Joel Davis
We’ll Talk About the News But
Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents
Fri, Sep 13, 2024
[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:
• Recent Australian government moves on internet censorship and social media age limits.
• Certain type of women being attracted to official positions in HR, government, etc., and having a particular appearance and manner.
• The lack of discipline and schools where even in primary schools teachers are being attacked.
• The psychology of leftists regarding envy.
• Haitians being dumped in Springfield, Ohio.
• Criticize a father whose son was killed by a Haitian immigrant for saying he wished a White man had killed his son instead.
• The Swedish government’s plan to pay immigrants large sums to leave Sweden.
• Express admiration for the Ku Klux Klan, calling them “true fucking heroes of the aryan race.”
• Discuss Greg Johnson being gay and criticize homosexuality in general.
• Talk about women cheating and social media’s role in relationships.
• Discuss libertarianism and criticize libertarian views on immigration and economics.
• Discuss the Chinese government, drawing some parallels to fascism.
• “Hitler was willing to, you know, he was a strategic politician, like any good politician, looking out for the interests of their nation.”
• “Homophobia actually in, like, every. Pretty much every, like, culture ever in, like, human history.”
• “Jews are probably the least homophobic.”
• “We need the Klan. We need to bring back the Klan.”
• “White people want things like justice and fairness and freedom and, you know, honor and respect and rights and liberties.”
• “Haiti is disgusting. And again, they have the legacy of White genocide.”
• “Women are always looking for upgrades, not just in relationships per se, but in their life.” “Instagram is purely sexual advertising. It’s just like soft Tinder.”
• “Libertarians need to be worked on to progress, you know, progress them beyond their worldview.”
• Criticize multiculturalism and immigration.
• Discuss various conspiracy theories and fringe historical claims.
• Express admiration for authoritarian leaders and regimes.
• Criticize mainstream media and politics.
• Discuss recruitment and organizing for white nationalist groups.
• Criticize feminism and women’s rights.
• Discuss genetic and racial theories.
• Criticize LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance, racial integration and diversity.
• Discuss conspiracy theories about jews controlling governments and media.
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Published on Fri, Sep 13, 2024
We’ll talk about the news but let’s be honest you’re here for the tangents
Joel Davis
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Streamed on:
Sep 13, 6:36 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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(Words: 28,681 – Duration: 166 mins)
Joel Davis: It is another episode of the show. It is the 13 September 2024, and there’s a lot to get into tonight. Obviously, the Australian government this week has been making a lot of moves on the censorship front. They finally put the Bill before Parliament to censor the Internet, basically against so-called “misinformation and disinformation”. They’ve also announced plans to bring in an age limit for social media. And it effectively bans people under a certain age, which they didn’t actually specify, presumably 16 or 15 or somewhere in that vein, from using social media, which a lot of people, I think correctly think is a pretext to bring in digital ID requirements, to use social media, to kind of tie everyone to their identification for what they post online.
And in addition to that, also, there’s been some other things on that front. So we’ll discuss all of that, as well as this crazy story out of America. Haitians eating cats, but not, are they just eating cats like the kind of the US government and certain, let’s be real, Catholic charities and other so-called refugee charities, so to speak, have conspired to dump 20,000 Haitians in this town called Springfield in Ohio, in America, which is a town that I think only had a population of like 60,000 people to begin with. It’s not a big town.
And so now they’ve just been inundated with Haitians and the whole town is gone to shit, basically. And that’s been a very big story over the past week.
So that’s a very interesting story, I think.
So those are probably the big stories from this week. I would say. There’s been some other things as well, but there’s a lot to chew on just there. So we’ll probably cover that and maybe some other things.
But, you know, as the title of the show says, usually you tune in not really for a coverage of the news, but for the tangents that we inevitably go on. And that’s probably what makes the show so good to listen to.
So let’s begin with a bit of a tangent. How are you guys doing?
Blair Cottrell: How you doing, Tom? How you feeling?
Joel Davis: Tom? You like muted dude!
Thomas Sewell: Oh, sorry. I was just replying to someone in the chat. They asked us to spurg out about the “Holocaust”. And I said:
“Maybe at the end we’ll do it.”
Yeah, I mean, he was saying something like:
“Can you once and for all put it to bed?”
Blair Cottrell: It’s too early.
Joel Davis: Once we put it to bed, then it’s finally done. Then the jewish, …
Thomas Sewell: And it’ll be finally done.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s too early in the evening, actually.
Thomas Sewell: Didn’t we, in the, …
Joel Davis: We didn’t really talk about the holocaust too much. We talked more about WWII. We didn’t specifically talk about the Holocaust.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, that’s true. We didn’t specifically talk about the Holocaust. Maybe we forget that a lot of our audience, they’re not in real life NatSoc circles, so they’ve never actually experienced the kind of real life Holocaust Holabonga debunking. Like, we’ve all experienced it like 500 times. So we’re over it! Like, every time we’re at a party, someone brings it up and then hear it all again and everyone chimes in.
And it’s like if you’re around Nazis in real life, you just, you hear it like probably once a week, …
Blair Cottrell: You become desensitisfied.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, you do. You’re kind of just over it. You’re like, it’s just a bygone thing. It’s like it’s obvious that it didn’t happen. And we could go into detail. We could do like top three favourite parts of the Holabonga.
Blair Cottrell: Hang on. I thought we were going to do this later. Are we doing it now or not? [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: No, later. Later! We’ll do it later!
Joel Davis: I would rather talk about why the Holocaust is a lot of BS than the Misinformation Bill:
“Oh, wow! We’re talking about this on the show like a year ago. Let’s just, let’s cover this again!”
One thing I will say about the Misinformation Bill, actually, let’s just maybe cover some news.
A lot of people have been reporting it, like, as if it’s a “hate speech Bill”. It is not a hate speech bill. The Bill does not authorize the government to go after private individuals for what they post online. It authorizes a regulatory body called the ACMA [Australian Communications and Media Authority], I believe, to basically go after the social media companies and impose government standards on their regulatory practices to try and basically force sites like Twitter and maybe even Rumble to take down certain kinds of content and change their moderation policies to become more strict and in line with the kind of policies that you see on Facebook or Instagram or YouTube, which are more in line with what the government wants.
[* The Australian Communications and Media Authority is an Australian government statutory authority within the Communications portfolio. ACMA was formed on 1 July 2005 with the merger of the Australian Broadcasting Authority and the Australian Communications Authority. ACMA is responsible for collecting broadcasting, radiocommunication and telecommunication taxes, and regulating Australian media.]
So that’s actually what the Bill is about. Obviously, that’s a bad thing, but it’s not the same thing as the government’s going to come knock on your door because you made a misinformation Twitter post. Not yet, anyway. That’s not what the Bill says.
Blair Cottrell: So why aren’t they doing that already? Well, with racist posts, anyway. Looking here online, …
Joel Davis: No, I can’t think of one person in Australia that has been door knocked over a racist Twitter post. Has that ever happened that you guys know?
Blair Cottrell: I mean, throughout the West, like Western civilisation, I’ve heard of it happening.
Joel Davis: Yeah, it happens in Britain, but it doesn’t happen in Australia.
So I don’t think we should be fear mongering about that being that can happen, because then people will be afraid to say things on the Internet. We don’t want them to be afraid to say things. It’s not illegal. You’re not going to get door knocked over something you send. Unless you’re, like, full on FED posting and advocating for killing people or something like crazy like that, you’re not going to get door knocked.
Thomas Sewell: I think people should be very careful, even in Australia, especially if they own legally owned firearms, they should be very careful what they put on Facebook, because there has been people that have been door knocked for things that I wouldn’t say were explicit calls to violence. They were more just like airing frustrations, like natural airing of frustrations on social media posts. There has been some people that have been door knocked and have lost their., … And they haven’t been involved with organisations. They’re just individuals on the Internet. They’ve got legal firearms and the government has used their Facebook posts, specifically Facebook. I don’t know of any other social media, but I know specifically Facebook posts to then say that they’re no longer fit and proper, so they can no longer hold the firearms, legal firearms.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. You’re not allowed to have emotions or opinions if you own guns legally.
Thomas Sewell: So you have to be very careful, yeah.
Blair Cottrell: So when you said ACMA, I thought, where have I heard that before?
So I looked it up and I saw, it’s the Australian Communications and Media Authority. And then I remembered the ACMA was consulted by Sky News after my appearance on Sky News, namely Adam Giles show. When was that, Tom? That was about four or four years ago now, maybe five years ago?
Thomas Sewell: 2018
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. And they ended up ruling that there was nothing wrong with my appearance on Adam Giles show. And there was no actual reason to ban me or to take any action. But their ruling took, like, six to eight months to come through, so by that time, everyone had moved on, so it didn’t really matter.
But interesting that that’s going to be the agency that’s going to be trusted to hold platform providers to account for what they’re allowing to be posted on those platforms. Obviously, the ACMA has maybe in recent years, been kind of populated, you might say, by the right kind of (((people))) that the government needs it to have.
Joel Davis: Yeah. It’s under their control too. So they could, if they’re not happy with the AMCA not sufficiently regulating so-called “disinformation”, which actually is a total misnomer because what the Bill outlines is that basically:
“Causing offence to any protected group is a form of disinformation.”
Thomas Sewell: Joel as just disconnected. He’s reconnected. Joel is back.
Joel Davis: Did I disconnect?
Blair Cottrell: Not on my end you didn’t. Yeah, you were fine on my end for some reason.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, maybe I disconnected.
Joel Davis: Yeah, maybe you did.
Anyway, my, what I was saying was that you, disinformation and misinformation is something that is interpreted as literally anything that offends any kind of minority or protected group or people of a particular, even people of a particular political status, I think it said in the legislation. So you could construe almost anything as “causing harm” is actually the term that it uses. Causing harm to any of these groups. There’s a way that you can rationalise taking almost any content down on those pretexts. At least someone is going to “feel harmed” by almost any, …
Blair Cottrell: Joel, Joel, what about the harm that can potentially be caused, according to the contents of the bill, to bankers and, what do they call it? The economic market?
So you’re not allowed to undermine public confidence in banks or Australia’s economic markets! What does that mean? [chuckling] You’re not allowed to forecast a recession?
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! The Bill would basically make it possible for them to take down any kind of criticism of government health mandates, climate change, … So if you criticise vaccines or climate change or any of these things, if you go against the mainstream consensus on any of these issues, they could classify all of these things as “misinformation” or “disinformation” or whatever. The legislation is so broad, they can’t take anything down off the Internet that they want to.
But the thing is they can’t directly take it down. The legislation doesn’t basically give the AMCA the right to specifically say:
“I want this taken down. This post, this post, this post!”
What the legislation authorizes them to do is to basically provide guidelines to the social media companies on what they should be taking down.
So it’s kind of a little bit convoluted.
Blair Cottrell: Didn’t it say 5% of the revenue from the platform provider in question can be taken as a fine by the media association or the ACMA? Is that what the legislation said?
Joel Davis: So that’s basically what they’re going to do. And I would anticipate that. Elon Musk has already criticised the legislation multiple times. Unfortunately, he decided to say “fascism” as his form of criticism of this bill. I mean, how that’s “fascism”, I don’t really understand. Like the Internet, when fascist regimes existed, I don’t understand, …
But anyway, it’s a bommerism. But the point is that what this is actually is kind of liberalism, it’s socialism.
But anyway, the point is that the bill. Yeah. It ultimately is only as powerful as what the Australian government’s power is, which over a company that’s based in a foreign country, is quite limited.
So at the end of the day, all the servers for all these social media companies are hosted in foreign countries, and they can’t pull Elon Musk before a court and tell him what to do on his American website.
So all they can do is maybe mess with Australian based revenue streams into X which probably aren’t that substantial. I would imagine only a very small portion of how much revenue they raise comes from Australia. So they’re only going to take like, 5%. I could very much envisage Elon Musk basically just wearing it and telling them to get fucked, because it really would be such a minute amount of Twitter’s overall revenue.
So I don’t know if it’s actually that big of a deal. It could be a whole big song and dance of almost nothing, to be honest. We’ll see how it plays out.
Blair Cottrell: Who was that woman reading out the Bill in Parliament? What, they don’t read out the whole bill, but the preface for the bill. The preface for the bill. Who was that woman? Do we know anything about her? She had one of those toxic haircuts. Looked like the kind of woman.
Joel Davis: The kind of woman that would be in the government?
Blair Cottrell: In the government, in a high school. Yeah. Why do all women look like that? Why do all women, like government women, look like that? They all look like clones of each other, don’t they?
Joel Davis: Hot chicks, don’t want to go and become part of the government!
Blair Cottrell: No, it’s not. It’s more than that, it’s more than just not being attractive. It’s like they’re a whole different race. It’s like they’ve taken their the idea that they’re a member of this elitist superclass to the next level. And they’ve actually tried to create a physical, observable identity out of that liberal superclass. It’s like they’re a whole different race! The way they think, the way they look, the way they behave, it’s totally alien. It’s really weird!
Joel Davis: There’s a certain kind of allure that for a certain personality type, having an official title where you wear a pantsuit and you get to be an official title:
“Oh, look how successful I am! Look how prominent I am! Because I have of this position!”
Whether it be like a CEO of a large corporation or being in the government or being the principal of a high school or something like this. A so-called high status position within the system. Someone who’s kind of a loser that doesn’t really have any kind of normal, markable way within the culture of being kind of liked or affirmed or validated. They find a way:
“Well, if I just follow all these bureaucratic procedures and cross my t’s and dot my I’s, then I can get this piece of status, and then I can become important. And then all these people have to pretend. Have to kiss my arse and pretend that I matter, and I can be, oh, I’m such an inspiration for women everywhere because look at me! I’ve become the Member of Parliament, and now I’m the Minister for Education!”
Or some bullshit title or whatever that they get given.
And so it gives them this inflated sense of ego. Which indicates that something is quite wrong with them, that they can’t find meaning or validation in their life in any kind of normal, healthy channel. I think that really explains, …
Blair Cottrell: Maybe it’s the default reaction to not attracting a partner or not being able to attract a partner or not presenting yourself as useful to. I don’t know, but, like, I couldn’t imagine anything worse. What you said there, where you said they’re aiming for a title or position where from they can force other people to be nice to them and everyone has to pretend to like them. I would hate that! I would hate that! I want to hear what people really think. I don’t want people pretending to like me.
Like, I don’t know where you guys stand on that. I think you would agree that there could be nothing worse than having sycophants just blowing smoke up your ass, just talking shit! Like, you want to hear what people really think, right? You want people to be honest. But, well, that’s just me.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. You see these women everywhere. They’re the stereotypical corporate, HR, or corporate governance lady. They’re in actual government. They’re in school, education, governance.
So I’ll give you an example recently, and I’ve seen the photo of this lady, and she looked exactly as Beck [Tom’s wife] described her. Beck obviously works part time consulting within the education system. And I’m sure the Lefties will try and dox that and stop that. I don’t give a fuck! [chuckling] Like, awesome! I hope she loses her job.
No, seriously. But no, she just does it not just out of the goodness of her heart. It is important to her to just stay within the industry and just keep tabs on it to see how fucking far it’s falling.
But she is working at a school at the moment. The principal’s a man and he’s currently, … I don’t know how much I can say legally, I guess I’m not naming names, so I can say whatever I want. But he’s currently under investigation for paedophilia. The principal.
And so the vice principal’s had to step up and is taking over the school. And all the staff hate the vice principal. It’s a woman. She doesn’t have children. She’s in her forties. And she has that haircut that you described, and she has that attitude that we all understand.
And all of her staff, mostly female. Most of the staff are female at the school. They are getting physically assaulted by students. And we’re talking, I’m pretty sure it’s a primary school. So they’re getting physically assaulted by grade twos, grade threes, grade fours, like, incessantly. And they are being told, …
Blair Cottrell: What do you mean? The kids are beating up the teachers?
Thomas Sewell: The kids are physically attacking the teachers. They’re kicking and punching the teachers. Yeah.
Blair Cottrell: [chuckling] Okay! [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: And so the school is in such a crisis that they’ve called for an independent consultant to come in and see what’s going on:
“Why are the children doing this? Clearly the gentle parenting and gentle schooling approach isn’t working. How do we rework it to make it work? How do we try and reinvent a wheel that’s broken?”
And it’s quite interesting because all the teachers are saying that every time they try to implement any sort of consequence, because they’re not allowed to say “disciplinary action” anymore, they now say “consequence”. They’re not allowed to implement any “consequence” for any negative behaviour, any “bad behaviour”. Bad behaviour basically doesn’t exist anymore in the primary school.
And this is a normal state school. This is a normal state school in Victoria. There’s no discipline. There’s not allowed to be any discipline. There’s no consequence. There’s not allowed to be any consequence.
And when the teachers report the violence that they’re receiving from the children to the acting principal, the acting principal basically tells them:
“Look, this conversation is too much for me. I’m getting anxious from this conversation. I’m going to have to leave this conversation.”
And then the principal then [chuckling] walks off and it’s fucking hilarious! But that’s what’s going on.
Blair Cottrell: What you’re saying is this school, this school was more functional under the leadership of an actual possible paedophile than it is from one of these corporate women! [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. So the old principal, it’s kind of fucked up, but I’ll sidetrack that statement. But yes, but the other interesting factor with this principal is, or vice principal, acting principal is she is trying to get the principal’s job. So what she’s doing is she’s fudging the statistics. She’s pretending that there’s no incidences. She’s walking off on these conversations so that she doesn’t have to do her job, she doesn’t have to report the violence, she doesn’t have to report that the school is in chaos. The only team that’s been reported is this third party team. So obviously it’s all resting on her to write an honest report to the government to say:
“Hey, this is actually what’s going on at the school.”
So it’s interesting. [chuckling] It’s very interesting. [chuckling]
Also, Josh Roose*, who’s an anti-fascist researcher in the universities that regularly writes about how we’re all psychopaths and how we’re evil and the government should put us in jail. His wife is actually a principal at a school as well.
So that’s another interesting thing. [chuckling] It’s a small world! It’s a really small world!
