Sam Newman – Main Stream Push Back With Tom Sewell and Blair Cottrell – Feb 3, 2025 – Transcript


Sam Newman


Main Stream Push Back


With Tom Sewell and Blair Cottrell


Mon, Feb 3, 2025


[In this pre-recorded episode of the You Can’t Be Serious, Sam Newman (born 1945) a well-known former Australian Rules footballer interviews Aussie nationalist activist, leader of National Socialist Network, Tom Sewell and fellow nationalist Blair Cottrell.

Blair and Tom discuss why non-Whites in Australia need to leave and a new version of the White Australian Policy needs to be installed.

Some further discussion points:

Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell are introduced as representatives of White supremacy / Nazism in Australia.

Thomas states “I believe that Adolf Hitler was the greatest man of the 20th century”.

They dispute the Holocaust, calling it a “trillion dollar industry”.

They express admiration for Hitler’s revival of German national spirit.

Thomas identifies as “counter-Semitic”.

They discuss a recent incident involving explosives found in an abandoned caravan near Sydney, suggesting it may have been staged.

They admit to giving Nazi salutes in the past but say they’ve stopped since it was made illegal.

Elon Musk’s “Roman” salute.

Thomas argues White people “deserve a home” and that Australia should be for White people.

Blair states “I think White people deserve a home. Collectively, they have a home, we don’t have one.”

They express opposition to multiculturalism and mass immigration.

Thomas says “Why should Australians have to compete with everybody else in the world for a house in Australia?”

They argue for deporting non-White immigrants:

“A lot of people need to go home”.

Blair states “I think all countries that are in existence are created through force” regarding Australia’s colonization.

They discuss their views on Aboriginal Australians, suggesting they should “govern themselves” separately.

Thomas describes membership criteria for their National Socialist Network.

Blair confirms “You have to be White” and “You can’t be a homosexual” to join.

They claim to have “thousands of supporters” and about 250 active members.

Thomas says “We’re a global movement of nationalists”.

Blair argues “Every White country is losing their homeland”.

They discuss potentially running for political office in the future.

Blair reiterates “We need representation for White Aussies”.

They express admiration for Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

Blair argues against the concept of hate speech:

“What is hate speech other than speech that people in power don’t like?”

Thomas recounts an altercation with a black security guard, re “dance monkey”.

Newman says that George Floyd was a “piece of shit”.

And more, …




Published on Mon, Feb 3, 2025



Ep 293 – Part 5 – Main Stream Push Back
You Cannot Be Serious
2.23K subscribers
Feb 3, 2025 #classiccars #trucks #meditation
Sam Newman spoke to two self declared white supremacists. The interview was to expose the radical views of a disparate group. With all the publicity surrounding their appearances, it was thought it would be an intriguing chat.
This is strictly nonpartisan.
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Show transcript
You Cannot Be Serious
2.23K subscribers



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(Words: 10,778 – Duration: 53 mins)



You can’t be serious, man. You cannot be serious!




Sam Newman: Well, now. Well, now, I’ll probably take a kicking for doing this, but that’s why I’m doing it. Because we speak to people of interest. And I don’t think you could get any more interest than these two people sitting opposite me for probably the wrong reasons, but it doesn’t matter. Everyone has a story and we’d like to know what it is, as unpalatable as it may be to some.


But in front of me is Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell. And they seem to be the face, for want of a better word, “Nazism” in Australia or the face of “White supremacy”.


And they’ve been in court in Adelaide on Australia Day. And I thought, this is extraordinary. They look like two presentable people to me. And they might think I’m not too presentable, but I’d like to know what’s going on in the back of their mind, in the front of their mind, and what they do this for and who they are and how they started.


Can I ask you this first? Can I ask you this first, Thomas? You’ll love this question. Are you a debutant, or a fan of Hitler?


Thomas Sewell: I believe that Adolf Hitler was the greatest man of the 20th century.


Sam Newman: And why? Because he tried to wipe out the jews?


Thomas Sewell: Well, we can get into that.


Sam Newman: No, we can, but, …


Thomas Sewell: I’ll answer the question first and then we can discuss the Holocaust specifically at this.


But I would like to answer the question without the Holocaust being on the table to start with. Because I believe that the Holocaust is disputed, I don’t believe that it’s true. I think it’s a trillion dollar industry that’s been running for too long. That is just to start with. But to answer the question, …


Sam Newman: At this stage, Paul, at this stage, Thomas. Sorry. I probably should stop this interview. We probably should finish this now.


Thomas Sewell: Why?


Sam Newman: No, people will say:


“Well, if that is your attitude and that is the person you look up to, we probably shouldn’t go on with this.”


But this makes me go on with it even more. So, …


Thomas Sewell: I think we need to have an honest conversation about World War II. I think we need to have an honest conversation about Adolf Hitler. And if I’m wrong, then I think the media should be honest and prove where what I’ve said is incorrect.


[See: ]


My appreciation of Adolf Hitler is quite simple. I believe that Germany was destroyed in the 1920s, and I believe that it took a great man to revitalise the German national spirit. I think Australia is facing the same, and the Western world, the whole White Western world is facing the same set of circumstances as Weimar Germany was facing in the 1920s. And we’re facing that in the 2000s. And I think what we need is a revival in our national spirit!


So it’s not necessarily Hitler as an individual that I think we need to revive, but I think he had a very clear political strategy, a very clear spiritual meaning to the German people.


And I think that if Australia has a love of its own folk, we can survive and not just survive, but we can thrive. We can rebuild the Australian dream and create greatness here in this land.


Sam Newman: So I’ve been to Dachau. What would you say to people who say that Hitler himself, through his acolytes, burnt and incinerated millions of jews in the name of ethnic cleansing, if you like? You’re disputing that?


[See: The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies]


Thomas Sewell: I dispute it because the history, the proven history that we have, not jewish Hollywood and mythology, is that, …


Sam Newman: I’ve seen, people have seen, …


Thomas Sewell: You might have seen piles of shoes and if you went to, …


Sam Newman: No, I’ve seen piles of bodies, people being shot in pits. From the, …


Thomas Sewell: I don’t believe in the 6 million number. Certainly there were people that were killed and there was a Einsatzgruppen* and there was a anti-partisan task force in the SS that was devised to hunt down and kill people that were committing war crimes against the German army. So they were dressed as civilians.


[* Q:What role did the Einsatzgruppen play in the German war effort?

Ans: Because the fight between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany was a largely ideological one, and the Soviet Union was not a signatory of Geneva Convention agreements on the conduct of war, it was rightly assumed by Hitler that the Soviets would not fight by the rules. The Einsatzgruppen were police units assigned to the pacification of occupied territories in the east. Their duties included fighting anti-German partisan guerrillas, shooting captured communist ‘commissars’ and executing civilians in reprisal for acts of murder and sabotage committed by the guerrillas. Ref: Butz; Staeglich; Klee]

[See: ]


Regarding gas chambers, I think history will prove that that is a falsity, created by a narrative. Regarding the burning of bodies. There wasn’t enough crematorium ovens to burn 6 million bodies, and they’ve actually revised the original Auschwitz number from four and a half down to one and a half down to 1.1. And now they’re saying that maybe they can prove 250,000 died here. But the math still doesn’t add up.


So I don’t really want to come on the show to talk about the Holocaust.



Sam Newman: No! I don’t!


Thomas Sewell: I don’t really want to talk about the Hitler. But, what I want to talk about is Australia. That’s why I came on. Obviously it’s impossible to avoid the conversation of Hitler because we are nationalists and we’re National Socialists.


Sam Newman: So you’re anti-semitic?


Thomas Sewell: I’m counter-semitic. Yeah, absolutely!


Sam Newman: You’re anti-the jews?


Thomas Sewell: I think the individual jew, I don’t have much of a concern for them. I don’t really.


Sam Newman: But that is, …


Thomas Sewell: Anti-semitism for me is I believe that there is an alien spirituality, an alien political position that is antithetical to our survival as Western civilisation. I don’t believe that Western civilisation was built alongside jews. I think jews have been from the very beginning antagonistic. I think they open the gates of Toledo, they open the gates of Constantinople, they open the gates of Vienna and they allowed Muslim, …




Sam Newman: Plenty of people are antagonistic, but that’s taking it to a whole new level. The world is full of antagonistic people and countries.


Thomas Sewell: It is.


Sam Newman: So they just found a caravan in New South Wales [chuckling] loaded with explosives with a view, …


Thomas Sewell: I don’t advocate for terrorism, if that’s what you’re asking me. I don’t advocate for terrorism. What I want is a free and noble people! I want our country to be free and noble.


Sam Newman: And you want, …


Blair Cottrell: That caravan you mentioned though, that was discovered. That was a little bit suspicious, wasn’t it? That a caravan full of explosives, …


Sam Newman: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: Was discovered with the addresses of the targets written down on a piece of paper inside. It was all very convenient.


Sam Newman: So what are you saying about the caravan with full of explosives?


Blair Cottrell: I’m saying that there’s a lot of kicking and screaming in the jewish community, and they seem to be getting a lot of money. A special task force, and they are the primary beneficiaries of these threats, if you pay attention.


Sam Newman: So you’re not saying the jewish fraternity loaded the caravan up?


Blair Cottrell: I’m not saying that. I don’t have any proof of that. But what I’m saying is when something like this happens, you have to ask yourself, well, who stands to benefit?



Thomas Sewell: Cui bono. Who benefits?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, …


Thomas Sewell: So a good answer to your question as well is a lot of these anti-semitic attacks have been proven. And the AFP [Australian Federal Police] came out recently and stated that foreign agents are paying organised criminals to pay junkies to commit these anti-semitic attacks. No one in my organisation and no one in my extended community has spray painted synagogues or done anything silly like that. Because we don’t want to go down that path. That’s not what we’re interested in.



[See: The Noticer – Yes, they really do hate freedom (Part 1) FEBRUARY 10, 2025 – MITCH SUTTON]


But in the absence of us doing it’s either the Palestinians doing it, the Arabs and Palestinians, or it is what foreign government is paying organised crime to attack synagogues and why? Why are they paying people? And this is a fact, this isn’t my speculation, the AFP came out recently and said:


“Foreign governments are paying organised criminals to subcontract out anti-semitic attacks.”


So what does this have to do with me and my historical analysis of Western civilisation?


Sam Newman: So you gave a Nazi salute, did you not?


Thomas Sewell: Many times.


Sam Newman: Yes, many times.


Thomas Sewell: Many times. That is the Roman salute or the Nazi salute.


Sam Newman: Hang on! The Nazi salute, which is actually banned and considered, not hate speech because it’s not a speech. But you, …


Thomas Sewell: Well, it’s a political gesture. It is a form of speech.


Sam Newman: Which has been banned by Western, …


Thomas Sewell: It’s being contested, but yes, …


Sam Newman: It is currently been banned. It’s illegal. But you do it anyhow because you’re by nature being anti-social.


Thomas Sewell: We haven’t done it since it’s been made illegal. That’s Jacob Hersant. He did it. He’s the only person to be arrested for doing so.


[See: The Noticer – Jacob Hersant facing a year in jail for political salute]


Sam Newman: You didn’t do it in the courthouse coming out of Adelaide?


Thomas Sewell: Oh, no, no, no! That footage that you’re seeing is from about two or three years ago.


Sam Newman: I see. So since they made it illegal, you’ve stopped doing the Nazi salute?


Thomas Sewell: I’m waiting to hear what the High Court decision is with Jacob Hersant’s case. So that judgement will decide whether we do it in the future.


Blair Cottrell: So there’s quite a few people who have been charged with doing it since that ban came into place, including our former Neighbours [Australian sit-com] star Damien Richardson, who gave the gesture satirically during a during a private venue speech.


So the law does need to be tested there, because when you’re going to be charging people for raising their arm a certain distance above their hip, that’s a little bit much!


Sam Newman: Elon Musk was accused of doing it, but of course. And there’s a difference, I think, whether it be palatable or not in comedy, black humour, you can do certain things if you are a comedic working comedically in front of an audience.


Blair Cottrell: Of course.


Thomas Sewell: But I don’t think Musk did it for comedy. I think he did it as a political expression of his excitement.



Sam Newman: No! Thomas, Musk didn’t do it. It had nothing to do with the Nazi salute.


Blair Cottrell: How do you know? Have you spoken to him?


Sam Newman: No, I haven’t spoken to him, but people have asked him, why wouldn’t he say, “yes, I was giving the Nazi salute”? He was, …


Thomas Sewell: We’re arguing semantics. Like, is it the Roman salute or is it the Nazi salute? Because he definitely gave a Roman salute. His gesture was Roman in nature. And he is appreciator of Roman history. He stated he likes Roman history.


Sam Newman: He’s a sympathizer of the jewish Holocaust, or the jewish, …


Thomas Sewell: I’d be if browbeaten by Netanyahu and taken to the museums. Yes, I did see that. I don’t know if he, …


Sam Newman: So what happens when someone hails a taxi and they throw out their hand in the absolute epitome of a Nazi salute?


Blair Cottrell: Exactly!


Thomas Sewell: Well, so that’s why it comes down to this is a “thought crime”, because the gesture itself isn’t what’s being made illegal, it’s the thoughts behind the gesture.


Sam Newman: But you do it. You both, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s not actually my style.




Sam Newman: So you give a Nazi salute in order to mean exactly what it meant, that you are a sympathizer of Hitler’s and his regime and what he was on about. And you would like that.


So Donald Trump was being accused by the Democrats during the four years of electioneering of being Hitler and being likened to Hitler. Do you take offence at that? Do you think Donald Trump’s what the Democrats said he was “a devotee of Hitler’s”?


Thomas Sewell: No. Donald Trump is a liberal, he believes in, …


Sam Newman: But he wants nationalism. He wants America First, like you want Australia.


Thomas Sewell: He wants parts of nationalism as a liberal, the way that we want parts of democracy and liberty as a nationalist.


Sam Newman: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: So we all want parts of each other’s ideas.


I don’t believe in this political theory that everything is set 100% in stone, you can’t borrow ideas or thoughts from other groups.


Sam Newman: So someone like Donald Trump or someone on a level mental footing. Not saying you’re not on a level mental footing, but people you don’t want any coloured people of any skin colour other than White people to live in this country.


Blair Cottrell: That’s a big generalisation.


Sam Newman: Well, I’m asking you!


Blair Cottrell: We’ve jumped into the deep end with this conversation. I didn’t know we were going to start off with Hitler and the Holocaust!


Sam Newman: So, Blair, let’s pretend, …


Thomas Sewell: I want a home for White people.


Sam Newman: Let’s pretend we’ve just started this conversation.


Welcome, boys! Welcome! What question would you like me to ask you first up? Go ahead.


Blair Cottrell: Well, I thought we’d start the conversation with Australia Day. The controversy that led us here in the first place. And the fact that we’re Australians, we’re not Germans, and we’re representing an Australian brand of nationalism


Sam Newman: Unfortunately, you can’t see my notes. Let’s get into all that. All written down here, …


Thomas Sewell: I’m happy to do it in order. You’re the host.


Sam Newman: No, but I thought it would be good if people are watching this and listening to this, it would be nice to know that if you are a devotee or an admirer of Hitler’s, why?


Because that usually engenders a fair amount of angst among, …


Thomas Sewell: Why?


Blair Cottrell: Some.


Sam Newman: Usually. Well, you’re explaining why it doesn’t, and I’m saying, generally if you are a friend or admirer of Hitler’s, that doesn’t go over well.


Blair Cottrell: Hang on, let’s answer a general question with a general answer.


Sam Newman: Right, okay.


Blair Cottrell: Hitler’s a very significant figure in history.


Sam Newman: He is!


Blair Cottrell: And the guy made a lot of right decisions. He did a lot of good for Germany at the time. No one can dispute that. But he didn’t do everything right. If he did he would have one the war. There’s lessons to be learnt from Hitler. And some of those lessons we can incorporate into an Australian brand of nationalism, for the good of our country. And I think that is the general standpoint that we would take.


Sam Newman: So, this is where I should have started the interview?


Sam Newman: Let’s keep moving. Let’s keep the ball rolling.


Blair Cottrell: Is this a live interview, or is this recorded? I’m not really sure what we are doing here.


Sam Newman: No, this is pre-recorded. Does that matter?


Blair Cottrell: Not really. I would usually prefer it to be live, because it can be, …


Sam Newman: I can absolutely tell you! I give you my word. Hey mate!


Blair Cottrell: Let me say this too.


Sam Newman: No! Blair! Blair, …


Blair Cottrell: I think you would agree with us on most things. It’s just that perspective of World War Two.


Sam Newman: Blair, we are telling you this now, we have never editing anything, …


Blair Cottrell: I’m not accusing you of that.


Sam Newman: No, you said you would like to do it live, …


Blair Cottrell: Some journalists, …


Sam Newman: Hang on! I’m not some journalist. And I’m not a journalist. We’ve never edited anything other than saying, “I’m not sure you should say that for libel or slander purposes.” So we don’t want to get sued.


Blair Cottrell: Sure. Fair enough.


Sam Newman: We have taken two or three things out of one or two interviews we have done over five years. This is absolutely as we speak, so I’m just telling you that now. And if you were recording this on your phone you can play it back and when it goes to air you can see that I’m just telling you that.


Blair Cottrell: Look you’ve given us a fair go, and I apprciate it. As I said before the show I grew up in 89, so I watched you on TV as a kid. Me and my dad thought you were good value.


Sam Newman: Good on you. So why are you so pre-occupied with, … We had a White Australian policy, here, back in the 40s.


Thomas Sewell: Until the 70s.


Sam Newman: What?


Thomas Sewell: Until the 70s.


Sam Newman: I think Harold Holt [a former Prime Minister] in 1966, or 1970? He decided, … Anyway, we had a White Australian policy. You would like that to be reinstated, would you?


Blair Cottrell: Do you feel that Australia was better back then than it is now?


Sam Newman: In what way?


[Image: Australia, aerial view of Sydney, 1960s]


Blair Cottrell: Nicer place to live, more manageable infrastructure, more manageable population. I could imagine in the 60s, not that I was alive back then. Australia probably was a nice place to live, and it’s probably a lot different now as a result of the people who are coming into this country, a lot of the time to exploit Australia.


Sam Newman: Yep.


Now, so having said that is just a pointless. It is really a pointless question to say, did I prefer to live in the 60s, because I did.


[Image: The Gold Coast, Queensland late 1960s meter maid]


Blair Cottrell: Well, you’re saying by default you preferred to live in a White Australia, because in the 60s, Australia was predominantly White.


Sam Newman: I didn’t say I preferred, I said it was, …


Blair Cottrell: Well, what’s the defining factor that separates the 60s from now?


Sam Newman: The fact that we have a cosmopolitan country of people pouring into it and hopefully they’re vetted! Bit like what Trump’s on about in America is that we vet the right people coming in and hopefully they contribute. You couldn’t say that Australia, … Would you say Australia is not the better for the multicultural society we live in?


Thomas Sewell: My main contention is that it is not better, that it is worse.


Sam Newman: And what would you like to do about it?


Thomas Sewell: I’d like to do a lot of things about it, …


Sam Newman: But it’s here now. There’s 25 million of us here and they’re from every country in the world!


Blair Cottrell: A lot of people need to go!


Sam Newman: Would you like to deport them?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: A lot of people need to go home. There’s people that are in our country illegally.


Just recently, actually it was brought to light that there are some fake scam universities through which Indians are coming into our country. They’re signing up on these fake universities, which are actually just websites, …


Sam Newman: Yep.


Blair Cottrell: And they’re here legally on fake student visas. And that’s just what we know of! There’s a lot of scams beneath that we haven’t even figured out yet.


Sam Newman: So that’s not necessarily hoping that we’ll just have a White country. That’s hoping that we’ll send back people who are here illegally, no matter what skin colour they are.


Thomas Sewell: That’s how you start! That’s how you start. I think that’s the starting point that we can all agree on, is that people that have entered the country illegally should be deported. And we have to have the strength to do that. We have to have the strength to enforce laws! And if we don’t have the strength to enforce laws, then a home for everyone is a home for no one!


Sam Newman: Yeah, but so, …




Thomas Sewell: My most important contention is and my most, my biggest argument for what we want as a future, is a home, individually and collectively. Why? If you let me finish, Sam, because I can see you’re trying to interject.


Sam Newman: I haven’t interjected.


Thomas Sewell: I know. I’d appreciate, if I just get 30 seconds.


White people deserve a home! There’s 1.4 billion Chinamen, there’s 1.4 billion Indians, there’s a billion Africans, there’s a billion Arabs. And they’ve all got their own countries. Now if there was a White country on earth, I would, I don’t want to leave Australia! But if you said to me:


“Tom, why don’t you go live in Poland or Lithuania or Latvia or whatever?”


I would say:


“Look, it’s tempting, but I love Australia!”


It is tempting because I don’t like what’s happening to this country. I think White people deserve a home collectively. They have a home, we don’t have one! We’re being told that Australia is for everyone! And if it’s for everyone, then it’s for no one! That’s my position.


And second to that collectively, is individually. I individually cannot afford a home. My father bought a home on three years wages. I could not even buy a 200 square meter block of dirt in Parnee [sp] for three years wages. So I, because of the conditions the government has put our generation through, I and the people younger than me are getting locked out of the market. And when we do afford a home, like where I rent, where I can’t even afford where I rent, I take my child to the playground, Sam, and every single other child at the playground is speaking a foreign language to their parents!


My child is the only child at the playground that’s speaking English. And I’m surrounded by people that are being told:


“Oh, this is a great multicultural diversity!”


And it just means less White people, less White culture. And ultimately we’re going to turn into global South Africa.


[See: How Africans May Differ from Westerners]


And I will fight to stop that from happening, Sam! I don’t want us to turn into South Africa. I had family in Rhodesia, I had family in South Africa. I’m not letting it happen here!


And so I’m trying with all my might to be peaceful and reasonable and political. But we have to protect White Australia. We have to!


Blair Cottrell: Was there ever a point in the past where there was some democratic process, like maybe a referendum on multiculturalism? Were the people ever asked? I’m asking you’ve been around a bit longer than me.


Sam Newman: Don’t ask me anything, mate. You speak for as long as you like.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t believe there was.


Sam Newman: When you’re finished, I’ll ask you a question, because I don’t want to interrupt you.


Thomas Sewell: No, no, I’m finished.


Sam Newman: Sure you’re finished? Go ahead, Blair.


Blair Cottrell: Well, I think it’s important again to ask yourself, who are the beneficiaries of multiculturalism and mass migration between 2024, I think, and, 2025 this year, or maybe it was 23 and, 24, 1.1 million migrants arrived in Australia in a single year. Okay, that’s record numbers never seen before in the history of Australia. Predominantly from India and China. And predominantly the reason this happens is to enrich the financial sector.


You’ve got big property developers like Harry Triguboff*, who’s building tens of thousands of homes out in the swamplands. Cookie cutter homes that standard Australians wouldn’t want to live in, right? And he’s making bank from this immigration. And guess what? He also lobbies the major political parties.


[* Harry Oskar Triguboff is a jewish-Australian billionaire real estate developer, and one of Australia’s richest people. He is the founder and managing director of Meriton and is known as “high-rise Harry”. As of May 2023, The Australian Financial Review assessed Triguboff as the fourth richest Australian by net worth, estimated at A$23.80 billion, as published in the 2023 Rich List. Wikipedia]


So you can understand why it’s in the interests of certain people to be bringing more migrants into Australia.


