Thomas Sewell – Bread and Butter Nationalism – Aug 25, 2024 – Transcript


Thomas Sewell


Bread and Butter Nationalism



Sun, Aug 25, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activist, founder of NSN, Tom Sewell discusses the following:

• The importance of friendship and loyalty in building nationalist groups.

• Regular routines and activities are crucial: “You have to have rock solid routines.”

• Symbolism and branding are important for group identity.

• Advocates for a hierarchical structure based on commitment levels.

• Quality of members is prioritized over quantity: “You want the best quality men.”

• Local and national symbols are discussed as important for group cohesion.

• Criticises voting within organisations: “Voting does not work.”

• Personal constitution and character should be valued highly: “It’s in the blood.”

• The importance of face-to-face meetings is stressed over online connections.

• Encourages starting local groups rather than waiting for others to fail.

• Competition between groups is seen as beneficial: “Competition breeds success.”

• Discourages attempts at international organisation at early stages.

• Regular meetups are recommended, with frequency based on distance between members.

• Advocates for a balance between national branding and local identity.

• Family members who oppose nationalist activities are described as “not your family.”

• Discusses his own family dynamics in relation to political beliefs.

• The importance of perseverance in building nationalist groups is emphasised.

• Criticises those who give up easily: “You just have to keep going.”

• A powerful global symbol for White nationalism.

• Encourages taking action over merely discussing ideas.

• The concept of “white pills” or optimism is important.

• Discusses the NSDAP as a historical model for nationalist organisation.

• The importance of local, grassroots organising.

• Advocates for a minimum time commitment from members.

• The concept of “peer” is preferred over “friend” in some contexts.

• Discusses the idea of subordinating to stronger leaders if they emerge.

• The importance of adapting to changing circumstances is mentioned.

• Criticises those who are “permanently pregnant with ideas” but never act.

• The concept of spiritual energy contributing to a collective cause is discussed.




Published on Sun, Aug 25, 2024




25/8/24 Bread and Butter Nationalism
August 25, 2024
1 Dislike
Thomas Sewell
File size
2.06 GB



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(Words: 14,220 – 1:17:39 mins)



Testing 123. We are going live. Sound is good. Excellent! Alright, so I don’t have a specific structure for this stream.


I’m just going to hit the ground running now. I’m dressed in the black block today as I’m channeling my inner Hersantian spirit, which if you don’t know what “Hersant” means, it means “warrior Saint” or “warrior messenger”. That’s what Hersant means, which is interesting. That’s Jacob’s last name because he is a messenger and he is quite militant in his message. So God works in clear and obvious ways sometimes.


Now I’m seeing a little bit of lag on the stream, unfortunately, but it should come through okay. It might just be its teething.


Hail victory to everyone in the chat. Romans in the chat. That’s good to see. Hope everyone’s in fine spirits today. I’m very white pilled lately.


I mean, I’m always white pilled.


A lot of people come to me for white pills.


But the last month or so, not just about what’s happening globally, but even here in Australia, I’ve noticed the spirit is rising. I’ve noticed just a complete change in energy from just the general members, just the average person that gets involved with our organisation. They’re just bringing a better energy. I think everyone is very optimistic at the moment. They can see the fires rising globally and nationally and even locally and internally.


So it’s very good.


What I’m going to go through today to start with is from the ground up. So I’d appreciate it if you are either already running a group and you’re listening to this for advice, or if you are thinking of running a group or thinking of starting a group, you should be taking notes. And some of this stuff is going to be repetitive. It’s going to be stuff you’ve already heard me say before, but it’s very important stuff.


It’s nine years, ten years of experience and struggle. Struggle! A lot of struggle and a lot of demoralisation and a lot of feeling like two steps forward, two steps back, you know, one step forward, two steps back, three steps forward, two steps back, and then a step forward. And that is what the early stages of nationalism in any group is going to feel like and look like.


And you just have to persevere. You just have to keep going. There is no other option.


And we are behind where we should be because so many people, every time they reached an obstacle, instead of just keeping a clear head and marching on forward, they went:


“Oh, it’s just too much. Oh, it’s just too much stress. Oh, no one cares enough!”


And we win from the collective caring, the collective divine triumph of the will. So consider that your efforts don’t just disappear into the ether. Your efforts contribute to the ether. Your efforts contribute to the collective spirit. And it all adds up. And we’re all inspired by each other’s actions and behaviour, and we’re fueling something greater than ourselves with our efforts.


And so it’s about who’s going to put in the most amount of effort, who’s going to put the most amount of energy into this. And the collective of all of our energy put together is what is going to solve the problem. So in saying that, I can understand people being apprehensive about joining a group, because no group is perfect. And maybe you’re a perfectionist, but there is a saying about:


“A good plan now is better than a perfect plan later!”


And I agree with that. I think you’ve got to hit the ground running. You’ve got to make mistakes, and you’ve got to fix things as you go. You’ve got to learn by doing! But that does not mean that you should not take consideration in preparing yourself before going into this.


But life moves very, very fast. I am 31 years old, I am bald, and I have a family now, and it’s crazy how fast time goes. I met Blair Cottrell ten years ago, and I just gotten out of the army, and I was like:


“Let’s do nationalism!”


I read Mein Kampf properly for the first time, and I was like:


“Let’s do it! Let’s hit the ground running. Let’s go!”


And from, obviously, there’s a lot of experience that you learn from doing the wrong thing.


And a lot of people, I feel like they treat life like a video game, like they can save game, and if they don’t, or they treat it like it is a video game that they can’t save, [chuckling] which, I mean, I don’t know. I don’t go into that.


But, you know, sometimes you make mistakes and you lose time, and you can’t just go back. You can’t revert to the same game. It is two years. It is three years. It is four years.


But you can restart from that point, and that’s what you’ve paid for. You’ve paid for that experience. So don’t think that everything has to be perfect straight away. What I’ve learnt from the grassroots, from the basics, how did we start all those years ago?


Regardless of strategy, regardless of ideology, regardless of the environment, regardless of the police, regardless of the courts and the media and the censorship. None of that stuff matters. That’s all downstream. That’s all secondary for building a group. That’s all secondary to who are your friends? Who are your peers?


So that’s point one that I want to get across is that all that we have, all that I have left other than the experience and the wisdom and knowledge from it, all that I have left from those early days of nationalism ten years ago, when I first got involved, are the friends that I made, the genuine friends, the peers that I made in the struggle. That’s how you build brotherhood.




So the expression, “my honour is my loyalty” is obviously to the race and to an all encompassing worldview and a principle, a fundamental principle that we’re striving towards. But also it’s to the brotherhood itself, it’s to your brothers, and it’s reciprocal.


So I had a lot of friends when I started nationalism, a lot! And I had a lot of my friends and buddies from, you could say, outside of nationalism, guys I met at the gym, guys I went to school with, guys I was in the army with, and not many of them survived the first couple of years of nationalism, because friendship alone cannot., … You have to have the right friends. It’s not just about that friendship. Well, friendship without loyalty is nothing. So I lost a lot of those friends in the early days of nationalism because they weren’t loyal to the ideology, they weren’t loyal to the brotherhood, they weren’t loyal to the vision of what was being built, and obviously they weren’t loyal to each other and myself.


And so that’s something that needs to be considered. If you are an individual, you have normie friends, or normie work friends, or normie sport friends or normie gym friends, whatever is on neutral, I should say, as usual. Before starting up a group, obviously, if you’re joining a group, you’re joining a pre-existing subculture. And if you’re not happy with those subcultures, I want you to consider that the NSDAP, the most successful version in, I would say, human history, in such a short period of time, considering Britain didn’t have to go through regime change six years before World War Two, America didn’t have to go through regime change six years before World War Two, the USSR or Russia went through regime change. Was that 22 years before World War Two?


So they had 22 years to prepare. Germany had six years to prepare for that confrontation, that ultimatum.


So, yes, we can acknowledge that they weren’t successful in taking on the entire world in the Second World War, but they got pretty close. And it was just, it was more or less one and a half nations, if you count the Italians, but obviously the Hungarians, Romanians. I won’t go into too much of a history lesson today, but for such a short period of time, that is the most successful model.


Ideally, we’d have a little bit more patience than Hitler, as hard as that might be, because it will take us a long time to prepare for total victory.


But the NSDAP [National Socialist German Workers’ Party-NationalSozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterPartei], as an example, I’ve said in the past, and I’ve educated you guys, that it was 1600 branch, sorry, 16,000 branches. I think 16, 241 branches of the NSDAP by the time they took power in 1933.


[The NS Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei  or NSDAP), was a Right-wing political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of National Socialism. Its precursor, the German Workers’ Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920. The NS Party emerged from the German nationalist (“Völkisch nationalist”), race realist and populist Freikorps paramilitary culture, which fought against jewish communist uprisings in post–World War I Germany. The party was created to draw workers away from jewish communism and into völkisch nationalism.]


So you have to consider that there’s an element of localism to that, and there’s cliqueisms to that.


But another thing that I didn’t mention on previous streams about building the NSDAP was not only was it 16,000 branches, but also in the early days, there was many organisations running parallel to NSDAP.


And even in the later days, there were still much larger organisations, considerably larger organisations. And where the NSDAP succeeded was that it was the strongest horse of the striving will of the German people to survive and to pull themselves out of the depression, both spiritually, economically, racially, everything. A depression, a black pill that was sinking them.