[* Dr Josh Roose is a political sociologist and Associate Professor of Politics at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University, Melbourne. His research focuses on the intersection of politics, law, sociology, and religion with an emphasis on political and religious violent extremism and terrorism. He has also contributed expertise through interviews and background research for the full range of Australian television, print and radio outlets including ABC news programs including the 7.30 Program, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, 60 Minutes, The Guardian, SBS, The Australian, and Sky News.]
Joel Davis: He wrote a whole article about how about me recently in the Australian. That was quite funny, …
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Mr Roose.
Joel Davis: Because I ratioed him on Twitter. I said:
“Listen you should be thanking me that I’m giving you something to write about, otherwise you would be irrelevant. It wasn’t for people like us the Australian wouldn’t really be commissioning you to write any articles.”
And then he blocked me. So yes, he doesn’t have much of a sense of humour.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he’s a pussy!
Joel Davis: Yeah. It’s a picture of us cutting a Hitler cake in the like a swastika cake on Hitler’s birthday in the news.
So I thought that that that was pretty cool!
And what I didn’t like about the article, though, was he was making out like as if I’ve sprung to prominence after October 7. And my criticism of Israel, which didn’t really make any sense. Like, I barely talked about the Israel-Palestine conflict that much at all! Did a bit when it first kind of broke out. It was interesting to analyze, but it’s not really like my thing. So it was kind of bizarre! And he was trying to construe that somehow off the back of the anti-Israel movement we’re promoting neo-Nazism or something like that. If anything, it’s the other way around. We’re like:
“Oh, I guess we kind of hate Israel because it’s run by jews.”
But, you know, our focus isn’t really there. So he probably doesn’t actually watch the show as write an article that was that trash. These people get paid thousands of dollars to research us and they don’t even watch the show!
Meanwhile, poor old Miss Kaz Ross. She watches every single show religiously. Yeah, she’s watching right now! The media never ask her to write an article. [chuckling] She just gets upset how bad their articles are and how bad all these official researchers are.
Joel Davis: She’s like the fat communist who, …
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, researcher.
Joel Davis: Yeah, she’s obsessed with us. And she’s always posting on Twitter about us.
Thomas Sewell: She has a tenure at the University of Tasmania, I’m pretty sure.
Joel Davis: She knows us quite well. Like, her posts are actually kind of interesting. I mean, she has me blocked on Twitter. But occasionally Swindon will post a screenshot because he likes antagonizing her on the timeline in the group chat.
And so I’ll see some of what she has to say. And recently she did acknowledge that I’m an intelligent young gentleman. Apparently I’m an evil paedophile as well. But I’m an intelligent young gentleman.
So thanks for the compliment, Kaz. It’s nice. You obviously watch the show.
Blair Cottrell: Maybe Kaz is gradually, very gradually starting to turn? How long can you actually work on people like us before we start making a bit more sense than you expected?
Joel Davis: Maybe if she lost like 50 kilos, she’d come around?
Thomas Sewell: Our worldview would make sense if she lost 50 kilos. Because her main motivation is that she has a lack of self esteem because she’s a fat bitch! So she thinks she’s not allowed in the ethno-state. And so that’s why she wants to destroy the ethno-state. And this is just basic psychology 101. If you think you can’t go to the ethno-state, then you want to destroy the ethno-state.
And so that’s spiritual. That’s a spiritual construct.
So all these Antifa, all these communists, their fundamental motivation is they have low self esteem. They’re biological traitors. And they’re just like, well, misery loves company:
“If I can’t have it, no one can!”
You know:
“Why do these people got, ..!”
Like, it’s envy. It’s very strange. It’s hard to understand if you’ve got an attitude of:
“Okay, if I’m inferior, I should get good. If I’m not good at life, I should get better at life!”
But they don’t come at it from that angle. They just want to destroy the rich, eat the rich. They don’t even hate the jews because the jews are this, like, financial parasite that’s actually destroying society. They just hate the jews because the jews are better than them, or the jews are in positions of dominance or authority. They don’t hate the jews!
Blair Cottrell: That’s what we get accused of too. Like, we get accused of that.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, people mistake our motivations for being, like, anarchistic or communistic, but they’re not. Our motivations are we want a healthy society with a master morality. And a master morality doesn’t imply that we need to have slaves.
And I think that when a communist understands that, then they have a chance to sort of, maybe not empathize. That’s probably not the right word, but if they were accidently, … Not that we’re going to recruit many communists in the 21st century, obviously, Joel covered that last stream where the data shows that it’s a very different type of communist to 100 years ago.
But if there was some that got lost down the path, when they understand that our worldview isn’t about enslaving nons, it’s about just separating from and getting good, you know, it’ll make a bit more sense. Like, the fash doesn’t seem that bad anymore. Because that’s what they’re concerned about. They’ve got misdirected empathy.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Your modern communists, they’re less motivated by class war or even ideology than they are spurred on by dysgenics. It’s dysgenics which is at the heart of modern communism. It’s not even ideology. And in regards to the being fat, losing 50 kilos. You don’t lose 50 kilos, then adopt the National Socialist worldview. You start adopting the National Socialist worldview, then you lose the 50 kilos! That’s the process, in my opinion.
Thomas Sewell: Yes!
Joel Davis: It’s a little bit of a chicken and an egg problem, though, because that being a fat piece of shit makes it so difficult for you to accept a worldview, …
Blair Cottrell: You have to hate yourself first, you need to hate that version of yourself first. You hate that! You keep looking at yourself in the mirror, and you say to yourself:
“Wow, I’m a piece of shit! I hate the way I look! I need to do something about this!”
And you say that every day until you start actually doing something to change it. You need to hate and reject the existing person you are, and the ideas that have led you to become that person, and completely, you know, re-imagine yourself. Right. That’s what I think for some of these.
Joel Davis: I mean, that’s good advice.
But actually what happens is that if you’re a fat piece of shit, nine times out of 10, is that you’d rather just cope about the fact that you’re a fat piece of shit by believing in a worldview which divorces you from nature in some way and nature’s inherent valuations. Because that’s what National Socialism is. National Socialism is an ideology that respects nature. That’s why, you know, Hitler’s view, he stated very explicitly, was that:
“A people that will not fight for its existence, does not deserve to live in this world.”
You have to earn your existence from nature through strength, through struggle. Otherwise, you can have no complaints if you’re wiped out of existence.
And the brutality of nature, which is a necessary brutality, because it’s a brutality that basically separates the wheat from the chaff that casts off weakness, that casts off basically erroneous directions that nature go in and refines the direction of life so that only the strong and the healthy can survive. And so nature has a way of kind of cleaning itself with its own inherent brutality and purifying itself with its own inherent brutality. And I learnt to kind of love and respect that aspect of nature. And to conform oneself to it by becoming strong and by becoming healthy and becoming worthy of existence, of continued existence.
That worldview is very difficult to embrace if you feel weak, if you feel disgusting, if you feel unhealthy. And there’s other worldviews that can come along and say:
“Well, actually, that whole idea of respecting nature is actually a form of domination, is actually a form of immoral brutality. People that lack empathy, that lack concern for other human beings, that don’t understand how difficult it is to be born in a certain body and to have certain natural handicaps or whatever, but we here in team communism or team Christianity or whatever, the form of egalitarianism team that you’re adopting, we care for all people, and we see value in everyone, and we want to lift everyone up together through this kind of, Chungus universal brotherhood of man or love or whatever!”
But of course, ultimately, that’s a total fraud. Ultimately, that doesn’t actually exist because nature actually exists.
And so all that ends up happening is that you facilitating parasitism and you’re facilitating the manipulation of outsider groups who will use that morality against you. Like we’re seeing with all of these non-Whites that are taking advantage of our egalitarian moment in the Western world. They can’t believe their luck at how stupid we are that we’re just giving away! We built the greatest civilisation in world history, and we’re just giving it away to them for free, and apologizing to them while we give it to them that we’re not giving it to you know, quickly enough and rapaciously enough or something.
Blair Cottrell: There’s many forces that will come at you in this world with the attractive idea that you aren’t your own responsibility and things aren’t your fault and your failures aren’t a result of your own weakness or naivety. But you’ve got to be careful that you don’t be swayed so easily by these forces. As Joel just pointed out, they come packaged in many different ways, sometimes as religions, sometimes as unions, and ideological groups. And sure, there’s collective oppression that you can challenge, but you can’t really be oppressed unless you’re weak enough to be in the first place.
So if you get strong enough, if you get good enough, then you’ll start doing the oppressing, and you really become immune to oppression.
And I think the world really is sort of “oppressed or be oppressed” in a way. You need to be in a position where you can crush any and all opponent that challenges you. Even if you don’t actually need to do it, you still have to have the capability of doing it. You have to keep yourself strong to prove your right to exist in this world.
And this glorification of weakness really irritates me in the West. It kills all incentive to perform when we’re rewarding and prioritizing the weakest and the sickest in our society. Where’s that going long term? The only logical conclusion is everyone’s going to try to be as weak and as sick as possible in order to be paid and rewarded for it.
Thomas Sewell: So I think it’s really important to know what’s going on in the schools. And I appreciated David Hiscock. He just wrote an article on that Misinformation Bill, just tying a few of these subjects together that have been floating around in the ether. But David Hiscock wrote about how the, … Sorry, not the Misinformation Bill, the banning of children from social media.
And I think that’s quite significant, because they’re still watching TV, they’re still getting programmed. They just don’t have the sort of Pandora’s box of the Internet.
And again, I’m not sure the exact age that they’re trying to legislate that children can’t use the Internet, but what they’re doing to children is ultimately what they’re trying to do to adults. And that was the point he was making in the article. And I think we discussed that on the show maybe two or three weeks ago as well.
This idea that Hitler talks about it, Stalin talks about it, and that’s not just because they’re both dictators by definition, but it is just commonly understood that who controls the youth, controls the future. And the way the Liberal tyranny or the anarcho-tyranny is doing it is they are making these changes. Oh, that’s right. I remember it was the show we talked about. It was when we talked about how the anti-bullying safe schools programme from six years ago has changed culture so significantly that children growing up that have had that change to the education curriculum are now adults. And now the government finally got the courage, or they finally got enough time behind them to start seriously changing how society functions in the same way that bureaucrats can just change how a high school works.
And a bit of a tangent, but a real world example I have of this is when I was in the army. When I got to battalion, when I marched out of training, we got pulled aside into a room by the lieutenant colonel, and he said, I think it was Forbes. And he died of cancer, conveniently. But he gave us a big speech about how:
“All the soldiers in the unit were cancer.”
That’s what he said to us. And we were, like, 18 years old. We just marched out of training. And he pulled all the new guys, because it was like about three or four Platoons* worth of new guys, new recruits, rocked up a battalion all at the same time. And he pulled us all into an auditorium and he said:
“All the soldiers just got back from Afghanistan. Basically, they’re cancer, they’re rotten, they’re no good. And basically I’m trying to get rid of them. And you guys are the future and you guys have been trained properly. And the army is going through some changes at the moment, and these people are trying to hold on to the old army. And what we need to do is have the new army. And you guys are the new army.”
[* In the Australian Army, an infantry Platoon has thirty-six soldiers organised into three eight-man sections and a twelve-man manoeuvre support section, with a lieutenant as Platoon commander and a sergeant as Platoon sergeant, accompanied by a Platoon signaller and sometimes a Platoon medic (full strength of forty men). A section comprises eight soldiers led by a corporal with a lance corporal as second in command. Each section has two fireteams (sometimes three) of four men, one led by the corporal and the other by the lance corporal. Each fireteam (also called a “brick” by Australian soldiers) has one soldier with an F89 Minimi LSW and the other three armed with F88 Steyr assault rifles. One rifle per fireteam has an attached 40 mm grenade launcher; one of the grenadiers is the lance corporal. Fireteam bravo has a HK417 7.62mm for the designated marksman role. More recently, the designated marksman of each Australian fireteam has been issued the HK417 in Afghanistan and possibly afterwards. The Platoon may also have three MAG 58 general-purpose machine guns, one M2 Browning heavy machine gun, or a Mk 19 grenade launcher at its disposal. Wikipedia]
And we told all the senior soldiers and they were like:
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s Forbes. He’s a piece of shit! You know, good luck with him. Basically, we’re all leaving because we don’t want this guy as our commander. We’re all discharging, we’re all getting out of the army. And yeah, we just feel sorry for you and you guys because you don’t actually know what the army is. The thing you have joined is very different to what it was five years ago. It’s drastically changed in a very short period of time.”
And the army went from this boys club where it was like party hard, work hard, serve the country, do the hard yards. And it was this macho kind of warrior cult, and it just became PC. You’re basically a security guard for the state when they decide and when they don’t decide. And we’re going to be doing lots of humanitarian work and you’re kind of a bodyguard for like the UN humanitarian aid workers. And we’re going to transition away from a lot of this combat stuff. And we were infantry soldiers.
And I sensed this transition actually, when I applied because of dealing with the civilian recruiting agency and the kind of questions they would ask. It made me think, like:
“Am I joining the army or am I joining the Peace Corps?”
It was very strange, the questions. I won’t go into it. But I saw that firsthand. And I saw that when you drastically change the culture of an institution, you actually have to remove basically all the non-compliant manpower from the organisation and you have to restock the organisation with the new manpower that can be loyal to the institution, because it doesn’t even know what the old institution was like because it wasn’t around. And you’ve got this fresh slate.
And so that’s what’s happening at a macro level and at a micro level. So at a macro level, they’re replacing us, you know, ethnically. Like, the White people are getting replaced from Australia and Britain and Canada, America, Germany, wherever. We’re getting replaced, and they’re bringing in these migrants.
And one of the main reasons is that the White people are just the “cancer”. This is what our bureaucrats think of us. This is what the ruling elites think of us. Because White people want things like justice and fairness and freedom and honour and respect and rights and liberties! That’s what the White people want. But the Chinese and Indian bug people they don’t know. What the fuck does fairness and righteousness and justice mean to them? This isn’t in their psyche. This isn’t in their psyche. These words are Western words. These are Western concepts. These belong to us!
And so to change the culture into the tyranny that they’re trying to make, they need to replace us. And they can’t replace all the Whites all at once, so they got to brainwash them in school. And so we’re seeing the anarcho-tyranny playing out where you’ve got children. They can’t be punished for basically what is proto-criminal behaviour.
So that’s the anarchy. But they can be punished. If you say the word “gay”, I guarantee there’s a punishment for it. I guarantee there’s consequences. If you said the word “gay” in class, you get punished! But you punch the teacher:
“Oh, why are you feeling this way? What’s wrong? Tell us why you’re feeling this way.”
Joel Davis: See if you punch the gay kids?
Thomas Sewell: Well, I have one anecdotal story. We have run a similar. We haven’t run the experiment. I’m aware of an anecdotal, …
Blair Cottrell: We [chuckling] have some experience in this! [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Ha! [chuckling] There were some gay jews that tried to run me over the car and shit happened. But that’s a different discussion.
We have in the school environment, one of the younger siblings of a member was made aware. I think he’s like 13 or something. He was made aware that there was going to be a tranny at school the next year.
So the teachers sat all the kids down, said:
“When Jeffrey comes back next year, he’s actually not Jeffrey. He’s like, Janice and it’s a girl now, and you have to refer to him as a girl.”
And although all the boys in the class apparently just had a huddle and were like:
“Let’s just bully the fuck out of this faggot!”
And then they just went, as soon as Jeffrey came back, and he was like, all the teacher and the girls were like, trying to call him Janice and all this, and all the boys were like:
“Shut the fuck up, Jeffrey! You faggot!”
And the whole class did it, and they couldn’t expel everyone. So the kid eventually just dropped out of the school. So the Zoomers are winning. Actually, I think these are, these might be Gen Alpha. These might not even be Zoomers. I think we’re seeing, …
Blair Cottrell: The exact same thing happened, … When you were telling that story, the same thing happened in Port Phillip Prison when I was there. And it was a little jewish woman who was part of the prison staff, who brought into our unit a young Indian kid. I think he was about 18, 19 years old, but he was doing minimum ten year sentence because he killed his White girlfriend. I don’t know what the circumstances were. But in prison, when you kill a young girl, the other prisoners don’t really appreciate that. And it tends to be the sort of crime that if you’re convicted of it, you spend your time in the “slot”, we call it, or solitary confinement. You don’t really mix with the mainstream of the prison, for your own safety.
But yeah, one of the little jewish woman she was called the Youth Development Officer. Uh, she was all right to me, but she came up with this idea:
“We’re going to integrate this person into the mainstream unit.”
We had a meeting headed up by this woman who said:
“Look, there’s a guy coming into this unit who’s you know, he’s convicted of murder, he’s made a mistake and all that, but we’re trying to integrate him into mainstream to give him a chance.”
And the same thing happened, like, as soon as she left the room, we all just looked at each other, because we heard the details of what he’d done, and we’re just like:
“Let’s just fucking get this cunt!”
So [chuckling] he was only in there for an hour, but before he had to be taken out. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah, Well, based!
Thomas Sewell: You cannot stop the Aryan spirit, and it lives in the youth, so good luck to them.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, getting suspended from school isn’t even that bad. I mean, you just get to sit at home for three days. Yeah, it’s one of the best punishments. Well, when I got suspended, my dad would, like, pack up the Xbox and take it with him to work, so I couldn’t play it. Fucking asshole!
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, my dad used to hide it. But he thought I didn’t know where he hid it, but I knew. So when he wasn’t home, I’d go and get it and then put it back.
Joel Davis: That’s what I did first. And then he figured that out. So then he just took it to work.
So then I was just fucked!
Thomas Sewell: My dad would take the power cable and I just wouldn’t tell him that I just stole a backup one from school. It’s the same power cable. They’re universal. [chuckling] So he took the power cable to work.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. The toaster cord. Yeah, yeah.
Joel Davis: Yeah. But I’ll talk about this story. Actually, let’s get a bit of a story going.
So I don’t know if you guys saw this, but it’s going around:
“Sweden to pay immigrants up to $34,000 US to leave. Sweden plans to boost payments up to $34,000 to immigrants who leave the nation that has been a haven for the war weary and persecuted, the Right-wing government, said on Thursday.”
So called “Right-wing”, I’m reading. This is from Associated Press.
Thomas Sewell: Can you put the article up?
