Mark Collett
Protestors Jailed, Paedophiles Walk Free
Fri, Aug 16, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Anti-immigration protestors and those who posted their opinions on social media are currently being dragged from their homes and given the harshest possible sentences. Yet over the past two decades, over ten thousand paedophiles, rapists and sex offenders have walked free from court or escaped justice with a caution.”
– KATANA]—Protestors-JAILED—Paedophiles-WALK-FREE:1
Published on Fri, Aug 16, 2024
Protestors JAILED, Paedophiles WALK FREE
August 16, 2024
Mark Collett
Anti-immigration protestors and those who posted their opinions on social media are currently being dragged from their homes and given the harshest possible sentences. Yet over the past two decades, over ten thousand paedophiles, rapists and sex offenders have walked free from court or escaped justice with a caution.
Pagliacci the Hated
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(Words: 1728 – Duration: 11:24 mins)
It has been a long-held belief in dissident circles that there is a conspiracy within the establishment to protect paedophiles. Well, actually it goes further; it is stated that there is a “conspiracy” to not only protect paedophiles, but to promote them, to allow them to operate in plain sight at the highest levels of state and media influence, and to ensure that the highest organs of the state provide shelter for these predators.
And this “conspiracy theory” is becoming harder and harder for the media and the government to dismiss. Mounting evidence which is now being collated on social media and even leaking out in the press all points to the fact that there is a genuine conspiracy afoot – a conspiracy to allow those who prey on the youngest and most vulnerable to walk free. But even worse, those in the very highest offices of the land, have been implicated in playing a central role in this conspiracy.
Over the last week this issue has become even more noticeable than ever before. The media has been enthusiastically reporting on the mass arrests of both those involved in anti-migrant protests, and those who have made statements on social media that go against the official state narrative on multiculturalism and mass immigration.
This draconian crackdown has led to the establishment of Soviet-style 24-hour courts where some of the harshest sentences I have ever seen are being handed down to people who merely shouted at police officers, or in some cases, were just present when others committed acts of disorder.
Those arrested have been immediately remanded in custody, and Judges have refused bail for nearly all of those accused. What’s more, even when suspects have entered guilty pleas and shown contrition, they have still been jailed immediately with sentences of 24 months or more.
A glaring example of this is the case of Steven Mailen from Hartlepool. Steven is a 54-year-old man who has no criminal record and previously served as a school governor. He is clearly a man of good character. He was sentenced to 26 months for “shouting” and “gesticulating” at police.
Now I want to make this clear, I don’t think anyone should be shouting at the police, but 26 months for someone who has never been in trouble with the law, for simply shouting and gesturing, is incredibly harsh!
And the case of Steven Mailen isn’t an outlier. Lee Joseph Dunn was jailed for eight weeks for sharing a picture of what the court described as “Asian men” with the caption, “coming to a town near you”. Memes like this have been shared far and wide by millions of people, but apparently, this is now a crime – and one that can only be dealt with by means of a custodial sentence.
Alongside these two cases, the media has enthusiastically reported that children as young as 12-years-of-age would face potential jail sentences for merely being present when disorder took place. Ask yourself this: When have you seen this response before?
How many young ethnic minority offenders have been given chance after chance when committing far more serious offences?
But whilst the press and the media were revelling in these harsh sentences, a Twitter user by the name Pagliacci the Hated was looking into the judges presiding over these hearings. And what she found was illuminating to say the least.
Many of the judges who have been enthusiastically handing down the maximum punishments possible, have previously allowed some of the most heinous sex offenders to walk free from court.
JUDGE ANDREW MENARY recently sentenced William Nelson Morgan, a 69-year-old pensioner, to 32 months in prison for refusing to move out of the way of police officers. However, Judge Menary previously let a paedophile, who collected baby rape videos, walk free from court with no jail time, because of what he cited as evidence of “good character”.
JUDGE NEIL RAFFERTY denied bail to those merely arrested for “viewing the riots remotely” – whatever that means. However, Judge Rafferty previously let a man convicted of raping his “vulnerable” niece walk free from court because the rapist was apparently “remorseful”.
JUDGE JEREMY RICHARDSON sentenced Kenzie Roughley, just 18-years-old, to 2 years in jail for kicking a CCTV van and goading police. Richardson had previously let a paedophile walk free from his court after he was found guilty of targeting a vulnerable 13-year-old girl for sexual abuse – the reason for this leniency was because Judge Richardson worried that the paedophile would “suffer comprehensibly in prison”.
This isn’t the whole thread; but I will put a link in the description below so you can see the thread in its entirety and follow the account.
But despite the great work done exposing these judges and their crooked rulings, I would wager that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are far more cases like this. In fact, if I made that wager, it would be the safest bet I could ever make – because it is now essentially government policy to let paedophiles walk free. And NO, this isn’t an over exaggeration.
