Mark Collett – The Fickle Nature of the Public – Apr 15, 2022 – Transcript


[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, discusses the fickle nature of public opinion as it moves from one direction to the other, like a school of fish, driven by media manipulation.



Mark Collett


The Fickle Nature


Of the Public



Apr 15, 2022




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Published on April 15, 2022


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The Fickle Nature of the Public
April 15th, 2022

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Mark Collett
One minute they are booing Boris, the next they are back to cheering for him. Public opinion changes like the wind and what is the big issue one day, is forgotten the next. What lessons can nationalism learn from this observation?
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(7:22 mins)




I have to say, that as the Covid narrative came to a stuttering halt one thing I found refreshing was just how many normal people seemed to have woken up to the agenda being pushed. And also, how many normal people were furious with both the politicians and the media.


This felt like a bit of a watershed moment. People were angry, angry about the effects the lockdowns had on their businesses, angry that they had been lied to repeatedly by SAGE and the government, and angry that whilst they were being threatened with police action if they left their homes to go for Christmas dinner with their families, Boris Johnson and his mates had been partying away at Downing Street with no masks, no restrictions, and no social distancing.



It was as if the powers that be had been over exaggerating Covid, spinning a narrative in public with their sombre faces, their masks, and their pleas to ‘stay safe’. But then as soon as the cameras were turned off, the façade was quickly dropped and they just did as they pleased.



And seeing the way the public reacted to this scandal was heart-warming.


I remember reading some of the best rated comments on the Daily Mail website, comments such as:


“You know when Boris is lying, because his mouth moves.”






“You can’t trust any of them! They’ve been partying whilst we weren’t allowed to see our dying relatives!”


These comments were everywhere, and the darkness of the past two years of Covid compliance seemed to be getting forced back by the light of a people who had begun to wake up. It felt like a great renaissance was taking place!


But they say a week is a long time in politics! And it’s been a lot longer than a week since Covid was the main news story here in the UK. In fact, for many, Covid is now a distant memory.



Partygate did briefly top the news feeds this week, as it has been announced that Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, and some 50 others will receive fixed penalty notices from the police for breaching lockdown rules – but even that news was quickly buried under more stories about the Ukraine, Russia, and Putin.


And sadly, the very same people who a few months ago were calling Boris a liar and demanding his resignation are now calling him a hero! A lion in fact! The very same comment sections that were calling for his head, are no heaping praise upon him! It’s almost like they’ve forgotten it all and moved on to the next the big thing.


Because of course they have!



Now I don’t want to black pill anyone, and I hate making depressing videos, I hate making content that pours cold water on the fire, but this does bother me somewhat.


We have just come out of the greatest upheaval that Britain has seen since the Winter of Discontent, that ran from late 1978 to early 1979.


Arguably, Covid was a lot bigger than the Winter of Discontent, as it disrupted our lives for over two years. Maybe Covid was the greatest upheaval that we have faced post World War Two? Either way, I think we can all agree that it was big. It affected a lot of people in a lot of different ways. And by the end, many people were very angry about it.


Yet here we are, just months on, and what do we see when we look out at the political landscape?



Well, those who supported the lockdowns are still walking around in masks, still rubbing hand sanitiser on everything them come into contact with. And are still begging for more jabs, despite mounting evidence that such jabs have a number of terrible side effects – including affecting female fertility.


But what about those who were against the lockdowns? The angry people? Those who saw through the lies, and wanted to get rid of the masks and the social distancing? Well sadly, many of them are back to cheering for Boris!



Quite simply, they got what they wanted. The restrictions ended, they could resume life as normal. And now there’s a heavily propagandised foreign war for them to read about in the press every day. And the guy they were all booing a few months back, he is now the brave lion, the Prime Minster that can take on a tyrant! The man for the job!


And he even travelled to Kiev, to a war-zone, in order to show the world what he is made of!



So for many, it’s time to back Boris and show a bit of that plucky British spirit in order show Putin who’s boss!


