Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Building Nationalism from the Ground Up



Thu, Sep 26, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

The show has expanded its audience significantly by broadcasting on Twitter.

They’ve grown their audience despite being deplatformed from YouTube.

They talk about the upcoming Australian Football League grand final weekend, and critique the commercialization and politicization of Australian football, while discussing the potential for politicizing sports for nationalist causes.

They discuss the concept of building nationalism from the ground up, and argue that existing institutions have failed and a new movement needs to be built from scratch.

Emphasize the importance of organizing white men around a “no compromise white nationalism.”

Discuss strategies for building a parallel economy and community for their activists and the need for physical spaces and property for the movement.

The challenges of fundraising and managing finances for their organization and the importance of transparency and accountability in handling donations.

They critique excessive moralizing and ideological debates within the nationalist movement, and argue for a focus on racial identity as the foundation for their movement, despite the challenges of uniting different factions within white nationalism.

National Socialism and its relevance today and strategies for normalizing their ideology and breaking the “spell” of anti-Nazi sentiment.

The importance of building a distinctly Australian form of nationalism.

The need for white people to collectively fund pro-white organizations and the potential for creating nationalist labor unions.

The challenges of digital currencies and financial deplatforming.

They analyze why American nationalists struggle to unite compared to Australian nationalists, and differences in national identity and historical narratives between Australia and the US.

The importance of youth involvement in their movement.

Strategies for recruiting and organizing supporters of different ages.

The need for a balance between intellectual debates and practical organizing.

The importance of focusing on existential racial issues over other ideological differences, and the necessity of breaking taboos around National Socialism.

The challenges of building a movement in a hostile political environment.

Alliances with non-white groups against Jews.

They critique strategies that focus solely on opposing Jews rather than promoting white interests.

The importance of having a positive vision, not just opposition to enemies, and the need for sacrifice and commitment from supporters.

The conversation covers the challenges of maintaining ideological purity while growing a movement.

And more, …




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Published on Thu, Sep 26, 2024



Building Nationalism from the ground up
Joel Davis
3 Dislikes
Streamed on:
Sep 26, 7:03 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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(Words: 33964 – Duration: 185 mins)



Joel Davis: Live. It is the 26 September 2024. Another episode of the show.


We’re back on Twitter. We had an incredible viewership on Twitter last week. We got way more views on Twitter than we get on any other platform. But our Rumble audience sustained. We got the same amount of views on the Rumble stream as we did the week before. Plus all these extra Twitter views. A big expansion of the audience just from broadcasting to Twitter now.


So as I said last week, I can’t believe we didn’t do this earlier, but it’s really nice to get that kind of response. And it feels like the show, man, I remember going back to last year when my YouTube was banned. We had a Joel and Blair show YouTube account that was banned. Then my YouTube was banned. I think Blair got a YouTube account banned as well. So we got hammered! We got completely wiped out on YouTube, and that was a real blow.


And then we were shunted onto Rumble. And we were already on Odysee and Cozy, but we’re shunted onto Rumble and we have to build up from scratch on Rumble.


And then this year, we got the Rumble audience back up to where it peaked on YouTube and then actually went past the peak YouTube audience. So we grew the show bigger on Rumble than it ever was on YouTube, and that felt like an achievement.


And then we then just now added a Twitter audience that then more than doubled the audience that we already had. So being de-platformed off YouTube has never been this good. Fuck YouTube! We don’t need YouTube. We’re now pulling, you know, three times the audience for the show that we were pulling when we were on YouTube a year ago. So that feels really good that we were able to withstand that hit. That really sucked at the time. And it felt a lot., … You know, if you told me a year in a year’s time, the show will have three times as many viewers, even though you’re still banned from YouTube, I would have probably not believed you. So kudos to everyone tuning in. Feels really good that we were able to basically take that blow and keep soldering on. Fuck YouTube! Fuck Google! Fuck ZOG! Hail Elon Musk! Hail our people!


But anyway, let’s get into the show. Blair, you want to? It’s grand final weekend here in Australia, and that means for Victorians, we don’t have to go to work tomorrow. So that’s pretty sick. But sports ball is kind of gay. I’m sure they’ll do some, like, gay abo [Aboriginal] shit at the beginning and maybe some just gay actual gay shit as well. Sometimes they Chuck that in with the gay abo shit! So I won’t be watching it. I don’t give a fuck about it! But you had some thoughts.


Blair Cottrell: Big sports ball weekend. That’s what we’re about to experience, especially in Victoria. Victoria was the birthplace of the Australian Football League [AFL] or Aussie Rules football.


So everyone’s looking forward to four days off. The holidays begin tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday is the sort of sporting experience, sports ball experience. And then I think Monday people get off as well. And there’s a real retard vibe out there. I just went to the gym and got home a little bit late and people are driving erratically, lining up at bottle shops, takeaway food shops and just getting in the way and being more retarded than usual. And it’s because this is the last day they had to work before sportsball weekend. So they’re just very excited for that reason and more retarded than usual for that reason as well.


A little bit frustrating for me because I’m completely disconnected from the public consciousness. I’m able to feel it, but I’m not connected to it. I’m still removed, so I can observe it, I can sort of read it, but it doesn’t rub off on me so much and I just want to go about my business as normal. But not everyone is as cynical as I am.


So I’m not trying to say you can’t enjoy your football. Like, we have a big sporting culture in Australia and I come from an AFL family myself, so I can appreciate it. Some watch, some somewhat. There’s a certain sort of soldierly aspect to the football player. They do do a lot of intensive training and they do have a lot of personal pride and team pride, like that sort of camaraderie, you might say that similar to like a battalion, or a political group like the like you boys are involved in.


So I can appreciate it, I can respect it. But the average peasant that sort of goes to the sports ball games and gets all hysterical and drunk and who looks forward to drinking a lot and taking a lot of drugs on sportsball weekends, they’re out in force right now and it’s just a little bit annoying.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I think there’s something special about it. Whenever you talk to non-Whites and they mention Australian culture, it’s the first thing that they do mention. They say:


“Oh, yeah, foottie and beer and meat pies.”


And look, I think football can be saved. I think certainly when we take state power we can certainly de-commercialise football, refocus on its localness and we can do a lot for football. We can make sports ball great again, certainly.


And as you said, there’s a martial component to it which is valuable. Australian soldiers were so highly regarded in the First and Second World War because we’re like a footy nation, like we’re a sporting nation and the Germans, the British. There’s lots of historical accounts of commentary on how Australian and New Zealand soldiers were of great stock and just great physical composition. And a lot of it is due to better diet and better exercise. So and just being a new colony as well. But I won’t get too caught up in that.




But what I will say about the weekend is I think the whole experience that go like, because I talk to the guys that work about, I am connected to it in the sense that everyone I work with, I’m the alien. Everyone I work with is obsessed with football. And I don’t want to get too like a psychoanalysis on it, but there’s something about the process, the ecstasis and the catharsis. There’s something about cheering and being disappointed or cheering and being happy at the end. There is some sort of strange spiritual, there is a metaphysics to it, certainly, that they, that does exist within the psyche of the majority of the population that should be nurtured and taken care of in a positive way. Obviously it’s been commercialised. It’s been made gay and pro-aboriginal and all this sort of nonsense! So obviously it’s been hijacked.


My main criticism of the nationalists that came before us is in Australia is their lack of, and I mean before us. I’m talking about the generation before. It’s not five years before we came on the scene, but the people that were around 30, 40 years before UPF [United Patriots Front] existed, or we came on the scene, they should have focused on AFL. If they had focused in the seventies and eighties on politicizing AFL for the Right-wing and bringing about a will to power and making that a central part of Australian nationalism back then, the movement as a whole would be just so well established. Because in Europe we have these intergenerational nationalists, intergenerational families of nationalists that did this at the end of the Second World War.


And a lot of the firms in England and a lot of the hooligan clubs in Europe, most of them are National Socialists or fascists or just very, very Right-wing. And that took a long time to develop that culture, that subculture within the football. And football in Europe is very political! But in America and Australia it’s very gay! It’s very anti-political. It’s very depoliticised to the point where it’s just anti-White. It’s so non-political that they’re then in the absence of a political nature of the sport, the state apparatus and the corporate state apparatus have managed to infiltrate and put their astroturf, fake culture, not a grassroots nationalist culture, which is what it should be.


Blair Cottrell: It’s modern day coliseum. It’s just the coliseum. There’s a tribal aspect to the energy there. It’s something we’ve failed to tap into politically, but not entirely. We did take a banner to the footy once, remember? Probably 2016, I think that was.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that caused such an hysterical reaction from the AFL official community. I mean, like the AFL administrative officers, because they couldn’t believe that someone had the guts [chuckling] to actually walk in there with a Right-wing banner and display it right in front of the scoreboard in front of everyone in the middle of a game!


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: And they realised that they can’t actually stop people from doing that. Like, all we did was put that banner under my shirt. I just wore a baggy jacket and I walked in and paid for my ticket.xLike, anyone. And how are they able to identify everyone who’s going in there? That’s a lot. There’s like hundreds of how many people. Tens of thousands of people going into that.


Joel Davis: Especially if you larp as a fat guy!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, that’s actually exactly what I did. What was the game? It was Essendon versus.


Thomas Sewell: Collingwood.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. And I bought an oversized Collingwood jacket. I didn’t even support Collingwood just to conceal the banner and I never wore it again. I don’t know what happened to that jacket. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Your dad’s probably got it.


Blair Cottrell: Maybe, [chuckling] but Dad tends to wear the baggier jackets. He’s of that generation.


But the point was there’s no way they can actually stop us doing stuff like that. I’m kind of disappointed that no one’s done anything like that since. And even in us, I suppose, for not replicating that kind of activity. But who knows? Plenty of potential for that in the future.


Thomas Sewell: We’ll get back to it. We’re just trying to build up the footy boy culture at the moment. So it’s important, I think, for there to be an innate organic culture of people that already go to the footy.


And so we’ve recruited a lot of people this year and probably 5% are avid football fans, which is an improvement from the 0% that we’ve had in the past. Most people that we’ve recruited over the years have wanted nothing to do with AFL, just because of its de-politicisation and its anti-White nature.


But now that we’re becoming larger as a movement, we are starting to tap into a bit more sportsball fans, which is good. I actually appreciate that. I want that. I want to build a subculture of people that like that.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, we’ve definitely been too dismissive of football fans as though they’re beneath our politics for some reason, which is a little bit arrogant, I think we should really be tapping into the, …


Thomas Sewell: There’s got to be a class marriage, there’s got to be a class marriage and there’s different classes of politically active people. And what we need to focus on. We’ve been a Spearhead for a long time. We need to focus on, “inclusivity” is a bad dirty word these days, but we do need to focus on mobilising further classes of political agency.




Joel Davis: Yeah, I think I understand the take. Though, when people say:


“Oh, look at all these grown men giving so much emotion and concern for some football team, but they put absolutely zero time, effort, resources or emotion into saving their nation or the existential threat that our people feel.”


And I do have that contempt myself. I do understand it.


So I get that. But you said this before, Tom, and I agree we kind of need to pick one team and put all the racist energy behind them and make them the racist team.


And so all the Lefties, like, start hating that particular team and then they become notorious. And then young racists get, …


Blair Cottrell: That’s already happened to some degree, like the wogs*. The wogs notoriously support Carlton. Carlton’s notoriously supported by wogs. And Collingwood is like the team of the White Aussie Bogans. So that already organically took place to some degree.


[* Wog is a racial slur used to refer, in British English, to black and South Asian people, and, in Australian English, to people from the Mediterranean region. Whilst it is extremely derogatory in British English, in Australian English it may be considered non-offensive depending on how the word is used, due to reclamation and changing connotations. Wikipedia]


Thomas Sewell: And St Kilda is the team of the coke snorting builders.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: I remember a friend of ours, Patrick O’Sullivan, shout out to Patrick O’Sullivan.


Thomas Sewell: Shout out to the Reverend!


Joel Davis: Hail Combat 18 and death to ZOG!


Anyway, he said that back in the day, St Kilda, because St Kilda is a very jewish area in Melbourne. It’s like one of the most jewish suburbs of Melbourne for those who are foreigners and don’t know. Their football team, it actually has the red, white and black.


So it’s the same colours as, like the Imperial German colours. And the jews got very upset about this and lobbied for it to be changed and obviously it was unsuccessful. So that’s kind of like a funny piece of history.


But yeah, I think we got to pick a team and make them the Nazi team. I don’t know which team it is, but like when we figure it out, let me know. I’ll buy all the gear, I’ll wrap it and, … It’ll happen organically.


Thomas Sewell: It’ll happen organically.


Joel Davis: I’ll be a watching the games. And yeah, I’ll get into, …


Blair Cottrell: [words unclear] Victorian thing.


Thomas Sewell: A series of players and they’ll refuse to do the latest jargon, whatever the latest political humiliation ritual is. Eventually, like we saw with that Welcome to Country recently, was that the semi-final or the preliminary?


Blair Cottrell: I think so.


Thomas Sewell: And how many of those players were looking at the ground or scoffing. So the body language is already like, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s already resisting.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, there is a resistance and all it’s going to take is one, similar to, there was a scandal probably five or six years ago with an islander rugby player that didn’t he say something on Facebook about how like:


“Fags aren’t going to heaven.”


Blair Cottrell: Folau or Falou?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he said something on Facebook like:


“Gays aren’t going to heaven.”


Joel Davis: He’s a Mormon.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And then the NRL tried to remove him and then I think he took them to court. I can’t remember whether he won or lost, but that set a really important precedence that you can stand up to these institutions and there is going to be a lot of support from the public and it is worth dragging it through the courts. It is worth not necessarily being a political Martyr, but it is worth taking a stand, win or lose.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it would be good to, …


Thomas Sewell: It’ll happen again.


Joel Davis: Like if, like one of these teams, if they do like a mass walk off of the Welcome to Country, then, okay, we’ll get behind them. NSN will be at the next game. [chuckling] We’ll be there shaking around the scarves or whatever.


But I guess one thing about AFL, which is good is that it is a very White sport. Like if you watch the English Premier League or the NFL or like the equivalent in other countries, which they are, there’s a lot of non-Whites. Like, it’s almost majority non-White, I would say, like these leagues. I know they’re completely different sports. But AFL is like even that now they’re starting to bring some blacks into its still like 95% White.


Thomas Sewell: They’re doing programs. So if you’re Aboriginal or black, you’re, they’re being hyper selected. There’s a lot of programs at the moment for Sudanese youth and for Aboriginal youth to just play footy full-time. They’re just trying to astroturf the sport full of brown people. There’s no such thing for Whites, for White kids. If you’re a twelve year old, 14 year old, you’re a White kid at high school, there’s no programme for you to just play footy full-time.


But when I was doing Resi-care because all the kids on paper were written down as Aboriginal, even though they weren’t, they all had these openings. They all could, because they weren’t going to school anyway. So they can just go to this like, this football thing. Especially in the Northern Territory and wherever, like there’s like refugees being sent. And the purpose of it is to inorganically stack the AFL. To basically branch stack it. They basically want to branch stack it. They want to fudge the statistics, they want to fudge the representation.


Blair Cottrell: Do you reckon the way Australian football, like the rules are set up, it makes it a sport that’s kind of favours the Anglo Saxon predisposition, genetic predisposition, because it’s not just endurance, but you need ball skills, team skills, you need to work together as a unit. There’s a great deal of discipline that goes into being a professional footballer in that field.




Thomas Sewell: I wouldn’t say Anglo Saxon. I would say, and it’s ironic that it is your exact racial description. I would say it favours Celto-Nordics. I would say it’s a sport that favours the Nordic, the traditional German racial classification of what Nordics are and favours, I think. And it’s, and it comes from a Celtic background. I mean, its origin is a modified version of Gaelic football, which again, was a martial art designed by the Celts to maintain an army under British occupation. Basically all Celtic sports were built like that.


And that’s why we did it. That’s why we’ve done it for a long time, why it’s absolutely crucial we continue to do it.


And obviously because it favours the longer, the longer tendon and limb length. You know, most footballers are quite tall and long limbed, like all sort of running and throwing sports. Yeah, they’re lean, they’re endurant. It doesn’t necessarily favour like kind of Denarids or lower Saxons or like short, stocky guys or mountainous people. It doesn’t really suit that kind of type. It suits the kind of Nordic plain runners. So and, but there’s that type. There’s that build. There’s that AFL build in almost every race except probably Asians. There is that build. But obviously, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, there’s no Chinaman playing AFL.


Thomas Sewell: No. And obviously there’s a lot of reasons for that, but, yeah, they certainly don’t organically have that kind of build. It’s suited or Celto-Nordics. And unfortunately, Central Africans. Central Africans are going to be very good at it if they can stack enough of them with it.


So if they can run programs to promote Central Africans,


Joel Davis: Which they are.


Thomas Sewell: West Africans are too fast, twitch. They’re probably better for rugby and power sports. And East Africans are too endurant, they’re too brittle. So, but Central Africans are a hybrid of the two. So they would actually make good AFL players if the sport was to be played over there, unfortunately. That doesn’t mean I’m not a racist anymore! That’s just a genetic fact.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, family members of mine that have been draughted and have played in the past, they’re all long limbs sprinters, jumpers, lean endurance. So that there’s something to what you’re saying for sure.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And what the advantage of the Whiteman is, it’s just that we’ve got the brain on the sporting field or on the battlefield. The Whiteman didn’t conquer Africa or these other continents because we’re like infinitely physically superior in terms of muscle mass or strength, although we’re definitely a lot better than Indians. Indian men have lower upper body strength than White women. That’s a fact. Which is, …


Blair Cottrell: Even grip strength.


Thomas Sewell: Oh, yeah. Upper body strength, grip strength.


Blair Cottrell: That’s interesting because that makes them bad rapists! You’d think that’d be like, …


Thomas Sewell: That’s why they’re gang rapists.


Blair Cottrell: Oh right! They need to work together. I see, I see.


Thomas Sewell: That’s how their continent works.


But, yeah, certainly the reason why we’ve been such great conquerors and the reason why we also, as a race, good sportsmen or kind of obsessed with sports is more to do with the tactics involved in the sport. You don’t win by just being more athletic than the opposition. You win by having better teamwork and better communication. And that’s where the Whiteman excels.


So when you take away all the White coaches and all the White culture and all the White establishment around these English soccer teams, for example, and it’s just Africans coaching Africans. They’re not going to be as good as the White team. You know, they’re only good because they’re propped up.


I think Hitler says something in Mein Kampf about how you can basically, you can teach an African to do an opera or to be a conductor, or you can teach an African to play a musical instrument and do jazz, or you can teach an African to be a politician, even. Like one day they might in France. I think he makes like this little subtle mock of the French saying, like:


“One day there’ll be African politicians in France. They’ll manage to teach one like that.”


But ultimately it’s still a Whiteman that taught him to do that. So that’s an important distinction. That’s straight MK, that’s straight Mein Kampf. That’s important to know.


Blair Cottrell: Straight Pastor Manning too. Remember Pastor Manning? He said:


“Talk to a black man. I don’t care! He could be an astrophysicist, or a doctor. You talk to him. He’s got no fucking sense!”


I [chuckling] remember that Pastor Manning. If no one’s seen Pastor Manning, it’s kind of an old meme now, but it’s still a good laugh if you can find it.


Thomas Sewell: The only sense Africans make is when they’re talking about women, especially their own women. They understand their own women very well.


Blair Cottrell: And is that why they avoid them? [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: [chuckling] That’s why they make good comedians, because they usually just complain about women and they’re really funny when do it, because it’s just spot on! They know exactly what’s going on there. Because they’re operating on a lower Chakra. Their masters of like the lowest dimension because that’s where they live. That’s where they’re always gyrating and moving their hips around because all their energy is actually in their, … They don’t have any higher Chakra.


Joel Davis: The use the word “arse” to describe everything.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, everything’s “arse, shit”.


Joel Davis:


“Yo, arse! Oh, yeah, I saw y’all arse down the street. You know what I mean?”


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. Between their dick and their ass, that’s where all their energy is. That’s why their pants are saggy. Like, they crip walk. All their energy is down there. So they understand that realm quite well because that’s where they live. They live in the shit!




