Judge Napolitano – Col. Douglas Macgregor – Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next? – Oct 2, 2024 – Transcript


Judge Napolitano


Col. Douglas Macgregor


Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next?


Wed, Oct 2, 2024


[Judge Napolitano interviews Col Douglas Macgregor on the Iranian missile attack on Israel and the likely consequences.

Key points include:

Zelensky visited the US but went home mostly empty-handed, though some promises were made.

The war in Ukraine is considered lost, but the facade is being maintained until after the US election.

The US is “on autopilot” towards a major regional war in the Middle East.

The Israeli assassination of Nasrallah couldn’t have happened without US support and technology.

Netanyahu is waging “a ruthless war of extermination against his enemies.”

The US appears to have encouraged Israel to invade southern Lebanon.

There are questions about the constitutionality of US involvement in these conflicts.

Concerns about potential US losses in the Middle East and difficulty concealing them.

Iran, Russia, and potentially other Islamic countries may confront Israel with “overwhelming deadly force.”

Jordan’s King Abdullah criticized Israel at the UN but used his military to defend Israel against Iranian missiles.

Iran’s missile attack on Israel included some hypersonic missiles that penetrated air defenses.

President Biden claimed the Iranian attack was “defeated and ineffective.”

There’s a struggle in Iran between moderates and hardliners over how to respond to Israel.

Russia is advising restraint to Iran, but this may not be the right approach in the Middle East.

China is concerned about potential closure of the Straits of Hormuz.

Netanyahu has “exploited October 7 well beyond its initial meaning” to expand Israel’s borders.

The Israeli economy is “in ruins” but supported by US backing.

Turkey may eventually enter the conflict, and Jordan and Egypt may “explode.”

The assassination of Nasrallah may stiffen resolve within Hezbollah rather than fundamentally change anything.

“Knowing when to stop is genius,” but this is lacking in Washington, Kiev, and Jerusalem.








Published on Wed, Oct 2, 2024




10:29 / 33:45
Show chat replay
COL. Douglas Macgregor : Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next?
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
455K subscribers
Streamed live 8 hours ago
COL. Douglas Macgregor : Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next?
7 people
Douglas Macgregor
U.S. Army colonel and government official (born 1947)
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel (1996–1999, 2009–2021, 2022–present)
JD Vance
American politician (born 1984)
Vladimir Putin
President of Russia (1999–2008, 2012–present)
Brett McGurk
American diplomat (born 1973)
Joe Biden
President of the United States since 2021
Aaron Maté
Canadian journalist
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Show transcript
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
455K subscribers



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(Words: 4,982 – Duration: 34 mins)



Judge Napolitano: Hi, everyone. Judge Andrew Napolitano here for Judging Freedom. Today is Wednesday, October second, 2024. Colonel Douglas Macgregor joins us now. Colonel, no matter what we’re about to discuss, it’s always a pleasure and a gift for me to be able to pick your brain.


So last week, President Zelensky came to the United States, visited an arms manufacturer in Scranton, Pennsylvania, gave a speech at the UN, made the rounds at Washington, went home empty handed. Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a very belligerent, belligerent, contemptuous speech to an empty General Assembly chamber, went to an office in the same building and ordered a murder 5,000 miles away, which took place. What do you see happening?


Col Doug Macgregor: Well, as I understand it, that Zelensky did not go home completely empty handed, that some promises were made for more money and equipment.


Now, how much it was, I’ve heard various figures. I think we have to accept the fact that the war is obviously lost in Ukraine. I don’t think there are very many people who privately reject that notion, but they’re going to sustain the facade that there is a Ukrainian government of some significance in Kiev, at least until after the election. So he was treated accordingly.


I think the other issue is a much more serious one right now because everything strikes me in Washington as kind of being on Autopilot. We’re sort of flying as a nation in the direction of a major regional war in the Middle East. And we’re treating the Ukrainian disaster with the usual disinterest that arises when it becomes clear that you’ve lost. All of it is bad news for the American people. And what was even more striking to me than what you’ve mentioned is that last night the word “Ukraine” did not even come up for discussion. I had hoped that perhaps future Vice president Vance would have at least asked about Ukraine and what had happened to the hundreds of billions of dollars and many millions of tons of equipment and ammunition that had been shipped over there. But it never came up.


Judge Napolitano: How dangerous was the Israeli assassination of Nasrallah using 160,000 pounds of bombs to kill one person and a dozen or so people around him?


Col Doug Macgregor: I think we need to understand that it could not have happened at all without us. We have considerable ISR assets, air force and army navy engaged in supporting the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and its attacks on Lebanon.


So I think that’s the first thing. We have the capability to harvest very sensitive information, voice and otherwise, that the Israelis simply don’t have. And then we can lase these targets, providing very exact data to the Israelis, which we did.


So I think we have to understand that when you see these kinds of successful operations take place, it’s not an “Israel only” operation by any means. Was it dangerous to do this? Not from the standpoint of Mr Netanyahu.


And I think we need to understand something that clearly is not understood in Tehran. I don’t think it’s understood in Moscow. And that is that Mr Netanyahu is waging a ruthless war of extermination against his enemies. He’s already told us who they are the people in Gaza, the Arabs on the West Bank, and the Arabs south of the Latani river who are part of Hezbollah.


And in the meantime, he’s also struck a number of very lucrative targets across Syria.


So this is a very powerful war that’s underway, and we’re on Autopilot. We’re just flying in the direction. We’re helping it, we’re enabling it, we’re pushing it. And I’m sure you’ve seen the interview with, I think it’s Colonel Jacques Baud who talks about the fact that we have been encouraging this behavior from the beginning. And I think we have, and we are!


So the American people aren’t being consulted and there’s really no debate about it because everyone in Washington is quite comfortable with what’s happening.


Judge Napolitano: Did the White House encourage the Israeli government to invade southern Lebanon?


Col Doug Macgregor: It would appear that they have. That seems to that seems to be widespread consensus. Nothing is happening that Washington has not wanted to happen. And that makes perfect sense, judge for the reasons I just outlined. We control all the resources and we have access to and dispose over very considerable sensitive technologies.


So if we don’t want something to happen, it’s not going to happen! And anything that does happen happens because we’ve allowed it.


