Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration



Thu, Oct 3, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

Blair was unable to join the stream due to other commitments.

Discuss recent events in Israel, including bombing campaigns in Lebanon and Iranian missile strikes on Israel.

Express concern about potential escalation leading to US intervention: “that could escalate into a full on war in the region with Iran.”

Criticize conservative politicians’ strong defense of Israel and Jews.

Jewish interests have too much influence on Australian politics: “jewish elite capture of our political institutions.”

Discuss the US National Guard being deployed to the Middle East instead of helping with domestic disasters.

They note a shift in public sentiment since previous Middle East conflicts.

Express approval of Iran bombing Israel: “It was good to see Israel getting bombed by some proper ballistic missiles.”

Discuss the difficulty Iran faces in significantly damaging Israel due to geographical constraints.

Analyze Israel’s military options against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Dscuss the Freedom Party of Austria’s electoral success and radical anti-immigration platform.

Express optimism about the rise of nationalist parties across Europe.

Criticize the lack of effective nationalist political options in Australia.

Discuss their approach to white nationalism and racial identity in Australia.

Argue for focusing on Australia’s Anglo-Celtic and Germanic heritage while being somewhat inclusive of other European ethnicities.

Discuss plans for future nationalist gatherings and activism in Australia.

Emphasize the importance of in-person organizing over online activism.

Criticize displays of Islamic culture in Australian cities: “Why the fuck is this alien religion having its monuments built in the middle of my city?”

Discuss the challenges of managing communication with supporters as public figures.

Emphasize the need for breaks and self-care in political activism: “You have to learn to enjoy the struggle.”

Some quotes:

“Obviously, we don’t want to expend any White blood for fucking jews”

“Either we come together and fight back and defend the ourselves and our interests against all of these people that are targeting us and that are against us and want to destroy us, or they’ll destroy us.”

“The vibe has definitely shifted.”

“Remigration with what army?”

“You have to learn how to enjoy it. And that’s one of the important principles of this, is that it’s a marathon, not a sprint”





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Published on Thu, Oct 3, 2024




Political existentialism, Zionist hypocrisy, Austrians vote for remigration
October 3, 2024
blair cottrell
joel and blair
joel davis
thomas sewell
tom sewell
File size
2.8 GB



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(Words: 21,849 – Duration: 128 mins)



Joel Davis: No Blair tonight. It is the 3rd of October 2024. Blair’s got some things that came up. He couldn’t do the show. Blair and I might do a stream, though, maybe Sunday night or something to make up for that, but nevertheless, gotta have a show for you guys this evening, and you got a show with Tom and I, so should be good. There’s a lot to discuss. It’s been an interesting week in global politics, at least, you know, things to Israel, European politics, etcetera. Yes, some interesting things I wanted to discuss.


So there’s a lot on the agenda.


First of all, I guess, like a place to start would be, we could talk about, obviously, things have kicked off where Israel about a week ago, they did a pretty extensive bombing campaign in Lebanon. They managed to take out the leadership of Hezbollah with that bombing campaign.


And then they did a, I don’t know if you would call it an invasion, but they went over the border into Lebanon and they’re doing, their military is active fighting Hezbollah within Lebanon as we speak.


And obviously what made a lot of news was the fact that Iran sent over a shitload of ballistic missiles into Israel. They blew up a few, I think, air bases and some other things inside Israel, Israeli air defenses, which are state of the art, thanks to American taxpayers, weren’t able to intercept, because they Iran has hypersonics. I think that they got them from the Russians or something that are pretty, like high tech.


So the situation is pretty heavy. Shit has kind of escalated from just what it was for the past year, where it was just a kind of war in Gaza against Hamas. Now it’s going to the next level. And this really shouldn’t be something that we’re that concerned with, but it is something that we should be concerned with purely for the reason that there is a sequence where this keeps escalating to the point that you get an American intervention, and if there’s an American intervention, that could escalate into a full on war in the region with Iran. Or maybe they deployed troops to fight Hezbollah, maybe war kicks off in Syria, and that could also rope in Australians as well. We’d probably send troops if something like that happened. And that is quite concerning.


Obviously, we don’t want to expend any White blood for fucking jews, particularly after the shit show that was Iraq. We don’t want a repeat of that. And I think this time around it would probably be more brutal.


So that’s on the horizon. I’m not predicting a war. I think it’s a low percentage chance, but it’s nevertheless a possibility. And I think what’s also interesting about this is the way that there’s a reaction within the domestic politics of Western countries. Like, let’s bring it back to Australia. We’ve seen a lot of the Zionist conservative element be very forceful. There were protests in Sydney. People were waving Hezbollah flags. And some Arab chick was charged with terrorism offences for waving a Hezbollah flag. It’s illegal in Australia to support a listed terrorist organisation. I think they can actually use maybe the same legislation or similar legislation to what they’ve used to ban NSDAP symbols to go after them specifically for the Hezbollah symbols. I’m not so sure about that. Might be different legislation, but anyway, it’s relevant.


The point is its pretty testy. Peter Dutton has been out and very forceful in defense of jews, in defense of Israel, holding the Left’s feet to the fire on the issue. And we’ve seen a lot of Zionists that align themselves with the political Right in this country, basically coming out demanding that the Muslims are deported. Not all Muslims, necessarily, but any Muslims that participate in any of these anti-Israel protests.


And so that’s quite interesting to kind of break down and analyze. And even, like, Drew Pavlou, who apparently was on the left, and when I debated him, he’s like a wholesome chungus, you know, multiracialist now. He’s almost, like, sounding like hard Right. Because that’s how much he shills for Israel.


So it’s kind of interesting to dissect the hypocrisy of that, I think, and analyze it where it’s incredible how the conservative movement can organise so staunchly in defense of jewish interests and the jews.


But, you know, crickets when it comes to White Australians, actual Australians. And what concerns us and what the fuck does Israel have to do with Australia? Like, seriously, like, it obviously has nothing to do with Australia. It’s just jewish capture, jewish elite capture of our political institutions.


So what do you think about this, Tom? I see you made some comments on Twitter, but how do you kind of take in the whole situation?




Thomas Sewell: Well, a lot has happened. A lot has happened, but nothing has really impacted our lives at this stage. I did notice that in the US there has been a hurricane, or a flood of some sort that’s damaged a lot of people, and that’s been all over my timeline. And something that I think should be said is its so obvious. Well, I’ll give a bit more information. The National Guard is being deployed to the Middle East at the moment. And the National Guard is meant to be a line of defense for what we did when I was in the army, neo-SAS operations like non-combative evacuation operations, security and stability operations. It’s not really meant to be deployed to war zones. It’s more for like, domestic affairs. And this is the one time where it should be really, a lot of resources should be going into helping these people. But they’re sending billions to Israel for missiles. And their readiness level for their soldiers is not to help their own families but to go overseas. And I saw some screenshots from text messages from people saying, like, active service people in the US saying that they:


“Couldn’t go home, they couldn’t get leave to help their families or help their neighbourhoods because they’ve got to be on standby to get the Middle East because of what’s happening.”


So this is some collapse of Rome stuff. And I’m not saying that this is what is about to happen. I’m just saying that this general attitude that the US government has towards its people and all governments, all White governments or traitor governmentss have towards White people, they’re teetering on the edge of mutinies, mass mutinies! I’m not saying it’s going to be a mutiny overnight, but this behaviour leads to mutinies. You have to let people, soldiers and civic minded people, you have to let them clean up their homes first before they can go overseas and fight.


And yeah, there’s just a general zeitgeist, I think, for Whites globally, that’s very different to when the first Iraq war happened. The zeitgeist back then was quite anti-islamic from just a pure, visceral, you know, guttural dislike for Muslims. I still think that that dislike still exists. And it’s potentially even stronger because of the way Muslims have treated White people over the last, 20 years in our own countries because of the mass migration. I think that feeling still exists. But what it’s not paired with which it was definitely even as a weaker feeling, paired with a stronger sense of going over there and kicking some arse.


