Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think



Thu, Nov 14, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following

Joel discusses recent political events in Australia (~5 mins)
Mentions a story about students punished for misgendering a trans teacher (~10 mins)
“Students punished for calling trans teacher sir at a high school taken over by radical gender ideology”

Talks about interacting with politicians on social media (~15 mins)
“Senator Roberts replied to me today”

Discusses the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill in Australia (~20 mins)
“It’s looking like the bill is going to suffer”

Blair joins the stream (~25 mins)
They discuss Nick Fuentes pepper spraying a woman at his house (~30 mins)
“Basically he maced her in the face”

Conversation about obesity and leftism (~35 mins)
“Sexual desirability in women corresponds with political belief”

Discussion on mandatory military service (~40 mins)
“Mandatory military service for men between the ages of like 16 and 19”

Talk about reforming education system (~45 mins)
“Removing all the jews, foreign influence networks, you know, cleaning up the media”

Conversation about default leftists vs committed leftists (~50 mins)
“Most people are not that political”

Discussion on banning leftist ideals (~55 mins)
“I don’t think you would need to necessarily ban them outright”

Talk about potential war if Australia became nationalist (~60 mins)
“I guarantee you’d be at war within five to 10 years”

Discussion on Trump’s recent election victory (~65 mins)
“They allowed him to win this time”

Talk about Trump’s appointments and policies (~70 mins)
“He’s announced a whole series of reforms”

Discussion on potential World War III scenarios (~75 mins)

Conversation about the need for White people in America’s empire (~80 mins)
“They need Whites for their empire to work”

Discussion on Australia’s position in Western civilization (~85 mins)
“We are the extension of Western civilization and the White race into Asia”

Talk about the power of White people if organized (~90 mins)
“If White people started organising and using it and flexing our power, the system is going to start granting us concessions”

Discussion on the importance of not being demoralized (~95 mins)
“People need to not be so fucking demoralised”

Conversation about the potential for change in Australia (~100 mins)
“We have the power to completely steamroll over this whole system”

Talk about the importance of believing in their cause (~105 mins)
“You need to actually believe in our people”

Discussion on the cynicism in politics (~110 mins)
“There’s a lot of cynics that just think politics is all bullshit”




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Published on Thu, Nov 14, 2024




The enemy is weaker than you think
November 14, 2024
my social media links:
follow Blair on telegram:
follow Blair on twitter:
follow Tom on telegram:
follow Jacob on telegram:
blair cottrell
joel and blair
joel davis
national socialist network
thomas sewell
File size
2.54 GB



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(Words: 20,212 – Duration: 116 mins)



7 News: A gang of balaclava wearing neo-Nazis in a wild city showdown.

Neo-Nazi thugs who gate crashed a peaceful pro-refugee rally in Docklands have been pepper sprayed during a violent confrontation with police.

Neo-Nazis brandishing offensive signage attempting to steamroll the pro-refugee message!

Men at Work Down Under Song: Traveling in a fried-out Kombi
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and gave me breakfast
And she said

Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder
Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover

NSN: Are we ever going to see your race again? No way! Get fucked! Fuck off!


Joel Davis: Welcome to the show tonight. [14th of November, 2024] Neither Tom nor Blair are here yet. Blair said he was going to be late. I don’t know exactly what’s happening with Tom. I think he’ll be on in a second.


But as you can see here I’ve got the “Your Body My Choice” T-shirt on in solidarity with Nick Fuentes’s total beatdown of the BPD jewish feminist that came to his house. Apparently the pepper spray that he sprayed in this crazy bitch’s face was kind of weak.


So, that’s what she said. So maybe he needs to get a better brand of pepper spray. Maybe he could ask Victoria Police for some advice?


But, you know, nevertheless, it was pretty funny. So anyway, I thought I’d wear the gimmick shirt. But hey, anyway, how you guys going this evening? Welcome to the show. Like I said the boys will be on shortly. I think Tom will be on any second now, and then Blair will be on a bit later. And there’s a few things I wanted to get into, probably when at least have one of them to join me.


So let me see, someone said here in the chat, by the way:


“Why do Nazis need to necessarily control women?”


It’s about abortion.


I mean, thing about the abortion thing is, abortion’s disgusting, but at the same time, I don’t think it should be the priority like in our politics, like in particular in America. I mean, quite frankly, you know, abortion is disproportionately performed by blacks, and it kind of culls the black population in a certain way.


Now, it’s pretty distasteful in a purely White, ethno-state, virtuous society, I don’t think we should really be having abortion. But is it really the priority? Like, should we be going after abortion first before we fix immigration, before we re-establish White rule? I don’t think so. I think it’s a very low priority.


But it’s funny! It was funny in the aftermath of the American election to see all these fat communist women, libtard women, proclaiming that they were not going to have sex with any man for the entirety of the Trump administration. Like as if the dudes were just lining up to slam these land whales! I found it quite humorous. It’s just a bit of a joke.


Anyway, it’s a bit of fun.


So here’s a story that I want to talk about actually, because it’s actually got an interesting context. I spoke to the editor over at The Noticer about this. So this is a story that was published today:


“Students punished for calling ‘trans’ teacher ‘sir’ at a high school taken over by radical gender ideology.”


Now this is from Richmond High School in, it’s in Greater Sydney. If you know Sydney, you know Richmond. It’s not the Richmond in Melbourne, it’s the Richmond in Sydney. But apparently one of the teachers there has turned out, has become a so-called “transformer”, if you will, is wearing a, … It’s a dude in a dress, right? It’s a dude in a dress. Some freak in a dress.


Anyway, so he’s obviously been demanding that the students all refer to him by the correct pronouns. And you know, as you can imagine there’s a lot of young boys there that aren’t going to vibe with that. So they’re refusing to go along with that. And they’re getting pulled before the principal’s office and so on and threatened with expulsion from this high school just because they won’t call the teacher Ms instead of Mrs. Sorry, Ms instead of Mr or Sir. I’ll read some of the article here, actually:


“Photos provided to Noticer News by students at Richmond High School northwest of Sydney show far-Left transgender propaganda posters produced by LGBT Youth advocacy group Minus 18 placed around the school. The teenagers said that pins promoting so-called transgenderism have also been handed out to teachers to wear and they’ve been threatened with suspension for complaining about the posters despite 80% of the student body being opposed to pro-LGBT material being put on display at their school. One of the large posters says: ‘All genders, identities, expressions, pronouns welcome here’ while another titled ‘Your identity is awesome’ provides unscientific radical Leftist definitions of so-called ‘LGBTQIAs identities.’”


You know, as you can see here in this image. A quote from one of the students.


“It seems as if the entire school has changed within the last year and the community is very unhappy about this,’ a student told Noticer News, adding that many of his peers and teachers were upset about having ‘views forced on [them] that they don’t agree with’.”


So apparently, by the way, according to the editor at Noticer News, the students at the school were advised by one of their teachers, I guess, who they trust, to reach out to Noticer News and provide these quotes. So obviously we’ve got some White nationalists, perhaps of some description that are embedded within the school there. So that’s pretty cool! A bit of a culture war brewing:


“The student says that changes began when a male teacher quote came out as trans and administrators began to threaten students for using the wrong pronouns. And now it felt like the whole school had been quote, ‘taken over’. To quote the student in September, ‘I greeted the teacher who I knew before he started to claim to be a woman with ‘Good day, sir’, which seems like a normal thing to say straight after, you know, he gets pulled out of class and reprimanded, etc.”