Judge Napolitano: But by what constitutional or moral standard do we wage war against Hezbollah? We haven’t a declared war on Hezbollah, it poses no threat whatsoever to the United States. We don’t have a treaty of alliance with Israel. I’m wearing my constitutional scholar hat.


Col Doug Macgregor: Well, we’re in a strange set of relations with Israel that are analogous to some extent to FDR’s relations with the British Empire and the Soviet Union before World War Two. Very few people are aware that FDR dispatched Harry Hopkins to Moscow in July of 1941 to offer Stalin virtually anything he wanted and anything he needed. And we, of course, were not at war with Germany. The bombing at Pearl Harbor had not yet happened. We had a war ongoing for almost two and a half years, trying to provoke the Germans into attacking our warships when we actively aided the British and Canadian navies in moving supplies to Great Britain.


So this is a similar set of circumstances. And I think it also has potentially very grave consequences for us. But as you point out, none of this is constitutional. But very little of what FDR did was constitutional.


So I don’t think anyone is remotely interested in discussing constitutional law at the moment.




Judge Napolitano: Well, what will the consequences to us be? Will it be Russia coming to the aid of Iran? Will it be American boys coming home in body bags?


Col Doug Macgregor: Well, I think we have to reckon with some losses in the Middle East. I don’t see how we avoid them. We know that we’ve had losses in Ukraine. It’s simply being decided not to report those publicly and to dismiss the allegation that Americans have been killed in Ukraine by finding cover stories for them, dying in other settings, other places, particularly in the United States.


I think things in the Middle East will be different. It’ll be harder to provide those cover stories, harder to conceal. And the reason is very simple. This ruthless war of extermination is going to be confronted soon by overwhelming deadly force, provided first and foremost by Iran, also augmented and extended by Russia, and I would argue, eventually the rest of the Islamic world.


But we’ve always said this, and you judge, have had these discussions with others on your show. No one in the region wants a war with Israel and the United States. The only people that are interested in a war in the region consist of Israel and primarily us. That’s it! No one else really wants a war.


And this has now attracted the attention of everyone in the Islamic world. We’ve been listening to lots of harumps and harumps and threats, most of which have gone nowhere from Turkey.


But that is changing now. And the Turks are making it very clear that the catastrophic destruction of Lebanon is not something they’re going to stand by and tolerate. They’ve got three or 4 million refugees on their territory at the moment. They can’t take any more. A million people have left Lebanon. More than 7,000 people in Lebanon have been killed. And these are hardly Hezbollah fighters. All of this is coming together. We’re seeing action in Iraq, action in Syria, action in Yemen and Egypt and Jordan continue to reach a boiling point. Precisely when that will boil over and change the governments is anyone’s guess, but I think that’s inevitable.


So we’re on the march to a regional war that always has the potential to go global. The Russians are well prepared to fight now. They’re stronger militarily than they have been in 30 years. And the same thing is true, unfortunately, with China. The Chinese don’t want any sort of confrontation and they’re undoubtedly sweating bullets over the Straits of Hormuz. But the Israelis are determined to hit those Iranian oil facilities and I think we’re going to see that once that occurs, it will bring in the rest of the actors who are actively opposed to Israel.


Judge Napolitano: Tell me about Jordan. The population of Jordan cannot be in sync with the King. The King used the Jordanian military to help Israel defend itself the other night. When? I guess it was last night when, last night Israel time when Iran sent 200 missiles there. I’ll ask you about the missiles in a minute. But is the King of Jordan on thin ice because of the overwhelming, nearly unanimous view of the public over which he claims to reign, that Israel is the enemy?


Col Doug Macgregor: Yes. Well, remember, the majority of the people serving in the Jordanian army tend to be Bedouin in origin. In other words, people from Bedouin origins, much like the King himself. But he’s got 11.2 million Palestinians living in Jordan, and they are very anxious to help their brothers on the West Bank and in Gaza. So they’re fuming.


When does this change? I know that the Iranians undoubtedly have agents on the ground in Jordan, probably pushing levers there in the hopes that the Jordanians will rise up, push the government out of business and take the reins of power themselves. I’d be very surprised if that was not also the case in Egypt.


In both cases, however, both sovereign leaders are entirely dependent upon the military. And as long as the military does not take them into custody, remove them, assassinate them, they will stay. The question is, where does the military stand at this point? I know from firsthand discussions, people just returning from Egypt, that the Egyptian military is ashamed of themselves and embarrassed that they are doing nothing against Israel. I suspect you have a similar attitude in Jordan,


Judge Napolitano: Chris, do we have the clip? It’s not on today’s list. But you still have the clip of King Abdullah of Jordan addressing the United Nations? He’ll look for that, colonel, and then I’ll ask you what you think of it. He was harshly critical, harshly critical of Israel at the UN, and then he used his military to defend Israel when the Iranians attacked.


What happened the other night? What type of weaponry was hurled by Iran at Israel, what got through and what damage was done, as far as you are able to understand, just, 24 hours later?


Col Doug Macgregor: Right. Well, most of the weapon systems were medium range ballistic missiles, as I understand it. These are not hypersonic, most of them. How many of them ultimately penetrated or simply attracted attention from the air defense systems, the Arrow 2 or the Iron Dome or our own Patriot systems, I don’t know. But I do know that some number and I don’t know how many hypersonic missiles were used, and they all penetrated the air and missile defense system. No question about it.


Judge Napolitano: Did they reach, I don’t remember the name of its a major Israeli air base in the middle of the desert. It’s the place from which the jets that bombed and killed Nasrallah came into which they returned. Did the Iranian missiles reach that military base and do any damage there?




Col Doug Macgregor: Well, they reached the base. I think it’s Hatzerim Air Base. At the same time, there were claims made that some F35s were damaged or destroyed along with some F16s. We have no way of confirming that, and that also seems unlikely. I imagine the Israelis probably launched most of those aircraft in order to ensure they were not on the ground when the missile attack started.


And remember, the Iranians signaled the United States and virtually everybody else when they were going to launch. This was another attempt to demonstrate, I think, Iran’s precision strike capability in a way that would awaken some concern in Washington and Jerusalem. It hasn’t!


In other words, this was another, if you will excuse the expression, a “wasted opportunity” on the Iranian side.