Joel Davis: :
“The Scandinavian country was for decades seen as a, quote, ‘humanitarian superpower’, but over the years has struggled to integrate many of its newcomers. Immigrants who voluntarily returned to their countries of origin from 2026 would be eligible to receive up to 350,000 Swedish krona, …”
Which is $34,000. So what is that? Almost like 50 grand Australian?:
“The government, which is propped up by the anti-immigration Sweden, Democrats, told a press conference, quote, ‘We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in our migration policy’, migration minister Johann Forsal told reporters as the government presented its latest move to crack down on migration. Currently, immigrants can receive up to 10,000 krona per adult and 5,000 per child, with a cap of 40,000.”
So that’s a pretty massive increase.
Anyway. So this is making a lot of news because I think this is like the biggest payment of any European country or any Western country or I think any country in the world for people to re-migrate back to their countries of origin. And it’s obviously quite significant. There was some polling that was done that suggested that a very substantial portion of a lot of these immigrants, if they were paid enough to be able to resettle back in their homeland, would be interested in going home. So hopefully it gets rid of some of the shitskins out of Sweden.
But my response to this is that ultimately this isn’t the way. It’s not going to produce a very large scale of responses. Only a very small minority, I think, of these migrants will take the bait and go home. What’s stopping them coming back again later? I don’t know if there really is any mechanism to stop them coming back later, even after taking the money. Maybe their Visa gets ripped up or whatever, but they could reapply.
But also, moreover, it’s still playing into the idea that these immigrants are entitled to, basically the free choice of what country they want to live in and support to live a good life on the back of the Swedish taxpayer and so on. It isn’t creating disincentives or negative incentives. It isn’t saying we’re going to put a big levy or tax upon immigrants in order to basically make it difficult for them to make a substantial living in Sweden and therefore create the incentive for them to leave. It isn’t forcibly removing people.
And I think until you cross that boundary where you say:
“I’ll be willing to make the lives of immigrants substantially worse and actually ruin their choices, not expand their choices and try and give them a golden handshake, but actually make their life worse to stay.”
You’re not really going to get a substantial shift.
Additionally, that’s a lot of money. How the hell are these immigrants entitled to more from, … It’s still, I think, morally wrong almost to take even more from the Swedish people and give it to these browns.
But nevertheless, it probably, probably will reduce the overall numbers to a degree. So it’ll be interesting to see as an experiment how successful the programme is and keep an eye on it. It is part of like a changing attitude, I think, in European politics to the idea of the immigrants going back, which is a positive thing.
Blair Cottrell: Could it be a throw off just to placate the public who see what’s happening? Like:
“Oh, yeah, we just re-migrated a hundred people!”
But then another thousand came in.
Joel Davis: Yeah, of course. Of course!
Thomas Sewell: It’s a step in the right direction. And I know that sounds like a really reformist take, not a revolutionary one. But it, as you said, it’s a new dynamic. It’s a new dynamic. We haven’t really had this dynamic. This hasn’t been a conversation on the table. Now that it’s a conversation on the table, it’s a clever little ploy from the conservatives. It’s like:
“Well see some of them went back, see, it is possible.”
And then you can just keep ramping it up.
And I shared, when the riots were happening in London, I shared an Enoch Powell interview. It’s maybe only like five or seven minutes long. And he’s with a very hostile kind of libtard journalist. And Enoch Powell is talking about these kinds of things, that there’s different measures that the British government could take to turn Britain back to being 100% White or 99.9% White.
And obviously he’s talking about a very small community of non-Whites. I think he’s talking about 100,000 or 200,000 that he sees need to go back.
Now, obviously, it’s in the millions. Potentially it’s like 10 million. But he does mention that. He says that there’s sort of this carrot and stick dynamic.
And then the libtard journalist says:
“Well, what happens if they don’t take the carrot?”
Basically, what happens if they don’t take these, … The journalist refers to them as “coercive measures” and defines this as coercion because you’re saying:
“Here, do this is the easy way because otherwise there’ll be a hard way. It’s like it’s subtly implied that you’re going to bring harm to migrants.”
And Powell’s playing the game. He’s not going full Hitler mode because that’s not what he was, but he’s not cucking on the question. He’s kind of trying to hold this, …
Joel Davis: Like, well, I mean, Hitler did play this game. Hitler did make a deal with the Zionists to relocate the jews to Palestine in exchange for, …
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yes, technically, yes.
Joel Davis: So Hitler invented re-migration in a certain way, you could say.
Blair Cottrell: You’re saying that Adolf Hitler explored peaceful solutions to avoid war?
Joel Davis: Yeah, of course!
Actually, at that time in the mid 1930s, because a lot of people say:
“Oh, Hitler actually supported zionism!”
And like this retarded mental gymnastics. At the time, in the mid 1930s, the International Jewish community was whipping up an intense amount of hatred against Germany at a time when Germany wasn’t as prepared for war as it was at the beginning of the Second World War. This is in the mid 1930s. Hitler only been in power for a couple of years. And the international clique of jews, particularly in New York, but everywhere, were whipping up a lot of anti-German sentiment. And the Poles were very emboldened by this to pursue a kind of aggressive posture against Germany, over the disputed territories and so on. You know, obviously, at the end of the First World War, a lot of former German territories were either handed over to Poland or the free city of Danzig was created as a kind of compromise as well.
But anyway, there’s a lot of details. I don’t even want to go down explicating them all. If you don’t know about this, read up on your history.
But the point is that Germans were in a relatively weak point at that point. Then the jews basically started fighting amongst themselves. All these different factions of people trying to get together and put sanctions on Germany and put pressure on Germany and make Germany a pariah state in the international community and so on. They kind of got consumed with the “two jews, three opinions”, internal warfare within themselves or internal arguments within themselves.
And the only faction within, the most unstable faction within that was the Zionists, who thought that they could exploit how anti-semitic the National Socialist regime was to get a big jewish population to go and participate in their settlement programme in Palestine, because obviously, this is before the state of Israel existed.
And at that time, zionism was just a dream of a certain subset of the jewish community in Europe. And they were trying to convince the jews to move there, most of whom had no interest, frankly, in moving to Palestine, because they were living in Europe and doing quite well in Europe and didn’t see the necessity, or didn’t really have the inclination to go and become part of a settler project, which, when you’re the first mover on those kinds of things, it isn’t always particularly in a maybe hostile place filled with Arabs, it isn’t necessarily the most alluring proposition.
So they saw what was happening in Germany as an opportunity, so they tried to seize it. And Hitler saw it as an opportunity to get one faction of the jews to maybe turn on the other factions, because then all the other factions would get pissed off at the Zionists for making a deal with Hitler, whilst at the same time getting rid of some jews out of Germany, which obviously was an objective.
So Hitler made it, you could say, a deal with the devil, which he thought was good strategy at the time. And it was actually a strategic masterstroke. Hitler was willing to, he was a strategic politician, like any good politician, looking out for the interests of their nation. I mean, he was willing to ultimately make an alliance with Stalin, not really an alliance, it was a non-Aggression pact, but he was willing to do deals ultimately in order to pursue Germany’s interests. And people say:
“Oh, this means that the National Socialists actually supported the Soviet Union, supported the jews!”
Which is the most ridiculous thing that you could possibly say! These are their mortal enemies. But it was just response to a particular strategic landscape that these things happened.
But getting back to re-migration. Unless you guys want to go off on that digression further, you’re welcome to interrupt and do so.
On the re-migration issue. I think the most beneficial thing about what the Swedish government is doing with this is that it won’t work. $34,000 US, it’s a substantial amount of money. But ultimately, going back to fucking Shitgannistan, wherever the fuck these people are from, Syria or whatever, you know, it sucks! Going back with 34 grand in your pocket. It’s still shit! And you’d much rather live in Sweden.
So I don’t think almost anyone is going to take this deal. And we’ll see that it won’t work. And that ultimately, if you don’t have sticks as well as carrots, you’re not getting these fucking browns out of Europe!
And I think we’ll learn that lesson hopefully quite quickly, as a result of the failure of this policy.
Blair Cottrell: You’ll get revolving door, too. What happens when they take the money, go home and run out of money? They’ll come back. And say:
“Oh, it didn’t work out. I’ll try again. Where’s the money?”
You know you can say:
“Oh, well, we’re going to create checks and balances so they can’t apply twice.”
But they’ll just come back with a different name. How are you going to tell them apart? They all look the same. [chuckling] Like it’ll be exploited. I think you’re right. It’s not going to work. There’s too many exploits.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. All of this is part of the subconscious rising of racial nationalism. I mean, slightly off topic, but in line with this concept of all these subtle ways of dealing with the problem, White people are just experts of subtle ways of dealing with the problem.
Let’s not be overt. Let’s just be constantly subtle. And the father, that cuck in Springfield, Ohio, whose son was killed by a Haitian migrant, and then he got up and did a speech. This is like last week, Blair, or this earlier in the week. And he said that:
“He wished that it was a Whiteman that killed his son.”
Joel Davis: Want to play it?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, sure.
Joel Davis: All right, give me, … You can keep going because it would take me about, …
Thomas Sewell: And then there was a community meeting where all these people got up and were complaining about these Haitian migrants.
And then there was like a black Governor, or a black town Mayor, and she was like:
“This meeting is over. It’s done!”
And there was people in the crowd that were like:
“But what are we going to do? How are we going to educate all these kids, they don’t speak English!”
And they were kind of shouting at the Mayor all these kind of sidetrack issues, not actually addressing the main issue. But it was, there’s like these traitors and there’s these lukewarm, and then there’s the fighters, as Hitler says. And the traitors are like:
“I wish a Whiteman killed my son.”
Because then there wouldn’t be more racism towards, you know, this enemy.
And then the lukewarms are like, they want what’s good. They’re neutral. I think neutral is a really good way of describing the normie, because they just want to live in a functioning society. They’re not bad people, but they want, I think, the same thing that the fighters want. We both want the same thing, but the fighters will come out and say it. The fighters will say:
“We’re going to get rid of these Haitians! Just get rid of them! Clear them out!”
But the neutrals will say:
“Oh, how are we going to? How is the school system going to work? We need to hire more teachers. Who’s going to pay for that? Because none of these Haitians speak English.”
And so they’re looking for some kind of gotcha moment. They’re always looking for a gotcha to try to get what they want. The problem is they’re dealing with an enemy. They’re dealing with a traitor. And the traitors like:
“Oh, we’ll work that out. We’ll figure that out.”
And it’s like:
“Damn it! Back to the drawing board. What’s the next complaint? To try to get what we want.”
But it’s like, you don’t get what you want by complaining and saying, how is this going to work? Or, like:
“How are we going to send the Syrians from Sweden back to Syria? Do we pay them 34,000? What if they come back?”
There’s all these kind of arse about face, roundabout ways of trying to resolve the problem.
But obviously, ultimately, it’s the stick. You just got to put the fighters in charge, and the fighters, like:
“You’re all going home! See you later. Hope you enjoyed your holiday. Bye bye!”
You know, no policy, …
Joel Davis: Idi Amin, … Sorry.
Thomas Sewell: No, that’s all right.
Joel Davis: I was just saying, when Idi Amin came to power in Uganda, he just said to the pajeets, because there was heaps of pajeets living in Uganda at the time, you know, part of the British Empire. There was a lot of pajeet migrants through the British colonies all across Africa. You know, Gandhi was actually from South Africa, for example.
Anyway, he came to power and he basically told the pajeets:
“They got 72 hours to get the fuck out or we’re going to start shooting!”
And the pajeets got out!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: You know, now that’s a pretty vulgar, you know, Idi Amin is like some butcher African dictator, but that’s probably the most effective re-migration policy I’ve ever heard of anyway, here’s the video of, …
Blair Cottrell: What did Heinrich Himmler say about this subject? He said:
“Humanitarianism is the expression of cowardice and weakness.”
So all these humanitarian alternatives to dealing with whether it’s, you know, immigrants, re-migration. Well, you know what I’m trying to say. They don’t make you better. I think that’s a problem. A lot of these people have, government officials, people that work in the media industrial complex. What the kind of thing, like, they think that humanitarianism makes them smarter, better people. It doesn’t. It makes you an idiot! It makes you a coward and an idiot! Straight up!
Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly!
Joel Davis: I’ll play, …
Blair Cottrell: Like this guy right here. Like, this guy’s the perfect example of what I’m fucking talking about! Here’s some classic humanitarian cowardice and stupidity from the father of this poor kid that was. I don’t even know how the kid was killed. What’s the story behind this, Joel?
Joel Davis: By the way, talking about physiognomy like he looks like a mutt. He’s quite short. So what happened to this kid, by the way?
Thomas Sewell: [words unclear] Down Syndrome.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Yeah, he does.
So what happened to this kid? For context, for those who don’t know, there was a Haitian who was driving recklessly, he didn’t have a licence and basically caused a bus to swerve and crash. And an eleven year old boy on the bus that tragically died as he was basically thrown out the window of the bus as it crashed, in some way. And this is his father addressing the media.
Father: You know, I wish that my son, Aiden Clark, was killed by a 60 year old Whiteman. I bet you never thought anyone would ever say something so blunt. But if that guy killed my eleven year old son, the incessant group of hate spewing people would leave us alone. The last thing that we need is to have the worst day of our lives violently and constantly shoved in our faces. But even that’s not good enough for them. They take it one step further. They make it seem as though our wonderful Aiden appreciates your hate. That we should follow their hate. And look what you’ve done to us. We have to get up here and beg them to stop. Using Aiden as a political tool is, to say the least, reprehensible for any political purpose.
And speaking of morally bankrupt politicians, Bernie Moreno, Chip Roy, JD Vance, and Donald Trump, they have spoken my son’s name and used his death for political gain. This needs to stop now! They can vomit all the hate they want about illegal immigrants, the border crisis, and even untrue claims about fluffy pets being ravaged and eaten by community members.
However, they are not allowed, nor have they ever been allowed, to mention Aiden Clark from Springfield, Ohio. I will listen to them one more time to hear their apologies. To clear the air my son, Aiden Clark, was not murdered. He was accidentally killed by an immigrant from Haiti. This tragedy is felt all over this community, the state, and even the nation. But don’t spend this towards hate. In order to live Hayden, you need to accept everyone. Choose to shine, make the difference, lead the way, and be the inspiration! What many people in this community and state and nation are doing is the opposite of what you should be doing. Sure, we have our problems here in Springfield and in the US, but, …
Blair Cottrell: How was that guy’s, how he says:
“Donald Trump and other politicians have used the death of my son for politics.”
Really? Wow! Politicians use tragic circumstance for politics. That’s not going to stop, mate! When he says, this needs to stop that’s just been an eternal reality, core component of politics, and it always will be. That’s what politics is.
Joel Davis: He talked about a thing that happened.
Blair Cottrell: And the fact remains, like, he’s just trying to do what I think he’s Hoodwinked into believing is right. I mean, the guy wrote that, proofread it, and still thought it was a good idea to read that on camera.
Joel Davis: Like, just casually, …
Thomas Sewell: His wife proofread it. You can tell.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, probably.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Blair Cottrell: But the fact remains, I hope the guy hears this. I hope the guy hears this. The fact remains, mate, that if that Haitian immigrant was never in the country in the first place, your son would still be alive! It wasn’t the 60 year old Whiteman who killed your son. It was the immigrant. Your son is dead because of that immigrant! Yeah, that’s just a fact.
Joel Davis: I just wish that the immigrant had hit him. I wish he died. Hopefully one hits him soon. Hopefully one of these Haitian migrants eats him! I know that they prefer cats and ducks, apparently. Just I saw there’s a bit of controversy about abounding now in the American media because they’ve “fact checked”. Because in the Trump Harris debate, Trump pulled out the line of:
“The Haitian migrants, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the dogs!”
And they were like:
“They fact checked it. No, technically, there’s no evidence of Haitians eating cats.”
But I’m seeing all these videos of Haitians, like, breaking cats necks and sucking their intestines out on my Twitter feed. So I don’t know what’s going on there exactly. But what I do know is that they put 20,000 [word unclear] down, and I saw a video of this guy saying that basically the government has come in and is paying way over the odds for the Haitian migrants to take up all the rentals in the town.
So everyone got kicked, all their leases got cancelled, and basically everyone were kicked out, because now every landlord can charge the state way over the odds to put a Haitian migrant in their house, and the rent is paid for by the State.
And so now there’s mass homelessness in this city. All these White people basically got thrown out of their homes so they could put Haitians in. These Haitians don’t have jobs, so they’re just loitering around on the street. They’ve come from a, you know, Haiti isn’t just war torn, Haiti is a totally, like, failed society where they’re eating mud! They’re eating, like, mud sandwiches, like, for breakfast in Haiti.
Blair Cottrell: And what’s native to Haiti? Are they, …
Joel Davis: They’re a bunch of niggas. They’re a bunch of, …
Blair Cottrell: Black people. Okay.
Joel Davis: They’re niggas. Like, they’re literal, like, slaves. So Haiti’s origin story is, …
Blair Cottrell: When you say black people, it’s like, there’s different thresholds of black people. What kind of black people in Haiti?
Joel Davis: They are the full niggas.
Blair Cottrell: Like, really black, midnight heart of darkness from Africa type thing? Or the ones that can actually run, …
Joel Davis: Like, how much milk is in the chocolate? Because they would have raped a lot of Amerindian woman. And all the local, whatever the local DNA was of the kind of Amerindians, they’re probably being kind of garbled up into, …
Thomas Sewell: Like, black Brazilians. You know, you see, like, a Brazilian that’s black, and they’ve kind of got a weird kind of Mexican black look to them.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: That’s what the average Haitian looks like. They’re kind of Mexican black. They’re not for Hispanic, but they’re mostly black.
Joel Davis: Yeah, they’re pretty nigger. Like, they’re niggas.
Anyway, the point is, Haiti was built off the slaves revolting against the French. And to the eternal shame of the British Empire, we helped them in our animosity to the French. They overthrew and mass raped and mass murdered. And ate literally, like, consumed the flesh of all the French that could get their hands on.
Thomas Sewell: 1830s, was it 1840s?
Joel Davis: Correct.
