Monika Schaefer
The Flipside with Monika
Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann
Sat, Nov 2, 2024
[In this weekly podcast episode The Flipside with Monika on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks again with Jürgen Neumann and his time working with Ernst Zündel, the famous Canadian-German revisionist.
Key points include:
• Guest is Jürgen Neumann, Ernst Zundel’s former videographer (1:30)
• Discussion of recent Canadian report on alleged “mass graves” at residential schools (2:00)
• Criticism of efforts to criminalize “residential school denialism” in Canada (4:00)
• Recap of previous episode about Ernst Zundel’s work challenging Holocaust narrative (7:00)
• Ernst Zundel found guilty in 1985 trial but verdict overturned on appeal in 1987 (15:00)
• New trial ordered in 1988, lasting 4 months (18:00)
• Fred Leuchter brought in as expert witness on gas chambers (20:00)
• “Fred Leuchter said, ‘This is BS'” upon seeing alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz (25:00)
• Leuchter Report not allowed to be shown to jury, only entered as “lettered exhibit” (28:00)
• David Irving changed his views on Holocaust during testimony (35:00)
• Ernst Zundel found guilty again but the law “spreading false news” ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court in 1992 (40:00)
• “The Supreme Court basically said that he had the right as a minority to say whatever he want, even if it was false” (45:00)
• Zundel charged under Human Rights Commission where “truth is no defense” (46:00)
• Zundel moved to US but arrested and deported back to Canada after 9/11 (48:00)
• Spent years in solitary confinement in Canada before deportation to Germany (49:00)
• Served 5 years in prison in Germany (49:30)
• Jürgen Neumann has a Bitchute channel “JohnRobinson101” with historic footage re Ernst Zundel (50:00)
• Also has book archive at under the name “Researcher-PDF” (50:30)
Monika’s book:
Jurgen Heumann at archive.og (many PDFs): PDF channel
Jurgen Heumann’s video archive at BitChute: JohnRobinson101
Published on Sat, Nov 2, 2024
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(Words: 8,235 – Duration: 60 mins)
[Intro music]
Monika Schaefer: I’m not hearing the broadcast yet. Can you hear me? Thank you.
All right. Good day. Good evening. Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode of The Flipside with Monika. And it is November 2, 2024. You’re listening to the Republic Broadcasting Network on and this is episode 18 of The Flipside with Monika. I am your host, Monika Schaefer.
I’m going to bring in a return guest. I’m very excited about that it’s Jurgen Neumann. But before I bring him on, I’m just going to give you a little update about some recent developments in Canada. I would say, you know, Canadiana, it’s really important actually, this stuff. And in the end, this all relates very much and very deeply to the topic we’re talking about today. And that will be about centering around World War II history and the so-called “Holocaust”, Ernst Zundel’s work, because Jurgen Neumann was Ernst Zundel’s videographer and worked with him for decades.
So what I’m talking about is our own little quote, unquote, “Holocaust” developing scene. And I say that quite deliberately. I use those words deliberately because they, there are so many parallels, … I’m hearing some noise in the background. Are we? This is going out though, is it? Okay, so anyway, I’ll carry on here.
I’ve talked about this story before about Canada’s own so-called alleged genocide. It’s these mass graves or unmarked graves. And yeah, so October 29th, that’s just a few days ago, there was the release of a report by Kimberly Murray, she’s the special interlocutor on these mass graves, the missing children at the residential schools.
Now this story goes back to May of 2021 when it went like wildfire around the world in big headlines that Canada has these mass graves and has murdered all these children at the residential schools.
And in the meantime, have any of these graves been dug up? Did they find any evidence? In spite of millions of dollars being spent on investigations or perhaps we should say non-investigations, nothing, nothing has been found. No evidence.
So this report that came out on Tuesday of this week, it highlights the need for, … Drumroll, please, legal mechanisms to address “denialism”. And now the report says that children were “disappeared”. So what started out as these absolutely incendiary reports about mass graves, they then became unmarked graves. That all came about because they had some ground penetrating radar that found anomalies. You know, these could be rocks and roots. And now they haven’t found any evidence.
So I guess the Canadian government and, or the Churches who ran the residential schools, they just simply “disappeared” the children. That’s a verb. They disappeared them. They got disappeared.
So I guess that’s why they have to now make laws to criminalize you if you question the story. And this has really been ramped up in the news lately. And, oh, funny enough, this past month there was a Bill tabled in the House of Commons, Bill C413, by an NDP Member of Parliament, Leah Gazan. She introduced a Bill that would indeed criminalize residential school denialism. She says:
“The purpose of the schools was to extinguish indigenous cultures and languages. And if government is serious about reconciliation, it needs to protect survivors and their families from hate.”
[chuckling] Oh, my goodness, there’s so much to say about that. I could go on for hours about just this topic. I did talk about this topic in episode seven. You could find that in the archives. But I’ll just ask a couple of questions here and then we’re going to move on from this topic.