And I think they’re going to be hit very, very hard by the Israelis in response. The Israelis do not believe in symmetrical warfare. Everything they do is inevitably asymmetrical. In other words, if you want to kill the flea, you use a jackhammer, you don’t use a fly swatter.


And so I think Putin and Najee [sp] have been advising the Iranian leadership to embrace restraint on the assumption that if they restrain themselves, a war can be avoided and negotiations will take place and can sort things out. I don’t see any evidence for that.


I mean, Israel has failed thus far to achieve its objectives in Gaza. It’s also failing in its objectives against Hezbollah, although that has now just started on the ground. How serious it is, I don’t know.


And then they have not achieved their objective in Iran, which is to destroy that regime and remove Iran as a great power in the region, period. So those things are unachieved.


And I think there is no evidence that there’s any willingness under any circumstances in Jerusalem or Washington to contemplate any sort of talks or negotiations over anything until those objectives are secured.


Judge Napolitano: The two principal American diplomats slash bureaucrats negotiating or dealing with the Israeli government on a day to day, hour by hour basis for the United States, Brett McGurk and Amos Hochstein are bellicose and in favor of war. Are they not?


Col Doug Macgregor: That seems pretty clear. I don’t see any evidence to the contrary. So they’re not representing the supposed interest that exists, if it exists at all, inside the Beltway in Washington for a negotiated outcome.


On the contrary, they are completely aligned with what I just described.


Judge Napolitano: Right.


Col Doug Macgregor: So I think the Iranians have wasted time, money and resources. They should prepare for an all out assault which is coming. The same thing is true for Hezbollah.


So the time for restraint as far as they are concerned, I think, is over. But they’ll have to figure that out on their own.


Judge Napolitano: We’re going to play the clip from the King of Jordan. You tell me if this is sincere or if this is consistent with the behavior of his military the other night. Chris, while we’re playing this, can you find the comment? It may be here, and I just don’t see it by President Biden yesterday saying that whatever the Iranians did was defeated and ineffective.


But in the meantime, here’s the King of Jordan at the United Nations last week.


King Abdullah: In the absence of global accountability, repeated horrors are normalized, threatening to create a future where anything is permitted, anywhere in the world. Those who continue to propagate the idea of Jordan as an alternative homeland.

So let me be very, very clear. That will never happen! We will never accept the forced displacement of Palestinians, which is a war crime. For years, the Arab world has extended a hand to Israel through the Arab Peace Initiative, offering full recognition and normalization in exchange for peace. But consecutive Israeli governments, emboldened by years of impunity, have rejected peace and chosen confrontation instead.


Judge Napolitano: Trying to accomplish by speaking out of one side of his mouth and shooting weapons out of the other side, if you’ll pardon the awkward analogy.


Col Doug Macgregor: Well, he sounds like the man who beats his wife periodically and then is subsequently remorseful and says:


“I will never beat my wife again!”


And then proceeds to go back and beat her. This is eloquent but irrelevant! Unless he, General Sisi in Egypt, take the reins and assert themselves against Israel in some fashion, everything he described happening will happen.


In other words, he will watch as millions of Arabs are driven out or killed from Gaza and ultimately the West Bank. If nothing is done, then the same thing will eventually happen to Hezbollah unless Iran intervenes to come to its assistance.


And you have to know that behind the scenes, the Arabs in Jordan and in Egypt are talking privately with the Turks and saying:


“You know, historically we live in your sphere of influence, yet you are all talk and no action. Why do you expect us to impale ourselves on Israel if you are unwilling to do anything?”


Remember, Iran is a Shiite power. The Persia, the Persian Iran that we talk about is an outsider in that area. They don’t view the Iranians as natural leaders inside the Islamic world. But the truth is, thus far, it’s the Shiites who’ve been leading and the Sunnis who have done almost nothing. It’s a very strange set of circumstances.


Judge Napolitano: Here is President Biden yesterday afternoon. Tell me if you agree with him Colonel.


Biden: I’ll say a few words about Iran’s missile attack on Israel today. At my direction, the United States military actively supported the defense of Israel, and we’re still assessing the impact. But based on what we know now, the attack appears to have been defeated and ineffective. And this is testament to Israeli military capability and the US military. It is also a testament to intensive planning between the United States and in Israel to anticipate and defend against the brazen attack we expected.




Judge Napolitano: Defeated and ineffective?


Col Doug Macgregor: Well, certainly it was not defeated per se, because it was not designed to kill large numbers of people, but at the same time, it turned out to be ineffective. I think that’s arguably true. Strategically, I’m sure the Israelis breathed a huge sigh of relief. You’re talking about the capability to launch 100 missiles an hour for 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours with deadly accuracy. That hasn’t happened.


Judge Napolitano: Is Iran’s capability?


Col Doug Macgregor: Yes! And that has not happened.


And as long as that does not happen, I think the Israelis are going to take advantage of the opportunity. They’d be fools not to. And they’re going to go after Iran with a vengeance.


There’s a struggle inside Iran right now between the new regime, which is actually moderate in its outlook, and wants to align itself with what we consider to be normalcy in the world and normalcy in the region. People in Iran who are on the other side of that argument, the so-called hardliners, they’re saying:


“You’re fools! You’ve lost your minds!”


Judge Napolitano: That would be the Ayatollah and his crew.


Col Doug Macgregor: Well, I would think. So but I don’t want to name names that imputes things to people without knowing precisely who they are. But the bottom line is, …


Judge Napolitano: Understood. Understood.


Col Doug Macgregor: Bottom line is they very definitely are standing around and they’re saying:


“What are you crazy? The Israelis and the Americans are coming for you. They are going to destroy you! Why are you holding back?”


Judge Napolitano: Why are you holding back? What is President Putin doing while this is happening? Is he talking to the new president of Iran, saying, “be restrained”? Or “how can I help?”.


Col Doug Macgregor: There is some evidence that the former chief of defense, Defense Minister, if you will, Shoigu may well be on the ground in Iran, along with the current Russian prime minister and thousands of Russian technicians and military advisors, trying to put together and maintain this elaborate air and missile defense network. Along with probably other weapons systems that have been provided.


So I think the Russians are there and they’ve told the Iranians:


“We will stand by you.”