But threatened, not just with threatened to be expelled from the entire high school because he won’t go along with his nonsense! And yeah, just as you can see, predictable shit like the school just trying to force this nonsense down their throat.


Anyway, this is a Noticer News exclusive, so I thought bring attention to it. It is quite interesting, like a little bit of culture war playing out at an Australian high school.




Also a couple hours ago I replied to Senator Malcolm Roberts on Twitter. You know, I do make a habit of kind of trying to be part of the conversation with a lot of these politicians, particularly the ones that are the so-called, you know, Right-wing, our guys. Not really, but you know, the so-called our guys.


And anyway, I just left some, … Let me read out my response actually, because it is kind of interesting because he reacted to me and agreed with what I said. So people say:


“Ah this vote harder ism is the problem, you know, National Socialism or nothing!”


And obviously I agree with that principle. Obviously I agree with that principle.


But when it comes to injecting ourselves into the political conversation, sometimes you have to engage with it with a certain amount of good faith. And so we don’t have anyone running in the next election. As I’ve said we would. Our ambition is to have people running the election after the federal, not the next federal election, which will be, I think they’re saying, between March and May next year, the Australian election. It’s too soon for us to do it properly. We could do it, but we wouldn’t be able to do it properly.


Whereas if we wait till the next cycle, I think we can do it properly. But until we have our guys running in the election, well, what are we supposed to do? Just sit it out or try and engage with it in some way? Try and move the origin window, try and have an impact.


And so the two kind of parties that are to the right of the Liberal Party, which obviously I think are going to win the election, but obviously we’re not satisfied with. We’re not satisfied with the Liberal Party that are cuckservatives in every way shape and form, barely indistinguishable from the Left, frankly. But the two options therefore really at the national level is One Nation and the Libertarians. And they’ve both got problems, the Libertarians, well, their problem is that they’re libertarians so they’re not nationalists. They do have a lot of good policies on many issues though. They’re pretty solid on free speech and gun rights and so on. But to be fair, so are One Nation. They don’t seem to do the Zionist thing. I haven’t really heard the Libertarian Party say much about that either way. They just seem to avoid the subject.


I saw John Ruddick, the elected representative in New South Wales, get interviewed by a nationalist, which I mentioned on the show a couple weeks ago, I think, and he basically stated that he supports in Australia First, you know, foreign policy where we don’t meddle in the affairs of faraway countries. Explicitly called out, I think the Iraq war as something that he was opposed to. So that was a pretty good sign.


However, when it came, when it comes to One Nation we see Pauline Hanson, you know, bending over backwards to prostrate herself before the Zionist lobby and prove how pro-Israel she is. And, it’s pretty disgusting! But we’re not America. So it’s a bit less of an issue here than in America, where America, it’s very decisive because ultimately that’s where the decisions get made around that kind of thing and we just kind of get dragged along with the Americans.


So that’s a win for the Libertarian Party.


But then on immigration, traditionally you would think One Nation would have a better immigration policy and that’s the most important policy. So you would think you would lean more towards one nation. But John Ruddick said in that interview also that the Libertarians would support a five year immigration moratorium, meaning five years, complete shut borders, no one coming in for five years. I’m sure there might be some exceptions to that I don’t know, marriage visas or something like that, but basically shut the borders. And that’s more radical than the One Nation proposal, which is Net Zero, meaning we only let in the amount of people that we let out, which is about. Or that leave. It’s not about let out. Obviously you’re free to leave. So it’s about 70,000, I think, a year leave Australia and move to another country.


And so that way, like there would be basically one in, one out policy, which obviously is a lot better than the one that we currently have, but it’s still not exactly good enough because some of those ones out are going to be White and some of those ones in are going to be brown. So that’s not ideal. Right. If it was one in, one out, but they had to be White, then that’s a great policy. But they didn’t have any stipulations like they have to come from a Western country or anything like that.


So if they change the policy to something like that, obviously I’d be more supportive.




But, you know, neither of them are talking about sending the people back that are already here. You know, you’ve got, I think, 2.4 million people living in Australia on temporary visas, meaning they aren’t permanent residents, they aren’t citizens, they’re on some kind of classification of temporary visa. And a massive portion of that, I think about a million almost, are on student visas, which is just ridiculous! Particularly considering that we’re in a housing crisis. The university system is basically a giant rort.


Like a lot of these international students, they aren’t really students, they just sign up to some educational institution in order to get the visa, then don’t really study and they’re just like some Indian that comes in and then goes and starts driving Uber, eats and then tries to use that as a way to stay in the country.


Also, there’s hundreds of thousands of people in Australia estimated to be overstaying their visa, so they’re technically illegal immigrants. So they all need to be round up and deported.


Then you’ve got a million people here on student visas. Frankly, they should all just be cancelled and all sent back and not renewed and they shouldn’t be extended to anyone else. If you did that immediately, you’re sending, you know, one point something million, mostly brown people back out of Australia. The housing crisis would reset, wages would start growing, rents would start coming down. It would be a massive relief economically to the average Australian’s quality of life. But also the demographics of the country would improve. A lot of brown faces would be saying:


“See you later.”


So that’s something that I would support, but no one’s talking about it.


Obviously the Liberal Party must be getting funded in some way by lobby groups. We know for a fact that they’re getting funded by the property lobby that benefits from this policy. We know that they’re getting funded by the financial lobby which benefits from basically increasing property prices because everyone has to go and get a mortgage that’s even bigger to be able to buy a house. So that benefits the financial services industry. And then also big business corporate lobbyists also like immigration because it drives down the cost of wages.


So they’re all funding the Liberal Party campaign which is why they’ll try and act like they’re strong on immigration. But if you look at what they’ve actually concretely promised, I think it’s something like a 25% reduction on the already ridiculous record breaking immigration levels under Labor, which are more than double what they were under the previous Liberal government.


So what the Liberals are basically promising is not even to go back to the immigration levels under them before Covid when the last Liberal government was in charge and we had like a normal, like the pre-Covid because obviously during Covid the borders were shut and so that did reduce immigration.


But it wasn’t because, immigration wasn’t reduced because of as a policy, it was just a temporary thing because of Covid.


So they’re not even promising to go back to that. They’re saying we’ll go down 25% so they’re still going to be way above where they were before, and that’s what they’re promising. Will they actually deliver that? I don’t actually have faith in the Liberal Party to deliver that. Like the Labor government promised to reduce it even more than that and did the opposite.


So how can you trust either of these scumbags? You know, you just can’t!


So the Liberals basically are going to do nothing about immigration, more or less. We might as well just write it off entirely. They need to be pressured from the Right and obviously their policies are better. These are the kind of smaller Right-wing parties which between them will get if they campaign well, 15% of the vote between them I would predict if they campaign well.


So it’s a serious amount and the Liberals are probably going to win the election and there’s going to be a balance of power in the Senate that these smaller Right-wing parties might control. Very likely they could control.


So if they control that balance of power in the Senate then they’re going to have some leverage. So it is kind of relevant and important, like what their policies are, not just for, like the metapolitics of how they pressure the system, but also they have some leverage potentially and over the next government that they could exercise. Like the Greens exercise their leverage over the Labor government in a similar way to get a few concessions.