Hitler was the greatest white pill, and he had more strength. He was the strongest man in his spirit than all the other leaders of these groups. But his success was dependent on the strength of all his sub leaders, junior leaders, branch leaders, senior leaders. You know, no man is an island. This is not like Hitler did it all on his own. And he’s just a, it’s just, he’s purely a spiritual being. And it roll, like to build a flame. It takes more than one man, obviously. He wasn’t the only spiritual being. It’s not a binary. It’s not in my religion and my belief, it’s not. Godhood is not a binary. That’s just my belief, or sub godhood, or demigodhood, whatever you want to call it, animation, spirit is not a binary. I believe that everything has spirit, every living thing has spirit, but they are on a spectrum.


And obviously he had the greatest spirit. But his success or the success of the NSDAP was built on the spirit of millions of men and women. And that’s something to consider.


So, bringing it back a little bit. First point, brotherhood, friendship. If you’re not happy with the subculture of the groups in your area, you’re not happy with the organisation in your area at this stage, maybe you don’t have to join as an individual. What all groups require is consolidation. It’s the banding all the tribes together.


And ultimately, when there’s lots of little groups, they will need to put someone in charge of when all the groups come together in alliance.


Now, it doesn’t necessarily happen overnight, and it didn’t in the German situation, but there was a lot of parallel organisations to the NSDAP, and they were staunch anti-semite, pro-folkish movements, pro-German movements. They had a lot of history in them. Some of them were quite old movements, quite established movements. They had strong leaders.


And I believe that Rohm, for example, I know he’s a controversial and not liked character, which is fair and reasonable because he did a lot of bad things. But Rohm, for example, I believe he was a commander in the Freikorps before he was in the NSDAP. And there was these strange blends and strange alliances. Not necessarily strange, but there was so many moving parts. The deeper you delve into early NSDAP history, the more you will find.




I mean, I was just watching a video recently that popped up in my timeline. Hitler was actually asked if he could. There was something called the Kapp Putsch* in, I believe it was really early, like 19, like a long time before Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch. I think it was in 1920 or 1921 or 1922. It was very early between 1920 and 1922.


[* The Kapp Putsch, also known as the Kapp–Lüttwitz Putsch, was an attempted coup against the German national government in Berlin on 13 March 1920. Named after its leaders Wolfgang Kapp and Walther von Lüttwitz, its goal was to undo the German Revolution of 1918–1919, overthrow the Weimar Republic, and establish an autocratic government in its place.]


Someone can Google and tell us. But it was very early days, and Hitler and NSDP were very small back then compared to all these other larger movements. And he was actually at one point by the group that had organised the Kapp Putsch. They had a large force trying to overthrow the Weimar government. And he was actually called up from Bavaria to Berlin by the Freikorps commanders because he was respected as someone that also controlled part of this decentralised, sort of Freikorps model, if you want to call it that, this anti-communist militia, which we can see developing in different ways. But I won’t say too much on it, because the counter-terrorism experts would love to put that in the next, what do they do? Senate inquiry.


So that needs to be considered in its element. That in the early days, even Hitler was just a sideshow of a greater picture. And so no one knows who the strongest horse is. You can make a guesstimate, you can estimate who is going to be the strongest horse. But no one knows. You don’t know how early we are in the piece, and how far away the timeline actually is so the best thing to do is join a pre-existing group or start building your own.


And I’m sick of the ideas, men, we don’t need any more ideas. Then ideas come after action. And I know it sounds ridiculous because in a philosophical sense, you first have an idea and you put an idea into action. But I’m saying it more in a pragmatic sense, that let’s get something on the board, let’s achieve something, and then you can start championing ideas.


But first you have to prove yourself as an action man. You have to have one idea or two ideas, put it into action, and then people will start listening to your third and fourth and fifth ideas. But people that come up with 10, 20, 30 point plans on how to win, they haven’t even done one thing yet. These people are irrelevant. They’re permanently pregnant with ideas, but they never give birth to them! Because an idea has to be born in action.


So what that looks like is you have to centre your group around, there’s a subculture of friends and there’s an activity. There has to be an activity.


So the more difficult the activity is, the better quality the people you will recruit are. That’s a general rule. But also the less people you recruit.


So here in Australia, there were some groups that started up around the same time as us and had a similar model to us, but all they did was like a pub trivia night, and they grew very large very quickly, and they actually superseded us in membership within about six months just by doing pub trivia nights No, no training, nothing like that was actually banned. That any discussion of that, anyone that even brought that idea up was actually disciplined, more or less. They were ostracized and alienated from the rest of the pub trivia group.


Now, I won’t name names and I won’t say what state it was in, but anyone deep in the lore will know what I’m talking about. So ultimately, pub trivia night is not a long term strategy to build a White nationalist group. But it is an element. It is one of ten things that you could possibly have on the back burner. It shouldn’t be the priority. But I do agree with the statement that you can’t have the Beer Hall Putsch without beer hall nationalism.


So, you know, pub nights are actually not, … British nationalism, Australian nationalism, German nationalism is always going to be built around a sort of social and drinking environment.


Now, if you want to be straight edge, I know a lot of the Eastern Europeans are straight edge, and they probably need to be, because their countries, well, actually, all countries probably benefit a lot from having a more straight edge culture. But once a month, not a big deal. I don’t think once a month is going to be catastrophic! I think if anything, once a month is going to be beneficial for the spirit decor of the group.


So this is basic stuff. Before starting a group, you can do it the way Jacob did it, which was purely politically, as opposed to, … He saw the failure of the friendship model, you know, relying on friends. You know, I had a lot of friends. He saw a lot of my friends that started the model that I had built, that started with me, just leave. And he identified the simplest bottleneck in the process, or the simplest catastrophe in the whole process, was that they did not have loyalty to the ideology. They were not ideological enough.


So I came at the start of the stream saying that before we have all these other things, it’s critical that we have friends. But sometimes a better word is “peers”. Sometimes a better word is peers. And that’s a word the Spartans used. And the Athenians, they use the word “peer”, and a peer is an equal. And someone that doesn’t have any understanding of what’s going on and is simply a follower, they can never really be a peer. So a clique has to be born. A Mannerbund* has to be built on some sort of peer ship. They might be men that stand above the rest, that are defiant leaders, but not always. That’s not always the case.


[* Mannerbund is a German word for “men’s union” or “male bond.” This specifically refers to “bonded men” , or a “Band of Brothers” with a common sworn statement. This brotherhood is observed to have definite rules and rituals and usually follows a hierarchical order. Being a member of this alliance is expressed through a specific symbol, outfit, tattoos, and hairstyle. This association is for men only; no women are allowed to join or become part of it.]


Sorry, I just gotta mute my notifications. I’ll just quickly check the chat. Someone says the Kapp Putsch was March 13, 1920. Yep. So it was that early. As early as 1920.




So you have to have friends and those friends, ha, I know that sounds ridiculous! You have their friends, but it really does come down to that. It comes down to these small cliques, these small groups of men that can do a shared activity together. That is the building block of nationalism. And there are powerful personalities that will evolve from that there are men who will grow from that starting point.


And I’ve seen a lot of men try to make groups and the difference between the ones that succeed and become, let’s say, the first threshold, because it’s easy to have three or fall guys and go to the gym with each other. You don’t need to wear specific T-shirts. You don’t need to put up stickers, or you can put up stickers on the side, but it’s not going to really impact what’s going on. And you just go to the gym and you live in a local area. That’s important that you’re local. And that’s a little, that’s a clique. That sort of four men. Four, six men.


When you start to become a group is around ten men. I would say. Anything over ten men. And you start the zone of where the men live, it starts to be there’s guys that are breaching on the other side of the town. Not necessarily on the other side of the town, but they’re not in that really small little circle. They’re guys that are driving actually a bit of a distance to come hang out. It’s quite an effort to come and hang out, but they’re still doing it. That’s when you start to become a group. And at that group stage, there does need to be a strong personality that can run it.


Now, starting a group and running a group are not the same things. You can start a group and you can be the ideas man in the sense of encouraging your friends from high school or your friends from work or whatever:


“Hey, let’s start going to the gym together!”


And they’re all red pilled on the same thing as you and the first couple guys you recruit from outside of that clique. It’s very, very important. Obviously you have to be hyper selective, but not so hyper selective that it falls into a “clubism”.


And what I mean by that is you don’t want to be so hyper selective that you’re just looking for a clone of your subculture. If they’re a little bit different age bracket, if they’re a little bit different subculture, you don’t want to be like:


“Nah, he doesn’t fit in here. Nah, he’s not right.”


Obviously, if he’s like socially retarded, then yeah, be strict. But what’s most important is that they believe the same thing that you believe. And that is we have to do something about what’s happening to our country. We have to start building these Mannerbunds. We have to start building local loyalties to each other. And that’s the only way to graduate into a group from a little clique.


Because once it gets to ten men, you have to have someone with a strong personality that can be the organiser. You don’t need to call them the leader. You don’t need to call them Mr president. You don’t need a LARP [ [Live Action Role Play]. You don’t need to do any larp. The less larp the better. When you’re under ten men, the most important thing is just getting the ten men with the same ideology and start building your routines.


And I saw the South Africans put up a really good post recently of their monthly meetup. And they put a little post at the end of it in English because obviously they speak in Afrikaans. And they said:


“If you’re in South Africa and you’re interested in attending our next in real life meetup, we do one a month. Get involved.”