So it’s not the Australians winning from this. We’re not benefiting. It’s not the average person getting more money in their pocket. People younger than me, they can’t afford to buy a house. So why? I’ll leave you this. Why should Australians have to compete with everybody else in the world for a house in Australia?


Sam Newman: Well, we’ve set a record. I haven’t spoken for three minutes, and that doesn’t usually happen.


Blair Cottrell: We can become somewhat impassioned!


Thomas Sewell: The floor is yours.


Blair Cottrell: We get somewhat, …


Sam Newman: No, please. No, Blair, please, keep going!


Blair Cottrell: Ask your next question, my friend. It’s yours now.


Sam Newman: Now, is the country not richer for all the European migration that’s come here over the years, the 25 million of us that are here?


Thomas Sewell: I believe it is richer for the Europeans.


Sam Newman: The Italians and the, …


Thomas Sewell: I believe it’s richer for the European migration.


Sam Newman: Is it?


Thomas Sewell: Yes, I believe so.


Sam Newman: As long as they’re White?


Thomas Sewell: Yes. White European. European.


Sam Newman: So.


Thomas Sewell: So I wouldn’t want Australia to turn into little Italy, but 5%, 10% Italian, I agree.


Sam Newman: As long as they’re White?


Thomas Sewell: They’re Europeans. Yes.


Sam Newman: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Greeks and Italians are Europeans.


Sam Newman: So you said that we should send back all those people who are here illegally. Illegal aliens, if you like.


So if there was some Americans and British and Canadians that were here, we’d send them home, as well as all the Indians that are here illegally as well, would we?


Blair Cottrell: We need to be focused on cultural similarity. Right? When we share certain cultural similarities with other people, then obviously integration and coexistence is much more probable. I mean, you only need to look at the situation in Queensland with Vyleen White* who was stabbed to death by an African refugee in a car park. And this is not an isolated incident. This is happening all over the country.


[* FEBRUARY 4, 2024 THE NOTICER-UPDATE: Police have released CCTV of four men of African appearance they believe may be able to assist them with enquiries. UPDATE 2: Video and images of the suspects removed after a 16-year-old male was charged with murder: A major manhunt is underway for an African man who stabbed an elderly woman to death during a robbery at a Queensland shopping centre. Vyleen White, 70, was stabbed in the chest at Town Square Redbank Plains Shopping Centre in Ipswich at 6.10pm on Saturday evening, in front of her six-year-old granddaughter. She was treated at the scene but was unable to be saved, while the young girl was assessed but not physically injured. The suspect, described by police as a male of African appearance, left his victim in a pool of blood and fled immediately after the attack, and police have asked members of the public who saw a blue 2009 Hyundai Getz in the area afterward to come forward. Police have seized the hatchback, with Queensland registration 432 TYO, and will allege it was driven from the carpark after the attack. They have since said they are seeking four persons of interest, all males of African appearance, who left that vehicle and walked away.]


Sam Newman: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: Carjackings, home invasions, …


Sam Newman: Same in America? Plenty of White people stab people as well.


Blair Cottrell: That’s true, but the statistics prove that it’s very disproportionate. Right? Like I wish race was just skin colour. I wish that was the truth!


But the fact is there’s a lot more going on with race than just the colour of skin. It’s the way of thinking and behaving. It’s the IQ, it’s the capacity for creativity and understanding. There’s a lot going on there that we need to explore. This hyper simplified generalised idea that race is just skin colour. Okay. If we’re going to survive as a country, as a people, we need to move beyond that.


[See: Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70 — TRANSCRIPT]




Sam Newman: Should we start to move the previous inhabitants of the country out? Should we start to move the Aboriginals out, or what should we do with them?


Thomas Sewell: Look, I’ll answer the question regarding the Aboriginals. I think that they have two options. They have two options.


Sam Newman: The people that were here before us?


Thomas Sewell: The people we conquered this country off. Yes. We conquered this land off them. Yeah. By force. We took it by force. And I’m not ashamed of that. I think there’s a lot of people that are ashamed of that.


But I think all countries that are in existence are created through force. Every single one! I don’t think there’s One Nation that is free from the guilt of conquering a lesser people.


Blair Cottrell: What were we supposed to do when we arrived?:


“Oh, there’s already some semi-nomadic tribes here eating each other, we better go home!”


Sam Newman: No, that, no, no, …


Thomas Sewell: I believe we conquered this country.


Sam Newman: I’m on the record as saying that. I’m saying this country is here because of settlement.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Sam Newman: In 1788 or something. I’m saying that. And there was 150,000 Aboriginal people on 7.7 million square acres [km] of country. So hardly, we’ve hardly taken over their country. But they were the previous inhabitants. Well, well, we’ve hardly taken it over in as much as this country is what it is today because of settlement.


Thomas Sewell: Yes. I agree with that.


Sam Newman: So my question. Well, but that’s just a fact.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: Isn’t it? So what do you do with the people that were here before us who aren’t the same skin colour as the people that you prefer?


Thomas Sewell: My initial thought is that they should be left alone. We should stop giving them money. We should let them have their own little societies and let them govern themselves. I’m sick of playing babysitter.


Sam Newman: Well, how would that work? How can they govern themselves? What does that mean?


Thomas Sewell: What, are they not human? Are they not capable of self governance?


Sam Newman: Well, govern themselves where? In what cities or what?


Thomas Sewell: They shouldn’t be in the cities. They didn’t build them.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t think Aboriginal people are our responsibility. I think they’re their own responsibility.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, this is the conversation a responsible White government that represents White people should have with a responsible body of the Aboriginals that represent Aboriginal people.


And then we can sit down at the table, White Australians representing White Australians, with Aboriginals representing Aboriginals, and we can have an honest conversation about how we’re going to make it work.


Sam Newman: So if you say we took over the country from them, why don’t we help them assimilate, seeing as we took the country off them!


Thomas Sewell: We’ve done that for 200 years and it hasn’t worked. I don’t think it’s the solution to the problem. I think that all people should have their own uniqueness. And if we are the true appreciators of diversity as we say we are, I don’t think we should mix everyone into one caramel people. I don’t think that’s a good policy to have. I think the Aboriginals, let them preserve their culture and their identity somewhere. All right, that conversation is on the table for later on. It’s not a conversation. I can answer right now because I don’t have control of the State Department.


Sam Newman: So these groups like yours. Let me tell you what your group is the National Socialist Network.


Thomas Sewell: Blair’s not a member.


Blair Cottrell: I’m just an individual and I do my own media and influence, and that’s where I’m most useful. But Tom is the leader of the National Socialist Network. Yeah, we’re all colleagues, Tom and I. We came out of the United Patriot movement.


Sam Newman: So if I wanted to become, what criteria would I have to fulfill to become a member of the National Socialist Network? Do I have to, …


Thomas Sewell: You have to be White. So you have to be, …


Sam Newman: I’m through to the semis without dropping a set. Right. What’s the next thing?


Thomas Sewell: So you have to be of European descent.


Sam Newman: Have to like Hitler?


Thomas Sewell: No, you don’t have to like Hitler.


Sam Newman: But what I have to do? Do you have to pay money?


Thomas Sewell: We ask for members over The Age of 18 to pay $50 a month. I think that’s a fair fee to help run all of our training. Our physical training.


Sam Newman: Training?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, we do physical training. So like part of what we do as a gym club.


Sam Newman: Physical training? I see.


Thomas Sewell: Yes. Yes. We do exercises in the park.


Sam Newman: Yes, I see. So if I wanted to become a member of the National Socialist organisation. Yes. I got to be White, …


Thomas Sewell: And you have to be of honour. You have to be of honour!


Sam Newman: What does that mean?


Thomas Sewell: You can’t be a homosexual.


Sam Newman: I see!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. So we don’t accept people that don’t want to live in a healthy, homogenous White society. We don’t believe that homosexuals or people with sort of deviant sexual ideologies have a place in our organisation.


Sam Newman: Homosexual. Like men, …


Thomas Sewell: Men that have sex with other men. We don’t want anything to do with them.


Blair Cottrell: It’s probably got something to do with the point of the community, which is to procreate and continue the existence of our people.


Thomas Sewell: We don’t believe they can be members of the community.


Sam Newman: Well, I’m not a homosexual.




Thomas Sewell: Well, then you can join. Obviously you’ve got contentions about Hitler.


Sam Newman: What we, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, so we got, …


Sam Newman: I have contentions about Hitler, …


Thomas Sewell: We have probably 25% of people interested in our community are not sure about the Hitler question. They go:


“I support 99% of what you guys are about, but what’s with Hitler? Why do you guys like him?”


And so we have this conversation like we’re having right now in good faith, and we explain what Hitler means to us. And people can be neutral about that or they can be like:


“Wow, I didn’t realise Hitler was so good!”


Or they can say:


“Actually, I think that’s nonsense! I’m going to believe what the TV says about Hitler and what the jews that run the education system say about Hitler, and I’m not interested in joining you guys.”


And that’s the conversation I have every day.


Sam Newman: So we have Goring and Himmler.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Sam Newman: They were his acolytes that went around the SS, …


Thomas Sewell: You don’t have to know that much about all that, …


Sam Newman: The Black Shirts, …


Thomas Sewell: You don’t have to have an infinite in-depth knowledge of World War II history to join our community. But what, as I said at the start of the podcast, what Hitler represents to us is not a man, but it’s an idea that we can have a triumph of our national spirit, that we don’t have to bend the knee to China or bend the knee to globalism or the UN, or the woke culture. That we can have a triumph of the Australian will, a triumph of our own folkish spirit. And that’s what Hitler tried to put forward.


And the other thing that he put forward was he said that:


“German people do not love each other enough, that we’ve got this fascination with all things foreign and we don’t have a strong enough love for our own kind.”


And what we want here in Australia is, okay, butter chicken is kind of nice, and Chinese food can be nice, but what we need is a love for our own people.


Sam Newman: Butter chicken can be nice, …


Thomas Sewell: Sure!


Sam Newman: Chinese food can be nice, yeah.


Thomas Sewell: But we need a love for our own folk. That’s what we need.


Blair Cottrell: For our bangers and mash [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Well, it’s beyond food. It’s beyond food. There needs to be a depth of patriotism and a depth of nationalism that we have respect. Young people. And you know this as a fact, Sam, young people are being raised in the schools, and there’s not a national flag in the kindergarten. I have family that work in kindergartens and primary schools.


Sam Newman: I’m on about that, mate!


Thomas Sewell: They don’t have an Aussie flag in their school. They have a transsexual flag. And personally, I would rather be speaking German than have a transsexual flag in our schools.


Blair Cottrell: Let’s remember why we’re here, too.


Sam Newman: Why are we here, Blair?


Blair Cottrell: The reason that the boys came to your attention in the first place is because they were arrested in Adelaide for marching down the street with Australian flags on Australia Day.



Sam Newman: I know. I like that. Not so much that it was the association of the Nazi salute, which is absolutely struck out from every Western society for whatever reason. Do you think that, …


Thomas Sewell: It’s not struck out from every single one. It’s struck out from Germany, Poland.


Sam Newman: American.


Thomas Sewell: No, it’s legal in America.


Blair Cottrell: Did you not hear about the arrest of the seventeen gentlemen in Adelaide for celebrating Australia Day?


Sam Newman: What’s that Blair?


Blair Cottrell: Seventeen, …


Sam Newman: Yes, I heard them. Yeah, because they were associated with a Nazi organisation.


Blair Cottrell: But what were they doing on the day? They were marching down the street singing Waltzing Matilda, carrying Australian flags with the purpose of celebrating Australia Day. They were arrested for loitering.


Sam Newman: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: And possessing a disguise which ended up being hats and sunglasses.


Sam Newman: And swastika, …


Blair Cottrell: There was no swastikas. There was no Nazi symbols.


Sam Newman: Weren’t they covered up?


Thomas Sewell: No, there was no swastikas!


Blair Cottrell: There was none of that.


Thomas Sewell: That’s a complete fabrication by the media.


Blair Cottrell: They were targeted because of what they believe, not because of what they were doing.


Sam Newman: I see!


Blair Cottrell: That’s an interesting legal precedent for us to have to experience. Don’t you agree?


Thomas Sewell: The State Department, …


Sam Newman: People listening to this will say:


“You’re gradually winning me over.”


But you’re not! But I’m happy. I am interested in the conversation.


So why did you, … I’ve lost my train of thought when you said they were. Do you have, what’s the membership? No, I’m talking about being a member of the National Socialists. I’m not gay and I’m White. What else? What’s our membership? Our membership? If I pay me 50 bucks, what do you require me to do?


Thomas Sewell: We have layers of membership. So in terms of our activists, we’ve got about 250 activists in the country. So an activists are men that are prepared to march in the street with us, that are prepared to train with us, …


Sam Newman: March in the street to say:


“We want a White society?”


Thomas Sewell: Correct. Yeah. So we have 250 men.


Sam Newman: But that is completely pointless to do that because it’s not going to happen, is it?


Thomas Sewell: It will happen. Because if it doesn’t happen, …


Sam Newman: What, you’re going to clear out the percentage of people who aren’t White in this country. You’re going to send them home or you might gas them!


Thomas Sewell: No, I have no intention of gassing them. That’s clickbait.


Blair Cottrell: We need to be, …




Thomas Sewell: That’s you being cheeky, Sam.


Sam Newman: I’m being cheeky. How else do you get rid of people? Put them on container ships and send them, …


Thomas Sewell: You just put them on a plane and send them home. Every country’s done it!


Blair Cottrell: But there’s a process there and I think fundamentally, …


Thomas Sewell: America’s doing it right now!


Sam Newman:


Thomas Sewell: So why can’t we do it in Australia? Germany’s doing it right now. Austria is doing it right now. Sweden’s doing it right now. They’re all warming up. They’re all warming up the planes.


Blair Cottrell: Mass deportations is a popular talking point.


Sam Newman: No, it is Blair.


Thomas Sewell: And it’s inevitable. Sam, I’ll explain.


Sam Newman: And I’m a great fan of Trump’s, what he’s doing.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: I am, but, …


Thomas Sewell: Because he’s doing it from a popular perspective, not from a racial idea.


Sam Newman: But he’s not trying to make America White!


Thomas Sewell: Maybe not in policy, but everyone knows deep down that he’s not deporting millions of White people. So even though he’s not explicitly saying it.


Sam Newman: Because White people aren’t pouring across the Mexican border!


Blair Cottrell: But what’s wrong with Australia being White? What’s wrong with that?


Sam Newman: No, because you know exactly what the popular opinion on that is, because it’s just racist!


Blair Cottrell: Why is that racist for us to have our own living space?


Sam Newman: Because racism is absolutely about, … Racism is if you decry, degrade or demean, …


Blair Cottrell: But I didn’t insinuate that. I said:


“Why can’t Australia just be White?”


That’s not about decrying or demeaning anybody.


Sam Newman: Because there’s probably, …


Blair Cottrell: Do we call Chinese people racist because they want China to be Chinese?


Sam Newman: No. Hang on.


Blair Cottrell: Why is there this double standard there? All I’m saying here, Sam, is that we need to have our own team.


So this thing we call life, listen, this thing we call life in politics, right, it’s a team sport. And unless we’re playing as a team, we’re not going to do any good with the competition, especially when everybody else is playing as their team.


Thomas Sewell: There’s not 200 million Whites in China!


Blair Cottrell: Let me finish.


Let me finish. You got Indians. They’re playing for their team.


Sam Newman: You stopped him speaking. You stopped me speaking before. Now you’re stopping him.


Blair Cottrell: Because I’m just trying to make my point. I haven’t said a lot since I’ve been on here.


Sam Newman: Really?


Blair Cottrell: So the Chinese come into Australia, they’re playing for their team. The Indians come into Australia, they’re playing for their team. They’re living with their own, they’re working with their own. Not only do we not have our own team, we’re expected to play for everybody else’s team. How long can we continue to do that and still exist as a people? I don’t want to exterminate everybody else.


Then there’s no competition. There’s no game at all! That’s like just because you barrack for Carlton or Geelong, you don’t want to exterminate every other team in the AFL. You just want to play as your team.


Sam Newman: You want to exterminate people. In inverted commas, “exterminate”, not put them in ovens. You want to exterminate everyone who’s not White from this country!


Blair Cottrell: No, that’s not true.


Sam Newman: Yes, you did say that!


Blair Cottrell: There needs to be a lot of people going home because a lot of people are here illegally and they shouldn’t be here.


Sam Newman: Yes, …


Blair Cottrell: A lot of people are taking advantage of our country and the financial system.


Sam Newman: As they do everywhere.


Blair Cottrell: They’re making bank from mass immigration.


Sam Newman: As they do everywhere.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


Sam Newman: There’s a lot of people illegally in a lot of countries and ideally speaking, they should be sent home and you should get in a queue and do it properly, legally.


Blair Cottrell: Bloody oath! It’s a good start.


Thomas Sewell: I don’t want it to be a legal queue from China because they’ve got their own homeland. There’s 1.4 billion of them. They’ve got their own homeland, they’ve got their own home, they’ve got their own government that advocates for them.


Sam Newman: So you only want Canadians and the British and Americans to get in the queue to come here legally?


Thomas Sewell: I think that Europe and Western civilisation, we’re all brothers, we’re all cousins, we’re of the folk. We’re a nation, we’re related to each other. I have infinitely more in common with a White Canadian, or a White British, or a White Icelandic person. Infinitely more in common than with a Chinese person.


Sam Newman: Aryans!


Thomas Sewell: White. Yeah. Europeans, Aryans, whatever you want to describe us. Than a Chinese person with an Australian accent.


I have infinitely more in common with a White person on the other side of the earth than a Chinaman with an Australian accent.


Sam Newman: No, no. So Thomas, …


Thomas Sewell: And they can pretend to be us, pretend multiculturalism’s working, but it’s not! I want a home for my children!


Sam Newman: So, Thomas.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: And Blair. There’s 25 [27] million people in Australia, I presume. I’m just guessing this. I reckon half of them aren’t White.


Thomas Sewell: I think we’re at 60%, yeah.


Sam Newman: 60% are White?


Thomas Sewell: 60% are White, yeah.


Sam Newman: So you would ideally like, gradually to start the 40%, getting them out of the country.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: And get us down to about a 12, 13 million.


Thomas Sewell: The same way that it, … No, we would probably be, yeah, about 15 million. I think.


Sam Newman: 15 million would be happy.


Thomas Sewell: Yes. I think that’s a good starting point to then rebuild Australia.




Blair Cottrell: That’s what the people who founded our nation, that was their vision.


Thomas Sewell: Yes. And that’s what they did. Australia, founded on that, …


Blair Cottrell: The Immigration Restriction Act. And Alfred Deakin, one of the first prime ministers of the Federated Australia, said that he wanted to remove all coloured peoples in our midst.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Australia was built on racism. We’re not foreign. We’re actually holding on to the true ideology that Australia was built on.


Sam Newman: In 19, … Prime Minister Curtin said:


“This country shall remain forever the home of people from the British race.”


That’s what he said.


So that was the start of the White Australia Policy. And then Harold, …


Thomas Sewell: It was even older than that. The White Australia Policy used to be called the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901. The Founding Fathers, like Deacon, …


[See: Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript]


Sam Newman: It was a dictation test. If you couldn’t spell or couldn’t write English, …


Thomas Sewell: They did that cheekily. What they would do when a non-White person. This is a fact. What they would do when a non-White person would enter Australia is they would give them the dictation test.


Sam Newman: That’s right.


Thomas Sewell: In German or Spanish or some European language that they obviously couldn’t speak.


Sam Newman: Or whatever.


Thomas Sewell: But the Immigration Restriction Act did very clearly state that they only want people of Aryan descent!


Sam Newman: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: Which back then meant European!


Sam Newman: One of your must read books, I presume, is Mein Kampf*, is it?


[* Mein Kampf is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The book outlines many of Hitler’s political beliefs, his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926. The book was edited first by Emil Maurice, then by Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess. Wikipedia]


Thomas Sewell: It is important Political Science. Yes, yes.


Sam Newman: You’ve read Mein Kampf, have you Blair?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I read it first when I was about, … I didn’t begin to understand it until I was about probably 20, 21 years old, but, …


Sam Newman: I’ve not read it. What’s it about? Hitler, just telling us what you’re telling us.


Blair Cottrell: Well, it was written by Hitler in Landsberg Prison in 1923. So some time before he came to power. But it provides interesting insight into the guy’s psychology and the kind of man that he was and his vision for the future of Germany. And it’s one of those books. I was surprised it even existed at all, because when I was in high school I heard about nothing but gas chambers and evil Nazis! But apparently my history teacher forgot to tell me that the man behind it all wrote his own book.


So when I saw it on the shelf in a random bookshop in North Fitzroy, you know, somewhat trendy bookshop. So I thought I’ve got to give that a go.


Sam Newman: Have you two lads, gentlemen, people, been radicalised? When did you start having this philosophy about the country we live in? I don’t know how old you are.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t think loving your country makes you radical. I think certain people who don’t want others to listen to us, who don’t want us, who don’t want our point to get across to a larger audience would write us off as radical, extremist or quote, unquote, “Nazi”.


But at the end of the day, I think what we stand for in terms of tradition, family, common sense, most people would agree on. It’s just that perspective of the Second World War and the war propaganda, the surviving war propaganda, that people would be contentious with sam Newman: So you, for want of a better word, get away with this on the basis of free speech is what you should be allowed to have. And you said you, this was nothing more than political persecution of you for having these views by people who don’t agree with you. Did you not?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: Yes, you did.


Thomas Sewell: I did say that in court.


Sam Newman: You did say that in court. So you think that, not to put too strong a word on it, but people would think that this is “hate speech” and you say:


“No, this is my privilege to have free speech and to allow to express myself. And you’re being politically persecuted for having these views and this is not right! And you’re going to test it before the courts.”


Blair Cottrell: What is “hate speech” other than speech that people in power don’t like?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I contest the notion that there’s even such a thing as hate speech. I hate the people who say:


“Burn down Australia!”


I think that’s hate speech.


Sam Newman: Do you think it’s not, now, I have no skin in the game here. I’ve said this many times. Do you think it’s not hate speech for Palestinians to walk around the community here and lock down the streets in here, shouting abuse and vile statements at people of the jewish nation, or if there is a nation from Israel, or from whatever, slagging jews? Do you think that’s hate speech and that should be allowed?


Blair Cottrell: I’d go further and say it’s completely irrelevant to Australia. What are these people doing here in the first place?


Sam Newman: No, no, …


Blair Cottrell: If they love Palestine so much, go and fight them for Palestine. What are they doing marching through Melbourne?


Sam Newman: So, no, no, that’s a different argument. I take that on advisement. I’m just saying, do you think that’s not hate speech? You think the Palestinians or the jews who slag them back, backwards and forwards, at some stage you can’t say things about people or else we have a completely disjointed and dysfunctional society if you allow people to say absolutely anything they like about people in the name of free speech!


Thomas Sewell: I’ll say this. Free speech should only be the right of people that are of the folk. If you’re in good faith, …


Sam Newman: Of the, …


Thomas Sewell: Of the folk. Of the nation. Of the people.


Sam Newman: Of the folk! Yes.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, of the folk. FOLK, the people.


Sam Newman: That’s right.




