[How Organized Jewry has taken control of the US government and subverted it as part of its goal of achieving world domination — KATANA]
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Zion’s Trojan Horse
By Senator Jack B. Tenney
Part 4
On World Zionism
By Senator Jack B. Tenney
Introduction by Col. John Beaty
Published by:
Sons of Liberty P.O. Box 449
Arabi, LA 70032
Printed In the United States of America
INTRODUCTION By Col. JOHN BEATY ………………………………. 175
Part I
THE WANDERING JEW …………………………………………………. 177
In Dispersion From the Beginning …………………………………… 177
The Chosen People ………………………………………………………… 180
Part II
Jacob Henry Schiff ………………………………………………………… 189
The Rothschilds …………………………………………………………….. 190
The Warburgs ………………………………………………………………… 192
Part III
PRELUDE TO CONQUEST ………………………………………………. 193
The World Zionist Organization ……………………………………….. 193
Toward World Government …………………………………………….. 195
Part IV
The Jewish Socialist Federation of America ……………………….. 197
The Socialist International …………………………………………………. 202
The National Workmen’s Committee …………………………………. 204
Part V
JEWISH REVOLUTION ………………………………………………….. 205
Part VI
“WE ARE ONE PEOPLE” ………………………………………………….. 211
“Unity of Mind and Purpose” ……………………………………………. 211
The Copenhagen Manifesto ………………………………………………. 214
Part VII
THE JEWISH NATION ………………………………………………………. 215
The International Jew at Versailles …………………………………….. 215
The Versailles Treaty ………………………………………………………….. 217
Second Meeting of the American Jewish Congress ………………. 218
Groundwork for World Government ……………………………………. 219
First World Jewish Conference ……………………………………………. 221
The Constituent Session of the World Jewish Congress …….. 224
Mobilization of World Jewry ……………………………………………….. 226
Part IX
THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS ……………………………………………… 228
Part X
AGITATION FOR WORLD WAR II …………………………………….. 236
Part XI
ANTI-GENTILISM …………………………………………………………….. 239
Part XII
CHANCE OR DESIGN? …………………………………………………….,. 246
[Page 175]
By CoL. JOHN BEATY, author of
The Iron Curtain Over America
To be of major significance, a book on the current world scene must meet three requirements:
(1) It must be the work of a person who has been in an exceptional position for breaking through censorship and learning the truth;
(2) it must be full and complete and written fearlessly, with no effort to hide or gloss over the evil deeds of any faction or minority; and
(3) it must be written by one who is skilled in the writer’s art.
ZION’S TROJAN HORSE, by Jack Tenney, possesses the triple qualification.
(1) Ten years of arduous work in the California Senate as Chairman of the Committee on Un-American Activities has given Senator Tenney a great body of information on vital facts to which newspaper columnists and other political writers, and even academic historians, have no means of access. The reason is obvious. In his strategic position, Senator Tenney not only had opportunities denied to others for uncovering secret data; he even had the power to force the disclosure of much information which would under no circumstances have become known to a writer who was not in a similar position of government authority.
(2) An author’s incumbency in high office or in a strategic position does not, however, guarantee that his book is of major importance. Too many such personages have written books to throw a smoke screen over their own surrenders to political expediency or to alien pressure. Other authors have written books which purport to cover the history of the past half century or to deal with the foreign policy of the United States of America and yet, from fear of an alien minority, make no reference whatever to Middle East, Israel, Jews, Judaism, Khazars, or Zionism! These books name names, but never the names of such history-making Jews as, for example, the Rothschilds, Chaim Weizman, Samuel Untermeyer, Stephen A. Wise, and Louis D. Brandeis — much less the names of those Jews prominent in more recent times in atomic espionage; in the U. S. executive departments, especially Treasury and State; and above all, in the personal staffs of the last three Presidents of the United States.
Books that leave out such topics and such names are worse than useless. They are dangerous. They teach the reader to place the blame for the world’s perilous condition upon people of his own creed and kind, and not where it belongs — upon scheming alien manipulators. Such books present a picture as much distorted from the truth as would be presented by a history of the U. S. Revolutionary War which made no reference to taxation without representation, the Declaration of Independence, and the Continental Congress; and made no mention of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, or other men prominent at the time in influencing public opinion.
