[Jez Turner writes* from prison on his experiences thus far, since being sentenced to one year in jail for his “hate crime” of “offending” jews by publicly stating they have too much power in Britain — his imprisonment being the very proof of his claims! — KATANA.]
*NOTE: Special thanks to Jim Rizoli and Diane King for sharing Jez’s letter.
Jez Bedford-Turner
Letter from Prison
Jul 29, 2018
July 29, 2018
Jez Bedford-Turner
A5544EE, HBS/A/1-11
HMP High Down, Sutton Lane
Dear Jim and Diane.
So very good to hear from you! Please do kindly tell everyone that I’m fine and thriving like a green bay tree!
Life as a political prisoner in Britain’s system of gulags is tough. We, and there are a lot of us, are treated worse than the normal convicts, but having spent my boyhood in boarding school, my youth in grinding poverty, in universities, much of my adulthood as a soldier in the British army, I am very well prepared for such an adventure. An active mind, attitude are invigorated by misfortunes and imprisonments focuses the mind, sharpens the will and hones the virtues. Any cursory look at history shows that anyone and everyone … kings, popes, prophets, politicians, even lawyers! have at one time or another been deprived of their freedom and have been incarcerated. Attitude determines whether it makes you or breaks you.
I began my experience as a political prisoner at the courtesy of Her Majesty’s Pleasure at the notorious and overcrowded HMP (Her Majesty’s Prison) Wordsworth [Wandsworth] in Southwest London. It’s an elegant Victorian prison 150 years old, whose main building is designed in the shape of a starfish with a blue Star of David gracing the exact center. The prison has housed and illustrious line of politicals and is also the place where William Joyce and John Avery were hung. For several weeks I was held in a Cell opposite the execution chamber! I have now been moved to the more spacious HMP High Down, built 26 years ago in Surrey on the southern edge… Surrounded by heath and woodland. Every day brings huge black crows eager to accept the stale bread from the barred windows.
I survive by keeping my mind, body and soul in sound shape and focusing on things I intend to do, places I’m going to visit, and people I’m going to see on my release. The friendship in the “whirligig of life” allows one to reassess goals and priorities.
Our society’s not-so-secret rulers, their agenda and their politically correct despotism designed to protect them and their agenda have together created a society, which is essentially one huge Orwellian mind prison. However once you liberate your mind, there’s not much that the powers-that-should-not-be can do… One can never really be imprisoned if one’s mind is free. Edward Gibbon tells us in his magisterial, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, (which I am reading now), that a tyrannical law is sure evidence of a tyranny. I myself was in prison for giving a speech on the 4th of July 2015 in Whitehall (?) outside Downing Street, (the British prime minister’s Central London Residence), a speech which broke just such a law — a law against free speech.
The law against free speech in Britain as in extremely vague, gray piece of legislation based not on facts, but on perceptions, feelings, emotions and views, and so can be applied or ignored at and when our nation’s so-called elite feels like applying or ignoring it: A case of one law for them and one law for everyone else! Exactly so! I have to be extremely careful here as prison mail is monitored, especially for politicals, so if it is too specific, this missive will never reach you.
Basically I’ve coined a phrase containing what I call the eight words, namely “We must free the world from Zionist control,” and my speech encompasses this. It covered the 1,000 Britain (military, police, civil servants) in the hands of the Zionist terrorists (?) in the 1940s and why these are not commented on.
It also included “The Shomrim”, which is a … Vigilante Force which operates in North London.
[Shomrim/Shmira (Hebrew: שומרים/שמירה) (lit. “watchers”, “guards”, “protection”) are organizations of proactive volunteer Jewish civilian patrols which have been set up in Haredi communities in neighborhoods across the United States and Great Britain (and in many other countries) to combat burglary, vandalism, mugging, assault, domestic violence, nuisance crimes, antisemitic attacks, and to help and support victims of crime. They also help locate missing people. Shomrim volunteers are unarmed and do not have the authority to make arrests, other than citizen’s arrest. They are effective in tracking and detaining suspects until police arrive. Some Shomrim members in the United States have been convicted of assaults and misdemeanors against people from outside their community, particularly African-Americans.]