Thomas Sewell: I don’t believe that Palestinians should have free speech because I don’t think they should be in the country.


Sam Newman: But that’s a different argument.


Thomas Sewell: No, it’s not a different argument, because we have to define left and right of what is free and what is not free. And I don’t believe that the left and right arc of what’s free speech and what’s hate speech should be whether the government agrees with it or not, or whether some purple head freak in the diversity departments of the government like my opinion or not. They shouldn’t decide what’s free and what’s not free.


What should be decided is this person of the nation and does this person have love for the nation? And if they don’t, if they want to destroy Australia, then they shouldn’t have the right to speak. We shouldn’t let them in the country.


Sam Newman: The government of responsibility would say if you allow hate speech to proliferate, then that just opens the gates to physical violence because it fizzes people up to the fact that they feel inadequate verbally. So they just go the old physical stuff. And that’s what the, …


Thomas Sewell: The government uses physical violence against me, because they don’t like my political views. The government uses physical violence against me!


Sam Newman: Because they the manhandled you? How did they, …


Thomas Sewell: We have been harassed.


Sam Newman: I saw a security guard ask you to leave the premises of somewhere, …


Thomas Sewell: Before throat punching my colleague. Yes!


Sam Newman: Yes. So would you, …


Thomas Sewell: So we’re changing topics. The subject was about free speech. So my answer about free speech is that we as Australians should have the right to freely criticise the Australian government for its treasonous decision to ethnically replace our host population.


Sam Newman: So Thomas, the man who asked the man who asked you to leave was of some African origin, or he was black.


Thomas Sewell: Correct.


Sam Newman: And you said to him, [chuckling] you said:


“Dance monkey, dance!”


Thomas Sewell: I didn’t, my colleague did.


Sam Newman: Oh, so your colleague said:


“Dance monkey, dance!”


Thomas Sewell: He started dancing! So we had left the building.


Sam Newman: So do you think that’s free speech?


Thomas Sewell: I’ll tell you the full story.


Sam Newman: Yes. Thank you.


Thomas Sewell: We left the building. He asked us to leave.


Sam Newman: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: Right after Channel Nine called us “terrorists”.


Sam Newman: I know.


Thomas Sewell: We haven’t committed any terrorism.


Sam Newman: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: And they smeared us and slandered us, and no legal defense department wants to take up us up on the offer.


So I went down there to make a speech, to make a point of it.


Sam Newman: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: And we got asked by security to leave. So we left. When we were outside the front of the building, I started making my speech again and we were asked not to make the speech out the front of the building, but to walk all the way to what was called the Draino line [sp].


Sam Newman: Yep.


Thomas Sewell: Right. And I asked nicely:


“Where is the Draino line?”


And he started walking us towards the Draino line. As we’re walking to the Draino line, he began dancing like a monkey. Like this?



Sam Newman: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: Mocking us! Mocking us like:


“Haha, you dumb White racist. I can use physical force, remove you from this building, there’s nothing you can do about it.”


And then while he was dancing like a monkey, my colleague said to him from the “Tones and I” song [Dance Monkey].


All right:


“Dance for me, dance for me, monkey.”


That Tone’s and I song, because that was popular in the media at the time. And when he said that, this African, who could not control his own behaviour, throat punched my colleague! And when he throat punched my colleague, I have a love for my colleagues and for my folk and I’m prepared to use force to protect them from violent thugs that do that.


And so I dropped him. Yes, I hit him, Wayne Carey* style. I smashed him. Absolutely! I absolutely smashed him! I didn’t stop smashing him until he stopped. And when he was on the ground and he stopped, I left him alone.


[* Wayne Francis Carey (born 27 May 1971) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with the North Melbourne Football Club and Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). Carey was inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame in 2010. Although he was eligible for induction in 2008, his off-field troubles with drugs and violence delayed his induction. Wikipedia]


But then he wasn’t satisfied with that. He got up off the ground and tried to go again. So he got a good jab and then he went inside. He learnt his lesson.


Now I had to do 150 hours of knitting, as my punishment for dropping that African. But I did not, …


Blair Cottrell: What was that? Knitting, community service?


Thomas Sewell: I had to do knitting! I do 150 hours of knitting.


Blair Cottrell: That’s a pretty wholesome community service. [chuckling]


Sam Newman: So!


Thomas Sewell: So that’s the full story.


Sam Newman: This almost reinforces my point that if it was considered hate speech, then it turned to violence! And the more we engage in, …


Thomas Sewell: Who turned it into violence?


Sam Newman: Maybe, maybe, I’m just saying. And then it is provocative to call a black person a monkey.


Thomas Sewell: Why?


Sam Newman: Because! [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Have you done it? Did you receive violence when you called a black person a monkey?


Sam Newman: Well, I, …


Thomas Sewell: Did you receive it.


Sam Newman: I have never called a black person a monkey.


Thomas Sewell: I believe that you have.


Sam Newman: Have I?




Blair Cottrell: You suggested that George Floyd was a scoundrel and you had to, …


Sam Newman: I didn’t.


Thomas Sewell: Even when you’re on the Footy Show.


Sam Newman: What called someone a black person a monkey?


Thomas Sewell: No, sorry, not a black person. You called an Asian person a monkey. It was a Malaysian.


Sam Newman: Yes, I did.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, a Malaysian.


Sam Newman: I did.


Thomas Sewell: A dark person. You did so.


Sam Newman: No, I did. It was an Asian person. A dark person.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, it was a dark Malaysian.


Sam Newman: I did. And I got reprimanded severely for that.


Thomas Sewell: But did you deserve violence for it? Did you deserve to be attacked by someone that lost their temper, or was there some civil process that you could go through for saying something?


Sam Newman: Very glad you, … You’ve done well. I’m very glad you got me on that because I did say, …


Thomas Sewell: Because they use violence as, …


Sam Newman: Just hang on. You threw me there. No, no, no, he’s good. I’m glad, you threw me. No, I was going to say to you about the black fucking monkey. What was that?


Oh no, George Floyd! Now I never said, George Floyd, that is the greatest bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life.


Thomas Sewell: I agree.


Sam Newman: George Floyd was a, … I got cancelled off the Footy Show for this. I know, because I said on this forum that George Floyd should not have died how he did, but he was a piece of shit!



Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: He had a string of con [victions] and, …


Thomas Sewell: And he robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint!


Sam Newman: And they burnt America down for two years. And the government let it go just in the name of Black Lives Matter which is domestic terror organisation. Some of the suburbs here out in [word unclear] they have Black Lives Matter walk and alleyways, and they have a sign up. The greatest bullshit I’ve ever heard. So George Floyd was a piece of shit, but he shouldn’t have died, probably, how he did.



Blair Cottrell: Well, you rightly pointed out that what began as a legitimate form of protest against police brutality morphed into something else which ended up being about racism and just an excuse to bash on White people.


Sam Newman: That’s right. And just a corrupt and dysfunctional organisation called Black Lives Matter, which is, …


Thomas Sewell: It was promoted by the mainstream media.


Sam Newman: Yes. All right. So, …


Thomas Sewell: Police took a knee for them. But the police attack us!


So the police take a knee for communists, black communists. But then they beat up White men. Which shows you this, the state of affairs.


Sam Newman: What’s that Blair?


Blair Cottrell: This particular conversation. This point of the conversation we started at about a hate speech, didn’t we?


Sam Newman: And I don’t know where we started. I’ll tell you what I’m asking. It’s almost finally. Unless you like to make another three minute announcement. I’ll give you a final word. You can just go for your life and I’ll sit here.


Are we affiliated? Are we? I haven’t quite joined the party yet. What did we go through, what I have to do? I’m not homosexual. I’m White. What else do I have to do? Give you 50 bucks a month?


Thomas Sewell: You don’t have to give me 50 bucks, …


Sam Newman: What else do I. What else? What else do you go through?


Blair Cottrell: You have basic fitness standards too, don’t you?


Thomas Sewell: There’s layers of membership.


Sam Newman: So there’s an age limit?


Thomas Sewell: No, there’s not.


Sam Newman: I’m 80. Can I get in?


Thomas Sewell: Absolutely!


Sam Newman: Oh, should I? And how many members have we got? Did we ask?


Thomas Sewell: As I said, of activists? So our, …


Sam Newman: No. How many people are a member of the National Socialists?


Thomas Sewell: Thousands. We have thousands of supporters.


Sam Newman: Are they?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: Oh, well!


Thomas Sewell: How many activists do we have? The guys that train with us and the guys that march with us. About 250.


Sam Newman: And the idea of training and marching with you is to overthrow someone one day, is it?


Thomas Sewell: Not necessarily to overthrow, but to show a triumph of the will.


Sam Newman: Right.


Thomas Sewell: I think that masculinity is under attack.


Blair Cottrell: To have a have a team too.


Sam Newman: You’re not part of it, you’re just in here as a guest.


Blair Cottrell: I’m very much part of it.


Sam Newman: Oh, you are. You see, you tried to disassociate yourself!


Blair Cottrell: I’m not a direct member, but I work with the community.


Sam Newman: Beautiful!


Blair Cottrell: And I’m good at it.


Sam Newman: Now, are we affiliated with like minded neo-Nazis overseas?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: Are you?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: Do you have Skype meetings?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: Do you go over and join their celebrations or marches?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Sam Newman: Do they come here?


Thomas Sewell: Not many have come here.


Sam Newman: They wouldn’t get in!


Thomas Sewell: Australia’s a hard place to get into unless you’re brown. [Sam chuckles]


But yeah, we certainly, we’re a global movement. We’re a global movement of nationalists that want each of, … Because there’s no homeland for White people anywhere. Australia is not an isolated incident. This is happening in England, in Germany, in France, in America. Every White country is losing their homeland!


So White people all around the world are realizing we’re the only ones that are having diversity thrusted upon us. Every other group gets their homeland plus they get to come here.


So we’re getting colonised. We’re getting reverse colonised. Through subversion. Through subversion!


Sam Newman: So basically you want to overthrow society with a White revolution?


Thomas Sewell: Well, look, we need a spiritual revolution.


Sam Newman: You seem to be disagreeing with it because that was one of your quotes. Not yours [Blair’s]. This is one of his quotes.


Blair Cottrell: I think it’s a step by step process and like if we can remove the illegal immigrants first.


Sam Newman: You wanted to buy a plot of land out in the country and settle it with White people.


Thomas Sewell: Absolutely! I want to have a home.


Blair Cottrell: I’d rather us be in control of our own country. If that’s not possible, then maybe we have to look at separating.


Sam Newman: Right oh. Now look.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I think there’s two primary methods of how we go about this, and neither of them are this kind of fantasy that you’re alluding to, that we’re just going to become armed one day and just start randomly killing people. I don’t think that’s in our interest.


Sam Newman: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Sorry, I’ll say it again.


Sam Newman: For God’s sake, I’ll hate to miss any of this, mate. It would be pointless doing this.


Thomas Sewell: Okay, I’ll say it again quickly. I think there’s two possibilities. One, we take state power through the methods that are available to us within the democracy. The other, if we’re unable to do that, is to separate, is to build.


Sam Newman: The only way we take you, take state power, is to put yourself up for pre-selection at local council, state government and federal government and see how you go.


Thomas Sewell: Well, over the next five years, you might see that.


Sam Newman: No, you might. Yeah. Well, now, look.


Thomas Sewell: But I want to build a foundation first before I run, before we run anyone as a political, …


Sam Newman: You seem to be not happy with the way this started, Blair. How should I end it? What should I say? How should we end this?


Blair Cottrell: I think it’s, …


Sam Newman: Should I thank you very much for both coming in. I’m not sure that I agree with anything you say, but you might be surprised that I agree with a lot of it. But that will be in the eye of the beholder or the ear of the listener! But I do know why now, you are intent on being anti-social and being so disruptive amongst the mainstream. But you’ve pointed out the mainstream are biased in certain way they report things. And I think this has been a worthwhile chat to both of you.


I can assure you that none of this will be edited. And this will. This will go on our podcast and you people can watch you and you and me having a chat about something.


Is there anything else you’d like to say?


Blair Cottrell: You’re a good sport for having us on, Sam. I really didn’t expect to be sitting here with you, so it’s a great opportunity.


But I think I’d just like to wrap it up by reiterating the point I made about Aussies playing as a team. It was the original team, the original Australians, that built this country. And we need to start thinking more collectively again because everyone else is doing that. Until we get our team back and we start playing as a team, we’re not going to have much of a future. And we need to send back the illegals, people who shouldn’t be here, people who are exploiting Australia. They need to go home. And we need representation for White Aussies.


Sam Newman: Right oh, …


Blair Cottrell: At the end of the day that’s all, …


Sam Newman: That’s enough, Blair, please. Thank you.


Blair Cottrell: Why is that enough?


Sam Newman: Because you now, …


Blair Cottrell: Am I making too much sense? [chuckling]


Sam Newman: No, this is now becoming a political speech. No, that’s good.


Thomas? What do you want to say? Anything else?


Thomas Sewell: I appreciate you giving us, …


Sam Newman: Yeah, good on it.


Hey, Blair and Thomas, thank you for coming in and being part of You Cannot Be Serious. I’ll probably get the biggest kick. You never know. I mightn’t get a kicking. They might, people might find this actually reasonably interesting no matter what they think about what you’ve been doing.


So thank you very much. I appreciate it.


Thomas Sewell: We love our country.












YouTube Comments


(Comments as of 2/7/2025 = 1,823)

3 days ago
Imagine a country where White people loved and cared for White people

18 replies

2 days ago
Yeah and where we weren’t humilated by foreign groups.

2 days ago

@LordOfSweden Our day is coming brother

2 days ago
Australians are cooked
Yall call free speech a “privilege” and not a human right.
You have so much to learn from the American constitutional republic system of govt
Democracy is a tyranny of the majority
A constitutional republic is governed by god given rights and laws that CANNOT be infringed.

2 days ago
It’s not allowed because of a pile of shoes.

2 days ago
@Robert13732 Not the shoes. It should be called the Shoeah.

1 day ago
@bperez8656 there is a man rotting away in prison with a 400 year sentence for wrongthink in America right now… You have no clue what you are talking about.

1 day ago
@Robert13732 you think the shoes are bad? Have you seen the piles of laptops and cell phones? How were they even meant to tiktok while in the camps? Tragedy.

1 day ago

1 day ago
@Dan-TheOracle Who is the guy in prison?

1 day ago
After going through the Indoctrination System, I have no idea what you are talking about.

1 day ago
Imagine even more a country that loves all people as the image of God.

1 day ago
@pelagonianlion8276 A world, not a country.

1 day ago
@SavesWhiteLives What do you categorise as white? Where do you draw the line where white ends and non white begins?

1 day ago
@aethulwulfvonstopphen8013 If you go back through your ancestry 500 years to the year 1525, say 20 generations, you have 1,048,576 direct ancestors. Over a million people in 1525 contributed to you being here today. That’s just 20 generations. 21 generations ago, say in the year 1500, that’s 2,097,152 direct ancestors. There’s a high likelihood that all of us have some Jew or Persian blood in our family trees. No one is purely “white”.

13 hours ago
Sounds great

12 hours ago
​ @pelagonianlion8276 White could mean strictly people of European ancestry/blood.
In these circles it usually does.

10 hours ago
Why has it become so offensive to be a white nationalist?

9 hours ago
Literally heaven

3 days ago
The media have called Thomas and Blair every name in the book, but they have never called them liars. Let that sink in.

23 replies

3 days ago
All they can do is throw names, same in Europe and all over.

3 days ago
What the hell are you talking about?! Yes they have. Heaps of times! What planet are you on?!

3 days ago
@Shblibble You and I may not agree with them, but name one lie? or are you no better than the MSM?

3 days ago
@michaelirish1445 Dude, I have tried 3 times to reply to you. Youtube keeps censoring me!
This is a test message….

3 days ago
@Shblibble Surrre

3 days ago
The point I’m trying to make is….. go ask your great-grandpa who fought in WW2 what he thinks of these guys……

2 days ago
@Shblibble What are they saying that is a lie then?

2 days ago

@ That is one hell of a rewrite of history. You are a lost cause.

2 days ago
@LordOfSweden ”Tell me where’s the lie?”
A : “that’s the worst rewrite of history ever” 😂 classic

2 days ago

@ Dunning-Kruger.

2 days ago
They are heroes

2 days ago
@LordOfSweden whatever it takes to make Adolf the good guy right?

2 days ago

@ Look at Europe. Is that what winning looks like?

2 days ago
@LordOfSweden The fact you have a problem with it says everything.

2 days ago
​@ A problem with what exactly?

2 days ago
@Shblibble goober

2 days ago
@Shblibble My Great Grandfathers did not fight for a future where their descendants are a minority in our countries. It’s common sense.

2 days ago
@charltoncorbett2973 Can anyone else see who he’s replying to? Or is that one down the memory hole?

1 day ago
They destroyed our state minnesota, too. Only one of the few white people whenever I go to a store in or near Minneapolis. Completely unrecognizable now

1 day ago

@ The great-grandpa that fought on the wrong side? We lost that war, only the small hats won.

1 day ago

@ You mean saying the small hat myth is a small hat myth? No one ever took a final shower.

1 day ago

@ He was the good guy

3 hours ago
WOah. Deep without the meaningful.

3 days ago
Thomas and Blair are legends

3 days ago
These young men are saying what many are scared to say. They are clearly and articulately stating what is happening to Australia and all Western countries. Very interesting interview.

3 replies

3 days ago
I’ve been racist for decades. Lol. 40+ yrs ago I claimed that black people are black & white ppl are white so we are different. Compare that to birds. Not all birds are same color. Since then Ive been called every other name in the book BC I never go along with the current thing. Funny how when opposing views
are heard ppl start to flail with ad hominems or swears in the midst of cognitive dissonance. Good on you Thomas & Blair. I’m trying to tell the truth of flat earth. Wish me luck. Lol

3 days ago
@007lyse so brave old man… so brave.. see you in 15 years or no?

3 days ago
@007lyse Mohammed Ali would agree with you

3 days ago
I’m gonna be honest, these are quite-literally the only people in Australia right now who are prioritising the REAL Australians first, and the fact that they have been shunned and censored so much is a sign to how little freedom we ever had to begin with.

12 replies

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago
The cool guy club

2 days ago
You have to support them, the movement is growing there

2 days ago

2 days ago
There is no freedom in Australia, that’s why I left.

1 day ago
@JeffarryLounder real

1 day ago

1 day ago
Yea….we know

16 hours ago
First Australians are the real Australians

42 minutes ago
the real australians? so the aboriginals? yall have no shame

37 minutes ago
@thatonebtsfan Be real: we are the real Aussies. There was no concept of an “Australian” before we came. The land we call Australia today was a barren land of warring tribes at best. They were only allowed to be called fellow “Australians” under our kindness and nothing more.

3 days ago
I send my fullest support for Thomas Sewell and his movement in Australia! Greetings from Rome, Italy. Hail Victory!

6 replies

3 days ago

3 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago (edited)
To victory, youu look like a syrian tho

2 days ago
@LordOfSweden LordofSweden lol. Francesco Totti and Daniele De Rossi are from Rome. They look a lot whiter than Alicia Vikander. Stop being divisive.

2 days ago
@Drvol1 Alicia Wikander clearly has some kind of other ethnic background that Swedish though, so that’s not strange.
Also it’s an average, not single individuals we’re speaking about.
I speak from proof, logic and history. Try doing the same.

3 days ago
Good on you for having the balls to do this, Sam. It is ridiculous that even talking to people should require such courage in a so-called “free country”.

3 days ago
We are losing our cultural identity. Vast swathes of our cities are mostly Indian. Why is it “wrong” to not want your country to be like this? I miss the Australia we had.

15 replies

3 days ago
Should of fought harder, you had plenty of warning

3 days ago
​@Heimbach1966 So it all over, then? Nothing can be done about it..? Nonsense. One generation has sold out the Australian people, another generation is trying to fix the problems.

3 days ago
Did I say that ? You’re crying on the Internet about whats happening when I can almost gaurentee you’ve never been out with any active club or NS group.

3 days ago
​ @Heimbach1966 it’s “should have”, not “should of”. English your second language?

3 days ago
Should of fought harder buddy. Now you cry on YouTube hahahaha

3 days ago
​ @Heimbach1966 judging by your username that you’re a boomer I’m guessing?

3 days ago
Yeah! we, people who were born in the 80’s and 90’s, should have fought harder against the anti-Australian subversion that started two decades before we were born. 😑
We play the hand we are dealt.

3 days ago
Enjoys a sneaky curry or kebab on the weekend when the ‘ball and chai ‘ lets em out… based af

3 days ago
​ @n8errific

3 days ago
@n8errific 100%. We’re dealing with the shit left by the Lib/Lab uniparty and their rusted on voters who have destroyed this country. They all need to go.

2 days ago
Same happening here in Britain, Ireland and most of Europe

1 day ago
@n8errific we are doing it NOW, its OUR time. Boomers failed, Gen X failed. Its the Xennials doing the heavy lifting — and we will not stop.

1 day ago
@Beva-c8j I don’t know if you believe in the Bible at all but a common theme is the God wants the older siblings to help the younger. As a millennial and a believer I try to help my younger siblings. You are the future. I pray you are successful.

22 hours ago
Lots of Muslim populated areas you cannot enter now either

1 hour ago
@neilr4867 it’s actually either

3 days ago
When freedom of speech is allowed, NS always wins

6 replies

3 days ago
Yep, its that simple

3 days ago
En todo occidente padecemos las mismas politicas. El pueblo elegido lo controla todo. Saludos desde España. 88

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago
Greetings from America our population is about 60% white right now too I think all white countries are facing the same problem

1 day ago
​@Heismytopguy you’ve noticed the pattern. Now ask yourself why, who benefits

3 days ago
Good on you Sam, don’t let anyone bully you into not expressing your freedom of speech

11 replies

3 days ago
didn’t know you were this based Stirling.

3 days ago

@ 😉

3 days ago

@AnnoyedFieldHockey-dk1fm Being a pornstar is antithetical to the worldview of the 2 men on this show… not very based

3 days ago
Oh no.. don’t bully old white men.. based af

2 days ago (edited)
BWC nietzschean energy

2 days ago
although there are those { with small hats} who will say ” free for me but not for thee”.

1 day ago
Set your watch to the bald 40-something guy with the facial hair and tate complex to offer his support

1 day ago
@JetsFan123-y4e retired and repenting

42 minutes ago
@StirlingCooper repenting? your content doesn’t look that

20 minutes ago
@thatonebtsfan How so?

11 minutes ago

@ lustful content bro 😭 shame shouldn’t be that hard

3 days ago
Both Tom and Blair make good points, why are western countries the only ones forced to accept multiculturalism ? when was there ever a referendum on immigration in Australia ?
Multiculturalism and endless immigration have been forced onto Australians not for the better and we have had enough.

3 replies

3 days ago
Australia for the white man.
We are not the worlds shitting bowl

4 replies

1 day ago
The rest must go

1 day ago
Not their babysitters.

23 hours ago
@danas3765 you, Danas, are not who’s baby sitter?

11 hours ago
@pelagonianlion8276 3rd 🌎

3 days ago
Now we know why Blair and Tom are so censored. They are running rings around the most rebellious boomer Australia has to offer 🤣 Thank you for giving them a fair go though Sam!