So, yeah, that means that if they want my endorsement and my endorsement obviously counts for something, then they’re going to have to try and win my endorsement. There’s a competition. And that’s how everyone needs to kind of play it. Like, in my opinion, as a movement, we say:


“Look, win us over. What we care about is immigration. Whoever’s going to go out there and fight hardest on immigration, you know, you’ll get our votes. And if no one fights on immigration, we’ll just sit out the election entirely. And if you both fight, we’ll try and pick the one that fights harder and gives us more.”


That’s a smart, transactional way of approaching this kind of thing. So that’s my approach.


I don’t actually anticipate that they’re going to give us very much at all! So I’m probably going to sit out the election entirely. But there’s a, you know, I’ll flirt with it, I’ll flirt with it. I’ll dance with the, with the, these politicians and we’ll see what they give us. If they just give us crumbs, they can go fuck themselves, if they want to give us something concrete, …




But anyway. So I responded to Malcolm Roberts and let me just pull it up so I can get up exactly what the conversation was. So he made a tweet which was:


“Albanese has let 393, 874 migrants arrive in Australia to September this year. This is the largest amount of arrivals for the first nine months of a year ever! This is why you can’t afford a house or find a rental!”


I mean, yeah, that’s true. I responded saying:


“You’re right to attack the government, but you should also be attacking the Liberals harder. They aren’t proposing anything close to the scale of immigration cuts necessary and they aren’t proposing the temporary Visa cancellations and deportations we badly need. Push harder, Malcolm!”


I really detest Pauline Hanson. Roberts does seem a bit better than her. I’m not saying I’m a Malcolm Roberts fan. You know, I’m not voting for it. I can’t vote for him anyway, I’m not from Queensland. But he does seem to be better, the better one in the party. Anyway, he responded saying:


“Agreed, Dutton has proposed a minor change to permanent visas per year. He has said nothing about temporary NOM which is adding to the 2.5 million TPV already in the country every year.”


TPV obviously is Temporary Visa holders. No, I’m obviously, I don’t know what that acronym means, but obviously has something to do with ones that are being proposed to issue in the future.


Anyway, it was a good response. So I said:


“Anti-immigration sentiment is the main reason why Aussies vote one nation. That’s just true. And you should be taking more votes of the Liberals than you currently are.”


Also true. I criticise them. You know, in the Queensland election they barely attacked the Liberals, they are attacking Labor and I understand that Labor is in government but frankly One Nation is competing with the Liberals for the Right-wing vote. They might get some votes off the Labor Party but they’re generally competing with the Liberals for voters.


So yeah, fine, attack Labor but you need to attack the Liberals just as hard, if not harder. And the fact that they don’t, it’s fundamentally suspect.


Which is why I speculated like are they a Liberal Party op? Do they exist as just like an extra wing of the Liberal Party to feed preferences into the Liberal Party? It’s entirely possible. Because obviously the way that preferential voting works in this country is that if you, because we have the temporary runoff system.


So if you have an electorate and say you’ve got like five candidates, well, the candidates that come first and second, if neither of them get 50% then the preferences from the candidates that get less votes filter into one or the other of the candidates depending on which one is preferenced higher or lower and then that ultimately produces the result. So One Nation feeds a lot of preferences into the Liberal Party, frankly.


And so they basically help the Liberals get elected. And Pauline Hanson came out and celebrated Liberals getting elected more or less, like in an indirect way immediately after the election.


But anyway, as I said here:


“And if you would make attacking their piss-weak policies on immigration and the student and family visa rorts your campaign focus, you would be taking more votes.”


So that’s just true.


So let’s see if he takes it to heart if they start going hard or if he starts going hard on student visas. And the family visa rort thing is also a thing like one jeet will get a visa whether they be a Refugee or some kind of working visa or whatever. And then they’ll drag in their parents not just the wife and kids, but their parents, their et cetera. And then all of a sudden, brothers, sisters, whatever. And all of a sudden we have this giant like family of jeets for like one guy. They say:


“Oh, we need to get more engineers into the country. Here’s one jeet that got a bullshit engineering degree from some bullshit like Indian university that probably can’t even do his job properly. This is going to help the economy so much and the country so much. We’ve got to get him in. So let’s get it. Bring him in!”


And then he brings his like retired Boomer Indian parents over who then just sit on Centrelink and collect benefits and collect Medicare and so on. And then brings in all these children who need to then go through our school system and so on. So then taxpayers just have to like dump hundreds of thousands of dollars a year onto this family of like parasites, which is probably more than the guy is even earning as a wage. And this is benefiting us how? This is contributing to our economy, how?


The whole thing is fucking ridiculous!


But yeah, so anyway, it was nice that he responded. I mean, Craig Kelly has responded to me before, but it was like an argument about race realism. But it’s good when the politicians respond. I do appreciate it. Even if they want to argue, at least have a conversation because yeah, frankly, a lot of the political, …


Like this week, two different journalists, one from Channel 7 and one from the ABC, contacted me to interview me and then pulled out when I agreed to it. And this has happened with many other journalists from others, whether it be newspapers or television channels or whatever, some even from overseas. So many times. I don’t think it’s the journalists themselves. I think what happens is that like maybe a journalist that’s like a low Ranking journalist goes:


“Well this is interesting look at what all these Nazis are doing.”


Then obviously not supportive. Like usually the journalists that contact me aren’t even White. They’ll go:


“Oh, this is interesting, an interesting story.”


And they probably want to write a hit piece like attacking me in some way. But I’ll agree to it, you know, I’ll give comment, why not? Let’s get some exposure.




And then they obviously put it before the editors and is like:


“Oh, here’s my idea, I’m going to go and interview Joel Davis or whatever.”


And they’re like:


“No, fuck!”


Like, they just like pull the pin. So that’s the strategy and it’s the strategy of a lot of people in Australian politics is to run away from having a discussion, or a disagreement or an argument, or a debate with me. Many run, few will front up.


That’s one good thing about Drew Pavlou. At least Drew Pavlou will have a debate. Like Drew Pavlou, he has this kind of weird ego complex where he won’t block anyone on Twitter and he’ll show up and like debate on the Elijah Schaffer show and everything and get embarrassed in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Not many other people in Australian politics will do that. So I like that about Drew. Like he’s so narcissistic that he ends up being useful.


But yeah, I highly doubt many other figures in Australian politics have the minerals to front up and debate me for two hours. I really do, because I’d smoke them! And they’re obviously intimidated. And that’s obviously one of the reasons why the journalists suppress any kind of interviews of me or whatever as well. Because they don’t want to have competent, … They do it to the other guys in the organisation as well. They don’t want us to have competent reply. They always want to frame it as just like a hit piece, take our comments, you know, out of context.


There’s been times where my comments have made the media when I’ve been in public at some event and then the media has interviewed me and they’ve played it on television or they’ve put it in a news article. But generally speaking, like whenever it’s planned and they have time to think about it, they always just, … It gets kiboshed. You know, the, like ZOG [Zionist Occupied Government] comes in is like:


“No, you can’t publish those quotes!”