Pretty sickening really, it’s almost like watching a beaten dog crawl back to its master, all is forgotten, because a few crumbs have been swept from the table, and there’s a side show to draw one’s attention.


And this can all be pretty depressing, a black pill you may say.


But it shouldn’t be, it should be a simple lesson in human nature. And it should inform us of what we should look for in recruits. And why we shouldn’t bet all our chips on the idea that the next big issue will see us ride a popular wave to victory.



Many people make the mistake of jumping onto the next big thing believing that this will be the one! That the next big happening will lead to the revolution and an inevitable and quick victory. This is a massive mistake! And those doing so will at best end up very disappointed, or at worst end up so depressed that they walk away from politics altogether.



The fundamental problem here, is that the public have, for the most part, a short-term outlook. They may be very animated about an issue, very passionate, even angry. But for most people this anger and interest will fade rapidly, and they will either go back to their normal life, or move onto the next thing.


We are revolutionary nationalists! And regardless of what is happening, we have a clear focus – which is the survival and well-being of our people.



And if we are to build a successful movement for change, we need to attract people who are equally focused and committed. People who understand that this cause is a marathon, and not a sprint.


Those who seek to ride the waves of public opinion in the hope of a quick and easy victory, may at times experience the heady heights of the crests of such waves.



But all too often, they will come crashing down with those waves, only to see their ship smashed to pieces and witness all their soft new recruits swimming off in different directions.


The issue of dealing with the whimsical nature of public can be depressing and disheartening, but the key is to understand what you are dealing with, and to ensure that you temper your expectations of what is achievable in the short term.



Ultimately, we are not trying to ride the waves to achieve a temporary high, but instead build a solid and sea worthy vessel that has a committed and well informed crew in order to ensure that we can plot a path through such waves, and successfully make the long journey to our eventual destination.


This route is much harder to take, as it involves the realisation that victory is both difficult to achieve and will likely take considerable time. But if we really want to secure a future for our people, it is route we must be prepared to travel.

















3 days ago
Normies don’t have a brain, they have a TV to do their thinking for them instead.
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3 days ago
thats why i always say that if we take control of the media they will turn into super nationalists in 2 days

3 days ago
i havent watched tv in dam near 20 years

3 days ago
At the same time, TV etc. is making people even more dumb – positive feedback loop of dumbness.

3 days ago
I’m very downhearted at just how thick the public are. I feel like screaming at them sometimes. But I find your message of ‘keep going, it’s going to take a long time’ comforting.

4 days ago
I think the “public” is mainly filled with people who just want to take the easy route. They are lazy and just follow the herd. What we need to do is start making demands. We have to stop trying to convince people or allow them to make up their own minds. Instead, we need to tell them what to think. The judeo-pedo-communist-left knows this and they use it to their advantage. We have to see the masses as our flock and it’s time to Shepard them back to Nationalism. Stop asking, stop pleading, stop negotiating, start leading!
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3 days ago
easier said than done
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3 days ago
I would agree. First of all today you would have to be clearly dissident minded to begin with to accept the basic premises that actual nationalism includes. Like total independence, traditional norms, demographical and cultural cohesion etc. That already narrows down a lot. And nazi larping isnt one of the basic premises of nationalism despite what some might think. Vast majority are simply doing what they are told and expected of by their leaders. Whether political or media or military leaders. They have no real big principles or values that guide them. They can turn on you in a second if that is ordered or in some cases even just expected by their leaders. So i would say focus on finding and building a community of the minority that are able to be brought into nationalism and forget anything else.

3 days ago
people are retarded they deserve what is coming
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3 days ago
11 years ago my ex-partner ran off with my son, I took her to court and 11 years later, today my 11-year-old son called me and says, ‘hi dad, I don’t think I can come this weekend because my arm is hurting after getting the vaccine,’. I am devasted to say the least. I wasn’t asked and that’s how I found out.
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3 days ago
Serves you right for failing to communicate in a timely manner that he should never take the Jewish poison. It’s not like he is under the reasoning age. You are one lazy motherfucker.
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7 hours ago
what the fuck are you talking about? lol I hope you are not a father. Communicate what to who exactly? to my crazy ex who hates me? yeah, she will listen to me, or to my son? I have told him about the vaccine but he is 11 and not in control of whether he wants it or not. Try again, Troll.

