it’s a tiny little place and he can’t afford anything else. They’re working people, they can’t afford to move, they can’t even afford a place with a garden! And that’s horrendous! So imagine how good I feel when I say:
“Well, here is a two bedroom house. Have it!”
Why? Because I can build that. And with the people I’ve got involved with me, we could probably knock it up in a weekend. I’ve got builders in there, carpenters in there, I’ve got wood merchants in that group. We’ve got every skill you could possibly think of, right? We’re going down to some land that we own at the end of this month to build toilet facilities, shower facilities, so that people who do go there camping, especially the young ladies, have got somewhere they can clean up and go to the lavatory. Not like the gentlemen who just go beyond the oak tree. But that will be built over two days!
We can do that because we’re collectivising! We’re coming together to do something in a positive way that will help people. So much better than saying:
“Do, you know what? Join the group, give us ten pounds and hopefully in 20 years we’ll sweep to power.”
Which is a fantasy! I don’t know what to say, really.
Mark Collett: Look, I fundamentally agree with you. And this idea that we’re going to get success in the places where we are the smallest minority and have the most pushing against us is just idiotic! I mean, it’s like me saying to somebody, look:
“Your military is most likely to break through in the area where the enemy is strongest.”
People would laugh at you. That’s the analogy. To create a situation where we can break through, we need tactical withdrawal from the cities and towns that we’ve lost.
So, it’s like saying to somebody, I think Newham in London. So if you look at all 331 council boroughs in England, so you’ve got, like, bigger ones like Leeds, Birmingham, Manchester, then you’ve got smaller ones. And London’s made up of multiple council areas, but the worst council area out of them all in the whole of the UK is Newham, which is only 14% White British.
Now, anyone that would suggest that would be a fertile ground for us would be insane! You would actually be looking for the ones where we were in abundance.
For example, you know, no one would say to a Muslim cleric:
“The place you’re going to do the best is in a place that’s 90% White British and there’s only three Muslims.”
That’s why they cluster together. But I want to say this as well. Woodlander Initiative is not PA. I don’t own this. Many of people who are members of PA are part of Woodlander Initiative, but I absolutely endorse this. I absolutely endorse this! And what this man’s doing is amazing!
And everyone should endorse this, because it’s a genuine solution. It’s something that works hand in hand with other solutions as well. So PA aren’t buying land and putting up toilet blocks. We’re not doing that. This guy is. This guy is Pooling money to purchase land. But Woodland isn’t doing the White civil rights stuff, that’s us. We can work together, the two groups can work together and we can help each other. And we’re already working with groups like Workers of England, Union. We’re already doing legal advocacy in that way and we intend to continue. It’s a good idea.
But let’s just segue away because we talked today, I have three things that I wanted to talk to you about. One was your solutions. The other was two tier justice.
But there is an increasing number of White British ethno-nationalists that are now leaving the UK to live abroad and some of them are forced to do that. Obviously, everyone knows Tommy Robinson’s left.
There’s been a lot of talk about David Clews because he has been wrongly named by papers, he’s been singled out by the government. They seem intent on destroying that man’s life and his wife’s life. And he has now left the UK.
And interestingly, as these people were leaving the UK, Russia have now made overtures to people in the West who are victims of what they have called “Western neo-liberal policy”.
And I’m not going to just talk about Russia because if I do, there’ll be a load of people going:
“Ahh! But this and that and the other!”
I’m going to talk in a broader sense. Russia aren’t the only country doing this. There are other Eastern European countries that have welcomed White dissident political figures and their supporters on the basis that:
“If you come here, you stick by the laws, you don’t do any harm to our government and you just basically want to criticise British government from our soil. You can live here in peace and we’ve got no problem with it.”
What do you think about that for a solution? Because it’s one of those interesting points where I don’t want to sound like I want to run away, but a lot of people are looking at this seriously.
The Woodlander: I’ve had the “running away” finger pointed at me so many times, I’ve lost interest with it. I’ve had the opportunity to move out of the country quite a few times. My parents moved out of the country, moved to Spain for many reasons. They just saw the country they once loved slowly becoming worse. So they moved to Spain. I could have moved out there. It was a much better standard of living, a better healthcare system, but I didn’t. I stayed.
I stayed and built a business, and I’ve got grandkids here now. I completely understand why someone would. If someone’s single, or a young couple, there are better countries. And that’s a horrible thing to say! And it leaves a sour taste in my mouth to say it. But sadly, Britain is becoming so restrictive, I mean, massively restrictive! And I don’t see that getting any better. We will have to wait and see.
But I think next year is going to be a turning point. They’ve been very open with that date of 2025 and again, 2030 on loads of different documents, they seem to be specific dates. That could be why he’s going in so hard and fast now. The Online Harms Bill, the new legislation, it just doesn’t look good.
There is another group in America as well, I mean, you’ve talked about Eastern Europe and Russia, the Return to the Land organisation, who’s run by one of our guys in the Ozarks area in the States. They purchased 158 acres. That was their first purchase. Broken up into roughly three acre plots. They’re building hash homes. They’ve built a school, they’ve got an academy. They’ve got businesses set up on the land. They reckon they will be able to take over their local government, the sheriff and the local government within two years, because there’ll be more of them than there are people in the village. It’s quite interesting. So there are opportunities outside of this country.
What I would like to see is groups like PA, groups like the Woodlander Initiative, groups like the British Democrats that are running the political site, coming together, sitting around a table, and working out a way forward where we can all work together. Right? This has needed to be done for a long time, and I’m up for that. I think we can do something here, I really do. But it would be handy to have people in other countries, just in case it all goes pear shaped.
Mark Collett: Well, I agree, and I’ve been to one of these unity meetings, and other than two people who stormed out like children, everyone else got on and agreed to a plan of action.
And one of those plans of action was not to stand against each other. If there was going to be a demonstration, the idea was that groups would ask each other first. We would try not to hold demonstrations more than sort of once every four to six weeks, because it was destroying the demonstration scene. Good ground was made and lots of people who saw that were interested in attending future unity meeting. So maybe you and I should have a talk about that and arrange that.
But one thing I’ve got to say is I’ve never been drawn to going to Spain, but I do have a particular fantasy. And before anyone says anything funny in the chat, not that type of fantasy. I love these places where you can buy sort of 8 square kilometres woodland, and then there’s a house made of glass, wood and steel in the middle of it.
And it’s like one of these super technical, modern like, but retro buildings at the same time. So it’s all modern and beautiful and spacious, but it’s made of wood and glass. And when you wake up in the morning, you see the forest and you’re surrounded by the trees.
And that would be more my style than running away to the south of Spain for what they get in Spain. I’m not really up for that. But if I was going to go, which I have no plans to, that would be my, … You know, the sort of thing. I mean, where if you bought it in this country, it would set you back like one and a half million, but if you bought it in some Eastern European country, it would be like 150 grand!
The Woodlander: Well, again, I’ve been speaking to the lads on the Return to the Land Organisation in the States. Their land has increased in value massively just by doing the work they’ve done on it together.
And I can give you some sort of example just on the plot I bought. I bought two acres of woodland, I built a cabin. I didn’t break any laws to do it. And it’s here and it’s fine. I built this. It’s increased in value now about 500%, which isn’t a bad markup. So there’s things you can do and there’s things you can do as an organisation and as a company, where you can generate income and then you can plough that back into helping our people, which is all I’m actually doing.
There’s so many more avenues where we can help the people and that includes political parties that we want to back as well. For too many years I’ve listened to people say things like:
“Oh yeah, but we’ve got no financial backers.”
Okay, that’s fine. Let’s grow our own then! Let’s build some businesses where people do become wealthy and they can put money into it. Laura knows this all too well. You know, she started the tea company and that’s a fantastic thing! But we should be looking at all of our people that want to start businesses, help them out, build them up, have somewhere that they can advertise their goods, all of this sort of thing. Grow the businesses and that money will come back into our group. It’s obvious, really.
Mark Collett: Well, I fundamentally agree, and that is what other groups do.
And I’ve said this on streams before. You know, when Mr Akhtar wants to buy two new tyres for his car to get it MOT’d, he goes down to Mr Javid’s tyre yard. And when they take it to get the car MOT’d because he’s got his new tyres on they go to Mohammed’s MOT centre. They don’t go to the big chain organisation like Quick Fit. They don’t go to the little White guy on the other side of town and give him their business. They keep their money in their own communities. And that’s something you can’t do if you live in an area where you’re a tiny minority.
And to me, what you’re saying with what they’re doing in America, it’s funny because all these people who talk about the need to fight elections, they don’t understand how you win elections. You win elections from having a community group. Let’s say, because Australia and America are great examples of this. I’m a huge fan of watching real crime documentaries. And when you’re watching these, you often find out about almost abandoned towns in places like America and Australia because sometimes horrible things happen there and you’re watching it and they say this almost abandoned town in Australia was a place where the criminals took their, … You’re thinking:
“How can there be an entire town that’s abandoned?”
But if a hundred nationalists move to that almost abandoned town where there’s only 100 people there currently, well, straight away they’ve got 50% of the vote and the electoral side of it comes naturally, off the back of just being a natural majority.
And like you said, with these guys in the States, by the time they rejuvenated one of these small towns that they bought land up around and they’ve got 100 families living there, it won’t matter whether people hate them. It won’t matter whether there’s an anti-fascist candidate. It won’t matter if a group like an American version of Hope Not Hate comes and leaflets every house, they’re automatically winning every single election! Just as Muslim groups have done here. And these things, ironically, the things that we’re talking about, despite us saying the electoral route is off limits to us at the moment, the things we’re talking about would actually allow for total electoral victory on a local level!
The Woodlander: Exactly that! If you have enough people an area, you win the council seat and you run the council. And the money comes down from government and you spend it in your community, you hand it out to the projects that you want to. And we understand this because when it was called the “Loony Left” in the eighties and they were getting the money from government and they were spending all these stupid Left-wing projects, we could do exactly the same. But for our people! It’s not rocket science, right?
But in order to do that, you need to take control of the area with the people first. So either buy the land and build the homes, or buy the homes and move in the people, grow businesses, buy property, all of these different Avenues, which we haven’t done before. And within two to three years, you are a very powerful groups, and able to help!
Mark Collett: Also, I do think at the moment, and this goes in the face of what we just said, there is a viable route for ethno-nationalists who are not face out and have not shown their hand publicly to get elected. And that is actually through the Reform Party. For the first time in the history of electoral politics in the UK, a political party standing on an anti-immigration platform has returned candidates to Parliament.
Now, this presents opportunities, but it also presents pitfalls. No one is going up against them and beating them. In fact, they will destroy anyone who goes up against them.
Secondly, going up against them would actually be a really stupid thing. And I said this to someone the other day, I said:
“What’s going to happen if people keep thinking along the lines of the electoral route is there’s going to be five tiny nationalist parties, the Heritage party, British Democrats, you know, Reclaim, several of them will all stand in a Parliamentary by-election. Reform will also stand. Reform will take about 12,000 votes. These parties will all take 200 each, totalling 1,000 votes and Labour will get 12, 100 votes.”
And you’re actually going to get a situation where squabbling tiny nationalist parties that didn’t get a significant portion of the vote actually ensured that Labour took a seat and that would be a disaster?