3 days ago
Thomas and Blair are absolute chads who have the spirit to save Australia 🇦🇺

3 days ago
Based free speech enjoyer.

3 days ago
I really respect these men for standing up for their country and people

3 days ago
Free speech must be defended. Great to hear diversity of thought.

2 replies

2 days ago
Free speech raythith

2 days ago

@DuerstMania \¥/

3 days ago
Hail victory 🇬🇧 🇦🇺

3 days ago
good on you Sam for having the integrity for not editing this

3 replies

3 days ago
He is just soooooooooook brave

3 days ago
He did however shout them down and speak over them many times… well as injecting sneaky trigger words now and then. Keep it real.

2 days ago
@MagicManintheSky Come on mate, go easy on him, clearly his full of lead poisoning and Pfizer boosters of course he was always going to boomer out in the interview. Im just trying to affirm him for at least giving them a platform, give the guy some slack.

3 days ago
You’re bloody legend Sam, I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. I loved the AFL analogy from Blair. We need our own team.

3 replies

3 days ago
Sad that Sam is considered a legend when he’s so desperate to appear that he doesn’t agree with what these two gentlemen are saying and cutting Blair off when he made a very good point about white people needing to become a team.

2 days ago
The White team

2 days ago
@libertus8924 I respect him purely for having the balls to have them on. When sky news dared to have Blair on TV 6 years ago, heads rolled in the boardroom. While a podcast is not quite the same, Sam is still a big name from TV land, and he took a risk by inviting them on. The jevvs will still try and close his bank accounts or cancel him just for giving them a broader platform

3 days ago
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Thank you, gentlemen!

1 reply

2 days ago
I’m surprised this actually made it past the Yewtube censors for me to see.

3 days ago (edited)
100% well done by Sam & his two guests. Three AUSSIE MEN speaking TRUTH, sometimes the TRUTH hurts.

3 days ago
Great interview. A lot of sense coming from the guests.

4 replies

3 days ago
Thanks Vegito

3 days ago
Show us super homophobia 3

2 days ago
@theREELdogman Why are you gay

2 days ago

@ don’t make me hate crime

3 days ago
If indigenous are given billions a year for their own land for their own people, how is it wrong for us host Australians to demand the same of our own country?

1 reply

3 days ago
Are you living on planet earth

3 days ago
I also remember seeing those piles of dead bodies on the wagons, being told they were jews going to the ovens in high school history. Later to learn those exact pictures were actually just dead Germans civilians after the Dresden fire bomb raid.

8 replies

3 days ago
Wow! I remember when I was able to post such things in YT comments.
Now I’d be fortunate if even this reply wasn’t censored.

3 days ago
@1neAdam12 we can’t let that stop us from speaking the truth

3 days ago
That’s messed up.

3 days ago
Everything’s just upside down, isn’t it

2 days ago
@1neAdam12 yeah I’d get an instant 24 hour ban for that lmao. I’d have to disguise words like “jevv” to even make it post temporarily

2 days ago
Good work, Sam. Tom / Blair, you have my support on a lot of it before and even more now ❤👍

1 day ago
The victors write the history books

20 hours ago
@birchtreebattle7153 True, but many of us now have to speak in code to get around it. It appears censorship has levels per person, i’m assuming how long and how many comments we’ve made over time that get flagged

3 days ago
I found Tom and Blair to be highly commendable individuals. You guys definitely have my support.

3 days ago
Sam I am 72 and followed your career as well as you being on the footy show
However I don’t like Australia now and worry about the future of my 8 grand children . Please rewatch the interview , the men and they are MEN make sense . I am a big supportive of them
No one else speaks up and are scared to. They are brave and ANZACS

8 replies

3 days ago
Spread the word to your grandchildren and support us then. Do something

3 days ago

@ really?

3 days ago
WELL SAID 👏👏👏👏👏👏 These men speak sense.

3 days ago
I cannot wait for your grand kids to wish you farewell old thoughts

2 days ago
Well said. This is why i began following their podcasts on Odysee and Rumble, and subscribed to their channels on telegram.
When mainstream media tries to censor a group so much, you know they must be speaking the truth

2 days ago
Good on you

2 days ago
Grandma Waffen

11 hours ago
We’ve got the best grandmas, don’t we folks?

3 days ago
Blood and Honour

1 reply

2 days ago
@southern_fryd cool pfp. I love and hate it at the same time

3 days ago
that was a great interview. it is recommended to all the doubters out there to look up British historian ‘David irving’.

6 replies

3 days ago
And Ernst Zundel.

3 days ago
Hail Ursula Haverbeck!

2 days ago
The documentary “Eur0pa: the Iast battIe” is fantastic too

1 day ago
Or Stu Peter’s…

1 day ago
F. Leuchter

19 hours ago
@danas3765 Yes, Fred too 👍

3 days ago
These two are just saying what a lot of people think and talk about in private.
What a shameful time when you need to be brave to speak up for your country.

3 days ago
Getting in quick before it is removed. Great interview! Shame Blair’s interview on Sky News never made it to air

3 days ago
Great episode, was intersting to hear this convo happen in good faith. Props to giving the lads a chance to speak.

3 days ago
Well would you look at that, two men speaking up for white Australia, what a breath of fresh air. Thanks Sam for airing this interview, taking a leap where others fear to tread. Respect to Thomas and Blair.

3 days ago
Time will prove Tom and Blair right. Let’s hope they save Australia before it’s too late.

2 replies

3 days ago
These men are true Australians! It’s good to let them speak their minds.

3 days ago
Last time I visited an Australian public school I walked into the office and there was a wall that contained all the class captains of each year. Not a SINGLE one was an actual Aussie or European, every single one was an immigrant. Tax paying Aussies are being forced to pay for being ethnically replaced.
No one likes being radical outcasts, but it is a reaction to the extreme circumstances we find ourselves in. How can you not be horrified knowing that we went from being 100% Australian and the lucky country to only 60%!!!!!! Australian and one of the most unaffordable places to live in the world, with that number set to keep on getting worse without us even getting a say.
Aussies are not able to buy land, we’re watching the country we grew up in become something unrecognizable, and these people are some of the only ones actually doing anything about it. What do you expect the disenfranchised Aussies having our country ripped away from us to do?!

2 replies

3 days ago
Same as here in nz,i have painted afew kindergarten schools in various areas of Christchurch and the number of non whites in the classes has got way out of hand

1 day ago

3 days ago
Hail Tom and NSN o/

3 replies

3 days ago

3 days ago
I love millhouse

3 days ago

3 days ago
These guys are the only sane voices in Australian politics today.

1 reply

4 hours ago
What?? 😂😂😂😂

3 days ago (edited)
Yes. Australia for the Anglos. We can’t even afford to live in a community of our own kind in our own country anymore.

3 replies

3 days ago
Australia for all Europeans. Not just Anglo’s

2 days ago
@Cp041 Nah

2 days ago (edited)
@fyrdman2185 why?
A lot of the what you would call “wogs” that were born and bred here have great grandparents and grandparents parents who fought on the axis side in WW2 and those ideas and beliefs are still held onto very strongly 2-3 generations later. The “wogs” I know, myself included all born here but proud of our European heritage are more patriotic and nationalistic then the “aussies” I know. What our great grandparents and grandparents believed in and fought for, we still believe in the same ideas, we just apply it to our, Australia.

3 days ago
Ground breaking interview. Amazing stuff.

2 replies

3 days ago
We need a follow up where they can flesh out the big points.

2 days ago
@suad01 They’ll never be invited back on.

12 hours ago
Did I just become a Nazi? Lol.
Mad respect to Blair and Tom.

3 days ago
They have some great points, very interesting tbh

1 reply

9 hours ago
Watch Europa the Last Battle

3 days ago
Can Sam answer: If over the next 200 years Australia for whatever reason between immigration and birthrates drops to 10% white/European, is it still Australian?
Is Japan still Japanese if it’s 70% Indian?

5 replies

3 days ago
This needs to be a pinned comment 👏

3 days ago (edited)
I have an Indian friend who wants Australia and New Zealand to remain supermajority White as it was when she was a girl in the 50s. She’s not stupid and knows full well what’s in store if her guys take over.

2 days ago
@andypandy-qz5om unfortunately they wanna deport your friend even though it sounds she has assimilated and become Australian

2 days ago
@andypandy-qz5om Then why doesn’t she help that happen and leave?

1 day ago
@LZBlackDog71 no such thing as assimilation


4 replies

3 days ago
This is an issue with the movement, though. Like everyone not 100% White must leave ? Is this actually the goal ? What about Abos or 50%ers or others with no other citizenship ? Can you not be pro-White and anti-immigration, even an area of the country for only White people, but without making it sound like you want to do total ethnic cleansing or something ?

3 days ago
​ @wrongthink1212 Even 12.5% non-founding stock is considered unacceptable. Reach your own conclusions. Tried to state the obvious in a previous reply. Evidently, that’s not allowed here. Wonder why? 💁

1 day ago
​ @AntipodeanRose It’s that ALL or nothing attitude that will trip you up.
(The previous comment had a valid point.)

1 day ago
@gepettosplaylists Lol. That’s their policy, not my personal opinion.

3 days ago
Please watch:
Europa, the last battle

2 replies

1 day ago
Game-changer of a documentary. Lots of valuable insights that explain WWII and our modern era. It all just makes so much more sense after watching it.

4 hours ago
​@brent5310 once you watch it, it’s is impossible to go back

3 days ago (edited)
well done Sam. I bet you are more than a little surprised and just how much support these Aussie Patriots have from fellow Aussies and around the world.

2 days ago
You can see Sam glitching out when he’s asked point blank “why is it bad if Australia is white”

4 replies

2 days ago
Loads of visible brain glitches haha

1 day ago
He kinda came around though I think deep down he likes both Tom and Blair but the boomer mentality is utterly insufferable

1 day ago

@James_744 he did not “come around”, his follow up video he calls them turds and parasites…

1 day ago
@pattycrabby9749 nah he chickened out from the backlash

3 days ago
Always nice to see /ourguys/ on shows like this.

2 days ago
The biggest number of views
on this content creators channel are for this interview.
Looks like people are interested in what is being discussed.

1 reply

1 day ago
Exactly. I haven’t seen the like/dislike ratio but I bet it’s >95% positive. There is a huge demand for this conversation amongst the people – it is the elephant in the room that no-one’s talking about! The regime only allows the conversation to go one way right now and that has to change.

3 days ago
Wow. I came here expecting a “Romper Stomper” kind of show and left wanting to join them.
Not a single point they made is objectionable.
They are serious men that will become important leaders in the future.

1 reply

9 hours ago
Watch Europa the Last Battle to learn more

3 days ago
Very bold interviewing these gents and you should be commended. It’s always worth speaking to people who present challenging ideas. Especially when the mainstream zeitgeist believes in censorship

3 days ago
Pair of legends right there ⚡

3 days ago
Go Sam, bloody legend pushing back on MSM

3 days ago
Righteous stuff, thanks for the interview!

2 days ago
Heres a question;
Is Europe not diverse?
Dozens of countries, languages, cuisines, histories, national dress
Is that not already multi-cultural?
Red, blonde, brunette, black hair
Blue, green, hazel, grey, violet, brown eyes
Is that not a “people of colour”?
So what do they mean when they say white European Australia needed to be more diverse?
And that we needed to be multi-cultural, when we had Polish, Italian, Greek, British, German and Irish communities here already?
Diversity meant “brown skin black hair”
Multi cultural meant “not white European”
We WILL have either a white Australia or a brown one
There is no in between

1 reply

2 days ago
It was diverse, now Paris, London, and Berlin look quite alike.

3 days ago
It was really great that you put this interview up and to be able to hear both Tom and Blair’s perspective.
It is so tiresome to just hear the MSM and politicians kvetch and tell the Australian people what to think.

3 days ago
While the interrupting was annoying as fuck, I’m glad you had them on.

12 replies

3 days ago
Almost unwatchable with all the interrupting.

3 days ago
He has no logical arguments against their points so he has to constantly interrupt. That his only option really.

3 days ago
@martinpospisil3747 he’s a boomer though, so it’s sorta forgiven. i have a soft spot for old people.

3 days ago

@ 100%

3 days ago
He spoiled the whole conversation, condesening, interupting, clearing no idea at all. He needs the wake up and open his mind or stop doing this. Go back to playing football dude you’re a lousy interviewer. Couldn’t even finish this because of him.

2 days ago
I think he’s just trying to save face and avoid seeming like he agrees with them, it was also clever how he came from the angle of “if I was to join” and then realised he meets all the criteria showing that most of them are just Aussies that love Australia not skinhead Nazis.

2 days ago
@dogman17 It’s strange that he’s all about free speech and had them on to let them speak, but then interrupted them constantly to stop them from speaking. At least he eased off it when Tom pointed it out.

2 days ago
@thanoscr7939 I mean he’s done a complete back flip on x, claimed Blair was an uninvited opportunist that forced his way onto the show. Tom and Blair have since been banned from X presumably due to some kind of string pulling from this coward.

2 days ago
Just started and he interrupted them first answer. Is it all like this?

2 days ago

@ Yes. Tom and Blair get minimal time to explain their points. Sam was exercising some ‘soft censorship’, and obedience signalling, that’s for sure.

2 days ago
@Blackdeathgaming-yv1kk Why? They’re part of the reason we are in this mess in the first place. They guzzled down the small hat programming and ran with it.

2 days ago
@Starnzee he’s almost 80
for the 1st time in his life he had to defend woke multicult against 24/7 seasoned final boss professional racists
he tried to trap them then when demolished pivoted to stupid sarcastic membership questions

2 days ago
The guests are totally and completely correct.

2 days ago
Europeans deserve our homelands, free from foreign influence.

3 days ago
Don’t miss their live streams on Rumble and Odysee on Thursday nights!

6 replies

3 days ago
I am a boomer and watch it week. Very intelligent men with a wonderful purpose

2 days ago
@gailash1170 Always nice to find a boomer that understands the JQ instead of running away from it.

1 day ago
What is the channel called? Thanks.

1 day ago

@ Joel Davis. He does it with Blair and Tom shows up most of the time as well.

1 day ago
what is the name of the channel?

1 day ago
What channel(s)? Haven’t found any yet.

3 days ago
Amazing stuff guys.

2 days ago
This Thomas and Blair are making complete sense, im glad i heard these two men talk to Sam, they are extremely passionate in defending Australia and its true identity.

1 reply

9 hours ago
Watch Europa the Last Battle if you’d like to learn more

3 days ago
Support from America. Australians must uphold their right to free speech.

3 days ago
I’d like to hear more from these guys, why does every other group get to play for their own team except ours?

3 days ago
Thank you, Sam, for having the courage to bring these two men in. They represent what a lot of us think but have been browbeaten into silence. Good job Tom and Blair – you have my respect 🇦🇺

1 reply

3 days ago
Oh wow he is so brave to admit his bias.. so brave.. you too troll

3 days ago
Good stuff lads

3 days ago
They gradually won me over! Erudite young men.

1 reply

9 hours ago
Watch Europa the Last Battle to learn more

7 hours ago
These guys are spot on with everything they said, This is what true Australian leadership looks like.

3 days ago
“We need our own team.”

1 day ago
General George S Patton “We fought the wrong enemy.”

3 days ago
It’s true. We were never asked.

3 days ago
The woke folk would be having a breakdown right now 😂

1 reply

2 days ago
and that is not just a good thing, it’s something that should be done 24/7/365

3 days ago
Not sure Sammy was ready for that 😂
Legend for having the chat and putting it out for people to make up their own mind

3 days ago
An interview for the Australian history books.

3 days ago
Damn these guys make a lot of sense

1 reply

9 hours ago
Watch Europa the Last Battle if you’d like to learn more

3 days ago (edited)
text-green-game-overVOTE 1 BLAIR COTTRELL for Prime Minister of AUSTRALIA elbowcough

3 days ago (edited)
Sam…as a decades long Geelong supporter I reckon you have career peaked (i.e social media) with this incredible raw and TRUE interview with genuine Aussie ‘outlaws’. Its like the first mainstream journo to interview Ned Kelly. Credit to you for having the guts, brains…and timing… to do this. I don’t agree with the Oz neo-Nazis on everything…but I think Australia should be MAJORITY White as the founders intended. And that DOESN’T exclude other races contributing as a MINORITY.

1 reply

3 days ago
there were some great eps of street talk.

3 days ago
Great interview. Hail victory

3 days ago
Outstanding stuff – kudos to Sam for being one of the few bastions of uncensored media.
TS and Blair are bloody legends.

1 day ago
Thomas Sewell is amazing for exposing the truth!

3 days ago
Great information. Australia is definitely worse during these times due to the migration into Australia. They are not patriotic to Australia, they are not contributing positivity to Australian culture. I don’t like what is happening right now. I dislike going into public spaces and the majority of people speak another language. Its terrible! These guys are spot on!! Good on you and thank you for speaking up!

3 days ago
Thanks so much Sam for having the courage to do this interview 🎉

3 days ago
This is easily the best content to come out of Australian politics in many, many years.
Second part when?

1 reply

1 day ago
lol not in a billion years

3 days ago
Awesome Interview Sammy

3 days ago
Tom and Blair speak the truth.

3 days ago
I garantee this old guy would never berate any other racial advocate other than white. if a nigerian said they wanted nigeria to stay nigerian, nobody would bat an eyelid, but this guy has the big balls to join in attacking the guys who already have all mainstream media attacking them for expressing the same reasonable belief. of coarse its completely normal to not want to be ethnically replaced, saying it isnt is embarrasingly clownish, emperors new clothes shit

4 replies

3 days ago
This can’t be said enough 👍

2 days ago

1 day ago
How cowardly is it though?

1 day ago
Spot on.

3 days ago
Freedom of speech should never be revoked, Blood and honour

3 days ago
They have not chosen the easy path. You have to respect that

2 days ago
These guys actually make a lot of sense.

3 days ago
Should have been interviewed separately but a great interview regardless, hats off to the guests for having the intelligence to see and understand the threat all white western nations are facing, the tide is turning.

1 reply

3 days ago (edited)
Absolutely. I would have loved to have seen an interview with just Blair and the host.

2 days ago
Having watched the whole thing now, it’s clear Sam isn’t quite all there anymore. It’s a shame he chose to attack Blair and call him a scumbag the following day, but he’s struggling to even have a conversation, it’s no wonder he buckled to pressure after this interview.

1 reply

19 hours ago
+1 for having them on
-1 was pussing out the next day

3 days ago
Sam, are you going to have these 2 blokes back? I’d like to hear more from Tom and Blair on other issues that Australians face. Thanks for the interview.

1 reply

2 days ago
lmao never

3 days ago
Thomas Sewell and Blair are great men! Keep Australia Australian!

19 hours ago
Well done to Sam Newman for conducting this interview. Too bad he pussied out the following day after Dvir and his media/political lackies started freaking out. If Sam thought Blair and Tom were so repulsive, why didn’t he say it to their faces during the interview? Pretty weak if you ask me.

2 days ago
“I’ve been to Dachau so all the stories are true.”
Good show by the two, allegedly hateful guests who were composed, polite, and speaking obvious truths.

1 day ago
Australia is for Australians – that’s IT. Based dudes standing up for their people 🫡

3 days ago
Sam Newman thank you for defending Free Speech

1 reply

3 days ago
He didn’t. Sam- “Hurtful words create violence in competing foreign demographics, therefore the only solution is to create hate speech laws”

9 hours ago
These men seem pretty level headed glad to see White men have unity for THEIR homeland.

3 days ago
Hail Tom

3 days ago
We have the right to have our own nation for our people.
A nation is about more than just “ideals and values”.
The millions of indians can go back to india and have those ideals.

2 days ago
When in India i was told “I want to live in your Country because your Government pay people to stay home and not work”. These guys are running rings around this interview..their knowledge is amazing..

2 days ago
Great interview thanks Sam. TOM AND blair are well spoken, articulate and they conducted themselves in a professional manner which resonates with many many Aussies who are currently watching Australia burn through the mismanagement of corrupt politicians and external unelected organisations. I encourage those with an interest in our true history and the real facts of what happened in WWII to find Europa the Last Battle

3 days ago
Sam is a boomer but still credit to him for at least having these guys on

2 days ago
Brilliant! This is an educational interview. Well done guys! 👌🏻 Love and greetings from an Scandinavien Anglo-Saxon. ❤❤

2 days ago
Every time I hear Thomas or Blair speak I’m always impressed with their ability to articulate themselves and their confidence with which they explain their taboo worldview. It takes guts and brains to do what these guys are doing. The cowards who denounce them will be forgotten quickly but these brave young men will make the history books and be talked about for decades to come!

3 days ago
Sam is going to cop it in the MSM for this😂 can’t believe he actually posted it

2 replies

3 days ago
He has nothing to lose these days. Love to see it.

1 day ago
@neilr4867 he was fired 5yrs ago for calling George floyd a pos on air

2 days ago
Boomer is mystified that the youth in his country are disgusted by what his generation threw away. Then has the audacity to act like he’s virtuous over them. The disconnect between the young and the old has never been more stark

1 reply

1 day ago
Boomers my Rss!!!
It was a boomer that brought this to my attention over 20 years ago…
(Grow up)

3 days ago
As someone who makes videos on Australian pride myself, thank you Sam for allowing our two brothers onto your platform to express themselves freely. That’s the way it should be.

3 days ago
They make very good points.

1 day ago
Two very well spoken gentleman. Why is it that they call them evil, but never wrong? Is it only wrong because they are exposing the truth against those who wish White Australians harm?

3 days ago
These guys make too much sense to give a fair hearing. Thanks for having them on.

2 days ago
Those Aussie lads are not wrong. They are heroes of their nation and people.

3 days ago
White Australia policy years also had tariffs to protect local manufacturing and jobs. When they dropped the tariffs we lost all of our manufacturing industries.

3 replies

3 days ago
Bring back the WAP!

3 days ago
The LIMA declaration detroyed that

2 days ago
And think of all our gas, iron ore and whatnot going overseas for a pittance while we pay a premium. Some Scandinavian nations actually have a sovereign wealth fund where the resources sold result in dividends for the citizens. Not good old Australia though.

3 days ago
Great job. Sometimes, difficult conversations are necessary. I respect, admire, and even fear free expression. While I don’t always agree with it, I accept it.

3 days ago
It’s so frustrating to watch the host trying miserably to argue for the mental chains he’s been put in.

7 replies

3 days ago
Even more frustrating to have all your comments deleted when you haven’t even broken the so-called TOS.

3 days ago
As I tried posting numerous times here now,…
How do you keep a populace diseased?

3 days ago
By marking the bottle of medicine which will cure them..

3 days ago

3 days ago
I had to break my comment up into multiple posts, just to have it stick.
THAT’S where we’re at!

3 days ago
He’s a boomer, give him a break

3 days ago
@PM-im8nq I give him kudos for having these fine young Australian Aryan men on but it’s frustrating to watch the cognitive dissonance all the same.

2 days ago
Europeans deserve to preserve their homelands

3 days ago
Would love to see more of Tom and Blair on podcasts with a coherent interviewer.

3 days ago
Defend free speech at all costs.

3 days ago
So their main point is that Australia should be a white/European homeland. Same views
as the founders, which made Australia, usa, canda the top countries everyone wants to move to. Very good interview, you should have with them more times, greetings from Sweden

1 day ago
Australian’s, I hope you regain your land and I hope your elders wake the F UP. I hope all White nations wake the F UP. We as white people are the only race who move humanity forward in knowledge, technology, and exploration.

