[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the recent Tucker Carlson interview with American historian Darryl Cooper and how he considers:
“The real bad guy of World War Two was Churchill.”
Points include:
• They view the interview as a watershed moment for mainstreaming revisionist narratives.
• “This is the re-mainstreaming for the first time in that I can remember in living memory of World War two revisionism.”
• Cooper’s approach is a “humanitarian” and “honest” way to discuss controversial topics.
• Discuss Churchill’s role in WWII, with Cooper calling him “the foremost villain” of the war.
• Explore the idea of having “Nuremberg-style trials” for those responsible for mass immigration.
• Discuss the importance of World War II revisionism in understanding current political issues. “World War two really is the datum point from which all perspective of the present day is forged.”
• They share their personal journeys into World War II revisionism and White nationalism.
• Discuss the impact of reading Mein Kampf and other revisionist materials. “Reading Mein Kampf and learning the truth about world War two breaks the spell of Holocaustianity.”
• World War II narratives are central to current anti-White ideologies.
• Discuss the challenges of promoting revisionist views in mainstream discourse.
• The importance of ideological purity in their movement. “Maximum ideological purity can actually disadvantage you because it means you’re going to piss people off, alienate people.”
• They discuss the role of social media and online activism in spreading their ideas.
• Share anecdotes about discussing their views in everyday situations.
• Talk about recruitment and the growing interest in their movement.
• Discuss the potential for future societal changes based on their ideologies.
• The idea of “Aryan” identity and its relation to honor and freedom. “What an Aryan is, is a member of the honorable race.”
• Discuss the concept of rights and how they relate to their worldview.
• The importance of venerating historical figures like Hitler. “If we win, there’ll be statues all across the western world and hopefully even beyond, of Hitler fucking everywhere.”
• Discuss the role of Australia in the global White nationalist movement.
• Compare different translations and editions of Mein Kampf.
• Talk about the relationship between English and Australian nationalists.
• Discuss the potential for future conflicts and the role of race in warfare.
• Respond to various Superchat messages from viewers.
• Discuss the prevalence of Holocaust-related books and media.
• Discuss strategies for growing their online presence and influence. “Once you’re well established, your influence grows on its own.”
• The challenges of posting content on Twitter due to sensitive content warnings.
• Discuss the potential for “white hats” within social media companies.
• Growing viewership across different platforms.
Joel Davis
WWII Revisionism
Re-enters the Mainstream
Fri, Sep 6, 2024
my social media links: https://bio.link/joeldavis
follow Blair on telegram: https://t.me/realblaircottrell
Published on Fri, Sep 6, 2024
1:25:32 / 2:48:12
WWII revisionism re-enters the mainstream
Joel Davis
Streamed on:
Sep 6, 6:40 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
my social media links: https://bio.link/joeldavis
follow Blair on twitter: https://x.com/b_cottrell89
follow Tom on telegram: https://t.me/Thomas_Sewell
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(Words: 30,399 – Duration: 168 mins)
Joel Davis: And it is the Joel, Blair and Tom Show this evening. We have come up with a new name, but I just wanted to get the graphics made, so I don’t want to launch the new name until the graphics are all sorted and we can launch it with a coherent graphic style.
So you’re still waiting for promised name.
Blair Cottrell: What is the new name? Are we’re not going to know?
Joel Davis: We’re not going to announce it now. We’re not going to kill it now. Like:
“I don’t know what it is. I don’t know what it is!”
Blair Cottrell: I actually don’t know either. I literally don’t know!
Joel Davis: So there you go. That’s even better. Like, you won’t.
Blair Cottrell: I wasn’t consulted. If the name is shit, if the name sucks, I wasn’t consulted! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: You were consulted. I did consult you. I don’t know why you don’t remember this conversation, but it’s good that you don’t remember because that way you won’t say it and that way it’ll remain a surprise for the audience.
Blair Cottrell: Strategic. I like it. Yeah.
Joel Davis: Don’t worry, I will reconfirm with you now that you’re telling me you don’t remember our conversation to make sure that you are happy with it. But I’m basically going with something that you said that you already liked.
Blair Cottrell: No, that’s all right. You guys do what you want. I’m just a passenger on this ship.
Joel Davis: [chuckling] You’re not a passenger! We’re all in the same team. We’re a unit. You know, we were to move together as a unit.
But anyway, speaking of moving together as a unit, it is the 6th of September 2024. And on this stream we’re going to just talk a lot about World War Two, World War Two revisionism in particular. But where I want to start is I want to talk about the interview of, he goes by Martry Made on Twitter. He’s got a very large Twitter account. He actually has me blocked on Twitter, which maybe we could talk about. [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: How do you spell that, Joel? Because I want to look him up right now. Martyr Made. MARTYR.
Joel Davis: What was his name again? His actual name? Was it?
Blair Cottrell: Darryl Cooper?
Joel Davis: Darryl Cooper.
Blair Cottrell: Darryl with, two Rs, I believe.
Joel Davis: Yeah. So he’s an American. He has a Substack, he makes a podcast, and he talks about history on his podcast. Tucker Carlson had him on the show. It got retweeted by Elon Musk. He then deleted it because the jews attacked him for retweeting it. And the jews are attacking Tucker Carlson pretty hard right now. It was probably the most based collection of statements we’ve ever heard from Tucker Carlson. He interviewed him extremely sympathetically. He called him:
“The greatest historian, popular historian in America right now.”
And then just set him up to talk about how our whole narrative on World War Two is total bullshit!
And then they then went on after Martry Made, after Darryl Cooper broke down a lot of talking points that are actually David Irving talking points, kind of softened them up a little bit. Talking about how he kind of intimated a Holocaust revisionist narrative. He didn’t quite go there, but he kind of gestured towards it. Then he said that:
“The real bad guy of World War Two was Churchill.”
And then he then argued for that position by talking about how Hitler sent the British multiple attempts at making peace, and that it was actually in the strategic interest of Britain to make peace. But Churchill was determined to continue on with the war because, well, he gave a few BS reasons.
But ultimately, he pointed out that his backers, the so-called “Zionist financiers”, ultimately installed him in the prime ministership for a reason, which was to pursue war with Germany at any cost. Which is basically the key thesis of David Irving’s book Churchill’s War, which I highly recommend! It is one of the greatest books ever written on history, period!
But it’s integral to understanding the Second World War.
So he kind of made that argument. Tucker Carlson was very sympathetic.
They even then got into a discussion about the World War Two narrative and how the narrative around World War Two was used to justify, essentially White genocide. And they basically talked about the problems in Western Europe with mass immigration and the replacement of White people in European countries and so on. And they related it all to the World War Two narrative. It was, Tucker Carlson even said at one point that:
“We should have the Nuremberg trial for the people responsible for filling up Europe with non-Whites.”
For the Liberal elite, basically.
And also, I noticed Martry Made actually used a Thomas777 talking point. And I know that he definitely listens to Thomas777 because I think he follows him on Twitter.
And also, they’ve been interviewed by the same people on multiple occasions. And Thomas is a friend of mine who I’ve streamed with just a few weeks ago, actually. And we’ve done many things together. He’s an American kind of like dissident, academic, eccentric guy, interesting guy. And he’s a Nazi.
But Thomas, one of his favourite talking points is that after Nuremberg, Nuremberg initiated a new paradigm in international law. This is something which is part of David Irving’s thesis as well about the Nuremberg trials. The Nuremberg trials initiated a new paradigm in international law, that was their express purpose. And effectively, it made it illegal to be Right-wing in the Western world after the Second World War. The Nuremberg paradigm.
This is a Thomas777 talking point. It’s true. And it was repeated! Anyway, this video has got like 50 million plus views already across different platforms. It’s kicked up massive controversy, particularly on Twitter, because that was the main place where it was posted.
But you can watch it on YouTube. You can watch it on probably other sites as well. It’s brilliant! I thought about playing clips, but the clips are so long, we just end up spending half the stream re-watching the clips. So after this stream, if you haven’t seen it, I do encourage you, go and watch the interview. It’s a very interesting, enjoyable interview. They talk about some other subjects that are quite interesting as well. It’s like 2 hours.
And it’s a really interesting cultural event because this is the re-mainstreaming for the first time in that I can remember in living memory of World War Two revisionism. So this is a pretty interesting watershed moment.
And if Tucker Carlson can stick the landing and just continue going forward, that basically gives licence now to the conservative movement in general in the English speaking world to go there on this subject, because he’s pretty much the biggest conservative political commentator in the English speaking world, I would say, at this point in at this point in time. So very, very interesting stuff!
That’s why I thought, you know, of everything else that’s happened this week, this is by far the most interesting thing that’s happened. So we should just do a whole show talking about this and spurg out in general about World War Two.
But I want to go to you guys, Blair and Tom, like, what you thought about this. I know, Blair, you watched it today, the whole thing. I know, Tom, you only saw clips.
Nevertheless, obviously, you have a lot of thoughts about the Second World War and the importance of World War Two revisionism.
So anyway, it’d be very interesting to get your takes on it.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I’ll go first. I guess. I’ve watched it nearly twice, but I skipped to parts which I considered more interesting and relevant. And it made me want more from Darryl Cooper. Apparently, the guy does 30 hours long podcasts! Multiple episodes!
So the guy really spurgs out and gets into really fine details about specific historical events in which he’s interested. And one that he brought up in the interview, you’ll know if you’ve watched it, was Jonestown and Jim Jones. The Jonestown suicides.
And I was surprised to learn that 75% of the Jonestown suicides were black people! Black children and elderly, mostly pensioners over 60. I suppose they were the most malleable, people most likely to follow a cult leader like Jim Jones. But Jim Jones was also, according to Darryl Cooper. I know we’re going to keep it to World War Two. I’m just kind of segueing for a couple of minutes because I was interested in this.
Jim Jones was a big political power broker back in America during his time, which I think was around the sixties, where he was most active. And he rubbed shoulders with various politicians at the time who really fed into his ideology, or at least encouraged his followers to believe in his own special status. And he was one of the first ever racial equality Civil Rights Activists in America.
And what Darryl Cooper said in this Tucker Carlson interview, was:
“Had he not gone rogue and committed mass suicide in the jungle with all of his followers, he would be regarded as a similar figure to Martin Luther King junior this day by liberals.”
He had that sort of impact on the racial equality culture. And he was one of the first people to pioneer that sort of revolutionary ideology, which was very revolutionary and unpopular back in those days.
I was surprised to learn all that. I didn’t know that. Every time I’ve learnt anything about Jonestown, I see video clips of White people drinking Kool Aid. I didn’t know it was mostly black people! But when I discovered that fact, I wasn’t surprised. I realised, yeah, black people seem to be the most receptive to that kind of fundamentalist, radical religious stuff. I mean, a lot of missionaries like to go to Africa to sell versions of Christianity to Africans because they seem to be a lot more receptive to that kind of thing for some reason. So they abandon Europe and go to Africa to get better results
But I’ve written down a few notes. But specifically, …
Joel Davis: I just wanted to say quickly. I didn’t know that there were blacks either, watching this interview. I never really looked into it. But I guess I should have known, considering that they all drank Kool Aid*! It just seems so obvious now. Like, what kind of group of White people commit suicide with Kool Aid? You know what I mean? It doesn’t make any sense.
[* According to Wikipedia is was actually a brand called, “Flavor Aid”.]
Blair Cottrell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: White people gonna commit mass suicide with watermelon lq ike, yeah, [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: Whatever you can poison. But Darryl Cooper approaches all of these talking points, whether it’s Jim Jones, the suicide in the jungle, or World War Two, whatever it is that he studies, you can tell he makes strong effort to approach it, or at least explain it from the perspective of a humanitarian.
And his way of, I suppose, making himself appealing to his audience, to who’s listening to him, especially in this interview, is to help people try to get into the boots or look through the eyes of the people that he’s talking about specifically. He reminds the audience that Jim Jones was once a three or four year old boy. And he said he’s very suspicious of biographies and versions of history where it’s said that:
“The child already possessed some sort of psychopathic quality. And everything was kind of established from some schoolyard bullying incident.”
He was like:
“Oh, I’m going to get revenge!”
And that’s what makes the Stalin’s and the Jim Jones is of the world. He said:
“That’s not really true. There’s a series of events which leads to causing these people to do what they do and become the men that they become.”
Which I think is an honest approach. But it is very humanitarian as well. But it makes him seem more honest. And therefore, I think it’s a skillful way, Darryl Cooper opens the consciousness of the listeners because they’re ready to hear something now from a fair and honest man. So even if it’s not deliberate, it is a skillful way to open up the interview.
Now, his exact words regarding Churchill weren’t that he was the “bad guy”, but “the foremost villain”.
So it’s not necessarily that he was declaring Churchill was the leading bad guy, but he was the worst of the bad bunch, I think, is what he’s trying to insinuate, maybe? But he didn’t really say that specifically. He just said:
“He was the foremost villain of the Second World War.”
And he did say, you were correct. He did say that he wanted some style of Nuremberg type rallies [lol] for what, … Darryl didn’t say this, tucker Carlson said that.
Joel Davis: Not Rallies, trials! The Nuremberg trials, very, very different.
Thomas Sewell: It’s important to mention that as well, because we can’t have the Nuremberg trials without Nuremberg rallies.
Blair Cottrell: That’s a good point. But that’s what I meant, the Nuremberg trials. I’ve just made an error in my notes here. Keeping up with Joel’s opening. They’re trying to keep up. But Darryl describes the Nuremberg trials or what they’re talking about, Darryl and Tucker Carlson, when they’re bringing up that we should have Nuremberg style trials for the people who have done this. The people who have done this, who they’re referring to is who Darryl describes as a “superclass of limousine liberals” is how he puts it. Right. An international superclass of privileged, powerful people, most of whom are jewish or Whites. And far removed from the working class. Darryl specifically says they don’t identify with the working class of their own nation. They identify with each other. They identify with other members of this international superclass, which has all of them, the majority of the influence in Western institutions. And he’s right about that. He’s right.
But interestingly, after that was said Joel, did you pick up on the fact that Darryl said after Tucker Carlson said:
“Why can’t we have Nuremberg trials for these people, for what they’ve done to our nations?”
Darryl reiterates:
“We have to win first!”
That’s an interesting phraseology. “We have to win first”, as though he’s associating himself with our side, with us. We have to win first. I thought that was a really interesting statement by him.
But what do you reckon, Tom, from the clips that you saw, what was the vibe you got? Do you like the guy? Do you think he’s useful? What do you reckon?
Thomas Sewell: He’s definitely very intelligent and he’s definitely our guy. The talking points that he had, again, I haven’t watched the whole thing, but the clips that I’ve seen.
And while Joel was doing this introduction, actually, I didn’t realize he had a Twitter. I just went through his Twitter Martyr Maid and he’s just doubling down. He’s resharing stuff that’s completely consistent. It looks like one of our news feeds, really. It looks like one of our Twitter feeds. He’s even resharing people that are having a go at Drew Pavlou, which is hilarious! Like, even Pavlou somehow gets in the into the hive mind here.
Blair Cottrell: Which I’m sure he loves. I noticed that Andrew Tate, I noticed Andrew Tate had to get in on the comments of the main Tucker Carlson post with a video of him doing like shoulder press or something while watching the video. All of these people, they just need to get in on the action every time, don’t they?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, they do, they do.
But, yeah, just going through his feed and seeing the clips, especially the one you shared about how he mentions the little spot of England and I think Tucker Carlson talks about Germany and Spain and France and, I mean, the point of the show here is, I think, twofold.
Firstly, the importance of World War Two as revisionist history becoming a mainstream talking appointment.
And secondly, how World War 2, 100% is connected to the White replacement, the White genocide, and a collapse of Western civilization! And that you cannot separate the two. It is impossible!
And anyone that tries to address White nationalism or White genocide or being pro-White and tries to avoid, somehow they think:
“If I don’t talk about World War Two or I don’t talk about Hitler or I don’t talk about the Holocaust, that somehow we’re going to make more progress this way.”
Not realizing that it is the linchpin! It is what everything rests on! And it’s just so wonderful to be, … I guess I’ll go into a bit more depth.
I started my journey with watching David Irving videos and Ernst Zundel videos on YouTube back in 2013.
I started like, it’s been eleven years. And I was up at 03:00 in the morning watching David Irving or Zundel or Frederick Tobin talking about the Holocaust being a lie, or talking about, … Because I loved World War Two, I loved studying it, but I didn’t necessarily, back then, think:
“Oh, Hitler’s the best! Hitler was the best guy!”
My dad and my granddad are English, so they’re like:
“Churchill’s the best!”
And then I studied in history that maybe Roosevelt was pretty based. And I never had any affinity with Stalin or anything like that. But I always had this kind of secret admiration for Hitler. Not a strong admiration, but a secret one.
And then watching all these videos on YouTube back in 2013 was like:
“Oh, my God! Hitler was the guy! He was actually the man. Churchill was actually the villain. Churchill was actually the bad guy. And he dragged Hitler into war!”
And when I learned about Hess, and Hess flying over to personally try to, … I don’t know if this is covered in the interview. I didn’t see any of the clips, but correct me if I’m wrong, …
Joel Davis: It wasn’t.
Thomas Sewell: It wasn’t? Well, a lot of people need to know that Rudolf Hess, who was Adolf Hitler’s right hand man from day one, he was just his most loyal supporter, follower, brother, leader. He was an absolute legend, Rudolf Hess. And he actually flew over against Hitler’s orders. Probably the only time he disobeyed Hitler’s orders, he flew over to the UK. I think he landed in Scotland, to personally try to hand the British government, or Churchill, the peace treaty that Hitler was asking for from the British, saying:
“We don’t want to go to war with Britain. We don’t want to firebomb Britain.”
Blair Cottrell: What did they do when Rudolf did that? Didn’t he parachute in? And what did they do? Did they arrest him?
Thomas Sewell: They locked him up! They locked him up for the entire duration of the war. They trialed him, they imprisoned him basically for life. And then he was put in Spandau prison back in Germany at the end of Nuremberg.
And then the day before his release, they had an African kill him. They assassinated him, when he was like. I think he was like, 87 years old. He was an old man. He was very old. I think it was in the 1980s. And they just killed him. Yeah, the day before he was. So they punished him to 50 years prison or something like that. And then he did the time.
And then they didn’t release him. They just assassinated him the day of his release or the day before his release.
So, you know, learning all this back in 2013 completely, radically changed my life! I am who I am now, and I’ve set the course and path, and I’m involved in the politics that I’m involved in, and I’ve been doing all the activism that I’ve been doing and building the Mannerbund and the organization that I’ve been building. And it’s the reason why I first met you, Blair, and I’m sure later on, it’s the reason why I met Joel, because we all have this common knowledge, this common understanding of the truth! And it’s just drastically changed all of our lives.
And for that to now be put in front of 50 million people is game changing! We’re just one step closer. It’s over for this evil, lying tyranny! It’s over! It’s getting so much faster that it’s impossible to tell when it’s going to be.
I’ve always said we’ve got about 40 or so years to get this done, between 30 and 50 years to get the job done before it’s basically impossible to get it done. We’ve got to get it done within about 30 to 50 years.
And a lot of people say:
“Oh, it’ll be done a lot sooner than that.”
And I always try to be a bit open minded to how long Roman Empire collapsed.
