Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


ZOG Sends in the Fun Police,


Donald Trump White Power


Thu, Nov 7, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell, Jacob Hersant and Tom Sewell discuss the following

• Recent police raids on members of the National Socialist Network (NSN) in Australia (0-5 mins)

• Thomas Sewell was arrested and (falsely) charged with “intimidating a police officer” for comments made on a previous stream (5-10 mins)

• Jacob Hersant had his house raided but was not charged, though police indicated intent to charge him later for KKK Halloween activities (10-15 mins)

• The raids were related to recent NSN rallies and Halloween activities deemed “grossly offensive” (15-20 mins)

• “Apparently that’s grounds to raid his house, you know, handcuff him and charge him with this nonsense crime.” – Joel Davis on the charges (20-25 mins)

• They discuss the political motivations behind the raids and charges (25-30 mins)

• Thomas Sewell joins the stream and details his experience with the police raid (30-35 mins)

• “They’re using that segment of the stream to say that I have threatened violence to a police officer and his wife.” – Thomas Sewell (35-40 mins)

• They criticize the police for pursuing these charges while ignoring other crimes (40-45 mins)

• Discussion of Jacob Hersant’s upcoming court appearance and potential sentencing for an alleged Roman salute (45-50 mins)

• “I’ll be probably just obviously taken into custody and then let out that day.” – Jacob Hersant on his likely sentence (50-55 mins)

• Donald Trump winning the 2024 US election (55-60 mins)

• “Donald Trump White Power” becomes a recurring phrase/meme (60-65 mins)

• They analyze the racial demographics of Trump voters (65-70 mins)

• Trump’s immigration policies and criticism of his support for legal immigration (70-75 mins)

• “If you had to choose between illegal beaners coming across the southern border border, or legal pajeets coming, you know, flying into America, I think the illegal beaners are actually better from a White American perspective.” – Joel Davis (75-80 mins)

• Criticism of Trump’s support for Israel (80-85 mins)

• “There’s no reason for jewish people to be in control of America’s future, to be in control of America’s government, lawmaking, army, police, schooling. But that’s exactly what’s happening.” – Blair Cottrell (85-90 mins)

• Discussion of the political divide in America and how it benefits their movement (90-95 mins)

• “The logical conclusion is separation peacefully or separation violently. There is no other logical conclusion.” – Thomas Sewell on political division (95-100 mins)

• They discuss the biological basis for political views (100-105 mins)

• Criticism of Counter Terrorism police focusing on them instead of other threats (105-110 mins)

• “They’re after Halloween costumes and stickers.” – Jacob Hersant on Counter Terrorism priorities (110-115 mins)

• The need for White people to organize politically (115-120 mins)

• “Until Whites are organized around our race, we’re going to keep getting screwed over by this system.” – Joel Davis (120-125 mins)

• They take questions from viewers via superchats (125-130 mins)

• Discussion of whether Australians can be National Socialists given WW2 history (130-135 mins)

• “National Socialism was an ideology created by Germans, who are our racial kin, specifically to defend themselves against a lot of these same problems occurring within their liberal democracy” – Joel Davis (135-140 mins)

• They discuss their families’ views on their political activities (140-145 mins)

• “Most of my family don’t really understand what I’m doing, but my close family understand it just because I’ve talked to them about it and they’ve seen the persecution that I’ve been under.” – Jacob Hersant (145-150 mins)

• Discussion of the YouTuber Spanian and his content (150-155 mins)

• They play and analyze a video of Spanian confronting an Aboriginal man (155-160 mins)

• “Spanian is a post apocalyptic story about the last White man in Sydney learning to survive and conquer his environment.” – Joel Davis on Spanian (160-165 mins)

• Discussion of Spanian’s political views and how fame may have moderated them (165-170 mins)

• They discuss the cultural context of Spanian’s background (170-175 mins)

• Final viewer questions and wrap-up (175-180 mins)

• “Instead of getting an education by liberals, you would get a liberal education.” – Thomas Sewell on education reform (175-180 mins)





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Published on Thu, Nov 7, 2024




ZOG sends in the fun police, DONALD TRUMP WHITE POWER
November 7, 2024
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blair cottrell
donald trump white power
jacob hersant
joel davis
thomas sewell
File size
3.96 GB



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(Words: 31,902 – Duration: 181 mins)



Joel Davis: It is the 7th of November 2024. Thomas Sewell will be with us shortly. But we already have obviously Jacob Hersant here next to me and Blair Cottrell. It’s been a big few days and we did a stream on Monday earlier this week because we missed the stream last week because of some Halloween antics. And those Halloween antics have become, I guess now notorious, apparently illegal in the state of Victoria to have fun. So we’ll be talking about that tonight.


But also Donald Trump White Power. He did it. The libtards in meltdown. I saw a statistic that there’s been over 2,000 suicides in the United States overnight. So W Trump, L Trannies, L Libtards. Yeah, it’s been kind of humourous to witness the meltdown. But yeah, so we’ll discuss that, but later in the show I guess we’ll discuss the American election.


But first and foremost we’ve got news of our own, because today four of our comrades, including Jacob and Tom, two other individuals, Will and Nathan, woke up to being raided by the police, and no one was charged except Tom.


So the reason why Tom was raided, according to the police, was basically over the, there was an intent to charge Tom, allegedly. But they stated, but they didn’t follow through today over the Yellow Grubs rally, so to speak. The rally we did at the front of the Chinese consulate a few weeks ago where we burnt Chinese flags, effigies of Mao, effigies of Xi, and also an effigy of the baby mutilator himself. And then Tom gave a speech and this is being construed somehow as “racial vilification” and so forth, apparently, because calling the Chinese Communist Party, calling the Chinese government “yellow grubs” apparently is really offensive. So they came to Tom’s house and arrested him this morning for this. But they couldn’t arrest the actual baby mutilator himself!


Blair Cottrell: Do you want to make sure the audience is aware of what the baby mutilator did? Like this was a, I think a Chinese guy who wanted an Australian citizenship, was in the process.


Joel Davis: His permanent Visa application was denied and then he got upset about that and decided to throw scolding hot coffee on a nine month old White baby in a racial hate crime before jumping on a plane and flying back to China. And the police did not capture him or arrest him because they refused to put out a description, or a picture of him, because they didn’t want to stoke “racial tension”, quote, unquote, in the community.


So basically he was allowed to get away from justice because we can’t allow White people to become racist!


But then at the same time it’s really racist that we refer to the Chinese Communist Party as “yellow grubs” for not handing over this baby mutilator to face justice in Australia despite such an egregious act that he committed.


So anyway, that happened. They also charged Tom with the so-called crime of “intimidating a police officer”.