I read this from the Daily Express, and I quote:
“Thousands of child molesters have been left roaming the streets after effectively being given a slap on the wrist for their heinous crimes. Analysis of Ministry of Justice figures shows that almost 4, 500 sex offenders have received either a community, or a suspended sentence since 2010.”
“New analysis, by Labour, shows 2,026 adults convicted were let off with community sentences and, 2,474 with suspended sentences.”
“This includes dozens who were convicted for sexual activity with a child under the age of 13.”
“Alarmingly, 291 suspended sentences were issued to sex offenders convicted of sexual assault on a child under the age of 16, or sexual activity with a child under the age of 16, in the first six months of last year.”
End quote. Sex offenders and paedophiles walking free from court in Britain is NOT an outlying oddity, it is the NORM!
And this has not only been going on for years, but there has also been an even more worrying trend of the government and the police covering up examples of serious sexual offences.
There is obviously and most notably the case of the grooming gangs. Gangs composed of largely Pakistani Muslim men who preyed mainly on young teenage White girls, many of whom were underage, and both the media, the government and the police covered up these crimes for decades, leading to over 100,000 British girls being groomed, sexually assaulted, raped, trafficked and even murdered.
I have covered this scandal numerous times before, however I will say this: In some cases, police officers were literally told to investigate other ethnic groups rather than pursue these sexual predators, in other cases, fathers of the victims were arrested when trying to free their daughters from the gangs that were abusing them.
But the cover-ups don’t stop at street level with migrant gangs – the state’s protection of paedophiles goes to the very top of our society. There are numerous examples of those in positions of influence in both the government and media, who have committed the most heinous of offences, yet the Crown Prosecution Service has refused to press charges against them.
A perfect example of this is former MP, member of the House of Lords and the founder of the Holocaust Educational Trust; Greville Janner. Janner was a prolific sex offender who sexually abused young boys in care homes over a period of five decades. The police and the Crown Prosecution Service repeatedly let Janner walk free and failed to prosecute him. In 2007 the CPS refused to press charges against Janner on the basis that he was suffering from “dementia”, when at the time he was still making official visits to both Parliament and the House of Lords.
And it would be impossible to discuss an issue such as this without mentioning the case of arguably Britain’s most famous and prolific sex offender; “SIR” Jimmy Savile. A man who sexually abused hundreds of people throughout his life, mostly children but some as old as 75, with most of his victims being female. Savile spent decades in the media spotlight, was a presenter of numerous BBC children’s television shows, was lauded for his charitable work and had unprecedented access to both politicians and the Monarchy.
The CPS repeatedly refused to press charges against Savile, despite mounting evidence presented by thirteen police forces which documented crimes against 450 victims. And who was the man in charge of the CPS when they refused to press charges? Well, it was none-other than our Prime Minister, “SIR” Keir Starmer, a man who earned a knight Hood from the Queen for his role as Director of Public Prosecutions.
Yes, Keir Starmer, the man now directing judges to hand down the harshest possible sentences to those who shouted at police officers, posted memes and in some cases, simply stood and watched disorder take place, is the same man who was in charge of the CPS when they refused to charge Britain’s most prolific sex offender.
Now I can’t prove that Starmer personally allowed “SIR” Jimmy Savile to escape justice, but equally, I find it hard to believe that the man in charge of the CPS would not have personally had knowledge of a case involving one of Britain’s most famous men, a case that involved thirteen separate police forces, and one where the victims numbered in the hundreds. OF COURSE HE KNEW! And I will go further, his involvement in covering up crimes like this is exactly why he received his knighthood, because he is central to the establishment’s conspiracy to protect sex offenders.
Justice in Britain no longer exists!
We live in a time when speaking out against mass immigration and multiculturalism is officially a greater crime than sexually abusing children – and this approach to so-called “justice” goes right the way up through the police force, the judiciary, the Crown Prosecution Service and reaches to the very highest tiers of government – right the way to the Prime Minister himself.
This is not a conspiracy theory! It’s a conspiracy to silence normal people, whilst at the same time ensuring protection for paedophiles.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 9/21/2024 = 34)
All Govs are Zionist Occupied
1 month ago(edited)
Its impossible to fight an enemy who you dont even know is your enemy which is what is happening in all White nations by design. White homelands have been zionist (jewish supremacist) occupied nations for generations and 99% of the populations is clueless to this fact.
The brown invaders forced into White homelands are merely a tool for White genocide used by anti White jews. Frighteningly, a large portion of Whites dont even see the brown invaders as a threat due to the “diversity” propaganda propagated by the jews. Whites must become fiercely tribal and jew wise very soon in order to survive.
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King Tut
1 month ago
agree except for the “99% of the populations is clueless” part. people are waking up. even the pathetic click-bait Alex Jones/info wars supporting gate keeper Mark Dice brings up Israel and their hypocrisy cuz he knows it’s trending. hence, he’s just trying to get all the dissidents on his side before he steers them in the wrong direction.
