Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle


of Race and the Politics of Will


Thu, Sep 19, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

• Now hosting a live stream on Twitter/X for the first time.

• Recent activism and interviews, including one with a young Australian influencer/YouTuber, Max Caruso.

• They criticize Nick Fuentes’ views on their street activism tactics.

• Argue for the importance of militant street activism to recruit and inspire supporters.

• The need for white nationalism and racial loyalty: “We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race.”

• Criticize attempts at political alliances with non-white groups.

• Discuss recent Australian political events, including a politician’s comments on Abo “Welcome” ceremonies.

• Argue that White people need to “stop White flighting and start fighting back” against immigration.

• Criticize conservative politics and argue for more radical action.

• The differences between American and Australian politics and nationalism, “White nationalism was the product of struggle in Australia.”

• Criticize Muslim immigration and Islamic views.

• Importance of aesthetics and looking “cool” in political activism. “Looking cool is actually really more important than almost anything else that you do in politics.”

• The need to appeal to women supporters.

• Discuss historical figures like Hitler and philosophical concepts related to their ideology.

• Criticize “multiracial alliance retards” and argue for racial separatism.

• Discuss the concept of freedom and its relation to racial identity. “Freedom wasn’t this abstract concept, therefore, of you’re free because people leave you alone. No, you’re free because you are loved by your people and because your people make you free.”

• The importance of loyalty to one’s race and family.

• Meta-ethical positions and their relation to white nationalism.

• Criticize universalist ethical systems and argue for particularism.

• Express support for white nationalists in other countries, particularly America and Europe.

• Discuss gun rights and criticize Americans who focus on guns while “everything slips through your fingers.”

• Argue for the need for a political movement to represent White Americans.

• Discuss historical events like the American Revolution and Australian Federation.

• Criticize the influence of jews in politics and media.

• Discuss the concept of “cucking” and argue against compromising their beliefs.

• Express admiration for militant Christian groups and discuss potential alliances.

• Argue for the deportation of non-White people from Australia.

• Discuss the concept of “White flight” and argue against it.

• Criticize mainstream politicians and media figures.

• Importance of recruiting young men to their cause.

• Argue for the need to “shock people with the irrational” to gain support.

• Discuss the concept of social cohesion and argue that it requires racial homogeneity.

• Criticize multiculturalism and argue for white-only societies.

• Discuss the concept of “larping” in politics and argue for genuine action.

• Express support for historical fascist and NS figures.

• Importance of building a movement that can challenge the current political system.

• The need to adapt to current political pressures: “We have just enough pressure in order to effectively adapt to and overcome our adversaries at this point.”

• The concept of existential struggle and its relation to their ideology.

• End by expressing support for white nationalists globally and encouraging further action.



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Published on Thu, Sep 19, 2024




The purpose of street activism, the principle of race and the politics of will
Joel Davis
Streamed on:
Sep 19, 6:40 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
my social media links:
follow Blair on X:
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(Words: 30,174 – Duration: 170 mins)



Joel Davis: We are live. We are live. It is the 19th of September 2024. We’re actually live on Twitter. Live on X for the first time.


Finally rigged it. I don’t know why I didn’t start streaming these streams on Twitter earlier because, yeah, it’s just like an obviously good platform. I saw some other nationalists that have been streaming up there and they got crazy numbers of views and they get a shitload of, … I remember when I did streams with Elijah Schaffer, he streamed it on X as well and it got heaps of views. We’re going to stream every show on Twitter now.


So you can watch the show on Twitter, but if you’re already accustomed to watching it on Rumble, stay on Rumble because the Rumble’s got a good live chat.


So you can stay on the live chat on Rumble. And also we’re on Odysee. But yeah, you can watch on Twitter. And the replay will be available. I think it automatically re-uploads as a replay. So we’ll see. Hopefully there’s no technical difficulties this time, but we’re into the show. Tom actually going to join us. He’s just turned his webcam off because he’s smashing down his late dinner and it’d be a little bit uncouth for him to finish it on stream.


So we’re going to start off with me and Blair. Blair, how you doing this evening?


Blair Cottrell: I’m good, man. I’m just trying to figure out how I change my settings on X to see quote, unquote, “sensitive content” because I just reshared this stream on X. Really excited to be streaming on X, by the way. First time we’ve done it, as Joel said, so should really soak up some new viewers, which is great. But how do I change my settings so I can see sensitive content? Like, does anyone have any instructions for me?


Joel Davis: I’ve got all these blocks on my account. Anything that goes on my account is classified as, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it sucks!


But look, someone sent me an instruction on how to do that. We won’t get into it on the stream to divert the conversation that way, but someone tell me how to do that because I’m a little bit boomer tech with this stuff.


But yeah, I’m going well, really busy. I’m working as much as I can to make a bit of money for an endeavour of mine that’s coming up next month. But other than that, yeah, man, I’m just keeping an eye on current affairs.


Our mutual friend Thomas Sewell caught up with upcoming young Australian influencer today. So we might talk a little bit about that. I saw that you’ve been getting into a bit of back and forth with Fuentes, so that’ll be interesting to get your take on what’s happening there. But how you feeling Tom Sewell. What’s up?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’m great. Just had a busy afternoon, but glad to be on the show. I just watched over that video. I thought the young guy did a good job. You can tell he’s very afraid of censorship. So we did, like, a half an hour interview, and he put up maybe four minutes of it, and the rest is just him at 7/11 being casually racist and funny.


So I have high hopes for the young man. It’s a shame that that generation’s kind of got a lot of brain rot. But you just got to roll with the punches.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ll just show it here on the screen.


So this is the video. Tom just got interviewed by this guy, Max Caruso on YouTube. He just uploaded the video about an hour ago. And, yeah, he does these things where he goes and interviews gangsters and different people. And he decided to interview Tom.


So I haven’t actually seen it yet because he just uploaded it. But after Tom went and did the interview, he came to training, and it sounded like he had a good time. And it was a lot of fun. So should be some fun content.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s sad he’s so concerned about censorship, he left out a lot of the funny stuff.


So he would ask a question and I would just nonchalantly sort of answer it in a way that would just be normal in our scene. But for someone that’s very, very neutral politically and not exposed to our scene, he just found everything that I was saying hilarious in a kind of not in a nervous way, necessarily, but I think that generation are so divorced from just truth, just stern truth. They’re used to people, like, beating around the bush, and then they can’t even say faggot at school or like, there’s a lot of things that they don’t expect people to say.


So when I was explaining things the way that I sometimes do, I try to keep it as short and as succinct as possible because I knew his audience would have a short attention span. And he left out. I got him laughing quite a bit. Like, he left out a lot of the gold. Like he said to me at one point:


“I just always kind of I understand what you’re saying, but I grew up with this idea that Australia was for everyone.”


And I said to him:


“For everyone?”


And he was like:


“Yeah, you know, we’re multicultural. Just everyone can come here.”


And I said to him:


“If everyone is Australian, then what does Australian mean?”


And he just went really blank and kind of looked at the ground awkwardly.


And I was like:


“If every colour is red, then what colour is red?”


And he kind of just had, like, …


Blair Cottrell: That’s a great analogy. Wow, that’s great!




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he just had this, like, windows 95 kind of like loading screen or like Apple loading screen. It’s like, do, do, do! Yeah, he was just like, … And then even the cameraman started laughing. And it’s sad that he left stuff like that out because that, to me, is really funny, confronting logic that they’ve never been exposed to as young people. And, yeah, there was another time where he sort of asked the same question again in a different way to get a different answer.


And I was like:


“All right, I’ll say something even dumber because., …”


Well, not dumber, but I’ll say something that maybe would be more controversial or more able to get on YouTube than what I just said. Cause it makes too much sense.


And I said to him:


“So you’re saying Belay [sp] is just as Australian as me?”


And he just lost it! He was like:


“Did you just click at me?”






“Well, they can’t. They’re cannibals, aren’t they? From the Congo, like, Belay.”


And it was a good time.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I can tell he wants to make something of himself, this guy. You know, he’s probably trying to protect his brand somewhat, as a lot of you know, upcoming influencers try to do.


Joel Davis: But hopefully, … I said, be very careful.


Thomas Sewell: I said, be very careful about getting a YouTube strike if you want to make it with what you’re doing. Be very careful with your interview with me. Like, don’t put too much up. Be very careful.


Blair Cottrell: As you know, Tom, like, YouTube strikes, they don’t have to give you strikes. They can just delete you! If he’s seen to be platforming someone who’s like a significant or considered some sort of threat to national security, that’s what Intelligence will say. YouTube will just take it, take his account down completely. So it’ll be interesting to see if it stays up. Like, he’s in dangerous territory. I think he doesn’t understand how dangerous the territory is in censorship terms.


But, yeah, it’ll be interesting to see if it stays up. And I’m glad it was fun. I’m going to watch it. I haven’t watched it yet. I watched it on mute while Joel and I were warming up just to get perspective of the vibe. And it looked like good fun.


Joel Davis: Yeah. It’d be interesting to give it a watch after this, but in the meantime, we’ve got a stream to do. And there’s some subjects I really wanted to cover this evening. And the catalyst for it was., … Yeah, like, I got into a little bit of an argument with Nick Fuentes on Twitter, but it was an amicable argument. I just basically restated my criticism of the idea that we could form some kind of alliance politically with Muslims or other non-White factions that would be reliable in any way because they have completely different interests. Like, White people have specific existential interests, other groups have different interests. Maybe they converge on a particular issue.


But as the news cycle shifts, as things happen, eventually we find ourselves on opposite sides on another issue and the alliance breaks down. That’s why race needs to be the principle, because that provides consistency. There is always a pro-White position that is consistent on every issue, and we have blood loyalty to one another. We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race. We’re being attacked as a race, and the survival of our race is ultimately dependent upon our ability to reassert ourselves as a race. And no one else is going to come and save us but ourselves. And that’s just the reality. I see the political reality.


So I see any of this attempt at extending the political definition to include non-Whites, as just a waste of time, a waste of energy, fundamentally unstable. And it might seem like it’s a good idea temporarily, but it will always end up kind of falling apart in time. So I reiterated my point on that. And we had a little bit of a back and forth, particularly over the Israel-Palestine thing, because obviously, fuck Israel! Obviously we stand opposed to the jews and we want Israel cut off. I think we would actually want the jews expelled from all Western countries and Israel cut off completely.


But having said that, putting all of this political energy, and this isn’t something that I necessarily accused Fuentes of doing, but a lot of other people in the scene did this to excess, of putting way too much political energy, I think, into defending Palestine and focusing upon the pro-Palestine movement, which is led by brown people, brown immigrants in the West, in alliance with communists. Two enemy factions of us! Putting all of this energy into the pro-Palestine movement to the point that what are we getting out of that? They don’t have any sympathy for us. They don’t do anything for White people. In fact, communists and browns that make up this core coalition, they’re directly opposed to us and our direct political enemies.


So I’m not going to put much political energy into defending the pro-Palestine cause. I’m quite happy to criticise Israel, to attack Israel, to attack jewish influence. But from a pro-White perspective, from the perspective that White people shouldn’t be funding or supporting this foreign state, why do we go to war in Iraq for Israel’s interests? Obviously, it’s because of jewish infiltration and subversion of western governments. And not one White soldier should have given his life to defend Israel’s interests. I mean, that’s insane!




So obviously we agree on that point, but I think the criticism should be from a pro-White standpoint. We should criticise jews on the basis of how jewish power adversely affects White people, not how it adversely affects other groups. So that we remain entrenched in asserting our particular interests as a race and as a people. The retort was:


“Okay, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be reduced to that. All of these liberal and Islamic critics of Israel are still putting negative attention on the jews, and this is waking people up to the problem with the jews and so on.”


And I said:


“I don’t really think that’s the case.”


For me, there’s plenty of anti-Israel sentiment in the community. It’s a totally normal position. At least half of society is pro-Palestine, at least in most Western countries pro-Palestinian sentiment is actually higher than pro-Israel sentiment. There’s a lot of celebrities that are pro-Palestinian. The entire Left basically is pro-Palestinian in the rank and file. Obviously, the jews have captured the major centr-Left parties and keep them kind of in a more neutral position on the issue, leaning more towards the pro-Israel position.


But ultimately, the average Leftist is pretty anti-Israel. So does that mean that they’re anti-jewish? No, because they criticise Israel from a racial egalitarian perspective. The perspective that:


“The problem with Israel is that it’s a settler colonial, western White supremacist state.”


And they use basically the same criticism of Israel that they used to criticise the White settlement of Australia or the White settlement of the United States or Canada or whatever, and to de-legitimize that.


And so I don’t want to play into that framework. Because as a White Australian, that directly undermines me as well! I mean, I’m against Israel because it’s jewish! Not because it’s settler, colonialist or because it’s supremacist or any of these other things.


So anyway, …


Blair Cottrell: Joel, if you had to pick a side, what side would it be?


Joel Davis: I would pick Palestine, because fuck jews! But I don’t have to pick a side necessarily. Like, I picked the side of the Whiteman, because I’m White. I pick my own side.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Let me be clear. Let me be clear. Like, if Israel just incinerates a million Palestinians with incendiary bombs tonight, I don’t care!


And I also don’t care if, what are they, Hamas and Hezbollah? I don’t care if they gas a million jews tomorrow. I don’t care! I’m an Australian racist. I don’t care! My only concern would be, okay, how are we going to develop, build up and defend our national existence against these psychopaths killing each other over there? That’s what concerns me. Am I wrong?


Joel Davis: I mean, yeah. It makes sense to only be concerned with your own people, as opposed to worried about a foreign conflict. The only reason it’s our problem is because the jews are in our country, making it our problem through infiltrating our government and sending our resources, and most particularly American resources, to the aid of Israel and getting us involved in their conflict.


And then also, then we get the Palestinian immigrants brought into our countries as well, and that becomes other Islamic immigrants in general.


And so then we’ve got a pro-Palestine movement and a pro-zionist movement clashing in Australian politics and in all Western political dynamics, when it shouldn’t be our fucking problem! There shouldn’t be any jews or Palestinians or Muslims in any of our countries! And it should just be some weird foreign conflict that you read about on like, page 30 of the newspaper or something. It shouldn’t be something that we have to care about.


So anyway, that was the argument. So then a lot of people kept Superchatting, I think Nick’s show this week, asking him about me. And there was a response that he gave. I thought we could watch it and react to it. Not because it’s a big deal, the personal attack, but more because he then attacked street activism. He attacked basically our organisation and basically said:


“Oh, what’s the point of marching in the street in black? And so on?”


And so I thought it would be good to respond to it, to kind of explain, what our actual philosophy is behind doing it. Because this is something that is important, I think, to reiterate. Like, obviously, it’s a major part of what we do. So we’re going to explain why we do it.


But anyway, I’ll play the clip. I got the clip here. I’ll play the clip and we’ll analyze it’s actually a nine minute clip. I don’t know if I want to play the whole thing, it would take ages.


Blair Cottrell: I’ll do my best to pay attention.


Joel Davis: Sorry?


Thomas Sewell: The most important part is the last section, so maybe play the start and play the end.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ll play the final clip.


Superchat: Skip sent $10. Could you elaborate on your thoughts about Joel Davis? The wignat circles he’s now a part of seem to always criticise you, which is disappointing. Always saw him as a potential Australian version of you. Would you be down to debate him in Twitter space?


Nick Fuentes: Well, the truth is, it’s kind of irrelevant, because he lives in Australia.


So I just don’t really care that much about, … Look, what does Australia have to do with us? That guy’s not American, so what does he have to do with us?


Joel Davis: I mean, then he proceeds to talk about me for nine minutes, so it must have something to do with you.


But anyway, I’ll try and skip to the point at which he talks about street activism.




Nick Fuentes: We wouldn’t do that at a rally. We wouldn’t do that at a thing. [word unclear] reform. I don’t know what the model is there. Like lowbrow, … I don’t know. I don’t think we’re ever going to. And it’s because of this charismatic leader you’re behind who he’s apparently in love with. It’s like, yeah, I don’t know. So are you really committed? Are you really serious about your core convictions if you’re changing them all the time?


Joel Davis: So, okay, so this part, he kind of criticised me, saying that I flip flopped on Christianity.


I started out online as kind of more of an intellectual, doing intellectual content, like theory cell content. I wasn’t doing activism then.


Blair Cottrell: I can’t picture that! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. I wasn’t doing activism then, but basically I started out doing that kind of content. But at that time, my worldview wasn’t a million miles away from where it is now. I was a kind of Nietzschean, imperialist, racialist at that time. And that kind of my guiding kind of philosophy.


Then I went through a phase of trying to give Christianity a chance. I was raised a Christian. I turned away from the faith in my teens, and I tried to give it a chance again as an adult. And I ended up giving Catholicism a chance. I was raised a Protestant, and I was kind of I couldn’t go back to that. So I thought maybe I had the wrong brand. Maybe if I go back to the original brand, if I go back to Coke rather than Pepsi, it might taste better.


And I gave it a proper chance. I really did. That was a sincere thing. I don’t really see how that indicates that I lack conviction, to give a religion a chance, then ultimately, I just don’t. I lost my. I don’t have faith in the Church. I don’t think the Church is a legitimate institution.


But this whole time, I was a White nationalist. I never was nothing racially focused. I was never not pro-White. I’ve been pretty consistent in that core principle.


So the time in which I was a Catholic, I was a White nationalist, I was a Holocaust revisionist or denier, whatever you want to call it. You know, I talked about World War Two. I talked about the Nazis in positive terms. I defended Hitler. So it isn’t like this is like a million miles away from [chuckling] what I was doing before. I just basically had a religious phase. But he’s kind of defining that as flip flopping, like saying that what I’m doing now, I don’t have conviction.


I decided to get involved in activism. I surveyed the Australian scene. This is the only project that I thought was interesting and that was going anywhere in a positive way. So I decided to embrace this particular project. It aligned with my convictions and with my personality.


So that’s why I’m doing what I’m doing. Apparently, that’s flip flopping. Anyway.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t know. It seems like a pretty standard process of development. It’s not really flip flopping. Yeah, but that’s just my take.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, maybe Hitler was right when Hitler said that you shouldn’t get involved in politics until you’re 30, …


Blair Cottrell: Don’t say that! You’re not even 30 yet. Right?


So you’re still, …


Joel Davis: Yeah. Maybe he was correct about that. Maybe I should have, like, finished, … Because now I’m kind of in my. I think I’ve finished my kind of maturing. I’ve kind of arrived. And maybe I should have waited.


But at the same time, I don’t really regret my previous involvements, because, as I said, it’s not like I haven’t been pro-White or, basically agitating for the same things the whole time.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Tom and I got started early too. We got started early. And I don’t think either of us regret it. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! And you guys got started in a position that in now as well. Like, you tried a project. It wasn’t exactly the right formula. Like, you had some success, but it wasn’t exactly the right formula. Went back to the drawing board, reassessed. You have to learn on the job! And I feel like, similar to me. I tried some things out earnestly and then went back to the drawing board and revised it.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. I actually had conversation with Jim Salem, who at the time was called the “grandfather of Australian White nationalism”. When I was 21 and I was first getting involved in public activism, and I went up to “The Bunker”, as they call it, in Sydney in Tempe, and I said to him that quote, I said:


“You know, Hitler described that a man wasn’t politically mature until 30. And should I sort of just keep observing and keep an eye on things and keep developing myself and then maybe emerge as a political commentator, or a political leader, or a political activist at 30?”


And he said:


“No, no, there’s a lot that I disagree with Hitler on. That’s ridiculous! Alexander the Great defeated the Persians when he was 21 years old!”


At one of the battles. Can’t remember the battle, but he mentioned the battle specifically.


And, I mean, that is slightly different in the sense that he was born the son of a king. So that kind of helps get your political career up and running at 21! But it was a fair point. It was a fair point. I think he said something like, he’d conquered, like, a third of the known world by 28.


And so, yeah, I think Joel’s comments are fair. I think Nick’s comments on this, especially, are unfair. This idea, I can’t consider Joel someone that’s flip flopped on any of these issues. That’s the thing about being a political commentator, like Nick or like Joel or like ourselves, we make a thousand takes over the course of two years or three years.


So you can selectively pick, you know, anything and put them in distinction to each other or play them at the same time as each other. And it can appear that someone’s flip flopped on their views. And that’s not true. That’s not consistent with what Joel’s development has been like. And anyone to try to go back to their religious roots and explore Catholicism and then say:


“Well, that’s not for me.”


You know, that’s fine and noble. And obviously, Nick is personally affected by that. Nick’s a Catholic, isn’t he? So he would see that as some sort of apostasy. So that’s a personal dig. Like, he feels that’s an attack on his faith, that’s an attack on his convictions.


And then the other comments, the what’s it called? Not homophobic. What is it? The homoeroticism or whatever that he’s trying to bring up is just more of a projection of his own psyche. He’s the one with the gay accusations.




Blair Cottrell: Oh! Oh!


Thomas Sewell: This is the truth! Like when there’s been multiple occasions where his tabs have been open in the background and he said that he’s been hacked. Everyone’s defended him and protected him, but this is the stuff that’s been smeared against him and his associations with Catboy Cammy, who, like, would suck dildos on livestream. And he was friends with this guy and he did sleepovers with Catboy Cammie. That’s fucking weird! So he’s got some dubious associations, and he’s made many dubious comments.


And then to be involved in a nationalist organisation that has established leadership, that has established figureheads, it’s such a strange take that Nick has that to join an organisation must mean that you’re homosexually attracted to the leader. Is that why Nick isn’t involved in an organisation? Because he would have he would have to love big daddy Trump to join the Republican Party, or he’s got some strange, …


Blair Cottrell: Maybe there’s no American. Maybe no American organize leaders are hot enough for Nick? [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Maybe. Maybe.


But, yeah, it’s very immature. And he shouldn’t be punching Right. He is to the Left of us. He shouldn’t be punching Right.


But anyway, I’ll let you continue.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, I don’t have a problem with him expressing criticism of my views on whatever subject.


But, I mean, I’ve always been a friend to Nick. I’ve defended him from some people that I think have given him unfair criticism and personal attacks many times in the past, because I’m a pretty fair and reasonable person.


