Joel Davis
Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise
Brown Parasites to Rally in Every City
Thu, Aug 22, 2024
[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:
Joel introduces the show and mention it will cover Australian politics.
Discussion of healthcare and hospitals, with Blair saying: “Most people are sitting in hospital because they smoke two packs of cigarettes a day for 25 years, drink every day, eat a lot of sugar, never exercise.”
Critique of modern hospitals: “There’s no natural air, there’s no natural light. Um, it’s. There’s just beeping, just constant beeping.”
Discussion of working with disadvantaged youth and why it can be demoralizing.
“If I’m ugly, if I’m deranged, if I’m twisted, then everyone else needs to be too.”
Critique of the medical industry: “The medical industry profits from keeping people sick.”
Discussion of eugenics and selective breeding.
“We dedicate so much effort to try to breed strong racehorses for the purposes of betting. But when someone mentions the concept of human eugenics and breeding a higher humanity, everybody gets offended.”
Talk about incels and sterilizing worldviews.
“I assumed that you had to have a license to have children.”
Discussion of marriage and the church’s role historically.
Introduction of the main topic: protests against refugee encampments.
Description of recent nationalist counter-protest: “We did a Nazi rally and we even broke our own rules. We used profanity.”
“We want Normie white masses looking at the neo-Nazis and going, ‘Fuck, yeah, that’s what we want!’”
Discussion of media coverage and public reaction to their protests.
“We have the best grandmas.”
Talk about the value of street activism and creating dramatic scenes.
Discussion of potential future political party formation.
“Next year is going to be the year. Yeah, I think we will. I don’t doubt it. And that, that’s a significant milestone.”
Talk about potential government responses to larger nationalist marches.
Discussion of civil lawsuits as a potential threat.
“National Socialism, to me, this is personal. Is the race to the coming man. It is the race to a higher life form.”
Discussion of future tyranny: “I honestly don’t think that will be the nature of the tyranny. I think the tyranny will be this kind of bizarre tyranny with a smiley face, kind of psychopath, feminine, you know, tyranny that we have now.”
Discussion of a video about brain stimulation to reduce belief in God and xenophobia.
Talk about their podcast schedule and international listeners.
Criticism of mainstream radio content.
Call to action for followers to monitor and report on refugee encampments.
“Why the fuck does that exist in Australia? It exists because of all these fucking browns that they’re bringing in, driving up the cost of housing.”
Closing remarks and thanks to listeners.
Published on Thu, Aug 22, 2024
Wargaming the response as communists organise brown parasites to rally in every city
August 22, 2024
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(Words: 25,903 – 2:24:52 mins)
Joel Davis: We are live. It is the 22nd of August, 2024. It is another episode of the show and should be a good show. Actually interesting stuff to talk about happening in Australian politics for once. So we’ll actually talk about something topical and relevant. Sometimes we have to go off into tangents that are abstract or talk about things happening in other countries because Australia can be so mundane politically at times.
But it’s been an interesting week, so it should be an enjoyable show.
But before we get into it, so to remark, I love Tom’s shirt, that’s a Tim Lutz creation. Like, I like the sentiment. And Blair, you said you had like a rant about health care or something. Sounded interesting.
Blair Cottrell: I had like a brain spike in the middle of the night last night and just started doing all these chores. I don’t know why this happens to me. Maybe someone in the audience understands that better than I do.
But sometimes my brain just lights up and suddenly I have all this mental energy. And I was thinking about when I was in hospital last year getting surgery because I ripped my pec tendon off, had to have it surgically reattached, and I realised how happy the doctors and the nurses were to have me there. Like, they were really excited about talking to me and providing me with the services that I was getting. The anesthesists, that’s what in Australia, we call anesthesiologists. We call them anesthesists. They were very kind. The nurses were very kind, very happy, asking me a lot of questions, very chirpy.
But I noticed they weren’t so much like that when they were dealing with the other standard hospital participant, what would you call it? Patient. And I was thinking about the whole experience, and I realised, I think the people that sign up to healthcare, or the people who go into healthcare, they have a nurturing aspect to their character.
But what fulfills them is seeing people get better, knowing that the people they’re helping are going to get better, and seeing the people get better, that’s how they get their emotional reward, I think people with those nurturing qualities in their character. And most people who go into hospitals, the majority of people don’t get better, and they’re not in there as a result of some sort of genetic abnormality, mistake, misfortune. Most people are sitting in hospital because they smoke two packs of cigarettes a day for 25 years, drink every day, eat a lot of sugar, never exercise. They’ve basically put themselves there. And they’re in there every two to three weeks on a drip of antibiotics because their body’s own immune system can’t fight a basic infection.
And as a result, it’s exhausting for the nurses to see the same fat dying people come and go every week, every week, every week! And it’s like it doesn’t actually matter how many, how much drugs or healthcare you give to people like that they never get better. They just gradually get worse. And so it fails to provide any sort of reward for the people with the nurturing quality to their character.
And I realised the reason they were so happy when I was in there, when they were dealing with me is because they were probably feeling like this is what they signed up for. This guy is coming in, he’s injured. We’re going to stitch him up, patch him up, give him the care he needs, and then he’s going to get better and leave. And that’s kind of what you would want to do as a nurse. That’s what you would want to do as a doctor. But that’s not what occupies the majority of our healthcare resources in this country right now. What’s occupying it, as I said is just people who have vegetated themselves and who actually can’t survive without drugs because they’re so sick of and they’ve done that. They’ve done it to themselves.!
And this is exactly why I don’t give blood. I don’t give blood not because I don’t want to save some child who was in a car accident. I don’t give blood because that’s not what my blood is probably going to go to. My blood is probably going to go to someone who doesn’t deserve it, right? Someone who’s put themselves in a situation where they’re dying and probably should have died 15 years ago, but they’re kept alive unnaturally long, for unnaturally long periods through Medicine.
Yeah, I was just thinking about that last night, and I thought it was a profound thought. And maybe people who are in healthcare, nurses and doctors, might be able to understand, resonate with that perspective. I don’t know. What do you guys think?
Thomas Sewell: I know how much you like words play, like wordplay or etymology. And it’s interesting that one of the first things you mentioned was, what do we call these people? These people that are in hospitals? “Patients”, I guess. And that’s an interesting word. And it’s a patience to have patients.
And when I watch old movies and you see the hospital in like an old movie set in World War One, like All Quiet On the Western Front or something, and you see them and they’re in these beautiful old buildings with beautiful gardens and huge windows, and there’s all this natural light coming in and even though people are pretty horribly injured. Maybe it’s just the romanticism because it’s in movies, but I imagine hospitals in the past being these specifically beautiful places, specifically healthy places or places that people could, you know, once they can walk, they can get outside and get fresh air and sunlight and pace through the gardens and get assisted and help.
And it’s like about patience. Like, you just gotta have patience. And people heal, like, if they’ve got good energy, like, a lot of the time there’s a church at the hospital, and there’s that church music, and there’s a sacred vibrations and frequencies and there’s things that kind of just lift the spirit. And when the spirit is lifted the people can get better and then move on.
And now when you think of a hospital, you think of, there’s no sunlight! Like, there’s no sunlight, there’s no natural light. You’re if you’ve been to an ER department or if you’ve just been at any major hospital, there’s no natural air, there’s no natural light. There’s just beeping, just constant beeping. Like every time I’ve been injured and I’ve had to go to the hospital, there’s just beeping. It’s like you’re in McDonald’s, it’s like you’re in a fast food restaurant. And there’s just thousands of beeps going off. These are not good. This is not good energy. This is not a place to get healthy.
And the older I get, and I know this sounds pretty kooky, and I’ll get accused of being a kook or something like that. I just the older I get, the less I believe in Medicine, the less I believe in things like chemotherapy and cancer. You know what I mean? Like, I don’t believe in modern medicine really anymore. I don’t have any faith or trust in it. I think that if you want to get healthy, well, prevention has been the cure, obviously, but I think that hospitals seem to get people sicker, and they seem to be a breeding ground for sickness, and they seem to attract professionally sick people.
And also the average nurse and doctor are really unhealthy! I mean, one small example before I move on. Well, most nurses I see are, like, grossly overweight and clearly don’t do any exercise. But when Beck was pregnant. She had her vitamin D tested. I don’t believe in any of that crap anymore.
But the first pregnancy, we did all that stuff, and the doctor said:
“Oh, it’s a bit low.”
It’s like 50 or something on some numerical scale, and it should be at least 50. And it’s around 50, and so it should be higher:
“You should take a vitamin D supplement.”
And I said to the doctor, and we’re sitting in this office of this doctor, and I said:
“How many hours a day are you in here? Are you in here all day? Is this like 10 hours? There’s no window in here. There’s no window. It’s just a fake white light, no fresh air.”
Blair Cottrell: And yet that person’s the authority on vitamin D!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Exactly! And you’re gonna tell us to take a supplement. Like, do you even go outside? Yeah, so anyway, that’s my rant, but, I appreciate you bringing it up.
Blair Cottrell: You used to work with disadvantaged youth, Tom, when you were like, I think maybe 24, 25.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Blair Cottrell: And when I broke my hand, I saw a hand therapist, a woman working in the hand therapy department, public hospital. And she used to work with disadvantaged youth as well, for DHS, but she dropped out of it, did some different studying, and ended up in hand therapy. And I asked her:
“Why’d you do that?”
And she said:
“Because hands get better!”
Yeah. And the kids she was working with, they don’t get better. The people that she’s working with in those kind of situations, that culture, she doesn’t see them improve.
And like I said, when you have that nurturing predisposition to your personality, you need to see people doing well and getting better and developing as a result of your care. If you see them just getting sicker and worse, it just breaks you.
And so, yeah, that’s the perspective.
Thomas Sewell: As I worked in that industry, I’m sure there are success stories. I’m sure after children leave that care and go on and experience the world as an adult, I’m sure there are success stories.
But in the three years that I worked in the industry, I did not see one child go from a drug addicted child that’s being taken advantage of, that’s vulnerable to all the disgustingness of the world. I did not see one of these children go from that into a healthy situation, a healthy childhood. It was pretty tragic.
It was a system built up to address the problem and then make the problem worse, which I think is all modern psychology, health, they might address something, but then they don’t actually have the solution. They’re good at diagnosing the current, the modern system of psychology, health, residential care, whatever it is. They can diagnose what the problem is, but then they provide all the wrong solutions.
Blair Cottrell: Just to pivot into something that’s relevant generally. Before we move on from this topic, do you want to explain to the audience?
Because I remember you told me this once and it was really interesting. And it does tie into a lot of other behaviours in politics, social, political behaviours. A lot of the youth you used to work with, they would destroy things. They would graffiti the car inside, government property when they were sitting in it. They would scratch their tags into things. Graffiti, destroy.
And I remember you told me why they do that. And why is it that they do that? Why do these children that come from broken families, orphans, they’ve got drug problems already, whatever it is. They destroy everything around them. Why are they doing that?
Thomas Sewell: Well, there’s a lot of reasons. I’m not sure the specific reason that I told you back in the day. I think the individual reason, the individual psychology is based around the fact that they’re in pain, and they feel ugly, they feel damaged, they feel destroyed. And so they want to live in a world that reflects how they feel.
It’s like a it’s an almost anti-Faustian sort of spirit. It’s like because they are upset with themselves. Instead of fixing themselves or not having the tools or the motivation to fix themselves, they would rather the society be destroyed like them. Then it’s like:
“Now I feel comfortable because now everything’s like me. Everything else is broken!”
Blair Cottrell: Can you see the carryover, like, where that applies elsewhere? Like the homosexual community, the Marxists, the feminists?
Thomas Sewell: Absolutely!
Blair Cottrell: If I’m ugly, if I’m deranged, if I’m twisted, then everyone else needs to be too! You see?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Misery loves company. Yeah.
The other thing about that, is its important for people to realise that studying, raising care, or looking after disadvantaged youth, or studying Medicine or working in the hospital, it carries over to everything, especially politics. And it’s an expression that I throw around a lot. Everyone’s probably sick of it, but it’s:
“That which you feed grows!”
So if you constantly feed this industry, it becomes an industry! If you constantly, it’s not promote, it’s not the right word, but the medical industry profits from keeping people sick. So, you know, that’s what’s feeding it.
So it’s not going to come up with the correct solutions. It will diagnose the problem because it needs to know what the problem is because it know how it’s making money. Whether that’s Resicare or any healthcare system, it needs to know how it’s making money. And the company I worked for back in 2016 was getting $440 million a year from the taxpayer to look after something like 1, 500 children. And I’m sure that that number has probably doubled in the last eight years.
So they’ve got these analytical, capitalistic minded people in charge of the hospitals, in charge of looking after people departments at a corporate level. And these people are not altruistic. These people are not interested in fixing the problem. They’re like, how do we grow the business?
“But it’s not a business. It’s a Not for Profit, or it’s a charity!”
Or they use some sort of reason. I mean, sometimes, I guess, in America, they are just straight up businesses. That’s why it’s probably the capital of this kind of behaviour.
Blair Cottrell: But even money, that money is always the greatest incentive. Like, if you pay people for being sick, they’re going to keep being sick. If they’re making a wage from sitting at home with a so-called mental illness, then they’re going to do the best they can to sustain that mental illness so that the money keeps coming in. That what you feed grows! Like you said, if you feed weakness, you grow weakness. We need to start feeding strength, discipline!
Thomas Sewell: Absolutely, absolutely! We should be selectively breeding humans to be better, not worse. They’re selectively breeding humans, they’re encouraging humans to be their worst. And it’s damaging the elite, really, genetically.
Blair Cottrell: We’re still here, we’re still representative of the opposite worldview, like, physically and philosophically, I hope. You’ve been a bit quiet, Joel. You want to chime in on this? I’m just going to change my camera to another camera. I was trying a new camera, but I don’t like it. So I’m still here, but I’ll be right back on the visual.
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, my view on eugenics or the eugenic quality of the population is, … By the way, I can hear a noise. I don’t know if that’s coming from. It’s stopped now. Yeah, the it’s kind of like a tragic consequence of modernity, the Industrial Revolution and advances in modern medicine, that medical care is almost too good these days, and as a result, defective and mutant genes are not being kind of wiped out of the reproductive line as they used to be. I mean, infant mortality is estimated to be around 40% to 50% prior to the Industrial Revolution in European countries. That means that basically half of the babies that are born don’t make it past their second birthday. And obviously, that’s kind of tragic.
But at the same time, there’s a reason why they didn’t. And it’s because they were born with genetic defects. That modern medicine can keep them alive. And then they grew up with those genetic defects, and then they reproduce. And then basically, we get a proliferation of too much genetic mutation, basically, in modern society.
And so it’s just no wonder, therefore, that then you need to have an expansive, more and more expansive medical system in order to keep increasingly defective genes alive. You know, we talked about the disability insurance scheme in Australia. And I know a lot of people are rorting it. A lot of people are taking the piss and basically just manipulating the system to get free money.
But at the same time, a lot of people are just genuinely retarded! Like we have all of these retarded people. It’s insane! The portion of the population that’s retarded! And it’s because we live in a society that basically keeps retarded people alive.
The solution to that is going to have to be a government will have to come to power one day that actually takes this seriously. And guides the breeding of the population with scientific analysis in a way that reduces mutational load.
All the benefits of modern science, basically creating the conditions for mutation. But also they can solve those conditions. Because we can apply modern science. To actually guide breeding in a far more functional way.
But the kind of ideological foundation necessary to create that kind of institution. Would be something like our politics, which is obviously the polar opposite of the current regime. Because the current regime basically builds and stakes its political legitimacy on the back of mutant freaks! It builds it off the back of going against nature, going against biology, rather than working with nature and with biology to improve the human basically to a higher and higher form. Instead, it’s quite the opposite of a coalition of the low trying to drag humanity down to their level.
So, I mean, obviously, we talk about that on the show all the time, but that’s just my basic view.
Blair Cottrell: Well, it’s like, I remember Hitler writes about this in Mein Kampf. He says:
“We dedicate so much effort to try to breed strong racehorses for the purposes of betting. But when someone mentions the concept of human eugenics and breeding a higher humanity, everybody gets offended. Why? What kind of sense does that make?”
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! It’s like:
“Hey, you shouldn’t have a sexy wife. You should just go and have sex with that fat, disgusting, ugly bitch over there with an IQ of 85!”
And you say:
“Well, I don’t want to do that, actually. That’d be horrible!”
“What are you, some kind of bigot!”
That’s basically the logical conclusion of, …
Blair Cottrell: Do you think IQ is largely passed down through genetics?
Joel Davis: Yes. It’s just objectively true that. Yeah. That there is a massive genetic correlation between general intelligence. Yeah.
So obviously there is some room to move there. Like, you’ll be genetically predisposed to a certain spectrum of intelligence. And then based upon your upbringing, like, are you fed good nutrients? Do you have a good lifestyle, diet, and so on.
Thomas Sewell: They say mouth breathing. They say even mouth breathing is like, if a child has serious allergies and can’t breathe through its nose, that can impact its IQ a lot as well, because it’s getting less oxygen while it’s sleeping. It’s very important to not get too many pets because your child might get issues.
But Joel, touched on this earlier on Twitter, that’s kind of slightly off topic, but we were talking about eugenics and breeding. And selective breeding is not always just about who you breed with, but who simply doesn’t breed. And that brings up the “incel question” itself. And I don’t actually want to solve the incel question. I just want to shift the incel [word unclear] to a different type of people.
I think that a society has to have a certain percentage of it to be incels, because if every man in a nation breeds, if every man and woman have children, then you’re not ever solving any problem. If there is bad blood in the race, how can you get rid of that bad blood? How can you eugenically move the race if 100% or 99.9% of the population breed? You kind of do want a small percentage of the population of every generation to not have children.
And you want to structure society so that what is considered an incel or considered the lowest status people is not necessarily based off the current metrics, but it’s not too dissimilar to the current metrics. It’s similar to the current metrics, but you would have more emphasis on things like duty, honour, conviction, over things like just monetary status and stuff like that.
Joel Davis: I think also this raises a probably more interesting polemical point, which is that I’d honestly rather a large portion of the race fall into like a far-Left ideology and embrace basically sterilising worldview, the sterilising worldview of the far-Left. Like, I don’t think Antifa having a lot of kids, and they shouldn’t. We don’t want people who would become Antifa to have any children. We want them to get into like, these weird policules and engage in all kinds of degeneracy that is totally infertile and become homosexuals or whatever. Because we don’t want those genes perpetuating themselves.
You don’t want to get them into the Church and get them to like, become like normal conservative people and get together. We don’t want a race of Mongoloids and mongrels because we promote breed at any cost kind of conservative values. And then we have a bunch of low status Whites that can’t get a White GF. And so then they start breeding with Asian women and Indians and so on.
So promoting, like sterilising, I don’t know about promoting, but kind of allowing the sterilising worldviews to kind of let rip and only trying to save the good blood is in many respects like, what I think we should be culturally focused upon. Like, there’s a lot of people that it isn’t worth putting energy into trying to save their genes and therefore to try and save their moral health.
But also incels can provide a lot of benefit. Like, I think it’s noble if you, it’s better to be a White incel than to be a race mixer. I mean, at least you’re not like creating more of the problem. It’s more honourable. So I would say I wouldn’t really integrate incels, to be honest.