So when 9/11* happened [an Israeli false flag – Kat] and the 7/7 bombings in the UK and these terrorist attacks in the early 2010s, there was a huge civic patriot, anti-Islam movement to go overseas and kill hajis. And it was as explicit as that. I was in the army and probably 90% of the guys I was in the army with, that was their main reason for joining. It was they want to go to Afghanistan or Iraq and kill Muslims, like, for what they’ve done to the basically to Western civilisation. They weren’t really there to just like, get a meal ticket. That there was like, a racial, a subconscious racial mindedness to do it. I don’t think that exists anymore to. At the same capacity. It still exists, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near as strong as it once was, because there’s so many factors. I won’t even go into it. But it was good to see Israel getting bombed by some proper ballistic missiles. That was awesome to see.



[* See: ]


And I think a lot of people get caught up not saying that you’ve done this, Joel. I think you introduced the topic very well, but I have seen a lot of discourse online where people are saying that:


“Everything’s a psyop, nothing ever happens. Israel let themselves get bombed!”


And this was probably discussed on an earlier show. It’s like, that’s the wrong attitude. Why do we always have these people acting as if Israel and the jews are some omnipotent force? Yes, they’re very powerful! Yes, they have a completely disproportionate amount of power. Yes, they own the US government, they own the Senate, they own Congress, like, through AIPAC and the Federal Reserve and the media. But sometimes they actually can take a punch, you know what I mean? Sometimes a missile gets through and actually hits something and people saying oh, like there’s a lot of black pill. Whenever something happens, I don’t want to get too excited, obviously, because Israel’s been bombed a lot of times.


But, you know, Iran stepping up, when I saw it in my newsfeed, when it said that Iran is basically declaring a state of war and they sent those missiles, I thought to myself:


“Wow, I can sleep a bit better tonight. At least they’re doing something. [chuckling] That’s great!”


Joel Davis: Yeah. When I would say, though. So followed it kind of closely, and I think Iran didn’t declare war on Israel directly. They bombed them. Yes. And you’re correct that the jews didn’t let the bomb get through. That was jewish cope. They actually blocked out on Google Maps or whatever the satellite footage, like the Israeli bases that got bombed so that you couldn’t see the damage from the satellite imaging. So why cover it up? And they said initially:


“Oh, everything’s fine. No one died and everything’s fine. They just killed one Palestinian. Ha ha, idiots!”


But then now the truth is coming out. And no, actually the missiles did do some damage. But at the same time, I mean just from a geographical standpoint, like Iran, it’s very difficult for them to do much to Israel because just for geographical distance, like there’s Iraq and Syria between them and Israel.


And so it’s a long fucking way! I don’t know if Iran even has carrier ships for their air force, but they wouldn’t be able to use them even if they did because the Americans are sitting there with their much better navy and much better air force kind of as a check on much of what they can do.


So, yeah, they can lob some missiles at Israel from a distance and blow up a few things. And that’s good optics for them. And it does restrain Israeli behaviour. And I saw that the French and the British basically said to the Americans and to Israel:


“We don’t want you to respond. We’re not going to back you if you respond, you’re on your own.”


Kind of thing. They don’t want to see an escalation.


And so I think Iran, they kind of played a strategic hand here. They thought that maybe because Israel is kind of in a precarious situation, it’s tied up, they can lob a few in and maybe get away with it and not get much of a retaliation. But if they were to continue doing it and continue escalating, it would get to a point where the US military would be brought in to then bomb the shit out of Iran in defense of Israel. Like, Israel can wear a few of these and be told by the Americans to wear a few of these. But if they keep escalating, keep escalating, keep escalating, there’s a point at which the jews can pull the strings in ZOG to make America bomb the shit out of Iran. And Iran, I think, is aware of that.


So it’s a little bit of an optics game where they want to look like they’re standing up to Israel and they have like, one strategic capacity, which are these long range, like, hypersonic ballistic missiles, but there’s a limited strategic benefit to them.


What is interesting, though, is that going into Lebanon, like, there was a lot of hype last week when Israel took out the leaders of Lebanon with their own bombing campaign, which showed that they had really good intelligence because they were able to pinpoint where the leaders were and take them out with aerial bombing. But Hezbollah are, like, 100,000 men, and it’s a guerrilla war.


So if they’re going to go into Lebanon, what are they going to do? Occupy all of Lebanon and systematically uncover 100,000 men and execute all of them? That’s totally unrealistic military operation.


So they can go in skirmish, try and do some damage to Hezbollah, try and use intelligence to identify where they’re holding some rocket storage facilities or whatever and take them out. But they’re not going to be able to defeat Hezbollah. It’s just not possible. And fighting against the guerrilla enemy with the conventional military is so difficult. Like, the Americans lost in Afghanistan for a reason and in Vietnam for a reason. It’s because, you know, guerrilla technique, when you have the sympathy of the people, creates a disproportionate, like, a massive disproportionate advantage against a conventional occupying force. Conventional force versus conventional force. It’s more of who’s the stronger power will win. But, yeah, with the asymmetric warfare, it’s very, very difficult.


And then the longer that this goes on, you have to remember, I had Mike Pinovich on to talk about this because he’s like a spurg about Israel kind of subject. So if you’re interested in his analysis, you can go watch that stream if you haven’t already.


But he was making a very accurate point I thought that while all this is going on, Hezbollah are lobbing rockets into Israel. Yeah, like, their rockets aren’t as good as the Israeli rockets or the Iranian rockets, right? But they still blow shit up. They can still kill people. And the jews that live near the Lebanese border, a lot of them, like, have had to evacuate from their homes or if you have businesses in that area that had to shut down.


And so there’s millions of jews that are their whole life is on hold while, like, shit is just getting randomly blown up all around them every night. And there’s, like bomb sirens going off all the time, and they’re living in fear. They don’t have a normal life, like a massive portion of the country.


And so, like, Israel has a limited window and under which it can conduct this operation. They can’t just go into Lebanon and fight a guerrilla war against Hezbollah for four years, because that means four years of random jews getting their houses blown up in Israel. And that’s just not tolerable. So like, what can Israel realistically do here? Like, they can go in, they can kill some people. A few of them will die. And also, Israel doesn’t have a massive military with a lot of forces. It’s a small country, like in population size.


So their high level, like special operations and, like the high quality, high grade fighters, they don’t have a lot. So their strategy has to be either dragging the Americans in, which is going to be difficult, because I think Iran will basically try to push as hard as they can without crossing a line that would drag the Americans in mixed, or basically they can go in and then blow some shit up and declare victory and then go back to Israel. And then Netanyahu probably gets voted out the next election, and the Israeli Left takes control and has a more moderate foreign policy. This whole exercise has just destroyed Israel’s international reputation and pissed off all of their enemies.


Thomas Sewell: There’s huge protesting at the moment in Israel, huge protesting!


So they are in a difficult situation as to how they can escalate this war without escalating, as you said, there’s a huge percentage of, they’re living in what would feel like a war zone, or a prison. And because it is, and they’re locked in. Now, even though they’re not being directly invaded, they’re the difference between the Lebanese or the Palestinians or the Gazans and the jews is the jews are accustomed to a high standard of living, whereas the southern Lebanese, the Gazans and the Palestinians are accustomed to suffering. So they can tolerate a lot of stress and it only strengthens their resolve, whereas the jews actually can’t tolerate that much stress.




So it’s an effective strategy what Hezbollah and Iran are doing by just keeping them under constant stress without provoking America. That would really be their goal, because obviously provoking America is going to result in the B2 bombers coming over, the Stealth bombers coming over and just bombing Tehran, which is everything that all the power grid’s going to go out. Like, they’re going to try to send Iran back to the Stone Age, which is what all the Hawks in Washington are trying to go for.