I mean, these things can drag out for a long time. It can be intergenerational, it can be fucking horrible! It can get a lot worse.
But then you see things like this and you’re like:
“Maybe it’ll be quicker!”
At this rate. It’s gonna be like five years. We need to get organized. Anyway, I’ll leave it there, for now.
Blair Cottrell: Well, if it’s gonna move, if anything moves as quick as the Internet does, it will be quicker because the Internet moves faster than reality, and we’ve all got to speed up to try to keep up with the Internet. Maybe that’s why society moves so quickly these days. I still remember after the day I first met you, which I think was April 4, 2015, first ever Reclaim Australia rally?
Afterwards, we spent probably an hour and a half, 2 hours on the phone, and you were just so excited! I remember you told me you didn’t think this moment would come in your lifetime, but you were so enthralled and fascinated by the public activism, and you saw it as an opportunity. You were really excited and you just were genuinely inspired by it all, I remember. I still remember that phone call. I took it in front of the fireplace.
Thomas Sewell: Talked about Hitler for about an hour as well.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. And we’re like:
“What are we gonna do? Like, we’ll start a political party.”
And I’m just like:
So that was kind of how we tried to springboard ourselves into politics. Didn’t work out that way, but here we are now.
But look, one thing I want to say before, … Yeah, yeah. You have to learn by doing! You have to make mistakes. You have to make mistakes, learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. It’s the only way you gain experience. And I don’t think a lot of the mistakes we made were even that bad. Like, we always managed to still look pretty cool! [chuckling]
So, anyway before I throw it back over to you, Joel, what I have to say is Darryl Cooper, in the Tucker Carlson interview, presents himself as someone who is an objective historian. Okay?
But regardless of how objective Cooper considers himself to be, I think he does realize this, but maybe he’s pretending not to realize. By being truthful and more facts based. You’re actually serving yourself, you know how should I say this? You’re putting yourself forward as a propagandist for our side. Right? So even if he’s claiming to be totally objective and honest, it only helps our cause, because that’s what our cause is essentially. It’s based on the truth!
And World War Two, I said in the Space last night with Joel, really is the datum point from which all perspective of the present day is forged. And the reason people have the views that they have in society today, and the reason people have been so Hoodwinked by racial equality, mass migration, feminism, etcetera, is because of the perspective they have of the Second World War. And if we can flip that perspective or shift it somewhat. We need to totally reverse it, in my opinion.
But if we can flip it, then suddenly the perspective of reality for the ordinary person in our country will shift. It will change. Suddenly they’ll realize who they are and who their enemy is. Suddenly they’ll realize what they’re fighting for and what they’re losing as a result of these mass migration programs, something they can’t get back, their ethnic identity.
I’ve got a few notes on the interview itself. What’s the subject we want to move into next? Do we want to move through it structurally? How do you want to do it, Joel?
Joel Davis: Well, we can just kind of move naturally, but I just want to make a few comments on, like, building off what you just said, because most people that follow me, I noticed because I have pretty consistently, for some time, taken the view that World War Two is this, like, central event, which is the most important event in the “what went wrong” narrative. Like there are more abstract answers to the question, like talking about the history of jewish involvement in Western civilisation going back millennia, talking about the development of Greek metaphysics and Christianity and the fall of Rome and so on, and how that set up the modern world or the rise of nominalist theology or the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and the Freemasons. And there’s all these different aspects to the problem. Like the British monarchy being decapitated by Cromwell, basically, and then reinstalled but then overthrown again, and William of Orange being brought in with the jews, so the Rothschilds could set up in London and so on. There’s all these pivotal moments in history.
But at the end of the day, World War Two is the most pivotal, because prior to the Second World War, we lived in a completely different world ideologically. And afterwards, a completely new world has been constructed. And Europe lost political agency in World War Two. That’s the key point, is that Europe lost World War Two! It wasn’t just Germany that lost World War Two. Europe lost World War Two! Britain lost World War Two! That is something that people don’t think about enough, because people say:
“Oh, Joel, you’re an Anglo Saxon, you’re an Australian. Why do you side with the Germans and Hitler in the Second World War? You’re betraying your own side!”
Well, no, my side lost World War Two! Okay, we beat the Japanese like Australia beat the Japanese with the Americans, but the British Empire lost World War Two.
During World War Two, the official flag of Australia was the Union Jack. We didn’t even officially have our current flag yet, like, that’s how still British we were. Like, it was just taken for granted that if Britain goes to war, we go to war. We had this imperial Anglo consciousness, this pan-Anglo consciousness. We were all one king, one flag, one race, one people, at that time.
So it was a completely different world than the Australia that we grew up in that has more of its own identity in those days. And obviously, the Australia at that time also had a White Australia Policy and also was kind of anti-semitic, actively tried to stop jews from immigrating to Australia and so on.
So the Australia that existed prior to the Second World War simply cannot be counterposed to Germany in the way that the post-war narrative is put up.
But secondarily, the Second World War meant our empire collapsed. And now we were behest to the United States. Now we are basically America’s bitch, as is Europe. So we fell under American control due to the Second World War, as well as part of the British Empire. Not just Britain, not just Europe, but also us.
And that American influence is jewish influence! Because America is run by jews. So that meant we fell under jewish control1 And you could say that the British Empire had jewish infiltration and jewish influence. Obviously, it did that was one of the main reasons why they went to war against the Germans. But it wasn’t to the same degree of what we have in the post-war international order underneath the so-called Americans. So that’s very important to take into consideration.
But also when examining Churchill’s treachery, and we can get into this a little bit more, maybe later in the show. Churchill sacrificed the British Empire to go to war on behalf of the jews, and he tried to drag America into that war. And he mentioned this in the interview, Darryl Cooper, that after there was the successful annexation, basically, of France, after basically the British and French forces were routed in France by the Germans. The blitzkrieg just smashed through in six weeks, basically, and they kind of fled at Dunkirk. There were no British forces left on the Continent. All of Western Europe was basically under German control, and Britain had no hope of reinvading Europe and doing anything about it. They were still at war with Germany, but they were in no place to really do much about it whatsoever in terms of actually changing that basic kind of landscape geographically.
All that was left for them to do was either basically negotiate peace or drag one of or both the Soviet Union and the United States into the war. That was all they had left to do. And Churchill was fundamentally determined in particular to drag the Americans into the war. And what dragging the Americans into the war meant was he was basically saying:
“We’re going to drag Europe under the control of America. By dragging America into the war now, America gets to set the tone for once the war is won the fate of western Europe.”
And also that support that the Americans gave to the Soviet Union also enabled the Soviet Union to resist the German invasion. And that was part of why Hitler wanted peace with Britain. He wanted peace with Britain for two main geopolitical reasons.
Reason number one is that Britain had one of the world’s best navies. The only nation that could compete with the Britain as a naval power was the United States. But they had to build it up. They really rapidly built up their navy through the Second World War. But the United States and Britain were the world’s two pre-eminent naval powers.
And Germany needed access to the world’s oceans. Because Germany and Europe in general lacks a lot of natural resources, which it needs to get through trade, that is primarily through the oceans. It’s very expensive and difficult to move freight by land across large distances, like from East Asia or the Middle East or wherever. Obviously its impossible to move from America to Europe without using the oceans.
So controlling the oceans means controlling global trade. And that is vital to Germany, because if they don’t have access to the worlds oceans, that means they don’t have access to a reliable supply of oil and other significant resources, which means if they are cut off from accessing oil in a state of war, their entire war machine, which depends upon oil to function because it’s mechanised, can collapse and they can be brought into existential peril.
There were oil fields in Romania that were key for Germany to have access to because they were connected to continental Europe. But that was then under the shadow of potential military action by the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has massive oil reserves as well, that it controlled in like Ukraine and other territories, that was under its control.
So that was a lot of the reason for Barbarossa, by the way. It wasn’t just about the threat of communism. Obviously, the ideological threat was significant, but it was also the geopolitics of managing resources and securing resources. Hitler did not want to be caught with his pants down, where Stalin moves on the oil fields in Romania, cuts the Germans off. And now they don’t really have the means to defend themselves, potentially against the communists sweeping across Europe.
So Hitler wanted a peace with Britain because he studied history and he saw Germany tried to go to war with Britain and Russia at the same time, in World War One, didn’t work. Napoleon tried to go to war with Britain and Russia at the same time and fight on two fronts. Didn’t work.
And so he didn’t want to make the same mistake again. He wanted peace with Britain for that reason, but also because Britain neutralises American influence. He didn’t fundamentally trust America. He understood that America was falling under jewish control, that America was basically an emerging superpower that would assert itself in the world and that Europe would lose its capacity to assert its own destiny, and Germany in particular.
But Europe in general would lose its capacity to assert its own sense of destiny and will in the world if America rises and the Soviet Union gobbles up half of Europe, and basically the Western European powers are kind of cornered and their empires are stripped of them, and they are kind of isolated. Which is exactly what happened at the end of the Second World War.
So Hitler saw those threats rising and saw a strong British Empire as key. The Germans would try and control the continent, repel the Soviets, and Britain would basically try and maintain a global order that prevented America from rising and kind of consuming the whole thing. That was his grand strategic vision.
So it was actually in his interest, which is why the Germans were so fair to the British, and they were offering peace offer after peace offer after peace offer, and they basically demanded nothing. The Germans didn’t demand anything for peace. They were like, basically:
“You keep everything that’s yours. Let’s just have peace. We don’t want to take anything from you. We don’t want to exact anything from you, even though you declared war on us first. We’ll just give you peace for free!”
And the way that it was responded to ultimately was, as was mentioned in the interview, the largest scale terrorist attacks ever in human history committed by the British covertly from, in terms of their own population, against the Germans.
So Churchill started ordering his bombers to go and bomb civilian areas all across Germany. And no one in Britain knew about this. It was classified top secret. While the Germans are trying to send peace offers to Britain, saying:
“We want peace, we don’t want war. We don’t want anything from you. Can we please shake hands and do a deal?”
At this exact same time, Churchill is ordering for women and children to be bombed in Germany! While, by the way, the British had – we know now that with the records – that the British had full access to the internal communications within Germany. They had decoded their internal communications and knew exactly what the strategic mentality of the German leadership was for the entire duration of the war, which is a big reason why they won, because they were able to get on the phone to, … Not on the phone. They would Telegram the Soviets and say:
“The Germans are about to attack here, and then they’re going to do this, and then they’re saying they’re going to do this next week.”
And so the Soviets were always one step ahead of them, because the Germans didn’t realise that the British could literally hear and see everything in all of the key high level communications.
So they had full knowledge of the fact that the Germans were sincere in wanting peace and that they wanted peace, and they just wanted to go and focus on fighting the Soviet Union, and they wanted no beef with Britain. And they saw what they were saying publicly was actually what they felt privately. They knew that and they had full knowledge of that.
Nevertheless, they started bombing the shit out of innocent civilians! They also knew that Hitler had an order, a directive to the Germans to not bomb civilian areas in Britain.
And even though German towns were getting blown up and some of the bombings were egregious, where like, 20, 30,000 innocent civilians are, like, burning to death in the space of an hour, …
Blair Cottrell: Imagine your own mother melting into a tar road!
zz Imagine not just your mother, everyone all of your friends, all of their children and so on in your whole neighbourhood just being, yeah, incinerated! This is what was happening across Germany. And Hitler ultimately broke. Like, he couldn’t handle it anymore. And it was like:
“Well, fuck! Like, fuck them! We’re going to bomb them back!”
And started bombing, you know, started bombing the shit out of London, which was he showed a lot of restraint waiting that long. Or his generals are practically begging him, saying:
“We’ve got to retaliate. This is getting ridiculous!”
He finally retaliates. And then Churchill spins at:
“Look at the German aggression! We will not stand for this! And we will fight them on the beaches when they try to invade!”
Churchill knew that they weren’t going to invade. They had no plans to invade and that it would make no strategic sense for them to invade.
Nevertheless, he made out like:
“This German aggression, we won’t stand for it!”
And so on.
Meanwhile, all the efforts of British intelligence was concocting BS. Kind of like how the Israelis concocted a bunch of BS narrative to drag America into war in Iraq. They were doing the same thing, like, creating all these fake documents, spreading them in America that that Germany was going to go and invade South America and had plans to take over the Americas and that they were going, …
Thomas Sewell: Propaganda!
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! All this bullshit that they were spinning, which was total nonsense, as if Hitler is going to know, try and invade South America while he’s in the middle of fighting the largest ever individual war between two countries in world history, between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Like, the scale of that war is so far beyond the scale of any particular front in the history of warfare! As if he’s going to go and invade, like, on the other side of the world!
By the way, Germany at this time is under naval blockade, and can’t even sail to South America, let alone invade the whole place. It made no sense.
But anyway, this shit is getting spread so much. You know, everything that could be done is being done to try and drag the Americans in. And Roosevelt wants the war with Germany because Roosevelt has plans to create a kind of globalist, liberal, international order, much like what was ended up being created after the Second World War. And saw the kind of battle with Germany as key for American dominance over Europe to be asserted, and then therefore over the world.
But the American people didn’t want to go to war with Germany, didn’t want any bar of it. And ultimately with the Pearl Harbor bombings and the issue with Japan. Which, by the way, was also by design, because they imposed such intense sanctions on Japan while Japan is at war with China, to basically cripple the Japanese. And all through Asia to basically cripple the Japanese economy. Japan, like Germany, was reliant upon getting oil from the outside and other key natural resources from the outside. Because Japan doesn’t have a lot of natural resources. And so sanctions and naval blockades basically being imposed upon the Japanese completely cripples their capacity to have industry, and therefore cripples their war machine while they’re engaged in so much active warfare across the whole Asian region at that time.
So the Japanese felt they had no choice but ultimately to just start fighting the Americans directly because the Americans were crippling their war effort already.
And the Americans knew that it would ultimately result in Japan attacking. And actually, Australian intelligence told the Americans two months before, or six weeks before, or something, that Pearl Harbor was going to get bombed by the Japanese. And the Roosevelt administration allowed it to happen, just kind of like, move people that they were quite happy to die into the area and ships that they were happy to get blown up, moved all their key personnel out and just let it happen, basically, so that they would have a pretext to go to war with Japan.
Blair Cottrell: It makes me realise what like, passive “good guy Greg” role Australia played in the Second World War. We basically just fought some battles for the English. Won most of them. Apparently, Menzies* was involved in a lot of the war cabinet meetings with Churchill and kept a private diary about how insane Churchill was.
[* Robert Menzies-Australian politician, 12th Prime Minister of Australia (1894-1978) Sir Robert Gordon Menzies was an Australian politician and lawyer who served as the 12th prime minister of Australia from 1939 to 1941 and 1949 to 1966. Wikipedia]
And then the Japanese are heading to Pearl Harbor, and we’re like:
“Hey, they’re going to Pearl Harbor. We’re the good guys down here, just going to try and help!”
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! I don’t think anyone in the Australian leadership at the time would have wanted the war to become what it became because it wasn’t in our interest.
But ultimately, we had to fight the Japanese because we couldn’t, …
Thomas Sewell: Even in the United States, there was a survey done, a very large survey, basically one step down from a census, done on America’s involvement in World War Two. Well, obviously, before World War Two existed as a concept, but involvement in the European war, I think, is what it was described. As and they polled, like, less than 30%. I think like, 20 something percent had any interest in going, engaging, and involving in that war. And both political parties at the time, the Republicans and the Democrats, both ran their election campaigns on not being involved in it. So, obviously, the jews had ulterior motives. And, yeah, it frustrates me. It’s been a frustrating, I guess, eleven years of dealing with a certain faction of, I think Hitler describes them as historical, not “historical enjoyers”, but he has a really unique way of describing them in Mein Kampf, in one of the later chapters. I think it’s around, I could do quote and verse. I think it’s around page 168. [chuckling] I don’t know why I know that! But I really like Hitler.
Blair Cottrell: Paragraph three, beginning at word 17, …
Thomas Sewell: I’ll just get it. I’ll just get it out. I didn’t actually prepare this earlier. But he talks about people, but they don’t see the forest for the trees, …
Blair Cottrell: Is that the Mannheim books? Is that Mannheim books? The black one?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. It’s a Rolf Mannheim that everyone hates.
Blair Cottrell: Have you got more than one of those, or is that yours? Because I need one of those.
Thomas Sewell: I should have a couple of them. Yeah. I’ve got an order in at the moment for the one Jacob was recommending.
Joel Davis: You should get the Dalton one as well, Blair, because the translator, Thomas Dalton, is very competent and is actually a National Socialist. And tried to do a translation that really honoured what the original German says to the that, as accurately as possible. Whereas the other translations, because of ideological bias, you still get the idea, obviously, of what he’s saying.
Blair Cottrell: But is Ralph Mannheim jewish?
Thomas Sewell: I don’t know. I could Google it, but I don’t know. I don’t think the translation of Mannheim is the problem. It’s mostly the footnote, obviously.
Blair Cottrell: I think the Mannheim translation is quite good.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I enjoyed as well. I just ignore the footnotes. So sometimes I read the footnotes because they just add context. It’s not necessarily biased, obviously, just there’s footnotes about the Holocaust in there. But that’s nonsense!
But the most important thing about reading Mein Kampf is, I mean, Joel just went on, like, a 30 minutes rant about the history of World War Two and its relationship, obviously, with Australia, the UK, America, the Soviet Union.
When you read Mein Kampf, Hitler describes his idea of a New World Order without jewry. Without world jewry. He describes that alliance between Germany, the United States, Germany, and Great Britain. It describes these relationships all the way back in 1925. So Hitler was completely transparent with his intentions. Hitler was completely, like, he’s writing stuff, how many, basically two decades before the end of World War Two, before the Nuremberg trials, and before all the lies and slander really started to go hard. But he already wrote it, and it was the most published book, I think, in history, after the Bible and the Quran.
So that’s why it’s so important to read, because when you read the words from the man, you can feel a sincerity, and it deprograms all of the “Holocaustianity”, as Jacob and William Luther Pierce call it. There’s a Holocaustianity. That’s the new religion. I think there’s a Catholic, a famous Catholic anti-semite as well. I can’t remember his name. Maybe Joel knows him, but he calls it “Holocaustianity” as well.
And I think that’s a really important understanding, too.
Joel Davis: [words unclear]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. I’ve actually never heard you say call it, but it’s a very good way of describing it, because it really is a religion built around the Holocaust. And reading Mein Kampf and learning the truth about World War Two breaks the spell of Holocaustianity! And when you break the spell of holocaustianity, your politics is now free. You can choose to be whatever you want to be politically, but you’re most likely going to be on some sort of pipeline between racist, libertarian, and National Socialist. And you’re going to probably argue about something benign or irrelevant rather than the securing the future for our people. And to have a free mindset, to not be shackled by holocaustianity, and to have a free mindset allows you to address all information from that free mindset.
And so it’s interesting how everyone gets involved in the movement, if we want to describe it by that, I mean, we’ve got Darryl Cooper. Is it Darryl Cooper saying “we have to win first”?
So we’re a movement that’s trying to win! We’re trying to achieve state power across Western civilisation, across White civilisation. And it’s fascinating that we all come into the movement from maybe these different angles.