Blair Cottrell: If inferior peoples are given the same breeding opportunities or equal breeding opportunities, and they end up outnumbering the better dramatically because, you know, sex feels good and they’re just kind of doing it impulsively and not really thinking about what they’re doing. As a result, you end up with a great deal of inferior people.
Remember when I was a kid, I assumed this was when I was like eight years old. I assumed that you had to have a licence to have children. I thought, there’s no way everyone’s just winging it. Like, surely you need to go through some process, there’s government, …
Thomas Sewell: My dad used to say that at fucking A Current Affair, every fucking night when we’re having dinner. My dad [chuckling] used to scream that at the TV!:
“You should have to have a fucking licence to have children!”
Blair Cottrell: I couldn’t believe that you didn’t have to. I couldn’t believe it! Eventually, when I was twelve or something, I brought it up with my dad, and I’m just like, so what do you have to do to have kids? What’s the process? And dad’s like:
“What do you mean?”
Because he thought I was asking him about sex. And I said:
“I mean do you have, like, who gives you the permission, all that kind of stuff?”
He goes:
“There’s nothing like that.”
He goes:
“Just do it if you want to, mate!”
And I was like:
“What! So everyone’s just having kids as much as they want?”
I couldn’t believe it! Like, to me, even as a child, that seemed immoral, that seemed ridiculous! But, yeah, that’s the way it is.
Thomas Sewell: We’re getting a little bit into some dangerous territory here.
But it’s quite a Nietzschean concept to criticise the Church, where the Church played an active role in being dysgenic. The Church played an active role in controlling marriages. And it’s just an interesting concept. I’m obviously not formally married yet, but you know, Beck asked me:
“Oh, when we get married, (because obviously we’re getting married) you know, who do you want to be the person that marries us?”
And I was like:
“No one. What the fuck are you talking about? Why would I have someone marry us? Who’s going to marry us?”
Blair Cottrell: Just put a picture of Hitler inbetween you.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, [chuckling] like, maybe if we got Hitler back, I’d have Hitler there. But who’s going to marry us? Like, why would I let some random dude from what? From the Church? Like, he’s a religious leader, is he? Like, even if I was Christian, I wouldn’t allow that.
I mean, I know everyone’s different, and a lot of people, tradition’s important, and their parents were married like that. But I read Nietzsche when I was quite young, so obviously I have these kind of thoughts imprinted in my head that appear to me as common sense, but are probably just an influence that I had from younger things that have just settled.
Joel Davis: It’s a very romanticist, like, modern European notion, though, as well, because marriage has always been in pretty much every culture, not just a contract between two people, or an agreement between two people, but a social agreement that is.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it is a contract with the community.
Joel Davis: Elders of the community, …
Thomas Sewell: But that’s different. That’s where I’m getting into the Nietzschean criticism. It’s not of Christianity, but the Nietzschean criticism of the Church, how the Church monopolised marriage, how it had full, total control, and therefore it impacted the breeding, the natural breeding strategies, because, as Blair’s saying:
“Don’t you need to have a licence?”
And it’s like, no, no, you don’t need a licence. But up until about 100, 150 years ago, you needed consent of the Church. You needed the Church’s approval to get married. The church decided,
Blair Cottrell: I still think that’s better than nothing. That’s better than nothing. But it all depends on the processes the Church follows.
Joel Davis: If you wanted to marry a gook woman or something, that this is Nietzsche’s argument, the Swastika Church says no!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Well, Swastika Church would say no if it was race mixing or it was dysgenic. And that’s sort of what Hitler and Nietzsche. That’s what they’re coming at. That for an ignoble people, any sort of bureaucratic process is a good thing, because if it can try to attempt to slow down that fundamental corruption, then it’s a good thing. But for a noble people, that process isn’t necessary, and it’s actually an insult to their beauty and an insult to their nobility. So it just depends on where you are on that spectrum, I guess.
Joel Davis: Well, I am a romanticist, so, like, I sympathize with the idea that ultimately, if I’m going to marry someone, I don’t give a fuck what anyone else says, I’m just going to do it and try and stop me.
But then, at the same time when we’re thinking about society, the masses, they clearly need some kind of Swastika Church regulation. So I do support, and I’d be quite happy to submit to the Swastika Church for the social good, because I know that I think the Swastika would bless me, so I don’t want to worry.
Blair Cottrell: That’s exactly what’s true or necessary for the masses isn’t always necessary for the minority of, what would you call them?
Thomas Sewell: Aristocratic souls, perhaps? Yeah.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. I don’t know. The brighter souls. I actually said that to a mate recently. I said:
“Do you think everyone has souls?”
I asked him, and he goes:
“I think they do. I just think some people’s souls shine a bit brighter than others.”
And the reason I asked him is because I thought it’s only really a tragedy when someone with a truly bright soul dies. Someone with kind of like an average soul, they die. It’s like no one cares. But when a significant personality that really shines, when someone like that dies, especially in the service of ordinary people, that’s a tragedy, man!
Joel Davis: Well, I wanted to get onto the topic for the day because we could go on about this and just do the whole show like this. But I called the show Wargaming the Response as Communists Organised Brown Parasites to Rally in Every City.
So if we just do this for an hour and a half and don’t talk about it, then I will look stupid. So we’ve got to discuss it.
Obviously, we did a little protest, counter-protest, I should say, of the encampment. They’re basically encampments, by the way. These things are not just like a refugee quote, unquote, “protest”, they’re full encampments.
So they’re getting communists, literal communists, like in Victoria, it’s obviously the Victorian socialists. I’ve seen the promotion of the Adelaide one, promoted by. Sorry, the Perth one, promoted by the Socialist Alternative. Obviously all these socialist communist groups all, like, collaborate with one another and they’re coordinating it in Brisbane. Coordinating in Sydney. There was also a protest on the steps of Parliament in Adelaide. I don’t think they have an encampment in Adelaide, though. That seemed to be a little bit different.
So in Sydney, I’m just going to let everyone know where these things are. So in Sydney, in 20, I think, unit 29 of one Broadway Punchbowl, you have the office of Tony Burke, the Member of Parliament. I think he’s the Minister for Home Affairs. And they’re targeting Home Affairs because in Melbourne, their encampment is at Docklands at the front of the Home Affairs building.
And then in Brisbane, the encampment is at Jim Chalmers office. I don’t know why they’re targeting him. I guess he’s just like a prominent Labour MP. And the address in Brisbane is unit 38, 38 to 74 Wembley Road, Logan Central. And in Perth, I don’t think they’re doing it in encampment yet, but the rally, which has been promoted by communists, but also it has Indian writing. I’ll just pull up a screenshot of what I’ve seen here.
So this is from Facebook.
So you can see from, like, Socialist Alternative Curtain:
“Rally organised by refugees to demand permanent protection visas. There are thousands of refugees on temporary visas in Australia at risk of deportation by the government.”
And you can see it’s being promoted in Gobbledygook, brownloid language. Forest Place. Perth, 10:00 in the morning this Saturday. They’re doing it nice and early in the morning so they can go and protest for Palestine afterwards. And, yeah, there was a protest. I’m trying to look into it to see if there’s going to be another protest in Adelaide or what’s developing in Adelaide. I’m going to keep my eye on it and I’ll inform everyone.
But they had a protest on the steps of Parliament. I posted a video from Seven News Adelaide discussing it. It was only, like, 20 of them. And there was a bunch of fat communist women, they’re probably jewish, intermingled with a bunch of browns who are claiming to be refugees. I don’t see how the hell that they’re refugees, but they’re claiming to be refugees. I mean, some of them are quite clearly Indian or Pakistani from places like this. They’re not fucking refugees! They’re economic migrants.
But whatever, it doesn’t matter whether they’re refugees or not. We don’t fucking want them in our country. And the gall of these people to demand permanent visas, like, as if they’re just entitled to be in our country is just so egregious, it’s so parasitic! So that’s obviously why, …
Blair Cottrell: If they’re not citizens, what are they doing? How are they able to just stand around on the street protesting? Shouldn’t they just be arrested? And how’s that work?
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, exactly! I mean, not only this, like so I’ve seen a lot of clips that people have sent me from the refugee encampment in Melbourne, which is organised by communists.
But when we confronted them, the majority of the crowd were browns, obviously, and they’re getting the browns to bring their sleeping bag and literally just sleep on the side of the road. They’ve been there for two weeks now, I think, coming on two weeks.
And basically they’re just going to stay there until they get permanent visas, and they think this is going to be a pathway to permanent visas. Now they are demanding to the police:
“Come and stand next to me and act as my personal bodyguard and don’t allow., …”
There was a TikToker called Auspill who’s obviously, like, a nationalist. And he goes quite viral on TikTok, and he’s quite good at just promoting anti-immigration talking points and so on.
He was down there at the one in Melbourne documenting them, just interviewing people on the street, just getting some footage. And they demanded that the police move him on and kick him out of the area even though he wasn’t being violent towards anyone. He was just literally just filming people. And people agreed to being interviewed. Like, no one is forced to be interviewed. And they demanded that the police function as their personal security to keep them away from the area. And he’s been like, moved on.
And then he even got arrested because he didn’t move on quickly enough at one point, which he got on film. And you see them on the microphone saying to the police:
“Don’t let the Nazis come back!”
Because obviously we counter-protested them the other day and:
“You’ve got to protect us and we’re going to sue you if you don’t keep people away from here and allow people to come here and film us.”
Who they don’t approve of, they just think that they own the place. It’s crazy! And the police are just totally complicit. Contrast that with how we get treated by police.
But this is a play, a clip here of the Adelaide so-called protest on the steps of South Australian Parliament, just for the benefit of the audience.
Newsreader: Dozens of protesters have rallied on the steps of Parliament, demanding the Federal governmen grant permanent visas for all refugees. They claim some have been fighting for visas for more than ten years.
Brown guy: What do we want! Visa! When do we want? Now!
Brown guy 2: We follow the rules and regulations. We working hard and pay the tax.
Newsreader: The group says it will continue to advocate for refugee rights.
Joel Davis: Yeah, like, so they’re advocating for refugee rights. Like, they just think that they’re entitled, basically. I really doubt these people are working hard and paying a lot of taxes, to be honest, because they’ve got a bunch of browns camping on the side of the road for two weeks, so they clearly don’t have a job to go to.
Blair Cottrell: He’s like, you see that guy? He’s like:
“Oh, we follow the rules and regulations.”
Well, no, you don’t, because part of the rule is that you’re a citizen and you’re not so continue to follow the regulations and get out!
Joel Davis: Exactly!
Blair Cottrell: If you’re a real refugee too, you’re happy to be in a camp, you’re happy to just not be getting tortured or shot. So real refugees aren’t on the mainland protesting for permanent citizenship, [words unclear] sleeping in tents and happy about it.
Joel Davis: You know, they’re like:
“We’ve been here for twelve years!”
So like, obviously the problem is they’re not getting kicked out! And they’re not saying:
“Oh, these people are going to kick us out or we’re going to get kicked out.”
They’re saying:
“We want permanent visas to just to live here forever for the rest of our lives.”
No explanation of what country do you come from? Why can’t you go back? What are you running away from? Like, if they actually had a good reason to be refugees, wouldn’t they get on the television and say:
“There’s a war happening, that my people are being ethnically cleansed. If I go home, they’re going to kill my family!”
Not one of them said that. Because not one of them is actually a fucking refugee. But even if they are, why the fuck is it our problem? Get the fuck out!
But anyway, I’ll play the news clip of us. I’m sure a lot of people have seen it, but it’s just a great news clip. So I’m just going to play it again.
Newreader: Shut down a pro-refugee rally at Docklands. Organisers blame opposition leader Peter Dutton for inflaming the extremist group with his hardline on Gaza refugees. Laura Turner has the latest.
Laura Turner: They planned for peaceful protest, but they got the opposite:
“Australia for the Whiteman! Fuck off, we’re full!”
Neo-Nazis brandishing offensive signage, attempting to steamroll the pro-refugee message. But if the extremists wanted to stoke fear, instead they were met with defiance.
Brown woman: They’re cowards! And they are so cruel to even say that we’re not welcome here.
Laura Turner: Hundreds in support of the 10,000 refugees rejected by the now defunct Fast Track Visa process, begging for a face to face meeting with the Home Affairs minister.
Brown man: We are so suffering and with the protesting, like, it’s rude. It’s been twelve years without anything.
Laura Turner: Rally organisers blaming the clash with Nazis on these comments earlier this week.
Peter Dutton*: We should have a temporary ban on the situation of bringing people in from Gaza.
Amanda Rishworth: What Peter Dutton does at every opportunity is seek to divide our country.
Laura Turner: The Nationals backing Dutton.
David Littleproud: We condemn that sort of behaviour, but that’s why it’s important we show that leadership. And again, this is just political opportunism.
Laura Turner: But experts in anti-semitism say heaping blame on Peter Dutton is out of line. White supremacy transcends politics.
Dvir Abramovich**: These neo-Nazis are driven by the Great Replacement theory which says that the White race is being replaced by a rise of non-White immigrants.
Laura Turner: Refugees to continue their 24/7 protest until they’re granted permanent visas.
Protesters: Permanent visas now! Permanent visas now!
Laura Turner: Unwelcome visitors or nothing. Laura Turner, nine news.
[* Peter Craig Dutton (born 18 November 1970) is an Australian politician and former police detective serving as the current Leader of the Opposition, holding office as the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia since May 2022. He has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for the division of Dickson since 2001. Dutton previously served as the minister for Defence from 2021 to 2022 and the minister for Home Affairs from 2017 to 2021. He held various ministerial positions from 2004 to 2022 in the governments of Howard, Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison.
Dutton grew up in Brisbane. He worked as a police officer in the Queensland Police for nearly a decade upon leaving school, and later ran a construction business with his father. He joined the Liberal Party as a teenager and was elected to the House of Representatives at the 2001 election, aged 30.]
[** Dvir Abramovich (born 1971) is an Israeli-Australian Jewish studies academic, columnist, and editor. Abramovich is the chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC), a former division of B’nai B’rith in Melbourne, and director of the Program for Jewish Culture and Society at The University of Melbourne. Abramovich’s areas of study are the Hebrew language, Israel and Holocaust studies.]
Blair Cottrell: Is that true, Joel? Did you feel like the reason you hosted this flash rally is because you felt emboldened and empowered by Peter Dutton speeches?
Joel Davis: Oh, no, actually, [words unclear], …
Blair Cottrell: [chuckling] A temporary ban, like, on people from Gaza is what he said. That’s embarrassingly weak language. I mean, as if you’re gonna feel emboldened by that shit! If anything, you’re just gonna be more pissed off by it [chuckling]. To make it seem like Peter Dutton is your, like, motivating force, it’s laughable, man.
Joel Davis: Yeah. But no, but I’m glad that they said that, because it forced Dvir Abramovich to go on the news and actually do something useful for once, which is clarify the actual reason why we were there.
Blair Cottrell: Well, you were smart. You attacked a position that the enemy was obliged to defend. So you produced a result through being clever with your activity, through being calculated. This is good discipline. It’s really good development!
Thomas Sewell: Talking about how Dvir hasn’t been on television in ages and how we all missed Dvir, the vampire. And then all we had to do was just gate crash as unwelcome visitors in our own fucking country! Some Indians complaining that they want our country off us! Yeah.
Blair Cottrell: Were you there as well? Were you, Tom?
Thomas Sewell: No, Thomas Sewell was not there. But [word unclear] Sewell in a balaclava was there. [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: Right. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Jacob and Joel did a stream recently, and Jacob covered the reason for the why we wear masks more than just as a legal protection, but the symbology of it.
The idea that you have a crier and a chorus, or this idea that you have a conductor and an opera, this very simple artistic display that if everyone’s showing their faces, then that kind of works. But half-half, it can be a distraction. Or if there’s ten people showing their faces and 50 people not, it can take away from the message, and sometimes the purest message, like that mass deportations banner that Jacob organised out the front of Fed Square, Flinders Street Station.
I mean, that was just incredible! Just the, I don’t know what Jacob calls “the praxis” or something of it. Like, he’s got.
Joel Davis: The semiotics.
Thomas Sewell: The semiotics* of it. The symbology of it. This idea of just the balaclavas and the banner, it makes it more about the message. It strengthens and emboldens the message.
[* Semiotics is the systematic study of sign processes and the communication of meaning. In semiotics, a sign is defined as anything that communicates intentional and unintentional meaning or feelings to the sign’s interpreter. Semiosis is any activity, conduct, or process that involves signs. Signs can be communicated through thought itself or through the senses. Contemporary semiotics is a branch of science that studies meaning-making and various types of knowledge. The semiotic tradition explores the study of signs and symbols as a significant part of communications. Unlike linguistics, semiotics also studies non-linguistic sign systems. Semiotics includes the study of indication, designation, likeness, analogy, allegory, metonymy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication. Semiotics is frequently seen as having important anthropological and sociological dimensions. Some semioticians regard every cultural phenomenon as being able to be studied as communication. Wikipedia]
Blair Cottrell: It’s great! It’s great that that’s been explained and understood, because I felt that to be true. So when it was explained, I was like:
“Yes! This is what I’ve been observing. There’s a uniformity amongst the troopers, and then there’s the leader.”
And you can see this even in standard military parades, like, or even police units when they wear their caps over their faces anyway. So they basically all look like the same person. They’re all the soldiers, right? So it’s pretty much emulated across the board.
Joel Davis: I was pretty happy. The mass deportations rally and this one, I felt like they both were just really, like, for the genre of the Nazi rally, there were two, like, really sick efforts at the genre. Like, artistically speaking, the setting, the images, the banner, the meaning,
Thomas Sewell: Like, stand-off.
Joel Davis: Yeah, the Mass Deportations Now we only had 40 dudes standing in the city, and that went around the world, got millions of views all over the Internet.
And then we organised this one. I showed up at Tom’s work on his lunch break to let him know that I had organised this rally in the last 12 hours, because I didn’t want to tell him on the phone in case. Because I know ASIO would tap our conversations and maybe tip off the cops. So we, like, had to put our phones in the car and go on a walk and shit and talk. [chuckling] But it was like a last minute fucking op. And with, 20 guys showing up!
And again, I counted well over 2 million impressions from the images, actually, from the video, I should say, plus another million from the images, plus who were on the news. So we managed to create these two spectacles that reverberated in front of millions of people’s eyes with a very small group of people, and people say:
“Oh, what’s the point of rallying in the street and all this kind of stuff?”
Well I think we proved that there’s a point to it! Like, we actually demonstrated two times in the space of a month. We did another rally as well in Brisbane that kicked up a stink. But those two rallies, I thought were visually, like, we got the perfect visual. In Brisbane, we couldn’t get the perfect visual. We got one cool photo of us, but we couldn’t get the perfect visual of the speech and everything because the police basically just, …
Thomas Sewell: Used terrorism. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: The only way to stop us is with superior terrorism.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Blair Cottrell: Whatever works. Right. And what breaks terror? What do you do once, …
Thomas Sewell: Use terror.
Blair Cottrell: Right. Like, the only thing that can overcome force is more force, more of what’s being used against you, basically. And that’s the worrying trend, I suppose.
Joel Davis: Yeah, but that’s what we proved with the mass deportations rally, and this rally, is that we can adapt to the policing tactics. We managed to adapt. Like, we had some rallies that the police have kind of really broken up. Well, we figured out how to use smart tactics to pull things off anyway, even though that is the response that we’re going to inevitably get in other situations.