So it’s kind of weird to be like, yeah, I don’t think anyone really thinks I’m a faggot. You know, that’s not really a problem that I have to deal with. So it’s kind of weird for him to go there, but anyway.


Nick Fuentes: You bounce right out of it. And now you’re a NatSoc, and it’s because of this charismatic leader you’re behind, who’s apparently in love with. It’s like, yeah, I don’t know.

And the whole thing’s just kind of like, it’s too, like, lowbrow. Like, I don’t know. I don’t think we’re ever going to have political Reform because a bunch of meatheads dress in all black and yell the n-word, throwing up Nazi salutes. Like, I don’t think that’s ever actually going to lead to political reform.


Joel Davis: By the way, this idea that I don’t think we’ve ever, like, yelled the n-word in at a public rally because there isn’t any black people really, in Australia to speak of I mean, there’s a few, but it’s not that relevant. So I don’t even know what he’s talking about there.


I mean, yeah, we do pretty, like hardcore rallies that can be kind of aggressive and militant, but, yeah, and even if we did yell, the n-word, …


Blair Cottrell: Political upheaval is a collection of activities that all sort of have that collaborative effect. It’s not like yeah, a bunch of guys protesting isn’t the only reason political change happens, but it might be integral in some way, you know?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, the reason why we go into the street is, there’s multiple reasons. But one reason is because it provokes a reaction from the media, from the political class. I mean, the last few times that we’ve done rallies.


So the last rally that we did, we had the “Fuck Off! We’re Full!” rally where we confronted the refugee encampment. We forced Dvir Abramovich to go onto the news and a bunch of politicians to go into the news and argue about it. And Dvir Abramovich, by the way, is the Australian Jonathan Greenblatt, basically for the American audience. Like, he’s the jew that runs our version of the ADL [Anti-Defamation League].


He had to go on the news and explain “Great Replacement Theory” to the Australian people. And that, like that’s what we’re motivated by. We think that, like, White people are being replaced and this crazy conspiracy theory, and that’s what we’re there for.


And so that was brilliant! And the clips from that rally, by my count, of everything that I saw, accumulated at least 5 million views online on TikTok, on Twitter.


And the rally we did before that, where we, the ‘Mass Deportations Now’ rally that also got millions and millions of views online. It went all over the media sthings we have done in Sydney and Melbourne and so on, where the prime minister has had to come out into the media and condemn us or the premier of various states, like top level politicians, leaders from the jewish community and so on. So we provoke a reaction, to then get the Australian people to become aware of us. And we’ve become somewhat of a brand in Australian politics. So there’s a meta-political aspect to that.


But at the same time, there is also a recruitment aspect. Like we are showing ourselves to the people to say:


“Hey, come and join us!”


And every time we do a rally, we get a spike in recruits. Ultimately, we don’t have anywhere near enough people. But you’ve got to start somewhere.


Our idea is, well, if we keep doing this and we keep recruiting, in a few years time there’s going to be thousands of us. In a few more years time, maybe tens of thousands, and then it has a completely different connotation. Now we are literally mobilising seriously large quantities of White men in every city in Australia in a very prominent and powerful way that then becomes very interesting politically. But you have to start somewhere.




Blair Cottrell: It’s applying pressure and it’s forcing the establishment to react to what you’re doing, rather than you always having to react to what the establishment is doing. Right. So it puts you in a powerful position. And sure, there’s consequences, but that’s the fun of it, [chuckling] in my opinion.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s also about a kind of dramatisation. So it’s about showing that there’s one thing to have ideas and to promote ideas, but it’s another thing to go and stand in the street in a militant way in representation of those ideas. Because what that does is it shows that there is now an actor to support. There is a group, there is a movement, there is a representation of those ideas in a concrete formation of men. And, yeah, you could say:


“Well, it’s only 20 guys, 50 guys, 100 guys. Is that such a big deal?”


As I said, we’ve got to start somewhere. But we managed to get the prime minister of the country to talk about it, the top jews in the country to freak out about it all over the mainstream media and get millions of people to watch clips of it on the Internet. Many of the comments of which are massively supportive, by the way. You know, we’re creating a, we’re doing a performance art, basically. It’s a performance art with an audience of millions that gets a reaction out of the entire political elite of our country that has thousands and thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, sometimes even more, showing their support to us online.


So that’s a powerful act. There’s something there that you have to acknowledge in objective metrics.


Additionally, again, it’s a beginning point. We believe that the only way in which we can take on the system is ultimately to get White men organised in large quantities, explicitly around their race. And you could do that by basically getting no media attention and having like no public presence whatsoever! And you could see how many men you recruit and you could see how far you get and how much influence you have, or you could go and take on all the negative aspects of that, which is pressure from the feds, pressure from the state, pressure from the media.


But at the same time, you’re there, you’re in front of the people, you’re providing a concrete option. We believe that if we grow to a certain size, that hundreds of thousands of people that already sympathize with us in the Australian community, that so many of them will come and join our ranks once we get to a certain size, because they will see that:


“Wow! This is actually going somewhere. This is a movement I can believe in!”


It’s really hard to get people to believe in something when it’s a small amount of people or when it’s just an idea.


But when you start to show there’s thousands of men that have this idea that are going to stand together, united in this particular place at this particular time, then all of a sudden it becomes something to actually believe in. And you’re believing now in a people, in a group of people, as opposed to just a concept. Because there’s millions of Australians that the concepts of White nationalism will appeal to, but they’ve got no concrete people to go and support. They’ve got no concrete leadership to believe in, to galvanise around that idea. They just simply go:


“Oh, yeah, it sucks that immigration is happening and it sucks what’s happening to White people, but what am I going to do about it?”


We’re creating something for them to actually concretely believe in and to support.


But anyway, we’ll keep playing this clip.


Blair Cottrell: Before you do, before you click play, we’ve got well over one and a half thousand live viewers, almost approaching 2,000 actually on X, which is awesome for our first ever X stream!


Joel Davis: Not sure if that’s live viewers. I think the way that Twitter counts views is just anyone who views it just becomes a view. I don’t think they’re all necessarily viewing it all at the same time.


Blair Cottrell: Okay, well, it’s still a great amount of viewership and probably more than we get on Rumble. So just wanted to throw out some appreciation to everybody who is tuning in active in the live chat. That’s awesome! Thanks, guys.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s good. I think it will expand the audience. I mean, there’s still a lot of people watching a Rumble and Odysee, as usual. So, yeah, why not add the extra platform?


But, yeah, we’ll keep playing this clip.




Nick Fuentes: I don’t know what the model is there. I don’t know what the strategy is there. But he went from kind of like, where we were, which is be presentable, be nationalistic, et cetera, to like, now he’s dressing in all black with a bunch of thugs, throwing up Hitler salutes, screaming the n-word, and not in like a fun, … You know, sometimes I do that in, like a half joking way. It’s edgy! It’s like edge lord humour. We wouldn’t do that at a rally. We wouldn’t do that at a thing. And screaming about the “in-word this” and “get the fuck out!” Like, I’m sorry, I don’t know who that’s supposed to convince. Who is that supposed to win over other than other extreme young men?


Joel Davis: Yeah, we’re trying to win over other extreme young men! We’re trying to recruit them. [chuckling] That’s kind of the idea.


We present ourselves in a militant way because we want to recruit young White men with a militant attitude. We want to recruit tough young men that are willing to make sacrifices, that are willing to take risks, because we’re trying to build a core of revolutionaries. Those are the kinds of people that are revolutionaries.


And a lot of people in the public do like us and sympathize with us, but we know that they’re not going to come and join us because joining us is kind of intimidating. It’s scary, it’s commitment.


So we have a lot of passive supporters in the community that I think are glad to see militant young White men standing up for them. And they’ll be much happier to see us when there’s a thousand, and they’ll be much, way more happy to see us when there’s 10,000. The bigger we get, the more they’ll love us.


But we are trying to appeal to the men that are going to come and be part of that first thousand and then be part of that first 10,000. And those people, yeah, they’re going to have, like, they’re not going to be your average normie. They’re going to be people that are, have a so-called “extreme personality”, I guess, in some way, shape or form. We need people that are willing to become revolutionaries, that’s the only way we’re going to get there.


So, yes, the way we dress in black and we look kind of staunch and intimidating and give off a militant aura, because we’re trying to attract those people.


And also we’re trying to show that we’re serious, that we mean business. We don’t want fat nerds! We don’t want losers! We don’t want people that are soft. We don’t want people that are compromising. We want people that want to come and embrace an uncompromising, revolutionary message.


So that’s the logic. I don’t know if Tom wants to comment on that or if we should just keep watching.


Thomas Sewell: What he’s most upset about, in my opinion, in this segment, which I think a lot of people in our wider movement, I mean, this kind of rhetoric reminds me of Thuletide, for example. There’s a lot of people in the wider movement that are really upset with how we’re going about our activism and how we’re going about our optics.


And the main complaint I’ve heard, which he hasn’t said the words exactly, but they say it like this usually:


“You’re dressing up like you’re the enemy!”


That’s usually how they say it:


“You’re dressing up like you’re the enemy!”


I’ve heard this from all sorts of Liberal Party circles, you know, people that are quite sympathetic to us, you know, conservatives, conservative boomers.


And then:


“They don’t understand. They just don’t get it. You’re dressing up like the enemy. Why are you dressing up like the enemy? Why are you making yourself out to be like the enemy? !”


Just can’t conceive it.


And the reason why they can’t conceive it is because they’re collaborating with the enemy. They don’t participate strictly in the distinction. Nick Fuentes and his strategy and all the other Entriest type strategies, they want to be part of the system. They’ll wear a suit and a tie. They’ll pretend to be a lawyer, or they’ll pretend to be part of the political class, the Liberal political class. They’re larping as the people in power to try to fool the public into thinking that:


“We’re the same as the people in power, just with a little bit more common sense. And that’s how we’re going to get legitimacy.”


And it’s foolish! Because they’re never going to get legitimacy because they’re not puppets! The only people that have legitimacy within the Liberal order are put there by the men behind the curtain. And they’re never going to put someone like Nick Fuentes there.


So the Entriest policy, although it can make some initial progress and it can certainly create some compromised halfway positions towards where we want to go, it can never go all the way that we need to go! And he exposes himself as not even believing in wanting to go all the way. And he’s compromising himself because of this. He says something like:


“Oh, I don’t know much about Australia, but good luck to them! They’re never going to make Australia White!”


It’s like, we are going to make Australia White. That’s a fact. We are. It’s an absolute, undeniable, 100% fact! We have the numbers, we have the people. We’re not going to be swamped by billions of nons. That’s just not going to happen, because it’s one or the other. And we’re the last stand of the antipodean in the south. We’re going to make that stand and we’re going to be successful in that stand. And we have the faith. We have the belief in that.


So, yeah, we are dressing up as the enemy. We are. And that’s on purpose. It’s to create contrast, it’s to create distinction. And in time, right now, people aren’t angry enough. They should be much more angry than they are, especially with what’s going on in Germany and what’s going on in England. But even in America and Australia, it’s the same nonsense! It’s the same crap going on. You know, it’s police knocking on people’s doors for having the wrong political opinions.


And what’s going to happen over time is, and it’s already happening in real time, is people are losing faith in the establishment! They’re losing faith in the system and its institutions. And they’re going from losing faith in this system and its institutions into feeling like the system and its institutions are the enemy!


And then the enemy, or the system, is stupid enough to point out at 20 dudes in black block and say:


“That’s the enemy. That’s the enemy. These people are the enemy. They’re the enemy within. They’re the problem. Look at these evil Nazis! They’re the number one enemy. They’re the most toxic form of politics. They’re the most horrible, evil enemy to ever exist! These 20 men, or these 30 men, or these 50, or these 70!”


Or wherever it goes from there, and they’re stupid enough to do that. And what they fail to realise is that the average Australian is starting to hate the government! The average Australian is really starting to feel like the government is their enemy.


And when the government points out that we are the legitimate, full, 100% enemy of the system, well, now the people know where to look for:


“So, wait, if the government is my enemy, and the government is saying these people are the enemy? Well, maybe I identify with these people!”


And that is why we’re dressing up as the enemy, because we are the enemy of the people that want to destroy the White race. That’s our enemy and we’re their enemy. It’s that clear!





Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s well said.


And you mentioned there, Australia. And Nick is giving a perspective as an outsider from America. He’s not really savvy with what’s happening in Australian social, political life. Right. What he probably doesn’t understand is Australians have a certain disdain for careerist commentary. Like, they want to see action. They want to see someone ruffling the feathers, someone sort of pushing boundaries. And Australians really value an underdog as well. You know, we have that kind of culture down here. And are you saying, Tom, that maybe Fuentes is only really interested in remaining a careerist political commentator who wants to remain within the boundaries of the existing system, that maybe he’s trying to avoid that kind of more revolutionary, radical perspective and that’s why he’s kind of not really into the activism? Is that what you’re saying?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, absolutely! I think that there’s two main types of far-Right people, if you want to describe them as that there are revolutionaries and there are reformers.


And I think he’s made it very clear that he’s a reformer. He wants reform. He wants Trump to take off the tie and crack the whip. He wants Trump to get the job done, build the wall, deport some of the Mexicans, or a couple million of them. But he doesn’t want a complete revolution. He doesn’t want a complete change in the entire system:


“The system is relatively good. There’s just a bit too many jews in power, and we can just make these kind of meantime reforms and go back to 1990.”


Joel Davis: That’s the thing, he says that he does want a revolution. Like when he talked, like, on this same stream, I watched a little bit of it, and he said some really good things earlier in the stream about how he called himself a White supremacist. He said:


“He doesn’t care what brown people have to say about White genocide, that our race is being genocided and we’re going to be angry about it and we’re going to do something about it and we’ll let when we’ve gone too far. But we’re nowhere near going too far at this point.”


And a lot of good rhetoric.


Thomas Sewell: Well, that’s interesting because according to him we’re going too far. So he’s gonna let us, …


Joel Davis: What he’s having an issue with is the street activism.


But it’s like, that’s the thing. It’s like you want to have a politics with revolutionary outcomes, but then you want to go about it like a conservative, like you want to go about it where you wear the suit and the tie and let’s infiltrate the system and let’s change hearts and minds and like you’re not going to get revolutionary outcomes from conservative strategies.


Now when we look at, when we take a survey of the land and we look at the university educated, you know, upper middle class types, people who get law degrees, people who work in law enforcement, people who work in politics, these are the hardest people to get to take on a revolutionary agenda because they have the most to lose from throwing their lot in with any kind of radical movement. Because their entire livelihood, their entire career could be crumbled in one instant through association to anyone who is too radical being made public.


So we looked at that and we said:


“Okay, trying to build on that foundation is going to be a house built on sand.”


Because all of these people are basically being selected into all of these positions through their capacity for risk avoidance. And their entire livelihoods are going to be built around that foundation.




So then we go and look at, okay, well then we’ve got this demographic of White working class tradesmen, skilled labourers and so on. Guys who own their own businesses, guys who work in small businesses, guys that are masculine, guys that are into fitness, guys that have a militant attitude, they have an aggression that are generally the most racist demographic in Australian society, and the most free! Because they don’t work in industries where their livelihoods could necessarily be destroyed by association to a radical political movement. And we go:


“Well, we could recruit from that demographic of disaffected young men who are looking at society and saying, ‘It’s going to cost me a million dollars to buy a house in an average suburb. I want to get married, I want to have kids, I want my kids to go to good schools, I want to be able to live in a decent home. And now I’m basically going to be mortgaged up to the shithouse for the rest of my life, enslaved to jews to live in a shitty suburb surrounded by Indians, send my kids to a school where the jews are going to teach them to become trannies. This is fucking unacceptable! This is fucking unacceptable! I’m going to do something about it. I’m going to go and join these boys’!”


There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of young White men in that demographic who are going to love our message and who already do love our message! We could build a massive, massive movement of young men that will have money, that will be able to put their bodies in the street and extract a lot of strength from the people. And this is similar to if you read Mein Kampf. When Hitler kind of looked at the conservative movement of his day and the middle class and the petty bourgeois class of his day, he analyzed them and said:


“You know what? It’s going to be difficult for us to draw much strength from these people because they’re not doing so bad within the system. The system is offering them kind of positions but at the same time their mentality is fundamentally reformist. Their mentality is fundamentally servile to the establishment. We’re going to have to go and draw our strength from the class below them, and we’re going to have to appeal to them and build them into a large movement and then through strength in numbers then impose ourselves upon the political system with a more revolutionary kind of politics than what the conservacucks are going to be offering.”


Which is all conservatism is a compromise with the enemy. So we are trying to reach into the revolutionary demographic in Australian society and build upon that foundation. And yeah, they might be a little bit more rough around the edges. Yeah they might not have as refined sensibilities and so on, but they are ultimately going to be providing the raw manpower and the raw resources to actually put together a proper White nationalist political movement.


And then once we have a White nationalist political movement of a sufficient size, then we will have the ability to go and get those higher quality types, the people with the law degrees, the guys that are working in politics, the guys that are of that higher echelon of society and say:


“Hey, we’ve already got an established party here, we’ve got an established organisation, we’ve got money, we’ve got chapters in every single town in every major city. We’ve got guys everywhere. We’ve got resources. We can fund you, we can support you. Come and join us. It doesn’t matter if they know that you’re a Nazi because we can fucking support you! The movement can support you don’t need the system anymore to operate.”


And then we have a chance at actually winning. Because right now our enemies control the money. Our enemies control all the positions of influence. And everyone that’s going in there trying to infiltrate the system has to play by the rules of the enemy. And so they’re all totally ineffective!


I know plenty of guys that have infiltrated that are staffers in all of these political parties across the Australian Right. Guys that have branch stacked and become branch presidents within the Liberal Party, which is our biggest conservative Party, guys that have been staffers for major Right-wing politicians and so on. Whenever I talk to them about what’s going on inside the party and they give me the inside baseball, they tell me about what’s happening. And their role in what’s happening is zero! They just have to kind of go with the flow. They don’t actually have any agency. They’re in there. They’re talking to the movers and shakers. They’re talking to the leaders of the Australian conservative movement.


But ultimately they’re having basically zero effect in there! And they’ve been in there the whole time. White nationalists have been infiltrating the Australian conservative movement for decades and getting themselves in there.


And ultimately they have been able to do nothing to affect the kind of winds of change. And that’s because the jews and the property developers and the business lobby and all of these powerful interests that control the conservative movement are the ones that have the money! They’re the ones that are ultimately calling the shots.


So until we are able to raise our own resources from an alternative base, from a base that comes from the people, from the White Australian people, rather than coming top down from these bourgeois elites that don’t give a fuck about their country or that only care about their economic interests or these jews that have their own agenda or whatever, we’re not going to get anywhere. We’re not going to fucking get anywhere because they’re our fucking enemies! They’re our political enemies. They have no interest in struggling or supporting anyone who wants to struggle on behalf of securing a future for White Australian people. White Australian families, White Australian children. And that’s all we care about! That’s the only reason we are involved in this shit!




So we have no choice but to go and build from basically square one. I’ve surveyed the whole Australian political system. There’s no fucking entry points! We have to go basically from scratch. And it’s kind of crude. We have to basically dress in black and walk in the streets. All the guys are in balaclavas because only like 15 of us are even willing to show our face. We’re trying to conceal them from getting doxxed, which we have done relatively successfully. But we’re still putting ourselves out there in the street to say:


“Hey, there’s someone that’s fucking fighting! There’s someone that’s willing to put boys together, join us!”


And boys are joining us. Every week we get more and more recruits. The speed of recruitment has only been increasing all year. Every time we do one of these street actions, we get recruits.


Thomas Sewell: We had three more recruits in Melbourne just tonight.


Joel Davis: Yeah. We are accumulating manpower faster and faster and faster, week on week. We’re putting the message out. We’re putting ourselves out there.


A lot of people in Australia know who we are, and a lot of people are very supportive. We’ve done street marches down the street and all over the country now, and lots of positive responses from the public. People tooting the horns, throwing romans out the window, grandmas coming over and saying words of encouragement. We get just as much positive reinforcement from the public as negative, if not more positive reinforcement in our recent activism.


So there’s a lot of sympathy in the community. People see us on the news all the time. They know who we are and they like us. And maybe there’s a distinction between the American mentality and the Australian mentality. The Americans, they’ve got their own kind of White nationalist street movement scene. This isn’t me throwing shade at them, but probably because of how big America is and how complex American politics are, they aren’t as able as we are to present themselves to the public in a strong way and get the whole political system to kind of react to them like we can. Because Australia’s got nothing going on. It’s a dead political scene. Politics is fucking boring! There’s barely anything happening on the news.


So when we do something, it’s a big deal. You know, we’re an established brand here, unlike these American groups. And so we’re able to get a certain kind of response from the public that I think is different than the American groups can.


And the thing is, as well, in America, people have a lot of hope in Trump. And in America, people are very concerned with the conservative movement and the Republican Party. And America is a very politicised country. People are very concerned about conservative versus liberal and all this shit in America. In Australia, we live in a very de-politicised society. The average person doesn’t really give a fuck about politics, doesn’t have very strong opinions either way. They have social opinions. They have opinions on race, but they don’t have opinions that are very political, if that makes sense. People are very casually racist. They’ve got casual social opinions about feminism or gays or whatever. It isn’t really kind of contextualised through which party you support and which political leaders you like. Pretty much all the major politicians are just hated by everyone. No one is particularly passionate in support of any of them. No one particularly cares about politics in Australia, quite frankly. It’s a much more minor aspect of our society than in the United States.


So part of our job as well, is to do something fucking interesting that someone will care about. In America, you’ve got a pre-existing political system to kind of interface with. The Groypers can sit on the edge of the Trump movement and be relevant. If we tried to sit on the edge of the Australian Right-wing, well, no one’s fucking paying attention to the Right-wing politics anyway. It’s a bunch of boomers that watch cable news. But no one under the age of 50 is even really fucking paying attention. So no one would care. There’s no market there. We have to basically be provocative in order to even get anyone to look at us in the first place.


That’s another thing to take into consideration. Why in Australia, it’s like, you’ve got this lame conservative movement and then nothing, and then a bunch of Nazis. In America, you’ve got all these different positions on the Right-wing political spectrum that are being occupied by different actors. We just don’t really have that.


