Joel Davis with Blair Cottrell
Mass Deportations Now!
Thu, Aug 1, 2024
[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following:
• Joel’s Telegram channel was blocked on Apple devices shortly before the stream.
• The nationalist rally in Melbourne for Mass Deportations Now!
• Jacob Hersant was arrested at the rally for “grossly offensive behavior”.
• Discussion on the legal implications and potential challenges to this law.
• They criticize the use of vague laws to suppress political speech.
• Recent events in England involving an African killing 3 children.
• Express support for protests in response to the killings.
• These reactions show a resurgence of fighting spirit among English people.
• The importance of organizing long-term political movements is emphasized.
• Netanyahu’s recent speech to US Congress is criticized as showing excessive Jewish influence.
• Express skepticism of democracy and preference for more authoritarian systems.
• They discuss the concept of “liminal warfare” from a book by David Kilcullen.
• Friendly Jordies’ recent video mocking Drew Pavlou is praised.
• Debate whether Drew Pavlou is trolling or genuinely delusional.
• Swedish humor and banter abilities are jokingly discussed.
• The idea of starting a non-profit for white advocacy is considered.
• Monarchy vs republic for Australia is briefly debated.
• They express connection to Britain as their ancestral homeland.
• Irish and Anglo-Saxon ancestry and temperaments are compared.
• The show had around 500-600 peak viewers across platforms.
• Future streams and content plans are mentioned.
• The hosts thank viewers and supporters.
• Nationalist rally involved marching from Immigration Museum to Federation Square.
• Police arrested Jacob Hirsch but other protesters escaped.
• Immigrants understand their foreignness better than white liberals do.
• Classify leftists into “spiteful” and “status-seeking” categories.
• American political system is described as controlled by Jewish interests.
• Advocate for more aggressive nationalist activism.
• They criticize excessive caution in right-wing movements.
• Recent riots in England are seen as justified anger against immigration.
• Hosts argue white people need to cultivate “righteous anger”.
• They discuss strategies for maintaining long-term political organization.
• The Reform Party’s condemnation of violence is criticized.
• Friendly Jordies is described as mixing left and right politics in an appealing way.
• Drew Pavlou is characterized as a “lolcow” seeking attention.
• Debate merits of non-profit vs active club strategies for advocacy.
• Express preference for monarchy or dictatorship over democracy.
• Irish ancestry is associated with a fiery temperament.
• Racial similarity among Northwest European peoples.
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Published on Thu, Aug 1, 2024
Mass Deportations Now!
August 1, 2024
3 Dislikes
my social media links:
follow Blair on telegram:
blair cottrell
jacob hersant
joel davis
mass deportations now
thomas sewell
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2.74 GB
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(Words: 21,573 – 2:05:05 mins)
Jacob Hersant: The never ending tide of non-White immigration is drowning us! We are but 25 million in Australia and New Zealand, ten thousand miles from our brothers in Europe and surrounded by a Third World coloured masses. Everywhere we look, we see the foreign faces leering with thoughts of taking their land!
But make no mistake about it, they’re guests here and they’re unwelcome! It’s our civilisation! These islands belong to us, and we’ll fight for them! That’s what they’ll never understand. These scum that leave their kind to parasitise off us! With the nerve to insult and make demands of us in our country!
Yet what do they offer us to return? They can only pollute our blood and dishonour the estate our ancestors left us. The time has come to set us back! No more apathy! No more patience! No more tolerance! Get out! Australia for the Whiteman! The rest must go! Mass deportation now! Blood and honour! Blood and honour! Blood and honour! Blood and honour! Australia for the Whiteman! The rest must go! Australia for the Whiteman! The rest must go! Shut up you race traitor! Hail victory! Hail victory!
Joel Davis: Just realised my mic was muted.
Another show Thursday night.
Blair Cottrell: I was going to tell you bro, you’re muted.
Joel Davis: Yeah, Thursday night, August 1, 2024, 8:30 Australian Eastern Time. So another show. Tom can’t make it tonight. He’s got a family engagement. I was actually going to get Jacob Hersant, but didn’t quite work out. I might do a stream with him separately to discuss some things in the future, but it’s going to be Blair and I this evening.
And yeah, Joel and Blair show has Joel and Blair on it, so should be an interesting show. I got one Superchat from Ukrainian Groyper that said:
“Hey, Joel, they banned your Telegram channel for the iPhone users.”
Yeah, I got my Telegram channel got App blocked on both just like ten minutes or 15 minutes before we went live on the stream. So that kind of sucks! I might have to make a new Telegram as a result. It’s kind of inexplicable. I don’t think I really posted anything outrageous lately in comparison to what I generally post, so don’t know why that happened, but once it happens, you can’t reverse it.
Like it happened to Tom Sewell’s channel. And there’s no appeal process. I mean, you can still access my Telegram if you download the a directly from the Telegram website onto your Android phone or on the web a if you use Telegram on a computer, on a desktop. If you’re on an iPhone, basically, you can’t access Telegram without the blockages that they put on certain channels without going through the browser.
So that’s quite annoying for Apple users.
And so it’s kind of just annoying in general when you get App blocked because it kind of takes out maybe a third of your audience from being able to see your channel.
So maybe more so that really sucks, but it is what it is. We soldier on!
But yeah, Blair, how are you feeling this evening?
Blair Cottrell: Fine. I actually saw your channel get censored because I shared the link for this stream. It was visible. I was using an Apple device when I shared it, and then I checked it five minutes later and I couldn’t see it anymore. So I said:
“Bro, you’ve just been Apple banned!”
And it’s pretty annoying because it reduces your channel traffic by at least 50% because at least half people out there are still using iPhones. It’s iPhone technology is good. It’s easy, and so it draws in the people who want to be using the easy services.
But you can make a Joel Davis alerts channel like Tom did, just to keep everyone., … You can keep using your main channel and just make, like, a secondary alerts channel that’s not censored, that can still reach people. The amount of people who are using Telegram, dissidents, people who are interested in nationalism, seems to have reduced somewhat since those lockdowns and vaccine mandates.
Joel Davis: Because Twitter was bought by Elon Musk and Twitter is just a better platform now.
Blair Cottrell: Definitely! Everyone’s moved over to X. Telegram is still a reliable alternative, but it seems to be most of the traffic is moving through X at the moment. So Telegram is still a sort of corner alternative platform, and you’re still allowed to post on X, is that right?
Joel Davis: Yeah, my Twitter’s fine.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah.
Joel Davis: Well, I don’t see the point in having one, like, two different channels.
And, I mean, I’ll keep the other one up for a little while I transition, but it seems better to just make a whole new channel. And I’m sure the majority of the audience that actually check the channel will probably move over.
Blair Cottrell: It’s annoying that you don’t have any information about why you’ve been censored. There’s no appeal process. You don’t actually understand what’s going on. Like, you’re just kind of targeted because of who you are. But that’s the way censorship seems to roll out these days. It’s like you didn’t really say anything specifically that they’re concerned about. It’s just everything you believe and who you are, that’s the problem.
Joel Davis: It’s not the Telegram platform either that makes a decision. I think it’s like the a itself, like, Google and Apple impose it upon Telegram in order for them to have an a on the a store. So, like, what are you supposed to do? Appeal the ban to like, Apple and Google, it’s so convoluted.
So, yeah, there is no recourse. It’s the probably the main issue with the Telegram app, which is otherwise quite good, quite reliable. There have been instances where people have been banned outright from Telegram, but that’s, I think, almost always because they’re outright advocating calling for like a genocide or something quite explicit in a quite explicit way or something like this. And even still, you can usually get away with that kind of thing.
Or they, like the state, like specifically requests Telegram to take a particular channel down. I believe that probably is what happened to Tom’s first channel that was taken down. Um, it was probably literally like the Australian security services that requested it of Telegram.
But that is quite rare. So in this instance, that’s not what happened to me. I think what happened is probably just getting mass reported by the various political enemies that we have.
And eventually it’s succeeding.
Blair Cottrell: I have made something of a conscious effort to not get Apple banned by Telegram. And so far it seems to have worked. The effort I have made is just not to post that much.
And then when I do posts, I word things in such a way where it’s not so explicit or vulgar. You’ll notice that I go through periods where I’m like making a lot of content and then I calm down for a while and go through a rest period. This is for a couple of reasons. Like recently, I haven’t been posting much content because work’s picked up for me and I’ve needed to make some extra money because I was a bit behind in my personal life.
But I also don’t mind taking a break because it just kind of takes the heat off you. The all seeing eye of international jewry, you might say, kind of just overlooks you because you’re not really posting for a while. Then you can pop up again and make some videos for a couple of months. And you can take a break again for a couple of months. It seems to have worked so far, but I could be wrong. They could just target me next and I’d just be eating my words.
So I don’t know.
But the point is that I am concerned about being censored. Unfortunately, that’s just the game we’re in. And I try to balance my posting in such a way where I’m less likely to be censored, although I probably still will be eventually.
It’s a very frustrating game we have to play with these platforms, but it’s just the way it is.
The worst thing you can allow censorship to do is affect your own thoughts and perspective, though censorship can have that effect. If you’re so geared towards avoiding censorship, you can actually start changing your own thoughts and words. And, well, if you change your words enough to suit censorship standards, you’ll end up thinking differently.
And I think it can then have an impact on your psychology and even on your fundamental philosophy and perspective of the world. It’s very important not to let censorship do that.
But we obviously opened up this stream with a pretty cool video. Really good video, actually. I think it’s sick! Jacob’s peech. Jacob Hersant and some kind of flash activism. When did this occur? Joel? This particular rally? Was this recently?
Joel Davis: Yeah. So we marched on Saturday, a bit after 03:00 pm. I was there. Like, the rule basically is, and this is actually isn’t what my preference is, but what the current decision is in the group, is that we should have uniformity. All of us should have balaclavas on, except for the one speaker who’s going to do the speech. In this instance was Jacob. In the past, it has been Tom.
And I think actually, in one rally, maybe a smaller one, I think maybe Tim Lutz actually was leading that one and went mask off for that rally.
But personally, and this is how some of the prior rallies went, they had basically anyone who doesn’t care about being doxxed, who’s already maybe a known figure, would have their face out. Everyone else would have to mask on. But the argument is that breaks down the kind of uniformity. The idea is to have this idea of anyone could be in the march, and to create this certain kind of Enigmatic vibe. I get the logic behind it.
So I had a mask on, as everyone else did other than Jacob. I was actually standing next to Jacob for the majority of the rally.
So basically what happened was that we formed up near the Immigration Museum, and for those who don’t know Melbourne, the Immigration Museum is just down the road down Flinders Street from Federation Square, which is a kind of prominent point in the kind of middle of the city, across the road from Flinders Street Station, which is, I think, the biggest train station in the city of Melbourne.
And so the objective was to basically form up at the Immigration Museum, snap a photo at the front of it, and then march down adjacent to the Yarra river, which runs through the centre of Melbourne down to the Federation Square, where we would kind of form up and do a speech and so on, make a little bit of a scene. There’s a lot of foot traffic around there, although it was quite a dreary day, actually. It was raining on and off. When we marched, the rain had died down, but it was periodically raining on and off, and it was quite cold, so there wasn’t as much foot traffic as you’d usually get.
But nevertheless, there were people about.
And so we formed up there in a couple places, and Jacob, you know, gave some speeches and we did some chants. Just made a bit of a scene, as we customarily do. Then we kind of Marched across the road, formed up in front of the train station. And as we formed up in front of the train station, I started to notice the police had started to react. And cop car after cop car was pulling up, and more and more police were forming up into a larger and larger blob.
And I said to Jacob:
“We probably want to get moving, [chuckling] because it looks like they’re about to kind of set upon us.”
But Jacob had other ideas and just kind of got on the front foot, [chuckling] kept yelling into the megaphone, and ultimately the police targeted him. So they must have been about eight or ten police, and they just kind of surrounded Jacob, grabbed onto him, said:
“Jacob Hersant, you’re under arrest!”
And just all grabbed him instantly.
So there wasn’t really much that could be done to prevent that without committing a crime and, like, violently resisting arrest.
So that was at the point at which we decided, let’s get the hell out of here. Because what’s the point of all of us getting arrested? We basically already finished the march at that point.
So we started moving off as a group, and we got out of there. The police grabbed on to some of us, including me, and just kind of like, just pulled my sleeve away, and they kind of gave up trying to grab us, and we all left, went home.
So that was the situation. But Jacob was arrested. They didn’t actually charge Jacob yet. They took him into the police station and processed him and threatened to charge him with this crime called “grossly offensive behaviour”, which is a crime in the state of Victoria. Most other states in Australia don’t have this as a crime. It’s actually quite a recent addition to the Crimes Act of Victoria, and in my opinion, is a totally ridiculous law. I mean, what is “grossly offensive behaviour”? This is such a vague and general notion.
I think, actually, we talked about up the stream before. I think Tom talked about the infamous so-called Dick Pusey incident. This guy, Richard Pusey was his name. I believe he had some interaction with a police officer. I think he got pulled over for speeding while high on cocaine or something like this, and the police officer got hit by an oncoming car. I believe. I could be misremembering this, so apologies if I get the details slightly wrong.
And I believe he kind of had a really callous reaction of filming him on his phone and laughing at him, rather than aiding the police officer, I think might have actually died. And this was considered such a horrible thing, but it wasn’t a crime to laugh at a dead police officer. So they brought in this so-called grossly offensive behaviour law, I believe, as a way to put something on the books so that when someone engages in particularly “callous and heinous behaviour”, they said at the time that they could go after them.
But in this instance, the pretext is a political march. Now, in Australia, we do have an implied right to a political free expression under the Constitution.
So if they do decide to try and charge Jacob with this crime, we’ll see them in court. And I would anticipate that we would have a good chance, actually, of success. And that would be fantastic, actually, if they would charge Jacob, because then we could attack this in court and basically try and maybe even countersue the police for denying us our political constitutional rights. But that would be a very long process.
And they still haven’t charged him yet. I guess they’re still weighing up whether they think it strategically makes sense, because what they have done, basically, if they don’t charge Jacob, is that they’ve invoked a law that probably is unconstitutional and shouldn’t really be applied in this context anyway, to a political rally. There’s no precedent for it.
But then if they don’t actually place the charge, they don’t actually have to defend this in court, but they can still use that as a pretext to make an arrest and break up the rally and basically prevent us from engaging in our, what is lawful political activity. So it just shows the lengths that the state is willing to go to mess with us, really, where we weren’t doing anything that required police intervention. We were literally marching around peacefully, giving speeches, making chants with a sign with a big banner that said, Mass Deportations Now!
At the RNC [Republican National Convention] in the United States, a week or two ago, there were a bunch of boomers holding up Mass Deportations Now signs in the crowd while Trump was speaking and stuff, and other people were speaking at the Republican National Convention. This is a mainstream political idea. Senator Malcolm Roberts of the One Nation party from Queensland, he called for mass deportations on Twitter a few months ago.
So we weren’t really engaging in rhetoric that was particularly extreme, even by our own standards! So this, to be considered grossly offensive, is basically crossing a line where now basically they want to say that it’s illegal to advocate for a political position, that, I wouldn’t say that maybe the majority of Australians would agree with, but a very substantial minority of Australians, if polled – haven’t seen any polling on mass deportations in particular – but I would anticipate there would be a significant portion of the public that would support such a thing. And regardless of the percentage of the public that would support such a thing, we’re supposed to have political rights and freedoms under, quote, unquote, “liberal democracy” in this country.
So it was a particularly egregious act of political policing. And we will look at probably what we can do legally about this.