Now, apparently this was actually because of remarks he made on this very show a few weeks ago where we were discussing the second Fuck Off! We’re Full! Rally that we, now, I think about three weeks ago or so now, and where we got pepper sprayed and so on. We discussed it on the show. And Tom was discussing the undercover police officer who was employed, the plainclothes police officer who pulled down the mask of one of our guys during the rally, which is technically a form of assault. And so efforts were made to identify who that individual police officer was because he assaulted someone.


And Tom said on the stream where it’s the effect of:


“Well, we’re not going to release his identity now because we’re not sure exactly, you know how that would be construed, maybe that would be construed as illegal, as intimidating a police officer. So we’ll look into the law and then we’ll figure out what the right course of action is.”


Hasn’t done anything since. Apparently that’s grounds to charge him for breaking that law, which is crazy! Because his statements literally state the opposite, that he was going to abide by that law and take care to abide by that law and didn’t reveal his identity to the public on that basis. So it’s totally, …


Blair Cottrell: Hang on, has he actually been charged in relation to that commentary specifically?


Joel Davis: Yeah, the comments he made on this very show.


Blair Cottrell: And what’s the wording of the charge?


Joel Davis: Yeah, intimidating a police officer.


Blair Cottrell: So by stating that he didn’t want to reveal this police officer’s identity because he was concerned about the legality of doing that, he’s been charged for saying that.


Joel Davis: Yeah, he was going to try and figure out how to reveal his identity in a legal way. He said he would see if there was a way to do it because this individual committed assault against one of our guys. He was peacefully demonstrating with us.


And so we want this police officer to face some kind of justice. He committed a crime! Not that we want, we’re not threatening violence against him that we will execute, but that he needs to face some kind of like legal justice. Right? It’s in the public interest for police officers who assault private citizens peacefully, politically demonstrating, probably to be named and shamed in some way. But he was going to look into the law and figure out how to go about it without breaking the law, then hasn’t done anything since. Apparently that’s grounds to raid his house, handcuff him and charge him with this nonsense crime.


So I think basically what this is, … And obviously Tom will be on soon to give his take and Jacob will give his take, but my interpretation of what this is we did a series of very successful rallies in short succession that got a very positive response from the wider Australian community, but also drew widespread condemnation from the political elite.


And so there was a lot of political pressure on the police to do something to show that they’re “standing up to the Nazis” or whatever. And so they’ve just basically tried to slap a bunch of bullshit charges on our guys in order to, basically say:


“Hey, look, you know, we’re going after the Nazis, we’re shutting them down.”


And so on. But I didn’t expect any of these charges to really hold up in the courts. I think most of them will end up being dropped before they even get before a judge.




Blair Cottrell: Didn’t you say, only Tom is being charged?


Joel Davis: Yeah, only Tom has been charged at this stage. They indicated they intend to charge the others, but they didn’t lay any charges today. They’re just investigating at the moment, apparently.


So anyway, Jacob can articulate, I guess, his experience. I don’t want to speak on his behalf with him sitting right here. What happened to you this morning?


Jacob Hersant: Well, I woke up really early this morning. I was feeling sick. I woke up at like 5 and I had a really sore throat and a bad headache.


So I went and drank some water and had had some, what do you call it, Nurofen. And then I went back to sleep and it was a good sleep and I felt like I woke up and I felt so much better.


But as I woke up, [chuckling] there was two police officers in my room! Two! One was, I think they were Counter-Terrorism. I don’t know. Not all of them were.


Blair Cottrell: How did they get into your room? Did someone let them in?


Jacob Hersant: Yeah, well, they just barged through the door. I believe my father let him let him in because I was staying with my parents because they live close to Melbourne, the Magistrates Court. So they’re a lot closer in the city than I normally am. So I’m staying there to obviously go to court tomorrow.


So I was just preparing for court, really. Like, I expected to just spend today just relaxing so that I could go to court. But obviously the police had different ideas.


Blair Cottrell: So what did they say to you when they, like, you woke up and they were just standing looking at you in your room?


Jacob Hersant: Oh, they’re just like:


“We got a search warrant.”


And then they just handcuffed me and then took a bunch of my electronics, took my phone, took my computer. It just took a whole bunch of electronics because that’s what they do every single time.


Blair Cottrell: And they still have that stuff now?


Jacob Hersant: Yeah. Oh, they’ll have it forever. That’s what they do. Not forever, but, like, they’ll have it for however long this takes, which could be a year or two years or however long.


So it will be a while. That’s what they count on. Like, part of it is obviously just harassment. Stealing our equipment, holding onto it as long as they can so that we can’t operate with it. It’s kind of annoying that they took my phone because I only just got it repaired the day before. I was having problems, and I went and paid to get it fixed, and then, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that sucks! It’s also if they have it for extended periods of time, so I’m pretty sure if the batteries aren’t charged for ages, it can kind of cook them a little bit. And they’re basically shot anyway, so you have to rebuy all that stuff.


So hopefully they don’t have it for too long.


Jacob Hersant: And they’re unsecure, obviously. They put all kinds of spyware on it every time. Yeah, it’s really annoying.


But, yeah, they raid me and then they handcuffed me and they take me to Melbourne West police station. They drive me there. Then they give me an interview in relation to Halloween. So they ask a bunch of questions about a Ku Klux Klan robe. And their charges were the that they allege “grossly offensive behaviour or grossly offensive conduct”, which has a maximum of five years, and it’s an indictable offence, which is crazy to me. Yeah, pretty crazy! What people conceive to be offensive can get you jailed for five years in Victoria. And then “serious vilification”. I don’t know what constitutes serious vilification as opposed to regular racial vilification.


And then the other one was “swearing in public”, like acting offensively and Swearing in public.


And then there was a fourth one I’m struggling to recall right now. What was it?


Blair Cottrell: But they didn’t actually lay any of these charges on you. They just notified you of their intent to do so, is that right?


Jacob Hersant: Yeah, and they made it pretty clear that they’re gonna do it.


Joel Davis: So just for the benefit of the audience, this is on the basis of if you saw the Hersant Klansman content over Halloween. This is in relation to, I guess, the Halloween antics. That’s also what Nathan Bull is charged in relationship because he was in blackface. But they allege all of this nonsense!


Like, they allege that they have these two black women who. I didn’t even see some of that. One of the other boys saw them, apparently. But they were apparently sitting in their car filming us while we’re in a Bunnings car park. Because we were going into Bunnings to get some supplies to make a Klan torch, a little homemade tiki torch kind of thing.


But anyway, the apparently they allege that we racially abused them and we’re throwing Romans profusely and all this. But I didn’t like that never happened! Like, literally there was just like these two black chicks sitting in a car far away with their phone out filming us inside their car.




Jacob Hersant: We didn’t interact with them at all!


Joel Davis: Yeah. So it’s total bullshit! It’s total bullshit!