Blair Cottrell: Harsh [chuckling] but fair! Yeah, well, look, we’ve begun by talking about football. We’ve unbelievably segued into a racial discussion. What are we going to bring it back to, what’s our next subject?


Joel Davis: Let’s actually get into like the bread and butter of the show this evening because we’ve done a little bit of waiting for people to get in.


Thomas Sewell: There’s 1, 300 viewers and we’re just talking about sportsball. It’s hilarious!


Joel Davis: No, so let’s, what I wanted to discuss tonight, and it will bridge into another aspect of this, but I want to discuss the principle of building nationalism from the ground up. That’s what I titled the stream.


We’ve covered this kind of thing on the show before, but I think this is important to go back over and discuss it between three of us, because that’s basically what we’re trying to do. We believe that, not necessarily happy about it, that we have to build nationalism from the ground up. We would like to be able to cut the line. We’d like to be able to build it from the top down or skip a few stages ahead.


But we don’t see that as possible. We see that basically we’re in a position where we’re building from square one. Our ancestors have completely let us down and handed us down. They didn’t hand it a baton of anything. We’re like starting the race from the very beginning, from the very start line. And there’s a lot of people that agree with us on the problem. They agree with us that Whites are being replaced, Whites are being genocided. The jews are the primary enemy of our people.


But we’ve got all of these White traitors. We’ve got liberalism. We’ve got this kind of cucked humanitarian ideology permeating through our people that prevents us from seeing politics in the correct way. And that is kind of used, Holocaust narrative, colonialism narrative, et cetera, used to demonise us, demonise organising on behalf of White people. They’ll agree and have good talking points about on all these issues.


But then their view is that:


“Well, okay, but if we can just influence the conservative movement or if we can influence the current establishment and move into elite positions, there’s some way in which we can redirect the ship.”


And there’s all different kinds of approaches that more or less fit underneath these categories. And I would love that to be true!


A few years ago if I wind back the clock, you know, four years, five years, I thought more that maybe something like that could be possible and that maybe there would be elements of the elite that could be won over and that a strategy like that potentially could work. And I became disabused with that notion over time. And I’m sure you guys probably did as well at one point, have more of that kind of thought. Where you thought of more of a conservative mainstream political movement would be potentially enough.


But I think we’ve all seen enough and experienced enough, particularly in Australia. But this is true around the world where we don’t actually think that’s going to be possible. We realise that in order for White interests to be asserted politically, White people have to get organised from the grassroots! We have to come together at the absolute base foundation, bring our men together, bring our money together, and build from the ground up so that we can get to a position where we have enough power emanating from us as a people, independently from us as a people that isn’t subject to the Liberal ideology of the White traitors or to jewish interests or whatever, all these economic interests from people who profit from globalisation and the perpetuation of the status quo, but could instead, in a revolutionary way, assert White interests. Particularly and only because it’s fundamentally backed by White power, White people, White money for explicitly pro-White reasons. And that’s a very difficult thing to build. Because you’re trying to build from scratch against the hostile system. And it’s pretty hard to sell it at first. If you have a pre-existing institution, it’s easy to convince people to put their money and manpower and faith in it.


But when you’re starting from scratch and you only have a small amount of people and a dream and a vision, that’s quite difficult. But we see no other way. Because nothing exists in Australia that we can see that is filling that role. And so we’re basically starting from square one and trying to build something that could fill that role.


Blair Cottrell: What does starting from square one physically look like?


Joel Davis: It physically looks like, I think step one is what we’re doing is just trying to get White men organised around the principle of a no compromise White nationalism a pure White nationalism, a pure pro-White position around the country. And they’re going to be paying dues into the same pot and bringing along their wives and girlfriends and bringing their mates baby from work or something, or they went to school with. And we’re doing the streams like this. We’re putting the message out, we’re doing street activism and so on to put the message out:


“Hey, we exist! Hey, White Australia, someone’s going to stand on behalf of you! There’s actually another option than just passively accepting the kind of gradual genocide of our people and just trying to advance your own individual interests within the decaying and collapsing civilisation and a system that’s taking away more and more of your dignity and well being and your children’s future, piece by piece, every day. There is a resistance movement!”


As we grow larger, as we get more professional, that message will get louder, it will get more attractive, and we’ll bring in more and more people, and then they’ll make us able to make it louder and more attractive, and we’ll bring in more people and more resources and so on until we can swell to a size where we have enough men, and we have enough money and we’ve bought out a whole series of land, businesses. We’ve got people on the payroll of all these different specifications, and we have a parallel economy for our activists, so that we have a political party, we’re running political candidates, we’re full spectrum. We’re doing all the different functions. We’re doing a big conferences, we’ve got a sophisticated media arm and so on, where we are a serious, fully fledged, well funded political movement.


And when that exists, then we can present to White Australia a genuine political alternative. Like there is something else other than just voting for Liberal or Labour or maybe One Nation or the Greens, or something every four years. And that’s all politics is.




Blair Cottrell: I would like to see and contribute to, like manufacturing a popular counterculture from which we can siphon people. A counterculture that has working class Australians saying:


“Yeah, I’m a nationalist. Like, you got a problem with that? Fuck you!”


And the youth are saying:


“Yeah, I’m racist! Of course I’m racist. I’m not stupid!”


If we can create a counterculture like that, then people will say it’s kind of like, build it. And what do they say? If you build it, they will come. Yeah, yeah. So siphoning from a counterculture and helping, fostering, nurturing the growth of that kind of culture is the role I see myself playing personally.


Thomas Sewell: Yes. Well, the mission, the original mission statement for NSN, EAM has always been more of a community group focused on collating, collecting, and centralizing all the people that have this basic position. And that’s always been my main objective, is just:


“Okay, if you feel this way about the situation, let’s organise in real life.”


Because being on the Internet is not enough. And Jacob’s mission statement for NSN was, well, the first essay that he actually wrote and distributed through the NSN website, the original one before the jews had that one taken down, was about the nature of “metapolitics”, which is a word that gets thrown around a lot. Most people don’t understand it. But it’s about the idea that we need to make cultural changes or changes in the dialogue, changes in the dialectic, in the national conversation, if you want to call it that. There needs to be that change in how people perceive politics before this space, for political change. For actual political change, whether that’s Parliamentarian change or that’s change within the state apparatus. But there needs to be, first that culture shift. That needs to be. Yeah, I’ve already explained it. I won’t repeat it again, but that’s an important concept. You kind of have to go through a meta-political, grassroots focus.


Likewise with what I’ve always been focusing on. The strategy, not necessarily always, but since 2017, is about building loyalty at that grassroots level. What does grassroots nationalism look like to me? Well, it looks like loyal groups of men at a local level. And when all the loyal groups of men at a local level can meet up with each other, and then they can network with groups of men that aren’t necessarily local to them on a rare occasion, whether it’s once every month or once every three months or once a year, then you start to have some sort of political agency.


And this is why the jews have power. They don’t have power just because they have money. They have money because they have mobilisation and organisation power. Money is not the source of their power. Money is the medium of their power. Their power comes from their organisation. They organise together. They have synagogues.


Blair Cottrell: Their power comes from their racism, you might say.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, the power comes from their racism, which drives their mobilisation and organisation. Their racial consciousness, or their religious and racial consciousness breeds their, hyper selects, their organisational skills.


Blair Cottrell: And the most fundamental way that they can actually eliminate threats to their own community in that regard, or even ensure no one can challenge them, is to attack people in the most fundamental way, which is preventing other forms of racism from taking root.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: Like racism in different communities.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. If you can defeat racism in other groups, then you’re the dominant group.


And likewise, once you’ve defeated racism in other groups, then you can attack their ability to mobilise. So any group, like, of White people that are mobilising, but they’re not racist, well, then you can then enforce diversity quotas on them. You can say:


“Oh, you’re not racist. Well, how about you have some more refugees over here? And why aren’t you teaching the curriculum at your schools?”


Or, you know, any attempt you have at building parallel society without being explicit, is kind of like a temporary situation where you’re eventually going to meet your political, you’re going to hit a political brick wall, where, … A better way of putting it is you’re going to eventually meet your small Rubicon. You’re going to meet a, …


Blair Cottrell: You’ll hit an existential brick.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: Your whole existence will be cancelled out and changed.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. If you don’t cross that Rubicon, if you don’t go:


“Well, actually, this is the moment where our group are, …”


Whether it’s some sneaky project or not, at some point, you’re going to hit that Rubicon where it’s like you either cross the river and take back Rome, or you just, you stay forever on the other side, and you’re just attacked and attritioned into the abyss.




So I think it’s very important that, and I took some notes earlier, for people to really understand what strategy they should use, they should first assess what is going on with Western civilisation and what is going on with the White race. And the shortest way I can explain it is we’re going through a civilisational death, but death in itself is paired with life. It’s paired with rebirth. So death in itself, we can be black pilled about and we can say:


“Oh, it’s so sad that Western civilisation is collapsing.”


Or we can say:


“Well, hang on a minute. It’s lived its life cycle. It’s time for it to be reborn. Now, because it’s dying. It’s full of traitors, it’s full of cancer, it’s full of asbestos, it’s full of anything that’s basically attacking the healthy organs.”


And even though the organism is itself, the shell of the organism is dead, or at least very seriously dying, there are still healthy living parts within the cell.


And if you understand how a Venn diagram looks, my belief is that the cell needs to duplicate elsewhere. I don’t believe you can reform something that’s dead. You have to be revolutionary. You have to extract on a long enough timeline, you have to extract everything that is living, everything that is still healthy and beautiful and noble and upright. You have to extract that from the current civilisation and put it somewhere else, in a different space. It needs space. It needs distance. I call it authority through exclusion. Joel calls it the pathos of distance or space, but it needs to be separate, needs to be physically separate, culturally separate, even linguistically separate. It needs to be a completely separate entity. And eventually with separate borders as well, at a national level as a nation state.


And so this is not an immediate process. This civilisational mitosis, where it’s a single body like this, we’re all mixed into one and all atomized and alienated all in one. And for it to split into two different cells and we allow the other one to die on its own weight. It’ll fight of course, it’ll fight. It’ll have a, an attempt at dragging us down into hell with it, and we just have to not go down into hell with it. And if that means we have to fight it, then it means we have to.


Blair Cottrell: This has arguably happened organically with separation of certain groups from the motherland in England to America and Australia.


But as you said, there wasn’t an explicit enough understanding of a racial consciousness and identity, at least not a unified one, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s happening also at a micro scale with White flight. Everyone’s already organically doing a it. And that’s important. You know, people overuse the statement, “I’ll lean into it”. What’s it, what does that look like? Okay, let’s lean into it. So we all just, we all just run away forever. We can’t do that forever, can we? But we do recognise that there is an energy where there’s healthy people within the system that are doing everything they can to kind of be slightly outside the system, and we have to continue to promote that culture.


And this is where the primary schism comes from between the two strategies, the reformists and the revolutionaries.


The reformists say, don’t do that! That’s downwards, backwards social mobility:


“Don’t do that! You should become a lawyer, you should get involved with the Liberal Party. Rah, rah, rah!”


And look, I’m sure there’s some talented people that can do that, and good on them and good luck with them. But on a long enough timeline, the Liberal Party is controlled, as Joel mentioned last show, by jews! It’s controlled by jewish money. And if we don’t mobilise and organise on explicitly racial lines, which means not reform, it means revolutionary strategy.


The only way for infiltration to work is actually just simply to support for people that exist within the system to support the mitosis. That’s really the only way infiltration will work, is to use their skills and their resources from within the decaying system to help rebuild the next system. And that takes a lot of money and takes a lot of skills and a lot of knowledge. And we don’t want to lose that knowledge. So it’s good that people are getting highly skilled jobs. It’s good that people are staying within the system, but their motivation for staying within the system should be to extract as much wealth and knowledge as they can and then let it die. Let it die and move across!


And the last point that I’ll finish on before I hand the mic back over is, why won’t the elites back us? Why won’t the elites back us? They’re never going to back us until the last minute! Because its grassroots!


Since World War Two, everything’s reset. And what Hitler went through is a microcosm of what the world is going through now. The first people to support Hitler were the working class, were the ex-soldiers, were the homeless, were the mentally ill veterans. Those are the first people that helped Hitler. The lowest people! Yes, there were some brains, there were some academics, there were some spokespeople, some Thule and Vril. You know, there was a little bit of esoteric. There was people that were doing this for some time and hadn’t made it with their politics because the time wasn’t right and they didn’t have someone like Hitler. So they backed him and they helped him.


So he had some good advisors in his corner. But ten advisors in your corner don’t make a movement. It’s thousands of men with the good energy, with good faith! And those are the first people he attracted. Then he won over the middle class, then he won over the upper middle class. And then right at the last minute, he started winning over intellectuals, philosophers, Professors at the university, judges, media people.


And eventually the old money! The old stock money. The people that own the steelworks, the people that own the coal. But this is all in the last year or two. The people that built the movement were working class and middle class people, in that order.


So what grassroots nationalism looks like globally, across the West, across all White countries, is it looks like World War Two is over. Allegedly. Hitler’s lost. Allegedly. And we’re back to square one.


And so who were the people that kept the fire lit from 1945 through to basically us? Who were the only people? There’s a few intellectuals. Of course, we can name ten or 15 intellectuals, but the people that kept the fire lit were fucking football hooligans, working class bogans, tatted up to the eyeball, skin heads, …




Blair Cottrell: People were most emotionally invested or with the capacity to be emotionally invested.


Thomas Sewell: But also it was the people that had the least to lose. And how Hitler took power was the people with the least to lose were like:


“Fuck it! Mask off. Let’s do it!”


And then eventually they built enough numbers of that they started moving up the social strata.


So this whole process of how we’re going to take power, the elites will join us when it’s in their interests, and then when they’ve got nothing left to lose! When the Marxists are at the door, when the communists are at the door, when they’re about to lose everything! And it’s basically us or lose everything, then all of a sudden we look really attractive, and they’re like:


“Actually, I’ve been sympathetic the whole time. Can have a party pin, please?”


And that’s what happens in the last twelve months before you take power.


So don’t expect any elites to back us anytime soon! We’ve got a long road ahead.


Joel Davis: It’s important. This, this is a point that for some reason, so many people can’t get through their fucking head! And it’s so simple. Which is that they think that we need to go to people that have a lot of money right now and get their money. Otherwise, we can’t build a political movement. In the example you just gave of the NSDAP, they got 80% of the way there just on like, the rank and file donations of their members. And that made them a serious and the biggest political party in Germany.


And then the big money started coming in right at the end. There’s a great book written by Henry Ashby Turner* called, I think it’s called The Rise of Adolf Hitler and Big Business, or something akin to that. And he details this. And he completely destroys in that book this Marxist nonsense, that National Socialism was funded by the capitalist elite to stop the communists or something. It’s just total bullshit! It’s not true historically. And I think, actually we should probably do a podcast on that book one day and go through it, because it’s a fantastic book, and I would like to reread it, and there’s a lot of really valuable stuff in it.


[* Henry Ashby Turner, Jr. Was an American historian of Germany who was a Professor at Yale University for over forty years. He is best known for his book German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler in which he challenged the common theory that industrialists in Germany were the Nazi Party’s most influential supporters. Wikipedia]


But putting that to one side. Just think about it like this. If you have 10,000 people, 10,000 Australians, and there’s 10,000 already White Australians that watch our streams and know who we are and follow us on social media, at least there’s more than 10,000. But you got 10,000. And they all put in $20 a week. Everyone can afford $20 a week. It’s fuck all! It’s like you go out to get a feed, and it costs more than that it’s nothing. You just have dinner at home one night instead of going out. And that’s basically $20 a week. That is $10 million a year. Just that.


There’s 100,000 Australians. There’s more than 100,000 Australians that are White nationalists, that have White nationalist opinions. If 100,000 White Australians put in $20 a week, which is fuck all, anyone, even if you’re on fucking Centrelink, you can put $20 a week in. That’s 100 grand a year. [$2,000,000] That’s enough to have a political campaign and compete for political power.


Like, I’d be interested to see how much money the Greens are pulling in. I reckon they probably would not even have our operational budget of $100 million a year. I reckon they probably pay less than that’s the third biggest political party in Australia, right?


So that’s just a hundred thousand people putting in $20 a week. It’s actually very feasible. There’s already 100,000 White nationalists in Australia, in my opinion. Like, at least! There’s more.


So the idea that you can’t build a political movement with the grassroots is just wrong. You can actually. If everyone chips in a little bit, it adds up very quickly. And you can compete with the big money, you can compete with the big property lobbyists and the business lobbyists and so on. And that’s a very measly sum. That’s a number I pulled out of my arse. And if you’ve got a political movement that’s already got that kind of money behind it, you can have a very sophisticated and professional outfit. And that’s going to attract the big money because it’s like:


“Okay, these guys are serious!”


So if we organise that first 10,000, and we work our way up to organising that first hundred thousand, and there are more than 100,000 White Australians that are ready to hear our message. There’s millions of White Australians that want to hear our message. If we organise just a fraction of them and get them organised and paying into the same pot, organised under the same leadership we can become one of the one of the big forces in Australian politics and start throwing our weight around in a serious way. It actually isn’t, like that complicated. It actually isn’t that crazy to think.


So people need to understand there is a lot of power and value in the grassroots, in that five to 10% of Aussies that are already basically ready to receive our message in almost its entirety. If we just focus on getting those guys organised, reaching those guys, getting them to show up to events, getting them to pay money into the same pot, getting them to respect one set of leaders and professionalise our output. We build a parallel economy to support our top activists, to withstand attacks from the system, and we make ourselves presentable. We have good propaganda. We ensure that we’re part of the conversation. Our message will sell itself. We’ve got a great message. There’s millions of White Australians ready to hear our message. And if you have a serious political movement putting our message forward, they will get behind it, they will back it.


So to me, it’s actually not that complicated. We don’t need magic billionaires to come in and save us. We don’t!





Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, there’s enough working class people with the resources. I mean, all you need is those weekly or monthly dues and you have enough members, enough card carrying members. They don’t have to be like, active physical participants, card carrying, paying members. Then you’ll have all the resources you need to grow that parallel community, I suppose.


Joel Davis: That’s the other thing as well about de-platforming. If you register as an official political party, you get there’s a whole bunch of protections, like legal protections that you get that prevent you from being de-platformed in, …


Blair Cottrell: Same as if you register as a religious group too, which is something that I’ve always argued would be beneficial for any Right-wing or nationalistic community group.


Joel Davis: And also there’s like, if you make a formal group, there’s like transparency and so on. The point is that there’s legal Avenues to set up a proper White nationalist outfit in this country. I don’t think almost anyone really has the political will to get the men in the room and get the people together, except us and our associates. I don’t see anyone else in Australia that putting a serious effort towards it.


So if you’re a serious White nationalist movement, either go and build something better than what we’re doing and show us how it’s done. And if you, if your shit takes off, well, we’ll go:


“All right! We’ll fucking come along and we’ll fucking put our guys and we’ll come along and do your thing.”


If you can do something that will work better than us, prove it! Make it, prove it and we’ll back you. Even if you do something that is worse than us, we’ll still give you some fucking support, because that’s how we just care about the movement.


There’s other organisations in the movement that we give one sided support to, and we don’t get a lot of support back, because we just want to see everything work. We want to see the movement grow. We actually just care about saving White people more than anything.


But we’re the guys that can get an actual serious amount of men together in this country over the next few years. If the people that are already following us and know who we are want to get behind it and give us their support, we can fucking do it! It’s just about the willpower, the determination.


The reason why the jews are winning. I posted about this on Twitter. One of the main reasons why they’re winning is very simple! It’s because jews put their money in to pro-jewish organisations. There’s all these jewish activist groups and jewish lobbyist groups and shit! The jews chip in! And yeah, there are some wealthy jews that put in serious dollars, but the jews put their money into pro-jewish organisations.


And so there’s all these big, powerful pro-jewish organisations that throw their weight around in politics and throw their weight around in the media. And the jews get what they want, nine times out of ten! We don’t do that. White Australians will do that. No White group does that.


And so we don’t ever fucking get what we want! It’s like, it’s very simple and there’s more to it than that. But it is a very large, basic component, White people are too fucking individualistic! Like, I made a tweet about this yesterday and this guy came back like:


“Oh, Joel, why don’t you go and start your own business and make the money yourself? Why are you e-begging?”