3 days ago
Great interview.

3 days ago
Best podcast yet!

3 days ago
I agree with everything they said

3 days ago
Good on you for sticking to your principles Sam.
The legacy media might come down on you like a ton of bricks, but that’s only because they’re afraid of losing control. Tom and Blair are stand up guys and this show proves it.

3 days ago
White Aussies just want a place to call home. And some representation would be great
Great interview these two lads, made some excellent points

3 days ago
Thanks for having these guys on. It’s a shame what the establishment media, government and police have done to these men that love their people and country. Lots of good, common sense from them.

3 days ago
Fuck yeah

3 days ago
Sam was being a complete arsehole if you ask me.
I take my hat off to Blair and Thomas for staying calm and collected.
You both love your country and only want what’s best for it. As do I.

3 replies

2 days ago
if sam wasnt being an asshole he wouldnt be doing his job. sam just played devils advocate and quite well. you can tell hes impressed.

2 days ago
​ @spoilsvictor993 I’m not so sure, I think he wanted a spike in viewers and these two were his ticket.

1 day ago
​ @spoilsvictor993 I get the impression he wanted to catch them out & discredit them.
But failed.
(Let’s hope he learned something.)

3 days ago
Great interview. Australia for the White man!

2 days ago
I’m not much into the white nationalism, maybe I’m a little uninformed. But I do believe the 6 million number has been widely inflated. I also think these 2 men are good blokes despite what any mainstream media may say about them

3 days ago
Massive respect to Sam for this. Blair and Thomas are legends. Let’s see others follow suit and platform these gentlemen and many others like them.

3 days ago
Well done Sam, these guys aren’t the raging psychos the media makes them out to be

3 days ago
Hail Victory! Hail Free Speech!

11 hours ago
Great interview, These guys seem really intelligent and well spoken, Absolute Chads. I reckon most every average White Australian, Canadian, American and so on feel and connect with what they are saying on some level.

3 days ago
Sewell and Blair are honorable man and the interviewer just made himself look like antagonistic vermin.

4 replies

3 days ago
sam newman is peak boomer 😅 he’s definitely out of his depth here but didn’t do too bad

3 days ago
70+ years of programming will do it.

1 day ago
​ @dirtymcgreg never seen him before because I’m American, I knew I could’ve been reading him wrong with nothing prior to go off of but I thought the same lol

19 hours ago
Interviewers are allowed to be antagonistic. Otherwise what’s the point? Without asking legitimate questions it’s just propaganda.

3 days ago
You are a brave man. It takes balls to seek for Truth. God bless you

3 days ago
Love it!!!!

3 days ago
Freedom of speech will never die

1 day ago (edited)
This interview was the best discussion I have seen in years, well done to all involved. I live in Melbourne and it is not the place I grow up in, I will be moving to the country were it is mostly white.

3 days ago
Support to Australia from America. Our nations will be free once again.

3 days ago
Great interview, well done Sam for doing it, one of the only people to hold an honest interview these days. And how can you not agree with Tom and Blair? All White men should be joining their team and fighting for the future of Australia.

3 days ago
Sam you’re a legend mate

3 days ago
good on you sam for havin them on!!

2 days ago
Finally you have interviewed some intelligent people who have balls

2 days ago
These guys are legitimately the only people in the political space that care about Australians

3 days ago
Hail Victory Blood and Honour

3 days ago
Nice to see these guys actually not getting censored for once haha

3 days ago
Yes Australians are waking up! To find out rules you, look at who you cannot criticise! Unfortunately our government, military, media & banking system are all controlled by the same people who were kicked out of 109 countries for the same thing.

3 days ago
They’re spot on!

3 days ago
Great episode, victory is inevitable! Greetings from Sweden

3 days ago
more interviews like this…. Australia!

3 days ago
It is now 2:30 am Tuesday morning
I listened to the podcast from start to finish. I found the topic quite volatile, passionate, and scary at times, but I persevered and listened without my own feelings, getting in the way
Basically, I heard what most Australians are thinking in private, but don’t dare say out loud. To a certain extent, of course .
The only thing I can say is that this government and governments that have come and gone have ruined Australia and will continue to do so.which gives rise to these groups of people because they feel unheard and despondent and have deep feelings of uselessness and hatred.
Thank you Sam for having the courage to bring this topic to your listeners.

10 replies

1 day ago
Why add “hatred” though…
Where was the H8???

1 day ago
​@gepettosplaylists These men are full of vitriol, but then, if our government closed our borders and stopped bringing people in, things wouldn’t escalate as they have now.
We are a country with an abundance of natural resources, but we make nothing that in itself is soul destroying and makes for a poisonous society
We need to start making things again to be proud of ourselves and our country.

1 day ago
@Helen6565e6b Yeah I agree with pretty much all you said… But I wonder why you are using the word “hatred.”
“H8” is a loaded word, a word that carries connotations, and has been weaponised via law.
I didn’t see any “H8” in their interview…

1 day ago
If you find the word hatred offensive ( as obviously you have ) The action of the word is far more dangerous. Search deeper into what they’re actually saying .I’m sure you are intelligent enough to understand their intentions.

19 hours ago
@Helen6565e6b they are simply annoyed at what has happened to their country…
That doesn’t by default equal hate…
You should be intelligent enough to comprehend that surely. 🥱

19 hours ago

@gepettosplaylists Don’t you mean OUR COUNTRY!!!!!
And excuse me, but now you’re being snidely with your remark.
See how things can turn, and we are just two people .
Something to think about.

18 hours ago
​ @Helen6565e6b It’s called being snide, not snidely…
And it was similar to the way you ended your comment to me…
Don’t give it, if you can’t take it. 😘

18 hours ago
That was a typo, and believe me, I can take anything you can dish out.😡

18 hours ago

@Helen6565e6b your grumpy face says NOT. 😇

18 hours ago
​ @gepettosplaylists 😂 Is that better

2 days ago
The host is a little obnoxious and clearly way behind on the way the world works but thank you none the less for giving these men a much needed platform. They are heroes.

1 reply

2 days ago (edited)
a Little obnoxious? It’s more like full out hostile and pathetic.

3 days ago
There is nothing wrong with being a nationalist and advocating for a path to hegenomy in one’s country. Multiculturalism, as well as numerous social policies have never been mandated and the major parties are the architects of those unapproved policies.

1 day ago
My Irish born mother came here in 1956 on a boat, what layed before her were opportunities to build a wonderful life and she has.. she’s 93 now and still lives independently in her own home. She made some good investments and enjoys a ‘part’ pension and never went without. My son and I can’t afford to live and will never have the experience of buying our own home. She fully agrees that there are absolutely too many ‘culturally different’ people here who can’t speak the language. Where has Dick Smith gone too BTW?

2 days ago
Our country’s been run by clowns for 50+ years now

2 days ago
Sam Newman needs to do a part two with these guys again. This is a record breaking video.

1 reply

2 days ago
He will never ever touch this subject with a 10 foot pole again. And will come up with an apology in a couple of days for hosting these guys. I am sure he already got the call and is trying to figure a way out for him.

3 days ago
Great to see Tom madke it to a podcast outside of our circle. It’s imperative that we reach out to different social spheres of the European people. I pray Tom and the NSN a fruitful and great 2025, Blair as well!

10 hours ago
i love this comment section. we’ll get our countries back one day

1 reply

1 hour ago
Took Spain centuries, but they did.

3 days ago
Great conversation, thanks!

1 day ago
Awesome interview!
These guys are great! 🇭🇲

3 days ago
The man said monkey while trying to remember George Floyd’s name. Nice

3 replies

3 days ago

2 days ago
Caught that too.

1 day ago

1 day ago (edited)
Ended it with “We Love Our Country!” God bless yall man, from southern united states, “the bible belt” baby!

3 days ago
These lads are not driven by hate but by love and they affirm life and wish to protect their own communities, families.

2 days ago
Keep it up guys and thank you!

3 days ago
Thank you Sam for being transparent and honest.

3 days ago
Excellent interview.

3 days ago
Don’t let Australia became England,Germany, Sweden, France etc.

2 replies

2 days ago
It’s well on the way

1 day ago
The whole of the west is in the same boat.

2 days ago
These blokes are bang on the money. Sam agrees but is merely saving face.

3 days ago
Quick delete this before we realize we all agree with Thomas sewell and he’s actually quite rational.

1 reply

1 day ago
tick tock
i give it a week

1 day ago
Love seeing Blair & Tim! Respect from Canada.

2 days ago
On Australia day, Adelaide police arrested 16 members of the NsN network for peacefully demonstrating on Australia Day. They didn’t even have their faces covered. They were charged with loitering, and police refused to let them out on bail until they signed conditions saying they would not associate with each other. Never mind that police routinely let foreign criminals out on bail after assault charges; never mind that within the last few months several men charged with child sex offences were let out on bail; and never mind that it goes against the literal law to put restriction of association on bail conditions unless violent crime is involved.
One member has refused to sign the conditions and as a result has been in jail for over a week, without food or basic necessities; this article also fails to mention the man is in his 60s.
The NSN TERRIFIES our ruling class and they are willing to become worse tyrants than they were during covid to silence them.
Its a travesty Sam barely touched on this

2 replies

2 days ago
I didn’t link the article to avoid YouTube removing my comment as spam.

2 days ago
Blair brought it up about 4 times and Sam ignored him

3 days ago

3 days ago
Weird how having people on with views
that are heavily censored and dont get main stream support makes you nervous. Ideas are to be shared, whether you agree or not

2 days ago
The documentary ‘Europa: the Last Battle’ has some interesting information on the subject.

1 reply

1 day ago
Ive heard some people describe it as a “must see” documentary, the critics rave about it, that’s what I have been told.

2 days ago (edited)
These two guys quietly blew Sam’s Boomer mind. Apparently since this interview he’s been trying to walk back & is bagging Blair out. Blair, Tom, Jacob & others have had their X accounts simultaneously suspended obviously at the behest of the gov.
This will only attract more attention & interest in these guys.
Both of these guys have very polished talking points & are very cogent. They know their stuff.
Indians here on fake premise & slowly importing their Dalits is a huge problem.

2 days ago
NSN – Our guys Down Under!
Strength and Honor, from Norway❤️‍🔥

2 days ago
Australia for Europeans

3 days ago
Thanks for airing this. There’s a deep truth in what these guys say, but the media just wants to see one side.

1 reply

3 days ago
And who exactly owns the media? 🤔

2 days ago
Everyone needs to download and reupload this before its taken down.
Which it will be, mark my words

2 replies

2 days ago
Yeah, there was a similar Swedish interview and it got taken down

2 days ago
If Sam caves to pressure and takes it down, I’m all ready to mirror it on my channel. For educational purposes.

2 days ago
These two gentlemen seem pretty reasonable to me.

2 days ago
Boomer subconsciously knows he’s wrong… Bro is fuming

4 hours ago
You can see this boomer struggling with a lifetime of programming…

3 days ago
Thank you for having these guys on. Great interview.

3 days ago
Ahhh free speech. It’s worth its weight in gold.

2 days ago
This was a pretty interesting conversation, I appreciated it. It was a wild start, straight to the core of the programming – If Nationalism, then Hitler. If Hitler -> Hol*caust! The story used to scatter any organization or dissent against the occupying regimes that despise their own people and hurry to replace them.

3 days ago
Well this was a fun watch. So many great points disregarded. Blair is a serious voice of reason. Thomas stands firms on his beliefs and doesn’t let bs disrupt him. Lastly the interviewer didn’t edit the video and made.good on his word

2 days ago
White countries for the White man. 🇺🇲 🇦🇺🩸🤝🏻

2 days ago
Sam’s a good sport for having the boys on his show. Big respect, lots of balls.

3 days ago
Thomas Sewell, Handsome Truth, Blair Cottrell, Jacob Hersant, Thomas Russo.
I will fight for these men; I’m just waiting for my leaders to call time.

1 reply

2 days ago
Stop waiting, they have made the call. Get involved now.

2 days ago
Tom and Blair have just been booted off X. Funny old thing.

3 days ago
Well done, Tom & Blair. We absolutely need to create a home for Whites in this world. I can not understand how you both hold your composure with the constant derailing of your statements by the, clearly biased interviewers. Good on you for spreading, proper information and a different perspective.

3 days ago
I’m very interested in and support what these fellows said and I’m sure there are many likeminded people in Australia that would agree.

2 days ago
I agree with Tom and Blair.

2 days ago
These comments give me hope for the future of Australia.

3 days ago

3 days ago
They make a lot of sense. Hearing them Express their views
and plans makes me look at our society completely differently. We really are under attack. And we really are the only ones who can’t have a homeland of Our Own

3 days ago
there is absolutely nothing wrong with racism. be racist or be replaced

1 reply

3 days ago
Friggen A.

2 days ago
Blair. Thank you, sir. Thank you so much for talking about race and how it’s MUCH MUCH more than skin color.🙏🏻🫡

3 days ago
Sam is doing a fair job however he clearly does not a have a good knowledge of history.

3 days ago
Shut up! Let the lads speak Sam wow! Good on you for having them on , would of loved to hear more from them. This will be your most watched video in only a few days.

12 hours ago
White Australia sounds good to me

3 days ago
Well done for doing this buddy!

3 days ago
Well done Sammy, for providing a much needed broader platform to hear the voices of Blair and Tom.
Whilst media talking-heads and compromised Political Members wish to destroy our Great Nation, these Men wish to save and restore it.
Australian History in the making ️

3 days ago
Well done sam good interview

2 days ago
Sam came across as a conceited, sarcastic smartarse but at least he had the balls to have these blokes on and to interview them and publish it unedited.

2 days ago
These fellas are so right

3 days ago
Sam: “Racism is about ah um er um ah ee um uh……..muh racism!”

3 replies

3 days ago
Sam is a good sport, and he was good at sport too.
I am glad he had these gentlemen on his show to tell their story.
I won’t say he was totally unbiased, but he certainly let them have their say and we can all make up our minds accordingly

1 day ago
These lads a spot on, interviewer is a bit of a donkey but at least he put these lads on to get their voice out, we need a part 2

3 days ago
Hail victory. Hail the NSN

3 days ago
Never heard your podcast before, and have no interest in listening to you Sam again.
Key note, let your guests speak.
You Sam, like millions of other brain washed sheep have any idea of what is coming. Great work Thomas and Blair

2 replies

3 days ago
It’s Sam’s style of podcast. He let the guests speak. What’s up your arse?

3 days ago
@justinchappe He was alright. But he kept mumbling and interrupting them.
Sometimes it seems like there is not one argument online where people let eachother speak.

2 days ago
Blair and Thomas are great men, the last bastion of true blue Aussies

2 days ago
While i really dont like their views
on Nazism, hitler, the holocaust, or race in general, i would say (as a trumpian liberal) they do have some interesting points.
I have been wondering for a while:
– Why do all other people get to have a homeland (where they are the majority) while all Western people are being made into minorities in their homeland?
– Why is talking about (and practising) multiculturalism considered normal, but if you do it for monoculturalism, then you are extreme?
– why are all ethnic groups allowed to openly advocate for their own groups success, but white people (who won ww2 and saved the world) are called supremist if they do the same?
I recently read a book called ‘the unknown warriors’by Nicholas Pringle. It documents how ww2 veterans felt about how britain turned out, and it was a very depressing read.

3 replies

2 days ago
I’ve also been wondering about the immigration narrative.
We are told that we need more immigration in Western countries because of low birthrates, which means we are being forced into a breeding competition for the right to our homeland (which we lose as migrant have higher birth rates). However, all Western nations have laws against introducing non indiginous species because they may outcompete (out breed) indiginous species?
I know we’re not animals, but it seems odly hypocritical that a cow has more rights not to be replaced in the West than the indiginous western people….

2 days ago
@lsd1649 folks have cognitive dissonance. invasive species are bad but multiracial is good because that’s fighting against racism.

2 days ago

@Adam-jr4lx well that is the common argument, about it being anti-racist etc, but more and more I find myself struggling to accept this argument.
For example, why is it considered anti-racist to let infinite amounts of people into your country, but racist to want all people to have their own homeland?
In the first situation, while it may appear accepting, all that is happening is that one group (westerners) are losing land and their culture to foreign groups who still have all of their homeland. However, in the second instance, all groups keep their homeland and can work together (through trade and sharing) to improve each other’s homeland without disspossession.
Surely the second is less racist and more equal?
Then again, I’m probably overthinking things . I’m sure someone will be able to see the flaw in my logic.

3 days ago
Warm up the planes. Hundred percent agree.

3 days ago
This sort of debate should be on q and a

2 days ago
Us wogs support these guys 🙋‍♂️

5 replies

2 days ago
Legend 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺

2 days ago
Except when you’re deported .. ?

2 days ago

@griffin1366 European my friend.

2 days ago
@mickyss7766 Well you aren’t informed then. You will be going as well if these guys ever get their wishes.

2 days ago

@griffin1366 they clearly note in the video with sam, European only.

3 days ago (edited)
The fact that Sam had the guts to give them a voice, I’m subscribing.
And, these two men speak for a LOT MORE AUSTRALIANS than most people realise.
Bravo to Thomas and Blair.

3 days ago

2 days ago (edited)
o/ support from USA. Still waiting for the day people learn the difference between the words “Nationalism” and “Supremacy”

3 days ago
No wonder these two will never have a fair go at channel 9. They make too much sense.

3 days ago
Host ruined it by interrupting constantly.

3 days ago (edited)
If you’ve dug a little deeper into the history of the Australian continent you’d find that the Australian Aboriginal weren’t the first people here.. there was a smaller race of people here that stood about one metre tall.. they came down from South East Asia/Timor and predominantly live in North Queensland.. it is believed they were wiped out by around 30 to 40 thousand years ago by what now is known as the Australian Aboriginals we now know .. and some pigmies were still around only up till 3000 years ago.. the very last ones lived in the Cardwell region up till the late 1800’s

4 replies

3 days ago
It is men such as these who will be remembered as heros. They are great leaders.

3 days ago
In 1900 European peoples were 30% of the worlds population. Today we are just 7% and falling.

1 reply

3 days ago
We need to make people aware of this

2 days ago
Love this. I hope the NSN grows more and more. Keeping speaking the truth ❤.

2 days ago
Good job mate.
The truth is, these lads are the only guys fighting for the Australia our ancestors founded and died for.

3 days ago
Cheers Sam, it takes guts to platform these two. Thank you for allowing them to speak at length.

3 days ago
TRUTH matter’s more than me, and U.

3 days ago
Hail Tom and the NSN. Let us all aspire to be as great as these men and by the gods we’ll have our homes again. Hail victory

3 days ago
“I want a noble Australia” you know what, me too!

23 hours ago
Many countries are actually on the way to this sort of thinking already, its not hard to look it up and see why they are doing it. Myself I agree to an extent

3 days ago
Brave of you to do this, good stuff. These lads are solid

2 days ago
Good stuff. Australia can’t be for everyone, if Israel can be for Jews, surely Australia can be for European people who settled here.
We have our flag and it represents our nation. Not the nation of everyone.

1 day ago
Ben shapiro people are not going to like this one. Shut it down

3 days ago
Team Australia or GTFO!

2 days ago
two level headed blokes saying things we are conditioned to turn away from, and if you have that feeling like i do, where did it come from? Are we being brainwashed to dislike ourselves?

2 days ago
Praying for these bold men from Canada 🇨🇦. We are in the same boat over here 😡

3 days ago
An honourable interview

2 days ago
T sewell articulation maxxing. Respect the airplanes, respect the remigration! Love your own folk. Real Nationalism forever.

3 days ago
Love you Sammy! ❤

3 days ago
Much respect to the two guests. Great guys, very reasonable.

3 days ago
Hail Victory. Australia For The White Man

1 day ago
One question you have to ask are these guys speaking truth? And if they are why aren’t they allowed to speak!

3 days ago
Hail Sam Newman!
Absolute legend, allowing these guys to speak.

22 hours ago
To the largely irrelevant, condescending boomer host guy:
Let your guests finish their thoughts and stop interrupting them. It’s embarrassing to witness. The lads did excellent despite that.

3 days ago
I have to say these 2 guys sound very reasonable and agree with their points. Seems a wild overreaction to demonise them so much

2 days ago
Thomas is the most succinct messenger we have now- he’s not American but our struggle emanates from a worldwide attack on our people.

1 reply

3 days ago
You can’t teach a Boomer new tricks. Still, I give this video a right arm up o/

1 day ago (edited)
2025 is the start of the golden age. Trump, and more importantly these blokes, are just the beginning

3 days ago
Hail Sewell and Cotrell, real men

1 day ago
‘We love our country’. That’s a problem for some it would seem. Well played for having them on. Free speech lives but only just.

3 days ago
Interviewer is so patronizing. Never heard of these guys before but they seem very reasonable, thoughtful and well spoken.

2 days ago
Kudos to you for having the balls to host these fellas.
They are right about everything they said.

3 days ago
Blair for Senate 2030

11 hours ago
Fantastic video. Wish the interviewer wasn’t so rude and interjected constantly. Otherwise thank you for putting them on the air.

2 days ago
I don’t know… I think Tom and Blair may have a new recruit today.👍haha ha! But seriously, I give the interviewer credit for speaking with these men on this day, and I can see he’s genuinely interested in the reasons behind their cause, albeit he says he’s not sympathetic to that cause – and even though I’ve never laid eyes (or ears) on Mr. Sam Newman before, he’s not a stupid man, he sees the writing on the wall. Unfortunately as with many of his generation, there’s a collective knee-jerk outrage reaction to anyone countering the fantastical history of WWII of 80yrs ago, and it’s engrained in his generation throughout all their lives (I know, as I’m also a “Boomer”, although a few years younger at age 68), and the majority of that generation cannot ever come to terms with the reality of that war, for fear of retaliation and moreso, most are of the camp that it’s just too late in their years of life to be bothered to investigate the story. Great interview, Tom and Blair are fine men who love their country, thank you for sharing it.

3 days ago
I can’t believe this is still on YT 15 hours later.
Conversations like this need to be heard.
Freedom of speech!!!

1 reply

1 day ago
give it time bro

3 days ago
American here! This is a great interview. These men look and sound absolutely normal — or what ought to be normal, and will be normal! Are they scheduled to appear on Tucker Carlson?

1 reply

2 days ago
That would be a fantastic idea!

21 hours ago
Amazing interview 🤍 thank you for this

3 days ago
2 men talk to a walking vaccine injury

1 reply

3 days ago
😂 savage

3 days ago
Great interview Sam. I hope you endeavour to revise some of our history books and begin to understand that we have been lied to and indoctrinated into believing the solitary narrative written by the victors. At the end of the day, I think most Australians can agree that multiculturalism is a failed experiment that no one asked for.

2 days ago
Sam Newman is an old-school Conservative with a small “c”.
He has had this mindset his entire life.
Being exposed to National Socialism ideology is almost impossible for him to process.
You can see the cogs in his mind going haywire during the entire conversation.
At various points you can see actual brain freezes occur.
A reset button seems to be pressed and he starts to try and process what he is hearing.
Tries, and fails over and over again.
Most of his generation are incapable of changing how they think.
It is sad, because most of them do have good hearts and they have kind natures.
But having “good hearts and kind natures” has brought us to this point.
The younger generation need to have hard hearts and strong resolve.
Otherwise, we are finished!