So it’s kind of like, … Don’t accept defeat. You have to make it work.
Blair Cottrell: Like, I don’t know whether I want to advertise some of those tactics that I’ve observed, in a public stream.
So maybe I’ll keep my comments to myself.
Joel Davis: We’ll leave it there.
But, yeah, we made it work, though. We made it work.
Thomas Sewell: Low tech in a world where tech is just ever increasing, you can beat Five Eyes* with a pencil and a pen, you know, pencil and a piece of paper! [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: Or a deviceless walk through the park and a brief chat.
[* Five Eyes – Intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, all of which being parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint co-operation in signals intelligence. The Five Eyes is an Anglo-sphere intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries are party to the multilateral UK-USA Agreement, a treaty for joint co-operation in signals intelligence. Informally, “Five Eyes” can refer to the group of intelligence agencies of these countries. The term “Five Eyes” originated as shorthand for a “AUS/CAN/New Zealand/UK/US EYES ONLY” releasability caveat. Wikipedia]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And just having guys. What ultimately defeats the enemy system is small teams of men who are loyal to each other and have a chain of command to larger teams of men.
And it’s that loyalty of that. I talk about it to the boys sometimes, and I explain to them that the whole Roman Empire was built by eight man teams.
And the reason why they picked eight man, it started with ten, but then they changed to eight. And the Latin word for it, I don’t speak Latin, but it translates roughly to “tent buddies” or “campfire buddies”. And the idea was that that’s about how many men can sit around a campfire and all get warm. And the Roman Empire was literally built on that principle. The entirety of it was built around eight man teams.
So we operate on a similar principle. Any effective organisation operates on a similar effective principle, and we just have a strong chain of command and we’re practicing different tactics that, again, we won’t talk about exactly on stream. But obviously, the police are starting to work out that we’ve changed. We changed the operation, and that’s how we’ve managed to pull off a few successful rallies. Because it was honestly about a year ago we had to go back to the drawing board. About a year ago we just did we publicly advertised our rallies. We were like:
“Hey, we’re going to be here.”
We were like:
“Let’s give traditional democracy one more, one last final hurrah!”
Blair Cottrell: That’s because that’s how we grew to understand how protests work, and that’s how we would, …
Thomas Sewell: That’s how the Left do it. And the police shut them down. That’s how the Left have been doing it the whole time. The Left publicly advertised their rallies, and they just show up and the police accommodate them:
“Oh, you want to go there? Yep, we’ll walk you there. Oh, you want to go there? Yep, we’ll walk you there.”
The only time the police get upset and the only time the system gets upset is when these more extremist Left-wing groups block, like a bridge for like, 8 hours. I mean, obviously those people are going to jail. Like, the Left complain. I see their comments online:
“How come NSN don’t go to jail for protesting, but climate change activists do?”
And it’s well, if climate change activists just stood out the front of town hall, none of them would go to jail. They go to jail because they disrupt, like, major arterial roads and kill people. Like, that leads to people dying because they can’t get to a hospital, or women are giving birth on the bridge, you know, instead of at home or at the hospital because they can’t get there.
I mean, they’re obviously doing serious damage to people’s lives by that kind of disruption technique. That’s why they go into jail. Or they’re damaging art or whatever, trespass.
So, you know, that’s something that, I mean, I guess we already know that. But just in case the audience have come across those talking points:
“Oh, why did climate change activists go to jail, but NSN activists don’t?”
Well, NSN activists sometimes do get arrested, but the charges get dropped. Or, I mean, Jimmy got charged a few rallies ago, I think it was Stop Immigration, Living Space for Whites. That rally last year. Jimmy got charged with attacking police. And then as soon as he got to court, the cops dropped it. As soon as he got to the magistrates, the cops dropped the charges.
The cops didn’t want to go through the process of explaining why they assaulted Jimmy, Jimbo, for doing absolutely nothing wrong, just peacefully, publicly demonstrating. The cops didn’t want to have to explain why they assaulted him and how there was a potential retaliation to that assault during the process, which is, I guess, a similar incident to the Nick Patterson.
Likewise, one of our young guys got arrested at the Brisbane rally, and he was one of the only guys, I think it was fall guys that got detained, and he was the only guy that got charged with anything. And he got charged with something absolutely ridiculous, “inciting to incite racial and homosexual vilification” or something, some ridiculous charge. It was like kind of what you got charged with, Blair, what you and Neil got charged with back in 2017, but it had an extra layer of incitement on it. It was like “incitement to incite”! I’ll try and find it word for word. Or maybe Joel’s got it.
Blair Cottrell: Sure it’s not. It might be “intent to incite”. But what the problem, …
Thomas Sewell: No. It wasn’t even that.
Joel Davis: The news reported as “Incitement of racial hatred”.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I know that the police, …
Thomas Sewell: I’ve seen the charge sheet. It’s an inciting, …
Blair Cottrell: All I know is the prosecution don’t like trying to prove that incitement actually happened. They just want to charge you with, …
Joel Davis: You’re inciting other people to go around inciting other people to say nigger or something. That’s basically what it was.
Blair Cottrell: Well, that makes it easier. I think they see it, … When they do that, use these charges, they’re going for the easiest possible conviction path of least resistance, where they don’t have to produce as much evidence and they’re hoping some magistrate would as rule in their favour.
Joel Davis: I don’t think it will actually go to court. It’ll end was getting dropped, and they just did it as a reason to arrest them.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: And to put bail conditions on him.
Apparently they were sitting around in the cop shop, like, having a big meeting, trying to figure out what they could charge him with and then eventually that was the best thing they could come up with, because they just wanted to charge him with something.
Blair Cottrell: That’s how these people, I think, says they feel pressure from media, their own bosses:
“Hey, chat. What have you guys been doing? Whose names did you get on the day? Who’s being charged? Who’s been arrested?”
They just want to see results.
Thomas Sewell: They’ve got instructions to shut us down, whereas they’ve got instructions to assist in any way possible the brown and communist hordes that are protesting. To accommodate them. They’ve been told to accomodate one side and suppress the other.
Blair Cottrell: Anyway, we got a relevant Superchat donating $5.
Thank you very much. And the question is:
“What’s the number of men in a march, protest, et cetera, where the police can’t stop you anymore? And how close are you to it?”
Personally, I think it really depends on circumstances. As we saw in the lockdown protests, they were big numbers, but the police still used quite a bit of force to try to break those rallies up and arrest as many people as possible. I think both of you guys would agree that the police are kind of like hyenas at these protests, trying to get people away from the major group, isolate them, and arrest them or arrest people while they’re leaving the protest to go home. They tend to stay away from larger groups and as long as you stay with the group, you’re more safe.
But what do you guys reckon?
Joel Davis: Well, I mean, for this protest, for example, because they didn’t know we were coming until we popped out.
And then we did our thing, and we stayed there for 15 minutes, 20 minutes or so, and then we got out of there. They didn’t have time to build up enough forces to jump on us. And they had all the female cops and literal homosexual cops with the rainbow lanyards and Lisp tear cops all the soft cock cops there because they were dealing with communists and browns. They didn’t have the heavies in there to deal with them because they wanted to have the nice, easy going police.
Thomas Sewell: Liaison.
Joel Davis: Yeah, that listen to the concerns of the protesters and make sure everyone’s having a good time! They didn’t want to bring in the big, the roid munching riot squads to start, you know, bashing browns or something, unfortunately. I wish they would send those police in against them, but if they knew that we were coming, there would have been a whole few squad cars of them waiting for us.
But because they didn’t know we were coming, it was too late for them to react. And the soft cops are not going to do anything. Like the one cop that looked like a normal guy out of the whole bunch. As soon as we showed up, he pulled his pepper spray out and then he looked around and was like:
“Err, ..”
And then just kind of put his pepper spray back. [chuckling] And then the female cop who was the sergeant came over and said:
“Oh, excuse me, are you guys gonna go and fight them?”
And I was like:
“No, we’re just here to demonstrate.”
And she’s like:
“Oh, okay.”
And then she just went back and they just stood there while I was screaming “fuck off” in the megaphone, [chuckling] and just didn’t know what to do.
Blair Cottrell: There’s a considerable display of confusion and lack of discipline in Queensland police service, which is interesting.
Joel Davis: You talking about the Queensland rally. Well, yeah, that.
Blair Cottrell: Oh, yeah, that specifically. Yeah, that’s what I had in mind when I was saying that.
Joel Davis: He.
Thomas Sewell: Was talking about “Fuck Off! We’re Full”, but in Queensland, …
Blair Cottrell: Okay, right.
Thomas Sewell: They were very undisciplined. Yes.
Joel Davis: They didn’t attack us straight away. They had to take a lot of time to build up their forces. And then once they did build up their forces, then they attacked us.
Blair Cottrell: What’s those sort of observations that you make as a leader? Sort of like paying attention to the body language, morale and temperament of the soldiers of an enemy force, whether they’re leaning on their spears, so to speak, or whether there’s like confusion, problems with chain of command, just general lack of discipline. And there’s plenty to exploit, plenty of ground to gain in situations like that.
Joel Davis: Well, I think also if it was a different kind of rally, like if it was a plain clothes rally and it wasn’t organised by us, but maybe we, like a bunch of our boys showed up in regular clothes and it was time then I don’t think the police would be as heavy handed. Like specifically because of our style we solicit from the system a much bigger response because they don’t want to be seen to be aiding us in some way. That’s what they get accused of by the jews and the communists and so on. If we ever do anything successfully, they start attacking the police:
“Why weren’t they arrested? Why didn’t you beat them up? Like, what are you, Nazi enablers?”
Where if it was a different kind of rally, you probably wouldn’t get the same response.
So we solicit, like the biggest reaction, the most amount of pressure.
But it’s worth it because if we can do something like what we did on Friday where we do a rally that solicit the support of the public. Like, I was scrolling through the Instagram comments and the TikTok comments and the Twitter comments and I was scrolling through the comments on people who uploaded our video that were like Leftists, as well as just kind of neutral uploaders or whatever. And I was scrolling through the comments and the comments were overwhelmingly positive towards us.
And in the past, like, you see a lot of people saying:
“Why are they wearing masks? They must be feds!”
And so on. And there was a little bit of that. But there was like other, just like normal conservatives arguing back, like defending us, saying:
“They’re not feds, like they have to wear masks because we live in a Police State and what would the government do to them.”
And so on. And they were sympathizing with us more. And the message, they were sympathizing with the message that because it’s like, no one is standing up for White Australia. Like, no one is except us. And so and this is so egregious!
Like, we picked a perfect target. Like the brown immigrants demanding permanent visas organised by communists. It’s like the ultimate kind of parasitic expression of what mass immigration is. It’s not the doctors and lawyers coming in with their PhDs, and then they can sell it as:
“Well, it’s going to be good for the country and good for the economy!”
These people very clearly aren’t going to be good for the country. This is like the worst face of immigration. And so, …
Blair Cottrell: Optically, it makes it easier for you to demonstrate that you’re in a better position, or a superior moral position.
Joel Davis: The majority of people behind us.
Blair Cottrell: If they were doctors and PhDs, they’d probably be a better genetic stock, but they’re not. They’re like the bottom of the barrel immigrants or refugee class. So like I said, optically, it’s easier to appear superior.
Joel Davis: But what we got was we did a Nazi rally. And we did a Nazi rally with. We even broke our own rules. We used profanity. Like, I thought I’d probably get arrested for using profanity and having a big sign that said “fuck” on it. I thought, I’ll end up getting arrested because they’ll say that this is “offensive behaviour” or something.
But I think that didn’t happen because of the tactics.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Interesting! I’ve never seen that happen. I’ve heard a lot of profanities at public protests, and it’s something that Victoria police specifically have never really moved on. I think they don’t want to try to set a precedent.
Joel Davis: Yeah, well. But I was willing to get arrested. I was like, I’m confident I could win in court saying that I’m doing political expression, so it should be fine. But I was willing to risk it because I thought that it would be more powerful to have the public sympathizing with such a, like, and obviously “fuck off” is like a classic Aussie boganism*. Like, you just see “fuck off” with full bumper stickers on the back of ute’s back in the two thousands and stuff all the time. It was kind of like a Pauline Hanson, One Nation supporter, you know, catchphrase.
[* Bogan is Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour are considered unrefined or unsophisticated. Depending on the context, the term can be pejorative or self-deprecating. The prevalence of the term bogan has also been associated with changing social attitudes towards social class in Australia. Wikipedia]
So I wanted to solicit that, but I also wanted to solicit that kind of like, aggressive response, not:
“Oh, you know, stop, immigration.”
Like some kind of more weaker, …
Thomas Sewell: A temporary block on, …
Joel Davis: On Gazan refugees. Yeah, no, I didn’t want that. I wanted the full, hardcore:
“Get the fuck out of my country!”
Energy. And that was the right decision, because getting the people to sympathize with that actually matters way more. It energizes them way more.
And then also, the news are calling us neo-Nazis. We’re all dressed in black. We’re strutting around, and they’re agreeing with that. That’s far more spiritually powerful than agreeing with the soft cock, conservative version of opposing this.
So that’s kind of the objective. Like, there’s a trade-off. You know, you can have less opposition, and you can probably get a bigger crowd and so on if you do things a more optical way.
But then you can’t create as big of a stir, you can’t create as big of a provocation, and you can’t get as much value out of the people agreeing with you. We want normie White masses looking at the neo-Nazis and going:
“Fuck, yeah!”
That’s what we want. Because that’s powerful! We want to desensitize the people to Nazis. We want people to start thinking:
“Wait a second. So the Nazis on the news last year saying, ‘fuck pedos’. I agree with that! Now I’m seeing on the news saying, ‘Fuck off! We’re full!’ I agree with that. Like, what the fuck? Like, the Nazis seem like the good guys.”
Because, like you’re not going to convert the Australian masses to becoming, like, ideological National Socialists. What we can do is desensitize them to, …
Blair Cottrell: You don’t need to.
Joel Davis: The Nazis. And make the Nazis seem like sympathetic characters in their mind. And that itself is the is a victory.
Blair Cottrell: You don’t need to convert people into conscious National Socialists. You just need to support you and what you’re doing. You just need to be a strong, winning horse, and then people will jump on the cart that you’re pulling.
Joel Davis: That’s the value of doing the street [word unclear].
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. The most important commentary that I saw on social media was from the boomers. I mean, to get the boomers on! So we’ve always had kind of radical Zoomers on side.
Blair Cottrell: The boomers are the most racist.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, they are. But the boomers are the most critical of us. They’re the most, like:
“Why are you wearing masks? Why do you have to wear black? Why can’t you just do this in a suit and tie?”
You know, they’ve got all those kind of shit takes.
But then after the “fuck off, we’re full”, I saw so many comments from., … I just want to put it out there again. We have the best grandmas. We have the best grandmas! Refugee grandmas. They’re not even real grandmas. They’re just soliciting brown people to pretend to be their grandchildren. But we have real grandmas that have White grandchildren, and they’re happy ladies, and they just love us on social media.
And the amount of support we had from grandmas and grandpas, just saying. I saw this one comment, and it was really transparent. It just really showed an energy, and it said something like:
“I know a lot of people don’t understand, but I want you to know that we know you support us. We know you love us.”
Or something like that.
And I was like:
“Wow, that’s special.”
That’s like a grandma saying:
“Look, all these people will talk shit about you behind your back.”
You know, at dinner, people like:
“Oh, did you see the Nazis on the news again?”
And then there’s grandma saying this:
“But deep down, we all actually know that you’re the only one standing up for us!”
And I thought that that was beautiful!
Blair Cottrell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: That’s also the value of going into the street, is you create, like, a dramatic scene. Just talking about your opinions on the Internet or framing things in terms of abstract ideas, you know, has its place.
But when you turn it into a real life confrontation with characters, and there’s we’re characters, and then you got the characters of what was standing up against.
And then they put Dvir Abramovich. You know, it turns it into this scene.
Thomas Sewell: I love Dvir Abramovich!
Joel Davis: Yeah, it turns it into this scene. It’s like a performance.
Thomas Sewell: It’s drama!
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! And then people feel like they’re drawn into it. Like:
“Well, wait, who do I sympathize with here?”
It becomes personal, emotional. And that’s how you get people to buy into it, where it’s not just about the idea anymore, but it’s about the people. It’s like:
“Wait, wait a second! Those guys in black, everyone’s attacking them, but actually, they seem like the good guys!”
That’s how the human mind thinks. For the majority of human history, we didn’t have a lot of abstract dialogue because that is really a product of advanced civilisation, literacy and so on. We had a series of myths and rituals and the way that primitive people would understand the world, there would be, like, a story. Like, hunting would be explained not in terms of the biomechanics of how you throw the spear and so on. It would be explained to you in a primitive society by some story about the spirit of the buffalo or the spirit of the deer and the God of hunting. And there would be this whole story and narrative that you’d be raised with, and, like the elder would make a painting on a wall with cave painting to explain it to you or whatever. And that’s how you would get it. That’s more intuitive to the human mind, is a story with characters.
So that’s really something that a lot of people don’t really value, I don’t think, when they denigrate street activism.
Blair Cottrell: Well it’s an easy pipeline, too. The benefit for representatives of our philosophy and for you guys doing these protests now is the Australian working class, the White Australian working class, they already agree with you. Everyone hates immigration! No one likes the government! All you guys are doing, I suppose, at the end of the day, is providing them with the confidence to admit it. To admit it and to do something about it! And that’s the strategy, right?
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! Yeah. And just giving them a character, they don’t have anyone else to support that’s fighting for White Australia right now. There’s no one in the conventional political drama. Australian politics is a shit drama! Like, American politics is just bad as Australian politics, but at least it’s kind of interesting. They got, like, cool characters.
Blair Cottrell: I noticed that you go on X and (((Ben Shapiro’s))) in some heated argument with someone I’ve never heard of! And there’s all these people in American politics that are, like relevant and prolific in their own way. And down here in Australia, it’s like, all we have is us. [chuckling] Like, there’s just no one down here, really [chuckling]. But we do the best we can with what we’ve got.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Politics is becoming, like, reality TV. It really is.
And I think that’s why there’s so many., … Not so much anymore, but in the early days, when we started doing our activism, because no one on the Right., … And who is it that talks about this? Bowdoin? Is it Bowden? Bowdoin. Bowden?
Joel Davis: Bowden.
Thomas Sewell: He talks about this a lot. He talks about how the Left are winning. And he’s obviously saying this back in the nineties and the early two thousands. He says:
“The Left are winning because they’re creative, because they’re dramatic, because they’re inspiring! But the Right is stagnant and slow and boring and conservative. And that’s why it’s losing. And if the Right wants to win, it needs to get that energy back. It needs to become creative. It needs to be dramatic. It needs to consider things of fire and glory and honour, these concepts. It needs to put these on the forefront. And when it can do this successfully, it will win the youth over and it will win Europe back!”
And that’s why when we first came on the scene with our kind of very dramatic, “destroy pedo freaks” and “stop immigration” rallies, these things, a lot of comments, a lot of the conservatives and a lot of the boomers were saying:
“These people are feds. Who are these guys? They’re feds! They’re clearly feds! It’s a fed op! Dan Andrews is bringing his guys out again so we can pass more legislation!”