So, yeah, like Australia, more one dimensional than American politics, frankly.


Blair Cottrell: Good spiel. Are we ever going to get through this video? [chuckling]


Nick Fuentes: You know, who is that supposed to win over? Is that going to win over elite people? Is that going to win over high IQ people? Is that going to earn the support of any large number of people? Who is that actually attractive to? Who sees an expression like that, which is very negative and very vulgar and very angry and foreign, and say:

“I want to be a part of that! I want to go stand outside in the street in a costume, yelling racial hatred and abuse because of immigration or something.”

So I think it’s just stupid! I’ve said that for years. It’s stupid when Patriot Front does it’s stupid. When Blood Tribe does it’s stupid. When the Alt-Right did it. You know, NSM. And all those TRS, all those guys. It’s just dumb. Like, I don’t believe in larping. I’m American, and I don’t hate anybody. You know, I’m a normal White American. I want this to be a majority White country.

And I’m also intelligent. Like, I’m not an unpleasant coarse person! And these guys, they’ll act like they’re soldiers. I don’t know. Has Joel Davis ever been in a war? You know, you think because you train combat sports that now you’re gonna be like a soldier. They act like they’re veterans. They go march around, yell slurs at people, and then they go in a bar and they act like they just fought a battle.




Blair Cottrell: I used to agree with this kind of take. This is surreal to me because a few years ago, I was saying similar stuff to this. I was against larping, and I thought that:


“What are they doing, these activists the boys, NSN, no one’s ever going to agree with that this is not going to work. Aahh!”


I was doing that as well. But I remembered something. I remembered something that Tom told me. Tom told me:


“You’ve got to let a thousand flowers blossom.”


Right? And I can’t remember where he got that from or whether he. It came to him as a result of his own thinking. Mao?


Thomas Sewell: It’s an ancient quote. I think Mao copied it from a Greek philosopher.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. And I realised that you also need a gang. You need a gang that’s going to back you up, someone that you can put faith in. You need a community.


And that’s the thing about us as boys down here in Australia, whether we’re involved in activism or not, we’re all part of that gang, because there’s not many of us down here, and we’re all mates. We know each other, we eat together, we train together, and we back each other up regardless of what it is we’re doing. And we’re all contributing to forging a popular counterculture. I think:


“All great movements must be popular movements.”


Hitler said. And I can feel that the popularity of nationalism, or even National Socialism is growing, not just in Australia, but around the world. And it’s growing partly as a result of the activism the guys have been doing down here. It’s been making the regular Australian person think that:


“Oh, maybe these slogans and catchphrases aren’t that bad.”


They smile about it, they laugh about it, they talk about it on job sites. And they are being primed to support the counterculture that is forging, is coming together before our eyes. Right?


So I used to believe what Nick believed. I used to say the same stuff he was saying, but I was just getting the same nonsense from the same bullshit, established political forces. And I realised that, as you guys have probably articulated already, you can’t always play by the rules of the establishment or be interested in some sort of careerist position within the parameters and boundaries where the establishment will allow you to operate. That’s too frustrating for me, especially down here in Australia.


And I like Nick. I think Nicks, all right. And I like the fact that he has a big viewership. I like anyone who makes our politics more popular because it contributes to the growth of the counterculture throughout majority White nations, extension colonies of Europe and so forth. Right?


So that’s my primary concern. I think becoming more popular is at the heart of what we’re doing. And every bit of political activism, stream, commentary, organisation, whatever we’re doing, it’s all contributing in some small way to growing our counterculture, growing the popularity of our counterculture. And look, the recruitment drive has been great. Like, the results will speak for themselves. This is the thing. Even if you want to stay on the side of Fuentes and say:


“Yeah, the activism is bullshit! These guys are larpers! We don’t need that. Whatever. What we need to do is just keep streaming and working within the parameters of the current political establishment, and eventually we’ll get somewhere!”


Whatever. In a few years time, you’re going to see which one of those approaches is producing the right kind of result. Right? And I don’t think you’re going to see much change, …


Joel Davis: Every revolutionary movement starts as larping. You know, there was a time at which Vladimir Lenin was standing in a room with a bunch of like 50 communists or 50 Bolsheviks or whatever, taking themselves really seriously.


And I think there was actually a quote once where someone met Vladimir Lenin at a party in Germany somewhere when he was exiled from Russia. And it was like some little Communist Party. That’s kind of funny saying communist. It was like a party, like an actual party, not a political party full of communists. And someone went up and said:


“Oh, hello, Vladimir.”


And he’s:


“Hi, I’m Vladimir Lenin, the future leader of the Russian Revolution.”


And he’s kind of laughed, but it was true! But at that time, he just had like this little journal about communist theory that, like, 45 guys were reading and a group of larpers, and they were not even in their actual country. They were exiled to Germany. Ten years later, he leads the Russian Revolution, and now he’s like the dictator of the Soviet Union, and he’s got a Red Army with millions of men, and now he’s done it! You’re larping until you’re not.


You know, at one point, when Adolf Hitler joined up with the NSDAP and they had their first meeting, they’re in the beer hall, there’s, like 90 of them. And there’s some guy taking minutes and they’re taking themselves very seriously:


“And this is how we’re going to save Germany!”


And there’s 90 guys at the pub. Fast forward yourself, you know, 15 years or less. Less like twelve years, ten years. There’s a Nuremberg rally with millions of guys! So everything’s larping until it isn’t!


So this idea, …





Blair Cottrell: So what creates that, though? What makes the larp real?


Joel Davis: To become worthy of being taken seriously by anyone.


Blair Cottrell: What’s the force, Joel? What’s the force? And, Tom, you can answer this, too. What is the force that starts making the larp real, that starts giving the larp real power? What is it?


Thomas Sewell: Inspiration. It’s spirit. It’s spiritual inspiration. Yeah. And that’s what you can’t measure. So Nick can complain about our strategy, and he can’t conceive what we’re doing, and why are we doing it. Because he’s not really inspiring anyone. He’s just got a team of consumers. His audience just simply consume, whereas our audience, we don’t really want them to just consume. We’re trying to get them to be politically mobile. We want them to be activists like us. And Hitler’s success, and even the American Revolutionary success came from inspiration. And Nick wants to say that he’s an American. He says:


“I’m an American, so this Australian stuff isn’t really relevant to me.”


Well, what about the American Revolution? Is that relevant to Nick Fuentes? Because the American Revolutionaries had uniforms. The American Revolutionaries larped. The American Revolutionaries weren’t attracting the majority of the society at the beginning. There was only a very small percentage of the American colonies of the population that actually supported the American Revolutionaries. But they didn’t need 51%. They just needed the men that had the strength and the courage. And that’s the most important people that you need to recruit and attract and have sympathize with your message. The politically mobile people, the people that will take politics to its nth degree.


So we’re inspiring people. And that’s not even really measurable right now in the boots we have on the ground, because what we’ve done is we’re setting ourselves up as a brand. We’re setting, you know, Joel called it earlier in the stream, he called it. What was it like? Not Right-wing drama. But you said it was, not theatre, but, …


Blair Cottrell: Performance art.


Thomas Sewell: Performance art! Yes. So if we’re going to describe it as that, it allows people to see the distinction. It allows the average person on the street, like, we don’t even need the banner anymore. We don’t even need a banner. We don’t even need to bring a flag. When people see us now, when they see us in formation, they immediately know what side they’re on. Does that make sense? They immediately, …


Joel Davis: We bring the banner to make a statement. We don’t have to bring the banner to identify who we are the banner is why we are there.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. When people see us now, they either smile or they’re afraid or they are a communist or something.


But that’s really it. There’s like, the traitors, the lukewarm and the fighters. And when the fighters, when the people that care about Australia, when they see us, even if they’re not physical fighters, they’re just moral fighters. When the moral fighters, when they see us, they smile. They say:


“Good on your boys!”


They wave at us. Sometimes they even throw Roman salutes at us. And they’re not necessarily Nazis. They don’t necessarily even know anything about Hitler, anything about World War Two. They just know how fucked up society is! And they know that we’re the only ones in the country actually standing up to it! Really properly, just being like, fuck this! [chuckling] We’re 100% against all this. We’re standing up for it.


And that’s why people are putting their trust in us that’s beyond the metrics of the normal political system. That’s beyond the Liberal political system. The trust they have in us is on a different level.


Blair Cottrell: Just to play contrarian, because some people might be thinking this, I think. Do you think you run the risk of just becoming a spectacle or object of amusement for these people who are smiling at you but who never intend to join? Do you think there’s the risk of that?


Joel Davis: A lot of people don’t intend to join. Because that’s the thing. Like, we don’t need everyone. Like, we want to have lots of supporters. Like, it’s not just about whether you join or don’t join. There’s kind of two tiers. There’s, like, building the radical group of people that actually join, obviously. But then there’s the effect on the wider community. And that was what I thought was so good about the Fuck Off, We’re Full rally that we did. I read through the comments. There was one upload of it on TikTok that got, like, nearly a million views just on that one upload until it was taken down of that rally. And the comments were pretty much all positive.


And there was a lot of people commenting in there that were quite clearly just normal conservative types. Like, they weren’t, like, full on “the Holocaust was fake! Hitler’s awesome!” type people. There were just a normal Right-wing people that just don’t like immigration. And they were like:


“This is awesome! How good is someone standing up against it?”


And then people were like:


“Oh, but they’re Nazis!”


And they’re like:


“No, they’re not Nazis! You know, they’re just good, like, patriots or whatever!”


This kind of thing. [chuckling] And it was quite interesting because we are Nazis. And we put ourselves forward in balaclavas and black, and we’re all intimidating, yet still we’re able to solicit the sympathy of normal Right-wing White people, which is perfect when you can marry those two things together. And that’s kind of our objective. Our objective is to try and get normal Right-wing White people or Right leaning White people, patriotic leaning White people, to start looking at us and sympathizing with us. Because convincing 50% of Australians that National Socialism is good, theoretically, that’s never going to happen.


But if we can show them National Socialism in practice by actually putting bodies in the street, in a way that’s we’re standing up for them against the people that they know they don’t like, against things they don’t like the trans people, grooming of children and these immigrants pouring into the country and so on. And they go:


“Wait a second. Like, these guys are obviously the good guys in this arrangement!”




Blair Cottrell: Did you say, Tom, that’s what you hear most from the women Tom? Is that what you said?


Thomas Sewell: I’ve heard that thousands of times over the past two or three years. From women, specifically women. I don’t really hear it ever from men, but from women. That is what they keep saying in person and online. That is what they keep saying. That is something that is echoing, constantly echoing! Every time we do a rally, every time we do a demonstration, every time we cross paths with a woman that’s sympathetic to us. They say these words:


“Thank you for standing up for us!”


Blair Cottrell: That’s curious, because in our Mein Kampf, Hitler writes that the quality of a movement, that is to say, whether or not it’s effective, can be measured by how many women are supportive of it. That if the women don’t like it’s never going to be popular, it’s never going to be good, it’s never going to be effective.


So, yeah, it’s curious. And I think what he meant by that is, obviously that the regular people are of a feminine predisposition. So if you want to appeal to regular people, then you have to appeal to the feminine element within people. I think that’s what he was getting at.


But what he’s basically written down there is, if only men are interested in your politics, you need to rework it, you need to simplify it. You need to make it palpable to the feminine instinct. Then you’ll become popular, because then you’ll appeal to the masses. Right?


Joel Davis: That’s the thing about when the kind of militant presentation and the show of strength, that’s kind of what part of that is about. It’s kind of like sexy. It’s, …


Blair Cottrell: It must be refined. It can’t be vulgar. It must be refined strength. And that’s, like, something that I think in recent years, you guys have really gotten down pat.



Joel Davis: Well, it’s something that we definitely want to improve. I mean, we’re just starting out.


I mean, look at the SS uniformity now. That’s sexy! When a man walked into the bar in 1932, Munich, wearing his SS uniform, the girls are like, “hmmm!” when he walks in because that’s a man. That’s a sexy man in uniform right there. And that’s probably part of the reason why the women were going crazy for the Nazis and why they’re off the front row throwing Romans and clapping for Hitler and why women voted. I think women actually outvoted men for the Nazis in the election. Because they were like:


“Yeah, these are some men! These are some proper sexy men coming bringing change to Germany!”


Thomas Sewell: That’s the second most common thing that I hear from the women. They don’t necessarily say “sexy”, although there is a few women that are in a different age bracket that probably shouldn’t be saying that to us that do. But and they know who they are. That’s slightly problematic, but anyway.


The second most common thing that I hear, is they say:


“Here are some men!”


They just simply say that:


“Here are some men!”


That’s what they say.


So the first most common thing that I hear is:


“Thank you for standing up for us!”


And the second most common thing that they say is:


“Here are some men. Finally, some men!”


Blair Cottrell: It must be a sad reality.


Thomas Sewell: Nick would never understand that. Nick would never understand that.


Blair Cottrell: But it must be a pretty, … Imagine being a woman in this world. And you once knew what men were. I mean, I suppose this is women like of the older generations. They once were surrounded by men, and now it’s like they’re all gone!


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: And in their place, there’s this hollowed out shell of men that doesn’t really feel masculine, and so they feel, … It must be a scary reality for women to feel like within their own nation, they don’t have men looking after them.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, it’s the Albaneses, the Kevin Rudds the Scomos. These are all husbands. They’re all husbands. They would be too afraid to upset a mouse. Yeah, they’re just husbands. They’re housebound. They do as they’re told. They pee sitting down. They pee sitting down!


Blair Cottrell: House negroes! Not like us field negroes! [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, we’re wignats. You know? We’re wignats, as Nick puts it. You know, it’s like we don’t care about the establishment. We don’t care what it thinks. The establishment has lost, has broke the social contract. They have broken the social contract! They don’t deserve respect. They don’t deserve us larping as them.


Blair Cottrell: Can someone clarify for me? Can someone clarify what, … I think I know, but probably an embarrassing question. What is a “wignat”? What is that? Because Nick called me a wignat.


Joel Davis: Wigger Nationalists. So a wigger is a White nigger.


And so it was a term that was basically created to attack, quote, unquote, “trailer trash nationalism” in America, where guys are showing up fat, covered in tattoos, waving swastika flags, like:


“Yeah, fuck niggers!”


And people would say:


“Oh, like, wigger nationalism!”


Blair Cottrell: Oh no!


Joel Davis: But it’s, like, really inaccurate because, I mean, Blair isn’t really a wigger, is he? , …


Blair Cottrell: I would like to think that I’m not. But I find that curious because, …


Joel Davis: Define basically anyone who is, too, …


Blair Cottrell: Like, I’m the personification of the racist Australian! And I didn’t even know what “wignat” was. So that might be some perspective for Nick to take on board. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.




Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. I don’t know. It’s just, again, it’s applying Americanisms to Australia. But also, I would say us showing up in black, I think we look cool! I think looking cool, … Blair talks about this. That looking cool is actually really more important than almost anything else that you do in politics. Because it’s about aesthetics. It’s about, …


Blair Cottrell: Unfortunately, it’s true.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


And I remember when the boys did, because I was in Melbourne at the time, when the boys did the Destroy Pedos rally, and they were they showed up, they gate crashed the feminist versus tranny protest kind of clash last year. I remember you saying:


“I wasn’t so sure about this whole project that you guys have started, but this sold me because you guys look cool.”


And they’re showing them on the news, walking around, you know, muscly, in the black, throwing the Roman back when we could still throw Romans and it was still legal. And they did. They looked objectively cool. Like, the news started, like, blurring out their arms, because those muscly Roman arms were just too good aesthetics, the jews were getting too offended. [chuckling] But it looked fucking cool!


And that’s the thing you could say:


“Oh, does that appeal to everyone?”


Yeah, but, like, everything, …


Blair Cottrell: It almost does. One. One of the core components of looking cool is just being fit. You know, just being fit makes you look cool. It makes you look good in anything you wear. So that in itself, … If you’re in a individual sense or on a private basis, if you’re dedicating, you know, an hour or two a day to bodybuilding, fight training, cardiovascular activity, and you’re actually getting fit. What you’re doing there is almost using your time in such a way where you’re on an individual basis contributing to the broader collective, because when you do show up to events, you’re going to look good, and as a result, you’re going to make the collective look better, and then more people are going to want to join it. That’s pretty simple stuff.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, it’s important to look cool. I think we pull off looking cool.


I mean, I’ve seen our clips and pictures of us getting used by nationalists all over the world. People seem to really, really like us all over the global scene, including a lot of Americans. We seem to appeal to a lot of Americans. Our largest audience for this show is American. We got more Americans than Australians watching, by my metric, by my counting.


Blair Cottrell: Which demonstrates that there’s obviously an appeal. This show has some sort of appeal to an American audience. So maybe there’s something to learn from us?


Joel Davis: Yeah, no, exactly. And I agree. Sometimes a little bit more discipline would be good. Like, as we get bigger, we will probably want to refine it and make it a little bit more disciplined, a little bit more formal as it matures and we have more manpower and so on to convey, like, a deeper seriousness.


But in a lot of respects, what will create the seriousness of the movement is just the sheer quantity. Like, if we’re doing the same thing we’re doing now, but with way larger numbers, then Australia will have to take notice. Like, there’s a certain scale of people where if it’s 10,000 of us in the street doing what we do, that can’t be ignored! Like, it just simply can’t be ignored. People are going to have to take us seriously and what we represent seriously.


And so I said this on Twitter today, that I think the difficulty White nationalism has in appealing to the White masses isn’t necessarily anything inherent to the ideology. Like, White nationalism, I think, is inherently appealing. There’s a reason why White people used to all be White nationalists, because it’s obviously inherently appealing, because it’s an ideology built around what’s good for White people.


So if you’re a White person, why wouldn’t that appeal to you?


So there’s a lot of inherent appeal in the idea. The problem is that people have become so demoralised, and the idea has become so attacked and kind of sidelined that people don’t really believe in it as something viable.


Like, the common refrain that I get from so many people is not necessarily that it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing if we had a White country or if we could send the brown people back, or if we could close the borders and so on. Most people, right of centre and even in the centre, you know, that ideal isn’t necessarily the worst idea to them, but what is:


“It’s so unrealistic. How are you going to go about doing that? I mean, let’s get real here!”


And so on. They don’t believe that it’s possible. They don’t believe that you could ever mobilise enough support, enough political will to actually pull it off. That’s the thing, holding people back, not the inherent notion of the idea. And people don’t want to throw their chips on the most controversial idea in society with, 20 other guys, with a dream.


But eventually, if we can grow to enough strength where we actually look serious, where we can be taken seriously due to our size, then all of a sudden, people have something to believe in:


“Wow, these guys are really growing. This is actually a movement!”


Now. All of a sudden, the idea of White nationalism isn’t just an abstract idea. Now it’s actually a real movement that is growing in your country of guys that look like you, that look like your brother, that look like your cousin, that look like you’re mate at work or look like your best friend, and they’re all in the street together, shoulder to shoulder.


And it’s like, what does that mean? Then all of a sudden, the people are going to be inspired.


Then all of a sudden, the discourse is going to change. And that can’t really be quantified. That’s, that comes down to the will, and it comes down to, its a spiritual thing, really. It’s not something that can be quantified in a series of rational arguments. But the monkey brain of:


“I have to conform with society because I don’t want to become some outcast of society and embrace this radically marginalised idea!”


All of a sudden, when it’s 10,000 men walking down the street, the monkey brain is going to shift and say:


“Well, this is actually something I can consider now!”





Like, they did this one study where they got a control group and then another group, and they would show images on the screen, and there’d be, like, a shape. It was a blue shape. And they got everyone in the room other than the individual they were testing to all say it was green, and the individual, and it was blue, though. But they got everyone else to say it’s green.


And then they go to the guy who’s, like, not in on it and say:


“What colour is that shape?”


And a lot of the time they conformed, even though they can see that it’s blue. They say:


“It’s green.”


Because everyone else is saying it’s green:


“I guess it must be green, and I’m crazy! I don’t want to be the weirdo that says it’s blue!”


And then they have another group under different conditions. And what they found is that, like people are highly conformist, basically. People will literally call something green blue or blue green or whatever just to conform over something, something as goofy as that.


And that is happening on a mass scale on the issue of race. Like, everyone can see that there’s a racial problem. The average White person can feel it deep down inside, but they repress it. There has to be some kind of spiritual force that like, brings that racial feeling back up to the surface and tells them:


“Actually those feelings that you have deep down inside those are valid. There’s hundreds of thousands of other people, millions of other White people that feel exactly the same!”


Blair Cottrell: Do you think that’s why people smile? Do you think that’s why people are amused when they see someone who’s pointing out that the races aren’t equal or who’s representing some form of racial nationalism? People almost smile because there is some element to comedy that I don’t fully understand where the truth is actually funny, if you point out a truth that you’re not supposed to point out or notice because it might make people a little bit uncomfortable. What do you think, Tom?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I mean, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s got to be. It’s got to be like:


“Oh, wow!”


Yeah. It’s like:


“Oh, wow, the truth that we’re not supposed to see. He’s saying it. Oh, my God!”


It’s, like, really shocking! Maybe why people smile. Comedians understand this principle better than I do, but I know there’s a correlation between comedy and truth, and probably that’s why people are so amused by racism. Like, the younger generation, Zoomers*, they love racism! I’ve never met a generation that uses, like, derogatory slurs for certain races more than the Zoomers do, and they think it’s hilarious! Probably it’s hilarious to them, because these slurs usually based on some observable reality within certain races. And so they’re not entirely devoid of truth. Actually, they’re quite accurate in a lot of cases. [chuckling] And so the Zoomers find them genuinely amusing.


[* Generation Z (often shortened to Gen Z), also known as Zoomers, is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years, with the generation most frequently being defined as people born from 1997 to 2012. Most members of Generation Z are the children of younger Baby Boomers or Generation X. Wikipedia]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. I think people also smile at the shock factor. There’s a shock factor to go from living your daily life, contending with pajeets and everything else that’s going on and getting fatigue from the society that you’re living in, and then just randomly out of the blue for seemingly no reason at all, there’s just 50 Nazis marching down the street chanting “blood and honour!” And that just seems crazy on the surface level. But there’s value in the shock of that because it’s like a big wake up! It’s like a big shake up of the psyche.