But why would it be that some of the Indian chiefs and families, they were lobbying the government to keep the schools open when the government was closing them? All right? So they wanted them to be kept open. That’s one question to ask if they were genocidal places where children went missing.
And by the way, why didn’t the parents report these children missing? Like, there’s no evidence that there were reports of missing children at the time. Now these parents just go:
“Oh, okay, well, so what? Our child didn’t come home this time.”
And no. Anyway, another question to ask. Why is it that these the Oblate fathers, they actually created syllabics to have these languages?
Okay, so I’m just hearing noise there. I’m not sure if. Okay, I’ll carry on. The syllabics were, … This was a form of written language for these native languages. Now, this was done by the Oblate fathers. These were some of the Oblate, … Okay, thank you, Frank. I’m just going to carry on with this subject a little bit longer and then I’ll bring our guest on.
So they wrote these languages down. These languages had never been written before. Now, if one of the charges against the schools and the government is that the purpose of the residential schools was to obliterate the languages of the indigenous people. Why would they create a written language for it? Methinks that it was to help to preserve these languages! So anyway, that’s just some questions to ask about it.
Okay, I’m going to now give you a little bit of a recap of episode 15 of this show that we had on October 12th with the guest Jurgen Neumann, just to bring you up to speed. And then we’re going to carry on and I’ll bring him in. Jurgen Neumann was Ernst Zundel’s videographer and helped Ernst Zundel for decades with his work. Ernst Zundel was a German. I’m hearing a lot of background noise. I don’t know if that’s going out on the airwaves or if it’s another line. Anyway, …
Okay, so Ernst Zundel was a German immigrant to Canada who challenged the mainstream Holocaust narrative. He had his moment of awakening when he met Adrian Arcand, a French-Canadian who had been in a Canadian concentration camp. Yes, you heard that right. A Canadian concentration camp, for six years during World War II. Arcand, he showed Ernst Zundel historical information, his immense library of books and just so much information which he had been denied all those years. And Ernst Zundel felt he was “born again”. That’s the way he described it. [chuckling] He was born again with the truth! In the late 1970s, Ernst Zundel ran for leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada. It gave him a platform to speak about issues facing German immigrants at that time.
And in 1980, there was a major raid on Ernst Zundel’s supporters in Germany because he had done a lot of mailings and he had a lot of supporters. I think some maybe 2,000 of these German homes were raided by the police. It was the largest peacetime police raid as far as I know, in modern times in Germany.
And then after that, reports about that that led to, or it was followed by protests against him in Toronto.
And then he began to use video to document events and spread his message. He met Robert Faurisson, the world’s foremost revisionist who focused on questioning existence of gas chambers! And then some big legal troubles began, including his mail being cut off. And he was charged with, quote, unquote, “spreading false news”. In 1985, there was a trial that lasted six weeks. And the trial included testimony from Holocaust survivors. First time that former camp inmates were properly cross examined by a lawyer!
In other words, they didn’t, you know, shrink back from doing that thinking:
“Oh, but that would be too insensitive!”
Anyway, that’s about where we left off last time in our episode 15 with Jurgen Neumann.
And I just wanted to give a shout out to katana, his website, he did do a transcript of that last episode and he does transcripts of a lot of videos and talks and interviews that he deems worthy of preservation. And so that is a great compliment to that show we did three weeks ago. And I encourage the listener to visit that website at your earliest convenience. It’s Katana. That’s And you will find a lot of good stuff there.
Okay. So, Jurgen Neumann, are you there?
Jürgen Neumann: I certainly am. How are you this evening?
Monika Schaefer: Good. Welcome back. Welcome back!
So, yeah, we talked this morning about carrying on from, … And I just did that little recap. I’m sure you heard it. That’s what we talked about generally last time. And you had told me you had touched upon the fact that there was an appeal.
Well, first of all, that Ernst Zundel was found guilty. Right. And then there was an appeal a year later in 1986. Can you carry on with that story, please?
Jürgen Neumann: Sure.
So after the trial in March 1985, that was when he was found guilty on, actually, he was charged under two charges. One was about the booklet Did Six Million really Die? And the other one was about, I guess you might call it a leaflet or pamphlet called The West, War and Islam.
And so which we think they just threw that in just to kind of mix things up, keep people kind of confused. So they didn’t just concentrate on the main subject.
Anyway, he was found guilty on just “Did Six Million really Die?”, but he was found not guilty on the “The West, War and Islam”.
So after that, the next month, he was dragged in for the his deportation hearing. They were going to deport him. It seems they started deportation proceedings about halfway into the trial. [chuckling] So I think they already had a plan, but the plan eventually got upset.
Monika Schaefer: So are you talking about the, … Excuse me. Are you talking about, they started their procedures to deport Ernst Zundel back to Germany? Is that correct?
Jürgen Neumann: Yes.