And a lot of the people our age that have been around for some time, we probably got red pilled through 4Chan or YouTube or some sort of alternative media source, even if it’s on a mainstream source, but the backwaters of it that are now banned as part of dead end Internet theory. But we were in that part of the Internet that doesn’t really exist anymore, but it doesn’t need to anymore. It’s become mainstream. Like, they tried to smother it! The Pandora’s box is open. They tried to rig the YouTube algorithms.
And I talked about this with Blair. You were there when we talked to, … Who was the guy from Mirror Mirror, the Channel Ten reporter, that American or Canadian guy? What was his name? Journalist Todd Sampson asked me a leading question because obviously they were trying to get it on the documentary. He said:
“Did you, when you were on YouTube, did you feel that the algorithm, that it was YouTube’s fault, that the algorithm set you down this path?”
And I was like:
“No, it was the opposite. I just randomly came across these videos by just deep diving into history, autistically.”
And then, I didn’t say that, obviously, on television, [chuckling] but, …
And then the algorithm tried to take me out. I’d be watching a Hitler video. And then the most recommended, the top recommended was like, a Ben Shapiro video, or a Jordan Peterson video. It was these astroturfed system people or Joe Rogan video. It was like always trying to pull me out of the rabbit hole. The algorithm was doing the opposite.
And he just paused and stopped his line of questioning and then just looked at his notes and then asked a different set of questions. He was like:
“Damn it!”
He wanted the sound bite. Like:
“I was groomed by YouTube. YouTube’s responsible. We should sue YouTube because YouTube’s making all these people racist!”
And now it’s like, [chuckling] Tucker Carlson is making all these people wake up to the true the World War Two. And obviously they’re going to go after him.
It’s interesting, the observation about Musk supporting the show and then realizing the implications of that and be like:
“Oh, shit! I’m not ready to go that far yet!”
And there’s a lot of people, a lot of chatter. I have checked the comment section of the show today, and there’s a lot of chatter about:
“Oh, this person’s controlled opposition. This person’s controlled opposition!”
It’s like:
“We’re all here! We all made it!”
And if the system is doing these things in a controlled manner, well, look, they’re clearly losing! [chuckling] Like, if that’s what they have to do to control the narrative, that’s the down, …
Joel Davis: This is losing control of the narrative. This is like:
“Well, in order to stop White people from waking up, what we need to do is talk about how actually Churchill was the bad guy in World War Two and maybe slightly deny the Holocaust and talk about how the jews were behind it in an indirect way and how that’s what’s justifying White genocide.”
That’s the controlled demolition!
Like, if the system is doing controlled demolition on the World War Two mythos, which is literally the fundamental pillar in the kind of ideological structure of the modern world, that’s victory!
I don’t think the system is doing that. I think Tucker Carlson is from a faction of the American elite, which are somewhat free agents to a certain extent, and who, I think, look at basically the current state of the United States and of the American empire and realise that if White people aren’t resupplied with some kind of dignity, then, basically the empire is toast! Because you need to have young White men moving up within the system, occupying positions of power and prominence and running America so that it maintains, that they can have a functional empire.
And right now, the way that it’s set up, they’ve denied so much dignity to young White men and to the White race in general. They’re being so destructive towards the high quality blood that is necessary for the empire to sustain itself, that it is on a trajectory to self destruction in very short order.
So I think there are a certain element of the American elite, I think, which are still kind of WASPy. They’re not jews, because, you know, his dad’s a CIA agent, and he’s got a lot of connections. So, I mean, he’s a part of the elite. He’s not just some guy.
Thomas Sewell: When people say:
“Oh, Tucker Carlson, you know, he’s, …”
I agree. He wore that Kabbalah bracelet. That’s suspicious, on a previous show. That’s an odd thing to wear, that crimson bracelet. Maybe it means something else in other circles, but most people are aware that’s a sign of tether or tie or submission to the Kabbalah mysticism.
But again, let’s say that’s correct. Let’s take that information and we all agree on it. How does that explain or justify what he’s done today? To me, I can only think of, obviously, that’s a clear answer, that there’s infighting within the Deep State and even there’s cabal, and it’s just CIA agents that are trying to get the American empire back on track and White people back supporting the government, because they’ve lost all trust. There’s no trust at the moment.
I think Republicans are at like 7% trust in the mainstream media, or it’s basically hit, … We’re like a couple years away in theory, a couple years away from the collapse of the Soviet Union. If you think about where public trust was in the mainstream institutions of the Soviet Union in 1987 or 1988, it was pretty obvious that the whole thing was going to come apart.
And there’s a lot of history, a lot of firsthand history of people that talk about how they would walk around in the Soviet Union in the late eighties and walk into car dealerships and pretend to buy a car, because they knew they weren’t for sale, because they weren’t getting manufactured. And they would have these fake conversations with the car dealer, like pretending to buy a car and pretending that they had the money to buy the car. And everyone just like, played pretend. And it was just like this really strange time where they were living in this, I think the term was called hyper, maybe not “hyper realism”. I think it was hyper realism. I watched a documentary called Hyper Realism on it, and that’s kind of similar to what we’re living. We’re living in a different version of hyper realism. But the two notes I have is that, …
Blair Cottrell: We’re in hyper faking gayism!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, exactly! [chuckling] Yeah. It’s the same thing, but just gay and brown.
Joel Davis: They kind of had, like, ironic communism at that point. Like no one actually believed. So it was just like this ironic performance art. Because no one can step out and openly criticise it because that’s a capital offence, Gulags.
So everyone just ironically goes along with it to show that:
“Yes, I’m aware that this is bullshit and you’re aware. We’re both aware that this is bullshit, but we’re not breaking any laws.”
And it’s almost like liberalism is getting to that point where no one actually fucking believes that this shit is actually true anymore. Except retards! Even Drew Pavlou does not believe liberalism is true!
Thomas Sewell: No he doesn’t.
Joel Davis: He knows that the jews run everything and that racism is actually the only thing that’s actually funny or interesting. He’s a totally cynical actor.
Thomas Sewell: What he said on the Spaces last night that why do Right-wing people, someone asked AI, or maybe it was you, Joel. Why do Right-wing people wink at each other and that, …
Blair Cottrell: Some Leftist, why do like, Nazis smirk at each other in conversation or when they’re in an interview together, and the AI answered:
“To indicate a connected consciousness and the fact that they’re both in on some propaganda ploy.”
And I said:
“Yeah, yeah, that’s right.”
Thomas Sewell: It’s the bees. The bees. I probably told the story many times, but I’ll do it in the short version. When the wasp comes into the beehive, the bees don’t fight back straight away. They kind of just, … Bees are industrious. They’re kind of like, they’re kind of Anglos without, you know, well, they kind of like Anglos in a lot of ways, the bees. And they don’t necessarily fight back straight away. It takes a long time for the Saxon to begin to hate. Like, the bees kind of just tolerate the wasps coming in, just like eating people. Sometimes the wasps, even eat the young and start fucking up the royal jelly. And the bees are just like:
“Oh God! And they just, they got to get to work. You know what I mean? They’re stuck in traffic and there’s a traffic jam and life sucks! And I got to get the pollen and get the pollen back to the beehive. And this is more important things. Yeah, we get there’s a wasp, but it’s not my job. I don’t have to deal with it. It’s a police job!”
And the police are like dysfunctional, the bee police.
Anyway, how they eventually kill the wasp is they just start like, waving their wing a certain way, like a different way. And the wasp doesn’t really realise it.
And then eventually when all the bees are all just like doing this little twitch with their wing, and when everyone’s doing it, like, it starts with just a couple bees, like:
“Hey, we got to deal with this problem.”
And they start doing this little wink, this little smirk, this little. Like a little bee sieg heil. And they all start, …
Blair Cottrell: Like they’re bashing their spears against their chest plate.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Yeah, sort of but it’s like a subtle one. It’s like an Anglo. It’s like subtle racism. It’s like an Anglo subtlety.
And eventually, when they’re all doing it, then the bees. It’s a hive mind, you see? And when the bees all tune into the hive mind and they’re all geared together. And I say this on purpose because, I mean, Joel didn’t want to give it away, but we’ll talk about it later.
But when all the bees are all doing the little mini seig heil and the hive mind is all activated, when the hive minds all mobilised, then when that hive mind has achieved its purpose, then the bees just swarm the wasp and they vibrate the wasp to death. They can overheat the wasp and actually have a rotating meat grinder where they basically can overheat the wasp, and the wasp dies. But the bees just pass out before they die.
Blair Cottrell: I think, in there, there’s a clue as to the new name for the show, is there?
Thomas Sewell: [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: I picked up on that. Yeah. A couple of questions I have, you guys.
First of all, I’ll make a remark regarding Mein Kampf. What you’ve basically explained, Tom, is that in a world where most books, especially books on politics and philosophy, are just spells trying to spell you, trying to get you to believe and invest yourself in a certain thing. Mein Kampf stands out as the spell breaker! It’s the book that dispels you. And allows you to think clearly for yourself see things as they are.
And whether Tucker Carlson realises it or not, he’s essentially putting himself forward now as a propagandist for nationalism, hardline nationalism, even National Socialism.
I did feel that Tucker Carlson was a little bit soft in the interview on a few occasions. Maybe he does it deliberately to try to seem fair. I know that that’s his game sometimes. But he brings up certain talking points that are quite “humanitarian”. Human rights and everyone having the right to live peacefully and in freedom. But those are the same talking points that led us to this fiasco in the first place. Like this mass egalitarian, mass migration culture that we have to tolerate now, the dispossession of our lands and eventual genocide of our people. So I hope that he realises that at some point and lays off that kind of rhetoric.
But question for you, Joel. You said that, or you alluded, … And both Tucker and I don’t know if Darryl Cooper did, but Tucker also alluded to the same point, that Winston Churchill, as a result of his stubborn refusal to accept Hitler’s peace offers, is responsible for the state Britain is in right now. But do you think Churchill knew that? Do you think back in 1940, world leaders could even conceive of the fact that a superclass of Leftist psychopaths were going to try to replace native Brits with Muslims and Indians? Right. Do you think Churchill actually understood that?
Joel Davis: The answer is absolutely that he didn’t! But Churchill was drunk off his tits every single day! I mean, the man was a total mess!
Blair Cottrell: What you’re saying is where Britain is at now is a consequence of Churchill, but it’s not what Churchill wanted.
Thomas Sewell: He didn’t necessarily know the exact plan, but he knew that these were nefarious agents because he wrote about them. Millions of dollars from the jews.
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! Yeah, exactly, Tom, is so, …
Thomas Sewell: He knew they were nefarious for a fact.
Blair Cottrell: He’s in bed with snakes. Churchill’s in bed with snakes. He knows he’s in beds with snakes. He talks about the fact he’s laying in a bed with snakes, but he stays in the bed anyway.
Thomas Sewell: Because he’s compromised.
Joel Davis: Churchill wrote a book in the early twenties talking about two strategies for jews, zionism and Bolshevism.
[Churchill’s 1920 article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald on “Zionism versus Bolshevism”. (click image to enlarge)]
[See: Book – The Myth of German Villainy – Part 04 – The Russian Revolution of 1917]
And also, there are other private communications. David Irving talks about this, of things, because Churchill was a prolific writer. There’s so much documentation of things that he wrote throughout his life. You know, Churchill had a very long life in public life. You know, he was a high ranking, a very successful politician, a high ranking member of the navy and so on. And World War Two is quite towards the end of his life. So when he was a younger man he was incredibly anti-semitic in some of his remarks. His book on the jews shows a very deep understanding of the jews.
Martyr Made in that interview, by the way, or Darryl Cooper, I should use his real name. He actually totally misrepresented that book, by the way, because he was like:
“Oh, I think Churchill was always a Zionist and he had sympathy to zionism because he thought that, like, jews, if they could either become Zionists or communists, and we would rather they become Zionists rather than communists, because communism is the real kind of threat.”
But if Churchill really felt that way, why the hell did he enable the Soviet Union to, why did he allow the Soviet Union to invade Poland, but not Germany? Why did he enable the Soviet Union to gobble up half of Europe with its actions. Why did he effectively ally with the Soviet Union if he was so [word unclear] communism?
Blair Cottrell: Apparently he had serious problems with Germany because of several military blunders that he was responsible for.
Joel Davis: That’s bullshit! When he said that was total bullshit! The reason why Churchill was fixated upon going to war with Germany was because Churchill went fucking bankrupt! Churchill was voted out of office. His political career failed. His military career was a fucking disaster, and he was a failed man, and he went broke. But he wanted to live a high society life of a rich, well to do, noble, you know, high ranking Tory British guy.
So he wanted to live in the fancy manor and have all these maids and servants and be part of high society and so on.
Blair Cottrell: And bottles of whisky, …
Joel Davis: He needed cash! And he was actually. He was engaged in all kinds of nefarious behaviour. Like, he would create counterfeit, he would do counterfeit painting where he would try and paint like, this famous French painter and pass off paintings like they were painted by someone else, so that he could sell them. Basically commit fraud to sell paintings at high values and so on. And he was doing all kinds of odd jobs, but he was completely broke.
And then jewish financiers came in and offered him literally the equivalent today of, like I think five or $10 million or something, or even more to become their guy, basically.
And the condition was:
“Here’s a whole bunch of money. We’re going to fund you back into politics, as well as paying off all your debts and enabling you to live this highfalutin lifestyle. And we’re going to get all, …”
The jews ran the media, right?
“So we’re going to get the media to start shilling you. But you’re going to be the guy who leads the charge against this Nazi threat against the Germans!”
And Irving points out that when Hitler rose to power, he actually has Churchill’s diaries and Churchill’s writings from that time. When Hitler comes to power in the early thirties. And Churchill doesn’t really care, he barely writes about it. If he was so passionate about Germany being a problem and Hitler being a problem, wouldn’t he have said something? It’s only after the jews come in and bail him out in the mid thirties with literally millions of dollars in today’s money, I can’t remember the exact figures. That all of a sudden he becomes, like, this public advocate within British politics for an aggressive foreign policy against Germany, and he becomes the biggest critic of Neville Chamberlain and the appeasement over Czechoslovakia and so on.
And so Churchill was effectively funded and promoted by the jews to be the anti-German war hawk in British politics. And ultimately elevated into the prime ministership, fueled by the jewish media and jewish financing, backing him and putting him in that role. So he owed his entire political, like, his kind of revived political career to the jews 100%! And it was conditional. And if he was to take Hitler’s peace offer, that support would be totally gone!
[See: That Blackguard — Winston Churchill]
And also he would look like a fool because he had basically pushed for war with Germany for so many years. If he then finally becomes prime minister and then goes and signs a peace deal with Hitler and tries to become Hitler’s ally, he’ll immediately get voted out because the British people have been sold this idea by Churchill that Germany is the greatest threat, we must defeat Germany and so on. So if he then cucks to Hitler, then there goes his political career, and also the jews would totally abandon him. He’d get cut off all the funding, all the money that he was receiving, or he can keep going along with, keep the jewish money flowing, keep the media on his side, save face, drag the Americans into the war and become the hero and so on, which is what ended up happening. Right?
So he basically sold out his people! He sold out our people. He sold us out. He destroyed our empire, because he’s of our blood. I mean, he’s an Anglo Saxon. He basically sold us out, destroyed Europe for petty personal reasons, ultimately. His own personal ambitions in politics and in lifestyle and so on. And Churchill was a racist and an anti-semite. He understood the theory. He didn’t have the honour!
[Something to keep in mind is that Organised jewry would have has several potential traitors like Churchill ready to replace him if he didn’t fullfill their agenda, so in other words he was a useful tool, but not indispensable – Kat]
Blair Cottrell: Wasn’t almost everyone racist and anti-semitic back then?
Joel Davis: Definitely! Yeah, but we have documented evidence showing that he understood. It wasn’t like he was a retard that didn’t understand ideology, didn’t understand race and what was going on, and that he didn’t understand jewish power and influence and the nefarious nature of the jews.
And actually, when Churchill tried to revive his political career again, because, remember, he was basically voted out immediately after World War Two ended. When he tried to kind of relaunch his political career again in the late 1940s, he actually, I think, almost ran with the catchphrase or whatever of “Keep Britain, White” or something akin to that, those words. He was going to try and do White nationalist populism as his, like, final hurrah to take back over the Tories and go back into the prime ministership and so on. They ended up kiboshing that idea. But like that shows that Churchill was not like some anti-racist libtard or secret communist or something.
He was just literally a piece of shit sellout! And yeah, and as I said, he was wasted drunk. Obviously that demonstrates like a lack of character to be running the British Empire, basically, be the prime minister. It’s such a pivotal moment in history and you can’t like, fucking sober up and make decisions?
But you just see, like, throughout his life, like so many incompetent decisions, so many selfish decisions, and just a complete train wreck within his personal life.
You know, David Irving talks about the fact that Churchill’s wife or widow, I guess, after he died, was willing to actually work with David Irving and hand over a bunch of Churchill’s records, knowing that David Irving was trashing him! Because she hated him so much, because of how much of a piece of shit he was! He didn’t have loyalty even from his own wife or whatever, or mistress or whatever she was.
Anyway, the point is that he was just a total piece of shit, like as a human being on every level. And that is, I think, the core to his motivation, which makes it all the more worse. Like if at least if he was like a anti-racist libtard, then at least like he would have actually had some kind of even though they’re completely wrong morals, at least he would had some principles that governed his behaviour.
Like Roosevelt seemed to have like a certain kind of ideological motivation behind what he did. You know, like he wanted to create this, like liberal globalist world order or whatever. And obviously that’s evil and fucked up, because it’s fundamentally immoral construction and look at what that has led to. But it was more conscious with Roosevelt, where Churchill was just like a scum piece of shit that was just used by these forces ultimately to bring down probably the society that he actually loved and wanted to be a part of he just wanted to be “the guy”, he wanted to be the hero, he wanted to be the high status, you know, Englishman with the top hat and respected and so on and so that makes it all the more disgusting!
Blair Cottrell: Seems like standard narcissism. Like the guy had deep feelings of inadequacy maybe, and was overcompensating. That’s just standard narcissistic behaviour. Every man’s flawed, and obviously Churchill was significantly flawed.
But it’s like no matter where you look, what Darryl Cooper is trying to put forward in the Tucker Carlson interview, that is that Churchill is the foremost villain of the Second World War. You find evidence of that everywhere you look!
When you look at other revisionists, when you look at former soldiers. I can recall watching an interview of some former members of the Royal Air Force from World War Two saying that:
“They felt like their orders came from cowards, that they were carpet bombing Germany, German civilians on orders, but they didn’t want to do it, and they felt sick about it afterwards.”
They didn’t understand why they were being ordered to do that.
So I suppose I harbour some resentment towards the man. And it’s funny because I’m not particularly well read on Second World War. I have a good general understanding. I remember, I suppose I first started developing my understanding by watching William Luther Pearce edits on YouTube, edited by Norse Wolf, who was a clever editor, back when YouTube allowed these clips.
And that’s how I learnt that what started the Second World War was actually Britain and France declaring war on Hitler, and not the other way around. Not only did Hitler not declare war on England or France, Hitler had nothing to do with the start of the Second World War, other than invading Poland to retake former German territory, which German civilians or German citizens were being slaughtered in because they still hadn’t moved out of that territory. And the Poles thought they had the British and the French on their side. So they thought they could just keep slaughtering those Germans and not suffer any consequences. According to Darryl Cooper, …
Thomas Sewell: It was a Polish variation of the NKVD. [words unclear] Part of the jewish administration in Danzig.