Now, if you are a young, bright male or female, you’re looking at the ethno-nationalist movement and you’re thinking:
“Look, Mark, look, Woodlander, I really like what you’re saying, but I am really passionate about elections. I want to be out canvassing, I want to be out leafleting, I want to be out knocking on doors and asking for people’s votes. I want to do that. And Mark, you did that when you were younger.”
My advice is go and do it! But basically cut ties or cut public ties with any ethno-nationalist group. Don’t go face out for ethno-nationalism. Enter Reform. Keep your views intact, keep watching these shows, keep your close friends. You aren’t going to tell people what you’re up to. Move through the ranks of Reform, get yourself on that Parliamentary ticket and maybe in five years you’ll be an MP! At which point you can use your Parliamentary privilege to say what you want about mass immigration and Keir Starmer and two tier policing!
The Woodlander: It’s far easier to do, than you would realise. When I left the BNP, in 1997 when Blair was elected and I’ve been following his trajectory. I joined the Conservative Party and everyone was like:
“What are you doing?”
But I joined it at a time when they were at the time at their lowest point. And I wanted to see would it be possible to move nationalists into the Conservative Party and move it to the Right. Within three months of joining the Conservative Party, I sat on the European committee. I was shadowing an MP at the House of Commons. They were already talking about putting me into a safe seat as an MP in two years time. They put me down to run as a councillor, even though I said even if I won, I wasn’t going to run as a councillor. They were saying:
“No, but what we want to do is get your name on the ticket so that you’re a known brand. We will then take you out of the council thing and put you into the MP bracket.”
All of these different things. And yes, I met Thatcher, had dinner with Portillo, and all of this stuff. All my opinions never changed. I didn’t change my opinions! But I’m able to talk to Lord Stockton 1 minute and my mate works at the rubbish tip the next without annoying either of them. So it’s just common sense really, how you move through those ranks.
You would find if you joined Reform that you wouldn’t need to keep your views to yourself. I bet 90% of the people, the grassroots membership, which is what I found in the Conservative Party, that the grassroots membership of that party were just as Right-wing as I was, really! It’s just when you get to that very top level, when you get to the Tices, when you get to the Farages, they are corrupt at that top level!
And that’s what I found with all of the MP’s that I was mixing with and talking to and watching the dealings that was going on. It was corrupt as hell! But below them there is an opportunity to speak to people, to explain things to people, to move the whole thing further to our point of view. Without a shadow of a doubt!
Mark Collett: I completely agree. And I think it’s sort of we could do this Superchat out of order because ThinRedLine gave $5. Thank you so much! He said:
“In my opinion, one does not expect exclude the other. Why not do both build communities and seek political power at the same time?”
I think we’re kind of answering this now. There’s two ways that we can gain political power.
The first is build the communities and then local power would naturally come from that.
And secondly, using what is now an established and very electable brand, to parachute our people into winnable seats.
And I think in five years, time. Look, Stamar’s already crashed the plane, you know, he has already taken it into a nosedive. Look at what he’s managed to screw up in a month and a half. You’ve had multiple stabbings of people, all by migrants. You’ve got him going mental and calling for two tier policing and restrictive new laws. You’ve got them cutting winter fuel allowance for 10 million British pensioners. When we say British pensioners, look at the population pyramid. Pensioners in this country are the Whitest segment of the population pyramid.
So you’re going to be talking 90% of people affect the by that, if not more, will be White. He’s cutting their winter fuel allowance. He’s also talking about upping inheritance tax and screwing families out of their family homes.
They’re talking about pay per mile taxation for your car. So you’re not just going to go and get your car tax, you know. So I know people who’ve got very small and efficient petrol cars where you don’t pay any tax on them, because they fall under the threshold because they don’t present any form of pollutant.
And also I do know people with electric cars, not that I’d want an electric car myself. And they don’t pay any tax because they don’t use fossil fuels.
Now, these people are soon going to be told that you are going to be taxed and you’re going to have to fit a little black box to your car and every mile you go, you’re going to have to pay so many Pence to the government. And also that little black box will track you wherever you go and let the government know where you are at any given time. Labour are going full in on this! And they’re also going full in on allowing migrants to come here!
And I think it’s only a matter of time, and this is a pretty safe bet. It’s only a matter of time before eventually they have some kind of amnesty and they say:
“Look, all these illegal immigrants, they’re now British, so they’re staying here.”
Now, all of this is going to build Reform into, especially in Red Wall areas, the official opposition. You’ve already got 34 seats where Reform are in second place. And that second place when the Tories are in government. Imagine what it’s going to be after five years of Labour, after five years of Labour. People are going to be seething!
And what’s more, many of the people who have been unfairly arrested being victims of this two tier policing, live in Red Wall areas. I think embedding yourself in the Reform Party now and looking to four or five years down the line, that could be an electoral solution. Look, I’ve been in political parties before. There are very few activists. So the BNP, even at its height, with 14 and a half thousand members at its annual conference, just under 200 people, that was its key activist base.
Now, I should imagine Reforms will be probably about the same, because it’s a very elderly party. There’s a lot of older people in it. A young, active, fiery person willing to go leafleting once or twice a week is immediately going to be the go to person in that branch or in that region to take the best seat, because most of the people they have just won’t be active.
The Woodlander: No. And that’s the point. If you’re actually willing to do things within a political party, because most people are, most people are members, but never do anything.
If you want to get involved and you volunteer for things, you’ll be the guy running the Reform business club, which is what I did at the Conservatives. So I ran the Conservative business club. I was instrumental when rebuilding the Young Conservatives in the southwest. I started a new group called the Thirties to Forties Club, which was after young Conservatives of the 30 to 40s.
Now, all of these things were things that I said:
“Well you know why don’t we do this?”
When you’re talking to a bunch of people, … When I joined, the average age was 75, maybe 76. That was the average age of the people in the Conservative Association in the southwest. And it was like they didn’t do anything! Apart from their luncheons or their suppers once a month. And they’d have a speaker and they put some money in a kitty. They didn’t do anything.
So if you get someone who’s in there who’s active, who says:
“Look, we should be doing this, we want to get active on social media. We could do this. Let’s start a new group to get involved with education.”
You’ll be the guy they’ll be looking to get it done. It may as well be our guys in there doing this. That’s better for us. And in the long run it’s better for Reform as well. You will find Reform slowly moving to our way of thinking.
Mark Collett: I completely agree. Well, we’ve got another chat on this issue, which we’ll do out of sync. Jez 9999 said:
“If what the majority of the membership thought mattered, the Conservatives would have massively cut immigration. Joining Reform and trying to say anything Farage considers unacceptable is a complete waste of time. You’ll be kicked out immediately!”
We’re not saying join Reform. And then whip out your copy of your favourite nationalist book and say to Farage:
“Right, read this. This is what we need to do.”
What we’re saying is go into that party. They are understaffed and undermanned at local level. Go into the party, show enthusiasm, talk enthusiastically about things you can talk about in the party, such as migration control, deporting illegals, etcetera. You will soon be very well liked and you will soon be the branch organiser for somewhere like Sunderland.
You know, once you’re the branch organiser for Sunderland and you’re out leafleting every week, you’re going to be the guy that they ask to be the local Parliamentary candidate. And in places like Sunderland, I believe Reform are already on 34% of the vote. Well, that 34% is only going to rise dramatically when many pensions in Sunderland this winter and subsequent winters leading up to the next general election can’t heat their homes because Rachel Reeves cut their fuel allowance so she could divert more money to the huge and growing number of illegal immigrants still living in hotels all around the country!
These are things that people can do. No one is saying:
“Join Reform. Go in there and try to red pill everybody in there and show them all Europa: The Last Battle, or The Greatest Story Never Told!”
Don’t go up to Farage and say:
“Look, you need to watch The Greatest Story Never Told, mate. There was this guy in Germany and he had some good ideas.”
Don’t do that. That’d be idiotic! It’s about people who want to fight electorally should basically go into Reform, keep their heads down, play the game, get elected to Parliament, then use their Parliamentary privilege to go full mask off. It’s simple! Do you have anything to add to that, mate?
The Woodlander: No, I’ve got to be honest. I think Reforms there because they’re allowed to be there is, but whilst they are there, they’ve done something that no nationalist group has ever managed to do, and get into Parliament. To not take advantage of that, if it’s possible, would be a ludicrous situation. It really would. That’s a much easier route to Parliamentary power than starting a new political party and building up over 20 years, only to find at the end of it that they won’t allow you anywhere near power. That’s a wasted two decades!
Mark Collett: Well, look, to be frank, anyone who has started one of these micro parties over the last few years, they are going to face three huge problems.
One, they are never going to have the membership, activist or support base.
Number two, they are never going to have the money, the funding, the wealth.
And number three, they are never going to have a celebrity candidate who is a household name and who has a proven track record of breaking political barriers that nobody else has ever broken before.
Farage has achieved three things that no one else in the history of British politics has achieved! He won two national elections for two separate political parties. He took total victory in 2014 for UKIP. He took total victory in 2019 for the Brexit Party. He then went on to make the most significant policy change against the flow of policy that anyone’s ever made, which was the bringing about of Brexit.
And finally, he’s the only anti-immigration candidate who runs an anti-immigration party that has broken that Parliamentary barrier.
Nobody in the next four or five years before the next general election could build anything like that. It would take decades to achieve that.
And what’s more, decades is a period of time that we do not have. If somebody tells me that they’ve got a long game that can get us Parliamentary seats in, … Because Farage has been doing this since about 1999, I believe. So it’s taken him sort of two and a half decades to break that barrier. Two and a half decades. If somebody said to me today:
“We have a plan and it’s going to be two and a half decades and it’s going to get us five or six MP’s.”
I would actually look at them and say:
“Even if you could guarantee that, would that give us the time span to actually get a workable majority and reverse anything?”
The Woodlander: We haven’t got 20 years. I think we both know that. I think things are going to get harder and harder and harder for smaller groups. They’re going to get harder and harder and harder for individuals to actually say anything! The whole system is geared against us! The government have come out and said:
“Here’s the enemy! Guess what? It’s you! You are the enemy! The chances of you sweeping to power are zero. It’s not going to happen!”
It hasn’t happened in a hundred years. And I hear people saying:
“Yeah, but times are different now.”
Yes, they are. It’s harder now! It’s harder now than it was in the thirties, the forties, sixties, seventies, eighties or nineties k, it is harder now. It’s not going to happen! They’re going to make it harder.
So if there’s a possibility of moving a party further to our point of view, that’s already got some power, it would be ludicrous to ignore that.
Mark Collett: I concur.
And I think what you said there the term “ludicrous”, I don’t think that is an over exaggeration. You know, the thing is, what people have got to remember is over the last 5, 10 years, Farage has fundamentally, I’m not saying completely, but has fundamentally come in our direction to a large degree. And I keep stressing this point because it does need stressing. Nigel Farage was talking about things in this electoral cycle and addressing those issues in a way that the BNP at its height did not. You know, so the British National Party Party, when it won elections, never said, “we need to start deporting people”. That was a point that internally we were briefed, do not bring that up!