Monika Schaefer: It’s so interesting because I remember hearing over the years back then, that was kind of a topic that came up over and over again in the news to deport Ernst Zundel. And they never did. They never did until much later, you know, following the debacle when he was arrested in Tennessee, years later. And of course, that was following 9/11, when they had whole new set of rules. [chuckling] But please carry on.
Jürgen Neumann: Yes, they started working on his deportation papers and all that stuff before the trial was even over! I mean, normally you wait till the person’s guilty before you do that.
So anyway, they started that. And of course, they couldn’t exactly deport him right away because he was appealing the decision. So in 1986, they went to the Ontario Appeal Court. And it was heard by the Chief Justice and five justices, five judges, for the appeal. So that was a pretty big appeal. So they heard it and that was in the summer of 86. They didn’t come down with their verdict until January of 87, at which time he won the appeal. They said:
“Yes, it was wrong, what happened during the trial and so therefore, we overturn the verdict of the trial.”
And immediately the authorities stepped up and they appealed the appeal. And so it went to. What was that? That was spring of 87. So April and June. Well, April they went to the Supreme Court of Canada with us.
And so they heard the case and they thought it over. And in June, they come back with their verdict, and that again, was overturned, the verdict of the 1985 trial. So therefore, in that case, what happened was the deportation hearing or deportation order were thrown out because that was based on the verdict, which is no longer good.
And also his, what do you call it, his gag order was also null and void because of that.
Monika Schaefer: Oh, good. Just on a point here, people might be wondering why they threw out the 1985 verdict. Was it because of things that happened during the trial that were actually improper? Like they didn’t do proper proceedings? Like they did illegal things, perhaps during the trial?
Jürgen Neumann: Well, they didn’t really say the things were illegal, but they were improper. The judge of the trial made improper decisions and refused to allow evidence that should have been allowed, and allowed things that shouldn’t have been allowed and things of that nature.
Monika Schaefer: It’s funny that it just kind of reminds me of the Schaefer sibling trial in Germany in 2018! [chuckling]
Jürgen Neumann: Ha ha! Yeah!
Monika Schaefer: They didn’t allow any of our witnesses that would have been favorable to our side of the story. They didn’t allow any of those to even appear. And then they did all kinds of things that were completely illegal, every single trial day. [chuckling] But carry on with this, your story, please.
Jürgen Neumann: Yeah. I think it was even the next day when the Attorney General of Ontario, I think it was, he had the choice of either dropping the whole thing or ordering a new trial. And so undoubtedly, under pressure from certain (((groups))) and things, he decided it was best to have another trial. So he ordered a new trial.
And, oh, by the way, for those who don’t know, the concept of appealing something is its not another trial if there is a problem with the legality and all the technical things of the trial. It’s not a new trial.
So anyway, so therefore new one was ordered. And as it turns out, evidence surfaced that jewish groups had gone around to various news outlets and stuff and discussed with them that they should not report that trial the same way they reported the first trial. First trial got mega coverage, millions and millions of dollars! I mean, Mr. Zundel was a household word all across Canada and part of the northern United States, because it was broadcast everywhere for six weeks.
And of course, they didn’t want that to happen again.
Monika Schaefer: Very true, because there were a lot of details in the fine print of, for example, newspaper articles in mainstream newspapers that had I read past the headlines, I would have learned a lot. They actually reported what was going on in that trial, and evidence coming forward was not favorable to the mainstream orthodox narrative, was it?
Jürgen Neumann: No.
Monika Schaefer: So that was really quite something. It was very historic!
Jürgen Neumann: And especially the TV newscasts and stuff. They were really devastated.
So anyway, so they did actually manage to curtail the media reporting, restricting it for the second trial. There was nowhere near the amount of information that got out, which, of course is too bad because there was a lot more information that was revealed during the second trial. Second trial was actually four months long. It was even longer.
And anyway, so went to trial the second time around with everybody. Ernst got all his people together again. And so we started on the second trial. And during the second trial, it was Faurisson, for who you have mentioned, Robert Faurisson, who, by the way, had been, … Oh, no, he hadn’t been yet. Okay.
Anyway, it was him that kept saying:
“We should do this in a technical material fashion. We have to find somebody who knows something about the technology of gas chambers.”
And stuff like that. Because he was sure that what is suggested are gas chambers over in Auschwitz and stuff is total nonsense, because he had been there himself and looked at it. Right?
But he didn’t have the expertise in order to say it. Because he tried to introduce that evidence in the first trial, but he was not allowed because he was not an expert in execution equipment and gas chambers. So the judge disallowed him. So, Mr Faurisson said:
“Well, we have to find somebody.”
And so they started sending, during the trial already that’s when we started sending out letters to American prisons and to the state prisons, things who had executions, they had capital punishment, and those who had gas chambers and stuff, and asked them, the wardens and whoever else, if somebody would be willing to talk about this. Become maybe a witness for that kind of stuff.
And I think it was the was Missouri. I forget which state it was. Maybe Missouri.
Anyway, he only got one really. Well, he got a couple of replies and they said:
“No, actually we wouldn’t want to do that.”