Blair Cottrell: That means they probably didn’t stop at murder. It was probably worse than that, too. And so Hitler was in a precarious position where he could either just continue letting these Germans get raped and slaughtered in former German territory because the Poles were ignoring Hitler’s advances and requests to stop killing his people so he could get them out of there safely, or he could just go in there and take the land back to protect his own people.
According to Darryl Cooper in the Tucker Carlson interview, Hitler didn’t actually expect England and France to declare war on him after retaking that land because he saw it as a perfectly reasonable thing to do, considering the circumstances and the position that he was in. And he was really surprised and upset when they forced him into a war, which is why he put so much effort into trying to sue for peace. Apparently, he was firing off peace office for months and months and months!
[Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop and Stalin look on. See: Book – The Myth of German Villainy – Part 17 – War with Poland]
Joel Davis: It is also why they had the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact*, because the idea was, well, if we take Poland and the Soviet Union takes the other half of Poland at the same time, not only does that maybe neutralise us from having to go to war with the Soviet Union immediately. I mean, Hitler always thought they would eventually go to war with the Soviet Union, but he wanted to delay it. So that would neutralise that, but also it would neutralise Britain, he thought, because it was like:
“Well, the British can’t declare war on us and the Soviet Union at the same time. That would be insane!”
And the British responded by just declaring war on Germany, and then not declaring war on the Soviet Union. Which, if that’s the whole reason why, apparently we have to go to war with Germany is because of poor Poland, then how come the Soviet Union is allowed to get away with it? That makes no sense.
[* The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, officially the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and also known as the Hitler–Stalin Pact was a non-Aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, with a secret protocol establishing Soviet and German spheres of influence across Northern Europe. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. Wikipedia.]
Blair Cottrell: Yeah.
And then, of course, there was the Katyn Forest massacre. When the Germans ended up pushing into former Polish, now Soviet territory, they discovered that the communists had rounded up all the Polish officers and intellectuals and murdered them and tried to hide their bodies in Katyn Forest, because that’s what communists do when they take a country. They don’t want any sort of competition from the native intelligentsia.
And obviously, the Germans tried to expose that, but the Allied powers, the media, blamed it on the Germans and was only later revealed by the Red Cross that it was the communists that committed that massacre.
But what I was getting at is, despite not being that well read in Second World War, certainly not as much as Darryl Cooper or probably not either of you guys either, I would fall behind you guys, too. But after reading Mein Kampf and reading it so extensively, I had intuitive senses about what I expected the truth was in World War Two. And I’m amazed that everything that I sensed was right! With evidence and study, ends up becoming facts before my eyes. Do you guys have the same experience?
Joel Davis: Well, I don’t know why. I guess, for me, I learnt about World War Two considerably before reading Mein Kampf. So it was kind of like the reverse in my personal trajectory. But this is so important and pivotal, though, because people have said to me:
“Oh, well, World War Two isn’t actually so important because a lot of the justification that the enemy gives for White replacement is because of colonialism and what we did to the Aboriginals and what happened to the Native Americans. And in America, also slavery and what happened to the blacks.”
And these kinds of narratives:
“And what the British Empire did and European empires did in general during the so-called ‘atrocities of colonialism’. And really, that’s more pivotal than the Nazi thing.”
I disagree with that for the basic reason why the pathologisation of National Socialist Germany and National Socialism is more important than the anti-colonial narratives, is because what they are pathologizing kind of is our future, not just our past.
Like when they talk about in America about how bad slavery was, that discussion isn’t being conducted under the pretext of that there’s a bunch of people that are going to re-institute mass nigger slavery in the United States. Or when they talk about the problems with colonialism, that debate isn’t being kind of conducted under the pretext that we’re going to start massacring all the Aboriginals tomorrow or something like that it’s like a historical crime that you want to apportion blame to a certain people for of something that happened way back in the past that doesn’t seem like it really is an imminent threat in any real way.
Whereas National Socialism has a certain imminent threat. The idea that, like, White people could redo something like that again in the future. And that as soon as White people start organising politically or taking their own side or saying just kind of being racially conscious and having a kind of racial view of politics, that somehow we’re on this kind of trajectory to Hitler and the Holocaust, and we got to shut it down! And this is scary! This is the most scary possible thing. It can never be allowed to ever happen again.
And so that’s the distinction. Like, colonialism doesn’t have a “never again” narrative. Slavery doesn’t have a “never again” narrative, but this does! And that explains also why it’s projected out onto non-Germans. Like, why are White Australians subjected to anti-Nazi demonisation narratives? We weren’t Nazis. Like, we technically fought against them. Well, it’s because it’s about the future, this idea that, like, White people in Australia could do a Hitler, or that White people in America could do a Hitler or whatever, even though they fought Hitler.
So that’s the real kind of crux of why this is the most significant narrative, I think, for the current ideological world order. Because it’s a pre-emptive block against anything akin to National Socialism ever existing at some point in the future.
And so it’s a future oriented mythos, not just simply, like, apportioning blame for some event that happened in the past. So that would be my primary argument.
But secondarily as well, the reason why it’s so integral is because of the specifically jewish aspect. Like, jews can’t use colonialism and slavery or whatever to defend themselves, because jews actually kind of helped with colonialism and with slavery, actually. And they weren’t really uniquely victims of any of these processes. And they’re doing colonialism in Israel right now and so on. So these narratives don’t actually help jews very much. They help jews in the sense that they can be used to attack us, but they don’t really protect jews.
The Holocaust myth and the anti-Nazi narrative, what it does is it basically protects jewish power, because they were the unique victims in this story, at least in the way that it’s presented. You know, even though the 6 million is obviously a total lie!
But obviously, some jews died in the Second World War, but also way more Europeans died in the Second World War. But that doesn’t apparently matter. Only jewish deaths matter, apparently.
But anyway, the jews have been able to kind of build the kind of mythos of the Second World War around them as the primary and central victim and make the story about themselves.
And so that then enables obviously, as we can see, like them to basically have a free pass to do what White people can’t do, organise collectively, have ethno-states do settler colonialism, occupy positions of power, and do so out of self interest. And:
“What’s your problem? You’re just jealous that jews are successful or whatever!”
Like arguments that White people can’t use apparently, under the current moral paradigm, jews are permitted to use.
And so that’s why it’s also so fundamental and integral, because when you bring down the World War Two narrative, you don’t just, basically protect White collectivism as a principle and re-legitimize White collectivism as a principle. You also de-legitimize jewish victimhood, and you break down the whole jewish victimology, that they used to protect themselves.
So it’s like a double pincer action on the two key things that basically perpetuate our current situation of subjection to a jewish empire that is genociding us.
Because I’ve seen a few people make those arguments. So I just wanted to kind of hit back against that, because it’s just wrong. Like, we are objectively correct that the World War Two narrative is the key, most sensitive aspect of the overall mythos of the current world order.
And you can see that through how ubiquitous it is. I don’t think they would be able to demonise White people for colonialism to the scale that they can, or a lot of these other kind of anti-White narratives that are perpetuated if they didn’t have that ability to call anyone who, any Whiteman who stands up against it a “Nazi”. And for that to have some kind of mystique, this pathological mystique, that being a Nazi would be a bad thing, and therefore, beliefs categorized as, quote, unquote, “Nazi”, therefore kind of treacherous and should be feared and avoided and repressed and all of this kind of thing.
So the whole the setting, the terms of the conversation is fundamentally done by the Second World War’s narration in the popular consciousness. And the jews have been disproven, that the gas chambers are fake. Like, they literally have been disproven that the gas chambers have been proven fake. And the jews had other lies that they perpetuated about that they made soap out of the victims and all this kind of ridiculous nonsense! And so many, quote, unquote, so-called “Holocaust survivors” that said that they were at Auschwitz have been proven that they weren’t actually there. Some of them weren’t even born yet that claimed to be there, or said that their parents died of in Auschwitz, but they were born, like, five years after the war ended or whatever. This has been countless, …
Blair Cottrell: It’s your Holocaust Industry!
Joel Davis: But because jews control the media, their lies have been able to still be perpetuated and seep into the public consciousness. So that the average person thinks the gas chambers were real, even though, like a more mainstream historian who isn’t even, like a Holocaust revisionist, will now start because of the work of the people pushing back, will now say that the Holocaust was fundamentally done not with gas chambers, but through, like, shooting the victims and so on. Because no one knows that. No one knows that because this is like an academic discourse that is being, like, conducted in some ethereal place that no one has access to.
And then anyone who tries to engage with it, for our perspective in Europe, gets thrown in jail and so on. The table has been set for this narrative in the popular consciousness where, like, it kind of requires, like, a mass popularisation of an alternative narrative to reverse that.
And so when people say to get back to that earlier point about:
“Well, Tucker Carlson, is he our guy or not?”
It’s kind of irrelevant. We should just basically fuel any chink in the armour of the Holocaust mythos and the World War Two mythos, we just got to lean into it and just drive into whatever chink is in the armour of the enemy, because it’s not about winning the argument in the abstract.
Like, David Irving is a best selling author. You know, the argument has already been won in the abstract. They had to criminalise the opposition because they had couldn’t win the argument. If you try and organise a debate between, like, a historian that says the Holocaust was real against a historian who says it was fake, you won’t almost will never be able to organise that debate because no historian who thinks it’s real actually has the balls to show up to a debate like that and get roasted in front of heaps of people and embarrassed and allow the narrative to get destroyed. The Holocaust myth is so weak, it can be destroyed with exposure.
[See: The World’s First Anti-Holocaust Convention — Instauration Dec, 1979]
So that’s why they have to ban, like, that’s why they have to regulate social media to prevent people from discussing it and so on and take all the videos off YouTube and all the rest of it, because that’s the only way to stop, like, a kind of mass delegitimisation of it in the popular consciousness and force, like, a shift.
So our strategy has to be just whatever fucking wins we can get on the board against the narrative is just to drive into it. Everyone has to just get on the same page and just shill hard whenever we get an opportunity to try and eventually, like, break through. Because once we break through, you know, it isn’t so much that, like, people believing that the Holocaust was real creates this, like, chain reaction in their mind that produces the whole anti-White worldview or something. But the kind of sense that the average person has that, like, of association of gas chambers and genocide and so on with White collectivism, Nazism, that whole kind of cloud of things that are all connected together. And then, therefore, like, not really thought about in a rational way. That has to be, like, brought out of that kind of haze into into actual conscious awareness and rational discourse in some way.
And so to me, that’s the key, because if you don’t have actual competent public discourse about this particular issue, then the ability of the enemy to just dismiss everything as:
“Well that’s a Nazi idea!”
And then they can just go:
“Next question.”
Just prevents that from ever happening. That’s just reinforcing the same kind of repressive tendencies. So I’m just kind of responding to that.
There’s people out there that have been saying, and have been saying for a long time, and I’ve had this argument many times, that:
“We shouldn’t be focusing on World War Two. We should just step over World War Two. Don’t talk about the Holocaust. Don’t talk about Hitler. Just try and avoid the subject and just talk about what’s happening to White people today in 2025 or 2024 or whatever, and just keep it current and talk about the problems with mass immigration today and the double standard of the Left on White issues or whatever, and just keep it current and keep it accessible. Because when you start going on about World War Two and about Hitler, then you start sounding like a lunatic, and it freaks people out, and it prevents people from having this discussion.”
And it’s like, no! No! Because the spectre of World War Two and Hitler is there! When you try to have that conversation about mass immigration or about White issues, even if you don’t want Hitler to be there, you don’t want World War Two to be there. It’s there! It’s there in the mind of literally everyone! Knows about this event. Everyone has a kind of sense of what the common normie position is on the subject, that it was the worst, most horrible thing ever that ever happened!
So that’s just the reality of the situation. So you actually have to then drag it out of repression and neutralise it, because otherwise it’s just going to be there and prevent the conversation from actually happening in a correct way. And I know pretty much no one in this movement who is racially conscious, White people, who aren’t also World War Two revisionists. I’ve never met one person who totally believes that the official story about the Second World War and then at the same time, has a White, identitarian political worldview.
[That was well stated by Joel. Any discussion on White Identity leads to criticism that it ends up with gas chambers and six million bars of soap – Kat]
Blair Cottrell: Who was the first person or what was the first experience you had which got you thinking about the Second World War from a different point of view? Was there someone that stands out?
Joel Davis: Well, I was always aware as for as long as I could remember, that that basically, bankers, like financial elites, have massive, disproportionate political power. Because it was just logical to me that, like, well, whoever has controls the money must control the government, and the media, and therefore society. And then I knew almost as long as I could remember that a lot of these people are jews, that I was just kind of aware of that. I don’t even remember exactly how I learnt that because it was just something that I just kind of realised from such a young age that I don’t remember. I don’t actually remember the formative, like, “aha” moment.
So because I knew those, I understood those two facts, and I knew that those people were the enemies of Hitler. And I was like:
“Well, the world is kind of fucked up! The people that are in charge don’t seem to be good guys. They seem to be malicious. They seem to be nefarious. And I knew Hitler was their enemy.”
So even though I thought the Holocaust was probably real and or whatever, I also understood, I think as long as I could remember that, like:
“Well, there’s actually more to this than how it’s being presented.”
And therefore, there was always an attraction that I had towards Adolf Hitler and the swastika and the Nazi uniforms, aesthetically, and the Germans, because I had this sense of:
“Well, those were the last people to really take on who is in control. And the people that are in control are kind of fucked up! So maybe there was something good about them.”
But then, at the same time, that was a very scary thought to follow through to its ultimate conclusion.
And so the way that I dealt with that as a teenager was through irony and constantly making jokes about the Holocaust and jews and Hitler and so on. And it was just a kind of ironic affection for the Nazis that:
“Oh, no! I’m not Nazi. I’m just joking!”
But I always kind of had that sense when I was a teenager.
And so when I was around 18 or 19, and I started coming across Holocaust revisionist YouTube videos, which I found on the YouTube algorithm, because I was into, 9/11 conspiracy theory content and stuff like that.
Blair Cottrell: Loose Change.
Joel Davis: And the 9/11 conspiracy theory content was you know, the best stuff that was out there would blame Zionists and Israel. So that then when you start watching that kind of anti-semitic 9/11 conspiracy theory stuff, it’s a hop, skip, and a jump to the Holocaust conspiracy stuff in those days, because the Internet was a lot more free back then. So I ended up finding my way into the Holocaust revisionist stuff around that time. And I was like:
“Okay, this actually makes a lot of sense.”
I mean, I was already basically totally open minded to it. So I didn’t really put up much resistance to it. Like, as soon as I came across it I wanted to believe that it was true. Like, immediately! Like, I didn’t really put up any resistance. I was like:
“Yes, the Holocaust was fake!”
Not only is that a kind of the more fun thing to believe in, but it also felt empowering. So, yeah, as soon as I kind of got the opportunity to be, like, hooked by Nazi propaganda, I just jumped into the water, like, you know what I mean? Because I was already attracted. I was already kind of sold before I even started.
So there isn’t really some formative moment where this is where I, like, cross the Rubicon or something, because I didn’t really have very much resistance to it the whole time.
And I’ve always been an “edge lord” and someone who likes going against consensus and going against the grain. And obviously, I could tell that being a Nazi would be the kind of political position that would piss the most amount of people off, particularly people that I wanted to piss off!
So it was very attractive. Like, it was very easy. So, yeah, I don’t really have a very good, like:
“Oh, so, like, I used to be like this and then I saw this, and then I became this.”
In my kind of trajectory, unfortunately.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I didn’t expect you would have. I just thought there might be an outstanding memory or someone that you associated with that just said something to you once that got you started. What about you, Sewell? Have you got a memory like that?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I can think of lots of little moments. I mean, one of the main ones was, I was in the gym and for some reason I was scrolling Facebook at the time because I was allowed to have it. And I had the Australian War Memorial on Facebook. And on that, they would post a photo of an Anzac soldier every day. You know, it was just in the feed and it was just a nice page to follow on Facebook. And that day specifically, they didn’t put up a photo of an Australian soldier. They put up a photo of a jew getting executed in. Into a ditch by a Nazi. And it was like:
“Never forget the six guerrillion! Da da da da da!”
[An alleged picture from an Einsatzgruppen soldier’s personal album, labeled on the back as “Last Jew of Vinnitsa”. It shows a member of Einsatzgruppe D just about to shoot a jewish man (? partisan) kneeling before a filled grave in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, in 1941.]
It was this big “Holocaust” hoax thing. Probably just before 2013 or really early 2013. It was before I watched the documentary Greatest Story Never Told and before I read Mein Kampf. And it was just before, it was right on the precipice of it. And I was racially aware, certainly. And I knew the jews did 9/11. And so I hadn’t connected all the dots or still connecting all the dots. And a big “aha” moment that I had was I saw this photo, and I thought to myself, just in that moment, I was like:
“Really? What’s this doing on Australian War Memorial? These aren’t Australians. What’s this got to do with Australian War Memorial? Why are they always shoving this Holocaust thing down our throat?”
And I’d never, ever in my own mind questioned the Holocaust. I just assumed it as a fact. I studied normie World War Two history in high school, and I assumed it as a fact.
And then I was like:
“I want to know about this photo. There’s got to be some reason for this photo. There’s no way that they were just killing people willy nilly for no reason, just because they were jewish.”
That seemed absurd to me at the time. And, just normal soldiers.
And so I Googled the origin of the photo and where it was taken and who the unit was and who they were executing. And guess what? Guess what? It turned out it was an anti-partisan squad had tracked down some jewish partisans that had, you know, cut the testicles and the penises off prisoners of war and had done all these heinous war crimes. And a special unit of German soldiers [Einsatzgruppe] had tracked these fuckers down and shot them in the back of the head, and said:
“Good night, bye bye. You’re not doing that anymore!”
Because these jews were committing a war crime by fighting as partisans. Fighting in civilian clothes was a war crime, and it was punishable by death. And the normal process when they caught these fuckers was to just kill them, was to just summary execution. And that that was the punishment for doing that stuff. So they were actually abiding by the law.
And obviously war is dirty, and war is ugly, and war is never perfect. And obviously there were killings on both sides that were improper. But that one specific photo was a justified killing!
And I was in the army at the time. We were studying at the time to fight the Taliban. And we were studying the Taliban, all this Ben Roberts Smith war crimes stuff. All this stuff is all connected. We were studying how to fight partisan forces, but we didn’t call them “partisan”. It wasn’t an Einsatzgruppe. It was “Counter Insurgency”. We were studying counter insurgency. But counter insurgency doctrine was built off German counter partisan doctrine. It was built off the SS doctrine.
So the stuff I was studying when I was in the army was identical doctrinally to the stuff the Germans had developed in World War Two to fight the jews. And that, for me, was like:
“Wait a minute. What else about the Holocaust isn’t real? Like, are the Germans the bad guys?”
Like, I never thought the Germans were the bad guys. And now I’ve just uncovered one little lie here and within six months, I was like, it seems like it took a long time, but these things all happen like a synchronicity all at once. It was like I just getting constantly bombarded and hit by these little streams of consciousness and information. It was a spiritual revolution in my own mind, in my opinion. It was awakening, a true awakening!