In fact, when I was in the British National Party, the British National Party changed its policy. The British National Party changed its policy from compulsory repatriation to voluntary repatriation and actually downplayed that on its website.
So there was a complete change in our approach to deportations, whether they would be illegal immigrants, etcetera, because it wasn’t a selling point.
In fact, at the time, people in the BNP felt that talking about repatriation would lose us votes. Now Farage is openly talking about deporting, in his words, “all illegal immigrants”. Well, that’s further to the Right than the BNP was when it won power in 2009. Well, it won two MEPs. It didn’t win power. Won two MEPs. That tells you something that I think is very important, that these people can be brought in our way and as a pressure group on their fringes.
Because, look, there are people in Reform who watch these shows. There are people in Reform that used to share my tweets. There are people in Reform that listen to Morgoth, follow Keith Woods, know about the JQ. And there was all that hullabaloo before the election that a number of people in Reform were all openly saying:
“What was the point in going to war with Germany? It was a waste of time, didn’t benefit us. Load of crap!”
That is unprecedented in British politics to have a party with Parliamentary seats where the membership and the candidates are openly discussing things that we might discuss tonight because somebody sent us a Superchat.
The Woodlander: Yeah, I completely agree. Like I said, I joined the Conservative Party in 97 to see if it was possible to take a party that had been crushed and move it to the Right. What I found was that actually at grassroots level, you didn’t really need to. They were actually pretty Right anyway. But the upper echelons of the Conservative Party had been there far too long. The beauty with Reform is that they haven’t. They haven’t and they haven’t got a stronghold on Parliament yet. They’re going to need more MP’s. I would rather those MP’s were our guys. I would rather the people running their think tanks were our guys. I would rather the people that running the business clubs and the forums and the Reform associations were our guys. Okay? And you don’t have to go there and cuck. You’ll find that 90% of the people you talk to in Reform are the same as us. Okay?
Like you said, they would retweet you and they would watch Morgoth, and the talking points would be the same. It’s only at that top level that they’ve toned it down. And I know Farage is not our guy, and I know Tice definitely isn’t our guy! But they’re going to need more people. And if the people they need are us, then again, it’s ludicrous not to take that opportunity.
Mark Collett: I agree. And look, I’m not saying this is the route for most people. I’m saying this is the route for people who absolutely want to don that suit, shirt and tie and knock on doors every night for the next four years to pave the way for an electoral victory.
Now, I know who Jez 9999 is, and I’m telling you now, no offence, mate, but you are absolutely not putting on a suit, shirt and tie and knocking on doors every night of the week for the next four or five years!
So this wouldn’t even apply to you. [chuckling] This applies to a specific type of young guys, probably in his mid twenties, like I was when I did that. He’s got all the energy in the world and genuinely believes in that kind of change. As a 43 year old guy with what is effectively a wife, absolutely a young daughter, and all the sort of problems and trials and tribulations that brings. I don’t have the time to be knocking on doors, you know, four or five nights of the week like I used to when I was a much younger man. But there are young revolutionary minded men who might do that.
Anyway, Merry Englander gave her $5. Thank you much. He said “donation”. Thank you my friend. John Skywalker gave $6 and he said:
“Watched your film review of Munich. As for why the lead character by Eric Banner questions his actions, I think Spielberg made him sympathetic to appeal to gentiles in the audience and any hesitation they may have fighting the War on Terror. Ultimately, I think pro-zionist Spielberg was to say, do what must be done. This can be seen in the final shot of the Twin Towers and the text, ‘nine of the eleven terrorists were killed’. Selling gentiles on their methods is also done in their book Rise and Kill Them First. I recommend reading it if you haven’t done so already. Really gives you their mindset.”
Well, I haven’t read that book and thank you so much for the Superchat.
Also, I was cheekily while Woodlander was talking, re-watching the end of the film then, because I actually didn’t notice that usually I noticed little things like that, but I didn’t notice that at the end of Munich they had the Twin Towers and 9/11 up on the screen. I mean, that that is just absolute sort of mental games at their finest!
Woodlander, have you seen Munich? Did you enjoy it?
The Woodlander: I haven’t seen it, no. It’s on my watch list. I don’t watch a lot of telly, don’t watch a lot of films, to be honest.
Mark Collett: Well, I hated the film, so you’re not missing much. It was horrible and there were certain scenes in it that actually made me feel quite sick. I didn’t enjoy it.
Glen19, gave $5. No, he gave $6. No, he gave $9 over multiple Superchats.
So I’m going to read them all together as one. Thank you so much, he said:
“Sad to say, Mr Collett, I don’t think anything political was gained from the riots, but it appears that they will copy what happened in the US with January the 6th people. Arrest and jail those involved, whether actively or passively. What do you think?
“I don’t think waiting for a race war to break out after demographics becomes worse will happen. Many will do what persecuted populations do in the past have done and emigrate. If nothing changes in the West, there’ll be mass emigration. Even those that go to the third world. Many falsely believe it’s impossible to take up residency and employment in foreign countries because there is a global conspiracy against White people.”
“As someone who worked and lived in different countries in Asia, I can say this is very false. When I was assigned to work in India by my employer, there were White South Africans in the gated community I lived in that play professional sports on Indian teams, ‘gori’, term for loose White women dancers for the film industry there and others. The Japanese media is largely not available in English, but they use western immigrants as examples on the media of the slowly changing Japan. Just like in this article.”
You can read the article there in the Superchat. I’ll answer this bit by bit, then I’ll throw it over to Woodlander.
Firstly, I think you’re absolutely correct! These riots have become the British January 6th. And that’s a very, very astute observation. I don’t think anything political was gained from them. I warned people not to go and get involved. I said this would happen and I said:
“Look, stay out of any trouble, you know, organise yourself in a peaceful manner.”
Now, I also think people who, when the writing broke out, started to talk about a race war were idiots. There isn’t going to be a race war. It’s much more likely that these kind of events will increase. And rather than a race war, we will end up in a Northern Ireland style situation where you have segregated communities, peace lines, and you end up in a situation where there are White British areas, there are Muslim areas, there are black areas, and there will be some mixing because there has been some interbreeding, but largely you will see sort of sectarianism, but on racial grounds.
And people who constantly fantasize about a race war. There has been no race war in South Africa. And that is far more brutal and far further down the road than we are here. I think we’re more likely to see sectarianism.
Now, the issue about emigrating, it’s something we’ve discussed tonight. I believe emigration will be something that is increasingly on the table for normal White Brits and it’s already happening.
So when they tell you that 1.5 million people, 90% plus of those are non-White, came to Britain last year, but net migration was about 800,000. The only reason net migration is 800,000 is not because 700,000 of those non-Whites went back. It’s because 700,000 White Britons went to live in Spain, Thailand, Vietnam, Serbia. Some will now be going to Russia, some will be going to Italy, some will be going to the south of France.
And this is why Farage’s Net Zero is not enough, because Farage’s Net Zero would basically legislate for a situation where 1.5 million non-White migrants arrived and 1.5 million White Brits left. And he’d call that a success! Well, that is not a success. That is replacement on steroids!
And we need to be mindful of this emigration because I know numerous people that I have met that I have shaken hands with that. Some of them I call good friends who are now living specifically in the Far East. That seems to be a real destination. Look at James Goddard. James Goddard at the moment is doing great shows. He’s got some great social media posts. He’s more politically active in terms of content creation than he’s ever been. And he’s doing it all from Thailand.
I don’t know if you want to comment on any of that Woodlander. Obviously, we’ve touched on stuff like this tonight, but over to you.
The Woodlander: With the emigration thing, it’s not for me. What I might do is look at a property abroad, but I’m not planning on moving full-time myself. I can completely understand the draw, especially with what’s going on in this country. The riots. No, they didn’t do anything political. I think they were allowed to happen as well. I think that the system has designed a society where an atrocity like that was going to happen at some point in time. They knew there would be a response, only this time they didn’t go all out to try and stop it! They allowed it to happen, so that they could do what they’re doing now.
So it was kind of obvious what was going to happen. It was local people. It wasn’t a “far-Right” organised thing. These protests weren’t organised. It was local people in different areas that were just sick and tired of what’s happening. And sadly, the government was waiting for that, and it fanned the flames.
And now it’s got its enemy. Now it can point and say:
“You are the enemy!”
And that’s all we’ve heard is about the “hideous far-Right”. They’re not far-Right. These are just local British people that are sick to the back teeth! And they’re ending up in prison. It’s a sad state of affairs. So no, riots didn’t do anything.
Mark Collett: And look, I’m going to go further than Woodlander here, and this might be unpopular, but strap yourself in for a hot take!
Not only didn’t the riots do anything, I believe that the government, Starmer himself, and the police, dealt with it in such a hamfisted way, they stoked tensions, angered people and more people came out. If Starmer had come out and attempted to reason with people, calmed them, talked about their totally justifiable fears about mass immigration, talk about the fact that Britain’s southern border does need to be policed. He could have even talked about it from a Left-wing perspective, like:
“We need to clamp down on people smuggling. There’s multiple victims in all this. But I understand your concerns.”
Most of those riots would not have been as bad, if they’d have even turned into riots at all! He stoked that. And he spoke to people in a way that was going to get that response. He then let those riots continue for several days. And when they’d been enough, there was then a choreograph, astroturfed and well funded response that will have cost tens, if not hundreds of thousands of anti-racist demonstrations paid for by the unions, choreographed everyone with the same signs, with all the same slogans on.
You know, those things are expensive. If you’re buying, you know, sort of 30 or so Corex boards all printed up, you probably get them for about five quid each at a decent size. Then you’ve got the wood to go on the back of them and all the rest, you’ve got somebody making them. There will have been somewhere, a production line producing those things are probably, you know, somewhere like 8, 9, 10 quid a piece, thousands of them being produced, shipped out all over the country by couriers or even by by same day couriers. Or even by union vehicles. All of that was choreographed.
So, number one, you have the prime minister laying down the law.
Number two, you have people baited into the trap.
And number three, you have the media rejoicing when the anti-racists come out en masse and put a stop to the evil far-Right:
“And because there were so many anti-racists, that’s the mood of the nation. So the only thing we can do is go along with the mood of the people now and punish the far-Right!”
To me, a lot of this looked like it was presented as some kind of theatrical event or even a pantomime. I don’t know if you’ve got anything to add to that, mate.
The Woodlander: No, I agree. I think, I said right at the beginning, this was done by a playbook. They were waiting for the response. It could have been in six months time that this atrocity had happened. They wanted that response by the British people so that they can do exactly what they’re doing now! So they can bring in legislation, so that they can start putting people in prison and set precedents for the reasons.
And it’s going to make things very much more difficult for us moving forward. You’re gonna have to watch what you say online. You’re gonna have to watch what you say in real life. Yeah. They wanted this to happen and they were just waiting for an excuse. It just so happened that it happened really early into his premiership.
But I think everything they’re doing was already done. It was already written down. They knew how they were gonna do it. The police knew how they were gonna handle it. It may look ham fisted. I think it was done on purpose. I honestly do! I think they handled the thing badly on purpose.
Mark Collett: I completely concur.
So we’ll move on from there. Dsallen7 gave $15. Thank you so much! He said:
“The UK government took a break from locking up their own citizens for standing in the wrong place to arrest journalist Richard Medhurst under terrorism charges for being critical of Israel. Two sides of the same coin.”