And if someone just went into the letterbox, for example, and it was just this very, very common sense and reasonable diatribe about the nature of the economy and how it’s not doing too well, and the schools are getting a bit overcrowded and maybe we should look at reducing immigration to a more sustainable level. It’s not going to shock the psyche. They’re going to read it, someone’s going to rationalise it, but they’re not going to do anything about it.


And that’s because, I don’t really believe that the rational is that powerful at the moment. I think we’re in a very chaotic time where the rational seems to not work. I’m a very rational person. I’m obsessed with the rational. I’m obsessed with logic and truth and natural law. For some reason. I’m just obsessed. I’m built that way. And so being a White nationalist is so frustrating because the average person in society seems to not care about the truth!


They seem to not care about what’s rational and what’s reasonable. They don’t actually care. Nobody cares about that stuff. They care more about the football. And the football is irrational. Why are they all waving brown and yellow flags? Or why are they waving purple and yellow flags? These are irrational concepts. What the fuck has that purple, … It has no symbolic meaning. It’s not even local. So I talk to guys, you know, chippy [carpenter] at work, plumber at work. They say:


“Oh, what footy team do you go for?”


I go:


“Honestly, man, I don’t go for a footy team. What team do you go for?”


And they say:


“Oh, Brisbane Lions.”


And I’m like:


“Oh, you’re from Brisbane?”


And they’re like:


“No, I just like, Brisbane Lions.”


And I’m like:


“What the fuck? You’re not even from Brisbane!”


It’s so irrational! But why do they like Brisbane Lions?:


“Oh, man, I like the lion, man. You know, I like lions. They had a fucking good team when I started, you know, watching the footy, or my uncle goes for them!”


It’s just so fucking irrational! If I was to go for a football team, I mean, I grew up in Balwyn*, you know, that, I would go for Balwyn Tigers or something. I would go for the local football team. That’s who I would go for!


[* Balwyn is a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 10 km east of Melbourne’s Central Business District, located within the City of Boroondara local government area. Balwyn recorded a population of 13, 495 at the 2021 census. The suburb’s post-European settlement character was initially agricultural with several large estates built around a small village centre. Since the early 20th century, farms and mansions gave way to suburban development as the population of Melbourne rapidly grew. Today Balwyn is almost entirely residential and one of Victoria’s most exclusive and affluent suburbs, regularly Ranking in the state’s top 10 most expensive suburbs. Wikipedia]




Blair Cottrell: Of course, obviously.


Thomas Sewell: You know, because that’s like, there’s guys that I worked with or guys that I went to school with that played for that team. So that’s who I would go for. That’s like a rational, but that’s like the minority.


So we’re living in an irrational time. Now. I can complain about that. I can seethe about that and go:


“Why is everyone so irrational?”


And pull all my hair out. Or I can maybe go:


“Okay, is this what Evola was talking about, riding the tiger?”


Like, yeah, it’s like, it’s not a rational situation. And if the irrational is so powerful right now, then maybe need to shock people with the irrational!


And I think there’s enough people doing the rational, and I don’t think they’re really getting anywhere. I think we need the dramatisation. I think we need the irrational. We need to evoke emotion! I think emotion in this time is far more in the chaos of everything that’s going on, it’s the only way to really speak to people.


Blair Cottrell: But I think what you represent is rational. So it’s almost like people are so irrational that the rational is shocking to them.


Joel Davis: And it’s like you can rationally describe, … I’ve spoken to so many people who rationally understand it’s the jews and the Holocaust was fake and Hitler’s been unfairly demonised, and the White race is being genocided, but they’re fucking pussies!


Thomas Sewell: They won’t do anything.


Joel Davis: They will never do anything because they’re fucking pussies! The Whiteman needs to go back some fucking balls! The Whiteman needs to go:


“You know what? We’re going to fucking do something about it. We’re going to fight back!”


Like, I spent the last couple days arguing in a Twitter space with a lot of these people who are red pilled on all the relevant subjects, but they don’t think that it’s possible for the Whiteman to take back his country, our countries. They don’t think that the Whiteman is capable of actually building a political movement on the basis of defending himself. They don’t think that! They have no belief in us. And every single guy in those, I mean, you can’t see people in Twitter Spaces, but every single guy who has that opinion, their voices were all the most piss weak, low testosterone voices in the Twitter space.


And then the guys that come in the Twitter space with a bit of fucking balls that you can hear, like, a bit of aggression in their voice, they’re all like:


“Fuck, yeah, I agree with you, Joel. Hail Hitler! Fuck these cucks!”


Like [Tom, [chuckling] ] so that’s ultimately what it comes down to. When Fuentes says:


“Are we going to be attracting the high IQ guys with our message, with our meathead strategy?”


I’m pretty high IQ. You know, its objectively true that I have a high IQ, but I’m going to go and hang out with the so-called meatheads, right? Because the meatheads have some fucking balls and they’re going to try and do something! I spent years trying to try to wrangle the high IQ intellectual types into doing anything, and you can’t!


Blair Cottrell: No.


Joel Davis: Because they have such a high IQ that they can rationalise everything.


Blair Cottrell: They’re too smart for that. They’re too smart for everything.


Joel Davis: Nothing will work! High IQ people are:


“Nothing will work!”


With all the reasons why nothing can ever work. Why:


“That doesn’t make sense and this won’t work. And you can’t do this!”


Blair Cottrell: And because faith, faith transcends reason.


Joel Davis: I’d rather have guys who go:


“Yeah, Joel, fuck yeah. Hail Hitler!”


And actually does something that I tell them to do because they’re like:


“All right, I believe in you seem like a Whiteman who’s smart and knows what you’re talking about. I’m gonna fucking do what you say!”


I’d much rather that, to be honest, because that person is gonna actually do something. They’re gonna actually put some kind of will into the world, put some chest into the world and actually take the fight to the enemy in some way. And if we can build thousands and thousands and tens of thousands and so on, and men like that that are willing to fight and sacrifice and put in the fucking work to build a political movement, to force a political movement into existence that actually stands for our race, now we’ve got a fucking fighting chance! Now we’ve got actually someone fighting in the corner of the Aryan and ready to actually take on the system, which we currently don’t have.




Blair Cottrell: The problem with being smart is its hard to really believe anything when you’re smart.


And so thank God that the majority of people aren’t smart because then it would be really hard to manage them because the majority of people believe things really easily. But Joel, I think you’re a pretty, like unique blend of someone who’s quite intelligent, but you’re also capable of believing and dedicating yourself to something. Right? That’s a good combination.


You brought up the footy, Tom. What do you guys think of that Aboriginal spokesperson who said that:


“‘Welcome to Country’* has been happening for 250,000 years!”


So apparently the abos have been around since, …


[* A Welcome to Country is a ritual or formal ceremony performed as a land acknowledgement at many events held in Australia. It is an event intended to highlight the cultural significance of the surrounding area to the descendants of a particular Aboriginal clan or language group who were recognised as the original human inhabitants of the area. For the Welcome to be recognised as official, it must be performed by a recognised elder of the group. Welcomes to Country are sometimes accompanied by traditional smoking ceremonies, music or dance. Where an elder is not available to perform the welcome, or there is not a recognised traditional owner, an Acknowledgement of Country may be offered instead. Since 2008, when it was made on the day before Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made the Apology to Australia’s Indigenous peoples, a Welcome to Country has been incorporated into the ceremonial opening of the Parliament of Australia, an event which occurs after each federal election. Wikipedia]


Joel Davis: Shall I play the clip Blair? Do you want, you want me to play the clip?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, sure. It’s only a quick one. You can bring it up and find it if you got it ready.


Joel Davis: Give me a minute to pull it up. I’ll get it.


Thomas Sewell: [words unclear] Keep going. Keep doing it.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Just keep doing it. Like, never interrupt an enemy when they’re making a mistake.


Blair Cottrell: You know, I’ve got a little strategy going on behind the scenes as to how I can, sort of how we can profit from this phenomenon. And I’ll explain what that is after we play the video. Yeah. 250,000 years Aboriginals have been doing it. Apparently they were here for 40,000 years before we got here. And then it was 50,000, then it was 70,000, and, 2000,000! But the meme remains, man! The mean remains true. Even if it is 250,000 years. 250,000 years, and invented a stick. Invented a stick! Yeah.


So I wouldn’t be proud of that! It’s like the longer you were here before we got here, the worse it looks for you. [chuckling]


But, yeah, this is it. Let’s play it.


Brendan Kerin (part abo): It’s not a ceremony that we’ve invented to cater for White people. It’s a ceremony we’ve been doing for 250,000 years plus, BC. And the BC stands for Before Cook [Captain Cook]. Prior to colonisation you could get yourself into a lot of trouble for walking on someone else’s lands without being welcomed onto those lands.


Blair Cottrell: I really like seeing those guys. The head turns, the reactions, the kind of like:


“What? What did he just say?”


And even the crowd didn’t know how to react, really. They’re on the edge there. They’re teetering on the edge of actually reacting. And next time they hear that, they might react. Right?


So this tickled me a little bit because I come from an AFL family, right? My father and grandfather were playing and my cousin’s playing for Carlton now. So I thought:


“Oh, I don’t like this. The boys should have done something about this. I thought maybe I could work some Scorpio magic and make something happen behind the scenes. I thought, I’ll make a little clip. I won’t send it to my cousin directly because he’ll be able to show the boys within the AFL community and maybe, …”


I think the grand final’s on this weekend, isn’t it? Maybe at the grand final there’ll be some sort of reaction? Who knows, maybe next season, whatever.


But the idea is that he doesn’t see it directly from me because then he’ll feel like I’m pulling his arm and he won’t want to show anyone. But if he comes across it. Because I haven’t spoken to him in a few years. If he comes across it by himself, if I can get it sent around enough, he’d be like:


“Oh, this is my cousin! Look at this, boys. He’s talking about the footy!”


You know what I mean? So that was the that was the plan with that? We’ll see if it comes to fruition over time.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but I mean, that’s egregious. He basically put out a threat that, like:


“Oh, well, if we don’t welcome you, then people would get in a lot of trouble!”


Like, as if. Like what are you implying? He’s basically implying a very deep hostility there.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Joel Davis: And what I always like to say to the Aboriginals is, if you’re not happy, if you don’t want to concede the loss, that, like:


“We won, you lost. We conquered. You got conquered. Suck shit!”


If you don’t like that equation and you want the country back, then let’s rematch! Let’s fucking rematch! Let’s go again! We can have it out again.


And this time the winner gets the country and the loser won’t exist anymore. It’s over! Like, it’s done! It’s finished! There’s not going to be any more toleration. And if we lose, fine, we could pack up and go back to England, or you can slaughter us all. I say that’s fair enough, because I don’t think you’re going to win! You’re going to have a bunch of abos and some, like, communist sympathizers or something, versus all of us that actually, every, like, Whiteman with some fucking balls and backbone. I think there’s only one winner in that situation. So I’m quite happy to do. To do a rematch.


And I know that they don’t! I know that they have absolutely no hope in hell and they know it, of winning a rematch. They’re just bitching and complaining! It’s a fucking victimocracy that we live in a complainocracy. And they know that the more and more that they bitch at the Whiteman, the more and more free shit they get given!




Blair Cottrell: But that’s what makes it even more cringe, the fact that these people that are paid to complain at these ceremonies, football games and stuff, they’re paid by the government to do that. They’re politically privileged, professional victims as I said in the video response that I posted to it. And that just makes it even more cringe, especially to the average Australian viewer who really doesn’t think much of the person who’s being put on a pedestal by the government. That’s not a real great way to get the average person in Australia to support your cause.


But, yeah, it ties into what Joel raised last time as “Aboriginal fatigue”. People are so fatigued by this. They’re so sick of it! Yeah, and Aboriginal fatigue is such a prominent thing now that even members for Parliament are speaking out against it. Even Pauline Hanson* stood up and said:


“Hey, let’s just ban this Welcome to Country stuff altogether.”


[* Pauline Hanson’s One Nation (PHON or ONP), also known as One Nation or One Nation Party, is a Right-wing populist political party in Australia. It is led by Pauline Hanson. One Nation was founded in 1997, by Member of Parliament Pauline Hanson and her advisors David Ettridge and David Oldfield after Hanson was disendorsed as a federal candidate for the Liberal Party of Australia. The disendorsement came before the 1996 federal election following comments she made about Indigenous Australians. Oldfield, a councillor on Manly Council in suburban Sydney and at one time an employee of Liberal minister Tony Abbott, was the organisational architect of the party. Hanson sat as an independent for one year before forming Pauline Hanson’s One Nation.]


Joel Davis: We don’t mean, like the Aboriginal asleep on a park bench at 10:00 in the morning because the bottle shop opens at 8:30 kind of fatigue. I mean the White fatigue are dealing with this shit!


But the thing is with this whole issue, it’s basically just a humiliation ritual, like, over and over and over and over again! And it’s the kind of thing where, like all of those football players, as you described, that are standing there and just taking it like every single one of them is a fucking pussy! Because you can see it on the faces of a lot of the White players that they don’t appreciate it, but then they’re on a million dollar contract and they don’t want to lose that million dollar contract. So they just have to stand there and cop it like good little goys.


When is someone going to show some balls and stand up? I thought Blair’s call to action was quite good. You know, if as soon as any White celebrity of any kind actually takes a stand against this, we’re going to be there behind them. Maybe [chuckling] they don’t want us behind him! Maybe to make it worse for them, but fuck it! We’ll be there behind him supporting them. Because I could see it being one of these cascade reactions where if one person is willing to be the first lemming to jump off the cliff, then there could be a pile on it. Could be quite a powerful move.


Blair Cottrell: I do think footy banners would be effective, too, something we could explore in the future. We did a footy banner back in the day and it caused huge [chuckling] upset and we were banned for life from the MCG! I don’t know how they intend to implement that ban. But I haven’t been back since. I haven’t tried to go back.


Joel Davis: Have you got an idea for a slogan.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t know, like something we could discuss in private, I guess. I probably already showed my cards too directly on that one. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: I thought about would it be funny to streak the grand final? But the tickets are so expensive. So, …


Blair Cottrell: I think it’s best to wait to see if one of the players, or I even like a few of the players, walk off or do something. And if nothing happens, because this will get worse, they’ll keep pushing. These Aboriginals are never happy. They’ll go out there and say something even worse next time they get the opportunity to time the representatives for their community hired by the government, who are like 10% Aboriginal, 90% White, but identify entirely with their Aboriginal heritage! Even though Aboriginal heritage, people from that heritage are supposedly so oppressed. But White people are privileged. However, they choose to disavow all their privilege and just identify with the oppressed clan for some reason. It’s all bullshit!


But the point is that it’s going to get worse!


And I think if the players don’t do anything, if the clubs don’t do anything, it’s probably some, like some banner time, then it might be time to show up.


Joel Davis: The clubs are all [word unclear]


Blair Cottrell: The clubs themselves won’t, but the players might. But the problem with the players is they’re very soldierly. That’s the way they’re trained. And so they won’t do anything unless it’s as a unit. One of them won’t just whimsically walk off on his own. He’ll wait for the boys to. It’d have to be like a collaborative effort, a planned thing that happens behind closed doors between the players that have to discuss it, talk about it, how they’re going to do it, keep it to themselves. It’s unlikely, but there’s still a small possibility it could happen.


Joel Davis: Whoever wants to lead it, though, they can become a hero. Like, yeah, you might end up, you’re going to get a lot of controversy, but you’ll become a hero of the Australian people if you, …


Blair Cottrell: Oh, yeah! Put it this way, you’ll be the most famous footballer of our era and not for having played good football. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah. But yeah, but I support the fake Aboriginals. Like, you know, people say:


“Oh, look, there’s always people taking all these Aboriginal benefits and they’re just White people that are pretending to be Aboriginals. I support it. I think every White person, if you can, become a fake Aboriginal, get all the Aboriginal money. And the more of us that could become fake Aboriginals, the more of a mockery we can make of this whole thing. We should have the maximized amount of White fraud of the Aboriginal, …”


Blair Cottrell: I’ve got too much pride, man! I’ve got so much pride to do that. I can’t get around saying, I’m Aboriginal. I just can’t do it. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: But, yeah, you don’t have to outwardly, you know, present yourself to the public as an Aboriginal.


But, yeah, we need the Abo-Saxon race must rise! The Abo-Saxon tribe, …





Blair Cottrell: Well, they ask you that everywhere. They ask you that everywhere in Australia:


“Are you of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander descent?”


When you’re going for a job, when you’re going into education, when you’re going into jail, they ask you all the time.


And I’ve always wondered, like, I never understood before I got into politics. I wondered, why do they keep asking me that? And now I know, like, there’s all these special privileges you get if you are of those descents, but it’s just something I’ve got too much pride to try to exploit, personally.


Joel Davis: Yeah, fair enough.


So we should maybe cover some, like, stories in the, …


Blair Cottrell: Tom mentioned that he wanted to bring up. The event that we went to on the weekend, because I don’t know if you’ve seen Joel.


Joel Davis: No, no, no! I think we should avoid talking about that, actually. Let’s not talk about that.


Blair Cottrell: Why? Well, it’s been in the news today just recently. There’s a big article on it because the restaurant owner has I don’t know. Do you want to bring it up or not? We don’t have to.


Joel Davis: I think we should avoid it. I should avoid the subject.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. It’s up to you.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Let’s have a look here. What’s going on? Well, there was the story.


So basically, the Premier of, I mean whenever we talk about Australian politicians, it’s just like racial cuckoldry to the max! I mean, it’s so bad.


So this is the Victorian remier, what’s her name? Jacinta Allen. She has promised to reserve 25% of the state’s regional work visas for international students, putting them on track to stay in Australia permanently. So she’s basically met with the Indians and is trying to facilitate helping more Indians exploit our immigration system to move into regional areas. So, like, White flight isn’t an option. Like, people think:


“Oh, just get out of the cities, move to the country towns!”


Yeah, well, the government is sending Indians to you, too! There’s really no escape from this. At some point we’re going to have to stop White flighting and start fighting back.


But, yeah, like, it’s kind of also somewhat unprecedented or rarely precedent for the state government to intervene on immigration and try and overpower, like, get involved in what is supposed to be a federal issue.


But, you know, of course she went over to India, met with the Indians, and every time an Australian politician goes to meet with the Indians, they always come back with the promise to bring more Indians into Australia. Like, why is the Indian government so intent on trying to facilitate sending their people into our country? It’s like, it must be some kind of strategy. Like, the Indian government must have realised:


“Like, fuck! Like, we’ve got 1.4 billion people. They’ve got like 26 million or whatever, and they’re stupid enough to take hundreds of thousands of us every single year. If we just keep shipping them in, eventually we can just colonise Australia. We wouldn’t even have to fight a war or anything. We can just keep dumping them in there, dumping them in there, dumping them in there for the next 20 years, and eventually we’ll just take over!”


And our government is like:




Like just totally complicit in it. Why? Like, what even leverage did they really have over us, the Indian government? They don’t have any really ostensible leverage. It’s just like pure cuckoldry. It’s insane! Like, yeah, we’re in like some kind of vague military alliance with them. And I’m sure there’s some kind of backhanded deals they do with our politicians, but they’re trying to win some Indian votes. Obviously, the Labor Party specifically has identified the fact that Indians vote Labour at much higher rates than the average.


So if you can get a White electorate and you can stuff enough Indians in it, you can flip it from voting more Right-wing to voting Labour. And it can become a solid Labour seat because a lot of the White Leftists are voting Greens now. So Labour seems to be just tripling down on importing voters from India rather than trying to figure out how to appeal to the people who already live here to the White Australians.


But, yeah, it’s pretty fucking disgusting!


Allen, you were telling me, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, Jacinta Allen’s from Bendigo. I think she grew up there. And so she took a particular, well, she was particularly disdainful of our activism in Bendigo. And then she became Transport Minister while Daniel Andrews was premier.


And obviously she was pretty chummy with Andrews, because she ended up taking over the job of premier after he., … What did he do? I think he stepped down for some reason, but I don’t know. I won’t divert from the story too much, but Jacinta Allen, while she was Minister for Transport, was the minister who banned Sky News from all public spaces over which government had jurisdiction, such as trains and train stations, because I’d been on Sky News and she was worried that someone might see the interview of me on Sky News. [chuckling] So she’s totally against free speech. She’s totally pro-system, anti-worker, anti-Australian people. She doesn’t want the Australian people to have any real representation.


So it’s no surprise that she’s doing shit like this. It’s just classic, just Jacinta Allen, just classic systemite, bureaucrat shit! And this is exactly why we need a complete overhaul of our political system. Total revolution! We can’t work within its parameters necessarily, because there’s people like this at the helm. Like Jacinta Allen is now the premier of our state. And this is someone who’s extremely hostile, not just to the politics we represent, but to the Australian working class. Right?




And it reminds me of Yuri Bezmenov* lecture when he said:


“Your country’s been thoroughly subverted and prepared for total destabilisation and takeover when the people who have power are actually hated or despised by the voters, by the working class.”


So the masses, despite the fact that despite them hating their leaders so much, the leaders are still in power somehow, and yet there’s supposed to be a democracy. That’s apparently the point at which your country’s on its knees. It’s been thoroughly subverted from within. And I suppose that’s the position that our country’s in right now, unfortunately.


[* Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov (December 11, 1939 – January 5, 1993) was a Soviet journalist for Novosti Press Agency. In 1970, as a member of the Soviet mission in New Delhi, India, Bezmenov defected to the West and was re-settled in Canada pursuant to an arrangement between American and Canadian security agencies. Wikipedia]


But there’s silver linings to this. Because the book I’m reading of, just about finished reading by David Kilcullen, describes the fitness effects, which I’ve talked about to some degree on a couple of spaces recently. The fitness effect is a phenomenon where a group or organisation, a philosophy, people who represent a philosophy, whatever it may be, it’s the same for criminal gangs, sometimes. There needs to be an appropriate amount of consistent pressure in order for the group to respond to adaptation and overcome that pressure in time. If there’s not enough pressure, the group can stagnate. If there’s too much pressure, it can be crushed completely. But I tend to think that we have just enough pressure in order to effectively adapt to and overcome our adversaries at this point, if things remain on the trajectory they’re currently on, I feel it’s the perfect amount of pressure for us to.