And I wasn’t even e-begging. I wasn’t requesting donations.


We need to get our act together, our organisation. We don’t even have things set up for anyone to fucking donate to us. We only take dues from our own members. We probably need to fix that.


We need to get better at that kind of thing. We don’t because we’ve got this culture of this anti-grifting culture, anti-money culture, this hyper individualistic White culture. We need to fucking get over that! ! We need to start putting our money together and building collective power.


Because if I go, all right, I’m going to go and start my own business. He’s like:


“Joel, you’re a smart guy. If you started your own business, you would be cancel-proof. You’d make all this money!”


Okay, I’ll go put fucking 70, 80 hours a week into starting my own business. And then there goes one of the only, like, four White nationalist political activists in this whole country that anyone knows who they are.




Blair Cottrell: You just end up working for the man to pay tax!


Joel Davis: Like, is that what you really want? We have, like, four. Okay, maybe there’s a few others. Like, I guess we could say five. I can name a few more. But there’s a small group of us that are the only, like, White nationalist political activists that from Australia that anyone even fucking knows who they are!


So do you really want us, … You know, would you want us building the fucking movement, or do you want us, like, what? Like, at some point you’re gonna have to fucking give us some fucking money! Not so that we can go and pay off our mortgage and live it up, but so that we can pay for the fucking movement! It’s gonna cost a lot of money for us to fucking get this shit together. So at some point, like, if you don’t trust us, that’s fine. I said in my tweet:


“Support someone.”


And I was talking internationally, there’s groups in other countries to support as well, if you’re from other countries.


But if you don’t want to support us, go find someone else to support them. But we’re going to have to put our money fucking somewhere. And you go and join them to give your manpower, give your hours, give your time. If we don’t put our money and our fucking time and our effort into the White nationalist movement in some fucking capacity, it won’t fucking exist!


Blair Cottrell: Well, everyone subscribes, Joel. Everyone’s ready to subscribe to Netflix and Audible and Spotify. And they pay that subscription. It’s like, what? Some of them are $7 a month, some are $14 a month. Why not subscribe to White Australia? Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Well, that’s all stuff that I’m working on the moment. So as I’ve said before in the past, we’re looking at streamlining everything, the whole operation. And what we’re looking at doing is integrating more of a supporter class of our movement.


So obviously, our expectations for people being involved is very high. And what I’m talking to the state leaders about is developing an apparatus that people can be involved. It’s actually quite interesting. I got a message, sadly, just as the stream was about to start from one of our new members, new recruits that’s looking to get involved. Who’s saying he can’t really be involved anymore. I just skimmed. I said:


“I’ll answer this question after the stream.”


But out of the last maybe 20 guys we recruited, one guy’s messaged me saying:


“Hey, look, it’s a big time commitment.”


Which it’s not, but I’ll address that later. Unless he’s watching, then he will understand it’s not a big time commitment. We’re not asking for much. But he’s saying that he doesn’t really want to engage in the activism and the training. He’d rather just donate a lump sum of money every month, more than what he’s already paying in dues, the $50. So I’ll address that with him when I get off the show.


But that is interesting timing, because that is actually something that we’ve been in discussions about in the last couple of months, and especially in the last couple of weeks, about how do we go about building that apparatus. So it’s still in a planning phase. I can almost guarantee by the end of the year, we will be in a situation where there will be a clear cut pathway.


What I need to do first is register as either an incorporated society or as an ethno-religious group. I need to register things on paper. Because the issue that we’re going to have when we start taking a lot of money, because we’ve done fundraisers in the past, and what the government’s trying to do is its trying to claim that that money is personal income.


So all the fundraisers that we’ve done, they don’t just shut down your bank accounts, they’re trying to asphyxiate you everywhere with everything! So we’ve raised a little bit of money from time to time, especially for things like legal fees. If we’re starting to take in massive amounts of money, like we recently raised 16 grand on GiveSendGo for the deposit on the farm that we’re trying to get. And that money was all refunded to everyone, and everyone’s really upset about that.


But look, when we put the fundraiser back up, I’m sure it will fast pass $16,000 when it goes back up. But where does that money go when that 16 grand is cashed out from the website? If it goes to my personal bank account, the government’s going to take probably close to half of it. So I need to set up the infrastructure to have everything above board and legal so that we can then start taking in. Because 16 grand is nothing as I was saying before, and as Joel was saying, you know,


Blair Cottrell: Was that GiveSendGo Tom? Was that GiveSendGo that actually refunded everyone’s money?


Thomas Sewell: That was GiveSendGo. And it was under pressure from the Australian government. So it happened at the same time that it was raised in the Senate inquiry.


So at the Senate inquiry, some fucking communists were saying:


“How come there’s American websites, you know, raising money for this terrorist organisation, NSN, you know, rah, rah, rah. Why is this happening? Why isn’t the government doing something about it?”


And the government obviously wrote letters pressuring GiveSendGo to be like:


“Hey, can you refund this money to everyone? Like, we don’t want it going to this group. This group is obviously like a national security risk to faggot brown Australia.”


Because I think the GiveSendGo just said, like:


“Fundraiser for the White Australian community to have a property.”


Like, to have a home. We don’t have a home. Most of us are renting or we have mortgages in the city. We don’t really have living space for an Org to really, truly grow and take off, for an Org to grow and take off, it needs a physical home that its members or its leaders aren’t indebted to trying to pay off all the time.




So if we’re all at work, you know, 40 hours a week plus, to try to pay off a building like a headquarters, or a house for us to operate out of, not just a personal home, but a home for the Org, then how can the leaders then have the freedom, like the physical freedom, the time, the free time, to then push the movement into the next stage? It’s just not possible. We just stagnate at this level where it’s like one podcast a week, and it’s like we get a little bit of work done or we do some activism and we organise the manpower, we vet new members, and we slowly grow. But to really unlock the next stage, which is where we’re heading. The amount of recruitment we’re getting, we’re going to need people working full-time on this. And it can’t just be funded purely from the in-house. And there are a lot of people willing to donate and that’s awesome and be supporters.


So what I’m looking at doing is setting up an apparatus so that we have a governing organisation, and then that governing organisation is legally registered within the system so that it is protected. And I saw some smartass in the comments say just then, not just then, but like five minutes ago:


“Why would you be doing all this, if the civilisation is dead?”


These people are just so frustrating and annoying. Something dies over hundreds of years. So this idea that we can’t operate a little bit in the system in order to not get fucking Wacoed*, or not get fucking $100,000 tax Bill! Like this is just like splitting hairs. Analysis paralysis. These are just the worst kinds of fucking political commentators!


[* The Waco siege, also known as the Waco massacre, was the siege by U.S. Federal government and Texas state law enforcement officials of a compound belonging to the religious cult known as the Branch Davidians, between February 28 and April 19, 1993. The Branch Davidians, led by David Koresh, were headquartered at Mount Carmel Center ranch in unincorporated McLennan County, Texas, 13 miles (21 kilometers) northeast of Waco. Suspecting the group of stockpiling illegal weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) obtained a search warrant for the compound and arrest warrants for Koresh and several of the group’s members. After 51 days, on April 19, 1993, the FBI launched a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch Davidians out of the compound’s buildings. Shortly thereafter, the Mount Carmel Center became engulfed in flames. The fire and the reaction to the final attack within the group resulted in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians, including 20–28 children and David Koresh. In total, the 51-day siege resulted in the deaths of four federal agents and 82 Branch Davidians, somewhere between 20 and, 208 of whom were children.]


And I try to ignore it, but they just kept commenting. Pain in the ass, to be honest, because these people are fucking do-nothings! This person will never do anything. They just sit on the Internet and be like:


“Oh, but you’re not doing this exactly correct!”


It’s like, fuck you! Shut your fucking mouth! Didn’t ask for your opinion. Pain in the arse!


Like, we’ve dedicated ten years to this, and I dedicate probably 30 or 40 hours a week, on top of my day job to this. And then you’ve got these fucking wankers that think their opinion is just as valid as you because they can nitpick something at you. No, we’re not a democracy. That’s not how it works. Get your feet in the movement. Actually get your foot in the door, and let’s have the conversation in person. But you won’t do that, will you? Just a piece of shit on the Internet.


So, as I was saying, more importantly, we set up the apparatus, and what we’re going to do is set up a supporters class. And so we have activists, we have a leadership team, we have activists, and we have a pool of associates. We have people that they’ve kind of dipped their toes in. They’ve come and trained a little bit or done a little bit of activism, but they don’t really want to commit to the once a month thing.


So what we’re trying to do is work out a class within the organisation that isn’t necessarily going to attend once a month, but maybe we might see them once or twice a year, and they can engage with the movement when they feel like it at those bigger events on the condition that they’re a financial supporter. And I think that’s a fair equilibrium of forces.


Joel Davis: Yeah, that would be another good thing as well. When we get some property. The reason why we want to do that, is because it’s just a cheaper option for us to all homestead on it and so on, rather than individually, you know, working out our arrangements. We want to be within, like, on the periphery of the city, like, attack distance of the city. But the objective then, if we can build a large community, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, [chuckling] I can think of a better term to use!


But yeah.


Joel Davis: But if we build like a large community, …


Thomas Sewell: We’re still politically relevant, we’re not just like hiding out. Obviously long term, we do want to do that. Long term, we do want to build something ages away with a huge amount of people, but for the amount of people we have at the moment, it’s better for us to stay connected to the city. I don’t think we need to build, …




Joel Davis: The city is the main, like, we’re building chapters in the rural areas, which is fantastic! And we’re getting a lot of good recruits from those areas. And there’s a lot of good stock, high quality White men that live in rural areas that are switched on and that are going to be great assets to the movement.


So we don’t want to be just a city movement. But the cities, there’s a large concentration of people, a lot of disaffected young White men dealing with the perils of diversity, that we want to bring in. That’s why we want to have our gyms and things like that. I’ve floated the idea it would be nice to buy some pubs in the cities and have, like, White nationalist pubs where we’ve got, like, our guys doing the DJing or our guys playing in bands and our guys at the security, and we got a bunch of Aryan babes behind the, pouring drinks and a place for the young White men to hang out. Community hubs for young White people in general. Because it’s important to build that community structure for the activist corp and to keep replenishing the activist corps with more and more recruits.


And then as they go up in the life cycle and they get ready to settle down and have kids, well, then if we have, like, peripheral rural areas, they can homestead on, where they can live a lifestyle that is like, somewhat de ZOGified. Some food is being generated on the farm, so they’re not eating just pure ZOG slop. They’re not gonna have to pay a giant jew mortgage, and they can home-school their kids in an environment with lots of young pro-White families with shared values. And the kids can grow up with other good stock, good families, you know, that are trusted and so on. So, like, that’s a very attractive arrangement for a life cycle to keep them within the movement.


But then also, if we build a big community centre on these, then we can have our conferences. We don’t have to go and rent some place out and they can do venue cancellations and shit like that! We can do it on our own property, we can manage our own security, so we can make it a very secure event and it can go as long as we want and we don’t have to pay extra to rent it out or they cancel it the last minute or the police show up and try and shut it down or any of this nonsense that you can deal with trying to organise big nationalist events. And that’s very important, to have these big events where we can have speeches and we can have big meetings and so on in the major cities.


So that’s part of the vision as well. Because a lot of people say, like:


“What’s the vision? You know, you just kind of marching around on the street and putting up stickers.”


And it’s well, that’s really, …


Thomas Sewell: It could be a social media issue. I think if they’ve only seen us on Twitter in recent time, then they think that’s all we do. I don’t really see that from the community on Telegram. Everyone on Telegram knows that we have this back end of our organisation, that we’re trying to build homesteads, that we’re trying to build living space for White people, we’re trying to build parallel institutions. We’ve been talking about this stuff for four or five years. That’s stuff that we’ve been working on. We’ve got a “mums and bubs” crew or club. The women are helping each other with an in-house daycare, lending each other help and services and stuff like that. We’ve got a huge back end community that we’ve built.


So, yeah, I only see that really on Twitter where people are like:


“Oh, but what’s actually the plan, guys? Where’s the money going, guys?”


And it’s like, we’ve explained it like 500 times, but we can explain it again. I’m happy to explain it again. Like, you know, gyms aren’t free! To set up a gym. It’s not free to set up any sort of business, or a studio to do this podcast professionally. If we professionalise something like this, the audience will become larger, the clips will become more mainstream. It just builds a gravity around it because it’s not like three dudes in their studies or spare bedrooms talking on kind of crappy webcams. So stuff like:


“Where’s the money going? Or where’s the money going to go?”


It’s well, it’s going to go everywhere. The more money there is, the more institutional power we can build that’s explicitly White nationalist.


And again, as I said, we’ve always started and centreed our two primary focus, or our three primary focuses would be the physical training element of it. We are an active club. That’s a big part of what we do, and it’s what’s held our community together for this long, is providing that as a service, like trying to maintain a masculine and health and fitness focus for young men. We’ve got the community model as well, the community building, so setting up kind of like little homesteads and having living space for people, because it’s unaffordable for most people to live in the major cities, and that’s where all the work is so we want to be able to work out a community solution to that problem.


And thirdly, we need propaganda. Not in any specific order. It’s not like that’s the third most important thing. That’s probably one of the most important things, but they’re all equally important. We need a home, we need a tribe. Tribe and train. And we need propaganda. We need stronger and better propaganda efforts. And we need to hire services as well. Like, none of this stuff is free. Once you’ve got a website, we’ve got a website up and running. It’s nothing flashy, but with more money, we can get a better website up and running, we can get better social media. We can have a social media manager, someone that works full-time doing that.


I mean, most people just go to work and they just work for ZOG, or they work for some subcontract of ZOG, or they work for some big corporation that’s a subcontractor of ZOG. And then it’s well, for nationalism to work, we need people that are working full-time doing nationalism. And you’ve got groups like the NJP, National Justice Party in America. I mean, they had like six guys. Say again, …


Joel Davis: They’re defunct now. They no longer exist.




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I know.


But what I’m saying is that these guys, they raised millions of dollars over the years. They paid off a whole bunch of their own mortgages, and then they just sort of, … I can understand the hesitation to support people like the three of us or the project that we’re building, because groups in the past, that’s how they behaved.


But I think if you look at the physionomy*. Do a physionomy check on the NJP guys and, …


[* Physiognomy or face reading is the practice of assessing a person’s character or personality from their outer appearance—especially the face. The term can also refer to the general appearance of a person, object, or terrain without reference to its implied characteristics—as in the physiognomy of an individual plant or of a plant community. Wikipedia]


Joel Davis: If we pick up a formal organisation, there’s ways to have transparency where like everything is recorded and accounted for. Like, if you become a member, like that gives you like rights to kind of, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, that would only be something for members, like people that are just spectating on the Internet. You don’t get to decide where the money goes.


Joel Davis: Exactly! The people who are supporters, there will be transparency for them.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. And there always has been in our organisation, everyone that’s been in our organisation, obviously that I saw someone in the comments, some other smarter saying:


“Oh, but someone stolen from you in the past.”


Well, again, that was not from a lack of transparency. That was just one, you know, disgusting little creature that was grifting on the internet and, …


Blair Cottrell: That was just from, that was excess Greekery! [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. That individual, … They didn’t like physically steal money out of my bank account or out of the like, coffers of the Org. What they did was they had their own parallel social media and they used their parallel social media platform to extract money out of people in the wider community, pretending that they were raising money on my behalf.


Blair Cottrell: And there’s the lesson.


Thomas Sewell: That’s literally illegal.


Blair Cottrell: There’s a threshold of Greekery that can be tolerated, but then you can’t go above that threshold or it just becomes dangerous and someone gets robbed. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, [chuckling]


Joel Davis: He was so Greek, he became jewish.


Thomas Sewell: If finances are centralised. But what my frustration with that whole situation was at the time that that was going on, we had three official fundraisers. We had a crypto fundraiser, a Monaro crypto fundraiser that was on our Telegram page. We had a GiveSendGo, and I have a PO Box if you want to send cash or books or gifts or whatever.


So we had three official fundraisers that were put up on all the official pages. That were put up on my page, all the other spokespeople of the Org’s page. But people were still sending money to the personal bank account of someone they knew was a member of our Org, on the basis that they were a member of the Org. But there was three official, …


So to me it’s, yeah, he’s a piece of shit for doing that. But also it’s pretty naive and stupid to be doing that was never, that was never publicly:


“Oh, by the way, if you want to donate money to the, pay it to this random member of our organisation.”


If any random member of our organisation messages you on social media saying:


“Hey, I’m raising money for the Org!”


I guarantee you they’re not! And report it to someone within the Org, that’s not that person, straight away! And we’ll fucking remove them on the spot! Because, yeah, it’ll never happen again.


Joel Davis: We weren’t defrauded. We weren’t stolen from. Like, technically it was stolen because it was money that people intended to give to the organisation. And so it was theft in that sense.


But really what it was fraud. It wasn’t direct theft.


So it wasn’t like:


“Oh, we don’t control our own money and we’re leaving the cash box in the hands of some scumbag. And what retards we are!”


It was like someone going around, sneaking around, presenting himself as a representative of the Org, soliciting donations.


So when people attacked us for that, it was like, if somebody had reported that to us earlier, that wouldn’t have happened. So, like we didn’t know that it was going on.


There’s a bunch of I think they’re like, pajeets. Maybe they’re Nigerians, but they’re probably pajeets on my Telegram. They’ll go into my Telegram chat, and then they’ll DM, they’ll create a fake account with my profile picture called Joel Davis, but it’ll be slightly different. And they’ll DM people and try and, …


Thomas Sewell: Instead of the “l” in Joel, it’s a capital “I” so, yeah, “JoeI Davis” Yeah, I’ve had them message me all the time.


Blair Cottrell: It just almost got me. Almost got me once. Like, my heart skipped a beat because I got a message from JoeI Davis just saying:


“Fuck you!”


And I was like, “what?”, that’s not the real Joel. Thank God! [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Oh, no!


Joel Davis: Yeah, but the point is that people come in:


“Surely this isn’t you, Joel?”


And it’s like, obviously it’s not me. You know? Like, why do you even, like, come in and alert. Like, there’s been about literally 2,000 people that have come into the chat. Like:


“Is this Joel? I don’t know if it’s Joel or not.”


And everyone’s like:


“No. For the 3,000,000th time!”


People need to use a little bit of discretion. You know when something’s obviously bullshit! But at the same time, like, it’s not my responsibility. What am I supposed to do about that? If you have an open Telegram chat and that happens? Like, I don’t actually know what I can do about that.


So it is what it is. I would have to have, like, no open Telegram chat would be the alternative, and people would get very upset by that.


So, yeah, I don’t think anyone has been dumb enough to fall for the scam. If you have, shame on you!





Thomas Sewell: We’ve got so many ideas in the chat, I think we should change the subject. Or maybe we should address some of these ideas. Look, I’ll just do a blanket statement on ideas then. If you haven’t heard the rant already, we don’t need any more ideas. Okay? There’s a lot of people giving us ideas in the chat. We have all the ideas. We have all of them! We have at least 99% of all the ideas. We’re actually overloading with ideas.


Blair Cottrell: We have as many ideas as we have wholesome grandmas.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, [chuckling] exactly! And what we need is men to implement these ideas.


So I have a rule in the organisation, when someone comes to me with an idea, I say:


“When are you starting?”


That is the rule! Because I have been doing this for so long now, and I have so many people come to me with an idea. All I say is:


“When are you starting?”


Because I used to be like:


“Wow, that’s a great idea. Let’s sit down and let’s discuss this idea and let’s work out this idea!”


It’s like, no, I’ve already got, like, 50 things on my plate. And when some guy in the chat said:


“We should really capitalise on the housing crisis!”


Like, [chuckling] we’re not doing that?


Blair Cottrell: I love Jacob’s perspective. Jacob says:


“Prove your worth first!”


Jacob says:


“Fight for the ideology! Sacrifice, take blows, and then still stand with us after years of that, then I’ll hear what you have to say.”


I like that.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. We should be capitalizing on the housing crisis and spread propaganda and truth, how it’s caused by browns that will make the average Australian tick. It’s like, we just went to Bendigo and, well, we do the show every week and we talk about it every week. We post about it on Telegram and Twitter every week1


And also we’re doing in real life, rallies about mass deportations, doing speeches about how it’s causing us issues. And we don’t want these people in the country.