2 days ago
That’s fucking rough. Might want to have more kids.
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2 days ago
that’s what I am thinking. My legacy.

4 days ago
Ukraine is the only country in the World which building it’s national identity on ethnics cleansing and genocide. Also only one country with “heroes” like Stephan Bandera or collaborators of SS Galizien. Volhynia ethnics cleansing or Odessa massacre are “proud and important” parts of Ukrainian “independence” :))) Murdering kids old people and pregnant women? Yes that it’s – if you think that this is propaganda then do some basic homework because this is just repulsive. What about bombing pro-russian cities since 2014? I’m Polish myself but that is very prymitive propaganda on their side
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3 days ago
“Ukraine is the only country in the World which building it’s national identity on ethnics cleansing and genocide” Obviously not true, it’s pretty common throughout history and even today in various countries. As to the cycle of brother wars and hatred between white nations, it won’t stop until the jews stop their anti-goy agenda, and they won’t stop until they are completely insulated and isolated from power.
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3 days ago
True but no one officially admitting his sentiments towards SS Galizien and Mass murderers with proven history.

2 days ago
Sadly, the modern Ukrainian national identity is a negative one – driven and defined by being anti-Russian (similar to Ustashe in Croatia – which are anti-Serbian). If you ask all those fervent Ukr nationalists what’s the most important thing, they would tell you “to kill the Moscal”. They have an anti-identity and you can’t build a stable society on that. Ukrainian nationalism is filled with tattooed nazis, which are at best thugs, hooligans and criminals, at worst CIA glow-ops. Their ideological leader – Stepan Bandera – was a terrorist and a war criminal, imprisoned even by the Germans.

3 days ago
I fucking hate normies.

3 days ago
Hitherto the the public has put up with the Expenses Scandal of 2008; the rape-gangs; the Scamdemic and loss of freedom; and now the doubling of food and fuel prices. Only until the latter really hits home, and they encounter pain, will the public react.
I do not welcome this pain but now, after decades in the Movement watching the constant attacks unfold without response, I consider it an unfortunate necessity if anything is going to change.
Gas heating at the moment can be turned off; leccy can be kept to a minimum by being out in the sun. But as taxes have increased and food and fuel have already doubled and seem to further increase every week, wait for autumn when the cold comes in. Then comes the pain. Tick tock, tick tock…
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3 days ago
Nothing is going to change if you keep voting. Voting just gives their system legitimacy. Don’t vote. I still register and request a postal vote, then bin it. It costs them the postage then.
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3 days ago
I agree and would welcome a nation-wide campaign that presents evidence of the criminal, corrupt, degenerate System and a call for a mass spoiling of ballot papers. Here’s how to do it properly so IT IS REGISTERED as a protest vote
Just binning your vote is a wasted effort and sends no message at all.
3 days ago
the normies are totally stupid,I could not agree more with MC, how retarded must they be not to see through this nonsense but I see it every day the face rag wearers etc who all have eyes but do not see.

4 days ago
Vladimir Pyyuuuuuutin.
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3 days ago
Mispronunciation of that name is one of my pet peeves 😂
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3 days ago
I know right. If it was pronounced pew-tin then it would be spelt with a Ю instead of a У.
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3 days ago
Yeah, but at the same time, some Tommies pronounce u like that (“styyyoooodious” vs “studious” or the like). Complaining about it is a bit like the Keeeeev complaints. Something like “Buka” or “Bukha” vs “Bucha” is more worthy of criticism in my view.

3 days ago
My Grand Master always claimed that “victims make the best students.”
The point being that it’s easier to put skin into the game when it’s already been hacked off by an opponent.
When things get hard, people first scatter, then they run to each other, as there is safety amongst others…. Much like a zebra.
Your doing a grand job Mark.