And it’s an exciting thought. What we could actually learn. We’re being forced to adapt to an enemy, which is putting that appropriate amount of pressure on us. And what’s exciting is how powerful we may become so long as we survive as a race.


I think the reason why our race is being targeted for extermination is because that’s the only way to guarantee defeat against White people generally or against, you know, descendants of Europe.


If they’re given the same opportunity to procreate, flourish, develop, they eventually become master of the world. And so to defeat them, you have to actually annihilate their race. You have to impose a plan of genocide onto them. And that’s exactly why our adversaries today are doing that. Because if we live as a race, we win. We win eventually! We adapt and win. So all we have to do is survive, and victory is guaranteed!


So they understand that, too, I think, which is why the genocide programs are in place.


Joel Davis: And the main thing that has held White people back, particularly in recent years, is that we’re too fucking nice. And what White people are learning through this process is that the morality of being the nice guys of the world is ultimately not fit to survive. That the people who want to hold on to that are going to die! Every single institution, culturally, socially, etcetera, that wants to hold on to the “nice guy” morality of the White cuck is going to die with the White cuck. And all that’s going to remain is the “No More Mr Nice Guy, White Guy”.


All that’s going to remain is the Whiteman who finds his balls and regains a sense of brutality and regains a sense of the necessity that struggle survival, is not up for debate.


Now, I’ve been rereading Schmitt’s concept of the political lately, and one point that he makes about war. He criticises what’s called “just war theory”, which comes out of the Catholic tradition, and Roman law, which is basically what legally justifies a military action. Under what conditions could a war be said to be just or unjust? And Schmitt criticises that notion. He says that war currently be understood in terms of morality, because war is fundamentally existential.


In other words, war is not justified by morality. War is justified by the necessity to survive. That there is an enemy which is negating your way of life. And your choice is either to fight or to basically succumb and ultimately lose your existence in this world. And that’s the only ultimate justification for being willing to fight to the death with an opponent, which is that you’re being challenged to the death. Your existence is being challenged on the existential level.


So that is what is happening to White people writ large.


And so we’re going to have to develop a culture, a morality, a way of life that adapts, a politics that adapts to that environment, a politics which simply asserts our existential interest, our necessity to survive to the exclusion of all other concerns. And that’s ultimately why I am a National Socialist, because that really is the essence of National Socialism.


This idea that this world is a world of eternal struggle, the recognition that nature ultimately rewards those who will fight for their existence and punishes those who won’t. And Adolf Hitler himself said, like, basically, to paraphrase:


“Those who will not fight for their existence in this world of eternal struggle deserve to die and will die.”


And so that is ultimately the problem holding back White people is that when they look at politics, they look at politics often in terms of morality or in terms of this kind of practical desire, which is kind of the outward presentation, but inwardly as a form of cowardice, which is basically conflict avoidance:


“Can we all just get along? What is conservatism? Can we stop doing this identity politics thing? It’s freaking me out. It’s pitting one group against the other and it’s going to end up leading to conflict. And we can’t have conflict. Can’t we all just be individuals? Can’t we all just focus upon how we all pay tax and how we all work hard and we all have families to go home to? And can’t we all just existence pure economic actors, and not become political, not have identities, not be posed against one another in any kind of struggle? Because that’s freaking me out, man!”


That’s basically what conservatism is, trying to eliminate existential reality from politics and try and negotiate some kind of agreement of how everyone can all get along.


But the reality is that there’s not going to be an agreement as to how everyone can get along. Ultimately, we’re going to have to fight. All of human history has been, there’s two groups. Ultimately, one group’s way of life is negated by the other group’s way of life because they can’t both dominate the same territory. And so they’re going to have to fight over who gets to control it. And if someone’s going to win and someone’s going to lose and maybe one group is afraid to fight. So they cuck and subordinate themselves, and they’re destroyed by their own subordination.





And part of being a Whiteman, an Aryan, is that you come from a bloodline that refuse to cuck. An Aryan means to be a man of honour. That’s what Aryan comes from the word “ayah”, which means the honourable or the noble. We are the honourable race, the noble race. Meaning our race, never subordinated ourselves to another race. That’s why we have pure blood. Because we were never subordinated as slaves to anyone, and then bred with other groups and ultimately subsumed into some, like, completely different thing than what we organically are. No, we are a noble race. Our ancestors conquered. They weren’t conquered. They did the conquering.


And now what is happening is that we’re effectively being conquered.


And it’s like if you want to stay, if you want your descendants to ultimately retain their Aryanness, to retain their honour, to retain their blue eyes and their light, their fair hair and their fair skin, and the nobility of their blood, then you’re gonna have to fucking fight, to ensure that you’re not just an individual with rights under the Constitution. And you’re gonna have to fight to ensure that your people run your own fucking country! That your people run their own fucking empire! That’s the only guarantee of your freedom and the freedom of your progeny and your. And your posterity in this world is being in charge of your own shit! Running your own shit with no one else outside having the ability to come in and intervene and tell you what to do.


So that’s the Whiteman that is going to survive. The Whiteman who comes to terms with that reality.


So the only form of White culture that is really going to survive what is happening to us right now is the full Nazi mode, Whiteman! Which is why that’s what I’ve decided to be, and what we’ve kind of decided to become. Because we recognise that that’s the only kind of Whiteman that’s ultimately going to get out of this shit!


All the other kind of cuck strategies that all the other Whites are going to do, they’re going to fucking die with those strategies. Because all those strategies lead to mongrelisation, miscegenation, subordination, conquest, and so on. Becoming minorities, becoming persecuted minorities, losing control of the political system, and controlled by jews and other foreign interests, essentially over your destiny, over your countries, over your way of life, and the destruction of your culture, the destruction of your dignity, the destruction of everything that will guarantee an existence in this world which is dignified and honourable and ultimately your own.


So I talked about this a few streams ago. When we’re talking about World War Two revisionism, I talked about what freedom fundamentally means. I feel like that’s a point that’s really important to reiterate. That the word “free”, like, if you look at the Indo Aryan root, etymologically, of the word “free”, it comes from the same root, “pri”, I think, is the root in the Indo Aryan root language. Which is the root word that ultimately leads to the goddess Freyr*. In the Germanic languages, or in Germanic Paganism, Freyr is the goddess of love.


[* Freyr/Freya One of the principal deities of the Norse pantheon, the lovely and enchanting Freya was a goddess of blessings, love, lust, and fertility. A member of the Vanir tribe of deities, Freya shared her people’s penchant for the magical arts of divination. It was Freya who introduced the gods to seidr, a form of magic that allowed practitioners to know and change the future. Freya was gentler and more agreeable than the other Norse deities. Where Thor accomplished his goals through aggression and Odin and Loki resorted to trickery, Freya achieved her ends with the gentler persuasions of gifts, beauty, and sex. While Freya was often unselfish and helpful, she did have a darker side. Like the male gods, Freya had a taste for blood and fought fiercely in battle. It was said she took the lives of half the warriors ever slain in battle. https://]


And basically, the etymology of freedom and the etymology of love is the same in the Germanic languages. In other words, we understood what it meant to be a free man, to be beloved by the community. In other words, if he is a free man, he is a man that we love. In other words, he is our kin. He is our kinsman.


And so when you live in the land of your kinsman, you are given your freedoms because you are beloved by your community, because you are part of the family, you’re part of the ethnic group, you’re part of the nation. And we, as a people, give a dignity to all the members of our race, of our stock.


They understood that freedom wasn’t this abstract concept, therefore, of you’re free because people leave you alone. No, you’re free because you are loved by your people and because your people make you free. You can’t be free as an individual in this world because you’re a social animal and you’re subject to all of these, you know much larger organisations of men that are composed of thousands and millions of people, and they will crush you as an individual unless you have an organisation of thousands and millions of men that will defend you as an individual. So your freedom comes from your people’s freedom. Your destiny is tied up with your people.


And that’s why ultimately, for me, race is the essential principle of my politics. Because we get out of this as White men or we die as White men, there isn’t going to be an alternative.




Blair Cottrell: Good stuff. We’ve been streaming for a while now. We’re approaching the two hour mark. We’ve got a few Superchats from Rumble to go through. How are you guys feeling? You feeling like you want to continue? You want to start wrapping it up? What do you think?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I wouldn’t mind asking Tom a question because I want to get his take on before we get to the Superchats. I’m sure he’s seen a lot of the discourse on this, working with other races, multiracial alliances, and people bring up things like:


“Oh, well, George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party went and sent their leadership to the Black Panther conference or whatever the fuck and they were willing to work together and Hitler allied himself with non-Whites and in World War Two and blah, blah, blah. And so we should look to make multiracial alliances.”


My retort to that is like:


“Yeah, I don’t actually mind making an alliance with Japan or with some other, like, non-White foreign country, if that makes sense militarily.”


But I don’t really want to be making alliances with non-White immigrants in my own country unless they are basically part of some project to move themselves back to wherever the fuck they came from. Then I’d be willing to work with them because they’re like, literally trying to get their people the fuck away from my people. But outside of that, I really don’t want anything to do with them. Do you think that’s too hard line of a position, or do you have an alternative take? I’m curious. I don’t think we’ve really gone over, like, your doctrine on this issue.


Thomas Sewell: I’ve used the term “defensive pact” as opposed to alliance. I think you can have a non-Aggression pact. Like, I feel like as a movement, it would strategically make sense here in Australia to not have any antagonistic relationship with, say, the Christian Assyrians that are currently the only other community in this country, despite the fact that they’re not actually White. They’re Caucasian, but they’re not European. They’re Assyrians. They’re kind of as White as Arabs get. They’re like the really White Arabs, and that’s why they’re Christians instead of Muslims, because they’re not as, like they’re probably closer to the genetic stock of the people of the Middle East prior to the Islamic rape gang coming in from Arabia. And they are more or less in line with probably 90% of what we believe. The only major difference is that obviously they’re not European. They’re kind of like 90% European, maybe genetically at best. At absolute best.


And so I believe in a non-Aggression with them. I don’t want to antagonise them. When they had that terrorist attack happen to them where one of their priests got attacked by the Muslim terrorist and got stabbed in the head, obviously the cops came down really hard on them and you know, attacked them and arrested a whole bunch of them out the front of their church. They’ve actually organised a lot of protests in Sydney as well. They’re a very large community and they’re very militant. They’re a very militant Christian militant community. I just wish that White Christians were as militant and as strong and as tight knit as the Assyrian Christians were in Sydney.


So that’s like an example where I don’t think it would be against my values to have a coffee with these kinds of people and talk about how we can defensively work together. But I don’t really want any alliances with non-Europeans. They can be the last to go back to Assyria or Syria. They can go first class. You know, the jews can pay for it. I mean, you know what I mean? Like, we can look after them, but they can’t stay here, ultimately. But I want to be respectful to them.


And then there’s groups that I have absolutely no interest in being respectful to. Like, I have no interest in being respectful to the Africans, the Muslims. The, I mean, the Muslims are a mixed bag in themselves. There’s a lot of different sects of Islam. Some you can be semi-respectful to, and most you can’t. They’re pieces of shit!


What else? Islanders, again, Islanders are a mixed bag. I try not to make it complicated to specifically ask the question regarding the historical take of Rockwell. I support almost everything that Rockwell did, and it was maybe more of a PR campaign to do that.


Also, he was supporting a group that was segregating. So it’s relevant to the politics of the day that Rockwell went to the Nation of Islam, met with the Nation of Islam, and it was a group of black people that were ultimately trying to segregate themselves from the rest of society. So Rockwell’s main enemy was Martin Luther King, who was obviously trying to desegregate America and make sure all the little black kids and all the little White kids grew up together, which is obviously, we’re in the result of that now, that dystopia.


So it makes sense to me to have a kind of defensive relationship like Rockwell with the Nation of Islam, to say:


“Well, look, we actually kind of want a similar thing, and we can get to restructuring America when one of us are actually, politically, relevant, when we’re actually in power. In the meantime there’s no need to assassinate each other. We’ve got enough enemies.”


So that’s kind of how I feel about certain non-White groups. It’s like I don’t want to go to war with them at this stage because my primary enemy is the traitors within the Australian government. That’s the primary enemy, in my opinion! The jewish lobby are going to do what they’re going to do, and they’re very, extremely powerful. But the primary issue is, as White people, we need a clean house. We need to have respect and dignity again. And I don’t think any of these conversations with any of these non-White groups is going to be from a position of dignity. So that’s why I don’t have them. I don’t have any relationships with non-White groups.


That’s why I think it’s ridiculous when people do. I think it’s ridiculous when, I mean, Rockwell had respect, Rockwell had dignity, and America had a lot more dignity back then. So it kind of made a little bit of sense.


And I won’t even open the can of worms, which is Hitler, World War Two, because we’ve covered that on stream before and we’ve extensively talked about the geopolitical strategy and significance of all the different possibilities of World War Two. What if he allied with this instead of that? You know, it’s just no point.


But before I hand the mic back over, we kind of skimmed through a bunch of things. I know we are coming to a close for tonight, but there is Superchats. I actually had on a list of topics that the Moira Deeming [sp]. I don’t know how to pronounce name. Moira Deeming defamation trial, 15 day trial has been going through the courts. It’s all over the media at the moment here in Australia, Americans will have no idea what we’re talking about. But we can go into it. I can at least give a quick rundown even if we don’t want to discuss it. But just quickly update everyone on what’s happening with the Moira Deeming trial.





Joel Davis: Isn’t it Moira?


Thomas Sewell: Moira?


Joel Davis: Moira.


Thomas Sewell: Moira?


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: It’s a strange name. It doesn’t seem like a White name.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I don’t know what it is, actually, but, yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Looks like it spells Maori and she’s a part Maori as well. It’s quite a strange name.


But anyway, apparently she’s a little bit jewish as well. But that’s kind of irrelevant. I’ll just go into it.


So when we did the Destroy Pedo Freaks rally at the Parliament steps, there was a Let Women Speak rally going on at the same time. We were aware of that rally happening obviously. There were trans exclusionary radical feminists. So they’re like, second or 2.5 wave feminists. There’s a difference between second wave feminism and third wave feminism. They’re kind of bordering on third wave feminism, but they’re against the woke culture of what you could describe as, like, this fourth wave feminism where they’re accepting trannies and they want trannies in bathrooms and trannies in women’s sport and stuff like that.


Anyway, so they were having a protest against that. We thought it’d be a good idea to be like:


“Yeah, well, we’re not against trannies in women’s sport. That’s the least of our issues. We’re against trannies in general. Let’s hit the nail on the head instead of dancing around the primary issue.”


And because we went down to that rally, Moira Deeming, who was a Liberal Party MP, actually got stood down from the Liberal Party. And she was described by the leader of the Liberal Party, or the leader of the opposition as a Nazi, or at least being sympathetic to Nazis when she wasn’t.


And so now Moira Deeming, my understanding is she’s suing John Prosecco for defamation. And it’s a 15 day trial, and they’re going through all the evidence, and 90% of the evidence is just talking about us. 90% of the evidence is just like:


“These are Nazis. These are, in fact, Nazis. These are Nazis doing Roman salutes. These are Nazis on the Parliament steps doing Roman salutes. This is a speech from Thomas Sewell describing why he’s against paedophiles and trannies.”


Honestly, it’s a very interesting trial, and it’s been all over the news. And it just shows the relevance and it shows the dialectic. Like, it shows that we’re an unavoidable heavyweight in politics, despite our seeming irrelevance and minuscule size. Like, just being near us is like, it’s causing implosions with than the Liberal Party. And that’s telling. That’s telling. And these trials will set precedence. And it changes the dynamic. It’s a spanner in the works, a little bit of chaos, which I can’t help but feel quite happy about. I like the chaos of these rodent, rat, traitor politicians! I like that there’s chaos amongst them.


But they don’t know how to mentally gymnastic their way out of these associations, and they’re turning on each other. You know, one side of the party turns on the other side of the party because one side was standing in the vicinity of Nazis. Fascinating stuff!


Joel Davis: I just want to say that I looked up the word, the name “Moira”, and apparently it is of Greek and Irish origin. In Greek, it translates to “destiny”.


Blair Cottrell: It’s an old fashioned name.


Joel Davis: Yeah. So I don’t want to slander a Greek name with negative, but I think it’s kind of like the Greek version of the name Mary, but also somewhat adopted by the Irish.


Blair Cottrell: Regarding, like, have you guys ever got the feeling when you’re talking to Muslims that you’re talking to like, a sleazy used car salesman? That they’re not being genuine?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: And I think the reason I sense that from them is I was thinking about this tonight. This will be my final point before I start getting ready to sign out. I suppose. It’s because they’re kind of only geared to recruit or kill you and I wrote about this on Twitter at some stage or xdev, and I was thinking also about the word “convert” and how no one actually really converts in any true sense to Islam, especially not when you’re a White guy. Right? Because think about it. What are you converting? You’re not converting. You’re not changing into anything else. You’re still White with White predispositions. You still got these thousands of years of Christian or Catholic history behind you, probably. Maybe something else.


But the point is that even if you think you’re converting to a different religion all you’re really choosing to do is prioritize different thoughts and perspectives of reality, but physically, nothing actually changes. It’s just your ideas inside your head that are converted.


And so there’s no real physical or measurable conversion which takes place. Then I started realizing that Muslims don’t want anyone to convert. They want the to submit! You don’t convert to Islam, you submit to it! And Islam being a foreign camp, what are you doing when you’re converting to Islam? You’re submitting to a foreign camp, to a foreign force, foreign to your nation, foreign to your culture, foreign to your spirit!


And I think the Muslims are aware of this. That’s why when they’re trying to sell Islam as something that is desirable for you feel like you’re being conned by a salesman, because that’s exactly what’s happening.




Joel Davis: Well, I mean, that also says something about the Islamic races themselves, that they’re all the descendants of people who submitted. Like they didn’t have the dignity to hold on to their older traditions or die an honourable death, but instead just cucked to Allah.


So really, like these people that are proud to be Muslim. Like, you’re a cuck! Like, the fact that you’re a Muslim, that your parents are Muslim, that your grandparents are Muslims, you know, it means ultimately you descend from someone who cucked and bowed down.


Blair Cottrell: I have respect for Islam only because it has like a powerful foothold in the world. I mean, you can’t really deny that whoever Muhammad was a significant character because isn’t it something like a quarter of the world’s population strive to live in his image today?


So you can’t really dispute that there’s respect there that you have to have, but you have to have that respect for it as a force that’s outside of your own camp.


Joel Davis: It’s a powerful force. Yeah, but it’s disgusting! Like, I don’t have any respect for it in terms on, like, a human level. On a human level, it is a religion for low IQ mongrels. It’s a religion for fucking sand nigger retards! Let’s be real.


I mean, the Quran, Islamic philosophy, this stuff is not very refined. It’s not befitting of a high IQ, spiritually deep person. And Muhammad himself was just a paedophile warlord. He wasn’t like some profound mystic or something. So to have him as your religious leader is embarrassing. It really is. So, yeah, I got no respect for Muslims. Zero, actually.


Blair Cottrell: I didn’t know that you were so anti-Islam, Joel. I thought maybe you might see eye to eye with them on a few things, but.


Joel Davis: Well, I mean, there’s some things we could see eye to eye on in the sense of like there’s prohibitions against usury and throwing the fags off buildings is kind of funny.


But ultimately, you know, these are superficial things.


Blair Cottrell: Okay, good chat, boys. I’m glad we had it. I do want to move on to Superchats. We’ve got a bunch from Rumble, and I can’t see them anywhere except Rumble. So we can start with Rumble. Are we ready to sign off?


Joel Davis: Yeah, let’s do the Superchats.


By the way, some people send me some Superchats on Entropy. Entropy reloaded, and I don’t know how to pull them back up.


So if you are watching and you sent me an Entropy Superchat, I have one here from Grim Grandpa who just said:


“White fucking power!”


So I got that one.


But all the ones before that, like people sent them before the show started. And then when the show started, it reloaded and I lost the ones that were sent before the show started, before I could read them off.


So if you’re offended by that, you want your Superchat, read out please just send me a DM and so I can. I don’t actually remember what you said so that I can read it out for the on the next episode or send it to me quickly now. We can read it on this episode if you’re watching live. I know it’s a little bit boomer tech, but yeah, I just can’t figure out in Entropy exactly where to find it. I’m in the middle of a stream, so I can’t dick around looking for it anyway.


But we do have some from Odysee, so I’ll read those out and then we’ll do the Rumble ones. Gaelic Glory said:


“Moira is an anglicisation of an Irish name, basically of Mary. I’m an Irish buck. Moving to Australia next year. Can I become a part of the movement?”


Yes, if you move to Australia and you’re a Whiteman, you can be included. We do actually have people who were born in Ireland and have Irish accents and were born in England and have English accents in the organisation. And being an Irishman or an Englishman who moves to Australia is pretty standard. It’s part of Australian culture. It always has been, because that’s basically what Australia is. It’s just like a resettlement programme for Anglo Celts on the opposite side of the world. So of course you can be included as long as you meet all the relevant criteria. Filled Soda said:


“I say I’ve got catching up to do as there are some episodes missing on Odysee. I wish there was something like your organisation here. All those people died during the troubles. Now they’re giving it all away.”


Obviously this is another Irishman.


Yeah, I mean, there is an Irish nationalist scene, but there’s nothing really quite like us, I guess, as far as I know. So you can join your friend in moving to Australia if you want to come and join us as well. But yeah, and honoured to see that.




On Odysee I had issues with re-uploading after the streams, so if you want to watch the replays of the streams, check it out on Rumble. And now actually, I’ll be putting every stream will be up on Twitter, so you can also watch the streams back on Twitter. And you can also, if you want to listen back to the audio of each stream, you can get the audio which will be uploaded. The Telegram channel is basically, and it’s just called The Joel and Blair Show archive Telegram channel.