And on top of that, if that’s not enough, we also went to Bendigo just last weekend and handed out thousands, if not tens of thousands of flyers to all the people in Bendigo about how crime and housing is a problem, …


Blair Cottrell: How did that go, by the way? How did the people receive you?


Thomas Sewell: We talked about that last stream, didn’t we?


But, yeah, I can repeat it. It was good. It was awesome!


Joel Davis: I don’t know if we did discuss it on the stream last week, I think.


Blair Cottrell: I can’t remember covering it.


Joel Davis: But, yeah, it was actually really good! We’re all in NSN jackets. I wasn’t. I decided to be different because I’m me.


So I just had a different black jacket. I didn’t really think, … But everyone was in NSN jackets, and we had the EAM shirts on. We had these flyers that said “Whiteman Fight Back” on them. And we were going around handing them out to people. And I noticed a few things. One is that all the cutie girls took the flyer! They were like:


“Oh, yeah. Hey, thanks. Yeah, have a good day!”


Thomas Sewell: And the Zoommer boys.


Joel Davis: Yeah, the Zoomer boys. And then the more like Chad Dads and the boomer, the White boommer! Like, all the boomers are White, but like, the boomer granddads and the Chad Dads.


Thomas Sewell: And the gracious grandmas. Don’t forget the racist grandmas.


Joel Davis: Yeah, they were all into it.


But then when it was like, the fat dads, the soy dads, they weren’t about it.


And then the soy male, like, left hard physiognomy, they were like:


“Oh, no, no, thanks!”


But physiognomy is very real. Just in that interaction, the ugly girls suck. Ugly girls, I’m changing from before, people accuse me of being a misogynist. Now I’m basically, what I am is I’m pro-hot chicks! And I’m anti-ugly chicks! I’m adapting. I think actually hot chicks are awesome! And it’s just the only problem is the ugly chicks. That’s my new view on women.


So you can debate that in the chat. Because I have noticed this time and time and time again, that hot chicks are so much more chill about racism, and ugly chicks are the only chicks that are really getting that offended by it. I’ve had countless experiences like this. So be that what it is.


Blair Cottrell: Why is that?


Thomas Sewell: Empathy.


Joel Davis: I don’t know about the short answer. I don’t know if I can do short answers on questions like this, Blair. I guess maybe the short answer is this. Hot chicks do well in a society run by White men. Ugly chicks don’t do as well! Because all the White chads that run the society want to marry and bang all the hot chicks, or the White cuties and buy them nice houses and give them a nice life.


And then the ugly chicks are just kind of stuck with all the duds. Whereas, …


Blair Cottrell: Attractive women already have value and they don’t need to pander to things.


And so, like, less attractive women, they need to represent some sort of social justice value in order to seem valuable or useful to society.


Thomas Sewell: Attractive women find pity, disgusting! Attractive women hate pity! They find pity disgusting! So social justice doesn’t work.


Blair Cottrell: That’s true. They won’t openly admit it. But yeah, women are kind of geared to despise weakness.




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, attractive women. But unattractive women, they make a compromise with pity. They actually don’t have a negative relationship with pity. They’re okay with pity as a concept because they have insecurities. They actually want people to be okay with their issues and they pity themselves. So it’s a flow on effect.


So race mixing women, the majority of race mixing women do it out of low self esteem. That’s why they’re anti-racist. Because they’re actually worried that maybe they won’t get a nice boyfriend. They might not get a nice husband if they’re racist. Because they’re insecure about some genetic issue that they have. They always have a genetic issue. They might look semi-healthy on the surface but when you dive into it, there’s some serious genetic issue. Or at least an issue that flares up. It’s an issue that maybe flares up because of the toxic environment we’re living in. So it’s a cycle of poverty where they might have genes that are prone to, …


I’ll give you an example. I was at the shopping centre recently and there was a White girl. She was kind of average looking at best, with an Indian boyfriend. And they were at McDonald’s. Not Indian, but I don’t know, West Indies or something, he was brown but not black, but not Indian. Just some mulatto, right?


Blair Cottrell: What was wrong with the girl?


Thomas Sewell: She had really bad eczema. I had to walk past her and really sort of evaluate her. But she had really bad eczema. Really bad eczema. So she’s very insecure. She feels pity on herself. And so she’s not going to be prone to racism because she has some issues, some serious issue that she’s insecure about. She hasn’t worked out how to address it by changing her diet and exercise or environment. She might need to live in a different country or different region within a country. There’s something, you shouldn’t have, horrible eczema. That’s just you’re obviously doing something wrong. Right. If you’ve got a skin condition like that, move, live somewhere different where the climate’s different so your skin adapts to the better environment.


Blair Cottrell: Could be bad karma?


Thomas Sewell: It could be bad karma as well. Yeah, certainly.


But I think there are also just material reasons for it as well and I explain them. But what they do instead with a lot of these mental illnesses is they cope and say:


“Well, I’m accepting!”


Because if they’re accepting of other races, then other races are accepting of their bad genetic structure.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: They’re more likely to be obese. They’re more likely to be low IQ. This is a fact. These are the statistics of women that race mix. They’re obese, they’re low IQ, they have genetic conditions, so they have organ issues, for example. They usually don’t finish high school. They usually become single moms.


Blair Cottrell: But even these women who have all of these genetic weaknesses, would it ethnically, racially, would they still stand higher than the people they choose to mix with? Or are we like casting off our genetic impurities and just spreading them amongst other races? So for that reason, …


Thomas Sewell: The trash is taking itself out. Civilisational mitosis is the final red pill. Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Right.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Also, that’s true about homosexuality and feminism and like, Leftists are disproportionately dysgenic. They’ve got all these kinds of genetic issues that predict for Leftism. Like, they basically have high mutational load and all these indicators correlate with that. And at the same time, they engage in a whole series of behaviours that are less fertile.


So they’re going to not pass down as much of their mutant genes, but the more Right-wing, conservative, patriotic, healthy Whites breed more.


So there’s a lot of these trends that are, yeah, the trash taking itself out is occurring. But the problem with that is that when you do miscegenation, you create these spiteful, mutant offspring that are going to be hostile towards the kind of politics that we want to put forward because ultimately they’re excluded from it. So they’re just creating enemies. They’re creating enemies. On that’s why I can’t be tolerated to the fullest extent possible.


But anyway, on the kind of ugly girl question, we live in a society where there are all of these artificial privileges and statuses that are assigned not on the basis of your inherent quality, your inherent health and vitality and value as a human being, but on the basis of your conformity to systems which ultimately have basically the function of destroying the White race and upending natural hierarchies and subverting natural hierarchies, blocking the vile, the healthy, the good, from taking over society. Because there’s this coalition of resentful mutants and racial aliens and so on that are ruling over us. So they’re doing a lot better.


It’s the same thing with, like whenever you see the communists organise an event, there isn’t one, Chad. There’s no one Giga Chad, communist. That doesn’t exist. There isn’t one! They’re all fucking ugly, soy, low test, pathetic losers, every single one of them!


And that’s why. Because if you’re an ugly, pathetic loser, you’re not going to do very well under fascism. Whereas, like, they’re able to kind of get a discount and gain social prestige and status and so on by signaling, …


Blair Cottrell: Only the weak argue for equality. Huh?


Thomas Sewell: Yes, the inferior.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! And there’s actually been a study on this, by the way, that they rated women by attractiveness. They got a whole bunch of men to rate, like, what is she, out of ten? And then collated the scores, and then they tested the women for political belief. And the hotter chicks were the most Right-wing. And the lower down the score, the more Left-wing they became.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.




Joel Davis: So that’s scientific fact!


So what we’re saying here isn’t just cope like:


“Oh, you’re saying all the hot chicks are more predisposed to being Right-wing?”


No, it’s just actually a scientific fact.


Blair Cottrell: Curious segue. But I suppose what I was interested in, because I’ve got some political history, and Bendigo, close to my heart is Bendigo. And I was disappointed that I didn’t find the time to make it up there, to be honest. I wanted to go with you guys, but had to do some extra work. But my question, I suppose what I want to know is, what was the vibe like, Tom? Was there a similar feeling that used to be there years ago? Has it changed much? What was the vibe?


Thomas Sewell: I only encountered, or we only encountered, maybe a dozen men that were probably the young guys that were at the rally.


So most of the young guys we ran into were too young. They wouldn’t have been there. They would have been preteen, because it was so long ago. I mean, it was 2016, so it’s eight years ago, which is pretty scary to think about. But we ran into about a dozen men, in their thirties or really late twenties, and they might not have recognised. They probably would have recognised you. I don’t think they recognised me because I was kind of like a second or third speaker.


Blair Cottrell: You also missed out. You didn’t come to the first big rally there. You only came to the second. And just so the audience is aware, Bendigo was kind of a big datum point for Sewell and I in our, how should I describe it? In the way that we first came onto the scene through activism, and we generated a great deal of support through Bendigo. So that really put us on the map. That’s why Bendigo is kind of significant to us. It’s a historic Australian town. A lot of great culture there. But, yeah, the vibe?


Thomas Sewell: It’s centreed around., … To also give some back note to the audience, it centreed around an organic protest that evolved in Bendigo against a mosque being built. Because there was only on the census, I think, 16 or 17 Muslims in a town of 110,000 or 150,000. There was only 16 Muslims on the census.


Blair Cottrell: They were trying to build the largest mosque in the southern hemisphere there.


Thomas Sewell: In Australia, because there’s a bigger one in Indonesia. But they were trying to build a mega mosque, like, for 10,000 plus people in a town with 16 Muslims. And there was no transparency with the public! There was no transparency with the people of Bendigo. And these organic little groups were forming, but they had no real strong leadership. And Blair was organising the UPF [United Patriots Front] and primarily out of Melbourne, and we were doing rallies against far-Left treason and against the Islamisation of Australia. That’s what our, you know, it was a pro-Australian, anti-Islam and anti-traitor position.


And I wouldn’t have called us civn ats, but we certainly weren’t., … Were playing an optics game. We didn’t want to go full White nationalism. We didn’t think that people were ready for that. We wanted to focus on being pro-Australian, working class, and anti-Islam, and obviously anti-traitor as well, the Left.


Now, we went up there in support and tried to basically get all these little groups of people together. There was these kind of organic protests that were forming, and we had some huge turnouts. I think our biggest rally was maybe two and a half thousand people. We completely dwarfed the counter-protesters, and it was just all organic. No money, no media support, no nothing! Whereas they had everything. They had all the system behind them, and they could only, …


Blair Cottrell: It scared the shit out of the government, too. Scared the shit out of the government! We had big marches through the streets. Half the town was basically shut down, and we ended up gathering in a park just to actually keep the mass of people that we had acquired away from the centre of town to prevent disruption of businesses. That’s how big our rallies were there back in these days.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. So in saying that, there was a huge organic support from the public, and I think people still remember that, even if they don’t remember me personally, they remember that energy. I don’t think that disappears.


It’s like Cronulla. Everyone remembers Cronulla*. Even if you don’t remember the leaders or the individuals, there’s an energy, there’s an anonymity of the message, of the symbol of what that was. And those people are still in Bendigo. And the greatest support we got, because the Zoomers aren’t very serious. They’re all irony bros. They’re a strange generation. They’re not politically mature enough to really understand what’s going on, but they agree with it and support it, I think, at a subconscious level.


[* The 2005 Cronulla riots were a series of race riots in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It began in the beachside suburb of Cronulla on 11 December, and spread over to additional suburbs the next few nights. The riots were triggered by an event the previous Sunday, when an altercation turned physical between a group of youths of Middle Eastern appearance (Lebos) and White Australian lifeguards on the beach. Wikipedia]


So with Zoomers, you’re kind of always tapping into the subconscious. There’s not really much of a conscious political conversation you can have with them. They, like, they just kind of FED post and say kind of ironic things and speak in their kind of mumble, mumble language. But the guys around our age, Blair, they remember, like, they were with quiet voices they came in close and they said:


“It’s getting out of control. The Whiteman’s got to fight back. Love what you guys are doing. This is awesome stuff!”


And a couple of them that I spoke to, they were there. They were present at the rallies. But the biggest support we got, and I know it’s a bit cliche, the biggest support we got and the biggest vibe that we had, or the general vibe, was actually from the Boomers, and which was surprising. I was actually shocked, genuinely shocked. The Boomers were the most supportive people. The Boomers and the Zoomers. The Boomers and the Zoomers!




Blair Cottrell: For different reasons. Like, it’s probably a genuine racism in the Boomers, but like you said, the Zoomer is more ironic.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Basically every single grandma, except the refugee grandmas. So there’s two types of grandmas, obviously, as I’ve explained on the show. But the fizz was incredible because we’re doing in real life activism, and we’re talking to people on the street, and we’re handing out flies on the street. Every old lady that had a normal haircut took the flyer, read the flyer, and said:


“Thank you!”


It literally came down to the haircut. Every grandma that had a shit haircut, that had a retarded purple haircut, they all just looked at us and was like:


“No, thanks.”


But every single, like, normal looking, wholesome grandma that has grandkids, like, a real grandma, not a refugee grandma, …


Blair Cottrell: Only the non-poisonous grandmas were friendly?


Thomas Sewell: Yes, the non-poisonous grandmas, they loved it! A couple of them, actually, at one point walked with me across the road with me and told me about how it’s getting out of out of control. And we’ve got all this on footage, so we’re just working out a way to sort of blur them and protect their identities so that they don’t get, like, attacked by Leftists, because these were some older women, they’re in their seventies and eighties, and they were basically saying:


“Thank you for what you’re doing.”


Like, it’s what all the Boomers had to say to us was:


“It’s getting out of control. Are you the guys that are going to do something about it? Are you the guys going to do? Are you going to do it?”


So it was really special. It was really awesome! And I want to do more of it.


Joel Davis: I was going up to people saying:


“Hey, I’m from the National Socialist Network. Can I interest you in a flyer?”


It was like:


“Hey, I’m a National Socialist. Here’s a flyer.”


Blair Cottrell: The standard Australian worker probably wouldn’t even really know what National Socialist was. They’ll know what Nazi is. But not everyone would actually understand what National Socialism is, so you’ve got that to your advantage there.


Joel Davis: Maybe we proved that there’s an optical valley to National Socialism.


But, yeah, we had some funny interactions. I went to one Boomer and handed him the flyer, and he just kind of took it. And I don’t think he was fully really paying attention. He just kind of took the flyer, and he looked at it, and then he read, said:


“Whiteman, fight back.”


And he’s like:


“Hey, mate, come back! Can I shake your hand?”


I was like:




And I shook his hand. And he’s like:


“Fuck the wokes! Fuck the wokes!”


Thomas Sewell: He’s like:


“This is a awesome!”


Joel Davis: And that was pretty cool!


And then, …


Thomas Sewell: There was another Boomer that you gave a flyer to, and he did the same thing. He kind of was:


“Oh, thanks, man.”


And just didn’t even look at it. And then you gave on to his wife. And then his wife was really interested! She’s like:


“Oh, yeah, this is awesome!”


And then we kept going because we were on the march. We’re kind of walking through. And then about five minutes later, he came charging up to us and was like:


“Can I have more of those? I’m gonna put them on my car! I’m gonna put them on the back of my car!”


Blair Cottrell: That was awesome! [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Maybe you’d walked off by then. But he came back, that guy. He was in a cowboy hat or something, like a cattleman’s hat. Yeah, it was awesome! The vibe was good. The vibe was very good.


There was only really two antagonists. One was this fat soy boy in his twenties, and they were doing, like, a little Palestine rally. There was, like four or five of them on the corner. They were waving Palestinian flags. So he was like a social, alternative fucking estrogenic faggot. And he came over to us and he said, it was really funny. It was really, really funny. We got on camera and he said:


“I’ve got it on the tip of my tongue. I’m about to say it.”


Thomas Sewell: I’m like:


“All right. Like, what is it? What have you got to say, buddy?”


And he was like:


“I’m trying! I’m trying here!”


I’m like:


“Yeah, it’s okay. Like, we’re here. We’re waiting. We’re listening. It’s okay. Like, spit it out. It’s all right.”


And he was like:


“Ahh. Ugh, this is hard. This is really hard for me!”


I’m like:


“It’s all right. Just come on! Calm down. Relax. I’m not gonna hurt you. Just say what you gotta say.”


And he was like:


“Ahh! Umm, you guys! Your problem, Tom, is you protect paedophiles!”


And I was like:


“What! What the fuck are you talking about?”


Blair Cottrell: Where did he get that from?


Thomas Sewell: And he was like:


“Oh, not paedophiles. Sorry. Hebrophiles!”


And then he just, …


Blair Cottrell: You know what this is, Tom?


Thomas Sewell: And then he said, …


Blair Cottrell: , you know what this is? This is his programming, which is commanding him to scream abuse at you, conflicting with the fact that if he does scream abuse at you’re going to uppercut him. And he’s like, … [chuckling]




Thomas Sewell: Maybe. He was trying. He had a good try.


And then he was like:


“Anyway, that’s what I’ve got to say!”


And then he walked off, and was kind of chuffed with himself. And we were like:


“All right, all right, fair enough. Okay. Like, go away fatty.”


And then about ten minutes later this guy, and I hadn’t really properly processed this at the time, but I’ve had a lot of time to think about it since the weekend. He was wearing a Lego T-shirt. He was probably 55, 60 years old, fat as fuck, and he was wearing a Lego T-shirt and jeans. Yeah, he was really oestrogenic. And I think he was actually gay. He was running a Lego stand. He was kind of a closeted gay, like a secret gay. He was running a Lego stand. And we’d walked past maybe five or ten minutes earlier, and we’re handing out flyers and talking to people. And he came over and he said:


“I need you to go! I need you to leave1 I’ve called the police.”


And I said:


“I’m not going anywhere. Leave me alone. Like, go away. Like you’re causing an issue.”


And he was like:


“No, you need to go. You need to leave.”


And I was like:


“I’m standing here. Welcome to democracy, buddy. Go away!”


He started getting in my space, like, he started touching me and kind of elbowing me and I said:


“You’re a fucking professional victim, aren’t you? You’re looking to get hit, like you’re a piece of shit!”


He’s like:


“Oh, there’s no need to be aggressive, mate. There’s no need to be aggressive, mate!”


And he’s like, getting in my face and elbowing, elbowing the side of me just nudging me. And I kind of just gently kind of got him because I’m like:


“Fuck, I’ll kill this person accidentally if I hit him. So I’ll just move him away.”


And I just said:


“Go away. Like, you obviously, you don’t agree with us. You don’t support us. That’s cool. Go back to doing what’s important in life, which is Lego. Go back into your children’s toys. Go back to Lego.”


And he’s like:


“You guys feel special about yourselves marching around your uniforms. You’re a bunch of clowns!”


I’m like:


“Mate, you’re 60 years old. You’re in a Lego T-shirt!”


“I care about children!”


Blair Cottrell: What was that? Town in Queensland, that inland town in Queensland when we rallied. Toowoomba. What I did in Toowoomba, …


Thomas Sewell: In hindsight, honestly, we just need more of that. These people should be a little bit intimidated that we’re clearly not scary enough. The media make us out like we’re terrorists. If we really were these people wouldn’t come up to us and behave this way. So I think we need to be a little bit more scary because they’re so fucking annoying!


But anyway, this fat, oestrogenic faggot came over. He hassled. He kind of haggled us for five minutes, but we just kept handing out flyers. And one of his talking points was:


“Nobody agrees with you. Nobody supports you.”


And then we just hand out, like, ten flyers to a Zoomer crowd that go past. They’re all loving it. They’re like:


“Fuck Indians! We hate Indians! Kill them all!”


Like, Fed posting. And he’s like:


“Oh, no way!”


And then handing out flyers to all the hot chicks going past. And then two dads come over and start talking to us. And then another guy comes over and shakes our hand and he’s wearing military, what’s it called? Like, the military-surplus. He was a prepper or something. And he shook our hand. [chuckling] And it was funny as man, just seeing his morale drop the more people greeted us. And he was the only guy that was against us in the whole area.


So that was interesting to see.