So anyway, my point is its nice to be in the conversation as much as possible because it adds legitimacy and fundamentally my views are very reasonable. My views are more reasonable than pretty much all of the mainstream politicians. They just never get subjected to the right kinds of critical scrutiny.


Another issue in Australian politics that has been interesting. I’ll cycle through this as well before Tom gets here because he’ll be here soon.


Another issue in Australian politics recently which has been a positive development is, and we talked about this on the show last year a lot. There’s been a lot of discussion about it online recently because it’s been going through the Parliament. It’s the so-called Misinformation and Disinformation Bill, also known as the MAD Bill, which is a good name. And the bill, if you don’t know about it, basically what the Bill is, it enables a department within the Australian government called ACMA*, which is like the Department of Communications, basically to have authority over the regulatory practises of social media companies to basically impose their regulatory standards. So to be able to go to Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and so on, and say “this kind of discussion can’t be allowed on your platform”.


[* The Australian Communications and Media Authority is an Australian government statutory authority within the Communications portfolio. ACMA was formed on 1 July 2005 with the merger of the Australian Broadcasting Authority and the Australian Communications Authority. ACMA is responsible for collecting broadcasting, radiocommunication and telecommunication taxes, and regulating Australian media.]


And then if you look at the criteria for what constitutes so-called misinformation and disinformation, it’s ridiculous! Like, a lot of the stipulations in there basically enable them to shut down any kind of critical discussion of various government policies, like health policies, environmental policies, economic policies.


But in addition to that, they also say “harm”. But then if you look at the definition of harm within the legislation, harm is defined by a whole series of, … Actually, I’ll pull up the exact legislation here and I’ll read it out for you guys, because basically, more or less, it could ban basically everything that I say on the Internet because you could classify it according to how vague this is so, yeah:


“Misinformation and disinformation both have a provision in this Bill which is that it is reasonably likely to cause or contribute to serious harm. According to the definition of these terms. Harm means any of the following. (A) hatred against a group in Australian society on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion or physical or mental disability.”


How do you define that? That could basically mean advocating for White nationalism equals hatred. Therefore all of our shit needs to be banned!


There’s other stipulations here, like:


“Harm to the health of Australians, harm to the Australian environment.”


So doing harm to the health of Australians, like during Covid would that mean if you criticise the vaccine, they could say:


“Oh, that’s bad public health misinformation!”


And just like, ban it:


“Economic or financial harm to Australians.”


Like, so what does that mean? Like, if you go out and say:


“Hey, the economy is a Ponzi scheme, like, we’re in a per capita recession, the whole economy is propped up by mass immigration and financial usury and so on.”


What is that undermining public faith in the economy? Is all that discussion supposed to be banned?:


“Harm to the integrity of Australian democratic processes or of Commonwealth, state, territory or local government institutions.”


What does that mean? Like, just any criticism of the government itself, like, as a legitimate entity.


So this definition is so expansive, as I said, it could literally ban our entire political viewpoint. But not just our political viewpoint. Like almost any critical viewpoint from any position along the political spectrum could be just banned under the arbitrary whims of a bureaucracy.


So obviously that’s completely ridiculous and intolerable! How can that be?





Anyway, the good news is it did pass the House of Representatives, which is controlled by Labor, unfortunately. But Labor doesn’t control the Senate. There’s 76 Senators. I think Labor only has like 24. You need 39 to pass a bill. Now the Greens have like six and they’re tipped to support it. So that bumps their numbers up. And then there’s a maybe I’m getting the number slightly wrong here.


But basically on the No side, you have the Liberals who have come out against it. One Nation, Ralph Babet, who posted the N word on Twitter this week, which was kind of funny, speaking of Australian Senators and their Twitter antics. And a few of these of the other Independents. So according to everyone who has committed to voting against it, I think there’s 36 Senators that have committed to voting against it, and 36 Senators that have committed to voting for it. That is under the assumption that all the Green Senators and Labor Senators are going to vote for it. And there’s like four undecided Senators.


The undecided Senators are Jacqui Lambie. What’s that vile woman’s name, who used to be in the Greens, Lidia Thorpe. But she’s made some statements against it. She’s kind of like a loose cannon. She could go against it. That Muslim woman who left the Labor Party and is now independent. Payman, I believe her name is. She wears the hijab and she had that, like, cringe speech in the Senate where she tried to use all that Zoomer speak. That was probably the most cringe thing that’s ever happened in the history of Australian Parliament. And Senator [David] Van, who was in the Liberal Party, but then there was some kind of scandal where apparently he sexually assaulted some other member, like some staffer or something. Van has made statements that maybe he would support the bill, which is a shame.


But the other three have made statements that they’re critical. So if two out of those three or two out of those four go against the bill, the bill’s killed. And, yeah, so it’s looking like the Bill is going to suffer. They keep, like, avoiding the vote. I saw a lot of articles come out yesterday saying the Bill could be killed, basically. So I saw Australians versus the Agenda. They had like a list of all the Senators contact details that I just mentioned on their social media. So go check out their Telegram or their Twitter and you can like email the Senators and like tell them to vote against it or whatever if you want to do some, like, civic activism.


It seems like the pressure campaign against it is actually working because Pocock, who used to be a Wallaby rugby player who got elected, and some other Senator, I can’t remember her name, from Tasmania, they both came out against it on free speech grounds, said they’ll vote against it, and said that, well they’ve got a lot of public outcry against the bill.


Also, there was a poll that was done. And the poll, basically it had a lot of people that didn’t know whether they supported it or not, but 52% of people were against the Bill and only like 17 supported it and then the rest are undecided. So it’s clearly like really unpopular.


So hopefully that Bill gets killed because if that gets passed, it could pose a big problem. We might be kind of dependent upon the social media companies themselves telling the Australian government to get fucked or the American government, you know, imposing their regulations and kind of big dogging the Australian government. Otherwise, and I don’t really want to be dependent on the whims on either of those whimsical. That’s the situation.


But anyway. Blair, how you doing?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I made it! Sorry I was late tonight, guys. I just had a late client and things didn’t work out the way I planned. I intended to get home sooner. What does your T-shirt say, Joel?


Joel Davis: It says, “Your body, my choice”.


Blair Cottrell: Is that in reference to the video I saw of Nick Fuentes?


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly!


Blair Cottrell: What’s the story with that? You might have been through it already, but who was that woman who went to his house?


Joel Davis: Maybe I could play the video. There’s like a video of it that was filmed from her phone so we could play it.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t know anything about the circumstances surrounding that incident. Did he know who she was? I don’t know.


Joel Davis: So basically what happened was on the night of the election, of the American election, Fuentes made a tweet when it was clear that Trump would win, saying, “Your body, my choice”. Because obviously, like the catchphrase of the pro-choice feminists around the abortion issue is, “My body, my choice”. So he was kind of, it’s like a play on words because obviously it has a kind of like rape implication, but it doesn’t mean that it’s kind of like, cheeky because it doesn’t actually mean that. It just basically means the democratic will of the people, the collective, like, morality of society is preventing you from killing your own child.


So you can look at it in different ways, but either way, it made the feminists freak out, which was funny. And the tweet went super viral. And Fuentes also had a rant on his show that became like, TikTok viral and got millions and millions of views and lots of responses and all these media articles got played.