And basically, Haiti has been an anarchic cesspool of totally degenerated you know, nigger-retardation ever since. It’s like there’s African countries that are totally failed states where they’ve got child soldiers and weird voodoo magic and cannibalism and so on. Haiti has basically got that going on. Like, it’s a total shitscape. So bringing Haitian in, …
Thomas Sewell: It’s, like, worse than India. It’s actually a country worse than India. India is disgusting! But Haiti is India on steroids. Like, the trash is piling up in the streets. No one takes the trash out. So imagine years of rubbish everywhere. They’ve chopped down every tree. It’s an open sewer. It’s an open sewer!
And as Joel articulated, it was built. Yeah, we’ve got a problem. Yeah, it was.
Blair Cottrell: Remember the children are walking barefoot and pot bellied! We got a problem! Remember that testimony?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: Black people. Not one seafaring ship. Not one! [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: And they never built one boat that was seaworthy. Not one! [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Haitians are disgusting!
And again, they have the legacy of White genocide. Haiti as a country, I mean, it was a French colony, as Joel articulated, probably ten or 20% French. And then a whole bunch of African slaves were there picking the cotton fields, or it was probably sugarcane or fruit, something like that. And, yeah, there was a planned revolt, and they overthrew the French overlords and they killed them all. And they killed all the mulattoes that were in any sort of administrative or middle tier, middle rank, kind of like the Second Class, if the first class was the full blooded Whites, and the kind of Amerindian or African mulattoes with White blood in them were the kind of Second Class that helped, like the house niggers. And then the third class were the field niggers.
And basically the field niggers revolted and killed all the Whites, ate them and raped them, and then they killed all the mulattoes. Because they had too much White in them and they didn’t trust them. So they killed all the people that knew how to manage a farm, how to do anything [chuckling] other than just the most basic manual labour and be told what to do.
So then they all starved to death. Basically, like, 80% of the population died. And then what’s left are kind of the cannibals that managed to survive that genetic selective process. So they’re just, the worst scum, …
Joel Davis: That’s why foreign aid is disgusting, because they send all these UN aid packages to breed the Haitians back up to a large level.
Thomas Sewell: And then they dump them on America like a bio, …
Joel Davis: Like just degenerate into savagery and their population numbers will just collapse and barely any of them will be alive, which is good because they’re an abomination. But no, we’ve got to go and send in UN aid packages and raise money for Haiti. And then now we’ve got millions and millions of Haitians, and then all these do good libtards and shit now start importing them into the United States.
And actually Kamala Harris herself, like, personally presided over a programme to resettle Haitians in the United States en masse, which is why it has been made into a political campaign issue in the US presidential election over the past week, because they’re able to kind of pin this on her specifically.
And Trump was posting all these memes about how, like Kamala Harris is wants to kill all the cats in America and cats for Trump and shit! It’s kind of, it’s become this whole meme. And people have criticised it, saying:
“Why is he focusing on the eating cats thing.”
Rather than on the real issues of how, like, White people, like, you didn’t really say anything about how, like, average White people in Ohio, how their quality of life has been basically thrown off a cliff and their entire town has been ruined and thrown into chaos. So he’s not really kind of taking it seriously with his rhetoric, but just going for the meme. But the meme solicits the media reactions. So that’s like one argument for going for it.
But what’s interesting, I guess, about this is a few things, actually. One, they identified Catholic charities as being integral in the process of resettling them. And people say:
“Oh, but the Catholic charities are all run by jews!”
It’s like, yeah, there’s some jews involved, but, like, you have to acknowledge, libtard Catholics literally presided over this mass resettlement Program of Haitians.
Blair Cottrell: The Catholics had to sign off on it.
Joel Davis: There’s a whole bunch of libtards that are in the Catholic Church that operate within the Catholic Church’s framework.
Thomas Sewell: I bet the women have the same haircut. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. And so, you know, that’s interesting dynamic because, you know, …
Thomas Sewell: Long house haircut. Oh, God!
Blair Cottrell: You guys seen that theory? Apparently there’s this supernatural creature called the Mothman. They made a movie about it with, yeah, what was that guy’s name? It’s a real story. If there’s real sightings of this creature called Mothman that appears before a tragedy is going to happen and tries to warn you about it. And there’s stories about it having been seen a lot in Ohio right before a bridge in Ohio collapsed. I think it might have been in the nineties. But I was just saying [chuckling] that as a result of the immigrants from Haiti, maybe there’s a shitload of Mothman sightings right now. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: The Haitians probably ate the Mothman, bro!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, [chuckling] Mothman’s probably dead.
Blair Cottrell: Oh, man! He was just trying to warn us. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah, the Haitians ate that nigger. It’s over! I don’t know. Maybe he’s not cute enough for them to eat. They seem to only eat cute things, like French people, …
Thomas Sewell: I took notes. Hold on. I took notes before when that cuck was talking, because it’s really important, like, dissecting that dad whose son died. He kept saying:
“It’s a political tool. It’s a political game.”
And what it came across is he is thinking politically. I don’t think the average person is thinking that politically, if the prime minister or the president talks about their son dying, they’re not thinking like:
“Oh, this fucking asshole! How dare he talk about my son dying!”
You know if someone’s son died, and then if you’re not a political person and the Albanese says that, like, mentions about the son dying, you’re not going to get upset about that you can be like:
“Oh, well the government recognises this tragedy, okay. Like, they’ve got their take on it.”
But you don’t think, like:
“They’re trying to win the argument. How dare you try to win the argument. You’re trying to win the argument!”
It’s very feminine the way he was talking came across, so he wasn’t concerned about the truth, which should be your main concern. Like, if your son died, someone’s responsible.
And then later on, he didn’t even say that the Haitian was responsible. He specifically said, although he is correct, it’s not murder, it’s manslaughter.
But he didn’t say that it was manslaughter. He said it was “accidentally killed”. So that the Haitian wasn’t responsible:
“It’s not the Haitians fault. You see. There should be no consequence, there should be no punishment, because it was an accident!”
And this is this just this long house. It’s this constant, overwhelming force coming from these faggot cucked men and women, and a lot of women as well. But I’m mostly focused on the men.
Blair Cottrell: It’s objectively not an accident as well. It’s culpable driving. That’s not an accident. It’s even legally recognised. It’s a crime.
Joel Davis: We did a vehicular homicide. And he said:
“Wouldn’t it be good if I wish it was a 60 year old Whiteman that killed my son?”
Yeah, he said that. Murdered. So White men does it. You want it to be a murder because you want to be able to talk about how evil White people are or something like it’s, …
Blair Cottrell: What a failure of a father. Like, dismal failure of a father is all that comes to mind.
Thomas Sewell: So they are always projecting. He’s saying:
“How dare JD Vance and Donald Trump use this as a political tool so that they can win their political game!”
But he is using it as a political tool! He’s trying to win a political game, and he’s projecting! They are only mentioning the truth, and he doesn’t want the truth mentioned because the truth gets in the way of him and his traitor ilk winning their political game! That’s my breakdown of it.
Joel Davis: Yeah. And I’ve seen this many times, particularly in England. But you see, I’ve seen it in America as well, where a young person, child, is murdered by some kind of illegal immigrant or other type of immigrant, and the parents are brought out to say:
“It’s nothing to do with race!”
Thomas Sewell: And I love Mexico.
Joel Davis: You don’t blame any particular community.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Stop the hate!
Joel Davis: If I was killed as a child by some shitskin, you know, …
Blair Cottrell: Tell me you would not come back as a ghost. You’d come back as a ghost.
Joel Davis: Like fucking niggers!
Blair Cottrell: You’d come back as a ghost.
Joel Davis: Okay. Like, at least my death was kind of cool. At least my parents are angry. Like, at least I was loved as a child.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Tell me you would not come back as a ghost and whisper into your father’s ear every night until he did something about it:
“Kill them all!”
Thomas Sewell: Well, yeah, speaking of, there’s another story, an opposite story that Joel shared today of the Swedish teenagers that tortured and killed that Afghani rapist. They all got off!
Joel Davis: Oh, yeah, yeah. So they actually, I think, were convicted originally, but they got off on appeal.
So basically the story TLDRx is that, so this Swedish girl was raped by some Arab piece of shit, and she must have sent him a message or something, saying:
“Oh, hey, like, let’s meet up.”
Or whatever, and lured him in so that all of her friends could basically fuck him up and kill him. Now, I don’t think, like, she obviously can be like:
“Oh, I didn’t know what they were going to do.”
So she obviously, I think, got away with that one. But they were all tried for murder, but they were acquitted on appeal because none of them talked. And their lawyers argued that:
“Well, all five of them couldn’t have done the murder at the same time. So that means you don’t actually know which one of them actually committed the murder.”
Blair Cottrell: Who cares? Just convict them all!
Thomas Sewell: No, we say don’t convict them all. No! Five White kids killed a black, Blair, you’ve misread.
Blair Cottrell: Oh, sorry, I heard the wrong way around. Don’t convict them. Don’t convict them!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Black raped a White girl. And then the five White friends of the White girl lynched the black and torched him.
Blair Cottrell: And they got away with justices served. Why is there even any court case.
Thomas Sewell: And they got away with it. The reason why they got appealed is because nobody talks, everybody walks! That’s the fucking rule! No comment! [chuckling]
Blair Cottrell: Imagine that. Imagine White boys understanding how White courts work.
Thomas Sewell: Yes. Nobody talks, everybody walks!
Joel Davis: Yeah. Anyway, that’s just interesting story. Yeah, took some pleasure in it.
So, yeah, like hail to those kids.
Thomas Sewell: Swedish friends.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Good luck to them. Hope they enjoy their freedom. They deserved it, but, …
Thomas Sewell: They’re heroes.
Joel Davis: Teenage girls that get raped by these fucking shitskins and then they end up killing themselves. I like that this Swedish girl, instead of killing herself, went and got her friends together and was like:
“Let’s kill this fucking motherfucker!”
That’s a nice response. Yeah, exactly!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Then it needs to happen more often because I can’t fathom. Every man is gonna get, and not every man, but some men are gonna get tested in life with something as serious as this. A family member, you know, their wife, their daughter, you know, is going to have a bad circumstance with multiculturalism and diversity. And when that happens, you should really consider is it worth living in the shame of not doing something about that? Now I’m not going to advocate for violence because that would be illegal. But are you going to live in shame for the rest of your life, or are you going to do something about it?
And if it never happens to you, then you’re kind of lucky in a way that you never get your mettle really tested.
But yeah, it’s good to know that there are people out there that are like:
“Fuck it! I’m going to die on this hill. This is unacceptable. I don’t care what the punishment is. I don’t care what the consequences are. This should not have happened. And we need justice!”
And the Swedish courts. I mean, there’s cases and for sure they did this with the motivation and with the knowledge that there are cases of Swedish girls that have been raped. They’ve gone to the police. The police have locked up or arrested the rapist and the courts have let the rapists go and then paid them out 3 million krona or whatever the fuck it is for undue processes or something like that.
I mean, there was a there was an Afghani or Syrian that raped a Swedish girl recently and he was released and then he sued the Swedish government for some sort of like. There was some issue with the paperwork.
I can’t remember exactly what it was, but it was like he didn’t prove that he didn’t do the rape. He just proved that some undue process he had to go through like as part of his incarceration. And he got paid out like millions of krona, which I think is like hundreds of thousands of dollars, like 700 grand or something. And he got an early release as well. I think he only did three years and he was meant to do six or something. And it’s just fucking disgusting!
So if the justice system won’t do their job, it’s time for just global White civil disobedience and we should just get our own justice.
Joel Davis: I agree very much with Hersant’s view that we don’t give anywhere near enough love to the KKK anymore. [Thomas laughs] Ku Klux Klan. No, they seriously, they are true fucking heroes of the Aryan race. They kept America’s streets safe for White people for decades, not just through infiltrating the government and basically running the Democrat party for many, many generations. But also through some extra legal guarantees of peace and order in the streets. And they deserve a lot more respect and admiration.
At one point, think about this. At their peak, I think in the 1920s, like, one in ten American men were in the Ku Klux Klan. That’s how many klans from. They had like 5 million klansmen or something in the United States. And, well, America was a White supremacist country at that point. And black people did not fuck around. They were behaving themselves largely across the board, you know, trying to wear a suit and go to church and prove themselves to the Whiteman. And the Whiteman actually had a dignified existence in the United States at that point in history. And America was a great nation thanks to the Klan!
And since the Klan was dissolved basically after the Second World War, the whole place has gone to shit! So really, the Ku Klux Klan was really holding together, the whole of America when you look at it.
Blair Cottrell: Was that thanks to the Klan, or was the Klan kind of born of that circumstance? Maybe a bit of both.
Joel Davis: Well, I think the Klan deserves a lot of credit. I mean, because they had basically infiltrated the courts, the legal system, the state itself. They were incredibly well connected in addition to the extra legal activities, let’s say.
So it’s not just about you know, lynching some rapist negro, but it’s about the fact that they basically strike fear into the heart of those communities. Like:
“Well, you better not fuck around because the Klansman is going to fetch the rope!”
So when you create that credible fear. Like, we’re talking about Hitler’s re-migration policy, when the jews are like:
“Here’s your ability to move to Palestine, or you can stay in Germany with us. And here’s all the Goebbels anti-semitic propaganda getting Beamed at everyone.”
And the Nuremberg rally and stuff. It’s like:
“Where do you want to go jews?”
At the moment, there isn’t the fear to go along with the “here’s your way out”. Where when the Klan was around, there was, fear is the only language these savage races understand. It really is.
But, yeah, but organised White Mendez are the backbone of civilisation. Civilisation cannot stand without organised White men holding together justice in a society and order.
And so I think the Klan deserves a lot more credit than it gets. Because a lot of their activities were clandestine. That, like they can’t be celebrated as openly and ostensibly as the cause for what was looking back on it now, a golden era, really, in American history. That kind of White supremacist zenith that was the early part of the 20th century.
But I think you know, looking at it objectively, I think they have to take a very substantial amount of the credit for that. And they should be admired. I’m not saying everyone should get the White Hoods out and redo the whole Klan larp, but they should be admired nevertheless, a lot more in the culture for the role that they played. And that’s probably a controversial take. And people say:
“Oh, but then the Klan, there’s all these they were Freemasons and they went after this group, they went after Italians and blah, blah, blah!”
Yeah, whatever. Like I’m not, I don’t really want to get stuck in the minutiae of all of that. I was talking about the very basic, the very basic kind of fact of White men organised around, you know, rudimentary justice, racial justice and racial self defense.
And society is breaking down. The civil order is breaking down. This is going to be the only way that you’re going to be able to secure your communities going forward in the coming decades. Like, the state is not going to Reform itself and become better at executing law and order. Like the anarcho-tyranny is only going to get more and more retarded as time goes on.
Thomas Sewell: Yes. Think about Ohio as a textbook example where the government are nefarious. And a malicious government can send, 20,000 turbo niggers into your town of, I think it was either 38,000 or 58,000 Whites. And they sent like a quarter of the population, or a third of the population to just, … And they’re mostly, what? Young fighting age men. And they’re all speaking, you know, they’re all foreigners in a big country, so they’re going to stick together.
So even though they’re only a third of the population, that’s a powerful third, a very powerful third. Because most of the Ohio, it’s probably, they’ve got more fighting age men. I would guarantee that’s 20,000 Haitians would be more fighting age men than 60,000 Whites, because you’ve got women. And then think about all the old people that are in Ohio. Springfield, it’s like a small town. Like, mostly young people probably moved to the big cities for work.
So they’ve just built, they’ve just shipped an army of blacks into your town! And this is why White flight is not the solution. And having more children is not the solution.
I mean, these things are they can assist, you know, setting up defensible positions is important. Getting out of the poison and the poverty and, it’s just like the environment, culturally and physically, is polluted in the cities. So, yeah, it’s important to live somewhere that you can be healthy and raise children in a healthy way. And of course, healthy children is important. Having as many as you can.
But it still doesn’t solve the problem. Just more White people for the meat grinder. I mean, we can’t, we’re not going to out breed these population groups. We have to actually solve the problem before they become the demographic majority.
And that’s why it’s so important. As always, here’s a little segment for today’s show to get active, to build in real life community. Because I watched the town hall meetings. I watched two of them from Ohio, Springfield, and they were disgusting! It was like the, there was a couple men with some courage that stood up and they’re saying:
“Why is this happening? And this is not right and this is unfair.”
And then they basically get told:
“This meeting is over. This meeting is over!”
Like the DMV lady, like the black Mayor is like:
“This meeting is over. We’re not doing this!”
And then they’re standing there like:
“That’s illegal. You can’t do that you can’t shut down a meeting mid Question Time, or mid speaking time. This is against the Constitution or against the rules of Ohio. You know, the state legislator has to allow the time. The public has a right of reply, or a right of engagement in the political process, and you’re just undermining those rights.”
And the real question is, what the fuck are you going to do about it? You know, the system now is so nefarious and evil, it just makes the rules up as it goes along.
So what are you going to fucking do about it? You don’t get a right of reply. You don’t have Civil Liberties! You can’t sit there and say:
“I don’t want 20,000 Haitians in my town!”
They don’t give a fuck! They just steamroll you’re just an individual and individuals, …
Joel Davis: If you had 20,000 Klansmen in Ohio.
Thomas Sewell: Exactly! It was very different.
Joel Davis: Whose cats are getting eaten then? No one.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, [chuckling] 20,000 Klansmen. But that’s the point. You can’t run from this. You can’t hide from this. No matter where you are, no matter how isolated or how alienated you are, if you’re in the cities, you’re surrounded on all sides.
Like where I live right now, in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, there’s probably 70 or so houses on my street, I’ve only seen, other than myself, only two other White families. There’s three White families on my street. And I’m in a kind of a middle class or like well, there’s no such thing as middle class anymore, but I’m in a decent area in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Joel Davis: You’re surrounded by gooks, not Indians and niggas.
Thomas Sewell: There are Indians. No, no, there’s a lot of Indians. There’s three Indians in very close proximity, but it is mostly Chinese. But there’s also a lot of Indians. It’s probably, like 80% Chinese and probably 15% Indian.
But, you know what I mean? Like, there’s no running from there’s no hiding from this. We got to organise everywhere we go, whatever town you’re in. That town meeting would be very different if there was 100 or 200 men! Actual fucking men in the town! If there was just 100 or 200 men in that town of 58,000, and they went to that town meeting and they said:
“No, this meeting isn’t over!”