[Page 176]
But how, the reader may ask, can one tell without reading it whether a book by a seemingly authoritative author gives a full coverage of its subject? Fortunately, there is an easy test. Consult the index of each book which has attracted your attention. Make your own comparison, and back the book of your choice. The merest glance at the index of ZION’S TROJAN HORSE will show its full and fearless coverage of all phases of its vital subject.
(3) Whatever a man’s former position of authority and however full his coverage of his subject, he cannot have maximum effectiveness unless he writes well. Senator Tenney writes with a confidence and a zeal which the reader immediately senses and shares. Imbued by the emotion of the author, the reader is swept forward through the mass of details which fill the years between Karl Marx and the present. He is both fascinated and terrified by the climactic story of the growth of two tremendous forces, Communism and Zionism, so closely related in their objectives. The reader sees with the horror which can be induced only by superb literary writing how the aims of these two forces, Communism and Zionism, are alike hostile to America as a nation and to the Christian civilization of which our nation is the finest flower. The reader shares the author’s indignation at the subtle way in which Communism and Zionism have played Christian nations against each other in bloody conflict, and is appalled at the combination of subtle infiltration, brazen bullying, and everlasting propaganda with which these two alien forces have ridden rough-shod over the world and have demanded and secured in this country rights and privileges which involve the destruction of America and the degradation of the Christian West.
In Paradise Lost John Milton wrote the epic of the fall of man, a fall which was engineered by an alien intruder into the Garden. In ZION’S TROJAN HORSE, Jack Tenney has written of the fall of American man, and of American women, too, under the blandishments, the bribes, and the intimidation of alien intruders into our garden-spot, America. To read this great book is to arm yourself with knowledge. With your increased knowledge you will feel increased confidence and have a new power to go forth and defend your country, your ideals, and your faith.
DECEMBER 4, 1953
[Page 177]
“We Are One People”
“Unity of Mind and Purpose”
On June 10, 1917 American Jewry cast 335,000 ballots for delegates to the first American Jewish Congress. Thirty organizations were represented separately. After a number of postponements the Congress opened in Philadelphia on December 15. 1918.
The war in Europe had taken a recess on November 11, 1918 — and Nathan Straus declared with deep satisfaction that the Congress had at least achieved;
“unity of mind and purpose as we always had of heart.”
[Page 212]
Among the delegates representing the “Jewish people” were Louis Marshall, Henry Morganthau, Sr., Henry Monsky, Nathan Straus, Yehoash, Jacob H. Schiff, Oscar S. Straus, Judge Mayer Sulzberger, Abrahams Schomer, Henrietta Szold, Dr. B. Revel, Dr. Chaim Zhitlowsky, Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, Joseph Barondess, Rev. H. Masliansky, Gotthard Deutsch, Rabbi M. S. Margolies, Abraham I. Elkus, Judge Julian W. Mack, Dr. Israel Friedlander, Isaac Hourlvich, Jacob de Haas, Felix Frankfurter, David Pinsky, Baruch Zuckerman, Dr. Samuel Margoshes, Louis Lipsky and Emanuel Neuman.
The Congress — speaking only for American Jewry — demanded that the Peace Conference establish;
“equal, civil, political, religious, and national rights for all citizens of a territory without distinction as to race, nationality, or creed; autonomous management of their own communal institutions, whether they be religious, educational, charitable, or otherwise, by members of the various national as well as religious bodies; recognition of the historic claims of the Jewish people with regard to Palestine, and establishment of such political, administrative, and economic conditions in that country as would assure its development into a Jewish Commonwealth.”
Possibly no other event in the world’s history presents so many amazing paradoxical absurdities. For the first time a group of alleged citizens of a given country met in convention to boldly demand of the nations of the world a specialized status for a segment of their citizenry. For the first time in history a handful of people claiming a common ethnic origin boldly demanded assistance for the invasion of an established country, the dispossession of its people and the establishment of a “Commonwealth” for its own “people”! For the first time in recorded history an imperium in imperio was brazenly and openly demanded the right of an infinitesimal minority to be a law unto itself ; to maintain a government within a government! And finally the impudent demand that the specialized minority be considered a “nationality” apart and separate from the nation of its birth or adoption!
Eastern European Jewry had finally conquered the Americanized Jews of the United States. Its revolutionary sons from the cellars of Minsk were in the palaces of the Czars, and its Zionist sons now sat in the high places of a new and powerful Sanhedrin.
