Mark Collett
The Plan for an Islamic State
on a Scottish Island
Fri, Aug 2, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“The conservative press has been up in arms over a Muslim cleric’s plan to turn a small Scottish island into an Islamic homeland. But why are conservatives so bothered, what is it about this particular story that has upset them?”
– KATANA—The-Plan-for-an-Islamic-State-on-a-Scottish-Island:8
Published on Fri, Aug 2, 2024
The Plan for an Islamic State on a Scottish Island
August 2, 2024
Mark Collett
The conservative press has been up in arms over a Muslim cleric’s plan to turn a small Scottish island into an Islamic homeland. But why are conservatives so bothered, what is it about this particular story that has upset them?
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(Words: 1,686 – 10:30 mins)
So by now most people will have heard about the “radical” Islamic cleric who was looking to buy a Scottish Island in order to create a homeland for himself and his followers where they could live by their own laws and customs. And this story has provoked an uproar from the conservative press, conservative influencers and conservative pundits alike.
But before we go on, in case you haven’t read about this story, here’s the quick version: I read this from the Daily Mail, and I quote:
“Hate cleric with his own ‘army’ raises £3m to create Islamic homeland on Scottish island-as the extremist who already runs military-style training camps bids to build his own school, hospital and mosque and practise Sharia law at remote spot.”
End quote. Now before we go any further, I want to make my position clear on this – so there can be no confusion what-so-ever.
I do NOT want this Muslim, or any other Muslim for that matter, to purchase this Scottish Island, or any other Scottish Island.
But saying that, the reason for this video is because I have a problem with the response that has come mainly from the conservative press and conservative pundits on this issue. Now Mark you may well be saying, the conservative press agrees with you:
“They too are outraged by this plan, they too have stated that they don’t want this Muslim cleric to buy the island, so why are you annoyed by their response?”
Well, the reason I am annoyed by their response is because despite them reaching the same conclusion as me, they have reached it for different reasons, reasons which I believe to be disingenuous. What’s more, were the Conservative Party still in power, their likely response to this plan would not simply be to prevent this Muslim cleric from buying this island, but it would most likely come in the form of wide-reaching legislation that would infringe upon the rights of every British citizen – including the indigenous people of the British Isles.
You see I believe that all British citizens should have the right to buy land, and once they have bought that land, providing they follow sensible planning guidelines, do not destroy natural wildlife or damage the cultural heritage of the area, and providing that they do not behave in a manner that infringes on the well-being of their neighbours, I believe a British citizen should have the right to do as they wish on their own land.
That means a British citizen should have the right to purchase land and to use that land as he or she wishes – whether that be for political, religious or social reasons. I think the greater discussion here should not be about how we should limit the rights of British citizens, but it should be about who is granted citizenship in the first place!
So, my first problem with the conservative response to this story, is that their solution would no doubt be to place restrictions on what EVERYONE could do with their own land. The conservative solution would not be laser focused on preventing migrants from buying land and using it to promote foreign religions, the conservative solution would be an umbrella policy which granted the government new and draconian powers that would allow them to seize land from any group that they didn’t like – whether that be for social, political or religious reasons.
This would mean that if nationalists were to acquire land, the government would then be able to use said legislation to seize that land and dispossess those nationalists of their property.
My second problem with the conservative response to this story, is to do with why Conservatives are apparently so bothered about this Muslim buying an island in the first place. And at first that might seem like a strange thing to say, but bear with me for a moment, …
Over the past fourteen years the Conservative government has allowed millions upon millions of migrants to pour into Britain. And since the 1970s, the demographic changes Britain has seen, many of which took place under Conservative administrations, have been so great that entire towns and cities are now controlled by Muslims – so much so, that in some areas Muslims now dominate all local institutions and have almost total control over local politics.
As I said earlier, I don’t want this Scottish island to fall into the hands of this man and his group. But is one Scottish Island really that big of a deal when entire towns and cities – including large parts of our capital have already been completely colonised?
And if Conservatives don’t care about the loss of these towns and cities, why do they care about this Island?
And here’s another important observation: This Muslim wasn’t born in Britain, he is from Kuwait and he moved here in 2006, so if he’s a problem, why not DEPORT HIM? If we don’t want people like him in this country acquiring land, then why have them in the country at all? I mean, if he hates the way we live, if he wants to live under a system of Sharia Law, if he wants to live in an Islamic State – he could pick one of several countries which are all governed in that way.
But that simple solution is the one solution a conservative would NEVER propose!
However, there is another reason as to why the conservative response to this story annoys me – and that’s because I don’t believe that Conservatives really care about this issue one bit. I think all the noise from the conservative press is nothing more than a way to convince White people that Conservatives do care about issues like this. The conservative press does this in order to keep whites on the reservation.
The last thing that the Conservatives want is for White people to see stories like this and decide to back a genuine nationalist solution. The conservative press knows that its readership is overwhelmingly White, and that those White people will have an overwhelmingly negative gut reaction to the idea of a Muslim cleric buying untouched prime British countryside in order to turn it into a mini-Islamic colony. So, the conservative press then have to convince those angry White people that someone within the media and within the establishment has the same concerns that they do!