And so the feminists, because there’s all these feminists in America that they’re like, fat, putrid, disgusting! That are coming out and saying:


“I’m not going to have sex with anyone for the entire Trump presidency because my rights have been taken off me and I’m punishing men!”


And then it’s just like:


“Yeah, like, no one wanted to fuck you anyway, bitch!”


[chuckling] Or like everyone’s, conservatives, and they’re like:


“Yeah, we don’t want you having casual sex with random dudes anyway. Like, why don’t you get married and have sex with your husband and actually be like an upstanding woman, rather than a whore!”


So, it’s kind of funny. It’s like the seed.


But anyway, he had a rant which was just kind of rubbing it into the feminists, going on about how like:


“A woman will never be president. You know, the glass ceiling is like paved over with bricks!”


Because obviously this is the second woman that Trump has [chuckling] now beaten in succession, I guess, like if you kind of skip over the Biden one. And so, yeah, anyway, so this, …


Blair Cottrell: Did he know this girl who’s coming to his door?


Joel Davis: The feminists got really upset at Fuentes and they doxed his home address and posted it all over Twitter. I saw his address all over Twitter. And they were like, …


Blair Cottrell: But who is this woman who went to his house?


Joel Davis: This is just some random jewish woman who’s like, she looks, you look at her face. She looks like a BPD*. Like a post menopausal fat BPD [Borderline Personality Disorder] woman in her early 50s or something. And she’s jewish.


[* Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive, long-term pattern of significant interpersonal relationship instability, a distorted sense of self, and intense emotional responses. People diagnosed with BPD frequently exhibit self-harming behaviours and engage in risky activities, primarily due to challenges regulating emotional states to a healthy, stable baseline. Wikipedia]


Blair Cottrell: Is she a journalist? What was her intention going there?


Joel Davis: She’s just like some feminist that just saw his dox and just, she’s just crazy! Went to harass him.


Blair Cottrell: Wow! And well, let’s see what happens.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Woman: Hi. Oh my God! What are you doing?


Blair Cottrell: What’s he doing? Kicking her? What’s he doing? He took her phone. Okay.


Joel Davis: Basically he maced her in the face. I think he like kicked her and then grabbed her phone, told her to get the fuck out of his house and then like started like smashing the phone underneath his foot or something. [Blair barely able to control himself from bursting out laughing]


But then the police showed up and made him give the phone back.


Blair Cottrell: Has he been charged or interviewed in relation to it? Like, does that mean I don’t know what happens in America? Are you allowed to do that in America?


Joel Davis: I think. So I mean, I don’t know what the, … I guess we’ll see because she said she’s going to press charges, but she, …


Blair Cottrell: Did he pepper spray her at the start? Is that capsicum spray he used?


Joel Davis: Yeah. But she said that the pepper spray was kind of weak. So I said earlier in the show that he maybe get on the phone to Vic Pol and get a recommendation for some high quality shit!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, the stuff Victoria Police uses down here is definitely not weak. [chuckling] Yeah, yeah.


Joel Davis: But anyway. But thing is that she was apparently at the front of his house for ages, yelling, shit, being hysterical. So like, so he’s sitting in his house. His address has been posted all over social media and it’s America!


Blair Cottrell: So it’s like he wasn’t just sitting there with Mace waiting for someone to knock on his door. She’d already made herself known.


Joel Davis: His address has been posted all over the Internet and all these people are posting:


“I’m gonna go over to Nick Fuentes’s house and like fuck with him or whatever.”


So he’s probably already like on edge.


And then this is crazy, like fat jewish woman, like being hysterical in his front yard. And then she comes up to the house and starts like hitting the doorbell. So I guess, you know, mace out, like, move quickly.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I suppose he felt threatened. Right? This woman’s at the front of his house. He doesn’t know who she is. She’s probably screaming out his name and all sorts of harassment, you know, comments that could be construed as harassment. Then she actually comes to the door.


So I don’t know. I think he’s within his rights to capsicum spray her.


Joel Davis: That in my opinion, he’s within his rights to do it.


I mean, at the end of the day, she’s on his property. So like. And she’s there to harass him. Like she’s there to fuck with him in some ways. So he can do what he likes.


Blair Cottrell: He would definitely be charged in Australia. You couldn’t do something like that in Australia. But no, America has all these what is it, the First Amendment rights, you have the right to defend yourself and your property or something?


Joel Davis: The Second Amendment says is the right to defend, to bear arms. It’s not the right to self defence. Self defence is protected through legislation. I don’t know what the specific laws are in Illinois because Fuentes lives in Chicago. I don’t know what the Illinois specific laws are.


So I can’t really comment on whether there’s a legal case or not. You know, also the fact that he is a political dissident of prominence and Illinois is a Blue state that probably has very like Left-wing judges that he could get in trouble on the basis of that, like their bias against him. Right? But she said she’s going to press charges.


But also in my opinion, her statements show a clear intent to harass him. She’s been hysterically posting all this on social media and was posting before she even like I think rang the doorbell. So.




[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]









Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 11/15/2024 = 364)

HyperChat min: 100
4 hours ago
Could a healthy, fascist Australia handle a Chinese invasion? How many malnourished chinks can a Joel, Tom or Blair take at one time is the question.

Hide replies
2 hours ago

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

4 hours ago
Regarding Nick and American law: some states are a “stand your ground” state. Texas, Florida, typically red states. In other states run by liberals, you have a “duty to retreat” before you engage a threat. This would apply to being mugged or beat up or any of that. Maybe it’s different since she’s at his house, but I’m pretty sure a judge in Illinois can fuck him up if they want. He needs to move to a deep red state. In Texas you could probably shoot a woman who refuses to leave your property. Especially if she’s hostile and you’ve given verbal warning. So…self defense is definitely state by state.


8 hours ago
thanks. always get great insight from these streams. top notch articulation

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

8 hours ago


8 hours ago
everyone can contribute in some way. just going into libertarian and conservative online chats and trying to win them over to our side is something that can be done. I’ve had success and others have to. they have a hard time arguing against us nowadays


8 hours ago
Trumps at war with the establishment…he loves jews

4 hours ago
Whites are israel, that’s why Jews want to destroy us all. And I can prove it here in comments. This non-white immigration has nothing to do with banks or economics or any of that shit, those are just excuses and methodologies.
In 745 BC Menasseh (a tribe of Israel, a WHITE ethnostate) was conquered by he Assyrians. YHWH punished them and kept Menasseh in bondage 7X for their sin (check Leviticus
The original punishment was 360 years. So multiply that by 7. You get 2520. So add 2520 years to 745 BC. You get – 1776. The tribe of Menasseh is the founding stock of America. Same thing with Britain. The tribe of Ephraim (another white ethnostate) was conquered by Assyrians in 721 BC. 7X 360, add to 721BC, you get 1801. This prophecy in Leviticus
accurately predicts he founding of America and Britain and ascribes these lands to the tribes of Menasseh and Ephraim. So basically…Jews are lying about being “chosen.” They are Edom. Genetic mutant baby-eating, blood-drinking, ritual-sacrificing monsters who completely take over everything any chance they get and they are LYING about who hey are. Edomites. And their #1 goal is to wipe out YHWH’s people who are European whites and our posterity. So…whether you believe in God, or the Bible, or not – Leviticus
should at least make you think twice about WHY it is so important to protect our people, who we really are, and who the Jews are.
I’ll continue below.