A “Jewish Bill of Rights” was presented by Louis Marshall of the American Jewish Committee thus committing this closed Kahal to the Khazar plan for world power and dominion. In addition the Congress went on record in support of the World Zionist Organization in its campaign for implementation of the Balfour Declaration.
[Page 213]
Among other things the Congress resolved that;
“the American Jewish Congress shall, as soon as peace is declared among the warring nations, instruct its European delegation to take the necessary and effective steps in cooperation with representative Jewish bodies in other countries for the convening of a World Jewish Congress.”
It can be said without fear of successful contradiction that the work of Moses Mendelssohn for Jewish emancipation was demolished thoroughly and completely at the first meeting of the American Jewish Congress December 15-18, 1918. Mendelssohn’s dream of Jews as citizens of the lands of their birth or adoption died with the triumph of East European Jewry in Philadelphia; the edicts of the Sanhedrin of 1806 were torn to bits and thrown in the discard. Henceforth Jewry was to be distinguished by its status of dual citizenship. Its loyalty to the land of birth or naturalization was thereafter to be suspect in the minds of the critical and patriots everywhere must logically question both the alien philosophy and the international activity of World Jewry.
The Gentile World was to grow conscious of two apparently opposite trends among organized Jewry everywhere; the strange, persistent orientation towards Moscow, and the chauvinistic devotion to the “Jewish Nation” symbolized by the Star of David over Palestine. On the one hand Jewish capital financed Gentile Governments while Jewish Communism sought their destruction on the other. As the “revolutionary proletariat” Jewry became conspicuous in revolutionary parties wherever Gentile Governments were marked for destruction, while Jewish capital astutely manipulated Gentile politics to its purposes through the “terrible power” of its purse. Jewish names would dominate all others when subversive lists were compiled, and the Rosenbergs, the Coplins, the Golds, and the Greenglasses would rank high on any dishonor list of treason.
The Rakosis, the Paukers, the Bermans, the Bronsteins and the Kaganovichs were destined to supplant the leaders of Gentile States while Jewish organizations financed propaganda campaigns for World Government. Staggering under fantastic national debt, war reparations, defense spending and periodic economic depressions, torn by fratracide warfare, harassed by racial agitation and labor strife the Gentile world must inevitably pause to examine the two pronged attack on Western Christian civilization.
Julian W. Mack, Louis Marshall, Stephen S. Wise, Harry Cutler, B. L. Levinthal, Jacob de Haas, Joseph Barondess, Leopold Benedict (Morris Winchesvky), Bernard G. Richards and Dr. Nachman Syrkin composed the delegation elected by the Congress to the Peace Conference. They were instructed;
“to cooperate with representatives of the Jews of other lands.”
[Page 214]
Herzl, under self-suspected delusions of grandeur, wrote:
“Our High Priest will wear imposing ceremonial dress; our cuirassiers will have yellow trousers, white tunics. Officers, silver cuirasses… I need the duel, in order to have proper officers… I incline to an aristocratic republic.”
The Copenhagen Manifesto
While the pattern for the direction and dominance of the Jewish people of the United States developed in New York City and Philadelphia, World Jewry was being rapidly mobilized. Prodded by the Congress agents from the United States, Eastern and Central European Jews seethed with sudden nationalistic excitement and activity. Their “nationalism” had nothing to do with the countries of their births or the common purposes or aspirations of their fellow-citizens. It was strictly “Jewish nationalism”; — a nationalism that excluded every Gentile design and purpose. It was the nationalism of Israel in the desert; the nationalism of nomadic marauders jealously eyeing the vineyards of Canaan; a Trojan Horse suddenly alive with invaders.
As Russia, Austria-Hungary and Turkey crumbled under the impact of war the Jews moved into the broken ramparts. Jewry insinuated its philosophy and objectives into conferences of reviving nations while establishing itself as something apart and special — a national minority. Jewish ministries for Jewish Affairs were established in Lithuania and the Ukraine in 1918 and 1919.
A preliminary conference for a Russian Jewish Congress met in Petrograd in the summer of 1917 and organized on a program for;
“national cultural autonomy in Russia and civil and national rights for the Jews in Palestine, Poland and Rumania.”
A Russian Jewish National Council was created in Petrograd in July 1918.