Well, that’s the other thing. Richard Medhurst is not a journalist. And you might be saying, what:
“Do you mean, Mark? He’s not a journalist?”
A journalist is now officially someone who gets a special little card from the state and is a member of the club. So if Richard Medhurst had been a card carrying journalist, he could not have been arrested for the things that he was arrested for. He was arrested because he is not a card carrying journalist. He’s an independent truth seeker. And independent truth seekers are now being rebranded as “misinformation agents”. That’s the problem!
And I know. Look, I know somebody might clip that out of context to make out like I’m insulting him. I’m absolutely not insulting Richard Medhurst.
I think what’s happened to him is absolutely scandalous! But what I’m saying is that is the way they do it.
The Woodlander: Exactly that again. I said it right at the beginning. What they’re doing is they’re saying:
“We’re the government. We tell you the truth! Anything else is misinformation.”
And now they’ve gone one step further and said:
“By the way, misinformation is a criminal act. So we will arrest you!”
Yeah, it’s not looking good! I think we should look into how you get press credentials. It’s not that difficult. If you’ve got a publication, you can apply for them. So, yeah, I’ll look into that. Because, I mean, I was accredited. I had press credentials before, I ran a magazine. I used to go to the motor show free of charge, go to press days, bike shows and whatever.
But you’re right, you do need to be accredited. We should look into it.
Mark Collett: I was just looking at Richard Medhurst there. He apparently isn’t allowed to say exactly what’s happening to him either, which is another scandal. Imagine being dragged away by the police, you know, locked in a cell, interrogated for 24 hours, then released with some kind of gagging order.
So you can’t even explain to people what happened to you. That is something that you’d hear about in the Soviet Union. They’d talk about that in North Korea, wouldn’t they? They’d say:
“Oh, a guy was arrested in North Korea. They dragged him away from his family. They returned him 48 hours later in clothes made of paper because they’d taken all his clothes away. All his personal items were seized, and he wasn’t even allowed to tell his family what he’d been arrested for. Oh, my God! The things that happen in North Korea!”
And you’re like:
“No, that’s what happened in Britain. The guy’s name is Richard Medhurst.”
It’s an absolute scandal! I’ve just followed him on. Well, an account that looks like it might belong to me. Just followed him on Twitter. [chuckling] ThinRedLine, gave $14. Thank you so much! And he said:
“I think the system is making a mistake with these tyrannical laws. It will only wake more people up.”
I’ll throw that one over to you, Woodlander. Is this going to wake people up or is this going to scare people?
The Woodlander: Both! It will wake people up, but not enough. Really not enough. Again, I think a lot of what we’re seeing now was already game-played four years ago.
And if you want to see how the mass of the public react, right, we saw it then, we saw it then. The government said:
“This is the truth! Everything else is misinformation. Don’t worry about your lying eyes and seeing that there are no people dropping down dead in the street. We’re telling you this is the truth and we want you to basically attack anybody that isn’t toeing the line.”
And the public did. The public did! They shouted at you for not wearing a mask, they pointed fingers at you, right? They were the ones grassing you up for going for a walk. The general public went and toed the line. And sadly, as much as these new laws will wake a lot of people up, it won’t wake enough up.
Mark Collett: Do the worst thing about it? I remember covering this at the time and this was something that I was sort of like. I was just amazed when it happened. There were some complete arse who reported their neighbour to the police for not coming out and clapping for the NHS.
Now, at that point you are literally living in a Soviet style stage. And you can imagine it now, people looking up and down the road like panicking, like:
“Oh God, what if I’m the one that stops clapping first? You know? What if I’m the one that is the first to go back into my house when the clapping ends?”
And that’s how it became. And I remember, I never took part in all that crap, but it did affect people. And all these things are carefully choreographed attempts to mentally condition people into a response and into thinking, “are you a good guy?” A good guy means that you’re a conformist. Are you a bad guy? Bad guy equals freethinker. Simple as that.
NightNationReview gave $14. Thank you so much! Said:
“That is 100% what they are doing. They are criminalizing the dissent of the British people with nebulous terms. It’s horrifying to watch from America. The international overlords ultimately want the same for us too. Evil occupations!”
Well, I completely agree. Truthforge gave $11 thank you so much! And said:
“I support your efforts. Thank you for the content and the truth!”
Thank you so much! It’s very much appreciated. Anti-Mattoid gave $26 thank you so much! And said:
Well, thank you for your kind donation. DerCheruska gave $5. Thank you so much! And he said:
“Good episode, good guest.”
Well, thank you very much. ThinRedLine said:
“In my opinion, …”
Though we’ve already done that. We did that one out of order. Penelope Maynard gave a phenomenally generous $200!
“Thank you so much to dear Mark and Woodlander. A salient stream, no truer words. Many thanks for your wisdom. Best, Penelope. NB: Mark, shall I email you at Thanks.”
Yes, you absolutely should. And you’ve been very, very generous! If you live in the UK, I’d be more than willing to sort of have dinner with you or answer your questions personally or send you a gift or something for your generosity. So thank you so much! Milos M gave some Odysee tokens and he said:
“My opinion on this is I don’t approve of foreigners coming here because they have been backstabbed and betrayed by their own government. But I understand them. A man in search of an ideal woman, a couple moving over to escape woke social and economical woke totalitarianism. But that is not problem solving.”
Look, this is what I’m going to say. I’m not somebody who ever wants to leave this country. I’m not somebody that feels comfortable abroad. I sometimes like going abroad, and I’ve been to beautiful countries. I loved my last trip to Finland and the family I stayed with. I loved my trip to Latvia. That’s probably one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. Mexico was interesting, but quite scary. [chuckling] And generally, I have enjoyed seeing other parts of the world, and certain parts of those world, the world I have liked, but it’s never been my home and I would never want to be an exile.
But again, I cannot condemn a man who looks at his family and says:
“I’ve got a wife and three beautiful kids. There’s a little Italian village that still picks their own olives, makes their own wine, and they’re selling houses there for 5,000 pounds each. And we’re going to move there and we’re going to go to church every Sunday, and my daughters are going to go to the little Catholic school, and I can work remotely from there. And the amount of money I’ll have will give us a quality of life we’ve never had before. My wife will then be a stay at home mom, and we can afford to have, you know, another child.”
Can I really knock that man? No, I can’t! And I can’t knock that man because this country is so, it’s becoming so bad for people! And it’s not just so bad in terms of the migration, the anti-White laws, the anti-White violence. But it’s just general quality of life, you know, quality of life.
Now, look, I’m off, I am largely off the McDonald’s train now. I’ve been saying, I make my own burgers, I cook my own chips. The best thing to cook chips in, people say, is beef dripping. They’re wrong! If you mix 50% beef dripping with 50% lard and cook your chips in that, it’s even better. You get the best of both worlds! I’ve been trying it I am one of those freaks that weighs it all out and has done all these different things. So I am cooking my own food.
But the fact is, for normal people, going to McDonald’s is a treat at the weekend with the kids. A Happy Meal used to be 1.99, it’s now 3.50. You’re talking a 75% increase in price. Have wages gone up 75%? I remember when petrol was a pound a litre. It’s now one pound 40. That’s a 40% rise in petrol. And it’s across the board, gas, electric, computer components. You know, if you’re building a new computer now, cost a bloody earth. You know, everything is going up like that.
So when people look at their basket of goods and they’re just nipped out for bread, a bit of butter a bottle of orange juice and maybe a couple of cream buns for dessert, and they’re spending 12, 13 quid and they’re thinking:
“I remember them. That would have been 4.50!”
People are now thinking:
“Well, why wouldn’t I go to Thailand, where for 4.50, me and my wife can go out to a restaurant and both have a beautiful bowl of beef noodles!”
I’m not condoning it, because it wouldn’t be my home.
And that’s why I never want to leave here. I never want to not be on English soil unless it’s for a little holiday, but I can understand it. And I think a few years ago, I would have been a lot more negative about people.
In fact, I was a lot more negative about people leaving a few years ago. But I’m probably less negative now than I ever have been, because I understand it.
I mean, I know you don’t want to leave, Woodlander, but are you negative towards people leaving?
The Woodlander: No. It’s actually an interesting topic, though, because it’s one of those ones that gets thrown back at me, which is:
“Your mum and dad were immigrants over in Spain, and yet you don’t like immigrants over here!”
And to some extent they’re actually right. But there is a difference. The difference is, I don’t think we would have a problem in England if we had a French quarter, or an Italian area, or a German area. These cultures, these ethnicities, even the Polish to some extent. And I’ll be honest, when I first moved to the town I grew up in, there was a large Polish community. But you wouldn’t have known it because they had fully integrated. It was small, but they had fully integrated.
The Europeans have a similar ethnicity and a similar culture throughout. And it can work quite well. The Brits move over to Spain and within a few years, the town they’re living in is little England, right? An English bloke buys a pub, it does Sunday dinners, bloke buys a fish and chip shop, bloke opens an English bookshop. Within to long, it’s, … But the Spanish don’t really mind because the cultures are very similar. The English still go to the Spanish markets, they get on with their Spanish neighbours, everyone rubs along quite well.
Different matter when it’s the North Africans moving into Spain, the culture is completely different. There’s a lot of criminality. The Spanish don’t like it. So it’s the same over here. We haven’t got a problem with communities of Europeans. We’ve got a problem with communities of Africans, Asians, Middle Eastern, ethnicities. The cultures clash with us and the ethnicities clash with us.
So it’s an interesting topic, but I won’t rattle on all night about it.
Mark Collett: I’ll say this as well, woodland and this might make you smile. But I’ve never felt like I was going to be mugged or stabbed walking through Chinatown either! [chuckling]
The Woodlander: You laugh! I mean, the thing is, we’ve always had Chinese communities here. I remember going to London and my dad saying:
“Well this is Chinatown.”
And it was all full of Chinese and whatever, and it was you could walk around and it was fine, I understand, tucked round the back with some opium dens and whatever. But we didn’t really have a problem with these ethnicities. There were parts of Bedford, which were largely Italian. They had ice cream parlours and Italian restaurants and pizza places. This is going back in the sixties and seventies. There was never really any problem. Okay? So these ethnicities and these cultures actually rub along, okay? Which is telling, isn’t it? Because that’s not what happens now.
Mark Collett: Well, that’s the thing. And I’ll also say this, [chuckling] it is a specific problem with certain types of culture. Now I don’t want, you know, an entire city’s end to be Chinatown. I don’t want that. It was more of a throwaway comment. But the fact is certain cultures do present more problems than others.
RoryHerbert gave $5. Thank you. Sid:
“Dear Mark, could you ask Woodlander how he defines a fascist chicken? Do they lay eggs with 1930s European symbols on them or does he have an alternative explanation?”
The Woodlander: Hi, Rory. How are you? I mean, that’s really because I was called out as being far-Right. And they actually went on to say, you know, he talks about homesteading and raising chickens. How is talking about homesteading and raising chickens far-Right? They never define this thing. They just use it as a label. You know, I have a battalion of fascist chickens, apparently!