But the warden of the one state penitentiary, Bill Armentrout, he replied that:
“Yeah, sure he wouldn’t mind.”
He understood the freedom of speech aspect and he thought:
“Yeah, sure, if my expertise and my evidence could be helpful, I would gladly be one.”
He said:
“But if you really want to know the nuts and bolts about gas chambers and things like that, you should talk to our engineer, Fred Leuchter.”
So right away we got in touch with Fred Leuchter. And so Robert Faurisson, he talked with him and they agreed. He flew down, flew to Boston where Mr. Leuchter was living, and he discussed it with him, and said:
“Yeah, this and this, and would you be willing to take part in all this?”
And Fred Leuchter said:
“Yeah, I would be willing to do that.”
So he flew back to Toronto and talked to Ernst. He said:
“Okay, he’s willing to do that, but, oh, we got a problem.”
And Ernst said:
“What’s that?”
He said:
“Well, Fred Leuchter believes in the Holocaust and the gas chambers.”
And Ernst said:
“Not to worry, not to worry. Didn’t we all at one time?”
Monika Schaefer: Exactly! Just like everybody else believes, that’s what we all learned, that’s what we all heard. So he probably hadn’t given it any more thought than that.
Jürgen Neumann: Exactly:
“So we’ll let him do it. And what he finds out is what he will find out.”
So he paid for him to fly to Toronto and he came and he discussed everything with Ernst and Faurisson on everything. Went over all the evidence and all the documents and everything and oh, that’s right. What had happened during the first trial was, … No, hold on a second here. I got this kind of or was it? I think ItWasMadeUp for the second trial.
Yeah, one of our supporters is a professional model maker. And so we gave him the blueprints of the alleged gas chamber buildings and stuff like that. And he made proper scale models of these buildings that you could take apart and stuff and look and discuss and point out what’s what with them. So he pointed that out. He showed Fred Leuchter that as well. And Fred Leuchter was quite amazed at the whole thing. So he agreed that:
“Yeah, okay, we’ll go.”
So we set a team together, which is translator, Fred, Fred’s wife, the secretary, a draftsman, and myself as a video man. And in February during the trial, we flew to communist Poland and we started investigating these areas. And I’ll always remember the first time. And it was cold in February, it was cold!
Anyway, we were the Auschwitz camp and we approached the building that they claim is the gas chamber. And we were about 20 yards away, or more, and Fred stopped, so we all stopped. And he looked at it probably for a minute or more and he said:
“This is BS!”
He hasn’t got in the building yet, but he can already see for a distance that there’s something wrong with this one. And so anyway, so we went there and sure enough we went through the whole thing and he made his report on it. He also took samples from the walls. Because if it had been a, a homicidal gas chamber, there should be residue of the gas used, which was the same gas supposedly used, or the same gas that was used at American gas chambers was the one supposedly used here to murder people.
And of course that’s what made him an expert for these ones as well, because it’s supposed to be the same gas. So technically it should be, generally speaking, the same technology. Which of course it wasn’t.
So anyway, he took all these samples and we went through Auschwitz and Birkenau and Majdanek and eventually we got back, took the stuff back. He took the samples to a very well known lab in Massachusetts, I think it was, and they checked it. You know, he said:
“Oh well, didn’t want it biased, the test.”
So the laboratory was told that these are samples from an industrial accident and could they please tell us how much hydrogen cyanide is in the samples. So they did that.
Monika Schaefer: Yeah, that was, that was wise, I would say, wasn’t it? Because if they actually told them where it was from Auschwitz, that might have skewed the procedures for actually telling what’s in it.
Jürgen Neumann: Yeah, it definitely would have. I mean, later on the guy who did the testing, who was actually the manager of the lab, actually said that in a documentary that was made about it afterwards, he actually said that:
“Well, if we had known it was from Auschwitz.”
Well, right, that tells you everything you need to know.
Anyway, so Mr. Leuchter wrote his report, et cetera, came to the conclusion that all is not the way they say it is. And so it was tendered as evidence in the trial, right near the end of the trial, because it took a while for everything.
And of course that just absolutely blew everybody away! All the prosecution and the judges, everything. They were basically speechless!
Monika Schaefer: And yeah, quite something. It would have been like this big smoking gun going off, wasn’t it?
Jürgen Neumann: Yep. So they brought this in and after they realized what it was, the judge said:
“The jury has to leave the room.”
So the jury filed out so they could discuss this. So they discussed it and the judge said:
“Okay, we can allow this as a lettered exhibit.”
Whatever that actually means, because it wasn’t allowed to be shown to the jury.
Monika Schaefer: Oh!
Jürgen Neumann: So I don’t know what alleged “lettered exhibit” actually meant, but it wasn’t allowed to be shown there to them.
Monika Schaefer: So they were going to withhold this very, very critical piece of forensic evidence? They were withholding that from the jury. Did I hear that correctly?
Jürgen Neumann: Yes, you heard that correctly. Absolutely! See, because if he gave as regular exhibit, they could have access to it and actually read it and think about it.