Like because they were so uncreative in their mind they couldn’t even comprehend that maybe the Right-wing can fight back in this dimension? Maybe the Right-wing can get creative and youthful and fruitful and it can have virility again? It isn’t just this boring. Like someone gets up in front of a microphone and says:
“What we need more than ever, guys, is to vote the right people into Parliament. And we need common sense policy. That’s what we need! Common sense needs to reign supreme again!”
And that’s what every fucking idiot like, wanker in the Right-wing has been doing for the last, 20 years, and it hasn’t worked.!:
“Oh, we need common sense on immigration. We need common sense on this.”
And it’s like, obviously that’s truthful. That is a truthful statement, but that’s not how you win. You don’t win with just truth alone. You need to have a little bit of juj, a little bit of inspiration,
Joel Davis: Je ne sais quoi.
Thomas Sewell: You need some French words thrown in there. [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: Even early days, man in UPF, UPF was like political Home and Away.
Thomas Sewell: Yes.
Blair Cottrell: I mean, there was all people fighting. Sherman getting offended, leaving, coming back the next day. There was always something going on the Facebook page. Was really funny and interesting to tune into.
Thomas Sewell: It worked, though. It did work.
Blair Cottrell: It was heaps of different characters to appeal to heaps of different interests. And it was just like, yeah, it did work. It was annoying to me. I was always annoyed. I’m like:
“Oh, this isn’t optical, it’s not the way it should be!”
But in hindsight, it really worked. It was just drama.
Joel Davis: It’s also why I got to give Tom credit for creating an organisation built around punching each other in the face! Because I think it selects for characters. It’s like we’re going to build an organisation where we meet up, punch each other in the head, and then we’re going to put on black, go out, get pepper sprayed and beat up by police. And then some of us will get thrown in jail and then we’re going to do it all again next week and then the week after!
Blair Cottrell: As a general rule, if you’re not someone willing to get punched in the head, you’re not a very interesting person. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah, no, exactly.
Thomas Sewell: Think about how many personalities we’ve built. Like, we’re building like a cadre of personalities. And wasn’t it, I think, was you that said, I’ve always felt this way. I’ve always felt like we’re in Lord of the Rings. But someone said to me recently that their girlfriend said:
“It’s like, you guys are in Lord of the Rings!”
And I was like:
“Ah, it’s so true!”
That’s what I’ve been saying for years.
Blair Cottrell: Used to say it was like the Bible, how there’s like the twelve disciples of Christ. I don’t know if that’s how the Bible works. I’m not a Christian, but they all write their own chapters in their own style and it’s like they’re all really weird and interesting for their own reasons. You used to use that.
Joel Davis: That’s not how the Bible is, but yeah, [chuckling], it’s all good.
Thomas Sewell: Well, I think the Lord of the Rings example is, I mean, when you think about going on that epic journey, you’ve got these strong archetypes. And you think about the three of us. You’ve got like, Jacob Hersant. I mean, he’s an interesting character, to put it mildly.
You’ve got guys like Jimbo Roberts. He’s like just a straight up barbarian. Like Tim Lutz. You know, you’ve got like, Jack and Gabe. There’s a whole bunch of other emerging characters. You’ve got like The Bull. You got Nathan Bull, you got Mickle. Like, these guys are all just characters. Everyone’s just like the really strong personality type. You’re building like this cadre of characters.
And then I think about those videos of Hitler and the boys, like Hitler and the squad rocking up at Paris and checking out the Eiffel Tower and they’re like:
“Yeah, let’s check out the Eiffel Tower. Yeah, let’s check out Napoleon’s mausoleum. Yeah!”
And then they film that, and then they put that on national television. And it created this kind of a very unique and interesting effect where the six weeks of the beginning of World War Two, where they went into France, was kind of just like, “The Boys on Tour” was just like a hype video. [chuckling] You know, like their war propaganda all times were good. We’re kind of just like. It was like an NSN hype video. Like, you know, new South Wales Boys onTour, you know, German Boys on Tour in Paris again,
Blair Cottrell: I gotta say, Hitler looks so tired in those Paris photos. He must have been exhausted from the war effort, man. He was just trying to stay awake, like, everyone else is having a great time, but he was just like, …
Joel Davis: That’s why even today, there are no genre of hype video that goes harder than just a bunch of clips of the Nazis with some, like, cool, like, synthwave song.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, and we’re doing it all again. We’re doing so good! How good was that Rolling Stones one? I think Gus made. That was fucking great. Did you see the Rolling Stones one?
Blair Cottrell: Cool. Yeah, I did say, I’ll pull it up.
Thomas Sewell: I just wanted to go longer. Normally, hype videos, they have a tendency to go too long, and they’re going to be short and sharp and snappy, you know. But that one, honestly, should have gone for two minutes. It should have gone for twice as long. Put it up. Bring up that hype video!
Joel Davis: Yeah, give me a second. Pulling it up. Let me cook.
Thomas Sewell: It’s all about the hype video. You get the activism done, and then you got to get the hype video out. Our hype videos, we’re smashing the Left!
Joel Davis: By the way, this is a good opportunity. If any of you out there are too pussy to punch on or march in the black block, okay, but can you edit videos? We could really use your help. So, like, get involved! It can be video Waffen. I need people to make songs and radical edits. I need people to make every kind. We just need more video content. And, it’s not really something I have time to do or really want to do that much. Help! Help! You know, whether it’s like, stuff from the show, particularly stuff from the activism, though, that’s like, the most important content to get. That’s what’s going to get the big numbers. And just like funny edits, like, whatever. We just need more of it.
Yeah, no one project. Because apparently we’re, like, secretly in the league with Peter Dutton. We need to make Peter Duttons. We need to have Peter Dutton with like, the two, like SS tattoo on his face. Yeah, and he’s got like, the sun and radical pinning behind his head and, like dark age playing and there’s like dancing anime girls. And they’ve got, like they’ve got really big boobs for some reason. And they’re kind of shaking with the music and then on the, like, it’s like a, …
Blair Cottrell: All right, we’re delving a bit deep into imagination now, Joel.
Joel Davis: And then in the background, …
Thomas Sewell: He’s got like a “fuck off we’re full” sticker on his hat.
Joel Davis: Yeah, [chuckling] in the background it’s like the sun, but the sun is like Cottrell’s face. That’s what we need!
Thomas Sewell: Smiling down on Dutton.
Joel Davis: Just create creativity. You know, just like, be funny, be interesting. The Zoomers will love it!
Thomas Sewell: Dutton’s a soldier of esoteric controlism and he’s actually just doing his time in Parliament.
Blair Cottrell: Well, before you play this. Before you play this, I remember Neil used to do a lot of video editing for us, like, way back in the day. And I can recall on one occasion he made a video and he deliberately slotted in some random name of an American US Army battalion. And he made that text flash up really suddenly because he wanted to create paranoia amongst the Leftists that we were like ex-military and connected to the US Army somehow. [chuckling] It was all bullshit! But just the efforts people have gone to in the past to stir shit! It’s funny.
Thomas Sewell: That’s hilarious!
Joel Davis: Anyway, we’re gonna play the vid.
[Rolling Stones-Paint it Black]
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colours anymore, I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black
With flowers and my love, both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a newborn baby, it just happens every day
I look inside myself and see my heart is black.
Blair Cottrell: Gotta say, Joel, even with that fuck off mullet, like, you still look pretty good on camera. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: [chuckling] You muted. You muted. Joel, you’re muted.
Blair Cottrell: Unmute yourself, bro. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Oh, shit! I muted myself because I played that video. No, I was just saying that I thought the mullet was vindicated entirely by me being the front man for the “fuck off we’re full” rally because the mullet sells “fuck off we’re full”. I was tapping into that, the bogan hive mind. Yes, like, do another burnout in your SS.
Thomas Sewell: In the SS, exactly!
Joel Davis: Make it 88!
Thomas Sewell: I mean, just watching that video, that hype video and seeing all the different banners. Because you can remember the rallies by the banner, by the message. It’s like the Abo Voice Equals anti-White. You got Destroy Pedo Freaks. Yeah. Free England, Australia for the Whiteman. Mass Deportations. I mean, it’s just, Fuck Off! We’re full!
We’re building like chapters of a story. Each rally, each banner, each message is like a chapter of a story that’s evolving. You know, it’s just exciting! It’s really exciting. What’s the next one going to be? And if you’re watching this, are you going to be there for the next one?
But either way, we’re going to do it. We’re going to do it! You can be a spectator or you can be in the choir.
Joel Davis: Imagine how much better would be if we had 200 people or 2,000 people by getting there.
Blair Cottrell: Think you’d be surprised how close you are to that.
Thomas Sewell: My prediction is next year we’re going to hit our first hundred man rally.
Next year is going to be the year.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think we will.
Blair Cottrell: I don’t doubt it. I don’t doubt it.
Thomas Sewell: And that’s a significant milestone. That’s what we’ve been working towards for a long time, since the creation of us.
Obviously, we hit bigger rallies in UPF [United Patriots Front], but they were members of the public coming down.
Blair Cottrell: Correct. There was no discipline. There was no training.
Thomas Sewell: We’re doing a kind of different operation now in the sense that UPF was like ten guys that could amass through social media and through charisma, could amass like 2,000 people from the public for like a set purpose. But it was the mass of people were kind of incoherent in a sense that they might have been down there for that one topic, but they might not have agreed with a total all encompassing worldview. They might have been like:
“Yeah, I want to stop this mosque!”
But didn’t have a unified or agreed sense on a total ideology, or a total understanding of how the country should be run.
And whereas now we’re a lot smaller, but our cadre is bigger. It’s not ten men or eight men managing 2,000. You know, the public kind of just gets to watch it online because they don’t really get to see it much in person. But the men that are actually there have a coherency, they have a uniformity. Yeah, so a hundred men, uniformed and tight knit like that, I think, is a big objective. I mean, Patriot Front have done that all the European groups have done it. Like the big European groups, they’ve all gone into the hundreds. It’d be first time, I think, in a long time for Australia to have 100 men, White nationalists march.
Blair Cottrell: I suppose it might be wise to., … My feeling is when you get to that point, the 100 man march, that’s when government intervention will probably become more intense as well. You can probably learn a little bit about what the European movements and Patriot Front have experienced as a result of their marches, because it’s likely that similar stuff will happen down here.
Thomas Sewell: Well, one thing, one option that they have that they haven’t used yet, which some of my friends internationally are dealing with, is to just bog the organisation down in civil lawsuits.
So they’ve tried criminal, and it’s not actually working out that well for them. Like, prison doesn’t scare the leaders anymore. I’m sure it did five years ago. But these days, the leadership, the organize, aren’t threatened at all by prison. In fact, we all beg to have a little bit of time off from women nagging and our day jobs so that we can read books. We’re not actually concerned with the idea of prison at all! It actually sounds like a holiday.
And if you put me in a prison cell with non-Whites trying to kill me, I’m going to kill them first. That’s just how it works. So, you know, see what happens. Fuck around, find out, basically.
But, yeah, I think what they’ll do next, because they know prison, I don’t think they’re ready to assassinate people. I don’t think we’re that important yet.
But, you know, never say never.
But I do think that they’re more likely to look at civil action. They’re looking like already you saw the precedents kind of getting set with one of the rallies we did, and the police didn’t shut it down! What was the one where. Oh, it was. I think it was Destroy Pedo Freaks, where it was the My Redeeming. Was that My Redeeming? Destroy pedophreaks. And we mingled, and we mingled with the TERF crowd, whatever it’s called, the Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists or something. [chuckling] We’re not mingled, but, you know what I mean. They had a rally like, let women speak, and we went down with the Destroy Pedo Freaks, I think.
Anyway, the jews sued or attempted to sue the police union for allowing us to be, just allowed to be near the rally saying that we were endangering people and that the police, basically purposefully allowed us to do that. Which they did.
At some point, the police were like:
“Okay, we can’t police three groups here. We can only police two.”
And the police wall broke between the two groups that clearly weren’t antagonistic to us. And about maybe 20% of the My Redeeming crowd came over to us and were like:
“These guys are freedom fighters! These guys are freedom fighters!”
Like shook hands and stuff, which was pretty funny. But yeah, that was interesting.
Civil lawsuit seems to be a next Avenue for them.
Thomas Sewell: So that’s complicated, because that will bottleneck our plans. Obviously, the government knows, the jews know, that our plans are to become more formalised and set up homesteads and HQs and have physical infrastructure. And that would completely stop that process. What they did in the United States in the nineties, or two thousands to National Alliance, was they did this. They did civil lawsuits against William Luther Pierce in an attempt to seize his property. So they said:
“You’ve offended us. You haven’t necessarily broken the law, but you’ve breached my Civil Liberties. You’ve offended my Civil Liberties. And I can’t get out of bed in the morning because you’ve offended the Civil Liberties of a group of jews. And so, therefore, we want your million dollar house. You have to sell your house and give us the million dollars.”
And that’s what they were trying to do in the US, and they were actually very effective at it. They broke down a few smaller groups. I don’t think it worked on the National Alliance, but it worked on a few smaller groups, like some states rights groups, and some Confederate groups, and some sort of KKK aligned groups in the US. It worked quite well. And they’re doing it to groups in America at the moment, like NSC 131, et cetera.
So they could bring that here for sure. Australian law is slowly turning into American law. And, yeah, what that would do for us is our movement would expand more in the NSN direction and less in the EAM direction. Meaning there would be less focus on establishing homesteads, HQs, gyms, and we would just double down on activism. We would just say:
“All right, take our assets! We own nothing! Like the leaders, just all the leaders rent. We don’t own anything, so you can’t take anything of us. What are you going to do, take our $5,000 cars off us? Not likely.”
So, yeah, it could lead to leaders having to declare bankruptcy, but it wouldn’t stop us. And as I said, it would just go more and more down the NSN direction.
And I’ve always said this about our political demonstrations and our activism. I want to operate in the light. I don’t want to operate in the dark. I don’t want to operate in the shadows. I don’t want to have to wear balaclavas. I don’t want to have to have anonymity online. I don’t want to have to have our bank account shut down. I want to operate in democracy! I think that that’s a fair playing field. That’s a fair battlefield. That would be nice if we could just operate on that.
But obviously the system is evil, and it won’t afford us the rights it affords other people. And the larger we get, the more sophisticated we get, the more the system and government and jews work towards pushing us underground.
Now, we’ll operate regardless. So I’m never giving up. None of the men are going to give up. Well, some of them might get dissuaded by having to go underground for sure, but we’ll still do it. We’ll go underground, and we’ll just operate differently. Leaders won’t be public spokespersons anymore. Things will just radically change. But we’re going to keep operating.
So you can’t sue someone and take the assets of someone if the movement appears leaderless.
Joel Davis: Sort of informal organisation, they can’t. I mean, it has to be a formal organisation. But then also, if you create a corporation or some kind of formal organisation, I think then you have limited liability. So then they could only sue the organisation itself. They couldn’t actually hold any of the individuals also liable.
So I think legally, I think that’s actually, like, pretty easy to navigate some of those issues. Like, I think we can actually defend ourselves against that legally just through being intelligent. But this also is another reason why, if you are a fucking lawyer, get in contact and help us!
Thomas Sewell: We’ve recruited a few lawyers recently. Did, you know, that, Joel?
Joel Davis: Yeah, actually,
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, we’ve actually started recruiting movement lawyers. It’s incredible!
Joel Davis: But you, Mr Lawyer guy who’s watching this, fucking help us! We’re taking the brunt here. We’re not asking for much. Because, yeah, we need some, in particular areas, we need some, as we’re building the Wignat Mafia, … So we need people to chip in with their assistance in some of these areas.
But our ambitions, I think, are quite attainable. And I’m not as worried about civil court proceedings. Because I think in Australia, it’s actually a lot harder than in the United States to kind of put kind of frivolous suits on people.
Thomas Sewell: It is.
Joel Davis: So I’m not actually too worried about that. If that’s the best that they’ve got. I think that’s actually navigable territory. And the rank and file membership can’t really be affected by that. Like, they would go after you. Maybe they’d go off people like me. But they wouldn’t be able to go after everyone with anything like that anyway.
Thomas Sewell: They might try and come after Jacobs $2,000 car!
Joel Davis: Yeah. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Jacob’s like a 21st century economic guerrilla warrior. You know what I mean? Like, it’s impossible to sue the man because he’s purposefully set up his life in a way that he has no assets cand never will. [chuckling] He’s just fully dedicated to the black block. He’s like:
“Come at me!”
The man’s literally bulletproof. Like, he’s financially, legally everything, bulletproof.
Blair Cottrell: That’s interesting like how that translates into his behaviour. Like, it gives him the ability to express himself. Himself freely.
Thomas Sewell: Exactly!
Blair Cottrell: Because he’s not terrified of losing the little things he has. He purposely is having less.
Thomas Sewell: Exactly! Yes. He’s Spartan! He’s purely Spartan.
Joel Davis: I’m pretty similar too. It’s not that difficult. I mean for me, I would rather have all the inconveniences that come associated with the territory of being a public activist than just become some fucking middle class faggot that’s not doing anything! So!
Blair Cottrell: It’s difficult. It’s quite difficult as a man to live without a purpose. It doesn’t matter what you have. It doesn’t matter what material value you can sort of demonstrate to the masses. It doesn’t really mean anything when there’s no greater purpose for you as a man. You’re sort of locked in this battle against yourself. It’s a very difficult place to be. I think many men actually experience that in society today, and they deal with it in their own way.
Unfortunately, many of them deal with it through Avenues of self destruction. Like, they go to the drink, they start taking pills or something like that.
So the movement, the community, our community, I think, is a healthy alternative to that, assuredly.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: I’m a romantic. I believe in meaning over all else. Like, I don’t care about., … Yeah. I’m not into the bourgeois lifestyle of look how slick my new BMW is and, you know.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: Oh, look, I’m halfway through paying off my ZOG mortgage to live in some middle class suburb.
Blair Cottrell: That’s all Spaniels doing. The Australian influencer, ever since he started making money, he’s just buying stuff and showing off. I mean, how long is that going to keep him entertained? Like, well, I don’t know, maybe he’ll get over it.
Thomas Sewell: It’s like Tate syndrome. It’s like the Tate syndrome. We’re not interested in material because we’re interested in victory. And we also pragmatic in the sense that we recognise that you can have all the material you want or need or can ask for when you’ve got victory. I mean, you don’t even need the material when you got victory. You got victory. I don’t know what I’ll do. Probably finish reading my library when we’ve won! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: I was even like, Elon Musk is the richest man in the world. He’s like, this is my room. Even be posted like a year or two and it’s just like a mattress on a floor with a phone charger and a laptop. It’s like, I’m pretty much, that’s all I would actually need to be happy. I don’t actually need anything else.
Blair Cottrell: So, man, it’s all about living a low upkeep lifestyle. The more you have, the more it needs to be maintained, the more it weighs you down. Right?
So I was just watching this video someone sent me about social media security. New Reform aims to stop online abuse in Australia, apparently recommended by a Federal Senate inquiry. It’s going to demand 100 points of ID, including passports, of anyone who wants to use social media applications, including, you know, Twitter, Instagram or whatever.
So if you’re in Australia and you want to use Instagram, you have to provide 100 points of identification and the police have access to the user of the account that in question. So they’ll know that it’s you making the posts you’re making. What do you guys think about that?