But in addition, this law is also being used in a couple other applications. I think it’s being used to go after people who did the Roman salute. I think Nathan Bull is one of the members, Nathan Bull and Michael Nelson, who infamously threw Roman salutes in the city while wearing a provocative T-shirt which had like a Chud Jack on it and said:
“6 million. That’s a bit much, mate!”
We’ve covered this on the show before. This was one of, before the Roman salute was made illegal under these more recent laws that they’ve brought in to ban the Roman salute and the swastika and so on in public display.
But this was before those laws, so they’re saying:
“But it was grossly offensive behaviour.”
So that’s now before the courts. So those court cases are active. I anticipate there’s going to be a big legal battle against this idea, this notion of “grossly offensive behaviour” as a way to stifle political speech.
And I think it’s important that we maybe try and reach out to some of the libertarians. Some of the libertarians don’t agree with us on a lot, but supposedly they care about political freedom of expression. And so insofar as they do care about these things, it will be consistent for them to actually come and defend it in this instance.
So if anyone is out there listening, who’s in the libertarian sphere, or who has associates in the libertarian sphere, or who’s a lawyer who wants to help, who wants to give legal advice or whatever, get in contact, because this is really where the battleground for Australian free political expression is going on.
I mean, even from a non-nationalist perspective, if they can successfully implement this law to stifle our political speech, well, then what’s next? Then they’ll move on to the next controversial thing and the next controversial thing. They could use this under who knows what pretext. You know, you saw how tyrannical the state was during Covid against the Covid protesters.
The jews are now coming out and calling for the pro-Palestine protesters to face kind of legal repercussions. But who knows in coming years what pretexts and what political context they could try and extend this to, if they can successfully use it against us. So even if you don’t agree with our politics, you should come to our aid in this instance and come to our support.
But overall, I think the rally was a great success. Videos circulating from the rally accumulated almost a million views online over the past few days.
So that’s been very good to see a lot of public support. Even on the day, there was a lot of people that yelled out support at us, beebed their horns and put the thumbs up out the window of the car as we were walking down the street. There were some people that were filming us and they had kind of friendly expressions and so on.
Yeah, there were some Lefties that also had something to say as well, as you would expect in the middle of Melbourne. It’s a very Left-wing city.
But I would say the public reaction was pretty balanced.
A lot of people were just kind of interested, like:
“What is this?”
And what’s interesting as well that I find is that in these kinds of things, the non-Whites never have anything to say. Non-Whites just kind of like scurry past, whereas the, you either get White Leftists who yell out something negative or normal White people who give, like, a positive reaction.
So that’s kind of interesting.
But yeah, the idea with the rally was to do something that was kind of get in, march around, get out. We almost succeeded in doing that other than the Jacob Hersant arrest.
But maybe the Jacob Hersant arrest was in the grand scheme of things for the greater good, because maybe it’ll give us a chance to fight an unjust law here. And also it was all over the news.
So maybe that’s for the best to kind of get the message out that we’re out there and operative. So overall, I think we consider the rally to be a great success, and on to the next one.
But what do you think about all this, Blair?
Blair Cottrell: Well, I just wrote down a few points that I’ll make and a couple of questions for you as well.
But my take was that I was really impressed by the ferocity of Jacob’s speech. I’ve known Jacob since he was a kid. He was always smart, witty, loved to laugh, loved to joke. But I didn’t know he had that passion, that fire in his belly that I heard in his voice in the speech that he gave. And I was inspired! I was roused by it! It was a really good speech, and I’m really glad that he’s putting himself out there, like that. It was ballsy!
That’s what I said on my Telegram channel when I shared it’s ballsy stuff! Considering the current political climate and considering the fact that enemies to your country seem to have all the resources, to just throw yourself out there and speak your mind, stand up for what you believe and point out the truth! Because everything that Jacob said in that speech was the truth! It’s how things are.
But at this point, from what you’ve said, the information you’ve given about the day, it seems like Victoria police have just moved you on and haven’t formally charged you with anything criminal at this point. And Victoria police in Australia, they have the power to move protesters on if they believe it will prevent an incident. So they can just say:
“Oh, we believe there was going to be a violent incident, so we had to move them on to keep the peace.”
The thing is, though, they can’t really move you on if there’s enough of you that you can stand your ground and you don’t move on.
So if you can make these kind of flash protests more regular, to the extent where you’ve grown to two or 300 participants, at that point, the police couldn’t really move you on without excessive force and without making a real scene.
So I think maybe that could be the goal. You want to grow this kind of thing to the point where the police are forced to facilitate your rallies and you become a legitimate, regular protest, that happens in Melbourne. Because there’s heaps of regular protests that happen in Melbourne. And for that reason, in Melbourne, I, …
Joel Davis: I believe 21 protests a weekend!
Blair Cottrell: And many of them are much more aggressive than the protest you guys had.
So I think for that reason, there’s a lot for the police to think about if they’re going to charge you with some grossly offensive conduct, because if they’re going to charge you, they’re probably going to have to think about charging other protesters with something similar, and they’re going to be going up against all of Melbourne protest culture eventually. And there probably exists at least a few legal precedents where protesters have won against government intervention or overreaching, because there’s a lot of rights in Melbourne for public protest and political protest. It’s why everybody comes to Melbourne to host their protests.
There’s people in Melbourne from all over the world protesting about some country that I’ve never heard about. I walk through Melbourne and there’s these little, like, islander, Asian looking people holding some banner or flag that I’ve never even seen before, and they’re complaining about some dictator in their country in Melbourne. And I’m thinking, I don’t even know what’s going on here, know who these people are. That’s what Melbourne’s known for, right?
So, like I said, what I was getting at is it’s going to be a bit of a minefield for the department, Department of Public Prosecutions to successfully convict you guys of a criminal charge just for peacefully protesting. Because that was your intention, right? Your intention was to host a peaceful protest. Am I wrong?
Joel Davis: Yeah. If they were going to charge anyone, it would exclusively be Jacob, because the rest of us literally walked around without saying anything.
Blair Cottrell: They could claim that something Jacob said or did was specifically offensive. So they could then argue that you’re not being charged for protesting, Jacob himself is individually being charged for something that he did, but nothing that he did or said seemed overly inflammatory or illegal.
So I don’t know how they gotta go about doing that. Like I said, it’s gonna be a lot of work for the prosecution to actually put this into practice. But they may try. I don’t think they will. It’s going to be too hard for them, I think. But they may try because they may want to get a precedent, a foot in the door, something they can use against these other protesters, namely the pro-Palestinian protesters who the jewish lobby and jewish groups in Australia who are very upset with these protesters, and they probably want some sort of legal precedent to work with towards shutting these protesters down as well.
So for that reason, the prosecution might actually, police prosecution might try to put a case together. However, I think it’s going to be pretty easy to defend against it.
As I said, though, this kind of activism, if it’s made more regular, it will normalise it. And then you can potentially grow your attendance to the point where you’re protected by your own numbers. And that’s the immediate thing that comes to mind for me, I don’t really have much more to add other than that. I was really kind of shocked and impressed by it. Like I said, it was really ballsy. Jacob has the fire in his belly, and, yeah, it was cool to see someone just speaking their mind on the street. You got to admire that. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t like this kind of activism or politics. You got to admit, it takes balls to do that in this day and age, in our current political climate.
So it was cool to see.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think people will criticise. They say:
“Oh, well, normal people might be a little freaked out by the masks, and why do you say mass deportations? Why don’t you go for a more toned down message and so on?”
And it’s well, there’s ample opportunity for anyone who wants to do that, to do that kind of thing. The objective, the main objective of mobilising in the way that we did is to try and appeal to a specific niche, to appeal to people with a more aggressive, militant mindset, people who want the whole enchilada. People who want the style that we’re putting forward, because we want to recruit those kinds of people into our organisation to get bigger. But also we want to create a kind of forceful expression of willpower.
Because the largest problem that we face as White people is not that we don’t have the correct marketing strategy for how to dress up our politics or that we don’t have the right arguments or, … The problem is that most White people are fucking pussies! That’s the problem. That’s the fundamental problem!
And until White people stop being pussies and start getting angry and start getting focused and organised and start putting our willpower into practice in the world and start manifesting our will in an outward way, in an ostensible way, and taking the challenge to the system. Nothing is going to change. Because the all these other races and all of our enemies, they, at the moment, laugh at us! They can’t believe how easy they have it, that we are just allowing them to run over us like this.
And basically, all the immigrants pouring in, the anti-White agenda infecting all the major institutions, the way in which they sap White men of their dignity, the way that they strip White women of any kind of safety or civilised security that they can expect when they’re out in the public. They can’t believe that we’re letting them get away with it. They can’t believe that we’re sending our kids to school where they can be picked on by gangs of Arabs or blacks, and the teachers are going to propagandize them with all this nonsense about how evil their ancestors were. They come to our country, they have no gratitude. They then tell us that:
“Well, it isn’t your country anyway. You stole it from the Aboriginals! And White people, you’re all convicts and so on.”
You’ve heard all the talking points. There’s no respect! And you only get respect in this world when you demand it. No one’s going to give it to you. And the same thing is true when it comes to political power. The same thing is true when it comes to political support. No one is going to support a political movement and be willing to make sacrifices and put their life on the line. I don’t mean necessarily die, but just make sacrifices, put in money, put in time, potentially take damage, maybe get fired from a job, maybe lose certain opportunities lose certain friends.
People aren’t going to be willing to make those kinds of sacrifices if there isn’t a leadership, if there isn’t a kind of Spearhead of people who have balls! Who have determination, who make them believe these guys are going to be going at it till the end. These people are completely committed. Their hearts are pure. They care for the cause. You know, you have to instil that confidence in people to make them follow you.
And that is true on a smaller scale in terms of just building our current movement, but also on a larger scale upon trying to convince the public that there is a far-Right that can actually do something, that actually can mobilise enough numbers that it can actually protect them in some way from what is happening.
Until we become a horse that’s strong enough to take the fight to the enemy, who’s going to back us? You know, you’re backing a losing horse at the moment. So the only reason people are going to back us is because we light a fire of passion in them and they really resonate. And that’s basically what we were trying to do on the weekend. We’re trying to say:
“Look, there’s 40 of us out here.”
I mean, that’s just the Melbourne guys. There’s people all around the country. And not all the Melbourne guys showed up. But we got 40 guys in the street this weekend. Wouldn’t it be better if it was 400? Wouldn’t it be better if it was 4,000? Well join us! And then eventually it will be.
And then when it’s 4,000, people see 4,000 people in the street, then they start believing in something quite different. They start actually taking the message very seriously. And it seems as though it’s a message that has force, manpower behind it, and it will make people believe.
And so when the time comes where there’s something that needs to be responded to, like what we’ve seen. I want to talk about what’s happened in England with the horrible stabbing murder of those three young girls by that African. And he stabbed a bunch of other children, like, between the ages of six and ten. I think the rest of them, hopefully, are going to make it. I don’t actually know the full update on all of their conditions, but he killed three little girls, injured I don’t know how many more, eight or nine more or something. And the English are in the streets. They’re actually responding. They’re showing that there’s a reaction. They’re showing that they’ve had enough, and it’s making other people wake up and go:
“You know what? You’re right! This is enough. This has gone too far!”
And people are organising and people are radicalising and so on.
They’re radicalising not because of what happened in particular, because what happened in particular is that kind of thing has happened before many times in England, and it’s happened all over Europe. But there wasn’t the same reaction. And so it didn’t really move people enough.
But now that there’s a reaction, it actually inspires people to develop and cultivate a fighting spirit in themselves. And if enough White people start cultivating that fighting spirit, then all of a sudden we have a political movement that can actually do something.
So that’s the objective of that kind of activism, and our kind of approach, is we’re not going for mass appeal. We’re not trying to tone ourselves down and be maximally agreeable, because agreeable, toned down white people are getting nowhere! They’re getting run over! They’ve been getting run over for decades. What we need is White people that have had enough of the bullshit, and they’re not interested in putting on the suit and the tie and toning down our attitude to meet the sensibilities of middle class conservative types that don’t actually want to put anything on the line, that don’t want to risk anything. They just want to be able to vote for a party that solves the problem for them. That’s not how it’s going to work. How it’s going to work is thousands and thousands of men willing to go into the streets.
So that’s who we’re trying to appeal to. We’re trying to find that next 1,000 men that’ll come stand in the street with us.
And the only way that you can do that is by going and standing in the street and saying:
“Hey, come join us! Look, we’re ready!”
Blair Cottrell: I think increasing the frequency of the protests, as I said before, and also leaning heavily on that “right to peaceful protests” and obeying the law as much as you can, I think that’ll help you guys out a lot.
But you mentioned something earlier which I thought was interesting, even though you were standing there and Jacob was screaming “Australia for the Whiteman”, calling for mass deportations and so forth. Speaking of non-White races, you mentioned that non-White people passing by didn’t say anything. They didn’t really pay attention. They kind of just scurried away. And it got me, it got me thinking just now, is mass immigration and multiculturalism an exclusively White programme and policy?
And I think it is.
And while White governments kind of implement these policies and debate whether they’re good enough or whether they’re being moral or anti-racist enough, people who aren’t White, they just actually take advantage of those policies and then privately laugh about it.
So I think that’s why they don’t actually react when things like this happen, because they probably don’t feel that it’s their right to do so or that it’s in their interest to do so, or it’s just in their interest to take advantage of the policy and to kind of fly under the radar. I don’t know. What do you think?
Joel Davis: I mean, there’s plenty of approaches that people can take. Like, as I have said before, anyone that wants to do anything that is vaguely supportive of White interests and White nationalism, like, as long as you’re not like raping kids or doing something additionally that’s completely egregious that I can’t cosign, i’ll support you! Because anyone doing anything is better than nothing!
And I believe in honouring people that put in work, trying to advance our cause and the race. So there’s lots of different approaches that can make sense for different strategic reasons, but the idea is someone has to go full balls out and go:
“You know what? We’re going to take the fight to the enemy!”
Obviously as legal, like within the legal framework. No overstepping the legal Mark outside of these grossly offensive behaviour, bullshit laws that they’re trying to use. But not overstepping any actual laws.
And then the idea with that is we’ll march right up to the limit of what’s possible and what’s acceptable. And that’s going to appeal very much to a fraction of the population that are people that are potential radicals, people that are likely to actually devote their life to, like, White nationalist activism. And then we’re going to try and recruit that 1% or recruit that 3% into the movement.
And then you can have a movement of people who are really, really radical that then can then really, like, push the boundary of what’s acceptable and inspire the rest of the population, stretch the Overton Window and so on. That’s the idea.
And then there’s a whole bunch of other groups that can kind of fill in behind that and occupy different strategic positions behind that. The idea that us doing what we’re doing is going to make people less racist or something. Like:
“Oh, there’s guys in Balaclava’s marching around, therefore, I don’t like racism anymore or something.”
It doesn’t really make any sense. I don’t think that’s how anyone thinks. The public response whenever I’ve done these things has actually been more positive than negative, which I actually found surprising. I was expecting it to be more negative than positive.
So I think a lot of average working class White Aussies, they kind of appreciate the ballsy style of the way that we go about things.
Blair Cottrell: That’s not what the mainstream media said, though. The mainstream media report was, well, they made it their business to broadcast in their report that passerbys and the public did not support you.
But because they went out of their way to put that in their broadcast to make that part of their quick little story about you guys the opposite might be true. You can see that there’s a strong effort by the what would you call the institutional class, the media class, to reinforce into the minds of their viewers that:
“People do not support this!”
They kind of try to tell people what’s popular and what’s not popular, what they should support and what they shouldn’t support. And they were very quick to hone in on a couple of people who allegedly said something negative to you guys when you were protesting.