Jacob Hersant: Yeah. Yeah, they claim that we were like, throwing Roman salutes and stuff, like, constantly. And they tried to imply that if you’ve seen that Hersant short of the Klan, that this gesture, like this [palm face up] with the left hand going like, White Power. They were trying to say that was a Nazi gesture.


So I guess that’s a Nazi salute. Doing this:


“White Power!”


So, yeah, they took a still [picture] of that and they were trying to say, … And whoever these witnesses that were lying about us, they were saying basically we were throwing like 20 to 30 Romans yelling “White Power!” at like two black women in a Bunnings car park!


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Jacob Hersant: And the CCTV, they didn’t show any pictures or anything like that. Like, it’s pretty easy to see if someone’s throwing a Roman from CCTV footage. It’s pretty distinctive.


Blair Cottrell: How long did they hold you for in the interview room?


Jacob Hersant: Probably took three to four hours or five hours in total.


But, yeah, I was in the cell for a little bit and then I was in the interview room. The interview went for 50 minutes, I think. And yeah, they were just talking about the Klan robe and everything. And just these witness statements. And they’re like reading out the transcript of the video so that, like, you had a police informant, like, saying to me:


“Happy Halloween!”


And [chuckling] then read out the whole script. So yeah.


Blair Cottrell: What was your intention in making that video?


Jacob Hersant: It was just satire. It was just fun on Halloween. Like, it’s pretty obvious what it was.


Blair Cottrell: So you guys were just like dressing up, making costumes and having a good time, basically?


Joel Davis: Well, as every parochial Aussie knows, Halloween apparently is an American holiday. And you know, what’s more American than apple pie and baseball? We thought, you know, Klu Klux Klan and dressing up in blackface. Like, what’s more American than that? I mean, that’s quintessential Americana, if anything is, right?


Jacob Hersant: Yeah, but Tom’s here now. We should hear what Tom’s experience was.


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah.


Blair Cottrell: If you can hear us, Tom, and you’re ready to go. What happened this morning, mate?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I can hear you. And I’m assuming I’m unmuted. I’m on the backup laptop because they got two of the laptops. Fucking arseholes!


Blair Cottrell: Well, this one still seems like it’s pretty good quality.


Thomas Sewell: So I have the same webcam. They didn’t take the webcam. They came just to take our electronics. And my NSN uniform. My LARP uniform.


Yeah, I’m just reading through. I’ve got two intervention orders put on me. One for a police officer who I’ve never mentioned before on stream, and the other for his wife. Again, I haven’t mentioned them on stream, but I probably shouldn’t say their names. It doesn’t say specifically in the intervention order. It’s just as a brief description.


Blair Cottrell: Why the police officer’s wife? Has the wife ever been discussed before, like, even privately?


Thomas Sewell: No, no, not at all! The last show that we did. Not the last show, I think the show before we had the Fuck Off We’re Full rally number two. And at that rally there was a cop that was taking masks off the boys, trying to identify them, like illegally. He was assaulting the guys.


Now, obviously we’ve put in complaints in the past about police. We haven’t put in complaints about this police officer specifically, but maybe we will follow it up and see if there’s any chance. But there is basically no chance that the Corruption Commission will actually address our members being assaulted.


And I’m not talking about the pepper spray earlier. The police are saying that they used “justified force as a tactical response because of the ever encroaching risk to human safety”. You know, like they covered the Fuck Off We’re Full rally with a bit of lingoistic jargon. But about 20 minutes later when we’re around the corner on the other side, there was no risk to safety. We were at like an appropriate distance. We were an opposing rally with an opposing view. And this detective from the city, who shall not be named on the Internet at this stage, walked in to our ranks and just started grabbing people by their face.


And one of the young guys, I think he’s maybe only 18 and he’s injured actually at the moment, I’m surprised that he came to the rally because he actually twisted his knee. But the cops came in and this cop came in and just grabbed him by the face trying to take the mask off. And he did it twice. And there’s video footage of this is obviously an assault. There’s no law that says that you can’t wear a face covering while protesting unless it’s a designated place. And that was not a designated place. He was lawfully, we were all lawfully allowed to wear masks at that rally. And this cop has gone above and beyond the law to a point of “I have the gun so I can do what I want” and assaulted one of our members.


And what I mentioned on stream was that this person. I’m only repeating, I’m only going to repeat what I said on stream already, because it’s already on stream. It’s already there. It’s going to go to court. There’s no point arguing any of that nonsense!


But you know, I’m sure someone can clip it can edit from that Fuck Off We’re Full rally maybe 60 seconds or so, maybe not even 60 seconds. But I merely mentioned that this person felt the need to expose the identities of our members and perhaps we should expose his identity. I mean that’s fair, isn’t it? If they feel the need to pull off our masks at a demonstration, perhaps the public should know who these people are, who these police officers are? And because I said that on stream and I think word for word on the stream, I may have used the term, I mentioned the law. There is a law about intimidating a police officer. It’s like section, it’s in the charge report because they actually quote me in the charge saying that I talked about this on stream, where I basically said that, I said on the stream that doxing is still legal. The law hasn’t passed yet. We can’t dox someone, but there is a law about intimidating a police officer.


And so we have to be very careful. We can’t do it in a way that could be seen threatening or intimidation. And I think I said something like maybe we could do it comically or I don’t know, I have to go back to the drawing board.


And then we moved on and we didn’t talk about it any further. They’re using that segment of the stream to say that I have threatened violence to a police officer and his wife.


[Here’s the relevant transcript of that stream here]

Joel Davis – Fuck off We’re Full – with Tom and Jacob – Oct 24, 2024 – Transcript




Jacob Hersant: They don’t think strategically, like we’ve got a goal, a strategic goal. We go there, we achieve it, we’re done. Let’s get out of there before we waste any more resources, whether it be getting arrested or just all of our time.

Thomas Sewell: They don’t have to worry about that because they only get arrested by the police when they explicitly use violence against the police. Like if the rules were the same, we would never get pepper sprayed, we would never get attacked or have anything stolen by the police. We would have to do Leftist tactics with the Left when they’re in big enough numbers. They just like mob the police and then the police actually go:

“Oh no. Now you’re going too far!”

And the Leftoids on Twitter and just in general always sook, like:

“How come they arrest all these people on the Left but never like us, like the evil Nazis?”

Like because we don’t attack the police! Like it’s just stupid! Like you can win the battle. Sure. Like, it was mostly female cops. We could have smashed them.

But what’s the point? Like then the SWAT team comes to your house the next day, like all the leading members, all the, like it’s just fucking retarde Like what’s the point?

Whereas the Left, they’ll do that and then they just get bailed. And then, you know, they’ve got all these jewish, you know, human rights lawyers that just represent them. And then they get let off because it’s just a “legitimate protest”. Or they get a little bit of jail. Like, sometimes they get like a month in jail.