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1 month ago
History , which is ours,tells this !!! Visigoths of Spain, even the so called Vikings were fighting this threat to survive!….
Earthling Carl
1 month ago
Most politicians are probably on film raping kids as blackmail material to keep them in line.
1 month ago
But apes and Arabs can rape, murder, kill and riot at will and the government is supposedly incapable of doing anything about it. How stupid do they think White people are?
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King Tut
1 month ago
the American south had similar history. that’s why KKK was formed-to protect white people from black terror.
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1 month ago
Thank you , ive heard pro whites contest this FACT
1 month ago
I hope this video’s goes around the world.
1 month ago
Never forget that the Labour party has supported pedophilia for decades, remember the Pedophile Information Exchange they promoted in the late 70s.
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1 month ago
Harriet Harman
1 month ago
Sir Edward Heath & The Underground Tunnels…
Cone of Silence
1 month ago
It’s the slippery slope that started with gay marriage.
Interesting, Wikipedia says Pedophilia is a mental disorder, as was homosexuality, so I guess we know where this is going.
Also interestingly it seems Pedophilia isn’t just a lower class thing.
I’m not a religious man, but I think there is definitely a pattern forming with people of power and wealth.
It’s as old as time, it’s just that now, they are not afraid.
Safety in numbers and at all levels of society.
1 month ago
Britain is an anti White dystopia
1 month ago(edited)
The powerful decide who gets jailed and who gets freedom. Accept your rulers or eliminate them. Death solves all problems one way or another. This is nature’s way. Might makes Right.
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1 month ago
This is why they needed you Christianised, so you would accept a pacifist culture, where having weapons, and believing that violence even when in demand, is always wrong.
Reject that Abrahamic filth, start cutting throats…
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1 day ago
Also, you should be a little suspicious of anyone who tells you to love your enemies.
1 month ago
Jew$ have weaponized immigration.
Show trials and political purges.
1 month ago
Sir Keir Starmer never prosecuted Sir Jimmy Savile. Let that sink in.
1 month ago
Hardly a conspiracy when it’s been proven time and time again these monsters are in high positions of power
1 month ago
GusinLanzarote Alt Right
1 month ago
On that podcast he does with Rory Stuart- Alistair Campbell mentioned your 2008 London BNP leaflet the other day , Mark ”they had a photo of some muslim women then one supposedly from the 1950s” SUPPOSEDLY
What did we get it the wrong way round Alistair? were the muslims here in 1950 in significant numbers
? They cant even admit to the
they have created – as the Left know in their hearts 99.9% of British NEVER wanted this 1950s happy
Matt Hammond
1 month ago
Just shared this with all my contacts. Watched The Northman yesterday. I was struck by how fearless the Vikings were, and the stark contrast to the soyboy cuckery of today. I must be braver. I must do more for the cause.
1 month ago
Satan has spread his wings…
1 month ago
Looks like UK is an actual hell on Earth.
1 month ago
Very good video. i’d be wary Mark, they may come for you as well.
1 month ago
Wonder if afuerra Milei would be able to look beyond the Argentina/England beef and take in white brit refugees?
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1 month ago
Don’t trust that zionist shill. Better off going to Russia. Even better staying and fighting for Britain.
1 month ago
Hey Mark, 83% of UK is white, but 86% of all SA if by whites. You’re over-represented
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1 month ago(edited)
The real statistics from the census data and ONS data:
71% of sexual offences were committed by whites who are 81% of the population (white in the crime statistics includes non-British whites such as eastern Europeans, Albanians, etc).
9.3% of sexual offences were committed by blacks, who are 4% of the population.
9% of sexual offences were committed by “Asian” (i.e. Pakistani, Indian, Kazach, Chinese etc), who are 9.3% of the population. This grouping is a bit too broad since Chinese commit close to 0% and Pakistanis commit a lot of sexual offences.
Note: the latest data on sexual crime by race is from 2018, so 3 years before the census.
5 days ago
In Norway, there was a scandal because a top officer within the CPS (Jo Erik Brøyn) turned out to be a pedophile, with absurd amounts of child pornography on his computer. He had previously bought twin babies through surrogacy, a photo you can find of him with the babies has him holding them like two fish he caught. He was removed from his position but no CPS investigation was put into him, and the cases where he had decided on removals were “of course” not looked into again.
What’s REALLY STRANGE is that I’m in Norway, and when I try to search this, in any terms or with his name, I get English-speaking results – not Norwegian. It seems to be highly covered up in Norway.
5 days ago
Try being an old national socialist and using “dementia” as an argument to be let off… not a chance. Industrial-level child rapist? No problem.
5 days ago
I the just society of the near future, these judges will be held accountable to the full extent of the law and legally executed for their crimes.
1 month ago
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
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Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
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Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
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Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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