Mark Collett: I like the idea of that. AlbionForever gave an update on Richard Medhurst and he says:
“As soon as he stepped off the plane at Heathrow, he was arrested. It was clearly premeditated sting operation.”
Indeed. Jewy von Swindlestein gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:
“Great stream, guys. Keep it the good work. I’m convinced this collectivizing idea will work. I can think of another (((group))) that have done this for a very long time with huge success.”
Thank you. [chuckling] British Camp, [chuckling] gave $25. Thank you so much, my friend. He said:
“British people don’t go to Spain on a dinghy and expect to be given a house for free. Great show tonight!”
Well, I agree, but also when Brits do go to places, they generally don’t start stabbing people or robbing them off the back of mopeds or snatching mobile phones. We’re not people that go to places and groom the local children!
When people talk about Brits in Spain, it’s a false equivalence. You know, you don’t get Africans arriving in Britain with millions of pounds in the bank, buying property and doing up a local building, turning it into an African pub and selling food to other Africans. It’s not like that! They come here, they usually jump the social housing queue. They arrive in dinghy’s.
This idea that Brits going to Spain or Brits buying a property in Serbia is some way equivalent [chuckling] to dinghies full of people arriving on the southern coast is just absolute nonsense!
I don’t know if you want to add to that because I’m sure your parents didn’t arrive in Spain and jumped straight on the welfare system, did they?
The Woodlander: No, but it was interesting for me to look at that. And I spoke about this on Tasob, actually, which was that what happens is cultures replicate themselves.
So when the English get to Spain, they look around and they go:
“This is great, but we’d like a chip shop.”
So they open a chip shop. The Spanish haven’t got a problem with this. And nor would we have a problem when the Spanish come here and they say:
“We’re going to up a little tapas bar.”
That’s not an issue. Okay. I know it’s not all about food. But the cultures get on! They rub together perfectly and that’s what matters.
And it was interesting to see that the North Africans coming into Spain were not treated like the British. And it was because of the way they acted and those cultures didn’t get on.
Mark Collett: Agreed. Wife Waffen gave $7. Thank you, my dear. And she says:
“Have a great week!”
Thank you very much. It’s Okay to be a Nationalist gave 14.88. Thank you so much! Said:
“Anyone who wants a lovely white pill should watch the Woodlanders latest video. Great work, Mark and Simon, thank you for everything you do.”
Well, thank you so much! VM gave $5. Thank you very much. And he said something similar. He said:
“The eagle has landed. Enjoyed Woodlanders latest video. Mark, what are your thoughts on setting up a legal White advocacy division of PA or via something with Robin Tilbrook’s team? Could be something we need. Keep up the great work!”
People keep asking this. We’ve already got this. We’ve got the Workers of England, Union. I work with them at least once a month, either by pushing somebody in their direction or by actually working on these cases with them. So often when somebody who is a nationalist contacts me and says:
“Look, I’ve got a problem, I’m in trouble at work. What should I do?”
My immediate response is:
“Are you a member of the Workers of England, Union?”
Usually they say no. I say:
“Join them immediately!”
The next thing I say is:
“Send me all the information about the trouble you’re going through.”
And I sometimes spend hours going through these cases with people. There’s these people online that say:
“What does Mark do all day? He sits playing Mario Kart for 8 hours, then streams for 2 hours!”
Like, I wish I spent 8 hours a day gaming! I’m up at six every morning answering my emails or working on something which prevents me answering my emails, like scripting a video.
And once I’ve done that, I’m usually tied up on the phone. I can sometimes spend 4 hours in some days, like half my working day on the phone. And recently I’ve spent hours at a time working through debating techniques with several people who have been in employment tribunals. It’s something we already do.
If you’ve been watching my social media posts, who came on a stream with myself and Laura to tell people how to deal with the police? It was Robin Tilbrook. We actually have a book, or a booklet called, Don’t Say a Thing, A Practical Guide to Dealing with the Police. That was written by myself and Robin Tilbrook, a practicing legal professional. We already have legal advocacy with an organisation that’s very close to PA, that we work hand in hand with i’ll tell you this now. The first ever case in this country of somebody taking an employer to court for sacking them for refusing to wear a mask was a lady called Laura who was working for, I think it was Volkswagen. She was sacked for refusing to wear the mask. She rang me on a Sunday evening, because I’ve known her for years. She’s been a friend of mine for years. She rang me on a Sunday evening all flustered!:
“Mark, what am I going to do? I’ve got the first stage of my employment tribunal in the morning. I haven’t prepared. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve not got anyone representing me.”
I put her in touch with Robin Tilbrook. He took the call that evening, the Monday morning before a tribunal. He briefed her on what to say. She went into the tribunal. It was postponed until she got advocacy. They won that case. It was a landmark case. That was PA, Robin Tilbrook of the English Democrats and the Workers of England, Union all working together to help somebody. We’ve been doing this for years.
PA went slightly adrift when an absolute wrongun in our midst tried to force all this, “elections or nothing”, upon us. That wasn’t anything I wanted. And you look back at the earliest streams, community building and White advocacy, that is what we are now. No one’s coming in and pushing us in a different direction. I should have stuck to my guns and done that’s what I spend my days doing. That’s what I’m most passionate about. That’s what we can win on. And we should keep doing that. And we’ve already had massive victories.
You know, people say:
“What have PA achieved?”
Well, we’ve had numerous asylum seeker centres shut down, numerous Drag Queen Story Hour events stopped. We’ve helped numerous people who were going to lose their jobs. We’ve set legal precedents and we’re going to keep doing that. And we’re going to keep working with Woodlander. We’re going to keep working with Workers of England, Union. We’re going to keep working with independents who are fighting for things at local level. We’re going to keep doing the food banks. We’re going to keep doing the litter picks. All these things are things that we can do and make real change.
Anyway, last Superchat is ScaredyCat, $4. Thank you so much, my dear. And she says:
“Hi, Woodlander and Mark, best wishes.”
And that brings us to the end of the show. Woodlander, my friend, you have the final word because you’ve been an amazing guest as always.
The Woodlander: Well, thank you, Mark. Thank you very much for having me on. It’s always a pleasure. Again, apologies for turning up late. My fault. Thank you to the chat and everybody watching. I think everybody is now in accordance. Everybody who matters is pushing in the right direction. We’re going to start seeing success from both PA, from the Woodlander Initiative and other groups which are starting up as well.
We’re going to start seeing success because we’re going down roads that can lead us to success, and not futile paths that have been tried a hundred times before.
So I would urge people to get involved with PA, check out the Woodlander Initiative. We’re moving forward in the right direction.
And I’ll hand it back to you, Mark.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much, my friend. We’ve got one last Superchat, $5 from Lulu. Thank you so much, my dear. She said:
“Great stream tonight, guys. You’ve covered a lot of good points. Keep up the fight for British nationalism.”
Thank you so much!
And I’ve got to say this. Woodland is a great guest and he’s a great guest because he not only gives great takes, but he’s a man of action. He’s a guy that said, we need to do something and he did it. Just like we said we need to do PA. We need to build a community. And we did it! Just like the Workers of England, Union guys said, we need a union and they built one. And that’s what we need! We need people who are willing to get up and run with their idea and do something fresh and think outside the box.
If you wrote a book on British nationalism, it could easily be called “A Century of Failure”, because it has never achieved through electoral means what has been achieved on the Continent.
However, for the first time, in my time in nationalism, people are genuinely coming up with new ideas, with new ways forward and are actually breaking new ground. And that, for me, is far more exciting than the idea of repeating the same thing that we’ve been doing since 1945 and failing at! This is an exciting time.
As I said, there will always be challenges along the way, but the fact we’re doing something new is important. So massive thank you to Woodlander. And a special thank you for all the positivity he has brought here this evening.
And as I said, I do believe the tide is turning in British nationalism with people now thinking outside the box. And a lot of that is down to this man here.
So thank you to Woodlander, thank you to everybody who has donated so very generously tonight. And a massive thank you as always to this incredible audience and this wonderful community. I love you all. Thank you so much!
We’ll be back next week. Eric Striker returns Wednesday, same place, same time, 07:00 pm. Thank you, everybody. Love you all. Good night. Stay safe. Keep fighting. Thank you.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 8/22/2024 = 509)
Mark Collett
4 hours ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
Matt Hammond
1 hour ago
Surely there is some merit to the argument that the police are no longer a legitimate police force. Didn’t they break the social contract a long time ago. They are clearly at war with the population. I mean, what is ‘law’ at the end of the day? Aren’t there laws against treason?
2 hours ago
they will now
2 hours ago
cya hopefully red ice will show today
2 hours ago
great stream good evening all
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
great stream all the best
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Excellent stream as always. Hails to Mark and Woodlander
2 hours ago
Great show.
2 hours ago
Good night! 1488
2 hours ago
Good evening everyone.
2 hours ago
OK, gotta go, remember what the magnet says, “Stay positive, it will attract the negative.”
2 hours ago
Chin up, chest out folks. We’ll win
Dawn Browning
2 hours ago
Love Love to all you Beautifuls MWAH
2 hours ago
we have chinese and indian nations 1billion+, imagine 1billion germans. what they would achieve…
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
night guys
2 hours ago
good night
2 hours ago
Great stream and chat. Night folks.
2 hours ago
Yes, indeed
2 hours ago
OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM, OUR FUTURE. Join The Woodlander Initiative folks. I’ve made friends for life from TWI
2 hours ago
Hello neighbor. until Caesar beat Areovistus the celts were keeping the germans under check. after Caesar it went downhill for the celts and the germans started encroaching on the rhine frontier.
2 hours ago
a lot of German descendants in Minnesota
2 hours ago
14 Deus Vult
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
she’s too busy seeing the bedrooms
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
We Will win
Mark Collett
2 hours ago
109 legal cases, but not one of them has ever seen a court room lol
2 hours ago
Also Scandinavians in my area (Minnesota-USA)
2 hours ago
Keep fighting Brothers and Sisters
2 hours ago
I don’t know the history as well as you seem to. I’ll take your word for it
2 hours ago
Great stream tonight guys, youve covered alot of good points Keep up the fight for british nationalists
2 hours ago
But but but what about the bunny boiler and her legal cases? They’re about as real as a £7 note.
2 hours ago
I think Romans kept Germans more in check. Then Germans grew powerful and decided since Roman empire is not a thing anymore they should be new rulers of Europe. Which tbh, didn’t work out that well.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
I could go on gab fine. it should be 14reasons on gab. there is two profiles.message the one with 2k followers. the other one was due to a glitch thing. I’ll talk later today unless something comes up
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Germans (much later) were the predominant genetic group that settled much of Northern America.
2 hours ago
it also asks for your phone number
2 hours ago
Hello mate. I would have to say that after 476 the germanic population exploded. until then they were kept under check by the celts. and the germans kept the slavs under check.
2 hours ago
Germans were spread to much of what we call Europe.
2 hours ago
Robin is a legend of a man
2 hours ago
Arriving in an overloaded dinghy as a White person and expecting to be given free everything from the country you washed up on is an alien concept.
2 hours ago
I don’t use telegram at the time. Don’t trust it because it drops image folders on my system.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Mark works hard and he always answers his emails
2 hours ago
Well, I just don’t know.