But at the same time, I think Putin has always been predisposed to advise caution and restraint.


Now, that’s actually worked thus far very well, I would argue, in Ukraine. It is Ukraine that is dying! It is Ukraine that has bled to death! It’s the American military establishment and its equipment that has failed miserably to successfully halt any Russian advance.


But the situation in the Middle East is quite different. So giving that advice is probably not necessarily the Right advice at this point.


At the same time, you have Xi in China. He does not want the Straits of Hormuz to be closed, and he’s worried about the destruction of the oil facilities in Iran and access to those straits. I mean, why would the Israelis allow business as usual through the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Hormuz if they’re at war with Iran? I think it’s pretty clear that they’re not going to hold back.


And that’s why I’m saying that that battle in Tehran is being fought out as we speak. And I don’t know what the outcome will be, but I think ultimately the hardliners are going to win!


Judge Napolitano: What has Netanyahu, who it is obvious now, never wanted peace, exploited October 7 well beyond its initial meaning as an instrument with which to expand the borders of Israel well beyond, never mind 1967, but where it is today? What has he done to Israel by this belligerence to the country that he leads?


Col Doug Macgregor: Well, the Israeli economy is in ruins. There’s no question about that. It’ll take a long time to recover from all of this. That’s not terribly important as long as they swim in a sea of American cash.


If you look at the credit ratings in Israel, Israel’s credit rating is tied to ours. We essentially underwrite Israeli economic strength, power and stability. We underwrite their currency. We underwrite everything! So as long as this continues, I think the Israeli population is certainly 80 plus percent behind what Mr Netanyahu is doing. I don’t think that is a reflection of whether they like him or not. That’s another matter entirely.


But I think what he’s doing is something they strongly support. They want to rid themselves of the quote, unquote “Arab problem”, the Palestinian Arab problem. They want to get rid of it. They want to rid themselves of the quote, unquote “Hezbollah problem”.


Now, we could sit here, we can go back into the past, and we can debate how it got this way and how the Israelis shot themselves in the foot several times, cultivated the emergence of their own enemies. It doesn’t make any difference. This is what they want to do.


And remember that if you can move into Lebanon, where they’re headed now, you also exert considerable control over the water table and water resources. Water resources in that region of the world are as important as gold, and that would put them in a very strong position. The deeper they go into Lebanon, and ultimately their operations in Syria are the same.


Again, this is why ultimately, and I say this, ultimately, when all is said and done, we will watch Turks enter this conflict. The Turks will not sit there and do nothing in perpetuity! And we will see Jordan and Egypt explode! It’s coming, but it’s coming very slowly.




Judge Napolitano: Will the Turks turn off the spigot of oil, much of which goes to Israel, or are they more interested in the commercial desirability of continuing to sell oil, even to a country that’s adverse to theirs?


Col Doug Macgregor: The destruction of Lebanon, which is ongoing, is pushing them in the direction of shutting it down, finally. And the pressure inside Turkey on President Erdogan and his regime, which is accused of all sorts of corruption problems right now, is enormous. I think he’s going to be pushed into these actions whether he likes it or not.


And again, this is the street, if you will, the popular attitude in the Arab, Turkish, Persian world:


“What are we going to do?”


I mean, I’m sure you saw President Netanyahu talk about the Israelis liberating Iran from their oppressive government. Yes, of course, that drew a lot of laughter inside Iran, because the Iranians said:


“We may not like this government, but if you think we’re going to align ourselves with the jews in Israel against our own government, against our own country, you’ve lost your mind!”


Judge Napolitano: One wonders what that comment that he made was aimed at. Maybe it was Iranian expats living in the United States? But let me switch gears before we end.


The killing of Nazarallah, a cultural icon, a religious leader, a cult leader, if you will. But is it very significant militarily that he’s now dead?


Col Doug Macgregor: I think it’s significant militarily only insofar as it stiffens the resolve and the willingness to fight inside Hezbollah. Remember, his predecessor was also assassinated. The problem with all of these assassinations is that they do not fundamentally change anything! They tend, on the whole, to inspire those who don’t want to negotiate in any case. It tends to discredit anybody who argues for moderation.


It makes people in Israel and in the United States feel good because they’ve been able to find someone they don’t like who is opposed to them and kill them.


It also opens up another can of worms, which is what could happen to us and what could happen inside Israel. No one is immune to this sort of thing. When you start this assassination program, there’s always a danger that it becomes a tit for tat operation.


But it doesn’t change anything strategically, because ultimately all of these people are replaced. I mean, somebody said to me the other day, what happens when you remove the CEO from General Electric or Chrysler or any of the big automobile organizations, Ford or something else? Well, you replace them! Somebody else comes in and takes over. So you don’t fundamentally change anything. But you do anger, and you do inspire people to fight back!


Judge Napolitano: And in this case, the replacement might be more strident than the person that was assassinated.


Col Doug Macgregor: Well we remember we killed Soleimani, General Soleimani, and we don’t need to go back over that. I thought that was a misguided act at the time and thought it was also, as you would point out, unconstitutional because we don’t assassinate the members of other people’s governments. Well, all of that went by the wayside. Has his force been any less effective? I don’t see much evidence for that. Is Iran or the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps any more willing to do business with us? Of course not! So killing him changed fundamentally nothing!


Judge Napolitano: Colonel, thank you very much for your time, my dear friend.


Col Doug Macgregor: There’s one last thing I’d like to say that people need to keep in mind. There are many ways to define genius. Both Goethe and Einstein said:


“Genius consists of knowing when to stop!”


The truth is that the Israelis are on the edge of the abyss, and we are with them, encouraging them to jump off the cliff and into the abyss. However good they may think things look at the moment, whatever advantage they think they’ve achieved is temporary. And over time, the massive enormity of opposition to them in the region is only going to metastasize and grow. So knowing when to stop is genius. I keep looking for it in Washington, in Kiev, and in Jerusalem. I can’t find it.


Judge Napolitano: It doesn’t exist. You’re certainly not going to find it in Netanyahu. We know that, Colonel. Thank you. Thanks for your time. This is the largest audience you’ve drawn of the many huge live audiences that you’ve drawn on this platform. I’m deeply grateful. We all are for your time and for your analytical skills. All the best, colonel. I hope we can see you again next week.