But in hindsight, what I didn’t realise and what I should have said or asked was:


“Whose children are you doing Lego with? Because they’re not your own, are they, buddy?”


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: He was a fucking paedophile! He was a fucking faggot paedophile! And I want to know his name. I want to find out what his name is. And I want to make sure that the people of Bendigo know who this is.


Blair Cottrell: He might have just been a Lego enthusiast.


Thomas Sewell: No, no! He had a sinister energy.


Joel Davis: I thought he was just like one of the dads organising, like, a Lego day for the kids. Because at one point he was like:


“I’m just here trying to organise a Lego day for the kids here.”


And I was like:


“Why don’t you organise a fucking push-up day, you fat cunt?”


You know what I mean? [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: It’s always the same physiognomy, though, man.


Joel Davis: But, an older other gentleman that was probably his gay lover that I just thought was one of the other dads or something.


Thomas Sewell: Yes. They weren’t with their kids. I didn’t realise it at the time. I thought they were dads and I thought they had kids with them. But there were other people’s kids. They weren’t their kids. They were just two random volunteers that were friends with each other that were running a Lego stand in the middle of town.


And the more I think about it, the more I’m like, I’m pretty sure he was secretly gay. And I reckon he’s a sex offender. I reckon if I can find out the guy’s name and send it to all our colleagues in Bendigo. And Bendigo is not a big place. It’s maybe 100,000 people. I’m sure the people of Bendigo will be able to tell us whether the guy was a paedophile or not.





Joel Davis: I just want to say if you like the stream, retweet the stream. Even better, like and retweet and let’s get the views up. Promote the stream. We’re on Twitter. We’re taking over Twitter. Hail Elon Musk, hail our people! I just want to say that now. So we get the retweets juiced. But you can go back to calling out this pedo, because we need to find him.


Thomas Sewell: It’s what we said earlier. Who has a problem with fascism? Who has a problem with a nationalist government taking over the state apparatus? Who will lose from that? Every single working White Australian and even people that aren’t working, people looking for work, every single White Australian that is not up to some nefarious act to betray the country and destroy it, has literally nothing to fear. They only have things to gain. They’re like:


“Oh, cool. Housing is cheaper, there’s less traffic. Like, the services work better. Everyone’s kind and polite. You don’t need to lock the door. You don’t need to worry about your safety.”


Like, the whole society is going to improve except for people trying to destroy the country. And people that are up to nefarious acts.


So if you’re a financial parasite, for example, like the people within the financial sector that are robbing the country and enslaving it through interest, debt slavery, the people that are profiting off selling off Australia and its assets, the people that are grooming children, the paedophiles, the whole industry, the whole LGBT industry. These people have something to lose. These people are going to be unearthed. These people are going to have the state apparatus used against them.


So that’s why they haggle us in the street. They don’t want us to succeed. They don’t want us to take power. But every normal, functioning human being in society is just like., … I mean, obviously if they’re brown, they’re usually functioning, but they have to go back.


But all the White people, they’re either neutral or they support us. They’re like:


“Oh, well, we’ll see if you guys take power!”


You know, they don’t believe it. They’re not believers. There’s a lot of people that don’t think we can do it, but we can do it. And we’re going to do it, and we’re going to show everyone.


And then after we win and the state apparatus is being used against the people that are trying to destroy the country, the country will suddenly work a lot better.


Blair Cottrell: You’ve got to will it into action, don’t you? What I wish I could will into action is the removal of LED lights! Does anyone else hate LED lights? Like, I feel like they’re damaging my eyes.


Thomas Sewell: You gotta remove the [words unclear] room first.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. And when I’m driving around on the street, I remember when I was young, car headlights, they just had this pleasant glow through them, but now they’re blinding! Now I’m squinting even at night while I’m driving, and I feel like my brain. I get headaches. My brain not shutting off. I’m not sleeping as easily as I used to, and I swear it’s LED lights, man. I think they’re really screwing with my eyes and my mind. It’s so sick of it! I don’t know if anyone else has the same experience, but.


Thomas Sewell: Hundred percent, 100%.


Blair Cottrell: So what’s next? Joel Davis?


So we got a new topic to move on to.


Joel Davis: We do. But I just wanted to tell one more funny story from the Bendigo thing, because I think the audience will enjoy this.


So there were there’s a couple little packs of Zoomer kids who loved us, and some of them may or may not. I cannot confirm more than I threw Romans. That would be illegal. But and, yeah, one of the boys may or may not have declared that he wanted to shoot Indians in the head and so on. There was a lot of based chatter.


Blair Cottrell: No! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, the Zoomers were, … Talk about bad optics. Think we’re bad optics. The Zoomers were were making us look like a bunch of cuckservatives. You know what I mean? Some of the chat.


But there were this group of Zoomers, and they, like, walked off after we, like, spoke to them, and we handed them some flyers. And then they were all talking amongst themselves, and one of the guy’s girlfriend was down, and she was taking some pictures of us as we were doing things throughout the day, so she was a little bit further away, and she overheard them chattering. Like, the boys were like:


“Oh, let’s sign up. This would be sick! Like this is like the Aussie KKK! This is fucking based!”


One of the kids is like:


“Oh, I don’t know.”


And he’s like:


“What are you, a cuck?”


And they were like, full, like, so that was kind of cool like, to hear that report back. So, yeah, that was a cool story.


One thing I will say, though, about Bendigo, there’s a lot of surprisingly, it’s sad. There’s a lot of non-Whites there. We were only handing out flyers to White people, obviously. Like, but there was a lot of chinky there.


Thomas Sewell: There was one Asian, like, tourist that asked for one, and we were like:


“All right.”


We gave it to them.


Joel Davis: We gave them to all the White people and not to them, and they’re like:


“Can we please have one?”


We’re like:




And then they, like, read it, and they just sat there.




Blair Cottrell: An Australian cultural experience for the Asian tourists. Like, they’ll tell that story when they go home. But Asians like to live amongst Whites, too, so they’re probably looking for the White racist areas.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah.


There was an old man and a young kid that saluted us like a normal kind of military salute as we marched past, which was pretty. Well, we didn’t march past, as we walked past, which I thought was pretty funny.


Blair Cottrell: Tom, what is the standard Australian military salute? Is it the hand up or down?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s like that. 45 degrees, right?


So when you wear a hat these two fingers here touch the brim of the hat. Like that. Yeah. And your arms kind of at that angle, like, at a 45 degree. Whereas the you know, the American salute like that. Yeah, we salute like that.


Blair Cottrell: It’s more of an open handed. Almost like an honest salute.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And I think, though, the Germans saluted differently. Like, they kind of had the hand facing them before, like the Wehrmacht salute versus the SS salute, which is obviously the HH one.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: But salutes all mean the same thing metaphysically. I mean, it means, like, we get the word “hey” from hail, which is like, hail, like, hello, hey, hail, like, hail Hitler or hail Odin or whatever.


Like, to say hello, hey. All that stuff to throw the salute, to do the open hand, it all means the same thing. It’s all a gesture in good faith between White people. And we’ve been doing it for 10,000 plus years. And they’re never going to be able to get rid of it. Just the only difference between the National Socialist or the staunch Roman salute is its a very exaggerated version of just saying hello to people. You know, everyone does it. Like, when you’re driving your car and someone let’s you in, you, like, you give them a little hail, you give them a little wave. So all that it is a militant, staunch, like, there can be no question asked about the faith of the gesture. Obviously coming from someone that’s pro-White when you’re doing it with that straight arm. It’s a very nationalistic, masculine and staunch physical gesture.


That’s why it’s so important that we continue to fight it, which is actually going on at the moment in the courts. A little update is that the police have charged two of the young guys with performing it prior to, like Michael Nelson and Nathan Ball, prior to the salute ban. And they charged them not with doing the salute because it wasn’t illegal at a time, but they’ve charged them with public indecency. Which, if you read the law, it’s basically like showing your genitals in public or mooning someone. And they’re trying to correlate the Roman salute prior to the Roman salute ban being like, akin to mooning or showing of genitals in public.


So they’re fighting that in the courts at the moment, but they’re postponing the court date until after we get a result from Jacob’s hearing, which should be, I think, in two weeks.


Joel Davis: For those who don’t know, Jacob is being charged more directly under the Roman salute ban over throwing a Roman salute, allegedly.


So that’s a very important case because from our position, collectively, legally, and also, I think Jacob’s position legally in the case is that Australians have a constitutional right to free political communication. There’s been many, …


Blair Cottrell: An implied right. It’s not actually a right. It’s an implied right.


Joel Davis: Implied right. Regardless. Like that’s the High Court precedent, is that we have a right to free political communication in this country according to the High Court, which is the highest court in the land.


So we have it, according to the court. That’s just, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s true. And actually the way they argued I was guilty in my hate speech or intent to incite ridicule hate speech court battle, was that my speech was actually limiting the free political expression of others by making them feel offended or uncomfortable. Right. So they argued it from that angle, which was interesting.


Thomas Sewell: That’s the same argument that they’re making with Jacob. I swear I talked about this on stream last week, but maybe I didn’t.


Blair Cottrell: Well, maybe they’re using the same precedent as they did with my, it worked with me. They got a conviction, so they’re probably using the same method.


Joel Davis: Well, what we’re arguing is that, yeah, like the non-Whites, they’re too intimidated to exercise their right to free political communication because Jacob throwing a Roman salute is intimidating them into staying silent and, or something. Which is a totally absurd argument!


Blair Cottrell: They should have to provide evidence of that they should have to have witnesses and evidence for that.


Thomas Sewell: If it was a real court. [chuckling]




Joel Davis: It’s an absurd argument on its face. Like it’s an absolute joke!:


“Oh, so you can’t exercise your right to free political communication because other people might be upset by what you say and therefore not communicate their politics!”


That’s just absurd on its face! That’s not freedom of political communication. It’s inherently wrong.


But yeah, this is an important case. Because free speech is a very important case. There is going to be, I think the Libertarian Party, but they’re bringing in other people. They’re doing a protest, not a protest, kind of like a rally in Sydney, I think, on Saturday. Don’t quote me on that. It could be Sunday, but look it up, in Sydney. And they’re going to have a lot of big speakers. I think Craig Kelly is going to be there. Like mainstream populist Right and libertarian speakers are going to be there rallying against the Misinformation Disinformation Bill*.


[* A proposal for legislation designed to tackle online misinformation has seen Australia’s Federal Government come under fire from an unlikely alliance of critics, who have warned it constitutes a “chilling assault” on free speech in Australia.

The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024, which was introduced to Parliament last week by Communications Minister Michelle Rowland, would give the Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) wide-ranging new powers to impose massive fines-up to 5% of global revenues-on social media platforms that allow the dissemination of misinformation and disinformation on their services. Claiming that misinformation and disinformation pose a “serious threat” to social cohesion and democracy, the legislation shifts responsibility for enforcing compliance onto the platforms hosting it, running the risk that corporations would put the protection of their bottom line above free speech and religious expression. Already in its second draught after an earlier version was universally condemned, including by the Australian Human Rights Commission, the updated legislation immediately came under ferocious attack by groups from all sides of public discourse.]


And obviously we’re not Libertarians. You know, we don’t support them politically. But on this issue we agree that they’re actually trying to provide some opposition to the bill.


And I encourage nationalists in Sydney to go down there and rub shoulders and maybe have a chat with some people, maybe be good networking opportunity for like minded people. I find lately it’s been very easy as a nationalist to talk to conservatives and libertarians. They’re much more open minded and receptive to hearing what I have to say than they were two years ago. Conservatives and libertarians are increasingly feeling that we’re on their side against the same enemy. Even if they don’t agree with us. I think we’re a little bit too extreme and too radical. Their attitude has shifted. Where before they really kind of like saw us as just like too crazy and that we were like a completely different category that they don’t associate with. I think now they’re feeling more like bunched up with us and more proximal to us.


And a lot of conservatives are just outright chill with us now. And that’s probably why we had such a chill reaction on the streets of Bendigo the other day and why no recent rallies that we’ve done have gone down a lot better, I think with the public.


Blair Cottrell: The normalisation of racism happening.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think that’s happening to a large extent.


But also, yeah, I think on this particular issue, the reason why they’re trying to censor the Internet is because they’re trying to shut us down! And people like us, like people with nationalist views. That’s the main reason! It’s not because they’re trying to shut down any of these other political ideologies. Like, yeah, they want to, they want to shut down certain other discourses they don’t like, critical of other government policies.


But the main number one priority is shutting down, quote, unquote “racism” and quote, unquote “anti-semitism”. That’s really what it really boils down to. And they’re trying to stand up and fight for our freedom of speech, our freedom to be racist, our freedom to advocate for our worldview.


And so we’re in alliance with them on this particular issue. We’re in a kind of free speech alliance de facto in Australian politics.


So we should go stand shoulder to shoulder with them and kind of create that camaraderie. Because that’s the message that I have to libertarians and conservatives. You might think that myself and Blair and Tom and people in our movement are too extreme or too radical for your taste, but we’re the fighters that are going to go and fight your enemies. The communists, the Marxists, the social liberals that have taken over not just the government, but all the kind of institutions of power in this country that are bringing in all these immigrants, that are destroying our culture, destroying our way of life, trying to teach the kids to be trans, teach them to hate Australia, trying to change the flag, change the national anthem, you know, give all the land back to the Aboriginals and all this crazy shit that they’re doing. We’re the guys that are going to go and take the fight to that enemy, which is your enemy, and you understand that’s your enemy.


So get out of our way at the very least, or maybe cheer us on going and kind of like taking the battle, being the Spearhead against all the political powers that be, that you hate and that you’re opposed to, that you recognise as your enemy. Like, we’re in this together in a certain sense. You need us. You need the radicals that are going to take the fight to them because frankly, the conservative movement, libertarian movement, you guys don’t have enough fight to really beat these guys. You don’t! You need a hardcore radical edge.


And that’s why the Left have won. Because the Left got out of its way of its communists, of its. Of its radical fringe. It allowed its radical fringe to take the charge, to lead the charge against the right for decades. They took over the universities, they infiltrated the Labour unions, they infiltrated the political parties. They got themselves in the media, all these different positions of power, and they push their agenda.


Because they got out the way of their radicals while conservatives and so on were canceling our radicals on the Right because we were bad optics or we were too extreme or whatever. They just ran over us!


So it’s time for you guys to take the shackles off the Nazis and let us fucking. Let us go at the enemy. Like we’re chained up in the backyard and we’re the pit bull, we just want to go and like bite the bone! [Blair laughing] you know, take the chain off. Let us go and bite these fucking commies!


Blair Cottrell: They’re worried, man. They’re worried that if we bite someone, we’re going to get put down. [chuckling]




Thomas Sewell: Before we move on from the Roman salute thing, I just wanted to read out. I’ve been helping them draught their submissions for the court. And one of the final points in the conclusion for their statements, I had, I’m just going to read it out to people because most people won’t actually watch the actual court case because it’ll be in a closed court or there won’t be the option for that. But what I’m helping them draught up was:


“To charge or convict White Australians for asserting their political rights in the face of foreigners asserting their foreign political issues.”


Because the context of their Roman salutes were, there was an Iranian protest in the city and they were aggravating the boys because obviously, you know, these fucking foreigners in our country, they assert their political so-called rights over us.


And anyway, the Roman salute was in retaliation. Well, not necessarily retaliation, but it was one group asserting their political rights, and then these two boys asserting their political rights. And one group got charged and the other didn’t. And you can guess who. But to finish that, I said:


“For them to assert their political rights in the face of foreigners creates a clear two tier policing and legal system, which ultimately establishes White Australians as Second Class citizens in their own country, whilst foreigners waving foreign flags become first class citizens who are allowed to offend with impunity.”


So they’ve actually done their homework, they’ve done a lot of work, and they’ve actually put together, they’re self representing, which at this level of court is fine to do it. Magistrates, you don’t need to get a lawyer. It’s a waste of money. They’ve already had five court dates and still nothing has happened. It’s still getting adjourned and pushed back.


So they’ve already saved themselves tens of thousands of dollars, which is very smart of them. And they’ve been doing their homework, and they’ve put together a very strong case for the history of the Roman salute. You know, the laws in regards to this, the precedents in regards to this, or the precinct cases. And also the fact that all part of living in a democracy or part of living in Victoria is you have to put up with other people you don’t agree with, and showing that these other groups do and say things that would be considered offensive by normal Australian standards.


Like, for example, the Aboriginals saying, you know, that Australia is going to be black in the future, or saying that they want to basically kill Whitey, or whatever their banner is supposed to say. And that none of these people have been charged. There’s no precedence that any Aboriginal has been charged for any of their offensive political demonstrations, which are against the sensibilities of all normal Australians.


And likewise, you know, there shouldn’t be a two tier system where White people should be charged for their political assertions. Which we obviously know there’s already precedents there. They’ve charged Blair and they obviously charged Neil Erikson and Chris Shortis with hurting the feelings of Muslims in 2017.*


[Far-right nationalists found guilty of inciting serious contempt for Muslims after mock beheading video. By James Oaten Topic: Courts and Trials Tuesday 5 September 2017 White nationalists found guilty of inciting serious contempt of Muslims (Louise Milligan) Three far-Right nationalists who staged a mock beheading to protest against the building of a mosque in Bendigo in central Victoria have been found guilty of inciting serious contempt of Muslims.

Blair Cottrell, Christopher Shortis and Neil Erikson have each been fined $2,000 after they filmed the beheading of a mannequin with a toy sword outside the Bendigo council offices in 2015. The so-called ‘Bendigo Three’ argued that their video, which was released on the United Patriot’s Front Facebook page, was an act of free speech that focused on a specific tenet of Islam. But the magistrate disagreed, arguing the video was clearly intended to create serious contempt for or ridicule of Muslims.

“We live in a community which is inclusive and that each individual deserves the right to live their life peacefully.”

Magistrate Peter Hardy said.

“You more than just crossed a line.”

It is the first time a criminal charge under Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act has been tested in court. Other charges relating to damaging public property were struck out. The three men have since told the media that they intend to appeal the decision, saying they “expected” the outcome. Source:]


Joel Davis: I just want to say quickly, the details. The rally is Saturday, like this coming Saturday, the 28th in Sydney at Speaker’s Corner. 08:30 am. So get down there. I encourage you if you live in Sydney and I’d get down there on Saturday, go check it out. I think some of the boys would be down there. So you might meet some friendlies. You know, you might spot the [word unclear] of a seemingly co-White nationalist. It’s a chance to meet and greet at a neutral location and maybe have a chat also to the conservatives and the Libertarians down there. You could have some productive conversations and support the opposition to this Bill, which is a really bad Bill that’s going to negatively impact our ability to spread our ideas online and just our general online freedoms. So it’s good to see public opposition. And I think they’re going to do a rally in Melbourne, a similar outfit, a similar rally, I think not this weekend, but next weekend, but I guess we’ll talk about it on the show next week. I don’t know too many details about that one, so just want to put that out there. It’s important to be politically involved in issues like this.


I think free speech, our core engagement with the mainstream, the political mainstream is free speech issues, obviously anti-immigration and pro-deportation. Anything to do with those are like our kind of bread and butter. Like, one is like our core most core issue and which is just the demographics of the country.


And the other is like protecting our ability to advocate for ourselves, like in public and organise a political movement. You know, those are like really like the two most essential issues, I think, when we’re engaging with the political mainstream. So, I mean, there’s lots of other issues to concern ourselves with. So, yeah, that’s just my view on that.


Do you guys want to talk about, because, Blair, you did a Twitter space a few days ago and you were making, I think, an interesting point, which I think you should reiterate here on the stream. Where you were talking about how you think that excessive moralizing and ideological minutiae often gets in the way within the movement of focusing upon a clear and focused form of messaging that is just going to achieve maximum popularity and achieve maximum clarity of, who’s on our side, who’s against us.


And I thought you stated your case quite well. So I thought I was just going to invite you to reiterate that point. And it’s actually interesting. So, yeah, you want to jump into that?





Blair Cottrell: I think I stated it so well it over the heads of a lot of my standard audience.