3 days ago
The public are like the sheep who get angry at those in the front of the que because they know they’re in an abattoir. They will actively block you from escaping or even push you further down the line.

4 days ago
Why is there a common feature of the western leaders…
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3 days ago
Eastern leaders are no better, and are no friends of whites. We are watching you Dugin loving faggots.

3 days ago
The same people that lied about everything since I remember, are now telling the truth. — the Public

3 days ago
Don’t forget how many bots and paid shills exist. They try to bring into reality a perception that doesn’t exist, and push it as hard as they can to make it a reality.

3 days ago
Democracy will never give us the results we need in Europe or anywhere else. White people have mutated too much since the industrial revolution and become too stupid to recognize what’s correct for them and what’s incorrect.
Cognition is a physical attribute determined first and foremost by genetics. People are, fundamentally, genetic constructs concieved and born with a fixed potential cognitive range, same as their height or any other physical attribute.
The people we’re trying to convince will never agree with us. They will never see the light, because they are biologically incapable of seeing it.
We have to stop wasting our
time arguing with people and trying to convince them that water is wet. Democratic politics is not our path to victory. War is.
We have to re-introduce God’s Natural Law in the West. Or, Russia or Islam or somebody/something else will do it, and we will cease to be “the West.” Which honestly may be the inevitable outcome anyway.
Either way, this post-Enlightenment, legalistic view on human society is the problem, and it must be completely destroyed, even if it costs us tens of millions of lives.
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3 days ago
Democracy, even in its best theoretical form, is regression. Giving the same rights to the dumbest and laziest, as to the smart and productive, means that the whole society will inevitably drift down – toward all the lowest form of behaviour and function. In nature the weak are thrown out, as to not handicap the group, while in liberal democracy the weak and pathetic are elevated into protected groups. Therefore, yes, the dumb want more democracy, and democracy wants more dumb people.

1 day ago
Can’t win a war if you don’t have the numbers. If 80-90% of the people support the current system in one way or another (despite bitching and moaning here and there), then you’ve already lost your war before it even started.

3 days ago
truth is, i thought it mattered. i thought that music mattered. but does it bullocks? not compared to our people matter.

3 days ago
The boat is rocking though and the stakes are growing
21 hours ago
Our biggest enemy is the stupidity and compliance of the general public. Without that, the subversion of these parasites wouldn’t be possible.

22 hours ago
The English people are a shitty people with no homogenous identity, they simply love the fact that over 10k children are being raped every year by muslim immigrants.
Woe to you, you shitty people that love to hate yourself and the censorship that it brings.

23 hours ago
What happened to the TASOB pod?

1 day ago
just another homosexual communist jew who is swimming in money from mass immigration

2 days ago
The most intolerant minority rules.

3 days ago
I figure the short sighted nature of the public opinion though the lens of Sovietize society. After a while the public is put though less legal prosecutions and trauma from the various youth gangs. Perhaps a few are messed with or jailed in various ways. Though the short answer is communists rule though frustration and endless talk of a oppressed population; no complete way to being free of government messing with you is allowed to be described.. Eastern Europe got so called mental perceptive about communist trauma but Russia got a evil therapist for its trauma of Communism. And yes Communism is Jewish guys.

3 days ago
The oxygen thieving masked morons cannot think, they absorb information through the idiotbox and their phones, if there isn’t an app for it it doesn’t exist. The sooner the jabs become more efficient and cull these waste of spaces the better for the humans left. Sick of watching masked idiots struggling to breathe and wondering why.

3 days ago
the globalist want to destroy the economic this much to kill normies






See Also




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT







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This entry was posted in Boris Johnson, Conservative Party, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Europe - Eastern, Mark Collett, Mind Control, Propaganda, Public opinion - Manipulation, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Ukraine, Ukraine War 2022, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, We Were Never Asked, White genocide. Bookmark the permalink.

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