Col Doug Macgregor: Sure. Thank you, Judge.


Judge Napolitano: Of course. A great man and a very, very insightful series of operations about both Ukraine and the Middle East. Coming up at twelve noon today, live from Ukraine, Patrick Lancaster at 1:30, Aaron Mate. At 2:30, Phil Giraldi. Judge Napolitano for Judging Freedom.












Youtube Comments


(Comments as of 10/3/2024 = 2,013 (some shown))

8 hours ago
US Needs a declaration of independence from Israel .

96 replies

7 hours ago
Never allow dual citizens in office if we ever have a choice again

29 replies

7 hours ago

7 hours ago

6 hours ago
Canada likewise ✊🏼

6 hours ago
But no other dual citizen can do what they are doing and get away with it 😂

6 hours ago
Making Garfield President sealed the deal…

6 hours ago
Should be law

6 hours ago
We nose who you mean

6 hours ago

5 hours ago
In companies is considered conflict of interest and a person could get fired for it.

5 hours ago
As a US Marine and dual citizen of Mexico, I agree.

5 hours ago
Huge issue

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
Never allow “gods chosen” in office.

5 hours ago
​ @4570Govt 😂

5 hours ago
You won’t have a choice

4 hours ago
@jacobjorgenson9285 Why ?

4 hours ago
President’s couldn’t be “ duel citizens. The Constitution said “must be a 2nd generation of two American citizens. Our Founding Fathers Specifically wanted the Republic to be safe from tyranny from all European influences. Loyalty to the New Republic. A Nation represented by the people, for the people . Indecent of outside Oligarchs.

4 hours ago
Wjen will yall accept that y’all have no say so in that matter.

4 hours ago
You need to vote third party because these two are owned by AIPAC

3 hours ago
Dual citizenship never allowed when some became US citizen until Israel & the Lobby.

2 hours ago
No dual citizens in any National Security, legal, or law enforcement role.

2 hours ago
I’m actually surprised that we allow this

2 hours ago
To all mothers in US prepare to give your children away to the new war in the middle east. The never-ending conflict that young American lives that need to be sacrificed for people that live at the other side of the world. Incredible…

1 hour ago
the most stupid move that everyday people dont even realize its illegal elsewhere lol

1 hour ago
There will always be a special rule for Israel regardless of anything they decide in the future

1 hour ago
Australia doesn’t allow dual citizens to hold elected offices. Well done my Aussie friends .😎🥃👍🏼

1 hour ago
It’s too late. They are everywhere

1 hour ago
Do we have America any one who don’t have dual citizenship including Biden who Ireland citizens trump Germany Obama Kenya

57 minutes ago
​ @Inafadal Dual citizen is not just random reference to heritage or ancestry . dual citizens can actually carry the passport of the other nation … It has nothing to do with Grandpa came from country X 😏

6 hours ago
Free USA from Israel!

7 hours ago
Free USA from AIPAC

3 replies

3 hours ago
And the owners of the federal reserve

2 hours ago
Free the world from AIPAC

2 hours ago
Yes, & don’t sleep on cair the Arab version

7 hours ago
As an American, a tax payer, and a grandmother, I am deeply depressed and discouraged the direction our country has taken. Backing a campaign of extermination by Israel. God help us.

20 replies

5 hours ago
I truly wish Doug Macgregor was standing for President of America!

3 replies

7 hours ago
Does anyone else think that Iran was demonstrating they could have flattened Tel Aviv if they wanted to?

40 replies

7 hours ago
Iran, Lebanon and Palestine has the right to defend themselves

25 replies

7 hours ago
Isn’t it time for all the members of Congress who stood up to clap to Netanyahu to go to the frontline?

29 replies

6 hours ago
The US and Israel are solid partners, and should be held accountable jointly.

9 replies

6 hours ago
Not voting for anyone who looks favorable on Israel.

1 reply

7 hours ago
Free America from Israel

7 hours ago
Free America and Palestine (From israel)

3 replies

7 hours ago
The Noble Persians, they’ve got Class! They don’t hit recklessly at civilians and civilian property. Unlike the coward Natenyahu!

14 replies

4 hours ago
Instead of arming Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness etc.

3 replies

7 hours ago
How a Jordanian speaks such perfect English. This guy is an American planted there by the British and the Americans to defend Israel.

5 replies

7 hours ago
Thanks. Biden has to read a script, what a joke.

2 replies

7 hours ago
I can’t stomach that traitor King Hussein

4 hours ago
140,000 people across the globe turned to you within just four hours to get a picture of what is happening. Thank you Judge and thank you Col. MacGregor l.

5 hours ago
Israel is also occupying America

2 replies

8 hours ago
The Israelis better not retaliate against Iran because they will regret it very badly,it looks like iran ran out of patience and it is ready to go all the way.that is bad news for Israel.

8 replies

7 hours ago
If we had 100 million American voters watching and liking this channel would I have any hope for our future.

3 replies

5 hours ago
Iran, Lebanon, Palestine have the absolute right to defend itself!

7 hours ago (edited)
The Colonel deserves a full hour on your show, Judge.. if he could spare the time.
But.. every minute that he shares his wisdom with us is worth its weight in gold.
Thank you and God bless you, Colonel.

3 replies

7 hours ago
Respect to the judge and the colonel 👍

8 hours ago
We have to protect this channel and at all costs

2 replies

7 hours ago
Is Israel the first country that wouldn’t celebrate it’s 100 year anniversary because they caused their own destruction?

5 replies

6 hours ago
Our country has become the laughing stock of the world with our leaders

8 hours ago
Colonel is spot on with all the predictions he has made so far.He is a brain indeed as the judge said.

1 reply

7 hours ago
He’s brilliant. Always clear and balanced.

1 reply

7 hours ago
Of course this interview has drawn the largest audience of all the Colonel’s interviews on this platform to date. People are discovering that that Col. Macgregor always delivers a balanced, insightful, well-informed understanding our current geopolitical reality, and does it with a rare level of eloquence and style. Thank you both, Judge and Colonel, for a weekly, much needed dose of truth!

6 replies

6 hours ago
Huge respect for Col. Macgregor,thanks.

8 hours ago
Thanks for the opportunity to hear the Colonel.