So for that reason, I just removed the replay because I wanted to articulate it better. I don’t expect I’ll articulate it as well as I want to now. It’s getting late in the night, and this is the time at which my brain starts to shut down, because I’m only slightly smarter than average. I’m not that smart. When I get tired, I go to average and below become like everybody else again. And I’m almost at that point now. [chuckling]


So look my observation was that we basically suffer from too much idealism. White people generally, we get tricked, misled, and have the scope of our reasoning powers severely limited by that idealism. An example of this is the equality concept. We all know you guys watching this show probably agree that human equality is ridiculous! But it doesn’t really matter how matter how ridiculous it is. It’s this kind of reality, this social programme that most people adhere to, even if they don’t agree with it, in order not to suffer social consequences, right?


But in contrast to our race, our ethnic community, we have the jewish community, jewish people. And they don’t have this long list of ideals and social values about justice and truth and morality that they’re in adherence to. They just have this singular ideal, one only. And that is the ideal of their own superiority over non-jews.


And the fact that non-jews exist only to serve them, or die, whatever. They don’t care, as long as they’re number one. That’s the ideal governing our enemy.


And you can see how we’re at a tremendous disadvantage if we’re going to allow ourselves to be severely limited, not just in belief and understanding, but also in action, in what we can actually do in order to effectively stand up to and overthrow this enemy, right? Because this enemy, to quote Churchill when he was speaking about the power the jewish communists had over Russia:


“This enemy has gripped us by the hair on our heads all around the world!”


And I think in order to fight this enemy, we need to understand that over moralizing, having too many ideals is going to restrict our reasoning powers and our ability to move. We need to be able to move in many different directions, and we need to be able to say whatever we need to say and do whatever we need to do in order to establish the kind of results, measurable results! Victories! And results in regards to securing our own existence, right? And that was the point that I was trying to make in the space. I thought that I could articulate it better, though.


And like I said, I don’t think I’ve done that good of a job now, either. I’ve got to think more about it because it all just comes down to what I always talk about, which is just having that singular, simple view of life, boiling everything down to that one us versus them dynamic. This is who we are. We’re defending that. We’re advancing that over there is who our enemy is, down with them.


And whatever you need to do in that process of building up your own community and sort of destroying or at least releasing yourself from the grip of your enemies, you do it. And what frustrates me, I suppose, is there’s a lot of things that members of our own ethnic community won’t do for moral reasons. You know, they won’t fight dirty enough.


For example, the jewish community, they’ll say that they support equality in our nations, but they won’t support equality in their own nation, right?


So they’ve got that ability to change their stance where necessary in order to put their enemies at disadvantage and then make their own position more advantageous to them in certain circumstances. I don’t want to get too much more into it for the time being, but, you know what I’m trying to say, right? We need to be able to do whatever we have to do to win! That’s what I’m trying to say. And if we’re going to be restricted to a certain scope of reasoning or activity as a result of morals, truth, justice, idealism, anything which restricts us too much, shouldn’t be taken into consideration. Or at the very most, we should pretend or ostensibly be seen to observe it. But then we’re not actually observing it. You understand what I mean by that?


The jews are very good at that as well. They pretend to observe our morals and traditions, for example. But then when you pay attention to what they’re actually doing, they’re not showing any respect whatsoever to our traditions and basic moral structure of society. They’re changing it from within.


So, yeah, something to think about, that’s all.


Joel Davis: Yeah. The way I would phrase it is that politics is more fundamentally existential than it is moral. Like, politics is not there to decide over all moral questions. A lot of that is left to the domain of your personal life. The point of politics is to secure peace and security for your people.


Basically, the reason why we have to come together and form governments and form big societies is because we need a powerful entity to stand up for us against all the other potential powerful entities in this world that are going to come and take our shit and fuck us over. Because we live in a hostile world. There’s many other groups in this world that don’t give a shit about you. They don’t give a shit about your family, I don’t give a shit about your country. And they want to take as much from you and your people as they can.


And the reason why you need politics is so that you can have guys that are on your side that understand that our group, our people need to stand up and defend ourselves to protect what is ours from that hostile world.


So that’s what politics is about. It’s about securing a future, securing your way of life. It’s not about deciding on all these moral questions. So, like, for example, I see in my Telegram chat or on Twitter, like a basically endless argument, for example, between Christians and pagans that agree on White nationalism, and they get into this massive back and forth. And this is a very intellectually interesting debate. And it’s an important debate, like your personal decision, but whether you are a Christian or not, or a pagan or not, or whatever is actually very important, obviously.




But when it gets to the point where you’re dividing the entire movement on the basis of this other issue, and therefore you’re dividing Whiteman power, you’re dividing pro-White resources, and you’re basically limiting our capacity to build the most powerful possible movement to defend our people’s interests, well, then it’s actually destroying the point of this. The point of this movement is securing a future for White people, and particularly in Australia, it’s for securing this future for White Australians and White Australia. That’s what this is about.


There’s other issues that are important, but they aren’t essential to that goal. And so there has to be a kind of marginalisation of things which aren’t essential to the political movement from the political movement where we can agree to disagree and work together upon securing a future for our people.


And obviously you’re going to go to, one group’s going to go to church, one group’s going to do whatever.


And once the ethno-state is secured and all enemy threats have been neutralised, then you guys can debate over are we going to have Christian White Australia or pagan White Australia or whatever? If you really want to.


But, you know, now is not the time for that. And there’s so much like ideological spurgery where people want to debate minutiae rather than getting done to the brass tacks of how the hell are we going to get manpower and resources organised to defend our fucking race? How are we going to make sure our race fucking survives?


And if you’re not operating on that level where that’s the main focus of what you care about and what you’re doing when you’re in the White nationalist movement online, if instead you’re going on in the White nationalist movement online and all you’re doing is engaging in e-drama against other White nationalists and picking fights over like, dumb shit and arguing over, yeah, as I said, ideological minutiae or whatever, that is tangential to the essential points of how we’re going to progress the movement, how are we going to advance our people, then like, what the fuck are you doing? You’re not in the White nationalist movement. You’re not actually engaging in politics per se. You’re just like, hanging out on the Internet, getting into frivolous arguments.


So that’s something that’s very important, I think, where we must focus upon the core, as Blair said, like, who are we? Who are we against? And how are we going to advance our cause against the enemy and just be like, very single mindedly focused upon those objectives. And if we can get our attention and focus on those objectives and our money and time focus on those objectives, then we have a fucking chance of surviving as a race. But otherwise we’re just going to be having these dumb spurgy arguments for the 4,000,000th time on the:


“Oh, all pagans are jews, all Christians are jews!”


Or whatever.


Blair Cottrell: All we have to do is survive, …


Joel Davis: Calling each other jewish, communist. And it’s like, what the fuck are we doing here? You know what I mean?


Blair Cottrell: The simple nature of our struggle too, is all we have to do is survive. I think I said it on last stream, or the stream before that we’re a race that so long as we survive in our most basic form and we don’t become overly diluted, if we have the same opportunity to procreate, flourish, then we eventually adapt, win, overcome. We become master of the world. That’s why there’s such a strong genocide effort against our race right now. Because in order to win against White people, you need to ethnically destroy them. If you don’t, they eventually rise, win, adapt, and become master of the world again. So all we have to do is survive as a race, and by default we end up winning as a result of our own genetic predisposition.


Joel Davis: And like, I understand that a lot of these arguments are actually important, and there’s a space for them. Like, if there’s intellectual content creators and there’s an intellectual, and I engage in that sometimes as well. But we have to learn how to bracket that from the political, that, like, we can have that argument in the intellectual space of the free marketplace of ideas, and we can debate these subjects, but we need to be able to bracket the political friend-enemy distinction from that and say:


“Well, at the end of the day, I don’t agree with this person on this issue and that issue, but we need to have some kind of coordination or some kind of allegiance or loyalty to one another if we’re going to get out of this as a race.”


Because if we have, like, every different ideological sub faction and religious sub faction and so on splintering off and doing their own thing, that isn’t going to cut it. We need to be pro-White first and foremost. That has to be the essential principle of the movement. Race has to be the foundation. That’s the only foundation which is the correct foundation!


First of all, because we are being attacked as a race by the enemy. Fundamentally, the enemy is coming after us because of our race, not because of any of these other details. And they’re coming after us as a race. So we have to defend ourselves as a race.


But secondarily, race is the only principle which is going to be strong enough to build a political movement around to resist this.




Blair Cottrell: It’s because it’s the most integral, fundamental identity that you can use to identify yourself, right? Like Christian, pagan, Catholic, Protestant, and various other social political identities they’re all just abstract. They exist inside your mind and you can change them tomorrow. Like, I can wake up tomorrow and decide I’m going to be Catholic. I can wake up tomorrow and decide that I’m going to be Protestant of some degree. But I can’t wake up tomorrow and decide I’m going to be black, or a different race. I’m like, genetically this race. This is who I am, and it’s a result of hundreds, thousands of years of survival, through my family lineage, and that is my most fundamental identity, as is the same for you if you’re watching this stream. So you’ve really got to boil it down to that, because that’s the most important fundamental identity that you can have the understanding of, right? That’s who you are.


Joel Davis: It also, like these other things are important. Religion and everything is important, but as a principle of unity, because politics is a team sport, politics it’s not a individual sport. You know MMA is a sport for individuals. Like, you need a team to train with and stuff, but politics is a team sport. You need a big team. If you try to play a team sport with not enough players against a full strength team, you get smacked. That’s why if you play soccer and half your team gets red carded, well, you’re going to lose. You know, if it’s five to eleven, you’re going to lose.


And White people are playing like, one vs eleven because everyone wants to be an individual and we’re so atomized, but then also we’re like, intellectually atomized and so on. And we have to just at the end of the day, be, we’re on the same team. You don’t have to like everyone on your team. You don’t actually have to like everyone on your team. You can think there’s a bunch of people on your team that are shit people and they’re fucking retards! But they’re on your fucking team! And we win as a team or we lose as a team. Like, White people win as a race or we lose as a race. That’s how this is going to go down.


So we need to play as a team to the fullest extent possible.


And then, yeah, once we win, then we can go back to fucking our disputes and differences and so on. And they are totally legitimate disputes and differences. Like, I’m not denying their importance, but we are born into a time in history of race war. Race war is already happening. Like, the race war isn’t going to happen at some point.


Blair Cottrell: It’s arguably been a constant for known human history.


Joel Davis: Well, yeah. We are born into a race war. Like, the invaders are in our country, the shit skins are raping the women, they’re breeding with our tribe, they’re taking over our institutions. You know, the jews are controlling the banks, they’re controlling the media, they’re controlling the government. They’ve got all that third world invaders taking all these positions of power and all the systems in place to elevate them to rule over us. Like, we’re already being occupied by, like, alien forces that are systematically using state repression to prevent us from organising. Like, the race war is already here. You’re in a race war!


So it’s like you can have all your arguments about everything else, but it’s like, do you want to fucking win or lose? I want my grandchildren to not be a persecuted minority in the land that their forefathers built. I want them to actually have protection. I want them to have their own country that’s going to take care of them.


So that’s what this is about! And a lot of people somehow managed to lose sight of that. And it’s actually quite frustrating.


I don’t know if you have thoughts on this, Tom.


Thomas Sewell: I’ve expressed my feelings on this many times on the show, and I don’t really want to repeat myself. To have a sort of fresh, fresh eyes on its a very good point this idea that it’s a team sport, we’ve got to stop thinking about it as individuals. Lot of people that just want to be left alone, and you need to take your politics to its logical conclusion. You can be left alone for now and maybe next year, and the year after and the year after, but you’re just kicking the can down the road.


At some point, we need to solve the problem. There is a problem, an existential problem, or a problem for the existence of our people, and we are slowly becoming a minority in our countries, and we have to put a stop to that! And we’re in a stronger position to put a stuff to it now, rather than later.


So let’s deal with it now!


Anyone that’s like:


“Oh, well, actually, I’m going to stay as embedded in the system as possible and I might send a Superchat and yeah, I’ll consume content, but, yeah, like, I’ll just I’ll just keep working on my career. And that’s the priority because then I can pay for my 2.5 kids and a Labrador in a city.”


It’s like:


“Okay, and then what are your kids gonna do?”


And really disagree fundamentally with the strategy, the life strategy of:


“Well, we’ll just build the tower taller and then we won’t have to smell the shit!”


It’s like, no, let’s just clean up the shit! Like, let’s just solve the problem. And then your children, whatever they do in life, they’re gonna just kick goals, they’re gonna succeed, they’re gonna be winning, because they’re going to be growing up in a healthy society, and that’s just not the future that’s destined for them on the current trajectory.




So we have to be radical in changing that trajectory and not giving a fuck about what traitors and faggots and weaklings think about how we should change it.


So in summary, it comes down to a triumph of the will. It comes down to, as an individual, are you subject to or subject of this society, or are you going to contribute to building a better society?


And I think that’s really what it comes down to, this master and slave morality. If you have a slave morality, then you’re subject to society’s whims. You know, if it’s socially acceptable to be X or Y or Z, then you’ll do it, because it’s socially acceptable:


“It’s not socially acceptable the moment to be a Nazi!”


It’s like, well, it’s fucking never going to be with that attitude!


So why don’t you just stop caring about what it is or isn’t to be socially acceptable in a society that glorifies faggots and traitors and fucking merchants! That’s the faggot society we live in. It glorifies that shit! Why don’t you not care about that? Why don’t you have a solar morality, or a master morality where it’s:


“Well, actually I value these things. I value integrity. I value honour, I value our race, I value our culture, I value our heritage. I don’t actually care about society’s values. It’s society that needs to change, not me!”


And when you bring that attitude to the table now, you’re more committed to solving the problem.


And what I’ll finish with is Western Chauvinist, if you don’t follow them already on Telegram or Twitter, you should. Western Chauvinist shared something today that was a good summary of what all the critics have of us and our model and our worldview. And it’s in quotation marks:


“You think you’re going to win by meeting up with guys to box in the park?”


End quotation mark. And what Western Chauvinist replies to this is he says:


“No, I think we’re going to win by organising. You can’t organise seriously with a bunch of risk adverse, conflict avoidant podcast fans. If someone will meet in the park to train with you, they’re infinitely more committed to the cause than someone who sends Superchats to their preferred online hot taker. If your entire connection to the cause can be cut off by your phone running out of battery, you’re not doing anything.”


And that’s what I’ll finish on. That’s where power comes from small groups of men and their families banding together and forming local community. They’re only able to do the kind of shit they’re doing to us at the moment, like the horrible treatment that they’re having of us, because we’re atomized.


Despite the fact that we’re still a majority in our own country, we’re an atomized majority! We’re an alienated majority! We don’t have community that is 100% clear as to what its community purpose is. We have all these sub communities within the White race. We have Richmond Football Club or Carlton Football Club. We have the Diggers Club or the RSL. We have the Rotary Club. We have, you know, it just infinite White people clubs. Infinite White people clubs, but none of them are explicitly White. We have infinite White people clubs, but also zero White people clubs! Because they’re not explicit.


So for us to secure an existence for our people, a future for our children, we have to make explicit organisations that stand on that bedrock of race! And be unafraid and confrontational and prepared to bear the brunt of that.


So when you go down that path, you will initially lose. When you go down that path, so lose is the wrong word. You will initially have loss. And that’s what everyone’s afraid of that’s why people don’t want to do it, because you’re afraid of that initial loss. I understand that loss is not nice. But to grow, you have to have trauma. To grow, you have to have stress.


Blair Cottrell: You only, like doctrine is written in blood. You only actually learn by losing, adapting, and sort of growing as a result. If you never lose, you never learn anything. And you never actually develop the necessary adaptations to prevent yourself from losing in that same way again.


And so the more we lose, the stronger we get.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, you will lose family. You will lose friends. You will lose privileges. You will lose maybe extra income. You know, you will lose career prospects. You will initially have loss. And those losses will be a sacrifice. They will all add up.


But it’s highly unlikely that 99.9% of you, while things are still peaceful, are going to be killed. You’re actually more likely to die in a car crash than from being a nationalist. So far, we haven’t had a single nationalist in Australia this decade assassinated. Not one! We’ve had one terrorist attack against us, one serious one, and a few minor ones. But these are publicly facing spokespeople. We’re not asking anyone to do that. We’re asking for men to stand with us in the street and to be part of our community and for our wives to know your wives and for our kids to grow up together so that they’re not growing up around all the freaks in society. You know, we’re trying to build. That’s what we mean by parallel community.




So, yeah, we’re at the Spearhead, we’re at the vanguard. We’re at the forefront. But there is no reason why you can’t be in a supporting role with that.


But in the absence of that, as I said earlier in the show, we are trying to build a way to incorporate more people into the broader, another ring or another circle to our movement. If we’ve got a kind of inner circle and an outer circle, we’re building another circle, a supportive circle.


But that is still, like, what we really need more than just money and finances to push the movement into the next area that it needs to go, which is more professional, more facilities. We need support in managing the whole operation as well, financial support. What we need also is people to come to events.


So we have all of our community meetings, we have all of our protests, stuff like this. We understand if people want to be risk averse to that, but we need people to come out in person, in real life, to events, whether they be ticketed events, whether they be like, once or twice a year at a national meetup. We’re not asking you to necessarily be in black block and march in the street with us. We understand that the apprehension for some people to do that, for a lot of people to do that.


But, you know, it would be good to have you on the mailing list. It would be good to be able to send you guys stuff, physical stuff that we can produce, when we’ve got all that sort of stuff set up, of showing you what we’ve done, like progress reports, monthly reports of:


“Hey, this is what we’ve done. This is the activism we did. This is the training we did, this is the meetups we did.”


Stuff like that would be awesome to have in order to continue to build community.


And then when we do have these events, you can be actually there, you can be present, you can be a live listener.


And then that in itself, even if it’s just a photo of the back of your head, in a crowd of 100 or 200 or 300 or 500 people, that in itself encourages other people to get involved at different levels, at different capacities. So your sacrifice, what you risk and what you sacrifice, actually pays into a spiritual fund. I know this sounds a bit ridiculous, but your sacrifice, everything you lose, it actually contributes ultimately to our victory. Because when enough people have sacrificed enough, then we win. And it’s going to take a lot of men and a lot of families and a lot of sacrifice, a lot of time, a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get where we need to go. I’ll finish there.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think we should maybe start getting into the Superchats. Cause we’ve been going for a while now.


But my final thoughts on this. You know, one of the main criticisms that we get is that we refer to ourselves as National Socialists ideologically. And the view is that people would be willing to organise around White nationalism, but National Socialism freaks people out or something. This is the argument. And my response to that is that I think, and we think, that until National Socialism is seen as something positive for a large portion of the community, they will be too cucked to actually organise a revolutionary, pro-White movement, because of all the things that are bound up with that.


Now, I can understand you say:


“Should we use the swastika as a symbol?”


And these are all like interesting arguments or whatever, but as a basic point, if you are willing to put your race first and organise around on the basis of race, you are going to at the very least, be kind of open minded to the idea that National Socialism is a good idea. You’re not going to be freaked out like:


“That’s a horrible, evil thing!”


But also additionally, the main way in which people get freaked out that being a pro-White or being White nationalist is a horrible, evil thing is implicit in this argument is through its association to National Socialism. So that means we’re going to have to do some work to try and give National Socialism a new meaning and a difference of perspective in the community. We have to do some work to normalise National Socialism.


We’re going to have to do some work, get people comfortable with and supportive of National Socialism to break that spell! Because that spectre is still going to be there. Like, if you make, if we make an organisation, it’s purely just called “White nationalists”. It’s purely White nationalists. There’s no explicit association with National Socialists. You’re going to get called Nazis! And there’s going to be this spectre of:


“Well, what do you think about Hitler and the Holocaust?”


And like, this whole thing is still going to be like this spectre, like lingering over the movement that you can’t step over.


And if you basically refuse to then go out and actually defend National Socialism or talk about it in a positive light and just try and avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid! That thing is going to stay there. It’s going to be this thing hanging over your head entirely, and you’re doing absolutely nothing to fight back against it or break the spell, because you’re afraid of breaking the spell because you think that:


“Well, that’s extra work if we have to break the spell and advance White nationalism. Now we’re doing two things. Wouldn’t it just be easier if we could just advance White nationalism?”


And it’s like, no! We actually have to break the spell. I don’t think we’re actually going to be able to get there without doing some spell-breaking.