But my question for you earlier was, why do you think, or you remarked that non-White people didn’t react to your protests? Why do you think that is?
Joel Davis: I think non-Whites don’t react, number one, because they’re intimidated. And I think a lot of them like a lot of the non-Whites in Melbourne are like Asians, Indians. I mean, these people are not known for being particularly confrontational.
So I think it’s partly because of that.
But yeah, I think it’s also because I don’t think they feel the same kind of moral indignation because I think a lot of them realise that they’re outsiders and they’re just kind of making hay while the sun shines and almost can’t believe how accepting and permissive White people are because no other reason.
Blair Cottrell: It’s like they themselves understand better how foreign to Australia they are, than kind of like White liberals or White people in Australia who are educated from a young age to see outsiders and foreigners as Australians as well. Everyone’s Australian. But the people who actually come from other countries into this country, even people who are born of families of immigrants, they still feel and understand that they’re not from here. They’re not native to the Australian nation as it was established by the British colonials. And I do see this phenomenon all the time. They themselves, foreigners, understand how foreign they are.
Yet White people who grow up in Australia are taught not to see them as different. And they actually fully believe that these people are equal to them. We are raised from a young age to believe that. And a lot of people do still thoroughly believe that’s the conditioning of human equality program.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think basically the White liberals that express their indignation as well, the thing is they have to morally differentiate themselves from their own Whiteness. They have to kind of come to terms with their own Whiteness as individual White people within our culture.
And so if they come to terms with their own Whiteness in the way that Leftists do, by pathologizing White Identity and kind of seeing Nazis as the most evil thing ever and so on, and develop this kind of out-group sensitivity, really a traitor mindset, frankly, then that’s going to become very important and integral to their identity.
Whereas if you’re just like some Asian immigrant, how you feel about Nazis actually isn’t really that important, because you don’t have to kind of contend with:
“Could I be a Nazi? Am I a racist?”
And have to go through some kind of cuckery within your own, like some kind of subconscious cuckery of your own, like racially charged thoughts or something:
“Oh, I had a racist thought. I’m so terrible. I must never allow myself to think that again or something!”
So it’s kind of like this thing with White people.
Blair Cottrell: I had an argument once in a taxi when I was younger. A couple of friends and I were getting a taxi home from a pub, and the Taxi Driver was Indian, and I was ranting to my friends because I had a couple of drinks. I don’t often drink, and I can handle my drinks. I don’t not drink because I can’t handle it. I just prefer not to drink. That’s why I don’t do it.
But when I do drink, I can get a little bit of that confidence kicks in. And I was trying to explain to my friends that people who weren’t White or descendant from the colonials, they weren’t actually Australians, and they themselves understood that they weren’t Australians, right? But my friends were arguing with me and saying:
“Nah, man. Like, as long as they obey our laws and live by our standards, and they’re Australians, too.”
But I used the taxi driver, the Indian character, driving the taxi, as an example, and I questioned him. I said:
“This guy himself.”
Let’s just say his name was Sadid or something. I said:
“Sadid, you’re not Australian, right? You’re from India, you’re not like me. We are different. You’re foreign to this country. Correct?”
And he says:
I said:
“Right, so you’re Indian. You’re a different race to me. We’re not the same. Correct?”
He says:
I said:
“So you would put your people first because that’s who you identify with. And I could be expected to do the same thing. Fair?”
And the Taxi Driver was like:
And I said to my friends:
“Well, there it is. Plain as day! Plain as the nose on your face, boys!”
And they still argued with me. They still said:
“Nah, nah, he’s just as Aussie as we are, man. He’s an Aussie as well.”
I said:
“He just said that he wasn’t!”
I said:
“He just openly told you that he’s foreign. He doesn’t consider himself Australian, and you’re still trying to argue that he’s Australian. He himself doesn’t even say that!”
I couldn’t believe that it’s like a core memory for me because it eally demonstrated the ignorance and the level of brainwashing of my own people in my own country. And it’s sometimes hard not to resent my own people, but I decide to regard them as victims of bad influence rather than being stupid or deliberately bad. And that gets me in the mood to spread some good influence and help people.
But, yeah, that’s, I thought that would be an interesting story to add to the equation.
Joel Davis: Well, on the leftist question, to me there’s two kinds of Leftists. There’s I think there’s what I would call “spiteful Leftists” or “bio Leftists”, where someone who is seriously biologically defective, whether it be mainly in their mental illness constitution, but generally it corresponds to physical weakness, physical ailments, sickness of the body of various kinds, being ugly, being small. If you feel like you, like, lesser than the average person, you feel like you basically got the short end of the genetic stick, then you’re going to be kind of quite resentful. You’re going to have this deep resentment towards White people who are actually healthy and noble. Resentful towards the standard racial hierarchy. And you’re going to be kind of turned off by any kind of ideology which celebrates hierarchy or celebrates certain virtues that are basically distributed to people better than you.
And so, you know how can you get revenge on all the chads and the Stacy’s? Obviously through this kind of egalitarian moral inversion.
And then you can then ally with out-groups against your own people as a way to then basically invert the status hierarchy. And you can dress it all up as you being a moral and superior person.
So I think for those people, I think those people, there’s no saving them. And they’re just basically like our biological enemies. They might as well be reclassified as of a different race because they’re such a defective part of our race that they’ve basically become differentiated into this totally distinct biological entity from us.
But then, and that’s, I think, a minority.
But then the majority of people with Leftist views are what I would call like “status seeking Leftists”.
And I think a lot of people are kind of conformist by nature. And just because the prevailing moral sensibilities of our time are Leftist, they basically think:
“Well, this is the values of all these institutions and determines the culture and the social status around me.”
And so they internalise those values and they don’t actually really think about it too deeply.
I think a lot of people, they just kind of internalise the values around them:
“Well, everyone else around me seems to believe this stuff, so it’s obviously true.”
And then anyone who challenges that, they then perceive as there’s something weird about this person. Why is this person thinking differently and violating all the moral norms that seem to be holding together the social space that I’m participating in and I have all these incentives to agree with so I just tell myself I agree with it internally because it’s just so much psychologically easier for me to just believe all of this stuff than to have to actually think about it because I don’t want to be cut off from society. This is all like subconscious thoughts that I’m describing.
So I think there’s a lot of people like that. Where if we had a society that was more Right-wing in its culture, they would all become more Right-wing as well, they would just conform to whatever the values of society were.
Whereas like what I called bio-Leftists or spiteful Leftists, I think they would still basically have Leftist proclivities even in a more Right-wing society.
So, yeah, I think the status seeking Leftists, I think we should have more compassion towards them. It’s not necessarily a bad thing that some people are conformist. If you have a society that has good leadership, it’s actually a good thing. It holds together society, makes it more stable. They are kind of the glue that holds together the social fabric and they just need better leadership. It’s not their fault that they have terrible leadership. They just don’t have much agency.
So whatever the leadership is, that’s what you’re going to get out of them. And it is what it is.
Blair Cottrell: Sounds like a supervillain, doesn’t it? Bio-Super-Saiyan Leftists. That’s what we’ve got to deal with these days, guys, bio-Leftists!
But did you want to segue into the story that you already mentioned, the story in England of little girls who I think were at a Taylor Swift themed dance party or something. They were set upon by a knife wielding African immigrant.
But I think he was a first generation or maybe second generation immigrants. I think he may have been born in England, but I’m not sure of all the details. What do you know, about that?
Joel Davis: So I believe the killer was a 17 year old of Rwandan descent and the media was like:
“Oh, he was born in Cardiff!”
Which is in Wales, and his family moved to, I think, Southport, I think is what it’s called, which is right near Liverpool in the northwest of England. Near the top of Wales on the Western coastline. Oh, when he was a six year old boy with his, with his family.
But you know, don’t neglect to mention that. And then like later it’s like:
“Oh, and his family were from Rwanda.”
Or something:
“But he’s British, you know! We’ve got these probably these Welsh baby killers out there we’ve got to watch out for!”
There was an image that I saw on Twitter of the guy, and he just looks like this, like, demonic. Like, he’s just black as fuck! And he had this, like, demonic expression on his face. They said he was 17. He looks like 35, horrifying, kind of dead look in his eyes!
So, yeah, anyway, so it was a Rwandan. I don’t think he would necessarily have probably have been a Muslim, because there was some speculation like, is this an Islamic, you know, terrorist attack? I mean, it’s possible. Most Rwandans, I don’t think, are Muslim. I think most of them are Christians or whatever weird variant of maybe they nominally Christian, but they have some, like, weird voodoo religion or something. But, it’s possible that he could have converted to Islam or that he’s from a minority of Islamic people that are Rwandans. I don’t know. But I think that’s beside the point.
I mean, the point is that he’s black! The point is that Rwandans shouldn’t fucking be in Britain! Or any Africans, for that matter! And that Africans are savage, and they’re way more predisposed to psychotic behaviour. And the media response was, rather than sympathizing with the victims, that we have these little girls stabbed to death for literally no reason.
Instead, the media focus is covering up the race of the murderer and then demonizing and attacking the protesters, who I think the reason why the riots initially broke out was they got together for a vigil. People of that community, they got together for a vigil for these girls that died.
And then a Islamic individual who wasn’t African, he looked like he was somewhere from the subcontinent in the images I saw, was arrested wearing a balaclava, holding a machete, by police. And when the people got wind of this, they reacted quite forcefully, saying:
“You know, so there was basically a Muslim coming to come and hack us for holding a vigil for dead children?”
And they lost it. Justifiably. And a bit of a riot ended up breaking out of sorts in the area, and protests and so on seem to be kind of erupting around the area now and maybe even in other parts of Britain from some of the things I’ve seen online.
So, which is good. It’s good to see a reaction, because when this thing happens, horrible things have happened where young people have been killed senselessly by hese racial aliens, these savages from Africa or the Middle East and there’s no reaction. They’ll have some big vigil in the middle of the city where they all sing Kumbaya and talk about how:
“We can’t blame this on race or something. We all have to come together!”
And that kind of bullshit! And that’s all that happens. It’s good to see a proper reaction. It’s good to see that the English people have a little bit of dignity left in them and righteous anger. Because righteous anger, bridging on what I said before, that’s the force that’s going to fucking save us! We’re not going to be saved by optics at the end of the day, we’re going to be saved by willpower!
So I think it’s actually quite good to see such a strong reaction, and long may it continue. I don’t think it’s over. I think there’s still a lot going on.
Blair Cottrell: That being said, I think the optics of your last demonstration were pretty good. Everyone being in black, everyone being pretty fit, everyone being in, I suppose, what you could say, an organised structure. Everyone knew where to stand, knew when to speak, knew what to do.
And I think it kind of looks cool that there’s only one guy with the mask off. At least it creates that perspective of uniformity.
So the aesthetics, which is what I regard optics as, the aesthetics were good. And it never hurts to have good aesthetics. You’ll notice people who protest on the left, whether they’re communists or Marxists, they always lack aesthetics because they’re not very healthy people. They look like shit!
And if you look like shit, it’s really hard to sell something to people because you’re like a physical example of what a philosophy is producing in a person, right?
So if your philosophy is good, you’re gonna look good. If you believe it well enough, and if you actually adhere to it. If your philosophy is bad, false, you’re gonna look like shit eventually, the longer you adhere to it. So a philosophy produces a physical expression relative to the quality of the philosophy itself.
And so I think for that reason, aesthetics will always be on our side, which is good.
Joel Davis: Aesthetics, I guess, like the word optics, it depends what you mean. Obviously you want to look good, you want to look cool.
But I guess what I meant to say is often optics is used as “don’t scare the hoes”. You know, don’t come across as too aggressive or too forceful. Tone it down. Make your message something that the majority of people would agree with. But the problem is that the majority of people are fucking pussies! And the majority of people have the wrong sensibilities.
So I don’t want to put a message forward that the majority of people would agree with, because that message isn’t good enough. I want to put forward a message that majority will don’t agree with, not yet. And they need to be challenged with. And, yeah, we’ve got to make it look cool.
So in that sense, you need good optics. You always got to look cool.
But it’s about showing strength. It’s about showing conviction.
And that’s what I love to see about what’s coming out of England at the moment is a lot of people disavowed the violence, so to speak. I’m not gonna do that. I could probably don’t want to say too much, but it’s good to see that these people just don’t give a fuck that they’re angry and that they’re expressing a true emotion. And we saw just in a week or two ago in, there was a massive riot in northern England. And I can’t remember which city it was. I think it was in Leeds. And some gypsy kid was, … Child Services came in to take a gypsy kid custody away from its parents. I don’t really know what the story was about, why they were trying to take custody off the gypsy parents. You know, maybe the gypsy parents were abusing the kid, I don’t know.
But then the gypsy community started rioting. And then a bunch of local Muslims just started joining in on the rioting as well, because why not? They just, like rioting. And the city descended into total anarchy. And the police basically had no control of the situation, and it lasted for days. And they had to just wait for them to stop rioting, and they got the kid back.
And so the message that that sent was like:
“Well, in England, like if you try to, like, peacefully and politically organise, you know, particularly as White people, you won’t get shit! But if you go and kick up a stink, then you can get something.”
So they basically said riot, and the police have shown weakness and a lack of capacity to restore order. Multiple instances in England. And the police have a reputation there for basically solving no crimes, being totally just weak and inept at protecting communities from violence, from all the rape and the gang violence and other forms of racially motivated hate crimes and so on.
But they’ll go knock on your door, if you make a racist tweet or something, Britain’s fucked! Particularly England, in the way that it’s policed. So no one should have any respect for the police in Britain because they don’t actually do their job. They don’t actually protect the people. They uphold an anti-White anarcho-tyranny.
And so White people ultimately are going to have to start organising to take care of their own fucking communities because the state is no longer actually functioning in a way that protects them. That’s what happens when you don’t protect people, when you invite in all these violent people where you give them soft sentences.
There’s been child rapists in Britain that have been sentenced to paltry sentences and, like, let out early and stuff because of their:
“Oh, they’re struggling with cultural assimilation or and where they come from, they don’t have laws against rape. How are they supposed to know they weren’t supposed to rape ten year olds or something!”
I mean, it’s insane the kinds of things that happens.
Meanwhile, they put Sam Melia in jail for two years for distributing stickers. They put other nationalist activists in jail for even longer sentences than that for handing out literature or giving speeches that were too edgy or something. Britain is unbelievably fucked! It’s way worse than Australia with this kind of thing. It’s quite bad here, as we were talking about earlier.
So this idea that the English people are supposed to just get your local representative elected and just peacefully organise, even though they tried to do that, they tried to build the nationalist party, the BNP. The intelligence services of Britain actively sabotaged and destroyed it. They had the National Action guys, various other nationalist groups that were prescribed, listed as terrorists, mass jailed. So many nationalist activists have had to flee the country or if they have, to avoid being locked up. The nationalist movement in Britain has been utterly attacked for decades by the State.
Anyone who tries to organise to defend, basically the idea that English girls shouldn’t be mass raped by Pakistanis or that they should have some modicum of justice for White victims of senseless and egregious acts of violence, in some cases murder, get called racist and marginalised from society and fired from their jobs. And so on. The list goes on.
So what the fuck are they supposed to do? All their other options have been exhausted.
So there’s absolutely no moral reason whatsoever that you can conjure up that’s good to justify not supporting almost anything that they do at this point, because their anger is totally justified. Their country is being fucking stolen from them, and they’re basically being forced to be subjected to third world conditions.