And that to me, is the building block of building, of going from a little clique, a local community of guys into an organisation. An organisation is built on these greater rituals. Well, all organising, which is, … So, point one is peership or friendship, but the real kind of friendship, not like friends of convenience, like you just happen to be in the same place at the same time. Real friendship! Which is very, very hard to find, but real loyalty to each other. And that takes a long time. And being of good constitution and good character. And don’t ever see it as a negative when you lose friends, so-called friends, in the struggle. Some people are just casualties of this war at a spiritual level. They’re just not spiritually strong enough, or they got spiritually unlucky.


And if you got hit by something like that when you were smaller, spiritually, like smaller, weaker you might have got killed as well, spiritually. But maybe you had a better progressive overload process, or maybe you just built different, built better. But there are casualties in war.


But a lot of the time, the casualties are self inflicted. A lot of the time the casualties are suicide. A lot of the time, people that leave a clique, or leave the formation the building block of an organisation or of a group of a Mannerbund. A lot of the time, these people, they actually have a bad constitution. They’re just liberals. A lot of the time, they actually don’t., … I don’t know how it works exactly, because I am shocked sometimes when I see it, unless, and less shocked as time goes on, because I’m getting better at guessing it.




But in the early days, I was shocked at the lack of honour that some of the men around me had! And I don’t mean like, general behaviour when they’re on a night out on the piss. I’m not talking about that. I’m just talking about the smallest amount of pressure from the system or the state, and boom, poof! You never, ever see them again.


I had a friend of 14 years, and he was considered one of my best friends. And the millisecond I was arrested, I never saw him again. I haven’t seen him for about four years, five years. And that is just incomprehensible! That is incomprehensible to anyone with a personal constitution that something as small as your mate getting arrested, like, you’re not going to be there at the police station bailing them out? You’re not going to be, or if he’s going to jail, you’re not going to pick them up from the prison!


I mean, that is just incomprehensible! When you lose these people, it’s painful and you’ll lose a lot of people in the early days, it’s a good thing. You want to! You want a hardened core. You want the best quality men. You want the men of the finest constitution, the strongest and sharpest constitution, personal constitution, which is in the blood. It’s in the ancient scripture, which is the blood. It’s in the blood! It’s as simple as that.


So I can’t emphasise that the most. It’s the quality of the corp! It’s the quality of the corp. And adding men to the corp. This is before we get into other concepts.


Now, you need to have routines at a religious level. That’s point two, is your routines.


So the Constitution of the men. The constitution of the men is point one. The routines is point two. You have to have rock solid routines! Your routines is your structure. Your routines is the physics, it’s the glue, it’s what’s binding, it’s the gravity, it’s what’s binding the organism together, organisation together. You have to have routines, you have to have regularity. And they have to be defined, very defined routines.


And that’s why I use the term “religious”, not because it’s a spiritual concept, although it is in a different way of looking at its meta-spiritual, but it’s religious in the sense that when someone says:


“Are you a religious person?”


They’re usually not referring to whether you believe in God or not, they’re really referring to:


“Do you go to attend church regularly?”


And when people say:


“Oh, I’m Christian, but I’m not that religious.”


It means you’re like, you’re not that regular.


And so our routines need to be treated with religiousosity. They need to be treated with a regularity! And you don’t want to overdo that.


I’ve seen a lot of people try and start a group. They’ve got two or three guys together, they’ve made off the Internet. And they’re like:


“On Monday we’re doing this, on Tuesday we’re doing a three hour call on ideology, and Wednesday we’re gonna do this, and then Thursday we’re gonna do activism, and then Friday we’re gonna do this, and then Saturday we’re gonna the parking room push ups and MMA!”


And it’s like, that is just too much. That’s not how you start a group. That’s just not how you do it. You start off slow. If you don’t already have an innate clique of, say, three or four guys that you’re adding guys to. If you’re just by yourself, you just start off once a week. And it’s dependent on the amount of men, and it’s dependent on the distance. Distance more than anything else.


As a rule of thumb, anything around 1 hour or less, you can do once a week. Anyone that’s within a 1 hour distance to each other. This is working men. Obviously, men that are NEETs* might be able to stretch it out a bit further, but then usually they don’t have a car because of NEETs, so they take public transport. So it ends up taking longer to get to everything, like 2 hours instead of 1 hour.


[* A NEET, an acronym for “Not in Education, Employment, or Training”, is a person who is unemployed and not receiving an education or vocational training. The classification originated in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s, and its use has spread, in varying degrees, to other countries, including Japan, South Korea, China, Serbia, Canada, and the United States. The NEET category includes the unemployed (individuals without a job and seeking one), as well as individuals outside the labour force (without a job and not seeking one). It is usually age-bounded to exclude people in old-age retirement.]


But as a general rule, men that work and they have a car, anything less than 1 hour is good for a weekly meet.


So if you’re training Saturdays together, for example, and you’ve got to be religious with that. We’ve been doing deadlifts or MMA [Mixed Martial Arts] at 01:00 on a Saturday for many, many years. And we’ve been training. We used to train at 03:00. It used to be 03:00 deadlifts. We brought it back to 01:00 just because it goes on a bit too long when you start at 03:00 and at some point, people want to go home, especially if they’re driven a long way. So 01:00 actually works better for us. But whether 01:00 or 03:00, we have been doing this for seven years. And it is the sole thing. If there’s one thing other than ideology, well, honestly, it has held our organisation together better than ideology, in my opinion. Because I have met a lot of people that have the same ideology as me, and they have not held together that routine. And therefore, the organisation has fallen apart in the absence of that routine.


So it’s like church. You know, church is 10:00 on Sundays or whatever, and if people don’t adhere to that, if people don’t attend, and if people don’t rock up to that, well, you’ve just got a bunch of people reading the Bible, or having a Bible getting dusty on the bookshelf in the background.


So that is very, very important! So less than an hour. I would say less than, say 20 minutes, you should be daily. It should be almost daily or near daily. It should be like two to three times during the week.





A lot of groups start with a Saturday or Sunday. If that’s what works in your area, then the most important thing, once you’ve got that locked in, is working out how to mobilise guys during the week. So after work. So if that’s a training session, after work, or it could just be dinner. It just depends on the age group. It could be like a social night, it could be like a pub thing. We started with a Wednesday night pub meetup. We actually didn’t start with the weekend. We just started with a midweek pub meetup. We just get a pot and a parmer [sp], basic pub meal and just talk shit, usually for a couple hours, and then everyone would go home. Very central location.


And then from there I developed the Saturday routine. But we maintained Wednesday and Saturday for a long time until eventually Wednesdays kind of burn out. And then we just started training together on Wednesdays because people just got sick of going to the pub every Wednesday, which is part of growing up, I think.


Now you can start changing your Saturday routine as well. It doesn’t have to be Saturday training at 01:00, you can do one hike a month or one activism a month, where you meet up with everyone on a Saturday instead of training, you go put stickers up, or you go to a banner drop or something like that once you start building your confidence up. So having that routine there for training actually creates a routine for readiness, for mobilisation, to be able to do bigger and better things. Because you are dedicating that half of the day, the second half of the Saturday, Saturday afternoon, dedicating it to nationalism.


And that dedication is a form of prayer. And that form of prayer is what contributes, as I was saying, at the start of the stream, to a collective energy of saving our race and inspiring everyone else in their own way. Now anyone over an hour, when we start looking at 2 hours away and 3 hours away, we look at that. I would say that 3 hours is the maximum for a monthly meet.


Now, some people, everyone’s different, but I’m just saying, I’m talking practically. And from my own experience. Anyone that lives within 3 hours of the central location should be meeting up once a month. 3 hours is not. If it’s only once a month. 3 hours is acceptable. If you live two and a half hours away. You’re rural or whatever or if your city’s big enough like Melbourne and you’re literally two and a half hours away from the other side of town. Which Melbourne traffic or Sydney traffic, that’s usually how it is. It’s usually around, 2 hours or something from one end all the way to the other. Ideally you’d meet up a central location once a month so that it’s only an hour for each person.


But if you’re central like that and it’s an hour away for everyone then that should be a once a week thing. But when you start looking at 2 hours and up to 3 hours you’re looking at only once a month.


So that’s when you start networking with people that are not in your locality. So during the week you hang out with your mates and you can do Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Something like that works really. Well, that’s like football training. Okay Monday, Wednesday, Friday. That’s a basic commitment to nationals. And if you’re a young guy that’s not a lot to ask.


Regardless whether you’re married and have a young child or not you can go and help your missus cook dinner Tuesday and Thursday or the other way around. You can do Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday but there should be a couple days during the week. Work it out with your clique. And a Saturday is the big deal! That’s when everyone’s there. You know the highly committed guys train during the week with each other and then you’ve got another layer of men that train on the weekend.


So it’s a bigger meetup. It’s a more central meetup and then once a month it’s an even more central meetup. And this guy’s from an even bigger layer.


Over 3 hours I would say it’s a once a quarterly, so once a season meetup. So that’s where we start looking at a total state meetup. You know you start looking at maybe even a joint state meetup. In America, the states, not all of them, but they’re a bit closer to each other. We have a state meetup once a month in every state in Australia but they’re very very big states.


And sometimes the rural guys don’t make it. But our rule for rural guys is if they’ve done something in their own little area once a month, then it’s not a big deal. Like, then they’re accountable. But if they haven’t, then we accept that we only see them once every second or third month. But once every three month is the minimum for very rural people like, they have to attend once a quarter. Again, that’s a rule based on distance. Once you’re more than 3 hours away, you’re in that next layer of membership. And until you build up your little clique, until you build up local activism, which if you can only find guys within an hour, guess how often your routine should be? Once a week. If you can find guys within 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes, then it should be a couple times a week.


So these are basic principles.