So that’s why we’re taking the hard road of breaking the spell. But we’re creating a new brand of White nationalism. It’s going to be this Australian 21st century. It’s not a copy and paste. We don’t have the same uniformity. We have a lot of differences with our own personality. We’re going to do a new form of this. And, yeah, we’re going to talk about what we like, about what the Germans did and so on, but it’s going to be our version, it’s going to be different, and it has our characteristics. And as it grows, it’s going to have all these very 21st century Australian characteristics, because we’re very 21st century Australians. If, you know, us, you see us, we’re kind of normal Aussie guys. We’re nothing doing like this German larp on the basis of some German fetishism. But we do take inspiration from that movement, because within European, and particularly Germanic, and we’re a Germanic nation. We’re not a German nation, but we’re a Germanic people. A Celto-Germanic people. The Australian nation, in its core.


The one political ideology that stood up to liberalism and communism successfully was National Socialism! There isn’t actually another ideology in the modern world that has done that.


So that’s why we’re taking our cues from that, because that’s what we’re trying to do here, because we see these two other option ideologies as both ideologies that are trying to genocide our fucking race!


So that’s what’s happening.


So to me, like, that’s our position. You might disagree, but deal with that particular argument. The argument that we’re always. I’m always hearing is that if we just step over National Socialism and pretend it doesn’t exist and say that we aren’t Nazis and just completely avoid the subject, that somehow, by magic, this will prevent us from having to defend ourselves from the accusations or deal with the subject of National Socialism in any capacity. You’re not going to be able to do that. Sorry!


So we’re going to have to normalise this.


That’s why it’s so good! Hitler’s going viral on TikTok. And people are making videos about World War Two revisionism, and David Irving and his books need to be promoted. And we need to talk about these things we talked about, like the Tucker Carlson interview the other day with the revisionist historian and so on. This stuff is also fucking important because we need to break the spell and we need to put all of our energy behind breaking the spell. And White people need to develop a positive view of Adolf Hitler en masse. They need to develop a positive view of National Socialism. You then have to become necessarily ideological National Socialists. They need to develop a positive view, or at least a neutral view and a kind of more objective view. Where right now no one is even really doing that except for us on the fringe because of this spell.


So we’re trying to break that spell. We’re trying to present a form of National Socialism contemporary in the modern day to, for people to relate to and support. And that’s one of the key ways in which that spell is going to be broken. So that’s what I have to say about that.


If you want to say something about that, Tom, you can. Otherwise we’ll get into the Superchats.


Thomas Sewell: No, I think it’s being covered. We should go into the Superchats.


Joel Davis: Yeah. So Rose Rock.


Thomas Sewell: Let’s do the first one.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Rose Rock 444 said:


“Why do you support Fuentes? He pushes inceldom and finds non-White women more attractive than White women. Not to mention he simps for nons like Candace Owens and Muslims.”


I have a suspicion that Rose Rock 444 is a woman. I don’t know, but we.


Thomas Sewell: How out of touch is that commentary, though?


Joel Davis: Yeah, if you watch the show last week. I’ve listened into a few of Fuentes’s shows this week and he basically talks shit about me in every single episode.


So we’re not exactly getting along so great lately. But yeah I don’t know, whatever comments that he made about non-White women being more attractive or not, that’s not really, … The substance of our disagreement is about political strategy. I don’t know. All the comments that he’s made on all of these subjects. Simping for Candace Owens was pretty cringe, though. I remember seeing that.


Warbow 84, said:


“Here’s my $20. Great show. See you guys next week.”


Thanks, man. Ghost dog Man’s did like one of, like the little o’s with like, the slash, like throwing a Roman. Fellow Comrade said:


“Here’s my $200 for the week. Spend it wisely.”


But he only sent $1, so I don’t know.


Blair Cottrell: What does he mean by that? I saw that earlier. I thought, what does he mean by that?


Joel Davis: Yeah, you owe me $199, dude!


Blair Cottrell: By the end of the week, too. By the end of the week. You have to be man of your word in this stream, bro.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I think he probably just clicked the wrong button.


Joel Davis: I don’t know. Ferryman 47. I don’t know if that’s Ferryman as in from Ferryman’s Toll in Canada, but friend of the show. He sent $14. He said:


“Cheers, boys!”


Duke of Meme said:


“I was not full blown White nationalist until you said, you want to ban LED lights, Blair, please take complete control of Australia!”


There you go. You won someone over.





Blair Cottrell: Don’t worry, I hate them enough to actually implicate an immediate ban if I’m ever in a position to do so.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Adolf Caesar said:


“Good evening, White men. Do we have any NS literature from Australia?”


I’m not sure if there’s explicit ideologically National Socialist literature that is from Australia. There’s a lot of White nationalist literature. I don’t know. Tom, are you aware of anything that’s explicitly NS, that’s been written?


Blair Cottrell: I have a feeling there’s something, but nothing’s coming to mind immediately.


Thomas Sewell: First thing that came to mind wasn’t explicitly National Socialist, but interestingly, some of the first works done at the beginning of the 20th century on neo-Paganism was done by an Australian, and he actually went and visited the fascists and National Socialists in Europe, as Alexander Rud Mills*. So that’s sort of proto-NS stuff.


But, yeah, I can’t really think of anything. I mean, Jacob would know. I mean, there’s a lot of Australiana literature that is pretty close. I mean, Jack Lang** wrote pretty similar.


[* Alexander Rud Mills was an Australian barrister and writer, interned in 1942 for his National Socialist sympathies and fascist beliefs. He was also a prominent Odinist, one of the earliest proponents of the rebirth of Germanic Neopaganism in the 20th century, and an anti-semite. He founded the First Anglecyn Church of Odin in Melbourne in 1936. He published under his own name and the pen-names “Tasman Forth” and “Justinian”. Wikipedia]

[** John Thomas Lang (21 December 1876 – 27 September 1975), usually referred to as J. Lang during his career and familiarly known as “Jack” and nicknamed “The Big Fella”, was an Australian politician, mainly for the New South Wales Branch of the Labor Party. He twice served as the 23rd Premier of New South Wales from 1925 to 1927 and again from 1930 to 1932. He was dismissed by the Governor of New South Wales, Sir Philip Game, at the climax of the 1932 constitutional crisis and resoundingly lost the resulting election and subsequent elections as Leader of the Opposition. He later formed Lang Labour that contested federal and state elections and was briefly a member of the Australian House of Representatives. Wikipedia]

Joel Davis: Jack Lang was a little bit more like of a liberal socialist that was also a White nationalist.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. It’s all sort of proto-National Socialist stuff. I wouldn’t say it’s explicitly like post World War Two. I can’t think of anyone post World War Two, any Australian that stands out in terms of National Socialist literature.


Joel Davis: Well, I’ll be, I’ll be writing some. So there you go. You’ll get some from Joel Davis. I’m cooking things up. I got a lot of draughts, and I’ll start putting some things out in short order. Eventually, I will write a book. I’ve been cooking ideas up for many years.


So, yeah, you’ll get some. Joel Davis, Australian NS literature. So there you go. Keep an eye out for that.


Thomas Sewell: I wrote two draughts, a fiction and a nonfiction book when I was in prison. I just don’t find it, I don’t think it’s appropriate to publish. I want to do something better. So I’ll either rework it or I’ll write something else from scratch. But my book projects definitely on the back burner. I’m focusing on just putting a roof over our heads as a movement. And for my own family to begin. And things like books, I think they can age better with time.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I know that as I get older, …


Thomas Sewell: I’m not rushing it.


Joel Davis: I’ll become more and more of a writer and speaker, intellectual type, and it won’t be doing as much on the ground work on the streets. You know, at some point you get, when you’re an old man, that’s kind of like your main thing that you can do because you’re just old and old! So but that doesn’t mean I’m going to wait till then to get started.


Ethan 4BD1 said:


“Australia for the Whiteman. Destroy pedo freaks!”


Indeed. And Leviran, or, yeah, Leviran said:


“If you are watching this and you’re under 30 years old and you haven’t joined a nationalist organisation to serve your people, then you are a pussy! Australia for the Whiteman and Reclaim America!”


I think Reclaim America is like a Patriot Front slogan. So maybe he is a Patriot Front, bro.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Why at 30?


Joel Davis: Yeah. If you’re in your early thirties, you can still join, or even late thirties. I mean, we have guys that are in their forties in the Org.


Blair Cottrell: Is 30 old? Why, is that what’s being implied, that 30s old?


Thomas Sewell: Our oldest member is 64, and our oldest supporter, I think, is 74.


So, yeah, there’s no excuse. I don’t think age is a factor. It just, age to me just means there’s so many different cliques, social cliques within our Org and within the wider movement. Age is not a determining factor as to whether you should join or not. Age is just a factor of what you participate in and what you can participate in. You know, you might not be doing Muay Thai at the park, but you can man the barbecue and hang out with the other old guys. Like, there’s not really any excuse. There’s a place for everyone.


Like, not everyone, obviously. Like, we don’t want the scum and filth of society, but there’s a place for every, like, honourable Whiteman and his family in our organisation, no matter how old you are. Yeah, I would say we don’t recruit anyone under the age of 16 just because of the maturity level.


The majority of 15 year old boys are just not politically mature enough to take this seriously. It’s usually irony. But, yeah, we’ve got guys in their late teens and they’re obviously always keen as mustard because there’s genius, not just genius in the youth, but there is energy in the youth. The youth have a natural, … I think it’s Kurt Eggers*. Kurt Eggers talks about it. He was a National Socialist. He was a high ranking officer and part of the propaganda department as well. And he actually died in combat. He actually asked to be sent back to the front lines.


[* Kurt Eggers (10 November 1905 – 12 August 1943) War correspondent and writer (1905-1943) Kurt Eggers was a German writer, poet, songwriter, and playwright with close links to the Nazi Party. He served as both a member of a propaganda company and as a Waffen-SS soldier at the rank of Mann in World War II, he was killed while serving in a tank regiment on the Eastern Front by the Red Army. He had four children by his second wife, Traute Kaiser, whose father was a pastor. Wikipedia]


And I think he died in the battle of Kursk. But he was a tank commander and he dropped out. Not dropped out of school, but during the summer holidays. He actually went and fought in the Freikorps* when he was 13 years old. And he actually writes about how the youth have a natural instinct. The more masculine boys have an instinct of what’s right, what’s wrong. They have a moral strength to do, to do righteous duty. And in his case, in Egger’s case, it was killing communists.


[* Freikorps (German “Free Corps” or “Volunteer Corps” were irregular German and other European paramilitary volunteer units that existed from the 18th to the early 20th centuries. In the aftermath of World War I and during the German Revolution of 1918–19, Freikorps, consisting partially of World War I veterans, were raised as paramilitary militias. They were ostensibly mustered to fight on behalf of the government against the German communists attempting to overthrow the Weimar Republic. Wikipedia]


So we’re not asking anyone to do that. Not at this stage, certainly! But it’d be good to just be involved and put some stickers up. And have a good positive outlet, like physical training and being around people that are not fucking faggots!




Joel Davis: Yeah, for sure. White Zealot said:


“Hail our people! We’re going to win!”


Operation Werewolf said:


“Support your local nationalist.”


And GoyBoy 1488. He always reliably sends $14.88 Superchats on Odysee. He said:


“Good morning, lads. Is a bottle shop a liquor store?”


Yeah, it is. We call liquor stores “bottle shops” in Australia.


Blair Cottrell: Those Odysee Superchats, they actually translate into cash. Is that the way they work?


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: That’s cool! I didn’t know that.


Joel Davis: Yeah. GoyBoy 1488 also said:


“Can you win before the Australian government changes the laws to shut you down? And what do you think about an episode with Warren Balogh discussing different strategy between Australia and the USA? Hail lads!”


Yeah, I’d be open to doing a show with Warren if he was interested. I met Warren in England last year, and he is a supreme gentleman, and so I’d be more than happy to have a conversation with him. Speaking of that crowd of people, I don’t know if Warren and Mike Penovich are still associated, but actually didn’t make a plan with Mike, also known as Mike Enoch from the TRS network, to do a stream, because he’s very clued in on the goings on with Israel. And also he’s just a very well educated anti-semite, Mike Enoch.


So I wanted to get him on to talk about all the shit that’s kicking off in Israel right now. It’s getting pretty hot between Israel and Hezbollah, and there’s bombings. And that’s the tensions there are escalating very seriously, and that’s potentially a powder keg that could turn into a major war.


And obviously that has a lot of permutations for American politics and how this election goes and the implications of how the election would go potentially on a conflict in the Middle East and so on. Because Hezbollah going to war with Israel. A lot of commentators think that Hezbollah would crush Israel. So then does America have to come in and save Israel and does that drag Iran in? There’s a lot that becomes complicated.


So that’s a very interesting discussion about what’s happening there, because that could end up being. I don’t think it’ll kick off in the next few weeks, but that’s an ongoing issue that could turn into a major war perhaps over the next twelve months or something. So I thought we’d do a stream talking about that because I think you would have a lot of interesting things to say. So keep an eye for that. I think maybe on the weekend we’re going to try and do that. I’ll announce it on social media.


The Gump said:


“The so-called multicultural alliance against the jews is the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a long time. Either they are delusional cowards or ill willed.”


Obviously, to the people promoting this:


“It’s a weak position. It’s not pro-White, but a humanistic, Left-wing worldview. Epic performance by Joel in that Twitter debate. No compromise.”


I think he’s referring to, I argued about this subject in a series of Twitter Spaces or X Spaces earlier in the week and last week. We don’t necessarily have to rehash that, but, yeah, but there’s a kind of clique of people that are promoting a kind of:


“Oh, Joel you guys, you’re putting too much energy into opposing non-White immigration and non-Whites in general. We should just focus all our energy on the jews!”


No, I don’t agree with that. And we should, like:


“Build, like, an alliance with these non-Whites against the jews.”


And I don’t think that that makes any sense for various reasons, but I’m not going to rehash the point.


Thomas Sewell: What I’ll quickly say is one of the fundamental issues with the groipers or the groypers is that they criticise a strategy, like ours, because it’s not liberal enough. They want us to be more liberal. But then they criticise the fact that the country’s falling apart because it’s too liberal.


So they’re just delusional. They think that the solution to the problem is the perfect amount of liberalism. Currently:


“The state, too liberal! But the Nazis, not liberal enough!”


And it’s like, okay, so there’s this golden liberalism. Is there somewhere in the middle that’s going to solve the problem? Well, actually, it doesn’t work like that. This liberal chaos that we’re in, it’s like a poison. And there’s not a golden amount of it’s already passed. It’s in motion. It’s in movement. We’ve moved through liberalism. It was the decline of monarchy. We’ve moved through it, and now we’re at the end state of liberalism. This really is the true liberalism, and there’s no going back to the correct amount of liberalism. So they are just delusional.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I don’t think it’s necessarily even a lot of the groypers that are the main offenders of this because they entertained the alliance with the Muslims for a time period and then have now, like, turned back upon that and readjusted. They kind of flip-flopped on that.


So that’s one thing, but there’s a lot of other commentators, mostly they’re just Twitter personalities and Twitter accounts that are still promoting this idea. There’s no, like, formal organisation in the world that is a multicultural, anti-jewish organisation. Like, that doesn’t exist. And I don’t think it will ever exist because I don’t think you can build a political movement on that foundation. It’s not going to be a principle of unity that you can organise as a political first principle, just simply being against jews. Like you have to be for something.




Thomas Sewell: Exactly! You can’t build a movement on a negation.


But in saying that, Blair’s just darted. He, maybe his phone ran out of battery. But I’m gonna head off as well. It’s quarter to twelve and although I don’t work tomorrow because it’s a public holiday.


Joel Davis: Well, we only have a few more Superchats, start going through them.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. But I went through, I just scrolled through them. It’s like:


“Yeah, over 5K viewers. Awesome stuff, guys. Everyone starts off as a larper until one day, …”


Joel Davis: There’s a few on the Entropy as well, that’s why I’m gonna go through.


Thomas Sewell: They’re not really discussive. I guess you can read them out. I’m calling it a night.


Joel Davis: Yeah. All good. See you later. GoyBoy said, … Hail Hitler, motherfucker! Jews, quote, this is a quote:


“Jews donate money to political groups, therefore you are being jewish. If you fund a ‘political group’, quote unquote, has got to be the most retarded popular argument I’ve ever heard. I hate spending my money, but funding our people is my favourite use for it.”


Yeah. I don’t know if that’s really the exact statement of their argument, but basically, yeah, there’s either one group of people who are like:


“We don’t need money because we’ve got guns in America and we’re going to have a civil war against the enemies!”


And it’s like, all right, well, civil war. If you, let’s just say that that’s what you’re gonna do. Civil wars cost money. You got to buy a lot of if you want to do a civil war. So wars are pretty much the most expensive possible fucking thing! So whether you’re gonna do a civil war, whether you’re gonna do a political party, whether you’re gonna do a lobby group, an activist organisation, some community project or combination of a bunch of these things or whatever you’re going to do, everything costs money! So at some point, White people are going to have to come together and put money into the same pot, the pro-White pot. That’s just a brute force reality. And the jews do it. The jews are putting billions into the pro-jewish pot and we’re putting nothing into the pro-White pot. And that’s one of the essential reasons why we lose.


And a lot of people don’t like saying that because it comes across as like they’re begging for money. I’m not saying give me money! But give someone that’s give some pro-White project money. Right? Like we need to stop putting money in together as a group. Like this is just a general statement. Like, it’s not about anything to do with me personally or anything I’m associated with necessarily.


But it’s the principle. It’s a basic brute force principle.


And also it’s important to point out, because there’s an attitude, like I said earlier, that we need rich people to put money in. No, we actually need average people to all chip in and you don’t have to put all your money in. Just like something that is affordable for everyone. If everyone does their part and chips in, that we have a lot of money there. I talked about the NSDAP funding itself like that through rank and file dues paying members. That is true. That’s one example.


Another example is the Australian Labor Party back when the Australian Labor Party defended White nationalism and defended the White Australia Policy, it was funded by Australian workers paying their union dues.


And basically, like the unions funded the Labor Party and the unions. And in those days were White nationalist unions, you know, creating some kind of White nationalist Labour union or nationalist Labour union in Australia. That’s a project that would be interesting if people want to work on that. There is the National Workers Alliance. I don’t think they’re really a union per se, but they’re getting set up. They’re nationalists and they’re getting set up down here in Victoria, putting on events. I would love to see something like that come into existence as well. I think that could be a very powerful way to build White solidarity, and get White resources together and relate to the Australian worker. Because the current union movement, the union movement is basically taken over by communists. And it’s also been taken over just by like cynical actors in Australia.


There’s been a lot of controversy recently about the CFMEU, which is the construction workers union. And it has like supposedly corrupt leaders and they’re engaging in extralegal methods of violence to get their way and so on. And they’re currently being taken on by elements of the government and the media. But what is basically going to happen and what is already happening is that they’re just installing ideological Marxists to fully take over these unions.


So it’s like, yeah, the guys that run a lot of these major unions are just like scum. Like John Setka, for example. He’s like unprincipled, piece of shit, Machiavellian type, that is just exploiting it for personal gain. But it’s like, he’s a piece of shit! But at least he’s not like a full ideological Marxist. Watch! It will be replaced with full on ideological Marxists. That will make the whole purpose of the CFMEU Aboriginal rights and fucking LGBTQ rights and refugee rights and all this nonsense, like far-Left nonsense, like the Greens Party platform will become the union platform. Watch this space.


Like, that kind of shit is coming. It’s already starting to be implemented. A lot of these unions, because these unions have already been thoroughly infiltrated by communists and they’re going to entrench their power over the unions. That’s going to alienate a lot of workers. A lot of the rank and file workers are nationalists are right of centre, don’t want to be paying dues into something like that. If an alternative can be built for these people that will represent their interests, their political interests more directly. The Australian worker has an interest in immigration being halted, because not only is it causing cost of living pressures, but it’s creating., … There’s a reason why big business support immigration. It’s because you bring immigrants in, it creates downward pressure on the labour market and it drives wages down. And so it’s great for business, it’s bad for workers.