And they fucking, you know, who’s going to turn on those 200 men? The local police? No fucking way! They’d have to bring the feds in. They’d have to bring in some outside force to crush those 200 men! Because the local police would probably side. What if it’s in a small town environment, I don’t see any reason why these 200 men couldn’t be friends with the local police in a small town. That would be appropriate. It’s not like you’re dealing with the feds. You’re not breaking the rules there. You know, the Klan was very successful at controlling local police forces.
So, yeah, we need the Klan. We need to bring back the Klan. Jacob was right again.
But, yeah, just get active!
Joel Davis: Telegram, look up NSN contact bot or EAM contact bot, either one. And send a DM. And we’ll put you in touch through messaging the EAM or NSN contact bot with your most local representative.
So you can be better. You can join the organisation. Because yeah, no one else is going to build the Klan in this country except us. We’re the only ones building it. So you got to join us. You got no other choices.
Blair Cottrell: Be worth researching the how do you say Ku Klux or Klu Klux?
Joel Davis: Ku Klux Klan.
Blair Cottrell: Jacob still calls me Klansman, and I think he does it because I used to be against all the KKK stuff. But then I actually asked myself:
“What do I know about the KKK? Really? Nothing!”
So I can’t comment.
Joel Davis: He’s just like, klansman? Klansman! Like when he walks in the room, he shakes everyone’s hand and just says, Klansman! It’s actually White [word unclear]
Thomas Sewell: But he is correct. We are of the White clan. You know, we are. You know, the Klans were powerful. When I had that conversation with the Scottish descent Aussie farmer, he was talking about how all the farms. He lived one suburb over from Pakenham. What is it, Nar Nar Goon? And he was founding stock. His great grandfather bought that farm off the British Crown prior to Federation. And everyone had between 60 to 100 hundred acres. And they were all Scottish families. And he was telling me about how when he grew up, everyone, he had the smallest family because he only had five kids and everyone bullied him for it. And everyone else, he was like:
“The McMillan’s, they had 15 and these guys, they had twelve, and these guys had 13.”
And he said:
“If there was a problem in the town and you did something to one of these girls or you know, you did some bad business dealing with one of these families, you would have a hundred guys at your door!”
And he’s talking to me about this regarding Covid. I didn’t bring up Covid, but he was talking about the protests in the city. He was talking about what the government was doing to people. And he said:
“That’s the problem with today.”
This guy was 73 years old, same age as my father. He said:
“That’s the problem with the people today is we got things done in the past. The government couldn’t do this stuff to us in the past.”
And then he used these words. He said:
“Because we were a clan!”
He used those words. He said:
“We were a clan! There were six families here, and everyone had around ten kids each on average. So we were a clan. We were like a greater family. And the clan inside the clan, they were all community because the daughter from one of the McMillan’s married the Forbes’s and da da da da da.”
So there’s blood, loyalty, there’s loyalty. There’s blood and honour. There’s natural foundational loyalty because that’s your brother in law. You’ve got like hundreds of like, second relations. You have a duty! You’ve got fucking a dog in the fight. You got skin in the game. Literally got skin in the game! If something happens to one of these people, if the government fucks with one of those people like, I think about that pregnant lady that was helping organise the Covid rallies, or she shared a Covid rally post on Facebook, and then like, 20 counter-terrorism rocked up to her house and she’s like, pregnant.
I remember seeing that video. And it just makes you, … It makes you burn inside when you see it. You’re like, if we were a real community, if we were a real clan, as White people, that wouldn’t be tolerated! Those cops would never be able to live it down. Those cops would never, ever get a handshake ever again! They would be spat on in the streets, everywhere they went! That they would be. They would have to leave the police force, they would have to run away, they’d have to change their name and go to another country. If we were a real country, if we were a real clan.
I’m not fed posing, I’m just saying, just the social pressure, just the ostracisation, businesses would say:
“You’re not welcome here. Get the fuck out! You did that to my sister in law!”
Or my cousin’s sister in law, or whatever the hell relation it is if we were actually tight knit! If we’re actual community, you know, that’s power! That’s real power. That’s grassroots power. A couple hundred, …
Blair Cottrell: This is why it’s in the interests, the system, to encourage hyper individualisation, right?
So everyone sees themselves as separate from each other. Everyone’s got their own mortgage, their own Netflix subscription. Everyone sits by themselves and doesn’t look at each other. And that’s the kind of culture we have to break.
Thomas Sewell: Yes. And just the obsession with social media. I think ultimately it’s a good thing. The more regulation they put, I don’t think this problem is going to be solved with social media. I think it’s good that we can organise using it and we can spread our ideas more rapidly than we ever have before.
But all the action is coming from in real life. All the action is coming from grassroots, from community building, from activism, from training together, from building culture from scratch, whatever that culture may be, whatever temple or institution that we’re building from scratch, whether it be a school, or a gym, you know, whether it be for fertility or martial, whatever it is. We’re rebuilding the pantheons. And I think that’s important.
Joel Davis: I think the concern with the yeah, I don’t really have a problem with you know, banning children off social media. I think there’s more harm than good that comes from them participating in that kind of thing I’m sure they’ll find ways around it, frankly. I don’t know exactly how feasible it will be. It just seems like a pretext to bring in-laws to mandate using, basically identifying yourself when you create social media accounts and log into social media accounts as a way to, basically give the government records of exactly whose Twitter account is whose and so on. Which seems to be kind of a step, therefore beyond that, to be able to bring in hate speech legislation and start actually door knocking people for racist tweets and so on like they do in Britain.
So that is a bit of a concern. It’s more like the kind of, oh, this is a pretext that you can get mums and dads behind, you know, everyday punters. Like:
“Yeah, you know what? Maybe we shouldn’t have twelve year olds on Instagram. Maybe that’s actually kind of fucking up the kids. We shouldn’t have, you know, twelve year olds scrolling TikTok for 3 hours a day watching skippity toilet videos and shit!”
I can understand that.
So then they’ll support it. And then all of a sudden you bring in they bring in a measure that can lead to like hate speech regulations. So, it’s one of those issues.
By the way, I think there’s actually going to be a rally against this, against the government censorship, the Misinformation Bill, which is a separate thing as well as related issues such as digital ID and so on, in Sydney this weekend. I think I have the details here somewhere. I’ll just pull them up. For those of you, I don’t live in Sydney anymore.
Thomas Sewell: Is there a Melbourne one?
Joel Davis: I haven’t seen anything in Melbourne as of yet. If anyone knows of anything, please send it to me.
But in Sydney I saw this is posted by John Ruddock, who is a member of New South Wales Parliament for the Libertarian Party. So it seemed like a kind of a big tent kind of thing. Speaker’s Corner in Sydney [], which is on Art Gallery Road, The Domain, opposite New South Wales Art Gallery, if, you know, where that is in the city.
John Ruddock said here:
“Federal Labour has introduced the most insidious Bill since Federation, the Combating Misinformation and Disinformation Bill. They are erecting an East German style surveillance state. They want to treat us like farm animals. Join the resistance on Saturday the 28 September.”
So actually, no, it isn’t this weekend. I’m glad that I read this. It’s 11:30 in the morning, Saturday the 28 September. So that’s not tomorrow Saturday, but it’s actually Saturday, two weeks from tomorrow. So that gives you plenty of time to. We’ll talk about it some more. I really encourage nationalists to go down there, get your mates, go down there. Even just for the networking reason. It’d be good for there to be a good show of public opposition to force some discourse and embolden the Right-wing parties to put up some resistance to this, because it has to go through the Senate. And yeah, the Left do have the numbers, but in the Senate it gets a little bit complicated.
So it could be good to force some public debate and perhaps take a little bit of the edge off the Bill for some to negotiate it a little bit or something. But even if that isn’t possible, just go down there and go network. It’s a good opportunity to meet potentially sympathetic normies. I did like that John Roddick said “East German style”. As well, that’s nice. That’s obviously communist East Germany that he’s referring to. I like that he’s attacking. Libertarians are usually a bit better about this attacking than conservatives. They’ll attack it as a communist thing rather than as a “fascist” thing, which is better messaging.
But yeah, I have said before as well, I do think we should have some strategic friendship as much as possible between nationalist and libertarian factions in Australian politics, because a libertarian faction does care about putting up a defense of our free speech rights, which nationalists desperately need in order to advocate for our worldview. I don’t think libertarians really have much of a chance at becoming a real threat to us in becoming a very prominent political faction that could seize power, but they can nevertheless mobilise in defense of freedom of speech. And so I think we should be friendly on that grounds.
And often a lot of libertarians can be not so bad on quite a few issues. Like a lot of the libertarians that I speak to are usually more Right libertarians that are will agree that, yes, immigration has gone way too far and should be stopped and they’re importing Left-wing voters. Then they’ll stop short of being full race pilled. But nevertheless, politically speaking, they’re a lot better than pretty much all the other factions on a lot of the key issues.
So I think it’s worth having an open dialogue with them. Not making our points and our points of disagreement, but also seeing them as another kind of marginalised faction of the Right that perhaps we could kind of get along with. And because they aren’t as hot in terms of the controversy surrounding them, they’re more accepted, even though they aren’t part of the mainstream, they’re like accepted. They aren’t as controversial. So that gives them the ability to kind of operate effectively in ways that when you’re a full on nationalist, you meet a lot more opposition, from the state, from the Left, and so on.
Blair Cottrell: Are there any active libertarians like in the, what I suppose you could call the activist sphere? I don’t know of any.
Joel Davis: Well, I mean, I just mentioned this guy’s literally a Member of Parliament, John Roddick of the Libertarian. He’s the head of the Libertarian Party in New South Wales. The Libertarian Party seems like it’s reasonably serious faction. That’s the rebranding of the Liberal Democrats, by the way. People might remember the Liberal Democrats. So they obviously have associated people. There’s a lot of, I notice there’s a bunch of libertarians on Twitter. I got jumped into Twitter space with a few of them the other day and debated a few things with them. No, quite friendly, to be fair. And we had a good discussion. So they do seem to have a decent little faction online line, and they seem to be willing to engage in this freedom movement stuff, which is kind of a leftover from Covid. But moving on now to other issues, now that Covid is kind of behind us.
So they’re doing a street rally right here. A lot of these people were involved in the Vote No rallies [re the Abo Voice referendum] and that whole clique as well. So there seems to be a certain continuity in general with this general kind of populist, dissident element of kind of the activist kind of big tent. And the libertarian movement seems to make up a big bulk of that. So yeah.
Thomas Sewell: Cool. Do you want to wrap it up? Do the Superchats?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I think we’ll finish a little bit earlier tonight. I’ve got a big day tomorrow, so I need to get to bed soon. We’ve only had, as far as I can tell, two Superchats on Rumble.
So if you want to send one through, do it now, because Joel will be checking our other platforms for Superchats there, too. You’ll have a bit of time to get one through if that’s what you want to do to support the show.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I just also want to mention quickly, before we do the Superchat, this article, because it’s important to mention Jacob this week was in court, Jacob Hersant, we mentioned him a little bit earlier. This is The Noticer article:
“Australian facing year in jail for political salute vows to appeal if convicted in landmark free speech case.”
Basically Jacob has been the first person in Victoria charged with doing the banned Roman salute. And it was kind of like a semi-salute. For those who don’t know, he came out of court after a previous issue was finally resolved and he kind of almost threw a Roman, but then pulled his arm back and was like:
“Oh, can’t do that now. It’s illegal!”
To the media. And they charged him over it. So Jacob is arguing in court, or his lawyers arguing in court that it’s actually unconstitutional, that the Constitutional implied right to freedom of political communication, which has been established by high court precedent, would make this an unlawful or an unconstitutional law and therefore he shouldn’t be convicted of the crime.
But also there’s the softer argument that, well, he didn’t actually do the Roman salute, so it’ll be interesting to see how this case goes. It’s only in the Magistrate’s Court. So above that, there’s County Court, and then there’s like the Supreme Court of Victoria, and then potentially even the High Court. I don’t think it would go that far. I guess it’s possible.
Regardless of what happens, whether he wins or loses, getting appealed to a higher court, particularly if he loses, he’ll definitely appeal it.
Thomas Sewell: And if he wins, the government will appeal it. Because if he wins at Magistrates, which is very unlikely, the judge, the magistrate, is the Constitutional law magistrate. He’s a specific magistrate. I can’t remember the guy’s name, but he’s specifically selected for this case because he’s the expert on constitutional law at the magistrate’s level, which is really more focused on obviously Victorian legislation, because it’s not the Supreme or High Court. If he’s a cowboy, then there’s a chance that he can win. But I don’t know the guy, I don’t know what kind of magistrate this guy is.
But what the boys said that went and took notes was that the first day the prosecution called a whole bunch of witnesses, including a bunch of communists from Melbourne Uni, and they basically explained to the court a whole bunch of things that are incorrect about the history of the Roman salute. But they also explained that Jacob doing the Roman salute is against the Constitutional rights of minorities to have their political views, and that minorities have an implied right to freely express their opinions in Australia. And Jacob doing the salute is a violation because it intimidates every non-White in the vicinity, and basically that exists in Australia into not expressing their political rights.
So they did, like this weird projection where they’re not stopping Jacob’s political rights, they’re stopping Jacob from stopping other people’s political rights, because Jacob doing an arm gesture takes away from the implied right of non-Whites to have rights. It’s a full double-think tautology. Really interesting!
So that was the first day of evidence. And then the second day of evidence. So that was the Monday and then the Tuesday, the Victorian government, because it’s a constitutional matter, the Victorian government had to supply a team of lawyers to represent the Attorney General, or the Victorian version of the Attorney General. And they basically repeated, those lawyers repeated almost word for word, the same thing as the communist “think tank” from Melbourne Uni. They basically said the same thing. They said:
“Well, this law is constitutional, and we’re here to represent the Attorney General that put this law through.”
I’m pretty sure the Victorian Attorney General is a jew. Is that correct, Joel? He’s jewish?
Joel Davis: Victorian Attorney General? I know the Federal Attorney General* is jewish.
[* Mark Alfred Dreyfus is an Australian politician and lawyer who has been attorney-general of Australia and cabinet secretary since June 2022, having held both roles previously in 2013 and from 2010 to 2013 respectively. Dreyfus is a member of the Australian Labor Party, and has been the MP for Isaacs since the 2007 election. Dreyfus was born (1956) in Perth, Western Australia, the son of George Dreyfus, a noted composer who came to Australia from NS Germany. He is of jewish ancestry. Wikipedia]
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Dreyfus is a jew. Yeah, Dreyfus was I think, the first politician or one of the first politicians to do the Senate inquiry into us, to try to ban us as a terror group back in 2020. So Dreyfus has been on the agenda the whole time [chuckling] trying to ban us, ban the salute, ban everything! Jaclyn Symes*. Yeah. Okay, well, anyway, representatives of Jaclyn Symes, the Victorian Attorney General, just repeated word for word that Jacob doing the salute, like, is why she. They didn’t say this word for word, but this is kind of what they implied that him doing it kind of creates this, like, “force wave” through society. Like it’s this magic superpower that floats through society again, player. They didn’t say this word for it, but this is what they’re implying. They’re implying his action of doing the salute is so powerful, so gracious, so incredible that it actually basically brain blocks all the non-Whites and jews in the vicinity, in an infinite vicinity within the boundaries of Australia, because it intimidates them. And now they can no longer express whatever it was they were going to express. They’re completely, …
[* Jaclyn Symes is an Australian politician and Attorney-General of the state of Victoria. She is a Labor member of the Victorian Legislative Council, having represented Northern Victoria Region since 2014. Symes worked for five years as a ministerial advisor for Rob Hulls, the Victorian Deputy Premier and Attorney-General. Wikipedia]
Blair Cottrell: I’d love to see how that was worded. Love to see how they worded that! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: It’s so insane! It’s like using your rights of political communication, intimidates others into not being able to communicate their political opinions. It doesn’t make any fucking sense!
Thomas Sewell: So what I said to Jacob was, I was like:
“This is fascinating! This if this law passes, like, if they actually get Jacob on this and they make this legislation, it’s still a political victory from us in the sense of accelerating. The government is just accelerating.”
Because we can articulate this to the public that. Hang on a minute. Whites are Second Class citizens. Non-Whites are allowed to express their political views. But if Whites express their political views, it violates the political views of non-Whites! So only non-Whites are allowed to express their explicit political views. Whites are only allowed to repeat the political views expressed by non-Whites. They don’t have any actual individual. Well, not individual. That’s the wrong word. But they don’t have any unique political views that are only for Whites. Those views are banned!
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: So we’re Second Class citizens in our own country!
Joel Davis: One thing that could. Could happen here is the judge could rule that, … Could kick the can down the road and rule that:
“Well, he didn’t actually complete the Roman salute. He just kind of made his arm halfway extend and then aborted it.”
And therefore, he doesn’t actually have to rule upon it as a constitutional matter because he can just simply rule, …
Thomas Sewell: That’s the worst case scenario.
Joel Davis: But then eventually, at some point, a court is going to have to rule on this because someone is going to do it.
Thomas Sewell: Someone is going to do it! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah. [chuckling]
But, yeah, I would anticipate. Honestly, I do think we have a very good chance of victory here. Maybe not in the Magistrates Court, but when it goes into the higher courts, because that argument is just so bad! Like, if that’s the best constitutional argument they have, they’ve got nothing! Absolutely!
Thomas Sewell: That’s the argument they have.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: I asked Jacob for more information, and he was like:
“That’s the argument they have.”
They didn’t have another argument. It was that:
“Jacob doing it basically creates negative feelings and harm in non-Whites in the vicinity and violates their rights. So therefore the law should be constitutional because the law isn’t imposing on the rights of Australians, it’s actually assisting the rights of Australians, because it’s stopping people who are trying to stop Australians from expressing their rights!”
It’s fascinating, but that’s their argument.
Joel Davis: Yeah, but anyway, I’ll get onto some of these Superchats because Blair’s tired and, uh. Yeah, we got.
Blair Cottrell: I’m okay. I’m okay. Don’t mind me. I’m here.
Joel Davis: Oh, you’re all right.