And then you have the quarterly meetups, which we, in Australia, we often have that as a by state meetup, or a joint state meetup where we might say Victoria and South Australia once a quarter. We might say New South Wales and Queensland once a quarter. Queensland itself as a state is so massive! I mean, the distance from Queensland to north Queensland is the same as the distance from Brisbane to Sydney. So Brisbane to north Queensland is the same distance as Brisbane to Sydney. So the north, we’ve got a chapter in north Queensland now. There’s a good group of guys up there. Them coming to Brisbane might only be once a quarter. It’ll be for national meetups and the quarterly meetups, which you can start plotting perfectly on a calendar. You know, it’s almost like building nationalism, bread and butter from the grassroots is building a set of routines in line with seasons, in line with nature, in line with nature’s principles, in line with natural law and the symbiosis and the relationship of all these things moving in a cyclical nature. You know, I can already see the swastika being animated behind me by the genius that puts together the next video edit explaining this.


All right, when you have an artistic understanding of life, or a romantic understanding of life, you can actually start to see how these little microscopic little tasks added up and added up and added up, start building a momentum, like a living machine, like a living organism, like a system, like a solar system, or like a cellular being. But we’re doing this at a spiritual level, and this is how we’re going to save the White race. Literally, physically, this is how we’re going to do it.


There isn’t, there isn’t another version, all right? There’s not like a, you can go and listen to Nick Fuentes instead of me and you can say:


“Well, what we need to do is we just need to get really close to people in power. We need to appeal to elites and da, da, da!”


Yeah, good luck with that! All right, good luck. There’s a very different School of thought. Now, that’s a side quest, and I’ll pause because I’ve gone through.1 and two, and they’re sort of the most important principles. It’s the calibre of the men, which is the matter, the material. And then it’s basically about space, time and matter. Space, time and matter. So space, distance, time, how regular you are based on distance and then matter, the material of the men. So it’s just the most basic physics, isn’t it? Three dimensional nationalism. Pause. I’ll let that digest.


Going through the comments. Yeah, not really any input in the comments, but that’s okay. That’s okay. If there’s nothing valuable to ask or say, that’s even better. So I’ll let that sink in. Point one and two. That is the bread and butter, probably. That’s the bread and the butter.


When you’ve got that down pat, the next dimension, which you can start from the beginning, this is not in any specific order. It all blends into one.


But the next dimension to consider, or the first dimension to consider, is symbolism. Symbolism. That is an absolutely crucial dimension.


So you’re not just training for the sake of training. You’re not just having loyalty to each other for the sake of loyalty. And there has to be a symbolic element to it. And that is where your group identity comes into play. And you don’t want too many symbols. You don’t want too many. You want a healthy balance of individual identity and group identity.


So the bigger you get, the more uniformed your group identity needs to become. There needs to be overarching identification, overarching rules about how your group operates. They have to be total in their effect.


So I would not start with a uniform when it’s four guys. I would not start because you’re just a subculture. You’re not even a subculture. You’re a clique, which is the which is a proto-subculture. When you’re a group, when you’re around group size, which might start around 10, 12 men, that’s when you start noticing that there is a subculture developing where there’s maybe like a T-shirt, branding. You know, you guys start wearing the same clothes and have the same bags and same kit. There is like an innate subculture that’s building like that.


But then by the time you start looking at it being an organisation, which is like a collection of cliques, a collection of groups. When you’re an organisation, you have to have branding. Branding is very important. So Jacob branded from day one was just one guy standing in the middle of the road with a flag that he made, an idea that he had a symbol that he had. And he just stood in the middle of the road, got his missus to take a photo of him, and he put it up on the Internet and he basically said:


“I’m a National Socialist and we’re recruiting!”


[chuckling] Or I’m recruiting. And:


“If you’re a National Socialist, get involved! We’re going to be doing some activism and putting forward National Socialism in the conversation.”


And that’s another way to do it. So don’t think there’s only this like kind of trickling process of doing it. You can just do it from day, … If you’re, if you’re of the kind of calibre and constitution as Jacob. Jacob is a rarity, though. I’ve met ten men that think that they’re Jacob, at least ten. And as I was saying before, they just, they burnt out every single person underneath them. They had very poor human management skills and their ideas were no near as good as Jacob. So that’s why their groups didn’t succeed.


I came at it from a different end. I, you know, me and Jacob are like a yin yang in that sense. I came at it from a, I’m kind of like a natural, a very natural group organiser in the sense that someone’s going to make a decision. You can sit there and be a social club, but someone has to come in and just be like:


“All right, this is what this guy is saying. This is what that guy is saying. The answer is probably a combination of the two. What’s the correct combination of the two? Here’s my idea. Maybe we should go forward with this.”


And then I implement that. And then people respected me as an organiser. But long before I was in charge of anything or leading anything, I just helped organise things, and I would just follow up guys and I just took initiative. The correct amount of initiative. You don’t want too much initiative. Maybe at some stages I was overbearing. Maybe that’s why we lost a lot of people. That is also to be considered. You don’t be too overbearing, but also you don’t want to jeopardize and compromise the Constitution of the group just because you’re worried you’re going to scare people away. There are people who are easily scared away and there is no amount of compromise you can make to keep them. So good riddance to them. Good riddance!




But then there are good quality people that are on the edge of being scared away and you have to have a bit of patience with them. You have to have a bit of patience with them. But don’t have so much patience that you get bogged down. That you get bogged down in human management putting out spot fires:


“No, it’s okay. Don’t worry. You know, we can make your missus happy.”


You know, don’t do that! That never works. If you try to please everyone, you will please no one. And I am guilty of this all the time, and it causes me great despair of trying to please everyone. It is impossible! You can’t. You have to just be exclusive, selective, racist, and, yeah, some will understand and some will not.


And there’s a lot of people that you’ll keep, even if they don’t understand. There are a lot of men that are just loyal. They’re loyal to an energy. They can feel when something’s right. They’ve got an instinct, a good instinct, even if they disagree ideologically or I, or socially, and they go:


“Oh I don’t agree with this. I don’t think it’s the right idea.”


They can feel an energy. They sort of trust the plan, so to speak.


And sometimes you trust the wrong people and it leads to bad things, and then you leave because you go:


“Oh, shit! I trusted the plan and now I feel like I’ve been let down.”


And then you leave. And sometimes it’s in people leaving that a group actually changes its direction because:


“Shit, that guy was actually sold and we lost that guy. Maybe we should change the direction of it. We don’t want to lose more men like that.”


So you do have to start working out, navigating the course. That’s what all young leaders need to understand, that they are responsible for navigating the course of their little part of the machine. And if all you’ve got is sort of complaints, if all you’ve got is:


“This guy doesn’t do this properly! And this guy never shows up to try training!”


And if all you’ve got is these complaints about the men that you’re managing in your group, then you’re not managing it correctly, because you should really only have complaints about ten or 20% of the group.


And I always run off this basic principle of, you want to elevate the top ten to 20% and you want to remove the bottom ten to 20%. The guys in the middle will move in the natural direction, the upward. You want to move in an upward direction. And removing the bottom ten or 20% is difficult, and it’s better to nip it in the bud early. You can give a small percentage of a group the chance to improve, and when you don’t see that improvement, you need to start bullying. You need to start being more severe with your encouragement for that person. If they still refuse, then there’s only two options. You lock them out of the layers of the hierarchy. You either lock them out or you remove them.


So this is if stage three is symbols, which I didn’t really cover too much. Branding. Symbols and branding, very, very important! I won’t go into too much detail about symbols and branding, but you need to have symbols and branding. You need to go from a subculture to, you need to have some overt and directly symbolism that the group can be behind. Men need a flag. They need a flag, and they need a flag at local level, and they need a flag at national level.


So in our organisation, for example, three is symbols, four is layers, which I’ve covered on the streams when I was doing the Twitter Spaces. Symbols, we have developed completely organically. It’s just arrived at this point, and I have nearly navigated the group and tempered it in the correct direction. It has organically arrived at this point. I’ve noticed that it’s arriving at this point, and so I’m just guiding the ship into the dock, so to speak. I don’t have to tell the ship to go into the docks I kind of just lean into it. [chuckling] I sort of tick boxes as they come up, as the most pressing issues come up. You can strategically plan, obviously, but you have to consider that you have to have patience and just wait until you reach the bridge before you cross it. You can theorize the bridge. And I say to guys all the time:


“Oh, my plan for two years time is to do Occupy Wall Street, but the Right-wing version, and da da da!”




And so then when we start getting to that point where you can see an innate energy in the public, our activism is going to start to make sense. You’re like:


“Holy shit! I remember Tom two years ago saying that they’re going to do a Right-wing version, or a Nazi version of occupied Wall Street, but, like, don’t let the communists take hold of it. Like, take charge of it from day one and captivate it and look at attacking Blackrock and jewish power in a financial sense. Holy shit, this is incredible! It’s finally come to fruition. I thought Tom was going to do it the next week, and when he didn’t do the rally the next week, I’m like, this guy’s just full of shit! He doesn’t do anything, he just talks shit on the Internet!”


I was like:


“No, no. I got a lot of ideas. I got a lot of strategic vision.”


But you can have these ideas, you can jot them down, you can talk to your leaders, your sub leaders about them, or your junior leaders. But ultimately, until the time is right, you don’t necessarily need to do anything. You just keep doing the bread and butter, which I’m going to come back to a lot in this stream, not that this stream is going to go for much longer, because I can hear my baby waking up and I’m solo today. The missus is at a family thing, and the baby’s sick, and so we didn’t want to get other babies sick, so the baby’s staying here, but is sleeping, and I can hear her sort of dozing in and out. So you’ve probably heard her in the background before. So I’m being conscious of time for that and for your consideration as well, of course.