Actually, first thought that comes to mind, and I mentioned this in one of the chats recently with the boys. I said, it reminds me of when a gaming company, Blizzard, tried to do this to stop abuse on their forums. And some, like Gamerspergs, immediately responded by discovering the personal details, homes, you know, personal addresses, names of children, the schools the children went to of Blizzard employees and posted them to the Internet. And they immediately recoiled! They immediately, like, stepped back from what they were trying to do and they didn’t make that demand of people anymore. So I’m thinking like, could you respond in a similar way to these government bureaucrats?
Joel Davis: Our spergs go harder than your incel spergs. Like we, yeah, like if all of the Left-wing wants to get doxxed, they should really support this because you will all be doxxed. Like we’ll find all of you.
And, yeah, first, I don’t care. I mean, I put my real name with the blue check mark on everything I say. It’s not illegal.
That’s the thing if the government knows that that’s your Twitter account, that doesn’t mean that your employer knows. That doesn’t mean the media knows. You’re not going to get doxxed publicly necessarily just because the government knows. So your information is protected as long as you don’t commit a crime. And it’s actually pretty hard to commit a crime saying things on the Internet. We’re not Britain tier tyranny yet.
Thomas Sewell: But it’s in preparation for the Britain tier. They’re putting the horse before the cart. They’re getting the system set up so that when people have these kind of outlandish statements, they can wrap people up as quickly as possible.
Whereas in Britain they’ve got a, a bit of effort into tracking them down. It’s like a lower cost. Well, it’s a higher cost initially.
Blair Cottrell: I’m pretty sure in England or Britain they don’t have to provide ID for SIM cards either. Whereas in Australia you have to provide, you have to register the SIM card you’re using in your mobile phone to your personal ID. I don’t think they have to do that in England. Making it more difficult to know who’s communicating with who.
Joel Davis: They can track everyone down in Britain. Like if the police want to track you down under the current arrangement, unless you’re like, really careful, like if you’re an average Internet user, they can pretty much track you down. Like the intelligence services know who you are, so if they really want to figure out who you are, they have that ability. They got backdoors into everything.
So obviously I oppose this and we should fight it. And it’s something that I think you can get the normies behind fighting. And it’s a good, it’s something good to like, go against the government for, because we should defend every ounce of freedom and anonymity and defend ourselves against government overreach as much as possible.
Because the main thing though is that it’s about intimidating people. It’s about scaring people into not expressing themselves more than anything. But I think it’s a lot of bark and not a lot of bite. I’d be very surprised if they actually even go through with these laws before the next election cycle, to be honest, because they’ve been making noises like this for years and they don’t seem to have the political will to balls to the wall, go for it.
So it’s something that we should definitely oppose, and we should mobilise public support against and so on, and we should be keep an eye on it.
But at the same time, I don’t think that people should be demoralised and think:
“Oh, it’s over! If they pass this law, it’s over for White Australia!”
Or something. I don’t think this is necessarily that unnavigable.
And also, they can demand that you give your ID for your social media account. How would that actually work in practice? Like, I don’t know if any country in the world has implemented a law like this. It probably wouldn’t be that fucking hard to use Twitter anyway. I don’t think Elon Musk and Twitter would actually care about implementing the Australian government’s regulations.
You could probably just use like a VPN or something. And there’s plenty of websites that you can use to use foreign phone numbers. I used to use this back in the day when I would make burner Twitter accounts. You can get like, a Bulgarian phone number and pay them like $2. And then you can set up your Twitter account with a phone verification.
So there’s lots of ways around it. And all this will do is just basically create a Darwinian filter where people start learning how to get around the rules. We’ll do some research and we’ll mass disseminate instruction manuals on how to get around these rules, or what we, as in the abstract, … Those manuals will be around. It won’t be that hard to get around these kinds of regulations, Because they don’t have that kind of direct control over the Internet.
So, you know, let’s see what they try and do. We’ll keep an eye on it. But I’m not as, like, catastrophe pilled about this kind of thing, to be honest.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s a realistic perspective and I tend to agree. It’s never as bad as they make it seem.
Joel Davis: It’s important that we check it as well. People will say:
“Oh, Joel, you’re shilling for ZOG!”
It’s like, no, I don’t want people to be demoralised where they feel like they can’t say anything on the Internet. It’s important to be realistic that we don’t get unnecessarily demoralised and that people feel scared to do anything or say anything. We don’t want to give too much fear to the system. We have to recognise when the system doesn’t actually have the ability to back up its ambitions, which it doesn’t in many respects.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And also ties back to accelerationism. And it’s interesting how the media, or the academics, I should say, because the media are retarded! They don’t understand it. But the academics in ASIO [Australian Security Intelligence Organisation] talk about “accelerationism*”, and they talk about it from our perspective. They think that extreme Right-wing people are “accelerationists”. And it’s well, we don’t have any state control. We can’t accelerate anything. When we see the state accelerate things, we’re like:
“Yippee! You know you idiots, you fucking morons!”
[* Accelerationism is a range of revolutionary and reactionary ideas in Left-wing and Right-wing ideologies that call for the drastic intensification of capitalist growth, technological change, infrastructure sabotage and other processes of social change to destabilise existing systems and create radical social transformations, otherwise referred to as “acceleration”. Wikipedia
And this is just the state, big government, just accelerating their own demise. I mean, when you start doing these kind of controls, these kind of systems, it breeds resentment, serious resentment, and it’s not going to increase trust.
And I just randomly opened my account before because I do it all the time, but I opened it before, and I don’t know if I’ll get to the same page, but I might actually just might just do a reading because I’m just anticipating Blair’s reading of Mien Kampf, which is coming up soon. He’s going to be doing a report on it.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. I said I would do it a while ago, and I didn’t actually get around to.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I just randomly opened it. And as I was randomly, I was reading Mien Kampf just as the stream started because I was looking for a quote. When you talked about The Art of War, because Hitler talked about something almost identical. He might have read The Art of War. It might just be a natural principle. He said:
“Know thyself!”
Like, first you must know yourself that you’re a German or know your folk, and:
“You must know your enemy!”
Which is the jewish menace.
And so it’s the same principle, like first and second principle. If you understand the first and second principle, if, you know, yourself and the enemy, then you’re politically aware. If you don’t know these things, then you’re going to get conquered. But, Jacob put up, …
Blair Cottrell: The fact that that simple knowing is so important is demonstrated by the fact that there’s so much propaganda and resources trying to stop you from knowing that. Trying to stop you from knowing that you’re a race, and your enemy has specific racial interests. They’re a race, too.
I mean, all the equality propaganda, all the multiculturalism stuff that’s pumped into your head since you’re a child, all of that is an effort to prevent you from knowing that simple dynamic of who you are and who your enemy is!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, so we’ll watch Jacob’s video first, and then I’ll do a Mein Kampf reading to just summarize what was said about it. What was said just about the Social Credit, Digital ID.
Jacob Hersant: Get yourself a copy of Thomas Dalton’s translation of Mein Kampf. We should reimburse this man for his achievement of making a National Socialist translation of Mein Kampf.
That is to say, a translation by a National Socialist for National Socialists. This is exactly what English speaking National Socialism has needed for so long. It is the best translation we have for studying Adolf Hitler’s principles and doctrines. You can buy it with only the English translation, or you can buy it with the original German on the left hand pages, and his translation into English on the right-hand pages. That’s the version I have, and I’m very happy with it. You can purchase it from Dalton’s publishing house, Clements and Blair.
Thomas Sewell: Before I read the quote, I just want to say, first of, …
Joel Davis: First advertisement in Joel and Blair Show history, it’s Jacob Hersant’s Mein Kampf advertisement! So there you go.
[See: Rethinking Mein Kampf — by Thomas Dalton]
Thomas Sewell: Exactly! You know, Jacob cops a lot of shit on the Internet. There’s a lot of nasty comments from people within the movement on Jacob’s videos where they say:
“This guy is so dumb! This guy has the lowest IQ ever, or this guy has the lowest verbal IQ ever!”
Jacob is possibly the most intelligent person that I’ve ever met. And it’s just so fascinating seeing all the idiots on the Internet that are so stupid, they can’t even, like Jacob’s so many standard deviations of IQ above them! They can’t even fathom his intelligence. They can’t even comprehend, because he speaks slightly differently to what they used to, because he’s on a completely different wavelength. I mean, it’s just brilliant!
Anyway, you know how I feel. Any comment?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. That’s the case, though, isn’t it? Like just because you can string a sentence together, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re that smart.
So that’s why linguists can be so misleading, right?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. So I’ll come here to the quote:
“This confidence, in turn, results only from an unshakable inner faith in the selflessness and honesty of the government and administration of a country, and from an agreement between the spirit of the laws and the general ethical view. For in the long run, government systems are not maintained by the pressure of violence, but by faith in their soundness and in the truthfulness with which they represent and advance the interests of the people.”
End quote. That’s Mein Kampf. I actually have this translation. This is the one Blair got me.
And a lot of people don’t like this one because, …
Blair Cottrell: That brings back some memories, that book!
Thomas Sewell: This is the Ralph Mannheim one. A lot of people don’t like it because it has the kind of pozzed, like jewy footnotes. I just ignore the footnotes, and sometimes the footnotes provide some interesting historical context, but the wording of it is still quite pleasant to read.
But obviously, Jacob is a big fan of the Dalton, and I do suggest people read the Dalton. I haven’t read the Dalton. I’ve listened to the Dalton as an audiobook. Absolutely beautiful audiobook! It is actually a beautiful translation. But the Mannheim, …
Blair Cottrell: Where was that available, Tom, as an audiobook? Where did you get that?
Thomas Sewell: back in 2017 or something? Yeah. I couldn’t tell you what the link is, but I’ll try and find it for you. It’s absolutely beautiful! Yeah. But, yeah, that’s page 283, the Ultimate Cause of the Collapse.
So you can open Mein Kampf to any page, and you will get a lesson on today’s political situation. And it really is a prophetic book. Hitler was so far ahead of his time.
And I’ll hand it over to Blair because I know you actually do plan on, maybe the three of us could do it together, but I do think it would be special for you to do it alone.
Blair Cottrell: It’s something I’ve always wanted to do because Mein Kampf is like the Bible of National Socialism almost. So many people have a copy of, but they haven’t read it! And that’s why it’s kind of like the Bible. Christians are like that with the Bible. They’ve all got a copy of it, but they’ve barely read any of it.
Thomas Sewell: Absolutely!
Blair Cottrell: And that’s just due to the simple intellectual laziness of the average mind. It’s not really a fault of anyone particularly. It’s just the way people are. Most people don’t want to read a book that requires a lot of mental attention.
Thomas Sewell: Patience.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it does.
But, you know, prison is obviously a very good opportunity to really immerse yourself in philosophy and books. And that was where I got the most opportunity to read Mein Kampf. But I was reading it for a couple of years prior to going to jail, so I was already kind of primed to really immerse myself into it. I can recall I first got the book at 18, and I won’t tell you the story of how I got it, but at first I thought:
“Wow, this is difficult to read. I’m not really following this.”
Then there were certain aspects of it that really grabbed me. A couple of chapters, my favourite chapters on War Propaganda and Nation and Race. I think they’re not only very honest, open sort of perspectives, but instructional.
[See: Mein Kampf: Chapter 11 — Race and People]
It’s like Mein Kampf can be, in my opinion, regarded as an instructional booklet on how to contribute to or spark a revolution, how to take advantage of the weaknesses of a hostile government force, or just a weak government in general, in order to take power yourself. You can look at Mein Kampf that way and actually use it for that purpose.
And obviously, I used it for that purpose to some extent. And I got a small percentage of the way there, I suppose, maybe 2%. I at least became a known dissident.
And all of that was basically result of me immersing myself in that book specifically. I was never well read. I was never a big philosopher or excited about philosophy. It was just that one book that completely reshaped my perspective of the world. And people generally helped me understand myself and my enemy. Right. It was that simple. And everything was downstream from there.
Because prior to that obviously I grew up in multicultural Australia and I regarded myself as just a member of an egalitarian conglomerate. And I didn’t really ascribe a lot of identity to my race until I did start doing that. I wasn’t really sure of who I was.
I think it’s really important that we find a way to make that simple for the ordinary Australian to understand that they are a member of a specific race, a descendant of the colonials, a great race! A race worth fighting for and defending.
And I think it’s more important to establish that, who you are first, then you establish who the enemy is so a bit of effort needs to be put into establishing who we are, right? Because, like I said, a lot of resources dedicated to confusing people as to who they are and preventing them from even knowing that they’re a race, through racial equality and egalitarian propaganda.
But, yeah, if I am going to, or I will, I am going to, because everyone seems to want me to do it. And you guys have put the idea back into my head, and I’m slightly injured now, so the gym’s been on the shelf for a bit, so I’ll have a bit of time to do it, I suppose, in the evenings.
The idea is that I’m going to basically take the audience through Mein Kampf, segment by segment, and I’m going to kind of explain each chapter and segment, and especially how it pertains to us today. And we’ll get a general perspective of the book, and we’ll understand what the book actually is. And we’ll deal with potential issues that the book has, if anyone wants to raise that.
I think it’ll be a good learning curve for the average nationalist member of our community, but also people who are just kind on the outskirts of our community and who aren’t really sure yet, they’re still sort of working out what’s going on. They’re not certain if they want to be involved.
This is the kind of thing we need to do to simplify what National Socialism actually is like, because it is a very simple philosophy. It’s a very real, true philosophy, I think, and it has the potential for widespread influence. And I suppose that’s demonstrated most by the fact the government considers it such a hostile thing that needs to be, a great deal of surveillance is given to it to make sure that it is nipped in the bud at every opportunity. Yeah. What do you guys, what do you think, Joel, any thoughts?
Joel Davis: Well, I encourage you to do the series. I think the Blair Cottrell Mein Kampf series will be legendary. I think that’s content a lot of people want to see. That’s interesting. Not just speak like, you can just go listen to the audiobook.
And by the way, someone posted a good link in the chat, which has the Dalton audio book. If you go to, you can go and find. If you scroll down, you get to the Dalton Mein Kampf, and it’s just got, like, a series of recordings. So you just start with recording one, and it’s just a series of mp3 files working through the book.
But there’s some other stuff on there. There’s actually Cuddihy’s Ordeal of Civility, [] which is actually quite a very interesting text in the own right. Cuddihy is an American sociologist writing in the 1950s. Analyzing the Ordeal of Civility is basically the ordeal of jews trying to assimilate into Western society and why they struggle with it. And he specifically does case studies on Marxism and Freudian psychoanalysis as two examples of the jew attempting and failing in a destructive way to assimilate into Western society.
So the example of Marxism is, so we’ve got, like, jewish businesses, businessmen, and then we’ve got Anglo and German and French businessmen. And the Anglo German and French businessmen, the bourgeois caste or class of these societies, they carry themselves with a certain honour and dignity and so on, a certain morality that jewish businessmen don’t have. Jewish businessmen are cutthroat. They’re liars! They’re schemers! They’re manipulators! They’re saboteurs! They have no ethic prevailing because they’re not Aryans.
But instead of recognizing that when the jew then looks at capitalism, it’s like:
“The whole thing is pathological. All capitalists, all businessmen are fundamentally evil and perverted!”
And so they then project out the jewish pathology into a universality. And the same thing is true with Freudian psychoanalysis, where it’s like Freud will be psychoanalyzing a bunch of cosmopolitan jews who live in Frankfurt in the late 19th, early 20th century and then extrapolate out from their neuroses and their weird, fucked up sexual dynamics with their own parents and family and weird, incestuous desires and so on, and project it out into a universal theory that applies to all people. So then it’s well, the jewish pathology now is a universal pathology, so jews aren’t so weird!
Anyway, it’s a very interesting thesis, but you can find the ultimate. That’s And I’m just scrolling through this. Some other interesting stuff here. You know, you got some George Lincoln Rockwell, Henry Ford’s book about the jews. Yeah, just like a lot of good stuff just scrolling through here. So go and check that out for audiobook files.
Thomas Sewell: Is that link in the chat? I’m trying to find it. I can’t find the, …
Joel Davis: Someone posted in chat. I don’t know the full extent of all the audiobooks here, but you can find the Dalton Mein Kampf there.
Blair Cottrell: In regards to audiobooks, like, I was kind of, because I like my own inner perception, my inner dialogue. And I was worried that somebody narrating a book might kind of conflict with that. And I didn’t want someone else’s voice in my mind.
But then I remembered that I used to listen to Yuri Bezmanov lecture over and over again while I was playing games in my early twenties. And that didn’t really have a negative impact on me.
So if you’re worried about that, it’s not really a big deal. I do rate audiobooks, and recently, just today, actually, I was listening to Art of War by Sun Tzu.
I started writing about it, but then I realised, rather than just listen to it for ten minutes and then start writing about it, like, I know better, I’ll be patient and I’ll actually listen to the whole thing first and maybe discuss it a little bit.
But just to demonstrate the value of books like this, like, I wrote down some notes here about it. In The Art of War, it’s written that your failure, it specifically mentions soldiers and armies, but you can look at it as nations or community groups, right? That if you fail, your failure isn’t owed as much to the enemy’s strength as it is to your own lack of defensive measures, your own weakness, right?
And likewise, your triumphs aren’t due as much to your strength as they are the result of knowing your enemy’s weak points and lack of defense, right? So simple perspectives like that are really, like, eye opening, aren’t they? They really change your perspective of how things are working, right?
So if you don’t survive in this world, it’s not because your enemy or the person attacking you was strong. It’s more because you weren’t strong enough. You were too weak, right? So, it’s the stuff like that I love.
And as we were talking about knowing yourself and knowing your enemy. And I read this other thing recently that I wanted to bring up with you guys, because Tom mentioned “words” and how I’m I’ve got a particular interest in words and their meanings. Have you guys ever heard the phrase entertain? Like, you’re watching entertainment, right. Television. One of the boys in Queensland mentioned this to me on the drive back to the airport. He said:
“Have you considered that the word ‘entertain’ is a basically a collection word which means to ‘enter’ and ‘detain’.”
So the messages you’re watching through the television screen, they enter and detain your mind, your mind. Entertain. Isn’t that interesting? I thought that was great.
And when you look at people when they’re watching television, right, the standard boomer, what are they doing when they’re watching it? That they’ve been entered and detained physically by the screen. Cool stuff!
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, it’s like the opposite of the “amusement” to be, if you think about the word amuse, it’s like opposite of “muse”. You know, we say “moral, amoral”. What is to muse is to like meditate, to be inspired.
So if you’re getting amused, you’re being entertained, you’re kind of in this kind of non-inspired state. And that’s a lot of what entertainmentism is about. It’s just about basically shutting down any kind of internal reflection and just making banality like comfortable. Making like a lack of thought, a lack of consciousness comfortable.
But anyway, I posted, I think Tom shared on his Telegram as well. If you check out my Telegram, I actually got a different link specifically to the Mein Kampf Dalton translation mp3, link. It might be a bit easier for people. So I put that on my Telegram. And I also shared a PDF version of the Dalton Mein Kampf.
If you want to buy it, buy it, as Jacob said, from Clemens and Blair. It’s a publishing company, I think linked directly to the translator.
Thomas Sewell: I’ll try and find the link now.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think it’s just literally like I think it’s literally just that. Let me check. Yeah, literally is www. It’s Yeah.