And, yeah, that’s why I can’t harp on about it enough how important it is for you to wake up people around you and proselytize. I mean, anyone that knows me back then, when I was 20 years old, would know that every single house party I went to, I’d have about three or four beers, and then I would just talk about Hitler nonstop! And I would talk about World War Two nonstop! And I’ll talk about the Holocaust nonstop! And I’ll talk about Ernst Zundel and David Irving. And why?:
“You know what Zyklon B is?”
Blair Cottrell: Did you have a little, like, did you have little possies form around you and just listen to you intently?
Thomas Sewell: Yes!
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I had that.
Thomas Sewell: There would be these other bros that would just huddle around and be like:
“Really, dude! What the hell? I didn’t know that!”
Blair Cottrell: And there was always one. There was always one kind of queer guy that would get mad at you, but he didn’t have the courage to say anything, but you could just kind of sense it.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, there’s always one passive aggressive faggot that would just walk off, because they were probably jewish or they were, …
Blair Cottrell: And go sit with the girls and try to curry favour with them, but then realises several years later he’s actually gay. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, look, I had a lot of really funny experiences, and I still do it to this day. I mean, all the guys at work, they all know all the stuff now, and they just love it! I get to work. I was on a different site this morning doing something else, and then I went to the main site, where all the boys were trying to hold down some roof sheets in the wind down at Safety Beach, which I’m sure you’re familiar with that area, Mr Cottrell. Yeah, it was interesting. As I got there, it was like, they’re all talking shit about me because, you know how, like, when you rock up somewhere, someone’s like:
“Oh, hey, how’s it going?”
But then when you rock up there and they’re like:
Like, you know, that they are all faggots! But like, as soon as I got there, they were like:
“Oh, look, the gay jew is here! Oh, look! Oh, Hitler!”
You know just straight away they were into it. And normally, like, they wait a bit of time. But it was a Friday, everyone’s in a good mood. And we were knocking off early because the wind was pretty bad. But yeah, it was good. It’s good. Like, just everywhere I go, I Hitler post, I just prophetize.
And I was at the shops the other day, and I was just wearing my Hitler shirt the other day. And, yeah, Jimbo actually gave me T-shirt when he had that argument with Runic Storm. He was like:
“I’m getting rid of all my Runic Storm stuff!”
[Blair laughing] He gave me a Hitler shirt and I was like:
“I like the T-shirt. This is a nice shirt.”
I wear it out most of the time. I wore it out on Father’s Day, actually, which I thought was spiritually important. Odin.
Anyway, I won’t, I digress. Oh, sorry. I had a note before we got off topic a little bit. But you were talking about. It was a really interesting point, and I was keen to expand on it. You talked about Tucker Carlson’s form of conservatism, still relying on the enemy’s talking points, like egalitarianism. And trying to make the argument that egalitarianism is a weapon used against Whites.
Blair Cottrell: Just to be fair. To be fair, it wasn’t necessarily egalitarianism per se, but just phrases such as:
“Everyone has the rights to safety and everyone has the rights to live in freedom and blah, blah, blah.”
And that’s only one step away from saying:
“Everyone has the right to come here too, and live here with us.”
Joel Davis: He was doing like, the Happy Homelands chungus of like:
“Oh, every people, group has a right to have their own communities and they’re in a country that can preserve their culture.”
He was kind of going for that.
Blair Cottrell: I don’t like that. I don’t like that because I don’t believe every people have that right. [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: It’s quite a complicated issue. But it’s interesting, I didn’t bring it up because I agree with him. I brought up because it’s interesting that he’s trying to dismantle egalitarianism by saying:
“Well, what happens when one group’s egalitarianism clashes with another group egalitarianism?”
I think that’s interesting because the Left will complain that, … Because usually conservatives are pretty shit, they’re pretty stupid, their talking points are boring and wrong, and they’re like:
“No, the Left are the real racist!”
But this is an example where he’s not necessarily saying that the Left aren’t the real egalitarians in that kind of boring, overused way. What it sounds like he’s saying is:
“What happens when one group’s rights ultimately clash with another group’s rights?”
And now we’re getting to the fact that politics is a zero sum game. What happens when the rights of refugees to exist anywhere in the world that they want clash with the rights of a homogenous population that wants to retain their culture and identity?
And so although that’s not obviously the Avenue we go down to push White nationalism, it’s interesting to see perhaps the conservatives could be going down this path of pushing White nationalism from that it’s a clash of two different groups, rights. And I do believe we have a right to safety. I do believe that we have a right to these things. I just have a different understanding of rights. I believe that rights are developed by the barrel of the gun.
Blair Cottrell: And you believe we can summon the force to establish that right!
Thomas Sewell: Exactly! Exactly! I believe the rite is the RITE I know that sounds a bit cliche, like lore, LORE, not LAW, and rite, RITE. But the rite is the rite, the ritual, and the ritual is power. And when you have men in service, in duty, men with an honour concept, and you build an honour society, when you build a nation, well, a nation is already built. It’s a people. But when you build a state, when you have a statecraft that improves the nation to the capacity that men pass through rituals, through rites, in order to assert their masculine will on everything, then what you have is safe borders.
Then you have the right to exist. Because you can assert that right, you have a triumph of the of the masculine will, to say:
“Well, this is our fucking territory!”
And that is an inherently masculine concept. Women think about nationalism I think from a very different angle. They don’t necessarily think like, it’s hard for women to be nationalists in the kind of political, philosophical way that we are. Not that they can’t, but it’s just hard for them because they obviously think about like, White women deserve safety. You know, they don’t want to go to the shops and all the, …
Blair Cottrell: Immediate concerns such as, …
Thomas Sewell: Exactly!
Blair Cottrell: Household security, children, safety, that kind of thing.
Thomas Sewell: Yes, yes.
Whereas as a man, obviously we’re concerned with these things. But even if that was safe, even if I had that and it was safe, I still wouldn’t be satisfied, because it’s not:
“Oh, I’m okay. Fuck everyone else!”
I’m nationally minded. I’m racially minded. I’m considering things on a larger level.
And I do think that that is a spectrum of within the Right-wing or within the pro-White scene. There’s a lot of pro-Whites that think that White flight is the solution. They’re pro-Whites. They know Hitler did the right thing, but they think the solution is just White flight, or just have White children. And obviously, I mean, I’m having White children. I mean, a lot of people in the movement are having as many White children as we can, but there’s already millions of White children. That’s not the reason why we’re in a better position than we were ten years ago, or a worse position. It’s not necessarily about how many White children we have.
That’s having White children isn’t going to solve the problem. It’s only going to prolonge the conditions for us to then solve the problem. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. We must secure, to me the 14 words, it explains it in it:
“We must secure the existence of our people!”
Secure, as a word implies that there’s an anxiety, a national anxiety. Women are anxious. That’s why they’re not having enough children. But we are nationally anxious! There’s a national anxiety about the state of the folk, of the nation!
Blair Cottrell: Oh, yeah. Actually, Darryl Cooper described it as:
“The sensation of being pulled in multiple directions by ambivalent forces and that everyone feels that.”
I thought that was a good way to phrase it.
Thomas Sewell: Yep. Mason calls it “alienation and isolation”.
Joel Davis: My view on this is I don’t actually want to have White children. I want to have Aryan children! And what an Aryan is a member of the honourable race. That’s what Aryan is derived from etymologically, like “arya”, which means honourable or noble.
And right now you can have a White child, but you can’t really have an Aryan child because we are dishonoured. We’re in a state of perpetual dishonour because we are subjugated. We are not truly free! We are not truly and also the word free is something that’s interesting to analyze by etymology because if you trace it back to the Indo-Aryan, sorry, the Indo-European root language, the word “free” and the word “love” actually come from the same root, “pri”, which is related to “prior”, which is like a Hindu goddess, and therefore “Freyr”, which is the Germanic goddess of love. So freedom and love actually, because “free” kind of sounds like Freyr, or whatever, as well.
So they all actually come from the same root. And so what it means to be “free” is to be in a beloved community, to be surrounded by people who love you. And that’s what ultimately a society composed of honour is. It’s a society where people do things for one another out of love, out of out of freedom. They serve each other freely. They aren’t compelled to through being enslaved and being subordinated to some kind of tyrannical or oppressive order that forces them to serve one another.
To have a truly free society is to have a society where basically everyone is working together for mutual benefit, organically, purely. And that is what an Aryan society under Aryan rule would be like. Where you have such a society of such healthy blood, that has such strong solidarity and community that everyone is kind of naturally living for the race and their own betterment and the race’s benefit in a totally natural and, basically un-coerced way, ultimately. Once you remove all the kind of nefarious elements, once you get rid of all the communists and the jews and the bankers and so on, and you have a correctly ordered society, then you’re in the community of love, you’re in the beloved community and you are truly free!
And that’s what I want for my children to be. To live a life of maximum dignity in a society that loves them. That is what’s going to give them freedom and true honour.
And to me, a right only exists if you’re willing to fucking die for it. That’s the only way to guarantee that it exists. Because you either choose that either my rights will be honoured, or I’ll be dead. You know, the it was considered shameful in many Aryan societies, to be taken prisoner in war. You would commit suicide before being taken prisoner. Because being taken prisoner or being enslaved, that’s dishonour! No, you go to battle, you either win or you fucking die! That’s it! That’s what the honourable man does.
And that basic concept when I’m thinking about on the question of bringing it back to the World War Two revisionist thing, people say:
“Oh, Joel, you’re going to alienate normal White people by talking about Hitler!”
And they say they saw all three of us, but [chuckling] particularly Tom:
“You’re going to alienate normal White people!”
They’ll be with you when you’re talking about immigrants. They’ll be with you when you talk about a lot of White issues, trannies, whatever:
“But why do you got to talk on about the Hitler stuff? Why do you need the swastikas? Why do you need all of that baggage? You just you’re just taking yourself out of the conversation by doing that and freaking people out!”
And it’s like, but no! We are going to honour Adolf Hitler. He is literally the greatest man of the modern world! And he raised the greatest resistance against the forces which are subjugating us, of anyone!
And so there is no fucking way that we’re not going to honour him! I would rather die than dishonour our great ancestors, the great men of our race. What’s the point then? We can never be Aryan. We can just be White! We can just have this negotiated, conservative social order that gives a few concessions to White people, but ultimately we’re still subjugated. We don’t have the true freedom to truly be ourselves and venerate the men that need to be venerated for a society to be ordered according to the correct principles.
If we have a society that is actually built around what is in our people’s interest and what is good for our people and what is noble in our people and our people’s nobility, that would be a society that has statues of Hitler everywhere. That’s the society that we would live in. Like, if we win, there’ll be statues all across the Western world and hopefully even beyond, of Hitler! Fucking everywhere! It’ll be ubiquitous because so many people will think:
“Fuck! Would be so cool to put a Hitler statue here!”
And there’ll be, like, government funding and so on, because we will venerate, we will teach the children in school what a great man he was and so on, because it’ll become part of the new mythos of the new social paradigm and political paradigm that is created.
And so I’m already there in that world. And I’m kind of like, I’ve time travelled back to you guys, and I’m going to start on, like, that’s kind of part of what we’re about here is we’re going to start kind of communicating that world to you now. Because that’s the only way in which it will actually come into existence is if we demand it, if we’re willing to fight for it.
So to me, it’s not negotiable that we honour Hitler, that we honour the swastika, which is an ancient symbol of our people, and so on, these basic principles, because ultimately, that is essential to us having dignity in ourselves. Like, otherwise we’re cucked! Like, if we have to surrender those things, then we’ve already lost. We have already basically conceded that we can’t win.
Blair Cottrell: One more thing I wanted to bring up that was really well said, by the way, Joel, you’re in fine form tonight. That brain sticking over. I don’t know, it’s like you’ve got an extra generator attached to your mind tonight. Love it!
But at one point during the Tucker Carlson interview, Cooper said that:
“Trying to create or forge a nation state to include, quote, unquote, ‘all White people’ or ‘all of Europe’ was already inclusive and challenging enough, and that we haven’t even managed to really do that successfully for any great length of time before. We were also forced to take or try to assimilate into our national identity, all of these other races.”
And I thought that was a really profound statement. And he said:
“The closest we got as a race or as a collective White group was in America in the fifties.”
He also said that he doesn’t believe right now people are equipped to question their understanding of the Second World War. But he says in about 20 years, he expects they will be. Why do you think that is? What’s going to change from now, in 20 years time?
I think we’re in like a yeah, … But before I finish, I tend to think we’re in a bit of an unstable situation, because think about it. If X disappears, what have we got? Telegram. And if Telegram goes, what have we got? We don’t have means of communication other than our physical communities, which are still in their infancy.
So, yeah, it’s like we’re still, …
Thomas Sewell: Tucker and Elon, the system’s losing a lot with Tucker and Elon being against them, clearly against them, clearly antagonizing them. But is the system prepared to go to that step? Now they might be. They might be soon, they might be later to go to the step of canceling Tucker and Elon in totality! I guess like the threats that they’ve tried to do against, what is it Pavel Durov or however you pronounce his name, the Telegram owner.
But I think Elon and Tucker are too big to cancel.
I mean, I’d never say never, but at this stage, the system would have to go, … That would be a layer of tyranny, a layer of “mask off” that they would regret. It’s not going to lead to them, …
Joel Davis: Tucker is so connected on the Right. Like, Trump at the RNC had Tucker sitting right next to him and JD Vance and his son in the most important kind of part of the day one ceremony. It was like, very much showing the public, like:
“Tucker Carlson and Trump are, like, on the same team, just making that clear to everyone.”
And JD Vance follows Darryl Cooper, his Martyr Made. JD Vance follows him on Twitter, by the way.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, that’s fascinating!
Joel Davis: That conversation that just happened was a conversation between people who are part of the American conservative movement. They’re not like fringe people, right? This is like the American conservative movement. You can talk about World War Two like this now. That’s basically what this is. Well, it’s being negotiated. We’ll see how it responds, but I, …
Thomas Sewell: They basically having a private wignat conversation, but publicly with 50 million people. Because in the past, it was private conversation within conservatism.
And now he, …
Joel Davis: He pulled the handbrake a few times. Like, Tucker was like:
“Oh, so why did Churchill go to war, why did Churchill go through with it, even if there wasn’t in Britain’s interest?”
And then he smiles because it’s like, “it’s the jews”. That was the jew smile. And then Tucker’s like:
“That’s the most wry smile I’ve ever seen!”
Thomas Sewell: Exactly! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Like it ultimately ended in kind of Zionist financiers! It’s kind of like, let’s like, walk up to the boundary and then just like, step over it, like, slightly and step back.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Elon, as well, is important to consider. You’re right. You know, we are relying on these like, in the past with UPF, we were relying on Facebook, and that didn’t work enough there. But Zuckerberg’s obviously a jew, and organising there was never going to be forever. It was ideally just a temporary thing to build up what we could build up with it.
But Elon, for example, he’s bigger than just Twitter. I mean, Elon is deep within Elon’s Deep State. There’s no other way to put it. I mean, his rocket programme and his electric vehicle program. That’s armaments and ordinance. That’s World War Three. Elon is probably the most crucial person in the world regarding World War Three. He basically holds World War Three in his hand. The US is shit! NASA is, sorry, the US isn’t shit! I retract it, then. NASA is shit! Their manufacturing is shit! But Elon can produce vehicles. And if their oil supply is struggling, if they’ve got a strategic issue with their supply, he can organise vehicles, electric vehicles., …
Joel Davis: Space X is the only manufacturer of rocket engines in the United States, in the entire Western world.
Thomas Sewell: And on top of that, he’s got all the tech. He’s got all the A-grade tech, or however it’s defined. There’s like, these tiers of microchips, and they’re knocking Russia and China out of the what are the top tier of microchips are? So China, Russia, they can make microwaves, they can make, you know, computers, and they can make night vision goggles, and they can make a few other things, but they can’t make the really crucial ordinance for things like rockets, like intercontinental ballistic missiles, like the highest level microchips that they need to do this kind of stuff. So Elon Musk controls all the ballistic missile manufacturing, basically, in the United States. Obviously, there’s Lockheed Martin, and these smaller, but he’s controlling the major stuff, he’s controlling the big stuff.
And it’s all under the guise of a programme to go to Mars, which is the same reason why NASA made a programme to go to the moon to build these rockets, these big giant rockets that turn sideways as soon as they get high enough in the air. They don’t actually Pierce through the atmosphere a lot of the time.
But, yeah, he is absolutely! He is like a cornerstone. Musk is like a cornerstone of America’s World War Three ability.
And so this idea that they’re not also, … Because this comes back when I was saying, why did they do this interview? Why couldn’t this be a private conversation? Why did they have to go public with this? Why are they saying wignat talking points from ten years ago in front of 50 million people? And I don’t think it’s necessarily damage control. I think it’s only two possible things, and I think that. Oh, sorry, three things. The thing that Joel mentioned, and I skipped over because for some reason, I started talking about the bees.
But there’s obviously, World War Three is on the cards. It’s not definitely going to happen in a set amount of time. No one has a crystal ball. Well, we certainly don’t. But race war is coming. You know, World War Three is coming, some version of that. And this is a conversation that clearly one side of the power base in the United States needs to have in order to properly mobilise and win World War Three. Are they throwing the jews under the bus? Perhaps? Are they throwing a portion of the jews under bus? Perhaps? There’s a side that’s actually interested in winning World War Three within United States, State Department, within its Deep State.
And so there are things they necessarily have to do in order to win it.
The other thing, the other motivation I think they might have is they will do literally everything at this point. They will go all the way up to all of our talking points in order to make sure that people don’t have their eyes on us. If they’re the first people to say this stuff in the eyes of the general public, then who are we? We’re just copycats. It doesn’t matter that we’ve been saying this stuff for ten years or eight years or six years. That’s irrelevant. That doesn’t matter.
And so it’s not necessarily that the tail is wagging the dog, it’s that the tail doesn’t exist. We can be cancelled. We can be censored. We can be removed off Twitter. Our talking points are on there. They’re all on there now. They’re all mainstream now. So we’ve had a success there. But knowing the truth is only half the battle, then there’s action.
And so where we get into difficult territory is when the governments don’t have the ability to shut down Tucker. And the governments don’t have the ability to shut down Musk.
But what they do have the ability to do is charge people like yourself or myself with “inciting hatred”, you know, “inciting racial vilification”. They have the ability to shut down protest. They have the ability to shut down grassroots political action in its infancy, as you said, our communities and our political movements in their infancy, they have the ability to shut that down even if they can’t shut the narrative down.
And then the narrative itself becomes a blow-off valve. It just becomes commonplace. Everyone knows the truth about World War Two. But no one’s actually capable of doing anything about it. And all the people that are motivated to do something about it, well, they’re actually just completely thrown under the bus.
So that’s just some things I was thinking.
Joel Davis: , you know what? Like, I think if I was put in jail in Australia for some kind of hate speech crime, which I don’t think is going to happen anytime soon. I think Elon Musk would talk about it.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he probably would.
Joel Davis: When Sam Melia got put in jail for the same thing, everyone kicked up a huge stink about it, and Elon Musk ended up talking about it, multiple times. That’s the thing.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but, …
Joel Davis: When we all coalesce online to push something that we are concerned about, it goes all the way up to Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson and all the most influential people in the kind of conversation on the American right now. Like, there’s a total pipeline from literally me and you and this conversation to them that exists. Like, there’s all these one degree and two degrees of separations just between us, and we’re just like one node of many, many nodes, across the whole world.