They patrol in cars that resemble police cars, receive massive Government funding, are given firearms training by the London police and generally intimidate people not of their own “ethnic group.” Their creation led to the resignation of several top-level police commander’s. I asked why only one ethnic group was allowed such a vigilante force? Why the main media kept virtually silent about Shromrim’s existence and activities? I then led on to …. some ethnic group controls the main media, our politicians and decides what our chattering classes chat about. … no answer but they have the power to silence and imprison them. I said that speaking truth and that some things were worth going to prison for, that I wasn’t intimidated by their power and would not be silenced! I finished off with:
“Don’t let yourself be [used] by Zionism into having to liberate Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran and other countries beyond the Sea … until we liberate our own country!”
The London Metropolitan Police thought there was no crime. The crown prosecutor service (the government, deputies, whose job it is to decide whether a crime has been ‘committed’ (or not), thought there was no crime. YouTube thought there was no crime and left the various videos of my speech (one by Russia Today — RT) up online for 3 years and apparently they are still there! But surprise, surprise, certain ethnics, George Soros and pressure groups decided that the law was what THEY wanted it to be — not the police, not the government or British citizens wanted it to be. Everyone agrees that my language was neither threatening, abusive or insulting, but nevertheless, this law against free speech has a “CATCH-22” clause that EVEN if the speech was NOT abusive or insulting, if someone FELT that the tone of the speech as a while was offensive to them or at least could be PERCEIVED as being so, then the speech could be declared ILLEGAL and the speaker punished.
Thus the aforementioned pressure groups launched a judicial review at a cost of circa a half a million pounds and the government refused to back down until the day of the hearing when the government caved in. So my trial date was set. The actual judicial review received more press and TV coverage than my trial did. My trial received the silent treatment.
There was a lot of pressure on the judge and the government’s Prosecuting Barrister, (a Queens Council — no less) to achieve the current verdict. … and I did my bit too, (quite enjoyed myself actually), yet the jury was chicken and clearly terrified, ended up convicting me on my views rather than on the facts of the case. It took them merely 15 minutes to reach their guilty verdict. The judge gave me a 12-month sentence rather than 2 years due to my previous good character, (never having been in trouble before). of which I will serve six months inside and six months outside on license, assuming “with good behavior.”
As I was led away down to the cell, I held up a small placard saying, “8 words” and my supporters who packed the public gallery cheered and we waved at each other and I blew kisses at the ladies. The court officials and wardens told me they’d never seen or heard anything like it at all! Put me in a good mood. I’ve been in a good mood ever since!
I’ll sign off by saying that Britain, (and the European Union), is now a surveillance state designed to suppress offenses against political correctness is designed to suppress speech and thought. Informers are encouraged, — malicious informers, fake witnesses, politically and/or financially motivated informers, anonymous tell-talers, who have the power to destroy one’s fortune, one’s reputation and even one’s life career and one’s life. They can hound you out of house and home and stigmatize you with infamy. The ghosts of the Soviet Union’s thought police are looking on with envy at Britain’s political police state.
In the Britain today, free speech is a crime. Telling the truth is now a crime. Speaking the truth will lose you your freedom, but only the truth can “set (us) free” and some things are worth going to prison for. The truth and freedom are just such things.
“He who refuses the sword, resigns the sceptre” (Edward Gibbon again).
So my advice to you Americans is do not lose your legal right to hear to bear arms, keep your guns, keep your Bill of Rights and keep your freedom.
God bless you all,
Jez Turner (British Thought Criminal)
PS: Those wishing to drop me a line and keep my morale high, you are welcome to do so with the above address and picture postcards (anonymous or otherwise) with which to decorate my cell wall. These are MOST welcome! Please feel free to use or quote any or all of this letter!
Jez Turner.
See also:
Jez Bedford-Turner — Letter from Prison — Jul 29, 2018
Alfred Schaefer – A Dissident Speaking Out – Gerhard Ittner — TRANSCRIPT
Jez Bedford-Turner, Gerd Ittner — Letters from Prison — Nov 10, 2018
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God bless you too Jez!