8 hours ago
May this video be spread widely

1 reply

7 hours ago
Brilliant man. He should be president.

2 replies

7 hours ago
Thank you Judge and Col. McGregor.

8 hours ago
These people have been kicked out of their host countries over a hundred times, (through no fault of their own, of course)

9 replies

8 hours ago
Always a pleasure listening to you Colonel – a voice of reason and a reality check vs the bias of western media.

7 hours ago
we need Col’s report MONDAYS & FRIDAYS

6 hours ago
Col. Douglas MacGregor’s analysis is brilliant as usual!!

7 hours ago
Iran is a peace-loving nation.

2 replies

7 hours ago
Times of India reported that IDF admitted several air bases were hit, including aircrafts

2 replies

6 hours ago
Col. Douglas MacGregor is a national gem!! Keep speaking the truth!!

1 reply

7 hours ago
An exceptionally sobering conclusion by the Colonel. Another great interview by Judge Napolitano.

7 hours ago
One basic problem is the establishment of the “Israel” project. the project and its owners are going down with it.

7 hours ago
Especially during an election season in America, I keep seeing presidential candidates grovelling to Israel in order to secure big donations from rich jewish oligarchs.

3 replies

6 hours ago
Colonel, If Trump gets in he won’t send billions to Ukraine, he’ll ship it to Israel, So what’s the Dif? Taxpayer screwed either way!

2 replies

7 hours ago
great men of America these two. love their discussion the col such knowledge and integrity

8 hours ago
Brilliant man,Col

7 hours ago
Thank you so much to both of you, regards from the UK.

7 hours ago
Always very interesting to listen to Col. Macgregor!

7 hours ago
So distressing. Thanks for bringing the real reporting, as opposed to the propaganda seen elsewhere.

7 hours ago
Excellent analysis let Americans listen to this and save themselves and the World.

1 reply

7 hours ago
Brilliant analysis from two of the greatest minds in America. Thank you for bringing some sanity into a world of madness.

4 hours ago
Watching from Ireland these are 2 incredible intelligent human beings and a long with scot Ritter and George Galloway are the only people i choose to hear a balanced truthful dialogue unlike the bought mainstream media lies

3 hours ago
Colonel is spot on! Only a matter of time before things go south for the IDF and Bibi yahoo

8 hours ago
Guess what…the Saudis and the rest of the gulf now have a better picture of what the Russians and the Chinese can do after this recent demonstration by Iran. Ooops, I forgotten….the North Korean and Pakistan too.😅

5 hours ago
Thank you both from Grim Britain.

1 hour ago
God bless you Col. Douglas Macgregor and Judge Napolitano

7 hours ago
As always, Truth! Thank You.

8 hours ago
Thank you so much for your brilliant show and incredible guests. Must watch programing! Best show on YouTube.

8 hours ago
Colonel rocks 👏👏

4 hours ago
Thank you both, great to see , so many folk watching

3 hours ago
The Judge and Col McGregor deserve a lot of credit for doing their best to keep us informed. Im glad this channel continues to grow. People are sick of mainstream media

7 hours ago
What kind of democracy is it when people or voters have no say about their government’s full support of a terrorist country in these crimes against humanity?

1 reply

7 hours ago
Absolutely well said by Col. Douglas 👌☝️

7 hours ago
Thank you Judge for this lively and honest discussion with Col. MacGregor. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

8 hours ago
Judge, I love you, but you gotta stop asking endless questions, when the Colonel already got it and tries to answer…

1 reply

8 hours ago (edited)
Thank you 2 and my dadda designed missles too. Yet im a disabled aussie seaman. Loved and not! 2 The world needs more men like you judge and the good col. Period!

3 hours ago
Much love to all Palestinians and Lebaneses from Brazil 🇧🇷 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

1 reply

7 hours ago
The Iron Dome turned into the IRAN DOME last night LOL

3 replies

7 hours ago

2 replies

8 hours ago
Idf Juz expect us to believe they had no prior knowledge of 10/07

2 replies

7 hours ago
You’re both great men. God bless you all.

5 hours ago
So great to have COL. MacGregor on your channel! Love the man’s honesty and straightforwardness, it takes a hell lot of courage to articulate the issues that he does considering today’s situation with the freedom of speech and mass media being rather tools of repression than information sources

6 hours ago
The problem with Judge Napolitano and Douglas Macgregor is that they have a sense of morals and principles

7 hours ago
Thank you for Macgregor… brilliant and commitment to reality in opposition to the ZIONIST crazies

6 hours ago
Thank you Judge you get the wisest gests on your show.

4 hours ago
German here – staying up to date on information on Ukraine and the Middle East on a weekly basis due to this channel. Thanks Judge Nap, thanks Col. Macgregor. We need competent, analytical and intelligent people. I hope you are a lightpost for a lot of people. “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart — and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained”

2 replies

5 hours ago
Thanks Colonel

7 hours ago

1 reply

4 hours ago
I have so much respect for Col Douglas. Such a great thinker

7 hours ago
King Abdullah will be deposed very soon.

7 hours ago
Meanwhile 10,s of thousands Americans are suffering in the South East, maybe up to a thousand have died, wheres their help?

8 replies

7 hours ago
Colonel Macgregor has superb knowledge, analytical skills and wisdom. A rare individual indeed.

1 reply

5 hours ago
Aristotle: ‘Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms.’

7 hours ago
The We Love Africa channel is very good about posting UN speeches.

1 reply

8 hours ago

1 reply

5 hours ago
Thanks for all this clarity, Judge and Colonel

6 hours ago
Judge, your show last eve with Scott was epic. History being made in real-time. Love the show, all your eminent guests & your great presenter skills. Fantastic.

1 reply

6 hours ago
Complete BS: we (USA) are Ordering it, We are Arming it, We are Loading it, we are Surveilling it, we are funding it, we are deciding it, we are loading the strike data….

6 hours ago
Thank God for this highly astute, logical, sane Spiritual beings, truthtellers, Peacemakers!

2 hours ago
thanks Colonel, your voice is needed Louder and Louder.

6 hours ago
How many military men quote Goethe and Einstein ? Colonel McGregor is one of a kind.