Blair Cottrell: You know, Joel, Sam’s still in prison, and all of this is just words on a screen.
Joel Davis: It’s not just words on the screen, though, is it? Like, it is a total shift! Back in ten years ago, if White nationalists are getting getting attacked by the State, are super influential billionaires and massive, like conservative, the biggest conservative political commentators in the world defending those people? No! ! Are they, like, we’re in a different paradigm now. We’re in a completely different paradigm because there’s been this kind of, through Internet culture, there’s been this kind of admixture of our kind of what was previously a marginalised discourse, a kind of cliquey kind of niche on the Internet and mainstream Right-wing American political discourse, or Right-wing political discourse in general. Because it’s all kind of this one kind of hodgepodge now because of the nature of the Internet. Now it’s all kind of been brought into relation with one another.
And that’s why our talk, we’ve been talking about it on the show for the last year or so, noticing how more and more White nationalist talking points are bleeding into all these different conservative commentators in America and in Europe and so on, and how the paradigm is shifting and blah, blah, blah.
And it’s only maturing. Like, that process is only maturing, and we’re only getting more and more entrenched. And that influence doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. And it seems genuinely organic because the conservative movement is literally infiltrated with a bunch of our guys in the United States. There’s all these different.
Thomas Sewell: [words unclear]
Joel Davis: Yeah, whatever whatever word you want to say, though, like, there literally is all these kind of points of connection between, … Like I just said, like, Thomas777’s talking points I saw used on that, at least one was used on that, for example. And Thomas 777 is a National Socialist dude who wears, like Confederate flag, you know, rings and swastika rings and shit and acts like a wignat on the Internet and talks about World War Two revisionism and things like that. Now that’s Tucker Carlson mainstream talking points now. There’s literally a wignat in the Tucker Carlson pipeline that exists.
And I’m not saying that means Tucker Carlson is 100% our guy or that the West is saved and all Right, then don’t interpret me the wrong way.
What I’m saying is that now we are controlling the Right-wing political culture. Like, the Right-wing is barely talking about “socialism sucks”! And ten years ago, that’s all they were talking about, how socialism sucks!:
“We’ve got a lower taxes and, oh, gay marriage. Was that a good idea or whatever?”
That’s kind of like what conservative discourse was before. Now almost the only topic that is relevant to anyone is things to do with the anti-White kind of cultural agenda or mass immigration or, basically racial issues are like the kind of key, fundamental thing that the Right-wing is talking about now.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, absolutely! But we need to consider what the next stage is so we have been talking about this stuff for ten years. And the niche Right, the far-Right, the fringe right, whatever it wants to be called, and the conservative movement, we’re finally seeing, … Like, one of the main significance of this interview, what it comes down to, is that it shows that they’re finally caught up! It’s like:
“Okay, oh, we’re here now in the timeline. Wow! Incredible!”
So when we see these kind of victories in the public discourse, when we see this kind of engagement and this kind of conversation in the public discourse, it can make us feel as a movement. I’m not talking about us as individuals, us three, but as a movement that has come this far, it can make us feel a bit redundant. It’s like, so all of the groundwork’s done.
But then Blair raises an important point. It’s not because Sam Melia is still in jail. You know, the British system is still locking up White nationalists. So we’ve made all these leaps and bounds. But what we’re not seeing is the fruition of that in terms of actual physical power. And that’s, …
Blair Cottrell: There’s no physical results.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. So obviously we’re all happy with this victory, but this victory in itself is only half of the battle. It’s like we’re now, we’ve got the truth! The second half of the truth is the action.
Blair Cottrell: I suppose we need actual, what we lack is legitimate power and position in order to produce physical results.
Thomas Sewell: And if we’re now having our talking points as the mainstream talking points, awesome! We need to transition our motivations and our energy. Our direction needs to be focused, maybe less. Like, maybe we can leave a lot of the space now for conservatives. They can pick up the slack. Obviously, I love Hitler, but maybe our focus is less on reiterating these talking points over and over again, like the trans issue. Once we got the trans issue on the table and we protest a few Drag Queen Story Hours they couldn’t really come back from that they couldn’t really recover from that because the conservatives and people that weren’t, like, far, far-Right, started going:
“This is unacceptable. This is the line in the sand!”
And our focus, I believe our focus needs to be on statecraft. I believe our focus needs to be on state power. Our focus needs to be on not necessarily constantly regurgitating these talking points like we have for ten years. We need to be considering restructuring the state and looking at our politics from the perspective of designing the new state, instead of looking at our politics as what are our grievances, what are our historical truths, what are our propaganda efforts and recalibrate our everything. Like, even just these kind of shows.
Obviously, our organisation’s already geared that way. But we need to gear everything, I believe, for achieving state power. Because if we don’t, then we have led the conservative movement to this crucial point in time. We’ve led the conservative movement in a sense of being, it’s kind of autistic seers. [chuckling] You know, we’ve been talking about this Hitler stuff for ten years, and now the conservative moves finally at the point where they’re on the precipice of talking about Hitler being the good guy. And then we can just be the useful idiots or not the useful idiots, but our job is done! We’re the seers, we’re the scouts. We’ve led them that way.
We’re not needed anymore, because we don’t offer anything else. Now the conservative movement has got the winning formula. It’s like, what was his name? Bannon, the advisor for Trump, he got the winning formula. He helped Trump get elected in 2016. He had the formula, appeal to White people, appeal to White grievances. And then as soon as Trump came to power, he was just basically discarded and the jews got him.
And so my fear is that the winning formula for the Right-wing and for conservatives to gain power again and take back serious amounts of power, power from the Left and institutional power is things like this. Hijacking our talking points, not necessarily hijacking, but catching up to where we are, start fighting in this arena, taking, they’re going to take more state power and then they don’t have use for us. And yes, Sam Melia is still in jail.
Thomas Sewell: We talked about, this new centre is rising. And to me, we have to be cautious because we’ve been predicting this rise of the new centre since the show has been around since the first episode and, or at least the first episode I was put on. And now we’re finally, it’s rearing its head now! 50 million people are tuning into Holocaust revisionism! [chuckling] You know, they can jujitsu this, they can twist this, they can turn this.
And ultimately, we shouldn’t trust them. It’s awesome! It’s good news. But I, we’ve got to keep our heads focused. I think that’s what I want to finish on.
Joel Davis: We definitely need to build an alternative. That’s the main issue.
Thomas Sewell: Statecraft!
Joel Davis: Well, because we can say, like:
“Well, this is our verbal criticisms, like, of why we ideologically disagree.”
But it’s like if you can’t point to some other kind of political movement and say:
“So this is why you should support these guys rather than those guys.”
Then ultimately the rubber doesn’t actually hit the road. It’s all just abstract.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: So there’s a lot of people that are, whether someone is a full on, like, completely cucked, like:
“Israel’s our greatest ally. And the problem isn’t immigration, it’s illegal immigration. And gay marriage is great. And me and my black friends watch the NFL together and eat hot wings, yeah, my wife’s an Asian, big deal!”
Or you’re like:
“Yeah, Hitler probably was the good guy!”
If both those kinds of people are still going to just pull the lever for Trump, then effectively it’s politically equivalent.
So it’s like, there needs to be something other than, like, vote harder-ism. Like, there has to be something else that you can actually channel this energy into.
But the reason why it’s so good is because there is energy to be channeled. For a long time we were trying to squeeze juice out of an already kind of squeezed orange. Now we’ve got a nice juicy orange just ready to, like make orange juice. It’s kind of a weird analogy, but I don’t know why I went there!
The point is, …
Thomas Sewell: Think about the recruitment we’ve had lately. For those that aren’t aware, those that are watching the show, anyone that’s within the organize at the moment is like, overwhelmed with recruits. We’re getting, at the start of the year, it was more than we’ve ever had. I was very impressed. We were getting a very good, steady rate of recruits coming in. It’s at the point now where all of our branch leaders, all of our regional leaders are just saturated with vetting calls, almost every night. And luckily, it’s not all resting on the state leaders. Otherwise the state leaders would all be burnt out because they’d be doing so many calls every night. I mean, we’re just recruiting so many guys at the moment. And this is before the Tucker Carlson interview.
So I can imagine if we got into nationalism through being red pilled on this stuff and then seeking action instead of just education on the Internet. I can only imagine downstream of this interview, maybe not immediately, but someone watches this interview and they learn the truth about World War Two, it starts unlocking the stuff.
I mean, I talk to guys all the time, new recruits:
“Oh, how long have you been in the scene? Or how long have you been online?”
And some people are perpetually online. They’ve been in the scene online two or three years before they joined the organize. But a lot of guys who have recruited recently, they’re like:
“Oh, I found out about this stuff two months ago, and I did a deep dive and I watched all these documentaries!”
And you’re like:
“Two months ago? Wow! Like, you figured this out in 2024? That’s incredible!”
Like, I don’t know, we’re just getting this new fresh, …
Blair Cottrell: In the days before the last day everything speeds up.
Thomas Sewell: Yes, it is getting faster. People are like they watch the first thing, the first, like, microscopic understanding. Wasn’t there a guy, we’re talking in one of your chats recently, Joel, who said that only just recently, he saw something, I won’t mention him by name because I don’t want to like, not dox him, but I don’t want to damage, because he’s trying to do things publicly. But everyone was asking him, like:
“Where did you get red pilled?”
And he was like:
“Oh, a couple months ago, I saw this video, and I was doing some research into fertility. And then the replies to this research about White fertility was just like led me down this path. And within a couple months, I was understanding the things we all understand.”
And it’s just like one little door opens. And then within such a short period of time now, people are actually getting involved and engaging in real life activism, community building, active club training. I mean, it’s just really impressive to see. It’s just going to be crazy!
Joel Davis: And I think it also vindicates, like things that have happened recently, I think have vindicated, I would say, my, but also our approach, because we all have a similar approach, which is a lot of people said:
“Oh, Joel, like you’re going too hard, basically. You’re going too hard! You know, if you just kind of clean the optics up and, just toned it down. And kept it intellectual, you know, everyone would love you’d appeal to so many people, but you’ve gone too far. You went too far into the swastika!”
Thomas Sewell: You made a few enemies, adversaries when you sort of started to move into our scene, and when you joined the organize. Like, I remember where you were when you were sort of teetering on it, when you were thinking about it, when you started associating with us. And you were networked with a lot of different groups of people, a lot of the wider sphere, and a lot of these people, they didn’t say, turn on you, but they became adversarial towards you as soon as you started associating with me.
And as soon as you started going:
“Well, actually, I like the swastika, and actually, the Roman salute is pretty cool!”
And [chuckling] when you started doing that, …
Blair Cottrell: Think about what that means. Think about what that means. Joel could have declared for anyone, but he declared for this group. He declared for this community. Right.
Thomas Sewell: Well, the power of the swastika bled through him. If you’re an honest person, you can’t reject it.
Joel Davis: I was never against that’s the thing. Like, I’ve been a Nazi the whole time, but that I was just trying to, … Okay, the logic of what you can get away with online and what, you can track, you know, it was different rules as well. You would get banned online. When I was trying to have a YouTube show, people would be like:
“Oh, your YouTube show is cucked because you didn’t say this about the jews.”
And I was like:
“I’m literally on YouTube. If you go on my Telegram, you’ll see that’s what I think about the jews. But I can’t say it on YouTube because my YouTube will get banned instantly! Like, I’m just aware of that’s what the Terms of Service are.”
And I was like:
“Well, but someone needs to be on YouTube promoting White nationalism. So I’m doing it, but I have to do it in a slightly cucked way to get away with it.”
So I was trying to play the game. But I came to the determination that that was all kind of a waste of energy because there’s lots of people that are doing that, but not that many people have the balls and the competence simultaneously to just go to the logical conclusion and try and force the issue there. And that’s where the maximum amount of power is for driving the dialectic.
And what I have seen transpire on Right-wing Twitter over the past two years is basically Nazis bullying all of Right-wing Twitter into being Nazis. And it basically has worked where there was this broad Right-wing Twitter sphere of all these different sub-genres of Right-wingers and so on. And they’ve all just been bullied relentlessly by Nazis.
And now, basically everyone is afraid, even if they aren’t actually, that, like, Nazis, they’re afraid to say anything that would piss off Nazis!
Just kind of like how, like, communists almost, …
Blair Cottrell: So true.
Joel Davis: And I saw that bullying was an effective mechanism. I already always knew that bullying was effective, but I saw that it was a very effective mechanism. Specifically when we had certain campaigns, you know, pushing anti-semitism and so on. When I started thinking about online activism as a paradigm, and I started realizing how particularly, like, my experiences with the groypers, how you can just kind of create these bullying campaigns, pressure campaigns and create, do these e-pogroms on the jews and so on. And then I just extended that principle out further and said:
“Well, if we have profound moral fortitude that is built around blood loyalty, and we just pushed, like, full power to pedal to the metal that is going to basically, … There’s a whole bunch of people that are Nazi adjacent, but all of them are just going to become like, 10, 15, 20% more extreme, and then they’re going to pull everyone else around them, 20% more extreme. And then it just kind of keeps, like, reverberating forward and back down the system, and everything is getting dragged, you know, toward the swastika.”
So I was like:
“Well, I’m just going to set up shop right at the front of that process and just be trying to lead the charge.”
And I think it’s worked very well because a lot of people in the broader movement know who I am. So my influence, I don’t have the most followers. A lot of people have way more followers than me, but most of the leaders of the movement follow me. So therefore, anything that I say influences the people who are influential.
And I have noticed that, yeah, there was people that put up resistance to what I’ve been doing, but also I saw a lot of people adopting and taking up my influence and being inspired and going a little bit harder and so on. And I got inspired by you guys and other people, and we all inspire each other, and we just kind of all dragging each other in this more aggressive direction, and that’s dragging the entire Right-wing in a more aggressive direction.
So, to me, it’s not just about like:
“Okay, so how can I present one individual like the Joel Davis brand or the Blair Cottrell brand?”
It’s more like thinking about the movement at large. What serves the movement. What serves the movement at large is basically maximum ideological purity.
Now, as an individual, maximum ideological purity can actually disadvantage you because it means you’re going to piss people off, alienate people. You’re going to be harder to associate with. For people who are peripheral figures who have got one foot in the kind of mainstream and one foot in the dissident sphere or whatever. So it closes a lot of opportunities to you. It forces you to basically disassociate from people that maybe they could help you individually, because that would then impact your ideological purity to kind of tone it down, to associate with them or whatever. But the ultimate net benefit of it is that the ideologically pure message is being socially reinforced.
And so that’s the direction that I decided to go in. And it seems very positive. Like, I think like we talked about on the show last week, like, Barry Stanton was the biggest story on Twitter last week on the entire website, just posting, like, nonstop, like, pajeet hate. And it wasn’t even that intelligent. It was just like:
“They fucking stink! And they’re fucking gross, and we hate them!”
And everyone was like, pretty much the whole world was like:
“Yeah, like he’s got some points. Like, he’s got facts!”
And just became the biggest thing on Twitter for a week. Now the biggest thing on Twitter is talking about [chuckling] you know, World War Two revisionism somehow, but which is kind of crazy! Twitter’s, basically 4chan now. It’s crazy, but these are the very things that I was arguing about a year ago or so, where people were saying:
“Oh, you know, Joel the race hate and the talking about Hitler stuff. Like that isn’t going to play with the masses. You know, that’s going to alienate people.”
And now the last week, it’s like, the two biggest stories in political Twitter is World War Two revisionism, and we hate pajeets, and it’s like:
“No, actually, our worldview is interesting. Like, actually, racism and Hitler is more interesting than nationalism.”
Nationalism is less viral, has less viral potential, and is less interesting and less compelling and less fun. And it’s just not as good in general.
And so you could take the cuck way out, and maybe that’ll be good for your personal career, because you’ll be less controversial, and we can share you, …
Thomas Sewell: And it’s more thinking about the now rather than the later.
Joel Davis: Exactly!
Thomas Sewell: That’s where I first came to this, because I started my journey very uncertain as to how do I play this? And the most annoying man on earth entered my life. And that’s Jacob Hersant! And he was constantly just like:
“Tom, you got to start naming the jews!”
It was like, 4chan in real life. It was like:
“Name the jews, Tom!”
And I was just like:
“Who’s this 16 year old, like, autist?”
And he’s like:
“Oh, Tom, when he. When is UPF going to start doing Roman salutes?”
And I’m like:
“No, Jacob, we’re not doing that.”
Blair Cottrell: I always thought he was just trying to get us to do stuff like that to amuse himself, but, …
Thomas Sewell: Maybe he was.
Blair Cottrell: I can see that he was a man with a vision. He was a man with a vision! He understood.
Thomas Sewell: I believed in Jacob from day one, because every time I get into an argument about Hitler stuff, even though we both knew the same, we both had a statement of agreed facts. He would force those facts into the light. He would force those facts to not just be a fact in on itself as just a statement, but he would force a derivative, like an action from that fact to occur. And there’s a fullness to that. There was like a fullness to his youthful genius like provocation. It’s like he had this force flowing through him that was clearly attention seeking, provoking, annoying.!:
“Like, let’s annoy the government. Let’s stir it! Like, will this annoy the government? Will this stir the government?”
He’s a natural propagandist.
But then it’s like, so then when you psychoanalyze someone like that, you’re like:
“Oh, well, his motivations are not correct. Because his motivations are this and that.”
And you’re trying to shoot the messenger.
And instead of looking at the message itself and being like:
“Well, clearly there is some motivation to stir the pot here.”
But that’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is that if we’re going to win, what does winning look like? And does winning look like some milk toast half assed version? Or does it look like White men having dignity and standing upright and doing it properly? Are we going to do it properly? Are we going to go all the way with this? Are we really going to summon the strength and do it properly? Or is it just going to be this kind of conservative, you know, revolution? Not even a revolution.
Blair Cottrell: Be careful what you say. Don’t step out of line!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, exactly! Like, are we going to play the game the whole way? Or at some point are we going to just be like fuck it, mask off?
Joel Davis: I think everyone will eventually catch up. Like, I believe in the apparent qualities of what we believe and what we say. Like, I think what we say has the potential to be attractive to hundreds of millions of White people. Would be like, actually I believe in racism. I believe in National Socialism.
Blair Cottrell: What we say will be more attractive to millions of White people when their children can’t even go to school or walk down the street without perhaps being stabbed or raped! Then it will be especially attractive!
Joel Davis: It’s already attractive right now. They haven’t heard it enough. If they heard it more, they would realise that it’s awesome!
Thomas Sewell: Oh, they know. Like, they know what side they’re on. That’s the beauty of it, is not everyone’s an ideologue, but they know what side they’re on.
And, I mean, this comes back to the our grandmas versus refugee grandmas. The grandmas, they support us. They might not, the real grandmas, …
Blair Cottrell: I almost thought we were going to get through an episode without the grandmas being mentioned! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: We got to support the grandmas!
Thomas Sewell: It’s like, I’ll give you an example. It’s not grandma related, but it’s this idea that not all support is necessarily ideological. A lot of support is just irrational. It’s just feeling. It doesn’t have to be this, like, rational thought process.