But there’s obviously two factors at play. There’s the Israeli election and there’s the American election, and I think everything is really in this kind of, it’s not a stalemate, but everything’s in this kind of play on. They’re doing this kind of rigmarole. They’re playing war on the Lebanese border. Like I saw the footage today from the Special Forces soldiers going in. It looks like they wanted to get some. It’s not, as you said, it’s not a full ground invasion. They’re just looking to get in, probe, you know, they’re looking in to get some. And, yeah, they’re not going to get very far with that.


Regarding taking out the entire or the vast majority of the Hezbollah leadership. Obviously, the jews have good intel, and they would be leaning entirely, I think, on the Americans. I think the American intel, you know, would be the superior intel. The jews obviously, would have the backdoor to a lot of the Google, and a lot of the kind of modern tech.


But I think it’s the American spy network. The Americans just have so many spies on the payroll, and it would just be subcontracted out to. Well, Israel would be subcontracting their workout without paying, obviously. You know, the Americans do it for free.


So yeah. I also think it’s interesting that the media or the ABC [state run Australian Broadcasting Corporation], it sounded like they’re trying to defend Hezbollah. It shows you how Left-wing the ABC is when Peter Dutton* was speaking about that girl charged with waving the Hezbollah flag.


[* Peter Craig Dutton (born 18 November 1970) is an Australian politician and former police detective serving as the current Leader of the Opposition, holding office as the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia since May 2022. He has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for the division of Dickson since 2001. Dutton previously served as the minister for Defence from 2021 to 2022 and the minister for Home Affairs from 2017 to 2021. He held various ministerial positions from 2004 to 2022 in the governments of Howard, Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison. Dutton grew up in Brisbane. He worked as a police officer in the Queensland Police for nearly a decade upon leaving school, and later ran a construction business with his father. He joined the Liberal Party as a teenager and was elected to the House of Representatives at the 2001 election, aged 30.]


Regarding that legislation, I’m fairly certain that when they made the recent amendment, they took out the ISIS flag, because originally the ISIS flag was on that amendment as a banneed, like as a designated sort of terror symbol. And they took it off, added the swastika and the double-sig runes, specifically the double-sig runes [SS symbol]. But I can’t remember whether they included the Hezbollah flag in that legislation. But I do know in previous legislation, they named, I think, two random, like, I think was like, Atomwaffen and Sonnenkrieg Division, which was like a Finnish Discord chat as, like the two neo-Nazi groups that were designated terror groups. Yeah, Sonnenkrieg Division isn’t real. It’s like, I think it was like a 15 year old on Discord that had a few, like, international people on it, and I think they just shared BT videos on Discord.


So anyway, Sonnenkrieg Division, and I think The Base or Atomwaffen got listed and then there was like seven or eight Islamic groups that were listed, and obviously one of them was Hezbollah. So that would be a separate legislation that would imply the symbolism of Hezbollah would also be designated.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Interesting times.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: It’s a pretty brazen thing to do, that girl.


I don’t know if you can get that up. Was a Noticer article?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I could probably get it up. I’ll pull it up in a sec.


But you know, on the subject I also want to make this take, and I said it actually on social media, but there’s a lot of jews that are coming out now, and we saw this actually, this is a repeat of what we’ve already seen a few times over the past year since shit kicked off between Israel and Hamas last October, where the jews are coming out and calling for deportations. And then that’s just immediately turning on all the conservatives, like:


“Yes, yes! Deportations! Oh, my God, let’s get these browns out!”


Because, it’s like they’re getting a licence to express their inner racism. But the jews have been saying this for a year, and the jews have a lot of political power in this country. If they really wanted a deportation plan to be seriously implemented, they’re like think tanks and NGO’s and so on would push them very heavily in a systematic way. But we haven’t seen any of that.


I feel like a lot of the leading jews, like, I’m sure like a lot of jews just like Zionist sympathizers want these people deported. I don’t doubt that.


But I think a lot of the leading jews realise that having these pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, pro-Palestine browns protesting on the streets is actually a great look for them and helps get the sympathy of conservatives on their side because they can play into White racism and they can say:


“Hey, look at these fucking browns! They shouldn’t be in our country. They don’t share our values!”


And then immediately, I can feel it. You’re like:


“Yeah, let’s get these browns out!”


And I agree with deporting them, of course, because they’re brown. But I also want the jews deported. I mean, when they say that their terrorist sympathizers. Well, when has Hezbollah committed a terrorist attack against Australia or any terrorist attack against the British Empire, against us? I don’t think that’s ever happened. Someone can quote, if I’m wrong, let me know.


But I don’t think that’s ever happened. Israel has committed terrorist attacks against us [yeah 9/11 for example – Kat]. In fact, that’s how the state of Israel came into fucking existence in the first place, through terrorist attacks. And that is land that was won, by the way, by Australian blood. We went in World War One and we fought the Ottoman Empire, and Churchill fucked us over and sent us into the beaches of Gallipoli. And how many men did we lose in that complete fuck up by Churchill in World War One?


Thomas Sewell: I think about 8,000.


Joel Davis: Yeah, we fought basically for that land. That was like our land as the British Empire.


And then the jews committed terrorism against us and stole it!




Thomas Sewell: King David Hotel.* They killed like a dozen or more.


[* The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack on 22 July 1946, by the militant Right-wing Zionist underground organisation Irgun during the Jewish insurgency. Ninety-one people of various nationalities were killed, including Arabs, Britons and Jews, and 46 were injured. Wikipedia]



[See: ]


Joel Davis: In multiple acts.


Thomas Sewell: Oh, yeah, there was a lot. Well, I think the first. Was it Perez? Was he the first president or prime minister? I think Perez or one of the first. They’ve all got strange jewy names, but one of the first prime ministers or the first prime minister was actually the head of one of the terrorist wings.


So it’s the same situation as, like, Nelson Mandela being the head of the ANC terror wing.


Joel Davis: There’s some idiot in the chat here. He said:


“You didn’t fight for Israeli land, you muppets.”


Yeah, in World War One we fought the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman Empire controlled what is, like Palestine. And then Palestine became under the control of the British Empire.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Syria, I think, became part of Syria, and Lebanon, I think, became part of France. Like, the French controlled that part and the British got Palestine.


Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s just the history of it.


Thomas Sewell: There was a transfer agreement. The British Zionists made a deal to transfer all the European jews, or not all of them, but the vast majority of European jews in 1933 into British Palestine. Which Hitler even supported.


Joel Davis: Yeah, the Havara agreement. I mean, that made sense. Like, it was a way to get the jews out of Germany. You know, I would gladly deport all of our jews to Israel tomorrow if we could.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, yes!


Joel Davis: But, yeah, like, anyway, the point is that supporting Israel is actually supporting an entity that came into being through terrorism, against us. So is it rich when the jews are trying to morally grandstand about terrorism? It’s like:


“Okay, so you care about terrorism when it’s against you, even though you committed it against us historically!”


And also the only reason that these fucking browns are even here in the fucking first place is because you conspired to destroy the White Australia Policy! Like, jews, like, jewish groups infiltrated the Australian government and systematically attacked the White Australia Policy from the fifties to the seventies and were instrumental in its deconstruction because they felt that they basically were the odd man out in Australia.


We didn’t even want them here! There was barely any jews here before World War Two, they then snuck in against our will, largely through, you know, larping as Greeks and Italians. And there were a bunch of American based, like, jewish organisations that funded and facilitated jewish migration to Australia. The jewish diaspora sets up shop here. Immediately, all the communist jews, like, infiltrate our government and start sending all of our state secrets to the Soviet Union.


So then we had to create ASIO [Australian Security Intelligence Organisation] because we had a high trust Anglo society before that. We didn’t even need ASIO. And then leading jewish community groups were like:


“Well, we should try and turn this into a multicultural country, open up the borders, end the White Australia Policy, because everyone else in this country are White Christians and we’re jews! And so if we don’t, like, crowd them out with some other minorities, you know what’s going to stop them turning around and looking at us as the odd man out and wanting us out on at some particular point in the future?”