While “national autonomy” had been achieved by the Jews in the 1917 revolution, it was lost in the subsequent civil war. A delegation of 125 Ukranian Jews met in a Provisional National Assembly at Kiev, Russia in the fall of 1918. Under the direction of M. M. Ussishkin the Assembly demanded that the Peace Conference restore the so-called “minority rights legislation” to the Jews in the Ukraine. This demand had reference to the Statute of National Personal Autonomy of the Ukrainian Central Rada which organized the Jews as a nation with full sovereign powers. It had developed to the point where Ukrainian bank notes were printed in Yiddish as well as in Ukrainian.
A “minority rights” convention of 498 Jewish delegates met in Warsaw in December 1918. A Provisional National Jewish Council of 42 members were appointed and directed to safeguard:
“Jewish interests at the forthcoming Peace Conference.”
[Page 215]
Adolf Stand attempted to organize an Austrian Jewish Congress without success. Out of his efforts, however, came a Jewish National Council at Vienna in 1918.
Ludwig Singer established a Jewish National Council in Prague in 1918. A similar Council was founded in Bukovina in October. A Jewish National Council made its appearance in Lithuania in 1919. A Committee for a Greek Jewish Congress had been set up early in 1917.
Eastern and Central European Jewry were therefore well organized to support the delegation from the American Jewish Congress before it moved in on the Peace Conference in Paris. Each organization had carefully followed the line laid down in the Copenhagen Manifesto. Although the absurdity of the illogical demands might have been cause for merriment in a more mature age, the bungling men of Versailles received them in all seriousness.
“We demand full equality in your household,” cried the Copenhagen Manifesto. “We demand a share in all your affairs; we demand your rights and privileges. We also demand that we be recognized as a guest with special rights and privileges denied the other members of your household!”
In more formal language World Jewry demanded equality as citizens in the countries where they resided and recognition of their “minority” status as the Jewish Nation. It further demanded that the Peace Conference obtain;
“international guarantees for this new-won Jewish equality in its twofold aspect.”
Theodor Herzl had denied both the possibility and the desirability of the “brotherhood of man.” Perhaps he was referring only to brotherhood with Gentiles because he was speaking exclusively to the Jews.
“Universal brotherhood,” he said; “is not even a beautiful dream. Antagonism is essential to man’s greatest efforts.”
It is quite obvious that the Copenhagen Manifesto does not contemplate the “brotherhood of man.” It is couched in the language of conquerors and addressed to a vanquished people.
[Page 216]
The Jewish Nation
The International Jew at Versailles
The dawn of 1919 found Paris flooded with Jewish delegations from all over the world. From Palestine, Russia, Canada, the United States, the Ukraine, Poland, Rumania, East Galicia, Transylvania Bukovina, Italy, Czechoslovakia, England, Yugoslavia, Greece; from West, South, East and North; — orthodox Jews, Socialist and Communist Jews, conservative Jews and radical Jews, poor and rich Jews; — they poured into the French capitol. Whatever their status in the lands that harbored them they were for the greater part, merely Jews — “a national minority” in the city that was “to make the World safe for Democracy.”
The guiding geniuses of the movement lost little time in organizing the hetrogeneous mass into a coordinated phalanx. The Comite des Delegations Juives auspres de la Conference de la Paix (Committee of Jewish Delegations at the Peace Conference) was organized on March 25, 1919. In addition to delegates from the various countries, representatives from the World Zionist Organization and the B’Nai B’Rith were included in the Committee’s membership. Thus the Comite des Delegations Juives would be able to boast that it spoke for more than ten million Jews.
Two Jewish organizations merit special mention because they refused to associate themselves with the Comite des Delegations Juives. The Alliance Israelite Universelle and the Joint Foreign Committee (of the British Board of Deputies and the Anglo Jewish Association) refused to go along on the issue of “national rights”, contending only for religious rights. While the Joint Foreign Committee favored “autonomous management of religious, educational, charitable and other cultural institutions” it stood by the Alliance Israelite Universelle in its decision to refuse participation with the Comite des Delegations Juives.