Monika Schaefer: Right! Jurgen, this is just actually got me on the edge of my seat because even though I knew quite a bit about this, I didn’t know that that that was withheld from the jury. But we’re going into a break. I just heard the music begin. Please stay with us and we’ll also invite callers after the break. But this is really interesting. Thank you so much!
Monika Schaefer: All right, I’d like to welcome you back to The Flipside with Monika. First, I’d like to remind you, dear listeners, if you possibly, possibly can do support this network and there are three ways you can support Republic Broadcasting Network, but I will tell you right now there is an urgency. So I’ll say the first method is the best. And that would be a direct financial donation. You can go to and you’ll find the donation instructions or call 1-800-724-2719 to make an immediate contribution. And the reason being that I say there is urgency to this because they are barely able to cover their bills for the next couple of weeks. So it seems to happen from time to time that they get very low on funds. So that is the case right now.
The other ways you can support the network and it’s a little bit less direct, but it is important nevertheless. One is to support the sponsors the advertisers, the things that get advertised on the network.
And another is, and this is really important, you know, sometimes people, they might say:
“Oh, you’re just in an echo chamber!”
Well, I say, no, not if we share these shows. If you like what you’re hearing, if the show is good, you can pass it on to somebody. Because these kind of networks, these kind of shows, they don’t get spread around very easily unless we do it directly. So share, share, share!
Oh, and I just have a note from the producer here that mail in is good too. And mail in a donation. And the address is on that website. And I’ll repeat the website. It is
Okay, that was a first thing I wanted to take care of oh, well, there it is. There’s the address. Thank you. 2251 Double Creek Drive 302 Round Rock, Texas 78664 USA.
So that’s the mailing address. If you wanted to do it the old fashioned way, write a check, that kind of thing.
Okay. I also want to tell you we are really having to condense this incredible story that Jurgen is telling right now. But he has a channel on Bitchute and the channel name is called JohnRobinson101. So go to Bitchute, put John Robinson 101 in the search bar and you will find a ton of videos because he is very actively re-uploading some of the old stuff plus new stuff. So you’ll find a lot of good, good things there.
And actually when you come back on Jurgen, you can give your other website, I think on Odysee if you like. I don’t have that in front of me right now. I’ve also put a couple of links to things in the chat room, and that’s the
And one more thing, the call in numbers. If you’d like to join our conversation today, it’s 512-248-8252 or the toll free number is 1-800-313-9443.
Okay, with all that said, I don’t want to take any more time away from Jurgen. And we were just on that part which illustrates the extreme corruption of the court system. I would say it’s the criminals are on the wrong side of the they should be in the docket, or in the dock or whatever they call it! [chuckling] But they’re running the show where you said that the jury was not permitted to actually read The Leuchter Report and I. The Leuchter Report was a bomb that like, it just blows apart the Holocaust narrative right now! And of course that’s why they wanted to keep it hidden from them.
Carry on from there, please, Jurgen.
Jürgen Neumann: Okay, before I say a little bit more, I would like to comment a little bit on Fred Leuchter’s character, him and his wife who were there. And that is, he was a very honest and dedicated guy. He had a great sense of humor. When we were there, I got this headache and I didn’t know what to do about it. They had aspirins and stuff here:
“Here, here, have some aspirins.”
I had some aspirins. At night in the hotel room they brought along a deck of cards, played cards. They were always upbeat, smiling, great people! I really enjoyed it. And he was very dedicated in his work. When we were in Auschwitz Birkenau, which is the big camp, when they had destroyed the so-called, what do you call it, gas chamber buildings and stuff, crematory gas chamber buildings. In order for to get proper samples from that one, the only way you could access it was to go down, there was one hole that was left over in the ground. So he’d get into the basement and do these things.
And so he was going to crawl down on there. Remember, it’s February, it’s super cold. He gets there and he can’t fit through the hole because of his heavy coat. So what does he do? He takes off his coat, he’s all cold, and he goes down in there and we videotape that where he gets down there in the water and everything else and takes all the samples, etc. So he’s very, very dedicated.
Monika Schaefer: Wow!
Jürgen Neumann: So back to the trial, they couldn’t read the report itself. However, Fred was then called as a witness and he was allowed to testify in front of the jury and so on. So he talked about everything that he had done and what he had seen and so on and so forth, and so jury at least got to hear him personally, although they couldn’t verify anything by reading the report.
Monika Schaefer: Do you think that it might have made them wonder, though, why are we not allowed to see the report that this man produced? Do you think that, or would they even have been privy to that information, that there existed a report but they were not permitted to see it? Like this is very puzzling to me. Any logically thinking person would, it would raise their alarm bells, would it not?
Jürgen Neumann: I would hope so.
Monika Schaefer: Yes!
Jürgen Neumann: I will say that I was not in the courtroom at that time.
Monika Schaefer: Okay.