So anyway, maybe we should get into some of these Superchats because we’re almost at 2 hours. What do you guys think?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. It’s been a good stream, but almost ready to wrap it up, I think.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Oh, I also want to mention if you are up at the Gold Coast or even if you’re just nearby, Damien Richardson, who is, he’s a good speaker. A great speaker. I encourage you to go listen to him. He’s a nationalist. He is going to be up there Tuesday the 27 August at CSI Club Southport. That’s 154A Scarborough Street, Southport, Queensland 06:30 pm Tuesday night. Tuesday the 27 August. Free entry. Donations are welcome, but it’s free entry. Go down there. Not just to go and listen to Damien speak, he’s a great speaker. I listened to him speak at the Polish Workers Club or whatever a few months ago. You two gentlemen were there as well. He is a great speaker, entertaining. He was a former actor. He’s got a bit of charisma about him, passionate about him.
But also go down there and have a beer and you know, you might run into some fellow nationalists. It’s a good networking opportunity. So go down there and say hi to Damo, he’s a good lad.
Anyway, let’s go to the Superchat. So PHRC Supporter said:
“Besides political activism, have you guys considered joining Parliament and making a legitimate standing, either locally or nationally?”
Yes, we have, and we probably will. Not necessarily because we think we can get Blair Cottrell elected, like Fuhrer at the next election cycle.
But there’s a lot of other benefits to running in elections, and it’s something that we have an ambition towards. And you would like to see the people, like the three of us or our associates, running for office. The obligation is on you to network with us in some capacity. Because we were thinking about doing something like that for this election cycle, and we just surveyed the land, and in order to do it properly and do a proper campaign, I don’t think we have the manpower and resources right now.
So if you would like to be involved in something like that, we’re going to need to raise a large membership. We’re going to need organisers, people that are going to organise local communities, you know, get memberships, campaign, all the boots on the ground, grassroots stuff that’s necessary to make a political campaign work. We need people like that to be in touch. Maybe it’s not your thing to be putting the black block on or coming down and training with us on a Saturday, but become part of the community so that you can become part of something like that in the future, because that is one of many ambitions that we have. And people say:
“Well, there’s no political solution.”
But, like, becoming a political party would actually afford a lot of legal protections, we would be able to raise money under that pretext. We could invest in the movement, in the community building projects and so on. It’d be a way to organise people. It’d be a way to get media attention. There’d be a lot of benefits to it. You know, it’s not just about winning the election and gaining Parliamentary power. There’s a lot of secondary and tertiary benefits. Yeah, get networked with us because you don’t have to be some 21 year old fearless, kickboxer who doesn’t mind going to jail to be part of something like that at all!
I don’t know if you guys want to chime in on that or not?
Thomas Sewell: No, as we’ve said on the show before, I think that a political party is a relevant and important arm of statecraft. You can’t have a state, you can’t build a White state without some sort of political arm or wing however you want to describe it. So it’s necessary for our defense, it’s necessary for our engagement in political discourse. It’s not a singular solution.
So when you hear the statement from myself or other political activists saying:
“There is no political solution.”
Well, all solutions are ultimately political and politics is a form of warfare. But what we’re really saying is that there is no Parliamentarian absolutism.
The solution to the problem is not through joining the Liberal Party and just getting the right guy elected and just changing policies one thing at a time and passing the right bills and getting the checks and balances correct. That’s not the solution to the problem. You got to completely have a completely fresh and revolutionary look at why you’re even engaging in that process and how to engage in it.
And as Joel clearly articulated, we’re nowhere near the level necessary to be able to do that.
But it’s certainly, it’s always going to be something that’s going to be on the agenda to do as a, it’s not really a side quest. I’d say it’s in the top. It’s in the top five. It’s in the top five things that we need to do to build Whte Australia.
Joel Davis: I wouldn’t say that we’re nowhere near, either. Like, I think considering the, large public, …
Thomas Sewell: I think we need 1, 500 members. So, yeah, we, you know, we’ll, we’ll probably get, I mean, we’ve got a couple hundred members of the organize, but we still haven’t gotten 100 men on a march.
So by the time we’ve got maybe three or 400 guys on the march, I think we’d easily have 1500, probably 2,000 members on paper. And it just really depends on how we want to divide or not necessary divide, but how we want to classify supporters of the organisation that we’re producing in the future. So there would be a new rung of membership which would be like a supporters’ club where they’re not necessarily involved in the active club, in the community building, in the activism, but they’re involved at just purely like assisting with finances, a financial contribution and members of a potential future political party. That would be something that we would develop over the next year or two as we get closer.
Blair Cottrell: Card carrying members!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Card carrying supporters.
Joel Davis: Yeah. And you know, that’s something that I think we can pull off very realistically.
Thomas Sewell: Oh, absolutely!
Joel Davis: I mean, we have a support base already, like our crew. We have a large support base, notoriety, obviously, more than like many thousands of Australians tune in every week to listen to us talk about politics more than enough to register a political party already as it is.
And yeah, in the future it’d be good to do things like public speaking events. And what would be really helpful as well is if literally anyone else in optics, cuck nationalism could organise something as well as a way to provide just some kind of community organisation so that like people are in touch with each other so that when something is set up then nodes can be sent out:
“Hey, do you guys want to come and jump in on our political party project?”
Because I would anticipate if we were trying to run an elections political party, a lot of people that would come, would want to be part of that otherwise aren’t going to be part of what we’re doing.
So yeah, that’s something that everyone watches this should be thinking about as like part of the ambitions going forward.
And to think about how you can just literally position yourself to be useful for that, which is really basic. I mean, to be as basic as like buying a membership and I don’t know, building some kind of link to an organiser. Like, it actually isn’t that hard. If you go and become a member of the Liberal Party, or a member of the member of like the One Nation party or something, it’s not that complicated.
Thomas Sewell: Make a yearly AGM [Annual General Meeting].
Blair Cottrell: I was thinking we might as well make use of this little alliance we’ve got going on. I think we all have a elatively equal amount of influence over different sections of the masses of people. Like Joel provides that sort of intellectual foundation. All you kind of like die hard nationalists get behind Tom, and then I’m the normie Whisperer!
And I think we’re all quite relative there. So if we combine those forces, that’s what we need to do. Right?
Joel Davis: Yeah. There’s a lot of other good people in the movement as well that we want to raise up. Like in a lot of other countries, their nationalist movement is fractured into so many different sub factions, and there are other factions that exist out there other than us, but none of them are very prominent or have established much of a public brand.
But anyway, anyone else that is out there, I mean, we are willing to work with everyone that exists, basically. Like, we’re very open to working with people. But if we can maintain as much movement unity as possible, that is going to account for so much when it comes to something like trying to do a political campaign where we need all hands on deck, and little differences have to be put aside and think about:
“Well, what’s the alternative?”
You just want to keep deciding whether you want to vote for One Nation or Ralph Babet the brown Senator who says base things about trannies or something. And that’s as good as it gets.
I mean, that’s not good enough, is it? It’s just not good enough. You want something better.
And also think about it. Like if any kind of momentum could be built around a political campaign, then the media is going to have to talk about it all the time. They’re going to have to start attacking us. And the media attacking us all the time is fantastic! That’s incredible publicity! Then we’re going to become a topic of conversation and a lot of people are going to be won over.
I mean, that’s how a lot of populist political leaders gained a big following in the first place was by just being attacked constantly by the media. We can get the media attacking us. That’s a win. It’s free promotion. So something like that would encourage that where they try and create controversies and then dig up something that some of us have said in the past that was really offensive or something and try and publicize, …
Blair Cottrell: Joel, every day that the media is not attacking you, it means you did not make proper use of the day before! [chuckling] That’s from Hitler as well.
Joel Davis: Exactly! White Power Supporter said:
“Hail Dutton, Hail Devere!”
It’s [chuckling] quite humourous. We definitely need some Dutton and Devere [sp] [word unclear] and radical edits. So come on, boys, like, start churning them out. White Power also said:
“How’s the White Australia community going?”
Well, I would say good. We definitely are recruiting. We’re in every state, or in every city. And we’re in some regional areas. And, yeah, solid growth. And it just seems like we’re on this kind of steady upward trajectory where the community is growing, influence is growing, slow and steady progress.
So I would say it’s quite a positive thing. Would you guys agree?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, absolutely! Absolutely! I won’t say much on it, but as an associate on the outside looking at what’s happening, it’s recently made some really big developments. That’s really impressive to see. The energy is great! And the numbers are growing. So, yeah, it’s on fire and there’s plenty of hope still.
Joel Davis: White Power also said:
“What’s the number of men in a march, or a protest where the police can’t stop you anymore? And how close are you to it?”
I think that depends on, … There’s like tiers of how much police escalation relative to numbers. So, I would say if you put 500 men, the police could still be violent, but they would need to amass a very significant force first before they could. And that would give you a lot of time.
Whereas if you had 5,000 men, the police probably wouldn’t initiate violence at that point. They would probably think the scale of this is too large. We’re just going to just let them march. And as long as they go home in an orderly fashion, they’d probably want to avoid engagement. So yeah, but I mean, it’s one of those, it’s all relative. It depends on the context. Like how many men you could march down the streets of Adelaide is different to Sydney, because Sydney’s got more cops without you know, using unlawful police aggression against a peaceful rally.
PHRC Supporter said:
“Any ideas on psyopping the community into becoming more favourable to the organisation?”
I mean, what the fuck do you think this, what the fuck do you think we’re doing? [chuckling] Yeah, we had one idea. We did a rally with a big sign. [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: We’ve got a, yeah, we’ve got a few.
Joel Davis: Yeah we make a live stream, we talk about it. I tell the people to clip it and spread it around on social media, which you aren’t doing enough! So we need, I said, we need video editors, we need clippers. I want us shilled on TikTok. You know, we’ve been viral on TikTok so many times and yeah, maybe someone’s account gets banned, they get demoralised. Make a new account!
There was an account that only had like 800 followers or something that posted a clip of us doing the rally and it wasn’t, wasn’t even an Australian account, it was like an Irish account. And they posted a clip of us doing the Fuck Off! We’re Full rally a few days ago. It accumulated like 800,000 views and like 70,000 likes. And then it was taken down after a day or two. But it was like, that got 800,000 views! And I looked at the other videos on their account and it’s like 800 views, 1,000 views. You know, they don’t get a lot of views on that videos. They don’t have ome big TikTok account. So even a small TikTok account that doesn’t get a lot of views, you can have one video that spikes and yeah, eventually they might realise and take it down, but, just get us out there!
Anyway, PHRC Supporter, … You keep sending all these $1 Superchats, so we can make 3 million Superchats. He said:
“Next hype video should use, ‘by God, we’ll have our home again’. Fantastic song.”
Well, why don’t you make it? You can make it however you want. The clips are out there. White Power said:
“How would you describe what National Socialism is in a simple and short way a normie could understand?”
Would you like to answer that, Blair?
Blair Cottrell: Oh, well, you just got to look at the words. Right. National Socialism. I’ve been through this a few times, actually, but I’ll do it again, very briefly. “National” means racial, and “social, or socialism” means the group before the individual, as opposed to capitalism, meaning every man for himself. Right.
So what do you get when you put racialism together with the group before the individual? You get a philosophy of life where the racial group, the ethnic group, its interests, is of priority, of prime importance, and everything you do is to protect and advance the ethnic group. Anything which threatens the ethnic group is your enemy, is hated enemy! Right. It’s really that simple to me.
What do you think, Tom?
Thomas Sewell: Oh, I’m not good at short answers. [chuckling] I’m really. I’m horrible. I only know one person that’s worse at short answers than me, and that’s Joel. [chuckling] He’s actually, …
Blair Cottrell: I won’t dispute that! [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’m the second worst at short answers, in human history.
Blair Cottrell: But, you know, yourself, huh? Know thyself!
Thomas Sewell: I know thyself.
But what I will say in an attempt to do a short answer on one of the most important questions there is, National Socialism, summarized, is a worldview of ultimate truth. It is a worldview and a belief system on, and this is, I think, later National Socialist theory. Not necessarily later, National Socialist theory. This is my romantic interpretation of Hitler’s last will and testimony, and that is, …
Joel Davis: You’ve already lost the normies! It’s already gone too long. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: I’ll try again. Give me one more go! One more go!
National Socialism, to me, this is personal is the race to the coming man. It is the race to a higher life form. It is organising and structuring society to advance the race into the next existence. The next being.
Joel Davis: Yeah. I would say the shortest possible statement of it would be, blood loyalty as the ultimate principle. Adolf Hitler said:
“There is nothing more precious in this world than your people.”
And that principle is really the essence of National Socialism.
Now, I’ve got a few more Superchats on Odysee. Big Superchat from Operation Werewolf said:
“Keep fighting on for the coming man!”
Sieg hail to you, sir. Wargoose, he basically just tagged Operation Werewolf in his Superchat and said:
He also sent another Superchat saying:
“Beautiful morning!”
And he threw like a eRoman from Cape Cod.
So the Cape Cod fan. Goy Boy 1488, sent a Superchat of $14.88. And he said:
“This show, War Strike and Black Pilled are the best shows around. Thanks for all you do, O7.”
Yeah obviously it’s kind of known that I don’t get along too well with Eric Striker anymore, but I do like Warren Balogh, who is the co-host on War Strike.
So I don’t want to shit on their show because I like Warren. I haven’t really watched it though, because I don’t like Striker, if I’m honest. Black Pilled, that’s Devon stacks stream is very good. I wish I could catch more of his streams than I do. But I actually am trying to plan a collaboration with him soon. I’ve never actually spoken to him before on a stream or anything, and I respect what he does. He’s one of the best streamers around in White nationalism.
Wargoose also said:
“I’ve got four Labradors and a makeshift farm. It’s all I need.”
Four Labradors is pretty wild. That’s a lot of Labradors. Annie Waffen also said:
“If these reprobates had their way with their anti-White agenda, most of the population would be doing tenners. And Blair, this is a great idea with your review of Mein Kampf. The sooner the better.”
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, I’ll be on it. You’ll get to discover how I went from being a humble carpenter to a Nazi dissident. I’ve never really held myself as being a “Nazi”, but I don’t know. Think what you will.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Mr Webster also said:
“Major question to you three lads from an English nationalist living covert life in Starmers, Britain. Do you believe the future for Whites around the world will be a militarized, top down dictatorship society? We’re seeing the military throw the last Whites into sectarian zones, become seen as normal.”
No, I honestly don’t think that will be the nature of the tyranny. I think the tyranny will be this kind of bizarre tyranny with a smiley face, kind of psychopath, feminine, you know, tyranny that we have now.
Blair Cottrell: And like that guy, like that guy in the video that I shared today, talking about altering people’s brains. Like that kind of tyranny, like Robert Lamb, like, brain zapping people to remove their ethnic prejudice and belief in God.
I don’t know if you want to pull that up so people know what I’m referencing. If not, then you can find it on my Telegram channel.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I can pull it up quickly. But, yeah, that’s the kind of tyranny that I, and also more Brave New World than 1984 kind of thing. Like, I think a lot of the way in which the tyranny functions is through entertainment. It’s through the selective application, actually, of anarchy. It’s through sabotage of social systems and so on in a certain way.
And then the directing of forces, very particularly to stifle the formation of opposition, disturb opposition, as opposed to this kind of uniform, like, Police State, which is really kind of overstepping the mark with egregious authoritarian tactics and sending everyone away to Gulags like the Soviet Union. I don’t think that kind of thing is really what we’re facing, or the type of elites that we’re facing up against.
So I don’t think it’s going to go to that cartoonish tier, like V for Vendetta, parody of fascism, like the Left-wing version or something. I don’t think we’re going to go there.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, some people go to jail, but it won’t be like, it won’t be that bad, as we’ve already established. That’s about as bad as it’ll get, I think.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I’m just pulling up this clip now. But that also makes your lack, not you guys, but the people at home, your lack of resistance all the more pathetic if you don’t really pose much resistance to what is happening, because it really is the kind of gayest tyranny of all time. It’s kind of like an:
“I can’t believe it’s not tyranny!”
Or whatever.
Blair Cottrell: In this video., …
Joel Davis: You’re not gonna get waterboarded. You know, you’re not gonna get butt raped by the tyranny. You know, you’re gonna be just around in really, like, inconvenient and annoying ways.
Blair Cottrell: You’re not gonna get butt raped by the tyranny. They’ll probably try to make you butt rape them. Like, this guy here. Like, pay special attention to this guy’s eyes and face in this video, man. Let’s have a look.
Robert Lamb (senior writer, How Stuff Works): Troubled by xenophobic attitudes and a pesky belief in a higher power. Well, don’t worry. Science can zap those vibes right out of your brain with a little transcranial magnetic stimulation. A little tender loving TMS to the brain’s posterior medial frontal cortex can result in 32.8% less belief in God, angels, or heaven, as well as 28.5% boos in positivity towards an immigrant who criticise your country. First the posterior medial frontal cortex is associated with identifying obstacles and triggering appropriate responses.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that’s kind of a tyranny. But when you look at that guy, hey, when you look at the guy, you got to admit that’s exactly the kind of guy who would probably want to do stuff like that.
Joel Davis: I don’t know. Like sometimes we live in such an insane state, but it does have a certain sarcastic tone, that video. So it makes me think that it is satire.
But at the same time, the idea that like a libtard. What did I say? What I took, like Blair’s physiognomy check for granted, I said on Telegram:
“It’s funny how this libtard cites a study that shows damaging a part of your brain which aids in threat detection and response, makes you less racist and spiritually conscious, and thinks this is an own because that’s kind of the, …”
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, very ironic.
Joel Davis: [word unclear] sent a Roman as a Superchat.
Blair Cottrell: So, yeah, I think that’s the last one. I’m getting a little bit uncomfortable in my seat now, so I’m pretty much ready to wrap it up if you guys are.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I’m just gonna go through these quickly, these Entropy Superchats as well. There’s a few that people are sending.
Tom said:
“Thank you for the best show out there. Really inspiring when you are discussing your activism spiritually and how to become a better person. Also, good episode with Jacob the other day. Greetings from the other side of the earth.”
Anonymous also said:
“Great work! You lads are the only ones opposing the foreign hordes.”
And Deer in the Headlights said:
“Greetings from the United States. By happenstance, this is the first time seeing you gentlemen live. Do you have a set schedule for podcasts?”
And we generally go live 08:30 pm Australian Eastern time on Thursday nights.
So what that would translate to. Let me look it up right now. What time is it? Time now in New York? So the time now in New York is about 09:00 in the morning. It’s about 11:00 pm here. So that means you’re 10 hours ahead.
So that means we probably go live. What? Like 6:30 in the morning your time.
Blair Cottrell: Oh, yeah. It’s not an opportune time, but you can always watch replays.
Joel Davis: No, maybe it is, though. Like, if you’re on the way to work in the morning, it’s your breakfast radio in America, American Eastern breakfast radio on the on Friday mornings.
But, yeah, you can catch the replay, obviously, later in the day if you’re not up early.
Blair Cottrell: Breakfast radio, that’s not.
Joel Davis: Go ahead,
Blair Cottrell: Don’t worry. I was just cutting out. I was just dealing with some Australian Wi-Fi. [chuckling] Forget it.
Thomas Sewell: You know, before I go, speaking of breakfast radio, the carpenters and bricklayers had the radio on this morning at work. I hate the radio! I hate listening to normie radio! Makes me want to do a Blair rant every time I hear it’s fucking horrible!
Anyway, this morning they interviewed a male prostitute and they were talking about, how does he get his dick hard? And all this other cringe shit? And I’m like, it’s 07:00 in the morning!