And basically the entire government is designed around preventing them from organising to protect themselves while completely unleashing an anarchy, a brutal anarchy of these foreign invaders engaging in all kinds of egregious behaviour against them! Like, it’s fucking insane! So godspeed to them.
I hope that the protests get bigger and get more aggressive and more and more people get in the streets, and I hope it swells up into a fucking mess that the government doesn’t know how to deal with over there. I really do, because that’s what’s necessary probably, to, like, force the issue and to force a polarisation.
And I’ve seen a lot of more conservative types on social media from Britain saying:
“You know what? I don’t give a fuck anymore! I’m a racist! There, I said it!”
And this kind of rhetoric, you know, it does seem like it’s a very polarizing time in Britain at the moment with recent events and good! About fucking time!
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I even saw Marcus Fallon, the Golden One, good friend of mine, posting about it saying that Sam Melia had a very reasonable, normal position and he was jailed for it. And until re-migration happens, White children will keep being murdered senselessly and unnecessarily. Probably true. I think the action that the government needs to be forced into taking is re-migration is sending these people back. And what’s it going to take for the government to actually get to that point? I don’t think they will do it. I think the government needs to be replaced in a fundamental way. Even the form of government needs to change, I think people know what I think. I don’t like the idea of democracy. The idea is fine, actually, but in practice, it ends up just being a seditious means. God, you can tell I’m tired. A seditious means for foreign control and, dare I say, a jewish influence to creep into your country and take over it from the inside.
And I suppose that’s why Netanyahu, at his recent speech to American Congress, hailed America as the “great citadel of democracy”. What that actually means is America is the “great citadel of jewish sympathizers” as a result of the jewish tentacles in all of the American institutions!
And I actually remarked about that specific speech on my Telegram because I was sickened by it! I couldn’t believe how Netanyahu was actually introduced by the Speaker of the House. Speaker of the House said:
“Ladies and gentlemen, I have the great honour of presenting to you his excellency Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel.”
And I’m thinking, his “fucking excellency”, he’s just a prime minister. He’s not Palpatine. And then before Netanyahu even said anything, there was this, like, sickening, drawn out applause that just would not stop! And it was reminiscent, eerily reminiscent of a Stalin speech, footage that I’ve seen of a Stalin speech, where Stalin is just enduring this painfully long applause, and he almost becomes frustrated with it. And he has to put his hand up to tell people to stop clapping.
And I think at the time, everyone in the crowd was probably too scared to be the first one to stop clapping because later in the day they could be shot. And that seemed to be the same kind of vibe that was in American Congress that day. Everyone was trying to be the one who cheered Netanyahu on the most. And every time he paused or finished his sentence, the American Congressman and Congresswomen, of which there’s far too many, they all took the opportunity to do another standing ovation and applaud the guy even more, even though he wasn’t really saying anything significant. It was all just very simplistic, us versus them propaganda like wartime dynamic of:
“We are the civilised ones and the enemy are barbarians! We are for life, the enemy is for death! We are the good guys, the enemy is the bad guy. Down with him. Let’s destroy him!”
And everyone was just clapping and, like, hysterically cheering this guy. And I’m thinking:
“This is weird! It’s like watching some alternative universe of absolute jewish worship. It’s the weirdest shit I’ve seen in a while.”
And that’s what I wrote almost word for word on Telegram after watching it. So what’s going on over there in America, guys? It looks like your entire Congress is just kissing Israeli boots. How did that happen? [chuckling] I knew that jewish influence was significant in the West and specifically in America, but I didn’t know it was that bad! That was really eye opening to see Netanyahu treated like a God Emperor by all of American Congress. Did you see that, Joel?
What are your thoughts about that?
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, it wasn’t all of American Congress, because I think about 100 Democrats refused to attend. And one Republican, Thomas Massey, who’s the only elected Republican in the Congress who doesn’t have an AIPAC guy, he said that himself. AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] is a like the number one institution that in American politics that advocates for Israeli interests and is a massive donor to political campaigns. And Thomas Massey was interviewed by Tucker Carlson recently and said:
“You know, every other Republican has an AIPAC guy. They all have an individual AIPAC guy who tells them, ‘well, this is kind of what Israel wants, is what the jews want, and this is what we wouldn’t be so happy with. And we’d love to help you out in your next campaign. So you keep your AIPAC guy happy, then we fund you. If you piss off your AIPAC guy, maybe we fund your opponent’.”
And that’s kind of how it works. And obviously, the jews have massive influence over the media. You go against the jews, you’re pissing off people that aren’t just people that you’re relying upon for campaign financing, but media coverage. They have institutional influence within the Republican Party.
So that is how they divide up many of the other forms of campaign financing and support and so on.
So in order to be a professional politician in the United States, you kind of have to suck jew dick! It’s almost impossible to function in American politics without doing. So very few people have managed to do it, but it’s quite rare. Thomas Massey is admirable because he is one of them, and he openly criticises Israeli influence, and it’s notable because he’s on the Right.
But obviously, there’s a lot more Leftist or Democrat politicians that are quite sympathetic to Palestine who are more like, socialist in their leanings and therefore are anti-zionist because they see zionism as a form of White supremacy or something.
Blair Cottrell: There was an effective method for engaging in politics without being subservient to either jewish or some other special interest group for funding. And that was to speak directly to the people and just use social media, which is what I was doing in 2015 and, 20016 before I was censored. But I suppose now aggressive censorship has made that a lot more difficult.
So it’s like maybe these, … But people in the political class rarely go for that angle anyway.
I mean, they believe in speaking in the upper echelons of the ivory towers and never getting their hands dirty by speaking directly to the public on the streets of America, Canada, Australia, whatever Western country we’re talking about.
And so that separation between working class and political class, I think, would need to be broken in order to effectively represent the people of a nation and become popular within the nation without having to be subservient to campaign funds and stuff like that, because they’re going to fund you, they’re going to keep throwing support and money your way as long as they know you’re there and they like what you’re saying. But I suppose having control over social media and also threatening people with legal action and anti-fascist action, anyone who dares speak in public, directly to the people, that’s what keeps these campaign funders and lobbyists in control of politics.
Joel Davis: Yeah. So the only way that the Australian Labor Party was able to operate back when it defended the White Australia Policy, or the only way in which the NSDAP [National Socialist German Workers’ Party-NationalSozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterPartei] was able to operate in Germany, was because they both had massive rank and file working class members who paid dues.
And so they were able to basically fund themselves on the backs of the people as opposed to having to go to elite donors.
Whereas in American politics, nothing like that exists.
If you look at the biggest campaign financing lists, it’s dominated by jews, as you would expect. Just look at who Trump’s biggest donors are in this current election cycle. There are all these jewish Zionists throwing hundreds of millions of dollars, at him, and this is customary in American politics. There was a study done I had posted about on Telegram, …
Blair Cottrell: Joel, I was under the impression that Trump didn’t need money from anyone. Or does he?
Joel Davis: Well, that’s false. [chuckling] No, he’s raised hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, so he clearly needs it.
But anyway, there has been a study that has been done on opinion polls relative to whether a law passes or doesn’t pass the American Congress. And what was found that statistically, there’s absolutely zero relationship between how popular or unpopular a law is and its chances of passing.
But then if you look at the amount of campaign financing and lobbying, how many dollars are behind a particular law being passed, then you have almost like a perfect correlation between dollars into laws.
And so it shows that the American political system is an oligarchy that’s larping [Live Action Role Playing] as a democracy, because people get to vote, but your vote is conditioned by who has enough money to actually put together a campaign and who controls the media and so on. So it’s a vote within a very conditioned environment, conditioned by money.
The only way that which you could actually have the assertion of the popular Democratic will would be if the people got their money together independently of these elite groups. And you know, okay, no one of us can compete with these millionaires, but if a million of us chip in, then we can compete with the millionaires or whatever, right? That’s the principle. And that’s basically what I said, the NSDAP and the Australian Labor Party, when it was actually pro-White Australia, did. In the Australian Labor Party since it was through the unions, unions obviously basically funded by the workers.
So anyway, the point is that you can’t really compete unless you can compete financially. And that doesn’t exist in America.
And that’s another big reason why mass immigration is such a weapon against the political power of the people.
Because if you can basically create diversity within the people, you undermine their principles of kind of loyalty to one another and so on. And solidarity.
And so the ability to then organise the people into not just voters, getting someone to vote, it’s not that hard. I mean, it’s just tick a box. But to organise them into donors, into a membership that’s a completely different story.
But, yeah, like, yeah, America, the American political system, obviously it’s completely owned by jews. But I, the reason why I brought up that there was 100 Democrats that weren’t there was because they filled all the seats with just like random, I don’t know who, like actors. So they were probably all like clapping like seals the whole time, because they were just put there to clap for Netanyahu, like seals.
And so that increased the kind of sycophantic quality of it. It created this impression that all of Congress is all behind Netanyahu, but it’s because over 100 of them didn’t show up.
And in addition to that, I’m sure that there was a lot of eyes on all these Senators. And if anyone was seen to not be clapping hard enough, then maybe AIPAC, …
Blair Cottrell: I definitely, definitely got that impression. But it seemed really contrived. Like if they were trying to make it seem like there’s a great deal of support in the room for Netanyahu, they went a step too far and it just seemed contrived. It was weird to watch. Creepy, even! That was the impression that I got as a fairly normal person. I consider myself a normal person. I don’t know what the audience thinks, but I think dabble in the realms of normal. And it was weird! It was like a weird alternative reality I was watching there.
But I’m not really that familiar with American politics, so I can’t comment much further. I just I just know that seeing how much influenced Netanyahu and the jewish community, Israel, has over America in that particular speech, … I don’t know if that is actually reflective of the influence or not. What do you think? Is the influence Israel has over American politicians that bad? Or is it not that bad?
Joel Davis: Yeah, obviously they completely. I mean, it’s called ZOG for a reason! Zionist Occupied Government. I mean, obviously.
I mean, the Iraq war made no sense. It was not in America from the standpoint of American strategic interest. It was entirely conjured up for the benefit of Israel by, through Israeli infiltration of the American government.
Blair Cottrell: And it’s concerning too, because I’ve spent more than a decade studying the jewish people, their history and their nature. And they’ll use nukes, they’ll use gas, incendiary bombs. They don’t give a fuck! They think they’re the master race and everyone else is scum! They actually are raised to believe that’s what their religion teaches. And the speech that Netanyahu was giving was dehumanizing anyone who stands against Israel as barbarian terrorists who need to be destroyed. Essentially, that’s what he was saying. And these aren’t just empty words, the things that jews are capable of I won’t even get into. Its just a concerning trend! [chuckling] I’ll leave it at that.
I’m reading a book right now, though, a book I want to recommend to people.
I’m just going to segue into this subject quickly. It’s a book by a former soldier, social scientist, and I believe he’s providing or playing some sort of advisory role in America to American military and even social life for politics. His name is David Kilcullen. He wrote a book called The Dragons and the Snakes: How the Rest Learnt to Fight the West. And he coined this term, which I think is something we should spend a little bit more time trying to understand. We already understand it to some degree, but the way it’s described by Kilcullen is interesting. It’s “Liminal Warfare”. And according to David Kilcullen, the word “liminal” comes from the Latin term “threshold”. So you might call it a “threshold of warfare”. His term, “liminal warfare”, or a threat, a warfare that is below the threshold of what the West considers warfare. Because unfortunately, up until rather recently, and probably still for a lot of people in the West, we see that the concept of warfare, in too much of a black and white perspective, it’s understood that warfare means land, air and sea, military superiority or combat to some degree. Tanks, boats, guns, planes.
But obviously, warfare has many different expressions. Sometimes when you’re watching something on television and there’s messages in the programme that’s going to have an effect on the children in the room, that might make them a little bit confused as to what gender they are or confused about what was formerly understood as easy to understand, like their position in the family, whatever it may be, that can be a form of warfare. And we understand that as “psychological warfare”.
And I think liminal warfare is very similar to psychological warfare, but it’s got a couple of important differences which are explained by Kilcullen in his book, which I’m still reading now. So I’m still developing my understanding of it. I won’t embarrass myself by trying to explain something that I probably don’t fully understand yet.
But a couple of the examples he gives as to what separates liminal warfare from psychological warfare are non-Western states have been engaged in liminal warfare against the West for quite some time, and that’s how they’ve been gaining ground on a global scale. They know they can’t go up against the American military directly, especially after how the American military steamrolled over Saddam and humiliated his forces so quickly. And that was kind of a demonstration of American military power at the time.
Even China didn’t want to mess with America, still doesn’t want to mess with the American army. But there’s certain other aspects of warfare they’re constantly engaged in.
And he gives an example of Russia, but like the books written four or five years ago, so its kind of behind the times. Before Russia, quote, unquote, “invaded Ukraine”, they were kicking up a stinking Crimea at the time, I think the Russians.
And basically there’s a few stages of liminal warfare which I think are of interest to us and could even be better incorporated into some of our activism and politics. The first stage is you make aggressive action for a specific purpose, but at the same time, you have to kick up smoke and dust to confuse what you’re doing, to obfuscate the purpose of what you’re doing and make it look like something that it’s not.
So, for example, if you’re trying to host a protest for the purpose of purposes of agitation and recruitment, you need to make it look like that’s not what you’re doing, you’re actually just trying to protest peacefully and freely, as is your right as an Australian citizen. Stuff like that is kind of or would be a very small example of what resides within the realm of liminal warfare.
And you might say:
“Well, this is all very obvious.”
And some of it is obvious. Like I said, some of its very relative to psychological warfare. Like influence that’s designed to turn your youth against you, turn men against women, turn families against each other and atomize the community. And it is very similar to that. And someone in the comments is mentioning Yuri Bezmanov. I’m very familiar with Bezmanov. I’ve listened to his lecture a lot. When I was young, before I even got into politics, I used to play video games, and rather than listen to music, I would listen to Bezmanov’s lecture over and over again just to make sure the message really sunk in.
But like I said, liminal warfare, or that is warfare that’s below the threshold of what’s understood as warfare, is going to be important for us not only to understand, but to incorporate in the future, I think. Even just in the form of like, active protesting.
Another example he gave was getting in and out before anyone actually has the opportunity to flag you for any action. So you get in and out of an area before anyone even understands who was there or what they were really doing.
So that’s another way you can incorporate it. But I’ll go through it more once I’ve understood it better. I just wanted to throw it out there because the guy seems to be a really clear thinker, and it’s difficult to find people like that in the modern day with people like Drew Pavlou running around and all the other crazy cats trying to be influencers these days. There’s just so much convoluted information out there.
But this guy is for me, and this is saying something because I don’t read authors very often, and I don’t appreciate authors very often. David Kilcullin seems to be a pretty clear thinker, so I’d like to recommend his book for that reason.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I actually haven’t read that book. You were talking about it last night a little bit. It does sound quite interesting. But that concept of liminal warfare is already basically, I think, a principle that we’re already applying where the idea is let’s figure out basically the maximum amount of offensive that we can get away with without overstepping the line and getting thrown in prison, basically. And let’s try and apply pressure there, because one of the largest problems, and this builds into what I was saying before, is a kind of learnt helplessness.
A lot of people are so afraid, a lot of people are so afraid of associating with me or with you because they’re worried that the feds are going to start, look, be watching them or like:
“Oh, what could happen? I could lose my job!”
And a lot of people live in a perpetual state of fear. And they constantly like:
“Well, don’t do that. This bad thing could happen.”
And people are always warning me:
“Joel, this could happen. That could happen. Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t do this!”
And they have this kind of paralysis because we do live in a society which is quite hostile. So I can understand why people would develop that mentality.