So, branding, symbolism, what we have at a national level is we have our EAM [European Australian Movement] and NSN [National Socialist Network] symbols, which are actually inversions of each other. They’re actually, because I told you, Jacob and I, yin and yang, that just happened innately, that actually happened organically. We had two completely separate processes away from each other that weren’t leaning on each other, developing symbols. Jacob came up with his and we came up with ours. And it took me about two weeks to work out that they’re the same symbol, just inversions of each other. And one uses a diamond and one uses a circle, but they’re actually the same symbol, which is crazy!


And sometimes when you’re building a stencil for activism purposes or to do a flag, and you’re building the stencil for the NSN symbol, what’s left over is the EAM symbol, and vice versa. When you’re building a stencil for the EAM symbol, and you finish your stencil and you’re done with it, and you put it aside, you go:


“What the hell just happened?”


And that’s just fascinating! That just happens organically.


Another thing that’s happened organically is the difference between local symbolism and national symbolism.


So we have these national symbols for our brand. Our national brand, but we have a group in every state now, or except northern territory. I wouldn’t count them yet. But maybe within twelve months we’ll have a proper group up there. So how our local symbolism works is I’ve decided to go with a totem because a lot of the States were already using a sort of animal or rune or combination thereof, a symbolism for their state. They wanted a state identity.


So that’s what I was talking about before, about symbols, identity, branding. It’s very important. You can have a total overarching brand, but men still feel the need to personalise, and healthy competition is good. There’s nothing wrong with men wanting to personalise, and have their innate local expression, as long as it doesn’t triumph and go over the top of the national branding. For example, the active club model in the US and in Europe, you have the Celtic Cross as the overarching active club symbol and it has its rules about how these active clubs operate.


And then you have each little branch has a modified version of the Celtic Cross with if you’re in Florida, I’m sure it has a fucking crocodile alligator on it or something, something silly. And you’ve got all these active clubs all with their own, like Palm Tree Active Club and you’ve got Golden City Active Club and Pink Apple, you know, Lady Active Club. You know, you’ve got all these billion active clubs now and they’ve all got their unique kind of symbolism.


Now we’re doing a similar thing. It’s innately come about where we’ve got Queensland, they have a totem for their state. They have a symbol that’s innate to the Queensland branch. We have South Australia, we have Tasmania. And they were already doing this. Victoria we went with for our B grade page. We called ourselves Sieg Taurians because, Victoria, victory and sieg are the same thing. You know, the sieg rune or the victory rune, I believe in actual, in ancient Germanic, it actually means “sun”. Sieg and sol is the same thing, sieg and sun.


But then sun or sieg also means victory.


And then you’ve got the sieg rune, the lightning bolt, which is., … You could call that thunder, not really sun, but also it’s a Ray of light in that sense.


So there’s a lot of overlapping things. The sun wheel, which is the Celtic cross or EAM or NSN. Or you have the sun cross, which is a more, originally, prior to Christianity, that was called Odin’s Cross. And it was also the symbol, I believe, for the rune wield, to wield, like the sun has a wielding power.


So I believe that when you understand the runes, this is why symbolism is important, because Odin sacrificed himself for the runes. And if you’re Christian, Christ sacrificed himself on a cross.


All right, so Odin sacrificed himself to learn the runes, to learn the power of symbols. The power of symbols. Symbols have power! That’s why the jews are having them banned. They’re trying to ban a symbol because they carry power.




Now, this is a little bit out there for some people, especially in the early days of your journey. Everything that you do under that flag, everything that you do under that symbol, under that totem, gives it its power! It gives it power, a physical power. There’s something very important about totems, flags, symbols, because they end up absorbing, in this metaphysical way, the power of the action and activity underneath them. The actions that one does under a symbol in devotion to a higher purpose is, not necessarily captured or caught in the symbol. You don’t necessarily csI know the Christians watching will be like:


“Oh, but the Bible says that the fall of man or the fall of the tribe of Judah or Israel or whatever is because they forgot God and started worshipping idols or symbols or totem poles.”


Or something like that. Sure, you don’t worship the symbol. You don’t worship it! It’s not the symbol itself that you worship, but the symbol does represent an energy. It does become part of the temple, it becomes part of the Brotherhood, it becomes part of the meaning of it all.


So that’s very important to consider because it does have to be an important symbol or totem. And there’s different layers of identity, different layers to symbols. You can have a total symbol that represents, … To me, the movement globally is represented by a swastika. Globally that is the only symbol that has the gravity, that has the spiritual significance, that has the power to represent the movement of White people globally. That’s a global symbol. And that’s one of the reasons why we originally didn’t use it.


Now we’re going to be fighting it in court, obviously, and I won’t give you too much detail of it, but we’re going to bring the swastika back here in Australia. We want every nation to have a swastika, and all the swastikas to come together. That’s what we need to do as a global movement. Australia needs to have the swastika back to contribute swastika energy to global swastika White power. And this sounds like stupid 1.0 Nazi larp stuff. But I’m telling you, they were onto something and they carried a torch that maybe they didn’t even fully understand the gravity of it, but they were strong enough to carry the weight in their own special way.


So that’s why it’s very important we continue carrying the torch. Whether you think it’s stupid or not, we just need to carry the torch. It’s very, very important! It’s one of the last things that we have. It’s one of the first things that we have. It’s the alpha and the omega. It is the beginning and the end. It is what we are as a race in a symbolic form. So that’s to be considered.


But then you’ve got local things, and local things can get smaller and subdivided. You don’t want to subdivide too much, but ultimately you can see how the previous generation, the previous age of men, subdivided things all the way down to clan and house. You know, like Sewell has a coat of arms, Hersant has a coat of arms. Most people with most last names have a coat of arms because at some point there was a noble family that even defined symbols for their own family.


And again, grassroots, that’s important, you know how can you have a national symbol without a local symbol?


And it’s important for men to have their own personal symbology as well. But it doesn’t need to be necessarily. Not every man rocks up with his own personal symbology to the rally. That would be ridiculous! You wouldn’t want a hundred men in a hundred different flags. You have 100 men and one flag. But if they’re subdivided by ten groups of ten, you might have ten little, little sub totems or something like that you can see Patriot Front starting to do that. We are starting to do that. There’s a lot of groups that are starting to have some subdivided totem, simple spirituality.


So we’ll just pause before I go into group position four. Position four or point four will be the last one. What was it? Hierarchy? Yeah, yeah. So I won’t even pause, actually, I will digest a little bit here.


So one, the calibre of the men. Two, the routines. Three, the symbols and the meaning of them. Four is human management.


You have hierarchy, you have a layered organisation. You need to, you can’t just remove everyone that’s not in the cool kids club. You can’t just remove everyone that doesn’t really have the right amount of commitment. Obviously you have to draw the line in the sand, you have to say:


“This line in the sand is, if you can’t even do this, get fucked, get lost, go be an individual, because at that point you’re an individual. If you can’t give us 1% of your time, 1% of your time each month!”


You know how many hours is there in a month? You know, someone work it out. Divide that by, well, yeah, just 1% of how many hours there is in a month.


So you can say off daylight, if you want to be technical, and then work out that number and then be like, can you give that, can you give that to the organize? I mean, if we just go daylight roughly 12 hours, 14 hours, 30 months, you know, we’re looking at what, 400, 400 hours, right? There’s 400 hours roughly, of usable time in a month.


And so then if you give me 1%, that’s 4 hours.


And so that’s an, that’s an hour driving to the meetup, to the monthly meet, that’s 2 hours training, that’s 15 minutes socializing before you were a prick, and you go home early, and then that’s an hour home.


So that’s about, it’s about 1% of your time. If you can’t give 1% of your time to nationalism, then go fuck yourself! You’re literally like, I hope your family dies. You know what I mean? Like, fuck you! No, seriously, like those men, those bloodlines aren’t gonna live. Like, you don’t deserve to be in the ethno-state. You don’t deserve it because you won’t even give 1%. You give 30% to the government, the people genociding you, but you won’t give 1% of your time. I’m not asking for any money! Of your time to just rock up. 1% too much? It’s too hard? Fuck you! Simple as that. 1%. And so that’s where you draw the first line in the sand.





But then obviously, if you’re doing this weekly, that’s the next line in the sand, isn’t it? So now you’re starting to work out your layers of your organisation based off commitment. Not based off money, but based off commitment. It’s not pay to play, all right? It’s awesome when you fundraise and $50 a month, or if you’re really, oh, the baby’s definitely awake now.


So we have to wrap up this point. The layers of an organisation are built around commitment. They’re built around commitment level. And obviously commitment has a relationship with personal constitution.


So the men of the highest personal constitution, the most commitment, and they put the most amount of effort into their training, activism, worldview, and building up their personal gravity. These men are going to become the leaders, aren’t they? And you can’t have an organisation of solely leaders.


So you’re going to need men to fill the ranks and give their 1% or 2% or 3%. But the leaders are going to be giving more like, or your junior leaders. They’re probably going to be 10%, or 20%. They’re going to be putting in a lot.


And eventually you’re going to get to a point where people are giving even more than that, and that is necessary. The larger and the more amount of men you have giving 1%, 2%, 3%..