If one of us hit a cop, you’d get like two years. I reckon you’d get like one to two years for hitting a cop. As a Right-winger. As a Leftist, …

Jacob Hersant: Even with no criminal history, you’ll still get a year or two.

Thomas Sewell: Yeah, you probably get one or two years for hitting a cop. I was just looking up, because that cop that was tearing the masks off, we actually found out who he is. And I’m just looking at the Crimes Act 1958, Section 31 D. Intimidation of a law enforcement officer or family member. Because I’m working how to dox him because the doxing laws haven’t come into effect yet. But you have to do it in a way that it can’t be construed as, like, harassment of his family. Because he’s an idiot! Like this guy that was walking around trying to tear the masks off our guys, which is unlawful. You can’t do that’s assault. You can’t just walk up to someone and grab their face.

So we’re obviously going to have to follow up this with some more legal action. Not that it’s been very successful so far because the system is so corrupt. When we report the police for their criminal activities, like openly criminal activities, so far we’ve had one case going through pretty well, but the other cases are the Ombudsman just wrote back to me when I had my phone stolen by that cop, the Ombudsman said:

“Oh, we wouldn’t use those words to describe what happened.”

It’s like, it’s not theft? So I can just do that to people in the street, like. Anyway, crazy stuff!

But yeah, this guy, he’s got all his social media, like his family, like his wedding photos. We’ve got it all downloaded. We’ve got it all saved. Just working out how to legally post it all in a way that’s just maybe for comic purposes. I don’t know. We’ll work it out. He’s a fucking arsehole! Want to dox our boys, and then you’ve got, like, your missus and all your family and the house you bought all on social media. Fucking idiot!

Joel Davis: Yeah, he was a scumbag. And for some reason, the undercover cops were bigger assholes than the regular cops.





Blair Cottrell: Just to clarify, that’s the only commentary that they’re actually relying on as the basis for the charge. There’s nothing else. Not anything private, like that’s it.


Thomas Sewell: That is their entire evidence. Their entire evidence is that we downloaded his social media.


Blair Cottrell: What does that mean, downloaded his social media? What does that entail?


Thomas Sewell: We said on stream that this person wants to dox us. Well, we’ll dox, … You know, he wants to reveal our identity. Well, maybe we should reveal his identity. Not that we’re going to, but maybe we should. Maybe we should consider it. Not for the purpose of harm and intimidation, but merely for the purposes of public shame, which is what they’re trying to do to us. And it made me really think that we don’t use doxing or public shaming really, as, we don’t use it as like a weapon. We don’t use it as a threat of violence or intimidation.


The only time we’ve ever doxed anyone, we’ve done it in a way. There’s been, I think, two or three people that have been doxxed from our own camp like that that I’ve ordered the doxing of and they are people that have just fundamentally betrayed us. They are people that have gone above and beyond to hurt the movement from the inside. And they’re of poor character and of disrepute. And they should be publicly shamed, or not necessarily publicly shamed, but people should be aware of these people so that they don’t deal with them, so they don’t have dealings with them.


And in the past, I’ve had police come to my house and threaten me and lie to me and pretend to arrest me, but not actually arrest me. And in those circumstances, I mention them by name as well on the Internet. I said, these are the people that came to my house and they did this. And likewise today the police that came to my house was an Officer Pecker, an Officer Wright, and an Officer Christensen.


Okay, so this is lawful language. I can say that. I can say these are the police officers that came to my house and in an attempt to intimidate myself and my family. I can say that that’s not actually illegal.


So the police are so sensitive. The police themselves are so full of hatred and violence towards us, violence that they’ve used against us. That merely mirroring in any way, in the most vaguest way possible, like saying:


“Maybe we should publicly shame this person or maybe we should document this person?”


That is construed as an act of intimidation, threatening and violence. And they’ve actually written, … I can read out here. I think I can read this out. It’s just the intervention order, so it’ll be read out in court anyway.


But basically what it says is that, …


Blair Cottrell: I think as long as you redact the names of the people on the order, …


Thomas Sewell: I’m not going to say their name, because I don’t think I’m allowed to.


But, yeah, basically saying:


“On October 24, a video on Twitter, the leader of the National Socialist Network, Thomas Sewell, talking about him as the police officer who took their mask off during the protests. Sewell states they have positively identified who Blank is, and they are aware of his family members and recent events, such as getting married. Sewell also mentioned that he’d seen a photo of his house. Da da da, … This is an old house. They’ve since moved. And since now, they’ve gotten rid of their social media. The way Sewell is talking is very consistent with the posts that they have made. And Sewell also stated he is reading the Crimes Act and exploring avenues on how to dox (insert person’s name).”


Yeah, the police are trying to allege that’s a crime. That I’ve read the Crimes Act and I’ve gone:


“Can we legally publicly shame this person for what they’ve done?”


And when I think about that, it’s interesting. The media and police have doxed so many of our guys in the hopes to bring harm to them, physical harm to them. Tim has been firebombed because of the way that the media have doxed him.




So the media are responsible for terrorism against him! The police didn’t even investigate the terrorism against him!


Furthermore, when the media do this and when the government does this, like when Channel Nine infiltrated our organisation along with ASIO, along with a subcontractor and the police, the Counter Terrorism police, when they did this, they filmed inside our homes. They filmed Jacob’s missus in the kitchen. They went into our homes and filmed our wives in our homes!


Furthermore, they organised us to be attacked during this whole process.


Furthermore, they had about 20 guys, they publicly shamed us across the newspaper. Not that any of us really care about that public shaming. I would say almost all of us now, maybe not back then, but all of us now are completely open with all our friends and family. That’s why it’s so important to be open with your friends and family, so when you get doxed one day, no one’s surprised. But they plastered about 20 men’s names and faces across the newspaper. If you remember this. I still remember this newspaper. I still remember reading it when I got out of prison, because I couldn’t read it when I was in prison.


But when I got out I remember reading it and it had 20 men’s names and faces on it. Every single one of those men had their bank account shut down. Every single one of those men is still harassed by the police to this day. Every time they board an international flight or really anything of any opportunity to be harassed.


So the police are projecting their terrorism, their terroristic intent onto us! We haven’t terrorized anyone. We haven’t attacked anyone’s home. We haven’t. We don’t go to people’s homes, barge on the door and rock up with guns and search warrants. We don’t do this. The police do that when they find out who we are! Hence we protect our identity.


So it’s a very, very interesting situation and I’m very happy to go to court over it. I’m very happy to put my case forward to a judge. I don’t even think I’m going to get a lawyer for this one, to be honest. I know that it does carry a pretty serious sentence, but the police have a habit of overexerting their power. And then when it does get to court, they realise:


“How can we back this up?”