Like, obviously it’s never appropriate, but it’s even worse when it’s 07:00 in the morning. Like, who talks about this at 07:00 in the morning? Like, crackheads! Like, this is crackhead energy! Like, this is insanity! I mean, it’s insane all the time, but maybe in the witching hour, it’s two in the morning. It might be kind of funny. But it’s 07:00 in the morning. We’re at work, and this is the biggest. I don’t know, it’s got some stupid name like Fifi and Reg or something. It’s so fucking stupid!
Anyway, so then I was just trying to tune it out, but I was two stories up and I was just booming up to me.
And then about five minutes later, the same host that was talking, asking questions about how this male prostitute gets his dick hard. They brought up Trump and the Queen. They said:
“Trump is going to meet the Queen or the King or something.”
And everyone was having to go at Trump as to how horrible he was. And the male host that was being degenerate five minutes earlier was saying:
“You know what the good thing about monarchy is and Trump is? Even if you fucking hate them, even if you think they’re fucking dickheads, at least they’re honest. Our politicians, like, everyone likes them. They’re also lovely, nice people, but they’re all lying scumbags. And we keep. We’re the idiots that keep re electing them.”
And then they kind of started talking over the top of them and cut them out.
And I was like, for a fucking degenerate, retarded radio station, that’s actually a big improvement to say that live on air. I was actually quite impressed.
Anyway, that’s my two cents.
Joel Davis: I got a couple more Superchats that came in. YouTube Underscore Bot Supporter said:
“Are you planning on doing another stream or space with HT from Goyim TV? I think you guys seem to have solid goals where most guys in the space are more chaotic.”
He threw a Roman. Yeah, happy to do a stream or something with HT at some point soon, we’ll probably organise something. I haven’t done one with him before. I spoke to him, like, a couple, …
Thomas Sewell: I’ve done a couple with HT.
Joel Davis: Yeah, happy to do it. Yeah, he’s got a big personality. Man Before Time also said at the beginning, I missed his early Superchat. When we’re talking about medical care and shit, he said:
“Western Medicine is awful! It treats symptoms, not the cause. Stay away from the hospital. You go to the hospital to die. Medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States.”
Blair Cottrell: Well, that’s massive! I didn’t know that.
Joel Davis: Yeah, According to him, I mean he’s probably right. He’s sends us, …
Blair Cottrell: Right, I gotta stop believing stuff. [chuckling] Like, why do I believe stuff straight away? [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Well, it sounds plausible to me. I mean, it sounds plausible. Why not?
But, yeah, I think we’re basically done. Wargoose sent another Superchat just for the sake of giving money. Cheers.
But, yeah, it’s been a good show, I think. I encourage everyone in every city of Australia to keep an eye on your local refugee encampment bullshit, communist nonsense!
And send me. Go down and film them. Keep an eye on social media. Send me everything that you get. I want to publicize this. I don’t think they’re going to stop anytime soon. I have a feeling this is going to go on and more responses are going to need to be made, and I would really like to encourage someone other than us to try and do something about it, rather than all the pressure to respond to it being put entirely on our organisation.
But it’s just very important that public opposition is made here because what, it’s going to let them just camp out and annoy the government until they just hand them all visas and no one’s going to say anything. That’s fucking unacceptable! The whole country is on our side on this one. At what point are we going to try and do something?
I also read an article on saying that apparently in Brisbane, the article headline is:
“Brisbane Squalid. Ten cities multiply as homelessness surges due to housing crisis!”
And it’s just talking about how there’s ten cities popping up all over Brisbane CBD. Like, why the fuck does that exist in Australia? It exists because of all these fucking browns that they’re bringing in, driving up the cost of housing. So I mean how the fuck are we letting this happen?
And then the refugees can campaign for more visas. And they’re not refugees, the browns. The brown parasites! So fucking do something, basically, and spread it around on social media. Whip the boomers up into a rage. Get it to the freedom movement people. Just spread everything around online about this subject. You just need to create attention, focus, because it’s interesting.
Like they want to publicize what they’re doing to an extent, but then they got all freaked out when a nationalist started filming people and a nationalist started publicizing it. They don’t want it to be publicized to people who have red blood, like White people with red blood in their veins who might get upset about it. They only want to pressure the government through the correct channels.
So let’s like, shine the light on these people and expose it for what it is, which is basically like communist agitation.
So, yeah, everyone chip in on that. Bit of a call to action episode this one.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it seems a little bit that way. And it’s been a good chat. Started off pretty casual and we got into some to some pretty deep stuff in there too. So thanks, everyone, for tuning in, as always. Really appreciate the attention, the time, and we’ll be back next week at the usual time. Hopefully we get Tom on again. But, you know, sometimes Tom’s busy and he can’t always make it, but we’ll see how we go.
I’m gonna go to bed and get ready for my day tomorrow, so thanks, everyone. I’ll see you guys later.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 8/23/2024 = 561)
48 minutes ago
88th fire!
2 hours ago
Joel – 109 Blair – 105 Guy on right – 111
2 hours ago(edited)
in you guys are literally me. Ex-member of PA in UK. I just don’t like a hierarchy. I like to make poetry and rap about white power. I too advocate minimalism and romanticism, which was my main focus when studying Eng Lit
3 hours ago
Also man on right looks like a combination of Ryan Gosling and Ed Norton in AHX
4 hours ago
Nobody wants to be mentally ill, nobody wants ‘to sustain’ mental illness. Utterly retarded.
Schizophrenia, bipolar and bpd are real and unavoidable. The latter can be healed however. The former two are lifelong and destructive af.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
look after yourselves
8 hours ago
Enjoy the rest of your vacation man. o/
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Source for that.
8 hours ago
Great stuff goys o/
8 hours ago
Good chat lads o/
8 hours ago
Watching from a tent now
8 hours ago
*triple edged when you consider you now live with rapey murdering smelly niggers
8 hours ago
not a bad stream, made the guys some decent $$$
8 hours ago
Drives up the cost of housing, drives down wages. It’s a strike by a double edged sword
8 hours ago
I saw a sign in Ireland, or Northern Ireland, saying that ‘anyone who assists in the building or facilitation of refugee centres will be held accountable.” aha
8 hours ago
Coincidentally after covid articles came out saying it was an exaggeration.
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
The Irish are setting those refugee centres on fire.
8 hours ago
That number stat is from Johns Hopkins
8 hours ago
Diversity is danger in hospital
8 hours ago
RA = God DIO = God RADIO
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
I’m banned so can’t access them, gutted
8 hours ago
I listened to my first one today. They’re pretty good.
8 hours ago
been some great twitter spaces recently
8 hours ago
Everyone wants more entertainment…
8 hours ago
sitting on the beach brother
8 hours ago
online insanity is amusing
8 hours ago
Radio is psychological warfare on the working class
8 hours ago
I hate radio so much – “No repeat workday” – they play the same damn playlist every fucking day! You can even predict what the next song is going to be. My mp3 collection alone can play for 3 weeks without a repeat and I’m not a fucking radio station.
8 hours ago
How disgusting the degenerates are. And its all geared at our children!
8 hours ago
Hope you are having a good one.
8 hours ago
Im on vacation this week
8 hours ago
0857 EST Boston
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Aye. Doomed before no matter your heritage.
8 hours ago
7am EST
8 hours ago
Make phrenology great again
8 hours ago
7 AM
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)
8 hours ago
Missed mine. Oh well. Haha.
8 hours ago
It is real science. downregulating parts of the brain can reduce someones negative feelings towards immigrants
8 hours ago
that guy is a fruit loop
8 hours ago
no problem
8 hours ago
good morning pumpkin
8 hours ago
thank you very much
8 hours ago
Can science zap the jew from planet earth?
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
What is that thing?
8 hours ago
Here it is:
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
They will use butt lube
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
just rounding out the odyssey donations
8 hours ago
ah cool, I need to watch that
8 hours ago
Shockley was a smart guy who really knew what he was talking about.
8 hours ago
Make dysgenics bad again. – no body wanted socialism in NZ in 1938, my grandfather called it “breeding idiots” but we got it anyway and by the mid 1980’s NZ was doomed.
8 hours ago
Blackpilled latest stream Shockley edition is a must watch! what an amazing man he is, William Shockley
8 hours ago
I really like Greg Conte from the old NJP guys, Warrens great too
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Make Eugenics Great Again
8 hours ago
The enemy is losing and losing bad. They are grossly outnumbered. We know this and we know they know this and they know we know etc etc etc. It all so tiresome!
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
lol henlo fren
8 hours ago
any updates on the police officer who abused them in Brisbane? Did they file a complaint?
8 hours ago
If these reprobates had their way with their anti-white agenda most of the population wiould be doing “tenners!” And Blair this is a great idea with your ‘review’ of Mein Kampf. The sooner the better!
8 hours ago
Trust you to drag that one up LOL
8 hours ago
who is dawns husband?
8 hours ago
Through the control of information
8 hours ago
Devon’s stream today focused on J. Phillipe Rushton, which is pretty interesting.
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Velvet Glove Tyranny
8 hours ago
good morning
8 hours ago
The last 2 have been quality. Devon always creates good content
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
yes, it was a great stream
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
I’m impressed & heartened to see growth..
Operation Werewolf
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Getting :musical_score: “Fuck off we’re full” on television was awesome, great work!
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
I get paid tomorrow so will donate then, but good on you guys for supporting these amazing Aryan men
8 hours ago
Diversity of tactics for the win
8 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Operation Werewolf is based
Operation Werewolf
8 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Wow. o/
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
1500 members don’t need to be active
8 hours ago
I used to listen to
audiobooks back on bitchute before I left that hellscape in ~2021 or so
Operation Werewolf
8 hours ago
keep fighting on for the coming man
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
8 hours ago
*touch up the audio
8 hours ago
both. he reads some, and some are by Alex Linder and others. He seems to tough up the audio and put the PDF on the screen, also, if you want to read along as you listen. he doesn’t seem to be active anymore though.
8 hours ago
yes definitely get into politics, I’m in England which is so draconian so go for it before it’s too late
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
I like White Advocacy Group thought
8 hours ago
seems a few good channels disappeared over the last month or so.
8 hours ago
Good link
does his own audiobooks too
8 hours ago
my television hasn’t worked for months. hunting with the Labradors and splitting wood is fun as fuck.
8 hours ago
I was spewing when fascist Freddy disappeared. Dissident too.
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Ava is a gem/
8 hours ago
Yeah. Ava uploads so much great stuff.
8 hours ago
yes it’s a good channel for audiobooks.
8 hours ago
I’m just chapterizing hitler democrat, by degrelle on that channel. One of Ava’s channels.
8 hours ago
This guy has a lot of audiobooks:
Red Squirrel
8 hours ago
where did he say the PDF was?
8 hours ago
I’ll have to give it a listen, I’ve got hours during my workday.
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
TV Programmes duh
8 hours ago
amusement- not to think, muse- to thik
8 hours ago
wordS = sWORD
8 hours ago
watching from once beautiful England
8 hours ago
This is good for audiobooks:
8 hours ago
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
8 hours ago
8 hours ago—Defiant-Unto-Death-part-1:9
this ones a real gem David Lanes Defiant Unto Death so well read. Grabbed the audios and play ’em regular on my phone
8 hours ago
I want them to check out your link, it’s easier! and I was ignorant of it, I’ve been using the old vanguard link for as long as linder has been using it. Thanks for the better link!
8 hours ago
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Pete Quinones has some great readings.
8 hours ago
much appreciated both of you
8 hours ago
Team effort!
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Don’t thank me thank
His link is much friendlier to use than the massive folder.
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Slow down, Joel
8 hours ago
Anyone see this story ( Australian Jew Leader Demands NYT Fire Reporter Who Leaked Elders of Zion WhatsApp Chat Group )
8 hours ago
cheers for that
8 hours ago
Use this link
provided it’s much easier to use
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
You better like commentary, though. Linder likes to do commentary when he reads a book.
The Crucible 01
8 hours ago
joel mentioned you, i bet your fangirling right now. lol
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
gn frend
8 hours ago
ok anyway… late here and i need my beauty sleep
8 hours ago
I might try logging in on my kali vm see what is there lol
8 hours ago
good work man
8 hours ago
Mein Kampf – Alex Linder reading:
Audio Player
8 hours ago
Looks like it’s just the FTP server format of the site you shared (and so not as reachable to the computer illiterate)
8 hours ago
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Ditto. I helped wire up LSE w-vampire taps in the 80’s. We logged them since.
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
so if he read the Communist Manifesto, he could’ve ended up a communist?
8 hours ago
I’ll check that out. I usually just get them from his website.
8 hours ago
Oh shit he did read the Dalton translation
Audio Player
My bad
8 hours ago
o/ heil linder
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
Linder read the Dalton translation? BTW the audiobook website is
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
when is the next stream, fegget?
8 hours ago
Hah, oh wow.
8 hours ago
I’d like to know myself the Dalton translation is much easier to read as it uses today’s English, I imagine it would also be easier to listen to.
8 hours ago
Alex Linder’s website, just called i think. Pretty sure he narrates Dalton version
8 hours ago
LogosRevealed does some good readings and talks on it.
8 hours ago
i was lucky enough to be working in IT in the late 80’s and early 90’s when a modem cost about the same as as small car…
Secure the future of our people
8 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
The Crucible 01
8 hours ago
im hoping enough people wake up to it and refuse to go along with it.
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Yup. There’s no hiding. Best to be forthright & honest in the 1st place.
8 hours ago
anyone got the Dalton translation audiobook that Thomas just mentioned? I’ll take a look now.
The Crucible 01
8 hours ago
holy shit
8 hours ago
But did you use progz and punters? Haha. That’s pretty cool.
8 hours ago
Alex Linder reads the Dalton version i think, on his website.
8 hours ago
i was born in 73.. grew up in bbs’s, fone preaking and other things…. long before the internet…
8 hours ago
We’ve already seen this system running in NZ with Tom Phillips – Scroll down to the photo of him at Bunnings, that was an automated detection!
8 hours ago
Oh nice.
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Those who know, KNOW.
8 hours ago
concise with words
8 hours ago
I first got on AOL I think when I was 10.
8 hours ago
wtf? Hersant is brilliant
The Crucible 01
8 hours ago
hmm that sucks.
Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
I like Jacob’s jacket. Where can I get that look.
8 hours ago
Lower 80s.
8 hours ago
That won’t last. Also burners don’t work like you think it does….. Eventually they connect your burners to your IP to other accounts and ultimately back to your digital ID. The plan includes your digital ID following you with security camera at the supermarket sorry to say.
8 hours ago
before that on bbs’s
8 hours ago
ive been online since about 1993 i think
8 hours ago
Stalag is also great.
8 hours ago
who is the translator?
8 hours ago
you were born twice as long ago as the 1990’s? just because youre not in the town square does not mean everyone else isnt
The Crucible 01
8 hours ago
its pretty bad and unfortunately i think its going to get even worse
8 hours ago
It’s gas lighting, too, telling us that Whites are not a race, and White people do not have a culture.
8 hours ago
wfp o/
8 hours ago
Will have to get that one. Have the Stalog.
9 hours ago
Oh wow.
9 hours ago
I just read Thomas Dalton’s translation. It’s excellent.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
just to be clear i was agreeing with you on the internet being anon.
9 hours ago
If you make your internet actsecret you get a visit. Even if you don’t do anything controversial.
9 hours ago
it’s shocking what they’re doing in England.
9 hours ago
Yes, well aware of all that. Their plan was brought to my attention from inside the industry back in 2017 when I saw the most terrifying presentation of the future I ever had witnessed and it was at a IEEE conference.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
at least she got something from them, but still they are literally the thought police now.
9 hours ago
Lived half my life without the internet. I’m ready.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
na its not, ill just use a vpn and a burner phone number to access social media, i think everyone will.
9 hours ago
I saw it a couple of days ago. The court sided in her favor, and British police have to pay her 13,000 pounds or something.
9 hours ago
o/ TexasVet
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
You should be already “ready” for offline.
9 hours ago
Which is ironic as on a truly anon internet that isn’t possible.
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
:high_voltage: T :high_voltage:
:high_voltage: E :high_voltage:
:high_voltage: X :high_voltage:
:high_voltage: A :high_voltage:
:high_voltage: S :high_voltage:
:high_voltage: V :high_voltage:
:high_voltage: E :high_voltage:
:high_voltage: T :high_voltage:
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
saw that, wtf.
9 hours ago
Already have face recognition on most phones and apps.
9 hours ago
It smacks of desperation and exposes the state
9 hours ago
British police arrested a lady for praying inside her mind while standing near an abortion clinic. An Orwellian thought crime.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
yep, or they will claim its to stop online harassment, bullying etc
9 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
Hail Tex!
9 hours ago
Expect two modes of promotion, the need to protect children (ie from online porn) and also convince (ie just show your face or swipe your finger over the fingerprint reader and any computer is tailored for you!)
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
but apparently there are certain businesses that have to use digital id in order to operate
9 hours ago
2 year prison sentence for posting “inaccurate information.”
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
it will pass, and they will roll it out, make it compulsory
9 hours ago
It’s shocking to see guys in England getting 2 year prison sentences for Facebook posts that are not all that serious.
9 hours ago
It’s ok if the gov’t has your information, goy……are you serious??that’s fed talk bud
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
thats the plan, although right now they are saying its only voluntary
9 hours ago
Major question to you three lads from an English nationalist living covert life in Starmer’s Britain. Do you believe the future for whites around world will be a militarised top down dictatorship society. Where seeing the military throw the last whites into sectarian zones are seen as normal?
9 hours ago
My mere existance as a white man is a crime
9 hours ago
just tell them to go jump and don’t use the digital ID
The Fourteen Words Podcast
9 hours ago
Thank you sir
9 hours ago
They actually want to make it go as far as any computer you use requires the digitalID
9 hours ago
Never can catch your live streams. But I enjoy watching your replays.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
and just so happens the digital identity is rolling out in December
9 hours ago
I got 4 Labradors and a make shift farm. Its all I need.
9 hours ago
o/ hey mate. I love your content
9 hours ago
The plan with social media has been to tie it together with digital ID
Lon Awfully
9 hours ago
gonna try to remember that line about simplicity
9 hours ago
henlo fren… yea ive always been around
The Fourteen Words Podcast
9 hours ago
Hey I know you
9 hours ago
I don’t know what would even be considered middle class anymore.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
if there is, there are very few of them.
9 hours ago
yhea there is no middle class
Lon Awfully
9 hours ago
WP o/ hail
9 hours ago
Ok I’m done, haa.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lol stop it!
9 hours ago
Is there even a middle class anymore? There’s really only the overlords class, the milked dry class, and the useful idiots class.
9 hours ago
Home is behind. The world ahead. And there are many paths to tread. Through shadow. To the edge of night. Until the stars are all alight
Mist and shadow. Cloud and shade. All shall fade. All shall fade
9 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
9 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
yeah i didnt like lol
9 hours ago
our state symbol is literally the OK hand sign……..
9 hours ago
I was just going to say that.
9 hours ago
Tasmanian here
9 hours ago
Crucible 01 Nice
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
i like the song pippin sings to lord denathor tho
9 hours ago
Really? I thought it was beautiful.
9 hours ago
South Australian supremacist checking in….
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
He’s a simple man. ciggies and lotr
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
i hate that scene, she cant sing for shit
9 hours ago
Would you happen to know songs like the one Éowyn sings at her cousins funeral.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
hey me to o/
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
when is the next stream cat man?