This is how the conservative press plays its part in ensuring that White people keep giving the establishment one more chance, that White people retain some hope in the system, that White people don’t turn away from the two-party trap.
You see the crux of this matter is that really, the Conservatives DO want this man here! They want millions of men like him living in Britain and would grant millions more the right to come here! These Conservatives are happy for whole cities to fall under Muslim control. These Conservatives have fostered conditions where Sharia courts have flourished, where foreign languages are spoken in schools, and where White Britons have already been reduced to a minority in many towns and cities.
What’s more, this Muslim cleric arrived in Britain in 2006 and his asylum claim was ultimately successful – so he has now lived here for around 18 years. Under current legislation – which the previous Conservative government had 14 years to change – anyone who has successfully applied for asylum can then apply for citizenship after just one year of living in Britain! And if this man has indeed become a British citizen, any good conservative will tell you:
“He’s now just as British as anyone who’s family has lived on these islands for hundreds, if not thousands of years!”
But now, the same conservative press and pundits who have supported mass immigration, multiculturalism and diversity are feigning outrage over the sale of one island! And that’s because this is their chance to convince the public that they care. And they wish to dangle that carrot, that if they were in power, maybe they would do something about it! But by do something, we mean change new legislation which would allow them to take away the rights of everyone. Because if there’s one thing that any British government loves, it’s taking away the rights of the British people!
The outrage in the conservative press isn’t really about the future of a tiny island – it’s just a way to con decent and well-meaning people who have an instinctual dislike to the idea of foreigners buying up our country.
NEVER FORGET: Conservatives don’t have the same concerns as normal people. And let’s face it, if so-called “Conservatives” really cared about this issue in the same way as normal people do, then they would be outraged over the demographic shifts that have taken place in London, Birmingham, Leicester, Rotherham and Telford. But they are not! In fact, any good conservative would tell you how wonderful places like London and Birmingham are, that those cities are examples of the kind of multicultural diversity that we should all support and praise! Afterall, it was a Conservative government that minted coins telling us that “Diversity Built Britain”.
The answer to issues like this will never come from Conservatives. And the answer to an issue like this is NEVER to give the government more powers and take away more rights from indigenous Britons.
And anyway, the owner of the Island and the estate agent dealing with the property has already confirmed that this sale won’t go ahead. So this Muslim cleric and his followers will have remain in London – something that Conservatives are perfectly happy with!
So what is the answer to all this? Well, the real answer to this problem, in fact the real answer to most of Britain’s problems is much simpler, but it’s something that no Conservative will ever endorse. We must stop immigration and we must start deporting migrants who have no place here! Only then can we ensure a safe and healthy future for our people!
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 8/7/2024 = 37)
4 days ago(edited)
how about a homeland specifically for Scottish and British people?
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4 days ago
If White Scottish people tried to buy even a tiny Scottish island as a homeland for the indigenous Scots, they would be denounced as terrorists for even daring to voice the idea.
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4 days ago
Isn’t it infuriating?
4 days ago
Islamists aren’t compatible with the lush, beautiful countrysides of Europe. Europeans in the same way aren’t compatible with the dry deserts. A people, in a sense, are extensions of their historical environs.
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4 days ago
White people aren’t originally from Europe.
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4 days ago(edited)
Even though Europe wasn’t called Europe in prehistory, Whites are definitely from what’s now known as Europe… and further to the Caucasus mountains and beyond extending across Russia and western Asia. Yes, the European countries are our ancient homelands. We peopled/founded them many millennia ago. We are as indigenous to our ancient homelands as are the Negroes to Africa, the various Asians to the several Asian countries, the Semites/Arabs to the Mideast, the Latinos/Mestizos to Mexico and south of the equator.
4 days ago
untrue, but irrelevant… it is ours, as are North America, Oz, NZ, and ZA/Rhodesia.
4 days ago
The out of Africa theory was debunked. It was actually the cro-magnon that went into Africa, not the other way around.
4 days ago
What has become of White people. Why arent more whites speaking out against this b.s.
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4 days ago
The Holohoax cucked em all
4 days ago
deport jews,muslims,and all in the system who support them
4 days ago
Nothing to disagree with there mate.
Well said.
4 days ago
hang all for treason jew controled in government
GusinLanzarote Alt Right
4 days ago
Thing is if EVERY muslim agreed to go to one of the Scottish islands & leave us in peace- that would be BRILLIANT- same as these tiresome chip on shoulder gays anyone who cant live without seeing that damn rainbow flag every 5mins & has to have parades of grown men in leather simulating obscene acts in broad daylight- we could wall off Brighton & make it into a sort of ghetto for them with no under 18s allowed in. That way Britain could recover its greatness whilst all these tiresome minority groups pursued their strange ways whilst not annoying us. We MUST make clear though- if they are granted an area & it turns into an Angolan type dump- that is on them to sort out; there is no running back to us!
