Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust — TRANSCRIPT


[In this short five-minute video Monika Schaefer, a middle-aged German-Canadian woman gives a belated, yet heartfelt apology to her deceased parents for the times when she reproached them and the German people for failing to stop the “Holocaust” from happening.


It has only been in the last couple of years that Monika has done the research and concluded that the “Holocaust” is, in fact, the “biggest and most pernicious and persistent lie in all of history!” Her parents knew nothing of the so-called “death camps” for the simple reason that they did NOT exist, they were only labor camps  —  KATANA.]


UPDATE 3: Mar 19, 2023 — Monika was imprisoned for 10 months, while Alfred was sentenced and served 4 years. Monika has written a book about her experiences. See here for an interview with Jim Rizoli:

Jim Rizoli – Monika Schaefer, Published Her Book- Jan 3, 2023 – Transcript


UPDATE 2: Jul 8, 2018 — Monika has now been imprisoned for over six months in Germany. She is currently appearing in court. Her brother, Alfred is also appearing in court on charges relating to a speech he gave.

UPDATE 1: On Jan 3, 2018 Monika was arrested in Germany for this video. She is now being held in a maximum security jail in Munich.




Sorry Mom


I was Wrong About the




UPDATE 1: Aug 7, 2019  The above link no longer works.


UPDATE 2: The link below at BitChute works as of Mar 19, 2023.



Alfred Schaefer’s link on Odysee (works as of Jul 8, 2024)

Sorry Mom, I was Wrong About the Holocaust




Click on the above link, or copy the link into your browser to watch the video.


Published on June 17, 2016


YouTube Stats


Since early 2018, YouTube stats are no longer available as the video has been put into restricted state.


Jan 6, 2018 — Views: 153,475 – Comments: 4,337 – Likes: 3,250  Dislikes: 1,006

Jul 8, 2017 — Views: 135,807 – Comments: 3,665 – Likes: 3,250  Dislikes: 1,006

May 21, 2017 — Views:130,781 – Comments: 3,617 – Likes: 3,080  Dislikes: 988

Jan 13, 2017 — Views:119,181 – Comments: 3,962 – Likes: 2,718  Dislikes: 902

Nov 3 — Views:108,286 – Comments: 3,502 – Likes: 2,398  Dislikes: 821
Oct 16 — Views:103,040 – Comments: 3,339 – Likes: 2,303  Dislikes: 778
Sep 26 — Views: 98,782 – Comments: 3,135 – Likes: 2,172  Dislikes: 759
Sep 7 — Views: 94,346 – Comments: 2,886 – Likes: 2023  Dislikes: 731
Aug 19 — Views: 88,998 – Comments: 2,655 – Likes: 1,886  Dislikes: 669
Aug 11 — Views: 86,065 – Comments: 2,474 – Likes: 1,822  Dislikes: 669
Aug 7 — Views: 83,104 – Comments: 2,580 – Likes: 1,715  Dislikes: 640
Aug 2 — Views: 80,020 – Comments: 2,379 – Likes: 1,593  Dislikes: 625
Jul 30 — Views: 78,400 – Comments: 2,338 – Likes: 1,569  Dislikes: 618
Jul 28 — Views: 76,968 – Comments: 2,275 – Likes: 1,535  Dislikes: 608
Jul 25 — Views: 72,948 – Comments: 2,072 – Likes: 1,466  Dislikes: 587
Jul 24 — Views: 70,129 – Comments: 1,981 – Likes: 1,432  Dislikes: 577
Jul 23 — Views: 67,927 – Comments: 1,935 – Likes: 1,393  Dislikes: 572
Jul 19 — Views: 65,225 – Comments: 1,915 – Likes: 1,432  Dislikes: 554
Jun 18, 2016 — Views: 2,466 – Comments: ?? – Likes: 179  Dislikes: 2



A German-Canadian, Monika Schaefer, reflects on being bullied as a little girl growing up in Canada, in the aftermath of WWII, for being German.






Hello! I’m Monika Schaefer. I was born and raised in Canada, first generation Canadian citizen of German heritage. My parents both came from Germany. They immigrated to Canada in 1951 and ‘52, respectively.


There was a bit of a disconnect between what I experienced in the home life and what I felt outside the home. I love the rich German traditions and culture that I grew up with and yet, I felt ashamed of my Germanness when I was at school, or outside with my friends. I learned very quickly to hide my heritage.


It started in the first week of school. Day one, I wore my beautiful little dirndl, a traditional German dress and on day two, children were taunting me:


Oh you forgot to take off your apron! Ha ha ha!” as they were running away, or “Heil Hitler! Ha ha!”, again taunting me.



[Image] German women wearing dirndl. A dirndl is a type of traditional dress worn in Germany, especially Bavaria; Austria; and the South Tyrol, based on the traditional clothing of Alps peasants.


I didn’t exactly know the meaning of that, but I knew it was not friendly. They were being cruel. That was very clear to me.


I’m reminded, just now, of the plight of the indigenous peoples of North America. They were also made to be ashamed of their culture.


I would like to share with you now a deep regret that I have for something which I would like to apologize to my parents for, but cannot, because they are no longer alive.




Many years ago, I reproached my mother. You see I had been thoroughly indoctrinated as we all were. The stories seemed to be all around us, in school, in television in the very air, and the evilness of Adolf Hitler was as deep and diabolic as imaginable.



I said to her, to my mother:


Why didn’t you, your friends, your folk, your family. Why didn’t you do something to stop these bad things from happening! Stop Hitler and stop these death camps! You should have done something! You must have known!