But ultimately you can’t allow that mentality to fester because that mentality will keep you from ever actually doing anything! At a certain point, you have to be wise. You have to also not go too far, and get yourself taken out. So that’s the idea of that liminal warfare concept, right, is to just find that kind of sweet spot.
And that’s what I try to do in everything that I do. The maximum amount of boundary pushing I can get away with without just overstepping the mark. And it’s difficult because sometimes you can overstep.
But yeah, I think that’s what’s necessary. I don’t like the overly cautious approach that other people take. It doesn’t, it makes me feel, it offends my kind of sensibilities. My sensibilities are I want to basically extract the maximum amount of ground as I can from the enemy with the way I live my life. Every single piece of ground I can take, I want to take it! And be constantly on the lookout to take more.
I also want to say, I was talking to a few friends in English nationalism.
And basically what they’re saying is that they’re organising, they’re organising protests all over the country, I think. And they’re looking to kind of build upon the anger right now to push further.
And I’m going to make a prediction. I think a lot of these protests are going to become violent. And I’m not going to disavow or vow, …
Blair Cottrell: Which protests exactly you’re referring to?
Joel Davis: There’ll be protests in England. There’s going to be, they’re getting organised at a grassroots level in these local communities, and nationalists are pushing them.
Blair Cottrell: But man, the hell, like, …
Joel Davis: I would advise anyone going to these things to put a face coverings, just like anything to protect yourself, you know, some of the boys in our organisation have hats that have like a hard, kind of a hard brim so that like, if you get a blow to the head, it can protect the head from damage because there was incidents wherever Antifa were throwing, like cans of tomatoes and stuff at people. You cop one of those in the head, you know, that’s not too nice.
So I would say protective gear. I would be advising people to protect your gear, protect your identity. It could turn pretty, …
Blair Cottrell: You need to really, you need to be careful of those five foot one British cops with their batons, … [chuckling]
Joel Davis: They got dogs. They might use tear gas. I don’t know what they’re going to use. I don’t know exactly what is customary for British police to use in these kinds of situations.
Blair Cottrell: Did you see that footage? There was viral footage that went around of some, I think they were actually English police officers arresting a couple of what seemed to be Muslim characters at a train station, really dropping the knee into him. Did you see that footage? I don’t know what that was in relation to. I heard a girl, a female police officer was attacked, ….
And so the boys rolled in.
It actually got me thinking, maybe it’s not so bad to have one female cop in sort of like a little group or unit of cops, because then when she gets violently attacked by some of our, you know, alternative ethnic cousins, then it sort of throws the rest of the male police officers into an aggressive hysteria they otherwise wouldn’t be able to get into without seeing a member, a female member of their clan injured like that what I’m saying is the female police officer could be used as kind of like a sacrificial tool to anger all the male police officers and make them go even harder. That’s what seemed to happen at that train station situation. Did you see that footage, Joel?
Joel Davis: I didn’t see that footage. I saw another bit of footage where there was some dude arguing with the cop, and then a copy smacked him in the legs with his baton. And then some other guy came out from the crowd and started telling the cops off, saying:
“You know, what are you doing? That was such an unnecessary escalation.”
And then one of the cops set one of their attack dogs on him, and the dog just latched on and just bit him! And then someone came in to try and, like, get the dog off him, and the police attacked him for grabbing the police dog. So, I mean, it just seems like a total shit show!
Which is why I said, if you’re gonna go to any of these things, expect things to get hairy, expect things to get violent, and prepare yourself for that eventuality. It’s better to be prepared and not need to be prepared then to show up, you know, shorts and a T-shirt and you cop a brick to the head or something. So be safe out there!
But at the same time. There’s never been a better time, I think, to get in the streets then right now if you’re in England. So godspeed to all the patriots. And I saw some good images. I posted one on Twitter of this guy throwing a big Roman and all these guys up above the crowd. If, I don’t know if someone hoisted him up and all these guys throwing Romans around him in this crowd with like police surrounding them and so on, it does seem like the energy is the Vrul is rising in the Anglo Saxon! They are learning to hate!
So it’s a beautiful thing to see! It would be interesting to see how things unfold. If the energy dissipates or if momentum can somehow build.
And I think I just hope that nationalists project, you know, mass deportations or re-migration, if you prefer that term. I don’t like re-migration as much for this kind of thing because I think re-migration gives off the idea of like, “government programs to help immigrants resettle back in their homelands”, where “mass deportations” is just like, get them the fuck out! It’s more forceful. So I like that kind of rhetoric. But I understand if you’re trying to have a political party, re-migration is better to like present to voters as like a kind of sensible policy.
But I think for street activism, I think “mass deportations” goes harder, but it depends what you want to do. But that needs to be injected into this. That needs to be injected into the consciousness of the English people, that there is no solution to what is happening other than deportations.
Blair Cottrell: We can’t just hope for momentum to build. I mean, what does that mean? Err, let’s, maybe momentum will build. These people will just be angry. They’ll punch on with cops. Like, the state will just use increasingly aggressive measures, and then everyone will get sick of it and go home, because they remember that:
“Oh, shit! I’ve got a job, I’ve got a mortgage, I’ve got a car to pay off!”
And then it all just dies in the arse within a few days. So there needs to be like a concerted effort to organise a long term strategy out of incidents like this, rather than just like being like:
“Oh, well, let’s build momentum!”
Momentum doesn’t build on its own. It doesn’t build organically within the working class, within the peasantry, you might say. These people need consistent organisation! They need to be active members, and they need to be organised for long term political agitation.
And I suppose this is a good opportunity for some of the Right-wing groups in England to really get out there and make sure they’re absorbing as many people as possible who are hitting the streets and attending these protests. Absorb these people into your organisations and make use of them. Absorb them into active groups where they can then be put to long term use, rather than just letting this kind of fire burn down.
That’s what happens over and over again! In Australia, I’ve noticed there’s like an aggressive response from the people against some government program, whether it’s immigration policy or lockdowns, vaccine mandates.
But it’s not really capitalised on by any organisation. And that’s not really to throw dirt on anyone. I was probably in a position, for example, where I could have capitalised on the anti-lockdown protests and really contributed to them in a big way, or even helped absorb people from those protests into more long term political strategies. But I was being harassed by the police at the time. Several times before some of those lockdown protests, the police called me and said:
“If you’re at the protest, if you’re seen there, we’ve been instructed to arrest you on site. Just letting you know.”
So there was a strong effort made by the government to actually prevent any long term organisation or capitalisation of these events by anyone who had the willpower or had the capacity for understanding to actually do it. And I think that’s probably happening in England, too.
But there’s got to be ways around that, and there’s got to be risk, sort of necessary risk to take. I just don’t want to see this die down. I want to see as many people as possible going to work and absorbing as many people as possible into active organisations, nationalizing people, not necessarily keeping the fire alive, because the fire is naturally going to simmer down on its own, because people have lives to go back to. And that needs to be taken into consideration I think.
I mean, it’s easy to just throw fuel on a fire that’s burning in the moment, but you have to understand that fire is eventually going to burn low. And when it does, what you’re left with is the resource that you’ve actually gained at the end of the day.
Joel Davis: That’s a good point to make. I think there’s a lot to be said, though, for the English people showing a response, just showing an angry response rather than a cucked response, as what has basically unfolded over other recent tragedies. Because that means the next time this happens, as a precedent of:
“What we do in response to this, is we get angry! And we get angrier and angrier each time!”
As opposed to sit on our hands and talk about how:
“We’re all one people and no race is to blame for this, don’t look back in anger.”
That kind of shit!
So I think that’s why I do like to see the fuel on the fire in this instance, because there just needs to be a little bit of balls being grown and a reassertion of some masculine energy!
But yeah, I 100% agree with what you’re saying. And my understanding, I don’t want to name any names, but talking to people I know in England, I haven’t actually spoken to Mark Collett about this, so this doesn’t apply to him, by the way. I’m not saying it’s, but I’m sure I would almost guarantee that there’s got to be some kind of involvement in this kind of thing from Patriotic Alternative people because, you know, they’re like a big faction in the nationalist movement.
But yeah, my understanding is that basically all the nationalist organisations are super active and doing their best to co-ordinate things and to network and to recruit and everything.
So that’s obviously a really good thing to see. I think one problem maybe that they’re having is that there’s a lot of support in the public for the anti-Islam, Tommy Robinson [aka, Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon] type approach. And getting people to look at things racially rather than just in terms of anti-Islam is also another task for the nationalists to ideologically redirect things into a White nationalist direction.
So, I mean, I’m not in England. I only see what people are saying online. People are telling me online, but there seemed to be a lot of energy over there. So it’s a good thing to see. Because it seems a bit similar to what happened in Ireland. Like, in Ireland, you had a few big, high profile immigrants killing natives in brutal and egregious ways, and then you had these big riotous responses from the Irish people, and people said:
“Oh, well, what’s the point of that?”
But it did show a bit of fighting spirit, and it seems as though that’s actually translated somewhat into a little bit of organisation. And I’ve seen lots of stuff coming out of Ireland all the time where they’re successfully resisting refugee settlements. You know, how they try and, like, take, like, a hotel in a particular town and pack it full of immigrants and that kind of thing, or take public housing and pack it full of immigrants.
They’ve got quite good, it seems, in Ireland, at protesting against that and preventing that they do that in England as well. I remember particularly talking to Joe Marsh about pretty successful protests they had somewhere in Wales where they just basically camped out in front of this hotel and just prevented it from being filled with immigrants. And they won. It was successful.
So, you know, translating into those kinds of like regular actions where it isn’t just throwing a few bricks at cop cars and everyone goes home, but then it becomes something also productive.
But yeah, and I also saw that the Reform Party has been quite disappointing. I think Richard Tice, who is like the 2IC [Second in Charge] of the Reform Party, he was running it until Farage stepped back in just before the last election. He came out and condemned the violence and so on, which I thought was quite disappointing because, you know, Left-wing politicians don’t condemn the violence. We saw this in, we saw this in America and most particularly when Black Lives Matter were rioting and all the Democrats were like:
“Well the police are racist and we can understand these communities and their struggles and so on.”
You know, that’s the kind of rhetoric that you would expect from so-called Right-wing populists. They should be coming out and saying:
“Well obviously, you know, everyone should stay peaceful, but at the same time look at what has happened there you got to understand what these communities are going through and take their side, sympathize with them, rather than taking the side of the Leftist and the system against them.”
So that was, I thought, quite disappointing, but also to be expected.
Blair Cottrell: Is there anything else we want to touch on in relation to news, local news, international news? What else we got?
Joel Davis: Um, maybe there’s a funny thing we could touch on which is, you saw Friendly Geordie’s video on Drew Pavlou, right?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I did. Nipples protruding.
Joel Davis: Yeah, it was quite funny.
Blair Cottrell: I’d never thought I’d watch a Friendly Geordie’s video and find it thoroughly entertaining. I usually find the guy kind of annoying.
Joel Davis: Yeah
Blair Cottrell: He’s just got that Left leaning nature that just irritates me. But he’s actually been posting some based shit lately and it was genuine. Like, I watched it with my girlfriend and it was like we genuinely laughed about it.
So, yeah, Friendly Geordie. I don’t know what’s happening, man. I don’t know what kind of universe I’m living in, but Friendly Geordie’s is actually kind of enjoyable content at the moment.
Joel Davis: Yeah. The video where he went, … The Israel lobby a month or two ago and it was pretty good.
And apparently his live shows are actually more based than his YouTube channel. Apparently, at his live shows, he’s actually steps over the line with racial remarks and anti-semitic remarks.
Now, I don’t think that Friendly Geordie’s is our guy. He’s very much a Leftist, and he’s a Labor Party shill, and his missus is Asian.
So, you know, any podcast with there’s that brown dude on his podcast. So he’s clearly not a White nationalist. But at the same time, he’s a man of a lot of influence. And it does seem as though he’s kind of occupying that kind of Joe Rogan kind of style of politics, where you kind of mix elements of the Right and the Left together. Like, you take some Left-wing social, economic policies, I should say, and you mix it with a kind of anti-woke, conservative, like, social attitude.
And that’s quite interesting, because usually those things aren’t coupled together. Well, that actually seems to appeal to the sensibilities of a lot of Australians. Because a lot of Australians are kind of soft core National Socialists. They like nationalism, patriotism, mixed with a Left-wing economic slant. That’s kind of what this White working class in this country have always been like, but just obviously a lot more radical than Friendly Geordie’s on issues of race.
But, yeah, I thought it was quite funny because in his taking the piss out of Drew Pavlou video, which I was surprised that he just made a whole video taking the piss out of Drew Pavlou, he kind of imitated his accent, and he put on this, like, really, like, exaggerated wog accent.
And then he kind of insinuated that he looks Middle Eastern and played a clip of Drew Pavlou speaking and put Al Qaeda style video overdub on it. And it was quite funny. So he kind of was basically racist. Like, he was mocking Drew Pavlou for not being White, basically, which I thought was funny.
And then he basically just called him gay and fat. Like, that was the video. It was pretty good. [chuckling] It was just basic insults! But it’s excellent! You know, that’s the kind of thing that we get under Drew’s skin. And the video was titled, I think, “Lolcow” or something. And it’s probably the perfect way to describe what Drew Pavlou is. He is basically just a lolcow*.
[* Lolcow, a portmanteau (A word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words, as chortle, from chuckle and snort) of the acronym LOL and cow, is a derogatory slang term used to describe an individual who is deemed highly exploitable and therefore susceptible to trolling and flaming due to their display of gullible behaviour online. The term is also closely associated with the forum Kiwi Farms, which helped to popularise it throughout the 2010s and, 20020s.]
So yeah, I think I like this idea of Drew Pavlou just being this whipping boy of all of Australian politics. Like, I see even like the far-Left, like, Antifa types. Like, they shit on Drew Pavlou.
Blair Cottrell: Tell me, Joel, tell me, do you, do you think he’s genuinely being serious or is he trolling for me? It’s hard to tell if he is trolling. He’s doing a really good job acting like he’s being serious. Like, is this guy, …
Joel Davis: It’s a mixture of the two. He is seriously narcissistically deluded, but then also he just trolls for attention and the two things are quite mixed together. So it becomes this kind of convoluted mess of like, is he trolling right now or is he being serious? And he’s kind of masked all of his mental illness in this elaborate facade of bullshit! And it’s just quite hilarious to watch! Like, he actually, it actually is entertaining that he exists. So I’ll give him credit for that.
Blair Cottrell: Agreed. I’ve actually been checking whatever he’s doing, it’s working for the purposes of getting himself into the field of vision of anyone who’s anyone in Australian politics at least, because even I’m checking his ex-account just for cringe value lately, and just to kind of laugh at the comments. But I’m still clicking his account and that’s the point, right? I’m still traffic that’s now going through his account.
So maybe that’s the genius of Drew Pavlou. Maybe he’s just a content genius! I don’t know, [chuckling] but it’s hard for me to understand whether he’s for real or not, but whether he is, whether he isn’t, he’s definitely an entertaining character, and he’s managing to get. Didn’t you get the attention of Andrew Tate? Andrew Tate threatened to sue him or something.
Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s what he tries to do. He tries to get the attention of lots of people. That’s his whole modus operandi because he doesn’t actually have anything in himself.
Blair Cottrell: That’s a very standard method for people who aren’t really significant, intelligent or special in any way and don’t really have much to offer. Their way of becoming significant is to just get people who are bigger and more impressive or established than them to attack them. And that, as a result, raises them up to a similar level as the people who are attacking them, at least publicly. It’s a very standard method people who aren’t talented use to try to get on the similar level of talented people.