There’s been no threat made. And this is the same nonsense which kept me locked up in solitary confinement for 210 days. The reason why I had my bail removed was they said the police lied in the court and said I was threatening witnesses. And the sheer notion of threatening witnesses gets your fucking bail taken off you, basically!


And so I was in solitary confinement for 14 days, and then I should have been released when it went to the higher court. But the police lied in court and said that I was threatening witnesses. What were the threats that the police allege? The police alleged that I used a prison phone to organise my men outside of prison to threaten witnesses. But that never happened. That’s not true. When it got to a higher court, I tried to get the audio from the police [word unclear]. I’d been in prison for 210 days. And I was trying to get my lawyer to ask the judge, can we play the prison phone call? Police are saying they’ve got a copy of the prison phone call that it’s recorded. Let’s play the phone call to a judge so the judge can hear it. Before my lawyer can even get the prison phone call played in court, in open court, not these closed secret kangaroo courts, but in open court:


“Let’s hear the phone call. What did Mr. Sewell actually say?”


Before my lawyer could do that, the police dropped their accusation.


So I had already served 210 days. And the police dropped their accusation. And the judge said:


“Well, what the fuck is he doing in here?”


And released me. Well, he didn’t say “what the fuck?” but he said, like:


“What is this man still doing in prison for?”


And he released me on the spot!


So what the accusation the police made, the lie that they made, was they said:


“I was getting men, I was rounding up men on the outside to go attack these people.”


What the prison phone call actually was was we had worked out the connection between the people that attacked us at Cathedral Ranges, that they were friends on Facebook with people in Antifa, close friends on Facebook with people within Antifa, that had attacked us in the past. And we were making the connection that people that put screws in our tyres and people that attacked our cars were the same group of people that were down at the at the Cathedral Ranges car park, that just happened to be on a holiday.


And I said to the boys over the phone, I said:


“Okay, screenshot everything and send it through to my lawyer, send it through to the defense, send it through to Kieran Reynolds. Screenshot everything. All the Facebook likes, all the Facebook friends. Screenshot it all and send it through. Document it! Document who these people are. Document their alliances, their friendships, their business associates, their whatever it is. Document what you can and send it through so we can make a case.”


And the police were so threatened by that:


“That we dare build a defense for ourselves!”


So this is something that we’re very used to. It’s very frustrating, but it’s just a fight. We’ve got a fight on our hands. Absolutely!




[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]











Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 11/13/2024 = 332)

HyperChat min: 100

5 days ago
Donald Trump is only loyal to jews and money. he is the most transactional president since Lyndon B Johnson

Hide replies
Hit the mark
3 days ago(edited)
ALL politicians are controlled on all sides…….WW2 was a defeat…….our governments are not our own but are ruses…WW2 was a victory only for the NWO aka JWO…..we must stand together and in time these hostile agents to our people must be removed from power….

5 days ago
that bullshit about blacks or poc’s being better fighters than whites is crap…they like fighting more, thats all

Hide replies
5 days ago
We should learn to fight and love being savage More than their Monkey Nigger brains can even comprehend!!!

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
read the culture of critique by Kevin macdonald

5 days ago
the merchants found a well to poison…

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
antifa is a Jewish militia

5 days ago
trump is going to fail do anything for a second time


5 days ago
Pat Buchanan chose a black female running mate when he ran lol

5 days ago
lactose intolerance is common among people of Jewish descent. Studies have found that between 60-80% of Ashkenazi Jews are lactose intolerant, and one study of Jewish adults in Western Canada found that 68.8% were lactose intolerant

Hide replies

5 days ago
Any none aryan, not just jews

5 days ago
the only intolerance we dont tolerate is lactose intolerance!

Mark Collett
5 days ago
Morning guys!

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Americans complain about democracy. Yet they have millions of weapons. The constitution legally says (its not me who says) they are allowed to overthrow a government if it is tyrannical. “Any form of government becomes destructive. It is the right to abolish it and overthrow it” – BF

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

How can it be failing if your plan is to intentionally fail?


14 hours ago
You would think with all of these false arrests, unlawful imprisonments, assaults, etc.. that you guys would have been able to sue for millions by now and not have to worry about finances anymore.

My Awesome Channel
4 days ago
2000 mostly whity suicides is great for you.
get off my stream u grub

4 days ago
cannot say….white power with Trump. he isnt European….hes a filthy askanazi jew, who’s loyalty is to jiz-rael.

5 days ago
good show o/

Walther Mauser
5 days ago
Thanks for the show \o

5 days ago


5 days ago
This is why I liked Matt Walshes ‘Am I Racist?’ documentary. He doesn’t need to be /ourguy/ to spread our message. A broke clock is right twice a day.

5 days ago
the CEO of norco looks jewish as.


5 days ago

Don’t they drink goats milk instead

5 days ago
See jewish Brave browser a.i. answer is democracy jewish? Very many results

5 days ago
Lactose intolerance is common in people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent, with a 70–95% chance of being lactose intolerant…


5 days ago
Liberalism is born out of weakness

5 days ago
i can’t believe how many articles lefties have written about this. Milk literally is white power aye


5 days ago
Their success has only been successful, through the compliance of gullible White’s through out History…this needs to stop or we are doomed to extinction!

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
ed dutton

5 days ago
We are very much in the minority mindset, only 2k or so views
on these videos. Alot of other proper people like us “growing smaller”, Simply Chalk it up to the Elite or Rich. – Oy Vey

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
teals are all white wealthy women who live in rich suburbs who want open borders for Australia but they are all Zionists

Hide replies
3 days ago
I don’t know about that. I’d say they’re liberal, consensus-followers. Whatever the left-leaning Jewish media are bleating about is their next cause celebre tempered by a modicum of NIMBYism.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
handsome truth retweets jacob… you are worldwide jacob!


5 days ago
Too many Debbie downers in the dissident right.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
u guys should have handsome truth on… he is pushing revolution in the US

King Tut
2 days ago
Ashlli Bambit getting shot was the fakest shit ever. i guess that makes me a schitzo. she’s an actress that’s living somewhere under a different identity. the whole Jan 6 was a psyop, but i’m sure you all know that by now

Hide replies
King Tut
2 days ago
not sure if links are allowed here but search Odysee for “Everything WRONG with the Capitol Shooting in 21 minutes”. Ashlii Bambit just had a fake blood dripping down her cheek and played dead like a good actress she is.

Hit the mark
3 days ago
the bottom line is when our countries rant about the crime of whites standing together , nations that were before WW2 white countries that the enemy KIKE communist zionist has taken over and is in complete control……It means these governments are invalid and need to be removed.

Mallard Supremacy
4 days ago

4 days ago
within the political freakshow, voting for change is an illusion. prime ministers and presidents are harvested and developed years previous. they are chosen by jew vermin.