So that’s very, very important to consider. Being on the Internet and posting racist memes. All this is not enough. Men need to get active. Men need to put in one or 2% a month into meeting up with other White nationalists in real life and doing something that’s actually slightly difficult. That’s not just sitting around talking or sitting around the pub drinking beers. Very, very crucial. So, yeah pint four is accepting that all men have limitations from a leadership perspective and from a membership perspective, from a member or someone that’s looking to become a member, you have to look at assessing your own limitations.


So if you want to be in charge of stuff, but you’re a one percenter, or a two percenter, you’re not going to be in charge of much because you don’t have the commitment level to put in more than like the absolute bare minimum.


So you can’t have it both ways. It doesn’t matter how good your ideas are, you have to be a man of action. You have to really dedicate a lot of your time and commitment to this to make anything work. You have to be more religious for the struggle. So more regular. Yeah.


So you don’t necessarily kick out people because they don’t match the A team. You can have an A team, you can have a B team, you can have a C team. And then you draw the line where you need to draw the line.


Now, really small organisations that they’ve been around a long time, they’re usually small because their standards are too high, or that’s just their goal. They just want to stay small forever, and they’re just the leader himself has personal limitations and says:


“I don’t want to be in charge of 100 men, I don’t think I’m capable of doing that.”


And they have personal limitations, whereas a lot of groups aren’t, because the leader recognises his own personal limitations. They’re stagnant for some other reason.


And we could be a lot bigger as an organisation if we had lower standards, we could be a lot bigger if we didn’t do a lot of the, if our optics were a lot softer, we could be bigger. But would we be more effective? No! We’re trying to maximize our effectiveness. We’re trying to maximize how strongly we can contribute an energy, a spiritual energy to a cause, and raise that collective triumph of the will. And mediocrity and weak talking points and weak promises and weak constitutions might get you more numbers, but then you’re not going to do anything. You’re not going to achieve anywhere near what we’ve achieved with greater numbers. So, but you should find a healthy balance. You should work out how to balance those principles together. You don’t want to stagnate and just be ten guys in a group.


And if you are ten guys in a group, what you need to consider is your alliances with other groups. And that’s an important part. And what that requires is group leaders, people that run little cliques of ten men. It requires them to put aside their ego and say:


“Well, once a year we’re going to meet up, even if it’s just in private with this other group of ten guys, that we don’t really like, and we talk shit online against them or with them or I whatever, and we don’t like them and they don’t like us.”


And there’s like this abrasiveness. But ultimately you’re both trying to save the White race.


So maybe you don’t want their leader to be the leader of your ten and your ten guys and vice versa.


But eventually there’ll be a third group of ten men, or six men and a fifth group, a fourth group and a fifth group, and you can start. No one has to be in charge if your group likes your leader and this group likes this leader, you can still work out some way of doing that, of some way of still working together and once a year or meeting up.




And eventually, if you just keep doing this, if you just stay true, eventually there will be a man or there will be a group or there will be a clique that will truly assert itself. Not I’m in:


“I’m in charge! I have to be in a charge. I’m the boss. I’m the King!”


Not in that sense, but they will truly prove themselves. You don’t need votes. You don’t need votes. Any organisation that does voting is never going to work. It’s always going to lead back to the same problem. There’s no voting. I have banned voting in our organisation! I banned voting nationally. And if anyone’s doing that overseas, you’re idiots! You’re fucking morons! Voting does not work!


There’s an innate vote. There’s an innate vote, and it comes from exclusivity and it comes from who can bring the most amount of men and of the highest calibre and quality to the activity. That’s where power resides. It resides in gravity. It resides in gravity! The gravity of subgroups and the gravity of sub leaders and the loyalty that those groups and the amount of loyalty that they have to a total leader.


So our group is what it is and has been built off these principles. It’s been built of the personal gravity, the personal strength, the personal gravitas of all of these men, all structuring themselves more or less organically with little need for me to intervene. I do intervene sometimes. You will find that sometimes I do intervene. And those that are aware of my interventions are certainly aware of them. But 99% of the time I just lean into it. Problems sort themselves out. But these personal loyalties to each other, that is what builds leadership.


No one voted for me. I am self elected, as the media calls me, or self appointed, and I will subordinate myself to a man and to a leader and to an organisation, greater and more stronger. Not instantly! I’d obviously want to see, you know, for a bit of time. But let’s say hypothetically, a group rose to power beside me in Australia, here near me. And they got larger over five years, right? They got larger, there was more men involved, they were better quality. They just had a better system of doing things. They had better SOPs, better commitment level. And I had personal respect for the leader. I believed him to be a strong and righteous man and loyal to our cause, loyal to our mission, not someone that was going to cave. And if he said to me or he wouldn’t even necessarily say it to me. But if enough time went on and it was clear that my group was stagnant or my group was growing at a much slower rate, and it was an energy that was really, really going to the top with this person the conversation would be had. We should just merge. The conversation I would be having with my men is:


“We’ll still stay as our formation and whatever capacity, and let’s look at doing a merge. Let’s look at subordinating ourselves to this bigger group than us. And coming into the table from the side, not necessarily completely 100% underneath, but coming into the table from the side.”


Now, if that group was like:


“No, you have to come all the way in from the bottom up.”


Then that would be a second conversation. That conversation would be based around the fact as to whether they really are that fucking good! If they really were that good and their leaders really were that good, I would do it. I would say:


“Okay, sign me up as a member. Sign me up as a recruit or as an initiate and I’ll do my time.”


I would happily do that to someone of that calibre.


But in the absence of that, I’m doing my best, and the men underneath me are doing their best, and we as an organisation are doing our best. But competition breeds success.


So that’s why I’m always encouraging people to start groups. I’m always encouraging, because I’m sure that what I don’t want to see, and I’ll finish on this point and then I’ll go through the comments quickly. What I don’t want to see is what I feel is a common denominator in most countries, that a lot of the time, people don’t come out of the woodwork until a group fails. So a group starts and then they go:


“Ah, this isn’t the one. These aren’t the guys. They don’t have the faith!”


And that’s fair enough. Each man is entitled to have faith in what he perceives to be best.


And basically, there’s a lot of people sitting around just waiting for the group to fail. And when it fails, then there’s a vacuum, and then a couple years go on, and then a new group starts up with a slightly different model, with a slightly different leader and a slightly different direction going. We’re addressing what’s failed in the past. We’re addressing why that shattered and we’re rebuilding, and with new blood, fresh energy, and we’re going to rebuild. And that is a common thing that I see across the world in different countries. And that is a shame. That is a shame. It shouldn’t be like that. It shouldn’t be like that you shouldn’t just sit on the sidelines waiting for a team to fail. Before you go, I’m going to pick up. You know, you should. You should start now. You should start immediately.




In the absence of just starting it means that there’s a longer vacuum where there’s nothing, and that’s just wasted energy. It just goes kind of back into the ether. It takes a long time to go down into the ether and collect everything again. It took a long time for me to understand this knowledge and harness it and be able to pass it on to my junior leaders and my state leaders and stuff like that. It took a long time. I had to go wandering. I was like a blind man.


And same with Jacob we were just reading all the books and learning all the movement history and:


“Why isn’t this going in the right direction? Or why aren’t enough people getting it?”


We’re like a blind man in the underworld going around trying to collect all the symbols, all the totems, all the things underneath, like this kind of the things with energy and all the ideas down there and then bring them back up to the surface and be like:


“Well, now what do I do with it? How do I wield the sword? How am I strong enough to wield the sword? And how do I find that strength?”


And that just sets everything back on the timeline. And we need to be competitive. It’s survival, the fittest! And Australia, or if you’re not Australian, you’re listening into this. You need to put your country and your local group as numero uno. You need to put it as number one and just strive for success. I’ve got a lot of DM’s I haven’t answered this week, and a couple of them are from some guys in Europe that are saying:


“Hey, let’s build an international White Unity Network?”


And I’ve heard this 50,000 times, and that’s why I haven’t answered the direct messages yet. And they’ve got little clubs, they’ve got little groups, and I like them. I’ve promoted their groups, but I’m focused on getting 100 men in the room.


So if they’re watching right now, this is your answer. This is why I haven’t replied to your DM yet. I need to get 100 guys on a march, okay, before I build White unity. We already have White unity. We’re already agreeing that we’re all, but you’re 20,000 miles away. It’s a 22 hours plane ride to go visit you. I haven’t visited you. Probably won’t for some time. Until we’ve met up in real life, there is no organisation that can do that. And anyone trying to do that is kind of just larping. They’re kind of role playing this kind of World Union of National Socialists.


And it’s like, cool! Like, we’re Internet friends. We’re not real friends. We’re not real peers. You have to know people in person. You have to meet with them regularly. It takes a long time to do something like that. So just put down the back burner. A lot of these groups are sort of like maybe a dozen or two dozen guys. So it’s like:


“Hey, let’s get to three dozen, you know, let’s get to 50, let’s get to 100, let’s get to 200.”


And then when there’s enough moving parts, then you can start considering things like that it’s stupid, in my opinion, it’s pointless to be considering these things at such an early and small level. Even if the world’s going to end next year. Doesn’t matter. Like, even more reason to focus on your local networks and your national networks.


So, anyway, I think I’m done. Point one, constitution. Personal constitution. Not pieces of paper! Pieces of paper? You don’t need pieces of paper. Pieces of paper are nonsense!


All right, then constitutions are not worth the paper that they’ve written on, okay? They’re just not worth the paper they’ve written on. It’s about the ancient scripture. And the ancient scripture is the blood. It is the blood! It is the personal constitution of the men, the personal construction of them, their DNA, their blood, and their spirit and their soul. That’s what is relevant! That’s what’s important! That is, before any pieces of paper.