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4 days ago
Better to simply round them up and deport them from whence they came. And perhaps when things get so bad that even the most wealthy, insulated White feels unsafe… maybe then that solution will become the only one. Which we could do even if we were outnumbered 10-to-one.
3 days ago
I have fantasized of sending all the LGBT who want to come out of the closet or campaign for equal rights to Tel Aviv.
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GusinLanzarote Alt Right
3 days ago
yeah in the Orthodox área
4 days ago
Have you heard of the author Lawrence James? He has written some interesting books about the British Empire, and one called The Warrior Race, also about the British. He’s getting on a bit and he may be a boomer of some type, i don’t really know, but he seems pretty pro Empire, and patriotic, so he could make for an interesting guest at some point.
4 days ago
We should do this but for only white far right natives.
Redpill Rundown
4 days ago
4 days ago
get ready to protect yourself and your familly get a gun or semething
4 days ago
The Scottish governments own plans says that Scotland will have an Asian majority. He just has to be patient and he will get the entire country.
just my thinking DPG
3 days ago
Enemy of my enemy is my friend. At least they are not invading it like jews and claiming they are chosen by god to do so. if it keeps jews and sodomites out…so be it. Jews are about Chaos and are the ones for centuries that have caused conflict between Christians and Muslims. The jews have infiltrated all religions to cause chaos. The real NSDAP did not have a PROBLEM with Muslims. As long as their is a separate land mass. take them out of the cities and let them BUY an island. Separatism is not racism, it respect each others cultures.
Adolf Hitler And Palestine It just so happens to be that the NSDAP and Adolf Hitler had a fairly big following from Palestine. Hitler also supported Palestine against the jewish/Israeli occupation.
The ongoing & constant vilification & demonization of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich in the media is to prevent & discourage the disclosure of Hitler’s (German) Economic & Social miracle, which, during his reign, removed the parasitic influence out of all positions of power. National Socialism operates in accord with the Laws of Nature, the natural order of things. German National Socialism was holistic & practical in it’s approach. The paradigm, which Hitler’s NSDAP ushered in, was so ahead of its time that it boggles the mind.
4 days ago
Given Britain’s steady slide into demographic demise, is it feasible to think that Westminster Abbey could eventually become a grand mosque?
Cone of Silence
4 days ago
There’s never a reset button on any legislation, you know, just in case laws and decisions made by governments go pear shaped.
anti nwos , anti invasions
4 days ago
no more balls under the scottish kilts …..any rotten shits of the world cld get their land????
4 days ago(edited)
Christian morality means you lose everything. Lose your morality or lose everything. That’s the choice White men.
4 days ago
Between the Devil and the deep blue sea.
4 days ago
theyve already got their own Islamic island, its called the UK.
Racial Consciousness
4 days ago
But, Mark, you told us all these brown muslims would be a great Benefit to Britain because they would help shift elections in the British people’s favor…
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Mark Collett
4 days ago
No I didn’t. That’s a wilful misinterpretation of what I said. You do this to various people in order to create drama, which is pointless.
16 hours ago
bury pigs on the island to repel the pork dodgers.
3 days ago
In these USA we never hear a politician propose punishing businesses that hire illegals or require English be spoken. It sure would be nice to know whom they REALLY serve.
3 days ago(edited)
Slow loss of freedoms due to legislating “fairness” as “diversity” increases is a warning I’ve been trying to tell people for half a decade. Only when I had time to think about these issues after getting out of the rat race was I able to see that trend.
For example Sweden doesn’t like what Muslims teach in schools & that they segregate sexes and so in 2018 Sweden’s government decided to ban the expansion of Muslim schools. But to be fair the government also banned the expansion of Christian schools, but Jewish schools are OK. Funny how that works. The story evolved over the years.
Sweden Aims to Ban All Religious Schools…Because of Islamic Schools (March 21, 2018)
As of May 2022 my impression is that the ban passed but there still is a fight to stop the bans. Inspection of school cirriculums have happened to make sure that facts and nothing that goes against the state’s beliefs is taught.
Swedish Christian schools approved after government supervision (26 MAY 2022)
In Toronto, Canada Africans shoot each other just like Africans in Baltimore, Chicago, Washington DC, Memphis, etc. The Canadian government banned sales of handguns and is trying to confiscate hand guns from everyone just to be fair.
The pattern is bring in an incompatible race or ideology that abuses indigenous customs and freedoms resulting in the indigenous loosing their customs and freedoms. I believe that discriminating by allowing only Whites, only Christians and other illiberal practices will maximize other freedoms, the most important one being “self preservation!”
4 days ago
There are ZERO towns controlled by Scots in Scotland
4 days ago
Scottish Sharia
Matt Hammond
4 days ago(edited)
Went to a backwater pizzeria today in a suburb of Krakow. It was completely overrun with Muslims strutting around like they owned the place. There’s no running away from this because it’s happening in every white country.
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