8 hours ago (edited)
It’s not an Israeli-only scenario, as our guest points out. Of course not. Israel didn’t produce the 60-80 bombs that flattened the apartment complex in Beirut. We are the only game in town, so let’s start considering other options, like talking to one another again. As Churchill said, Meeting Jaw to Jaw is better than war.

8 hours ago
Colonel, How Do You “Debate” A Mendacious Pseudology?!! There’s No Point At All In Arguing Against A Narrative Which Has No Relationship To The Actual Facts!! All You Can Do, Is Get Rid Of The Bastards Who Are Lying To You; Anything Else Is Just Irrelevant!!

6 hours ago
Great man col McGregor, always on point. Thank you Judge for inviting him. 😁👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

6 hours ago
Thanks gents,blessings from Glasgow

8 hours ago (edited)
King of Jordan is like the former president Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan.

2 replies

7 hours ago
Love from the Philippines

7 hours ago
After last April’s missile exchange, Russia supplied Iran with S400/500 air defense systems along with most advanced “radar jamming” systems. If US/Israel attacks Iran many fighter/bomber jets will be downed. Manned jet fighters are rapidly becoming obsolete in todays war theater.

2 replies

5 hours ago
From Canada, I seriously think that if we put the people we use to see in Judge Napolitano Chanel in charge of the Gov. they will make USA great again and for a long long time !

7 hours ago
It’s quite obvious that the leaders of Egypt and Jordan still have PTSD from 1967 particularly and also 1973 and are frozen with fear of a repeat of those wars against Israel ( and of course America as they could destroy Israel if they combined forces if America wasn’t backing Israel unconditionally ) but I think the ordinary people of all the Muslim nations have really had enough of Israel’s atrocities against fellow Arabs. This Netenyahu maniac wants war with all his neighbours and is only in a position to prosecute these wars on multiple fronts because of American backing

4 replies

8 hours ago
Judge, You among the wise men in our country. The UAP threat is real. What’s going on in the Middle East is nothing comparable to the UAP threat.

1 reply

7 hours ago
From a very insightful man “genius consistent of knowing when to stop.” Thank you, Col. Macgregor.

7 hours ago
you are right judge. he is a waste, King Abdullah

7 hours ago
Thank you so much, gentlemen! 🙏🏻💪🙏🏻

7 hours ago
Very depressing as usual.

6 hours ago
Thank you for all you do gentlemen. Thank you for choosing humanity ❤🇺🇸

7 hours ago
That is right Colonel

6 hours ago
A little 3 yr old girl being stucked under a rubble with 1 arm decacipitated crying and pleaded, ‘Mummy I want to go home,…I want to go home’. But her parents already died under the rubble and no way to rescue the little girl. The nexf day the little girl died of agony being pinned under the rubble. Can we sleep at night knowing all these horrifying events are happening to thousands of little children?

2 replies

2 hours ago
The judge has compiled an impressive list of guests over the last couple of years. I never fail to be impressed by the knowledge and wisdom of Colonel Macgregor

4 hours ago
America is Israel’s little nodding duck

5 hours ago
Israel is doomed

6 hours ago
It’s always a big joy to listen to you and to Macgregor. The final statement is brilliant. The final statement will remain in history. The final statement is truly inspiring. Hope to see you soon. Thank you very much.

17 minutes ago
Good final reflection from Colonel Macgregor. Stopping in time is better than losing everything.

7 hours ago
The Iranians need to listen to Col. Macgregor. Why are they holding back? That was Hassan Nasrallah’s mistake listening to them. It’s now or never!!!

1 reply

7 hours ago
The Colonel is in the house!

6 hours ago
Praying for peace, healing & reconciliation in the middle east, Ukraine-Russia, Sudan 🇸🇩, China, …

3 hours ago
Long live Iran 🇮🇷 and the resistance

8 hours ago
Wonder how Bibi reflects on his speech at the UN LAST week? Given how Iran responded to it l believe he thinks it may of been an error. Whilst the UN has been giving speech after speech -deploring Bibi -iran steps up well done Iran

7 hours ago
Colonel’s last words are highly terrifying. Something extremely devastating is going to visit the entire ME region in the months and years ahead. Current standing of things will only keep deteriorating from this moment onward.

6 hours ago
‘Safe and effective’……
‘Defeated and ineffective’
same script writer?
Very valuable last words, Colonel. Thank you both for keeping us informed.

1 hour ago
Col. MacGregor is a valuable asset as we pursue clarity and potential resolutions for conflicts home and abroad

4 hours ago
Colonel Macgregor’s mention of Israel’s habit of heavy handed use of lethal force
reminds me of the Confucian maxim, “Never use cannon to kill mosquito”. So far Israel has shown little economy of effort in their combat operations which says something about whose picking up the tab for their war which would have otherwise bankrupted the Israeli tax base.

1 reply

7 hours ago
Thanks doug

7 hours ago
Absolutely fantastic, madness he has said is repeating an exercise and expecting a different result. Israelis have been doing this for decades and hoping for a different result.

7 hours ago
Brilliant analysis as always. Luv the Col!

6 hours ago
Thanks Judge for persisting with these videos with your informative guests. All of them are great.

5 hours ago
Thanks Judge and Col. MacGregor. Good to know unbiased truth. ❤

1 hour ago
I don’t understand how we can pass bills in congress in a matter of seconds when it comes to giving Israel billions yet we can’t fix healthcare or our infrastructure at minimum.

1 reply

3 hours ago
I’m almost certain that America’s own law would forbid the sale or supply of weapons to any country that has Nuclear Weapons while not being a signatory to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty!

1 reply

6 hours ago
Col. Ma Gregor is 2nd to none with his unique inside insight gained from decades of commanding soldiers and armies who executed some of histories most daring and consequential actions. Thanks Judge for having Colonel MacG on you show! We really appreciate it.

4 hours ago
Iran is not our enemy.

5 hours ago
I would like to see episodes in which guests are able to identify for us voters which of our politicians are strongly owned by AIPAC. This would be helpful for identifying who one may wish, or not wish to vote for.