If you want to catch audio replays, people like that for listening back at work, like, or putting it on in the background. And Filled Soda actually send another Superchat, he said:


“Glad to catch another stream live here in Belfast. I’ve got some catching up to do over on Rumble 1488.”


Yeah. So the same guy. Yeah. So catch the replays over on Rumble.


But, yeah, that’s all the Odysee Superchats. Blair, do you want to read the Superchats?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, sure, man. We’ll do the Rumble next. Is that what’s up?


The first one is from Jake Sake. Sends $2. Thanks, mate. $2:


“Thanks for fighting against the migrant brown horde scum flooding this great nation!”


You’re very welcome, my friend. Fellow Comrade, regular supporter of the show, sends $10. Thanks very much, Fellow Comrade. He says:


“NSN have been labelled a threat to social cohesion by mainstream media, but they are one of the only groups actually pushing for real social cohesion.”


Interesting perspective. Everything is upside down.


Joel Davis: So it’s like when they say, … I was arguing with these multiracial alliance retards, and they were saying:


“Oh, it’s the jews turn us against each other. They turn the Whiteman against the black man because they want to divide us so that we don’t take down the jew.”


And I was like:


“Well, no, nature divides us.”


Because they were calling me a Fed or insinuating that I’m a secret jewish operative because I’m a White nationalist. Like, wait, wait, wait! Jews were afraid of White nationalism. That’s why they brought the fucking brown people here in the first place! To dilute the population and prevent us from forming a cohesive identity that can reject the jews.


And you can see in Australia, this is explicitly true in Australian history, the development of Australian quote, unquote, “multiculturalism”. Jewish community leaders back in the early 1950s, before the White Australia Policy was repealed, were saying this:


“That we in the jewish community are kind of concerned about how we’re kind of excluded by this Anglo Christian society that we live in. We’re the outsiders. And so what we want to do is we want to push for immigration to be opened up to other types of foreigners so that we’re not the odd man out anymore, because then there’s going to be a bunch of Asians and Indians and blacks and blacks, blah, blah blah. And then all of a sudden, the jews just are just one group among many and we’re no longer the odd man out.”


And then they pursued that strategy very effectively, pushing into politics, ultimately getting in control of the Immigration Department in the 1970s and opening Australia’s borders.


So there’s a really good article on The Occidental Observer. If you guys don’t know what The Occidental Observer is, Google that shit right now and go there. It’s a brilliant resource. There’s great articles there from a lot of really good intellectuals. Andrew Joyce, Kevin MacDonald, many other great authors.


There’s a great article on there and it’s a I think it’s like a five part series called The War on White Australia. It’s written by Brenton Sanderson. And that five part article details the kind of history, basically, of jewish subversion of White Australian society.



It is a brilliant resource that everyone who is interested in the specificness of the Australian JQ, so to speak, the Australian jewish question, that article is one of the best resources to kind of give you a good overview. I recommend you go and read that and check out that site in general. That will give you a lot of really good knowledge, particularly on the jewish question. A lot of brilliant articles on there.


But yes, no, the jew hasn’t turned us against them. We’re turned against them naturally, by virtue of the fact that we’re fucking different. They had different blood, different culture, different everything. We’re not supposed to be in a society with them.


So, yes, if you want social cohesion, the best way to have it is to have racial cohesion!


Blair Cottrell: Our next Superchat is from Mr Anglo. Sends in $5. Thanks, Mr Anglo. He says:


“Hey, lads, great stream as always. Take this advice from an English nationalist on how to view all Muslims. They are all just anthro-Arab jews, aka, they are just as deceitful but more thuggish and apishe!”


Okay, I’ll take that on board, mate. Thanks. We’ve got $5 from Jake Sake, who’s reaching a little bit deeper into his pockets this time. Thanks, mate. He says:


“Who are the top three jews in Australia that are orchestrating the invasion of Australia by these brown horde parasites?”


Who are they, boys? The top three most influential, powerful jews in Australia. Who would they be?



[Image: Times of Israel, May 2018 –]


Thomas Sewell: Pratt, Heidler,[sp] …




Joel Davis: Triguboff*. He’s like, I think he’s now demoted to number three on the rich list. But he is the richest property developer in Australia.


[* Harry Oskar Triguboff is an Australian billionaire real estate developer, and one of Australia’s richest people. He is the founder and managing director of Meriton and is known as “high-rise Harry”. As of May 2023, The Australian Financial Review assessed Triguboff as the fourth richest Australian by net worth, estimated at A$23.80 billion, as published in the 2023 Rich List. Wikipedia]


And so he doesn’t just love immigration because he’s a jew that wants to genocide the White race and replace us in our own country, but also because he wants the benefits of the property market being jacked up artificially by immigration, or by immigrants coming in and boosting demand so that they have to build more high rise apartments everywhere to stuff all these pajeets into. And therefore Harry Triguboff’s company can come along and build those high rises with big government grants for billions and billions of dollars and sell them off a million dollars a pajeet box.


And then all the jews in the banks can then go issue even bigger and bigger mortgages to the goys and they can rub their hands together at the high interest rate.


So yeah, Harry Triguboff is scum and he’s one of the biggest contributors in political campaign financing as well. And he openly states, you know, his support for immigration and is massively supportive of like the pro-immigration lobby in general and has been for decades.


So yes, he doesn’t get enough hate to be honest. Like he’s this jewish billionaire who basically makes his fortune off the backs of the average Australian being screwed over by this perpetual housing bubble that he keeps paying off the government to exacerbate with more and more immigrants. And I feel like we should do more work to like focus some like collective hatred on this guy. Because every single Australian that’s struggling to find a house to rent right now, every single Australian that is getting absolutely raped in their mortgage repayments because their houses are wildly overpriced because of mass immigration fueling this perpetual housing bubble to the point of ridiculousness where in any major Australian city now, like, it’s almost impossible for anyone under the age of 35 to really get into the property market because of how exorbitant it is to buy even a shitty home in a shitty area. He’s one of the principal people that should be blamed. You know, his greed and his nefariousness and his lack of loyalty to this country is one of the main fundamental reasons, like why are we allowing a jew to be so fucking powerful in our country. So he needs more hate!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Nice. And the next Superchat is from Wabo 84. Sends through $50. Thanks very much, mate. And he says:


“You guys made the ABCS 7:30 report tonight. Keep up the good work.”


Not sure how we made that.


Thomas Sewell: Moira Redeeming.


Joel Davis: Well, it’s always good to be on the news.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. The next one’s from Jake. Jake1219, $10. Thanks very much, mate. He says:


“Question for Tom. Would you say you follow a Machiavellian type philosophy? I noticed a couple of streams ago you welcome the catalysts of discontent between White Australians and Palestinian protesters.”


Thomas Sewell: I’m actually nowhere near as unscrupulous as Cottrell, but, … Look, he’s embarrassed. [chuckling] I think that the concept raises an interesting dynamic between winning at all cost, being unscrupulous, and being the principled dead man. And so being an Aryan is walking a tightrope, in my opinion, between those two concepts. I wouldn’t call myself Machiavellian, although I’d say I’m a realist. I think politically his advice is based on realism. It’s like, well, this is what you have to do to win! And I think that’s the dialogue.


But it’s not my advice. It’s not me. I’m a Hitlerian. I’m not a Machiavellian. I’m a Hitlerian. But I am very interested in the dynamic.


And as I say, I think the dynamic is a tightrope between not becoming Machiavellian and not becoming the principled dead man. I believe there is a tightrope in between that a leader must walk. Because there’s a lot of good guys that are dead. Well, everyone dies, but there’s a lot of good guys that die early. There’s a lot of good guys that don’t make it all the way. There’s a lot of good guys that have great ideas and great spirit and great character, and they are surpassed by people that are unscrupulous.


So I think it’s important to learn the Machiavellian principles. I think it’s also important to learn how the jews operate and how they’ve been so successful. But it doesn’t mean to emulate them. It just means to be aware of them.


But, yeah, it’s a very interesting question. You said, “welcome the catalyst of discontent between White Australians and Palestinian protesters”. Well, I observe reality. I see what the system is doing. Maybe it’s a coping strategy. But I’m sick and tired of being frustrated. I’m just I’m fatigued. I’m frustration fatigued! I’m not frustrated at these things anymore. I’m not going to interrupt the enemy making a mistake. I think of these bad things happening to us are a good thing in the silver lining, in the sense, I mean, this is Hitlerian. This is not Machiavellian. This is Hitlerian. He says that all losses can be turned into a victory.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s funny. It’s a good answer. It’s a good answer.


It’s funny because I’ve had people throughout the years approach me and say:


“Oh I think, you know, Tom’s manipulative or Machiavellian.”


Or something like that, and I say:


“And you’re coming to me with this?”




So anyway, next one is an interesting. Rimboard was Right. Who’s Rimboard? Rimboard was Right. Sends $2 and he says:


“Didn’t Europeans cuck to Christianity like the Muslims did?”


What do you reckon, Joel?


Joel Davis: It’s different because the Christians, this meme that the Christians are all forced to convert by the sword, it’s accurate in some parts of Europe, like in Scandinavia and so on. But it’s not actually universally accurate. Like, a lot of the conversions was like a genuine thing where people just genuinely adopted Christianity. It wasn’t like they were all forced to. It didn’t spread through warmongering, it spread through Evangelism to the majority of Europe.




Having said that, obviously there’s a lot of brutality in European history. I mean, particular sects of Christianity, like the Aryans, which is no relation necessarily to Aryan, as in the denomination of the race of Aryans. But the Aryans is in the followers of the theologian Arius. Arius taught, like, a non-trinitarian form of Christianity. A lot of the Gothic tribes, like, yeah, the Vandals and so on in the late period of the Roman Empire, followed that form of Christianity, which didn’t conform with the more orthodox form that we would know today as Catholicism. And they were pretty brutally, like, wiped out by Emperor Justinian.


And so it’s a complicated question, but I don’t think it’s exactly equivalent to Islam, because Islam really spread very specifically and directly through the sword with death penalties, basically, for not converting. They’ll come in, they’ll take over the territory militarily, then they’ll put a tax on you and oppress you until you convert. And then once you convert, you can’t then deconvert, otherwise you get executed.


So it’s a bit different. It’s kind of a more aggressively and systematically expansionist process.


Blair Cottrell: That subject leads us into this next Superchat, which is only little one, just a dollar from a bloke called, or someone called Phoenician Blood:


“As a Lebanese Christian, is it ironic of me to sympathize with your cause.”


I don’t know. Like, I have noticed that sort of personally, I’ve noticed when other races adopt Christianity, they tend to become more friendly to Whites for some reason. But I’ve never really had a good understanding of why that is because I haven’t thought enough about it to understand it. What do you think, Joel?


Joel Davis: Well, I think you’re noticing that because the alternative for all of these races is to usually to be Muslim. So you get, like, a black Muslim, or a black Christian or, like a Lebanese Muslim, or a Lebanese Christian.


And obviously Muslims are more kind of hostile to us because they’re hostile to us on religious grounds, in addition.


I think also in with the when it comes to the Lebanese the I think there is actually somewhat of a racial or ethnic difference between the Christians and the Muslims there in general. So that could also play into it.


But yeah, if you’re a Christian Lebo, who sympathizes with us. Well, no, I mean, of course you would sympathize with us because why wouldn’t you? Like, this is clearly our fucking country and we’re being systematically genocided by jews, which you would, as a Lebanese person, understand why the jews are a problem. Considering the relations between Lebanon and Israel over the years.


My response to that is quite simple. Like, if you’re really that sympathetic, then why the fuck are you here? Like, get the hell out of our country. Like, you’re not really. People say that:


“Oh I’m very sympathetic. And when you guys win you can send me back, I guess, like, if you have to.”


And it’s well, if you really, truly sympathize with us, you’d get out now. We wouldn’t have to send you back.


Like, there was this guy. I told this story before, but there was this dude who was friends with a group of my friends who are White nationalists. And he was Sri Lankan, and he hung up with a bunch of these White nationalist guys for a while. I think he met a bunch of them at church or something. And he became so sympathetic to White nationalism that he literally did deport himself back to Sri Lanka. And then he established an organisation to help Sri Lankans move back. And now he’s, like, helping other Sri Lankans deport themselves back to Sri Lanka.


To me, that’s someone who’s sympathetic. To me, that’s an ally. I respect that individual. Like, he actually had convictions and he realised:


“Well, wait a second, I’m fucking Sri Lankan. Why am I living in Australia? I’m gonna go live with my own people and focused on making my own people better rather than living as an outsider, weirdo parasite in the country I don’t really belong in with dignity.”


I don’t want to live in a non-White country around a bunch of non-Whites. I want to live with my own people and practice my own culture. I would feel like a weird alien element. Really uncomfortable, to be honest, in someone else’s country where I didn’t belong.


So it’s kind of undignified. It’s like, if you’re a Lebanese dude, why don’t you want to go and live in Lebanon with your own fucking people? I don’t really get it.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, this will be the last Superchat, I think, because it’s getting to that time where it’s 11:11. It’s getting that time where I’m about to, I’ve got to consider going to bed because I’ve got work in the morning. My brain’s starting to shut off. I can’t see how much money this person sent, but it’s from Land of the Fake, Home of the Gay. [chuckling] He says:


“Thanks for being based, lads. These morning shows are awesome!”


You’re welcome, bro. I don’t know where you are for it to be a morning show, but certainly not here. It’s getting approaching midnight here, so I’m ready to go to bed if you guys are ready. What do you think?




Joel Davis: Oh, there’s one more Superchat quickly from Truth Seeker 66 Degrees, who said:


“Thoughts on the lack of political awareness of the average White Aussie due to not having to fight for our freedoms, like in the USA. Love the show, White power.”


I don’t really know what you mean here by saying, “you not having to fight for our freedoms”. I don’t really know what that exactly means.


Like, obviously probably talking about, …


Thomas Sewell: The difference between the American Revolution and Australian Federation in 1901 being a different process, but, …


Joel Davis: It is a different process. But that was still a fight. Like, White nationalism was a political fight in Australia and federating the country. A lot of the reason why, …


Thomas Sewell: It didn’t require us to go to war.


Joel Davis: The British Empire went along with federation was because they didn’t want a repeat of what happened in America and they were concerned. I mean, those battles like the Eureka Stockade and so on, where Australian rebels raised flag and fought the British. Yeah, by blood.


[Blair leaves the stream]


Thomas Sewell: Night, night.


Joel Davis: But White nationalism was the product of struggle in Australia. And it wasn’t as intensive as struggle because there was acquiescence from the authorities in Britain. And I think Australians being British, we were kind of quite happy to stay in the empire so long as we were given a certain amount of Democratic autonomy, which was actually granted, ultimately.


So I think if the Americans were given the deal that we were given, they probably wouldn’t have been an American Revolution.


But I don’t think that’s really why Australians are less politicised. I think it’s more to do with other cultural differences. I mean, one reason, actually, it was also that America is the most powerful country in the world. So, like, American politics kind of almost matters more because America has no kind of reference to an external, bigger country or something. Where a lot of people in Australia who are interested in politics, they’ll just consume American politics because it’s more interesting.


So you can have a conversation with Australians about American politics, and they kind of know what’s going on in America, sometimes almost, like, have more complex opinions about American politics than Australian politics, just because it’s a more interesting, like, media phenomenon to pay attention to. It’s more entertaining. Like, the characters are better. So that’s an aspect of it.


Additionally, I think because America has so many States and America’s got such an entrenched two party system, the kind of Republican versus Democrat thing is a lot more important there, and that kind of polarises the nation.


And also, Australia was pretty much a homogenous country until very recently. America has had the race issue, which was always a radically polarizing effect in American politics. And then immigration became a bigger problem quicker in America, where in Australia, we were, like, a 92% White country 15 years ago, 20 years ago. So, like, politics here was still the amicable dispute between middle class and working class Whites over tax policy and shit like that! Politics has only really become this kind of intense existential struggle that was highly racialised in a very short period of time. I don’t think our culture has really adapted to that.


Whereas in America, you’re voting for:


“What’s going to happen in the Cold War? Like, are we going to try and destroy communism? Who’s going to be in control of the nuclear weapons that could end the world? And, like fuck, there’s all these niggas, like, what are we going to do, like, what Mexicans pouring in!”


It’s like this big deal who’s in charge of America? Where in Australia, it really wasn’t a fucking big deal who was in charge. So I think that also contributes to it all.


But then also, I think you’d have to say American. The American founding stock were the Puritans. The Puritans coming over from Britain, who were kind of alienated by the politics at the time of the English Civil War and so on, where you have the Anglicans and the Catholics, and they wanted to kind of they were these ideological anti-Catholics, but also who didn’t want to acquiesce to the Church of England in many ways. And so there were, like, these political outsiders.


And so America was kind of founded by these kinds of political. This kind of political revolutionary spirit, and then they have their revolution and so on and so America’s always had this very intense intense earnestness, like, what they believe in, and they’re like, their principles in the world and so on are very definitive.


Whereas the Australian founding stock were a bunch of convicts, and the majority of us don’t descend from those convicts, but that almost like, has galvanised the country that, like the Australian people are kind of a little bit more rough. And it isn’t so much about ideological principles. Like, the struggle for Australian White nationalism was really just racism. It wasn’t like this big ideological battle about “our freedoms”. It was just kind of like:


“We don’t want fucking chinks here! This is the Whiteman’s fucking land. Get all these islanders out! Australia for the fucking Whiteman!”


That was really what Australia was always about. So Australia, in a certain sense, it didn’t have that highfalutin kind of ideological project.


And then like this civic education, when you go to school and you learn about the founding fathers and the freedoms that Thomas Jefferson wrote down in the Constitution and all this kind of shit! So Australians aren’t politicised for, I think, all of these reasons in the same way by the culture and the way that Americans are.


So I would say that would be my explanation. I know. Do you have any thoughts on that, Tom, wrap up the stream?


Thomas Sewell: No.


Joel Davis: You kind of you kind of over it?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. It’s too late to go into. What are the question? Thoughts on the lack of political awareness of the average White Aussie due to not having to fight?


Fucking Americans! Like holier than thou! That’s their primary issue. Like what? How many Australians have they met? And they’re just making these claims on the Internet, like:


“Oh, well, the average Australian is not as political as the average American. And, it’s really down to the Second Amendment and the American Revolution!”


It’s like, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. [chuckling] I could go into detail, but, yeah, there’s fucking normie fags in every country. There’s politically mobile people in every country. I can almost guarantee across the Western world, it’s the same percentage. It’s the same percentage of dedicated political activists. It’s the same percentage of sympathetic political agitators. It’s the same percentage of traitors. It’s the same percentage of fucking normies that just want to watch the football.


Joel Davis: But also, when Americans go on about how:


“Oh, Australia, you don’t have your freedoms like we do!”


It’s like we literally had a White nationalist fucking paradise where we had all the fucking freedoms in the world.


And then the British Empire got destroyed, kind of by you guys in your unholy alliance with the Soviet Union to destroy Nazi Germany in World War Two. And then in an aftermath, to decolonise the world.


So then we had to kind of throw in our lot with you guys, fight the Japanese and do the whole anti-communist, Cold War thing with you guys, and we threw in our lots with you guys, and then you all got taken over by fucking jews! And became the most cut empire in world history that loves niggers and so on with a passion!


And then you imposed, like, fundamentally, you imposed that ideology upon all of your allies in Europe and here. And our political system got infected with the virus that consumed your political system, and that is ultimately what’s taking away our fucking freedoms!


And so if you guys used your fucking First and Second Amendment to actually take down the jews and assert White American sovereignty and not cuck to all these other races and actually hold on to America, then we’d still be White nationalists, too. We’d still have our guns and we’d be loving it! It would be great! I don’t know what we’d be up to.


Thomas Sewell: Australia in the eighties and even the nineties before Port Arthur, you could go into Kmart and buy an assault rifle. Yeah, not every Kmart, but you could do that was actually on the store that in the stock of Kmart.


And another important example is that just because we don’t have a Trump doesn’t mean, we’re less politically active as a general people. The American politics is different to Australian politics. Australian politics is a halfway point between European politics and American politics.


So we don’t have a Trump, but most European countries don’t have one either. They have these kind of popularist, smaller parties that are slowly gaining and slowly becoming a sort of majority. It’s not a majority, it’s the biggest minority. They have these big minority parties.


Whereas, obviously, America, it’s a duopoly. Australia is in this halfway point. It doesn’t know where it’s going just yet. It’s between the two. And we’re trying to help guide Australia in the right direction, which is actually away from the American style politics. It’s actually away from the duopoly and more into the European style politics.


So I think that there are many European countries that are way further ahead than the United States because they have removed the first hurdle, which is the duopoly. They’ve already got that third party or that fourth party on the table that can start competing for power. And it’s a more mobile, it’s a politically mobile system. Whereas in America, you can’t do anything. It’s just party A, party B, party Blue, party Red, party Democrat, party Republican. And it’s the same AIPAC lobby controlling both.


Whereas in the dynamism, in the chaos of European politics, there’s actually room for a healthy. A healthy option to grow. There’s no room for a healthy option in American politics. So you might have the facade of a more political society because Trump is more Right-wing than the Australian alternatives, but you’re actually in a worse position. That’s my analysis.


If we’re really going to dig it out of me. My analysis, you’re actually further behind because you can’t actually do what needs to happen with someone like Trump and the Republican Party. They’re a megalith. They’re a behemoth in the way, an absolute behemoth, and it just keeps getting more powerful and more ingrained and more established. And it’s what actually needs to be destroyed. Like, we’ve got a chance in the next ten to 20 years of being able to destroy the Liberal Party in Australia. We do. We, like, give us 20 years. I think that White nationalists, I think we can destroy the Liberal Party. I think we can put the Liberal Party in the backseat.


But in America, you’re closer to civil war than being able to get rid of the Republican Party. But civil war will solve the problem as well. Fair enough.


Joel Davis: That’s the thing as well. All these Americans going:


“You Australians don’t have your guns!”


Okay. If you actually decide to use your guns and have a civil war, do you know how many of us are going to come over there and fucking help? We will pour in to fucking help you win! So, like, stop shitting on us!


Whichever side is team based versus, you know, team jew.