Blair Cottrell: I’m sick of being the tired one. I’m sick of being the oldest, tiredest one! [chuckling]
Thomas Sewell: Well, just gonna get on the White energy. The White monster.
Joel Davis: I was gonna, I actually had one more video. Do I have permission?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: Blair, I specifically want to get your reaction to this, and maybe you being kind of a little moody might actually make it funnier.
So I don’t know if you actually.
Blair Cottrell: All right, let’s do it! What have we got.
Joel Davis: You might have seen this already because it went pretty viral online. When I saw this, I thought it was fake, and then I realised that I don’t think it actually is fake. I think, …
Thomas Sewell: Oh, no!
Blair Cottrell: Haven’t seen it yet. So let’s have a look.
Thomas Sewell: Oh, no!
Joel Davis: I can’t believe that this is real.
Female in Muslim garb: To the stigmas of Australia, I say that this goofy air government have been capping not just now, but for a long time. A few of you may remember when they said there’ll be no phantom tax under the government I lead. They’re cappaholics!
They’re also yappaholics. They yap non-stop about how their cost of living measures are changing lives for all Australians. Just put the fries in the bag, Lil bro. They tell us that they’re not proving the housing situation in this country. They must have brain rot from watching too much kaisenet [sp] and forgot about their plans to ban social media for kids under 14. If that becomes law, you can forgore skull emoji, all about watching Duke Dennis or catching a dub with the bros on Fort. Chat, is this prime minister serious? Even though he’s the prime minister of Australia, sometimes it feels like he’s the CEO of Ohio. I would be taking an hour if I did not mention the ops who want to cut WA’s [word unclear] and services tax. The decision voters will be making in a few months time will be between a mid government, a dogwater opposition, or a crossbench that will mock both of them. Though some of you cannot yet vote, I hope when you do, it will be in a more goated Australia for a government with more aura, skivity.
Blair Cottrell: What did I just watch? What did you make me watch? What’s her strategy for appeals court, …
Joel Davis: Only 20 seconds. I couldn’t actually get through it.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, man. I don’t know. I’m trying to get over the initial cringe to understand her strategy there. What is it to, … Isn’t [word unclear] too young to vote anyway? Like, aren’t these Parliamentarians whores for votes? The people she’s trying to appeal to can’t even vote yet! [chuckling] I don’t understand. Obviously she’s just looking for clout. Who is this woman? Who’s this headscarf woman in Parliament anyway? Does anyone know? I’ve never seen her before in my life. Maybe that’s the point.
Thomas Sewell: I’ve seen her. I’m pretty sure she did a speech. She hit the algorithm a while ago because it wasn’t until the refugee crisis. Didn’t she get in trouble because she went to a meeting that was declared anti-semitic? Isn’t that same one? Fatima? Isn’t that her name? Fatima?
Blair Cottrell: Oh, yeah! Yeah, that’s right. Wasn’t she the one who said, …
Thomas Sewell: Is she a Green Senator?
Blair Cottrell: She’s the Green Senator. She’s the Green Senator who said that:
“Regardless of what sort of initiative it is, jewish lobbyists try to get into it and take over it.”
She’s the one who said that, wasn’t she? Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s the one. Yeah.
Blair Cottrell: All right, well. Hmm. [chuckling] Maybe I don’t like hater that much. I don’t even know. I don’t know. It’s too late in the night for me to process.
Joel Davis: She was in the Greens. I don’t think she the person. You’re just describing someone else. She was in Labour, and she got booted from Labour recently because she refused to vote with them on some resolution about Israel-Palestine, obviously siding with the Palestinians against the government, which has a kind of moderate but more pro-Israel position, obviously, because, you know, who runs the country.
Thomas Sewell: She’s Labour.
Joel Davis: She’s no longer Labour. So now she’s basically Independent. She’s 28 years old.
Blair Cottrell: Not quite as bad as that haka? Remember that Maori woman? And doing the haka in New Zealand Parliament? What is it with women just making a mockery out of Parliament and of themselves in the process?
Thomas Sewell: The Greeks predicted that.
Joel Davis: Women just aren’t funny. That’s the problem. When they try to be funny. It’s, …
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, I’m not sure. Is it more embarrassing for Fatima, the woman who just delivered that nonsense, or Parliament itself? It’s kind of embarrassing for us. Is it humiliating?
Joel Davis: Yeah. Women in the Senate, …
Blair Cottrell: The more of a dancing monkey they can be inside Parliament or inside our institutions, the more they can make a mockery of those institutions and by extension, of us as a people, I think. Maybe that’s the strategy. Maybe that’s what’s going through her head. And the heads of all of these women in Parliament, that’s probably the best way to understand it, I suppose.
Thomas Sewell: She’s married to an Aussie as well.
Joel Davis: Obviously you can tell, …
Blair Cottrell: Well, you gotta do something to stand out to these days from the crowd. So she’s probably trying to do that a little bit, too.
Thomas Sewell: But all the brown anti-racist women are all looking to get bleached. They’re all hypocrites!
Blair Cottrell: Oh, yeah. Well, there’s only one way genetics can go. Like, when it comes to selecting a mate. It’s like, actions speak louder than words. It’s a very cliche, classic saying, but you can always, …
Joel Davis: Some, like, fat, super soy, like, libtard guy. Often they’re gingers.
Thomas Sewell: And I think he’s kind of half ginger. He’s like a [word unclear] ginger.
Joel Davis: Look, I’m not, … This is not ginger hate. People accuse me of ginger hate, because I noticed before, a lot of the White converts to Islam happen to be ginger. And people are like:
“I won’t stand for this ginger hate! You’re anti-White! Gingers are White!”
Or what I’m not saying gingers aren’t White. I support them. I’m just noticing a trend. They got, like, a certain kind of strangeness they can get pulled into, like, this weird relationship with the Islamic world.
And I think it’s because they’re Scythian heritage, and the Scythians once ran that whole region.
And so there’s this kind of ancestral, like, those are, like, their ancient enemies, which they have, like, ancient relationships with. And there’s some weird, like, unconscious thing going on. Not saying that there’s something fundamentally wrong with gingers. I’m not saying that. I like gingers. I’m pro-ginger. Some people have thought that I was ginger, incorrectly, because I’m not!
But I guess on, like, there’s been pictures of me taken that in a certain light, my hair looks a little bit gingery. And people have accused me of being a ginger online.
And I was like:
“Well, first of all, that’s not offensive. I’d be quite happy to be ginger if I was. But second, I’m not a ginger. But if I was, why is that bad?”
Thomas Sewell: The guys at work asked me, like, last week, they’re like:
“Tom, would you rather be a ginger or bald?”
Ginger! Instantly ginger! Give me my hair back! [Blair burst out laughing] I’ll be red headed, just give it back! But no, it doesn’t work like that, unfortunately. [chuckling] It’s like half of their personality is just from Family Guy, like, and I think Google’s always listening as well, because after they said that the first thing that came up in my algorithm when I went to put music into YouTube was a Family Guy clip. And it was like, Peter asking the black guy, the wheelchair guy, and the sex pest:
“Would you rather be Hitler in 1943, or homeless with a 5% chance of being a billionaire?”
Or something like that. [chuckling]
And then the wheelchair guy’s like:
“Am I still in a wheelchair?”
And the black goes:
“Am I still black? Am I black in a wheelchair?”
And I was like:
“Man, this is funny!”
You’re almost strawberry blonde. Almost. Yeah, you’re like strawberry blonde.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Well, the red gene is in my family, but the gingers have these special abilities that kind of make them slightly different. Like, sometimes slightly worse, sometimes slightly better. And in my, in the case of my family, I think they’re even better because my cousin plays for Carlton, and he’s one of the redheads in the family. Probably the only one currently, actually. No, there’s two. But the other one’s a woman, so she’s obviously not going to play football. But he plays a professional level, like AFL.
Yeah, there’s some qualities that are apparently exclusive to the redhead experience, the redhead human experience. And one of them that I found fascinating was different pain thresholds, sometimes experiencing more pain than other people would from small cuts and grazes. But major injuries don’t cause a great deal of pain.
And there’s also a resistance to certain types of drugs, particularly anesthetic. And this is well known by anesthesists or anesthesiologists, if you’re in America, the people who administer the concoction which sedates you and puts you into a deep sleep while you’re being operated on. It’s known by these people that if they get a redhead on the operating table, they all get a bit nervous because they don’t know how that person’s going to react to the anesthetic. A lot of them wake up during the surgery. Sometimes it just doesn’t work on them at all, and they have to pump them with twice as much to get a result. So it’s weird! I haven’t seen any explanation for why this is the case, but redheaded people have some special abilities.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, they’re definitely a unique people, and there’s definitely some ancient law to it. For example, a lot of the mummies of pharaohs in Egypt were redheads.
And interestingly, George Washington. I believe it’s George Washington, was a redhead. And they did a DNA testing on him about five years back, or seven years back. And it turns out he has a very rare haplogroup. So most of us are like, R1B or R1BA or something like that, R1A. And there’s a few that are less common for western European people. But he was like some weird haplogroup. He was like J or K haplogroup, which has been traced directly back to most of the pharaohs.
So that means he’s a direct, George Washington’s a redhead, and he was a direct descendant. Like direct, not indirect, like a lot of us are, I think Joel put up something today that, like, 80% of Irish people have some, and they’re mostly redheads or not mostly, but they’re the highest. Scots Irish had the highest percentage of redheads.
But, yeah, that’s an interesting fact. So it’s obviously an ancient race. There’s obviously an ancient race of redheads that conquered Mesopotamia.
Joel Davis: Yeah. One of the myths as to why the Scots became known as the Scots, is that because they descended from the Egyptian princess Scotia.
And then that’s kind of interesting because you look at, like, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and it’s got all these pyramids and shit in it! And you’re like, what’s with this, like, weird Egyptian connection? There’s some evidence that the prophet Muhammad, and maybe even Jesus Christ could have been gingers as well, based upon certain descriptions.
Thomas Sewell: The descriptions of Muhammad was that he was a redhead and he had a red beard. That’s why Muslims love redheads. That’s why they’re always trying to recruit gingers, because they want the ginger genes back. It’s just subconscious. They don’t even know why. And they’re not allowed to draw Muhammad, but they, but someone drew his brother and his daughter way, way, way back in the day, and his daughter was blonde and blue eyed. I don’t know, I can’t remember his brother’s hair colour. But they’ve got Muhammad’s beard. They’ve got hairs from his beard in some of the old mosques.
And it’s like, if you go to a serious mosque, if you’re a Muslim, they’ve still got, like, artifacts of Muhammad, even if it’s just one hair and it’s almost always red.
Blair Cottrell: We are conquerors! Always have been, huh?
Thomas Sewell: Even when our ideologies get diluted [chuckling] like Buddhism or, …
Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. So Ginger’s a kino. Like, we should be pro-ginger on the show and in the movement, I think when Hitler painted a picture of Mary and Jesus, he gave Jesus ginger hair. Hitler was ginger pilled!
But anyway, there’s enough, you know, gingers, we’ve trolled you before, but we just gave you, like, a nice glazing. Ginger glazing, tonight on the show.
Let’s get into some Superchats, and I’ll go to the Entropy chats first. Deer in the Headlights just sent a full stop, so thanks. The Gump said:
“Honour to you for keeping the message pure and uncompromised. Hail victory!”
Well, thank you. And Based Teneri George said:
“Have you, Joel, read Carl Schmitt’s beautiful book Land and Sea? If you have, any thoughts on it, and on Schmitt and his thought more generally, can you name an American White advocate counterpart you especially admire, though he may not agree on everything, my great respect to you Aussie warriors for the race, Joel, Blair and Tom.”
Okay, well, you put a lot there.
First of all, I have not read Land and Sea, but I have read a lot of Carl Schmitt’s other books. I just reread The Concept of the Political with a reading group we had within the organisation, actually, this week, which is a brilliant book that I’ve read multiple times. Short, but Carl Schmitt’s thought is incredible! I don’t think there’s many political theorists on his level. He’s one of the absolutes! I think he’s the best political theorist of the 20th century. Incredibly prescient. He basically predicted the ideological implications of the post World War Two international order, what form it would take, before World War Two, anyone even knew that was going to happen. He could kind of see the direction that liberalism was going in. And, yeah, very, just incredibly accurate political analysis, I would say, in general, very cutting, like, theoretical analysis in general that basically everyone should be aware of obviously, Carl Schmitt ended up joining the NSDAP and advised it. And also refused de-Nazification after the war. And despite this, he was too big to cancel from Western academia because he was just simply too influential. And so his work remains ubiquitous in kind of Political Science postgraduate courses.
I would say about Schmitt that, yeah, like, I think he is an essential reading for people in the movement. A towering figure. So very, very long praise, but I haven’t read his Land and Sea. I am aware that his geopolitical thought, that he kind of largely played off, that obviously he had the idea of great spaces, and he largely played off, I think, the kind of Mackinder Theory* around, like, sea powers and land powers, obviously, in that text, and I think it is quite accurate, when you look at the history of the British Empire with respect to the history of the Germans or the Russians as a land power and a sea power, they have very different kind of political orders. If you’re a sea power, that means that you rule basically through international trade networks.
[* “The Geographical Pivot of History” is an article submitted by Halford John Mackinder in 1904 to the Royal Geographical Society that advances his heartland theory. In this article, Mackinder extended the scope of geopolitical analysis to encompass the entire globe. He defined Afro-Eurasia as the “world island” and its “heartland” as the area east of the Volga, south of the Arctic, west of the Yangtze, and north of the Himalayas. Wikipedia]
And so then you bias towards a more commercial form of government, a form of government that is kind of dominated more by commercial interests. And your legal system and your political system will reflect that.
And so you can see, that’s why, like the Anglo Saxon world, whether it be American led or British led, has led to a more laissez faire, so to speak, liberal system.
Whereas the Germans and the Russians, being that they are land powers, their power isn’t necessarily derived from international trade networks, but from building up the core, the land core.
So you can amass, like this, these massive industrial centres and raise massive land armies that can dominate land spaces rather than oceans. And so rather than them being commercially dominated, they’re dominated more by a centralised bureaucratic structure that comports more with massive military forces. And you can see, therefore, in the history of German and Russian politics, particularly in the modern world, tendency towards illiberal political systems as a result.
But anyway, I definitely recommend Schmitt, particularly The Concept of the Political, which I think is integral reading.
As for an American White advocate counterpart that I especially admire. Let me put on the spot here a little bit. I have a lot of respect for James KirkPatrick, aka Kevin Deanna, who he works with Vdare, and American Renaissance, but he’s his own man. He’s got one of the best Twitter accounts, very good political analysis, been around for a very long time, and kind of just like, generally very well respected across the scene by most factions. I would say that his analysis is very good because he basically boils everything down to just a pure White Identity Politics position, like pure White identitarianism. No frills, really, no cucking. Incredibly ideologically consistent. And this actually comports with my idea about Carl Schmitt and The Concept of the Political. He has a very Schmittian approach to White identitarianism.
In other words, he has a lot of respect for the friend-enemy distinction. Like for Schmitt, the core essence of politics is the distinction between friend and enemy. Not between your personal friends and enemies, but between the public friend and enemy.
In other words, who are you willing to fight for? And who are you willing to fight against?
In other words, what is the particular way of life and identity that you identify with? Unto war, unto revolution, unto existential conflict. And obviously, if we make that determination in White racial terms, then that then becomes like a totalizing political view. And all other political issues need to be fundamentally processed through a kind of pro-White friend-enemy distinction. And I think his political analysis does that quite effectively.
MLG also said:
“Will watch on replay. Great work, fellas. Supporting from London.”
Thomas Sewell: Is Greg Johnson a faggot?
Joel Davis: Yes.
Thomas Sewell: People spread rumours about that. Is that true? Is it?
Joel Davis: It’s not rumours.
Thomas Sewell: Oh, that’s sad.
Joel Davis: You didn’t know that he was a faggot? That’s unfortunate.
Thomas Sewell: I had people say, I don’t own any of his books, but I’ve been kind of buying up some books recently. And someone said to me:
“Oh, Greg Johnson’s a faggot.”
And I was like:
“Oh, that’s a shame.”
Joel Davis: Unfortunate, because his outfit Counter-Currents, not just what he has put out, but they’ve put out a lot of good stuff over the years because they’ve published a lot of other authors in the movement. And I don’t think you should just never read anything on their website just because he’s a faggot.
But at the same time, they’ve also put out pro-faggot propaganda. There actually was a really good article written by Andrew Joyce a few years ago against the pro-gay. I reread it recently, but yeah, against the kind of pro-gay articles they put out on Counter-Currents, where they would have stuff basically insinuating that being homophobic is actually jewish [Tom starts laughing] and it’s actually Aryan to love fags because in Greco, … Which is kind of an ahistorical analysis of Greco-Roman society, they respected fags. And then the jews came in with their Christian morality and turned us against gays!
Thomas Sewell: On Counter-Currents, there’s a book by a guy called James J. O’Meara called The Homo and the Negro.
And then the blurb says that it’s basically about how homosexuals have been integral for building civilisation because they don’t waste time with women. It’s kind of like that what’s that other faggot? He wrote a book. It’s kind of like Baps [sp] theory book. And it’s about, it’s kind of like manosphere culture, how women are just purely for utility.
Anyway, it doesn’t matter. It’s all gay shit! Who cares?
Joel Davis: Literally [chuckling] all gay shit!
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. It’s just gay shit! I really don’t like faggots. They’re just traitors to life. They’re not just traitors to the race. They’re traitors to life. There’s nothing noble in faggotry. There’s nothing, like, if they dedicate themselves to art, why do they have to be a faggot? Like, you don’t have to be a faggot to dedicate yourself to art. You can still be heterosexual. [chuckling] You know what I mean? It’s like a strange cope. It’s like I can’t get rid of the faggot artist, like:
“Oh, I can’t get rid of the gay thoughts.”
So instead of trying to deal with that or whatever, fix that problem, however the fuck you can fix it, I don’t know. They’re like:
“I’ll just dedicate myself to expanding Western civilisation in this realm.”
But it’s like anything they create is ultimately going to be tainted by their poor spirit. Like, they’ve got a bad spirit, a gay spirit.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Their life forces has been totally perverted at the fundamental level.