And I was at work very recently, I think it was on Tuesday, we were doing a re-roof, and there was some carpenters that were sent there. I’ve never met these guys before. And they noticed the symbol on my drill. I have, like kind of like an EAM [European Australian Movement] symbol. I have a Celtic cross on all my tools because everyone has the same identical tools. So you have to put a symbol or your name or something on your tools. Every tradesman knows this, right? And they asked me for my reset saw, so I pass it to them.
And then he saw the he saw the cross on it, the sun cross, and he was like:
“Oh, what’s this? Is this like a swastika?”
And I was like:
“Yeah, it’s like a swastika, but it’s legal. Like, swastikas are illegal, so I can’t really draw them on job sites. Like, I’ll probably get in trouble, but like, that’s the next best thing.”
And he was like:
“Oh, cool, what is it?”
And I was like:
“Oh, it’s like a sun cross. Like a Celtic cross.”
And he’s like:
“Oh, is that like Nazi stuff?”
And I was like:
“Yeah, yeah, I’m a Nazi.”
And he’s like:
“Are you like an actual Nazi?”
And I was like:
“Yeah, I’m full Nazi!”
And he’s like:
“A full Nazi!”
And I was like:
“Yeah, I’m a full Nazi.”
And then there was two carpenters, and the other carpenter leaned over and was like:
“Are you a Nazi?”
And I was like:
“Yeah, I’m a full Nazi.”
And then they were like:
“Oh, wow! Yeah. I mean I guess I’m mostly a Nazi.”
Blair Cottrell: [chuckling] You made them feel safe. [chuckling] Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: Yes! And I was like:
“Mostly a Nazi?”
And they’re like:
“Well, I’m not. I wouldn’t say I’m a full Nazi. Like, full, full Nazi. But I’d say I’m mostly Nazi.”
And I was like:
“That’s funny. I’ve never heard that someone say they’re mostly Nazi before. I was like, that’s like, Nazi’s not a binary anymore. It’s a spectrum. It’s like we’re all a little bit Nazi. You know, it’s not just we’re all a little bit racist.”
But he liked the symbol that I had on my drill. And he was like:
“Yeah, I guess I’m mostly Nazi.”
Like, he didn’t need to know our ideology. He didn’t need to know about the Holocaust. The jews. Like, this stuff helps him, obviously, because public consensus is important for shifting things.
But he didn’t need to know about, … He doesn’t need to have social media. You know what happens when social media gets shut down? It doesn’t really matter. There’s a rising tide of our spirit in all paradigms, not just in the Twitter world. It’s happening in all the worlds! All simultaneously.
Joel Davis: Yeah. It’s a vibe shift.
Thomas Sewell: Yep.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that’s a huge white pill. We’ve got a lot of Superchats to get through, boys, tonight. So did you want to start wrapping it up and getting through those? Because we’ve got a big day tomorrow, and I want to make sure I get enough sleep.
Joel Davis: Yeah. So I got one from Entropy that came in late last week. I don’t think I mentioned it. He said:
“Joel, you mentioned a few months ago, …”
This is from Domest.
“You mentioned a few months ago on the show that you’re in contact with a Polish nationalist who was involved in repatriating the foreign born diaspora back to Poland. I am considering leaving Canada permanently and would like to get in touch with him. How can I do so?”
I haven’t spoken to him since I was in Poland, like, almost a year ago. So I haven’t spoken to him lately. Not because we fell out or anything, I just haven’t. But Polish Connection is the name of his Twitter channel, and it has a chat connected to it. So find Polish Connection on Telegram. I think I said Twitter then. I meant Telegram. Find Polish connection on Telegram, then go into the chat and ask about it, and he’ll DM you. That’s the easiest way to go about it.
Got a bunch of Superchats from GoyBoy1488, and what I love about it is he always sends $14.88 Superchats. And his profile picture is basically Giga Chad as a SS soldier with a, [chuckling] you know, Nazi flag in the background. So he’s like, 100% all about it. He said:
“Early bird, American electrician, carrying the donations for the finest Aussies. Let’s go fund these lads!”
With a like a little e-Roman thing.
And he also said:
“I have the Stalag edition of Mein Kampf, but I’ve not read it yet. Is Dalton substantially better than Stalag?”
I don’t know anything really about the Stalag edition.
Thomas Sewell: Jacob says that the Stalag, even though it’s the one that was officially sanctioned by the NSDAP to be translated into English, Jacob says that the translation is actually not good, and that it’s clunky, and that it’s not as fluid. It’s a translation from a German perspective into English, instead of an English person bringing the beauty of it into English.
Joel Davis: Yeah, that makes sense. And Jacob, I trust Jacob. And Jacob says the Dalton is the best translation. And Jacob’s the only person I know that’s read probably every single translation and actually has an educated opinion about it because he’s actually would be the kind of guy that would put in the time. Where, like, most people have an opinion of:
“I like this translation!”
And it’s like, that’s because that’s the only version that you’ve actually read! So you’re just saying you like it because you like it.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that’s me!
Joel Davis: You haven’t actually compared it to anything. So why are you giving an opinion right now? [chuckling] Like, only Jacob Hersant, and maybe, like, 30 other autists have read all the different translations and have an educated opinion like, let’s be real! [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: Got a whole bunch of Superchats from Rumble. Are you finished with yours, Joel?
Joel Davis: No, there’s still more on Odysee. The same guy also said:
“Is Australia the best hope of Whites world-wide?”
I really fucking hope not!
But I think we bring a good energy to the global scene, because, particularly us, in particular.
But I think Aussies in general, because Aussies, we go straight to the point. Australians are the wignat race in many ways. We got a very kind of no nonsense, aggressive style and how we go about life in our personalities. And that comes through when Aussies become White nationalists, they usually go pretty fucking hard! Yeah, so that we bring that kind of …
Thomas Sewell: Steve Laws just shared the photo of our rally. He’s a British White nationalist.
Joel Davis: Yeah, we love Steve laws. Never had him on the channel.
Thomas Sewell: So I think the whole world, their eyes were on Australia. I think the whole world’s gonna wake up!
Joel Davis: The English guys love us. Like, we’ve got obvious reasons and we’re, …
Thomas Sewell: And the Americans.
Blair Cottrell: We’re close to the English. We’re probably like 10% less sociopathic than the English. And that 10% is filled with just friendliness and banter. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: All the guys I get on with best on Right-wing Twitter, like Steve Laws, he’s great. He had a debate. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I want to listen to it. He had a debate recently on ethno-nationalism with some, like, big conservative, you know, media guy in Britain.
And also, by the way, we haven’t mentioned it on this show. In Britain lately the discourse is really transforming quite quickly. Like a lot of the conservative media in Britain is going hard against immigration. It’s very clear that the riots really changed the energy. And you’re seeing all these articles coming out like, “Mass mmigration is bad for Britain” and so on. Reform Party’s surging in the polls again. And Steve Laws has been going viral on Twitter, getting into these debates and arguments over ethno-nationalism. And they’re doing a good job of asserting themselves in the political scene over there.
And I really like Zoomer Historian, who’s another English guy. He’s been on active on Twitter more recently, but he’s got a great YouTube channel where he does a lot of World War Two revisionism and stuff like that. Great YouTube channel. Go subscribe to him if you haven’t already. 100% our guy, great content, but also his Twitter is quite good.
And obviously we’re friends with Mark Collett. But Barry Stanton is English, obviously, friend of the show. There’s a lot of really good English accounts. Pretty much all the English accounts that I know of have a very positive view towards us. So I feel like we got a special Bond with them for obvious reasons, because we’re the same fucking people!
But I think also in general, I think the global movement seems to like us because we just bring that kind of aggressive energy.
Blair Cottrell: We should say something about how capable we are, like just genetically and as part of our overall disposition. When not so long ago we had such a powerful empire, we could pretty much get away with anything and achieve anything. That was only a couple hundred years ago. So we are the remnants of that. We’re the sort of residual remains of that great empire. And I’m proud of that.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think Anglo Saxons are the master race. I mean, we can have a co-master. The Germanic race could be the master race, I guess, but, like. Yeah, I think we are., …
Thomas Sewell: It’s that time of night, …
Joel Davis: Our achievements are fucking incredible! And no one has a military history as epic as the Anglo Saxon, I don’t think, ever! So, …
Blair Cottrell: Minus Winston Churchill. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah, but I mean yeah, I mean we still fucking won, unfortunately! I wish we had lost. You know, we’re just too good. Even when we’re on the wrong side, we keep winning. Like, when the Australians went to North Africa, we were just destroying, we just destroyed the Italians, made them look like, … I feel bad about it. We should have left them alone. But we killed it in North Africa in World War Two, and then we just destroyed the Japs. You know, we. Every time we go to war, like, proper war, like, we fucking absolutely slay!
Blair Cottrell: We’re a war-like species. Because we’re a creative people, and we use that creative powers for war, like, we are just a war-like race. This is why the non-White races of the world have spent a lot of time learning to fight us indirectly, because if they fight us directly, they know they lose.
Joel Davis: All right, next Superchat. Lon Awfully said:
“Hi, fellas, Flood from the Flood show was talking about how he’d like to have any of you guys on, and if that. I could ask you guys next time in the chat if you’re interested.”
Well, I don’t know who that is, but if he wants to invite us on the show, he’d have to get in contact with us. We’re pretty easy to get in contact with on social media. Non-existent, just sent a Roman. That’s all the Odysee Superchats, I think. So you want me to read out the Rumble ones, Blair, or do you want to read them out? Sometimes you like reading them out? You gonna answer me?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Blair. Do you want to read them out?
Blair Cottrell: Yes. Sorry, I was just listening to something that someone sent me. Yeah, we do have a fair few Superchats from Rumble. I’ll begin with Tiamax. He sends in $20. Thanks very much. And says:
“The global citizens, obliged to protect themselves, will turn on that minority of revolutionaries. In brackets he says (Noahides – these destroyers of humanity) and utterly destroy them.”
Well, thanks for the input. I can’t say I’m necessarily sure what this guy means. Are any you guys following that?
Joel Davis: I think he’s referring to the jews.
Blair Cottrell: Right. Yeah, I think I get it. But Lion Cross is our next donor. $50 he sends. Thanks very much, mate. He says:
“The Ford translation of Mein Kampf is exceptional. The narrator of the official audiobook coincidentally speaks with similar vocal intonations and inflections as Blair back in his UPF speech days.”
Thomas Sewell: All things are limited to time. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ve heard that audiobook, and yeah, it gets you fired up. He’s got a really good voice.
Blair Cottrell: Oh, is that the one? Is that the one he’s talking about Tom, you just paraphrased it? I know that one.
Thomas Sewell: All things are limited to time.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I remember that video. Right. That is a good translation and audiobook. Definitely agree. I know the one.
Joel Davis: Masculine, but at the same time, like, classy English accent.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: Must not mix with, … Yeah, he’s really good! It’s a really good audiobook.
Blair Cottrell: Another Superchat from Lion Cross. Another $50. Thanks very much, mate. Very generous tonight:
“The best thing about this interview is that it can be used practically in that it’s very normie and Boomer friendly. As an introduction to World War Two revisionism. It’s also viral and easy to share around. It’s already viral.”
Joel Davis: I agree with that’s the thing about these people who were like:
“Oh, they weren’t being based enough.”
Like, yeah, it wasn’t like if Tucker Carlson interviewed, like, me or something. It wasn’t at that level.
But then Tucker Carlson isn’t going to fucking interview someone like me for that exact fucking reason! He’s going to interview some slightly cucked guy like him to break the ice. And so and that’s a good, smooth entry point. Like, you know, people often going from zero to 100 can be a bit much for most people. [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: Tucker’s just trying to fill the role of a normie whisperer. And we need those guys. He’s kind of pained by doing it sometimes, too, I reckon. I can see that sometimes he’s playing out a role that he’s tired of playing, but he still does it anyway because that’s his job.
Cronon sends $10 and says:
“Are you guys familiar with the book Ordinary Men? It’s about a German police battalion mass executing jews in Poland. Is that true? If so, was it a response to ethnic cleansing of Germans there?”
I’m not familiar with the book. Are you guys?
Thomas Sewell: I’m not. But what I’ll say is that every time I go into the bookstore, there’s a special shelf, and on that shelf there’s like 20 books. And all of them are books on the Holocaust, and they’re all just written by fucking liars! And so it depends. Is that a book written by a German soldier, or a Polish soldier? Or is it a book written by a jew?
Blair Cottrell: Can’t say.
Thomas Sewell: So I went to a community centre recently because they had a nice playground with Luna. And they had a kids library there. We’re going through the books, and that was awesome!
And then there was a section right in the corner, in the back corner, because it was attached to a church, and it was like one of those Uniting churches. And in the back corner there was an adult section of the books, and there was only three books in the adult section. There was the Bible, and then there was Holocaustianity. There was two books written by jews about something about Auschwitz.
And I was like:
“What the fuck!”
Cukg So, yeah, I don’t know the book. Yeah, there’s so many books. You get. You go. I’m telling you, I go through the blurbs of them and I skim read through them. And it’s the same nonsense! It’s always.
Blair Cottrell: And in regards to the second part of the question being that the book is about a German police battalion, mass executing jews in Poland, it doesn’t really strike me as the kind of thing a police battalion would do, but I can’t say whether there’s any truth to it. But if it did happen, I’m sure it was deserved.
Ukrainian groyper is the next Superchatter he’s sending through $10. Thanks very much Ukrainian groyper. He asks:
“Are there any authors from Australia similar to Sam Francis in the US or Jonathan Bowden in England?
Joel Davis: Well, first, Sam Francis and Jonathan Bowden aren’t that similar to each other. They’re very different. But I can’t think of a direct comparison to either of those authors, really.
Blair Cottrell: If you want to read a good Australian author, read Joel’s Telegram channel.
Joel Davis: One day I’ll write a book. Maybe then. Maybe then.
Thomas Sewell: Frederick Toben is a good writer, Australian.
Blair Cottrell: Another $10 as well from Lion Cross again:
“Would be great to hear Tom on relating Odin to Adolf Hitler sometime. Maybe on one of his Odysee streams.”
Joel Davis: It’s on every Tom Odysee stream. What do you mean? You obviously don’t watch the Tom’s Odysee streams. [chuckling]
[I think Lion Cross is being humourously sarcastic – Kat]
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, you got a bit of catching up to do their Lion Cross.
Thomas Sewell: I could do a specific one on that. But Joel is making a fair comment. That is, at some point that gets dropped almost every Odysee.
Joel Davis: At some point I thought it would be cool if we did a podcast on – because that would enable us to spurg out about this subject – on Jung’s writings on Hitler in World War Two and so on. Because that theory is kind of advanced, I don’t actually love the way that Jung presents it. I would be critical of it.
But he’s also onto something with that theory. That would be a fun podcast to do one day. We’d kind of analyze that. I think we probably will.
Blair Cottrell: Next Superchat is from Fellow Comrade. Fellow comrade is a staunch supporter of the show. I see his name pop up a fair bit. I think he was on the X space last night. Wasn’t he, Joe? He’s sending us through $5. Thanks very much, mate. He says:
“I appreciate three best people having a conversation and also the three stages of alopecia on this stream!”
Yeah, [chuckling] you genuinely got a laugh out of me there. Am I at the first stage? Shit! Am I like, stage A? I hope I’m stage A. [chuckling] Wow! Okay.
Thomas Sewell: Skin condition? What’s alopecia?
Blair Cottrell: No, alopecia’s hair loss, man.
Thomas Sewell: [chuckling] That’s kind of funny!
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Anyway, Lion Cross again. Thanks very much, mate.
Another $50. What do you do for a job Lion Cross? You make bank, man:
“Always got a chuckle out of Joel giving the chat a hiding over weak Superchats or small donations. Hope this helps as you move between jobs.”
Well, that’s really kind.
Joel Davis: I actually don’t attack the chat for giving small donations. I attack the chat for saying dumb shit! And then I have to read it out because they send me money. And it’s like, you send me $5 and make me read out something for fucking gay and retarded! It’s not really worth the $5. Like, at least if you’re going to make me read something gay and retarded, at least send more money so it’s worth it, you know?
Thomas Sewell: I just don’t see it. Just don’t. Yeah, there’s a lot of $1 Superchats I saw, or $1 donations that came up, and it was like:
“I fucking hate Indians! Oh, I fucking hate Indians!”
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I saw that.
Joel Davis: I don’t mind that. I don’t mind the grug thing. You don’t have to write some fucking, like, PhD thesis in the Superchat.
Thomas Sewell: Of course.
Joel Davis: Just say something that’s fun or interesting or cool.
Blair Cottrell: Well, one of them got through to me. I just can’t stop thinking about the fact that apparently I have alopecia. I don’t think I do, but we’ll see.
Thomas Sewell: Don’t stress. Like, you’re fine, you’re doing fine. [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: I’ll be right. [chuckling] Actually, the last haircut I got, like, it’s one of those places you go to where you just sit there and you get whoever’s available, because I didn’t have time to book. And I got some Indian woman, and I knew I was going to be disappointed, but I just didn’t have time on come back later, so I thought, fuck it, I’ll just get it done. And she cut it so egregiously short. I was so upset with it. So I’m in the process of growing it back.
But Ghost Dog Man sends through $10.
Joel Davis: I fucking hate Indians strikes again!
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, man. Yeah. They did the one thing that is pushed me over the line into full Indian hatred, which is they fucked my hair up! [chuckling] The Ghost Dog Man $10. Thanks very much, mate:
“Aryan Power, man!”
He says:
“Joel, you got to me with how freedom leads to love. That explains, partially, how shackled and outside of love I and many other Aryans have been just existing with.”
That’s deep.
Joel Davis: I know it’s kind of gay, but.
Blair Cottrell: You know, [chuckling] thanks for the Superchat, bro. I feel you, bro. Don’t worry about Joel. I feel you.
Anyway, Lion Cross again, this time, like, reaching into the bottom of what’s left in his pocket, only sends through $10. Thanks anyway.
Thomas Sewell: Sends like $200 and you’re like:
“Oh, let’s beast him.”
Blair Cottrell: Last Superchat from Lion Cross is the strategy of Joel jumping in and out of as many spaces that will have him, combined with his saturation of posts on X, will surely make him go viral eventually. 20,000 followers, it’s working.”
Joel Davis: I’ve gone viral before a few times. I’m sure I’ll go viral again. It’s actually 28,000 followers. Thank you very much.
Blair Cottrell: You can go viral without even trying to. Like, you know how you can have a passive income where you can get businesses and you can make money without actually working? You run businesses. It works with influence, too. If you establish yourself well enough as an influencer, people just repost your stuff, like, from years ago, and it still gets, like, hundreds of thousands or millions of views and you don’t have to do anything.
So, you know, once you’re well established, your influence grows on its own.
Joel Davis: The thing that really holds me back on Twitter is that on Twitter, when you post images or videos, they have a tendency to get a lot more attention because people will, like, repost them more, quote, tweet them more, but also the algorithm preferences them. Like, if you scroll through Twitter, you’ll notice that more than half of the things you scroll through are an image, or a video.
But it’s only a small minority of posts that are images or videos. Most posts are just words.
So if you just post words, the likelihood of it coming up on someone’s screen is much lower than if you post, you know, image or video.