Joel Davis: Yeah. But I like that he attacks us and me, because every time I talk, I interact with him on Twitter. I just ratio him and make him look like a like an idiot! And it just makes me look good by comparison.
So it’s just like low hanging fruit. Like, I might as well just go pick some Apples from the Drew Pavlou tree, like, every now and then, because it’s free Apples. Why not?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. What else?
Joel Davis: Anyway, if you guys haven’t seen it, you can find the link on my Telegram, if you don’t use an iPhone.
And also download, if you have an Android phone, download Telegram directly from the Telegram website, not from the Google Play store. So that you can see now my channel, which has been A.
Banned, but also Tom Sewell’s channel and a few other channels that are A.
Banned. It’s really not that hard to download it straight from a Telegram website. Takes just a few seconds.
Sorry to the I-cucked [iPhone], though. It’s not an option for you, as far as I know, but I will make. I will make a new Telegram channel. I said that earlier, and I’m reiterating that, but for now, that’s what it is. But maybe we’ll go through a few Superchats. There’s actually one from Entropy, from The Gump. He sent $14.88. And he said:
“When will Joel Holder learn how to ban to workshop for Swedes?”
It’s quite funny!
Blair Cottrell: What’s that in reference to?
Joel Davis: I think I talked about how I didn’t think Scandinavians, …
Blair Cottrell: Oh, yeah. Because Swedish people apparently don’t understand sarcasm. That’s what you told me.
Joel Davis: I didn’t say they don’t understand sarcasm. I said the way that we use it, they don’t really use it. Like, they don’t really appreciate it. I think they understand it, but they don’t appreciate it. Like, they just have a different appreciation.
Blair Cottrell: Okay.
Joel Davis: But, yeah, but anyway, banter isn’t just sarcasm. Banters complex. A complex thing, I think. Yeah. Only really, like, Anglo-Celtic people are true masters of the bance.
And then, you know, every other ethnic group, you know, is kind of trailing behind us in the art of banter, …
Blair Cottrell: I think banter is like some fundamental tool that you need in order to be a good comedian. I wonder how many Swedish comedians there are. I can’t think of any. And there’s plenty of comedians that come out of England and Ireland. I don’t know about northern Europe, though. They might be a little bit too serious. Maybe it’s true? I’ve never been to northern Europe, so I don’t know. Haven’t got personal experience. But what could be the essence? How would you describe banter? What is banter? Is it, I don’t know, teasing each other, picking on each other, but in a way that’s not aggressive or hostile, but just playful.
Joel Davis: The idea of banter is that you basically tease each other and then you see if the other person can just tease you back but maintain a lighthearted, jovial attitude, or if it actually starts to impact them and they start to feel personally affronted, and if they start getting offended and start defending themselves and lashing out and so on, and you can see that they have a weak mentality. Whereas if they just kind of fire it back but maintain a kind of detached, jovial aura that shows that they have a kind of mental stability. And that proves that you can kind of trust them to maintain mental stability in general!
And so it’s a way for men, in particular testability of all their other friends to see, like, is this guy a fucking bitch? Is he going to snap under pressure? Is he going to get, …
Blair Cottrell: It’s a male shit tests! It’s a male shit test.
Joel Davis: Yeah
Blair Cottrell: And that’s why people who can’t take banter get bullied, because they deserve to get bullied. If you’re going to be so emotionally fragile that you’re going to take banter to heart, well, then you make yourself a target of bullying, don’t you? Right.
Joel Davis: Yeah. But I’m not saying, anyway, I don’t want to shit on Swedes. I can see the Swedes in the chat getting upset. I’m not, … I love Swedes! I was just responding to a Superchat. And I was just, … I think our banter is superior. It doesn’t mean I think all Swedes are like, retards. I don’t understand humour or anything like that you know, just, again, this is an example of learn to banter. You don’t have to take it so seriously.
Blair Cottrell: I’m starting to see that arrogance could be the crux of the issue. One of the most prominent Swedes and a regular supporter of the chat said that:
“Actually, our humour is just more advanced than yours.”
Okay, [chuckling] that explains it! [chuckling] We’re just not smart enough to keep up with the superior master race Swedish humour!
Joel Davis: To be fair, you have to be really high IQ to understand Swedish humour or something. It’s like Rick and Morty.
Anyway, the whole, … [chuckling] No, but it’s an Anglo-Celtic thing. Like, this is how we are. Don’t be so anti-Anglo. Like, let us be ourselves. You know, it’s part of our our identity.
Blair Cottrell: I don’t think anyone’s being anti-Anglo. I think this in itself, what we’re doing right now is banter to a degree.
We got another Superchat. $14 donation from Alt Cuperian. You know, consistent supporter of the channel. I’ve seen this name pop up a few times, so thank you very much, GM from US:
“What’s your thoughts on starting a non-profit for the purpose of White advocacy?”
I suppose he means not for profit organisation:
“Is that a waste of time? Is the only meaningful way to organise the active club strategy. So should we start?”
I don’t know. Personally, I think you should try whatever you think might work. I think maybe this has been tried and maybe it hasn’t in certain places. I’ve always felt in my core that setting up a religious type institution protected by freedom of religion law, specifically in Australia, that was actually more of an ethno-religious community. I really think that’s something that should be explored further. People agree with me, but then nothing is ever done about it.
So I might have to do that myself one day. I don’t know. But you won’t know until you try. That’s the point.
And I’m not against someone setting up a not for profit, you know, White advocacy organisation. You might go up against some sort of discriminatory accusations and you might find yourself in court, blah, blah, blah. But there’s precedents where other ethnic community organisations that are not for profit exists. And you could probably leverage the fact they exist to support or justify your own existence as a White advocacy group.
So I’m not against it. I don’t think it’s a waste of time. I think things like that, they all sort of contribute to putting pressure, not necessarily putting pressure on, but gaining ground against the system, which is fundamentally anti-White, which regards White people as devils, descendants of colonials who have to pay for perceived historical injustices. And we need to gain ground against that system in a thousand different ways, and in as many different ways as possible.
So definitely not against the idea.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think it would be a good thing to have a not for profit. I think the main functions that are necessary are things that can actually protect pro-White activists, like some kind of organisation that could network small businesses in order to provide jobs for pro-White activists, something that would be really good to set up. So that if you put yourself on the line to advocate for our people, that there’s actually like a pro-White economy, if you will, that can scoop you up and make it so that it’s still possible to pay your rent and put food on the table for your family and so on, to make it more viable to be a pro-White activist or other kinds of initiatives like that.
So I think that kind of thing is quite good. And certain things kind of like that already exist, but they are limited in their functionality.
So, yeah, obviously we should have basically every single idea anyone has ever had about:
“Should we have this or should we have that?”
My answer to it is basically:
“Yes! We should just have all of it!”
That’s what a successful political movement has, lots of different organisations, lots of different initiatives. There isn’t just one organisation that we need. You can’t completely transform society with one organisation.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, good answer. Tend to agree. Basically echoes what I said, I think.
And $5 from White Power, regular supporter and contributor. Thanks, mate. He said:
“Republic for Australia. I did a poll for it a while back and it was around 50-50. 50 for people with our views.”
Well, I don’t know, Joel, this is a question for you. I don’t even really understand what a Republic in Australia would mean.
Joel Davis: It would mean getting rid of the Monarchy.
Blair Cottrell: Oh, like that hasn’t happened already. I mean, look how much power the Monarchy has in Australia! [chuckling]
Joel Davis: Yeah, of course. I think the I think that’s a good retort. That is something that’s not really worth focusing on. The issue is that getting rid of, … I’m not in principle, like:
“Oh, we have to hold onto the Monarchy.”
Because, as you say, it’s basically dead anyway. But the Monarchy is an institution that represents our heritage. It connects us to Britain, to the rest of our people, ethnically speaking.
And so that’s why the Left attack it. They attack it as a form of trying to attack our heritage, to attack the foundation of our nation, our identity.
And so I defend it upon that principle.
And I also whenever the Left, because the Left is the one that are pushing for a Republic, when they push for constitutional reforms, it isn’t just remove the Monarchy and leave everything else the same. What they did in the 1999 referendum was proposing a completely different kind of constitution.
If they put forward another constitution now, like, imagine if they’re not going to do it. I don’t think it’s on the cards for the immediate future, but, like, let’s say the Albanese government puts forward a Republic referendum. Imagine how cucked the Constitution that they would put forward would be. It would have all this, like, pro-abo shit in it and pro-multiculturalism and pro-gay stuff, and it would be horrible!
So they would package deal it with all of this other crap that we wouldn’t want in the Constitution.
If you had a Right-wing, like, a far-Right Republic, then I would be maybe interested, because maybe that the Constitution they’ll be putting forward would actually be better than the one that we currently have.
And so it’d be worth moving to a Republic, and it wouldn’t be done in an antagonistic way towards our identity, which is how the Left would attack the Monarchy. But they would just say:
“Well, the Monarchy no longer serves us, and it didn’t defend us, and we needed it to defend us, so we might as well do away with it.”
Then maybe I would listen. So it really depends.
But, you know what is likely in the current political system to come forward as any kind of Republican push would just be trash.
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I think that’s why they’d want it. Just to kind of wipe the slate clean legally and make their own laws, do away with constitutional laws and rewrite it, maybe. I don’t know. But I tend to feel the Monarchy is just a cooler concept.
You know, maybe we could just re-establish a monarchy down here and create our own monarchy, name a new King. That’d be cool. I wish we could do something like that. I like the idea of power being more centralised, individualised, even of a single figure that’s actually responsible and can be held to account! Rather than this kind of like, majority rule grey area where no one’s even really sure who has power, and no one’s really responsible for anything because it’s the institution that’s at fault, not any individual.
I think that’s gay. I think that’s pathetic! I’m sick of it, actually! I’ve only ever lived in a system like that, and I’m just thoroughly repulsed by it. Repulsed enough to really support anything that concentrates power into an individual, single party, or a person, wholeheartedly. That’s what I want now. I’m sick of this majority ruled democracy bullshit, to be honest. But that’s the system.
Joel Davis: I would much prefer an absolute monarchy, with no Parliament. If we could restore the Stuart monarchy in Australia or something, and they were based and racist and so on. I like monarchy as a principle. I think monarchy actually is probably the most ideal form of government if it’s, like, an actual functional monarchy with power, but we’re just so far away from that. Like, our true Royal Family was basically betrayed and taken out, like, centuries ago.
Blair Cottrell: Let’s start a new one!
Joel Davis: The ones in place, are totally cucked and have no actual power.
Blair Cottrell: What made our true Royal Family the true Royal Family in the first place? Probably just brute force!
So let’s just start a new Royal Family. Maybe circumstances get dire enough for us to do that in the future. Might be able to take advantage of some sort of chaotic situation. If, like, there’s some sort of global reset and everything falls to shit for a while, maybe we’ll get the opportunity to re-establish a monarchy. That’ll be pretty cool!
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think that would be great, but, I think a dictatorship is something that’s more likely than a monarchy.
So I would say we’d probably be working towards that [chuckling] first and foremost and any kind of likely progression.
But, yeah, I mean, functionally, obviously, democracy is retarded! It’s not real, but it’s an illusion that facilitates the rule of nefarious elements. So I have no loyalty to it whatsoever in principle. But that should be quite obvious. I mean you’re watching a show that is, it’s not like some centrist, like, conservative show.
Anyway, so there’s a few Superchats on Odysee. There’s one from GoyBoy 1488. He said:
“This has become one of my favourite shows despite being American. Thanks for the good work, lads.”
I appreciate that. Filled Soda said:
“Thanks for your content. I’m here in Belfast, Northern Ireland.”
He didn’t say Northern Ireland. He said:
“Northern Potato, Niggerland. And I’m incredibly angry at recent events. The murder of three little girls, at the sickening Leftist reaction. I recently found your show, but I’m happy to find a stream that doesn’t pull any punches. 1488.”
I appreciate the support, and yeah, obviously what happened was fucking disgusting! Uh, it makes my blood boil! To me, I feel such a strong connection to Britain that when things happen in Britain, it feels like it feels like it’s happening to my country.
Blair Cottrell: I feel the same. Yeah.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
I mean, that’s my ancestral homeland. Ninja 404 said:
“Good morning from Cucknada. Thanks for the stream. It’s the first one I’ve caught in full. Keep up the good work.”
Yeah. Shout out to our Canadian friends. I think the Diagolon guys who we’ve collaborated with before, Ferryman, being kind of their main kind of streamer organiser, and Jeremy Mackenzie, they’re doing, like, a tour at the moment through Canada. It seems like they have a lot of fun and putting on interesting events. So it isn’t as though there’s no one doing anything in Canadian politics. So Canadians kind of sell themselves short. But there’s plenty of Canadians in the movement. I’ve seen a lot of Canadians in the White nationalist movement online over the years. There seems to be quite a substantial amount of our guys up there, so no need to be so self depreciating.
Confederate Patriots said:
“How about them Brits in Southport? Whites all over are waking up and pushing back. Thanks for all you do. Dixie is ready!”
Yeah, based! I am a big supporter of the Confederacy, because obviously, the Confederacy was run by a Davis, my clan, and what else is there to say?
Yeah, I 100% agree that it’s good to see the English pushing back. It is interesting, as well, that they’re pushing back in Liverpool or near Liverpool, first of all, because Liverpool actually has a lot of Irish blood, a lot of Irish immigrants, historically. So there does seem to be a little bit of a correlation [chuckling] between Irish blood and rioting. You know, Australia has a lot of Irish blood here and maybe that gives us a little bit of an edge. Uh, maybe sometimes you need a little bit of that angry Gael to whip things up!
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, man. Well, my mother is half Irish. Her maiden name was McGaughren. I’m not sure how it’s spelled. I think it was McGaughran. And her mother’s maiden name was Bradshaw. So she’s half Anglo, half Irish. And my dad’s got, like, a Norman name, like Cottrell. My last name comes from old Frankish Norman tribes. During the Norman conquest of England, it started to appear.
But my dad is cool, calm, practical. Like, you just never really get a reaction out of him. Like, very pragmatic, very German. And my mom is, my mother’s anger is like, I don’t want to throw dirt on my mother. I love my mother. And she was very maternal. She was a great mother. But, man, her anger, you’ve never seen anything like it. The fighting spirit of my mother, it’s frightening, man! My mother, …
Joel Davis: That’s where you get your ginger beard from, right?
Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. Well, I get my Irish from my mother’s side, and often I often seem to be a bit of a, you know, combination of my mother and father in that regard. I have the ability to be pragmatic and to consider logistics, but then I also have this, like, difficult to understand, difficult to explain fire in my belly that I’ve inherited from my mother. But I’m kind of glad that I’ve got my father’s influence, because my mother can really lose her mind!
Like, my mother’s rage is just off the charts! And I don’t know if it comes from her Irish ancestry, but, yeah, the Irish definitely have that fire in their bellies, and I love to see it. I can resonate with it! Like, when I hear the Irish speak, when I see the Irish move, like, I feel connected to that. I understand it, you know what I mean? You know, when you see your own kin, it’s hard to explain, but I definitely feel a strong connection to the Irish, but also to the kind of German-Anglo elements as well, because I have that in my ancestry, too.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, obviously, I’m the same in my ancestry. I mean, it’s mostly English, but there’s some ancestors from all over the isles. And obviously, there’s the Anglo Saxon migrations and the Celtic migrations before that, and the Norman migrations from the rest of Europe. So, obviously, we’re all northwest Europeans were all very racially similar. We’re one big family, and English is a Germanic language, you know, for a reason. We worship the same gods as the Germans and the Scandinavians for a reason.