Thomas Sewell: So how do you trust any art that they create? There’s going to be something sick in it. There’s going to be something twisted in it.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Because from a metaphysical standpoint, like a male, a masculine-feminine duality, I think, is really in the essence of the entire universe. Like, you could even, like, look at, like, subatomic relationships through that lens.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: Electromagnetism through that lens and so on, all the way up through, like, life! That’s the force that perpetuates life, is the masculine-feminine polarity. So that’s corrupted in someone’s personality. It’s kind of like the very kind of core of their life essence has been corrupted. It’s almost worse than almost anything else as a result of that because it’s so fundamentally fucked!
So if someone is a faggot, a sodomite, it’s like, almost like almost anything that comes out of their mouth, you kind of have to almost disregard because there’s no foundation from which anything good could come. Like, they might actually say something accurate at times, but it’s just not worth even listening, because they’re a faggot.
But when it comes to someone like Greg Johnson, like, I’ve seen complicity from his publication in publishing pro-homosexual apologia, which just then becomes subversive. You know, then it’s like this rationalisation of why we need to be more accepting towards homosexuals and so on.
Like, if the jews invented homophobia, then I would just have to give to the jews credit for coming up with a good idea that would be like, one W to the jews. But they didn’t! Homophobia actually is in every, pretty much every, like, culture ever in human history.
Thomas Sewell: So jews are probably the least homophobic. So that is completely subversive because it’s a complete, …
Joel Davis: Tel Aviv is literally the gayest city on earth.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Jews don’t have an issue with gays. They want to sow seeds of chaos everywhere.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think also niggers are the gayest race statistically as well.
Thomas Sewell: They are! That’s why they’ve got AIDS and Monkeypox.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: My God keeps cursing them.
Joel Davis: Well, that’s not, I don’t know if that’s why God keeps cursing them. It’s just, …
Thomas Sewell: Well, it’s par for the course. [chuckling] You can’t behave that way and not have consequences. There’s consequences for all things against natural law.
Joel Davis: Yeah. I think niggas might be just kind of cursed just by being born as niggas in the first place. [LOL]
Thomas Sewell: For sure!
Joel Davis: Like, they probably did something fucked up in their past life.
Thomas Sewell: Absolutely!
Joel Davis: Like, according to the Mormon cosmology, you know, primordially before the beginning of the universe, you know, there was a battle in heaven, and there were all these celestial beings and Lucifer, you know, tried to raise this rebellion against God. And then basically everyone who was complicit in that rebellion became the demons. And everyone who fought on the side of Jesus and God, they became incarnated as White people. And then everyone who stayed neutral, they became the niggers! I’m not saying I believe in Mormonism, obviously, but it’s kind of based. It’s kind of funny.
Blair Cottrell: I remain for those, … Sorry, I’m too tired to even spit the phrase:
“The hottest fires of hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of struggle!”
I think it was Gandhi who said that?
Thomas Sewell: It would be an ancient question quote. Gandhi’s a fraud!
Blair Cottrell: Probably.
Joel Davis: Anyway, I’ll go through some more of these Superchats. I think you guys posted them in here. Yeah. Ukrainian Groyper, …
Thomas Sewell: Dante’s Inferno*. That’s where that quote is from. That’s from Dante’s Inferno. The first layer of hell is for the inactive, the people that don’t get active, the people that don’t pick a side. That’s the first layer of hell. Yeah.
[* Inferno is the first part of Italian writer Dante Alighieri’s 14th-century narrative poem The Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. The Inferno describes the journey of a fictionalised version of Dante himself through (the nine levels of) Hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil. Wikipedia]
Joel Davis: Ukrainian Groyper said:
“Joel is the only one out of the three who doesn’t have a Wikipedia page. How am I supposed to know that he’s a Nazi?”
Yeah, well, I thought about creating a Wikipedia page for myself, and then I realised it would immediately get taken over by Leftists and then converted into like, this awful hit piece about how I’m a satanic paedophile or something. So I decided I would just try and live without a Wikipedia page as long as possible, because yeah, we don’t control. [chuckling] Wikipedia is not under patriot control.
Thomas Sewell: Not yet. We’re working on it. First mission is to change my profile picture on Wikipedia to a good one. That’s your first mission Wikipedia guys. [chuckling] Not like a screen grab from an old video.
Joel Davis: RSA Liberty Supporter said:
“You start with the most generous re-migration package and crank it up from there. You two step them and the Liberals incentivise them to take the earliest option as it’s in their best interests.”
That’s the thing. I don’t really think that’s what we’re getting here. I mean, ultimately, we talking about, … Could you even call them conservatives? But we’re talking about like, the Swedish, like, mainstream Right, who has been complicit in like, mass immigration. They’re not initiating phase one of like a six phase process to like purify the Swedish population and send millions back or anything, and work their way towards mass deportations. It’s limited measure that they probably don’t intend to go much further then.
So, yeah, someone also said here, Thorn 91:
“I know not everyone here is Christian, but Obadiah 18 prophesies the end of the jews.”
Obadiah 18? I don’t remember that from the Bible.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I just searched that before. It’s just like:
“Jacob will be fire and Joseph will be flames and Esau will crumble!”
Joel Davis: Okay. Yeah. Okay. I’m looking up the book of Obadiah. Okay, I just don’t really remember reading that in the Bible. “Prophecy concerning the divine judgement of Edom and the restoration of Israel”. That’s kind of interesting because of how the Edomites ultimately kind of got fused with the Judeans in like, the second century. But anyway, we’re not going to get, … That’s a bit of a tangent.
Man Before Time said:
“Have you done much reading from the Stoics, particularly Aurelius, Epictetus, Plato. So what aspect of Stoicism, personally, think is the most important?”
I don’t think you can classify Plato as a stoic. But, yeah, Marcus Aurelius. I have read some of the meditations many, many years ago. I don’t really take much inspiration.
Thomas Sewell: Prison ideology. It’s a prison ideology in my opinion.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
But I know that some of the other Stoics, like, they were more complicated philosophers that had a full on metaphysics. And I read about them as being discussed by, like, Gilles Deleuze* and other, like, 20th century philosophers. But I haven’t gone back to the stoics and got their complete system. So I don’t actually have a super well educated view on the full philosophical system of the Stoics.
[* Gilles Deleuze (January 18, 1925–November 4, 1995) was one of the most influential and prolific French philosophers of the second half of the twentieth century. Deleuze conceived of philosophy as the production of concepts, and he characterized himself as a “pure metaphysician.” In his magnum opus Difference and Repetition, he tries to develop a metaphysics adequate to contemporary mathematics and science—a metaphysics in which the concept of multiplicity replaces that of substance, event replaces essence and virtuality replaces possibility. Standord Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
But as for Marcus Aurelius the fact that he was a literal cuckold, out of condition a little bit. Yeah. It’s like, imagine the worst possible outcome and learn to accept it so that you can confront it when it occurs. It’s like, no, I’d rather just not imagine my wife getting slammed by some gladiator. And he ended up, like, I think the story was he ends up killing the gladiator and then filling a bathtub with his blood and then shagging his missus in the bathtub or something along those lines.
Thomas Sewell: He sounds like Jordan Peterson.
Joel Davis: Why don’t you kill the woman? You know, she cheated on you. Why are you killing the gladiator? I mean, you can kill him, too, if you want. You’re the emperor. But kill the woman like she cheated on you. Why are you?
Thomas Sewell: We don’t need that blood. We don’t need that blood in the family, that’s for sure.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Like, I don’t understand this about cheating. Like, if you get cheated on and you’re going after the person like that you weren’t actually in a relationship with, but the secondary, … I understand you might want to take some revenge on them, but the more primary thing is the actual person who cheated on you. Like, they should be the main culprit. They’re the main culprit. They’re the ones who portrayed you. The other person didn’t.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s hard to see it that way when you’re a young man, because you see the woman as, like, a victim of circumstance. Because when you’re young, that’s kind of how you’re raised to see women. And because women are beautiful, …
Thomas Sewell: I still see it that way.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah. But when women are beautiful, when you’re a young man, too, you kind of see them as, well you imagine that you associate their beauty with innocence. Yeah. You don’t think that someone or anything that looks that good could do something so consciously and deliberately bad.
And so you always think it was the male party who’s at fault. And because it’s a man, you feel that urge for violence, for confrontation, but you don’t feel that with a woman. So by default or instincts, you hold the, if you’re in a love triangle, you hold the male party, the other male party, wholly responsible until you actually calm down and think about it. And then you realise the woman was probably orchestrating the entire thing.
Joel Davis: Well, I’m not against going after the man as well. I can just go after both of them, though. Don’t just go after, like, you kill the gladiator and then what does the woman get as a, … You’re the emperor of Rome, your wife cheats on you!
Blair Cottrell: And the way I look at it now, though, like. In truth, unless you have some sort of reputation to maintain, there’s no reason to be bent on revenge over some girl. If some girl leaves you, who cares? Someone else is having sex with her now. Who cares, man? You’re a man. The world is yours. Do whatever you want. If you want revenge, do that. If it means that much to you.
Joel Davis: If you’re the emperor of Rome and she’s your wife.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that’s different. That’s what I mean. There’s reputation.
Thomas Sewell: He has the power to do something about it. And he gets psyopped by a woman to not. Like that’s what she wants. Like any woman that does that kind of behaviour. Like, if women don’t want to be with you, they’ll just leave, right? It’s pretty simple. So if they’re doing that and staying with you, it’s because they want it both ways.
Blair Cottrell: Women won’t leave you. They’ll tee up an alternative before they leave you. So if a woman’s thinking about leaving you, …
Thomas Sewell: They won’t cheat and then stay with you. Like, if their intention is to leave, it’s, …
Blair Cottrell: Like there’s different reasons. Some women will treat cheat to get a reaction out of you, or just to cause drama. But typically what women will do if they don’t like you is they’ll stop sleeping with you and then yeah, …
Thomas Sewell: They monkey branch on to something else.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, they monkey branch. They set something else up and if that doesn’t work, they stay with you until they can get something else set up. They just kind of like a butterfly onto the next flower. Onto the next flower, sucking out all the nutrients until there’s nothing left! [chuckling] [LOL]
Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. I mean, but yeah, you’re dating, like, who cares, like, if she cheats on you, it’s not worth, like, let it go and move on.
But if you’re like, married and you’re fully committed and then she cheats on you after you’ve got the mortgage and the two kids and so on. It’s like that bitch has got to pay! You can’t go back and like, fix that now. Like, if you were just dating and then she did, like who cares! You’ve dodged a bullet. Like, it’s good that she’s shown her hand early before you get committed you can read the signs and, …
Blair Cottrell: Can I just say, I was thinking about this the other day in a different context. I was thinking that if a woman has social media, if your girlfriend, you’re watching this, you got a girlfriend, you got a wife, and she has social media, she’s going to cheat on you [Tom laughs]. And she will. They can’t have social media because of the female human condition, which is hypergamous in by nature. They can’t even help it! Women are always looking for upgrades, not just in relationships per se, but in their life. That’s why women always want the bigger house and the better car and the nicer holiday. And they’re looking for upgrades in men as well, whether it’s wealth, status, height, genetics. And if a woman is given access to social media, she’s eventually going to full victim to her own hypergamous nature. She’s going to cheat on you. It’s only a matter of time. It might take five years, it might take 15 years, it will happen! If you’re a woman watching this and you’re interested in a serious relationship that isn’t going to break down, delete your social media! If you don’t have the strength to do that, you’ll never be in a long term relationship that won’t break down eventually. You can’t have social media as a woman. You just can’t fucking do it!
Joel Davis: I don’t know.
Thomas Sewell: I mean, [word unclear] banned from social media.
Joel Davis: I think, basically it’s not actually that intense. Like, every woman is gonna cheat on you. Like, as far as I know, no woman ever cheated on me. Like, it’s not like:
“Oh, every bitch is just gonna leave you and so on!”
I don’t really have that mentality, to be honest. I think you can actually tell, like, if the relationship is fucked up or not. If you’re really, like, honest and reflective on the dynamics within the relationship, you can kind of see the signs that it’s messed up or not.
And then if you continue to persist on with it despite it being fundamentally flawed and you’re a bad match and she doesn’t actually respect you or you don’t really love her or whatever, then you’re asking for it to go wrong. In Marcus Aurelius’ situation that woman was obviously a whore. Like, he was retard for even, … What kind of woman cheats on the Roman emperor? You know what I mean?
Thomas Sewell: Drama Queen. Attention seeking drama queen.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Thomas Sewell: Specifically the social media. That’s a problem. I know it sounds silly, but specifically Instagram, for our generation, at least. Facebook, not so much. You know, Snapchat. It’s sort of dorky. It’s just sort of sending stupid videos. I don’t know much about TikTok because it’s more of a Zoomer thing. But Instagram specifically, the way the algorithm is programmed is that it keeps feeding you. I mean, I guess they’re all like this, especially TikTok. But Instagram is very personal. It’s not so much like a stupid dance, or a stupid thing. It’s sexual advertising. Instagram is purely sexual advertising. It’s just like soft Tinder. It’s basically, …
Blair Cottrell: Pretty much. The guy who made Tinder got his idea from Instagram. People were already using Instagram messages, basically as a Tinder service, and some guy was like:
“I could make an app just doing this.”
And that’s how that took off. But men are liars, too. So the second part of my message to women is you can’t have social media if you want the serious relationship due to your own female human condition, which is hypergamous. But you’ll get tricked by lying men as well, who present themselves as a potential upgrade, but they’re actually not! So you’ll end up cheating on your husband or partner for no fucking reason! There’s nothing but disaster on social media for a woman in a relationship, if you’re in a relationship, …
Thomas Sewell: Like, Instagram is very fake. It’s built off trying to build, like, a fake Persona. It’s very, very toxic. When the government banned me from Instagram, I was actually kind of happy. I know these nationalism starting up on the, … Young guys tell me that on Instagram. Not young, young, but, like, kind of halfway between us and Zoomers. They say that there’s a lot of nationalist circles on Instagram now. There’s a lot of different cliques forming and a lot of pages now to follow. It’s all above board, so to speak. Like, it back in the day, it was all banned and shut down.
But now they’re kind of working out the algorithm, how to get around it. So that there’s a positive to that. Like, we’ve had a couple recruits from Instagram. I think we’ve had two recruits from Instagram. Obviously not our primary recruiter. But again, Instagram is not really that political. It’s mostly sexual. Instagram is a sexual platform.
Joel Davis: It’s just a shit platform. Like, I remember I had it briefly when I was a teenager, and I just stopped using it because I don’t want to look at a bunch of people’s fucking faces and:
“Here’s me doing this, and here’s a picture of my, like oh, we went on a fuck! We went here, we went there!”
And I don’t give a fuck! You know?
Blair Cottrell: Are you sure you don’t want to set up a selfie stick and a tripod and take a picture of yourself proposing to your future wife and show the world, get some rose petals and throw them in the lens. Are you sure you don’t want to do that, Joel? I mean, what’s wrong with you?
Thomas Sewell: Is that your algorithm? Blair, just rose petals?
Blair Cottrell: This is what people do. This is what people do in this. I’ve got Instagram. I’ve got a business, Instagram, for work. I barely use it. I get most of my work through Telegram. But whenever I go on there, I see people I’ve known in the past who found me on there and that you look at their profiles, and everyone thinks they’re a fucking rock star. Everyone thinks they’re famous, and they act like they’re famous. No one gives a shit about when you propose to your wife and how you did it. That should be something between you and your wife. Why the fuck am I looking at this? It’s the weirdest shit! It’s this strange. I don’t know how to say it.
Thomas Sewell: It’s very personal. Outside of that level. Yeah. Yes. All right. Are we done?
Blair Cottrell: We’ve got one more Superchat. Did you read out this Jake 1219? He’s sent 20 bucks. The tide of the Caine. No, sorry:
“The tide for Caine will rise for the brotherhood.”
He said:
“What’s the tide for Caine?
Thomas Sewell: What’s that, like a Command and Conquer Generals reference? Was that like a Red Alert or what? Was it Tiberian Sun? Is it a gamer reference?
Blair Cottrell: I don’t know. Maybe. We have to find out. Obviously we need to find out.
Thomas Sewell: There’s an old movie about. Was it Citizen Kane? Okay. 12th century. The story of King Canute. The tide of, … I don’t know. No, I can’t find it.
Joel Davis: Superchats from Goyboy 1488 on uh, Odysee.
So I’m going to read them out. He said:
“First of all, imagine being the father of the kids who bullied faggot Jeffrey must be so proud.”
Obviously referring to the Jeffrey kid that became a tranny. That in Tom’s story at the beginning of the stream, Goyboy 1488 also said, qi can’t stand American libertarians. So individualistic that they defend gun ownership for illegal migrants.”
Yeah, I understand the insufferability of libertarians. It’s a little bit different in Australia. The point of focus, it isn’t just like the single minded fixation upon, and honestly, we need some gun rights. Like, in America, you guys actually have gun rights. Ours have been destroyed. So I’m with libertarians here on working our way back towards more gun ownership.
But yeah, obviously in America it can get ridiculous where it’s like instead of caring about any, it’s like gun nationalism where like, owning guns is like what defines the nation. Like being pro-gun rather than having any actual ethnic concept of the nation or whatever. It’s like, yeah. Oh, Goyboy also said:
“They have no loyalty to their people.”
Obviously talking about libertarians. He said:
“Both my brothers are 110 to 130 IQ libertarians. They are politically insufferable!”
Obviously libertarians need to be worked on to progress them beyond their worldview. Usually they’re open to having a conversation.
And so there’s fertile ground there. A lot of people in the movement were former libertarians that were converted to the nationalist worldview. But then, yeah, there’s a certain kind of like holding pen where they stay libertarian because they have either this kind of hyper individualistic fixation on themselves and they never mature out of it or they get Asian missus. Tom said that, I think you had an experience, right, of like going to some libertarian meeting years ago and like everyone’s missus was Asian.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I went to the LDP Victorian meeting, annual general meeting, whatever it is.
Joel Davis: And this is the Libertarian Party by the way.