Thomas Sewell: The whole NSN just rocks up in a fucking black block fucking yacht with the NSN flag hanging.




Joel Davis: Exactly!


Thomas Sewell: Because the government’s taking our passports off us!


Joel Davis: We need to make sure that the Whiteman wins in America so that we can have it like a better world for our race. Like, it’s so important. So we’ll come over, and the Europeans will come over and help, too. You guys can get a lot of reinforcements from us, so don’t be shitting in our fucking direction. And then because you’re going to be on the phone calling us up for help. So just remember that.


And secondarily, as well, I mean, I love Americans, actually. I love White Americans. My girlfriend’s a White American. If I have kids with her, I’ll have kids who have American citizenship and so on. I care about the future of America, and the future of our race is bound up with the future of America. So it’s important. That’s why I care about American politics. And I support our guys in America in a big way.


But Americans like to do this thing where:


“Yeah, oh, but you guys don’t have your guns. You don’t have your guns. You know, we got guns!”


And it’s like, but when are you gonna fucking do something with them? You know what I mean? Like, how bad do things have to get before you do something? Until you actually use them what does it actually count for? And I support gun rights, 100%. I’m glad you guys have them. I wish we had our guns, and I 100% support gun rights.


But it’s kind of like you can cope with all your guns, but you know, how many fucking beaners are pouring across the border? You know, look at what the crime. Look at your country is barely 50% White. It’s like holding on to your guns while everything slips through your fingers. Guns aren’t enough. You know, you need ultimately, like, a political movement to actually represent White Americans.


And, yeah, I’ll be rooting. I’ll be rooting for you. Is anyone in America that’s doing anything good. I’ve always tried to give my support behind them because it’s so important. I’m a White unity guy. I support all our guys all across Europe. I support our guys in the UK, in England in particular, big time, because that’s my ancestral homeland. But that is the most difficult country in the world to do nationalism.


So they’re fighting an uphill battle, but they’re still doing a lot of work. By the way, Tom, did you see the clip of Nigel Farage? He, like, cucked on mass deportations a few days ago.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: Did you see that? Yeah, that was a shame. I’m not gonna pull up the clip.


Thomas Sewell: I gotta go to bed, I’ve got work.


Joel Davis: Yeah, you can go if you want. I’ve got a couple more Superchats coming, I gotta read, so.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, you go through them.


Joel Davis: Good night, dude. So, Jake, 1219 says:


“Question for all, why do you think the English were so effective at dividing Scotland in 1297? Why do you think the clans were so divided amongst one another, even though they were part of the same blood?”


I’ll be honest with you, dude, that is not a part of history that I’m that well versed in. I apologise. I should probably know more about it. Have you got any recommendations, Jake? DM me any books you recommend about. [chuckling] Yeah, like 13th century British history.


I mean, that’s interesting. I’d like to know, but honestly, I’m not the man. I’m not the man for the question, I’ll be honest with you. Hyper lad says:


“Do do you subscribe to the specific meta-ethical position? And do you connect it up to your applied White nationalist ethics?”


This is kind of a bit of a broad question, like, do I subscribe to a specific meta-ethical position? I would say yes. Does the audience at this point want to hear me spurg out for half an hour about this particular subject? I don’t really think so.


I think I answered the question a bit earlier, though, where I said to me, this is beyond ethics. This is also ultimately about survival. Before we can even have an ethical discussion, survival must be guaranteed, our survival as a people.


But, yeah, I really do lean towards a kind of romanticist particularism in my moral outlook. I don’t like these kind of rationalist, universalist, egalitarian systems of moral rules. To me, the love of my people and my love of all that is great and noble, but my love of my family, of my blood, of my people. That’s really what guides me as a person. And I derive from the principles of loyalty and honour to that which I love and that to whom I feel obligated by bonds of blood. And that to me is really what defines what I think makes my life either a good life, or a bad life. How well, I honour that rather than the abstract ethical principles.


So yeah, to me, like loyalty and honour to your people and to, particularly to your family to your blood, like if you get married, you have children, but also to your parents, to your siblings. That to me is really like the essence of what makes you a good man, and your loyalty to your friends, like the people that you swear oaths to, that you’re going to be brothers and struggle together. To me that’s really what ethics is about is like how much you honour that as opposed to I don’t subscribe to universalistic notions of human rights or these kinds of things or get into like these Kantian de-ontological arguments I just don’t really subscribe to that position.


Yeah, I think that’s basically it for the Superchats. I hope you guys enjoyed the show. We got a lot of views on Twitter so I’m definitely going to keep streaming these on Twitter because almost 6,000 people tuned in at various points to watch the Twitter stream. But we still had a solid Rumble audience like usual as well. So I mean that just expands the audience of the show.


So yeah, I guess that will be the end of the show. Thanks for watching. Tune in next time. And yeah, just White fucking power!


And like I said, the people that sent those Entropy Superchats, I’m sorry, they literally refreshed. I’ll try to dig them out. If not DM me, I don’t want to leave you guys hanging. We’ll read them out next week. And yeah, good night.











Odysee & Rumble Comments


[ODYSEE COMMENTS as of Sat, Sep 28, 2024 = 250]

Just now
[Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:
• Now hosting a live stream on Twitter/X for the first time.
• Recent activism and interviews, including one with a young Australian influencer/YouTuber, Max Caruso.
• They criticize Nick Fuentes’ views
on their street activism tactics.
• Argue for the importance of militant street activism to recruit and inspire supporters.
• The need for white nationalism and racial loyalty: “We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race.”
• Criticize attempts at political alliances with non-white groups.
• Discuss recent Australian political events, including a politician’s comments on Abo “Welcome” ceremonies.
• Argue that White people need to “stop White flighting and start fighting back” against immigration.
• Criticize conservative politics and argue for more radical action.
• The differences between American and Australian politics and nationalism, “White nationalism was the product of struggle in Australia.”
• Criticize Muslim immigration and Islamic views.
• Importance of aesthetics and looking “cool” in political activism. “Looking cool is actually really more important than almost anything else that you do in politics.”
• The need to appeal to women supporters.
• Discuss historical figures like Hitler and philosophical concepts related to their ideology.
• Criticize “multiracial alliance retards” and argue for racial separatism.
• Discuss the concept of freedom and its relation to racial identity. “Freedom wasn’t this abstract concept, therefore, of you’re free because people leave you alone. No, you’re free because you are loved by …

Rod O’Quinn
3 days ago
I’m glad to hear that Joel has renounced the church of Satan.

5 days ago
Yall gotta square away Tacitus calling German tribes, basically, niggers, with the way he describes their behavior, and then how whites CONVERT to Roman Catholicism and flip and build the best civilization the planet has seen.
Idk if Joel is some pagan larper now, but I was asatru before I reverted back to the ONLY FAITH and if you legit want truth there is only one place to find it. Everything else is noise.

5 days ago(edited)
people like fuentes and logos revealed love talking shit about prowhites who engage in activism while they do nothing except intellectually self fellate

5 days ago
when true strong white men take over people like fuentes and logos revealed must be punished for their subversive Jewish behavior and division of the movement

5 days ago(edited)
daily reminder, logos revealed is a subversive half Asian gay Jew and just another fuentes, same goes for tonitus, that spic dick rider friend of his

5 days ago(edited)
Informative stream, I learnt quite a lot.

5 days ago
You like Nick?? He IS a confirmed homosexual with OBVIOUS homosexual tendencies. His following is artificial and botted AS FUCK! The metrics have never added up. You know what else doesn’t add up?? How Nick was able to avoid any punishment let alone jail time for agitating and encouraging J6. This guy is a twink pile of shit who’s so terrified of vag that he literally says “having sex with a woman is gay.” Lastly he’s a Mexican test tube baby who frequents cartoon movies while wearing the merch (Minions) alone.


5 days ago
Anglo-Celtic Pride Worldwide

Earthling Carl
6 days ago
Real masculinity clearly terrifies Nick.


7 days ago
always a pleasure to hear their points of view. these men will make history, im sure.

Hide replies
5 days ago
i think they already have

Lampshade Denier
7 days ago
Fuentes is a faggot.

Hide replies

5 days ago
imagine having the resources he has and not using it to have the biggest family you can have. He claims to be Catholic but all the hardcore TradCaths have 10 plus kids. he truly is a faggot

Earthling Carl
7 days ago
Yeah, the pro-Palestine stuff was always a dead end when you have to ally with brown people who hate you.

7 days ago
Brilliant show again lads far Bonnie Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 14

8 days ago
gn Joel, ava good one 👍


8 days ago

The Pork Report
8 days ago

8 days ago
𝙒𝙁𝙋!! o/

8 days ago

8 days ago
thanks for the stream lads o/

8 days ago

Lon Awfully
8 days ago
i think the only things we have is the 1st and 2nd amnds that we dint even utilize properly

8 days ago
we got murrican’s like multi millionaire Feduentes

8 days ago
Australia is kind of like a testing ground to see what they can get away with in Europe and the U.S..

The Pork Report
8 days ago
In America, the Democratic Party has entrenched political machines in the large cities. They’ve been in NY, Philly, Chicago, etc., since the 1800s. They steal every election.

Hide replies

7 days ago
the cities are full of negroes who overwhelmingly vote left.

Show reply
8 days ago

8 days ago

He’s such a cunt. That recent interview…. Utterly spineless.

8 days ago
Yes he is & is also considered the best the uk has to offer 🚬😟

8 days ago
nigel the nigger mirage is the epitome of controlled opposition

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
American k-mart

8 days ago
the uk is the new north korea 🤔

8 days ago
fuggn tellim big joe

8 days ago
the nigger worship is unreal

Hide replies

7 days ago
its like a religion

The Pork Report
8 days ago
True, Tom, there are a lot of lazy asses everywhere.

8 days ago
what month so i can get me balloons ready❓ 🎈🎈🎈🎆🎇🚬😉

Dawn Browning
8 days ago

10% Partaaaaaay? We’ve been doing that for centuries 🤗

8 days ago
Why no white community push’s for a month dedicated to them ❓🧐 there worried that others find it racist 🚬😟

8 days ago
The U.S. is the land of the fake home of the gay.

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
You chaps don’t have cockerells. YET.

8 days ago
Who thinks Israel had nothing to do with the explosion in Beruits harbor?

8 days ago
Free of the brave

The Pork Report
8 days ago
Nons are parasites.

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago


Secure the future of our people
8 days ago
Repost and like the Twitter if you can please!

8 days ago

8 days ago
more cucked

Saint Amalek
8 days ago
they’re becoming more Christ like

8 days ago
Arianism is like Gnosticism i think.

8 days ago

I concur.

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
Promoting a product to peoples needs at least 3 mass advertisements.

8 days ago
if the carpenter cant have a house no one should, enjoy the dung huts and rag doors

8 days ago
Carpenters can build houses but should they afford one?

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
Overton Window.

The Pork Report
8 days ago
Return Triguboff to China. Apparently he was born there.

Dawn Browning
8 days ago

8 days ago
White history month = August ✔️💪🫵 On this day, 19th August 1934, the German public voted 90% in favour of Adolf Hitler becoming Fuhrer (Leader) of Germany, combining the powers of Chancellor and President, President Paul von Hindenburg having died in his bed earlier that month, in a referendum.


8 days ago
if u oppose the jew it means u’r helping the jew = if u oppose faggotry u’r a homo. retard logic

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
Occidental Observer – screen shot

8 days ago
There’s a video going around of the joo who runs Blackrock openly stating they intend to fund ngos that bring in millions of nonWites into White nations.

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
1965 to 1970

Land of the Fake – Home of the Gay
8 days ago
Thanks for being based lads – these morning shows are awesome o/

8 days ago
the latest nigel farage clip 🤦‍♂️

Saint Amalek
8 days ago
hope he’s not talking about the Burt Colucci NSM

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
Follow FortyTwo from Ireland.

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago

8 days ago
the jew is running the world do to their backing of the three Abrahamic religions but im not converting to jewdaism.

8 days ago
thanks guys o/

8 days ago
Do paki’s want there kids chopping there dicks & tits off ✂️

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
IQ snob

8 days ago
the more gay we can make a country the more paki’s will run off ❓🤔

8 days ago
I had a Muslim from Morocco tell me that we’re all born Muslim and that those of us who don’t go to mosque we are apostate

8 days ago
we don’t need islam

8 days ago
You’re meant to put allah above everything, even your own family.

The Pork Report
8 days ago
muslims are sleazy liars, all of them.


8 days ago
its a total cop out 🕌👀

8 days ago
They practice stabbing you when your back is turned here in NZ

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago
Repost and like the Twitter if you can please!

8 days ago
ok this one time mate 👍

8 days ago
I knew a girl with that name or very similar who I believe was ethnically Irish.

Gaelic Glory
8 days ago

haha, I’ve combat experience so I feel I could be useful

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
Collett, JFG, Duke et al were mentioned in that case.

8 days ago
yeh theres alot of faggitry that goes on like that in the uk 😕

8 days ago
but seriously u better not be a coke head formworker

8 days ago
fuk off were full. lol jokes

Gaelic Glory
8 days ago
Moira is an anglicization of an Irish name, Máire, which is Mary. I’m an Irish buck moving to Australia next year. Can I become apart of the movement?

8 days ago

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
I have all the court transcribes for future ref.

8 days ago
JK Rowling feminism

8 days ago
Every time

8 days ago

Gaelic Glory
8 days ago

You have much more in common with your Christian ancestors than you do with your “pagan” ancestor who were defeated a millennia ago

8 days ago
White judeo ✡️ crease chin’s ✝️ would apologize to the muslims

8 days ago
reminds me of the mike enoch 🆚 John fashcroft debate about working with others over seas 🧐

Dawn Browning
8 days ago

Ik. Leave it for later, please.

8 days ago
Rockwell liked X because he was a separatist. He didn’t demand access to white people.

8 days ago

He won’t learn because he is a nefarious actor, his recent actions proved this.

8 days ago
they weren’t in Germany tho

8 days ago

Go off King 👑

Dawn Browning
8 days ago

Not now, please.

8 days ago
Freyer’s day tomorrow

8 days ago
Someone should teach NNR the purpose of street activism 🤷‍♂️🧐 But saying that he don’t believe in free speech 🤷‍♂️

8 days ago
epic rant

Dawn Browning
8 days ago

8 days ago
fight fire 🔥 with fire 🔥 as they say

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago
Repost and like the Twitter if you can please!

8 days ago
conq or be conqed white boy

8 days ago
when it’s inescapable

8 days ago
conflict avoidance, yes. relevant topic

Dawn Browning
8 days ago

Interesting how slave ships have ties to NZ

8 days ago
niceness as weakness

8 days ago
kick their ass? scare them?

8 days ago
how do you fight back against a bunch of third worlder takeover of your town?

8 days ago
“aboriginal and torres strait islander applicants are encouraged to apply”. Problem is, abos don’t work.

Dawn Browning
8 days ago

I’ve gleaned some great ‘recipes’ while changing my electricity, so there’s that.

8 days ago
the least the player’s could do is turn their back on the anti White bullshite speaker’s

8 days ago
I registered to vote as a black man in the past. Got funny looks at the dmv.

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
I’m all for AFL Walkout.

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago
Repost and like the Twitter if you can please!

8 days ago

LOL “Thank you, please come again” the national slogan.

Dawn Browning
8 days ago

Soon it’ll be “Welcome to 7/11 Country”

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
Which is why we were dispersed in the 1st place.

8 days ago
That’s (((democracy))).

8 days ago
Been that way in NZ for over 130 years. All along the way policies no one wanted or asked for, rejected, implemented anyway.

8 days ago
problem is they have infinite funds because they steal our money and give it to themselves, and our enemies

8 days ago
It’s not the indian government, it’s your own that imports them. And the fuckers have the gall to steal the fruits of your labour in broad daylight to do.

8 days ago
the jews are gunning for an end game. they are going hard and we have to respond by going harder

8 days ago
kalergi on warp speed

Ethno Nationalist
8 days ago
it’s Camp of the Saints in real life

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
The new Student visa scheme is as bad as 20,000 Haitians being dumped in Springfield, OHIO.

8 days ago
probably a few car payments

8 days ago
Morning fellas.

8 days ago
i dont even know if they bury their dead

8 days ago

The (((state))) invites them worse still uses our taxes to import them, and we have no say in the matter

8 days ago
meanwhile they get to benefit from the fruits of the white man’s accomplishments there

Dawn Browning
8 days ago
Most of them need to welcome themselves to country.

8 days ago
Likewise if we don’t welcome the chinks and pajeets…..

8 days ago

8 days ago
he said before cook for BC lol nerd

8 days ago
millennium of molestation

8 days ago

8 days ago
the 4th race…Australoids are the lowest IQ people on this earth

The Pork Report
8 days ago
Abos are a lower species. Next they’ll claim they were in Australia for millions of years.

8 days ago
they say the human race has been around for 250 thousand to 100 thousand

8 days ago
doing what?

8 days ago
BC banger

8 days ago
ima sent this auto correction to Madagascar

8 days ago
are why they made us Velcro bruz

8 days ago
I’m low IQ I can’t even tie my shoe 👟

8 days ago
yeah lispy fags gtfo

8 days ago
nrl is perfect example of replacement

8 days ago
im just a bognat

Good Gravy
8 days ago
No shame in Wignat

8 days ago
Joel just described me to a T 😂

Good Gravy
8 days ago
Oh God, don’t tell me you’re Groypers.

8 days ago
women at Nick’s rallies “who’s the boi?”

8 days ago

(((women’s magazines)))

8 days ago
women will go with whoever appears to be the victor and hollywood has made the primitive ape nigger the victor

8 days ago
true ccg my misses punched me in the face to see if the stories where true, we now have two boys

8 days ago
men with watch collections

8 days ago
women are not the same creature as they were in the 30s and 40s

8 days ago
Reduction is not reversal. Two steps forward, one step back is a jew trick. You will always hear about reduction of immigration, you will never hear send the fuckers back.

8 days ago
a good joke has a element of truth to it

8 days ago
of course nickel Feduentes attack’s Joel, because Joel didn’t take the $500 N Bitcoin payments like Feduentes did

8 days ago
Wigger Nation supremacy

8 days ago

“ignant” is from on Chris Rocks presentation “Niggas Vs Black People” where he incorrectly said ‘ignorant’.

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago
Repost and like the Twitter if you can please!

8 days ago
no they just think were hot lol

Good Gravy
8 days ago
Well I don’t give any credence to what that closeted Mexican has to say. He’s a joke

Saint Amalek
8 days ago
but a term for white nationalists

Saint Amalek
8 days ago
I heard it was supposed to be similar to “ignat” which is like calling someone ignoramus

8 days ago
Women will put themselves in danger to find a man who will save them. It’s a sexual selection strategy that has sadly been exploited by those who seek to destroy us.

8 days ago

Clann Éireann look promising

8 days ago
you guy should get some drone boiz to buzz around at rallies

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)

8 days ago
3 % of the European colonists in America fought off King George’s army

8 days ago

Yes its innate for it is a necessary survival strategy of a species. It takes 24/7 brainwashing to subvert that.

8 days ago
real racism comes from the heart

8 days ago
That its correct

Gaelic Glory
8 days ago
These white guys who are effectively deradicalization agents are just wanting to feather their nests and avoid risk… At the same time, willing to give it all away for security.

8 days ago
I say I’ve catching up to do as there are some episodes missing on Odysee. I wish there was something like your organisation here. All those people died during The Troubles…now they’re giving it all away.

8 days ago
the more radical the better

8 days ago
Bob Katter

Secure the future of our people
8 days ago
Repost and like the Twitter if you can please!

8 days ago
catbois and dildos nick. so trad

8 days ago
“street activism is dumb, liking women is gay”

8 days ago
If he’s a normal white american, america is fucked

Ethno Nationalist
8 days ago
Race first only answer

Gaelic Glory
8 days ago
Ireland is radicalising as well

8 days ago
it’s like that in the UK too for the most part

8 days ago
ricans are psyopped

8 days ago
we amer

8 days ago
Glad to catch another stream live here in Belfast. I’ve some catching up to do, over on Rumble.

8 days ago
he’s comfortable

8 days ago
we created them already, we need to rip them back from (((their))) hands

8 days ago
the only way we get the levers of power is create our own.

Ethno Nationalist
8 days ago
The system is failing

8 days ago
they are going to frame you in the most horrible light anyway. if you are going to walk on ice, might as well dance

The Crucible 01
8 days ago
exactly ^

8 days ago
Nick doesn’t understand Australians and our Fuck Off We’re Fullism

The Crucible 01
8 days ago
gd i hate nick so much

8 days ago
He’s smug. I can tell I wouldn’t get along IRL

8 days ago

he appears to be struggling not to rub his hands together .

8 days ago
thats kind of the issue… nick believes in working within the political system

8 days ago
we’re never going to have political reform nick

8 days ago
Nick gives off slimy merchant vibes

8 days ago
yes , I was thinking nick was awfully snuggly with catboy .

8 days ago
who’s the guy Tom mentioned? Godfather of Australian nationalism?

8 days ago

8 days ago
When you have a bee infestation you don’t spend time swatting individual bees, you take out the hive. The hive is Israel. Swatting Palestinians is not a useful focus. Remove Israel, then mudslimes can go home. It’s not difficult.

8 days ago
it’s a short video – 13 minutes?

8 days ago

okay thanks for the link. i’ll check it out later.

8 days ago

8 days ago

skip the first like 7 minutes. It’s just trash

8 days ago


8 days ago
anyone have a link to the video?

8 days ago

8 days ago
comprehension is above most people

8 days ago


8 days ago
young Youtuber

8 days ago

Max Caruso or someone

8 days ago
Just got here. Who’s he talking about?

8 days ago

8 days ago
I see all they longed hair guys (Joel, Mickle, etc) cut their hair short after the Brisbane rally.

8 days ago
The video Thomas was in mostly sucked. the first half was him walking around eating Hungry Jacks

8 days ago
hey guys

8 days ago

australian man
8 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago
I’ve some catching up to do

8 days ago


8 days ago
For whatever reason a few shows are missing on Odysee. They are all there on Rumble though.

8 days ago
Is there no video of last week’s show? Maybe I’m missing something. Behind a paywall, maybe?