So one of the main priorities of workers movement, the Labour union movement, if it was actually doing what it supposedly exists for, which is to defend the interests of workers, would be to oppose immigration. But they don’t do that! Because they’ve been taken over by Marxists and cynical political actors that don’t really want to swim against the political currents because they’re just there essentially siphoning off wealth for themselves and their buddies. So, yeah, anyway, I don’t want to go on too much of a rant about that.




Clive Cutler said:


“Howdy, lads.”


And J5 said:


“Good morning, guys from the northwest, just tuned in. Hey, what’s going on with Tom’s GiveSendGo for the White compound? Is there a new way to donate to it?”


So basically what happened was that GiveSendGo refunded all the money that was donated. So there was like 16 grand, I think, donated. They refunded the money to everyone who donated. Because of political pressure from the media and the government, they eventually buckled.


So that’s kind of gay that GiveSendGo buckled to the pressure, to be honest. So I thought, GiveSendGo, we promoted them on the stream before as one of the few platforms that kind of stood up to this kind of thing, but they cucked, so, you know, shame on them. And, yeah, so that money, if you did Chuck in, you should have got a refund. You should look into it. Maybe if you don’t know if you did get one and chase up GiveSendGo to make sure that you do get your money back because we didn’t get any of it. So we want to make sure you get your money back.


And we’re working on a solution. It’s difficult to figure out exactly how to receive money. We have to, to, from a legal standpoint, we’re going to have to set up some kind of not for profit and register that so we can legally do it correctly and at the same time figuring out all the payment processes and everything so that it’s secure and we don’t get de-platformed and all the rest of it.


So we’re currently working on that internally. Yeah, we’ll let when we get it all established. Obviously, it’s challenging and we’ve been kicked off already a bunch of platforms and the state breathed down our neck, and it’s going to try and take as much of it as tax if we don’t do something like register as a not for profit, or maybe some kind of other kind of entity that won’t just gobble up your donations in taxation, which obviously shouldn’t. Like technically, under Australian law, gifts aren’t taxable.


But that you know, we got to look into that legally. Castlight Commander said:


“Love the show, guys. Keep building from an American friend.”


And we love our Americans. Jake 313 said:


“Question on Salms [sp], yay or nay? Personal insights would be appreciated.”


Well, this is one that it would be better if Blair was here for, because Psalms some kind of steroid. I don’t really know anything about steroids. I’ve never done steroids. I never really researched steroids. So I’m the wrong guy. So but maybe if you want Blair’s insights on that, maybe you could Chuck it in the chat next stream or you could reach out to him on social media. Jake 313 also said, question. It’s looking like central digital currency will come to fruition with your best guess what do you think the fallout will be? How do you see the White movement, the pro-White movement adjusting or shifting or strategizing ultimately prevailing in the face of a total control system.”


Digital central bank currency I don’t think is as much of an imminent threat as a lot of people are saying. I have read about this to a certain extent and it seems to be getting brought in not for like conventional use, like the money that we use personally, but to manage transactions like between banks and foreign states. And so that largely won’t change very much in everyone’s everyday individual experience.


And a lot of the private banks are kind of pushing for it to be limited because private banks are afraid that if they Institute a digital currency mediated directly by the central bank writ large, that it will basically make private commercial banks superfluous because everyone can just get an account with the central bank essentially, and it’s all just numbers managed by a central bank. So what’s the point of having a NAB bank account, or a Commonwealth bank bank account or whatever at that point? And so their whole business model would collapse.


So, yeah, that’s because the amount of savings that people save, you know, offsets certain cash reserves they need to have and makes it easier for them to lend. So it would kind of fuck up their whole business model.


So they’re pretty powerful lobbyists. I would anticipate that they’ll probably get their way and that will kind of hold back the adoption of it writ large. Secondarily, if it was adopted, I think people get de-banked all the time. People get denied private services in the movement all the time. But I have not heard any examples of someone being denied a government service. No one’s Medicare gets cancelled, no one’s Centerlink gets cancelled or things like that, things that come directly from the state.


Basically, if you’re a citizen, there’s Laws that make you entitled to government services and they kind of can’t cancel you from them. If someone has any contrary examples in Australian history, bring them to me. But I’ve never heard of one.




So in a way, like, I wouldn’t be too worried about like nationalists not being able to use their digital currency or something. I don’t think they would get cancelled in such a way, but I don’t think it’s really coming anyway.


So I think it’s something that isn’t as big of a deal as some people make out. That’s my take. Stove one just sent a full stop. Cheers. Himmler’s glasses said:


“From an outsider perspective, what do you think is the biggest reason why American nationalists can’t unite. Why do so many American nationalists reject National Socialism? Hail from the Southern Saxon Active Club.”


That’s a complicated question. America is a very big place, first of all. And it doesn’t have the most homogenous culture because of how big it is. And the White people in America are very ethnically diverse. It’s a real kind of constellation of different Europeans. There’s a lot of different regional centres in Australia. There’s, like, two cities in Australia that have, like, almost half the total population of the country, and we have a more homogenous culture and a more ethnically homogeneous White population.


And so we have more consistency and contiguity, like, within the Australian people and centralisation of Australian society.


So it makes sense that our movement will have those characteristics. I think that’s one of the, like, that’s just like, a basic take. I think a second thing is that Americans have a different mentality to Australians when it comes to the expression of American national identity. American national identity is bound up within, like, liberal notions of freedom and rights and so on because of the way in which the American Revolution is kind of understood ideologically. And additionally, the American national identity is the most attacked, like, it’s the most destroyed. Like, the Australian national identity is more racial in what it means to people. And I think that’s partly due to the more ethnic homogeneity and the fact that we kind of stuck with the Crown.


And so also the fact that Australia was founded as a White nationalist nation. So in America, they teach you a kind of subversive analysis of the American Revolution about the founding fathers and how there were liberals and it was all about our freedoms. And blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


And so there’s a way in which, like, this national mythos can be, like, presented in such a way that it, like, reinforces the current ideological status quo in the United States, whereas in Australia, you can’t do that because they just don’t teach us about the founding of the country really in school. Because if they did, like, they would just have to basically explain how Australia was founded as a White nationalist state for White nationalist reasons. And all the founding fathers of this country were basically just concerned about securing Australia for the White race. And they’re afraid to do that.


They do kind of talk about how racist they were and the horrible things they did to the Aboriginals, but they’ve refrained from teaching it in too much detail, I think, because they are concerned, rightly, that if they did teach that to the Australian people, a whole bunch of people like:


“Hey, wait a second. That’s what our founding fathers? That’s what Australia was all about?”


And they would then become positively predisposed to White nationalism. So our national mythos can’t really be, like, warped and directed in such a in such a way as the American one can.


And so that creates a certain kind of political difficulty for the American Right, because the American Right, one side wants to kind of recapture that American national mythos and, like re racialise it. Obviously, the American founding fathers were White nationalists and they were racialists, and America was founded for the Whiteman. That’s just a fact. And America was a White supremacist state until the 1960s. In a formal sense. You know, that’s like almost, 200 years of its history. That’s just a reality. And it came into existence on the back of, initially, a race war against the Native Americans. The colonies had to fight a race war against the Native Americans. And then America then went and fought race war against the Mexicans and cleared them out of territory which they conquered and then populated with White settlers. They had, obviously, black slaves, which they then segregated once they were freed and had a kind of Whites only immigration policy.


So, yeah, like, America was a White supremacist state. That’s just a fact. But so there’s like, a certain School of trying to recapture that and have a based Americana school.


And then there’s another school that says the whole, like, American ideological identity is itself the problem. It’s leads into this liberal mythos, which is part of our deracination. And the conservatives adopted, and everything is about guns and free speech. And doesn’t matter what race you are, we all have the same freedoms as Americans. The American dream. We’re all immigrants who came here in search of freedom and prosperity. And that’s what America’s about.




And so that creates a tension in the scene that is a very strong tension, and I think divides the movement. So that very much complexifies things. Also america is such a powerful country and such a thing unto itself. Americans are more politically self referential, where Australia, being that we were kind of part of an empire, like the British Empire, and Australia was politically the same thing until the end of the Second World War. And then basically, we kind of teamed up with the American empire after the British Empire collapsed. And Australia is kind of always seen as a smaller country in terms of population. We’ve always seen, and we’re like White guys on the other side of the world, separated from the rest of the Western world. We’ve kind of looked to the rest of the Western world to understand ourselves, our identity, because we’re like an outpost of Western civilisation, an outpost of British civilisation or Anglo civilisation.


So we’re more receptive therefore to general ideas that are from the Western world in general. Like, we’re more receptive to taking from what the Americans are doing, what the British are doing, what the Germans have done, and so on, and taking those ideas on.


Whereas in America, there’s this kind of sense of:


“We’re the biggest, most powerful country in the world. We’re the main character of planet Earth. And so, like, why are we talking about German shit? You know, we’re America! We want to have, like, this American!”


So that I think that creates more hostility towards National Socialism.


And also America was more active in their war against the National Socialists. Like, for Australia, like, yeah, we fought the Nazis in World War Two. We fought the Nazis kind of on behalf of the British Empire.


But the main story of World War Two for us was fighting the Japanese. And I know that was a major aspect of the story for the Americans, but a very large part of America’s, like, kind of sense of itself is:


“We beat the Nazis! We defeated the Germans!”


And so on. That’s like a big deal to in America. And we were just kind of going along with that. So that isn’t as bound up like defeating the Nazis isn’t as bound up into our identity.


So I think that makes us more receptive, I think, to National Socialist, all these things mixed together, and also is part of the reason why America’s movement is so fractured.


Also, the American conservative movement of, is kind of more dynamic. It’s more interesting because of the primary system, entryism is more attractive to nationalists to get involved with the American conservative. Where in Australia, like, our conservative movement, it’s like there’s larger barriers to entry. It’s less interesting, it’s less dynamic. There isn’t as much of a way for nationalists to feel that they can really do much with Australia’s conservative movement. So a large portion of the American scene is very focused upon conventional electoral politics and the whole Trump thing and so on. In Australia, there isn’t an equivalent to that. So anyway, I think that would probably answer your question.


Based Henry George said:


“On the search for inspiring leaders and impressed on that front by what the work of you boys from Australia. Just wanted to support the show. Cheers from America.”


Thanks man. I appreciate that.


And I think we have, White Zealot said:


“To ensure financial transparency, you should create a DAO on the Ethereum blockchain. And the leaders would propose and vote on expenditure proposals on the DAO, which is public. The proposal passes, the funds are transferred to the design executor.”


Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t think we would probably use that. We might do a more kind of like conventional old school way that would still have transparency internally, but a more conventional kind of paperwork old school way.


Bethtion 1 one said:


“Cash is king.”


I think that must have been in response to what I was saying about how jews put money in as a collective and so we don’t have organisations that can compete with the organisations that defend jewish interest as a collective, as a White collective. 65 Stoney said:


“Over five thousand live viewers. Great show!”


And they threw like a little Roman. Cozytion Clips said:


“Everyone starts off as a larper until one day you’re not. Onward to victory!”


That’s true. Everything starts as larp and you larp your way into a position where it’s no longer a larp.


But yeah, I think that’s all the Superchats. Thanks for all the Superchats tonight. Thanks for watching the show. And yeah, it’s great that we got Twitter now as another option to broadcast the show.


As I said at the beginning, it makes me feel great that about a year ago I get banned from YouTube and now the show is getting way more views than it ever did on YouTube, on Rumble and Twitter. So that’s fucking awesome! It’s great that the online environment has changed and you don’t have to be on YouTube anymore to do a show like this and get a decent viewership.


So anyway, we’re going to end the stream there. Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoyed the show this week.


As I said:


“I’ll probably do a stream this weekend, maybe Saturday night US time, Sunday morning Australia time. I will confirm the exact time it’ll be with, as I said, Mike Enoch, aka, Mike Penovich. We’ll mostly be talking about the Israel question because I think, as I said, it’s getting very interesting. There’s a lot to analyze there.


So I think it’ll be important to put out some content on that. So tune in then if you’re interested in that subject. It’ll be on Rumble, Odysee, and X, as usual. And yeah, see you all next time.











Rumble Comments


(Comments as of 9/28/2024 = 30)

1 day ago
Australia for the White Man! o/

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1 day ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)! ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️

1 day ago
You can’t label working-class women as dysgenically-tied to a cycle of poverty without saying the same about working class men. This is one example as to you may be coming across as anti-white woman to others. Working class white women are just as white as working class white men. I am not a member of the working class, but when you say things that make it seem like you want to disown your own kin, it compromises our very important sense of racial solidarity. I see you guys as my brothers. We share the same Kelto-Nordic blood. But the question is: do you in turn see me as your sister? I am not trying to nitpick as you guys have done so much amazing work, and I’ll be grateful whether or not you consider my feedback. I will continue to support you guys because you’re my brothers. You’re right that we need to weed out the weakest links within our race. But if there’s anything you guys have taught me, it’s that white solidarity is more important now than ever. We don’t need some kind of gender divide compromising our solidarity and sense of kinship. Many white women are looking for a “home” where they feel like they’re part of the in-group. We are essential to the survival of our race, just as you are. I think we could make huge strides if it’s clearly communicated to white women that you guys are on our side and are fighting for our interests.

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1 day ago
What women believe doesn’t matter, nor should it. As a movement, trying to pander to women in a way that curtails the message to make it more palatable to women and their sensibilities is futile and naive. Especially considering women have had decades of programming by feminism and other andjacent ideologies, they are essentially self emulating on the pyre of modernity in defiance to their own self ruin. In the pursuit of appeasing them you temper your own stances from being as strong as they need to be, and you fail to capture the ire of women anyway. Men need to be men and that means making women unhappy — an inevitable, unavoidable reality, and in fact necessary. Women who are amongst the underclass and destroyed working classes are impossible to help see reason, but the men are capable to a degree. That is the difference, and a very real difference we must not ignore. How are you going to make a chain smoking single mother of 4 to 3 different fathers see the error in her ways. You won’t. The state supports her decisions and society reinforces her worldview. These women can bring through generations of imbeciles through their mate selection and rearing methods. Men do not possess that kind of societal weapon of mass destruction. “I think we could make huge strides if it’s clearly communicated to white women that you guys are on our side and are fighting for our interests.” How? By saying abortion is wrong, something that would cause mass outrage as the overwhelming majority of women on both sides of the political spectrum support it? By saying women are incapable of leading on account of their inherent nature and these duties should be left to men. By saying women’s purpose is motherhood and should be done as young as possible so as to maximise their window of fertility? All of these things are absolutely necessary to be said, none of them would go down well with modern women. This is why, respectfully, we need to not give a fuck what women think.

1 day ago
The fact that you would question them fighting for your interests enough, that they should strive to prove themselves more to women than they do, based on the fact that you don’t feel they speak in the right tone or go to the right extent in their messaging to be adequately women friendly or female oriented just proves my point in the matter.

1 day ago
Last week’s show’s transcript: [Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following: • Now hosting a live stream on Twitter/X for the first time. • Recent activism and interviews, including one with a young Australian influencer/YouTuber, Max Caruso. • They criticize Nick Fuentes’ views
on their street activism tactics. • Argue for the importance of militant street activism to recruit and inspire supporters. • The need for white nationalism and racial loyalty: “We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race.” • Criticize attempts at political alliances with non-white groups. • Discuss recent Australian political events, including a politician’s comments on Abo “Welcome” ceremonies. • Argue that White people need to “stop White flighting and start fighting back” against immigration. • Criticize conservative politics and argue for more radical action. • The differences between American and Australian politics and nationalism, “White nationalism was the product of struggle in Australia.” • Criticize Muslim immigration and Islamic views. • Importance of aesthetics and looking “cool” in political activism. “Looking cool is actually really more important than almost anything else that you do in politics.” • The need to appeal to women supporters. • Discuss historical figures like Hitler and philosophical concepts related to their ideology. • Criticize “multiracial alliance retards” and argue for racial separatism. • Discuss the concept of freedom and its relation to racial identity. “Freedom wasn’t this abstract concept, therefore, of you’re free because people leave you alone. … more

1 day ago
5ill the whiteman . ramp up the message,we might get the reaction we need.

1 day ago
You guys are three of this Yank’s very favorite honkies. (Honky is American slang for Whites, and was coined by blacks in the mid-20th Century.)

1 day ago
I’d gladly donate if you set that up

1 day ago
You guys giving shit to the fat cunt paedo who’s a lego enthusiast was pretty funny. The fattie also needs prison time.

13 hours ago
I think that the ONLY reason more people are not supporting white nationalists with monthly subscriptions is simply because it’s too dangerous for them to do so. Enter a credit card and they out themselves, go on a government list, and then get their bank cancelled. I know that you guys have done WAY more than that, but most people find that terrifying. I think there is a lot of money and support that WANTS to come your way, they just aren’t sure how to securely do so.

1 day ago
Jew tube
1 like

1 day ago
“But the Jews are without any doubt the strongest, most tenacious, and purest race now living in Europe.” “And for this, it might perhaps be useful and reasonable to expel the anti-Semitic ranters out of the country.”- Nietzsche Beyond Good and Evil pg 251. Has anyone else woken up from the Judeo-Nietzsche psyop?
1 like

1 day ago
The more people know you guys the more people know you guys! I am getting on age wise how can an old bastard like me assist!
1 like

21 hours ago
that’s a great idea, about the “Doner Class”. I think that’s essential to build a resilient foundation to opporate from.
1 like

1 day ago
hail from the heart of the GAE. thanks for what you guys do.

1 day ago
Australia belong to Indians. and remember Whites are Pigskin and they smell very bad like a died stinky pig

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22 hours ago
Lol the only place for you subhuman pajeets is in India. You stinky cunts drink cows piss and eat their shit while we have them butchered and eat their delicious steaks. Don’t you have some uberjeets orders to deliver on your scooter anyway?!
1 like

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19 hours ago
Keep crying piggyskinboi we will replace u even in europe. ur time is over. ur jewish masters don’t want u anymore haha.

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19 hours ago
Great show.

18 hours ago
I wouldnt rule out the possibility of a war kicking off and suspending the US election. Harris becomes de facto President & Zog gets what he wants. 🤷‍♂️

17 hours ago
Since when has there been a “speaker’s corner” in Sydney and I’ve lived there all my life, so it’s setup to be an easy to target location. That’s the first time I’ve heard of a speakers corner.

13 hours ago
great show

8 hours ago
We need that stream with Mike Enoch soon, Joel!

6 hours ago
1:37:40 what a non sequitur, blair is a crack up 😂

1 day ago
Also, if race-mixing women are dysgenic and the trash is taking itself out, how about race-mixing men? White men race-mix more often than white women do. By this logic, more white men need to be taken out than white women….

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1 day ago
check “children born to white parents 2016-2019” racemix for women is 12.7 racemix for men is 11.8 so it’s false men racemix more, but slightly less

1 day ago
“White men race-mix more often than white women do.” Nope. Except for some yellow fever among the men, the mixing with backs is nearly 100 percent women cuz men find black women completely disgusting, its basically beastiality. Not sure of the exact figures but I’ll bet $6,000,000 most of the race mixing is women, at least with the blacks anyway, which is arguably the worst form of it. There just needs to be laws with harsh punishments put in place, it shouldnt be left up to the individual to decide to create mongrel enemies for us all to have to deal with later, whether women or men, but at that point we’d already have enough power that there wouldnt be any non whites left in the country to race mix with anyway lol.

1 day ago
The white men who mix with Asian women are typically high IQ types, and increasingly higher status. Granted many of these types are soy nerds, but they are apart of the capable and productive classes. The white women who bring through a generation of disenfranchised mulattoes are largely dysgenic in the first place. If white men were just as willing to race mix as white women, there wouldn’t be such a thing as incels.


See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


Version 5: Wed, Oct 2, 2024 — Transcript completed = 185/185 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Transcript now complete.

Version 4: Tue, Oct 1, 2024 — Transcript completed = 149/185 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.

Version 3: Mon, Sep 30, 2024 — Transcript completed = 95/185 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5.

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Version 1: Sat, Sep 28, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed = 22/185 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Rumble comments (30).

This entry was posted in Activism -White, America, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Australia, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, Boomers, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Naming, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Memes, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Race, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Trade Unions, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Twitter/X, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, X (xTwitter), YouTube Censorship, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Judge Napolitano – Col. Douglas Macgregor – Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next? – Oct 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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