Hide replies
4 hours ago
The OT is not Jewish, it’s white. Jesus was white. The Talmud is the true Jewish book and it’s the only one they care about. They just pretend to follow Torah but it’s a show. If Jews actually followed he Bible, they’d stop the usury and porn and all that disgusting degenerate shit. They dgaf about the Bible. They only follow Talmud.
So…hopefully these prophecies and this knowledge is helpful to someone. If you dig, all of the evidence points toward Israelites being white and Jews being Edom. And it only further solidifies the position of the national socialists. Christianity DOES have racial teeth, if you get past the Jewish schofield fake israel Zionist bullshit. And Leviticus
is just one of many points of evidence to back up what I’m saying here.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
*1775 my bad. I

3 hours ago
Wait no, it’s not 1775 it actually is 1776 because you count count the “zero” between BC and AD. It just goes directly from 1BC to 1AD. So yeah…Menasseh is accurately and specifically prophecies to come into their new land in exactly 1776. If this isn’t evidence Hebrews we’re white, idk what is. I loved this stream so much and I see so many NatSocs and Christians fighting…thank you Joel for not doing that. Neutered white Christians need to realize they’re Hebrews. That way, white Christians can maintain their faith in Christ, and ALSO have the exact same secular goals and beliefs as the national socialists. This knowledge gives teeth back to Christianity and then there’s no more reason for atheist NatSocs to reject believers in Christ. This is the answer. White Hebrews and proven in Leviticus
and all across the Bible.

1 hour ago
The age restriction legislation is a disaster. it will eventually mean the end of casual, anonymous browsing of all video and file servers. It would be better to ban children from using smart phones. As if they would ever do that

1 hour ago

2 hours ago
You talk politics, yet you raise criminal act after criminal act this government commits on a daily basis. Organized lawfare to vompel governments to act lawful is a strategy it seems has never been attempted.

6 hours ago

tranny teacher in Canada

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago

Yup. They did a good job on Westernkind. Me included. Onwards…..

8 hours ago

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
🏆Joel🏆Blair🏆Love Love to all you Beautifuls MWAH

8 hours ago
they don’t even know they are a people, or don’t want to believe they are. they see others as groups but don’t see whites as one. I come across this constantly when interacting with average Whites. they were convinced by propaganda that they are just random individuals or scared of their white identity because Jews say that’s racist

8 hours ago

8 hours ago
two bloody wankers

8 hours ago

Archipelago Woes
8 hours ago

8 hours ago
Where is Margo?

8 hours ago
yup. spot on Blair

Hess’ Channel
8 hours ago
remade version of The Day of the Jackal with Nigs

8 hours ago
based Blair

8 hours ago
Your body, my choice is brilliant. Those who don’t think it through will jump to the conclusion that you are dictating what they can or cannot do reproductively, but in reality it is your choice as a man whether or not you would impregnate her in the first place.

8 hours ago
QLD LNP has a minister specifically excluding White Men, you should lobby/petition for a minister for White Men.

8 hours ago
if White men are United, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. have to come together for our own interests and give up on individualism nonsense

8 hours ago

You got another holocaust movie for me? Yes sir i do!

8 hours ago

I hear you

8 hours ago

I can’t wait to not watch another holocaust movie.

8 hours ago
I see there’s a new Holohoax movie out to push the Israel wagon….

Matt Hammond
8 hours ago
That was whitepilling

Hess’ Channel
8 hours ago

try this –

8 hours ago
Very much legally

8 hours ago
There are certainly things that can certainly be changed, with legal politics.

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
JOEL! It’s bedtime 😔

8 hours ago
but at the same time, the Jews and their lackeys sure seem to want to destroy the West and don’t care about the consequences. They want revenge at all costs it seems.

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
We duck out, they gone. They have to be fully exposed & 111’d before we’re taken seriously.

8 hours ago
if not enough whites live in an area to prop it up, it will collapse into total shit. the government realized this years ago when it did happen, they had no white taxes to give to blacks and browns

8 hours ago

8 hours ago
Ok Joel is basically inline with my thoughts

8 hours ago
I hope Jews fumble live granades

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

I think they fucked themselves

8 hours ago
And alternative to the Sampson option


8 hours ago

8 hours ago

I think the Jews will force WWIII once the antisemitism in the west is at a tipping point.

8 hours ago
No more brothers wars for the Jew.

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago

Are you still transcribing?

Hide replies

1 second ago(edited)
Of course!

8 hours ago
gud thing we’ll have plenty of kids with hundreds of hours of tower defence under their belts to help with the dark future

8 hours ago
I doubt it, Joel normally steals my takes that I never told anyone, but I don’t think Trump can mobilize WW3

8 hours ago


8 hours ago
“Conservatives risk nothing at all and gain everything.” ~ Raging Dissident

Hess’ Channel
8 hours ago
Trump will not stop Ukraine SMO

8 hours ago
republicans always talk a big game but when the moment of truth happens, they cuck and back down. we’ll see. I’ll believe them when I see it

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago


8 hours ago

My brown streamer is better than your brown streamer

Hess’ Channel
8 hours ago

thats a Cebu upload – that’s China text scanning

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

8 hours ago
he literally one set above Voldemort

8 hours ago
Jews own the Media. Jews control our minds.

The Crucible 01
8 hours ago

hasnt been decided yet, its either one of the mad max movies or trailer park boys.

8 hours ago


The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

come to

channel after joel is finished, we are watching a movie, (dw its chill there)

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. He’ll be right.

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
see subversive jew ^

9 hours ago
when u decide who in power n u have blackmail on them, u effectively in power

9 hours ago
If WN’s get control of just one country, it could have a domino effect throughout the world.

9 hours ago
I’ve heard people say that Jews don’t have true power, that they have heavy influence on those in power. there is a distinction. don’t know if true

9 hours ago
Jews act like a hive mind

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
yes Joel Juice power is a certain extent an illusion

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Some of us are up in 6 hours at 4am, you know.

9 hours ago

Yes, something forced can only last so long, everything returns to nature.

9 hours ago

Poor guy tapped out to avoid being called racist for his honesty. Then got in shit anyway.

9 hours ago
I think it’s the guy who threw the gangs in prison

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

It’ll return to the natural state…. eventually

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
tom got arrested again..(seriously hope not)

9 hours ago
You could be right. One of the south american countries uses that leverage to still work with america, under threat of an alliance with russia/china

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

I do miss Woodley

9 hours ago

wow. did not know that or remember him saying that at the time.

9 hours ago
The food problem is easily solved. Make it possible for a man to be a provider and a woman to be a homemaker again. Men want to be the provider and women want to be the homemaker, but they took that from us.

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
wanker ^

9 hours ago
it’s the numbers, i suppose


9 hours ago
If you built up the navy and allied with Russia/China, you’d probably be okay.

9 hours ago

He supported the mRNA injection, that is proof he is not an intelligent honest person who understands science.

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

to a degree

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago

9 hours ago
wouldn’t Australia be easy to defend?

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
please be aware of ChainReaction he is a liar defending grifters.

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
Probably Britain lol

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago

yes, it lends its elf to a Sharia mentality

9 hours ago

I liked it when he had Woodley to control his nonsense.