So, yeah, there’s a no, obviously, the Celts had a bit of a different religion, so there’s a little bit of a distinction there, but yeah, very racially similar. Very similar in temperament with only kind of slight ethnic differences. So I do feel a strong connection to basically all those northwest European countries in particular.
But yeah, I think that might be all the Superchats for this evening.
Blair Cottrell: It’s been a good show. We had about 500 peak viewers on Rumble, which is pretty standard viewership. Really appreciate you guys for tuning in and staying with us.
We’ll be back next week.
Joel Davis: 90 something on Odysee, and, yeah, some on Cozy as well.
So, yeah, usually we get it all across the three platforms, 600 and something peak viewers on an average show.
Blair Cottrell: Joel and I going to a national weightlifting event soon, but that won’t interrupt our streaming schedule. We should still be able to stream next Thursday. And yeah, really excited to get into it next week. I hope you guys have a nice week and we’ll see you again next time.
Is there anything else you want to drop on the audience before we tune out? Joel?
Joel Davis: No, just thanks for watching White power and, yeah, I guess I’ll probably make a new Telegram over the next few days, so keep an eye out for that. Also this weekend I was going to do a stream with Thomas 777. I haven’t done anything with him for a while, so I was keen to catch up, get his thoughts on., … He’s an American White nationalist kind of Internet personality. He’s very well read, he’s been around a long time. He’s got a lot of wisdom.
So I always like streaming with him so that go up on all the chans, I think Australian time on Saturday. I think it might be Friday night American time. But I’ll just confirm that. I’ll put it out on social media. I’ll give you guys warning. And yeah, I want to do something with Jacob as well at some point in the next few days, so just keep an eye out. There’ll be a few streams going up between now the next Thursday night show. I will be on the road next Thursday night, but I think I’ll be able to set up and we’ll still be able to do the show as normal.
So yeah, but just watch out for social media and I’ll try and get a new Telegram set up for those of you that are Apple iCucks that now can’t access [chuckling] my Telegram channel because, …
Blair Cottrell: Is that me? I’m running the Apple. So I’m going to have to use alternative means to see your channel.
But before we go, I’m going to be dropping some new content out this weekend. Just training content. I might vlog a gym session, do some legs, show you guys what I do, just have a bit of banter and have a bit of fun with that. Like I said, I’ve taken a break from content recently. I haven’t really made much, but I’m going to get back into it. Work starting to slow down again, so I’ll have a bit more time and I’ll get a bit more fun stuff out there for us to engage with. But yeah, thanks for joining us, guys. I’ll see you next time.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 8/2/2024 = 432 )
53 minutes ago
Id join you guys and march in the streets if i was in Australia.
i tried linking up with the NJEHA since they’re near my state.
1 hour ago(edited)
Russia DID invade Ukraine and is conducting a genocidal war targetting civilians as well, what’s so “quote on quote” about that mr. Blair?
2 hours ago
3 hours ago
it may be hard to judge but the appearance of the protesters and the harshness of the message seem counter-productive. This sort of hardline NS rhetoric is a total turnoff for all but the initiiated and coming from masked men in black fatigues it seems to me to be playing into the enemy’s hands. Best wishes to all the brave men who are prepared to demonstrate and I hope that I’m wrong.
Hide replies
48 minutes ago
screw the optics! we’re at war and innocent children are being killed by these niggers. white people have every right to be angry and taking to the streets. so far nothing else has worked. third world people only understand violence. the politicians don’t give a shit either so it’s time to send a message.
4 hours ago
i dont like hersants voice. makes me cringe. bring back sewell.
Hide replies
1 hour ago
I think he’s done a great job. Very inspirational and persuasive.
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
Blood & Honour, Sieg Heil! o/
7 hours ago
how old is Blair
Hide replies
Lampshade Denier
5 hours ago
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
9 hours ago
Everything Electron sucks real hard.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
9 hours ago
Odysee’s desktop app is an Electron app (based on Chromium) and therefore it’s slow as hell sometimes.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
9 hours ago
Okay. Maybe I will take a look at it. But I still guarantee you that they will get in trouble eventually because of some new censorship law or whatever.
9 hours ago
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Gonna be frost in VIC overnight, cover your veggies
9 hours ago
It’s also why they are shifting away from and moving over to arweave
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Later, boys!
9 hours ago
nothing is stored on ldry………and i know this because im fiends with the top lbry guy…….
9 hours ago
Oh yeah they did that for legal reasons
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
9 hours ago
Hail Australia!
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
I need to sort it
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Looking forward to the stream with Thomas
9 hours ago
god i hate arguing with you… but again are you wrong… when odysee bought out lbry they took over the content storage…
9 hours ago
Dawnie come to Rumble chat
9 hours ago
ahh gotcha
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Love Love to all you Beautifuls MWAH
9 hours ago
Thanks for the stream
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
thanks guys o/
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
Walther Mauser
9 hours ago
Thanks for the show \o
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
It was the original storage front for video content, odysee was the user friendly front end they made for it
9 hours ago
Cheers chaps o/
9 hours ago
thanks for the stream lads o/
9 hours ago
yeah, check the blockchain explorer, it should let you search for vids and files
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
9 hours ago
If it really is an actual free speech platform, then I’m pretty sure that they will get in trouble eventually. I guarantee you.
9 hours ago
I think that they got a lot of Irish, Scottish and French.
9 hours ago
canadians are very irish
9 hours ago
I’m unfamiliar with lbry.
9 hours ago
lol david
9 hours ago
I think I had that feeling when I had some of the Irish spirit
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
It’s Irish.
9 hours ago
yeah it’s starting to make sense now. Blair has said that Australia contacted Facebook to ban him from Facebook.
9 hours ago
vaughn live, the owner literally played the new zealnders greatest streamers video when it was shunned by ever other platform…….
9 hours ago
Italians too. The anger is unreal. Tempered by my Nordic stoicism
9 hours ago
No they are currently using for their VOD services (check your network TCP’s right now as you watch the stream) they are switching away from this to the arweave platform.
9 hours ago
I suspect they were both Canadian
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
A few regions far away from Southport UK kicked off.
9 hours ago
Yeah this is what I suspected. They’re doing a bit of ‘house cleaning.’
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
9 hours ago
I have my doubts.
9 hours ago
nah cat man you are wrong… it was bought out by another platform and they are switching away from lbry who were the “free speech” side of things
Rebbe Schneerson
9 hours ago
GTV maybe the only option for our content creators at this point
Hide replies
12 minutes ago
i can’t access gtv from my phone. its an android galaxy. i tried going in through the brave browser and still nothing
9 hours ago
aerweave is a bit of a funny one.
has had a play with the source code and already setup a website that uses it.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
9 hours ago
Can you really criticize Christianity on there? Or promote National socialism for example?
9 hours ago
Bo Sinn
9 hours ago
I attended the terror tour o///
Enlightened Despot
9 hours ago
We’re here, just no political outlet. There is no political party right of far left
9 hours ago
o/ confederate
9 hours ago
vaughn live is the other one
9 hours ago
Dissident was Canadian, right? Was Freddy Canadian, too?
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
joshwho and fuck… i forget the other one… are truly free speech… which is why they dont get money or get advertised…..
9 hours ago
Probably Canadian government tap them on the shoulder for that ban
9 hours ago
This is the announcement of the new ownership I’m aware of
9 hours ago
Yeah, that would not surprise me. They get the ADL / SPLC telling them to take certain channels down.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
9 hours ago
A so called Free Speech platform will never really exist, because the current system simply won’t allow it. That’s just how it is.
9 hours ago
Aha aha. I thought that I heard that there were new owners. At any rate, something is going on with the deletion of channels, etc.
9 hours ago
I think the SPLC is on their ass
9 hours ago
odysee themselves announced it
9 hours ago
not only did odysee change ownership… but they are divorcing themselves from lbry and going to some other jew platform
9 hours ago
Ah, I thought that they had new owners with the new changes.
9 hours ago
Yeah like bitchite draw us in to build up the platform and then kick us off.
9 hours ago
odysee was always the enemy sadly…
9 hours ago
Odysee did not change ownership
9 hours ago
you can probably stil find freddy on lbry….which is why odysee is removing its self from lbry……..
9 hours ago
Dissident and Freddy were good channels. Sad to see them gone. I was just getting into their stuff, too. Odysee changed ownership recently and is going through some changes.
Hide replies
6 hours ago
I noticed Freddy had gone, his channel was great I’m sure he was from the Uk.
Show reply
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
A New Nobilty
9 hours ago
you still might be able to extract freddys stuff off of the lbry site before they take it down
9 hours ago
Yeah it happens, streams are long format a lot is always missed, people set it on and are doing something while it going, sometime even going to sleep. I did that to Maldric today.
9 hours ago
a republic if you can keep it (spoiler we didn’t)
Rebbe Schneerson
9 hours ago
Yeah, I’ve just been doing the same, with the same result. FFS
Enlightened Despot
9 hours ago
LOLcow was pretty good
9 hours ago
kek, we are everywhere o/
9 hours ago
I had a pretty good look across a few other platforms, it appears Freddy was only on odysee
9 hours ago
i totally miss loads of what you say in your streams lol
Confederate patriot
9 hours ago
how bout them Brits in Southport! Whites all over are waking up and pushing back. Thanks for all yall do. Dixie is ready!
9 hours ago
tbh anything after sundown here im only 1/2 listening to…. otherwise it fucks my sleep patterns
Rebbe Schneerson
9 hours ago
I hope to god they haven’t broke his resolve and he bounces back. I can imagine it been very disheartening after the amount of effort he obv put in
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
interesting re GV
9 hours ago
the hardest part of non profits is getting a dissolution clause that the bureaucrats like. you can just copy another org’s though
9 hours ago
Absolutely. I’ve been racking my brain trying to find some stuff again.
9 hours ago
CI is just like that, but retards can’t get past their tiny brains beyond “hur dur we wuz jewz”
9 hours ago
NZ has one already and the state and media fucks with them all the time. Gloriavale.
Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Agree with the auto religious. 100%
Rebbe Schneerson
10 hours ago
I’m gutted. I loved both of their content. Freddy was a fucking gold mine for content
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
I’ve always been a big fan of British humor. I love irony.
10 hours ago
NGH non governmental Hitlerism
10 hours ago
Good morning from cucknada, thanks for the stream, its the first one i have caught in full. Keep up the good work! o/ o/
10 hours ago
I don’t think trying anything that is pro white is a waste of time.
10 hours ago
I’m really unimpressed about Freddy and dissidents content disappearing. it needs to be back up somewhere.
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Be quick off the mark….or die
Rebbe Schneerson
10 hours ago
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
But you’re still correct to a certain degree. You really are.
10 hours ago
Yeah, if i was training for the banter olympics i would just employ some ghetto blacks to talk shit to me all day to build resolve lol
Rebbe Schneerson
10 hours ago
In England “Banter” is absolutely ruthless. You find you mates weak point and take the piss relentlessly
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
Most of our comedians here in Sweden are politically correct and extremely boring. There are some good ones, but they’re only on the internet.
10 hours ago
Yeah what Joel said
10 hours ago
The ability to laugh at yourself is how i would describe banter
10 hours ago
Banter is a sensitivity test. It lets you know if you can trust and rely on a person in difficult times.
10 hours ago
i spell banter with a rope and a truck
10 hours ago
I’ve got big chunks of my favourites missing
Rebbe Schneerson
10 hours ago
Fuck. Nooooooooo
10 hours ago
You had probably gone to bed when I showed that
10 hours ago
fascist Freddy is also gone. He had great audiobooks and ebooks.
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
wut, freedy was banned too?
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
fark, that’s why my odysee notifs are low. I thought it was an upgrayed
10 hours ago
yeah would not surprise me.
10 hours ago
From what I’ve heard the Canadian government went after him again and demanded he be removed from odyssee.
10 hours ago
Also a guy called Nietzsche’s pupil that did mainly philosophy, but he was pro Hitler/NS
10 hours ago
nordic resistance, facist freddy and jeremy mackenzie, all gone on odysee this week. some people say you can still get the content out of the blockchain on lbry’s site
10 hours ago
“The empty turkroach reverberates loudly” Sun Tsu
10 hours ago
Yeah, a few channels I’ve been watching are suddenly gone…
Hide replies
4 hours ago
Nordic Frontier getting banned was a big loss.
10 hours ago
I’ve noticed Odysee has banned a few channels this week
10 hours ago
FascistFreddy is gone too
10 hours ago
Fascist Freddy was banned as well
10 hours ago
Any word on why he was banned?
10 hours ago
about 48 hours ago plus or minus
10 hours ago
Odysee seems to be getting strict.
10 hours ago
For attention not fun? Weird.
10 hours ago
Why did he get banned? I just checked, and his channel is gone.
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
I haven’t seen the Jord : Pavlova vid. Link anyone?
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
i loved joels “debate” with the turk roach, i was sold after that
10 hours ago
That is Thor
10 hours ago
based, the more you know.
10 hours ago
i only know joel
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
is that blair catrell?
10 hours ago
Blair you should go on his stream if he has one
10 hours ago
jajaja Jordies calling out Israel lately
10 hours ago
me too, moon man, im kkkangry
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Tice is disappointing. Farage is just as abysmal.
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Vey Aryan thing to do.
10 hours ago
I’m spewing about dissident being deleted
10 hours ago
no no, raging dissident, of diagolon fame
Rebbe Schneerson
10 hours ago
(caps sorry)
10 hours ago
They stopped when they thought innocent dogs may get hurt by the bricks
Rebbe Schneerson
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
who was the guy asking about optics before? i mean i like rage… despite how much he cucks…. but this is where cucking gets you..
10 hours ago
Quartering got nuked? I actually dislike that guy.
10 hours ago
no body has covered it that i have seen
10 hours ago
i hope jeremy is okay, after his channel got nuked.
10 hours ago
Good. It’s worth having a look at, but he is verbose. A long book, very detailed.
10 hours ago
I did, thank you. I think i’ve read some of his work, the name is familiar.
10 hours ago
– Did you see the name of the book I gave you on JFK?
10 hours ago
Just make sure the Transport Police are not present because they are usually armed.
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Who of the only benefits of being a disarmed nation is that for a while at least you can go toe to toe with the cops.
10 hours ago
There’s still transmissions not decoded today ‘The M4 Project is an effort to break 3 original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken.
10 hours ago
The virus vax thing is a complex issue, like I mentioned earlier in chat it is a wedge issue, both the vax and virus were probably weapons. Then they send propaganda to make people fight for being on one incorrect side vs another.
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
we’re still simmering
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
the gov are big fags down there, fuck the x
10 hours ago
I suspect that it is going to be very dangerous being a police officer in the near future in countries like Ireland and England.
10 hours ago
wow that’s crazy. telling you that you will be arrested for showing up in a public place?
10 hours ago
They’ll never break the code!
10 hours ago
we did it… reddit!!111!!oneone!!!!eleven!!!
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
o7 o/
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
A little elongated but it’s still good ^
10 hours ago
dawn shamed again….
came through tho
10 hours ago
awesome gents!
10 hours ago
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Covid was a gift ( it shows you the police , politicians , Unions , Religous groups , welfare groups etc are spinless maggots that will turn on you )
10 hours ago
can we get an N tower for joel?
10 hours ago
They should get Rand on, I’m sure he’ll have something insightful to reiterate from “the boyz”
10 hours ago
“it is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war” – Sun Zu Davis
10 hours ago
there is a reason my first comment on any stream is “hello lads”…………
10 hours ago
o/ patriots!
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
lol woman or the dog as bait?
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
We need Tom on the show to stop chat talking shit through the show
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
LOOL you dont even know who new zealands best streamer even is…. was callaghan even around in 2019?