And they explicitly said this, more or less like, I’m paraphrasing. So it’s pretty rich when getting lectured by the jews on all this shit!


But anyway, like, I digress. I think when you get these calls from a lot of these jewish leaders, it’s a little bit of a bait and switch. They kind of throw the carrot out of kosher racism. And it’s a way to get conservatives to emotionally side with Israel and the only democracy in the Middle East and kind of view jews as White. Like, I saw this clip of Barry Weiss. I think she was doing a podcast with Douglas Murray or something that Keith Woods posted it, like, a couple hours ago on Twitter. Maybe it was only an hour ago, actually, because I just saw it before we went live. And she was sitting down and they were talking about, she’s an American Zionist, by the way, a high, high ranking Zionist jew in the United States. And she was talking about how, like:


“Oh, the Qataris have infiltrated America. They’ve infiltrated our sports teams, our education system, our media, and they’re subverting American society!”


And it’s like:


“You did that! Like, worst. Like, you literally took over the whole fucking country!”


But so, like, jews are now just going to pretend like they’re White because it’s suiting them to make Whites identify with Israel.


But then when it comes to White issues that directly face us or we talk about, well, rather than deporting people from our country because they upset jews, what about because they upset Whites? Well, then jews freak out!:


“That’s literally Hitler! You’re going to commit a “Holocaust”. How dare you? As a jew, White people can’t be allowed to think like that.”


So then they magically are not White. So they’re like Schrodinger’s White Guy*, they just flip-flop based upon how it suits them. They’re just subversive scum.


[* In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment concerning quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box, as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. This experiment viewed this way is described as a paradox. Wikipedia.]


Thomas Sewell: Exactly!




Joel Davis: You know, just today, like, Australia’s richest jew, Triguboff came out and we need more immigration, apparently. Apparently like the ridiculously high record historical immigration into Australia that’s caused a housing crisis, and he’s jacking up the crime rate and ruining Australian society. It’s not enough immigrants for him. He wants even more! And who’s going to win? Because we’ve got 74% of the country in a recent poll saying they oppose immigration, we’ve got one richest jew in Australia that supports it. Which way do you think the government’s going to go? Because apparently we live in a democracy. I think the government’s probably going to go with the rich jew!


So what does that say?



Thomas Sewell: He’s been doing that forever, though. He’s made all his billions of mass immigration.


So they’re not exactly unbiased sources of public discourse, are they? They’re profiting from it. I mean, you obviously know that, but it’s important for the public to be aware that everyone that advocates for it is either a traitor or they’re profiting from it, or both.


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, he’s like Australia’s wealthiest property developer, so of course he wants mass immigration, not just is it crowding out the White demographic but, it’s kind of inflating the housing market. So when he creates these big high rise apartments everywhere, there’s all these jeets to pack into them.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, he was complaining last year about how many of them were empty and how he needed to raise immigration. So they just build them. They build them and no one’s even in them yet. They’re not even 50% sold, but they just keep building.


And then they build the next one, and they haven’t even sold off the first one yet and they just keep building. And he went and lobbied the government and I don’t remember the exact conversation and obviously I wasn’t there and it wasn’t documented. But the article that I read that discussed the conversation that he had with the government when he spoke to them was:


“Who’s going to buy these apartments? I built them all and now they’re just sitting empty. Who’s going to buy these apartments, you need to raise the immigration level.”


So it’s absolutely disgusting!


Joel Davis: He’s one of the biggest campaign contributors to the Liberal Party and the Labor Party, by the way. And yeah, he’s been advocating for big Australia immigration policy for decades in a very prominent way with the property lobby and other lobby groups, pro-immigration lobby groups. So, yeah, that’s how it works.


But this is a bit of a digression, but I think it’s an important digression because when we’re talking about the Israel issue, like Blair said last week, it was kind of provocative. I think Blair said words to the effect of:


“I don’t care if Israel go in and genocide a million Palestinians tomorrow, and I don’t give a shit if Hamas invades Israel and gas a million jews tomorrow, it’s not my fucking problem!”


And I agree with that sentiment. It isn’t our fucking problem! But it’s made our problem because of the fact that they’re here in our fucking country!


So now we have to deal with it on the basis of what’s in, and also that the jews are trying to drag us into it as well and fight their wars for them. So that’s what makes it our problem.


And so I think there’s a pro-White perspective here. It’s like, I don’t really give a shit about. I don’t want to have to give a shit about it, but I’m forced to because of their presence here, their parasitism, their subversion of my society. And that’s where I differentiate from., … There’s certain elements in the movement that have this view:


“That we should really focus upon the plight of the poor Palestinians and waving Iranian flags and supporting the struggle of browns against Israel because they will pull on the heartstrings of Whites. They like an underdog, and they’ll come around and support the enemies of Israel, and it will help them to see the problem with zionism and with jews.”


And I just fundamentally disagree with that approach. I think that’s already basically the mainstream position of the Left. And all of them see Israel as a kind of evil, kind of they almost see it as White and as, like a Western settler colonial project, much like Australia. And they hate it for the same reasons that they hate Australia or they hate America, insofar as it’s, like, a White dominated country.


So I don’t believe in that kind of universalistic, like, moralism. I think we should just simply assert the fact that as Whites, we want our money, our blood and treasure to be entirely focused upon defending our own fucking people and our own interests and to hell with everybody else! And that’s basically how everyone in the world thinks, except, you know, Whites that have been psyopped into this deranged humanitarianism.


And I think the average Australian, like, you can look at opinion polls, do you support Israel? Do you support Palestine? I think the average Australian really doesn’t give a fuck either way. I think only a very small fraction of society really cares either way. And that’s actually natural and healthy because it’s on the other side of the fucking world, and these people have nothing to do with us! Why would they care? Like, if something was happening to a European country, like, if something was happening to Britain or to Germany or to the United States, then, yeah, of course we would care because they’re like racial kin. Who the fuck cares about, … I laugh at the jews getting blown up by Iranian bombs, but I don’t really care about what’s going on there personally.


I think the messaging has to be, how does it affect Australians? How does it affect Whites in general? You said before the stream that you didn’t see because Keith Woods debated. I can’t, but this guy’s name. His name was Daniel. It’s like some Muslim guy who lives in America, Daniel, some fucking, like, gibberish, right? He’s got some gibberish, fucking, you know, brown, like, Arabic name or something. I don’t know exactly where he’s from. But they were debating White nationalism, and the debate was interesting because Keith Woods was going for this kind of wholesome chungus White nationalism, where he was like:


“Hey, look I think we should have White countries for people of European descent, because those are our native lands, and I don’t want our countries to be involved in Middle Eastern politics or imposing ourselves over the Muslim world either. So we’re happy to leave you alone if you leave us alone. So what’s wrong with that?”


And what Daniel the Muslim, responded to that with, which I thought was really interesting, was he said:


“But if we let Whites have their own countries, what’s going to stop you creating all this super advanced technology, AI, robotics and so on, and then imposing., …”


And he literally said:


“Whites have higher IQs and they’re better at creating technologies. And what’s going to stop you from creating this satanic technological mega empire that then completely fucks us up. Whereas if we stuff ourselves into your countries now, we can stop you from developing basically, and prevent this kind of like, Faustian runaway where the Whiteman re-ascends to global domination status.”




And I’ve never heard a brown person ever make that argument before, but it was actually really interesting that he did.


And it’s like, I can actually see his point. That actually is a rational position for a brown person to take. I’m sure that’s actually implicit in how a lot of non-Whites think about this. Where the reason why they are so indifferent to our plight, it’s not just because they’re just selfish and only care about their own group. I think it’s because they’re afraid of us. They’re afraid, like right now, the Whiteman is weak and they can smell blood. And it’s like:


“We got to take these motherfuckers out now while they’re having their retard moment. Because if they wake up to themselves and go full Hitler mode, we’re fucked! Like, they’re just going to Giga Chad their way over the world again and we’re going to be their bitch!”