5 days ago
commenting for the algo

5 days ago
Need a CPA or someone with finance/accounting/tax experience will do?

Hide replies
4 days ago
if you are
a) Australian
b) Willing to help us for free
c) Know your shit about tax laws and regulations
DM me on telegram


5 days ago
“The Halloween Investigation Unit”! Classic! Prayers for you lads. 🙏🏻

5 days ago

he cucked out

5 days ago
True lads bible

5 days ago
arh rude lol

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
Do you think Australia would benefit from a paleoconservative figure like Pat Buchanan who pushes a pro white message into mainstream message with a more subtle way?

Hide replies
3 days ago
Sure but who would fit the bill? Frank Salter is improving as a speaker but his British Australia Community project is avowedly supportive of White Australia and he is very low profile. Advance’s figurehead Sandra Bourke seems like a lightweight kosher conservative. Ricardo Bosi?Again he has no public profile. Staunch Catholic Tasmanian Senator Brian Harradine might have served but he died ten years ago. She’s served her time with Murdoch and has a Rambam fellowship under her belt but maybe Janet Albrechtsen? Or there’s Andrew Bolt or Alan Jones, both of whom are very well-seasoned. Ross Cameron potentially but he may be a rabid Christian Zionist.
The four men on this panel are probably in the top ten most geopolitically aware members of our race on this continent and they’re all under thirty-five.

5 days ago
and to press these nons super hard

5 days ago
Uses a Glasgow kiss

5 days ago

5 days ago
bitch slap

5 days ago

5 days ago
my observations red pilled me on abos

5 days ago
spanian is a arab mutt

5 days ago
freaking hell im now reading a pubished scientific study of synthetic estrogens being passed through the foodchain from cows to humans. this spiral has gone too far. catchya later guys im interneted out. gonna have a glass of milk and an arimistane pill lol. o/

5 days ago
We need to relentlessly push them right.

5 days ago

5 days ago
I saw pics of Blair at Tintagel, he probably enjoyed that visit?

5 days ago
if i were a jew, id be targeting milk supplies with estrogen since jews cant drink it and whites beast it.

5 days ago

@DoctorK.: That or camels piss, being they’re from the Middle East!

5 days ago

filthy bastards lol

5 days ago
Tone policing.

5 days ago
You got a loicense for that woke faggotry?

5 days ago
Seems legit.

5 days ago
freaking hell im spiraling down this milk rabbithole. We stand alone, all other races biology suck at milk digestion whereas we beast it.

5 days ago
also it is the only way to fight Jewish power

5 days ago

, And who have been the successful architect’s of those lies?…answers on a postage stamp please!

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

its a lie…its un-natural…it cant work in the long term

5 days ago
Ban usury

5 days ago
Nationalize the banks

5 days ago


5 days ago
Jewish power

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Nah. They only killed communists.

5 days ago

They did. They should have invaded the Soviet Union on bicycle divisions.

5 days ago


5 days ago
Jews look at a population of Whites and look for the tall poppies to buy or kneecap.

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Japan did nothing wrong

5 days ago
gotcha. just got lost for a second

5 days ago

NS Germany

5 days ago

and who would that be?

5 days ago

do did macarthur

5 days ago
Poland was a dictatorship

5 days ago
General Patton found that out too late

5 days ago
how can be going against the last people standing up for White people be the right thing

5 days ago
By that logic we should all be zionists because of Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

5 days ago
best we can do without fedposting is point that out harder this time

5 days ago

that was literally the only silver lini g i could find 😂

5 days ago

they had it all the last time and didnt do shit either, so fuck them

5 days ago

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
sue Mark liebler

5 days ago
Trump sucks, but now the Republicans have the presidency, the senate, congress, and the Supreme Court. There can be no denying that what happens next is completely their fault. Time to deconstruct the GOP and build back with a small mustache o/

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
I’m a Web developer… can i help you joel?

5 days ago
The classics are basically free.

5 days ago
lactose tolerance, race, and masculinity can be connected to similar arguments originally made during the19th century against colonialized populations and immigration groups. In the 19th century, colonizing populations classified colonized populations as ‘effeminate corn and rice eaters’

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
jacob got retweeted by handsome truth… handsome truth might by on jake shields show… you guys should get on handsome truth

5 days ago
uni of wollongong was unintentionally based about it lol

5 days ago

, They become bitches for blax and latins

5 days ago
White Sheets!

5 days ago
American prisons are 3/4 niggers. What is racial balance there?

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
if prison is organised along racial lines, what do white leftists do? refuse to clique up?

5 days ago

Milk is White power

5 days ago

people are the only mammals that drink milk into adulthood…maybe we shouldnt drink it

5 days ago
sure ur not a fed kapow?

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Everyone eventually will go to prison. No matter what peaceful or violent you do

5 days ago
Who wants to spend time in a cell or fox hole with some whiny bitch?

5 days ago

But like, one week i drank over 20l of milk (not evern joking) and i naturally ended up here. This is a rabbithole im gonna have to go down now

5 days ago
Humour is dangerous

5 days ago
Morale is very important.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
racial prison gangs? whites, lebos, viets, maoris,abos

5 days ago

this is my opinion…everything is political if you choose it to be…thats how the other side does it, so why not us

5 days ago

5 days ago

i dont think so

5 days ago

yeah thats what i thought too

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
are Australian prisons racially segregated?

5 days ago


5 days ago

5 days ago
they wouldn’t let me keep my gaol breaking for dumbies either

5 days ago
theres all these articles if you type in “right wing milk” and these boys are just unironically charging milk on the stream lol

5 days ago

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
jacob should use the defence that he was hailing an uber

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Americans on a daily basis complain that democracy isn’t working. Yet they have millions of guns in their hands.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
get Mark liebler to represent you

5 days ago

i hear you

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
god speed jacob

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Why do we still depend on him? Why do we depend on democracy while knowing that it kills and rapes us?

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
joel is right

5 days ago

trump is a pos you satisfied?

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Come on… Look at the wall. Has it stopped any gringos or negroes?

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
joel should start Australian renaissance

5 days ago

lol alright, whatever you sy

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
groups beat individuals

5 days ago
White unity at every opportunity.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
Indians are ethnocentric

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Sadly you cannot build any of those things because democracy is in the way. They will hit you with the hammer. Kill you, put your prison, ruin your life and the list goes on.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
“we Jews are the destroyers and we will forever destroy”

5 days ago
History has been built on the success of ‘division’ with one small tribe of people profiting from it!

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
jews are hyperethnocentric

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
tom is wrong… the world is turnining into ethnocentric clans who the jews use as weapons against whites

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Instead of voting. You can [REDACTED FOR FEDPOST]

5 days ago
Have an nice night – Get on that Milk Jacob 🥛🥛🥛 🙂

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
matt walsh wants a divorce for America… he says that the differences between irreconcilable

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago


5 days ago
Great points by Joel

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

God.. everyone knows he never will. Since 10 years ago. Why do people still except that to happen?