9 hours ago


9 hours ago

why do you say that? just curious. doesn’t he just read studies that he trusts are real and true?

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
yes…ban heavy

9 hours ago
they’re conditioned to be soft now, but if U leave a little one with only transformers to watch he will be violent lol and U will have to roll play as Megatron at least once a week lol

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago


I like Ed.

Mark Collett
9 hours ago
The problem with the “Your body, my choice” slogan, is I am sure plenty of Muslims groomers had that attitude toward white girls.

9 hours ago
pure individuals would die if they were kicked out of the group centuries ago. the dna knows this it seems.

9 hours ago

He cannot understand how to do science.

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
ppl who work in Coles supermarkets

Mark Collett
9 hours ago
Most people are actually not leftists

9 hours ago
Dutton thinks leftists are spiteful mutants who wouldn’t exist if not for technology that saves them from dying in the womb or as children

Mark Collett
9 hours ago
Most people are conformists

9 hours ago


9 hours ago
Segregate schools again.

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Blair must be hungry

9 hours ago
Sex is further ingrained into DNA than anything else

9 hours ago
yeah thousands of yrs of successful hunts

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Ey up luv. Busy 24 hrs for you. Woodlander chat was Tip Top 👌🤗

9 hours ago
cool. Mark is one of the best out there. has been for years

9 hours ago
fat ho power grid

9 hours ago
hamster wheels…green energy,they’ll probably buy it

9 hours ago
That is IRL Mark, he watches the show

9 hours ago
Hey Mark o/ if that’s really you lol

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
Big brain strong, mild autist

9 hours ago

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
You can be scrawny & brawny

9 hours ago
That is like the black super hacker

9 hours ago
part of the obesity issue is caused by a high percentage of people quitting smoking. just started stuffing their face instead

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
participation prizes

9 hours ago
Jamie Oliver had a tv show and he made healthy school lunches, and all the women were bringing in crisps and chocolate and passing it through the fence. They had to end it because the parents complained so much..

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

top of the morning to ya

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Hey Mark

9 hours ago
The food is poison.

9 hours ago
50’s physical education in America was pretty based

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

good, give those faggots no rest!

Mark Collett
9 hours ago
Hi guys!

9 hours ago
Obesity is almost entirely because of diet.

9 hours ago

9 hours ago

Nah he fucked off

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
activity at schools

9 hours ago
There was a teacher at highschool who did that with young teenagers…

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
he has prolly blocked you to

and is now talking crap about ya in his bed with the boys lmao

9 hours ago
Mandatory carnivore

9 hours ago
You have to reform who controls what the military is for.

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

lmao nice

9 hours ago


The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

sorry for shitting up the chat with this crap, but chain reaction needs to be called out and nnr, flood, logos, drilla etc need to be exposed for the pieces of shit that they are. they are lying grifters, doxing banning white natsocs to line their own pockets

9 hours ago
Sorry to shit up your chat


9 hours ago

9 hours ago


Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
omg muting cass now.

9 hours ago
this is an AU stream,,,,

9 hours ago


9 hours ago

Couldn’t handle Crucible? had to mute him?

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Kaz Ross

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Burke models himself on Albo so much that I get them mixed up.

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
check the Minister who wrote it – Rowling

9 hours ago
Lobby Qld government to have a minister for White Men. It would easily get enough signatures to make them respond to it.

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
it could lead to political idea censorships.

9 hours ago
Burke is a super Shabbos Goy in bed with Mark Dreyfuss.

9 hours ago
You toxic faggots are infecting every chat on Odysee. Get a fucking life you bitch niggers.

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
it gives ACMA take down notices which doc media must adhere to

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
MAD Bill will be selective

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

now ask, has any of the faggots like Chain Reaction defending these scum provided any facts proving their innocence?

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago


9 hours ago
Also many in cities and suburbia

9 hours ago


Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago

yes – Erikson’s YT chan

9 hours ago
Plenty of rural Aussies have missed all the anti-White shit

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

flood doxing rango dingboth

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Is it still online?

9 hours ago

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

drilla reporting the people calling his grift out h

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago


Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Neil did a good interview with Roberts years ago

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
“loons with ill intentions” your projection is obvious

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
The Jews are anti-Nationalist in our countries but pro-Nationalist in Israel. Funny that.

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

piece of shit

9 hours ago

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

not gossip, they are lying grifters and need to be called out

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Burke is juice heritage

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

Graf, owner of who confirmed nnr would complain to him about other people, changed nnr’s handle because he was sick of the faggotry h

9 hours ago

Can’t handle criticism?

9 hours ago
Stop shitting up the chat with higschool girl gossip

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

That was awesome, Dan vs Piers

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
ABC upset about SSM

9 hours ago
yeah, just block disruptive loons with ill intentions

9 hours ago

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

nnr publicly complaining to odysee on twitter h

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
I’m muting those who are discussing that which is not relevant. Love Love

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Burke would n’t say that to Faruqi

9 hours ago

Write an article and prove all of your claims then. I’m not going to watch 3 hour streams to get an idea of what’s happening. If someone did that, i’d take a look.

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
he used to be the whip in Parliament

9 hours ago
Watch Dan Bilzarian Vs. Pierce Morgan. More so share it with people who are naive.

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

nnr has doxed, banned complained to higher authorities etc and started the timeslot wars

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
you are right Blair…and social media, wiki and dumb internet sites caused that

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
CDC is all juice

9 hours ago

again, you can use the word grifter, but what do you even mean?

9 hours ago
they’re poppin outta tunnels

9 hours ago
Absolutely genetic to a large degree, also the talmud.

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Blair – research the Talmud

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
fucken dbots

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

i dont give a fuck about tuber, im calling out the grifters and their defenders, do i need to share the screenshots again?

9 hours ago

hahaha Dbots it is from now on

9 hours ago

You keeps using words like subversive, but do you really know what they mean? Why are you still defending someone that’s outed as brown?

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Blair? BLAIR?????

9 hours ago
Karl Marx

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
lets call them Dbots

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Larry Fink

9 hours ago
But it is the jews

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

yes, we have the proof including the word of social media owner, your a lying subversive faggot

9 hours ago
biggest revenue from the web is porn & gambling

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
It’s so dumb. My lads hacked my passwords dozens of times. These u-16yos will be voting next 🤷‍♀️

9 hours ago
i keep hearing things like that

but has it rly been confirmed?

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
umm I.D that is digital duhh

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Tails was 0dayed years ago by Exodus

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

wont have it for long if your already there.

9 hours ago

widely available porn is no good for kids

9 hours ago
TAILS OS <– last place we’ll have, get it while u can

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
You will use your MyGov

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

neither are you now fuck off jew!

9 hours ago
nah, social media no good for kids n youths

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Dischord is not good

9 hours ago
Tom is still my best friend

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
data base got hacked long ago

9 hours ago


9 hours ago
government data bases get hacked

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
they can play snake

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
yeah nokia 3310s

9 hours ago
Then should just make smart phones illegal for people under 16, just give them old style flippers

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

and gave us all a hecking laugh

9 hours ago
see could have been packing heat, how is he to know.