Thomas Sewell: Mmm.


Joel Davis: And they’re not wrong. And Keith Woods can come along and give, like, his wholesome chungus:


“No, no, no! We’re nice guys. White people are nice. We just want to have our homelands back. And we respect you if you respect us.”


And I can see why the browns aren’t buying it because it actually does kind of smell like bullshit! And the reality is, for every Keith Woods, there’s a Joel Davis or Thomas Sowell or whatever, that if we look, yeah, we are coming for all your shit! If we get back in power, like, of course we are, because someone’s got to run the world. And if we don’t do it, the Chinese are going to do it, or some other group is going to do it. And so the only guarantee against someone else taking over the fucking world is taking it over yourself!


So there’s a zero sum kind of reality.


And actually Nick Fuentes, like, kind of criticised Keith on this point on his show, and I agreed with his take because he was saying, like:


“So what are we going to do? Like, we’re going to take back all of the White countries, and then there’s all of these vital resources, natural resources in Africa, and we kind of need them to advance our civilisation. And we’re going to go to the African tribesmen and be like: ‘Hey, can we have some of your minerals?”



And then, you know, chief, like I don’t know, some gibberish African name is like:


“No, you can’t have it!”


And they’ve got like a bunch of sticks and rocks and we’ve got like nuclear weapons and like all this advanced tech, and we’re just going to be like:


“Okay, you’re right to self-determination. You can keep all the vital minerals, like lithium ion and all this shit that you’ve got that we kind of need, and we’ll just like, stagnate our civilisation and just not come take it.”


And it’s like, that’s obviously pretty unrealistic. That’s just not how any civilisation has operated ever in world history. And the argument, I want to get your take on this because the argument from Keith Woods, I haven’t spoken to him about this directly this week, but I’ve spoken to him about this a lot over the years because we’re old friends. And his argument is that, well, the thing is he’d be like:


“Okay, I can see what you’re saying. But the thing is that if we put ourselves about in that kind of realistic supremacist way, we’re going to freak out all the other White people. And then White people aren’t going to want to do White nationalism because they’re going to get freaked out by this, like unoptical supremacism that makes it seem like Whites organising politically really is what the jewish media caricatures it as. It really is this genocidal, immoral, you know, evil, maniacal force in the world. And maybe the jews are right. Maybe the White race does need to be, … Maybe Daniel is right. Maybe the Muslims have to come and replace us to make sure that we don’t create some kind of dystopian, like, techno futurism that enslaves the world or something.”


But my retort to that is that I don’t think that Whites who are too morally cucked to embrace supremacy will have what it takes to take our countries back. I think the only Whites that will be capable of having the grit to rise up, take back control, do what needs to be done to assert ourselves back over our countries, which is going to require a hard struggle. And we’re going to have to basically ruin the lives of all the non-Whites that live in our countries to send them back. And some of them might want to fight us, as. Well, that’s going to require a kind of stomach for doing that. Kind of the assertion that:


“No, we are going to put our people first, and we don’t really care if that ruins your life. We don’t really care if people have to get hurt. We’re gonna do it!”


And I think really only, like, for someone to have that attitude, they have to kind of leave the humanitarian, you know, chungus, equitable. Like, let’s sit down in a room in suits and work this out like civilised individuals. Like, I don’t think that’s realistic. I don’t think we’re going to sit down and negotiate our way out of this. I’m going to have to fight our way out of this, and we’re going to have to impose ourselves in a very forceful way.


And the people that impose themselves are ultimately going to be supremacists. And Whites aren’t, like, innately incapable of having a supremacist worldview because we literally used to! We literally did White supremacy already and ran the whole fucking world! We had colonial empires that spanned the entire globe. We almost conquered the whole fucking thing! Like, 100 years ago. We literally ran everything in the entire world except Japan and China, and that was about it. We ran everything else.


So, yeah, like, it’s not like Whites are inherently cucked and unable to embrace this worldview. But I think we have to overcome the source, that spiritual source of that cuckoldry to win! And all else is folly!


But how do you see it?




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Keith is playing that optical game, and maybe he does genuinely believe that. And that is certainly a much stronger position than the people that are currently in power or that currently are ruling over White people.


So that’s fine and noble. But, just because you remove your claws doesn’t make you a good person. Ultimately, White people need to have their claws back. And I kind of had a strange discourse today, just responding to another Telegram page, a big Telegram page that was talking about how cruelty was a bad thing or an evil thing, that was just completely off the mark, which we don’t need to go into. But you did mention cruelty in your little segment, and you mentioned re-migration, and you mentioned taking resources.


And so in this thought experiment, we’ve got this idea of we’re going to need resources. Let’s say we end our finite supply and Africa is there for the taking, and it’s more or less gone back to the Stone Age. What process do we initiate in order to get the resources? Well, the way I understand White people to be is that we’re very polite. White people innately are very polite. And we would probably try to get what we want through peace before just going straight to war. I don’t think White people are innately barbaric, that are just like, yep, let’s just smash everyone and everything in our way. We generally look for a path of least resistance. The jews often do the same thing, but then when they don’t get what they want, they usually look towards subversion.


And so when you have kind of Anglo and jewish influences within a federal government like the United States or Great Britain, you have all these kind of different foreign policies in order to obtain the resources that you want.


So the English, obviously, with some heavy influence from the East India Company and some jews in the banking sector established gun boat diplomacy, for example, and gunboat diplomacy expanded massively through the American empire post World War Two. And it goes under many different names.


There’s many books written about it. But more or less, it’s like how to conquer nations through debt slavery, through embargoes, through pressuring them and these stages of escalation until they fucking, you know, funding coups to take out, you know, Saddam or take out Gaddafi or whoever it is or Bashar Al-Assad. So we can see that that is an innate kind of hybrid policy versus the kind of Faustian or Aryan spirit with German National Socialism where Hitler’s like:


“All right, Germany needs living space. We’re going to push the Slavs, like, further into Eastern Europe or further past the Volga into the Caucasus, and Germany is going to expand down these river systems where all these German colonies exist already in Eastern Europe. And we’re just going to bridge these gaps so that we’ve got more land and we’re just going to fucking do it!”


So obviously, there’s this kind of just outward force, and then there’s kind of more calculated, maybe a little bit more Machiavellian, maybe a bit more subversive forces in order to get what we want.


But ultimately, when we, as you said, when we unshackle ourselves from this spiritual virus, which centres around White guilt and this guilty consciousness for what’s happened in the past, when that’s gone, when that’s no longer, you know, containing our will, we’re going to see White colonialism on a whole new level.


Now regarding re-migration, because that’s actually more important than taking resources in Africa because, yeah, like, whenever I get asked questions like that:


“Are we going to do this? Are we going to do that?”


Yeah, sure. Like let’s clean up the house first. And when the house is clean, we can focus on the street.




So it’s like, let’s deal with the immediate issue, which is obviously jewish control of our nation, and the traitors, the traitors that are in control of our nation. When we deal with that, I think the vast majority of non-Whites are going to leave Australia. Once White people rise up and we take back our government and we kick out and deal with all the traitors and all the jews, and either go to Israel or whatever. That’s a good point in itself because people always FED post with that. But I had my, like the 10th or 11th bank account shut down recently.


And I remember the first time I had my bank account shut down. My politics was very, very, I wasn’t very fanatical. I don’t know how to express it. I had the same essence of what I have now, but it was nowhere near as strong, it was nowhere near as radical. It wasn’t fanatical. I wasn’t obsessed the way I am now. I wasn’t a seeking justice, I wasn’t personally hurt, I wasn’t personally aggrieved. I wasn’t motivated by a sense of deep, deep pressure! There wasn’t a deep pressure to change the problem. It was more just like a holistic:


“There’s a wrong, it needs to be corrected. This is a better way of running the country.”