Hideaway Swamp
2 hours ago
The amount of White people emigrating to Thailand is at epidemic levels. Maybe Thailand will be our new ethnostate.
2 hours ago
If you want to talk ,I’m on telegram if you want a link
2 hours ago
I would make that clear to him to keep his willy in the pants.
2 hours ago
I haven’t been posting anything for a very long time now. I’d rather not start up on that platform yet . sorry
2 hours ago
the Germans were such a massive chunk of European demographics for so much of europes long term history. so
2 hours ago
no lol
2 hours ago
Hope on GAB and inform me. I just don’t know, you are correct. Maybe that’s why I see allegiance the way I do.
2 hours ago
isn’t Nativist married?
2 hours ago
yeah. make sure none of them give him their phone number, it’ll never stop buzzing.
2 hours ago
noseferatu types like Jonathan greenblat lol
2 hours ago
hahaha true, Brits are quite infamous as tourists.
2 hours ago
Anyone who wants a lovely white pill should watch the woodlander’S latest video. Great work Mark and Simon. Thank you for everything you do
2 hours ago
is he really? Then I better keep my eye on Chris Mitchell he seems to traveling a lot to EE.
2 hours ago
you mean the 3% Asians in America ? aren’t they a ridiculously small amount in america ? you have no idea. try living around literal Asian ethnostate demographics in Canada
Hideaway Swamp
2 hours ago
China towns seemed harmless while they were a less economically and politically powerful minority. Go to San Francisco now and there is no place for Whites, but the Chinese own a ton of the city.
2 hours ago
If Hollywood was honest about Mobs and criminality they would talk nonstop about La Kosher Nostra.
2 hours ago
yes it is ridicolous
2 hours ago
Nativist Concern arrived in Poland and jumped straight on Svetlana
2 hours ago
leftoids act like all foreigners are equivalent
2 hours ago
Maybe so, but the ones that move to the USA, at least for the moment, are typically good people to ally with. They often agree with White positive ideals due to their own racial awareness. Just my opinion.
2 hours ago
brits are known as quite horrible tourists though
2 hours ago
but according to Hollywood everywhere italians go, there is mobs and criminality and gangsters and murder
2 hours ago
In my area of coutnry is melting pot with Hungarians, Romanians, Croatians, Slovaks, Bosnians, Czechs, Germans, but apart of few very related to us, most of them have been okay and there are not any conflict on ethnical basis and no one is calling for it.
2 hours ago
How about Nativist going to Eastern Europe to shag the local birds?
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Watch the Nazi Turkeys on Blackpilled
2 hours ago
Asians who are on the side of pro Whites
2 hours ago
based and police pilled haha
2 hours ago
What is rare? Asians?
2 hours ago
far right is whites not going extinct . that’s what far right means .white survival
2 hours ago
profoundly rare as anomalies. the high quality anomalies are exceptions. but again rare anomalies
2 hours ago
im scared go london tbh….but being british i need see the history musuem…tower of london etc
2 hours ago
yes you get that in Spain, Italy as well
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
I don’t see in which areas their alliance can come into play.
2 hours ago
I think Asians should be whites allies. People can disagree.
2 hours ago
they were different phenotypes. you wouldn’t think that if you were only surrounded by one white phenotype.
2 hours ago
Spanish police are baaaaaased. I had an incident with a looky looky man in Torrevieja. The police were on my side.
2 hours ago
Asians don’t like whites either
2 hours ago
You had me at “Black Africans are alien.”
2 hours ago
so true
2 hours ago
I’d always say even different white phenotypes is too much change. we need 95% minimal Spanish in spane. no white phenotypes that are different. and no other non white phenotypes. everything’s so upside down
2 hours ago
British people don’t go to Spain on a dinghy and expect to be given a house for free! Great show tonight.
2 hours ago
Also you bring money and don’t mooch of the Spanish welfare system
2 hours ago
Just say it ‘the turd world’
2 hours ago
I’ll take the Spanish anti-tourism protests seriously when they’re even more outraged about the African crime wave in Spain.
2 hours ago
Or, because the Spanish have been invaded so many times that they know this too will pass. 600 years under Muslim rule, and it’s still Spain, that’s something.
2 hours ago
When the Russian SMO is concluded, then Crimea is supposed to be quite nice ,if Putins offering
2 hours ago
British people and Spaniards are related peoples because they’re both European. Black Africans couldn’t be more alien.
2 hours ago
Great stream guys, keep up the good work. I’m convinced this collectivising idea will work. I can think of another group that have done this for a very long time with huge success
2 hours ago
and you never know if she is 15 or 50.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
more like thighland
2 hours ago
white immigrants compared to non whites…sigh. the fact we even need to explain this is insanity
2 hours ago
Europe does not look safe.
2 hours ago
i wouldn’t trust food from in Thailand. The waitress would’ve probably dipped her penis in it.
2 hours ago
Afrikaaners should rather move back to Europe.
2 hours ago
South Africa does not look safe.
2 hours ago
i made myself home made cottage pie today….so much making ur own food so i agree with mark there
2 hours ago
come home to South Africa, white man
2 hours ago
because Thailand is not full of your own people. it’s deranged
2 hours ago
i eat tuna and rice and eggs so I can pay for non whites
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
gaming is too expensive now too.100 bucks for a single game. screw that. not worth it
2 hours ago
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Dawn Browning
2 hours ago
Rendering your own lard is well easy
2 hours ago
love your English Bull Terrier
2 hours ago
3.50 lol. 20 for a combo in communist Canada
2 hours ago
many thanks :sparkling_heart:
2 hours ago
i do Lard and Beef Dripping
2 hours ago
time to make your own Redbull Mark
2 hours ago
Beef dripping for me
2 hours ago
, Max Igan can’t praise it enough
2 hours ago
end up getting beheaded on the internet. No thanks Mexico haha
Dawn Browning
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
I’m humbled. you’re awesome as well :heart_with_ribbon:
2 hours ago
Well Richard is a dick.
Dawn Browning
2 hours ago
Penelope is AWESOME
2 hours ago
“Britain ceded the right to call foreigners and immigrants “invaders” when it invaded 1/4 of the planet and built the largest empire in history.” – Richard Medhurst
2 hours ago
Language is tough here. I live in New Mexico. It’s been 3 cultures, Mexican, White and Indian, for hundreds of years. Telling people to deny their culture, centuries old, is fightin’ talk.
Dawn Browning
2 hours ago
Good Morning Beautifuls
2 hours ago
not even soviet more like north Korea
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Or maybe 2 1/2?
2 hours ago
One and a half.
2 hours ago
covid did wake a lot of people up
2 hours ago
He is an antiwhite pos. During the riots in France last year he was celebrating all of it. I don’t care about his anti-zionism because he doesn’t even tell the truth about that anyway
2 hours ago
I’ve often thought about moving to Mexico to get on welfare. Said no one eve.
2 hours ago
to get kidnapped there lol
2 hours ago
Yes indeed, Penelope is a fantastic supporter :thumbs_up:
2 hours ago
i wouldn’t go to Mexico for a million quid
2 hours ago
My wife was walking the dog and a neighbour said to her “you have to stop and clap for the NHS”. Crazy times.
Dawn Browning
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
it seems consistent with all 1st generations. although if I leave somewhere I find it necessary to learn the language of the host, I doubt they would bow to my needs if I don’t.
2 hours ago
Why is it that everywhere whites went was invasion, but everyone else just migrates?
2 hours ago
Good morning Australia
2 hours ago
It will wake people up; till they turn on the telly
2 hours ago
They nicked Richard Medhurst as soon as he stepped off a plane at Heathrow. It was clearly a premeditated sting operation.
2 hours ago
175 years of social equality with the negro. Atheism and enlightened Christianity has done its job. Far past gone
2 hours ago
well they have two continents where Spanish is spoken. I can understand why
2 hours ago
I don’t think the need for a native advocacy group would be on people’s lips as much without the government’s prejudiced reaction. And everyone can see it. Only silver lining, not much though, when your in a cell.
2 hours ago
in Canada also often
2 hours ago
Lulz, here the Spanish don’t learn English.
2 hours ago
all alien nations should not have our people going to live there. it damages every single nation . so called immigration corrupts and destroys everywhere on earth.
2 hours ago
Imagine, the USSR never fell, just expanded.
2 hours ago
They nicked him as soon as he stepped off a plane at Heathrow
2 hours ago
that is a good idea
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
The governments invite them here and you also have Western governments who are happy to see them leave. No one likes immigration but governments & businesses don’t care
2 hours ago
he is not system aproved
2 hours ago
Can’t we all just get along?
2 hours ago
there is allot more than just smiles lol
2 hours ago
I say the same with all non whites bringing their kids to western nations. it’s consistent
2 hours ago
depends what nation.
2 hours ago
I saw more 20 year old girls at the Rotherham riot than far right activists.
2 hours ago
The Justice Party was also supposedly ruined by infighting.
2 hours ago
I understand the premise of moving a worse off western nation but to head to a racial alien civilization and nation…it’s not a solution. it’s purely a deranged and brainwashed reaction
2 hours ago
is there any data on this where 1.5 Britons gone?
2 hours ago
we have a plague of White men heading to Asia. very disturbing . then they get the fish head wife.
2 hours ago
you have to be smart about it but I believe it is possible
2 hours ago
It’s natural, and you are correct. Except where forced integration is funded.
2 hours ago
that’s the nature of reality and race. everyone desires to be with their own
2 hours ago
I think we already have unconscious segregation amongst the masses.
2 hours ago
They do. However if the teachers or staff are considered too “extreme”, even when it comes to the governments pets, the muslims. The school inspection steps up and can force the school to close down.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
but SA is only 8 % White people
2 hours ago
I never understand that infighting. I guess I’m on the outside looking in and all I see is the smiles.
2 hours ago
even worse bringing a white family and little children to an alien nation. it’s profoundly immoral and very wrong
2 hours ago
are they native (white) Brits? xd also that reminds me of ever inreasing number of Russians, who did integrate but didn’t assimilate, they mostly keep to themselves.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
it’s relentless infighting.
2 hours ago
I wasn’t talking about single Men emigrating. families do too. Pewdiepie isn’t the only one who does this.
2 hours ago
I keep wondering when ALL the pro-White content creators, and their supporting audiences will form like Voltron and destroy the ZOG-O-BOT.
Teutonic Truth
2 hours ago
No closets for Queers. Deport Only.
2 hours ago
the Rotherham thing was strange ,lots of Counter Jihad mob was there stalking things.
2 hours ago
I was at the Rotherham hotel protest a few years ago and nothing came of it. After the riot that hotel was emptied the next day.
2 hours ago
I am sure it is, anyway I suppose it would be a small shool with only a few teachers
2 hours ago
Exactly Mark, both speakers tonight have been spot on…
2 hours ago
Me, I have a meeting with Chris Mitchell lmao in late September. He did mention he doesn’t like Mark much. But he asked me are there any welding jobs available here. I dont know what to think about it.
2 hours ago
You really have a hard on for Musk, don’t you?
Teutonic Truth
2 hours ago
Kissing celebrities’ asses like Musks’ is what got us in this situation.
2 hours ago
Riots work IF, and only IF, the government endorses that side.
2 hours ago
I really hope it is.