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Lionel Helm [sp] was there, the chairman was there, there was a few other speakers. And honestly the audience was almost entirely White men in their late twenties. And about maybe 20% of the audience brought their girlfriends and almost all their girlfriends were Asian. And I was the last question because it was a Question Time. And Lionel Helm was a full weirdo. Like it was really, he was really bizarre in person. He was way more autistic than I realised. And I’m pretty sure his food came out first. And he was like halfway through his speech and he just stopped his speech and just ate his food in front of everyone. Like just like a super autist! Like couldn’t read the room, like didn’t give a fuck! Like it was a real bad look. I don’t know, I guess we’re all different. But it was really, really strange thing to do.
And then I was the last question and I brought up immigration. And this is fucking pretty early days, this is like 2017 or something. And I said to him basically:
“As a young person, I can’t afford a home in the area I grew up in or even really a couple suburbs over. It’s just becoming unaffordable. The housing crisis is a massive issue. And what’s the Liberal Democrats going to do about trying to assist housing affordability fee for young people that are just pushed out of the market every year it’s getting harder.”
I was looking at a house, it was 700 grand. It was just around the absolute cap at that point of my borrowing capacity.
And by the time I actually tried to go to the bank and look at getting that house and working out how to make the finances of the work and save up the deposit, all the house in that area went up to about 770, 800. So I’m like:
“Fuck! I gotta go another suburb, another couple suburbs over!”
And I was just explaining that to him and he said something like:
“Oh well the LDP, we’re gonna do less taxes. Less taxes means more money in your pocket. Anyway, next question.”
And I was like:
“Hang on a minute, hang on a minute. If everyone’s paying less taxes, if everyone’s got more money in their pocket, then the housing price is gonna go up, everyone’s got more expendable income. Everyone’s got more.”
Anyway, that’s the story I’ve already said on stream before. But yeah, it was an interesting meeting. My second question was about cadre building. It was about:
“Do the libertarians as classical liberals or as classical libertarians, whatever you guys are you interested in building up a cadre of people that believe in the ideology, truly understand it, and then sort of pass that worldview on to the rest of the population? Or are you kind of just hoping that the general public come to their senses and realise that the libertarian party is just the way forward? Is that how you perceive getting political victory?”
And Lionel Helm said:
“Yeah, the second one. Yeah, like, people were just going to realise that less taxes means more money in your pocket and more money in your pocket, less taxes on cigarettes. You buy more cigarettes, and, yeah, you just have more money. You just be better off. And eventually everyone will work that out and vote for us.”
And I was like, interesting. And the chairman had stopped eating his dinner and just looked up at me and was like:
“Who the fuck is this guy?”
It was really interesting night.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I see, …
Thomas Sewell: And then, and then, sorry, quickly. And then when the meeting was done and I tried to leave, I got, like, ambushed by, like, three libertarians with Asian girlfriends. And they were like, telling me how:
“What were you trying to imply with immigration? Like, why were you trying to imply that it’s a supply and demand issue? I mean, really, it’s really not about demand. It’s about supply, we should build more houses. The real problem is the Liberal Party, Labor Party put too much red tape on building a house. And if we just change zoning laws, da da da da da da da. And we need a big Australia!”
And I was like:
“Okay, would you rather live in Brazil or Switzerland?”
“Like, what? Like, why do we need a big Australia? Why do we need to be a big Australia?”
And they’re like:
“Oh, bigger GDP is better!”
And I was like:
“Okay, so Brazil, or Switzerland?”
And then they just all went silent. And I was like:
“Yeah, you guys are fucking idiots!”
And then I just walked out. Like, Brazil’s GDP is like 30 times Switzerland, but you’d much rather live in Switzerland, wouldn’t you? Like, who the fuck wants to live in Brazil?
Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s like the, …
Thomas Sewell: I’m sure there’s a nice parts of Brazil, but in general, it’s fucking full of crime and poverty. Like, what the fuck? Switzerland’s like a utopia.
Joel Davis: Yeah. Like, why don’t we just combine the whole world into one country. Then we can have the ultimate maximum GDP of the whole world. GDP of one country.
Thomas Sewell: Genius!
Joel Davis: It’ll [chuckling] be a totally free market. Everyone can trade with everyone.
Thomas Sewell: But that’s the classic libertarian position. They’re either kind of too smart for their own good, but not intelligent enough to work out that their ideas are stupid, or they’re kind of just philosophically corrupted because they got the Asian GF, and they would go down the far-Right path, but they’re held up. They’re stuck at that level probably forever for most of them.
Joel Davis: Old Kiparian said:
“Double my cigarette prices if it means I keep my nation.”
Yeah, well, you should really stop smoking. As someone who has quit smoking, my advice to you is run! And then when you run, you’ll realise that you can’t, and that it sucks! And then if you keep running, you’ll continue realizing how much it sucks! And then that’ll inspire you to stop smoking so that your lungs can heal and you can actually breathe while you run. Because you need to run. If you can’t run, you could be fucked! That could literally be the end of your life because you can’t run in a certain kind of situation.
So, yeah, not being able to run is fucking gay!
Blair Cottrell: We got one more here. One more again from Jake 1219 sends through $20. Thanks very much, Jake. Serious one:
“40 billion being raped from Australian taxpayers yearly to fund the Aboriginal communist plight with no oversight. Thieving, that’s a serious military budget going towards dirt eaters.”
Joel Davis: Yeah. I also see Bog. He sent a 0.02 lbry coin Superchat on Odysee, which, when I put it into the conversion, that works out to 0.0031 US dollars! So [chuckling] you might as well have not even bothered sending a Superchat at all because that’s just literally nothing. But I’ll read it out anyway. He said:
“Do you promise to never take fed jew money to be draught enforcer, sending Whites to die in Taiwan for Jew Yankee Empire, or act as blocking units shooting retreating Whites there? I’m not dying on hill 838 in Ching Chong Prefecture, Oz government built Covid camp. So I’ll take my chances with Chink overlords!”
Thomas Sewell: Uh, no, no! he missed it at the end there. He was kind of doing well with the question until the end there. Then he fucked it. That was dumb.
Joel Davis: I feel like this guy is probably Chinese or something, like this kind of, …
Thomas Sewell: Oh, good call. Good call!
Joel Davis: Because the Chinaman would be cheap enough to send a 0.003 USD Superchat. You know what I mean?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, they were utilitarian.
Joel Davis: Oh, hey, fellow Aryans. Don’t you just love China?
Thomas Sewell: Yeah, don’t you just love your Chinese overlords? Don’t send me to go fight for Taiwan. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Does it make any sense? Like there’s not going to be a ground war in Taiwan that you’re going to be conscripted to. Like, it’s even really logical.
Adult White Female said:
“We are so unique and so strong a race, and yet every time a non-gets mixed in, our genetics get blown out. Visual confirmation that it is the true definition of adultery and is an abomination unto our creator. Great show, gentlemen, and thank you. And a tenner for rose petals.”
Thomas Sewell: I’m done.
Joel Davis: And Ben Shapiro Sigma also just sent a Superchat saying, hell, Ben Shapiro Sigma is kind of funny.
“Hello from England. Do you have any recommendation for a place to start understanding China’s political structure and how it is National Socialist? Joel’s comments on it have been very interesting.”
I wouldn’t describe China as National Socialist.
Blair Cottrell: All right, before you answer that, I’m signing off. See you guys. Love you all.
Joel Davis: See you dude! Have a good one. I wouldn’t describe China as a National Socialist. Indirectly, I have done that for polemical reasons in the past, drawing more parallels between Chinese state ideology and fascism or National Socialism than doctrinaire Marxism, of which there are several parallels.
And I think it’s an important parallel to draw, because the Chinese government, obviously, there’s a lot of fucked up things about it, completely fucked up things that no White government, you know, actually genuinely White run government, would subject its people to. Like a great amount of brutality and so on.
But at the same time, the Chinese state obviously has brought big business interests and foreign interests to heel. They run China directly for the national strength, and China has managed to accumulate a lot of economic and military power in a very short period of time through that kind of system, which demonstrates when you implement certain principles of fascism or National Socialism, they make your country stronger. And that’s objectively true. When you see China, China wouldn’t be anywhere near as strong as it is if it was a liberal democracy. It was a liberal democracy. It would be beset by jews, foreign business interests, and so on. It would be subject to American or judeo-American, I should say, cultural subversion and so on. And it would be far more limited in its ability to develop its own independent power in the world.
So but I wouldn’t classify it as National Socialist because there’s a lot of elements to the Chinese regime I don’t like and said ideology I don’t like which are reflections I think, of the Chinese national character and the communist legacy as well like the Maoist legacy as opposed to, … So I’d say basically everything that’s good in the sense of not good for us because China being strong is actually bad for us, but good in that kind of universal sense like effective for what they’re trying to do. Like everything about the Chinese government that makes China stronger is basically National Socialists or fascist, and everything about it which sucks almost invariably isn’t. And that isn’t just a cope because of my ideological predilections like that’s just my genuine analysis of the situation.
But anyway, I think basically we’re done here, so see you guys later. It’s been a long stream I hope you enjoyed it and yeah, we’ll see you all next week.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 9/15/2024 = 35)
2 days ago
1 day ago
catholic charities started from the Church centuries ago, but now works for and is funded by the government and that’s why they are helping flood our nations with foreigners
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1 day ago
in America under Biden (who’s supposed to be Catholic) the government agencies have spies in traditional Catholic churches and have made raids at the homes of traditional Catholic activists homes
1 day ago
Soooo Jewish misinformation/disinformation is still legal? So confusing
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1 day ago
yes Jewish misinformation is what mainstream media is.
1 like
22 hours ago
1 day ago
the government that doesn’t fear the people is the problem
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18 hours ago
good quote
1 like
1 day ago
As an animal lover especially of cat’s and dog’s. What those dirty inhuman apes are doing to those innocent creature’s piss me off beyond belief. I would go to jail/prison if one of them attempted to harm my cat or dog.
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1 day ago
guy we got grifted. the footage is from 2020 and the bitch isn’t Haitian. beware click baiters mocking these very real problems.
1 like
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1 day ago
how is ni66ers killing cats and dogs different from Haitians?
16 hours ago
Are you sure? Not being a prick btw, I swear I saw a video of a Haitian woman skinning a cat.
1 like
2 days ago
Last week’s show: [Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the recent Tucker Carlson interview with American historian Darryl Cooper and how he considers: “The real bad guy of World War Two was Churchill.” Points include: • View the interview as a watershed moment for mainstreaming revisionist narratives. • “This is the re-mainstreaming for the first time in that I can remember in living memory of World War two revisionism.” • Cooper’s approach is a “humanitarian” and “honest” way to discuss controversial topics. • Discuss Churchill’s role in WWII, with Cooper calling him “the foremost villain” of the war. • Explore the idea of having “Nuremberg-style trials” for those responsible for mass immigration. • Discuss the importance of World War II revisionism in understanding current political issues. “World War two really is the datum point from which all perspective of the present day is forged.” • They share their personal journeys into World War II revisionism and White nationalism. • Discuss the impact of reading Mein Kampf and other revisionist materials. “Reading Mein Kampf and learning the truth about world War two breaks the spell of Holocaustianity.” • World War II narratives are central to current anti-White ideologies. • Discuss the challenges of promoting revisionist views
in mainstream discourse. • The importance of ideological purity in their movement. “Maximum ideological purity can actually disadvantage you because it means you’re going to piss people off, alienate people.” • Discuss the role of social media and online activism in spreading their ideas. • Share anecdotes about discussing their views
in everyday situations. • Talk about recruitment and the growing interest …
2 days ago
For tonight’s show a relevant topic is 9/11. [Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript] [In this 2018 presentation Christopher Bollyn, an American investigative journalist and author of several books on 9/11 sets out in detail, naming names, on why and how Israel carried out the, years in preparation, false flag attack 9/11, i.e., to unleash The War OF Terror on the Middle East using American blood and treasure. Some points Bollyn makes, include: Is an author of books on 9/11 and the War on Terror. 9/11 and the War on Terror are connected and part of an Israeli plan. “9/11 was a policy coup” blamed on Muslims to start the War on Terror. The War on Terror aims to redraw the Middle East map according to Israeli interests. Menachem Begin, founder of Likud party, is described as “the father of terrorism”. 9/11 was designed to “instill fear and rage in the American population”. The War on Terror is “the longest and most expensive war, foreign war in US history”. Trump is quoted: “We have spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. You know what we have for it? Nothing!” The War on Terror is “based on the official myth of 9/11”. Wesley Clark is quoted describing a “policy coup” by “hard-nosed people” after 9/11. The plan is to “take out seven countries in five years” starting with Iraq. This follows the “Yinon Plan” to break up Arab states into smaller entities. Hillary Clinton is mentioned as seeking to overthrow Syria’s government “to save Israel”. Asks “Is the United States waging Israel’s wars?” Israel wants to expand from “the Nile river to the Euphrates”. Christian Zionism is “a big problem” in supporting Israel. John F. Kennedy was “the last great reformer” who challenged these interests. …
22 hours ago
The tangents are fine. But everybody does tangents that’s all anyone does. I respect you guys because of your activism. We don’t need another fucking show where a few people sit around and talk about how bad it is for white people. We know. The thing that sets you guys apart is you actually strategize and discuss the best way to make more people aware. That is what we should all be doing. We don’t need another Nick Fuentes or red ice, sitting in front of a camera and talking about news articles and asking for donations. It’s crazy to me, how so many of us know that we are on a sinking ship, but so many are content to just play video games and occasionally watch videos about white replacement online, and this pacifies us. I always get frustrated because I always have the sensation kind of like your underwater and you are starting to get desperate for a breath, I have that anxiety every time I think about our situation, and it frustrates the hell out of me to see so many who don’t care at all. And when you talk about trying to meet up and brainstorm and do things, it’s fed posting. On one hand I can understand the concern, but on the other hand why even bother discussing it at all then? If trying to organize is fed posting and we can’t do it, then we may as well accept our fate and just enjoy the ride.
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18 hours ago
The Patriot Front is a viable group to get involved with. I do not believe the accusations that they are set up by the feds. Even if oneself doesn’t join a local active-club, there’s fliers and posters and stickers you can print at home, laminate, and distribute in public places to stimulate people’s awareness of the dystopian living conditions. The monopoly on mass media and mass entertainment is one of our great obstacles, IMO. Because mass media and mass culture is how the average normie talks to him/herself and how they “validate” what is an acceptable viewpoint or opinion. Still, even without us overthrowing the corrupt leftist media-matrix, there’s human instinct to sew seed of optimism. Life will find a way, as Jeff Goldblum once said. You’re definitely correct about the role video-game, sports entertainment, and pop-culture distractions are strategically put into place to lessen and hinder the inevitable instinctive awakening of hive-mind survival response among our folk. Joel, Tom, and Blaire (as well as other individuals in our movement worldwide) are examples of what one man can do when he doesn’t resign to stagnant pessimism and what one man can do to inspire others in proportion to the ripple-effect, contagious nature of inspiration, and other facts of sentient existence
1 like
1 day ago
Come for the tangents, stay for the news
1 like
1 day ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)
1 like
1 day ago
1:13:40 Blair had me dying
1 like
1 day ago
o/ o/
1 like
1 day ago
Haitians are the deepest darkest looking Africans. They are so dark sometimes they look a dark purple. This comes a guy who grew up in Brockton, MA. We had Haitians. They are retarded.
1 like
18 hours ago
You guys have inspired me to be more open and explicit with my left-leaning friends. Last week for example, I was on vacation w/ friends and these are ppl I’ve been friends w/ a long time and they trust me, love me, and have faith in my intelligence/morality, and when they began mocking and ridiculing DJT, I chose to verbally debate my friends in a calm composed way (instead of not even bothering to engage in verbal debate). There are two tactics I adopt; 1.) I either deliberately banter in an ambiguous way where I choose the conservative neutral stance in which to defend Trump and dispel/disarm their far-left regurgitated nonsense. or… 2.) I choose my debate stance in self-reaffirming unapologetic nationalistic old-world sensibility. On two separate occasions I was poked and prodded by female friends in their obsessive offensive to “expose” me for my underlying reasons for why I won’t denounce or disavow Trump, and similarly how I won’t denounce country-clubs, blue-bloods, and traditional family structure and the right for husbands to beat their wives and discipline their children, etc. I chose a shift in approach whereby I now don’t even care anymore. I admit I support all things “far-right”, nationalistic and pro-White. My friends are learning to deal with it, and my gut instinct tells me that a couple of my male friends are actually starting to align themselves more w/ me now that I’ve endured the initial scrutiny and carved a path for them, as it were. Of course it’s a larger paradox pattern, whereby as long as more of us first-wave vanguard white-nationalists pave the way, then some of our more intelligent friends will follow, especially if the friendship is built on real trust and real respect
1 like
11 hours ago
Good one, lads.
1 like
1 day ago
re: Mr Clark…willing to bet the bag that the read script & money came in smelled of bagels
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1 day ago
oy vey shut it down!
1 day ago
awwww I was hoping for a few laughs watching the lefties cop beatings by cops this week in Melbourne
1 day ago
Jews and their brown bioweapons
1 day ago
joel u need to watch this to understand how the russian propaganda works with the western propaganda. 2 sides of the kosher sandwich:
1 day ago
Before Sweden raised the price only 1 immigrant left
1 day ago
And that boys father is in complete denial, what a fucking pussy can’t accept a reality check.
1 day ago
If you wanna stop smoking you need to not be still for a few weeks. When you’re busy moving and doing stuff the addiction thoughts don’t creep up on you nearly as much. Exhaust yourself during the day so you can get to sleep without a crazy battle of thoughts at night.
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1 day ago
ku cucks klan
10 hours ago
Love you three guys keep up the good streams need more like these.
8 hours ago
America is not far behind the bitch people in Australia, the good whites have been neutered and it makes me sick… our main people are petrified to say isreal is behind anything, terrible
7 hours ago
Dante quote The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in a time of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version History
Version 5: Thu, Sep 19, 2024 — Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 166/166 mins. Transcript is now complete.
Version 4: Wed, Sep 18, 2024 — Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 120/166 mins.
Version 3: Tue, Sep 17, 2024 — Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 93/166 mins.
Version 2: Mon, Sep 16, 2024 — Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 39/166 mins.
Version 1: Sun, Sep 15, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 25/166 mins. Includes Odysee comments (35).
Pingback: Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17