It was more rational, less emotional.


And then they shut down my first bank account. This goes back to 2015. And I thought to myself:


“Whoa, that’s an escalation. I don’t like the symbology of that. Where is this going? Is this how this government behaves? This is how this corporate state behaves? They’re willing to go to that length? They’re willing to eventually take food off my table, so I starve to death, or I can’t provide an income for myself or my future family. Okay, that’s an escalation!”


And my politics started radically changing after that point! Because I was personally aggrieved.


So what that where I’m going with that, at a tactical, strategic level. Sorry, not tactical, strategic level, is everyone’s going to get exactly what they deserve. So if this is resolved nicely and quickly in the next, say, like, decade, I’m sure there will be these, like very astute, you know, Keith Woods approved policies of how we’re going to do re-migration and how it’s going to be packaged and the optics of it. And it starts with these:


“Can you please leave? And here’s the plane ticket.”


And then it kind of escalates. It continues escalating.


And so what’s happening is the longer this goes on for, the more damage done to White people in the process, the worse, the more cruel, the more horrible, the more violent, aggressive, dominating, exhaustive is the energy and the violence that White people are going to be capable of! It’s not even that I want that or don’t want that, it’s beyond that! It’s like that’s what we’re going to be capable of as a collective the longer this goes on for.


So you have re-migration, but we’re not even calling for re-migration. We don’t even use that term. We do a little bit, but the term that we put on our banner was “deportation”. And that’s a whole different kind of conversation. When you talk about re-migration, it’s kind of packaged nicely and softly. We talk about deportation. It’s at bayonet point! It’s a completely different kind of, it’s a more aggressive approach because I think fundamentally our belief is that re-migration is not enough.


What re-migration entails is a polite conversation, and asking people to leave and maybe getting rid of some troublemakers, versus deportations implies actually changing the structure of the society completely! Totally! Absolutely! And the team, like Keith Wood’s team, I’m sure he’ll progress, and I’m sure as time goes on, they will sense the further aggrievement of society as a whole, and they will sense the further escalation. Because this ultimately goes back to Israel-Palestine or Israel Lebanon or Israel Iran. It’s the same sort of concept. It’s a type of warfare that is escalating, that’s constantly escalating. So where it is at the moment, re-migration, Keith Woods, friendly optics. Where it is right now at this exact point in time, is probably the most popular thing as we’re seeing with European elections at the moment. Is that going to be the case in ten years time? I don’t think so. and that’s why our optics are built different.


So that’s what I think about it.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Like, I know Keith pretty well, and I don’t doubt that he is well intentioned. I never question his intentions. I think he’s trying to do what he thinks is the best thing for, not just for the Irish, but for the White race in general. I think he is sincere.


But, yeah, for me, because I used to have a little bit more of that strategy in my approach. That was partly due to also trying to make my nationalism and my Catholicism fit together. It was partly because of that as well, or I think largely because of that.


But when I look at things objectively in some of these European countries, I can see maybe a cleaner way of preserving their demographics. But when I look at the core countries, which are really where the power is distributed, like the United States, Britain, France, Germany, or here, I don’t think it’s going to be so simple. And those are really the key countries, the key geographical locales that need to be secured.


Whereas I think in Hungary and in Austria, they can probably vote their way to maintaining a 95% White country, plus. Hungary basically has that already. The Austrians, very positive signs. I mean, I want to talk a bit about the Austrian election, but I guess this will bridge into it a little bit. But I want to discuss that as a separate topic.




But, yeah, but for me, I’m kind of looking, like, three steps ahead, and I’m like, okay, I’m already there. And I’m trying to prepare people for the fact that that’s where we’re going. That’s kind of like the inevitable destination. And the sooner that people accept that and prepare accordingly. And by preparing, I don’t mean, I’m not FED posting, I’m not saying:


“Stockpile your guns. Race wars are coming!”


I’m not saying that. Don’t misconstrue me.


What I’m saying is preparing yourself, like, mentally and spiritually for the attitude and the mentality that is going to be necessary at that point.


So anyway, yeah, my view on this is that uh, things are going to accelerate into a more, … And what I mean by that as well, White people are at the moment, yes, the majority of White people are afraid of going full where we are, with our position, obviously. But the resistance is weakening. You know, in the last two years, I posted about this today. The discourse even within our movement has become so much more radical and also, generally speaking. Just think about it. Like, across European politics, conservatism is dead. There is not even one country where the conservative Party is getting more votes than the populist, Right-wing, anti-immigration party. Except England. Like, except Britain, just. Where, the conservatives are only slightly ahead of the Reform Party. And by the next election, I think Reform could overtake them because the Tories are either going to put some jew in charge who’s going to shill for Israel egregiously, and he might do somewhat better, or the other main candidate seems to be this black woman.


So the conservatives, I really hope they put the black woman in charge of the conservatives, [chuckling] because that would be hilarious! They’ll completely die. So conservatism as a political aesthetic is dead in Europe. In the United States we criticise Trump, and the criticisms are valid.


But if you look at it objectively, Trump’s campaign this time around is more radical than the last two times. Like, he wasn’t promising mass deportations the first two times. That’s now his signature policy. And that’s actually an intensification. But our movement has progressed so quickly and so radically that we’re further away from Trump. Like, Trump moved, like, 10% or 20% towards us, but then we moved, like, 80% away. So then we’re just like:


“What the fuck is this?”


Whereas in 2016, there was all of this kind of energy from the Alt-Right, the dissident Right, whatever, for Trump, and people are acting like, as if Trump cucked and he used to be based, but now, it’s literally the same shit! It’s actually a slightly more radical version of what it already was. And that’s something interesting to behold.


There’s been this radicalisation, and then even in Australia the response to our organisation you know, people wouldn’t touch. Even, like, twelve months ago, people wouldn’t touch us with a twelve foot pole now. You know, attitudes are softening massively, massively!


Thomas Sewell: Mmm.


Joel Davis: And what I kind of prophesy is that as the situation gets worse, as White people are not just demographically crowded out by all this immigration, like, I just saw, I have to confirm this and look into it, but I saw some posts on Twitter about the New Zealand census, which New Zealand is only 55% White now! Which, like, their census from last year, which is insane! Because I thought it was 80% White. I haven’t been to New Zealand in five years, so it’s a small population, and a lot of the Whites in New Zealand move here.


So I don’t know. I have to look into that. I’ll talk about it more on the show next week when I’ve had a chance to check those figures for myself. But I mean, that’s insane! If that’s true, that’s fucking insane! That is such a quick transition. America is almost majority, …


Thomas Sewell: Canada’s had the fastest transition. I saw some statistics today that said, I think it said five out of the top six cities. I’d have to find it again. But I think from memory what it said, five of the six cities with the highest percentage of foreign born people were in Canada.


Joel Davis: Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me. And the rates of immigration here have been obviously crazy in recent years. Australia is lucky in the sense that we do get a decent amount of White immigration. We get people coming here from Britain and Ireland and stuff, and that helps preserve our demographic to a certain extent.


And I actually posted about this again recently that if you look at the voting patterns, like, I really find it annoying when you get these Australian parochialists wherexx they are like:


“Oh, like, fuck the Poms!”


Like, they have an issue with White immigrants. It’s like White immigrants are a blessing. If you look at the data, European immigrants are way more Right-wing than native born Australians. They’re majority Right-wing voters. They’re more opposed to immigration as well, I’ve seen in certain polls than native born Australians. There’s plenty of people in our organisation, by the way, that weren’t born here and we’re in the situation as a race.


So I think that is kind of like really short sighted and narrow minded to take that view. The problem isn’t immigration necessarily. The problem is non-White immigration. Like, White immigration is fine. This country was built off White immigration.