5 days ago

you know what i mean

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
if white people collectivise, the adl will go after them… whites go after jared taylor even when he tried to welcome jews into the movement

5 days ago
toms gonna smash a whole litre and a half of milk in this podcast. Joel has barely touched his. I’m also starting to think that Blaire must have drank all of his milk before the stream. There isn’t enough milk to satiate Jake.. and Mark Collet is wearing a jummper and drinking milk in england.

5 days ago
Trump has yet to utter the phrase ‘White people’.

5 days ago
btw tenacious d is a jew

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

He isn’t failing. He is doing it like intendent. Its his plan

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Oh you advocating for white people? Off to prison you go! Oh you funding white groups? Off to Prison? Oh you are building networks? Off to prison for terrorism.

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
You can’t even do anything peaceful. As you start doing something peaceful. The hammer hits you

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
If only that was true

5 days ago

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
ironically israel is national socialist

5 days ago
Weak people these days, Dysgenic collapse – Capitalist welfare state

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Well what do you except? 79 years of victory of the others. All we got was decadence, lack of morality and democracy that kills whites. And ever since 79 years ago people have tried to get in power let it be peacefully or violently. Nothing succesful at all.

5 days ago
Dutton doesn’t seem to understand sexual crypsis in humans and its ramifications.

5 days ago
everyone sip milk

5 days ago
Edward dutton – The spiteful Mutant

5 days ago
The purple headed freaks are the true accelerationists.

5 days ago
Spiteful Mutants

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
in Australia, the most white suburbs are the most left wing suburbs ironically

5 days ago
Die-versity proves this point

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

So nothing new has happened? Democracy is still standing

5 days ago

Sure but it happened the day after Trump won. So there is a ripple effect to consider.

5 days ago
Good idea Tom

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Woah.. let me guess they will replace it with another democratic bullshit thing

5 days ago
the new patriot act

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
paul joseph watson talks about architecture

5 days ago
trump will put this into practice

5 days ago

5 days ago
I heard the German coalition gov is falling apart.

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Why not? What took him so long to make that happen?

5 days ago
I voted Ron Paul in ’88 and not at all Tuesday.

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Would it be a problem to volunteer to the Iranian side if in a fictional timeline if the Iran war was to start?

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
jews hate whites so much it doesn’t matter how much we do for them, they still hate us

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Would it be a problem if that war with Iran was to start. Who should we side it?

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
80% of Jews voted for Harris

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
They never have done anything

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
look. at Canada… left wing political victory moves the conservatives to the left

5 days ago
Imagine X being in the hands of Torba!

5 days ago
Real inflation is up ~ %10 a year for 4 years and everyone feels it.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
x is gold…i troll on it all day

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
gab is the best

5 days ago
you’re being played

5 days ago
to get Trump elected

5 days ago
Wrong. they will clamp down on WNs online and irl now that giving them any voice has outlived the purpose

5 days ago
It’s like the UK protestors, the J6’ers are political prisoners, he should pardon them if he has any morals.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
he pardoned jonathan pollard

5 days ago
if they ain’t black or jewish, they’re fucked

5 days ago
Donald trump only pardons BLACKS

5 days ago

5 days ago
I say we shit all over Trump and the other civnats at every opportunity.

5 days ago
It also gives our enemies more time to plan and prepare.

5 days ago
Only got 40 years or so :smiling_face_with_tear:

5 days ago
I don’t often get to watch your live broadcasts, so I just wanted to say keep up the good work.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
jared taylor is philosemitic

5 days ago

, Was Blairs visit to Cornwall, before or after the Conference?

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Why would they leave to Israel? They need to keep puppets to keep Israel alive.

5 days ago
I actually made an Promise if Kamala got in, id celebrate by going to the Pub, after an few months. White Americans are practically the same people, this was bad for us.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
should we be zionists to get all Jews to move to israel?

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Well David did try the democratic way to gain some power. It only resulted with the hammer of democracy landing on him.

5 days ago
narh his hands are all fuked up

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Just writing his name made my coincidence detector go insane

5 days ago
groypers are pubic lice on MAGA’s dick, irrelevant

5 days ago

He should have written himself in

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
isn’t stephen miller jewish? he is pretty based on immigration

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Sadly people depend on something useless out of desperation… Everyone has tried to come democratically in power. They all failed and even if they faced victories they were very short lived.

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
have u seen jd Vance wife? 🤢

5 days ago
the heritage foundation is jewish as fuck

5 days ago
more jews voted for the right this year than ever before

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
The only people who support Israel. Sheeps to Jews or you are jewish 100%

5 days ago
Lots of Christian believe that too

5 days ago

5 days ago

80% voted for Kamala

Dirty White Boy
5 days ago
you said earlier that there were about 20 million illegals in the US. The official number has been 11 million. They’ve put out that number since the 1980s. I forced chatGPT to do an analysis of the actual data and cumulate it, and it suggests that since the 60s, we have absorbed about 60 million +

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

No wonder some people resort to accelerationism…

5 days ago
maybe if his Jews say ” yes trumpy, go be barbaric, so we can finally save Israel. maybe then,they might hard deport but prob not

5 days ago
Selected, not elected

5 days ago
Jews voted for Trump this time

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago
did you see David duke voted for jill stein?

5 days ago

the figure currently stands at 66 gorrilion.

Mark Collett
5 days ago

hi mate!

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago

Open Borders for Israel
5 days ago

hi Mark!

Dirty White Boy
5 days ago
That figure of 60 million doesn’t even include Biden’s presidency.

Mark Collett
5 days ago
Joel loves Nick!

5 days ago
Anyone who Voted Trump is an Luke Warm Conservative. Remember Both sides are controlled

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Due to manipulation. Go look at the muslims in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Egypt. The muslims support Israel too

5 days ago
his family’s Jew… his words

5 days ago
The powers that be are on board with Trump II electric boogaloo. You can see it in the msm with them trying to placate the radical left.

5 days ago

5 days ago
Just figureheads, trump getting in stopped many of our people from waking up. suffering will go on longer

5 days ago
we’ve already been through this 8 years ago

5 days ago
there won’t be any mass deportations

5 days ago
ima throw on a sloppy joe and screw dad outta his morning cuppa.

5 days ago
[Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT]

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

5 days ago
Org joo did 9/11

5 days ago
Donald hates WP. hope its a double cross 🤞 tho

5 days ago
juju cum

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
I want trump to enact TND, A return to hyperborea and state mandated Aryan Big tiddy goth girlfriends to any mf.