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
thanks, Dan.
10 hours ago
ok thank will check it out. feel free to post/chat on my community page if you have anything you think i might be interested in
10 hours ago
Your are only saying that because callaghan got on joe rogan
10 hours ago
only culligan is better than CCG, ya know know cause he sniffed his sisters pussy.
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Back again. Blinking son #2 always wanting a chat
10 hours ago
cat man is literally new zealands 2nd best streamer… there is no shaming him…
10 hours ago
Have fun. Sounds like a pleasant weekend
10 hours ago
i have a full box of clays and a full ammo can of target shot
10 hours ago
dan, found it here:
10 hours ago
I don’t see the problem really
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Final Judgement: The Missing Link in The JFK Assassination.
10 hours ago
no game, probably just some shotgunning and chilling in the forest
10 hours ago
I heard it, was busy not watching, just listening
10 hours ago
What’s the book called? I like Piper.
10 hours ago
has left chat?
10 hours ago
lol CCG shamed
10 hours ago
What game?
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
– He’s a French writer, his book is dedicated to Michael Collins Piper. I do not think it is mainstream.
10 hours ago
just confirmed im going csmping this weekend!!
10 hours ago
i dont watch anything main stream, so no i have no idea.
10 hours ago
I recently watched that documentary on the JFK and RFK assassinations by that French writer. Do you know the one I mean? It was pretty interesting.
10 hours ago
black pilled did a good stream on it i think
10 hours ago
nor the jew rubenstein who killed oswald did it to “protect jews”
10 hours ago
5th Dimensional Warfare.
10 hours ago
about the jfk thing… what you wont read about is his praise of hitler…… or the fact the jew zapruder who filmed it didnt even flinch when the gun went off behind him and the bullet went literally over his head
10 hours ago
The Zapruder film didnt flinch when jfk was killed live on tv in a killing of the king ritual
10 hours ago
Yeah that is crazy
10 hours ago
I’m reading Michael Collins Piper’s book right now on the JFK assassination. So I know what they’re capable of. But I’m speaking more about the details surrounding the Trump shooting. A lot of questions there.
10 hours ago
37 assassinations to get a jew elected in mexico
10 hours ago
They will use viruses and vaccines, make it a wedge issue and make people think viruses are not real
10 hours ago
in 2016 with the election of trump literally everything since has been obvious, they were obviously going to censor the internet which they did, they were obviously going to do everything they could to stop us which is why they released the coof….
10 hours ago
they treat earth like a private minecraft server
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
There’s no Antisemitism without Semitism. Simple as.
10 hours ago
yes its that bad
10 hours ago
its not that strange if you have been following politics for at least the last decade, in fact its to be expected
10 hours ago
Netanyahu even told them, “No! Don’t clap! Listen!” aha. The Boss is speaking.
10 hours ago
whites need to control the root of all evil. create a shadow dollar & stfu about it until you have enough power to replace the dollar
10 hours ago
Yeah. I saw that. but a lot of questions….very strange.
10 hours ago
oh he was definitely shot. there is a clear screen shot showing the bullet that hit him…. but this is a very complicated issue… its maybe going to spiral the left into starting the civil war… but its also going to put the normies to sleep
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
I just saw a new clip today of the shooter running around on the roof, and Secret Service and police never noticed that? 150 meters away? Does not pass the bullshit smell test.
10 hours ago
all it cost was selling his daughter to the kushner family
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
It’s not a white mindset, that’s for sure.
10 hours ago
his father was a massive developer in israel
10 hours ago
Do you think Trump was really shot, or is it gay ops?
10 hours ago
trump was personally saved from bankruptcy by rothschilds loans
10 hours ago
trump’s ear seems to be healing nicely. No mark at all.
10 hours ago
while the 109 thing is the meme… the actual number of times they were kicked out was over 1030 times……… i have the short list on my channel…
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
Amazing mindset when you think about it.
10 hours ago
imagine banning 109 people from chat and the cube
10 hours ago
yeah. imagine getting kicked out of 109 pubs and blaming the bar staff. :joy: :joy:
10 hours ago
break more toasters ffs…. i need more content….
10 hours ago
Jews are the largest donors to both the Democrats and Republicans. Yet they are only around 2% of the population.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
109 countries, but NEVER their fault. Funny how that works.
10 hours ago
Miriam Adelson pledged $100 Million to get Trump elected.
10 hours ago
o/ IDK yet maybe monday
10 hours ago
good luck trying to red pill the chat
10 hours ago
1913 the jews were given america, 1917 america gave jews the middle east….. its nothing new
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
I know.
10 hours ago
congress kisses jew ass because they’re in mossad’s blackmail economy
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Balanced ratio of lies per minute vs standing ovation by minute
10 hours ago
thats nothing new. its been happening for the last 100 off years…. look into uss liberty
10 hours ago
Blair, it’s bad. Real bad.
10 hours ago
Netanyahu is literally a war criminal and they give him 58 standing ovations.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
The future for white children. o/
10 hours ago
that Netanyahu speech was crazy – 58 standing ovations? so crazy.
10 hours ago
yeah, that’s probably true, the trick is to unify into a cohesive or coordinated group.
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
That’s exactly why they kept clapping lol
10 hours ago
sup cat man. whens the next stream?
10 hours ago
its why the uk gov are gulagging people who arent even breaking laws…..
10 hours ago
the beautiful red hair jews line had me lol
10 hours ago
we were past 3% in the meme war of 2015/16… we are FAR above that now which is why all the censorship
10 hours ago
purpose of democracy is to conceal oligarchy
10 hours ago
The state is ruled by the enemy
10 hours ago
Sam’s judge let off pedo’s before sentencing Sam for stickering…
10 hours ago
thanks. 3% is not many. but we’re not there yet.
10 hours ago
this is why i particularly like tom, i dont agree 100% with him but i 100% agree with what he is doing… join an active group
10 hours ago
Is Dalton allowed on?
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
I’m glad that they are rioting on the streets and showing that there is a limit. It proves that there’s still hope.
10 hours ago
that is why they are trying to shut us down so hard
10 hours ago
Kevin MacDonald is another example of god optics. Literally a professor and academic, yet he is banned on on social media.
10 hours ago
it’s like the protest in London last night, they arrested random people. And gave them a caution to not attend future protests
10 hours ago
it only matters what you do, not how you look… i think the stat is that you only need 15% with an unshakable believe but you only need 3% to get onto the streets to make a revolution
10 hours ago
will never know but the English youth is one of the cuckd demographics I’m Europe
10 hours ago
that’s happening everywhere, in the US recently a nigger got 180 days for raping 4 and 9 year olds while a dude just got 20 years for clear self defense
10 hours ago
NA got 8 years some of them.
10 hours ago
2 years prison for putting up stickers.
10 hours ago
its now kick sfo cause hes a faggot
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
I heard a kid had been thrown out of a window, that’s why CPS was involved
10 hours ago
Yes. When you talk about ‘jews’ and ‘race,’ it does not matter whether you are wearing a suit and tie or a swastika on your T-shirt – they will still hate you. There is now ‘optical’ way to talk about these things.
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
You never know.
10 hours ago
Kick Vee
10 hours ago
good optics grow our numbers, bad optics makes us look like fools n loons – unlearnable for some, sadly
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Yeah, i’ve seen so many 35yr old looking black ‘teens’
10 hours ago
yeah, compromising for the sake of NPC’s gets us nowhere
10 hours ago
Scare all hoes, last one standing gets a ring
10 hours ago
likely murder two self hating whites.. But still a loss
10 hours ago
Jared Taylor has great ‘optics’ – he’s banned from all social media platforms.
10 hours ago
optics have never mattered.. they will slur us no matter if we are anywhere right of chairman mao…
10 hours ago
Aesthetics are powerful, I agree.
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
He murdered 2 of OURS. Parental & familial heartbreak aside, think of how much progeny we have lost.
10 hours ago
Yeah, but the Left have shitty optics and are in power.
10 hours ago
How much money goes into advertising & marketing?
10 hours ago
Trump likes bad optics
10 hours ago
the very fact that they have to come out and say we can’t blame race just demonstrates that it’s a racial problem
10 hours ago
Do optics really matter?
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
Such a horror show.
10 hours ago
apparently it was born in the UK to nigger parents so the age thing is likely accurate. its only the first gen invaders who claim to be “kids” so they get an easier path to illegal occupancy
10 hours ago
Jews kill thousands of children all the time, just a small sample of what is coming.
10 hours ago
remember all of it…teach it to future generations
10 hours ago
Don’t get sad, get angry, then get even
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
I saw the images of those little girls. It almost made me cry.
10 hours ago
They probably are lying about his age so they don’t have to reveal any details.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
10 hours ago
Race first. Always.
10 hours ago
jajaja he was totally 17… …as am i…
Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
I don’t believe for 1 second that he’s 17
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
They said he was 17, but he looks about 35.
10 hours ago
He was nigletted as achild
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
oh a youth
10 hours ago
makes a lot of sense. easy to be a sparky that also learns hvac than the other way around
10 hours ago
“17” who looked 40…
10 hours ago
Born in Cardiff
10 hours ago
They’re different from us, not in a good way and they have to leave now. Whatever shitty beliefs they hold is just another layer of incapability on top of the core problem.
11 hours ago
I used to go with the air con lads to wire it up for them, i had about a 30 min job and got paid as much as they did.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
11 hours ago
“Racism” = Survival instinct
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Choose the one that you more attracted to
11 hours ago
You can choose to do air con as an electrician.
11 hours ago
I have sated earlier I care more about genetics, I simply want to know if there is info on a simple question
11 hours ago
what trade is better, electrician or HVAC?
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
Blessings to my European Aryan brothers and sisters 0/ be well of good mind and body
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
It doesn’t matter. Rwanda has a horrid recent history. Let’s not have them in our homes.
11 hours ago
it dosnt matter if he holds one of the jewish religions,… he was a shitskin invader
11 hours ago
Dans has lots of alcohol
11 hours ago
its a religious myth just like the holocaust
11 hours ago
I was just trying to find out if anyone knows if the thing was a muslim or not, there are conflicting claims.
11 hours ago
so dumb
11 hours ago
Because they are totally demoralized.
11 hours ago
“it’s all jewish”
11 hours ago
Yuri Bezmenov said that you can show normies facts, data, etc. and they still will not change their thinking.
11 hours ago
no scholar who wrote about such things ever wrote about the things claimed in the jesus story at the time, the (((eye witnesses))) who claimed he existed were born some 20 to 400 years after the story was invented…
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Precisely. None of the 3rd world should be anywhere around us in the 1st place.
11 hours ago
Jews don’t follow the Torah
11 hours ago
i know the first books of christianity are the same books of the jewish torah which existed before
11 hours ago
“I know history, Jesus was invented”
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
11 hours ago
Nobody hates all non-whites as individuals. Most of us perfectly understand the difference between general group pattern and individuals. But they still all need to leave. The west is ours.
11 hours ago
nah dont like him at all… but i know history……….
11 hours ago
ah so you’re an Adam Greenberg fan
11 hours ago
My point is is if they were not a muslim, then subversives like Tommy have no argument. I have no idea if they were muslim.
11 hours ago
what was the religion called before the story of jesus was invented?
11 hours ago
A judeo-Christian isn’t a Christian either
11 hours ago
its a whole lot more difficult to understand that simply “which flavour of the jewish religion is he”. there are massive swaths of “white” judeo-christians who are far worse than say assad the muslim leader of syria.
11 hours ago
When nons feel the pressure they’ll leave.
11 hours ago
No real Christian is stabbing little girls…
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
For example misdirecting it as a purely religious issue eg. Tommy Robinson who is antiWhite and just misdirects to a subsection of muslims
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
What if he was raised Christian? Rwanda is predominantly Christian.
11 hours ago
I saw a lot of White women on Twitter attacking those brave White men protesting and fighting with police in England.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
11 hours ago
If everything was hopeless the censorship would be unnecessary.
11 hours ago
It does, I’m more genetics based in thinking. The truth is important for various reasons.
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
His religion doesn’t matter.
11 hours ago
Was it even a muslim?
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Rwandan. Southport.
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
We’re still comfortable, even in the slow decline.
11 hours ago
“When will there be justice in Athens? There will be justice in Athens when those who are not injured are as outraged as those who are.” ~ Thucydides
11 hours ago
it was fantastic
11 hours ago
lol my boomer mums on board. COVID woke her up.
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
I don’t hear about all these other protests.
11 hours ago
and that is a glorious thing, when the normie began to hate
11 hours ago
It’s the beginning of the end. Their abuse of power is beginning to rub even the normies the wrong way.
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Bo Sinn
11 hours ago
no, the Dick Pusey incident
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
4 re Southport?
11 hours ago
yeah lol
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Re Blair vs Tommeh: In size, not in fundamentals
11 hours ago
the systems going after the protester’s like they slaughtered innocent children
11 hours ago
4 died
11 hours ago
lol Blair equal’s three tommehs
11 hours ago
it’s just abuse of power, pure n simple
11 hours ago
Dick Pussy lol
Bo Sinn
11 hours ago
why does Blair look like Tommy Robinson right now?
Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
We can’t get burners anymore
11 hours ago
fucking zogbots man take a knee fagget’s
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
11 hours ago
Community driven distros only. Corporate Linux sucks.
11 hours ago
Linux is da whey
11 hours ago
Jacob’s a champ. Showed the clip to a coworker today, after working with him for a while he’s now sympathetic to the cause.
11 hours ago
yea its part of the digital ID shit
11 hours ago
I can see that happening globally, or at least in the west.
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
11 hours ago
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
11 hours ago
Crapple and Microshaft.
11 hours ago
you gotta give ID to get a number here now
11 hours ago
dont think you can get “burners” down here in aus any more,even in the 90’s the only way was to get prepaid sims from a servo but im pretty sure they ended that long ago now
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
good idea, cheers
11 hours ago
Friendly Jordies made a funny vid abt Drew Pavlu lel
11 hours ago
Based superchat
Hold The Heathen Hammer High ᛟᛉᛏ
11 hours ago
All big tech companies are onboard with the anti-white globalist agenda.
11 hours ago
You could always get a burner sim card just for sign-ups
11 hours ago
this has become one of my favorite shows, despite being american. Thanks for the good work lads
11 hours ago
I’m banned from telegram and not a big fan of it requiring a number.
Bo Sinn
11 hours ago
make a private channel where you forward posts from, seems to work
11 hours ago
Thanks for your content. I’m here in Belfast, Northern Potato Nigger Land and I’m incredibly angry at recent events (the murder of three little girls and the sickening leftist reaction). I recently found your show, but I’m happy to find a stream that doesn’t pull any punches. 14/88!
11 hours ago
o/ hey fellas
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
hello lads
11 hours ago
12 hours ago
Grandma Waffen image:
12 hours ago
Here’s one for Tom: [Thomas Sewell – Messiah or Caeser – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript]
Thomas Sewell – Messiah or Caeser – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
12 hours ago
Here’s last week’s transcript: [Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript]
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version History
Version 5: Tue, Aug 6, 2024 — Transcript Quality for 125/125 mins = 5. Transcript now complete. Updated See Also image and links.
Version 4: Mon, Aug 5, 2024 — Transcript Quality for 114/125 mins = 5. Added book image.
Version 3: Sun, Aug 4, 2024 — Transcript Quality for 55/125 mins = 5. Added Taxi Driver image.
Version 2: Sat, Aug 3, 2024 — Transcript Quality for 25/125 mins = 5.
Version 1: Sat, Aug 3, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality (TQ) = 3.5. Includes Odysee comments (432 ).
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