To deny that Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and other influential figures at the Versailles Peace table were free of Jewish domination and guidance is to confess ignorance of history or to ignore its record. The accomplishments of World Jewry through the Comite des Delegations Juives are not difficult to trace and identify. The idea of a World Super-State had long been a dream of World Jewry and Woodrow Wilson’s conceit in the conviction that the proposal was solely his own was pandered and puffed on all sides by the Jewish delegations and their controlled media of propaganda. Part and parcel of the Wilsonian plan for remaking the world in his image were the principles of “national self determination” and “homogeneity”; — two vital principles of Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” that were stumbling blocks to the ambitions of World Jewry. While there were no stronger advocates of the League of Nations and its World Court than organized Jewry, “self-determination” and “homogeneity” by and for any nation other than the non-existing “Jewish Nation” was unthinkable. The finesse of the Jewish delegates is clearly discernible in the finished product of Versailles.
“The principles of national self-determination and homogeneity were not permitted to be carried to extremes”
declares one Jewish historian. Among other objectives of the masterminds behind massed Jewry at the Peace Conference was the destruction of state sovereignty throughout Christendom.
[Page 217]
Unable to accomplish this objective in one peace conference World Jewry had to content itself for the time being with the report that;
“absolute state sovereignty was restricted.”
As a result of the untiring efforts of the Jewish delegations “the new and enlarged states” were compelled;
“to assume an obligation to embody in a treaty with the principal Allied and Associated Powers such provisions as might be deemed necessary by the said Powers to protect the inhabitants who differed from the majority of the population in race, language, or religion.”
They succeeded in bringing “domestic group rights” under international guarantee, — the League of Nations.
The Versailles Treaty
The work of World Jewry at the Peace Conference is no where better indicated than in the provision imposed on Poland by the Versailles Treaty. Poland signed the Polish Minorities Treaty June 28, 1919, thereby committing Poland to accept an agreement with the Principal Allied and Associated Powers for the protection of “national minorities” in Poland. This Treaty, pursuant to successful Jewish pressure, was guaranteed by the League of Nations. Among other things “minorities” were to be admitted to Polish nationality and citizenship “in the fullest sense”; guaranteed the right to use their own language; to maintain their own institutions, to receive primary instruction in their own language, and where the proportion was considerable to receive;
“an equitable share in the enjoyment and application of public funds.”
“Racial, religious or linguistic minorities” is the official Versailles verbiage, but it meant that the Comite des Delegations Juives intended it to mean — Jews.
As a result of the Versailles Treaty Poland was prohibited from holdings elections on Saturdays. The Jewish Sabbath was established by law.
“Jews shall not be compelled to perform any act which constitutes a violation of their Sabbath, nor shall they be placed under any disability by reason of their refusal to attend courts of law or to perform any legal business on their Sabbath.
… Poland declares her intention to refrain from ordering or permitting elections, whether general or local, to be held on a Saturday, nor will registration for electoral or other purposes be compelled to be performed on a Saturday… Education communities of Poland will, subject to the general control of the state, provide for the distribution of the proportional share of the public funds allocated to Jewish schools in accordance with Article 9.”
[Page 218]
Lloyd George, British Prime Minister, attempting to meet the harsh demands of Georges Clemenceau for France, proved himself — on paper at least — a greater statesman than either the vindictive Clemenceau or the starry-eyed Wilson. Writing at Fontainbleau over a quiet weekend in March of 1919 Lloyd George said:
“When nations are exhausted by wars in which they have put forth all their strength and which leave them tired, bleeding and broken, it is not difficult to patch up a peace that may last until the generation which experienced the horrors of the war has passed away… It is therefore comparatively easily to patch up a peace which will last for thirty years. What is difficult, however, is to draw up a peace which will not provoke a fresh struggle when those who have had practical experience of what war means have passed away…
You may strip Germany of her colonies, reduce her armaments to a mere police force and her navy to that of a fifth-rate power; all the same in the end if she feels that she has been unjustly treated in the peace of 1919 she will find means of exacting retribution from her conquerors. The impression, the deep impression, … made upon the human heart by four years of unexampled slaughter will disappear with the hearts upon which it has been marked by the terrible sword of the great war. The maintenance of peace will then depend upon there being no causes of exasperation constantly stirring up the spirit of patriotism, of justice or of fair play…”
Theodor Herzl, with more expansive ideas than “yellow trousers and white tunics” for his currassiers* observed that;
“a man who invents a terrible explosive does more for peace than a thousand apostles.”