2 hours ago
When blacks riot they get everything they ask for. Riots work.
2 hours ago
January 6th anyone?
2 hours ago
not that it was going to happen. that it’s still happening frequently and never stopped for decades. a chronic evil
2 hours ago
how is what you predicted much different from a race war lol
2 hours ago
Race war never happened in history (okay maybe in Rhodesia).
2 hours ago
essentially you’d get civil war.
2 hours ago
It will make more people hostile to the system
2 hours ago
Yes, him and Fonzie.
2 hours ago
do you think he raped Heather O’Rourke?
2 hours ago
I had something similar, but it was in the street more than a home.
2 hours ago
They would have to be.
2 hours ago
Indeed it is. That is why i strongly prefer homeschooling.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
he’s possibly their most important propagandist
2 hours ago
but if our peple set up the school we would do the hiring btw I think they do something similar in muslim schools
2 hours ago
I’ve never even heard of the movie “Munic”. I guess I should go watch marks review.
2 hours ago
Spielberg is a nasty piece of work
2 hours ago
you would have to have all the teachers on your side it would have to be our people
2 hours ago
It’s just insane that this response must be feared for simply being “pro-White”.
2 hours ago
That’s a way to do it. A risk i see with that is that your child might say something that you taught them that is pro-white to the wrong teacher or employee at the school that could lead to CPS or similar government bodies being involved.
2 hours ago
Is it time to take over the Conservatives? Just a thought. They are a bit lost presently
2 hours ago
I think that is putting energy into an opposing group and wasting it tbh
2 hours ago
Revolutionary tactics do not have to be attributed to Trotsky. He and the marxists invented very little, if anything, that had not been used before all over the world.
2 hours ago
Young talented and energetic people
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
“Entryism”. Famously worked for Militant Tendency in Liverpool for a time. It’s about time the right used, or even tried, Trotsky tactics. It’s a good idea to get involved with reform, as Mark said. You can, like militant, sound out our guys
2 hours ago
Knowing your enemy was how I ended up here with y’all. I learned a lot of communism to get here.
2 hours ago
Entryism doesn’t work unless you change the leader and in Reform’s case that isn’t happening.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
you could also use some of the leftwing book to discussthem and proove them wrong that might actually be a really good way to redpill the children
3 hours ago
Mark makes good and deep points from a learned and positive perspective. I’m not British myself, but I would follow his lead if I was.
Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Truth to powerful malicious Cowards
3 hours ago
whos funding Reform though ,its just a few former Tories who could pull the plug at any given time.
3 hours ago
maybe you could run a two book system some books you present to the government (you might read some of them ) and some books you actually read
3 hours ago
modern computer animated cartoons are subversive as f^ck
3 hours ago
when I was hearing about joining Reform and restraining your views
, I started thinking about that Steven French guy. “My fascist views
were rattling the cage man, rattling the cage”
3 hours ago
Well, I hope he doesn’t read that… Lulz.
3 hours ago
In the USA, they require a couple to Public school if they adopt. Those kinds of restrictions are to force state indoctrination towards replacement (diversity).
Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Musk is a malicious Coward for not amplifying uk
3 hours ago
Reform had a stall set up in Liverpool city centre last year. I spoke to the chap n he went all weird n shy when i mentioned immigration
3 hours ago
280 on Odysee alone
3 hours ago
Even though we are much larger, with way more population, I think British politics is more complicated than America’s.
3 hours ago
Perhaps. You would really need to stay on top of what your children are taught. The state issues a national corriculum that every school needs to adhere to. Some ideological stuff can’t be avoided because of it.
Europe Is Ours
3 hours ago
He has a news agency pretty much dedicated to him
The Pork Report
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Dear Mark, could you ask Woodlander how he defines a ‘fascist chicken’ ? Do they lay eggs with 1930’s European symbols on them or does he have an alternative explanation? :grinning:
3 hours ago
That’s true. The training is worth it alone.
3 hours ago
Reform will train you how to campaign and be useful.
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
People have tried this multiple times with the GOP in Amerikwa
3 hours ago
“woke social and economical woke totalitarianism” escaping the white west then? That’s the only place that I know with wokeness.
3 hours ago
Nah, do do that. And record it and put it on the internet! :joy:
3 hours ago
My opinion on this is…I don’t approve foreigners coming here because they have been backstabbed and betrayed by their own government but I understand them.A man in search of ideal woman, a couple moving over to escape woke social and economical woke totalitarianism, but that is not problem solving
3 hours ago
Thought he was about to say “whip out your” something else then. Had me nervous there marky
3 hours ago
When I was a UKIP branch chairman that was the situation, a few motivated activists carry the whole branch.
3 hours ago
ok I see but if you do it an area with little to no diversity you might do more or less as you want
Rufus Page
3 hours ago
Bet they drank the tea river dry
3 hours ago
Parallel schools is primary IMO. They are pumping out Ghey SJW marxists here in our “public” schools.
3 hours ago
You joined the Tory party?
3 hours ago
Jesus… a Tory
3 hours ago
A typical local Reform branch has 50 members, 6 turn up to meetings and 3 stand.
3 hours ago
It could definitely work. It’s one of the ways antiwhites have gained power.
3 hours ago
We have “school duty” here instead of “study duty” unlike most other white nations. There are private schools but the best you can do is a stricter, more orderly, christian school. It’s about as conservative as it gets.
3 hours ago
yeah there’s no using the system to beat the system
3 hours ago
Michael Gove is based in private. He’s just a regime enjoying coward who tows the line
3 hours ago
homeschooling is illegal ? what about a private free school ?
3 hours ago
A benefit of being retired is that you can say what you want, to whoever you want. Mind, I no laonger have much in the way of family, or friends, but who cares about that!
3 hours ago
Once the enemy has taken ground, you cannot use the same exact tactics to retake said ground. They will scorched Earth all behind them just to legitimize their hold. It must be a completely parallel and new system IMO.
3 hours ago
That’s one of the most positive points I’ve heard in a little while
3 hours ago
farrage the mirage lol
3 hours ago
It’s good to know the grass roots at Reform are just like us
3 hours ago
There are quite cheap homes and land in the north of Sweden, yes. A big issue being pro-white and wanting to have a family is that homeschooling is effectivly illegal here.
3 hours ago
true but this might be the way to white pill them
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
In a PR system small far right parties will vote as a block, as the far right do in the EU.
3 hours ago
“845 billion was given to the hedge funds” This is what you are actually fighting. UNENDING money. You can’t beat that, unless you separate entirely from their system, including THEIR money.
3 hours ago
If you can’t beat them, join them?
3 hours ago
I live in NM, once they increase to a certain number, they force taxes. In just my short lifetime, NM has gone from majority white to minority white and things dun changed. NM = Now Mexico.
The Pork Report
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
so true
3 hours ago
in the form of QE
3 hours ago
845 billion was given to the hedge funds
3 hours ago
Always do and buy GTs for all my relatives
3 hours ago
The road tax change is being talked about
3 hours ago
If what the majority of the membership thought mattered, the conservatives would’ve massively cut immigration. Joining Reform and trying to say anything Farage considers unacceptable is a complete waste of time, you’ll be kicked out immediately.
Rufus Page
3 hours ago
sounds aewsome lol
3 hours ago
Black box taxation, now that’s not Orwellian.
3 hours ago
when will it be time Mr Collett?
3 hours ago
Gove has more faces than a Rubiks cube.
3 hours ago
If what the majority of the membership thought mattered, the conservatives would’ve massively cut immigration. Joining Reform and trying to say anything Farage considers unacceptable is a complete waste of time, you’ll be kicked out immediately.
3 hours ago
when will it be to
3 hours ago
Exactly. Not once it’s occupied. They would rather destroy it all, then go backwards.
The Pork Report
3 hours ago
Don’t assume that Starmer will quit on his own. He relishes all of the suffering he’s caused. He’s a weak, cruel coward.
3 hours ago
problem is many young guys I noticed are very black-pilled.
3 hours ago
Nationalists should throw our weight behind Farage as we did for the EU referendum to break the two party system. After that we will not be dependent on civnat parties.
3 hours ago
the same could be done in the AFD
3 hours ago
Their “Long March” worked.
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
young talented british guys and girls please consider Mark’s plan
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Infiltration and subversion. it’s a long game and the marxists have decades on us.
3 hours ago
I’ve said forever, if you really want to create a competing system, the number one priority must be a competing financial commodity. I like beads and shells, worth more than paper promises.
3 hours ago
good plan
3 hours ago
There are easier ways of taking over a council than populating the entire village. The BNP ran Stoke and Barking councils.
The Pork Report
3 hours ago
Plus, in the USA at least, if those White people all homeschool, there won’t be enrollment to justify a public school, so mexicans will stay away (they use our public schools as free daycare).
Mark Collett
3 hours ago
thank you, you must let me take you for dinner to say thank you.
3 hours ago
Above Time Coffee”.
3 hours ago
my pleasure. thank you :heart_with_ribbon:
3 hours ago
What’s this ”
3 hours ago
it is and thank you
3 hours ago
I support Patriotic Weekly. Is that a Pro White Business? Got my PA calendar hanging feet away and drink Towler Tea every day. Parallel.
3 hours ago
Carney Corner
3 hours ago
Buy Grandma Towlers and Above Time Coffee Etc
Carney Corner
3 hours ago
WE SHOULD SUPPORT Pro white businesses
3 hours ago
what if your bird is okay with the current state UK is rn?
3 hours ago
Thanks to His grace and mercy we are together through the ether. You’ve made my day.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst…” Matthew
3 hours ago
Foreigners are NOT allowed to actually buy and pass down land in many nations. The least diverse ones.
3 hours ago
true, they shouldn’t.
Carney Corner
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Imagine if Farage didn’t stand. He would spend the next four years shouting from the stands instead of playing on the field.
3 hours ago
I agree
3 hours ago
Well, that is a new one to me. “Fakeugees.” I think Lauryn Hill started with them.
3 hours ago
Sweden is quite cheap in the forested areas
3 hours ago
I wasn’t talking about fakeugees.
3 hours ago
I hear good things about Martha’s Vineyard. I believe it’s Mexican Cartel owned now. No crime.
3 hours ago
unless you are on an above-average income, or non white and able to run some kind of immigration scam, it’s very difficult these days.
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
What about Martha’s Vineyard?
3 hours ago
They are coming because they are ordered to. This is invasion, not organic grassroots.
3 hours ago
no purpose of bringing her to UK, mate?
3 hours ago
Look into buying property in North east England or southern Scotland, it’s very cheap up there.
3 hours ago
I hear good tings about the Ozarks.
3 hours ago
How can one build a wall of solitude within these legal systems that prioritize diversity above all else?
3 hours ago
the Ozarks work for me
3 hours ago
But the billionaire jews target areas like that with diversity. At least that is what happens here in the U.S.
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
That’s the group run by that Aarvoll guy, right?
3 hours ago
good evening my poshest friend, gtsy Ror
3 hours ago
No! We cannot leave. This is ours and we need to fight for it.
3 hours ago
More than welcome, we are lucky to have your support
Way of the World
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Good evening
my friend.
3 hours ago
or non white
3 hours ago
Only power matters. We have to fight and replace the politicians and the first battle is Proportional Representation.