But, the point though is that the demographics are getting ridiculously destroyed in a super quick way now. Like, the rates are boosting and at the same time the anti-White persecution is boosting. It gets to the point now Muslims are organising to have their own independent power bloc and so on. The racial lines are getting a lot more explicit.


There’s a point at which you have such a high degree of racial conflict at the core of your political system that these kind of highfalutin ethical ideals like “justice and rights” and all of this kind of stuff that is like the bedrock of liberal democracy, where these things start to really subside in kind of relevance. And all that people start to care about is just the existential reality of:


“My team winning, my team losing, my team being subjugated, my team fighting back against oppression!”


Or whatever. And people just start seeing politics in these kind of tribalistic friend-enemy, distinction, us versus them turns, and they start to see the world in a dog-eat-dog way.


Like, if you look at the data on Trump supporters, the Trump supporters that live in cities, I saw a poll about this years ago, they have more of, like a dog-eat-dog understanding of the world, and they’re more concerned about immigration. Where the Trump supporters that live in the really White areas, they’re like generic Christian, Evangelical Christian Republicans who are just voting for the Republican Party because that’s what they do. But they aren’t anywhere near as concerned with immigration. And they’re a lot more soft on racial issues, because they live in a White neighbourhood in a nice part of America. So they don’t actually have to deal with the same issues that the city dwelling Whites have to deal with. Where there’s black ghettos around them and beaners are pouring in and they’re getting crowded out in the place where they grew up. There’s lots of places in major cities where they’re just not the same place that they were 10, 20 years ago when you were younger. They’ve been completely transformed.


So that is going to incept over time, more of this kind of existential framing on politics, and it’s going to soften people up to hearing what we have to say, which is a very simple message, which is that:


“Forget all the noise. Either we come together and fight back and defend the ourselves and our interests against all of these people that are targeting us and that are against us and want to destroy us, or they’ll destroy us!”


And all of your ideals about fucking freedom and justice and humanitarianism, like, you can shove that up your ass! Because that is really, like, almost irrelevant at this point. Because none of those principles are being given to us by anyone else. None of these other groups that are, they’re all hypocrites! None of them extend any of these rights or concerns to us. So why the fuck should we care about them? We should reassert ourselves, take back control. And when we have power and control and stability, then we can worry about them again.


And that message might seem radical right now, but it’s becoming less and less radical by the day. And people are more and more for it because, and I think in a lot of ways as well, that’s actually the only way to make politics interesting to a lot of Australians. I think a lot of Australians, they’re apolitical because it’s not necessarily because they have no interest potentially, in politics whatsoever! And they’re just totally just apolitical zombies. It’s because politics hasn’t been interesting. If politics is a battle between conservatism and socialism, they don’t really give a fuck!


But if politics becomes race war, that’s infinitely more interesting. And if politics goes from being like this kind of gay argument about ideology and it becomes something concrete, which is:


“Are we going to have control of this country? Or are we going to just give it away and become subjugated in our own country and just be, like, cucked by this whole process?”


That actually is a fight! Like, it’s not about:


“Who are you voting for and how much taxes should we pay. It’s like, this is a fucking knife fight for who controls the country!”


So I actually have a lot of faith in our politics to become very popular and very engaging to a large group of people in the coming decade. That’s the main difference that I have with, I don’t want to use the word “optics cuck”, because that’s not necessarily accurate. I think, in a lot of cases. But with the very ethically constrained humanitarian version of White nationalism, where I think that that approach, the idea that Whites will only embrace a pro-White position within that purview, and they won’t embrace a kind of more like, realistic dog-eat-dog world existential White nationalism, which is just like:


“It’s us or them! Which side are you fucking on?”


I just don’t buy that. I don’t think that’s actually true.


But I guess I don’t know where Tom went. I guess he’ll be back soon. I wanted to get his take, but I was just kind of finished that point.


But while he’s gone, I guess we can talk about the Austrian election. The Austrian election was quite interesting. The Freedom Party of Austria, which is, I think it’s one of the most radical parties in Europe that actually gets votes and is like, a mainstream power player. So their policies are like:


“We’re not going to take any asylum seeker, even applications, we’re not even going to take refugee applications. Full stop. Fortress Austria!”


They call it “Fortress Austria! Fortress Europe! No immigration!” Like, literally no immigration from outside Europe into Europe is their position. And re-migration plans to start repatriating non-Whites back to wherever they came from.


So it’s a very radical set of policies by the standards of European politics.





[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]













Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 10/4/2024 = 135)

HyperChat min: 100
The Crucible 01
8 hours ago
Keith woods is a pseudo intellectual pussy, and even maybe a grifter.

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5 hours ago
are they talking about him? you have a time stamp by any chance?

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The Crucible 01
8 hours ago
umm gee like watch the stream

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The Crucible 01
8 hours ago(edited)
Honestly cant remember where they mentioned him, 45 minutes in i think. lol

7 hours ago
Australia for the White Man! o//

11 hours ago
review “bra” get it?

Archipelago Woes
4 hours ago

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

11 hours ago

11 hours ago

11 hours ago

11 hours ago

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

11 hours ago

It’s a public forum. Why don’t you try to add something of value to the conversation? Be the change you wish to see instead of whining.

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

11 hours ago
That’s ironic.

11 hours ago

are you serious? Weren’t you just comment policing just a min ago? Very feminine behavior.

11 hours ago
I feel this chat is a little boring now. Why no comments?

11 hours ago

11 hours ago
I’m excited to see!

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

Mostly replying but I’ll shurrup now o7 o/

Secure the future of our people
11 hours ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)

11 hours ago
“i feel like” lol

15 hours ago

Okay, thanks.

15 hours ago

speak up then, bub!

15 hours ago


I feel like you’re dominating the chat. Why not lot other people post a comment?

15 hours ago
We should call raw milk “white powerade”. Not sure if Aussies know what Powerade is but it’s an American sports drink.

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago
Didn’t some “Turks” try to blow up a railway in Ballarat circa 1920?

15 hours ago


Dawn Browning
15 hours ago

IKR? I removed the comments btw.

15 hours ago

can you imagine the media scrambling to decide what to say about that? “Do we support the muslims or the lgbtp???”

15 hours ago

15 hours ago
i haven’t seen a non white in tent cities full of white Australians

15 hours ago


15 hours ago

15 hours ago

15 hours ago
what’s in the box

15 hours ago
Lindt cafe siege

15 hours ago
White World Policy

15 hours ago
Does Syrian Girl live in Australia still?

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago

All in one? I’ll have a look 👍

15 hours ago

Alex Linder did that one too

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago
Pete Quinones on Odysee did a reading of “Camp of the Saints”. It’s in his playlist.

15 hours ago
Palmer is the archetypal example of the goy billionaire wasting his wealth on vanity project

15 hours ago

Camp of Saints, horrifying in some ways. but also it describes the fruits of the do-gooder mentality, overrun by the stinking muds, which is kind of satisfying

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago

Many have Brazilian links, geneticaly. Ditto with Chinese ancestry. Look at world maps & it makes sense.

15 hours ago
Austria: home of the original leader!

15 hours ago
Rohem was the leader of the SA before the putsch

15 hours ago

How can they be part Brazilian?

15 hours ago
needs a completely different moral foundation. with pro-14 words as 1st principle

Secure the future of our people
15 hours ago
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Help this channel grow! Repost and like the Twitter if you can guys.

Secure the future of our people
15 hours ago

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago

Maori aren’t merely Polynesian. They were part Brazilian & Chinese before they also miscegenated with Europeans.

15 hours ago
Love the milk

15 hours ago
White Power Drink \o

15 hours ago

no, I’ve heard of it tho. sounds horrifying

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago

True 🤣 Have you read Camp of the Saints?

15 hours ago
in Tassie?

15 hours ago

That’s how it starts, huh.