5 days ago
Good old Saturated fats, Only whites can digest as much Milk

5 days ago
Trump is mericas favorite WWE character at the moment

5 days ago

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

I agree. its a craze.

5 days ago
what the hell is going on the boys are all wearing jumpers and drinking milk. am i missing something lol

5 days ago
Tom getting his calcium fix

5 days ago
An fellow milk drinking Celt o/

5 days ago

, They do like a rubber necklace back home

5 days ago

5 days ago
to hide the ned Kelly plate

5 days ago
where even are these boys that they all are wearing jumpers lol

5 days ago
well as a fair race, we might as well stomp back…it is cultural after all

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Oh jesus i forgot that…

5 days ago
God help them if any tyres are laying around near by!

5 days ago
it’s lack of morality

5 days ago

5 days ago
Osama was born in Saudi Arabia but he moved to Sudan

5 days ago
Only White men are assumed to have agency and free will.

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Shieettt i dindu nuffin! Judges: You are right. You are free!

5 days ago
stickers scare the shit out of the authorities. It doesn’t take much…

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
They wouldn’t go after those such terrorists. Because those terrorists are state agents

5 days ago
Bolshevik play book

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Everyone will eventually end up on TV. Even if you are a peaceful guy.

5 days ago
Hey it is that famous guy from the TV

5 days ago
Sounds Talmudic

5 days ago
a Rothschild satellite state I’d presume

5 days ago
dumbie cops need to git WP or they can live next to clanging dish washing dot heads and fuked up bins forever

5 days ago
Always was, Always will be British commonwealth Land.

5 days ago
*smacks lips

5 days ago
they dreamed of 80s action, but instead they choose traitor goon

5 days ago
The Boomers, GEEZ from 1st hand experiance they are Oblivous” and seemly not capable of understanding or resisting the wickness of todays world. In somekind of day dream – Oy Vey

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

At first he supposedly live in Saudi Arabia

5 days ago
Osman was apparently a millionaire living in Sudan

5 days ago
Tim Osman

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
I hate it how there needs to be “Islamic terrorist” (Everyone knows (((who))) finances and arms those groups) attacks for people to move to nationalism so that the goddman overton window can shift so that progress can atleast be done.

5 days ago
Osama was an agent used against the Russians.

5 days ago

make your own!

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
I doubt if “Osama Bin Laden” was even a real person. Or just some US agent

5 days ago
where do you get the NSN stickers tho? i rag out antifag posters with graffiti but would slap that NSN shit religiously.

Hess’ Channel
5 days ago
Senator Paterson clip from Nov 6th 2024

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

* The whole west is

5 days ago
Australia seems like the testbed for the tikkun olam jewish prison planet

5 days ago
You guys should publicly shame them when they Quote Grossly offensive behaviour – Not even offensive in the slightest. :high_voltage:

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Its nothing but a bunch of lies. They want Netanyahu to be brutal on Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians (funny because they are bootlickers to the jews) basically they want Netanyahu to enact Greater Israel.

5 days ago

wow…I guess thats not surprising. The media is trying to sell it like the jews are a moral people rebelling against the lone psycho Satanyahu

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Spooky men in masks with a Scary ideology! Oh my god! Such scary terrorism. Meanwhile Actual Terrorist groups plan fire bombings, stabbings, shootings and suicide bombings.

5 days ago
Morning fellas.

5 days ago
Oy Vey

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

Netanyahu isn’t able to keep the jewish supremacist coalition stable. They are angry because he isn’t violent enough and they see him causing problems and making jews look weak.

5 days ago
i heard there’s some kinda insurrection in Pissrael overthrowing Netanyahu. fishy as all things jewish are…

5 days ago
Not even slightly offensive

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Just in. Reports of violence in the street in Chicago.

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
Only 5 years?

5 days ago
most watch tucker or gayer shit

5 days ago
I’m wondering if any boomers in Australia have shown any interest in what you guy are doing or are they all as retarded as they are in the states?

5 days ago
can’t they also charge the people who threaten baby Hitler

5 days ago
can’t even have human shaped targets….. someone could be offended

5 days ago
i love how tom dedicated his life to being a thorn in people’s flesh over what he believes in lol

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago

My muscles became bigger than Cottrell after subscribing

5 days ago
I grew 2″ after subscribing.

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
If you don’t subscribe to JoelDavis you get barred from the ethnostate.

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
I don’t like the police at all. Sheeps of the state. But many of them happen to be whites. And they will be easily replaced with racial strangers.

5 days ago
Tom said the truck driver was Iranian

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
What a manly name

Archive Mr.AG
5 days ago
So all of those idiots are crying “The US has become a fascist country lead by a dictator!” I really wish that was the case

5 days ago
nobody asked these boys to go through any of this drama, they just actually have the knackers to stand up for what they believe in. To me, that’s hardcore, and admirable.

5 days ago
Stasi tactics

5 days ago

I appreciate you fighting for our people. Most Brits are cucked.

5 days ago

At my workplace here in America half of the workers are White.

Mark Collett
5 days ago

Demographically, it is worse in America, but America is a vast country made up of 50 states, Britain is tiny.

5 days ago
Mark do you think the racial situation is worse in America or Britain? Seems pretty bad in both.

Mark Collett
5 days ago

Translation: shit stirring losers are saying…

5 days ago

People are saying that Ayatollah guy is Turkish.

Mark Collett
5 days ago

What are you babbling about? We’ve never had a Turk speak at our conference.

5 days ago
Mark why did you have a Turk speak at your conference? I like you but Turks are historical enemies of Europeans.

5 days ago
morning/evening Mark

5 days ago
Do you guys want all the Europeans to mix together or stay as separate ethnicities? I am curious because mixing all the Europeans together is not what the National Socialists in Germany wanted but you guys seem not to have a problem with it.

5 days ago
charged for saying HE WON’T BREAK THE LAW… welcome to Straya

5 days ago
All these pricks are in desperate need of redacted

5 days ago
good morning brothers

5 days ago

5 days ago
trumpsteinbergowitz will save us o/

5 days ago

5 days ago
[Joel Davis – Fuck off We’re Full – with Tom and Jacob – Oct 24, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – Fuck off We’re Full – with Tom and Jacob – Oct 24, 2024 – Transcript


See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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This entry was posted in America, anti-White, Blair Cotterell, Democrat Party, Demographics, Donald Trump, Hate Speech, Jacob Hersant, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews - Hostile Elite, Joel Davis, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, National Vanguard, Police - Harassment, Public opinion - Manipulation, Republican Party, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 27 – Germar Rudolf – Jan 18, 2025 – Transcript | katana17

  3. Pingback: Joel Davis – The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition, Why Are They So Afraid? – Feb 14, 2025 – Transcript | katana17

  4. Pingback: Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Thomas Sewell – Mar 19, 2025 – Transcript | katana17

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