Jürgen Neumann: So from what I heard afterwards in the debriefings and stuff, was that when the judge told the jury to leave the room and stuff, that was before they actually talked a lot about the concept of the report. So I have a feeling that maybe they didn’t quite realize that there was a written report for that.
Monika Schaefer: Okay, right.
Jürgen Neumann: I think so, anyway.
Monika Schaefer: Mmm.
Jürgen Neumann: Anyway, so the last witness was David Irving. He was a very controversial British historian. And he himself, when he got up there, he actually changed his mind on the stand. Because the prosecutor said:
“Oh, you believed in the Holocaust. You’ve said so in your books and stuff like that.”
He said:
“Yeah, well, that was until now. And so now I’m going to have to change this and I’m going to have to change that, and I will change all these things to conform with the new evidence that I now know about, et cetera.”
So that was a big sensation as well.
Monika Schaefer: Incredible, isn’t it? It is sensational! It really is, yes.
Jürgen Neumann: So anyway, it’s all over.
And once again, as was expected, he was found guilty. Right. So then, time to go for another appeal.
So, okay, so the appeal, this went on for a while. September 1989, Professor Faurisson, who was the number one helper for number one revisionist, number one person helping research, I think, for the trial, and a witnesses at the trial as well, near his home in France, he was beaten almost to death in the park by three assailants who, they don’t know, never did catch them.
So he was in the hospital for quite a while in critical condition, had to wire his jaw closed and all kinds of different things. But that did not deter him! He still kept on with his revisionist views, etc. Turns out that he had actually been beaten altogether about eight times, and that never stopped him at all! That did not terrorize him into silence!
Monika Schaefer: A man of integrity, honesty, and his favorite word, exactitude!
Jürgen Neumann: Yes. We must not forget courage.
Monika Schaefer: And courage! Yes, thank you. The most important of all. Thank you. Go ahead.
Jürgen Neumann: Yes.
So anyway, put in the appeal, because when we want to go to the Supreme Court of Canada, you ask for leave to appeal, you don’t automatically get one. So we put together the factum, put together all the material that’s necessary, and then it was handed into the Supreme Court so that they could have a look at it and see if an appeal was warranted. And so wait a month, a month later, finally in 1990 the Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal after they thought about it for 10 months, which was pretty good that they even agreed to hear it. So that was good.
So then they set the appeal for, I think it was 1991. So it’s going to be a little while down the road. In the meantime, Ernst went back to Germany. He had helped organize this great big huge, what was called the Leuchter Congress. Great big meeting of all kinds of revisionists in Munich, et cetera. They rented a hall in one of the big museums there.
And of course on the day when they got there, the museums canceled their contract:
“Oh no, you can’t do this.”
Monika Schaefer: Oh! I’ll just interject a little bit very briefly here. That is how the enemy operates. They will wait till the day of or the day before an event. Surely they knew well in advance this was going to happen. But they wait till the day of, just so that it’s very difficult for the people to deal with that then, just to carry on with some kind of an event. They don’t give them notice, in other words, so that they could reorganize elsewhere.
And the other thing to make note of is that is prior to 1994, because I think it was 1994 when it would have been difficult to even enter Germany for Ernst Zundel without risk of being arrested. Isn’t that correct? I think 1994 is when they came down with their Paragraph 130. I might be wrong on that. But anyway, carry on please.
Jürgen Neumann: Well, they may have come with a more stringent one, but at that time so-called “Holocaust denial” was still against the law.
Monika Schaefer: Oh, okay, it was already against the law already.
Jürgen Neumann: Yeah, which was very interesting. So everybody was there. This is in March of ’91. All these people, hundreds and hundreds of people were there for the Leuchter Congress and stuff.
And so what they decided to do was they held it in the street outside of the museum.
Monika Schaefer: Oh great! [chuckling]
Jürgen Neumann: And the police were there and everything and they allowed it, so everything got going, etc. And then when Fred got up and he was going to talk, everybody of course can’t say anything because you of what you really want to say because you’re going to get arrested and all that.
But as it turns out, the lawyer had already been in touch with the legal department with the local authorities and stuff like that. And he told them about the Leuchter Report and so on and so forth. And the decision was that, well, this is a scientific technical report and therefore you are allowed to talk about it.
Monika Schaefer: Wow!
Jürgen Neumann: Yeah, wow!
Monika Schaefer: That’s something.
Jürgen Neumann: It’s not propaganda. So therefore he did have a few words to say about that in public. And it was really quite an amazing day. We produced a couple of videos on that one, but it’s all in German language pretty well, so.
Monika Schaefer: Okay. We might have some German speaking listeners. You never know. Are they on your BitChute channel or that other channel?
Jürgen Neumann: Yeah, they are.
Monika Schaefer: And just while we’re on that, I forgot to get you to actually give that other channel on Odysee. I think it’s got another name, Dzray or something. Did you want to give that out too?
Jürgen Neumann: Well, I rather do a little bit more of this stuff here and then maybe at the end I will talk about that more.
Monika Schaefer: All right, great!