15 hours ago
now we have the inbred rapey ones

15 hours ago

we had those more white seeming ones about 10 years ago

15 hours ago
on the other hand all the “kiwis” we have are islanders, not Anglo

15 hours ago

no need to go to India when India comes to you…

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago

They’ll be Brahmans – the richer caste.

15 hours ago
i agree that they shouldn’t be here simply because this isn’t their country

15 hours ago
Queensland is the suburbs. There are lots of them here to be sure, but they seem to be white presenting in their behaviour for the most part.

15 hours ago

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago

Have you been to India/Pak/Bang?

15 hours ago
The level of focused seriousness and decorum these Aussie’s have is really appealing to me.

15 hours ago
English politics is the option of being fucked from the front or from behind 🤷‍♂️

15 hours ago
Ah right. I’m not sure which state, but I’m not sure how you’ve avoided the smelly lower caste Indians who ruin every public space

15 hours ago
all it takes is proper internet censorship & its game over 👉🎮💨

15 hours ago
Low-caste Indians especially are rapey, scamming street shitters.

15 hours ago


Dawn Browning
15 hours ago

Until beef isn’t allowed on your BBQ?

15 hours ago
One of the things that did it for me was all the indian scammer videos on youtube. And the travel vlogs. Check out Bald and Bankrupt’s latest video on India

15 hours ago
which country are you in, Waffle?

15 hours ago
personally I haven’t had problems with Indians but my personal experience is irrelevant

15 hours ago
Yeah Indians are disgusting

15 hours ago
I have to say, I have a particular distaste for Indians.

15 hours ago
there are more Asians in New Zealand than Maoris

15 hours ago
Yeah, it’ll be Indians at a guess

15 hours ago
Hello 🫵 London 🤷‍♂️

15 hours ago

15 hours ago
Asian, islanders

15 hours ago


15 hours ago
wtf??? NZ 55% white? Who is moving there, asians?

Dawn Browning
15 hours ago
The THEY are already tying themselves in their own knots.

15 hours ago
Trump also said that America needs more legal migrants.

Dawn Browning
16 hours ago
No need for a drivers licence if you can’t legally pay for one? Hmmmm.

16 hours ago

Even Hitler had the Berghof. Everyone needs to recharge the vital energies.

16 hours ago


16 hours ago

o/ have a nice break

16 hours ago
taking a week off of politics, but wanted to pop in an support my favorite Ausies. How do you two feel about small breaks? Does that go against “we will never slacken, never tire…”? See you next week!

16 hours ago
I assume that the Germans who thought that the NSDAP were too extreme and unoptical probably changed their minds once life got a lot better for them because of Hitler.

16 hours ago
Whatever “evils” Whites are capable of, non-whites would do in a worse fashion ten times over

16 hours ago


16 hours ago
The mudslimes are not going home until the jew issue is solved first, never forget that. As such, the latter is technically the more pressing issue.

16 hours ago
Daniel’s statement is very telling.

16 hours ago
Finally catching a live stream! It’s early morning where I’m at. Thank you both for the education and inspiration. Hail our people! ✋️😎

Harry Holler
16 hours ago
with zero sense of irony

Harry Holler
16 hours ago
Joel, Barry Weiss accused the Qataris as “having dual loyalty”.

16 hours ago
Then ASIO is turned against the White population

16 hours ago
What’s up, based Aryan chads?

16 hours ago
Frank Lowy was in the Irgun who shot British soldiers

16 hours ago
plus russia runs their own missile protections in both iran and syria from what i understand

16 hours ago

yea russia gave them their new fighter jets not long ago and they already have i think its s400 missile protection

16 hours ago
Isn’t Atomwaffen all feds too? Pretty sure they were exposed during a court case, unless I’m wrong.

16 hours ago

16 hours ago
Iran probably has advanced Russian anti air defenses which would make the Americans think twice

16 hours ago
The importance of Iran’s strike is that it has now showed the world that Israel is far from invincible, and without the JEWSA it’d fall overnight.

16 hours ago
that was a good stream with the Israeli sperg

16 hours ago

hitler tried to not vote his way out of this… he completely failed before quite literally voting his way out of this… change my mind?

Hide replies
10 hours ago
You could argue that was one of the main reason that the vote even worked to begin with. The way Degrelle describes it, the failed putsch sort of turned Hitler into a rock star, and i can see that being the case, but don’t forget that the officials were largely on his side as well. Famously the judge at his trial actually sympathized with Hitler, but obviously that wouldn’t happen now.
Funny take though because it’s basically true what you’re saying.

Hide replies
5 hours ago
“You could argue that was one of the main reason that the vote even worked”
ok lets argue it…
how many people took power in 1923 vs 1833?
how many people died in 1923 vs 1933 to take power? like, what is the percentage? the ratio between power taken to the loss of your own supporters?
how much more power did the commies get in 1923 vs 1933 because of the putsch?
when were more volumes of mein kampf put into peoples hands? 1923 or a decade later in 1933?
what single positive thing came about because of 1923? you quite literally cant even name one can you?

5 hours ago
“The way Degrelle describes it, the failed putsch sort of turned Hitler into a rock star”
is degrelle here to debate with? because i would be more than happy to debate him on this… but i think ultimately the thing that made hitler a “rock star” wasnt the putsch, it was his unscheduled speech before the DAP long before it even became the NSDAP…. he was sent there by the german government to “spy”on political parties to ensure they werent commies, after a commie gave a speech as to why they should become more marist to the workers, hitler was so incensed he got up to leave in disgust and gave a 15 minute “off the cuff” unscripted speech on how wrong marxists were…. the head of the DAP didnt just want hitler to join his “beer hall” party… but signed the party over to hitler on the spot….
you think that hitler just voting in the beer halls of the time had more or less of an outcome than his speech that won him the whole party?
how many people died in the putsch vs his beer hall speech? what, ultimately won hitler more power? losing members in the putsch? or winning over a whole party without losing even a single member and taking power in the party? im pretty confident i know which was more important.
“Funny take though because it’s basically true what you’re saying.”
yea the idea wasnt to agree with me… it wasnt even just to argue with me… it was to change my mind that sitting at home in your basement doing nothing is somehow better than simply voting.. simply voting isnt going to replace them… you need to take as much power anywhere you can while voting is the only thing that will work…

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3 minutes ago
is degrelle here to debate with?
He doesn’t need to be, he wrote several books, why don’t you read them and stop sperging out, faggot.

Hide replies
19 seconds ago
loooooool fucking owned.
youre the one who was trying to form an argument for it… i simply called you out on your retarded bullshit… i dont need nor want to make your argument for you, youre ment to have the IQ to do that yourself, you completely failed.
nigger level intelligence…

16 hours ago
Drew Pavlou is a Gunt Guard for Zionism

16 hours ago
That national guard if I understand correctly is actually from the disaster area, it’s disgusting.

16 hours ago
From my dead body my spirit will rise again and people will know that I was right.

Tendie Research Room
16 hours ago
are they late?

16 hours ago
Macron lost ‘3rd place’ yet he still rules, you are not going to vote your way out of this.

16 hours ago
i thought it said Australia voted for remigration. i was getting excited

16 hours ago
WE just saw this take place in France

16 hours ago

16 hours ago

17 hours ago
Even though Austria voted, make no mistake about it, the Globohomo will circle the wagons and not allow them to lead, 30% verses the traitors.

17 hours ago
Transcript of last week’s show:

Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript

17 hours ago

17 hours ago
hello lads



See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version 2: Sat, Oct 5, 2024 — Transcript completed = 65/128 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.

Version 1: Fri, Oct 4, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed = 30/128 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (135).

This entry was posted in British Empire, Ethno-nationalism, Hamas, Iran, Islam, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Hypocrisy, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Neocons, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Lebanon, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Muslim, National Socialism - Swastika, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Ottoman Empire, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Thomas Sewell, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, White Australia Policy, White Nationalism, Zionism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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