That was point one. Two, routines. You have to treat this with religiousness. You have to be strict with your routines. Absolutely strict with them! Don’t change them every week:


“Oh, this week it’s going to be Sunday at 09:00 pm and then next week it’s going to be Saturday at 11:00 am.”


Don’t do that! Everyone knows. Everyone knows. There’s no confusion. The only time it changes is because once a month you go for a hike. And maybe we start a couple hours early because it’s a hike. But everyone gets plenty of notice for that they know that:


“Hey, look, this week we’re not at church. We’re going to go to the park. You know what I mean? We’re not at the gym. We’re going to be on a hike. We’re going to be in the bush.”


So, routines. Three, symbols. Very, very important! Four, hierarchy and understanding people’s limitations and capacities, and organising as such. Okay. And being fluid with that, allowing for mobility and allowing for people to fill the ranks of them being honest about their capacity. Men need to be honest about their capacity. Can’t be like:


“Oh, I’m not considered a leader, I’m leaving!”




“I’m not considered a member. Just an initiate, I’m leaving!”


That is lazy and that is weak! And I see it all the time. And it’s horrible to see, and I’m just over it when I see it. I’m just like:


“Ugh, fucking idiot!”


You know what I mean? Just, you need to put in and meet the capacity, and then you’ll be recognised at that capacity. Simple. As you know, wishes are like horses, right? You have to break them in.


So that was fourth point. Yeah, that’s it. That’s it!




I’ll quickly check the chat, and then we’re done.


Oh, God! Probably too much in the chat this time. Someone says:


“Maoris, cause a lot of problems in New Zealand. What are your opinions on them?”




Everyone just talking about Maori’s eating their children and abbos eating their children. What the fuck is this gonna do with the stream? I hate this shit! It’s Question Time now. You can ask red herrings now, but during the stream. As if I’m gonna break my train of thought and talk about Maori’s eating children! Like, it’s just so unbelievable!


Someone says:


“I’d go meet up and train, but if I do, it’s too openly. Family will go out of their way to get me jailed as they went for Karen during the lockdowns.”


Okay, that’s relevant. That’s on topic. If your family would like to see you in jail, you should not associate with them! Do I need to repeat that? If your family would like to see you in jail, if your family would report you to the police for being a nationalist, for attending something that was a faux pas within the faggot society, they’re not your family! They’re dead to you. They should be dead to you! You need to have the personal conviction to be like:


“Hmm, my religion or my personal belief system believes that we should honour the mother and we should honour the father, and we should honour family and we should respect them. Da da da da da.”


But if they would do that to you don’t need to show loyalty to people that aren’t loyal to you! Loyalty is honour. And honour is loyalty. You don’t need to show loyalty to dishonourable people, even if they’re your family. It doesn’t matter. My brother’s a faggot. He’s literally gay. That’s a genetic dead end. That is the bloodline cleansing itself. My father is a liberal! So he had two sons, right? This is spiritual, okay? And every family is like this, okay? Every family has these breakdowns.


So what is the lesson from how come my father has a set of genes and he’s an upstanding citizen and all this, plays by the rules, okay? Lives in the Liberal democracy, has conservative values. And he has one son that’s the most extreme far-Right figurehead in the southern hemisphere. And he’s not like that, right? He’s just a little bit conservative. And then his other son is a progressive liberal faggot, literal homosexual. How is this possible? Well, what it shows is just the schism of the genes, the schism of the soul, the schism of man, alright?


And so one is going into Aryan imperium, right? Myself, I’m going into genetically, spiritually, physically, I’m going to heaven, I’m going to the ethno-state, I’m going to Elysium. And my brother is going to death to below the underworld. He’s going to have to do a lot of penance if he has children. His children are going to have a lot of inherited sins, if he somehow manages to have biological children. And they’re going to be in the underworld and they’re going to have to do a lot of time in the underworld or purgatory or whatever before they’re even back at Midgard [sp], you know, before they’re karma or [word unclear], their spiritual level has risen.


Now my spiritual level is not that good, okay? Because I’ve inherited a lot of sin and then it’s going to take a lot of, … But I’m doing everything I can for my children. Then my sons and my daughters, they’ll go to the next stage. I’ll give them the tools to get to the next stage and become a higher spiritual being, which will reflect on the material plane as a higher physical being and you heal your [word unclear].


So bread and butter don’t, … Like simple stuff. I can’t even believe that’s a question. I guess sometimes I’m an alien because I see things so clearly and the average person is so caught up in:


“Oh but like, …”


If your family does that to you, they’re scum. They’re absolute scum! Vermin! Can’t believe it!


Anyway, the baby’s really screaming now, so I’m gonna have to call it here. Yeah, people are abusing him in the chat. Awesome! Good. If your family’s just on the fence with you, then don’t cut them off. But if your family are traitors, cut them off. Yeah. Okay. Not much else in here.


All right, that’s it. I’m done. Thank you for the attention or paying attention that you came across wrong. Thank you for paying attention. That’s very important lesson. And, yeah, get active blood and honour. Hail Hitler. Have a nice day.












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 8/30/2024 = 175)

1 day ago
Strong in spirit is a prerequisite to NS. You, Tom Sewell, have that in abundance.

Margo Huss
4 days ago
Heaven is elysium


Margo Huss
4 days ago
When you refer to your dad as being liberal with conservative views
, sounds a little contradictory. You can’t be liberal and conservative.

I pray for you and your family.

Margo Huss
4 days ago
And you need fellowship, a community. You all need to find life in Christ and go to church. Your NSN groups are fleeting. You will end up siding with the Jews if you accept the beast system. The global financial system is the beast system. If you think your lives are hard now, it will get harder. Christ is the final and only solution. You know it


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3 days ago
Absolutely true!!
This open forum discusses many of the errors of the judeo-churchianity crowd
Audio Player

The Insane Doctrine Of Personal Salvation
Salvation Is A Racial Phenomenon
Bible Basics
By TruthVids
100 Proofs that the Israelites were White (Podcasts w/ Truthvids and William Finck)

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Margo Huss
3 days ago
I don’t think genuine Christians would be white supremacists.

Margo Huss
3 days ago
God came for all races not just for whites.

1 day ago
Go and live in Africa,it’s full of christians there.The weather is nice,full of resources,lovely nature-it’s literally heaven.Oh,they eat each other,drink children blood,eat hearts of children,rape children and are more like animals,than humans. But hey,they are our brothers in Christ.
No wonder people are losing faith in Christianity,christians have become so out of touch with reality,that nobody can’t take you seriously.
And spare me your bible verses, go preach them in Haiti,like that nice christian couple who ended up murdered there-and the animals were laughing at them. People came to help them,they killed them,then mocked them.

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Margo Huss
22 hours ago
Most people don’t like Christianity because it requires sacrifice and submission to a God in Christ. You think you’re strong because you think you’re superior, but you’re an ant on earth and you will burn in hell of you don’t repent. The only ethnostate that exists is Heaven. That is the utopia you seek but may never find. 😢

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21 hours ago
It requires sacrifice,you’re right. It requires our kids to go to awful schools,where non-whites are savages and ruin the learning experience.
It also requires them getting abused,beaten while deluded teachers sing kumbaya,just like majority of clerics.
It requires also white people getting attacked on the street,robbed,raped and killed by savage non-whites.
It requires us to be gaslighted when blacks destroy everything beautiful around us.
It requires that clerics are flooding the churches with non-whites, and those savages are ruining everything during the ceremonies,even beat up the priest.
Also it requires us to sit quietly while Christian NGO’s are facilitating the import of migrants,so they continue to destroy everything around them.
Also it requires the naive white people who want to do good in the world,to go and do charity for blacks and browns,just so they get spat-on,humiliated or even abused killed.
You’re right,it requires a lot to be christian nowadays. But it’s overwhelmingly a sacrifice that only white people are asked to do,while our other “brothers in Christ” are laughing at us,rob us,terrorize us,demand more-on top of that asking for our genocide,openly.
Why are you not a good christian and go and do charity in Africa? Or even better yet,Haiti. It’s a good christian country,they are God’s children,probably in your demented mind,even more virtuous than white people,cause they are more in need.

4 days ago
Hail Sewell o/


4 days ago
[Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript

[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:
Joel introduces the show and mention it will cover Australian politics.
Discussion of healthcare and hospitals, with Blair saying: “Most people are sitting in hospital because they smoke two packs of cigarettes a day for 25 years, drink every day, eat a lot of sugar, never exercise.”
Critique of modern hospitals: “There’s no natural air, there’s no natural light. Um, it’s. There’s just beeping, just constant beeping.”
Discussion of working with disadvantaged youth and why it can be demoralizing.
“If I’m ugly, if I’m deranged, if I’m twisted, then everyone else needs to be too.”
Critique of the medical industry: “The medical industry profits from keeping people sick.”
Discussion of eugenics and selective breeding.
“We dedicate so much effort to try to breed strong racehorses for the purposes of betting. But when someone mentions the concept of human eugenics and breeding a higher humanity, everybody gets offended.”
Talk about incels and sterilizing worldviews.
“I assumed that you had to have a license to have children.”
Discussion of marriage and the church’s role historically.
Introduction of the main topic: protests against refugee encampments.
Description of recent nationalist counter-protest: “We did a Nazi rally and we even broke our own rules. We used profanity.”
“We want Normie white masses looking at the neo-Nazis and going, ‘Fuck, yeah, that’s what we want!’”
Discussion of media coverage and public reaction to their protests.
“We have the best grandmas.”
Talk about the value of street activism and creating dramatic scenes.
Discussion of potential future political party …

Street Kings 838
4 days ago
Great video here!