Jürgen Neumann: Anyway, during this time Ernst came over and he was trying to keep a low profile, of course, but eventually they found him and they did arrest him. And that started a whole series of trials in Munich.
So eventually he went, …
Monika Schaefer: So you are saying Ernst Zundel was arrested there?
Jürgen Neumann: Yes, he was.
Monika Schaefer: Oh my goodness!
Jürgen Neumann: Yeah, he was arrested.
So anyway, so he had to go through all the trials for that. Eventually at that time he kind of was found not guilty. And he had to fly back and forth a couple of times for the trials, etc.
Monika Schaefer: Okay, so when he was arrested, they didn’t jail him, but they just basically told him to get lost, get out of the country? Because you’re now talking he’s flying back and forth, which means he’s not in jail.
Jürgen Neumann: No, he’s not in jail. They held him in custody, charged him and all that and said:
“This is it. And do you give your word that you will come back for the trial?”
He said:
“Yes, he wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
Monika Schaefer: [chuckling] That’s how Alfred and I talked to them. But they didn’t care about that they threw us in jail anyway before the verdict! [chuckling] Okay, carry on.
Jürgen Neumann: Well, the paragraph that you’re talking about were put in afterwards after his legal thing. I think they thought:
“No, this is not going to work. We got to add something more stringent.”
Anyway, so he managed to win that one as well. They had even taken away his passport, which he managed to get back through legal channels and so on. So he was always busy, always busy, busy, busy!
So eventually, in 1992, the Supreme Court came down with their verdict and they said that the law under which Ernst Zundel was charged, was unconstitutional and they scrapped the law. And therefore all the charges against Ernst were dropped. Which is very interesting!
Monika Schaefer: These are now the Canadian charges. Right? Because you were talking about being in Germany. He was charged, arrested and charged.
But now we’re talking back onto the Canadian, the 1988 trial. But this was the last appeal and they threw that out, Is that correct?
Jürgen Neumann: Yeah, the Canadian Supreme Court threw out that law, “Spreading false news” because it was against free speech.
Monika Schaefer: And it was hundreds of years old, that law, was it not?
Jürgen Neumann: Yeah. Like from, was it 12th century or something? 13th century, something like that.
Monika Schaefer: Well, taken over from the British Commonwealth. I mean, from the UK, Right? Yeah.
Jürgen Neumann: Yes. Which is very interesting. They said it was unconstitutional nine years before, wherever it was when he first got charged with all this. The first argument that our lawyer, Doug Christie, made in court when the trial started was that the law was unconstitutional. And they said:
“No, no, it’s fine!”
So it took nine years and half a million dollars and all the BS for the Supreme Court of Canada to say, finally:
“Yes, it’s unconstitutional!”
They could have done that at the beginning, you know! Nonetheless, it was incredible! Definitely incredible!
Yep. So anyway, that was ’92.’93 we started doing the another Voice of Freedom series of videos and we’re broadcasting them via satellite and so on. And that was very groundbreaking. Caused a lot of stir, etc. As a matter of fact, [chuckling] our opposition was so upset that one of the broadcasting facilities which we bought time from down in the US was burned to the ground. So it was arsoned!
Monika Schaefer: Yeah, all kinds of attacks on him still, of course, but this is just incredible stuff! Yeah, go carry on, please. We just have a couple of minutes left, so.
Jürgen Neumann: Well, exactly!
So eventually the Supreme Court basically said that he had the Right as a minority to say whatever he want, even if it was false, etc.
So he had won all these rights. And did that stop them? No, it didn’t stop them. They created this so-called Human Rights Commission and he was charged under that. And of course, the basics of the Human Rights Commission is that “truth is no defense”.
Monika Schaefer: I’m so glad you just said that because that is that famous or infamous line that came out of the mouth of a Canadian judge that “truth is no defense”.
Jürgen Neumann: Yep, that’s right.
And so he realized that they were just trying to bankrupt him because to bring in his lawyer, you know, once a month or whatever it was exorbitant and money and all that kind of stuff. So he said:
“Enough of that nonsense! I can see where this is going.”
And so he married an American citizen, moved to Tennessee, and he was working on getting his citizenship, green card and citizenship, all through legal channels, etc.
And then the 9/11 thing happened. The Department of Homeland Security was created and under those new laws, they came one day to his place in Tennessee and arrested him. And his wife said:
“Hey, you can’t take him!”
Lawyers and all this stuff. They just ignored her and took him away, and they flew him back to Canada, of all places. Because they didn’t know where else to put him.
Monika Schaefer: We have one minute left. So he spent a couple of years in solitary confinement. I do believe he was in solitary the whole time he was in the Toronto jail. Then they finally did succeed in their deportation back to Germany and he spent five years in jail there. But, Jurgen, please give us information where people can find your videos. That would be like, this is just incredible! There’s so much. And if people want to see some of this historic footage of these shows, these interviews, all kinds of stuff, please go ahead.