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lol your mate sounds like a top bloke
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lol same im to tired
9 hours ago
For his birthday he got pissed without the kids and watched all 3 one after another. I said but you know them word for word already… he said ” nah it was fucking great”
9 hours ago
Hahah. I have to stop.
9 hours ago
which state you in?
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
you have a stout hear little hobbit
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Let him go or I’ll have you longshanks.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lol na sorry mate.
9 hours ago
it’s at on Telegram
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
there is a lot of content, it helps if you read the silmarillion lol
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
He’d have seen them 1000 times. it’s his comfort film, I don’t get it because there’s so much info/ content to learn but he likes what he likes.
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
there’s a contact bot. I’ll get you the link
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lol its prolly the oldest lotr meme
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. This day we fight!
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)
9 hours ago
Stupid 4chan and it’s meme leakage (using it in references to troons)
9 hours ago
They are definitely in my top movies. Although I haven’t watched it in a while.
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
9 hours ago
So go to telegram and private message joel blair or toms channel ?
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lmao you newb :joy: :rofl:
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
they are my favorite movies lol
9 hours ago
Thou shall not pass
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
And so it begins
9 hours ago
My mates obsessed with lotr
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
I enjoyed the quotes. I imagine you could go on all stream.
9 hours ago
again, Telegram
9 hours ago
last minute fellas
9 hours ago
can’t be there if you hide the event till
9 hours ago
Again you never have any links etc on how to join and for people contribute.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
ive been quoting lotr this whole time lol
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
9 hours ago
Stop telling me about them I don’t want to fucking hear it! 25 fucking years of LOTR this and LOTR that every fucking day here in NZ
9 hours ago
That day will come soon.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
There will be no dawn for shitskins
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
dude fucked if i know lmao!
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Why the fuck are their feet hairy and big?
9 hours ago
very good
9 hours ago
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
This task was appointed to you, and if you do not find a way, no one will
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
Joel You need people of intelligence on this sort of mission…quest…thing
9 hours ago
All good but no one knows how to get involved , email address etc are never shared
9 hours ago
Brillant Chain, perfect timing to post memememe girl
9 hours ago
Dutton moustache
9 hours ago
Damn I should have clipped that
9 hours ago
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
It’s a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to
9 hours ago
Don’t punch someone’s forehead. That’s how you break fingers/knuckles/hand.
9 hours ago
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
I have no idea what you are on about
9 hours ago
Music editor to make a fuck off we’re full would be awesome.
9 hours ago
Haha. I never heard from someone that lived where it was filmed. Sounds like it was quite the spectacle.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places
9 hours ago
Mass deportations now
9 hours ago
Should at least listen to the score. It alone is beautiful.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
are you serious? you have to watch them atleast once, but not the hobbit, that movie sucked balls.
9 hours ago
Occidental Music and Culture
9 hours ago
i just made english subtitles for a finnish movie about ww2. first movie ive seen in yearswith no jews involved or mentioned and no nigs inserted. its about the “continuation war” in karelia. even talks about and shows a clip of uncle adolf in a positive way. its on my channel.
9 hours ago
And you’ve watched the films? (I have not and never will)
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
makes sense
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Because they were people of the soil and needed no shoes.
9 hours ago
this is very good video
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
We all have our own part in our beautifications. Hence the Wakanda invention.
9 hours ago
you punch each other in the head then go stop mass migration?…are there drugs behind these actions or is that just an australian thing
9 hours ago
Nothing, I turn off the TV I turn off the Radio, I stop reading Newpapers, Yet I still hear about the LOTR being filmed here when I go to the supermarket.
9 hours ago
Never forget you have the blood of heroes and warriors flowing thru you .
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
9 hours ago
The Hero’s journey
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
LOTR is truly great though. A masterpiece.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
but what can men do against such reckless hate?
9 hours ago
LOTR is the European story , thats why you a drawn to that story
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Please no LOTR references I can’t take it, I’ve been hearing about it every day for 25 years (since filming was announced here)
9 hours ago
Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
fuckin love lord of the rings
9 hours ago
I think the countries they come from too need to be penalized.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
fraser anning would have been the only one. but he is no longer in politics.
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
dennigs sehr spracht or summat in German
9 hours ago
Common sense on immigration would be REVERSE immigration, not reduction. But you will never ever hear a politician say it.
9 hours ago
Muh Voting
9 hours ago
Pauline behaves herself after her false imprisonment
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
she is just another sell out.
9 hours ago
LOL Vooting
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
jonathan bowden
9 hours ago
She’s clearly got string making her arms flail
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
toms right, we should go out and burn some books
9 hours ago
Hansons a scum bag ( wearing a Isreal scarf ) She knows who owns her and Australian politics
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
“Clear them out” Bowden
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Bowden is still MINT
9 hours ago
not many normal people like nazis either tho to be fair
9 hours ago
Pauline has a clown like vibe
9 hours ago
Ben Shapiro exposed himself thusdestroyed himself over the Israel attack .
9 hours ago
You do great.
9 hours ago
every day o/
9 hours ago
What Blair is saying now is why I think one needs to try to appeal to that class most of all. And hence my references to how Nordic Resistance did it.
9 hours ago
don’t forget the Candice Owens show mate
9 hours ago
no one likes mass immigration true
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Live it.
9 hours ago
this show, warstrike, and blackpilled are the best shows around. thanks for all you do o7
9 hours ago
I figured it was older than 4chan’s /pol/ but I’ve only seen it in the past 10 years on there.
9 hours ago
Definitely. And the color of the leaves changing. Hoodie weather as I say.
Occidental Music and Culture
9 hours ago
everyone should look into 3d printing. its a great hobby that could save your life in nations without 2nd amendment… lots of videos on odysee about it.
9 hours ago
lol Joel says exactly as i type it
9 hours ago
the lazy retarded boomer fed accusation is so played out and the people that make the accusation are too stupid to understand that they are the reason we wear masks…
9 hours ago
apples, pumpkins, and popcorn is my favorite season
9 hours ago
‘Fuck off we’re full’ is a fairly old and well established meme. I remember bumper stickers over 15 years ago.
9 hours ago
Nice. I mean colder. I do enjoy a nice crisp and cool morning. Looking forward to Autumn.
9 hours ago
cool comfortable morning here
9 hours ago
o/ Getting cold out there. Morning from PA.
9 hours ago
beautiful morning, o/ from Cape Cod
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
You got :musical_score: “Fuck off we’re full” on TV, you have to be proud of that
9 hours ago
Queensland has a ‘Community Safety Bill’ on the way. Probably will allow them to arrest and persecute mych more easily.
9 hours ago
Hell yea.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
9 hours ago
200 or so…PF numbers are sn example
9 hours ago
I haven’t heard of any boomers in my family doing that.
9 hours ago
You need to use the 15min rally tactic more often . Get in get footage and media coverage then get out . Before the roid head cops arrive in numbers
9 hours ago
yeah I see that too
9 hours ago
Here most of them selll the family home for a caravan.
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Top comment.
9 hours ago
why cant you fucking boomers leave your children an inheritance instead of buying bullshit like sports cars…
9 hours ago
To be fair not everyone has a white shirt and a tie
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
i remember the “fuck off we’re full” meme back in the 90s. os its been around for a while.
9 hours ago
Trad Aussie White Nationalism is good enough anyway
9 hours ago
foliage in Australia?
9 hours ago
Families should go for 6-8 kids to meet that number.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
i want one
Red Squirrel
9 hours ago
Loving Tom’s shirt
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
ha ^
9 hours ago
o/ 1488 110 777 WFP LFG
Occidental Music and Culture
9 hours ago
“refugees” that leave all the women, children and old people behind
9 hours ago
You’ve had too much to think…
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
na jsut work stuff
9 hours ago
did you order organic stuff like seeds or just t shirts and shit?
9 hours ago
i think u right
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lol i know, the customs people aren’t tho lol
9 hours ago
I think that is around how many are in like a spec op team too in most militaries.
9 hours ago
LOL oy vey I was just kidding
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lol funny you mention that, all the packages iv ordered this month, have been checked by customs, that have never happened previously.
9 hours ago
keep them guessing, shouldn’t be too hard since they’re thoughtless drones.
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
9 hours ago
that’s an awesome piece of trivia – 8 companions
9 hours ago
You might need to call up Tel Aviv and tell them the server spying on your internet activity needs rebooting.
9 hours ago
odysee has been shit. sometimes can’t post
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
its back for me now but i couldnt post in chat.
9 hours ago
Oh, yeah my comment stand, just you, fine for me.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Young White men see masculine White men. Lets them know they can be that.
9 hours ago
Wait was that “F” for spinnies or something else?
9 hours ago
Blair kinda looks like ‘Big Lez’ with his lighting
9 hours ago
All these spineless maggots have gotta go. Absolute cancer.
Occidental Music and Culture
9 hours ago
russian jews were sending africans across border to finland giving them a bicycle and a coat. the finn border patrol kept finding groups of frozen nigs
9 hours ago
Just you
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Even the Nordic Resistance marches, all wearing a white shirt black dress pants and with the same hair cut, they merged together to one rather than individuals nicely.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
yup, considering labor brought in 1.2 million shitskins in a 12 month period. no fucks given.
9 hours ago
They usually don’t give a shit, it’s open fucking borders normally.
Occidental Music and Culture
9 hours ago
finland is still 99% white and only has a few hundred jews in one ghetto. two synogogues and 0 holocaust museums.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
100% his only banning immigrants from palestine from entering the country because the jews told him to.
9 hours ago
So sad. A similar attack is present in all White countries.
9 hours ago
Dutton is as antiwhite as anybody else in politics
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
dutton was a former cop so expect him to be a piece of shit
Occidental Music and Culture
9 hours ago
the part that is worse is that whites work and dont have families to pay for everyone elses children. even on other continents.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
notice the biased reporting?
9 hours ago
‘cowards?’ they’re there, in their own country, unlike u… HOW are they cowards?
9 hours ago
lol you Dutton supporters dusgust me
9 hours ago
The 2 years automatic prenuptial agreement is a dysgenics social policy here, it results in those looking for lifetime relationship fearful of being screwed over.
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
nice sign
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
i would like to have a shirt like toms, ill wear it everywhere.
10 hours ago
fuck that makes me wild
Occidental Music and Culture
10 hours ago
my gf’s older sister just had 15 year anniversary
9 hours ago
Permanent thrown in the seas now.
9 hours ago
Yeah, it took just 2 generations to completely fuck this country through (((selective breeding))).
9 hours ago
dutton doesn’t go hard enough
9 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
9 hours ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)
9 hours ago
it makes it sound like they’re unwelcome visitors but they’ll still try and stay
9 hours ago
go home goblina
The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
laura turner is a cunt
9 hours ago
women sums up things according to women, everywhere
9 hours ago
@Crazy_Cat_Gentleman: Just evil.
10 hours ago
retarded brown streetshitters
10 hours ago
Oh I know. It’s very rare. I’mproud to be their son.
Secure the future of our people
10 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
10 hours ago
a ballsy lot aren’t they
10 hours ago
How do they know if you and a partner are actually together? What if you just always referred to each other as room mates or something. Haha.
10 hours ago
Rights and lefts
10 hours ago
Why does the socialists never let these people inside their houses permanently
10 hours ago
I highly doubt you’ll find many zoomers together 40 years, decades from now. the law has been (((engineered))) against that, again the Jews and their dysgenics.
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Each one of us come from the eggs that were developed while our mothers developed in the womb of our maternal grandmothers. It’s the maternal grandmother of your prospective wife who you should be concerned about.
10 hours ago
Oh wow. That’s par for course in this insane world.
10 hours ago
We have prenup here, once you’ve been together more than two years you are married in the eyes of the law, so even though you haven’t gone through the ceremony you will still loose the house to her.
10 hours ago
their boldness know no bounds smh
The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
isnt that guy a jew?
10 hours ago
My parents have been together since high school. Just had their 40th anniversay.
10 hours ago
Even Pastor Steven Anderson has married mixed race couples.
10 hours ago
My little neice starts pre-school next week and it makes me worried.
10 hours ago
I have a couple friends who have good ones. My brother has a great family. They were together 7 years before actually getting married and starting a family.
Secure the future of our people
10 hours ago
and like the Twitter if you can please!
Occidental Music and Culture
10 hours ago
are there churches that don’t allow race mixing? maybe some trad. mormon ones
10 hours ago
I absolutely believe it though. Pretty much the same here in the states.
10 hours ago
I don’t know of a single marriage among my peers that lasted more than 5 years
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
SOULS can be divided between Hylic, Psychic and Pneumatic – in other words, those who will never know, those who can know and those who know
10 hours ago
That’s every single man I know of who got married here (NZ)
10 hours ago
Took his house, too.
10 hours ago
Yes that is a HUGE part of it.
10 hours ago
My friend married a whore, and I saw the red flags early. I talked to him about it. He still went through. Had 2 kids. Then she ended up fucking some other guy and leaving. I tried to warn him.
10 hours ago
Shout out to Eurekaist
10 hours ago
marriage was made so men had a promise that the kids they had with women were their kids i think
10 hours ago
You are forced to choose wisely with marriage, you’re going to be stuck with them for the rest of your life, rather than just one night.
10 hours ago
I would never get married in a church that allows race mixing
10 hours ago
Marriage spans back to pre-christian times in Europe. It explains a lot for it is natural for K selectors, and also naturally eugenic.
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
That I worked as a pharm tech.
10 hours ago
Much better. This was over 10 years ago.
10 hours ago
As you know I’m Atheist, the church is the last place I’d consider trying, I bit my lip and tried anyway only to be bitterly disappointed.
10 hours ago
I also had a moon cricket get mad that he had to pay $1 for his meds when he was getting it for free before. I wanted to strangle him.
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Yup. I’ve seen it in friends who worked in the “sick industry”. You must already feel better.
The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
i believe it.
10 hours ago
fun fact: CROC shoes were invented as a prop for Idiocracy as shoes that only retards would wear them… no joke, look it up
The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
dont bother qith either, they are the worse
10 hours ago
LOL the religious whores ive come across were far worse than the nightclub ones..
10 hours ago
The pharmacist manager was literally a Satanist. Pink hair and had weird satanic tattoos on neck and arms. And they allow it.
10 hours ago
mutant freaks everywhere
10 hours ago
Good luck finding a good woman in a NZ church, I tried that. They’re as bad as the nightclub whores
10 hours ago
sadly I think it’s here already
10 hours ago
Make you dependent.
10 hours ago
Thomas trying to stop the movie IDIOCRACY from becoming a documentary…
10 hours ago
I use to work as a pharm tech before I graduated but I couldn’t take part in that. It was just so criminal. The nons getting everything for free and then the next old vet in line having to pay $500 for his meds. Also, 90% of scripts do not help, but actually make things worse. Eat your soul.
10 hours ago
Genetics is like the design of a car, environment is the materials and construction quality. IQ is 100% limited by genes
10 hours ago
ban porn and dating aps
10 hours ago
there is no possible way to get “off grid” anywhere in the western world… youre simply larping
10 hours ago
Incel? Or K selector? There’s no shortage of sex in NZ, we’ve got one of the most diseased whores in the world, just some men have standards.
10 hours ago
when I seek a physician I make it known when I call that I will only consult with a White doctor
Patton Was Right
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
They get offended because it is counter the Jews dysgenics program, they’ve trained the culture to ostracize any who oppose it
10 hours ago
Part of my job, and the only reason I work in the industry is that I get to argue with doctors over them trying to put down the code for something that charges more or leads to certain prescriptions. I love putting a jew in his place.
10 hours ago
At least 70-80% of intelligence is hereditary
The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
jokes on you i already have 6 kids somewhere idk i blocked them on all social media
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Ey up Beautifuls
10 hours ago
legal drug pushers…my first girlfriend attended medical school and by 3rd year pharmaceutical sales reps were developing relationships with them…taking them out for Happy Hour at the local taco
joint on Friday night
10 hours ago
Are you going to effortlessly have 6 children like a nigger doing that?
10 hours ago
Understand the Jews have done everything they can to make our society dysgenic.
The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
its not entirely useless if your working to get yourself off grid
10 hours ago
Patton Was Right
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
If mental health care is so good, and psychiatry and all that shit…Why are there an obscene amount of people that are so fucked compared to 70 years ago.
10 hours ago
It’s pointless working for a system that is engineered to milk you dry and send you to the slaughter. We should be this and that re eugenics. But it is pointless if you do no defeat the Jew’s dysgenics, the natural order is better.
10 hours ago
the physician:
10 hours ago
and there are instances where we might not be coherent and able to choose who treats us ….think about it
10 hours ago
Ew. And if it’s not a jeet it’s a jew. At least here in the US. They make up somewhere around 40% of doctors/physicians.
10 hours ago
I can’t imagine a white physician treating someone in NZ anymore, I haven’t seen one in decades, it is that bad.
10 hours ago
SAME THING with rabid pro-abortion women, most murdered their own children so want other women to do so as well, so they can pretend that it’s normal. Same with sluts that don’t save themselves for a good man.
Patton Was Right
10 hours ago
severe lapse in judgment
10 hours ago
imagine letting a street shitting physician treat you
10 hours ago
All the NZ born and trained doctors and nurses I know are either retired or moved to a different career. They can’t do it anymore, witnessing the extreme incompetence and having to pick up all the slack while getting paid nothing.
10 hours ago
There are a disgusting amount of incidents of mostly jeets raping people while they are under.
10 hours ago
an Indian physician here on a Visa practicing near Detroit Michigan was recently arrested for having 13, 000 images and videos of naked patients from age 2 to 45
Patton Was Right
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
I’m work at a hospital and am a medical professional (health information admin). That they are.
Patton Was Right
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
don’t forget the ever increasing presence of non-whites in the medical field
Patton Was Right
10 hours ago
I know a lot of nurses some are pretty psycho
10 hours ago
my father’s physician smoked like a chimney
10 hours ago
Western medicine is awful. It treats symptoms not the cause. Stay of the hospital. You go to the hospital to die. Medical malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
10 hours ago
The non white nurses let the beeping continue, they don’t give a fuck
10 hours ago
as a child my father was in the hospital often…hated the visits…the smell made me nauseous
10 hours ago
i had women walk up to me n thank me for giving blood as they needed it during pregnancy – i get Blair’s point, but gotta give
10 hours ago
We will win in the end o/
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
the gang is all here o/
10 hours ago
They call that Aspergers, getting out of bed at 3am to work out the fourier transform for an exponentially modified sine because you will not sleep if you don’t
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
cheers lads
10 hours ago
Good show this past week guys
Patton Was Right
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Transcript of last week’s show.
10 hours ago
[Joel Davis – Two Tier Tyranny, Free England! – Aug 15, 2024 – Transcript]
Joel Davis – Two Tier Tyranny, Free England! – Aug 15, 2024 – Transcript
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version History
Version 5: Wed, Aug 28, 2024 — Added 2 images. Improved formatting.
Version 4: Tue, Aug 27, 2024 — 145/145 mins complete. Added links and images. Transcript complete.
Version 3: Mon, Aug 26, 2024 — 86/145 mins complete. Added 5 images. Updated Joel Davis See Also image and links.
Version 2: Sun, Aug 25, 2024 — 58/145 mins complete.
Version 1: Sat, Aug 24, 2024 — Published post. 20/145 mins complete. Includes Odysee comments (561).
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