* Cuirassiers from French “cuirassier”, were cavalry equipped with armour and firearms, first appearing in late 15th-century Europe. This French term means “the one with a cuirass” (cuirasse), the breastplate armour which they wore.[2] The first cuirassiers were produced as a result of armoured cavalry, such as the man-at-arms and demi-lancer, discarding their lances and adopting the use of pistols as their primary weapon. In the later 17th century, the cuirassier lost his limb armour and subsequently employed only the cuirass (breastplate and backplate), and sometimes a helmet. By this time, the sword was the primary weapon of the cuirassier, pistols being relegated to a secondary function. Cuirassiers achieved increased prominence during the Napoleonic Wars and were last fielded in the opening stages of World War I. Cuirassiers continue to be employed as ceremonial troops by a number of countries.
Second Meeting of the American Jewish Congress
Nathan Straus opened the second meeting of the American Jewish Congress in Philadelphia on May 30, 1920.
“The delegation to Paris, led by Judge Mack, Mr. Louis Marshall, and Dr. Wise,” he declared, “has done everything that could be done in order to protect and further Jewish interests. The Jewish name is more honored today than it was because we Jews have had the courage and self-respect to stand up together and try to solve our own problems.”
The report of the delegation to the Peace Conference emphasized the necessity of securing United States Senate ratification of the Versailles Treaty, adding “soberly and prophetically” that the success of the concessions won in Paris depended upon the favorable action of the government of the United States. America was still virile in its independence and was not yet ready to be lured into alien booby traps. The United States Senate refused to ratify the Treaty and the American people emphatically repudiated the League of Nations in the Presidential election of 1920.
[Page 219]
Pursuant to agreement Judge Mack adjourned the Congress sine die after ruling out of order motions for the election of officers and procedure for reconvening the Congress.
Within a few minutes of the sine die adjournament a body of delegates reconvened. Gedaliah Bublick opened the meeting, declaring: “The Congress is not dead, it is just born.” Calling itself the Provisional Organization for the American Jewish Congress the delegates elected Louis Lipsky temporary chairman, established an Executive Committee of seventy-one (the number of members of the Sanhedrin) under the direction of Nathan Straus and ordered it to convene the permanent American Jewish Congress within one year.
“Our activities and the progress we have made,” said Herzl at the Fourth World Zionist Congress; “can be summed up in a single sentence: we are organizing Jewry for its coming destiny.”
The American Jewish Congress was another step toward that destiny.
At the Second World Zionist Congress Herzl had declared:
“An election campaign must be begun wherever the heads of the communities are not yet with us. Men with convictions similar to ours, worthy and capable of filling these distinguished positions, must be nominated and elected in the name of the national idea. The prestige of the Jewish community, the means at its disposal, the people whom it supports, must not be used to oppose the will of our people. There I think I voice the sentiments of you all, fellow delegates, in proposing to make the conquest of the Jewish communities one of our immediate aims.” (Emphasis supplied.)
The creation of the Provisional Organization for the American Jewish Congress in 1920 was to be the beginning of the vigorous conquest of the Jewish communities of the world.
Version History & Notes
Version 1: Published Jul 8, 2015
* The original text was part of a larger work, hence the page numbering starting from p. 175.
* Images not in the original document.
* Footnotes are not in the original document.
* Cover page is a modified version of the original.
Knowledge is Power in Our Struggle for Racial Survival
(Information that should be shared with as many of our people as possible — do your part to counter Jewish control of the mainstream media — pass it on and spread the word) … Val Koinen at
Go to >> Zion’s Trojan Horse: Part 1 — Introduction; The Wandering Jew
Go to >> Zion’s Trojan Horse: Part 2 — Terrible Power of the Purse; Prelude to Conquest
Go to >> Zion’s Trojan Horse: Part 3 — The Revolutionary Proletariat ; Jewish Revolution
Go to >> Zion’s Trojan Horse: Part 4 — We Are One People ; The Jewish Nation
Go to >> Zion’s Trojan Horse: Part 5 — Conquest of the Jewish Communities
Go to >> Zion’s Trojan Horse: Part 6 — The League of Nations; Agitation for World War II
Go to >> Zion’s Trojan Horse: Part 7 (last) — Anti-Gentilism; Chance or Design; About the Author
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Version 2: Jul 25, 2020 — Re-uploaded images and PDF for katana17.com/wp/ version.
Version 1: Published Jul 8, 2015