7 hours ago (edited)
Colonel Macgregor, thank you for your thoughtful insight. The only thing that was not accurate was that:
Iranians would never align themselves with the Israeli government because they are morally against the Israeli governments Genocide and Indiscriminate killings, and because of over 40 years of illegal sanctions, assassinations, and malignment of Iran, just because they criticize Apartheid in Israel. It has nothing to do with the ‘not aligning with Jews’* as you mentioned, although I understand the spirit of what you said. If Iranians have any problems with their government, Iranians are very capable of dealing with it together, and don’t need Netanyahu stick his murderous axe in.
*Iran has one of the largest and oldest Jewish populations in the middle east. They have lived in harmony with other religions in Iran for thousands of years. Iran being against Jews is part of the Pompeo warmongering narrative that has been debunked by historians and Iranian Jews continuously through intelligent media.

3 hours ago
Judge and colonel mcgregor absolute wisdom ❤❤❤

3 hours ago
Thanks Judge excellent as per usual, Col, I salute you, wonderful analyst

7 hours ago
That Jordan Puppet King is also and only Bla bla, real arabs, lots of talking, like always!! Time for change to another king. I tought his wife has more guts?

1 reply

6 hours ago
I know I’m being “directed” by a YT algorithm because I watched a few videos featuring John Mersheimer and Jeffrey Sachs, but it seems like American critics of the actions of Israel are getting more numerous. When I started understanding this situation 25 years ago it was mainly lefties like Chomsky and Finkelstein who were criticizing Israel. This is a good development, even if right-wingers came to this through America First.

3 hours ago
Brilliant as usual. Thank you both.

6 hours ago
I’d vote for him, shame he isn’t standing in the UK.❤

7 hours ago
man speaking logic

8 hours ago
We salute Iran🫡We support Iran✊🫶💪We stand with Iran💪We pray for Iran,s victory 💪🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷💪🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷💪Thank you Iran

7 hours ago
Well said.

3 hours ago
Extremely wise words, colonel! Thumbs up from the UK!!

2 hours ago
Thanks to the both of you for a great interview.

8 hours ago
Say hello to our heretic October surprise…… Pope Clement 14th birthday is October 31st and we are going to honor his Devotion to expelling Jesuit order from all the de facto Roman cartel Nations

6 hours ago
Something about McGregor’s energy, it makes me feel just a little safer. Like it might feel if the US did have leaders who could convey strength and power with the people; as opposed to power over people.

1 reply

2 hours ago
Colonel Douglas Macgregor’s Analysis is right on.

35 minutes ago
Great analysis by two real Patriots! Thank you gentlemen.

3 hours ago
Is America still paying Egypt and Israel millions a year not to fight each other ?

2 replies

7 hours ago
great colonel indeed

1 hour ago
Thanks Coronel Douglas Macgregor…for exposing the world of reality

5 hours ago
The most revealing and honest interview I have seen since the start of the conflict. Very interesting indeed, calling a spade a spade. Hat off to you both.

7 hours ago
The sad thing about these futile wars is that lots of people got killed for absolutely nothing!!! What a waste of souls.

7 hours ago
The Colonel isn’t correct about Türkiye. So far, all the Turks have done is talk. They will not fight. They will not stop the oil.

13 replies

4 hours ago
One day you’ll wake to NO judge and Doug – no internet – no TV broadcast – no power – skies blazing from afar and darkening – sirens in distance – heat unbearable- and no going back to what we once had

3 hours ago
Great full cycle analysis guys.
Thank you judge Napolitano and colonel macgregor.

8 hours ago
Iran didn’t signal anyone this time ! That was the last time, not this time.

2 replies

7 hours ago
Amazing 👍👍👍

5 hours ago
I value Col. Macgregor’s comments. Voice of sanity and reason in a maelstrom of hate and insanity.

1 hour ago
Thank you very much for the great analysis great us Patriot colonel graduate of two military institutes and also to the Justice Napolitano for your great analysis every day and I am Polish American from McLean Virginia

6 hours ago
A vote for Trump or Harris is a vote for israel.

4 replies

8 hours ago
The Constitution? What is that ?

1 reply

1 hour ago
Im sick and tired of the iranian restraint

8 hours ago
Hypersonic weapons, like ballistic missiles, fly at speeds of at least Mach 5, or roughly 1 mile per second. Unlike ballistic missiles, hypersonic weapons do not follow a ballistic trajectory and can maneuver en route to their target.

5 replies

6 hours ago (edited)
Iran must not fall, as it is the gate to Russia from the south. So be prepared for Russia and China to protect its interest.Also the Turks. 31:37 I really do admire the wisdom of Mr. MacGregor and I agree fully with his last thought.

3 hours ago
I agree with last Statement that the Colonel made. Very Dangerous!

9 minutes ago
Col. Macgregor (ret.) is brilliant. His analysis is crucial to understanding the true facts 🇦🇺👍

7 hours ago
King of Jordan: “Elocuent but irrelevant” Precisely. So well said

7 hours ago
Future VP Vance? How presumptuous of you. I’m not for neither one of them but Trump is no better.

3 hours ago
It’s unbelievable that we are at this point in reality.

3 hours ago
A fair and just UN would send UN Peacekeepers to Gaza and UN Weapons Inspectors to Israel

7 hours ago
Read the Brookings Institute strategy document titled: “Which path to Persia?: options for a new American strategy toward Iran”. Written in 2009, it sets out how America could use Israel as a proxy to sow discord and war throughout the Middle East. And that template appears to have been followed.

3 replies

7 hours ago
Other podcasts have reported that the Israelis were taken by surprise and there was a great deal of damage done. Some of the videos show dozens of ballistic missiles hitting the airbase. The opposite of what you are describing though I am a fan Colonel.

1 reply

1 hour ago
Thanks for the great content once again God bless you col Douglas magregor and judge napalotano stay safe and well both of you

3 hours ago
Another great show Judge. Keep it coming.

5 hours ago
The King of Jordan speech is convincing! However, it’s just “empty” words! Don’t trust him at all!


See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

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Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

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Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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This entry was posted in Arabs, Col Douglas Macgregor, Egypt, Eygpt, Gaza, Iran, Islam, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Neocons, Jews - Tool of, Joe Biden, Jordan, Judge Napolitano, Lebanon, Media - jewish domination, Middle East, Muslim, Neocons, Netanyahu, Public opinion - Manipulation, Russia, Syria, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Ukraine, Ukraine War 2022, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Zionism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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