Jürgen Neumann: Okay, the two channels that I would suggest are my main one on Bitchute, as you mentioned earlier, JohnRobinson101, that’s all one word.
And the second one I would recommend is I have a PDF channel on for reading. I’ve got over 200 books and papers and things like that on there that I would think that people would probably really enjoy.
Monika Schaefer: Is that also UnderJohn Robinson101 when they go to
Jürgen Neumann: No, it’s called Researcher_PDF.
[Note: Type in Researcher-PDF. at, i.e., hyphen, not an underscore.]
Monika Schaefer: Okay, thanks. Researcher underscore PDF. I want to thank the listeners. I want to thank you, Jurgen, for coming back. I was on the edge of my seat. I want to thank the producer, Frank, and thank you everybody.
And remember, please, if you can support RBN, we’ll see you next week. Bye Bye!
RBN Comments
(Comments as of Nov 10, 2024 = 9 )
November 2, 22:38
It was not hydrogen cyanide itself that was looked for but a compound resulting from a reaction of hydrogen cyanide with iron that exists in bricks and mortar, which compound is extremely stable and will not deteriorate for many, many years.
November 2, 23:33
The Jews destroyed Leuchrer’s business, which provided the money he lived off, in response to his testimony at the Zundel trial. Leuchter’s business was to build various kinds of execution equipment, including plans for a gas chamber for one prison, for prisons throughout the United States that executed prisoners. The Jews contacted all the prisons that did business with Leuchter and persuaded them to cut ties with Leuchter. Leuchter was also charged with the crime of practicing engineering without a degree in engineering (he had a bachelor’s degree in history, not engineering — which was irrelevant for the man was an inventor, not an engineer). A lawyer freed Leuchter from this charge, but Leuchter eventually became embittered because he felt the right-wing people who persuaded him to produce his Holocaust-denying evidence must have known that the Jews would respond by destroying his execution hardware business.
November 3, 09:05
Someone edited all parts of the german holocaust into one big video, 15,5 hours i listened it sure 10 times by now, downloaded it so i got it local, one day its gone from the archive
here is one of the better Zuendel archives of all his samisdat
November 3, 09:17
I have to thanks Mr Neumann thanks to him i listened to all interviews i could find, Ernst Zuendel was very wholesome and he would be a good leader if they let him, my favorite interview is this 3h40m long one, its very good—261—The-Ultimate-Interview-with-Ernst-Zundel—full—July-21st-1999:9
November 9, 02:26
Thanks kati for that reference.
November 3, 09:24
Mr Neumanns bitchute channel is blocked here in germany, Operas buildin vpn is already enough to watch the videos here in germany, really good collection and videos he has there
November 3, 09:35
Grüße aus Deutschland, sicher sind hier deutschsprachige Zuhörer.
November 9, 02:22
[The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript]
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript
[In this weekly podcast episode The Flipside with Monika on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks again with Jürgen Neumann and his time working with Ernst Zündel, the famous Canadian-German revisionist.
Key points include:
• Guest is Jürgen Neumann, Ernst Zundel’s former videographer (1:30)
• Discussion of recent Canadian report on alleged “mass graves” at residential schools (2:00)
• Criticism of efforts to criminalize “residential school denialism” in Canada (4:00)
• Recap of previous episode about Ernst Zundel’s work challenging Holocaust narrative (7:00)
• Ernst Zundel found guilty in 1985 trial but verdict overturned on appeal in 1987 (15:00)
• New trial ordered in 1988, lasting 4 months (18:00)
• Fred Leuchter brought in as expert witness on gas chambers (20:00)
• “Fred Leuchter said, ‘This is BS’” upon seeing alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz (25:00)
• Leuchter Report not allowed to be shown to jury, only entered as “lettered exhibit” (28:00)
• David Irving changed his views
on Holocaust during testimony (35:00)
• Ernst Zundel found guilty again but the law “spreading false news” ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court in 1992 (40:00)
• “The Supreme Court basically said that he had the right as a minority to say whatever he want, even if it was false” (45:00)
• Zundel charged under Human Rights Commission where “truth is no defense” (46:00)
• Zundel moved to US but arrested and deported back to Canada after 9/11 (48:00)
• Spent years in solitary confinement in Canada before deportation to Germany (49:00)
• Served 5 years in prison in Germany (49:30)
• Jürgen Neumann has a Bitchute channel “JohnRobinson101” with historic footage (50:00)
• Also has book archive at under the name “Researcher-PDF” (50:30)
[TRANSCRIPT – Words: 8,235 – Duration: 60 mins]
November 9, 12:53
Thank you once again, Katana, for all your fantastic work to preserve these interviews in a written form!
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The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript
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The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 09 with Grace Eki Oyama – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript
The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript
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Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
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Version 2: Sun, Nov 10, 2024 — Updated RBN comments (9).
Version 1: Sat, Nov 9, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed = 60/60 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes RBN comments (0).
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Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 27 – Germar Rudolf – Jan 18, 2025 – Transcript | katana17