I was really upset, my reproach was bitter. She listened and she paused and very quietly and in a sad tone of voice, she said:


We didn’t know about any of that. We just did not know. We did not hear about anything like that!


Well, now I know why she did not know. It is, because these things did not happen! It is only since the last couple of years, since about 2014, that I have begun to understand that this is the biggest and most pernicious and persistent lie in all of history!


Everything has been turned upside down on its head!


Yes, there were detention camps. Nobody denies that there were camps! And yes, the prisoners were kept against their will. Again, nobody denies that. But these were work camps. The prisoners of the camps were being kept as healthy and as well fed as was possible in those terrible war years. They needed to be kept healthy. How else could they perform the work? It was war, and so the camps were basically armaments factories.


And how much sense does it make, by the way, to have a hospital in a death camp?


[Image – Click to enlarge]


There were no gas chambers there. The only gas that was used was to get rid of the lice! Lice carried typhus and typhus was a deadly and rampant disease. So they had to delouse the clothing to keep the people healthy. Now, why would they do that if the goal was to just exterminate the Jews? Makes no sense. That is the “Six Million Lie”, as I now like to call it, in a nutshell.


There is so much more to learn about this, and this is all readily available now in 2016 thanks to the digital age, with, or without the “thought laws”.


Back to my family. What a relief it is for me to learn that my parents and grandparents were not part of a people that suddenly became monsters overnight!


The reproach which I directed at my mother, I wish I could apologize to her for this. I am, in effect, apologizing to her now, to her spirit. I would like to invite you to find out more by searching the following titles that had such a meaningful and healing influence on me.

Thank you.









Search Titles


The Realist Report Interviews Eric Hunt — TRANSCRIPT


See Also:


See Transcript: Ursula Haverbeck “The Greatest Problem of Our Time” — TRANSCRIPT


See video: Ursula Haverbeck on the, Greatest Problem of Our Time.


Off Your Knees Germany! Ernst Zündel




See also:

 Interview with Truth-Teller Monika Schaefer — TRANSCRIPT


Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft — TRANSCRIPT




Click to download a PDF of this post (1.9 MB).




Click to download a PDF of this post with YouTube comments included (12.0 MB)


Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust — YouTube COMMENTS Ver 1





Version History


Version 13: Mar 19, 2023— Updated image links. Added Update 3. Added working BitChute link to video.


Version 12: Aug 7, 2019— Updated images, etc. for


Version 11: Jul 8, 2018 — Added image of YouTube notice that the video has been put in restricted state. Update 2 added. Added images of other interviews.


Version 10: Jan 6, 2018 — Updated my introduction with the news that Monika has been arrested for this video. Updated YouTube Stats.


Version 9: May 21, 2017 — Updated YouTube Stats. Improved formatting.


Version 8Oct 1, 2016 — Added PDF of post with YouTube comments included (Ver 1).


Version 7Aug 7, 2016 — Updated YouTube Stats.


Version 6Jul 30, 2016 — Updated YouTube Stats. Added 3 YouTube links.


Version 5Jul 23, 2016 — Updated YouTube Stats. Added 2 links.


Version 4Jul 19, 2016 — Added YouTube Stats.


Version 3: June 19, 2016 — Re-uploaded quotation image. Added PDF Ver 2 for download.


Version 2: June 19, 2016 — Added quotation image. Added PDF for download.


Version 1: June 18, 2016 — Created post.

This entry was posted in Brainwashing, Canada, Europe, Germany, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, National Socialism, Propaganda - Anti-German, Schaefer - Alfred, Schaefer - Monika, Third Reich, Transcript, typhus, White genocide, WW II, Zyklon B. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust — TRANSCRIPT

  1. If the Holocaust did not happen Jews who survived the concentration camps and Allied soldiers who liberated them conspired to lie about what was happening in the camps.

  2. Pingback: a Year and a Day | Free Speech Monika

  3. Pingback: Monika schaefer – Free Monika Schaefer from German Prison! – aladdinsmiraclelamp

  4. Pingback: The Holohoaxing of Our Minds — The Schaefer Trials — – aladdinsmiraclelamp

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s rather interesting that an event such as this “Holocaust” has never ever been debated in an open transparent and rigorous manner.Where are the intellectuals on this? No objective evidence-has been provided to show there was a holocaust event-why? It’s just like the 9/11 event-no scientific investigation-why? What is being hidden from the regular public-why and by whom?

  6. Pingback: Brian Ruhe — Monika Schaefer’s First Public Appearance Since Imprisonment in Germany! Nov 2018 — TRANSCRIPT – aladdinsmiraclelamp

  7. Pingback: Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft — TRANSCRIPT - katana17katana17

  8. Pingback: The Graham Hart Show — Brizer with Monika Schaefer, Dec 2018 — TRANSCRIPT - katana17katana17

  9. Pingback: The Realist Report Interviews Alfred Schaefer - April 2017 — TRANSCRIPT COPY - katana17katana17

  10. Pingback: The Realist Report Interviews Alfred Schaefer - April 2017 — TRANSCRIPT - katana17katana17

  11. Pingback: London Forum - Alfred Schaefer - Psychological Warfare - TRANSCRIPT - katana17katana17

  12. Pingback: The Graham Hart Show — Brizer with Monika Schaefer, Dec 2018 — TRANSCRIPT | Free Speech Monika

  13. Pingback: The Realist Report – Monika Schaefer – Canadian “Holocaust Denial” Bills – May 31, 2022 – Transcript | katana17

  14. Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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