2 days ago
That’s a very good point – we don’t need people bringing their foreign wars to our shores.

3 days ago
Well done for doing this, you should maybe question yourself as to why it’s more upsetting to you to discuss the historical accuracy of an event that happened 80year ago when you’re actually in the middle of being replaced by the 3rd world

11 hours ago
Sam, you’re an embarrassment to our ancestors. Shame on you for trying to throw Blair under the bus after this interview. Repulsive behavior.

1 day ago
Props to Sam for airing this, especially unedited, even if he was an insufferable boomer for the whole thing. He really doesn’t have the intellectual and historical foundation for this discussion. Thankfully there are still strong and sane men in the world like Tom and Blair.

2 replies

2 days ago
It is vital we never become south Africa.

3 days ago
Great and honest interview!

3 days ago
These guys sound completely reasonable to me.

2 days ago
As of 9.30pm EST Feb 4, both Blair and Tom have been suspended from X
Blair’s account was still up this morning, gone by the arvo.
Tom’s only vanished within the last hour
It seems my other comment about this is being auto deleted

2 replies

2 days ago
This should tell you everything you need to know about what our “rulers” are able to accomplish when they sense a threat
This is not a coincidence

2 days ago
Have you seen the photo-op recently (as in, today) posted there of Mileikowsky / “Netanyahu” (left), Trump (centre), and Musk (right)?… For that’s all you need to know about that LARP’ing brownshirt’s, /chan/ tier trolling.

2 days ago
Great interview Sam, really interesting to get the perspective from people passionate about Australia.

3 days ago
Imagine all the logic ..
Bravo 👌🎉

3 days ago
God bless you Sam for having the courage, decency and open mindedness to open up this discussion and let the boys speak. History is written by the winners and look at what has happened to our once great nation…what a mess it is today…that tells us plenty

3 days ago
Bloody brilliant jobs boys – blood and honor

2 days ago
Heil Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell!!!

3 days ago
From South Africa, Tom is 100000000% correct. Sad to see an old person who cannot observe the negative changes over time.

1 day ago
I haven’t seen the like/dislike ratio but I bet it’s >95% positive. There is a huge demand for this conversation amongst the people – it is the elephant in the room that no-one’s talking about! Our so-called democracy only allows the conversation to go one way right now and that has to change.

1 reply

1 day ago
It is. There are browser add-ons that bring the dislike button back.

3 days ago
Blair is the better spokesman.

2 replies

1 day ago
wait till you hear Joel Davis

1 day ago

@ Joel Davis is outstanding. Big fan of his work. He’s very talented, sharp and a great communicator. Also seems like an honest and decent person.

2 days ago
Awesome interview these guys are the future for white aussies

3 days ago

9 hours ago (edited)
46:04 he called George Floyd a monkey. LMAO. Sam you’re based.

1 reply

5 hours ago
blood memories of colonizing such creatures

3 days ago
Sam I respect your ability to hold an interview with people you clearly personally demonise, unfortunately though, that demonization prevented you from having a civil discussion which would have been more enjoyable to watch. You as an interviewer did not come across as a reasonable man wanting to hear their position.

1 reply

3 days ago
Agree. He’s usually good at interviewing but he stumbled on this one.

17 hours ago
Guy in the red is a few sandwiches short of a picnic 😂

3 days ago
Australia for the White man

2 days ago
Respect for having these true patriots on. History shall repeat itself

3 days ago (edited)
While I appreciate Sam having them on, this conversation was totally above his level of understanding. He would have benefitted from looking into this topic a bit more before this episode. Though it does serve as an example of what it is like trying to explain these ideas to boomers and mainstream thinkers. Their minds just go straight to the points that they have been brainwashed to believe and won’t move beyond thm.

1 reply

1 day ago
how frustrating is it
psychologists call it anchor bias
usually the bigger the ego the harder to be more fluid in your thinking
High IQ people are susceptible to it
TLDR: Basically your IQ is being ruined by your EQ

1 day ago
Tom Sewell is my hero. I wish we had men like him, Davis, Blair and Hersant here in America.

3 days ago (edited)
So by extension Sam wants the domestic population to erode their own rights, granted to them by the very foundation of their law the Magna Carta, under the predication of “civic nationalism” because two foreign communities to whom the primary demographic have absolutely no allegiance to, cannot refrain from using violence due to hurty words.
Explain to me again how competing cultural and racial demographics are a benefit to homogenous, domestic populations?

2 days ago
Based gentlemen

3 days ago
Bravo..more more

3 days ago
Thanks for having Tom and Blair on. We are not going down without a fight.

2 days ago
But I can’t say White Lives Matter. Not allowed ??
I am.80 and would join these guys.

2 hours ago
Sam wont back down and be forced to do an apology tour after this … Oh wait.

3 replies

2 days ago
Amazing show and greetings from America! You Aussies are lucky to have these men. We are losing our countries. Here in America we had illegal COMMUNISTS blocking the freeways telling us they are going to rip up our constitution. WESTERN COUNTRIES FOR EUROPEANS!!

3 days ago
Hail Tom Blair Joel and all the brave men of the NSN who are a few brave men willing to stand up for the survival of white Australia.

3 days ago (edited)
Both heroes. Support to them both from Sweden. You interupt too much tho. You need to structure your interviews better.

3 days ago
It was Arthur Caldwell that was an advocate for the White Australia policy 💁

3 days ago

3 days ago (edited)
I never knew the guests would be so well spoken

1 reply

3 days ago
Most people don’t. They’re very intelligent, well read men who could run rings around pretty much any politician.

2 days ago
We need men like Blair and Tom in Britain!
I would be optimistic about our future then

2 replies

2 days ago
Blair came over a few months ago to speak at a Patriotic Alternative conference hosted by leader Mark Collett, check them out

2 days ago

@Keribou109 yeah I see it. Just wish his speech was longer

3 days ago
I support those guys.
Nobody else in politics cares about Australians.
Can we put them in charge of the lnp?

1 reply

3 days ago (edited)
Interviewer is not responding to talking points and is changing the subject and interrupting the guests constantly with emotionally charged accusatory statements. Having them on was a brave enough move however it could have been handled more seriously.

3 replies

3 days ago

3 days ago
It’s Sam Newman. He’s just like that. Always has been!

3 days ago
he agrees with a lot of it he’s just being an interviewer and providing pushback. should be glad he had them on. it was good.

2 days ago
Blair and Thomas are great men making so much sense,Sam you sound like Jo Biden.

3 days ago
Go read the talmud…and be horrified

1 day ago
Thank you for having Tom and Blair on. They’re awesome

3 days ago
Hail victory. Australia for the white man.

1 day ago
Gave this video 12 minutes, but had to stop because the interviewer was pathetic, he kept interrupting, his speech was umming and aaaahing all the time. I think he is far too old and he let his bias against Australian Nationalism corrupt the interview

3 days ago
they’re… cogent, normal people

2 days ago
Tom and Blair sound wonderful! I’ll have to look into the things they discussed, very thought provoking.

3 days ago
Great work Lads.

3 hours ago
Im 12 minutes in and this host is effing horrible. He keeps tripping over the Hitler quagmire and doesn’t let Thomas and Blaire say their piece.

3 days ago
Definitely they are winning you over Sammy 🫡

3 days ago
What’s odd is that every western country has this problem and it only really started after ww2.

1 reply

1 day ago
Exactly 🎯

3 days ago
Great Interview

2 days ago
well done lads

2 days ago
Terribly conducted interview but its good to hear Tom and Blair

2 days ago
This dude is peak boomer.

3 days ago

3 days ago
It’s good to see someone giving them a platform to state their views. This is supposed to be a free country, if someone’s ideas are ridiculous what harm is there in letting the speak.
Seems the government and media don’t want t people to hear them for a reason..

2 days ago
You just hate agreeing with them on anything, don’t you? 😆

3 days ago
Australia for the white man

3 days ago
15:00 good question blair. Alot of people agree with the 60’s but dont release it was a white australia back then

1 reply

5 hours ago
Sam, I feel you did the right thing having these guys on. If we’re to counter extremism, no matter what side, this is all we need to achieve that – allowing representatives of viewpoints to speak and the public to tease out their own perspective from the horses mouth. It shouldn’t be normalised that Governments legislate to shut down ANY speech on basis of belief or group association – no matter how good the reasoning may seem in the moment, its a consistent opening move of despotism. We’re not exempt in Australia from being drawn down that path in small steps. America has free speech as a right, and it seems to me that its reliably allowed the individual to live in better conscience where that right is exercised responsibly and accountably. Our attitude in Australia ought to be that we’re able to steward the weight of discourse on our own shoulders.
Kudos, Sam.

3 days ago
For the algorithm

2 days ago
great interview – we need to hear these voices.

3 days ago
Could have watched a few more hours of this

1 day ago
Sam. Highest ever! You just gotta have them back mate! Don’t let the jewish elite shut down your freedom of speech mate

3 days ago
Not sure if you read the comments Mr. Newman, but I believe you asked a good question about hate speech which I wish they answered. You are absolutely correct that “hate speech” can fan the flames and turn into physical violence and your example of Palestinians vs. Jews was very apt as well.
The question then becomes: is it worthwhile to import these groups of people only for the government to have to babysit them and their foreign feuds? Is it worth importing them if it necessitates censoring the speech and even the thoughts of Australians? If you have to institute tyranny for foreigners to live comfortably in your nation, then by default I don’t believe they are making it a better place at all.

2 days ago
I have no idea who the interviewer is, but he is quite the insufferable boomer.

1 reply

3 days ago
15 minutes up. Waiting for the screeching to begin

2 days ago
Great interview, thanks for giving them a chance to speak

3 days ago
Blair & Tom are like good cop, bad cop lmao

2 days ago
Sam just reminds me of that UK presenter that talks over his guests. Exciteable Sam. Interesting guests, learned a lot.

1 reply

2 days ago
He’s uncomfortable but he’s courageous and noble for giving them time and space to speak

3 days ago
Terrible interviewer. Kept interrupting. Boys did well in spite of it.

3 days ago
Congrats to Sam and the team for supporting free speech!

3 days ago
Apart from the Hitler bit and the holocaust, I agree with them especially the part that we cannot afford a roof over our head.

9 replies

3 days ago
That’s why those subjects are always brought up first, so you batten down the hatches and become somewhat resistant to everything else they have to talk about.

3 days ago
Maybe you should look into it. We’ve been lied to.

3 days ago

3 days ago
just a matter of time untill the veil will be lifted.

3 days ago
Have you actually tried to dive into the topic?

3 days ago (edited)
Our (White peoples) well being is more important than obsessing over WW2, and try to amend for it or appease non-Whites that cry about it all the time, or any other historical period for that matter.

3 days ago
I totally agree 👍

3 days ago
read some David Irving books. You might surprise yourself

2 days ago
Now ask yourself why something that supposedly happened thousands of miles away 80 years ago to non European people is the reason you’re not supposed to entertain these men’s talking points

3 days ago
After this interview you can guarantee there will be a lot more members of the NSO. Excellent
interview Sam.

3 days ago
He’s 80??? Dam he’s a handsome man for being that old. I’m not familiar with him before now, it was a decent interview. He obviously disagrees with them, but that’s to be expected I suppose.

1 reply

3 days ago
i think what makes this so funny is how passionate tom is and how old sammy is and how blair just sits there smiling, its like a marx brother sketch

1 reply

1 day ago
Isn’t it just.

3 days ago
Not just about colour it’s all about culture 🫡

3 replies

3 days ago
Culture is downstream from race

3 days ago
culture comes from race

3 days ago

3 days ago
Great podcast. Thanks for letting these guys be heard.

3 days ago

7 hours ago
Well done lads

2 days ago
Thomas and Blair are correct. Watch Europa the Last Battle

3 replies

2 days ago
Where can I actually watch that movie?

2 days ago
That movie is full of inaccuracies. See Keith Woods’ analysis of it.

1 day ago
Stu Peter’s

1 day ago
very interesting interview Sam, can we have a follow up?

3 days ago
This guys a terrible interviewer

1 reply

3 days ago
No he isn’t, he is clearly worried about the backlash but we should be thankful to him for giving them a platform.

2 days ago
Viewer from the USA, great episode!

3 days ago

2 days ago
Fully agree with Tom and the boys. Stay strong lads.
Hails from Sweden

3 days ago
Christ is King 🤴

3 days ago
Great interview, very reasonable and quite interesting.👍

2 days ago
Scroll thruu and see who the majority support😊

3 days ago
amazing podcast❤🇦🇺⚡️

3 days ago
Well spoken gents 🫡

2 days ago
Patriots. They put Sam to shame, can’t disagree with anything they said

3 days ago
Thomas, Blair, Joel and Jacob are great.

3 days ago
Thanks for this great interview!

3 days ago
About time we had an open discussion, we don’t have that anymore. It’s refreshing to speak free of the way anyone feels, without being victimised. That was the old Australia. Listen and respect one’s opinion. Australia has become soft, while we have to respect others ways of life, but not get it on return. Don’t celebrate Christmas it offends, don’t celebrate Mother’s Day, it offends, don’t celebrate Anzac Day, don’t celebrate Australia Day. Wake up people. Stand up for your country. Standards need to be bought back into our country. Remember the time you had to pass a ENGLISH test before
Begin accepted into our great county. The Greeks, Italian and Maltese had to do it. You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable in your own country when you can communicate with others. You get your nails done and the Chinese or Vietnamese is speaking there language laughing and not even acknowledging your existence as a paying customer.
Don’t agree with the aboriginal, but they would tend to like there own culture & it’s a beautiful culture when you learn it. They also agree with Australia being overpopulated with immigrants. Listen to each other and we can all make change. Great interview

1 day ago (edited)
Sam you are a terrible host. When you ask your guest a question let them answer instead of butting in

2 days ago
Glad I watched this.

1 day ago
interviewer is interrupting too much, great talk otherwise

2 days ago
Sewell:”I want both of them deported!”🏆
Thanks to everybody involved, was a great listening. T and B made an interesting and fun combination, both did great💪 S created a thrilling debate 👍

2 days ago
This interview has been WAY past due and I appreciate you bringing Tom and Blair on your show indeed BUT, your interruption of them is unconscionable! For the listener, it’s absolutely TORTURE and beyond disrespectful that you do this!

3 days ago (edited)
I remember while catching the bus at 5.20am and I raised/heiled my arm to tell the bus where I was. Was I in the wrong. Honestly I don’t know how those boys can sit there and let Sam just rattle on, he is coming across as very dumb. He needs to just sit back and listen and not interupt the boys.

2 days ago
Sam’s a bit old these days, his brain doesn’t quite work properly anymore.

3 days ago
Thank you for allowing these great men on your platform. Great job Thomas Sewell.

3 days ago
Awesome, loved it.
Great podcast 👌🏻

2 days ago
Interesting interview well done for having the bravery to give them a platform

3 days ago (edited)
39:44, let me make this clear:
Levantines (Jews or Palestinians or any other non-European foreigner) have no right to bring their national or ethnic squabbles to our lands.

3 replies

3 days ago

3 days ago
@stigcc I mistyped: they have no right*

3 days ago
@AntiquityIsResurgent Glad you cleared that out!

2 days ago
Sam is brainwashed

1 reply

2 days ago
He speaks poison

1 day ago
Nationalism and National Socialism are distinct ideologies. While National Socialism incorporated certain nationalist elements, nationalism itself is not inherently tied to National Socialism. In the Australian context, nationalism represents pride in the nation’s Anglo-Saxon and Celtic heritage, as well as a commitment to preserving its traditions and cultural identity.

2 days ago
Good on you for allowing them to express their beliefs, Sam.

1 day ago
Listening to this before the esafety commission takes it down

1 reply

1 day ago
Add on: I couldn’t be more against this idea, but I believe in freedom of speech. This especially extends to those who you disagree with

3 days ago
Tom Price was a distant cousin of mine. Americans and Australians are one. Throw off the yoke. Love yourselves. You built a wonderland out of a wasteland. We did in the US as well. English, Irish, Scots, and Weish do this. It’s built into our DNA. If you join the military, you’re taught to “improve your foxhole.

2 days ago
You made too much sense for him. He wants to join you but does not have the courage!

2 days ago
>”I’ve been to Dachau”
Yiddish-to-English translation: ‘I have been inculcated in the sensationalism of “The Narrative” and, therefore, can only view histories which I have never taken the time to research, through an emotional lens.”

1 day ago (edited)
Happy you all sat down and had a talk we need more of this❤

3 days ago
Thank you Sam Newman

3 days ago
You’re a brave man sam. Bravo

2 days ago
Australia for the white man !!!

1 day ago
Thank you!

3 days ago
Great Interview, Thanks Sam for having the guys on

2 days ago
Odd that Blair and Thomas both had their x accounts zapped just after this 🤔

1 reply

2 days ago
why did elon hitler musk ban his own soldiers

3 days ago
Looking good for 80 mate!

3 days ago
Thank you for doing this interview, Sam

3 days ago
its kinda funny how newman interrupts sewell but stops talking when blair talks, its the muscles lol

3 days ago
Well done for doing this Sam.

2 days ago
So Sam, how’s the comment section look to you? Starting to realize that Aussies don’t want brown immigration and White people simply want to live amongst their own? Much like the brown people who come to White countries all live on the same streets/blocks/communities??

2 days ago
Sam, there are a bunch of positive comments on here about your guests

1 reply

2 days ago
Isn’t it great

3 days ago
Interesting topic.
May God bless these men and their fight.
Australians need to rise

1 day ago
Gees Sam I thought you said Blair barged his way in and yet here you are having a bloody hour long fireside chat with him. You’re a massive BS artist mate

3 days ago
Sam: Musk didn’t do it as the Nazi salute. Blair: Well, how do you know, have you spoken with him? crickets 😅 Love it…

3 days ago
Imagine the juice would be fuming now 😂

2 days ago
First answer total fucking legend move

1 day ago
Bro is bryce Mitchell’s hero

1 day ago
Love these boys!!! ❤

3 days ago
Free speech is great thanks Sam

3 days ago
Very brave Sam. An interesting conversation.

2 days ago
Documentary; EuropaTheLastBattle

3 days ago
These gents are spot on.

1 day ago
Long Live Australia!

2 days ago
I agree that interviewers order of questions is bad.
Long live free speech regardless of whether you agree or not

2 days ago
Alfred Rosenberg was a highly intelligent compassionate and brave man – worth reading his memoirs which were written on death row Nuremberg

4 hours ago
If you want to know who controls you, look at who you’re not allowed to criticise.
K Strom.

1 reply

1 day ago
Order, promotes peace.

3 days ago
How long before the people who cannot be named get this video taken down. “Shut it down…the people know…..!!!”

1 reply

2 days ago
Give it 48hrs, hit piece will be on 9 by the end of the week

3 days ago
Awesome work Sam, truely great stuff. Youre a good man.

3 days ago
Thomas said he is the only one speaking English in the park, after that he asks what reason he has to make it white.

2 days ago
If this goes down, I am ready and primed to mirror it.

1 reply

2 days ago
Any “controversial” uploads should always be backed up as a matter of course… It’s been that way for well over a decade.

2 days ago
Sam’s noticing of the spiritual enemy will no doubt increase tenfold in the coming days. Pray for the boomers during this turning of the tide

1 day ago
Well I have to say this was excellent and glad I watched it. When MSM don’t like something, I know I will.

3 days ago
Why was the interviewer so absolutely rude and annoying

2 replies

3 days ago
He’s shit scared of being cancelled or something

1 day ago
@BillyBurnsfield He was cancelled 5yrs ago for saying Geroege Floyd was a POS on air

2 days ago
At long last, a brave interview, thank you

2 days ago
I wont comment on THIS per se
I will simply note, in a society where it is legal AND moral to terminate a baby up to the moment of birth, then there is NOTHING any of these 3 can SAY this could be called unacceptable

1 day ago
This presenter is a jerk

2 hours ago
man Sam is such a passive aggressive woman. he can’t handle any confrontation and just resorts to snark and irony.

1 day ago
Like it or hate it 3 men that love our Country

3 days ago
Great video, Enjoyed the back and forth, never seen this show before, but as you had them botg on in good faith and let them speak, I’ll subscribe, clearly a person of character

2 days ago
Proud Aussies.

3 days ago
Sending love from Dixieland \o

2 days ago
I had the pleasure of meeting Blair and Joel here in England at the PA conferences.

8 hours ago
I came here from a social media feed as there has apparently been quite the backlash regarding these two men’s appearance on this podcast. Allegedly, they have both had their social media accounts cancelled after the appearance. This caught my attention, so I came to listen. I wanted to see what was so terrible about these men. There’s a great deal that concerns me here.
Good for you for having them on and talking to them. I should hope you haven’t experienced any backlash for having them on the podcast, as you heard them out and you challenged them on their opinions. I hate the fact that you were obviously concerned about the fallout that could happen from you sitting in a room and talking to them. That’s all you did, you sat in a room and talked to them like adults should be able to do! What is the problem with that? Their opinions and ideas are interesting and the fact that they hold them is interesting. I’d love to talk to these guys, they’re different, and their ideas are challenging. I’m an adult and I can make my own assessment as to whether I agree with their ideas or not, and I can counter their thoughts with my own ideas. The point I’m making here is this cancel culture, convicted in the court of public opinion for the heinous crime of “wrongthink” notion, is not good, as I get the strong impression that they’d be more open to hearing a counter argument to their ideas than the mainstream is to allowing them to even speak. What is more sinister, the ideas these men have, or a mainstream culture that would snuff out their voices and thoughts so that nobody can hear them or know that they exist?….Adults can make up their own mind. A culture that says that we shouldn’t be allowed to hear a voice says that we are unintelligent, immature, gullible, and incapable of making our own decisions and incapable of composing our own arguments. That sort of censorship and thought control is very concerning. As long as we allow that culture to exist, we validate that culture’s unspoken argument against us.
As for their ideas. My assessment would be that I don’t really find them threatening per se (Jesus Christ, straight into a question about Hitler!….Oof, that was a hard pill to swallow, but good for you for asking it). I would argue that their arguments do step into the world of “supremacy”, but mostly don’t stray beyond representation for a particular ethnic group. Why shouldn’t these men be allowed to speak up for their ethnic group, every other ethnic group has representation. They point out obvious double standards that I think it’s impossible to argue against. Many would argue that it’s racist to allow these ideas to exist………Dear God, it’s equally racist to NOT allow their ideas to exist.
The single biggest problem with their ideas is the idea that we should act upon them (deportations based on skin colour, if you’re not european you shouldn’t have free speech or representation, etc). That is the supremacy part, and in a sane, humane world, that cannot happen as it’s just not realistic. We need to be respectful of each other, and each other’s ideas. The more we push against a group and the more devalue them and their ideas, and the more we hate them, then the more weight we add to the pendulum and that weighted pendulum will swing back at us faster and harder when it does swing back. What I mean is, if we keep pushing this toxic cancel culture idea, and keep denying representation to people like this, then we keep adding to their argument, which will in turn add weight to their movement – we may find ourselves in a world where supremacist ideas start to become the dominant ideas, and we’ll only have ourselves to blame for it. Differences exist in people and cultures, and we need to accept that and start focusing upon how we resolve those differences rather than the differences themselves; Whether he’s aware or not, the guy in the blue shirt (Thomas) actually demonstrated a level of insight on that that seems to have been lost on us as a whole (Aboriginal people, and European settlers may not accept each other’s cultures…so they don’t have to exist in a cultural melting pot, but it’s important that they communicate with each other to find a middle ground that allows both worlds to exist separately, but side by side……of course, he contradicted this by saying that all non european settlers have to be removed from the Australian continent…..people are nuanced, they’re allowed to be, not everything makes sense but we could gain something if we tease out the parts that do). Until we start talking about race, religion, culture in a meaningful way, we will get nowhere further than the point we’re at……which is being at each other’s throats about our differences; demonize these men as much as we like, but I think they’ve stepped outside the comfort zone and are talking about race in a more meaningful way than most of us are: they are nazis (unashamedly so, they said so themselves), but they’re not stupid, and if we dismiss them as stupid and evil and confine them to darkened, hidden corners of the world like monsters, then we are most definitely projecting something about ourselves.
That was one of the most thought provoking podcasts I’ve heard in a long time. Thanks for doing that. I want more; I want to hear from more people with challenging ideas.