8 days ago

Thanks. I couldn’t find it

8 days ago
Last week’s show:

Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript

[RUMBLE COMMENTS as of Sat Sep 28, 2024 = 73]

1 week ago
I like Nick and Joel. if I had to pick a leader to follow it would have to be Joel though. Nick comes off as too weak and effeminate, although I agree with a lot of his ideas

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1 week ago
I have the same thought brother. I grew up in the 80s. America had a brotherhood that is more expressed by the Aussies Joel, Blair & Thom. Nick needs to realize he was altered by Jewish subversion. He doesn’t have a band of brothers. Sneako, ye, Myron & even Tate do not count for they are “brothers” just as long as we are cool feeding them our White sisters & daughters. I hope Nick wakes up as he grows up. Hopefully he has felt the push back to the Joel critiques. We need them all. WP! -half Yank/half Confederate

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1 week ago
I grew up in the 00s but it was still a lot tougher than what we see today. we fought and looked up to masculinity. there is no unity without White unity first! WP

1 week ago
Spot on

4 days ago
Catboy fuentes is a fed

1 week ago
fucking jews

1 week ago
Re: Nick’s silly homoerotic characterization of a “charismatic leader” — a touch ironic… Not due to Ali/Catboy past, but because: If Joel’s fraternal respect for Tom as a man elder + proven leader is gay… Please describe thousands of childless virgins who worship Nick + unthinkingly get every single opinion straight from his mouth (and laughably paying him money to be publicly mocked and belittled).

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1 week ago
Also LOL at Groypers calling ppl like us wignats. Them: “Black women are fiiiine. We’re not racist we don’t hate black pp, we love everybody we’re Christian! Us: “Theyre all going back to Africa”

1 week ago
Well said Brother. I’m a yank/confederate from an earlier time. I straddle the Tom And Nick zeitgeist. Tom et al is right in their Chadness, Nick is right in his misfit atomized & cucked White boy-Man rebellion. Nick is intelligent talented, but he is still a student in ways he doesn’t even know. He was Cucked by our nation whether he knows it or not. He mocks strength training, diet wisdom and is surrounded by non-White “brother” e-celebs. I’m with Joel n crew. They are more fully White & Man than Fuentes can comprehend.

1 week ago
infighting is a jewish hobby

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2 days ago
By that metric, Nick should get a kippah considering how many times he punches right + punches white during his streams. Guys like Joel and HT have responded civilly to keep the peace and he just keeps going. So frustrating.

1 week ago
Also, these guys who call you “low brow” come across as sniveling weak fagg0ts to heterosexual women of ALL class backgrounds, whether lower, middle, or upper. Does Nick have any concept as to how he and his movement look in comparison to your guys’?? They call you “low class” to deflect from the fact that they appear to be dysgenic freaks who are too physically and mentally weak to protect the women and children in their community. They claim they’re more “professional” than you guys, but I highly doubt most groypers even have much professional success – they’re just castrated cowards and pretend it makes them “civilized.” Why would any woman be inspired to procreate with THAT?! The groypers complain about white women endlessly because they have a slave morality, and it’s annoying – this is one of the reasons why they betray us for and identify with genetic inferiors like Myron Gaines and Tate. They don’t have an authentic White masculine identity or any dignity. Women aren’t attracted to these guys for a good reason. They’ll say it’s because of feminism when really, it’s their own cowardice and inferiority that repulses us. The fact that we’re not into effeminate boys who seem like they’re 15 years old is because we’re not lesbian pedos lmao, not because of “feminism.” Groypers resent nature’s hierarchy

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1 week ago
Yeah, these are some valid points and criticisms of the groyper-faction. Ultimately, I’m grateful for whatever useful contributions to groypers can offer to the world-wide struggle of preserving our blood. Groypers tend to believe infiltrating mainstream GOP is a viable solution, and maybe there are some gains to be had in that approach, sure, but I moreso agree w/ what Tom and Joel usually say about how political-electoral efforts are not as effective as political-activism efforts of idea-spreading at street level and influencing the culture in contagious interpersonal sense. Politics is downstream of culture anyway. So even if groypers infiltrate political organizations (which of course, is still a good thing), it still doesn’t steer and influence the mult-cult poison at it’s source. And the source is how ordinary white ppl think in terms of their lack of sense of self and lack of dignity because of modern pop-culture, broken spirits, and dumbing down of mass-culture, etc. Street activism is more visceral, dignity-restoring, and epigenetic-subliminal in an effective lasting positive way. The active-club culture will also help clean up poor thinking and poor health among men, which in turn will reinvigorate healthy procreation rates and tangible quality of life for white men and white women.

1 week ago
Well stated. Nick needs to take a seat and learn. Perhaps he will continue to get back-stabbed enough by these “alliances” in order to find himself alone and empty so that he can suffer in order to break through his screaming ego.
1 like

3 days ago
Nick doesn’t care about what women think of him, and neither does any great man. Your mentality is how White men fell so bad. Women submit to power, not men who desperately try to gain their approval under a system in which the power structure is opposed to them.

1 week ago
I’m an engineer. I’m high IQ. Nick attracts weaklings and cowards that feel comfortable staying anonymous online “groyping”, in a nation with the first amendment.

1 week ago
Here’s last week’s show. [Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following: • Recent Australian government moves on internet censorship and social media age limits. • Certain type of women being attracted to official positions in HR, government, etc., and having a particular appearance and manner. • The lack of discipline and schools where even in primary schools teachers are being attacked. • The psychology of leftists regarding envy. • Haitians being dumped in Springfield, Ohio. • Criticize a father whose son was killed by a Haitian immigrant for saying he wished a White man had killed his son instead. • The Swedish government’s plan to pay immigrants large sums to leave Sweden. • Express admiration for the Ku Klux Klan, calling them “true fucking heroes of the aryan race.” • Discuss Greg Johnson being gay and criticize homosexuality in general. • Talk about women cheating and social media’s role in relationships. • Discuss libertarianism and criticize libertarian views
on immigration and economics. • Discuss the Chinese government, drawing some parallels to fascism. • “Hitler was willing to, you know, he was a strategic politician, like any good politician, looking out for the interests of their nation.” • “Homophobia actually in, like, every. Pretty much every, like, culture ever in, like, human history.” • “Jews are probably the least homophobic.” • “We need the Klan. We need to bring back the Klan.” • “White people want things like justice and fairness and freedom and, you know, honor and respect and rights and liberties.” • “Haiti is disgusting. And again, they have the legacy of White genocide.” ..

1 week ago
Yeah that was low of what Nick said. So called friend huh, but yeah I don’t watch him anymore. He’s not Pro White, someone who is Pro White doesn’t listen to monkey music, and isn’t friend’s with minorities.

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4 days ago
Kanye west Kang

1 week ago
Nicky literally worships Stalin. His own admission. Check out his old vdo.

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4 days ago
Because he received money from Kremlin and iran

1 week ago
Fundamentally Nick misrepresents and strawmans people he disagrees with, although that is a tactic everyone uses, it is poor form against fellow White Nationalists who are amicable with him

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1 week ago
In fact Tom straight up slanders and lies about Nick shortly into this show

1 week ago
Joel is similar to a more manly more based more focused Nick.

1 week ago
God Nick is so annoying. Hes the one who started the first optics war and divided the movement up after Charlottesville. Everyone who didnt meet his standard of optics he would attack and then everybody divided on those lines….optics cucks vs wignats lol. Even Anglin, the biggest wignat sperg on the internet, jumped in on Nicks side and started calling everyone neo nazis lol…I couldnt believe it…like we all just wouldnt notice his complete flip flop.. Oh God and then the woman question thing, they then had to force a division over that too. And that weird fucker weev that ended up being a jew lol. I dont trust these people anymore, we got more gayops going on here than anywhere on earth, so I just assume someones some kind of bad actor if all they do is divisive shit.

1 week ago
Thomas has the right idea. Just shaving it all off, Joel.

1 week ago
w joel

1 week ago
Comedy is the crucible of all society, and that is why the Jews use it to their end . they have hijacked us through it.

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1 week ago
So true. Very astute observation

1 week ago
I appreciate what you guys do, I like that you’re serious. I’m surrounded by nons and most of the white men don’t seem to take anything seriously, but themselves. They have no ideological basis from which they navigate the world. They are subjectively minded, feminine. You walk the walk, not just talk the talk. WP.

1 week ago
Around the 30-minute mark, Joel raises a solid point. I have refrained from joining the NSN primarily due to my own limited resources, and I believe others may be in a similar situation. Nevertheless, I am committed to supporting the movement passively in any way I can, and I have full confidence in the abilities of Tom, Jacob Hersant, Blair, and Joel.

1 week ago
you three are legendary and inspirational

1 week ago
o/ I’ll gladly die w/ truth and patriotism on my lips than to perish as a subservient sell-out nation-traitor groveling to modern dystopia. I’ve got such immense respect for all three of you. Australia is a great nation, I love your guys history. It’s righteous and very colonial.

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1 week ago
Id honesty rather see a movement like this in America than Nicks AF or MAGA. Eight years of this shit and its now gayer than ever. Trump talking about “bringing in a LOT of people” …but dont worry, it will be legal…This is why we have to be explicitly pro-white and open about why we dont want them here, we dont want them here cuz theyre not us and this is OUR country, not theirs…Thats it, its that simple. If we dont do that then we end up not having a real argument when they pull shit like this. Dont worry, they were just eating the local wildlife, not peoples pets, thats disinfo, glad we cleared that up cuz lol. Or like in the UK with the nog stabber….well actually, he was a “Welsh” Christian and not a muslim immigrant so you should be fine with the stabbing, he was one of our stabbers lol…fucking conservatives just have nothing to say to that in response, they just sit there dumbfounded like oh fuck how do I express that I just dont wanna live with these savages without actually saying it?
1 like

1 week ago
White Fucking Power! o/

1 week ago
My biggest criticism of Fuentes is his worship of the Catholic Church. Proven time and time again that pedofilia is rampant in the ranks.

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4 days ago
Fuentes is more of an Americanist than Catholic. If he supports Neo Stalinist Jewtin Putin he can’t be Catholic. And its no coincidence that the JudeoMasonic corporate media never seems to attack atheists, pagans or Protestants ! The power of lies, deceptions and disinformation as Westerners pay the price of collective stupidity. (ie 96% of media) Everybody knows that the child abuse accusations on the Catholic Church was done by the jew to distract and deflect from the systemic child abuse by jewish rabbis. Why don’t you provide a list of convicted Catholic Priests?

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2 days ago
In a debate with Destiny, Nick admits in plain terms that he is not only a Catholic before an american, but that Americanism is heresy in the Catholic Church. Video:

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1 day ago
Firstly, Martinez is a crypto Jew. Destiny is a libtard J$w. Fuentes? has lots of contradictions. Vatican II = Babylonian captivity. Vatican II/Novus Ordo = Babylonian captivity/counterfeit Church/founded by Masonic antipope John XXIII, Six Protestant advisors at V2 Council and KGB agents disguised as Orthodox clergy also participated! In 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his famous “Four Freedoms” speech. In that speech, FDR set forth a vision for the reengineering of societies around the globe. The means was psychological warfare, involving the manipulation of ideas, words and symbols to divide target societies and convince these societies of the ideology that formed America. The most important society America targeted was the Roman Catholic Church. Media mogul Henry R. Luce, founder and publisher of enormously influential magazines like Time and Life, used the CIA’s doctrinal warfare program to turn the Catholic Church into a promoter of American ideas. This struggle reached its culmination at the Second Vatican Council with the promulgation of the document Declaration on Religious Liberty. Catholic doctrine did not change, but, defeated at the Council, the Americanists used their media power to win the battle over who got to interpret the Council with significant consequences for both the world and the Catholic Church, whose leadership came to espouse the doctrines of Liberalism something its leadership had condemned just a few years earlier. Catholics unveil Jewish plot – caused PROTESTant Revolution The Catholic Gazette (London) February 1936
1 day ago
The Protestant Deformation in England by William Cobbett. The Judeo-Masonic roots of the US founding fathers and the Constitution Freemasonry, hatched in the British Empire following the Enlightenment-Rosicrucian revolutionary overthrow of the Catholic Church in England, is the proxy arm of the international Jewish conspiracy against Christ and His Saints. Throughout the centuries, the Jewish conspirators have struggled to refrain from publicly gloating of their engineering of this proxy movement. Jews have entirely created Masonry to corrupt the nations of Christian civilization and to propagate behind this veil the general revolution which is to bring about the domination of Israel. It is simply a tool and a means in the hands of the Jews. In support of this, we can quote the article of Dr. Isaac M. Wise published in the Israelite of America, 3 August, 1866: ‘Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.’[I] This conspiracy to “corrupt the nations” was executed under the cover of “Enlightenment” progress and freedom. The Masonic Illuminati slogan is “liberty, fraternity, and equality”, which was shouted from rooftops as revolutionaries raped, pillaged, and murdered their way through France. The J$wish Revolutionary spirit of America: Bastille Key given to George Washington
1 week ago
Great analysis and breakdown of why NJF is incorrect. Continue to inspire.

1 week ago
Nick is a joke, you guys are the real deal. Thank you for giving me hope that we can actually win this.

1 week ago
I’m from UK and followed you guys online for years as we are going through the same journey for years now. I actually care about you lads totally.Nick said he don’t care about Australians (white ) sums nick up totally.he is anti white to anyone who is a real alpha nationalist and want a Monopoly on ideology

6 days ago
On the Indian issue I am starting to believe that the COVID lockdowns was either created, or utilised on time, to create the mechanism for the transfer of massive amounts of sub-continental Pajeets throughout the European world and her colonies. It is not just Australia suffering this invasion, it is all over Europe and her colonies from Lithuania to Croatia, from Canada to Australia. And all from 2021 onwards. Firstly, they create here in Central Europe jobs that never existed before due to the people not being lazy and having a culture of street life, i.e., Glovo and Wolt food deliveries. Then they bring over a slave coolie class of men to do the deliveries. And Bob’s your uncle every small Central and Eastern European country receives over 200,000 Pajeets in three years. You guys in Australia are to receive 750,000, Canada received two million… And every single time this is facilitated after the visit of a country’s minister or premier to India. This is not a coincidence. I know of a prominent Bulgarian NS who has looked into this and he believes this to be the case. Some food for thought.

5 days ago
I like Nick and Joel and Steve Laws and Mark Collett, Different people have different strategies and there are beefs that will inevitably happen but we’re all going against the same enemy at the end of the day. Cheers to all our people.

5 days ago
Got all my boys onto your shit Joel, keep it up mate.

1 week ago
Joel I couldn’t even follow you on X cause it said sensitive content they literally won’t let people follow your X account lol
1 like

1 week ago
1:00 minute in when Tom elaborates on how their public-street activism doesn’t require the flag anymore, even though said in jest, granted yes it’s true, point made, but i still affirm and insist the flags are still necesssary for decorum, signaling and the metaphysics of the substance of the thing
1 like

1 week ago
Twenty twenty four. Top stream guys!!
1 like

1 week ago
black bloc yacht is so funny
1 like

1 week ago
Blair is always just pushing to end the show 😂
1 like

1 week ago
Women being interested in your politics is relevant because men want to get laid. If women hate the message and a man stands behind the message…she ain’t gonna fuck him.
1 like

1 week ago
Tom drinking raw milk out the bottle is a straight white vibe.
1 like

6 days ago
The nietzsche stuff is a dead end, I’m so over it. “Be a sociopath bro, it’s life affirming!” Christianity or nothing. It’s the white man’s religion.
1 like

6 days ago
I like both you and Nick. I don’t enjoy the infighting. He was partly wrong about the UK riots tho. He seemed convinced it all happened to justify a war with Iran and that Tommy Robinstein was a big part of it. Both of those were wrong. He should admit to that.
1 like

6 days ago
1 like

6 days ago
This is why the Right never wins. Too much infighting (and government infiltration)! Everyone is always going to have their own opinions and ideas, but what everyone needs to remember is that WE are ALL on the same (White) side.
1 like

6 days ago
BLUE EYES MATTER It isn’t just about culture. Race matters because Blue Eyes Matter.
1 like

5 days ago
Tom and Joel I 100% agree with you on what you both said at the end about some Americans, as an American myself you couldn’t have said that any better. You two were right on point!
1 like

1 week ago
Being a Christian of any brand and being a white nationalist is an oxymoron. Christians worship a Jewish desert wizard, pretend to drink his blood, turn the other cheek, think everyone’s equal and then cope by saying he was Caucasian when he actually wasn’t even real and he was made up to get gentiles to worship the Jewish god.

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1 week ago
yep Christianity was designed to cuck Europeans mentally.

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1 week ago
If they manged to subvert the European continent to such a degree. Then it’s over, we’re not winning against a near omnipotent force than can mind control Europeans. Your whole argument falls flat when you realize, that this isn’t the case. You think the jews had some master god like plan for 2000 years to subvert the goyim. That’s comic book shit.
1 like

1 week ago
I’ve shared your thoughts before. Although I do think Christianity can be based if we want it to as it use to be. We could be like the Muzz where they say their religion is the final boss form of God. Christian’s has the same thought that Jews were stuck in the past therefore degenerate as they didn’t recognize Jesus as being God. Nick has a lot of Pharisees in him, like Christian in name only. I have hardly experienced the presence of Spirit in his countenance. I have personally felt and dwelt in communion with God via Jesus Love. It was weird, but beautiful and powerful. I haven’t perceived this from Nick. I don’t disparage his floundering stage of fake it till you make it. Pretentiousness has its place in learning like a child wielding a plastic hammer after seeing daddy do it for real. Practice has its place. Nick has to still stumble aka learn. o/

1 week ago
No banners needed

1 week ago
Yall tweakin in here. Like 😭😭

1 week ago
How many viewers were on X? I don’t see it

4 days ago
The first slaves in JudeoMasonic America were white! White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America White Cargo is the forgotten story of the thousands of Britons who lived and died in bondage in Britain’s American colonies. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves. Urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields, where life expectancy was no more than two years. Brothels were raided to provide “breeders” for Virginia. Hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold, and even gambled away. Transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock. Drawing on letters crying for help, diaries, and court and government archives, Don Jordan and Michael Walsh demonstrate that the brutalities usually associated with black slavery alone were perpetrated on whites throughout British rule. The trade ended with American independence, but the British still tried to sell convicts in their former colonies, which prompted one of the most audacious plots in Anglo-American history. This is a saga of exploration and cruelty spanning 170 years that has been submerged under the overwhelming memory of black slavery. White Cargo brings the brutal, uncomfortable story to the surface. TRUTH about the Irish – First slaves brought to the Americas – Forgotten History In the 1650’s 100,000 Irish children were sent by the English to the West Indies and Virginia as slaves. 52,000 Irish women, whose husbands had been killed by the English during the 1640s, were shipped as slaves to Barbados and Virginia and elsewhere. Most of the 500,000 Irish killed from 1641 to 1652 died at the hands of Oliver Cromwell’s highly financed troops. By the end of the British invasion of Ireland ..

2 days ago
Nick’s “what does Australia have to do with us” comment really clarifies his America First position. He’s not White first. He’s America First… including all the riff-raff that comes with that.

1 day ago
Transcript of this show: [Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following: • Now hosting a live stream on Twitter/X for the first time. • Recent activism and interviews, including one with a young Australian influencer/YouTuber, Max Caruso. • They criticize Nick Fuentes’ views
on their street activism tactics. • Argue for the importance of militant street activism to recruit and inspire supporters. • The need for white nationalism and racial loyalty: “We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race.” • Criticize attempts at political alliances with non-white groups. • Discuss recent Australian political events, including a politician’s comments on Abo “Welcome” ceremonies. • Argue that White people need to “stop White flighting and start fighting back” against immigration. • Criticize conservative politics and argue for more radical action. • The differences between American and Australian politics and nationalism, “White nationalism was the product of struggle in Australia.” • Criticize Muslim immigration and Islamic views. • Importance of aesthetics and looking “cool” in political activism. “Looking cool is actually really more important than almost anything else that you do in politics.” • The need to appeal to women supporters. • Discuss historical figures like Hitler and philosophical concepts related to their ideology. • Criticize “multiracial alliance retards” and argue for racial separatism. • Discuss the concept of freedom and its relation to racial identity. … more

6 days ago
Joel, you should apologize to Nick

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6 days ago
1 like

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1 day ago
Nick promoted him, and was very diplomatic with him for months, even though he was mistaken, yet he just stabbed him in the back.

6 days ago
The reverse is true.
1 like




See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version 5: Sat, Sep 28, 2024 — Added Odysee comments (250). Updated Rumble comments (73). Added images and link to Brenton Sanderson’s The War on White Australia over at The Occidental Observer (around 2:16:00 mark). Updated Joel Davis See Also image and links.

Version 4: Fri, Sep 27, 2024 — Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 170/17o mins. Transcript now complete.

Version 3: Thu, Sep 26, 2024 — Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 123/17o mins.

Version 2: Wed, Sep 25, 2024 — Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 79/17o mins.

Version 1: Fri, Sep 20, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 28/17o mins. Includes Odysee comments (18).

This entry was posted in Activism -White, America, anti-White, Arabs, Australia, Blair Cotterell, Christainity, Ethno-nationalism, Ethnocentrism, Fascism, Hitler Quotes, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Neocons, Joel Davis, Liberalism, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim, National Socialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Palestine, Political Correctness, Race, Race Differences, Racism, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Transcript, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Judge Napolitano – Col. Douglas Macgregor – Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next? – Oct 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  3. Pingback: Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  4. Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  5. Pingback: Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  6. Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 15 with Jürgen Neumann on Ernst Zündel – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  7. Pingback: Joel Davis – Fuck off We’re Full – with Tom and Jacob – Oct 24, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  8. Pingback: Mark Collett – Facing the Storm – PA Conference Speech 2024 – Oct 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  9. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  10. Pingback: Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  11. Pingback: Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  12. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 20 with Kathleen Dudley – Nov 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  13. Pingback: Joel Davis – The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition, Why Are They So Afraid? – Feb 14, 2025 – Transcript | katana17

  14. Pingback: Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Thomas Sewell – Mar 19, 2025 – Transcript | katana17

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