3 hours ago
it’s an honor to help. thanks for your kind words. P.
3 hours ago
Bringing a spouse to the UK is basically impossible now unless you are minted.
3 hours ago
I see this age we are entering into being a “Political” age, and nations wont be the purpose of their service. Boundary crossing interests, such as white existence, will be a the heart of the coming political movements.
3 hours ago
evening Rory!
3 hours ago
I would only leave if I ended up marrying a bird from another European country.
3 hours ago
Thank you so much for your very generous contribution.
3 hours ago
hehehe nobody wants Tommy/
Mark Collett
3 hours ago
hahahaha thank you!
3 hours ago
you are so generous Penelope thank you
3 hours ago
Because Mark doesn’t usually swear, its weirdly satisfying when he calls someone a dickhead
3 hours ago
very wise
3 hours ago
Dear Mark and Woodlander, A salient stream. No truer words. Many thanks for your wisdom. Best, Penelope N.B. Mark, Shall I email you at Thanks.
3 hours ago
He used his Irish passport to get into Canada because he has criminal convictions on his British passport. That’s why he got nicked over there, they discovered his record.
3 hours ago
“The Anglo-Celtic council of Great Britain”. It would be just about the most potent way of raising people’s nationalist consciousness, whilst promoting and defending their interests.
3 hours ago
Tommy’s living in the EU off an Irish passport
3 hours ago
I remember you and Iconclast back in the days that YT hadn’t yeeted everyone. Hope he is well.
3 hours ago
Please support The Woodlander Initiative at
3 hours ago
in my area they are priotising migrants with council or homes
3 hours ago
In my opinion the one does not exclude the other, Why not do both build communities and seek political power at the same time
3 hours ago
The place with the minority White population would probably be good recruiting grounds, but not the place to set up
3 hours ago
hello mate, btw thank you for your work the other night as mod on the stream with Joe, I forgot to thank you
3 hours ago
sign me up xD
3 hours ago
You were instrumental to my waking up. I am glad to see you still going and hitting it hard on X. Thank you.
3 hours ago
Good episode, good guest.
3 hours ago
If white people weren’t prohibited from organizing by law, using an increasingly foreign policing force, then all this forced diversity crap (replacement) would immediately end.
Way of the World
3 hours ago
Good to see alternative solutions being proposed
3 hours ago
i cannot wait to start building stuff on the land
3 hours ago
I’d take living on the Woodlander’s plot over rotting in a big city waiting for Midget Maus to come and save me.
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
yeah, that’s why we have the politics we have hahaha
3 hours ago
hail woodie
3 hours ago
Wrong person.
3 hours ago
What is Yorkshire or Lincolnshire like?
3 hours ago
Woops, wrong post, wrong place, sorry.
3 hours ago
im usually good at noticing things
3 hours ago
can’t see who’s posts?
3 hours ago
– I cannot see their posts. I guess I’m the dick head?
3 hours ago
my favourite wool gtsy laa
The Pork Report
3 hours ago
Well said,
3 hours ago
In other words colonise our own country.
3 hours ago
mate, I’ve had it for about 3 months now :joy:
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
That’s extremely generous and kind of Woodlander wow
3 hours ago
just noticed your profile picture. You legend
3 hours ago
inspiring chat gentlemen
Anti Mattoid
3 hours ago
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
Society must get honest about it before it gets worse
3 hours ago
Thanks I will look there.
3 hours ago
Nah, he’s just dancing on the strings of his fruitcake bird
3 hours ago
We need to be very clear and use language that they can understand.
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
To live in peace in multiracial society is a ridiculous impossible dream
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
… Thank God for Mark Collett and all Loyalists
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Liverpool is still over 75% white
3 hours ago
I will move there
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
the more we try to include them the more they lash out. Time to cut bait
3 hours ago
We need to start behaving like Jews
3 hours ago
lets buy a swimming pool. They hate swimming
3 hours ago
Which county in England is the best to establish White strongholds?
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
I’d live there. Or very close at least.
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
It’s powerful truth that only a very select few know about
3 hours ago
The state sends a diplomat to speak to their ‘community’ tribal leader.
3 hours ago
….we need to buy a farm next….
3 hours ago
Community is a euphemism for colony
3 hours ago
I support your efforts. Thank you for the content and the truth.
3 hours ago
*Stanley Levison
3 hours ago
Is there an estimate of like minded people to call on towards a set donation for a specific cause,does that make sense
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
We have them beat on both sides of the coin
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
Not only are we better Right Wingers but we are also better leftist in terms of equality, understanding and morals. Basically…they suck
3 hours ago
I was at Rotherham, saw one placard, it was 99% locals.
John Frazer
3 hours ago
donate? moneys tight. most of us cant pay our bills.
3 hours ago
I think the regime would rather set the dogs on White folks rather than speak to a White community leader.
Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Trump Blaire Rogan Farage and Cucker Tarlson are malicious Cowards since they don’t promote uk
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
they must not win.
3 hours ago
i am also ethnonat. So much that I prefer ethnicity over race but I wont strictly adhere to it if necessary.
3 hours ago
Do bear in mind that the US civil rights movement was heavily astroturfed with jewish money. Staney Levison was MLK’s speechwriter.
Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
… Not even close.
3 hours ago
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
I read a book by a Jewish guy on it and it wasn’t nearly as bad as its portrayed now
3 hours ago
I appreciate this show. i like to have an accurate look into UK current events. I listened to Richie Allen for a while. Eventually it became clear he really is a baldy gammon.
3 hours ago
Nature abhors a vaccum
3 hours ago
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
If we focused on our interest only it would be amazing. We don’t need the 3rd world its them who need us
Teutonic Truth
3 hours ago
Six millions is the best estimate
3 hours ago
my good mate from The Wirral stood as a candidate for the BNP. The Liverpool Echo did a vile hit piece on him because of it
Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
They can’t even have a consistent definition
4 hours ago
far right – white people
4 hours ago
I think the system is making a mistake with these tyrannical laws , it will only make more people wake up
4 hours ago
iv seen asians are shouting we will kill you death to whites in front of the police and they dont do anything….
4 hours ago
The UK gov’t took a break from locking up their own citizens for standing in the wrong place, to arrest journalist Richard Medhurst under “terrorism” charges for being critical of Israel. Two sides of the same coin.
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
going out Red Bull style.
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
tyrannical system
4 hours ago
it gives you wings
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
In a true and fair debate we would kick their ass and they know it therefore they go to these lengths
My Portal 2 chambers
3 hours ago
PA is that group, and any other group that might be created for White advocacy will be regarded the same as they regard PA.
3 hours ago
It’s actually the regime themselves that de-facto legitimize violence and hate but against the so-called ‘far-right’.
3 hours ago
Farage is useless to us
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
Don’t see us pushing laws to shut them up. Especially not having a punch a whoever movement
3 hours ago
hmm sounds familiar
3 hours ago
maybe so , they might not win though
3 hours ago
I am a social nationalist
3 hours ago
I am an ethno Nationalist
3 hours ago
my gut what you have atm is telling me that your government is doing this on purpose in the attempt to rile you up further and humiliate, doing even more and more if you go and cower in the corner. As if they want civil war to happen so they can rid of you.
Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
These nonsensical definitions are just power plays so they can shut down any opposing views
4 hours ago
Just own the insult
4 hours ago
that is 100% what they are doing. They are criminalizing the dissent of the British people with nebulous terms. It’s horrifying to watch from America. The international overlords ultimately want the same for us too. Evil occupations.
Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
Nailed it
4 hours ago
Blood and soil
4 hours ago
Nazi = anyone who disagrees with the regime
Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
Hypocrisy is what they do
Teutonic Truth
4 hours ago
They want calling Liars Liars to be outlawed.
Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
It’s subjective and a matter of personal opinion
4 hours ago
Mark Collett
4 hours ago
If I die from choking on this Red Bull, understand, it’s how I wanted to go out!
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
Please support The Woodlander Initiative at
if you would like to be part of a community that own their own land.
4 hours ago
hi mark and woodlander
Teutonic Truth
4 hours ago
CommonSense Nationalism will Prevail Going free w/ CommonSense..
Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
Obviously that’s tyranny
4 hours ago
things are heating up
4 hours ago
….ahoy gents….
4 hours ago
Hey there Mate
Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
We live in damn interesting times
4 hours ago
hey m8
4 hours ago
Yes, woody!
4 hours ago
Woodie the man
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
Yea, and what are we going to do about it. the Internet is dead for white men
4 hours ago
Japanese media is largely not available in English but they use Western immigrants as examples on the media of the slowly changing . Just like this
4 hours ago
Can I say “White Lives Matter”? Oops, too late.
4 hours ago
When I was assigned to work in India by my employer. There were White South Africans in the gated community that I lived in that played professional sports on Indian teams. Gori(term for loose White women) dancers for the film industry there and others
4 hours ago
Is Wood late? Mark’s BP rising!
Teutonic Truth
4 hours ago
Our enemies are so Evil, they belong Under the gaol.
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
oy vey!
4 hours ago
The way UK is going I don’t wish it, but it’s gonna be civil conflict I am sure. People are getting riled up over their heads for every totalitarian policy that befalls upon them.
4 hours ago
Teutonic Truth
4 hours ago uk
4 hours ago
Hell yes Woodlander o///
4 hours ago
Many falsely believe it is impossible to take up residency & employment in foreign countries because there is a global conspiracy against White people. As someone who worked & lived in different countries in Asia I can say this is very false.
4 hours ago
Our land, Our future, Our freedom. The Woodlander Initiative, join us folks.
The Resident Baker
4 hours ago
Good evening all
4 hours ago
Good evening.
4 hours ago
he should be shunned
4 hours ago
Hello Folks
4 hours ago
Good evening.
4 hours ago
yeah, does this man still earn his living by Putting ink on White women??? that’s hypocritical..he admitted that the majority of his clients are female
Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
USA will break apart into ethnostates in 50 years
4 hours ago
I don’t think waiting for a race war to break out after demographics become worse will ever happen. Many will do what persecuted populations in the past have done & emigrate. If nothing changes in the West. There will be mass emigration of those that can even to “third world” .
4 hours ago
good evening all.
4 hours ago
Sad to say Mr. Collett. I don’t think anything political was gained from the riots but it appears they will copy what happened in with Jan 6th people. Arrest & jail all of those involved wether actively or passively. What do you think?
4 hours ago
Evening folks
4 hours ago
Inspire Eterna
4 hours ago
hi all
Chief Moody
4 hours ago
Evening troops
4 hours ago
Good evening everyone.
4 hours ago
Good evening everyone.
4 hours ago
… “do what must be done”. This can be seen in the final shot of the Twin Towers and the text “9 of 11 terrorists were killed”. Selling Gentiles on their methods is also done in their book “Rise and Kill Them First”. I recommend reading it if you havent done so already. Really gives you their mindset
4 hours ago
Watched your film review of Munich. As for why the lead character by Eric Bana questions his actions; i think Spielberg made him sympathetic to appeal to Gentiles in the audience and any hesitation they may have fighting the war on terror. Ultimately, i think pro Zionist Spielberg was say to …
7 hours ago
13 hours ago
Follow the Woodlader here
1 day ago
Definitely looking forward to this one o/
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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