2 replies

7 hours ago
Watch europa the last battle

1 hour ago
Lot to unload there.
All that will be answered in full with the documentary suggested by the fellow commenter above me.

2 days ago
Why do you have such vicious tone with these young men?

1 reply

1 day ago
That sneer was barely kept under the surface.

3 days ago
Interesting interview. I think they’d have more success if they dropped the Hitler fandom, it’s just not palatable to many people. Best to focus on the immediate issues affecting today’s Australians. Good work, Sam! You gave them a fair go and your line of questioning was direct and respectful – to them and your audience. A fine line to walk in this instance!

2 days ago
Both Tom and Blair have since had their X accounts deleted.

2 days ago (edited)
These guys have far right views
that never get a voice in Australia as we cancel anything that falls outside of standard views
EXCEPT, somehow, the extreme woke left views
are forced down our throats and we’re told we’re the far right for NOT being trans fans, invasion fans, misandry fans and on it goes. It is the extreme left that are to thank for much of what is discussed in this interview. A true democracy will always self balance. Well done Sam for bringing balance to media. You clearly don’t support the views
and have done a great job handling an extremely difficult interview.

3 days ago (edited)
There is a fundamental difference between thought and action. Speech is an expression of thought, it is completely different and incomparable to physical violence

3 days ago
Good on you for having these two lads on 👍🏻

2 days ago
Sam looks great for 80

2 days ago
Hail Australia o/

3 days ago
Great interview and the guys present a solid defense of their arguments. The term Ordo Amoris has recently taken the spot light here in America. It is relevant to this discussion as well, in that it is their right, and the right of everyone regardless of color or creed, to order and prioritize their love of faith, family and folk above others. It is the natural law

3 days ago
Good interview ✅

3 days ago
Good on you Sam for an honest conversation. Very respectable and frankly these two sound like their heads are screwed on just right. Bravo.

3 days ago
Yeah, the Boys!

2 days ago
Legends, very exciting to see these movements grow in Australia

1 day ago
As an American who came across this just have a look over here. You see how it’s so divided and how many illegals came in and what’s happening. Don’t become like us

3 days ago
Never considered myself anything like a national socialst but i found myself agreeing with almost everything these guys had to say. I think it might be too late for this sort of thinking to ever win in australia now though. I dont want to discourage the fight for ” our team ” but it does feel like australia is lost.

1 reply

3 days ago
No black pilling

1 day ago
Whereas I disagree with you based on the discussion, it took a lot of courage to have them on.

3 days ago
o/ Heil Tom and Blair

2 days ago
Very leading questions. Great replies. These guys are direct and just what we need in this Country. People don’t know History and what is actually going on with the “Antiseptic” brain washing.

1 reply

2 days ago
Older Aussies are sleeping rough. I see it everywhere. No foreigners sleeping rough or in caravans and tents. Older Aussies that worked.. paid taxes and fought for our likestyle. I can’t afford to buy a house.
We need to protect our white residents.

3 days ago
Good stuff Sam, great vid

3 days ago
Sweden’s in trouble too

3 days ago
Sweden’s in trouble too

3 days ago
Great to hear an alternative narrative. Great chat for sure.

3 days ago
Always glad to hear from people with non-mainstream views

3 days ago
Incredibly based. Hail NSN!

2 days ago
Great conversation! Surprised the video is still up, while the other two are banned from Twitter. Why did those two get banned? “Free Speech” is semantics.

3 days ago

1 reply

1 day ago
You better run
You better take cover

1 day ago
This is a shit interview maybe it’s good for boomers, but I think sam is out of his depths here and couldn’t. He lacks the philosophical depth to understand their views
and thus investigate them.
I understand they were capitalizing on sams platform.
There were so many good questions that went unasked.

2 days ago
Massive respect to Blair and Thomas

3 days ago
Free speech, you don’t have to agree with them but they also have a viewpoint well done sir.

3 days ago
Outstanding interview. I hate to say it but these two guys are 💯 right..

1 reply

2 days ago
If they’re right, why would you hate to say it

2 days ago
22:59 I disagree for one exception, the only country founded not by true force was Israel, which was gifted to people who didn’t live there by a separate government (the British) and displaced the current inhabitants (Palestinians).

2 days ago
Great interview, a lot of common sense

2 days ago
I never thought I would see the day that this would leak into the mainstream.

3 days ago
Blood and honour! ⚡️

2 days ago
Blair is great

1 reply

1 hour ago
Both Blair and Tom. I could listen to a few hours of these good men spitting facts.

4 hours ago

3 days ago
About time you had someone who talks sense

1 reply

2 days ago
Peter Kusznir 🫠

25 minutes ago
Ill say this about the old codger; its bold of him to still have this up and i give him props for that. For how much longer though..

3 days ago
Follow all the laws or you’re “antisocial.”
Ok, so when it comes out that taking property from White Australians by force with no compensation is the new law you’ll just go along with it. God forbid you be antisocial and oppose that.

2 days ago

3 days ago
Let’s go boys

3 hours ago (edited)
“Why are you so preoccupied with this?”
Dude. You serious?

3 days ago
These guys are great 🎉

3 days ago
Excellent interview; well done.

2 days ago
You fried this boomers brain.

3 hours ago
27:45 omfg you effing boomer. Completely useless, except when he’s being the useful idiot he is.

3 days ago
Thomas Sewell is the greatest man of the 21st century

2 days ago
It’s not an overthrow more a reclamation.

3 days ago
I was here. History was made. Thank you o/

2 days ago
Great interview. Legends

1 day ago
I want to commend the host for even allowing these guys on. I can tell hes not a super political guy but, whether he Knows it or not, he has taken a stand here. Kudos and maith an fear.

1 reply

1 hour ago
Until he got pressured by the establishment, then bent the knee to the local rent-a-👃, who like always rubbed his hands together to make a few shekels off selling garbage t-shirts and promoting his channel. Sam had an opportunity to open the conversation, then immediately slammed the door shut on that at the first sign of pressure. What a coward.

1 day ago
For starters, ditch those specs Blair, looks odd. Love your honesty and vulnerability Lads. I agree with the alien political position.
And yes, Very suspicious caravan.
😆. agreed!
Protect White Australia!

3 days ago
45:57 Best moment, can’t stop laughing. Legend.

3 days ago
21:10 the chief has spoken. Italians are officially White 🇮🇹✊🏽

4 replies

2 days ago
He still wants a Nordic ethnostate in AUS. Open nordicist

2 days ago
Not really. Southern Europeans aren’t. Most of em.

2 days ago
@UltimateLarper Based. 🙂 Germanics are the chosen people. But I like all Europeans. Except southern italians and greeks who are not European.

2 days ago
This was a tongue in cheek comment. Notice the somewhat tan/brown fist. Yes, we have different flavors amongst our own. I don’t want any of our cousins to be replaced by a brown horde. I think most of the WN stock are Germanic/Anglo.

3 days ago
Much respect to all 3 yous👌

2 days ago
This host has strange facial expressions

1 reply

2 days ago
He always has, it’s his brand. He’s a sports and TV star that was dropped by Australian media for expressing views
against woke culture over the years. Portrayed by the media as a bit of a has been. He’d be rich and would own multiple properties so would greatly benefit from mass immigration

2 days ago
Your 2nd best episode has 1/4th the views
and 1/10th the likes. (So far). We are inevitable.

3 days ago
Thank you

1 day ago
Learn to listen, Red Shirt. You’re a bad conversationalist.

3 days ago
Thanks for supporting free speech Sam

3 days ago

3 days ago
I ❤ my country too

2 days ago
Well done Sam

1 day ago
Comes down to who we let in. Back in my day it was WOGS and they all became Aussies. The new imports don’t follow our ways. You come here you should follow the Aussie ways.

1 reply

3 days ago
W Blair

2 days ago
In all that you didn’t ask them if they believe in God or jesus but I honestly support a white Australia

1 day ago
After watching this almost all the way through, I have to say that I don’t think the boys said anything really crazy, but the way it was obviously “heard” was pretty crazy.

1 day ago
Interesting interview, thank you Sam

12 hours ago
White bread is the best m8

20 hours ago
Wow… that’s a bit much… they’ve exploited u but u have exposed them… I note they no longer have X profiles… 😮

2 replies

20 hours ago
Love ❤️ ya Sammy! Time for that road trip! 😝

14 hours ago
Australian government and elon are slime

1 day ago
Reach out to me Lads! I’ll gladly join again!

3 days ago
interesting guests, great idea sammy

3 days ago
Good stuff

23 hours ago
We’re so back!! ⚡️ 💪🏻

3 days ago
this is gold lol

1 day ago
This was pure comedy 😂😂😂

3 days ago
Seriously etf is this.. Newman laughing and loving this,

1 reply

2 days ago
Tis Great, huh !? xx

1 day ago
Great to see the other side. Well done Sam.

3 days ago
Man Newman and blair had quite a few back and forthes lol.

3 days ago

2 days ago
Very good interview

2 days ago
Sam conducts a superb interview. I’d listen to him interview anyone all day long.

1 day ago
Hey Sam, Peekay wants an interview with you

3 days ago
China 🇨🇳 did ethnic cleansing. Greeks did ethic cleansing. Mingols… Starlin did ethnic cleansing. Been happening for 1000s of years

3 days ago
You should join the group!

3 days ago
90% of this is just Sam yapping

2 days ago
Thank you for the interview!

3 days ago
Good discussion.

3 days ago
Wayne Carey is such a role model😊

3 days ago

3 days ago
Well done, Sam.

3 days ago
I respect Sam for doing the interview but my dear God did he drop several megaton BOOOOOMS. 😅

1 reply

2 days ago

13 hours ago
Hahaha this is hehe 😝 😂i love controversy 😂

3 days ago
Just over 27 million in Australia not 25

2 replies

3 days ago
Cant even keep up with the numbers, since they’re flooding so many browns in

3 days ago (edited)
@thad1488 Yeah I have no doubt there is a few million more probably 30M is a safe estimate.

2 days ago
Love the video. Keep it up fellas.

3 days ago
We’re at a generic bottleneck and our folk will pass through

2 days ago
Mad respect for having the stones to have them on Sam

2 days ago
Based never replaced

17 hours ago
Interview was all over the place

13 hours ago
A failed soldier thinking he is more than that.

1 day ago
Worst interviewer ever

2 days ago
Great lads. God bless them

3 days ago (edited)

3 days ago
Big up Tom and Blair

2 days ago
Now I like curry, but now that we’ve got the recipe, do they really need to stay?

1 reply

2 days ago
actually i dont like my insides exploding

17 hours ago

2 days ago
O7 to Thomas and Blair … and this brave podcaster.

2 days ago
Great interview, for a Boomer. They seem like good, decent lads who love their people.

1 day ago
Absolutely kino.

3 days ago
Three top blokes as far as I’m concerned.

2 days ago
It’s not the people’s fault it’s govt not pushing Australian values

3 days ago
Sam you have done no wrong.
I dont agree with these men, but you asked good questions.
Love ya sammy
Folks having a go at sam are idiots.

2 days ago
Yaw waythith!

4 hours ago
Im giving you a kicking Sam, for your misrepresentation of these men, in other posts videos! I don’t agree with everything they want. But i 100% don’t agree with the things you’ve said!

2 replies

1 hour ago (edited)
He had no choice.
It’s either bend the knee to the Levantine apostles, or loose everything, including friends and family.
Now that IS real Power!

24 minutes ago
​@1neAdam12 he had a choice. The two men he’s throwing under the bus had the same choice and they chose honor and integrity.

2 days ago
Making it big move boys, impressive and behind it.

3 days ago (edited)
Well that was absolutely painful to listen to. Like being interviewed by a child who’s unable to grasp basic concepts and keeps getting hysterical and off topic. How this Sam guy became famous ill never know. Reminds me of that guy Jeremy Vine here. Can’t stand the bloke.
Perhaps get a brick wall do the next “interview”.

2 replies

3 days ago
He was a football player. That’s why he is famous.

3 days ago
Sam needs to listen to Joe Rogan. Get some lessons on how to conduct a podcast.
There is a reason Rogan is the number one podcaster in the world.
And there are many more great podcasters.

3 days ago
I want the 80’s back.

4 replies

3 days ago
The 90s would be fine too 😢

3 days ago
Let’s create a better future instead of just looking back to the past

3 days ago
@stephanie795 should of fought harder instead of eating garbage food and clapping at blacks kicking footballs

3 days ago
@Heimbach1966 I don’t eat garbage food and don’t follow footy. Big fail.

1 day ago
Sam is too combative

3 days ago

3 days ago

2 days ago
Dude almost seems to get it- the cognitive dissonance is real with boomers and gen X

2 replies

2 days ago
Not so much with Gen X. The boomers can never let go of their counter culture hippy movement.

1 hour ago
Gen X knows. Boomers are a lost cause.

2 days ago
You have a home, it is called Britain, and it now needs its most courageous sons.

3 days ago
I’d vote for these guys…..

3 days ago
jeez sam, showing your age there mate. good interview though. hail victory.

1 reply

3 days ago
boomers will be boomers. However, this has probably woken sam a little, I’ve been watching the lads for years now, the Adelaide stunt was the best optics they could’ve gotten.

3 days ago
Well as long as Tom and Blair can get along with white people.. same values. Oh god bless Deakin.. and white Daddies..They admit they have read one book

1 day ago
Great stuff guys!

3 days ago

3 days ago
Thomas is extremely articulate here. He needs to have his own show without Joel rambling.

7 hours ago
first time i’ve ever bothered listening to these guys, i wrote these guys off as just being racist pricks out to cause issues, but after listening to them in this interview i have to admit that they do make a number of salient points.
some of their rhetoric is a bit offputting but they do seem to make a lot of points that i think us aussies who are sick of all the woke nonsense going on would have to agree with.
it seems everything this country does puts refugees, immigrants and ‘oppressed minorities’ ahead of regular everyday working aussies.
i dont know if these guys really hate other races or they’re just taking a pro white stance after this, but i guess that’s enough to be called an evil racist these days anyway.
my first thoughts on these guys might have been based off what i saw in the headlines. silly of me i guess after all the lies during covid to trust the news.
do these guys do their own show to listen to so i can decide for myself instead of what channel 9 said?

1 reply

1 hour ago
Yes, they both post content on the social media platforms that will have them. I would list them for you, but the ADL censorship algorithms will delete it. Sorry.

2 days ago
If people want more solid content about these topics from a Christian perspective; check out The Stone Choir podcast. You can thank me later.

2 days ago
Common sense

2 days ago
Blair sometimes cuts into what Thomas is saying when Thomas is making a really good point. He needs to watch that

17 hours ago
What’s with Elon musk doing so called solute and saying Germans should be proud of themselves?????
Anyway to do with Australia we are getting to many ppl come here with not enough housing etc etc etc

2 days ago
Get yourself de-indoctrinated Sam.

3 days ago
sam is like an australian biden ffs.

1 reply

3 days ago
He’s the same age and far more with it than Biden

3 days ago

3 days ago
Warm up the engines…

2 days ago

3 days ago
This is going to get you in so much trouble holy moly.

2 days ago
YiddIe me this:
How do you take 6 from 15, to end up with 15?
A. You use a “﬩” sign

22 hours ago

2 days ago
God bless you Sam, you’re a good man and patriot. I like many other Australians am sick of the woke mob and terrible rhetoric and ideology like Multiculturals, feminism and others. I thank you for remaining firm and true!

1 day ago
how did convicts build all of the buildings with stone

2 days ago
How are uninformed people (regardless if age) so sure they are right, without corroborating evidence…truly boggles the mind…Boomer headline readers

3 days ago
0:30 stop getting caught on hitler. Not to say there isnt things we shouldnt look to in nazi germany. I.e like you said national revivial
Just that we should focus on australia and supporting other white coungries

7 hours ago

3 days ago
This is like street talk for Sam.
Love ya sam
You’re a legend Sam.

2 days ago (edited)
The 1960s were better.
This interviewer needs to let his guests speak rather than using his time going oooh haaaaa hummmmm to say nothing and block the guest info. poor interviewing style.
post ww2 Australians were never asked and never voted on this mass immigration and still to day why not like the Abo vote , have a vote on immigration and the ideas spoken about here.

1 reply

1 day ago
They have never permitted it to be an election issue because if they did the voters would have revoked the ‘mandate’ for the uni-party to enact the ‘multi-cultural’ future they wished to impose. All western nations have had the same fate thrust upon them, none of them, not one of those regimes ever had a mandate to do so stemming from the population having voted for it. Both Libs and Labor have always agreed between themselves to both take the same course and to never have immigration as an election issue to be debated, elections are only fought on issues that boil down to where and for what the money stolen by government should be spent, elections are never fought over issues which the ruling classes are determined to enact, as they know that the population would reject their agenda if ever given a say on it.

1 day ago
When a black woman speaks, i listen

6 minutes ago

3 days ago
I have so many questions to ask them.
1. What happens to white people who march with the so-called Pro-palestine or the good white people who support the Jewish community from antisemitism?
2. What happens to all the children born from mixed marriages, e.g. Chinese and a white person?

1 day ago
I respect Sam for having them on the podcast but he’s obviously in mental decline

3 days ago
Well done Sam

3 days ago
Well done Sammy you legend

2 days ago (edited)
Tom. You are Hebrew. YES. Aboriginals were not Here first. They are a mix of India and North African. And we’re chased here.And they Genocided The Great Pygmy Nation Of the Great South Land

1 day ago
REV 2:9

2 days ago
46:02 😂😂😂

1 day ago
Im more Sam level racist than these guys

3 hours ago
46:05 Did he say what I think he said? 🐒

1 day ago
He said nothing wrong

3 days ago
“white supremacists”? When was that term ever used or able to be imputed?

2 days ago
what happened at cathederal mountain and the grampians .

3 days ago
Is that the Austrian Painter or Charlie Chaplin ? LoL

3 days ago
The constant tapping on the desk is aggravating AF…..

3 days ago
0:20 sam jumped in a bit hot

3 days ago
MINUTE 46 WHAT A GOTCHA MOMENT!face-purple-cryingface-green-smilingface-orange-biting-nailsface-fuchsia-tongue-outface-orange-raised-eyebrowtrophy-yellow-smiling

2 days ago
Woah………………strap in Folks………….

2 days ago

2 days ago

3 hours ago
Sam. Stop interrupting.

2 days ago
46:06 😂

3 days ago
22.08 what is he looking at 🤔

3 days ago
God Sam why do you bother doing these interviews you’re too old, they walked all over the top of you. And you wonder why they keep talking over the top of because you sit there and mumble all the time you can’t put two words together. You’re too old to try to battle with people of that age..

2 replies

3 days ago
What a ridiculous comment. Based on the support in the comments, he’s getting a standing ovation for being brave enough to interview them, when the media & govt have slandered them and blocked anything they said. I say well done, Sam, for being one of the very few in this country for showing any courage at all on this topic.

2 days ago

@HP66856 it’s not about the content or the guest that come on regardless who they are. Sam can’t interview he mumbles all the time and loses his chain of thought over and over. He gets frustrated when they talk over him because his mumbling he can’t get two words out. He needs to hang up the boots or get behind the camera and let Sue take over.

3 minutes ago

3 days ago
Good on you Sam for having them on. Sunlight is the best cure for the good, the bad and the ugly. Some points are good and well reasoned. Other points were simply extreme and should be mocked. The constant interruption was rude and irritating but otherwise an interesting perspective.

2 days ago
\o ⚡️⚡️

1 day ago
What’s the border line of who is white? Is it some arbitrary standard based on appearance, language, culture, history, geography? Or a mix of all of these? We know who is human for example, and this is fact. But seems to me the the standard of whiteness is just up to an individuals arbitrary opinion.

2 days ago
Thomas Sowell agrees with them.

1 reply

2 days ago
Eh not really

2 days ago
Wrong demographic numbers. As of 2021 there were ~25m Australians and ~18-19 of those were White.

2 days ago

9 hours ago
King Boomer

3 days ago
The interviewer was fair and laudable. Blair was great and displayed better social skills here than Tom. Tom needs to relax and listen more and stop trying to out-talk and over-talk people in a conversation.

1 reply

3 days ago
He is given very few opportunities to speak, and when he does the government and media in this country misquote and slander him. I think he did a brilliant job, and would happily tune in to hear these two be interviewed again.

1 day ago (edited)
Wasn’t there some theory that everyone on Earth could live in an area the size of Texas, and be cozy? Either way, I believe that there’s enough land out there for everyone. No country needs to take over anywhere. Just need to fix their own nation as well. Hopefully we can see this thing happen. Less corruption, so people do not have to abandon their homes in the 1st place. Think about it. Deep down, people are ‘separatists’. Or do we have a separate section, for all cultures in every country?
Diversity, is not what many people think it is. It’s ‘diverting’. Splitting. Not to say, we can’t all get along… Sure we can.

3 days ago
21:00 ive always looked at australia through a racial lens not an ethno lens hoever i get the argument

3 days ago
Sam Newman for prime Minister?…

1 reply

3 days ago
Tom, Blair and Joel.

11 hours ago (edited)
Worst interviewer ever, unwatchable

2 days ago

2 days ago
It wasn’t 6.000.000 . It was over 60.000.000

1 reply

1 hour ago

2 days ago
Which government agency runs the roman circus, without free bread? 😅

1 reply

1 day ago
The miserly priesthood

3 days ago
Tom, it’s “homogeneous.” Not “homogenous.”

14 replies

3 days ago
Homogenous, homogeneous, homologous, etc all practically mean the same thing.

3 days ago

@ I know that people will understand what he means, and the words are often used interchangeably now after years of people mistakenly saying “homogenous” when they meant “homogeneous” to the point where the bastardisation has become accepted. But one is correct for what he means to say and one isn’t. And he might as well just say it correctly.

3 days ago
@TheIsaac41 the improper word choice here isn’t a grammar issue. It’s using the wrong word.

3 days ago
@Heimbach1966 it’s called having standards. Perhaps you can’t relate. And since Tom uses the word often when talking about the kind of society he prefers, then he might as well use the right word. Frankly, correcting him here ought to be welcomed, as it can help him. A lot of people make the same mistake. It’s not just him.