9 hours ago
HE had every right to do that

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
She has the helium physiognomy voice

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Fuentes lives in a nice area…cops would back him up

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Blair – get it together

9 hours ago
Depends on the state

9 hours ago
glass ceiling? it’s brick, bitch

9 hours ago
its technically in direct reference to abortion rights and thats it, but you can run wild with the implications

9 hours ago
It was a troll and hilarious

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
he got doxed first

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Marla Rose

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

10 hours ago

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
don’t let it happen again Blair..

10 hours ago
Trump will monitor the situation, only 2 weeks until free speech

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
twitter already 13+ age

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
odd how only Corperate submissions are published

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

unblock me on, you want to talk shit dont do it so i cant respond

10 hours ago

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
Van is secretary of Ukraine Club…got busted wearing Galacia patch

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
Lidia Thorpe got him…Van

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

I like the cleaner cut

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

your a low life maggot claiming innocence and your far from it.

10 hours ago

10 hours ago
I like the shirt


The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
fucking cunt*

9 hours ago
Castle doctrine?

9 hours ago
i heard she pressed charges not sure tho

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago
nicky had a sperg out haha

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

your a literal pos

9 hours ago
trump managed to do one thing right, which is blocking both first female presidents

9 hours ago
na, who put that bell button in,, shocking

9 hours ago
Murdoch Murdoch had the funniest take on Fuentes

The Crucible 01
9 hours ago

fuck off faggot

Hess’ Channel
9 hours ago
Marla Rose

9 hours ago
shame fuentes is a mexican twink

10 hours ago
I think I’m going to live where there is only 3G service and not buy Skynet from Elon

10 hours ago

yeah, you really are an utter shit cunt

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

keep projecting you fucking you are finished.

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Ban the Commie Fist? Ban the Middle Finger? Ban the o7 Salute?

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

you are a subversive lying piece of shit midwit larping as a “smart person” you support flood, nnr, drilla, logos, that all the proof anyone needs

10 hours ago

Graf is Based, NNR is a faggot

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
that financial stuff is for scam baiting etc

10 hours ago
Speech doesn’t physically harm anyone, this is jew faggy commie shit saying speech harms

10 hours ago
prove any of these claims u unhinged, stalking loser hahaha, keep seething, fags… whoa

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

10 hours ago
I doubt Joel gives a fuck about which brown people you prefer between HT and tuber

10 hours ago


Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago

I’m all good…I just come for the fellowship with like minded white people ….I’m not one to follow or idolize …I don’t toss my shekles at them either so no skin off my ass if some streamers are disingenuous grifters…keep things in proper perspective

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

cant prove it hey faggot, hold up i got more!!!

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

10 hours ago

yea guilty

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
most of the media contacting you are just testing you

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

ohhh really faggot

10 hours ago
Drew PAvlou is an absolute faggot and he is not an Aussie

10 hours ago

You are doing timeslot war on Joel you cunt

Johnny Bags
10 hours ago
They wanna be able to write that you didnt respond to their request for comment, in their hit piece article

10 hours ago
losers search streams in incognito mode just to seethe n talk shit they can’t prove… sad losers… seriously, sad

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

yes spy hunter and drilla have been doxing randbot, regardless what you think of rand, its wrong.

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago
proximity certainly does breed contempt

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
lol ^

10 hours ago

You lick NNRs nuts like a fag, funny you say other people have a hard on for you

10 hours ago
any jeet you find, i’ll find a white that can do better

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Pressure valves. Don’t waste your $ being political ffs🤦‍♀️

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago

Spy Hunter is on his dick too now I see

10 hours ago

Move to a rural area

10 hours ago


10 hours ago
hilarious what that mentally ill faggot has a hard on for me, what a homo… actually searches to find me even though he blocked smh

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago
my city is now about 18% white …fucking depressing 😏 total beaner take over

10 hours ago
Roberts is a bit like David Icke, he really doesn’t get it, but is right occasionally.

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
chain reaction supports nnr’s subversive grifting

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

100% so is chain reaction

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
Roberts is pretty good in Estimates

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago

NNR is a faggit

10 hours ago
Qld has state controlled by LNP, we should lobby for a minister for White Men, as they have a minister for specifically excluding White men.

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

supports the doxxing, banning and de-plattforming of white natsocs, he wants jews (Dbot) in the natsoc cause

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago
I fucking hate Whites who support immigration…our quality of life is degraded and big business benefits …crooked politicians too I would imagine as a diverse fractured population is easier to deceive and control

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago
Watch out for

he is a lying subverisive piece of shit

The Crucible 01
10 hours ago

this you faggot – g

10 hours ago
take away the gibs and they’ll leave

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
all the Jeets cheat on exams

10 hours ago

It is Aussie version of naturalization act

10 hours ago
70% of new home builds are rented by international students

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago
yeah, get them out

10 hours ago
Also our universities are garbage, I would hate to think what they are like in worse places.

Hitlers Ghost
10 hours ago

Wet 💦 ass Pussy??

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Didn’t you listen to Woodlander?

10 hours ago
Retrospective WAP would be cool

10 hours ago
Pauline Hanson also went in ahijab thing to show solidiarity with muslims.

10 hours ago

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
Limbrick is Juice

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
abortion is not complicated…its become an industry which is used as Political policy…quiet easy to not get pregnant in 2024

10 hours ago

Yeah mainly a wedge issue, where the centrist is correct.

10 hours ago

tis a complicated topic, our prob tends to be that now it pushed like a right of passage by loons

10 hours ago

I guess my opinion is that abortion should be available, it is just that people should be in a healthy state and not have any use for in in normal situations.

10 hours ago
teacher owned by student

10 hours ago


Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
the + is animals…wtf

10 hours ago

Iknew someone who starved themselves to kill their baby to avoid getting an abortion. Even abos knew how to do abortions using drugs.

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
nuke it

10 hours ago
if those whore had that kind of discipline, abortion wouldn’t be an issue…

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
forced sterilisation was court ordered in 28 states of US – way before Nazi heard of it

10 hours ago
Eugenic abortion is fine IMO, just not forced

10 hours ago
Capsicum spray is illegal as a self defense in Australia, but you can use habernero oil on your food.

10 hours ago
it’s great for niglets

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
yeah, Zyklon it up brah

Bianca Fights The Zombies
10 hours ago

10 hours ago
Zyklon pepper spray

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago
acid is better

10 hours ago
lol, was looking for that t-shirt

10 hours ago
excellent edit lol

10 hours ago
Oh naur muh peaceful invaders

10 hours ago

10 hours ago
Weaker than I think? How often do they win strongman competitions?

10 hours ago

10 hours ago
Have you got a great title for me? Yes sir i do!

Hess’ Channel
10 hours ago

11 hours ago

11 hours ago
great title o/

12 hours ago

Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript



See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript



Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version 2: Sat, Nov 16, 2024 — Transcript completed = 41/116 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.

Version 1: Fri, Nov 15, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed = 31/116 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (364).

This entry was posted in Abortion, Australia, Australia - Liberal Party, Australia - Libertarian Party, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, Jews - Hostile Elite, Joel Davis, National Socialist Network - Aus, One Nation - Pauline Hanson, Public opinion - Manipulation, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Transgenderism, White Nationalism, Woke Agenda, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 20 with Kathleen Dudley – Nov 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Joel Davis – “It’s Not About Race” – Nov 21, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  3. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 27 – Germar Rudolf – Jan 18, 2025 – Transcript | katana17

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