4 days ago
Woden himself commends men of this ilk, and superior Spirit…. I do my best to stick to the path of Woden … our numbers are greater than we believe …. ✋🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Tendie Research Room
5 days ago
very well said Hail victory


5 days ago

Are you even listening?

5 days ago

5 days ago
Thx 🙏🏻

5 days ago
thanks Tom!

5 days ago

5 days ago
o/ Hail Victory, thx for the info it’s great

5 days ago

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago

do we take in repentant commies or faggots?

5 days ago

5 days ago
Cheers Tom. o/

5 days ago

5 days ago

I reckon their 20 or is it 30 vaxxes they give to babies is meant to make them dumber and like you say remove spirituality,,,I saw my own son become kind of mentally flaccid, no curiousity, no passion

5 days ago
o/ o/

5 days ago
thanks Tom o/

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago
Mr, Sewell o/o/o/

5 days ago
my family is jew woke but not race woke

Thomas Sewell
5 days ago
Done, cya later.

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Secure the future of our people
3 days ago
Why do Aussies wear sweaters and jackets? I have been to Australia in the winter and it was way too hot. (Northern Territory,Queensland, Brisbane, Alice Springs).

Hide replies
3 days ago
Because feeling cold is relative to one’s environment. Most living creatures, you’ll find, are what’s known as “adaptive”. If they weren’t adaptive nothing would have survived. Siberian huskies in Siberia can’t keep running when temps get higher than minus ten degrees Celsius. Chihuahuas on the other hand can run in fifty degrees Celsius.

Walther Mauser
5 days ago
Useful and necessary message. Thank you. Sieg Heil \o

5 days ago
Lucky they didnt get out the car

5 days ago
in fact it was a 99% possibility.

Tax Cow
5 days ago
Blood and Honor

5 days ago
yup. That could have very easily resulted in deaths.

5 days ago

what a bitch

5 days ago
glad to hear that Plazma.

5 days ago


5 days ago

5 days ago
Yeah. My sister called the pigs for a “wellness” check on me during lockdowns due to my antivax shit. She is dead to us now. The rest of the family tuned their backs on her for it too. They are all o/ now.

5 days ago

5 days ago
that’s full on commie behavior

5 days ago
yeah Thats not family behavior

5 days ago
Great chat, there is a lot to digest here. Thanks.

5 days ago

5 days ago
Thank you, brother

Hail Victory o/o/o/

5 days ago

the PCR tests for “covid” were designed to detect a sequence of genes matching the code for the human 8th chromosome – meaning everyone has it – and if this is what the shot’s attacking, a drop in intelligence and empathy would be expected as that’s what that chromosome does

5 days ago
Airdrops of pertinent gear over Australia needs to begin, to undo years of globalist policies

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago

Show them BannedHistory on youtube’s Groomer Nation. The stuff in there will make any woman hate the jew

5 days ago

you’re trying with facts when you need to use emotional blackmail

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
Don’t bother with most women, the instant we start winning is the instant they change. Women are weathervanes, they turn to where the wind is blowing

5 days ago
wish I could get over my pathetic urge to redpill my sisters, even though they’ve shown over our whole lives they understand nothing…& give me grief for it. They are impervious to any kind of truth-telling. I actually think the ‘medical intervention’ cuts off all spirituality and empathy

5 days ago
Thank you for helping me to help my 4 White brothers. They’re teenagers and they cleave to your standards, bravery, and advice. I’d like to give you $’s but Odysee won’t allow it. From America through the ether I send my best, Penelope

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
I have just two. We’re focusing on barter and trade, and also trying to counter the commie stickers and flyers everywhere

5 days ago

a few is all you need

5 days ago
So do it! All good things require work

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
There are a few allies I could try and meet up with

5 days ago


5 days ago
do it


5 days ago

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
I know. I should actually try

5 days ago
Make it work bro, come on Hitler is watching and cringing

5 days ago
Stop coping faggot

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
No, it’s not like that, I am moved out. It’s just that I’m an adult autist, and my week follows a strict schedule set by a support agency, and the days I have do not line up with the local AC, and the most local one I know of is far from me

5 days ago
We’re all on the same team, put small differences aside. Be cohesive.

5 days ago
Move out fck your family

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
Canada, too

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
No, because Dad tried having me jailed becasue I refused then and refused now to take the vax

5 days ago

5 days ago

you’re gonna bitch out of helping your volk because you’re afraid of your family having a whinge? Come on man

5 days ago

are you in Aus?

5 days ago
0/// God bless baby Sewell, and the Sewell family

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
Also the only Wns here are far away

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
I’d go meet up and train, but if I do it too openly family go out of their way to get me jailed as they went full karen during the lockdowns

5 days ago
1% of your labour!

5 days ago


5 days ago
oh yeah

5 days ago

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago

Maori eat their full grown enemies, and they’d file their own teeth into points.

Schmidt House Podcast
5 days ago

5 days ago

Molyneaux did a show on this

5 days ago

5 days ago
yeah probably

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago

Abbos, they were feeding every second child to the previous one/

5 days ago

5 days ago

Both I think lol.

5 days ago
HT o/

5 days ago

5 days ago
was it the maori or the abbos who were eating their children when whitey showed up? lol

5 days ago
o/ Thomas

5 days ago

5 days ago

Maoris cause a lot of problems in new zerland, what are your opinions on them

The Pork Report
5 days ago


Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
The Christians forget that the Idol is merely the God’s House, an entry point into the world of men. The temple is not for the God, it’s where the God’s servants lie.

5 days ago
CITIZENS INSIGHT – The final battle in the great war against ASIC corruption – John Adams

5 days ago
HT o/

5 days ago
if anyone doubts that the jew is the problem i just point them to Biden’s cabinet

De Dubius Unum
5 days ago
Whoa HT \o

5 days ago
i love the GDL

5 days ago

Handsome Truth Part 2
5 days ago


5 days ago
White Power is a powerful healing force ⚡️

Handsome Truth Part 2
5 days ago

5 days ago
Hope your baby is better quickly brother🙏🏼

The Pork Report
5 days ago
Fatherwaffen o/

De Dubius Unum
5 days ago
men of action needed

5 days ago

This one is a keeper.

5 days ago


5 days ago
Pearls before swine these livestreams are a lot of the time, ppl dont realize the value

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
My advice is to avoid drunks and addicts.

5 days ago
Tom, how many hours a week do you spend on organization work?

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
I’ve found that as all roads lead to the kike, and the receipts are out in the open, so that turning them against the kike is becoming easier

De Dubius Unum
5 days ago
When you think of it this excisted in the past, this is how the West was won, as it were or was it has to be a type of rebirth of western culturismandpride

5 days ago
afternoon lads

5 days ago
Hezbollah’s attack has begun

5 days ago

Also rural.

5 days ago

Have faith and keep pushing, wake up white boys you work with and friends. I look at it as my job to turn people against the kike.

De Dubius Unum
5 days ago
I can see you leading this pan Aryiangroups throughout the world creating a whirlwind type. effect on the white race, akind of template which can spinoff

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago
Tom any idea on how to recruit in your area if you’re more rural

kill nigs and jews
5 days ago
gm o/

Darkness, but still there is light
5 days ago
Remember folks, we’re in the midst of a slow collapse. Not a fast one, so focus on making long term connections for trade and barter.

Bottomless Bucket
5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago
To some, fear is everything, an all-encompassing frozen state of nothingness. They can’t cope with that feeling and just shutdown like robots low on battery.

5 days ago

5 days ago

hope so

5 days ago
“Israel Launches Preemptive Strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon”

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago
the core

5 days ago
We will win in the end

5 days ago
hey Tom o/

5 days ago

5 days ago

De Dubius Unum
5 days ago
Well, uniting whites world wide or Pan Aryianism, Tom Metzger was big on it RIP

Tax Cow
5 days ago

5 days ago
March 13 1920

5 days ago

5 days ago

De Dubius Unum
5 days ago
This is why org. IRL and doing activities together is o important

Bianca Fights The Zombies
5 days ago
sup dudes

5 days ago

5 days ago
TAV o/

De Dubius Unum
5 days ago
Great to see you still on the scene, Hail!

5 days ago
88 Watching

5 days ago
all good this end

5 days ago
cutting out for anyone else?

5 days ago
maybe its just my end but its cutting out a bit

5 days ago
Hail victory

5 days ago
HEIL o/o/o/

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago
It works

5 days ago
whazzz up?

5 days ago
o/ o/

Thomas Sewell
5 days ago
Going Live

5 days ago
hail victory

Commando Rambo
5 days ago
hail! o/

5 days ago
thanks for all the hard work

Thomas Sewell
5 days ago
Ill go live in about 5 minutes from this comment

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago
Hit the ‘flame’, frens

5 days ago
Fuhrer Sewell, you oughta consider streaming on GTV also.



See Also





Thomas Sewell – Messiah or Caeser – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


Version 5:

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Version 2: Sat, Aug 31, 2024 — 77/77 mins done. Transcript now complete.

Version 1: Fri, Aug 30, 2024 — Published post. 24/77 mins complete. Includes Odysee comments (175).

This entry was posted in Activism -White, Blair Cotterell, Ethno-nationalism, Europe, Germany, Hitler, Hitler Quotes, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Liberalism, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Political Correctness, Propaganda - Anti-German, Third Reich, Thomas Sewell, Transcript, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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