3 days ago
Sperg more. People like you end up as cannon fodder for browns

3 days ago

@ And you’re mad because I corrected someone’s improper word use. I don’t even feel the need to respond in kind nor attempt to insult you. I’m just glad that everyone reading will now know to say “homogeneous” and NOT “homogenous” from now on. You’re welcome.

3 days ago

@ you’re kinda proving my point, caught up in irrelevant details.

3 days ago
@Student____2025__1 maybe actually engage with the argument silly billy

3 days ago
@Student____2025__1 and outside of linguistics discipline the use of the word grammar seems to be acceptable in this context. So what’s your issue with Tom and Blair exactly?

3 days ago
@TheIsaac41 regarding “homogeneous,” why not just thank me for pointing out the error and move on? And as to my opinion of Tom and Blair as communicators, I think Blair is far superior. And I don’t think nationaIist activism needs to be centered around WW2 or hitIer or a certain ethnoreligious group. Tom is too self-indulgent and talks AT people in conversations like this. He seems more interested in rehabilitating hitIer’s reputation than appealing to, and advocating for, White people. He doesn’t have an easy manner about him like Blair does. Nationalism doesn’t need to be a hitIer worship cult. And back to the subject of word use: someone should inform Tom that Australians don’t use the word “volk.” Like I said, he’s self-indulgent, and he’s not really listening to the people he’s supposed to be appealing to. Tom needs to learn to chill out and give other’s the floor and acknowledge their concerns and perspectives. It seems like he just loves to hear himself talk. Anyway, Blair seems to have none of those problems, and I think this interview would have been a lot more successful if it had just been Blair being interviewed alone.

2 days ago
​ @Student____2025__1 but you haven’t corrected “someone’s” grammar, youve just commented on a YouTube video

2 days ago

@ Jesus dude chill out all over a word you’ve gotta be taking the piss 😂😂😂

2 days ago
@Student____2025__1 and I’m pretty sure Tom’s just pronouncing “folk” in a residual NZ accent. What are you on about dude. Tbh I thought Blair needed to chill a bit and give Sam a bit of slack n ease him into it. He was a guest after all

2 days ago (edited)
@Student____2025__1 what you prefer some sort of vague airy fairy civic nationalism? You’re very boring

2 days ago
Rhodesia, South Africa, Australia, NZ… These countries unfortunately got it all wrong. I get it, white europeans (anglos for the most) were the ones who built up theses places – the people before them barely left a footprint – but it’s still “their place” of origin. Claiming it today would actually against non-whites claiming their right to be in Europe, the place of origin of the whites. Which is their original “Lebensraum”.
The whites wanting to live outside of Europe should be the ones wanting to mingle with the local population.

3 days ago
Onya sam

2 days ago
I’m 7th Gen Australian, 20 year Veteran and I’m of Polynesian Trinidadian decent. So I’m not a real Australian because I’m not white? Lol

5 replies

2 days ago
Are you an Anglo-Celt?
If not then stop your whinging.

2 days ago
@jamesbrittain5659 you can have a say if you actually fought for your country if not take a backseat champ!

2 days ago
That’s blatantly not Australian
Or European

2 days ago
You said it yourself your “Polynesian Trinidadian”.

2 days ago
Who do you think you’re fooling, doubt your grandparents were born in Australia.Look up the meaning of nation…we are not from the same group of peoples, I’m Anglo-Saxon not matter what country I’m born in. I care about those that are closest genetically to me. i.e I care more about my kids then my cousins kids, i care more about my cousins kids then my 2nd cousins kids ect If you’re not European my concern for your people is not our issue. If anyone can become Australian then it means nothing.

3 days ago
Tom is exhausting. I wish this were just a talk between Blair and the host. Blair was making great points. And we don’t need to make pro-whlte politics a hitIer fest. Nationalism doesn’t revolve around WW2 history.

7 replies

3 days ago
WW2 is the reason we are at this point

3 days ago
Tom didn’t steer that conversation, he would have preferred to keep it in the now but if asked something he’ll answer honestly.

3 days ago

@ Tom likens modern day Australia to Weimar Republic, which was prior to the war. Regardless, I think Tom ought to listen to all the people telling him they are pro-whlte but not really interested in basing their Australian nationaIist activism around fanboying for historical leaders from another country. If that is the only way Tom can think of to promote much-needed nationalism, then he lacks imagination and sense. Tom is too self-indulgent. He seems like a very sincere guy, and I wish him well, but I think we can do better when it comes to nationaIist activism and communication.

3 days ago (edited)
@matt79hz I noticed it was Blair who tried to shift the focus of the conversation. Tom seemed happy and eager to hold forth at length any chance he got about his worship of hitIer. I just don’t think we should turn nationaIist efforts into a hitIer worship cult. Yes, the never-ending guilt trip propaganda about the war is ridiculous, but the answer isn’t to try to always center our efforts around WW2 events.

3 days ago
Blair has been through the ringer in life. It shows. He’s calm and measured, and obviously well read. When he speaks, you listen.

3 days ago
Absolutely. Blair is better at conversation and relating to the other person in an easy manner. Tom often just talks at the other person and expresses little interest in understanding the other person’s concerns.

2 days ago
Tom got his back up because the very first question by Sam was designed to do that. Hence Tom then was on the defensive for the rest of the show

2 days ago
I tune into Blair and Sewell to study there political perspective even though I assume they would consider me a traitor given my partner is not white… but that being said …I can understand their concerns for the incremental erosion of the white race from the planet and their desire to preserve it.If they want to retain their ‘purity’ and just be left alone, so be it. I just wish their affiliate’s would show more class and not use cheap pejoaitives like the ‘N word’ ect in their discourse . There is no dignity in it.

1 reply

2 days ago
I feel almost the exact same way as you. I’m fascinated by them, some of the things they have said has hit me like a truck, we feel forgotten as a people. I think I would be also be considered a traitor for the same reason

2 days ago
What is the go with the categorisation of your podcasts? It’s ridiculous and make no logical sense

1 day ago
Id be interested to know their thoughts on an Australian kid with obvious asian background who wear the auscam unifprm on our ships and fly our F18’s.

2 replies

1 day ago
It is not the rare exception that is important, but the norms, because there are millions of people who are migrating that are fundamentally different.

1 hour ago
Fly for China.

1 day ago
You helped their recruitment with this podcast. Not my place to say if that’s good or bad but the fact is you have helped them and their cause more than you have hurt it. All publicity is good publicity & these Nazis are getting plenty of it .

2 replies

15 hours ago
Cry Harder, SoyJack! 😂

1 hour ago

13 hours ago
Elon musk is a hero

1 reply

17 minutes ago
The day after this interview blair and Tom were suspended from X
The day after that, the rest of their group’s spokesmen were suspended from X
Our leaders gave Elon a list of names to ban and he did it

2 days ago
Terrible Interview!!!
Thomas shot himself in the foot!
Know when to shut up Thomas! :)))

2 replies

2 days ago
How did Thomas shoot himself in the foot?

2 days ago
All I saw was a boomer mind shorting out over speech that makes perfect sense

3 days ago
Sam you should have invited Pauline Hanson to join you 👀

3 days ago
The National Socialist leader is from a South African background. Maybe he is angry at what happened in his country, but I dont think his ideas are relevant to Australia.
His “authority or arrogance” is very Dutch ( white South African).
Thank you for bringing this podcast to us.

3 replies

3 days ago

@ – Im not referring to Musk.

3 days ago
Tom Sewell isn’t a south African. His family were native Brits and he was born in NZ. He did have family in Rhodesia though. Either way, you’re wrong. Not wanting all white nations to turn into a global south africa is not a bad thing. It’s basic self preservation.

3 days ago
We just had a referendum over whether to hand our country over to the blacks like the South Africans had to. And you’re assuming he’s Dutch, but obviously white South Africans can be Anglos too.

2 days ago
Blair has always come across as a numpty, but Thomas makes very good points. Even if you disagree with him, he makes some valid points.

2 replies

2 days ago
Please quote one single thing Blair said here that wasnt sensible and true and right?

2 days ago
Blair has charisma imo easier for the average guy/boomer to understand

3 days ago
They are not smile lines.. they are stretch marks.

3 days ago
Blair stated that last year 1.1M migrants entered Australia, of which most were Indian or Chinese. INCORRECT. Last year, net migration reduced by over 10% (down from 500k to around 445K)
Indians accounted for 72K, Chinese 50K and combined UK/NZ was 45K. Of the 445K total net migration, 90% are on TEMPORARY visas. It’s a different kettle of fish when you lay the FACTS on the table!

3 replies

3 days ago
In the 2023-24 financial year, a total of 1.1 million new migrants entered Australia, which is the highest in recorded history, and is the second year in a row where more than one million migrants have entered the country.

3 days ago
So around 500k scammed the system legally. And 500k entered illegally. It needs to end.

3 days ago
@wolloms Anthony’s data was is NOM, but Blair was using total.

1 day ago
Sam great interview, the only thing I agree with Tom and Blair is nationalism (every person from their own country should love their country) apart from that they are completely wrong. I do not believe in a “White Australian” as I had experienced racism which wasn’t nice and hard , everyone should be welcome here in Australia regardless of race, religion or sex! Assimilation (if I move to Japan, I would respect their laws, learn their language and learn their way of life but I would never try to implement what I believe or want! ) is key because Australia let us keep our language, religion and culture. I was born here, my parents migrated from Greece to Australia which is the best country. People need to migrate here from all countries so long as it’s through the legal process. As I said, great interview Sam but these 2 guys are bat chit crazy! All people should live in harmony together!

1 day ago
Mass immigration, not immigration, is an issue in australia and the west.
But larking as nazis and holding these disgusting beliefs doesn’t help us solve that. If anything it makes it worse.
So once again being in the sensible centre is made difficult by idiotic extremists.

4 replies

1 day ago
The sensible centre – stand for nothing, fall for anything.

1 day ago
Tell me how upset you are and how much you are trying to cope ?

1 day ago
Cool Story NoN yt you are still getting deported

1 hour ago
What disgusting beliefs? These two young men are well read, educated, and historically accurate in their statements.

2 days ago
This interview really brought the jw haters out of the basements..

7 replies

2 days ago
Lmfao. Where? I haven’t seen any comments whining about Jews. You’re the one bringing them into it.

2 days ago
Better than crawling up out of a NYC drain.

2 days ago
If wanting to survive as a given people equates to “jw hating”, it must als equate to human loving. So, therefore, the only question is: Is “hating” and being around to do so, better than not being around any longer? 😏

2 days ago
@struthmedia8315 It’s likely a JIDF brigade member dropping by — just ignore them.

2 days ago
@petesmitt What “truths” are afraid of scrutiny? Why would you make it a federal “crime” for simply questioning the accuracy of an “official event”?

2 days ago
@azza_88-jl1rp Not at all; I’m all about free speech, including the freedom to criticise stupidity..

2 days ago
@petesmitt okay what about the other things I mentioned?

2 days ago
This is no longer 1920!!!!

6 replies

2 days ago
That’s true. It’s 10000 worse. Europe has never experienced anything like what it is now, not USA either. Unprecedented “migration”.

2 days ago
Have you researched the Weimar Republic. This is exactly like 1920’s Germany.

2 days ago
@LordOfSweden being anti immigration is one thing but how is it possible to deport half of the Australian population just because they aren’t white and placing the indigenous people somewhere else and reinstate segregation again. Do you really think this will happen again?

2 days ago
@queenie8896 How is it not possible? How did they get there? Same way they got there to live off the sweat and struggles of anglos. The indigenous population can get a piece of land and have their own nation imo.

2 days ago

@ hahahaha righto 🙂

2 days ago

@ Right. So it’s possible to people to go somewhere, but not go back? It’s like an immoable law 😂 How convinient.
And if you don’t think there is a difference – live like you preach, move to Haiti and Liberia. See how you like it.

2 days ago
Tom. You are Hebrew.

2 days ago
they forgot u have to do roids and have under 120 iq to join nsn

3 replies

2 days ago
Oh the absolute irony of this comment, considering the IQ of an average Australian is 99 (and 65 for aboriginals, based on global statistics). So yes – I’d assume anyone associated with National Socialists do indeed have an IQ well above the country’s average, because they can assess exactly what is happening in this country and they can see the solutions to fix it. Well done, Tom and Blair – you have done your folk proud 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

2 days ago
@HP66856 That, and anyone who cites the “I. Q.” meme, instantly disqualifies themselves from the discourse. For it’s a grade school level, Dunning-Kruger give-away of one not having any argument, and only engaging in order to derail.

2 days ago
@shoahkahn2692 People may cope about IQ tests…but it measures something that is consistent the world over, so whatever it measures some groups consistently under perform compared to other groups.

3 days ago
35:00 “I have infintely more in common with canadians, than I do with Chinamen” despite starting a business for years called Compass One with Dun Chu and Obie Chan as per the Daily Telepgraph

1 day ago
These guys are dorks no matter what their belief system.

1 reply

15 hours ago
Cry Harder, SoyJack! 😂

2 days ago
Tom. You Are totally Wrong about Germany

1 day ago
If you guys changed and focused on just a Christian country, then I would be on board… How ever Christians come from every Continent including Africa, Asia and the Middle East. If Australia did this.. we would be the envy of the world.

3 days ago
Sam… vvvvv vile lol

2 days ago
Is this whole comment section populated with their group? It looks like a paid review page. Many people haven’t a clue who these people are, had no time to research, so its a tad weird.

4 replies

2 days ago
I’m black, I know exactly who they are and who you think they are, they are are correct.

2 days ago (edited)
I’m an American from Oregon

2 days ago
“Most of the comments here are supporting nationalists that love their people and nation, CAN ONLY BE ASTRO TURFED”
Cry more. Perhaps it’s YOU who doesn’t know who Sam Newman is,absolutely bloody huge name in Australian culture, it’s absolutely realistic that him sitting down with these 2 would go viral, and appeal to the majority of people thathave NO REPRESENTATION in parliament

7 hours ago
@charliec8013 I’m an American in Florida and these guys are just speaking the truth that the majority of people are scared to talk about.

3 days ago
The fact that people are supporting these two is truly disturbing. What they present as ‘facts’ is nothing more than a twisted misinterpretation of conspiracy theories, exaggerated to the point of absurdity. At best, it’s ignorance amplified by blind faith; at worst, it’s calculated manipulation fueled by hate.
If you support these views
, you should take a hard look at what you’re defending. Educate yourself (if you’re capable of it) on the nonsense they spew, and try to see through their vile rhetoric. While you’re at it, look up the Dunning-Kruger effect—it might help explain why they, and those who follow them, are so convinced of their own delusions.

3 replies

2 days ago
Calm down, Dvir.

2 days ago
Name calling will get you nowhere samgribbles, if you have better arguments, then use them. You’re not gonna convince me that they are not right with jjust calling people names, that will never work. Speaking about dunning-kruuger. I got a bachelor’s degree with perfect grades. I base my opinion on history, lived experience and logic.

2 days ago
And now, back to the programming for you

3 days ago
Not sure worthy of a platform but I’m a free speech absolutist so fair enough doing it but there’s not a lot of rigorous thought going on here.

2 replies

3 days ago
More than worthy

3 days ago
I’ll agree to disagree. I found this interview refreshing – most are too cowardly to dare have these two guests on, for risk of the traitorous government and media in this country coming down on them like a tonne of bricks.

1 day ago
The guy wouldn’t let Sam talk. Came off like a real grasshole

3 days ago
I’m a white Aussie male and prefer Asian female companionship

5 replies

3 days ago
You can enjoy them in some asian country then

3 days ago
You can go live there then mate

3 days ago
Imagine making little mongrel Asians..

1 day ago
@frankly88 I alternate between Thailand and Australia, I’m living the life.

1 day ago
@BillyBurnsfield a bit hot for me, thank you for your advice.

2 days ago
Thomas should have come on by himself.

1 reply

3 days ago
I wanted to like these guys , but listening to them, whack jobs. I get what they are saying but their delivery is horrible

4 replies

3 days ago (edited)
Ohhh Blair found Mein Kamf in Polyester… independent book shop that got raided for selling banned books and videos…but avoided all of the other brilliant books. Way to out yourself as a terrorist

1 reply

3 days ago
Lmao he could have read many other books from there but why would he even bring those up when it wasn’t relevant to the topic at all?
How is he a terrorist, he hasn’t done any terrorism and advocates against it himself in the video

2 days ago
Thomas doesn’t even look white , Turk or Greek

1 reply

1 day ago
Because he has a tan?

2 days ago
Sam, your wrong giving these oxygen. Pathetic

2 replies

2 days ago
Why? They speak common sense, speak intelligently, and say a lot of things out loud that the sane majority of us are thinking.

2 days ago
You’re afraid of opinions, that says something about you. If you have better arguments, sir, use them.

2 days ago
This is BS

8 replies

2 days ago
That’s not an argument.

2 days ago
Yes it is there was a holocaust

2 days ago

@ No, saying something is BS without explaining what is, is not an argument.
I can’t legally say that there wasn’t, that says something about it 🙂

2 days ago
Oh go away your BS

2 days ago
@marleneverity1253 Sir. Im Swedish and it’s “you’re”, not your. Do you not know your own language?
Not very educated are ya?

2 days ago

2 days ago

@ Figured as much with such ignorant opinions.

2 days ago
@LordOfSweden it’s woman squawk, no making sense of it.

2 days ago
We are all Australian regardless of colour

6 replies

2 days ago
The first 16 prime ministers of Australia wouldn’t agree with you

2 days ago
Move to Haiti or Liberia, if that’s what you really think.

2 days ago
I am entitled to my opinion

2 days ago
A dog born in a stable doesn’t make it a horse.

2 days ago

@ Sure, but if you don’t think there is a diffference – move to Haiti and Libera. Or maybe Somalia, or why not India? 🙂

2 days ago
So that means everyone in the world is an Australian they just haven’t moved here yet
The whole world is Australia!
R e e e e t a r d

3 days ago
Show us on the doll where you were hurt lil babies.. please go to the drains line

1 reply

3 days ago

3 days ago
Thomas, you can go back to South Africa and Blair migrants built this country think about it Sam I don’t know what I think about the way you conducted this interview

6 replies

3 days ago
You are brown

3 days ago
They don’t disagree that the European migrants helped build the country.

3 days ago
Brouwn man detected

3 days ago
Europeans and Anglos built this country its our heritage and birthright

3 days ago
Pioneers and settlers built the place. The struggles they faced is not even comparable to immigrants coming here now that it is established. Without pioneers and settlers it would not be the first world nation that it is.

3 days ago


See Also






The World’s First Anti-Holocaust Convention — Instauration Dec, 1979

An Open Letter to New Jersey’s Governor

Historians or Hoaxers?

House of Orwell

Misha: Surviving with Wolves or …

Bradley Smith’s Smith Report # 1

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

The Plum Cake




Auschwitz: Myths and Facts

Powers and Principalities XI – Ewen Cameron, MK-Ultra, Holocaust Revisionism — TRANSCRIPT

Tales of the Holohoax – A Historian’s Assessment – Part 1

The Holocaust Lie — Made in America

Probing the Holocaust: The Horror Explained — TRANSCRIPT

Jim Rizoli Interviews Prof Robert Faurisson, Oct 2015 — TRANSCRIPT

Holocaust Eyewitnesses: Is the Testimony Reliable?

Alain Soral – My Homage to Robert Faurisson, Oct 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

Inside Auschwitz – You’ve never seen THIS before! — TRANSCRIPT



Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books!

AUSCHWITZ – A Personal Account by Thies Christophersen

Jim Rizoli Interviews Bradley Smith — TRANSCRIPT

London Forum – Alfred Schaefer – Psychological Warfare – TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report Interviews Eric Hunt — TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice Radio – Germar Rudolf – Persecution of Revisionists & Demographic Disaster – Part 1— TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice Radio: Nicholas Kollerstrom — TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice TV – Ingrid Carlqvist – Scandal in Sweden When Ingrid Questions the Unquestionable — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Carolyn Yeager on Johnson vs Anglin debate — TRANSCRIPT




Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 03 with Paul Fromm – Jul 13, 2024 – Transcript

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 09 with Grace Eki Oyama – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript

Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 15 with Jürgen Neumann on Ernst Zündel – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript



Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


Version 5: Wed, Feb 12, 2025 — Added more images and links. Minor typo corrections.

Version 4: Tue, Feb 11, 2025 — Added more images and links.

Version 3: Mon, Feb 10, 2025 — Added more images and links.

Version 2: Sun, Feb 9, 2025 — Add footnotes re the Einsatzgruppen. Added more images and links.

Version 1: Sat, Feb 8, 2025 — Published post. Transcript completed = 53/53 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes YouTube comments (1,823).

This entry was posted in Aboriginals, Activism -White, Africa, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Aus Aborigines, Australia, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, Demographics, Ethno-nationalism, Extremism, Freedom of Speech, George Floyd - Saint, Germany, Hate Speech, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Homosexuality, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, jews — persecution by, LBGT, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Police - Harassment, Political Correctness, Public opinion - Manipulation, South Africa, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, Zionism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Sam Newman – Main Stream Push Back With Tom Sewell and Blair Cottrell – Feb 3, 2025 – Transcript

  1. Attilo says:

    My main concern is how to achieve the destruction of “israel” and remove the jews from any power position in western countries (and deport most of them).

    If the countries surrounding the zionist invaders who occupy Palestine weren’t US and zionist puppet regimes, ‘israel’ would be gone already long ago.

    This time, with Trump going banana about his ridiculous ‘plan’ for Gaza, these countries could use the opportunity to hammer the zionists for good.

    But no, they prefer to discuss about an alternative to rebuild Gaza and marginalize Hamas (the only group who defends Palestinians and the most popular too).

    This is the US/zionists strategy: marginalizing and strangling Hamas and Hezbollah by using puppet regimes like Jordan, Egypt and now Lebanon and Syria.

    In Lebanon the jews and their US lackeys try to trigger a new sectarian strife and maybe even civil war.

    What the arabs still don’t understand is that the more they collaborate with the devil the more they dig their own graves.

    After the zionists will be done with Palestine, they will take parts of Egypt, Jordan, then Lebanon and KSA, if they let them.

    The best outcome would be a global allaince against the zionists, with the return of Hezbollah to the fight and Egypt, Jordan, Iran and Yemen joining to to expel and crush the cockroaches once and for all.

    The end of ‘israel’ will sign the end of jewish strangehold on the West too.

    Will they understand, grow some balls and wake-up?

  2. Boh says:

    The Crusaders stayed 200 years in the Holy Land, and they had no planes, no drones, no Ai, no support from the USA, but courage, strength and faith in our savior and only messiah Jesus Christ.

    the actual invaders are cowards who are strong at exterminating children and women from far away and tremble to fight real men from Hamas and Hezbollah.

    The khazar vermin who has stolen and occupy the land of the descendant of Jesus people will never be able to stay as long as the crusaders despite all their money, weapons, tech and support from zionist whores like Biden, Trump or Starmer.

    We, in our life, will enjoy to watch the destruction of the fake country of ‘israel’ and the deportation or elimination of the khazari zionists that occupy it.

    Then, we will see the death of the evil ideology of zionism and the destruction of zionists the world over.

    Then, the money changers better run fast, very fast when Humanity unite against the parasites and clean up the planet of this cancer.

  3. Pingback: Joel Davis – The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition, Why Are They So Afraid? – Feb 14, 2025 – Transcript | katana17

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