But the problem is, when I post image, or a video, my account has the maximum amount of warnings and sensitive content, like, things attached to it also, like search bans and shit like that! But that means that if I ever post an image, or a video, unless you have the settings changed, it actually won’t come up, and then, or will come up, and you have to click the “show sensitive content”. Like, it would be like, sensitive content warning.
And then you could have to press the show button for it to pop up. So that really, like, diminishes my ability to have viral posts on Twitter where I could just put clips and shit on there all the time and that go hard otherwise.
So that’s really annoying, to be honest. I wish I could get that reversed. I don’t actually know how to. If anyone knows how to get that reversed, by the way, give me your insight. Or I heard Barry Stanton. Apparently there’s White hats that are inside Twitter that are doing battle with the Indian tech bros and trying to restore his accounts. So I know if those guys exist, if you could confer some grace upon me. It would be cool if Twitter QAnon is actually real, if there are patriots in control, like, deep within Twitter that are, … But they obviously don’t love me too much. I mean, they haven’t banned me, but.
By the way, Tom, have you appealed your suspension?
Thomas Sewell: No, I haven’t.
Joel Davis: Are you not going to appeal it?
Blair Cottrell: Tom’s got stuff to do, man. Twitter’s, …
Thomas Sewell: I am going to appeal it! I am going to appeal it. I’m making a promise to myself of all the things that I need to do first as just a matter of principle. And when those things are done, then I’m going to appeal it.
Joel Davis: All right.
Thomas Sewell: When I’m ready.
Joel Davis: You’ve got a burner Twitter account so you’re still wasting time on there. You’re kind of cheating.
Thomas Sewell: No, I’m not on there much! Look at it. Like there’s not that many posts. Once in a blue moon.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I didn’t even know it was there until yesterday. That concludes our Superchats from Rumble.
Is there anything else, Joel?
Joel Davis: No, I think that’s it.
So, yeah, anyway, let’s end the show here. We’ve been gone for ages, but it was a good show tonight. I thought it was a fun show and we got a lot of people tuning in. I saw at one point on just on Rumble, there was like over 700 live viewers and there’s almost 100 over on Odysee and like 50 on Cozy.
So, you know, we’re getting up to the point where we’re almost at like a thousand live viewers, which is a kind of target that I’m kind of aiming at hitting. So it seems like the show, every week we just gradually accumulate a few more dribs and drabs of more, more viewers. We’ve got a bit of momentum. So it’s good. The show keeps growing. We’re de-platformed, but we actually have more viewers now than ever, I think.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s been a good one. I think we peaked just on Rumble, somewhere around 750 live viewers, which we don’t typically get for just a regular show. But there was some big news this week, and whenever there’s something big in the news, more people than usual lean over to see what we’re going to say about it.
But thanks, everyone, for joining us. Appreciate it, as always. Thanks for all the great Superchats, contributions. All the action in the live chat was fun to get into. And I’ll see all you guys next week. Take care.
Rumble Comments
(Comments as of 9/10/2024 = 72)
3 days ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)! https://twitter.com/joeldavisx
3 days ago
Jeets out, chads in
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3 days ago
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3 days ago
In the US, Pajeetas want nordics men. Why marry a rich Indian man when you can marry a rich bwc ?
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3 days ago
2 days ago
Indians have virtually always had a numerical advantage over anybody they came across, however, they were always defeated even in their own homeland. This is genetic, they are physically inferior and have an average IQ of 70 you can’t change that. If I’m wrong, then why does 1000 years of history prove me right?
1 like
2 days ago
Sorry that was kinda mean
3 days ago
[Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript] https://katana17.com/2024/09/02/joel-davis-analysing-the-implications-of-the-pajeet-hate-surge-aug-29-2024-transcript/ [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following: • The show starts late. Tom is sick and absent. • They discuss a viral Twitter account @BarryStantonGBP posting racist content. • World Bank halted Twitter advertising due to ads appearing under racist posts. • They debate whether extreme racist content is more effective propaganda than moderate messaging. • Blair says “emotion, not reason, is really the essence of good propaganda.” • They discuss how racist memes and posts are going viral on Twitter recently. • Joel argues this shows people prefer “morally offensive, distasteful, visceral propaganda.” • They talk about Indians being an easy target for racism due to lack of sympathy for them. • Blair shares negative experiences with Indian people, like noise pollution and poor customer service. • They discuss the “Indian mating strategy” and comment about Indian appearance. • Joel says Indians have a “depraved, horny nature” needed to “perpetuate that disgusting race.” • They talk about protests by immigrants in Melbourne demanding permanent visas. • Similar protests by Indian students in Canada are mentioned. • They discuss how immigration is becoming a bigger political issue in Australia. • Joel says “our political issues are winning out” as immigration concern rises. • They talk about Telegram founder Pavel Durov being arrested in France. • Blair says Durov is in a “precarious position” after his arrest. • They speculate on whether Elon Musk could face similar issues traveling to Europe. • Joel shares stories of being recognized in public, mostly positively but a few negative encounters. • Blair recounts three incidents of being confronted by people who ..
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3 days ago
Book – The Myth of German Villainy by Benton Bradberry – Part 01 https://katana17.com/2016/10/01/book-the-myth-of-german-villainy-by-benton-bradberry-part-01/ Complete book in 22 Parts
3 days ago
That Darryl Cooper guy will never name the Jew. He knows where the line is.
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14 hours ago
You’re correct. but he basically named them without naming them in the way that he describes the power structures of the modern world. when some normie can acknowledge that that stucture is there, they’ll inevitably see their commonalities.
3 days ago
Good, much-needed haircut, Joel.
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2 days ago
3 days ago
Part 1- Checking in from the Pacific Northwest, USA. Appreciate the work all three of you are doing for the White cause as well as admire the personal risk you take in speaking up publicly in today’s Orwellian-like Oz on Whites’ behalf. BUT— I have to address something Joel said at around 1:44:30 in this podcast and I’ve heard Thomas mention at various times before on other streams. I say the following with full respect and am in no way attacking you guys. To be clear, I’m coming from a good faith place as a hardcore Pro-White male who has children, is acutely in tune with Gen Z, Millennials, Gen-X and Boomer generations— the notion that you’re legitimately going to be able to fully bring normies/Conservatives/Republicans, etc into the Pro-White space is utterly obliterated by your need to constantly utilize Hitler quotes, imagery, swastikas, roman salutes, etc. Regardless of whether what AH said was righteous, you and Thom’s insistence on openly glorifying him in such an overt, direct manner is an absolute dealbreaker for most average Americans.
3 days ago
Part 2- This is simply a bridge too far. I’m loathe to acknowledge this but it’s just flat-out untenable, Joel. I’m sorry to be the bearer of the unfortunate reality and wish it wasn’t so, but I would stake literally EVERYTHING I own on this fact! Sure, you’ll have a VERY small percentage of disaffected young fringe Whites that will get on board but for the overwhelming majority of otherwise pissed off White allies that ascribe to virtually every other Pro-White, anti immigration, pro race-realist, Anti-Zionist/Jewish power, anti-trans/poofmeister/CRT/DEI indoctrination, etc that you espouse, open AH worship is simply never gonna fly. That said, if, as I believe, we’re all on the same team with our ultimate goals of some sort of White ethnostate, it seems to me that to actually GET THERE is of utmost importance. We need to build the solid foundation, infiltrate into all the current institutions and dismantle them from the inside out rendering them impotent so over time we can recreate them both internally and with our White allies on the outside. We will NOT be able to facilitate this with openly championing AH, it’s just not possible. Again, I’ve discussed this long running operational dilemma within my vast circles for years, and myself, and all our senior NARoC members are in agreement. These are the times we’re in Joel, we’ve gotta adapt and do whatever we can to WIN! We’ll have plenty of time AFTER we run the show for AH celebration. It’s imperative we’re in power FIRST. gonorthwest.info
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2 days ago
Hitler’s accurate assessment of the JP should not be downloaded nor ignored. Realizing he was correct is integral to the movement and disspelling the myth of the holocaust is equally important bc it removes their ability to use it as a cudgel to beat us into submission.
2 days ago
Winning outright is the only option. If we have to coop the cuck christians to have a chance, I say we are better to go down in a blaze of glory. What you likely haven’t figured out yet is that ChristInsanity is jewish, and most white nationalists are christians. We are better off growing slowly over the next 50 to 100 years than to hitch up with jews who don’t even know they are jews.
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2 days ago
Respectfully, not sure where you got the notion that I suggested we ‘hitch up with Christian jews’? The WN group I’m has the ethnostate is THE overriding principle NOT any religion. Furthermore, most of the members in our group are either atheists, Odinists or Catholics and not remotely some fraudulent crypto-Jews, or ANY type of Jew for that matter.
3 days ago
Darryl Cooper is DOD weapons inspector. So there are gov agents that are genuinely revisionists? Or is there something else going on
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6 hours ago
Is he still working there?
3 days ago
Aussies represent a wonderful bulwark and stronghold of our precious Anglo culture.
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3 days ago
1 like
3 days ago
Tucker isn’t pro white he is pro competence like the rest of the PayPal Mafia, they just don’t like woke because it isnt efficient. They are benefitting us incidentally. But aren’t onside. Still good, we just need to use him and not be used.
3 days ago
First of all, WW2 was about the creation of the terrorist, zionist state of israel !
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1 day ago
No – it started with WW1 to prepare for the soviet satellite state of fake Israel. WW1 -Aussie lighthorseman sacrificed for fake Soviet IsraHELL! Bible Reveals One World Order Will Fail. Globalists + Antichrist are set against Nature and God. Catholic priest (whose mum is Aussie) explains from 19:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz1sAcK1ShE
2 days ago
[Show low scored comment]
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2 days ago
Funny how the whole country supported a crazy person, huh?
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2 days ago
1 day ago
they got hypnotized by Hitler speeches and his promises of great Germany, and blindly followed like today many have complied believing in this fake pandemic. People are so naive …
2 days ago
Great stream lads, the future is ours.
3 days ago
apparently white world population went from 1/3rd to 1/5th by ww2
1 like
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3 days ago
Heard it said today German white male was at the very least partly obliterated via Russian rape of German women during fall of Berlin & subsequent capture of East Berlin. Check out the modern German male’s phenotypes and their relation to aforementioned install of Asiatic russians particularly, into the Overthrow of eastern Germany including Berlin, during end of WW2 and thereafter. I’ve heard Tom Sewell speak of parallel racial tragedies emanating from WW1.
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3 days ago
Said by Cooper
3 days ago
3 days ago
Joel zooming in nicely on the transfer of influence in Australia out of Britain thence into American Jewry post WW2
1 like
3 days ago
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3 days ago
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2 days ago
Time to squeeze the Juice (Jews) out.
1 like
1 day ago
Tucker Carlson is a gatekeeper. His father was former CIA head of Radio Freedom Europe. Now the question is was his father a double agent as Tucker certainly is not NS nor pro West, he is a shill for Putin and Eurasian communism. Let Tucker do what he wants but all true NS should avoid him with a very large stick and just do their own things.
1 like
1 day ago
I have never believed the holocaust. I remember being skeptical as a child. All we were told is that Hitler simply hated the jews and that’s why he killed 6 million of them – in every documentary and every movie. One day I put my hand up in class and asked the teacher “WHY did Hitler hate the jews though?” and I was told that Hitler loved his mother very much and one day she got sick and her jewish doctor couldn’t save her life and from that day Hitler was incensed that her life couldn’t be saved and that why he hated all the jews. And I thought that was the most ridiculous reason ever.
1 like
3 days ago
The replacement of the European White population came much, much later, which was planned long ago by the zionist group. Hitler was a British stooge.
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2 days ago
3 days ago
How do you know what the real TRUTH is ???
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2 days ago
3 days ago
Rothschilds originated from Germany and the surname originally was somewhat different.
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2 days ago
3 days ago
2 days ago
2 days ago
Joes got awesome takes, but a shit beard. A 7-8 to a skin fade at the ears is the best and it needs to be blended half way down.
2 days ago
Bee Sieg Hail. Love it!
2 days ago
[Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript] https://katana17.com/2024/09/07/joel-davis-wwii-revisionism-re-enters-the-mainstream-sep-6-2024-transcript/ [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the recent Tucker Carlson interview with American historian Darryl Cooper and how he considers: “The real bad guy of World War Two was Churchill.” Points include: • They view the interview as a watershed moment for mainstreaming revisionist narratives. • “This is the re-mainstreaming for the first time in that I can remember in living memory of World War two revisionism.” • Cooper’s approach is a “humanitarian” and “honest” way to discuss controversial topics. • Discuss Churchill’s role in WWII, with Cooper calling him “the foremost villain” of the war. • Explore the idea of having “Nuremberg-style trials” for those responsible for mass immigration. • Discuss the importance of World War II revisionism in understanding current political issues. “World War two really is the datum point from which all perspective of the present day is forged.” • They share their personal journeys into World War II revisionism and White nationalism. • Discuss the impact of reading Mein Kampf and other revisionist materials. “Reading Mein Kampf and learning the truth about world War two breaks the spell of Holocaustianity.” • World War II narratives are central to current anti-White ideologies. • Discuss the challenges of promoting revisionist views
in mainstream discourse. • The importance of ideological purity in their movement. “Maximum ideological purity can actually disadvantage you because it means you’re going to piss people off, alienate people.” • They discuss the role of social media and online activism in spreading their ideas. • Share anecdotes about discussing their views
in everyday situations. • Talk about recruitment and the growing …
2 days ago
Great fuckin episode !!
2 days ago
Idea for sausage (show title idea)- ‘Bees throwing Romans’.
2 days ago
Ironic how Hitler is ridiculed re artistic pursuit by the Yew gno Hew media. Churchill was a watercolour painter of what I consider some real talent. If it is true he was a forger, then that was a talent wasted.
1 day ago
It really hasn’t entered the mainstream at all. The mainstream white population at large don’t even care about their annihilation taking place. It’s impossible to not be blackpilled. Now I see why Christianity is so compelling
1 day ago
I like your show but saying that US manufacturing is shit? You have no idea how powerful and advanced is America in the most important industry in the world… the military industry, which NASA is part of. Do not fall so readily for Russian and Chinese propaganda. Both those countries are shitholes that cannot produce anything reliable.
1 day ago
Maybe Jim Jones is our guy after all
1 day ago
The Americans imposed an embargo on Japan because the Japanese invaded French Indochina. France, of course, being an American ally and a fellow white nation.
1 day ago
Love what you guys are doing. Sending support from North Carolina, USA.
1 day ago
British and American White slavery https://www.amazon.com.au/White-Cargo-Forgotten-History-Britains/dp/0814742963 Jews were banned from England in 1290 and not allowed back until Oliver Cromwell lifted the ban in 1656. The Rothschild British Empire: Roman Catholic Guy Fawkes The Start Of The Warnings! Father Of Anonymous! How did England deal with a corrupt puritan government/parliament? http://politicalvelcraft.org/anonymous/ White Slavery In Australia (The Fatal Shore) https://www.bitchute.com/video/iwA3jLcSQxAd https://www.amazon.com.au/White-Cargo-Forgotten-History-Britains/dp/0814742963 https://virily.com/culture/irish-slaves-in-the-americas/ The Judeo-Masonic roots of the US founding fathers and the Constitution Freemasonry, hatched in the British Empire following the Enlightenment-Rosicrucian revolutionary overthrow of the Catholic Church in England, is the proxy arm of the international Jewish conspiracy against Christ and His Saints. Throughout the centuries, the Jewish conspirators have struggled to refrain from publicly gloating of their engineering of this proxy movement. Jews have entirely created Masonry to corrupt the nations of Christian civilization and to propagate behind this veil the general revolution which is to bring about the domination of Israel. It is simply a tool and a means in the hands of the Jews. In support of this, we can quote the article of Dr. Isaac M. Wise published in the Israelite of America, 3 August, 1866: ‘Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.’[I] This conspiracy to “corrupt the nations” was executed under the cover of “Enlightenment” progress and freedom. The Masonic Illuminati slogan is “liberty, fraternity, and equality”, which was shouted from rooftops as revolutionaries raped, pillaged, and murdered their way through France. https://fitzinfo.net/2014/02/26/alex-jones-freemasonry-and-the-cult-of-constitution/
1 day ago
ISLAM AND JudeoMasonic PROTESTANT COLLABORATIONS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestantism_and_Islam Judaizers: https://slife.org/protestantism-and-islam/ Why The Crusades Were Awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aFkoX6g1fE http://self.gutenberg.org/articles/Islam_and_Protestantism HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Following the Turkish conquest of Constantinople in 1453 by Mehmet II and the unification of the Middle Eastunder Selim I, Suleiman the Magnificent, the son of Selim, managed to expand Ottoman rule to Balkans. The Habsburg Empire thus entered into direct conflict with the Ottomans. At the same time the Protestant Reformation was taking place in numerous areas of northern and central Europe, in harsh opposition to Papal authority and the Holy Roman Empire led by Emperor Charles V. This situation led the Protestants to consider various forms of cooperation and rapprochement (religious, commercial, military) with the Muslim world, in opposition to their common Habsburg enemy. EARLY RELIGIOUS ACCOMMODATION (15TH–17TH CENTURIES) During the development of the Reformation, Protestantism and Islam were considered closer to each other than they were to Catholicism: “Islam was seen as closer to Protestantism in banning images from places of worship, in not treating marriage as a sacrament and in rejecting monastic orders”.[1] Relief statues in the Cathedral of Saint Martin, Utrecht, attacked in Reformation iconoclasm in the 16th century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Revolt#/media/File:UtrechtIconoclasm.jpg Anglo-Turkish piracy Main article: Anglo-Turkish piracy After peace was made with Catholic Spain in 1604, English pirates nevertheless continued to raid Christian shipping in the Mediterranean, this time under the protection of the Muslim rulers of the Barbary States, and often converting to Islam in the process, in what has been described as Anglo-Turkish piracy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turco-Calvinism cont..
1 day ago
I have both volumes in hardcover – Dalton. Cannot recommend enough
23 hours ago
6 hours ago
Well I’ll tell you boys… there are more sympathizers than ever
6 hours ago
Alright boys no bickering
5 hours ago
You fools gotta get into the same studio guys come on.
4 hours ago
the forbidden grape drank
37 minutes ago
small Chuchill defence, he yeeted a hell of a lot of Pajeets in the Bengal Famine, so he’s not all bad
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version 4: Tue, Sep 10, 2024 — 168/168 mins complete. Transcript now complete. Added images. Updated Rumble comments 72).
Version 3: Mon, Sep 9, 2024 — 94/168 mins complete. Added Churchill images and links.
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Pingback: Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Judge Napolitano – Col. Douglas Macgregor – Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next? – Oct 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – White Man Fight Back! – Oct 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 15 with Jürgen Neumann on Ernst Zündel – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: A Message to the Anti-White System – Laura Towler’s 2024 PA Conference Speech – Oct 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Patriotic Alternative – Hope is Our Duty – Blair Cottrell’s 2024 PA Conference Speech – Oct 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 20 with Kathleen Dudley – Nov 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 27 – Germar Rudolf – Jan 18, 2025 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition, Why Are They So Afraid? – Feb 14, 2025 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Thomas Sewell – Mar 19, 2025 – Transcript | katana17